
slangaseklamont: are you sure gourd has that 30GB of swap enabled?  cross-compiling that same failing qemu object using gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi takes "only" 3.2GB of RAM, and the previous build got well past this point in the compile running on hubbard05:04
slangasek(I'm currently trying to confirm how much memory used to build on ARM, but as I have much less than 30GB swap hooked up at the moment, it's taking some time to do so)05:05
pittiskaet: congratulations for alpha-2!08:02
pittijdstrand: thnaks for your great help as well; got the hang of untangling the archive now? :-)08:02
pittidpm: hello09:27
dpmpitti, so we were discussing that if we request a full export of Lucid language packs today, they should be available on the PPA on Monday,09:27
dpmthe 7th09:27
pitticjwatson, skaet, ara: currently discussing updated langpacks for lucid -- do we still want them?09:27
pittior is it too late?09:27
araI don't see much trouble on it, but I guess is skaet who should be deciding :)09:29
pittieither way, we build the CDs from -updates now, so I think we can safely have them in -proposed09:29
pittiand then see if we can get them into -updates quick enough?09:29
arapitti, indeed09:29
pittidpm: so, I think you should request the full export anyway, and we'll get it into -proposed ASAP09:30
pittiit won't happen before Monday anyway09:30
pittiso we can still discuss that in today's release meeting09:31
dpmpitti, that sounds good, full langpack request done. When is today's release meeting? I'd like to announce this as early as possible today to translators, so that they still have some time to do any fixes or new translations before the time of the export at 22:00 UTC09:33
pittidpm: it's at 1600 UTC09:34
dpmpitti, ok, thanks. Shall I attend, or will you bring up the subject at the meeting?09:35
pittidpm: I'll bring it up09:35
* dpm hugs pitti09:35
pittiyou can still attend if you want to, of course, but I don't think it's required09:35
* pitti hugs you back09:36
dpmok, sounds good, I'll be idling here and read the log09:36
apwpitti, did we release, want to upload a new kernel if we are un-frozed09:59
pittiapw: sure, go ahead10:00
apwpitti, thanks, will do when these final tests are done10:02
cjwatsonpitti: updated langpacks seem worth it10:32
pittiwe aren't oversized ATM, so at least we aren't pressed to take them if anything should go wrong10:34
lamont cat /proc/swaps11:54
lamontFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority11:54
lamont/dev/sda2                               partition       30708236        16524  -111:54
lamontslangasek: ^^11:55
ScottKskaet and cjwatson: I've gotten positive test results for the Kubuntu live powerpc image for Alpha 2.  Would it still be possible to release that as well?13:14
cjwatsondon't see why not13:18
cjwatsonpitti: do you have the publish-release command line you used to hand?  I don't know if you had to do anything non-trivial13:18
pitticjwatson: actually not, I just took the publish-image-set.py output13:19
pittiI went through it, and it seemed to be just fine13:19
cjwatsonoh, powerpc wouldn't have been on iso.qa13:23
cjwatsonI'll figure out how to publish the Kubuntu image, then13:23
persiaWith luck, that ought be fixed for Alpha 3 (unless priorities change between then and now)13:24
cjwatsonScottK: published (modulo mirror syncing)13:26
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.13:28
jdstrandpitti: hehe, thanks! I'm not sure I could untangle just anything, but yeah I feel pretty good about it overall :)13:48
skaetpitti,  ara,  if we can get the langpacks in that would be good.  :)15:01
pittiskaet: ok, so we are all in agreement; we'll kick them in ASAP15:02
skaetScottK,  great to hear that the Kubuntu live PowerPC image is looking good.   Thank you cjwatson for making it available :)15:08
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araskaet, how was LCA? did you have a good time? How was your talk?15:18
skaetara, LCA was great.  The quality of the talks there is great, and there are always multiple things I want to see simultaneously.15:19
aragreat :)15:20
skaetara,  was really inspiring how well the team in Brisbane managed to make it happen with so few glitches after having to move it the week before due to the original venu being flooded.15:20
skaet700 person conference shifting venues, and having wifi and infrastructure working, as well as room logistics, etc.15:21
skaetOpen Day at the end was fun too.   Got to meet some of the Australian loco team members and help out at the booth.   Good trip, but glad to be home  (and A2 out the door!!!)15:22
seb128skaet, not going to fosdem today? ;-)15:23
skaetseb128, with the roads in Austin having ice on them, and snow on the ground - very glad not to have to travel!!  :)15:25
* skaet heading over to #ubuntu-meeting for release team meeting in 5 mintues...15:55
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slangaseklamont: ok, so it's something that's not even reproducible with a cross-compiler :/  I'll keep poking at it then16:03
lamontI heard rumblings of a gcc-bug accusation rumor.  those generally tend to be people throwing straws though16:04
lamonthow far into the build does it die?16:04
lamontbecause if you kick it off, I can go peek at it while it's running16:04
lamontthough I'm about to afk to do the townward transition and grab breakfast16:04
slangaseklamont: well, the most recent build got 1h17min in; the one before that got much farther16:11
lamontcould be hitting a corner case in the vm subsystem during the swapwars, too16:16
slangasekdo you want me to kick one off now?16:16
lamontI don't suppose it's somewhere convenient, like a test suite we could disable?16:16
slangasekor should I wait until after breakfast?16:16
slangasekno, it's when building the core of the emulator16:17
lamontkick it in about 30 min?16:17
slangasekcan do16:17
lamonthow... inconvenient.16:17
slangasekit's using memory at exactly the place it should use memory16:17
slangasekjust not 30GB of memory :)16:17
lamontpoke me when you kick it to remind me, if you would16:17
slangasekwill do, thanks16:17
lamontforecasted high/low: 46, 25.  current temp: 1416:18
lamontthis is fail16:18
* lamont grabs his coat, afks16:18
charlie-tcahm, warm there, too16:19
nogoram disk is awesome16:20
slangaseklamont: qemu-linaro retry scheduled; estimated start in 4h16:53
dpmhi pitti, what was the output on the discussion re: the lucid langpacks in the release meeting? I had to disconnect for a while, and I couldn't follow it17:05
pittidpm: already discussed before with skaet and cjwatson, we all agree17:06
pittidpm: so let's get them into -proposed on Monday, and test them fast17:06
dpmpitti, sounds great. Any suggestions on the day testing should be finished and we upload them to -updates? I'll then inform translators/testers17:07
pittidpm: ideally end of next week, as it's getting tight with final image validation17:08
pittidpm: Monday the week after (14.) might just barely make it still17:08
pittiwould one week be enough for the ~ 10 langs we ship on the CDs?17:08
pittidpm: I guess we could at least install them and check if they boot into a non-crashing desktop and can run update-manager17:09
pittidpm: that won't catch "bad looking" strings, but at least "ill-formatted" ones17:09
dpmpitti, do we really ship that many on the CD?17:09
pittidpm: I didn't actually count; but it's different for each architecture and flavour17:10
dpmbut yeah, I think the ones we ship are from active teams17:10
dpmbrb, on a call17:10
skaetdpm, earlier next week the better for the testing results.  possibly let us know as they come in, rather than batch at the end.17:19
dpmskaet, I can definitely do that, and tell translators as well that they should provide the feedback as soon as possible, but in addition to that, it works better if they know a deadline, as in e.g.: "you've got until Thursday to test these packages"17:29
skaetdpm,  sounds good.  Thursday would be a good point to pick.  But feel free to let them know earlier is better ;)17:30
dpmyeah, I'll do that, thanks skaet!17:31
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