
penalvchI'm working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/172262 this problem is verified in libreoffice-impress in Natty, could someone please add the downstream "libreoffice (Ubuntu)" to this bug as when I click "Also affects project" this is not an option. Thanks.00:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 172262 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Impress inserted video does not play (affects: 6) (dups: 2) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:21
charlie-tcaYou want it against both packages?00:21
penalvchcharlie-tca: Yes please.00:21
penalvchcharlie-tca: Thank you.00:24
charlie-tcaYou are welcome00:24
charlie-tcaI would even tell you how, but am not sure00:25
bdmurraynot sure what?00:25
bdmurraycharlie-tca: ?00:30
charlie-tcawent to eat.01:00
charlie-tcaNot sure how I got libreoffice (ubuntu) to take01:00
charlie-tcaEverything I tried gave me an error01:01
yofelusually "also affects distribution"  - select ubuntu - enter package in the field - add01:02
charlie-tcaThat was what I tried second. I tried the affects project, choose a different project, first01:02
charlie-tcaanyway, got what was needed.01:03
charlie-tcaNow going shopping...01:04
c2tarunbug 199879 in this bug I think the debian fix is released, but we dont have that fix in ubuntu archives? why so?07:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 199879 in nxtvepg (Debian) (and 1 other project) "nxtvegp must be upgraded (affects: 2) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19987907:13
micahgc2tarun: was remvoed from debian07:15
micahgshould've been removed from Ubuntu as well07:15
c2tarunmicahg: but this bug is still active, we should mark it invalid or something like that.07:15
micahgc2tarun: yep, let me check the rdepends and I'll convert it to a removal request07:16
c2tarunmicahg: sure :)07:16
micahgc2tarun: thansk07:16
micahgc2tarun: actually, I'll just file a new bug so I can link the removal bug07:19
c2tarunmicahg: Is it possible that there are packages in debian archive that are not in our?07:22
c2tarunI mean not in ubuntu07:22
micahgc2tarun: yes07:22
c2tarunmicahg: then if we want to check whether they are in debian how can we check that?07:23
c2tarunmicahg: and their version too.07:24
jmarsdenc2tarun: rmadison -u debian packagename or browse http://packages.debian.org/packagename07:24
micahgc2tarun: ah, it's not dead upstream07:24
evfoolh all08:57
evfoola question I have already asked before: how can I set a bug as also affecting "libreoffice(Ubuntu)" from the launchpad interface?08:58
maxb"Also affects distribution" IIRC09:00
ikt usually "also affects distribution"  - select ubuntu - enter package in the field - add09:00
evfoolok, thanks, I have always tried with also affects project09:20
polyvisualMorning, anyone here?09:52
AbhijiTpolyvisual, hi09:54
polyvisualHey there, I needed some advice about logging a bug, but I think I've sorted it now. Thanks.10:09
AbhijiT!bug | polyvisual10:15
ubot4polyvisual: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:15
iktwhere would be the best place to ask several wishlist/feature requests for unity?13:00
AbhijiTikt, just submit the wishlist as bugs. each separately13:02
iktok ty13:03
iktalso I am hoping to have a small bug jam, I noticed that there needs to be a lot of testing between ooo and libre office, would the best way be to have say virtualbox with a default install of 10.04/10.10/11.04 w/the latest openoffice and libre office, and then just go through trying to replicate each bug in both?13:06
iktif anyone is able to set these to wishlist I would be most appreciative13:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 713083 in unity (Ubuntu) "Allow location of the dock to be customizable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Opinion]13:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 713087 in unity (Ubuntu) "Allow unity dock to be resizable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Opinion]13:35
* persia sets13:37
iktty :)13:45
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charlie-tcaquestion on reporting bugs in firefox 3.6.13, currently in Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04). There is no "Report a bug", Do we report the bugs directly to Mozilla or launchpad now?15:49
seb128chrisccoulson, ^15:50
charlie-tcaSpecifically, it will not export bookmarks15:50
chrisccoulsoncharlie-tca, there is no report-a-bug item for any application in lucid15:50
chrisccoulsonwe disabled them for the stable release15:50
charlie-tcaokay, so report it to launchpad or mozilla?15:50
chrisccoulsonas for where to report bugs, it depends on what the bug is i guess15:50
chrisccoulsonif it's a crash, they all go to mozilla15:51
chrisccoulsonother bugs should be reported to mozilla if it looks like an upstream issue15:51
charlie-tcaTools -> organize bookmarks -> export   fails silently15:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm, probably report that in launchpad for now15:52
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks15:52
chrisccoulsonfirefox bugs don't get much attention from me though, unless people flag them up to me. i've given up trying to keep up with the bugs, as most of the ones i read are of such terrible quality, that i'd spend all my time ping-ponging with reporters15:52
charlie-tcaI understand that. I will give you the number after filing it, then, okay?15:53
chrisccoulsoncharlie-tca, sure. you can also subscribe me. bugs that i'm manually subscribed to get marked higher importance in my inbox15:54
charlie-tcaWill do. Thanks so much15:54
chrisccoulsoncharlie-tca, do you see any JS errors in the error console when you try that btw?15:55
chrisccoulsonquite often, bugs like this where a UI element doesn't do anything ends up being triggered by a JS exception being thrown somewhere15:56
charlie-tcaI don't know where to look for that15:57
charlie-tcanm, I found it, but it is full of errors, maybe I can clear it and try this stuff again?15:58
bdmurraycharlie-tca: yes, that's a good strategy16:02
bdmurrayI frequently use the error console when writing greasemonkey scripts16:02
charlie-tcaThanks. I will make it happen, then.16:03
bdmurraychrisccoulson: did you get a chance to setup a debug version of firefox?16:14
chrisccoulsonbdmurray, not yet, sorry.16:17
seb128chrisccoulson, you slacker!16:17
chrisccoulsoni've been trying to fix crash bugs ;)16:17
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micahgchrisccoulson: I'll start helping with bugs again shortly ;)17:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no worries, but i think it's mostly a lost cause ;)17:17
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, I meant to organize some bug days to clean out the old stuff, might do that next month17:18
seb128seems you guys do have a reasonable count of bugs17:20
seb128or at least if you watch the ones tagged natty17:20
seidoshi all.  if a bug turns out to be a hardware problem, should i set it to "fix committed"?17:42
jibel_bdmurray, re: busy work, the bug 237361 has been fixed more than 2 years ago in pmount 0.9.17  :-) He's complaining without even checking that it's fixed or not.17:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 237361 in pmount (Ubuntu) "Small problem with man page formatting of pmount(1) (heat: 4)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23736117:49
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bdmurrayjibel_: heh17:51
kamusinwhat is  the package/metapackage called who contains all description for a universe application (autossh in this case)?18:06
yofelmetapackage? ever package carries it's own description18:07
kamusinI know that control file has a general description, but for example some package have multi language support (I think), so in my case there is a spanish resume version that has a mispelled word18:09
kamusinso, is not included in the control file itself, by the way,  someone has reassigned that report to language-pack-es but I can't find the template/file/place to fix it18:10
yofeloh, the description translations... I can't remember where those are kept :/18:10
kamusinyofel, right.. me too :(18:11
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yofelshadeslayer: korundum works now?18:40
shadeslayeri should18:41
shadeslayer*it should18:41
yofeleek, wrong #18:41
micahgbdmurray: I actually thought of a way we can SRU a fix for Lucid against pidgin-facebookchat, we can depend on a version less than 1:2.7.9-1~18:48
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greg-ghmmm, there's an apt-add-repository, shouldn't there be an apt-remove-repository (for ppas you no longer want)?20:31
yofelsoftware-properties does that20:32
yofeland on the command line, just remove the file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20:32
yofelor rename it20:32
greg-gyofel: yeah, I know of those :) It wasn't 100% serious. I actually deleted the ":)" at the end of that when I added the parenthetical part, but forgot to readd the ":)"20:37
bdmurraywhats the translators project?22:03
charlie-tcabdmurray: ubuntu-translations22:10
bdmurraycharlie-tca: thanks!22:11
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:11
bdmurraythat's what I'd thought22:11
bcurtiswx_in order to get a program to start up at login, isn't it just System-->Preferences-->Startup Applications and adding the entry there?23:02
bcurtiswx_re: bug #47817823:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 478178 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Empathy is almost impossible to set as a startup application (affects: 25) (heat: 121)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47817823:03
bcurtiswx_i see that it's mentioned, but i can use /usr/bin/empathy and it works fine :-\23:04
winniemiel05Hey, i thnik this bug should be marked as wishlist. Can someone do it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-me/+bug/68563623:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 685636 in notify-osd (and 2 other projects) "improved Skype Integration (affects: 3) (heat: 17)" [Undecided,New]23:21
DaekdroomGuys, I have a regression in the current development version to report but I have no idea of what information to provide. When using my DSL Router modem to connect to the internet, specifically Ubuntu 11.04 will have some gateway issues, it'll still work but slowly. This didn't happen in Ubuntu 10.10 or Windows, and I'm not sure what to report against or what logs to send.23:42

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