
micahgdo telepathy releases qualify for the desktop SRU micro exception?02:14
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure about that, seb would know. what does the release change?02:21
micahger, feature changes :(, nm02:23
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didrocksgood morning07:57
pittiGood morning08:01
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:03
pittihey didrocks08:06
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dpmheya pitti, seeing that the 10.04.2 release is on the 17th Feb, we need to generate new Lucid language packs. Here's a proposal:09:02
dpmAs there isn't much time left if we want to have time to regenerate them if there is any problem,09:02
dpmI think I should request a full export today.09:02
dpmThat would mean the PPA is built on Saturday and on Monday we can upload to -proposed and announce the testing period to translators09:03
dpmDoes that sound ok? If we want to give people ~a week to test them, what would be the latest day we could upload them to -updates?09:03
pittihi dpm (sorry, talking to other folks ATM)09:17
pittidpm: that sounds good indeed, yes09:17
dpmpitti, thanks :) So what do you think of the last part, which would be the deadline for the upload to -proposed? Say, if we start testing on the 7th, would the deadline for the upload (and thus the end of testing) sound feasible as the 14th or the 16th?09:21
dpmerr s/-proposed/-updates/09:21
TLEhey guys09:24
pittiactually even the 14th sounds a little late09:24
pittidpm: can we discuss in #ubuntu-release?09:24
dpmpitti, sure, coming over09:25
kklimondaseb128: btw, you ran off yesterday before I've answered your question about glom - it has been updated to 1.16.2, which is the latest stable version.10:40
kklimondagood mornig10:40
kklimondamorning even10:40
kklimondadamn keyboard10:40
ricotznjpatel, hello :)10:41
ricotznjpatel, have you looked into this yet? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/67432010:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 674320 in bamf "indicator-applet-appmenu crashed with SIGSEGV in __libc_free()" [Medium,New]10:42
njpatelricotz, oh, not yet but that doesn't look good :/ WIll assign and milestone10:51
ricotznjpatel, i added a stracktrace10:52
ricotznjpatel, can you say if this a bamf problem for sure?10:53
njpatelricotz, I'm not 100% sure, will ask DBO to look at it10:54
njpateland ted10:54
ricotznjpatel, or might this be caused by a inproper unref in our application because we are holding bamf.application objects?10:54
njpatelricotz, all bamf objects should never be reffed/unrefed10:55
njpatelricotz, the allocation/descrution needs to be handled by libbamf and only libbamf, otherwise bamf get's into a weird stat10:55
ricotznjpatel, ok10:55
ricotznjpatel, on the other hand it seems not to be reproducable on maverick with bamf 0.2.5810:58
ricotz(in our case)10:58
njpatelricotz, bamf has changed a lot, so could just be a valid bug10:58
ricotznjpatel, alright, thanks10:59
ricotznjpatel, btw it would be great if the packaging would build *.gir and *.vapi again11:00
didrocks(would be great if it built again ;))11:05
didrocksricotz: I'll try to readd them for next release now that the gir stack is in a better shape11:05
ricotzdidrocks, ok ;), but it might need some annotation fixes in the source first11:07
jibel_didrocks, Hi, the invisible window in unity is back but this time the geometry is -geometry 551x366+0+011:20
didrocksjibel_: not the same bug this time, it's a compiz bug11:20
didrocksjibel_: it can be whatever window you launch11:21
jibel_didrocks, okay, I'll file a new report then.11:21
didrocksjibel_: it is already filed11:21
jibel_didrocks, bug number ?11:22
didrocks(maybe the qa team should have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-02-01 btw, I tend to notice there important regression)11:22
didrocksjibel_: bug #70946111:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 709461 in unity "semi-random invisible window with x geometry on top layer possible, all viewport only (one ws though)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70946111:22
jibel_didrocks, thanks.11:22
didrocksit's in smspillaz's plate now11:22
didrocksyw :)11:23
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chrisccoulsonpitti - what arch are you running on?12:08
chrisccoulsonhi btw :)12:09
didrocksre seb12812:12
seb128re didrocks12:12
seb128kklimonda, ok12:12
seb128chrisccoulson, he's on amd64 usually12:13
chrisccoulsonoh, that's good, thanks12:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - i put a new version of globalmenu-extension in http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/globalmenu-extension/ (the PPA version didn't build yet)12:15
chrisccoulsonif you feel like testing, to see if it stops your crashes12:15
pittichrisccoulson: ooh, I will12:17
pittichrisccoulson: right now I'm back to GNOME and metacity anyway, as the compiz bugs just drive me up teh wall12:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, they are driving me up the wall too ;)12:18
pittiI'm not sure whether ffox crashes with "internal" menu as well12:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, it shouldn't do, if your crash is any of the ones i fixed already12:18
chrisccoulsonthey should only occur if the menu loads12:18
pittiI'll switch back once the new plugin arrives then12:19
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* kenvandine waves13:52
kenvandinehey seb128, can you promote ubuntu-geoip and geoclue?13:52
kenvandineindicator-datetime is in13:52
seb128kenvandine, hey13:53
seb128kenvandine, oh right13:53
* kenvandine does the finally dance13:54
kenvandineand yay libindicate is building now :)13:54
* bcurtiswx_ waves to room13:55
seb128hey bcurtiswx13:58
bcurtiswx_hey seb128, its Friday!! :D13:59
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kenvandinearg!  now that libindicate i386 build is getting past the non-installable python-gtk2-dev, it is failing in gir compiling!14:01
kenvandinewtf, the other arches worked fine14:01
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nessitahello everyone, happy friday!14:05
kenvandinehappy friday to you too nessita!14:05
nessitathanks :-)14:05
seb128hey nessita, happy friday!14:06
didrockshey nessita :-)14:06
* didrocks takes the train to FOSDEM and waves goodbye14:07
pittididrocks: have fun, bye!14:07
seb128didrocks, enjoy!14:07
didrockspitti,  seb128 : thanks, enjoy your week-end!14:07
kenvandinehave fun didrocks14:07
seb128kenvandine, btw what happened to eds calendar integration?14:07
kenvandineseb128, it was late14:07
seb128kenvandine, wasn't that going to land?14:07
kenvandinekarl has it now14:08
kenvandineneeds to be merged14:08
kenvandinehe hit too many bugs14:08
seb128hum, people are saying that for 2 weeks now14:08
seb128we need to land it at some point and see the bugs14:08
kenvandineyeah... we'll see what ted says when he reviews it this time :)14:08
kenvandinespeaking of eds bugs14:08
kenvandineanyone know how to make evolution show mail when it gets in some hosed state?14:09
bcurtiswx_gcc -g -O2 -g -O2  does that mean i'm compiling with GTK2 ?14:09
kenvandinesend/recieve is fine14:09
kenvandinebut i keep getting "generating message list"14:09
kenvandinein all my accounts and mailboxes14:09
seb128evolution --force-shutdown?14:09
pittibcurtiswx_: how are optimization options related to GTK?14:09
kenvandinei even rebooted14:09
kenvandineit has been like this since yesterday afternoon14:09
seb128bcurtiswx_, no14:09
kenvandinei get to any mail, besides from my phone :)14:09
seb128bcurtiswx_, it means you are compiling with the optimization=2 in gcc14:09
* bcurtiswx_ has his new learned thing today.. its early too :(14:10
seb128kenvandine, try #evolution on irc.gnome.org14:10
kenvandines/i get/i can't get/14:10
kenvandinenever got it in this state before14:10
seb128it's weird14:10
kenvandinei imagine the sqlite message cache is hosed14:12
dobeykenvandine, seb128, pitti: do you know if there's an appropriate irc channel to discuss automake issues, so i can determine if this is a viable bug to fix or if i have to do some insanity to work around?14:15
pittidobey: I don't know, sorry14:15
seb128dobey, you can try asking on #ubuntu-devel14:15
kenvandinedobey, dunno14:15
dobeyhmm, ok14:16
seb128there is people who know about it there14:16
seb128kenvandine, not sure why libindicate is failed to build but what you do is weird14:16
seb128kenvandine, hum, it's not you, it's cdbs14:18
kenvandineseb128, it built on the other arches14:18
kenvandineare you looking at the buildlog?14:18
seb128kenvandine, it's failing in the dh_girepository for the cil14:18
kenvandinedpkg-shlibdeps is failing on the typelib14:18
seb128which is built only on i38614:18
kenvandineno... that isn't what i am seeing14:19
seb128"dh_girepository -plibindicate0.1-cil-dev14:19
seb128dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libindicate-gtk.so.2 needed by debian/gir1.2-indicate-gtk-0.5/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Indicate-Gtk-0.5.typelib.so (ELF format: 'elf32-i386'; RPATH: '').14:19
seb128Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file."14:19
seb128is the build log14:19
seb128it shouldn't call it on the cil to start14:19
seb128that's cdbs doing it14:19
kenvandineoh... why that package?14:19
seb128it calls it on all the binaries14:19
seb128that's a stupid thing to do14:20
kenvandinenever been a problem before, maybe cdbs has changed?14:20
seb128it's a new feature in the current cdbs14:21
seb128but it's not very new14:21
seb128ideally it should not fail, not sure what is wrong there14:21
seb128could be a binary build order14:21
seb128like the cil build built before the libindicate-gtk binary14:21
seb128but calling dh_girepository on all binaries is asking for issuers14:22
kenvandinei hate build order problems14:23
seb128don't tell me14:23
seb128kenvandine, not sure it's that, I said could be, random guess14:26
chrisccoulsonmterry, are you seeing issues with unity-panel-service locking up when changing window focus?14:33
mterrychrisccoulson, no14:33
chrisccoulsonit keeps getting stuck in the while loop in active_window_changed in indicator-appmenu here14:33
mterrychrisccoulson, interesting14:39
mterrychrisccoulson, that while loop looks like trouble14:39
chrisccoulsonmterry, yeah, that's what i thought when i looked at it ;)14:39
mterrychrisccoulson, so I did change some code that made it more likely we would correctly remove xid entries from that table14:40
mterrychrisccoulson, you can check the recent bzr commits for it14:40
mterrychrisccoulson, but that should only have been if the window died.  But there can obviously be some race14:41
seb128mterry, there was no commit since the tarball yesterday14:41
mterryseb128, yeah should be in the tarball14:41
seb128or do you mean it could be due to one of your recent changes?14:41
seb128ok, gotcha14:41
chrisccoulsonjdstrand just got the issue too14:42
seb128oh, nice, the launchpad summary reference the merged vcs-es now14:42
mterrychrisccoulson, commit 9514:42
mterrychrisccoulson, this makes it so that whenever bamf tells us a window died, we remove it from the table.  Sounds like we removed such a window then you tried to switch to either that same window or one with the same xid (that we didn't add back to the table somehow)14:43
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'll have a look in a bit14:43
chrisccoulsoni'm on patch pilot duties today ;)14:44
seb128chrisccoulson, where are the uploads? ;-)14:44
seb128go chrisccoulson go !14:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 -i'm just about to do one, but i rejected one because of some mistakes, and then spent quite a long time trying to help the individual ;)14:45
seb128chrisccoulson, I see at least 5 you can upload on the list14:46
seb128so no excuse about not having upload rights today ;-)14:46
seb128well if ari stop pinging you about his own bugs before the end of the day ;-)14:47
Laneyyeah feel free to tell him to wait in line ;)14:48
bcurtiswx_aww boo, LP's timing out on me14:50
chrisccoulsonthat's normal isn't it?14:51
bcurtiswx_not usually for me... does that mean I'm lucky?14:52
ricotzbcurtiswx_, do you have a running gnome3 stack?15:10
bcurtiswx_ricotz, no.15:11
chrisccoulsonmaaan, python-scipy takes forever to build15:11
chrisccoulsoni wish i hadn't picked that off the sponsor list ;)15:11
ricotzbcurtiswx_, ok, i was just curious ;)15:11
seb128chrisccoulson, there is quite some easy desktop items there15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, but you can do something while it builds ;-)15:13
dpmpitti, now that the freeze is over, could you please reenable the Natty langpack uploads, unless you've done it already? Perhaps we can have a look at the po2xpi issues with chrisccoulson next week15:17
seb128go chrisccoulson go!15:17
chrisccoulsonheh :)15:17
chrisccoulsonb'ah, i've just had another firefox crash :(15:17
chrisccoulsonwith all my extension crash fixes in15:18
chrisccoulsonit's going to be a long day ;)15:18
seb128if that's any consolation fiefox didn't crash this cycle here15:18
seb128hum, "firefox"15:18
chrisccoulsonseb128 - are you running my extension?15:19
seb128I like things when they are stable15:20
seb128no offense ;-)15:20
seb128joke aside you didn't clearly say that it was ready for testing15:21
seb128or if you needed testing15:22
seb128so I figured I would wait for that rather than running a version known to be buggy when it would annoy me and not bring extra useful info to you15:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, it's ready for testing :)15:22
chrisccoulsonwhat arch are you on?15:22
seb128k, will try it then ;-)15:23
chrisccoulsonah, ok. so, the version currently in my PPA is ok to test. i did upload a new version last night that didn't build (because of a tbird issue)15:23
chrisccoulsonbut i'll fix that just now15:23
seb128well, I will let you focus on fixing the bug jdstrand is having before annoying you with firefox ;-)15:24
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seb128between piloting and that I guess you have enough for today15:24
chrisccoulsoni think jdstrand is having the same bug as me, where unity-panel-service spins in a loop15:26
chrisccoulsonthat basically takes down the whole desktop, as all the applications talking to the panel freeze and crash15:27
chrisccoulsonwhich is pretty bad ;)15:27
chrisccoulsonok, tbird fixed and python-scipy uploaded15:30
chrisccoulsoni'll look at this evince patch now15:30
chrisccoulsonafter restarting, my session is a mess now15:30
rickspencer3seb128, hey, pgraner is saying that his desktop is pretty trashed today15:39
rickspencer3is that common?15:39
rickspencer3sounds like neither compiz nor metacity are working very well, crashing and such15:39
seb128rickspencer3, not that we know about no15:39
rickspencer3he's trying to replicate, I told him to come here to get bugs logged if he's still ahving issues15:41
rickspencer3thanks seb12815:41
seb128you're welcome15:41
seb128right, better to discuss the issues on the channel15:41
seb128not easy to say what's going on without extra details15:41
seb128chrisccoulson has been running into some indicator-appmenu issues today15:42
seb128but otherwise things are ok15:42
chrisccoulsonoh, my firefox crasher was an easy fix15:45
chrisccoulsoni missed a bit when i thought i'd fixed it before :/15:45
seb128kklimonda, what's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~kklimonda/glibmm2.4/packaging/+merge/48582?15:49
dpmhey ronoc, quick question: what's the best way to restart the sound indicator?. It just died on me15:51
ronocdpm, hmm what happened ?15:51
ronoccurious cause I haven't got any new bugs since the last release15:52
ronockillall unity-panel-service15:52
ronocshould restart all the indicators15:52
seb128well indicators should auto restart no?15:52
ronocseb128, true yes they should15:52
seb128I sometimes got issues where I need to stop the service15:53
seb128it seems to get in a buggy state15:53
seb128yesterday the sound indicator was displayed as muted until I restarted the service15:53
dpmronoc, I don't know, it just died when entering the session this morning. I didn't bother much about it, but now I need to do a call and I do need sound :)15:53
ronocseb128, weird, I haven't seen any of these15:54
ronocdpm, is pulse running15:54
ronocseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/+bug/70937115:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 709371 in indicator-sound "refactor pulse manager" [Medium,In progress]15:54
ronocwill land this afternoon15:54
ronocdpm, can you run gonem-volume-control from command line15:55
ronocwithout the pop up "waiting for sound server"15:55
dpmronoc, no, I get exactly that popup15:55
ronocdpm, ah well then pulse has died on you (the indicator is just reflecting the broken state of the audio)15:55
ronocokay so15:56
ronocwe need some logs15:56
* ronoc finds wiki page15:56
ronocdpm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log15:58
dpmronoc, I need the sound in some minutes, so I think I'll just log out and back in. Sorry... I promise that next time I'll provide the logs :)15:58
ronocdpm, no worries15:58
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seb128kenvandine, tedg: oh, libindicate16:13
seb128"dh_girepository: dpkg-shlibdeps -pgir -Tdebian/gir1.2-indicate-gtk-0.5.substvars -xlibc6 -xlibc0 debian/gir1.2-indicate-gtk-0.5/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Indicate-Gtk-0.5.typelib.so returned exit code 2"16:13
seb128" dpkg-shlibdeps -pgir" seems wrong16:13
seb128kenvandine, could it be the rules "binary-predeb/gir%::"?16:14
tedgseb128, kenvandine was saying that he thinks that's an issue with the order of the builds?16:14
seb128kenvandine, try dropping the rules snippet16:14
kenvandinei already removed that16:14
seb128how does it fail then?16:14
kenvandinestill failing16:14
kenvandinesame error16:14
seb128kenvandine, can you join #debian-gnome or oftc?16:14
kenvandineone sec16:14
seb128kenvandine, let's go back to there for ubuntu issues16:32
seb128kenvandine, I diffed the i386 and amd64 logs16:32
seb128the only different is pygobject and libdbusmenu basically16:32
seb128neither of those seem like they could be an issue for that build error16:32
kenvandineseb128, built locally fine16:34
kenvandinefor amd6416:34
ftatedg, hi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/562622/16:34
seb128kenvandine, bah16:34
seb128kenvandine, and amd64 pbuilder?16:34
kenvandinebuilding now16:34
kenvandinepitti, gwibber is now crashing the same way pithos is16:36
pittihey kenvandine16:36
kenvandinenot much of a traceback... but "Bus error"16:36
kenvandinedoesn't crash with the downgraded pygobject16:36
pittikenvandine: probably similar to bug 713115  and bug 71317216:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 713115 in pygobject "[natty] virt-manager no longer starts with recent updates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71311516:36
ubot2pitti: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/713172)16:36
pittikenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/pygtk/+bug/713115/comments/4 FYI16:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 713115 in pygobject "[natty] virt-manager no longer starts with recent updates" [High,In progress]16:36
pittikenvandine: so I have a workaround, but I want to debug the real bug a bit more before I roll back the mem leak fix16:37
kenvandinepitti, sure, no worries16:37
* kenvandine has plenty to deal with now with libindicate16:37
kenvandineman this isn't how i wanted to spend my friday :(16:38
tedgfta, Can you install the dbusmenu-gtk symbols?16:39
kenvandineseb128, oh great news...16:39
kenvandineit is now failing on amd64 in pbuilder!16:40
* kenvandine looks at natty-changes again16:40
seb128kenvandine, oh, was it working yesterday?16:40
=== lamalex_ is now known as lamalex
kenvandineand it built in the archive last night16:40
seb128kenvandine, you tried in pbuilder?16:40
kenvandineroughly 20 hours ago16:41
ftatedg, sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562624/16:41
seb128-Setting up libsqlite3-0 (3.7.4-2ubuntu2) ...16:41
seb128+Setting up libsqlite3-0 (3.7.4-2) ...16:41
seb128+Setting up python2.6 (2.6.6-6ubuntu5) ...16:41
seb128+Setting up libpython2.6 (2.6.6-6ubuntu5) ...16:41
seb128 Setting up libpython2.7 (2.7.1-3) ...16:41
seb128-Setting up python-gobject (2.27.0+git20110131-0ubuntu5) ...16:41
seb128+Setting up python-gobject (2.27.0+git20110131-0ubuntu2) ...16:41
kenvandinevery useful16:42
seb128kenvandine, those and libdbusmenu16:42
pittilatest pygobject drops the libpython2.6 dependency again, in case it gets in the way16:42
seb128they are the diff between the amd64 and i386 builds from launchpad16:42
pittikenvandine: if you need a working pygobject right now, say the word and I'll upload the memory leak again to fix the crashes16:42
kenvandinepitti, can you just push a branch or something?16:43
kenvandinei can drop it in my results dir so it gets picked up in my build16:43
kenvandinebut i have 2.27.0+git20110131-0ubuntu5 locally installed and it builds16:43
pittikenvandine: I have a patch (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hamster-applet/+bug/713135/+attachment/1829548/+files/pygobject-revert-refleak.patch)16:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 713135 in hamster-applet "hamster-applet crashed with OperationalError in execute(): no such module: fts3" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:43
pittikenvandine: but how would that or a branch help you?16:44
seb128kenvandine, well it might just be using the system libindicate-gtk216:44
kenvandinelet me grab that16:44
kenvandinepitti, i can just build the fix locally and let pbuilder use that version16:44
kenvandinei have a hook to use a local repo16:45
pittikenvandine: ah16:45
pittikenvandine: just adding that to debian/patches and series should work; I created it against upstream git head, which doesn't have .c changes compared to our snapshot16:45
seb128mterry, pitti: is bug #689821 fixed now?16:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 689821 in gobject-introspection "Nested types should be allowed in aliases" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68982116:47
seb128the upstream bug has a comment indicating it could the same issue than another one which has been closed16:48
kenvandinepitti,   libpython2.6: Depends: python2.6 (= 2.6.6-6ubuntu4) but 2.6.6-6ubuntu5 is to be installed.16:49
kenvandine  python2.6-dev: Depends: python2.6 (= 2.6.6-6ubuntu4) but 2.6.6-6ubuntu5 is to be installed.16:49
mterryseb128, I haven't tried that code in a while, not sure16:49
kenvandinei assume just bump that?16:49
kenvandineor actuallyu drop it right?16:49
pittikenvandine: meh? why do you have non-matching python binaries/libraries?16:50
kenvandinethat is from pbuilder16:50
pittikenvandine: current python-gobject in the archive doesn't link against libpython2.6 any more at all16:50
pittiah, but you would have python-all-dev16:50
pittibut still this looks unrelated16:51
seb128kenvandine, the dh_ utility are in perl, still it seems weird that one of those updates would break things16:52
bcurtiswx_when someone gets a sec, can you tell me if the sound preferences work for you16:55
rickspencer3bcurtiswx they work for me16:56
bcurtiswx_rickspencer3, thx16:56
seb128pitti, you should upload the commit revert for now imho16:59
seb128no point to break users systems over the we17:00
seb128especially if you have a way to test locally to work on fixing gtk17:00
pittiI can still replicate it against upstream git head then17:00
pittiseb128: yes, I do17:00
seb128well it seems you don't win much from keeping the breaking version then17:01
seb128out of having a strong reminder that users get hit by the issue ;-)17:01
pittiand figuring out what breaks17:03
pittibut I guess we have enough on the "to fix" plate for now17:04
pittibuilding and testing now17:04
seb128pitti, right, I mean once you fix the obvious breakages put it back17:04
tedgfta, this should fix that: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/take-unref/+merge/4862917:07
kenvandinetedg, should i distro patch that?17:11
tedgkenvandine, Uhm probably wouldn't hurt if you're up for it.17:11
kenvandinenot worth doing  a release for but seems like something we need17:11
seb128is that a bug or an issue which will show out of warnings?17:11
seb128what we need is a fix for chrisccoulson's issue17:12
kenvandineseb128, that fixes a crash fta was getting17:12
seb128fta, didn't see to be a crash17:13
seb128it just made it break on warning to get a stacktrace17:13
seb128but yeah, doesn't hurt to backport it17:13
ftakenvandine, confirmed it doesn't crash. but please take it as those warnings are polluting the terminal, bad for developers17:14
chrisccoulsontedg / kenvandine - if seb128 didn't mention already, i'm getting a frequent hang in unity-panel-service17:15
kenvandinefta, i will17:16
chrisccoulsonit's spinning in the while loop in active_window_changed in indicator-appmenu, when i change window focus17:16
chrisccoulsoni haven't had time to properly look at it yet17:16
chrisccoulsonbut it crashes other apps too :(17:16
seb128tedg, ^17:16
tedgchrisccoulson, Are you looking at it properly now?  (wait, is is the weekend there?)17:20
chrisccoulsonit's not the weekend yet? ;)17:20
chrisccoulsonnearly though :-)17:20
kenvandineall the more reason to get it fixed asap :)17:20
chrisccoulsoni'm going to sponsor one more patch, and then i'll be back on to normal duties :)17:21
kenvandineseb128, pitti: the pygobject patch doesn't fix the libindicate build17:25
* kenvandine tries dbusmenu17:27
seb128kenvandine, did you get a dh_verbose=1 log as pochu asked before?17:30
seb128still seems weird that one of those updates broke it17:30
kenvandineno, i will17:30
* kenvandine goes to eat first... starved today!17:30
pittigood night everyone! have a nice weekend17:47
seb128pitti, thanks, you as well!17:47
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desrtmterry: hey18:17
desrtmterry: did your tests finish?18:17
mterrydesrt, yeah, commented on the bug.  Ran suite twice, didn't hit it18:17
mterrydesrt, hit it about once per run before18:17
desrtso that's good news, i guess18:18
desrti'll have a release ready to go for monday18:18
desrtthen i can start breaking new stuff with my rewrite of the service :)18:18
mterrydesrt, heh18:20
seb128micahg, you don't need that diff on pidgin-facebookchat18:35
seb128we can make pidgin conflicts on older version18:36
seb128though it will maybe not resolve all partial upgrade cases18:36
micahgseb128: older version of what?18:37
seb128we can make pidgin-data conflicts on pidgin-facebookchat version older than the fixed one18:38
micahgseb128: yes, but that won't help if people backport pidgin-facebookchat18:38
seb128but that would not solve the case where people upgrade pidgin-fbc without pidgin18:38
seb128ignore what I said then ;-)18:38
seb128kklimonda, there?18:38
micahgseb128: can you sync the "official" pidgin fix from Debian or should I propose a merge over the weekend?18:39
seb128micahg, "sync" like in "merge on debian"?18:40
seb128can do but I will not today18:40
seb128let's wait for next week rather18:40
micahgseb128: yeah, I thought we don't have a diff except the epoch18:40
seb128we have quite some diff18:40
seb128lpi for example18:40
seb128or tweaked depends to not pull things from universe18:40
micahgseb128: I'd be happy to propose a merge18:41
seb128micahg, ok, feel free to do that18:41
xmanhi !!!18:41
seb128micahg, thanks18:41
seb128xman, hi18:41
micahgthanks seb12818:41
xmando you know a way to change desktop icon size?18:42
seb128xman, try #ubuntu for user questions18:45
xmanok thanks18:45
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kklimondaseb128: hmm.. here :)21:09
seb128kklimonda, hey21:09
seb128kklimonda, why did you open a merge request for glibmm today?21:09
seb128kklimonda, shouldn't you rather set the vcs in the control to the gnomemm team and commit there?21:10
seb128not sure why those have not been moved to the new team yet...21:10
kklimondaseb128: good point - I think we have missed the last part of the process - i.e. sponsorshipt. If I upload branch to gnomemm, I don't have to merge it, so how do I ask for sponsorship so it can be uploaded?21:12
seb128kklimonda, open a bug tagged desktop-upgrade21:13
kklimonda(or I may have missed this part somehow)21:13
seb128so it shows on the version summary21:13
kklimondaah, here we go :)21:13
seb128or use the "open a bug" url on the version lit directly21:13
seb128you can subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug as well21:13
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bcurtiswx_vish, are you still around?23:01

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