
LLStarksno. gnome-panel.00:01
chrisccoulsonwhy would gnome-panel support it? it doesn't have a menubar00:02
LLStarksthe new panel has globlal menus for everything else.00:02
LLStarkswhy not firefox in classic mode?00:02
LLStarksscreenshot time00:03
chrisccoulsonoh, it's probably using one of the indicator-applets to display it. has that been added by default now?00:03
chrisccoulsonif so, it should support it, but i've got no idea if it will work or not00:03
LLStarksas of 2 or 3 days ago00:04
chrisccoulsonyes, it should work00:04
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Screenshot_011.png00:05
LLStarksyeah, but that's unity00:05
chrisccoulsonit uses the same protocol00:06
chrisccoulsonit's not in natty yet, which is why you don't see it ;)00:06
chrisccoulsonbut the indicator-applet in the gnome-panel might need a patch to make it work properly anyway00:06
chrisccoulsoni've no idea though, it's not something i've ever tested00:06
LLStarksah, okay00:08
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, there is a PPA though: https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa00:09
chrisccoulsoni'm going to upload a new version later with some crash fixes in00:09
LLStarksworks. nice.00:10
LLStarksno go for thunderbird though.00:10
LLStarksas expected..00:11
chrisccoulsonno, that's deliberate for now00:11
chrisccoulsonthere was a crash on startup affecting people with lightning installed00:11
chrisccoulsonand it requires a separate build anyway (ie, it will be a separate package)00:11
LLStarkshaven't experienced that, but tb still can't be used as a preferred app00:11
LLStarksor open links properly00:11
chrisccoulsonright, that's something else i'm looking at ;)00:12
LLStarksi'm not too fond of the new panel, but at least all my prefs/admin stuff is in easy reach.00:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, it looks a bit strange, but then, i'm used to having the titlebar merged in to the panel now ;)00:13
chrisccoulsonthat is cool!00:14
chrisccoulsonespecially for maximized terminal windows00:14
ftachrisccoulson, yep, but it's totally uncool for unmaximized windows in follow focus mode :P00:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, i ended up just disabling focus-follows-mouse00:17
chrisccoulsoni've just accepted that it probably isn't really ever going to work in unity, unfortunately ;)00:17
chrisccoulsonok, probably a good time to upload another build of globalmenu-extension, before i break it00:18
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley!00:23
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey.  :)00:24
chrisccoulsonit's pretty low traffic in here btw. we need more people to hang out in here ;)00:24
m_conleydone and done00:24
chrisccoulsonfta - did you resolve your xterm issue?00:27
ftachrisccoulson, nope :( that's why i'm using classic mode00:27
chrisccoulsonunity is driving me crazy at the moment00:28
chrisccoulsonit seems that me and seb are the only people on the desktop team who can recreate all these issues at will00:28
chrisccoulsonpeople on the dx team aren't seeing them :/00:29
chrisccoulsonlike windows not getting mapped when they are opened00:29
chrisccoulsonat least the duplicated items in the messaging menu should be fixed now ;)00:31
ftait's not fixed here00:33
ftaunless i really need to kill everything :P00:34
fta(other than indicator-messages-service & gnome-panel)00:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: hm...globalmenu-extension has stopped working for me on Firefox 4b10...00:36
chrisccoulsonm_conley, oh, that's not good00:36
m_conleychrisccoulson: is that just on my end, or are you seeing that too?00:36
chrisccoulsonit's still working here, but i'm not using the latest commits i just pushed ;)00:36
chrisccoulsonit could be a unity bug ;)00:36
m_conleyThe Error Console is complaining that Cc['@canonical.com/globalmenu-loader;1'] is undefined.00:37
m_conleyso it sounds like it can't find the component.  :/00:37
m_conleystill works in TB though - nice job on the throbber, etc.00:38
chrisccoulsonhmmm :/00:38
chrisccoulsonyou're not running a version build with thunderbird, inside firefox are you?00:39
m_conleyah, that'd be it00:40
m_conleygood call.  :)00:40
chrisccoulsonthat's the downsides of trying to get it to work in 2 different gecko versions ;)00:40
m_conleychrisccoulson: an update - we're wiping out the global throbber in TB.00:46
m_conleychrisccoulson: I just demo'd your latest, and everybody's happy, but I think we're gonna drop the global throbber entirely.00:46
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, i think it's already gone hasn't it? (or, at least, not on the default menubar)00:47
m_conleymmhmm - they've been moved to tabs, I believe.  That's the direction it's going, anyhow.00:47
chrisccoulsonoh, you demo'd it? who saw it? :)00:47
m_conleyDavid Ascher, Blake Winton, a few others.  :)  Like...10 second demo.  "Here it is off.  Here it is on."00:48
m_conleybut they dig.  :)00:48
chrisccoulsonexcellent, that's good to hear :)00:48
m_conleychrisccoulson: ping01:18
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley01:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: all good, sorry, just answered me own question.  :)01:21
chrisccoulsonheh :)01:22
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i've uploaded a new version to https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa now01:47
chrisccoulsonwith a thunderbird build too01:47
m_conleyhey, awesome, thanks - taking a look now. :)01:47
chrisccoulsonit hasn't finished building yet, and the thunderbird package also depends on the thunderbird build i've just uploaded too01:48
chrisccoulson(which won't be published for another 3 hours or so)01:48
m_conleyalright, cool01:49
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it depends on this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/3.1.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu401:49
micahgchrisccoulson: why did you break that out into its own folder?01:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what do you mean?01:50
micahgtb addons vs addons in general01:50
micahgnot complaining, just curious01:51
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i want a stable system folder for installing thunderbird-specific addons01:51
chrisccoulson(ie, i don't want to install in /usr/lib/mozilla, because there are going to be multiple builds of the same extension, with the same extension ID)01:52
micahgah, one version for the 1.9.2 branch and one for 2.0?01:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah01:56
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've now got an icon protruding from my dock in unity01:57
chrisccoulsonit's just one thing after another!01:58
chrisccoulsonok, fixed by restarting compiz :)01:58
* chrisccoulson must remember to do prepare the b11 update tomorrow01:59
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LLStarkschrisccoulson, figured i'd let you know that the addon tab crashes firefox-globalmenu12:27
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, what arch are you on?13:14
chrisccoulsonah, that sucks13:15
chrisccoulsonif you were on amd64, i could give you a build of a version which has some crash fixes in13:15
chrisccoulson(and with debug symbols too)13:15
LLStarkschris, would i be able to compile from bzr and gdb?13:41
ftadpm, hi, i'm really having a hard time with the lp translations. i can't resurrect the strings eaten by launchpad :P13:56
ftai mean, i thought i did, but they are not in the lp export branch13:58
dpmhi fta, hm, bummer. Howcome they aren't in the exports branch? You mean it is hard to find them in an earlier revision, or that they didn't get resurrected from the LP database? Did danilo not propose a workaround to get some of them back?14:11
ftadpm, i now perform the merge on my side as he proposed, but yet, i don't see the "updated in lp" counters grow on my side14:12
ftai'm not sure why14:13
dpmOk, I see. I think the best thing might be to talk to him or henninge again in #launchpad, they're the ones with most technical expertise on the inner LP Translations workings. Due to the LP reorg, danilo does not work in translations anymore, but henninge does14:13
dpmhenninge is now dealing with a similar (or the same perhaps) bug affecting you:14:14
dpm(if I can find the bug again... :)14:15
dpmthat's the one: bug 71059114:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 710591 in launchpad "Ubuntu upstream translation imports overwrite Ubuntu translations" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71059114:16
dpmalthough with the difference that in your case the overwritten translations do not come from source packages, but from the LP UI14:16
ftajdstrand, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/9.0.597.84~r72991/14:42
jdstrandfta: thanks!14:42
ftajdstrand, note that while a bit later than usual, it's still 0day compared to chrome, unlike what jorge claims14:43
jdstrandI hadn't heard what jorge claimed, but I plan to get that uploaded and building immediately14:44
ftajdstrand, i'm referring to http://askubuntu.com/questions/6253/whats-the-difference-between-google-chrome-and-or-chromium-what-are-the-advanta14:46
ftawhich i recently discovered in my blogs referrers14:47
ftajdstrand, he said: "That means that the Ubuntu developers do not update Chromium in Ubuntu as quickly as Google updates Chrome in their own repository"14:47
ftathe last comment also makes me mad/sad14:48
jdstrandfta: meh, his facts are wrong in jorge's comment14:51
ftabut i'm not surprised as he uses Chrome, and he's advertising it in most of his blog posts & screenshots14:53
jdstrandwell, I'll have them uploaded and building today. if i386 and amd64 finish building, I'll test the resulting builds today14:53
jdstrandthen keep an eye out for armel and publish14:53
jdstrandseems an odd thing to promote chrome over chromium when you are on the ubuntu community team14:54
ftai agree, that's why i don't understand why he's doing that14:54
jdstrandI've asked him to join here14:55
jcastrosomeone looking for me?14:56
jdstrandwell, I think things have changed a bit since you wrote http://askubuntu.com/questions/6253/whats-the-difference-between-google-chrome-and-or-chromium-what-are-the-advanta14:57
jcastrosure, we can update that14:57
jdstrandjcastro: I think there might be the (mis?)conception that you promote chrome over chromium in ubuntu14:57
ftajcastro, hi, it started like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562571/14:58
jcastro(also a new feature of the site, you can click edit and propose your own edits and then the person can just accept them)14:58
jcastrohey the last time I asked it was "a few days"14:58
jcastroI can change that now though14:58
ftajcastro, when i'm allowed to upload myself, it has always been 0day14:59
jcastrook how's that?14:59
jdstrandjcastro: so, do you promote chrome over chromium, and if so, why and is there something that could be done with chromium in ubuntu?15:00
jcastroWell not really, I'd like to make it more neutral if you want15:00
jdstrandthe main thing is that we wait on armel to finish building15:00
jdstrandie, I get it uploaded and building 0-day (thanks to fta)15:01
jdstrandI then test it as soon as the i386 and amd64 builds are done15:01
jdstrandand then wait on armel to publish since LP doesn't allow us to push individual architectures15:01
jcastrook I've removed references to time differential15:02
jdstrands/armel to publish/armel to build/15:02
ftaDimmuxx, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/02/02/html5-and-web-video-questions-for-the-industry-from-the-community.aspx15:03
jdstrandI sorta feel like the comments regarding flash and h264 are misleading. I read it and I think it could be interpreted that chromium can't do them15:04
jcastroah, I can move that to the recommended packages part, one sec.15:04
jdstrandjcastro: also, chromium has an SRU exception: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions15:05
ftathe only thing we don't have but would like to is the pdf plugin15:05
jcastrojdstrand: awesome, I'll add that, I think it was pending when I wrote this15:06
ftathe auto updated embedded flash is not really needed15:06
jdstrandjcastro: probably-- I did see an edit made within the last two weeks, so wasn't sure what was going on there15:06
Dimmuxxfta: I have seen that, but I thought that maybe the ubuntu builds will be built with h264 anyways since Ubuntu is one of the dists that wanna be as "compatible" with windows as possible15:06
jdstrandjcastro: the bottom line is that we can get chromium updates nearly as fast as they can build15:06
jcastroyeah I was probably maintining the chrome bits but didn't follow up on the SRU bits15:07
jdstrandsince armel is slow, it gives time for testing15:07
ftaDimmuxx, it's a different topic. "h264 quite acceptable in ubuntu" vs "h264 wanted on the web"15:07
jdstrand(testing the other builds)15:07
jcastrothey're dropping h264 soon upstream anyway right?15:09
ftaDimmuxx, so for the former, we can keep it, but because of the latter, i'd like to drop it at the same time as chrome15:09
jcastrofta: jdstrand: ok, refresh now15:10
jcastrojdstrand: I can probably remove the "there is an ongoing discussion..." bit?15:11
DimmuxxIt's a good idea to drop it but I'm just afraid that h264 might become the "standard" anyway since windows and osx will support it in all browser via plugins or directly15:11
jdstrandjcastro: yes, fta and I and the TB discussed it, and it culminated in the micro release exception15:12
* jcastro axes it15:13
ftaDimmuxx, well, depends more on the publishers. like if youtube stops providing h264 encoded videos, users won't even notice they need that codec15:13
jdstrandjcastro: thanks for revisiting it and doing the updates15:13
jcastrothanks for the poke!15:14
jcastrojdstrand: they added a new feature that let's people submit edits, so if you see something wrong and the person isn't responsive you can click edit, make the proposed change, and then a high-rep trusted editor can approve the change, like wikipedia15:14
jdstrandjcastro: cool, thanks15:15
jcastrobut in my case yelling in my general direction can be more effective. :p15:15
jdstrandjcastro: well, context is probably also a good thing as well15:15
Dimmuxxfta: that won't happen for many years at least15:15
ftaDimmuxx, i bet it will happen sooner15:16
Dimmuxxthere are so many third party apps for youtube which uses h26415:17
Dimmuxxipad, iphone etc15:17
jcastrohere's the chromium tag if you guys want to give it a once over15:17
ftaDimmuxx, nope, 3rd part apps won't matter. google controls youtube's encoding, they can drop h264 anytime they want, it will fall back to either webm or flash15:20
Dimmuxxdo they encode all videos to both webm & h264 now or are still some only h264?15:23
ftaDimmuxx, iirc, they started to encode everything in webm a while ago15:37
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, oh, i hit a crash too, just committed a fix for it - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/globalmenu-extension/trunk/revision/8215:47
chrisccoulsonthat's probably your issue there15:47
LLStarksbzr up15:48
LLStarksand how the heck do i compile this...15:49
LLStarkseric@kingfisher:~/globalmenu-extension$ sh allmakefiles.sh15:50
LLStarks.: 115: Can't open ./toolkit/toolkit-makefiles.sh15:50
chrisccoulsonyou shouldn't run that directly ;)15:56
chrisccoulsonthat's run by configure to build the list of makefiles15:57
chrisccoulsontake a look at the packaging in my PPA for clues how to build it ;)15:57
chrisccoulson(it's basically built the same way as a firefox build, because it uses the same build system)15:57
ftachrisccoulson, do you use emacs? emacs23 recently starting to complain a lot in natty:16:25
fta(emacs:20350): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type `<invalid>' in cast to `GObject'16:25
fta(emacs:20350): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed16:25
fta(emacs:20350): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `GObject'16:25
chrisccoulsonfta - i don't. where does it abort if you run it with G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals?16:25
ftachrisccoulson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/562618/16:27
ftai can install the symbols if you wish16:27
chrisccoulsonfta - looks like a ted bug :)16:28
jdstrandfta: so the changelogs for lucid and maverick's chromium-browser are referencing 'upstream gyp files'. do we need an updated gyp?16:34
ftajdstrand, no, upstream gyp files, not the tool itself (like Makefile files vs make)16:35
jdstrandfta: thanks16:35
ftajdstrand, or more, like configure.in vs autoconf16:37
ftaas gyp is closer to autoconf16:37
jdstrandfta: ok, all uploaded16:44
ftajdstrand, cool, thanks16:44
jdstrandfta: thanks for the packages. I'll take it from here unless there is a build problem16:44
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m_conleychrisccoulson: ping18:14
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley18:14
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - so I'm working on the Mnemonics bug with globalmenu-extension, and I've found a solution, and I guess I need some design advice.  I'm not really used to mucking about in memory with strings like this - it's been a long time since I've had to take care of any of this stuff.  :p18:15
m_conleySo it turns out we can escape underscores by inserting another underscore in front of them18:16
chrisccoulsonah, i did suspect that might be the case18:16
m_conleyYou already have a function that scans Labels, and inserts underscores before the first accesskey character it finds.18:16
m_conleyis it more desirable to create a new function that escapes underscores, and then uses your function?  Or should I modify your scanning function to do both in a single pass?18:16
chrisccoulsoni'm not too sure actually. it might be best to try and do it in a single pass18:18
m_conleyalright, cool, I'll go that route then.  Thanks. :)18:18
chrisccoulsonm_conley, have you seen https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Mozilla_internal_string_guide ?18:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: was just looking at it now18:21
chrisccoulsoni find that quite useful. dealing with strings in mozilla code is a pain ;)18:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: no kidding.  Python has always pampered me, I guess.  Now I'm feeling the pain of low-level strings.  :p18:22
chrisccoulsonheh :-)18:22
chrisccoulsonthe difficult bit is figuring out which string class is appropriate for the job you want to do18:22
chrisccoulsonthere's so many of them!18:23
ftajdstrand, how long do you expect it will take to land ch9 in lucid? (i'm writing a blog post about it)19:19
jdstrandfta: i386 and amd64 have built. waiting on armel19:20
jdstrandfta: last build took 17 hours and 47 minutes19:21
jdstrandfta: so I'm guessing tomorrow19:21
ftajdstrand, is "a matter of hours" ok? or should i use "days"?19:21
jdstrand(which I will do)19:21
jdstrandfta: hours seems reasonable19:21
jdstrandit is less than one day19:21
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chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, the patch looks good, thanks!20:05
chrisccoulsonjust 1 small comment though - could you use PRBool rather than bool?20:05
chrisccoulson(although, it looks like i'm already guilty of not using the right types around there) ;)20:06
chrisccoulsonwith that, feel free to push it to lp:globalmenu-extension20:06
ftachrisccoulson, did you read mike's post on planet.u?20:38
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