
pooliefullermd, is it broken or just not loading?00:19
fullermdbzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'GlobalConfig' object has no attribute '_get_filename'00:23
mgzlooks like r5395, which appears to try and keep compat, wonder why it broke.00:29
mgzask vila tomorrow fullermd.00:30
fullermdOh, cool.  I'll tell him you made me pounce him first thing   ;)00:30
dOxxx1good evening...00:34
=== dOxxx1 is now known as dOxxx
dOxxxjelmer: Are r302-305 of bzr-fastimport compatible with bzr 2.3.0? I'm currently building r301 with the mac installers. Can I update it to r305?00:35
pooliehi d000:35
dOxxxhey poolie00:35
dOxxxpoolie: do you know the state of bzr-fastimport compatibility with bzr 2.3?00:36
dOxxxthere hasn't been a release since 2009 :P00:36
pooliei don't know00:37
poolieit was somewhat of ian's own project, though it is obviously useful to have generally00:37
pooliejelmer expressed an interest in looking after it00:37
dOxxxI see00:37
poolielifeless, what is 'pipefile in makefile'00:39
lifelesspipefail sorry00:40
lifeless*if* you make bzr selftest --subunit exit with nonzero00:40
lifelessthen you'l *also* need to set pipefail00:40
lifelessotherwise the exit code will be ignored and swallowed by the pipeline00:40
poolieif we make it exit nonzero, we should no longer need a pipeline afaics00:40
poolieor do we?00:41
lifelessthats an option too00:41
lifelessdepends on whether you want a human summary or not00:41
lifelesspqm can interpret subunit for you these days00:41
lifeless[which is another thing you might want to do in tarmac)00:41
pooliedoes pqm do anything with the selftest.log file, or is that just there so we can run subunit-stats on it?00:43
poolieor another way to ask is, what is the interface expected by pqm?00:43
pooliejust that you'll emit subunit to stdout?00:43
lifelesspqm looks at stdout01:01
lifelessand at the overall exit status01:01
maxbUrgh, transition from python-central to python-support in 2.3.0-1 packaging. That'll be fun. I'll need to do something special for hardy IIRC01:10
maxbdOxxx: bzr-fastimport 305 is in sid. I think you may safely assume that that means it's compatible with 2.3.001:11
maxbbut yes, a release would be nice :-)01:12
maxbFWIW my list of things that appear to need releases based on the ppas is:01:12
maxbbzr-fastimport bzr-gtk bzr-loom bzr-rewrite  bzr-svn python-fastimport qbzr01:13
spivjames_w: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/653307 just gets more and more confusing and alarming01:49
james_wany idea how that could happen?01:50
spivjames_w: in general, yes, but as I said in comment #7 I don't see any suspicious code at all01:58
spivjames_w: the way it generates commits seems completely typical and kosher01:59
james_wspiv, you re-imported that package from nothing?01:59
spivI haven't, but I thought all the affected packages had all their branches deleted?02:00
spivOr rather, I did reimport locally, and with no trouble02:00
spivAlthough it's almost impossible to imagine seeing this problem during a signel, intial import run.02:00
spivBecause that all happens in a single, shared inventory.02:01
james_wyeah, we deleted all the branches, but didn't re-import with the newer bzr02:01
james_wso I wonder if it's still a fixed bug?02:01
* spiv rereviews the fixed bugs in 2.1 vs now02:02
spiv(because it's not the non-canonical one that had seemed likely, although I'm very glad we aren't using that version of bzr anymore!)02:02
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spivjames_w: is there an easy way to do a local test run of just importing squeezy and then a second run to import sid?02:09
james_wspiv, I don't think so02:10
* spiv hmms02:10
spivjames_w: I'm still puzzled by the Feb 2010 timestamps on the files in the supposedly-deleted-then-recreated branches, too.02:12
james_wspiv, why's that?02:13
spivjames_w: well I'd expect Jan 2011, as that's when the new branches were pushed to LP?02:13
james_wspiv, true02:14
james_wspiv, are you talking about working tree files after a checkout, or the branch/repo files on LP?02:14
spivRepo files, e.g. look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/squeeze/dsdo/squeeze/.bzr/repository/packs/02:14
james_w2010, you're right, that doesn't make a lot of sense02:16
spivCompre e.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/.bzr/repository/packs/ in case you're wondering if it's something weird in the webserver :)02:16
spivSo if for some reason the old branches weren't deleted we're *still* at the point where we haven't ruled out "ancient bzr/udd/builddeb/launchpad bug, fresh import will fix"02:18
spivBut I'm not sure how thaey can't be deleted, because I'm preetty sure I was watching it happen :)02:18
james_wunless deleting via the webservice doesn't nuke things like we assumed02:20
james_wbut that seems very unlikely given that branches on disk are based on db ids02:20
james_wmaybe we need to try delete + reimport again02:21
mwhudson00/00/c9/3e is quite an old id too fwiw02:21
mwhudsonnew branches are up in the 00/01/xx/xx space02:21
james_wso old branch seems to be the most likely candidate right now02:22
spivmwhudson: higher, apparently: 00/06/0f/2a is the natty branch of dsdo02:22
mwhudsonspiv: oh ok02:22
mwhudsonmy point still stands :)02:22
spiv(time to start planning for expanding that ID column? :)02:23
dOxxxmaxb: thanks :)02:24
mwhudsonspiv: nah, you guys just have to implement colocated branches soon!02:25
* mwhudson afk for a bit02:25
maxbhmm. bzr-gtk build failure in natty02:27
* maxb creates a cowbuilder chroot02:28
maxb"Xvfb failed to start"02:51
maxbThis is NOT a useful error message :-(02:51
dOxxxnope :)02:52
maxbJust for complete bizarreness, it works fine on hardy and karmic02:52
achianghm, i was just surprised by some debcommit behavior, which i suppose is an issue there, not bzr. but maybe someone can enlighten me anyway...03:05
achiangmake a bunch of changes to files, but only 'bzr add foo bar'03:05
achiangdch -a ; debcommit03:05
achiangi would have expected a new commit with just a, b, and debian/changelog03:06
achianginstead, i got everything. :-/03:06
mwhudsonum, you are familiar with git i guess?03:08
achiangi suppose this expectation comes from the fact that i'm used to git's index. :(03:08
mwhudsonbzr ci commits all changes by default03:08
mwhudsonthere is nothing like the index03:08
achiangyes, it is my fault03:08
lifelessit does what everyone else in the world expects :P03:08
mwhudsonbzr ci is like git commit -a i think?03:08
dOxxxmwhudson: yes03:08
lifelessit does'nt add new files03:08
mwhudsonoh right03:08
lifelessall versioned files are recorded, unknown files remain unknown.03:09
lifelessgone files become unversioned and are deleted in the commit03:09
achianglifeless: i mean, sure, i'm not here to start a holy war. but a large portion of "everyone else" uses git. :-/03:09
achiangbut of course, the fault is mine in this case for having wrong expectations.03:10
achiangre-reading the debcommit man page, i see that i should just call it with the files i want to commit next time03:10
achiangok, now this question *is* related to bzr -- i just did a bzr uncommit to recover from the bad debcommit03:14
achiangit actually puts my tree back in the state before i did the debcommit, with uncommitted changes in the tree03:15
lifelessthats right03:15
achiangthat is actually quite nice, but i am confused why it behaved that way? my reading of the uncommit man page makes me think that the -r -1 commit should just completely go away03:15
lifelessit undoes the commit03:15
achiangas if it'd never happened at all03:15
lifelessthe act of committing doesn't change the files you have on disk.03:15
lifelessso neither does the act of uncommitting.03:16
achiangit also makes sense, the way you describe what commit/uncommit does03:16
achianglifeless: thanks for the help, i appreciate it03:17
achiang(et al)03:18
james_wwhoops: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/libdbusmenu.html03:34
spivjames_w: where "whoops" == "upgrade to bzr 2.3 broke stuff"?03:37
james_wI assume so03:38
spivI only asked for an upgrade to 2.1.3, FWIW :)03:38
james_wheh :-)03:38
james_wI don't see it in the release notes03:39
pooliehi all05:38
pooliespiv, are you around?05:54
poolieis https://code.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/fetch-all-tags-309682/+merge/42910 ready for re-review, or still WIP?05:55
spivpoolie: I am, sort of05:59
spivpoolie: power is still out, but jsut for my flat05:59
spivpoolie: so currently chasing that up!05:59
pooliegood luck05:59
pooliei was just going to quickly see if there was anything i should review05:59
pooliebut, perhaps i should instead do the whoami bug05:59
spivpoolie: Off the top of my head all my patches are ready for rereview06:00
spiv(It's a shame that's not a cleear yes/no at a glance, I wonder if I should do something differently)06:01
pooliemaybe you should resubmit when you get all the existing stuff done?06:02
pooliethat's not just you; i think just generally it's not clear when it wants more review06:02
* spiv has just run extension cables from the stairwell to the kitchen so the fridge can have power06:26
vila. o O (spiv: Safety first: make sure the beers stay cold, errrr the milk ! I meant the milk !)07:00
vilahi all !07:00
vilafullermd: Oh dear, so sorry, I meant to look at that and... forgot :-/07:01
vilafullermd: but note that `bzr config mypush` (backquotes) can ~replace 'bm:mypush' starting with 2.3 and poolie suggested 'config:mypush'07:04
pooliehi vila07:04
vilapoolie: hey !07:05
* fullermd goes crosseyed trying to parse that...07:11
vilafullermd: huh ? And I thought you had some perl background... I didn't even quote single chars there...07:13
fullermdWell, I _lexed_ it just fine   :p07:14
spmvila: perl has more use of shift-numbers = eg !&^%#@#*(&^)(07:14
spmif it doesn't look like line noise, it's not perl :-)07:15
vilaspm: what's wrong with 'if ($c !~ /^%.*$/)' ? Crystal clear !07:19
spmdear lord. I can parse that. AAAAAAAAAAAAA07:20
fullermdOh, good.  Now you're talking sense.07:20
vilaspm: see ? This perl-is-noise meme is just crap ! :D07:22
vilaxml now...07:23
* spm digs up some old line noise captures to compare vs actual perl code, and finds the comparison... similar07:23
fullermdXML definitely isn't line noise.07:23
fullermdLine noise serves an actual _purpose_...07:23
spmfullermd: 1, vila/spm: 007:24
vilaha, found back one of my favorite: 'local $/ ;' without comment :)07:25
fullermdYes, I have memories of stabbing people for crap like that...07:26
fullermdNot legally actionable memories, of course.  I feel a sudden burst of amnesia...07:26
vilafor those reading from home, this set the line separator to None so the next read on the *default* file will read until the end of file07:26
vilafullermd: very useful trick, you should remember to put it inside a block to limit its side-effect though ;)07:26
fullermdIt's so much more self-documenting to just $x = join '', <FILE>07:26
vilamy $text ; { local $/ ; $text = <FILE> ; } isn't that bad07:30
vilawith a '# Slurp it into memory'  comment just above07:31
fullermdI still prefer the join.  It doesn't need a comment, or screwing with magic vars.07:33
vilabah, no magic vars ? You spoil the fun !07:36
fullermdOh, no, I enhance it.  I only use my OWN magic vars.  Any fool can look up the _language's_ magic to work from; I like the bar for touching my code to be higher than that   :p07:37
vilalocal ftw !07:40
fullermdAny real win has global effect   :p07:44
vilaspiv: wow, bzr@jubany upgraded to 2.3b5 !!?!07:50
vilaspiv: this means I should track *that* into bzr-package-importer so we also get that after the migration...07:51
vilaspiv: I did not dare to do it, but since you did... :)07:51
maxbSo, properly removing bzr's internal copy of configobj shows us that.... hardy's python-configobj lacks features which causes test failures08:13
vila. o O (Quickly throw a pillow on maxb's desk)08:13
viladon't do that then ?08:13
maxbah well, I'll just back out the removal in the hardy PPA08:14
maxbyay unit tests, I suppose08:16
vilaindeed, we may miss some about the features we really require from configobj though08:17
fullermdI dunno.  I mean, it's hardly a coincidence that unit tests are responsible for a huge percentage of test failures...08:18
pooliemaxb, how long has hardy got to run?08:20
pooliewe could probably stop building bzr 2.4 for that08:20
maxbdesktop EOL at hardy release. server EOL at S-series release08:25
maxb* hardy: desktop EOL at natty release. server EOL at S-series release08:25
vilaZ-series ? :D08:25
maxbI am tempted to propose we drop all Jaunty packages, though08:26
fullermdTaylor series?08:26
vilamaxb: +108:26
maxbJaunty is EOL already. Just no-one has turned off PPA for support for it08:26
maxbI'll send an email to make it official08:27
maxbExcept, dropping jaunty doesn't actually result in saved effort, since pretty much any backporting effort you need, is needed to get back so far as hardy too08:31
pooliei wonder if building _new_ bzr series onto hardy is worth while08:32
poolieperhaps we should separately backport configobj?08:33
pooliebut as i recall that gets complicated because of dependencies from other programs08:33
poolieand i think it's hard to get new configobj working there08:33
maxbbzr includes a copy of configobj - but we removed it in these packages because Debian folks picked up on the unnecessary duplication. So we just need to unremove it on hardy08:34
vilapoolie: well, we had to decide what kind of support we want to provide for hardy, main includes bzr-1.3.1 only so I'd say we'd better limit ourselves to the stable ppa as I don't think we will ever be allowed to release even 2.0 there08:35
vila(there == hardy-updates)08:35
maxbIt's now possible to get download count info out of the LP API. We should see how many downloads bzr 2.3.0/hardy gets08:36
pooliemaxb, i was thinking of removing it from the upstream tree too08:37
poolieanyhow, i should go08:37
pooliegood night to you08:37
vilaright, but that won't tell us how many hardy sites may want to upgrade08:37
vilapoolie: g'night08:37
poolievila, i wonder how many people want to upgrade bzr and don't even want to go to lucid08:38
poolieprobably some08:38
poolieremoving a copy of configobj would be nice but it's not a big win08:38
poolieanyhow, really goodby08:38
vilayup, probably not that much and we can tell them to use the ppa08:38
* fullermd . o O ( bzr said I needed to upgrade my old Ubuntu, so I installed FreeBSD... )08:39
vilaENOMATCH: Ubuntu or * better*, don't forget the better :-p08:40
fullermd2.3.0 port update: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=15449608:44
fullermdmiwi@ is fairly consistent, so probably committed in the next few days.08:44
vilainteresting diff...08:47
vilafullermd: the summary it provides is due to the FreeBSD process right ?08:48
vilaI mean, it gives an overview of which files were added (none removed apparently which is a bit weird)08:48
vilaha, sorry, yes it does08:49
* fullermd isn't sure what you mean by 'summary'...08:49
fullermdpkg-plist, as in 'packing list'.  Yeah, list of the files, so that deleting a package knows what to delete.08:50
vilathe whole diff contains almost no noise for a human reader (considering SHA as noise is a bit extreme but you get the idea)08:51
fullermdWell, changing the big number in the launchpadlibrarian URL every upgrade is noisy for me  :p08:52
vilafullermd: blame your packaging system for not being able to follow redirections ? :-D08:52
fullermdBut yah, it's not an overly verbose process.  The pkg-descr change I've meant to do the last handful of upgrades, but kept forgetting   :p08:53
fullermdWell, it's _able_.  In fact, it goes to significant lengths to _avoid_ it   :p08:53
vilawhy ?08:53
fullermd(for a number of reasons, most of which are probably bad...)08:53
vilasome good ones worth mentioning maybe ?08:54
fullermdThe only potentially good one I've ever heard has to do with those "brilliant" sites which respond with redirects instead of 404's to nonexistent files, and that sort of garbage.08:54
vilaby the way, did I already asked you about some way to get a list of plugins with their releases/revids/revnos from The Ports ?08:55
fullermdLeads to user confusion when the downloaded tarball fails the SIZE/SHA256 check because it contains 10k of HTML instead of... y'know.  A tarball...08:55
vilabad sites, bad, bad, bad08:55
fullermdNot sure you did.  I can't offhand thing of a totally automated way...08:55
vilano urgency but it would be nice08:56
fullermdOnly one I manage is bzrtools.  C-S maintains a half dozen of them I think...08:56
fullermdfreshports probably has a list somewhere you can pull of "all ports that depend on X"; most of those are probably plugins.08:56
fullermdDon't see one offhand.  Well, can script it out of INDEX pretty easily, I imagine.08:58
fullermdIdeally as a perl one-liner, with over half the characters requiring the shift key.  Naturally   :p09:00
vilaShift Copy/Shift Paste :D09:00
vilafullermd: If you can propose a mp with a script in tools/packaging, I'll gladly help refine it (long term thingie, may not find its way in 2.3, yada yada)09:02
fullermdHmm...   well, still too readable, but...09:08
vilado you really need the progress bar there ? (/\|/) :D09:10
fullermdHey, INDEX is a big file   :p09:10
fullermdFeel free to add a 'local $/;' on to the beginning if it makes you happy   ;)09:11
fullermdAlternately: `grep bazaar-ng /usr/ports/INDEX-8 | cut -f1 -d\|`.  But who wants to waste all that time with a pipeline?09:12
vila8 is for FreeBSD8 right ?09:12
fullermd(and that also lists bazaar-ng itself, which obviously doesn't depend on bzr, so you waste a bunch of electrons outputting that...)09:12
fullermdYah.  Though I doubt that particular list changes across versions much...09:13
vilacopy/pasted into my freebsd8/INSTALL tip&tricks file09:13
fullermdVery good.  You'll receive my invoice shortly   8-}09:16
vila. o O (fullermd.debt.beers++)09:17
vilajelmer: morning !09:22
=== Ursinha-gone is now known as Ursinha
vilafullermd: bug 712935, if you want to subscribe09:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 712935 in Bazaar Bookmarks Plugin "_get_filename deprecated in bzr-2.3" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71293509:39
jelmervila: 2.3.0 uploaded to Debian10:34
vilafullermd: mind to test https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr-bookmarks/712935-2.3-compat/+merge/48589 ?10:37
vilafullermd: no test suite for the plugin :-/ I did a bunch of manual tests but I may have missed some10:43
luksvila: if I reassign bzr-bookmarks to you, will it solve the problem? :)10:44
vilaluks: wow, instant feedback !10:44
vilaluks: ideally you'll assign it to ~bzr (I think) so any bzr dev can participate10:44
vilaluks: And thanks for pioneering this config area !10:45
vilaluks: you had many good insights showing in the code...10:45
lukswell, it was always just a hack :)10:46
luksanyway, the problem is reassigned10:46
luksif you could create a native LP branch and merge your changes, it would be great10:46
luksbecause now I can't :)10:46
vilaluks: Great !10:46
lukser, the project10:46
vilaI'll look into it asap10:47
vilafullermd: feedback even more highly welcome ;)10:47
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=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv | 2.2.4 and 2.3.0 are frozen. Release plugins ! Build installers ! (rm vila)
maxbvila: Thanks for approving my udd just-cleanup branch. Can I also ask you to land it, as I am not in ~udd ?13:42
dOxxxvila: mac installer 2.3 branch is pushed13:43
vilamaxb: gimme a sec but I won't forget13:44
viladOxxx: great,13:44
viladOxxx: I just froze 2.2.4 but I don't think we want OSX installers for it, 2.3 is the new stable13:44
dOxxxyah I saw your email13:45
viladOxxx: if you know someone with an OSX 10.5 host...13:45
dOxxxactually, I do... sec13:45
dOxxxvila: Craig Sawyer csawyer@yumaed.org, he let me access a OSX 10.5 machine on his network a few times last year until you started building them.13:47
dOxxxvila: I don't know if I have time to get it done today though13:47
viladOxxx: if you can forward him the 2.3.0 has gone gold mail so he get the pointers that would be great13:48
dOxxxvila: well, he wasn't the one doing the building, he just gave me ssh access to the machine.13:48
viladOxxx: oh, well, then this will need a bit of discussion with him, drop him a note to close the loop then ?13:49
dOxxxvila: I'll email you both13:50
viladOxxx: excellent !13:50
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vilamaxb: done14:15
vilamaxb: but not deployed yet14:16
vilamaxb: doesn't really matter, just mentioning14:16
maxbIt has no operational effect, it just makes developer's lives more pleasant14:16
vilamaxb: indeed ;)14:18
james_wah, thanks vila14:19
james_wsorry for not landing it straight away maxb14:19
vilajames_w: my pleasure14:19
maxbno rush. Just didn't want it to sit and be forgotten14:19
maxbjelmer: The last revision in lp:bzr-builddeb introduces a new bug. It looks like you missed one call to db.has_pristine_tar_delta(rev) in your refactor14:49
jelmermaxb: looking14:53
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trond-hi room. I've just started with bzr and I'm wondering: I have a website created for one client where code base is going to be used for another client (allowed), how do I do this?16:17
jelmertrond-: you should be able to create a clone use "bzr branch"16:18
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trond-jelmer, ok. so then brz branch (name of directory) (name of new/other existing directory)?16:20
jelmertrond-: yep16:20
jelmersee also the documentation16:21
trond-jelmer, I will. Thanks :) just needed the first direction16:22
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vilatrond-: name of new, yes. other existing directory...  likely to fail16:22
trond-vila, yup. it did. :)16:26
vilagood :)16:26
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jelmervila: thanks for the reviews :)16:29
vilanp ;)16:29
vilawarming up for next week :)16:30
mgzfullermd caught you about the bookmarks plugins I see vila.16:31
mgzI'm a bit suprised it broke, your commit looked like it tried to retain compat.16:32
vilamgz: hehe, I will feel less gulty when it'll be merged in core (feature wise)16:32
vilamgz: err, really ? That's wasn't my intent ;)16:32
vilamgz: err, really ? That wasn't my intent ;)16:33
vilaWithout a test suite, I played it safe and tested my patch against 2.3 err 2.4b1 only16:33
* vila is bad :)16:34
mgzah, I see, you detect the old api but didn't continue to provide it.16:35
vilamgz: ha ! right, yeah, that's only by fixing bookmarks that I realized I left a hole in the compatibility16:36
vila. o O (Freudian slip to push to the new API ? Well hidden...)16:37
mgzpython doesn't make this stuff easy.16:37
dOxxxdynamic typing is both a blessing and a curse :)16:38
vilaerrr, wth is going on ? 57 branches in the active reviews page ?16:58
mgzI see a normal number on <https://code.launchpad.net/bzr/+activereviews>, which page are you looking at?17:01
vilahow did I arrive there ???17:01
dOxxxclick the back button ;)17:02
vilafrom here: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev17:02
viladOxxx: hehe, no, previous tab :D17:02
mgz...maybe that's a launchpad change to that link.17:02
vilaand from here: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/extra-branch-formats/+merge/48608 I clicked the Merge Into: lp:bzr link...17:02
vilathe weird thing is that these two branches are supposed to be the same one...17:03
dOxxxhmm that seems wrong17:03
dOxxxlooks like launchpad is resolving lp:bzr wrong?17:03
mgzhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/stable/changes/12274 <- that page is slightly annoying to try and read17:06
mgzlaunchpad's multiline commit messages don't really work with the loggerhead output17:07
vilagot it, the long page shows the wips17:07
vilano idea why17:07
mgzbug 70780817:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 707808 in Launchpad itself "Unmerged revisions list does not exclude merged revisions" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70780817:08
mgz...nope, not that17:08
mgzbah, too much stuff.17:10
mgz"some launchpad change".17:10
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vilajam: -Dxxx Critical ? Isn't it a bit excessive ? We know we'll blame mgz anyway, don't be too hasrsh :D18:37
jamvila: it's poolies fault18:37
jamand I've tracked it down18:37
jambut yes critical18:37
jamvila: We used to track how many bytes a command took. we now *always* get 018:37
jamIMO, that is a regression18:38
jamhence critiacl18:38
jamnot data loss critical18:38
jambut I probably would have blocked the release if I had known18:38
jammgz: you didn't break it, though I suspected you first, too :)18:39
jamI thought the get_transport() stuff changed us tracking the bytes transferred18:39
jambut we still tracked it.18:39
jambut it turns out we through away the info right before we went to log it18:39
jamthrew away18:39
jamvila: also, -Dbytes only shows it to the user. we always log it so that we can go back and see if a command is being reasonable18:41
mgzwill people throw pots at me if -Dthing is important not to break, it should have tests?18:42
mgz+I say18:42
vilajam: what I don't get is how none of us saw it before, I'm running from trunk and most of my usages are from the command line...18:43
vila...hmmm, wait, is it for all operations or for uploads ?18:43
vilaNah, I also push manually...18:43
vilamgz: I didn't suspect you for one second :) But between you and jelmer, I thought it would be funniest with you :D18:44
jamvila: all operations18:45
vilajam: we have switched and tested multiple times around the hack-around-the-hook18:45
jamand yes, I run bzr.dev18:45
jamwhat happens is that if the number of bytes is 0, then it doesn't print anything18:45
jamso even though I have '-Dbytes' set to always on18:45
jamI don't notice that it isn't reporting18:45
vilaha, but that doesn't impact the progress, only the end report in log ?18:46
jamthe final log is not correctly showing18:46
jamnor is it being logged to .bzr.log correctly18:46
jamI noticed because of the emacs question18:46
jamso I went to see how much is transferred, and it was saying "0"18:46
vila. o O (My evil plan to market bzr as the fastest dvcs for internet just died...)18:47
vilaanyway, I've EOWed, I must really go ;)18:47
vilaI'll try to check later !18:48
vilaHave fun all !18:48
sobersabrehi guys.19:38
sobersabreI see there is a 2.3.0 release.19:38
sobersabrewhen will the windows build be online on https://launchpad.net/bzr/+download ?19:38
vilasobersabre: where did you see that ? It hasn't been officially announced *because* we want as many installers available as possible when we do20:17
vilasobersabre: anyway, 2.3.0 frozen yesterday, release *planned* Thursday :)20:45
vilasobersabre: the rhythm these releases is: freeze on Thursay, releases on Tuesday, but we take a bit more time to start our new stable release, so: Thursday20:46
vilajam: well done ! I wonder if we want some king of hook there to make it easier to avoid this kind of failure (but you've probably added a test already)20:47
jamvila: working on a test right now21:04
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peitschiemornin all :)23:06

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