
anchorschmidtIs KDE 4.6 coming out for Kubuntu Lucid?00:11
maco4.6 will ship in 11.0400:12
anchorschmidtYes, but via the Backports PPA?00:12
macolucid will continue receiving updates to the stable 4.4.x tree00:12
macoahh ppa...not sure who's planning on doing what00:12
anchorschmidtI have enabled the backports ppa and I'm stuck on 4.5 at the moment00:12
nabukadnezar43hi guys, how do i install network-manager-gnome, i want to remove current nm first00:12
macoguess it depends if someone gets a Round Tuit?00:12
anchorschmidtwhy do you want to do that?00:13
nabukadnezar43i like gnm better00:13
macowhich nm are you currently using?00:13
macokde has two00:13
maco10.04 and 10.10 shipped different ones, and if you upgrade 10.04 -> 10.10 you kept 10.04's00:14
nabukadnezar43i am on 10.1000:14
nabukadnezar43it's the default one00:14
nabukadnezar43it says kde control module, not sure what it is called00:15
macothey both have that00:15
macoin your panel, it opens up like a big wide rectangle?00:15
macoas opposed to a tall menu-like thing?00:15
macothats plasma-widget-network-manager. the other kde one is knetworkmanager which is tall menu-like like the gnome one00:15
nabukadnezar43yeah i guess so00:16
nabukadnezar43it's just like the one in slackware00:16
Mase_wkanyone know if it's possible for the task manager to just display icons instead of program names and icons ?00:17
yofelanchorschmidt: there is no 4.6 for lucid and it's not planned either00:17
yofeltoo much work00:17
maconabukadnezar43: slackware ships wicd00:17
macothough....hmm i wonder if those have switchable backends to allow them to use wicd...00:18
macoyofel: not enough Round Tuits?00:18
yofelMase_wk: no, but you could replace it with plasma-widget-smooth-tasks which can do that I think00:18
Mase_wkok will look at that thanks00:19
yofelmaco: that too ^^00:20
Mase_wkyofel: smooth-tasks seems to work well00:23
anchorschmidtsmooth tasks is awesome, I'm using it right now.00:24
anchorschmidtsaves a lot of space00:24
Mase_wkyup does indeed, tis why i wanted it00:24
anchorschmidtI started a Linux website sometime back. It's located at tux-crazy.com . If anyone is interested, I write how to articles and reviews. I'm going to publish a review of KDE 4.6 tomorrow.00:28
westmi49319this is wrong.something happened with the recent updates.every time I click a torrent, it askes me what program I wanna use00:29
anchorschmidthow many torrent programs do you have?00:29
westmi49319used to just open ktorrent00:29
westmi49319just the default?00:29
macois there a "always use this one" checkbox?00:29
macocheck it?00:29
westmi49319I tried that and it did not work00:30
anchorschmidtare you using Google chrome, by chance?00:30
westmi49319yeah-ktorrent is the default, also00:30
westmi49319it changed both my pc's00:30
anchorschmidtthat's strange.00:30
westmi49319yeah, your tellin me...00:31
westmi49319now I got 3 more clickes to download00:31
westmi49319whatta pain00:32
westmi49319this doesn't help my tech-impared wife...00:32
westmi49319huh. lookin at my file associations, and .torrent files are designated for ktorrent.00:36
westmi49319something is wrong...00:36
nabukadnezar43maco: i can't start nm-applet now, what should i do00:37
maconabukadnezar43: you have to stop the currently running network manager00:38
macobefore you can start nm-applet00:38
macoit only lets one run at a time00:38
nabukadnezar43i unistalled plasma network manager00:38
nabukadnezar43i added nm-applet to startup programs00:40
nabukadnezar43then restarted00:40
nabukadnezar43plasma is not showing in the notifications area any more00:40
nabukadnezar43but there is no gnome nm either00:40
Mase_wkwestmi49319: what are you trying to achieve ?00:50
nabukadnezar43ok i found that if i use gnome icons, nm-applet runs00:53
nabukadnezar43so what can i do as a workaround00:53
nabukadnezar43gnome icons look really ugly00:53
nabukadnezar43here's the error i get when i run nm-applet: "http://pastebin.com/1EU1N4iE"00:55
Merlin__i need som help could someone tell me how I can remove the cdrom as the active respository through a terminal command00:56
yofeledit /etc/apt/sources.list and commend the cd apt line at the top out00:58
Merlin__thanks i had to remove kapackage it to install a bunch of stuff to get my wireless working what is the terminal command that i can use to re-install01:01
Merlin__new to linux how can i install the upadates once the are dloaded01:04
Mase_wkMerlin__: not sure what you mean...the updates should just install themselves01:09
Mase_wkyou can use apt-get from the command line or kpackagekit to install what you want01:10
Mase_wkyou can remove the cdrom by editing /etc/apt-sources  or you can use kpackagekit01:11
Merlin__ok i didnt know if kpackage was in there or not, when i installed my wireless driver i had to remove and reinstall a bunch of python packages and it uninstalled kpackage and i want to reinstall kpackage to my machine01:11
cato373i cant get kontact or any of the the PIM stuff to work after upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10. i click it and it and the cursor bounces, but then nothing happens. what should i do?01:19
westmi49319Mase_wk take a look at what I already wrote earlier?01:22
westmi49319hmmm appears he left01:23
dsrichcato373: Have you tried running it from the command line?01:23
cato373dsrich: i just did. i get a no such file or directory error.01:24
westmi49319cato373, did ya try the right click deal?01:24
westmi49319right click and open with....01:25
cato373westmi49319: it gives me options for removing from the kicker panel01:26
cato373i have everything backed up, so no info is lost, but i would like to use it before class starts. i am hoping it is a simple fix. :)01:28
Merlin__anyone know the terminal command using apt-get that i can use to get kpackageit01:28
dsrichcato373: May I suggest trying to install/reinstall it?01:28
westmi49319sudo apt-get install kpackageit01:30
cato373dsrich: yes, that was my next move. i am nervous about doing so. i am at the kontact website looking for what the components are, and what if in any order i should do so.01:30
westmi49319password required01:30
Merlin__it said that it was unable to locate kpackageit01:31
westmi49319althought it is actually kpackagekit01:31
Merlin__got it01:31
cato373westmi49319: i will try it01:32
cato373westmi49319: kpackagekit?01:33
westmi49319hmm let me check01:34
westmi49319cato373,  that was for Merlin_01:35
cato373westmi49319: oops.01:35
westmi49319ha my dad's name is Merlin01:36
cato373kontact won't reinstall because of unmet dependencies01:38
Merlin__ok can anyone tell me why i can not get cairo dock when i chose the bottom position it stays in the right hand corner of the main monitor of my dual display setup01:40
westmi49319cato373,  the first thing that google gave me: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=1859101:41
iulian_cato373: check did you have instaled libkontactinterface4 and libakonadi-contact401:42
cato373iulian_: kontact : Depends: libkdepim4 (= 4:4.4.6-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.4.8-0ubuntu0.0.1 is to be installed01:43
cato373what does that mean?01:43
cato373westmi49319: i am not sure i want to force the install01:44
westmi49319sudo apt-get -f install  will fix any broken dependicies01:46
cato373westmi49319: k01:47
cato373i used the apt-get build-dep command for kontact. it seems to be loading a bunch of stuff.01:53
dsrichcato373: were you planning on building it from source?  That is what build-dep is for01:57
cato373dsrich: no. i dont know enought to do that. i thought was rebuilding the upgrade.01:58
dsrichcato373: What is the output of 'sudo apt-get install kontact'?01:59
dsrichcato373: I am asking what a command-line installation attempt does.02:00
cato373E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)02:01
cato373E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:01
dsrichcato373: Do you have aptitude or synaptic open?02:02
cato373now that the packages are done extracting i get:  kontact : Depends: libkdepim4 (= 4:4.4.6-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.4.8-0ubuntu0.0.1 is to be installed E: Broken packages02:04
cato373dsrich:  now that the packages are done extracting i get: kontact : Depends: libkdepim4 (= 4:4.4.6-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.4.8-0ubuntu0.0.1 is to be installed E: Broken packages02:04
cato373dsrich: only quasell, konqueror, and konsole are open02:05
dsrichcato373:  Back where we started.02:06
cato373i can reinstall ku as 10.10 instead of the upgrade02:08
cato373shouldnt take over an hour.02:09
dsrichcato373:  I am not familiar enough with the innards of apt to understand why it is complaining the libkdepim4 version unless it is failing because it requires the later version and that version has not entered the repositorrries yet.02:11
dsrichcato373 s/complaining/complaining about/02:11
cato373dsrich: i will try a direct install of 10.10, since i just upgraded from 10.04.02:15
dsrichcato373:  Good luck, and good night...02:15
cato373have a good night all. bbl.02:17
pepeewhy did you change ctrl+shift+N to ctrl+shift+T? also, ctrl+shift+T does not change the path to the current, but to $HOME...02:19
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Guest92604why kuuntu03:23
Guest92604why kde 4.6 its slow in netbooks?03:24
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CoJaBokde ftw03:47
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RoyalDrewso... is this a good place to ask about problems with the KDE Plasma desktop?05:12
RoyalDrewam i in the wrong channel to ask ?'s05:18
Reaper50435having trouble install kubuntu on dell inspiron 150105:56
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jschallI have a USB bluetooth adapter that is 2.0+EDR (0e5e:6622 Conwise Technology Co., Ltd. CW6622). I can plug it into my kubuntu desktop and it immediately detects it and works, however, when I connect a2dp headphones to it, the audio stutters (on for one second, off for one second, on for a second, etc.) Are there any tweaks i can make to make it work? The headphones work fine on my kubuntu netbook with built-in bluetooth06:10
ct529hi! I have serious problems with kubuntu and sound07:25
ct529half of the time my card is recognised the other half is not07:25
ct529it is like a lottery07:25
ct529(when you boot kde)07:25
ct529I do not have this problem when I switch to gdm + gnome07:26
ct529I am on kubuntu 1004 lts 64 bits07:26
ct529codec is SigmaTel STAC920507:27
ct529lspci returns 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)07:35
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probmeRecovery Mode is not working after install kdebase-workspace and removed GDM07:40
probmeHow can fix this problem please?07:41
quintopiaHALP everything suddenly went blurry. i xrandr'd to my laptop screen and it was clear, but then back to the external monitor and it was blurry again!07:52
orb01Hi, I just installed 10.10 and installed all updates, and now I'm getting a Kdesudo popup every time I boot saying No command arguments supplied! How do I figure out where this is coming from?07:57
skidzogood morning08:26
skidzoI have an hardware related install request I would like to install kubuntu on a Thinkstation C20 Xeon X566008:33
skidzoshould i do the alternate or can i simply install the normal version?08:34
skidzothe system will be running on a 160 BG SSD08:34
probmewhy are you not talking ?08:49
skidzoI have an hardware related install request I would like to install kubuntu on a Thinkstation C20 Xeon X566008:52
skidzo should i do the alternate or can i simply install the normal version?08:52
skidzo the system will be running on a 160 BG SSD08:52
bazhangskidzo,  a server?08:52
skidzono it will be my workstation08:52
bazhangskidzo, either should do then08:53
skidzook what type of file system?08:53
bazhangskidzo, ext4 is default08:53
skidzook I think i will stay with ext408:54
skidzothen just the normal 64bit08:54
skidzook thanks08:55
probmeah his problem is solved.. Glad!08:56
skidzowell I was wondering if the SSD is chosen as default, and I am curious if the default os can be removed easily08:58
bazhangwindows is preinstalled?08:58
skidzosince its early days ;-)08:59
skidzothats the only reason why people use it or not?08:59
bazhangwant to dual boot, or just only kubuntu08:59
skidzoi don't want to dual boot08:59
bazhangthen sure, choose 'use entire disk'08:59
skidzobut i would like to stay with an image of the old configuration09:00
bazhangyou may want to ask in ##windows how to do that as I have no idea :)09:00
bazhangperhaps clonezilla, but really I'm clueless in that respect09:01
skidzothanks for the hint actually i don't need to clone Win7 preinstalled09:04
skidzobut i would like to clone my system to the other machine which will arrive in a month09:05
skidzoI've seen that there is a clonezilla live dvd09:06
skidzook thanks a lot!09:08
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skramer_Just registered with openDesktop.org & would like to use KDE's Social Desktop feature. However, it seems it does not work as long as I'm using OpenID because I have to put my username and passwort... Any idea?10:01
skramer_I'm having OpenID Launchpad account, so how to make the Social Desktop use it?10:02
rorkHi GHH10:59
GHHrork, thank for reply but i have problem11:00
GHHrork, Do you have experience customizing Ubuntu?11:01
rork!ask | GHH11:02
ubottuGHH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:02
rorkI'm not the only one around, if I don't know the question someone else might11:02
rorkI have little experience customizing ubuntu, but it's a broad term11:04
GHHI am trying to customize Ubuntu 10.10 or 10.04. But i want to get the basic KDE environment(Not kdm for GUI login interface and need to remove GDM)11:05
GHHActually which package do i need to install?11:06
rorkGHH: kubuntu-desktop for the full package, there's also a minimal KDE install but I can't find the name atm11:09
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vhogemannHi there, this might be a trick question... Why the ctrl+shift shortcuts on Eclipse IDE stop working when running on KDE (4.6) ?12:22
vhogemannReally, it's very annoying12:22
vhogemannany insights?12:23
Peace-maybe because shortcuts are changed12:23
Peace-vhogemann: try to see if that shortcuts is already taken by other kde application12:24
vhogemannPeace-: nah... I checked on Eclipse, and they're mapped as they used to be12:24
Peace-search for that shortcuts12:24
Peace-coudl be assigned to a kde application12:24
vhogemannPeace-: ok... Iĺl try that, but taking ctrl+shift+w on a system wide level?12:25
vhogemannThis is just abusive, or mean12:25
Peace-vhogemann: i don't use ecclipse i don't know12:25
Peace-about that stuff12:25
vhogemannwell, thanks for the tip... I'll try to look on system settings12:26
Decoriani have a strange mildly irritating issue, parts of the screen don't refresh when I scroll, particularly noticible in websites (rekonq) but also happens in kontact and okular, any ideas where to look for the source?12:32
vhogemannDecorian, pehaps your video driver... and desktop effects.12:34
vhogemannDecorian, try to disable Desktop Effects and see if the problem persists12:34
Decorianok  thanks, i'll have a go12:34
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GuKK_devel_I'm trying to install 10.04 and missing the printer for sending a fax. Where can I find it?13:47
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terrorjust installed kubuntu and was wondering , is it safe to update packages ?13:51
Piciterror: Why wouldn't it be?13:54
terrorbecause of the xorg updates - i think there is a chance for the system to break (hope I'm wrong because they are already installing :) )?13:56
terroror are they tested prior to adding them in the default repositories ?13:56
terroraka considered stable13:56
BluesKajHey folks13:58
Peace-terror: wich version ?14:04
Peace-terror: standard repository?14:05
terrordidn't change anything related to software sources14:05
Peace-terror: why do you want upgrade your system doesn't it work well now?14:05
Peace-upgrade system = the best way to mess a working computer14:05
Peace-stable computer = no upgrade14:05
terrorit feels kinda sluggish (x3100 intel card) , hoping it will be better after the updates14:06
Peace-if you have an issue you have the right to try to solve it with an upgrading14:06
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Peace-terror: mm ok you can do this...14:06
terrorwell , updates are installed , gonna restart and keep fingers crossed14:06
Peace-terror: go on /var/cache/apt/archives/14:07
Peace-terror: in that folder therea re all packages14:07
Peace-and if you have not clean your system your old packages14:07
Peace-use the filter bar of dolhin14:07
Peace-and see xserver-xorg-video-intel14:07
Peace-it shoudl be one or more packages14:07
Peace-that are old packages and new pacakges14:08
Peace-if you got a bad upgrade you can downgrade it14:08
Peace-by sudo dpkg -i pathtooldpackagedeb14:08
terrorterror@Aspire-5720Z:/var/cache/apt/archives$ ls | grep intel14:08
terrorso these 2 ?in case of a fail ?14:08
Peace-should be14:09
terrorok Peace , thank you very much , I appreciate your help14:09
Peace-you shoudl pick the older one if you get problems14:10
Peace-but if you have only one..14:10
Peace-i guess you have clean your system14:10
Peace-anwyway you can download the old packages14:10
Peace-from live cd14:10
terrorok , cool14:10
terrorthanks , brb (hope it goes well)14:10
terrorwell , seems like the upgrade went well , but kwin still feels slow14:14
terroris that common on intel video cards ?14:14
mandlaHey guys, iv been using MS Office on Wine, now my document is kinda corrupt, how do i fix this?14:22
BluesKaj!VB mandla14:27
BluesKaj!VB | mandla14:27
mandlaBluesKaj: Sir? I dnt understand.14:27
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:27
mandlaBluesKaj: What i need to do is to repair my document coz it is showing boxes.14:28
BluesKajMSOffice shouldn't be run in wine , you're better off using Open Office or libreoffice14:28
cdybeijinghi guys, I have a quick command line interpretation question... after some updates, I'm getting the following feedback:14:28
BluesKajmandla,have you tried open office ..it supports most ms office docs14:29
BluesKajcdybeijing, ?14:30
cdybeijingUserWarning: Module anki was already imported from /location/anki/_init_.py, but /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/anki-1.0.1-py2.6.egg is being added to sys.path14:31
cdybeijingafter that, I am getting a runtime warning14:31
mandlaBluesKaj: yah i tried it but its as well displaying boxes.14:31
cdybeijingI really don't know what happened, only updates I made were system prompted14:31
cdybeijingthere is really a lot of feedback in the command line after I try to run the program, what I typed is only a little14:33
weldHi, after some natty upgrade during the last days, desktop effects no longer can be enabled. when i log in with a new (empty) account, desktop effects are enabled though. i tried removing all kwin config files from my home folder, but it still doesn't allow me to enable desktop effects. does anyone know how i can reset all kwin related stuff?14:34
BluesKajcdybeijing, maybe you're missing some repositories or have conflicting package updates from repositories14:34
cdybeijingsince the program was working two days ago, I guess I must have a conflict14:34
coder2Please help me with KMix problem after KDE update 4.4.3->4.514:34
cdybeijingis there a way to check for conflicts?14:34
BluesKajweld, ask in ubuntu+114:35
BluesKajcdybeijing, I use synaptic to repair broken dependencies , it works quite well14:36
weldcoder2: what's the problem with kmix?14:36
BluesKajweld, #ubuntu+114:36
BluesKajcoder2, open alsamixer and check your settings there14:37
coder2weld: Sound begins when mixer volume reaches 23%. Below 23% it is muted. And 23% sounds loudy14:37
weldcoder2: oh, i had another problem then:) i could solve mine by deleting the kmix config files14:39
coder2weld: Where to find those fies?14:39
weld'find -name kmix*' should find them14:40
coder2BluesKaj: alsamixer works like charm14:40
coder2BlueKaj: but sound volume icon in the desktop corner belongs KMix.14:41
coder2weld: thank you. I'll try14:41
coder2weld: Deleting kmix config files did not help14:45
BluesKajcdybeijing, also sudo apt-get check , then if you have a prob , then sudo apt-get check -f14:45
coder2weld: I think it is connected with pulseaudio somehow14:46
Peace-coder2: have you got a problem with audio card?14:46
coder2I have got problems with kmix volume control after update KDE from 4.4.3 to 4.514:47
BluesKajcoder2, kmix is just a kde link to alsamixer , if you havbe any M s in the vol ctrls then you have mute tuend on in alsamixer14:47
Peace-coder2: check if you hav pulseaudio installed please14:47
coder2Peace-: It is installed14:47
Peace-coder2: alsamixer -V all14:47
Peace-coder2: on the konsole please14:48
Peace-what do you see?14:48
Peace-i guess the pulse stuff14:48
Peace-coder2: anyway read this , it's my blog http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/audio-problem-with-kubuntu-10-10/14:48
coder2BluesKaj:  KMix now references to pulseaudio devices only14:48
coder2Peace-: I see alsamixer which smothly controls audio levels.14:49
Peace-coder2: or you install some stuff of pulse14:49
Peace-coder2: or you remove pulse14:49
Peace-coder2: read that page you could fix14:50
coder2Could someone advise how to rollback KDE to 4.4.3 on lucid. I have too much problems with KDE 4.514:51
Peace-coder2: first14:51
Peace-coder2: remove the ppa14:51
Peace-coder2: second remove all kde packages14:51
Peace-coder2: then reinstall all kde packages14:52
Peace-are you wonder how ?14:52
Peace-coder2: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/14:52
coder2Peace-: thank you14:52
florian_i got no sound in firefox and no sound for flash14:53
florian_any idea?14:53
florian_using 4.614:53
Peace-florian_: mmm libasound ?14:53
Peace-*not sure*14:53
florian_Peace-: already installed , newest version14:54
Peace-florian_: running firefox on the konsole what did it say?14:54
Peace-florian_: sound where on flash ?14:55
florian_Peace-: *** NSPlugin Viewer  *** WARNING: unhandled variable 18 (<unknown variable>) in NPN_GetValue()14:56
florian_on sound for html5 videos either14:56
florian_so generally no sound in browsers14:56
coder2Peace: The page http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/ contains shell command examples, but the examples exceed the page widt14:56
Peace-coder2: :S on chromium is workin fine14:58
florian_Peace-: well i think its some pulseaudio issue14:58
coder2Peace-: Firebug works also. :-P14:58
florian_Peace-: it worked fine yesterday but today i got a new soundcard installed and had to switch output to that device14:59
Peace-florian_: mm alsamixer -V all14:59
Peace-florian_:  F6:  Select sound card14:59
florian_html5 video works in reqkonq14:59
florian_Peace-: yeah, that works fine15:00
florian_but i got no sound in firefox15:00
florian_nor flash15:00
florian_i think its a pulseaudio issue15:00
florian_somehow pulseaudio sound doesnt get routed to phonon15:01
Peace-florian_: mm go on system settings15:01
Peace-florian_: on multimedia15:01
Peace-florian_: backend ?15:01
Peace-have you what?15:01
moldythe first thing i do after installing kubuntu is get rid of pulseaudio :p15:01
Peace-moldy: mee too..15:02
florian_ok, i changed backend to gstreamer15:02
Peace-florian_: you need pulse?15:02
florian_only audio output is pulseaudio15:02
Peace-florian_: do you need pulse for some strange stuff like guitar?15:02
Peace-jack jackd?15:02
Peace-if not condiser to remove it..15:03
florian_i suppose not15:03
Peace-florian_: you too read this15:03
florian_linux printing + sound just sucks incredible15:03
Peace-florian_: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/audio-problem-with-kubuntu-10-10/15:03
moldyflorian_: apt-get remove pulseaudio and you're probably good15:03
Peace-florian_: consider to install even phonon-backend-vlc15:03
BluesKajflorian_, install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:04
Peace-+1 BluesKaj15:04
susundbergsound hah! sound works fine but try to get 3D and Wlan to work15:04
florian_extras is installed15:04
susundbergAnd printing works mostly, fine though pdf cannot be printed in portrait mode :D15:05
Peace-florian_: have you removed pulse first?15:05
susundbergdont remove pulse, pulse is fine15:05
BluesKaj!Medibuntu | florian_15:05
ubottuflorian_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:05
Peace-susundberg: you say this15:05
Peace-susundberg: here there is a lots of people with huge problem with pulse15:05
Peace-susundberg: like me...15:06
susundbergrun pavucontrol15:06
Peace-susundberg: i know that15:06
susundbergand check output/input devices15:06
susundberg(no this was for florian_ )15:06
Peace-nope man i will not install gtk stuff15:06
BluesKajpulseaudio works fro some , but not for others , mostly it's for dedicated pci sound cards , for onboards PA can be troublesome, susundberg15:07
* susundberg has onboard sound on 2 different machines and PA works fine15:07
moldygood thing they made it the default, considering how rare onboard sound cards are ;)15:07
susundbergbut yes, i belive that its not perfect system yet :)15:08
Peace-susundberg: perfect?15:08
Peace-it sucks at all for me15:08
susundbergthe kde mixer is missing some functionality that is only on pavucontrol15:08
susundbergif the mixer app is sucking its not server app fault15:08
BluesKajsusundberg, then you're lucky...it works on mine too but Im prefer to have more oprtions then PA provides15:08
Peace-it's not only pvacontrol you are missin15:08
Peace-there are 2 other stuff you should install if you want use pulse well15:08
moldywhen i install pa, i don't have any useful mixer channels in kmix at all :p as soon as i uninstall it, everything is fine15:09
Peace-susundberg: pavucontrol  paprefs  paman15:09
Peace-moldy: the solution there is... pavucontrol  paprefs  paman15:09
Peace-moldy: but they are gtk...15:09
susundbergi havent need anything but pavucontrol and that to change my mic input port (that kmix does not support)15:10
Peace-so i remove pulse :D i get the old way :D15:10
BluesKajto me PA is just another layer of unecessary audio processing that adds distortion15:10
Peace-BluesKaj: +115:10
susundbergyeah and VESA also works quite reliable on graphical side .. ;)15:10
moldyPeace-: i can't be bothered. pa does no good for me. apt-get remove is the right solution in my case.15:10
Peace-moldy: :) mine too man15:11
susundbergbut true, i have experienced weird balalaikka-sound some times15:11
BluesKajsusundberg, it may work for you but not evertone , you nedd to accept that15:11
susundbergyea i do. But i just want to point out that its not _that bad_ system15:11
Peace-BluesKaj: you know i got always a lots of noise on my mic..15:11
Peace-BluesKaj: look at this ...15:11
susundbergthat solution is always "remove it"15:11
florian_Peace-: got it working with pavucontrol15:11
florian_i need to check alsa playback on MYSOUNDCARD15:11
Peace-florian_: nice15:12
florian_kde, why ist there no pulseaudio setting!15:12
florian_the whole media setting sucks tons of dks15:12
moldysusundberg: a system that is apparently completely broken in so many cases is bad, imo.15:12
Peace-florian_: because kde deosn't support right now pulse well... kubuntu has decided to install it by default..15:12
Peace-that is15:12
BluesKajflorian_, speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav15:12
Peace-BluesKaj: i know you dont understand audio ... anyway.. http://blip.tv/file/4719321?filename=Nowardev-ScontornareCapelliKrita775.m4v15:12
florian_BluesKaj: got it working already15:13
Peace-BluesKaj: this is the best audio recording i can do.. :S15:13
florian_speakertest is dead though15:13
Peace-BluesKaj: on windows instead the signal is cleaner15:13
florian_btw what amazes my often is how extremely the ubuntu kernel sucks15:15
BluesKajPeace-, I do understand audio , very well in fact ..been an audio phile and sound guy and musician/ drummer for 40 yrs , Your mic boost is too high and the input impedance of your mic might be mismatched with the pc audio mic in , that can caus eline noise probs15:16
florian_plus how hard it is to get your own working and install proprietary drivers for it15:16
Peace-BluesKaj: mm try it again anyway with max boost ... on windows i ahve nicer audio :S15:17
BluesKajflorian_, have you checked alsamixer for muted inputs and ctrls set too high or low15:18
susundbergits not ubuntu kernel that sucks its 3rd party drivers that are bad15:18
florian_BluesKaj: yes15:18
susundbergif they would just do proper job on the first place in upstream kernel world would be better place15:18
susundbergbut no15:18
BluesKajPeace-, NO! your mic boost is too high15:18
florian_susundberg: ive never had any problems with arch linux kernel + third party drivers15:18
Peace-BluesKaj: :) ok15:18
susundbergthey do this shitty binary drivers that never work15:18
florian_ah yeah, i forgot to mention graphics drivers15:19
florian_wether closed or open source, both suck15:19
susundbergnice for you. GPU and WLAN is pain in the ass for me15:19
susundbergnvidia shitty shitty and wlan "there is no limits what we can do" devices15:19
susundbergfuck them15:19
BluesKajthere's no need for PA for most setups , if you have alsa set up properly15:19
FloodBotK2susundberg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
Peace-BluesKaj: i have set boost to zero... :S15:19
Picisusundberg: Please mind your language here.15:19
Peace-BluesKaj: no way i get some tic tic tic15:19
BluesKajPeace-, not zero just try 80% or so15:19
* BluesKaj shakes his head15:20
susundbergBluesKaj: shoudn't the 'boost' be at zero but 'volume' at 80% ?15:20
Peace-BluesKaj: xD i set what i want but you got always tic tic tic tic every tot seconds :(15:21
florian_k, ty for help, cyall15:21
BluesKajsusundberg, depends on your card , some don't have a boost so it has no ctl slider15:21
Peace-*i get15:21
BluesKajOne thing you guys if you run Skype you need Pulseaudio15:23
BluesKajskype on ubuntu requires pulesaudio , I thought I'd better mention that15:24
gribouillebefore upgrading kde, when I plugged my external HD, it was mounted under /media/disk. know, it is mounted under /media/<UUID>. what does that mean ?15:34
susundberggribouille: the UUID is unique id for each disk15:37
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:37
BluesKajgribouille, look in /etc/fstab to see if the device is listed15:38
terrorPeace- : Thanks again for your help , I went ahead and installed KDE 4.6.0 from the ppa and its much snappier than 4.5 , I can enable most effects too wich is great!15:38
gribouilleBluesKaj, no, it isn't15:40
gribouillesusundberg, I know what an UUID is. my question is : why did kde's behavior change ?15:41
gribouillewhat is this uhelper mount option ?15:42
BluesKajgribouille, ok it may be automounted like the cdrom is and neds no fstab/mtab link15:44
vhogemannHi there, I have a Dell Studio with an ATI Mobility Radeon 540... And the notebook freezes when it comes back from sleep. I've found some bugs filled on launchpad for different Dell notebooks but none quite matches my own... Anyone here has issues with hibernate/sleep on Maverick ?15:44
gribouilleBluesKaj, clearly, since it was automatically mounted15:44
vhogemannOh, and the freeze happens both with fglrx and radeon drivers...15:45
shane4ubuntuOhh, got it, it is fish://user@location:port/location/on/disk16:22
shane4ubuntuI probably never would have guessed fish16:23
james147shane4ubuntu: if you can its generally better to use sftp rather then fish16:25
shane4ubuntujames147: does that work through ssh??16:25
james147shane4ubuntu: yes16:25
shane4ubuntuahh, ok16:25
shane4ubuntulet me see if that works16:25
shane4ubuntuok, works too16:25
shane4ubuntuis that more secure?16:25
james147shane4ubuntu: ^^ they basically do the smae thing, jsut fish is a perl (i think) hack to get it to work where sftp fails16:26
shane4ubuntuI'm not terrible concerned about security, as I'm working across LAN16:26
james147^^ still its generally better16:26
shane4ubunturight, I will use that, in gnome I think I just used: ssh://user@location:Port16:26
shane4ubuntuThanks james147 for the info16:27
james147yeah, not sure what gnome is doing... i think sftp is the proper protacall16:27
james147(though i dont know)16:27
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Fish does some nicer things but it makes a lot of assumptions about the server. sftp is actually within the spec so anywhere a ssh server exists you are sure that sftp will work16:28
james147Daskreech: what nicer things?16:28
DaskreechUpdates preiodically without you having to hit refresh etc16:28
shane4ubuntucool, I just like having gui ssh to copy and paste files on my computers, so that is nice enough for me.16:28
DaskreechThere are some nice little differences but for the most part get used to sftp as fish is a hack though it is nice16:29
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Choir <------------- -------------> preaching : shane4ubuntu16:30
Daskreechmeant Daskreech for the first one16:30
Daskreechstupid fingers16:30
shane4ubuntulol??  what16:30
shane4ubuntuyou are a trip16:30
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: never heard the expression preaching to a choir? :)16:31
shane4ubuntuyes, I have, even used it, however I didn't get the gui picture of it. :)16:32
shane4ubuntuI never new that sftp worked with ssh, so in theory I could use that to my actual web page server (I have ssh access)16:33
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: exactly16:34
Daskreechand scp16:34
james147(and rsync)16:34
shane4ubuntuyes, I use scp and rsync over ssh, but never new I could have a gui setup through sftp and dolphin (or nautilus before)16:34
Daskreechjames147: nope16:34
shane4ubuntursync -avuz -e ssh 'user@location'  works like a charm I use it regularly16:35
james147Daskreech: no?16:35
Daskreechjames147: No ssh doesn't get you rsync automatically16:35
Daskreechyou have to set that up yourself16:35
james147Daskreech: no, not automatically, but if rsync is on the remote then you can16:36
Daskreechssh does get you sftp and scp automatically16:36
shane4ubuntuohh, no, not without the option, you have to plug that in, but it does work well16:36
shane4ubuntuok, thanks all, gotta run16:36
DaskreechJust saying because shane4ubuntu mentioned he has ssh on his server and as a consequence can sftp16:36
DaskreechOk Bye shane4ubuntu16:37
DaskreechAlways nice talking to you16:37
shane4ubuntuSame to you Daskreech appreicate the help!16:37
shane4ubuntuI prefer the sftp in dolphin rather than scp so I don't have to type all the names correctly. :)16:38
DaskreechI didn't do anything today :)16:38
shane4ubuntuof the copied files that is16:38
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: And you get a nice notification :)16:38
shane4ubuntuok cya16:39
coder2Please help me to reinstall kubuntu desktop16:50
rorkcoder2: can you tell us what you tried, what is the problem?16:51
Daskreechrork: that was helpful16:55
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DaskreechI'm never quite sure if I'm happy that there is more activity on #kubuntu-devel than there is on #kubuntu17:46
james147Daskreech: well it either means there are no users, or no problems :D17:48
james147(or both)17:48
DaskreechWell this is still one of the larger rooms on Freenode17:49
BluesKajamarok crashes in kde 4.6 , vlc is ok for video/movies but I'm crazy about it for music , ant recommends ?17:50
Daskreechand back in the day there was a constant set of issues streaming through here with each release we have a lot of people the two weeks after then it just gets really quiet17:50
BluesKajnot crazy17:50
DaskreechBluesKaj: Juk? Bangarang?17:50
* Daskreech uses Kaffiene a lot more for music than movies17:51
anchorschmidtClementine is a great music player. It can also convert music.17:51
james147BluesKaj: have you tryed amarok with a clean profile?17:51
james147BluesKaj: I had an issue with the rc or final... where the dynamic playlists where causing amarok to crash, deleting tehm fixed it17:52
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yofelBluesKaj: what's the backtrace?17:54
BluesKajjames147, , i use amarok to play a whole album , but otherwise I don't like it  much , it's clunky and unresponsive so i don't  create any playlists17:54
* yofel had a hard time getting backtraces from amarok though recently...17:54
BluesKajamarok was fine in kde317:55
BluesKajthey ruined it IMO17:55
BluesKajthe devs that is17:55
* james147 disagrees17:55
yofelit usually works fine here, last crash was phonon related, but that's natty17:55
yofeland I never tried amarok in kde3 ^^17:56
DaskreechNakkel: Clementine then17:56
DaskreechBut I still lik Juk17:56
BluesKajI liked audacious but I try to keep gtlk apps to a minimum17:56
Daskreechit just plays music. That's all17:56
BluesKajDaskreech, cool , I'll check it out17:58
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anchorschmidtJust wrote a review of KDE 4.6. I tried to make this review as good as possible. http://www.tux-crazy.com/2011/02/kde-46-reviewed-power-packed-desktop.html18:04
DarthFrogGood as in the quality of the review or good as in presenting KDE SC 4.6 in the best possible light?18:08
DaskreechI'm trying to figure that out as well18:09
anchorschmidtQuality of the review18:09
anchorschmidtI hope you like it18:09
BluesKajDaskreech, so far i like juk's options and simple and easy layout :)18:09
DaskreechBluesKaj: it's annoyingly and refreshingly simple18:10
BluesKajyup, so far so good Daskreech18:11
DaskreechBluesKaj: at somepoint you may hit stuff you want it to do (like stream) but it should get you there well over 80% of the time18:13
BluesKajI don't stream much . this pc is our media server and it's located in the tv room with all the audio and video equipment connected up18:16
Daskreechanchorschmidt: runs as smoothly as a warm block of butter sliding over the frozen surface of a pond in winter18:16
DaskreechI take it you tried that?18:16
DaskreechBluesKaj: ah KIO should work nicely for that18:16
anchorschmidthaha, I was really surprised by how smooth it was so I wanted to express how smooth and this was the image that came in my head18:16
Daskreechha ha18:23
Daskreechas a bonus it's open source18:23
Daskreechhttp://www.tux-crazy.com/p/how-software-is-reviewed.html <------ should be a standard18:24
anchorschmidtThank you, I was really wondering how to judge software because it's not fair to give something marks because you feel like it, so I tried to come up with a method.18:24
Daskreechto be clear I don't thnk that all review sites should have those critera. Just somewhere that explains across the board how they approach reviews18:28
anchorschmidtyes, different people approach things differently but they should give some justification for the grades that they give software18:29
onewaynehas anyone tried the new puppy 5.2 as a media center yet18:29
DaskreechSomething like if it's from MS we try to nitpick and look for all the flaws we can but anything from Apple gets glowing praise despite any glaring omissions that everyone else has unless it's too expensive for us to buy then we will be disaapointed.18:29
DaskreechJust to give me a heads up18:30
genii-aroundonewayne: Whis is Kubuntu support :) Puppy is another animal altogether, so to speak18:30
anchorschmidt:) Have to leave now, thank you for the your comments18:30
anchorschmidt*you comments18:31
anchorschmidt*your comments18:31
onewaynenot so linux all same i have them all18:31
Daskreechonewayne: Yes but the point being that if you ask in Puppy's channel you are far far far more likely to find puppy users18:31
DaskreechIt's a good IRC rule of thumb I try to live by18:32
genii-aroundonewayne: Puupy Linux support is in #puppylinux18:32
ubuntu_Looking for how to implement RTOS in Ubunto18:41
ubuntu_Is this a good idea?18:41
ubuntu_Do UBUNTU as Realtime OS?18:42
ubuntu_Or.... do ANY have a good tips for OS strictly for radiocommunication?18:43
CorinI have an issue in Konsole...18:45
CorinIt keeps telling me permission denied and a I've had to sudo certain commands that a friend tells me should not need to be.18:46
genii-aroundCorin: For graphical apps use kdesudo from the konsole for elevated privelege. For most commandline apps sudo is ok. Nano however and perhaps some others get their settings file overwritten and may complain they can't open it, etc. Changing permissions back on it usually fixes18:49
rork!info linux-rt18:49
ubottuPackage linux-rt does not exist in maverick18:49
rorkubuntu_: a real time kernell is available in 10.04 in as the linux-rt metapackage. I have no experience with it whatsoever or know if it's good for your tasks.18:52
Daskreechubuntu_: replace your kernel with linux-rt18:52
Daskreechubuntu_: and there are radio communication packages I just don't remember what they are called now ;918:53
genii-aroundMisdirect, apologies18:53
Coringenii-around: The issue is when I'm compiling...18:54
Corincmake won't work unless I sudo.18:54
CorinHow do I run KDEsudo?18:57
ubuntu_go to konsoll and type sudo su, the your root pwd18:58
Daskreechubuntu_: that's sudo he wants kdesudo (assuming He)18:59
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DaskreechCorin: alt+F2 -> kdesudo <application> <arguments to application>18:59
genii-aroundubuntu_: Do not recommend that19:00
ubuntu_kdesudo command NOT found :???19:00
Daskreechin general or for this situation ?19:00
CorinI'm so confused.19:00
DaskreechCorin: kdesu ? :)19:00
* Corin is a very new Linux user.19:01
anchorschmidtit's kdesu19:01
DaskreechCorin: welcome to Linux and KDE :)19:01
CorinWhat arguments do I put?19:02
CorinI'm confused.19:02
ubuntu_Xlib: conXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server19:02
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genii-aroundCorin: sudo with cmake should be fine. It's a command-line app, and depending on what you're making with it, might require access to directories like /bin /sbin and so on which regular user has no write priveleges upon19:03
Coringenii-around: Regular users?19:04
Datateknikkif you type sudo su, then root pwd, you would not be NEEDED to type either su or sudo19:04
Daskreechanchorschmidt: http://identi.ca/conversation/62916334#notice-6371876619:04
genii-aroundDatateknikk: The use of "sudo su" in ubuntu is discouraged! sudo -i instead19:05
DaskreechCorin: sorry just if you are opening say a text editor you can put the file you want to open19:05
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:05
Daskreechso something like kdesu kate ~/Documents/rootrequired.txt19:05
Datateknikkto get in normal mode you may allso type exit after you du what you wanted to do19:05
Datateknikkto get out of root-mode19:06
DaskreechCorin: if that made any sense to you19:06
anchorschmidtDaskreech: Thank you so much, that meant a lot to me19:07
DatateknikkThe root pwd, is what you typed as username in installing linux19:07
Daskreechanchorschmidt: I'm assuming that you know who that is? :)19:07
macoDatateknikk: er, not really19:07
macoDatateknikk: there is no root password19:07
maco!sudo | Datateknikk19:08
ubottuDatateknikk: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:08
DaskreechCorin: if that didn't I can explain it slower19:08
DatateknikkIf you have NO pwd in root, you may just type sudo su, nothin else19:08
bazhangDatateknikk, no19:08
bazhangDatateknikk, please listen19:08
macoDatateknikk: the root account is locked by default19:08
DaskreechCorin: Do you understand Linux permissions?19:08
DatateknikkI am experienced user of linux19:08
bazhangDatateknikk, its sudo -i for a root shell, sudo is enough19:09
bazhangDatateknikk, then please listen19:09
macoDatateknikk: ubuntu handles root differently from other distros19:09
anchorschmidtDaskreech: The KDE Kwin developer! I thought that it was you at first but now I had a great surprise, or is that you too?19:09
bazhangDatateknikk, recommending that is not the kubuntu/ubuntu way, so please do not19:09
Daskreechanchorschmidt: No that's the KWin maintainer19:09
Datateknikki use ubunto19:09
CorinDaskreech: Kinda.19:09
anchorschmidtDaskreech: Wow, now I'm so motivated to make my website better and write better articles19:10
DaskreechI sent out the article on Identi.ca he read it and responded. I didn't give it to him directly but thought that him liking your image was nice :)19:10
bazhangDatateknikk, thats fine. do not recommend that in future, thanks.19:10
DatateknikkIn terminal i type sudo su, to get root rights, then i type pwd, if there is19:10
ikoniaDatateknikk: stop19:10
ikoniaDatateknikk: that will break the permissions model in ubuntu19:10
ikoniaDatateknikk: do not tell people to do that19:10
DatateknikkPermission model?19:11
macoDatateknikk: you'19:11
macore not supposed to set a root password in ubuntu19:11
anchorschmidtDaskreech: Thank you very much :)19:11
DatateknikkDo not tell? Why?19:11
Datateknikkubuntu is as all other, OPEN OS19:12
ikoniaDatateknikk: because it breaks the user permissions model and does not set the root enviornment properly19:12
DatateknikkDo not follow you ikonia, what do you mean?19:12
ikoniaif you don't understand, it's best you follow the advice and not recommend it19:13
Daskreechanchorschmidt: You don;t have an identi.ca account?19:13
Datateknikkcause why?19:13
ikoniaI've just explained why19:14
anchorschmidtDaskreech: No, But I'll get one now.19:14
Daskreechanchorschmidt: ha ha Ok I can pass on your sentiments if you like19:14
Reaper50435I am having a problem I just put kubuntu on a different laptop and I updated the system and now I cant use the keyboard or the mousepad but I pulled a usb mouse in and it works fine but I dont have a usb keyboard. So how do I fix this19:14
DatateknikkReaper50435, did you do direct copy, or fresh install?19:15
anchorschmidtDaskreech: This is really special for me. I think I'll do it. I've never used identi.ca but I hope that it's possible19:15
Daskreechanchorschmidt: I can help you if you like19:15
Datateknikkstrange, thinkpad?19:15
DaskreechCorin: Would you like me to explain the kdesu thing again?19:15
DatateknikkReaper50435, strange, what computer do you have?19:16
CorinNot particularly.19:17
DatateknikkIBM is a computer with som incompatible hardware19:17
CorinI'm just wondering why I was told that it was a bad thing to have to sudo.19:17
Reaper50435Datateknikk: the one I installed kubuntu on is a dell inspiron 150119:17
ikoniaCorin: sudo is a good thing19:17
DatateknikkI throw all dell in the dumpster19:18
Reaper50435yeah i know but its my aunts19:19
DatateknikkYou do have to install with KDE, NOT GNOME19:19
ikoniano you don't19:19
ikoniaDatateknikk: do not miss-lead people19:19
bazhangDatateknikk, thats not right19:19
ikoniaReaper50435: you can use whatever desktop you want19:19
anchorschmidtDaskreech: I'm making an account right now, I'll tell you if I need anything :) Thank you19:19
DatateknikkThe KDE has more compatibility for hardware then GNOME19:19
Reaper50435yeah i use arch linux with kde GUI on my laptop19:20
ikoniaDatateknikk: it's a desktop, not the OS, the OS is hardware compatible, not the desktop19:20
ikoniaDatateknikk: do not miss-lead people again19:20
DaskreechCorin: no if you run a GUI application with sudo it can mess things up19:20
DaskreechCorin: but cmake is fine19:20
Daskreechsince it's obviously not a GUI19:20
DatateknikkI fackt, i have dificulty with som hardware with GNOME, and have all hardware listed in KDE, tell me why then wiseass19:21
bazhangDatateknikk, stop it19:21
DaskreechDatateknikk: it has better support for your hardware. I'm sure you have people that can't get KDE working with thier hardware and they are fine with GNOME19:21
Daskreechanchorschmidt: alright :)19:22
DatateknikkAs all iknow, this is a channel for K----ubuntu, as in KDE19:22
ikoniaDatateknikk: it is a channel for kubuntu, that doesn't mean misslead people that kubuntu fixes gnome problems19:22
DaskreechDatateknikk: correct but the support for hardware comes from the Kernel19:22
anchorschmidtDaskreech: I sent him a message. Wow, this is really exciting, for a KDE developer to read my review19:22
DatateknikkI tests computers against GNOME and KDE, KDE gets on top every time19:22
ikoniaDatateknikk: stop now please, I appreciate you like kde, but making up things to make people use it is wrong19:23
Daskreechanchorschmidt: :-D Welcome to participating in FOSS19:23
CorinCan the terminal be used to delete a folder?19:23
bazhangCorin, sure19:24
ikoniaCorin: "rm"19:24
DaskreechCorin: rmdir is the "official" way19:24
genii-aroundCorin: If the folder has stuff in it, use rm -rf foldername19:24
Daskreechbut it means you have to ensure the folder is empty19:24
ikoniaDatateknikk: no it's not "official"19:24
Daskreechmost people use rm -rf19:24
ikoniaDaskreech: rmdir is not "official"19:24
Daskreechikonia: I think you are reacting19:25
gpcDatateknikk: stop with the misinformation.19:25
DatateknikkI dont just like, KDE, i having extremly positive hardware compatibility with KDE, as in, it has to have somthing GNOME does NOT have, in communication with kernel19:25
ikoniaDaskreech: no, I'm not19:25
Daskreechikonia: You are responding to the wrong person :)19:25
ikoniaDaskreech: ahh yes19:25
ikoniamy apologies19:25
DaskreechCorin: -r makes it delete folders recursively and -f means force19:26
anchorschmidtDaskreech: All thanks to you19:27
DaskreechReally? I didn't write any reviews :)19:27
Datateknikktalk about discrimator, kick me cause i say KDE has better support for hardware then GNOME?19:27
DaskreechDatateknikk: Look take this to kubutu-offtopic19:28
bazhangDatateknikk, lets move on please19:28
DatateknikkIt is in FACKT19:28
DaskreechDatateknikk: #kubuntu-offtopic please19:28
DatateknikkWhy, cause people is to be told KDE is bad?19:29
DatateknikkDo you get payed by MICROSOFT?19:29
genii-aroundDatateknikk: This channel is for assisting people with their kubuntu problems. If you want to discuss how good or bad kde is, or other things not directly relating to helping users with their kubuntu problems, then #kubuntu-offtopic is the correct channel for that19:30
DatateknikkTell me. WHY am i NOT allowed to even mention sudu su?19:31
ikoniaDaskreech: because it is not the ubuntu supported method, it breaks the permissions model and can cause problems19:31
DaskreechDatateknikk: You are allowed to mention it but don't recommend it19:32
ikoniaDaskreech: as I've told you19:32
Daskreechikonia: projecting again :)19:32
ikoniaDaskreech: how annoying19:32
ikoniamy apologies19:32
DaskreechDatateknikk: because of what ikonia just said. the method recommended is sudo -i19:32
Daskreechwhich does the same thing as far as the user is concerned and has better permission security19:33
DatateknikkI am an tecknican, i DO use this everytime, what is wrong doing this?19:33
DaskreechDatateknikk: take this to #kubuntu-offtopic19:33
ikoniaDatateknikk: the fact that I'm telling you and you still don't get it shows you shouldn't ask and just accept it19:33
DaskreechCorin: how are you going?19:34
CorinI'm fine.19:35
CorinI guess I was just being paranoid.19:35
CorinHowever, I am recompiling from scratch, since there seems to be a bug.19:35
Daskreechdoesn't mean that you are wrong :)19:35
CorinThe odd thing is, I'm technically using a program that's not installed on my computer.19:39
DaskreechCorin: not an issue as long as you have a path to it and rights19:40
DaskreechI use programs not installed on my computer all the time19:41
CorinI meant... I erased it from my computer but I'm still using it. :)19:41
genii-aroundCorin: If you create a program from source code by downloading the source code and doing cmake or so on, then it is not going to be seen as having been installed by the package manager system19:43
Coringenii-around: Not what I'm saying. lol19:44
TorchCorin: you erased the application binary via rm?19:44
TorchCorin: while the program was running?19:44
TorchCorin: not a problem for linux. you could even restore the binary via /proc if you wanted to19:44
CorinI know.19:45
CorinI didn't say it was a problem.19:45
CorinI just meant that it amused me.19:45
Goliathi cant maximize emacs or gvim window in kde20:15
Goliathwhy is that?20:15
CorinGoliath: Did you happen to force the window sizes? :o20:20
Goliathdoesnt work20:20
CorinNo, I meant...20:20
CorinForcing the window size makes it so you can't maximize that window.20:21
haunihey guys ... got a pretty new toshiba laptop with xd card reader ... got the newest kubuntu ... can't get the xd card reader to work ... any easy tricks????20:55
haunii mean like something I'll have it working in 15 min20:56
Daskreechhauni: does it turn up in lshw?20:56
haunilshw?? what's that20:56
hauniok, running it20:57
haunican u help, what should i look for??? long list20:58
jamesjedimasterhi, I'm running kubuntu 10.04 fully updated, but the kernel is, while an ubuntu 10.04 fully updated has kernel, my question is: why kubuntu doesn't update the kernel as ubuntu?21:27
yofeljamesjedimaster: it should... do you have the 'linux-image-generic' package installed?21:32
jamesjedimasteryofel: yes, on both computers, nothing changed on kernel options21:34
yofelthat is really odd....21:34
Daskreechhauni: Sorry walked off. you are looking for something that looks like a card reader. You can do sudo lshw -html > mycomputer.html to look at it in a browser21:34
yofel!info linux-image-generic lucid-security21:34
ubottu'lucid-security' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable21:34
yofel!info linux-image-generic lucid21:35
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)21:35
jamesjedimasteryofel: the annoying thing is that on every update, kubuntu keep the generic kernel out of the update, change grub and makes me reboot21:35
yofeljamesjedimaster: is linux-image-2.6.32-28-generic installed ?21:36
Gorrothhi there21:38
Gorrothi'm familiar with the older init-style systems where you can chagne some file like /etc/ttys or something and change the default runlevel.  how do i do that in kubuntu 10.10?21:38
jamesjedimasteryofel: i use kpackagekit rarely, i update via cli, and now i see that linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic is set on kpackagekit... :/21:38
Gorrothactually, i'm just interested in finding out what runlevel i'm on21:39
jamesjedimasterand i see newer versions21:39
Gorrothi'd usually see it inittab21:39
yofeljamesjedimaster: cli should be fine as long as you use aptitude or apt-get dist-upgrade21:39
Gorrothwhat i REALLY want to do is make sure KDM doesn't start when i start kubuntu21:40
Gorrothi just want it to go to a command prompt21:40
mark____uu is working21:40
mark____hello to everyone21:40
jamesjedimasteryofel: it was a clean install, let me check another options on kpackagekit or aptitude to set linux-generic instead of xxxxx21-generic. thanks21:41
mark____I'm a new user of linux21:41
mark____and  need some help please21:41
yofeljamesjedimaster: linux-image-generic is a meta package that depends on the newest kernel21:41
yofelso you'll usually have both installed21:41
mark____is someone so kind to help me with a very simple issue I have21:42
yofel!ask | mark____21:42
ubottumark____: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:42
mark____thanks then, sorry I'm competely new to this21:43
jamesjedimasteryofel: so, if i set linux-image-generic, it will update to the current kernel even if i don't check it on kpackagekit?21:44
yofelwell, you do need to install updates...21:44
mark____ok, I have installed latest verson of kubuntu on a laptop, now I need to installa micro usb wireless card, this comes with linux drivers on a cd, but I have no idea on how to install it21:44
yofeljust do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' if you prefer cli21:44
yofelmark____: and the card doesn't work without the drivers?21:45
jamesjedimasteri don't want 10.10 :)21:45
mark____no it does not work21:45
mark____in th einterfaces is showing up21:46
yofeljamesjedimaster: dist-upgrade has nothing to do with 10.10 as long as you don't edit your sources.list21:46
yofelthe debian folks just mis-named it21:46
yofelor use aptitude full-upgrade21:46
mark____but can't scan for signals21:46
yofelless ambigous21:46
mark____when I click on the interfaces is showing up at the bottom with "driver rtl819xU21:49
yofelGorroth: what release are you on?21:49
yofelwe use upstart there, which doesn't really work with runlevels (the default runlevel is 2 though for everything else)21:50
Daskreechmark____: what is the micro usb card?21:50
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:50
yofelGorroth: you can edit /etc/init/kdm.conf though to make the display manager not start up21:51
mark____the brand is micronext but on the instruction at the bottom it says realtek 11n usb wireless21:51
yofelGorroth: or add an (and runlevel [!3]) to the start on statement there if you want to be able to override that on boot, upstart does support runlevels, but most services ignore them by default21:52
Gorrothokay.  thanks a lot.  i read through kdm.conf and saw the logic that uses what's on the kernel argument line21:55
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b21:55
Gorrothi'll change grub to add "text" to the cmdline options21:55
mark____thanks ubottu21:55
yofeler, I think that only affects the bootsplash21:55
youAreNotFOSSWhat is the effect around the Kubuntu window's that is like a soft blurred shadow21:56
macoi think it doesnt actually have an effect, and its just the fact that you removed "quiet splash" that does it21:56
youAreNotFOSSi saw it in a post your desktop topic, and i never seen it in a kubuntu release21:57
yofelyouAreNotFOSS: you mean the blue shadow?21:57
youAreNotFOSSyofel, might be. i will try21:57
yofelthat should be part of oxygen21:57
yofelyep, system settings -> workspace appearance -> window decorations -> (select oxygen) Configure decorations -> shadows21:58
yofelthe active window glow21:59
yofel(if that's what you mean)21:59
youAreNotFOSSodd. what is the approved method of installing the K on ubuntu? as in i don't want the K programs to appear in Ubuntu when i switch back. need the K before i can check the shadow thing22:00
macothe defaulty normal way would mess with the menus, but i saw a script yesterday that sets the "only show in ___" flags in the .desktops22:01
macoyouAreNotFOSS: http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/13/ubuntu-to-kubuntu-keeping-the-menus-clean/22:01
=== Adam_ is now known as amp082
youAreNotFOSSsorry my mom was calling about groceries. i will have the scripts going in a minute22:08
ardianHi what do you use instead of Gnote or Tomboy ?22:09
Daskreechardian: knotes or basket22:09
amp082can someone lead me in the right direction on how to get my Broadcom wifi adapter working in 10.10? I've tried the steps I used for Ubuntu and there seem to be differences22:09
ardianhmmm Knotes is a bit different22:09
Daskreechmaco: I thought those were set by default. All the packages have them and you have a only show in KDE preference in kmenuedit22:10
macoDaskreech: nah most .desktops dont have those at all. just the configuration tools tend to. but like..someone might actually want to use tomboy in kde22:11
maco(i do)22:11
DaskreechI know they are there22:16
DaskreechJust saying they can be hidden the last time I checked22:16
Daskreechhi jono_22:16
jono_hey Daskreech22:16
DaskreechHow's it going?22:17
jono_Daskreech, not bad thanks, full of cold though :-(22:17
DaskreechSorry to hear22:20
psycho_hi @ all :-D22:21
DaskreechHi psycho_22:25
DaskreechThings I hoped never to say in life22:25
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amp82can someone help me figure out how to get my Broadcom wifi working? I had it working in vanilla Ubuntu but can't in Kubuntu, packages needed seem to be different22:46
jamesjedimasteramp82: check on applications / system / hardware drivers22:49
jamesjedimasterlet the system to update, then check the broadcom, reboot, and try your wifi22:49
amp82I have no connection available to let it update, wifi is my only option22:50
amp82I found I can install dkms, patch, fakeroot, and bcmwl to get it to work in Ubuntu, but that process won't seem to work22:53
sobczykhi, anyone have the problem with no sound in skype? (having sound in rest of the applications)23:10
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youAreNotFOSSweird i logged out from gnome after starting up in a kubuntu look, it was in gnome thus why i logged out. so i logged out and it gets stuck at some screen like it shows when booting up23:44
ConfusedHi, I am having a DVD playback problem.  Any experts in here who can help me a bit?23:45
youAreNotFOSSi guess i will just force shut off23:54

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