
defnis there a better way to get a newer version of apache in lucid than building from source?  im being exploited by a proxy problem that exists in the ubuntu package00:02
Picidefn: You may be able to find a ppa that has lucid builds for newer versions.00:03
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.00:04
wizardslovakhello people00:09
wizardslovaki have phpbb instlled on server , it worked but now its not00:10
defnthank you00:11
wotwotwizardslovak, you might find an answer in your logs00:13
wizardslovakyea well dont know which ones00:14
piercedwaterCan anyone here help me with large storage options? (8+ TB)00:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #712840 in multipath-tools (main) "local-top should pass -p part, not -p p" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71284000:47
benediktIf I have one machine that I want to "duplicate", what do i have to copy to the new machine - roughly speaking00:56
SpamapSbenedikt: back in the day, before I used config management systems.. I'd just boot to single user mode and rsync from the old box to the new one01:27
quentusrexAnyone else aware of a new issue with kvm and guests hanging on 'Booting from Hard Disk' ?01:29
quentusrexthe server is unchagned and not updated, the guest is the latest packages.01:29
benediktSpamapS: thats what im going to do., what should I do about /dev and /proc?01:30
SpamapSbenedikt: skip them01:31
SpamapSbenedikt: skip /sys too01:31
quentusrexSpamapS, what config management system are you using?01:31
SpamapSquentusrex: right now, none, because I'm not caring for any clusters. But I used to have my own, and then I did some fiddling w/ puppet. :)01:31
quentusrexI've used git for the configs, and hooks to deploy01:32
benediktSpamapS: and when i boot the new computer?01:32
benediktnevermind, ill google and fiond out01:32
SpamapSbenedikt: well you'll need to rename the new one and change the IP probably01:39
qman__benedikt, dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb02:06
qman__literally, that's it02:07
qman__obviously if you're running on the same network you'll want to change the hostname and IP02:07
qman__but there are no special tricks needed02:07
qman__ubuntu will 'just work' no matter what hardware you pop your install into02:08
twbqman__: you'd want to blow away /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent*net*02:08
twbqman__: otherwise the new host would try to raise eth0 and eth1, but only have interfaces eth2 and eth302:08
twbIf the new disk is smaller, you'd also have to wrestle that.  And of course the dd should be done while sda is offline (e.g. boot a live cd).02:09
twbOther than that, it should be fine02:09
AdamDVWhat openssl command can I use to generate a public and private key?02:54
twbSSL doesn't have public keys, it has certificates.03:05
twb(Technically the public key is included in the private key and cert files.)03:06
jmarsdenahem... openssh genrsa   may be what AdamDV was looking for?03:06
jmarsdenMake that openssl genrsa03:06
twbI use gnuTLS's certtool(1) command, because it tends not to implement esoteric commands that confuse me.03:06
AdamDVthanks jmarsden03:06
twbe.g. it defaults to RSA, so you don't need to pick the algorithm03:07
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jmarsdenAdamDV: You can do man openssl to see all the commands, or  openssl list-standard-commands to just get a straight list of them without explanations.03:08
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zulSpamapS: tomorrow03:32
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RudyValenciaHow do I set up a PPTP server on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server version?03:48
highvoltageRudyValencia: this might help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:52
jmarsdenRudyValencia: Try http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html for one idea :)03:54
RudyValenciaI think that was what I did03:54
RudyValenciahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN is for VPN clients03:55
RudyValenciaI'm trying to serve VPN03:55
RudyValenciaand that's not working03:55
twbDon't use PPtP unless you absolutely have to; it uses insecure crypto algorithms (or is is handshaking?)03:56
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RudyValenciaL2TP would require generating a security key03:57
twbIf you have a choice you should be looking at openvpn or ipsec+l2tp03:57
RudyValenciaI don't have IPSec set up on this network03:57
RudyValenciaI don't know if Windows supports OpenVPN connections03:59
RudyValencia(this is so I can access my Windows shares remotely, actually)03:59
jmarsdenRudyValencia: See http://openvpn.se/04:00
jmarsdenBut if this is just for one remote PC, ssh to it and set up to tunnel SMB: http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/tunnel-smb.html04:02
RudyValenciaThe remote PC won't have SSH tunneling as it runs Windows04:02
greppyRudyValencia: openvpn works with windows clients.04:04
RudyValenciaI figured out the problem04:05
RudyValenciano ms-dns entry in pptpd-options04:05
twbppp openvpn you can do with just a shared secret04:07
RudyValenciagot it04:08
RudyValenciaI tested my VPN using my android phone04:08
RudyValenciait connects fine04:09
jmarsdenRudyValencia: I have some Windows machines that have SSH, Cygwin has openssh and it works fine.04:12
jmarsdenBut if you have a working VPN setup now, cool, use it :)04:12
RudyValenciaI've already got the PPTP setup working. Just realized I didn't declare a DNS server.04:12
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piercedwaterWhat is the status on USB 3.0 support?06:56
piercedwaterAs far as pci-e cards, etc06:57
piercedwaterHey guys, did you know the forums are a great place to search before asking a question07:00
lifelessyes, yes we do.07:01
j0nrhello...I have ubuntu 8,04 LTS server installed. I installed Roundcube with an apt-get... I don't think it is the latest version, based on having seen it run on ubuntu 10,04. I guess this is due to being on 8,04. Is it possible to force the newer version to install?08:14
\shnijaba: I replied on your comment :)08:43
nijaba\sh: looking :)08:45
nijaba\sh: it's a fairly simple resseler agreement.  Don't see how this could be called sponsoring...08:47
\shnijaba: as said, I think the words in the serverwatch article is not clear enough....I read about the reselling agreement, but the first sentence gave me a wrong feeling...:)08:58
\shpatdk-lap: some news on the bonding problem from yesterday, I think it's not upstart which is bugging me, but something which looks like a regression regarding the bonding drivers and/or the way how the bonding driver is loaded in if-pre-up.d/ifenslave , investigating more now09:04
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chrismatHow do you grep for non ascii characters in a text file?09:32
chrismatIe I'm looking for high ascii values like swedish character åäö09:33
nijaba\sh: agreed that the introductory statement from serverwatch can be misread "involves some money"...  bleh.09:55
\shnijaba: you could ask them to remove this sentence ;)09:57
nijaba\sh: and make a journalist angry at us...  not sure I want to do that :P09:58
\shnijaba: well, if this article gives a bad taste because of some wrongly chosen wording, I would ask for a change or clarification10:00
nijaba\sh: truth is, I trust our PR department to know better than I10:01
\shnijaba: sometimes ;)10:03
novitololoI've a question: apache2 I suppose means apache 2.0 right?10:14
iclebyte-worknovitololo, correct10:14
novitololook thanks ;)10:14
novitololoIs it from the apache2 that the httpd.conf is empty?10:16
sergevnnovitololo: yes, it resides in apache2.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ what you are looking for10:46
novitololosergevn: nothing thanks, I was just surprised when I opened this computer10:46
sergevnnovitololo: iirc httpd.conf isnt used anymore10:47
novitololoI see, thank you :)10:47
sergevnnovitololo: np10:48
DiagonalArgHey folks!  Installed Ubuntu over a previous install, which was on a RAID1. Only option on Alternate Installer was "Erase Drive".  Took 30 hours for 168G???  WTF??11:22
DiagonalArgIf it's zeroing out the drive, that's 3.2MB/s (counting writing to each drive, separately).  Any thoughts?11:23
DiagonalArgI would have hoped there would be a way to do this by just deleting the files, but not zeroing the drive (assuming that's what it was doing).11:23
patdk-lapguess he wants an out of sync raid111:25
jpdspatdk-lap: Potentially.11:27
DiagonalArgGot lost there for a minute.  Anyway, I'm back if someone has any thoughts11:27
patdk-lapguess giagonalarg wants an out of sync raid111:29
patdk-lapit has to copy everything on drive 1 to drive 2, for raid111:29
patdk-lapwhy it took your system 30hours for 160gigs, dunno, mine is much quicker11:29
DiagonalArgI don't think it was a sync issue.  The machine ran fine, I shut down, and ran the installer again (this time with 64 bit, the previous had been 32)(11:30
DiagonalArgWhen I ran the installer, the only option it gave me, if I wanted to install to the same place as the previous system, was "erase drive"11:31
DiagonalArgI'll add that after that 30 hours, the install went fine and now I've got 64-bit Ubuntu running fine.11:32
DiagonalArgAlso, I've benched both disks.  They're SATA-I11:33
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azizLIGHTShi, should i make pptp vpn server or l2tp vpn server?12:08
azizLIGHTSany good guide for this to use on amazon ec212:10
_rubendepends on your needs/wishes/etc12:11
azizLIGHTSi wish to use vpn for browsing in a firewalled scenario12:23
azizLIGHTSclient is windows computers12:23
azizLIGHTS(no ports open)12:24
azizLIGHTSwhat is best for me? l2tp or openvpn or pptp12:26
azizLIGHTSwhat are these certificates adn why u need them for l2tp vpn12:30
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azizLIGHTScan someone explain me what is "certificate authority" and why u need for set up of l2tp vpn server. im tyrying to understand concepts inside a tutorial but it doesnt explain12:41
pmatulisnever heard of 12tp, sorry12:42
pmatulisuse openvpn maybe, it's well known12:42
azizLIGHTSL2tp over ipsec12:44
nimrod10azizLIGHTS, will you be able to use l2tp if there are no ports open ? best case that I can think of , if the people administering the firewall allow port 443 outbound you could use openvpn12:52
azizLIGHTSthe client is firewalled, the server wont be (i dont think.... im going to put latest ubuntu server on amazon ec2)12:53
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RoAkSoAxmorning all14:05
failoverHi, it's a normal behavior, quotacheck run after every reboot ?14:11
failoverthe tool starts at the end of boot process and take about 5 minutes before gimme the prompt14:12
raubvogelWho should own the cert and key used by postfix and dovecot in ubuntu? Which group should I also use?14:41
aliverius am running a vm qith qemu at startup. where should it reside? somehwere in /var?14:42
noobstergood mourning all. I am having an error I have never seen before. I woke up today to a..  init: ureadahead-other main process (912) terminated with status 415:32
noobsterI get about 4 of those, and the srv will not boot15:32
jmarsdenYou *woke up* to that?  That'll teach you to sleep on the server, instead of on a bed :)15:34
noobsterkinda freeked out, has this ever happened to anyone?15:35
jmarsdenI think I've seen that kind of message during boot after a power loss on a workstation (no UPS), but it didn't prevent boot.  But that's just from (old and not always reliable) memory.15:36
jmarsdenWas that the last thing on screen before the server hung?15:36
noobsterctrl + alt + delete reboot the machine as expected, so its not frozen15:37
noobsterI was on it @ about 3AM last night moving smb.conf and bind9 files and it seed to just crash15:37
jmarsdenIt may be doing a filesystem check that takes time, are you just being impatient with it?15:37
noobsterI tried to ssh in and got an error denied15:37
noobsterwell it was still offline when I got up @ 915:38
noobsteror online w/ connection refused15:38
jmarsdenOK... so I'd guess there really was some sort of crash or issue last night, but... after you rebooted it at 9, how far did it get through the boot sequence and how long did you leave it along before hitting ctrl-alt-del ?15:40
noobsterjmarsden, about an hour15:40
jmarsdenUnless you have a multi-terabyte filesystem somewhere, that should be plenty.  Hmmm.15:40
jmarsdenIf you are local to the server, can you boot it into single user mode?15:41
noobsteri do have a multi-terabyte /home15:41
jmarsdenAh... well then maybe you need to wait several hours after a crash.15:41
jmarsdenSee if you can boot single user and manually check the filesystems.15:42
noobsterjmarsden, onsite now, tried to hit esc but did not bring up grub15:42
RoAkSoAxzul: have you tested sheepdog yet?15:42
zulRoAkSoAx: not yet15:42
noobsteris grub trap another key other than esc in 10+15:43
zulRoAkSoAx: problems?15:43
jmarsdennoobster: I think I usually hold down left-shift, rather than pressing esc, to get grub boot prompt?15:43
RoAkSoAxzul: nah!! just was going through the documentation and seems pretty interesting15:43
zulRoAkSoAx: i dont have the hardware for it but its needed for a feature in openstack15:44
noobstersingle user mode == "recover mode"15:44
jmarsdennoobster: Yes.15:44
jmarsdenrecovery mode, with a y, I think it is called?15:44
RoAkSoAxzul: yeah but I'm presumming that it could be tested in VM's15:44
noobstersame error15:44
noobstermountall: Event failed      init: ureadahead-other terminated with status 415:45
jmarsdennoobster: Doesn't sound good.  Can you boot from CD and check the filesystems that way?15:45
noobstermounted-tmp terminated with status 12715:46
noobsteryea I am downloading ubuntu 10.04 desktop 64 now15:46
noobster40 mins left15:46
jmarsdennoobster: Gut instinct is that you might have some sort of disk-related hardware issue.  40 mins?  You;re downloading it via your cellphone? :)15:47
noobsterlol eveyone in pounding out T1 since the server is down15:47
noobsteris there a trap to see if fsck is running?15:48
jmarsdenUgh.  I have 10Mbit/sec here at home and 35Mbit/sec at work, so ... ISOs download pretty fast :)15:48
jmarsdenIf you can get to a second console window (alt-F2 or whatever) you can see if you can log in there and poke around?15:48
noobsteri have 20 @ home, 1.5 @ this office15:48
compdocmy comcast can d/l an OS DVD pretty fast, but only if I use bittorent15:49
noobsternope, just a flashing _15:49
noobsterok so I will stop chattering the board until I have the cd booted15:50
jmarsdennoobster: So... why aren't you carrying your collection of .ISOs on a usb key or on a pile of CD-Rs?  OK... so it hasn't got to the point where it runs all the gettys...15:50
jmarsdennoobster: OK.  I'll probably be AFK (breakfast and then on my way to work) by then, but others here can probably help you out if you need further assistance.15:50
noobsterty 4 the help !15:51
jmarsdenYou're welcome.15:51
RoAkSoAxzul: have you been through the documentation yet?15:52
zulRoAkSoAx: nope i just packaged it15:53
RoAkSoAxzul: btw... the archives and PPA's do not accept tar.xz tarballs right?15:54
zulRoAkSoAx: doubt it...but i have never tried it15:55
RoAkSoAxzul: yeah at least PPA's dont'. Who do you think knows?15:55
zulRoAkSoAx: umm...an archive admin maybe :)15:56
RoAkSoAxloldumb me :P15:56
bigjoolsthey don't15:56
jmarsdenThey (archive admins) don't know?  Or they (tar.xz files) don't work? :)  I'm guessing the latter, but either interpretation is possible.15:57
bigjoolsheh, the latter15:57
RoAkSoAxbigjools: do you know if there are any plans to support them?16:08
bigjoolsno plans16:08
RoAkSoAxbigjools: what if requested? Would that be considered?16:08
bigjoolsof course, it would need to go via the right channel to get any weight though16:09
bigjoolsunless someone sends me a patch :)16:09
RoAkSoAxbigjools: any branch in specific that I should be looking at?16:10
jpdsRoAkSoAx: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=55640716:11
uvirtbotDebian bug 556407 in ftp.debian.org "data.tar.xz" [Wishlist,Open]16:11
bigjoolsRoAkSoAx: https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel16:12
bigjoolslib/lp/archiveuploader/ contains all the upload processing16:13
RoAkSoAxjpds: cool ;)16:13
RoAkSoAxbigjools: awesome! thanks16:13
zulSpamapS: ping when you are around?16:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #713204 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.1.0-9ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71320416:51
SpamapSzul: pong , now I'm found!16:52
zulSpamapS: so handreak, you are good with me reviewing it now?16:53
zulhandbreak even16:54
SpamapSzul: yes16:56
zulSpamapS: k ill have a firstpass this afternoon16:57
SpamapSzul: sweeeeeet16:57
Lars_GHi alll17:00
Lars_GThis is more a general question about ubuntu but if someone must know it's the server guys17:00
Lars_GI'm trying to install ubuntu over the network into a xen virtual machine17:00
Lars_GI downloaded the xen netboot image and made it accessible to the xen server over the web, and it boots17:01
Lars_Gbut I have an 10.04 LTS DVD I would like to use as my install source to avoid the veeeery slow internet connection ussage17:01
Lars_GI've mounted the dvd in a machine and made it available thorough http (at my address: http://<ip>/ubu317:01
Lars_GBut the installer wont recognize it as a valid mirror17:02
Lars_Gwether I enter the url as http://<ip> and the diretory as either /ubu3/ or /ubu3/ubuntu17:02
compdoccant just place the dvd into a drive on the xen machine?17:02
Lars_Gwhat can I do to have it recognized as a "valid" mirror?17:02
Lars_Gcompdoc: nope, no dvd in the machine, and the installer offers no dvd option17:02
compdocI think its best to mount the iso file17:02
Lars_GSo is there no way to have the dvd shared over http to be recognized as a repo?17:03
compdocxen, xenserver, kvm, and the others have the ability to install from an iso thats stored on the lan17:04
compdocit mounts it as if it was in the dvd drive17:04
Lars_GSo I'd rather rip the iso and do so over nfs or cifs (xenserver btw)17:04
Lars_Gonly detail last time I tried a dvd install the template didn't locate the right vmlinuz file in the dvd17:05
Lars_Gso it couldn't install17:05
Lars_Gis there NO way to make it work with the dvd shared over http? the process is halfway there17:05
compdocOS template for the VM?17:05
compdocyou mean selecting the OS type?17:06
Lars_GXenServer installs PV machines only from templates they provide17:06
compdocor what do you mean by template?17:06
Lars_GI could use "other OS" but it'll install in HVM and I want this machine to be PV17:06
compdocyou want a tip? no matter what OS youre installing, select Windows 2003 as the OS template, and it'll run17:07
Lars_GBecause it's HVM same as the Other OS option....17:07
compdocI still use xenserver for one customer, but I'm all kvm otherwise17:07
Lars_GAnd installs from a DVD instead of booting a kernel directly17:07
compdocI like xenserver, but I need more control over networking, etc17:08
Lars_GI agree17:08
Lars_GI chose it for a very specific reason17:08
piercedwaterWhat is the name of the ubuntu server usb probe tools used to monitor usb speed?17:18
piercedwaterok so i found hwinfo17:27
piercedwaterbut it only gives me the port speed while not in use..im trying to find what the actual speed is?17:27
compdocI think sometimes the speed is listed in dmesg17:29
compdocoh, usb - not sure17:30
noobsterok, got ubuntu desktop cd booted up on server, and can see all the drives. Still getting the mountall: Event failed      init: ureadahead-other terminated with status 4 error when booting off drives. what is my next step? I hope I dont have to reinstall.17:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #713237 in multipath-tools (main) "shutdown segv due to race w/ free_waiter threads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71323717:31
noobstermount -t ext3 /sda1 /mntsda117:31
noobster& 217:31
noobsterno probles & can see the content of sda /etc17:32
smoserwhat package would be the proper place to put a ttyS0.conf ?17:35
smoserbasically to run a getty on ttyS017:35
smoserupstart owns the other ttyN.conf files.17:36
sorensmoser: I think I have a bug open about that somewhere.17:46
sorensmoser: Way, way old. Like two years or something.17:47
sorensmoser: Well, it was for hvc0, but the idea is the same.17:47
sorensmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/372864 but apparantly the talk about where to put the file was on IRC :(17:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 372864 in upstart "conf: Put a getty on hvc0" [Wishlist,Fix released]17:48
smosersoren, youdont have irc logs ?17:49
sorensmoser: I'd say it belongs in whatever package the other ones are in (upstart currently).17:49
sorensmoser: I do.17:49
sorenGigabytes worth.17:49
sorenI don't feel like wading through them, though. The gist of it is that Scott didn't want it in the upstart package.17:50
sorenI'm not sure I ever got a good reason out of him.17:50
sorenAnyways, ttyS0 is harder than hvc0.17:50
sorenLet me see if I can find the bug..17:51
smoserwhy would ttyS0 be  more difficult ?17:51
sorenI'm looking for the bug reference.17:52
sorenThe short version is that hvc0 is specifically for a console.17:52
sorenttyS0 is a general purpose serial port.17:52
sorenSome people got really upset that network-manager tried to probe for modems on all serial ports, because they had stuff connected to said serial ports that got into a rather unfortunate state if random stuff was sent to them.17:53
smoseri dont know... your suggestion that "hvc0 is specifically for a console" is not really true.17:53
sorenSame will happen if we stick a getty on ttyS0.17:54
sorenHow do you figure that?17:54
sorenYou know what vc stands for, right?17:54
smosermaybe you use hvc0 for other things. and having the guest write random data to it will break those things.17:54
smoserits a general two way communication mechanism.17:54
smoserbut, yes, i'm mostly just arguing. i see the point.17:55
smoserthe bug says that both kvm and xen have /dev/hvc017:55
smoserbut i do not see such a think in kvm17:55
sorenMaybe you need to specify it explicitly these days.17:56
soren$ kvm --help | grep vc17:57
soren-chardev vc,id=id[[,width=width][,height=height]][[,cols=cols][,rows=rows]]17:57
RoAkSoAxhggdh: did you end up testing powernap again?17:57
sorensmoser: I really do wish we could stick a getty on ttyS0 by default.17:59
hggdhRoAkSoAx: no, not yet -- got busy with other tests. Will check on it now18:02
RoAkSoAxhggdh: ok cool ;)18:03
sorensmoser: My google-fu is failing me.18:04
smosertry bing18:04
sorensmoser: Someone complained. I'm not sure what the outcome was.18:04
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noobsterhi all18:16
smoseranyone have a suggestion... I'm trying to look for media in cdrom devices.18:17
smosermy initial try just tried 'mount /dev/cdrom' to test and see if there was a mountable cd there.18:17
noobsterI am having trouble with a server. last night @ 3am, I was scp files from it and it crashed. I looked like it tried to reboot, but gave me a ssh error connection refused.18:17
noobstersmoser, mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom18:18
smoserthat takes like 18 seconds in this kvm vm.18:18
smoserif there is no cdrom there.18:18
noobstergot in today and the server has stopped @ init: ureadahead-other main process (912) terminated with status 418:19
smoserie, i have a /dev/sr0 and /dev/cdrom device in /dev. but there is no disk in it.  If i try "mount /dev/cdrom" it will take 18 seconds to return.18:19
noobsterI did ctrl + alt + delete, and the system reboots18:19
noobsteri am kinda freeked out18:20
smoser'dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=1024 count=1024' (or hte like) will return immediately, saying "no medium found"18:20
noobstermy boss is fixing to skin me lol18:20
smoseris there a better way that i can test if there is media ?18:20
noobsteri downloaded, burned and booted from the cd rom18:20
smosernoobster, lucid ?18:20
smoseri suspect that a disk that you have in /etc/fstab is not there18:21
smoserand init is sitting around waiting for that disk18:21
noobsterfunny thing I was able to rebuild the entire md array no proble, except for /home thats an md/lvm18:21
smoserif you booted off live cd, try mounting the device, and removing /home form /etc/fstab18:22
noobsterI got the md up, and it found vg VGHOME118:22
noobster2 things, how do i rescan/add LVHOME1 out of LGHOME1 w/out data lose, 2ed if there is nothing wrong w/ these drives, why will my server not start18:23
noobsterI have tried recovery on the 2 kerns there nether boot18:23
noobstersmoser, you want me to comment out /home lvm in /dev/md1/etc/fstab?18:24
smoseror you can add 'nobootwait'18:24
smoserto the options18:24
smoserbut if that device isn't there, but is listed in /etc/fstab, init will wait for it18:25
noobster/dev/mapper/VGHOME1-LVHOME1 /home           ext3    user_xattr        0       218:25
noobsterhow should I adjust?18:25
noobster/dev/mapper/VGHOME1-LVHOME1 /home           ext3    user_xattr,nobootwait        0       218:26
noobsterlike that smoser18:26
* RoAkSoAx lunch18:26
smoserbut you could just comment it out.18:26
smoseryou can put it back later.18:26
noobsterif /home is not there it gets stuck and I cant login18:27
zulsmoser: you use can use to use the eject command to detect their was  cdrom or soemthing18:27
noobstercan someone inform me of what 0 2 mean at the end, I forgot18:28
smoseri dont see how i would check to see if there was something there now.18:29
smosernoobster, man fstab18:29
piercedwaterDoes anyone know where I can find 64-bit Dell DSET or OMSA for Ubuntu?18:31
piercedwaterOr something similiar...Im trying to get a diagnoses on my PE 185018:32
noobsterok, the server came up, but with no /home directory18:33
noobsteri can ssh in now though18:34
* genii-around makes a note to remove "coffee" from his alert list18:39
noobsterok managed to get the server back up, thank you smoser for the nowaitboot option.18:55
smoserno problem.18:55
noobsterone strange error I didn't get b4.. disconnected from plymouth18:56
noobstermountall: Disconnected from plymouth18:57
noobsterhas anyone seen this b4?18:58
cohonenokey guys,, i restart /etc/init.d/networking, and /etc/network/interfaces GETs ignored19:07
cohonenwhat the fu** BEEP is going on here19:07
cohonenhow am i supposed to make semi static conf on my interfaces19:08
cohonenokey sorry,, i was in crack mode19:11
* RoAkSoAx ... to hot outside today..19:48
yoanishi there19:56
yoanisi just installed ubuntu-server 10.04 on a ppc machine19:56
yoanisthe installer went fine19:56
yoanisbut now i get this19:57
yoanisafter reboot19:57
guntbert!enter | yoanis19:57
ubottuyoanis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:57
yoanis"/disk00:3,boot/vmlinux: unable to open file, Invalid device"19:58
yoanisguntbert: sorry about that19:58
guntbertyoanis: no problem, its easier to read that way - no experience with ppc here - sorry20:00
yoanisit's ok. thanks ;)20:00
RoAkSoAxzul: to build a package from ubuntu-cobbler bzr branch, should I just do bzr bd -- -sa and it will create the tarball?20:22
zulRoAkSoAx: it should20:23
RoAkSoAxzul: ok thanks ;)20:24
RoyKI see the binaries don't have symbols - is there a way to get a good coredump from a package without rebuilding it from source?20:29
hggdhinstall the needed dbgsym (or dbg)20:38
jdstrandhallyn: I hope you don't mind, but I recommended you for libvirt upload right in addition to what you asked for at the top of your application20:38
jdstrandhallyn: tip, you may want to subscribe to your applications page20:40
RoAkSoAxzul: ok so for example, when we have a .orig.tar.gz and in the source, we just debuild -S -sa, and it creates the .dsc and etc etc. So, if I the source is a bzr branch, what should I be doing to create the .orig.tar.gz and debuild -S -sa without actually having to have the dependencies installed?20:41
zulRoAkSoAx: what if you bzr bd -S20:42
zuland use something like pbuilder to build it20:42
RoAkSoAxlet me try ;)20:43
zulright have a good weekend20:47
RoAkSoAxzul: you too!!20:48
piercedw_Can someone please suggest a diagnostics tool for a Dell PowerEdge 1850? I have tried Dell DSET and OMSA, neither of which are made for Ubuntu (64-bit).20:54
guntbertpiercedw_: if I remember correctly they come as bootable iso files - just burn them...20:58
piercedw_DSET comes as a bin20:58
piercedw_Im just doing this for a home server...I dont have any experience with professional networks..just looking for something to tell my why my light ist orange20:59
guntbertpiercedw_: yes, I see your problem now21:03
piercedw_yeah, its not exactly made for what im using it for, but i think i can get it to work21:03
piercedw_The amber light worrys me though21:03
guntbertpiercedw_: did you see http://en.community.dell.com/dell-blogs/enterprise/b/tech-center/archive/2010/07/27/dell-openmanage-6-3-for-ubuntu.aspx  ?21:04
piercedw_ty so much21:05
piercedw_hope it works21:05
guntbertpiercedw_: Good luck :-)21:06
piercedw_thanks again21:06
=== piercedw_ is now known as piercedwater
hallynjdstrand: thx, will do.  (in case someone comes by and badmouths me behind my back :)21:15
jdstrandhallyn: exactly ;)21:17
piercedwaterI checked my system out via Dell OMSA, but I still have an amber light flashing. Any suggestions?21:33
piercedwaterthe only thing I can find is an alert from when I opened to chasis21:35
piercedwaterIts weird I have green checkmarks next to power supply, but I have a critical warning message under alerts21:46
compdoccritical doesnt sound good21:47
compdoca chassis alert just means you opened the case. and the feds have been alerted21:48
compdocjk :)21:48
njbairhow long do files remain in /tmp?22:02
guntbertnjbair: until reboot normally22:03
bluefrognjbair,  until reboot except if you change things in /etc/default/rcS22:03
njbairso files are only deleted on reboot?22:04
njbairI suppose I could write a cron script to delete periodically between reboots22:06
erichammondnjbair: How will you know if a file in /tmp is no longer needed for some process?22:07
RoyKnjbair: or just use tmpfs for /tmp22:08
njbairerichammond: lsof ?22:08
RoyKnjbair: if some process stores files on /tmp or some tmpfs volume, you can't just remove the file, you need to restart the process as well22:09
RoyKremoving a file is just an unlink22:09
RoyKremoving its filename22:09
RoyKthe data won't be reclaimed until the file is closed22:10
erichammondnjbair: Just because it isn't open, doesn't mean some process isn't going to reopen it.  For example, some shell scripts use mktemp to create the file, then after a while open it for further processing.  By "process" I mean "software system".  Some applications store temporary files and use them later.22:10
njbairThat's true22:10
njbairI'm mainly concerned with making sure that more recent files persist between reboots22:11
njbairso TMPTIME=10 should do the trick22:11
erichammondIf you're having a problem with /tmp filling up, perhaps track down what processes are leaving them around and fix them.22:11
njbairIt's not that...22:12
RoyKnjbair: /tmp is temporary - store the files elsewhere if you want them to persist22:12
erichammondIf it's humans, then have them use a different directory and automate cleaning that up based on age.22:12
njbairI have a headless server, which has a weekly cron job that creates a .tgz backup of all the important files in /tmp. Then I run my backup script on my desktop which uses scp to grab the most recent backup from the server.22:13
erichammondargh.  Just glanced at my /tmp and it has a lot of files which look like they were put there by a browser download.22:13
njbairbut those backups start to add up between reboots22:14
erichammondnjbair: "important files in /tmp" ? :)22:14
njbairbackups of important files...22:14
njbairI chose /tmp because I figured it would save me the trouble of writing a script to delete the old ones22:14
RoyKnjbair: get real22:15
RoyKusing /tmp isn't a good excuse for writing bad software22:16
njbairIn Red Hat, /tmp files persist for 10 days. I assumed the same was true in Ubuntu.22:17
erichammondRoyK: get nice22:17
RoyKerichammond: sorry, mate, but not removing temporary files you've created isn't very good programming22:18
njbairthere's nothing bad about leveraging OS facilities rather than duplicating them22:18
njbairRoyK: so you're telling me you employ the full gamut of best practices every time you write a shell script?22:19
RoyKnjbair: If I use temporary files, I remove them, because when that software may be ported to another OS or distro, it might not work22:19
RoyKnjbair: I'm just saying _remove the temp files_22:20
RoyKrelying on one distro's functionality, like redhat's, isn't very wise22:20
erichammondanyway... we're now understanding how things work and helping each other figure out the best options22:21
njbairRoyK: point taken. but chill dude22:21
erichammondSounds like the recommended approach is use a directory other than /tmp and implement your own backup and cleanup cron jobs.22:22
njbairwhat are your thoughts on using /var/backups22:23
njbairactually, that might be in the rsync tree... that won't work22:23
patdk-wkheh, simple to clean it, find /tmp/ -type f -mtime +10 -delete22:25
RoyKpatdk-wk: that's the quick-and-dirty fix :)22:26
patdk-wkroyk it works well :)22:27
patdk-wkI wouldn't use it on a *desktop* machine22:27
RoyKI know - I have a few of those cronjobs at work22:27
patdk-wkI'm just happy find supports -delete22:28
erichammondpatdk-wk: That picks up orbit and pulse things on my system, which I'd be hesitant to delete outright.22:28
patdk-wkfor years I was stuck on a system that it didn't, had to use xargs and rm :(22:28
patdk-wkerichammond, ya, like I said, don't use it on a desktop :)22:29
patdk-wkbut pulse, x11, orbit, ... don't exist on a server, so normally ok22:29
patdk-wkbut ya, he should use a backup dir, then run something like that on the backup dir22:29
erichammonduntil somebody releases a server package that makes assumptions about how Ubuntu treats /tmp22:29
* patdk-wk puts /tmp on tmpfs22:29
patdk-wkeven on my desktop machines22:29
alex88hi guys..has everyone tried installing greensql?22:30
RoyKerichammond: not really necessary - if people use /tmp for large storage without cleaning up, well, there is only one part to blame22:30
erichammondRoyK: It doesn't have to be large to be important.22:31
erichammond"important" while a process is running22:31
erichammond(not important between reboots on Ubuntu)22:31
erichammondI suppose any time you have shared space used by thousands of people, there's going to be some conflicts about what it can be used for and how to clean it up :)22:32
RoyKerichammond: how long would you think it'll take to fill up, say, 1GB of /tmp if an applications wasn't severely badly written?22:32
erichammondRoyK: I don't understand the question, but I'm pretty sure the answer is: 722:33
patdk-wkroyk, one second :)22:33
patdk-wkcat big file | grep something | somethingelse22:34
patdk-wkany piped command uses /tmp like nuts22:34
patdk-wkthat is how I normally fillup my 2gb /tmp tmpfs22:34
erichammondbeen fun, gotta run22:34
patdk-wknot realizing that sql.gz is >2gigs when I pipe it to mysql22:34
RoyKpatdk-wk: I'm quite sure that was grep's fault - piping doesn't use /tmp22:35
AlexMaxHelp!  I accidentally 'purged' nginx instead of uninstalling it and my config files are gone.  I have backups, but I can't reinstall it because it can't find /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default22:35
patdk-wkmaybe, I know I hit that issue often with pipes22:35
AlexMaxhow do i get it to install it fresh22:35
patdk-wkhaven't hit it in the last year though22:35
AlexMaxI'm using the ppa version of nginx22:35
RoyKpatdk-wk: no chance of undelete on linux22:36
AlexMaxI already tried aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" reinstall nginx-full22:36
AlexMaxthat didn't do anything22:36
RoyKpatdk-wk: that was for AlexMax, sorry22:37
RoyKAlexMax: are your config files still there?22:37
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
AlexMaxRoyK: Nope, they'r egone23:12
AlexMaxI don't care about getting my old configs back23:12
AlexMaxBut how the heck do I reinstall nginx23:12
AlexMaxSetting up nginx-full (0.8.54-4ppa4~maverick) ...23:21
AlexMaxln: creating symbolic link `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default': No such file or directory23:21
ahe_is there a way to create a completely virtual lan that runs on a single linux host for testing purposes? what i want to do is to create interfaces like veth0 ... vethn all with different ip addresses that behave like they were connected to one physical switch so you can also send arp packages on those devices23:28
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
RoyKAlexMax: then they're gone23:54
szpunihow can i chage startup of rsyslogd deamon? i have edited /etc/default/rsyslog file to add startup options and i have changed -c4 to -c0 -r but when i restarted deamon old configuration was keept any body have any ideas why this is happening?23:58

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