
kukuNutis there alubuntu natty A2 release somewhere?00:33
head_victimkukuNut: it's been delayed due to the main developer's hardware failure - should be out on the weekend or early next week00:34
kukuNuthead_victim: thanks.  wud like to have a live cd :)00:34
head_victimkukuNut: yeah I've been cleaning out my virtual box installs so I can install the alpha2 on it to play around00:35
kukuNuthead_victim: great..will the mini.iso + lxde | lubuntu-desktop suffice for now?00:36
head_victimkukuNut: either that or just use the alpha1 and update it, will end up the same00:37
kukuNutbut where is the A1?00:37
head_victimI'll get you a link00:37
head_victimThe torrent file is best if you can, it's available at http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-natty-alpha1.iso.torrent00:39
kukuNuthead_victim: thanks00:40
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bioterrormoro moi12:40
bioterrorcan we help you?12:40
sugardrunkjust visiting :)12:40
bioterrorhope you're enjoying lubuntu12:41
sugardrunkyes, just installed it yesterday12:41
OrmieHow do i format a drive?13:20
bioterroryou can use gparted13:20
OrmieUm... A usb drive13:20
bioterroryou can use gparted13:20
bioterroryou have also disk utility in the preferences too13:21
OrmieThank you13:22
OrmieYes with the same topic13:26
OrmieTo format usb is MBR, GUID, Don't partition or Apple Partition Map?13:27
bioterrorMBR is okay13:27
OrmieOne or more partitions are busy on /dev/sdc13:28
bioterrorumount the drive and close file manager13:30
OrmieThank you again13:33
bioterrorD33R, try to stay still for a moment ;)14:38
D33Rbioterror: sry, I'm changing the binds of weechat, because I use one wich close it :(14:41
D33RI'm leaven the IRC because one of my binds in the terminal close my weechat14:42
D33RI need to go to sleep :)14:43
bioterrorwhich binding14:43
D33Rmy last reconnect, one moment14:45
D33Rok, now it should work fine14:47
bioterroryou dont have to quit when you change bindings?14:47
D33Rno, but I have a problem with the bar in weechat and i'm changing it too14:48
jmarsdenHi leszek, welcome to #lubuntu15:31
hajourhai leszek :)19:01
bioterrorhajour, have you submitted a bug raport for that font thing19:02
bioterroryou should ;)19:02
hajourbioterror, Allanbell and charlie-tca are busy to try solving the problem19:04
bioterrorproblem is in the OpenBox19:04
bioterrorI think19:05
hajourthey are in #ubuntu-accessibility bioterror19:05

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