
hamitronI don't remember ever running the client on linux00:00
hamitrona server, yeh00:00
brobostigonevening everyone.00:14
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
pauliunxhi, I have a problem, if I hit 'hibernate' it will work the first time, but after resuming it won't work again, the screens go blank and the system freezes so i need to reset it. anyone have any idea?03:30
* ball <- running Xubuntu04:04
ballIt's time to put the kettle on.04:19
MartijnVdSball: excellent idea05:40
HazRPGMartijnVdS: wow your still up?05:46
MartijnVdSHazRPG: no, I'm already up05:46
HazRPGI think I may have lost a day... playing minecraft >_<05:47
HazRPGonly just looked at the time now >_<05:47
MartijnVdSHazRPG: uninstall! uninstall!05:47
MartijnVdSvr feb  4 05:47:25 UTC 201105:47
MartijnVdSHazRPG: ^05:47
HazRPGI looked at it and went... hang on a sec, didn't I start playing at 5pm!?!?05:48
HazRPGoh well05:48
HazRPGtis fun05:48
MartijnVdSHazRPG: don't blame us if you fail exams/get fired/etc. ;)05:48
HazRPGmobs really really frustrate me tho05:49
HazRPGheh, how can i blame anyone but myself05:49
MartijnVdSHazRPG: the people here told you to try it ;)05:49
HazRPGI've heard about minecraft for a while - just never played it until recently.05:49
HazRPGMartijnVdS: true... but I was considering playing it anyways xD05:50
HazRPGit was the price that swayed me mainly05:50
HazRPGI thought "if I wait... and get it later... I'll regret not having bought it when it was cheap"05:51
HazRPGhowever... I was also thinking... "I still have lots of other games, that I still haven't played"05:51
HazRPGin the end, since popey had his own server up... thought why the hell not xD05:52
HazRPGoops... oh well...05:52
HazRPGI'll just have to make sure I don't double-click it as often...05:52
HazRPGor better yet! Setup a task so that the shortcuts only show up after a certain time xD05:53
HazRPGand another one, to auto-kill it at a certain time, and also hide shortcuts xD05:53
HazRPGalready have such things in place for games I use to be addicted to05:54
* HazRPG should maybe lay off the caffeine05:55
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I'm off to bed, before I find more things to do in minecraft...05:56
nigelbMorning AlanBell :)06:56
screen-xmorning :)07:49
* BigRedS needs something that breaks more obviously when the connection disappears08:01
screen-xBigRedS: +108:05
BigRedSIt has before got to ~11am before I've noticed that all the timestamps in this dead channel are at about 3am, when for whatever reason I disconnected from he ssh session08:07
screen-xheh I've been braving #ubuntu for a few mins, not going to last long in there..08:13
MooDoohello all08:14
screen-xmorning MooDoo :)08:15
DJonesMorning MooDoo screen-x08:23
CompacthackMorning all08:35
screen-xmornign Compacthack  :)08:36
MartijnVdSBigRedS: ServerAliveInterval in ~/.ssh/config (see man ssh_config)08:37
CompacthackMy Superdrive has finally turned up, 10.10 is going into my Macbook Air!08:38
screen-xMartijnVdS: depends where the connection failure is..08:38
screen-xCompacthack: which MBA have you got?08:38
MartijnVdSscreen-x: sure, if it's the connection to the IRC server that's flaking out, you'll need to teach irssi some tricks :)08:39
MartijnVdSscreen-x: but it's possible to get a blinking red "CONNECTION LOST" in each window with minimal scripting08:39
screen-xI get a message saying I'm no longer connected, but its usually just before the connection is re-established, so its pretty useless.08:40
Compacthackscreen-x: 11" with 128GB SSD, 1.6GHz CPU and 4GB RAM08:42
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I get it in window 1, where I tend to not look08:42
MartijnVdSscreen-x: (because of Freenode spam)08:42
MartijnVdS"Boohoo we're the admins and some server is going down" SO WHAT, I'LL RECONNECT... *ahem*08:43
* MartijnVdS wanders off to get some calming tea08:43
screen-xMartijnVdS: heh, I never really read the console.08:43
screen-xCompacthack: :) Let us know how 10.10 runs on there..08:44
BigRedSMartijnVdS: I keep meaning to fiddle with that config :)08:49
MartijnVdSBigRedS: I think this needs to be a script, because it has to write something to all relevant windows at once08:50
Compacthackscreen-x: Will do, been difficult to install, ended up taking the easy option and brought a Superdrive (USB DVD/CDROM)08:56
screen-xCompacthack: it wont install from usb?08:56
CompacthackNope, a Apple thing with the MBA I think08:57
CompacthackPeople have done it by coping usb install to a partition then booting into that, but bug with the installer, tries to unmount the install partition when setting up the other partitions08:58
screen-xahh :(09:00
BigRedSMartijnVdS: Ah, I include scripting in config. But It's thankfully quite rare that I find myself on such a flaky connection09:05
MooDoomorning kazade09:11
kazademorning MooDoo09:11
kazadeMooDoo, #ubuntu-uk-minecraft ;)09:12
MooDoo153 ;)09:20
directhextime to pack!09:24
screen-x\o daubers09:27
screen-xwhere are you off to directhex?09:27
screen-xdirecthex: as an official delegation?09:32
directhexscreen-x, i'm giving a talk, if that counts09:34
screen-xcool, what on?09:34
screen-xdirecthex: found you :) http://fosdem.org/2011/schedule/event/mono_debian09:37
screen-xooh I'd like to listen to Lennart Poettering on systemd, hope that gets recorded09:41
directhexhm. i can't find my passport09:43
directhexthis is now a priority09:44
MooDoodirecthex: best get off here and find it then :)09:44
JamesTaitGood morning, Angels! Happy Friday!09:45
screen-xJamesTait: you win the award for most inventive good morning line :)09:45
JamesTaitWhy, thank you. :)09:46
Neoti|workhey people...... just had a friday cob ... and feel great... hows people ...09:54
MooDoohmmmm friday cob :)09:55
Neoti|workits a reward to my self for getting through another crap week ... he he09:55
MooDoolucky bugger, although i've got a starbucks coffee :)09:56
MooDoodirecthex: found it?09:56
Neoti|workumm coffee09:56
directhexno :x09:57
directhexgonna have a shower, clear my mind09:57
screen-xdirecthex: wont be in there09:57
bigcalmGood FRIDAY! morning peeps :)10:01
sven__Hello everyone :]10:09
DJonesMorning sven__10:11
sven__DJones,  can i ask you something :)10:12
DJonesSure, give it a go10:12
Neoti|workanyone in here from BT ?10:14
bigcalmWho would admit to that?10:16
MooDoomorning czajkowski how was canonical?10:17
czajkowskiyou missed the hug10:17
MooDooczajkowski: nice picture ;)10:17
MooDooczajkowski: i'll get one when i see you in london for the rugby ;)10:17
screen-xmorning czajkowski.. I was looking for directhex on fosdem.org, and spotted that you are also speaking :)10:18
bigcalmAHA! Realised why there is money in the joint account. No council tax this month10:18
czajkowskiscreen-x: aye10:18
AlanBellpopey: sladen got hugged10:19
screen-xbigcalm: are you "visiting" ;-)10:19
gordczajkowski, were you doing anything fun in millbank?10:19
bigcalmscreen-x: I think that you pay 10 months out of 12. Rather like the tv licence. I have no idea why though10:20
screen-xbigcalm: oddness, shows how closely I monitor my accounts (!)10:20
gordsometimes evolution says that i have x unread messages when i clearly have none, annoying10:21
bigcalmscreen-x: Where I used to live on my own and got the 25% off was nearly as much as normal council tax here10:21
bigcalmWhere I used to live was lovely, but darn expensive10:21
MooDoowow loads of speakers at fosdem10:22
czajkowskigord: poking people :)10:22
gordczajkowski, a hard job, but someone has to do it10:22
MooDoogord: didn't you see the pic of czajkowski on facebook? smiling while she was doing it ;)10:23
* popey pokes bigcalm with #ubuntu-uk-minecraft :)10:23
gordi don't really use facebook, i have facebook chat hooked up to my IM's but thats about it, too lazy to go to a website10:23
MooDoogord: don't blame you to be honest lol10:23
MooDoos-fox: good morning10:25
popey\o/ no facebook account10:25
s-foxHello MooDoo .  How are you?10:26
MooDoos-fox: i'm very well thanks, going to see peter kay in notts tonight :D10:26
s-foxThat sounds fun MooDoo10:30
* czajkowski pokes AlanBell and TheOpenSourcerer 10:32
* TheOpenSourcerer waves at czajkowski10:32
* AlanBell hugs czajkowski 10:32
MooDoos-fox: yes i'm looking forward to it10:32
AlanBellhave a nice flight10:32
czajkowskihello ye two messers10:32
TheOpenSourcererenjoy the train.10:32
czajkowskiAlanBell: TRAIN... do you remember last nights chats my dear10:32
TheOpenSourcererIt's fun.10:32
AlanBelloh yeah10:32
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: even you remembered10:32
TheOpenSourcererI'm like an elephant me ;-)10:33
czajkowskiAlanBell: yer getting old :p10:33
AlanBellczajkowski: never listen to a thing you say, should know that by now10:33
MooDooczajkowski: bye x10:33
AlanBellchoo choo o/10:33
s-foxBye czajkowski  :)10:34
MooDoohmmm tapas or wagammamas tonight?10:36
* screen-x votes wagammamas10:36
Laneythere's a tapas restaurant called iberico near the galleries of justice that is really good10:37
Laneyi recommend that10:37
* popey votes tapas10:38
MooDoothanks Laney :)10:38
* bigcalm isn't that excited by tapas10:38
bigcalmMooDoo: What's your location?10:38
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
MooDoobigcalm: i'm in nottingham10:38
bigcalmMay I recomend sushi? :)10:39
MooDoobigcalm: don't eat fish, cooked or raw10:39
MooDooactually i take that statement back10:39
bigcalmThat does limit the choices then :)10:39
MooDooas sushi isn't necassarilyfish if i'm not mistaken :)10:39
s-foxCanas y Tapas is not so far from here and is really good for tapas10:40
MartijnVdSMooDoo: you could try f&c ;)10:40
MooDoos-fox: anything near the concert hall to be honest :D10:40
popeyMooDoo: why don't you eat fish?10:41
popeydaubers doesnt either iirc10:41
MooDoopopey: had a bad reaction when i was younger and never tried it since.10:41
dutchiei don't particularly like fish, if that counts10:42
screen-xI don't eat fish either.10:42
screen-x^5 dutchie10:42
MooDooi don't mind sea food but not fish, although my wife says i should try monk fish as it's meatier10:42
* MooDoo must remember to time how fast my ubuntu works now i'm running ssd10:43
directhexwhere haven't i looked?10:44
dauberspopey: I've been converted recently10:44
daubersThough still won't go near sushi10:44
* jpds thinks food is a weapon, and eats everything.10:44
daubersI found the trick was to learn to cook it properly.....10:44
MooDoodirecthex: bedroom draws, on your bookshelf with all your post, in your sock draw, in a secret place only you know about and have forgotten :)10:45
screen-xdirecthex: filing cabinet?, shelves.. bags, coat pockets10:45
daubersdirecthex: In your car?10:45
screen-xMooDoo: did you time it with disk, then copy your install to SSD? would be interesting to see the difference SSD makes, when its the only variable thats changed.10:45
MooDooscreen-x: no i didn't but it's no hardship to put the normal disk back in for testing10:46
MooDooalthough it is quite good :D10:46
popeydaubers: where other halves passport is located10:46
popeyer directhex10:47
screen-xMooDoo: noticeably snappier in normal usage with sshd?10:47
MooDooscreen-x: yup :)10:47
directhexpopey, yes10:47
directhexpopey, nope10:47
directhexpopey, got hers, no trouble10:48
dutchiewoohoo, lectures10:48
screen-xMooDoo: do you have plenty of RAM?10:48
MooDoo screen-x 4gb10:48
MartijnVdSpopey, MooDoo: http://j.mp/i0JlVL10:49
MartijnVdSmemegenerator++ :)10:50
MooDooMartijnVdS: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/239/461325122_6dbcf37c81.jpg10:50
daubersBah, why isn't there a library to deal with magnetic tapes in python10:50
MartijnVdSdaubers: because magnetic tapes are just special device files, and there are plenty of libraries that deal with those :P10:51
MartijnVdS(guess what the "t" stands for..)10:51
daubersYes yes yes, I can just call mt, but it would be nice to do it without resorting to calling a CLI program10:52
daubersMartijnVdS: python-tar doesn't rewind the tape and whatnot10:52
MartijnVdSdaubers: ah, you want to do ioctls then :)10:52
daubersMartijnVdS: Got a convenient link for that?10:54
daubersOooh... man st might be useful10:55
directhex\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/10:58
screen-xdirecthex: w00t :)10:58
directhexphone wife, find within 60 seconds10:59
MooDoodirecthex: lol where was it :)10:59
directhexMooDoo, inside pocket of my suit jacket10:59
* screen-x was pretty close at 10:45 then :)11:00
MooDoodirecthex: typical :D11:00
Laneywe need more schengen11:02
MooDooLaney: more what?11:03
seekerdirecthex: My girlfriend always complains that im unobservant and never notice anything11:03
jpdsLaney: No.11:03
MooDooseeker: i can look for something for ages and it's always right in front of my face as my wife points out11:04
directhexright... packing... don't have a suitable bag \o/11:04
daubersMeh, my missus complains that I occasionally refer to her as my calender11:04
seekerSo when i lose stuff she finds it quickly11:04
seekerHowever, when it comes to the Internet, the situation is reversed11:04
screen-xdaubers: heh, I've pursuaded mrs screen-x to use google calendar :)11:05
MooDoodirecthex: phone the wife, she'll have one :p11:05
seekerShe spent 45 mins last night looking for stuff11:05
seekerI found it in about 45 seconds11:05
daubersscreen-x: I tried that, but I always forget to put stuff on it. Easier to mention it to the missus and she'll remind me11:05
seeker<- not *totally* useless11:06
screen-xdaubers: yeah, only works if you both have phones that sync well.11:06
directhexi'll steal her bag. remove stockings first though... roommate will look at me funny if i pull those out11:06
MooDoodirecthex: funny or with a slight wink ;)11:07
davmor2morning all11:07
MooDoodavmor2: morning sir11:07
bigcalmLatest version of iTunes has removed the GET button from the Podcasts view. This is odd11:08
davmor2bigcalm: that's cause apple hates you :D11:09
bigcalmdavmor2: the feeling is mutual :)11:09
bigcalmiTunes is the only thing of theirs that I use out of choice11:09
bigcalmAnd that's just for the podcasts11:09
MooDoodavmor2: good day yesterday?11:09
screen-xbigcalm: iTunes is one of the only things of theirs that I hate with a passion. (the other is timecapsule)11:10
davmor2MooDoo: busy, nearly missed czajkowski all together :)11:10
=== redd is now known as Guest40634
Neoti|workWhen are the people at ubuntu gonna fix the PPTP VPN problems... argh!!! its very anoyning ....11:16
jpdsNeoti|work: Have you filed a bug report about it?11:17
popeyNeoti|work: which specific issue? VPNs raise a number of issues11:18
Neoti|workok ignore that ... it just started working .... its not been working for past week on my computer and now it is ... maybe that update i just did fixed it ... either way ... yey11:20
=== Webicus is now known as N1ckR
Neoti|workevery time i tried to connect with the correct user ane password it just failed... yet the same vpn on widnows always worked.... strange.11:20
* directhex realises saying "X is for girls, manly men use Y" isn't funny, it's just sexist11:21
popeydirecthex: found it yet?11:22
MartijnVdSdirecthex: X-chromosomes are for girls, manly men have Y-chromosomes.11:22
directhex[10:58] <directhex> \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/11:22
directhexMartijnVdS, the manliest men have 2!11:22
MartijnVdSdirecthex: exactly!11:22
bigcalmI'm lost11:23
popeydirecthex: wifey accuses me of "man looking"11:23
popeywhen I can't find stuff11:23
popey"Oh, you've been man looking again?"11:23
bigcalmpopey: I get that too!11:23
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you're in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.11:23
popeyIt's almost always because she's been "woman tidying" stuff away11:23
popeybigcalm: You have been eaten by a grue.11:23
MartijnVdSpopey: why do I read that with a "deep south" American accent?11:23
popeyRestart (Y/N)11:23
bigcalmformat c: /Y11:24
MooDoorm -rf * /11:24
bigcalmDid that once by mistake on my dad's machine11:24
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
bigcalmSorry, my dad's work machine11:24
MartijnVdSCannot load COMMAND, system halted11:25
bigcalmGood, time for a cuppa tea then :)11:25
MooDoobigcalm: when i was younger and on YTS i was told to go run that command on a machine, they mistakenly thought i knew what it meant ;)11:25
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I accidentally threw a 20MB hard disk off a desk once11:25
MartijnVdSbigcalm: (PC was disassembled for upgrades)11:25
screen-xMartijnVdS: 5" drive?11:26
MartijnVdSscreen-x: ST-22511:27
Neoti|workok im guessing the vpn problems have been fixed in this update i just did ... YEY !!!!! \0/11:27
MooDooNeoti|work: yay o/11:28
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://www.redhill.net.au/d/d-a.html11:28
Neoti|workMooDoo : indeed! 0/11:29
directhexokay. i will play some minecraft now11:29
* popey invites directhex to #ubuntu-uk-minecraft11:29
screen-xMartijnVdS: I keep meaning to disassemble a big old disk, the large platters should make good coasters..11:31
s-foxaka popey-world :)11:31
MartijnVdSscreen-x: my dad has a full-height 5.25" hard disk bookend :)11:31
screen-xI've got one of those from an old sun scsi housing :)11:32
brobostigonmorning everyone.11:49
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon11:49
MooDoobrobostigon: morning11:49
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS :)11:49
brobostigonmorning MooDoo :)11:49
* screen-x is having ADSL issues. 11:50
MooDoobrobostigon: how are you this fine day?11:50
brobostigonMooDoo: not bad, my hip hurts, but more optimistic certainly. and how about you?11:50
MooDoobrobostigon: i'm not bad, going to see peter kay tonight so that's good.11:51
brobostigonMooDoo: cool, have loads of fun, :)11:51
MooDoobrobostigon: i will :)  and then i;ll be doing some boot speed tests tomorrow with ubuntu and my ssd11:52
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i just found out,bytemark give native ipv6 for their vps's, :)11:53
brobostigonMooDoo: :) , ah, interesting.11:53
bigcalmOoo, I didn't realise that I had an ipv6 address with my bytemark host11:54
bigcalmAny way of testing it?11:54
MooDoovirgin not doing them yet as far as i can tell11:54
jpdsbigcalm: mtr -6 gb.archive.ubuntu.com11:54
bigcalmIt wants to install 37 packages before mtr will get installed11:55
jpdsbigcalm: traceroute6 -n gb.archive.ubuntu.com11:55
bigcalmNetwork in unreachable11:57
brobostigonbigcalm: http://www.bytemark.co.uk/support/technical_documents/ipv611:58
bigcalmbrobostigon: ta11:59
brobostigonbigcalm: you're welcome,11:59
* bigcalm hunts down the welcome emails12:00
bigcalmHow odd12:05
bigcalmipv6 address stated in ifconfig is completely different from the welcome email12:06
* bigcalm gets ready to break his vm12:09
bigcalmBroke it :D12:10
jpdsWell done, good sir.12:10
MooDoobigcalm: well done :D12:10
bigcalm# ifdown eth0 && ifup eth012:15
bigcalmFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory12:15
* bigcalm shakes his fist at Bytemark12:15
screen-xbigcalm: impressive that you had enough connectivity to receive that error..12:16
bigcalmscreen-x: I'm logged into the admin console12:16
screen-xahh, makes sesnse12:16
bigcalmMaybe I'll leave this to out of office hours12:22
andylockranhowdy guys12:25
brobostigonafternoonings andylockran12:26
bigcalmGood evening12:28
=== denny- is now known as denny
bigcalmLots of brown outs!12:39
bigcalmSo glad I have UPSs12:39
kernixhi all12:41
MooDooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa power cuts13:08
* MooDoo has made a schoolboy error13:09
MooDoostupid computers13:09
bigcalmMooDoo: getting a lot of brown outs here13:09
MooDoobigcalm: yeah where i am too.....but my server rebooted fine, however as it's a vmware server i forgot to make the vm's restart too :S doh!!!!13:10
bigcalmYou need a UPS :)13:10
MooDootell me about it....13:10
MooDoobigcalm: yes i know13:11
MooDoodarn vps's lol13:11
popeywhenever I hear "brown outs" I think of playing Civilisation13:29
jpdspopey: Not 5 minute chocolate cup-cakes?13:30
screen-x\o/ mug cakes13:31
JamesTaitMy kids think popey is some kind of deity after we made those cakes.13:34
lazarus_hi all13:34
JamesTaitMooDoo: Spot on about Virgin not doing IPv6. They have "plenty of free IPv4 addresses" apparently.13:36
MooDooJamesTait: yeah that's what i read in forums last night :)13:37
* JamesTait hands Virgin Media a pair of glasses. Talk about myopic.13:38
JamesTaitIn the meantime, I got set up with a tunnel from SixXS.13:39
dwatkinsI guess I should setup a tunnel, not that I really know what I'd do with it, i.e. when I'd need it.13:39
brobostigondwatkins: freenode over ipv6, ipv6.chat.freenode.net :), ipv6.google.com  www.v6.facebook.com13:40
popeyhaha JamesTait13:40
JamesTaitpopey: Of course, we've all known that for years.... ;)13:40
DaraelNot that ipv6.chat.freenode.net is necessary if one's client prefers v6.13:40
brobostigonDarael: good point, easy to set in irssi.13:41
* JamesTait wonders if his does.13:41
DaraelAnd ditto Google if using Hurricane Electric DNS.13:41
Daraelbrobostigon: Precisely.13:41
DaraelOr any other DNS that Google provide quad-A records to, actually.13:41
* popey cuddles JamesTait 13:42
* JamesTait purrs.13:42
MartijnVdSsorry about that13:43
MartijnVdSv6 \o/13:43
* MartijnVdS isn't a pro irssi wranger, apparently13:43
JamesTaitJudging by my netstat output, me too. :)13:43
dutchiethe real reason for not setting reverse ipv6 dns: because there is no point having ipv6 unless people on irc can see it13:44
MartijnVdS14:43 [FreeNode] -!- Irssi: Connecting to ipv6.chat.freenode.net  [2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe] port 666713:44
popeyi should probably consider ipv6 on my bitfolk vps at some point13:44
MartijnVdS"dead beef cafe", rly?13:44
jpdsThankfully most of the Ubuntu mirrors have had v6 for a while.13:44
brobostigonjpds: yes, :)13:44
MartijnVdSjpds: Facebook has a v6 page, Google is available over v613:44
JamesTaitOh that's what that address is! I was seeing it in my UFW logs and wondering!13:45
MartijnVdSWhen reddit and imgur add v6 support, I can disable v4 ;)13:45
MartijnVdSdutchie: google includes youtube.. :)13:45
andylockrangiwdt akk13:46
MartijnVdSandylockran: Welsh?13:47
DJonesor a hangover13:47
screen-xMartijnVdS: not enough 'L's13:47
MartijnVdSscreen-x: good point13:48
brobostigonplenty of welsh words with no l's.13:48
screen-xdoesnt have enough repeats to be sleeping cat syndrome..13:49
screen-xbrobostigon: well, it has a k in it, which doesn't exist in welsh (iirc)13:49
brobostigonscreen-x: good point,13:50
dwatkinsbrobostigon: thanks, I will look into it13:50
popeyit's "howdy all" with his fingers in the wrong place.13:51
brobostigondwatkins: :)13:51
JamesTaitWho needs Enigma machines when we've got popey?13:52
screen-xJamesTait: are you after a SAP job?13:53
JamesTaitNot flippin' likely!13:53
JamesTaitAnyone going to UDS?13:55
CaMasonis there a simple way to remove some of the old kernels?13:56
popeyCaMason: install cruft-removal tool13:56
popeyor computer janitor or whatever it's called13:56
popey!find computer-janitor-gtk13:56
popeycareful though, it can remove more than you want13:56
popeymake sure to untick anything you dont want removed13:56
CaMasonrunning the janitor tool now13:57
screen-xpopey: find would be useful in here :)14:00
popeyoh, doh14:01
MooDooJamesTait: when is it this time?14:03
MooDooah may14:04
popeyusually may/oct14:04
MooDooomg popey just popped up all large like :S14:05
MooDoopopey: you're on one of the rotating umages with jono :)14:05
popeyheh, where?14:06
JamesTaitMooDoo: 9th - 13th May.14:06
popeyoh yeah :)14:06
popeyscary pic14:06
MooDoopopey: my first though was "That's POPEY" :)14:06
popey* Other community members are available14:06
MooDooi didn't even realise it was jono until i had another look lol14:07
screen-xbrilliant DOF in that pic, spot on.14:08
JamesTaitI will be there this time. :)14:08
JamesTaitThis pleases me.14:08
MooDoohello czajkowski arrived safetly?14:08
MooDooczajkowski: silly question, just checking though :)14:10
Pendulumczajkowski: why are you wasting time on IRC? go fet your beer and chocolate :P14:11
czajkowskiI need to shower14:11
czajkowskicheck mail14:11
czajkowskiand find patrick14:11
czajkowskikeith arrives later14:11
czajkowskithen jon14:11
MooDoothen pub?14:13
czajkowskineed to watch rugby game14:13
* brobostigon hopes the right team wins, :)14:14
daviscC'mon Wales ;-p14:14
brobostigondavisc: :)14:14
* davisc is the only one in the office today wearing a rygby shirt14:15
* screen-x would be the only one in the office not cheering wales (if he was at work..)14:15
brobostigoni support both though.14:16
MooDootypical, first match and i'm out watching peter kay :S14:18
brobostigonMooDoo: get_iplayer to the rescue.14:19
MooDoobrobostigon: i'm recording it, i'll watch it when i get home14:19
brobostigonMooDoo: good plan.14:20
MooDoothen again i need to watch alice part 2 as well :D14:20
adampcHi  all :)14:20
adampcLong time no see..14:20
adampcbrobostigon:  ;)14:21
MooDooadampc: hello14:21
adampchehe MooDoo14:21
brobostigonadampc: afternoonings :)14:21
adampcJust got my Broadband back on lads :P14:21
adampcAfternoonings hha14:21
adampc30Mbps :P wooo14:21
MooDooooo nice, did you upgrade or new purchase?14:21
MooDoovirgin right?14:21
adampcnew customer MooDoo yeah VM14:21
popey\o/ virgin14:22
adampcgot the super hub lol14:22
MooDoocool, i can upgrade from my 20 for 15 quid or soemthing like that14:22
adampcits nice, modem an router in one I can see it getting overloaded with alot of infomation but it is netgear so will let em off ;P14:22
adampcnice, mines just 32 a month with out the phone line14:22
MooDooawesome, were on sky so only need phone and broadband14:23
daubers /o\ vm :(14:25
MooDooalthough that means bugger all if i don't make my vps's restart grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr14:25
seekeradampc: 30Mbps? Is that all? :P14:26
seeker35 Mbps ftw14:28
* daubers notes some missing "upto"'s14:29
* seeker doesn't 14:30
seekerThat's about my average14:30
daubersI pay for 24 and average about 23, so I'm happy enough :)14:30
seekerAnd about 7 Mbps upload too14:31
screen-xI pay for up to 8, and get 1 and a bit.14:31
screen-xfail-wales :p14:31
popey\o/ 20Mb14:31
MooDoo+1 popey14:31
bigcalmHappy with that14:32
paradigmflowhow do you use the zoom feature? It says super+4, however nothing zooms using the windoze key+numpad 4?14:32
* bigcalm returns from exercise and collapses14:32
brobostigonscreen-x: i wouldnt say that over in #ubuntu-cym though,  :(14:32
* seeker remembers Popey getting 20Mbit Internet and wondering why he was only seeing 10Mbit, before realising he had a 10Mbit switch between him and the router14:33
screen-xparadigmflow: mouse button 4 probably14:34
daubersWas that actually a switch or was it a hub? I've not seen a 10Mb switch in quite some time14:34
popeyparadigmflow: mouse wheel14:34
screen-xparadigmflow: which is usually scroll up or down14:34
popeydaubers: pedants -> that way14:34
dauberspopey: No, actually interested :) Found someone who had a gigabit hub the other day, confused the hell out of me14:34
MartijnVdSGood parenting or bad parenting? http://cgi.ebay.com/Selling-8-Beyblades-Replace-DESTOYED-Bathtub-/280625155361?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4156900d21#ht_500wt_95914:35
paradigmflownope, nothing :$14:35
paradigmflowit's a sentinel twin lazer gaming mouse14:36
popeyMartijnVdS: bad14:36
bigcalmMartijnVdS: indifferent14:37
MartijnVdSbigcalm: just look at the picture14:37
MartijnVdSbigcalm: can't be good14:37
popeyprobably a joke14:38
popeyno idea what they told the kids to get them to react like that14:38
MooDoodaubers: everything on my lan is gigabit apart from my 100mb switch :S14:38
MartijnVdSMooDoo: http://www.google.com/images?q=face+palm14:39
MooDoopopey: any ideas on location for oggcamp11?14:39
MooDooMartijnVdS: oh i know :D14:39
popeyMooDoo: see my tweet?14:40
MooDoopopey: yesh, looking at venues one?14:40
MooDoojust being nosey :)14:41
popeyseen a few14:41
popeysuggestions for more welcome as always14:41
MooDoopopey: http://www.antenna.uk.com/ :D14:41
popeywe've already decided it's down south14:42
MooDooah ok14:42
seekerDown south \o/14:43
popey\o/ indeed14:44
MartijnVdSthe deep south14:44
jpds.au? Seems a bit far away.14:44
MooDoomight try setting up something up here, a lot of people said they liked nottingham yesterday :D14:44
seekerDeepest, darkest Hampshire?14:45
MartijnVdSseeker: tip of Cornwall14:45
popey\o/ south coast14:46
seekerHey Myrtti14:46
screen-xpopey: south coast ++14:50
dutchiepopey: anywhere on the paddington - malvern train line is great for me :)15:19
bigcalmAh, fond memories15:19
HazRPGafternoon \o15:30
MooDooHazRPG: hullo15:30
brobostigonafternoonings HazRPG :)15:31
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
HazRPGbrobostigon: :)15:36
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
Pendulumhiya Myrtti16:05
* screen-x is getting bored of this now. 16:06
MooDooscreen-x: bored of what?16:07
screen-xMooDoo: flaky connection :(16:08
bigcalmRackspace dedicated server running Plesk Parallels - anybody know where vhost log files are kept?16:14
MooDoobigcalm: /var/www/vhosts?16:16
MooDoogrep VHOST /etc/psa/psa.conf16:16
bigcalmMooDoo: the vhosts are there, but not the log files16:16
MooDooat a guess16:16
bigcalmGood idea16:16
screen-xnot directly related, but piwik \o/16:17
daubersscreen-x: Where's your connection going through?16:17
bigcalm within the vhost16:17
bigcalmIt's /statistics/logs16:17
bigcalm within the vhost16:17
* bigcalm slaps paste16:17
* MooDoo kisses google :)16:18
screen-xdaubers: I run a bip proxy on an old laptop at home, however my home ADSL connection is yoyoing today :(16:18
jpdsbigcalm: Just stay calm.16:22
bigcalmHow do I get Tesco to stop spamming me? I've told them to not send me any emails 5 times now16:22
daviscbigcalm: procmail > /dev/null16:25
daubersbigcalm: Bounce it back to them?16:26
* daubers despairs at the 30 files of test data that now needs to be analysed16:26
Azelphurjust tried ticking enable ipv6 on my dd-wrt router, it didn't work :-(16:41
iulianbigcalm: 6 might be your lucky number. ;)16:42
screen-xAzelphur: does your ISP provide native ip6, or are you using a tunnel?16:44
AzelphurMy ISP has apparently been providing it native for years16:44
screen-xAzelphur: could you use a packet sniffer on the external interface, and see if any RAs are coming in?16:50
Azelphurscreen-x: nah, as I said to my brother I'm not particularly hyped over IPv616:51
Azelphurif it doesn't work with a simple button press I'm too lazy :P16:51
jpdsAzelphur: Call enta? ... . Profit?16:51
Azelphurprobably switching away from enta soon too16:51
jpdsYou're doing it wrong for future internets.16:51
Azelphurnope, the developers are doing it wrong for future internets16:52
* brobostigon would kill for native ipv6, and has the hw to do it.16:52
Azelphurif I can't press a button and have it enabled, it's not going to work over all anyway16:52
jpdsbrobostigon: Sounds a bit extreme.16:52
screen-xAzelphur: we'll have to use IPv6 once ISPs start nating ADSL IPv4 addresses.16:52
Azelphurif it becomes an issue I'll obviously be more interested :)16:53
brobostigonjpds: iwould kill, just an expression.16:53
brobostigonAzelphur: its anissue already.16:53
Azelphur*shrug* everything works for now16:53
brobostigonit wont for long though.16:53
Azelphurwhen my ISP announces "IPv6 or NAT"16:54
Azelphurthen it'll be an issue ;)16:54
Azelphurthen I'll be sitting down spending hours and calling up the ISP to try and get it working16:54
brobostigonyou dont need NAT in ipv6, its redundant,16:54
Azelphurbrobostigon: but I like my nat16:55
Azelphurwhy don't you need a NAT in ipv6?16:55
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
directhexchoo choo16:55
directhexAzelphur, because every human can have billions of IPs without risk of using them all up16:55
Azelphuryea I understand that part16:56
screen-xAzelphur: enough public addresses, so dont need to reuse private space16:56
jpdsAzelphur: Your homework for today, read: http://www.ja.net/documents/publications/technical-guides/ipv6-tech-guide-for-web.pdf16:56
Azelphurbut a NAT is a important security feature for the web16:56
Azelphuryup :o16:56
Azelphurit saves all the windows noobs from remote exploits xD16:56
brobostigonAzelphur: i would justsetup a decent firewall.16:56
Azelphurbrobostigon: that would work16:56
brobostigonAzelphur: and getrid of nat at the same time, :)16:57
jpdsAzelphur: Windows has the IPv6 privacy extensions enabled by default.16:59
Azelphurjpds: windows also doesn't have any security16:59
Azelphura firewall to block incoming connections is pretty essential to a windows machine imo17:00
screen-xAzelphur:  it only takes one line of iptables to drop all new incoming connections, which gets you the same level of protection as nat.17:00
Azelphuryea, Linux is fine17:00
Azelphurit's Windows I'm laughing at17:00
AlanBellAzelphur: no, you do the iptables on the router17:00
screen-xAlanBell: yep17:00
popeyno, you press the "make it work" button on the firewall17:01
Azelphur(16:56:38) brobostigon: Azelphur: i would justsetup a decent firewall. (16:56:46) Azelphur: brobostigon: that would work17:01
popeynormal humans dont use iptables17:01
Azelphurwe had this discussion already :D17:01
AlanBellthat too17:01
screen-xyes, which hopefully does some iptables underneath17:01
popeyso stop moaning :)17:01
* screen-x writes iptables scripts, so either isnt normal or isnt human17:01
Azelphur^ both17:01
screen-xmost annoying things about osx so far: no iptables and no "ip" command.17:02
* screen-x cant be bothered to learn pf17:02
* jpds sees an increasing amount of laziness reported in this channel.17:03
daubersjpds: I'd argue against that.... but can't be bothered17:05
* screen-x reads man 8 ipfw17:06
daubersAzelphur: a firewall woul do that17:10
* AlanBell has the map on beta.ubuntu-uk.org working17:16
AlanBellyou *have* to click the search link to the right of geographical position before submitting17:17
* AlanBell is going to change that a bit17:17
bigcalmWhat's with the odd tab index?17:18
bigcalmTab from Subtitle goes to e-mail17:19
bigcalmSkipping Description17:19
* bigcalm awaits moderation17:20
=== PhilT is now known as Guest14530
AlanBellbigcalm: oops, can you try again17:25
AlanBellyou put a pin on the map called "test map", which I just deleted and replace with one called "ubuntu uk"17:26
bigcalmYou are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.17:26
bigcalmDid my submission not work?17:29
AlanBellhmm, no, just have the first one17:31
AlanBellI trashed your last one so it should let you post again17:33
AlanBellthere is a standard wordpress flooding filter that you tripped17:33
bigcalmNope, stopped me again17:41
AlanBelltimezones and things look right17:44
bigcalmNo worries :)17:46
bigcalmhttp://www.angryflower.com/revolt.html # topical :)17:54
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
* davisc debates an intrepid to lucid upgrade18:29
dwatkinsinteresting, dutchie18:31
jacobwevening channel19:26
brobostigonevening MartijnVdS19:34
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
DJonesGood evening and welcome to the weekend19:35
=== webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon_laptop
=== webpigeon_laptop is now known as Guest69707
* MartijnVdS listens to She & Him on vinyl19:37
=== Guest69707 is now known as webpigeon_laptop
* DJones wonders if webpigeon_laptop needs faster typing skills to identify to login to freenode19:39
* jacobw has a shiny new Nexus S19:39
MartijnVdSDJones: or better client config19:39
webpigeon_laptopDJones, nickserv is in league with my toaster, nether like me :P19:40
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MartijnVdSwebpigeon_laptop: irssi? :)19:40
MartijnVdSwebpigeon_laptop: I have a piece of irssi config that makes talking to nickserv obsolete :)19:40
MartijnVdS(it works by supplying a username/password to the irc server on connect)19:40
DJoneswebpigeon_laptop: :)19:41
webpigeon_laptopMartijnVdS, xchat, it just fails to id on login sometimes :P19:41
MartijnVdSit just fails :P19:41
webpigeon_laptopMy quassel deamon works better, I just don't have quassel client on this mashine :P19:41
MartijnVdSquassel, isn't that the routing software/19:42
webpigeon_laptopIt's an irc server-client setup19:42
webpigeon_laptopThe server runs on this mashine, the clients run on my laptop19:43
webpigeon_laptopit's just a pain to make it work over ssh (have to forward the port with -L first :|)19:43
DJoneswebpigeon_laptop: I use irssi & have no problem logging in  identifying19:44
webpigeon_laptopDJones, I used to use irssi but haven't in ages, the key bindings don't agree with me :P19:44
DJonessame as you, i've got it running on a server inside screen & connect with ssh19:44
webpigeon_laptopMy current setup is freenode->quassel-core->quassel-client || freenode->xchat19:45
MartijnVdSconfused it with quagga :)19:45
MartijnVdSoh well, qua*19:47
MartijnVdSquiet night here?20:00
DJonesYep, people are probably in the pub/eating tea/collecting eggs20:01
MartijnVdScollecting eggs? Easter isn't for another 2 months at least20:02
dwatkinsThe shops already have a bunch of eggs anyways20:12
DJonesTell that to AlanBell20:13
* AlanBell has eggs20:13
Baikonuri just had fajitas20:13
ali1234is the easter bunny supposed to actually *lay* those eggs, or does it just deliver them? if so, where do they come from?20:13
ali1234i mean santa has a proper backstory that is internally consistent but this easter bunny stuff just seems like it was thrown together20:15
Baikonurbunny is a symbol for fertility20:16
Baikonuras are eggs20:16
brobostigonali1234: as a childrens story, told to children, i dont think its meant to be analised  logically like that.20:16
Baikonurit's a pagan fertility festival20:16
DJonesali1234: http://i.abimg.net/images/answers/41746/2547779/bunnyhen.jpg?1296775510a20:16
DJonesI think that explains a lot20:17
popeyAlanBell: you always have eggs!20:38
popeyI had a wrap, which contained chicken!20:38
popey(no eggs were harmed in the making of my wrap)20:38
* DJones is eating a chicken pie20:38
jacobw(but a chicken was)20:40
sgehis there an ubuntu channel for arabs?20:43
lubotu3La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe20:43
DJonesWrong one20:43
AlanBellnot there20:43
lubotu3For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:43
DJonesI wonder how somebody looking for an arabic ubuntu channel would join -uk? while using a shell20:45
popeymaybe they are british?20:45
popeyjust a guess :)20:45
MartijnVdSDJones: because the UK is almost an arab state!</##politics> :P20:54
MartijnVdSpopey: Sorry, Wilders was in the news again20:59
adampcLoving the homepage #ubuntu-uk21:02
adampcHi guys I have a problem upgrading to 10.10 :/ - Here is a screenshot of what it said when I tryed upgraded: http://i51.tinypic.com/2wqqqgm.png21:15
adampcAny help would be great, tanks.21:15
MartijnVdSadampc: did you do any of the suggested things that might have caused it?21:20
SuperMattwell it looks like you have an issue setting new software channels, so I would assume that maybe it's having difficulty with your /etc/apt/sources file21:22
SuperMattremove anything in there that isn't part of a default install21:22
adampcThanks guys :)21:44
popeyno point21:51
popeythe upgrade does that anyway21:51
dogmatic69could someone please help me with a ppa error, its driving me mad http://bin.cakephp.org/view/83921972222:35
brobostigondogmatic69: i do believe the arduino  IDe is now inthe mainrepos, and you dont need a ppa anymore, i maybe wrong though.22:37
brobostigon!info arduino22:37
lubotu3arduino (source: arduino): AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0018+dfsg-4 (maverick), package size 1398 kB, installed size 3780 kB22:37
dogmatic69im running it off git22:37
dogmatic69latest is 22 and i got an uno, so 18 does nothing22:37
popeydogmatic69: that ppa doesnt contain anything for maverick22:37
dogmatic69uno was released a few weeks back22:38
popeyso you need to remove those lines from your sources22:38
dogmatic69i think it was added somehow.. need to 'remove' it22:38
dogmatic69i just installed ppa-purge but no dice22:38
brobostigonsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst22:39
brobostigongksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst22:39
brobostigonapt-get update22:39
popeydepends which sources file its in brobostigon22:40
madman2021Anyone care to help me with a LITTLE php ?22:40
brobostigonpopey: good point, i am preuming.22:40
popeycould be in /etc/apt/sources.list or in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*22:40
brobostigontrue, yes.22:41
dogmatic69popey: should i just rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arduino-ubuntu-team-ppa-maverick.list22:43
dogmatic69nothing in the first option22:43
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.22:46
dogmatic69\o/ think its working22:46
dogmatic69thanks popey / brobostigon22:46
dogmatic69where are you guys btw?22:46
popeyI'm in farnborough22:47
brobostigonnorth oxfordshire.22:47
dogmatic69far away then22:47
dogmatic69im in bham22:47
brobostigoniamnot faroff then.22:48
brobostigonme tired,22:48
brobostigongood night all, sleepwell.22:49
dogmatic69could anyone tell me if this is a decent setup to start with...23:13
dogmatic69i got ssh only login on my server, pw is disabled and rules in the iptables to ban with 4 bad tries in 60 seconds23:13
dogmatic69is there more i can do to make it better, or is that ok?23:13
=== gary_ is now known as Guest95398
dutchiedogmatic69: you can automate the iptables banning with fail2ban and/or denyhosts23:29
dogmatic69dutchie: its automatic atm, if you try login 4 times within 60 seconds you are banned23:30
dutchieyeah, but fail2ban/denyhosts require no iptables knowledge :)23:30
dogmatic69just looking through the logs, ive had about 20 attempts in total over 5 days23:30
dutchieroot login disabled?23:31
dogmatic69think so23:31
dogmatic69i have something like this setup23:32
dogmatic69sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH23:32
dogmatic69sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 8 --rttl --name SSH -j DROP23:32
dogmatic69but --hitcount 423:32
dutchieif you want to be more paranoid, move ssh off port 2223:32
dutchiei have found that is more bother than it is worth though23:32
zleapyou could simply open up a different port on the router and then port forward that to port 22 on the computer you are sshing in to23:33
dogmatic69im a noob, that sounds like chines :D23:33
zleapssh -o port number iirc23:34
zleapssh -p port number iirc23:34
zleap2nd one sorry23:34
dogmatic69ok, but then all my ssh aliases will be broken?23:34
dutchieuse .ssh/config23:34
dogmatic69i got things in config now23:35
dogmatic69would i just add :port then?23:36
dutchiePort 123423:36
dutchieor whatever you choose23:36
dogmatic69i need to figure out this port stuff, wanna get my home box opened to the net so i can access it from work23:39
dwatkinsdogmatic69: I started to try and understand iptables, then I discovered shorewall.23:40
zleapi just installed open ssh server then configured my routher to point to the rioght network ip addy and it works i can ssh from netbook to my computer at hpome of its on23:40
dogmatic69i can ssh if im on the wifi, but not from external23:40
dogmatic69got ssh server running23:41
zleapyou need to config the routher then23:41
dogmatic69but when i tried to do the router i broke it23:41
dogmatic69redirect loops and stuff23:41
NativeAngelsHas anyone had experience of dell poweredge servers23:45
dogmatic69NativeAngels: more specific questions will get you some help23:54
dutchiethough not necessarily, it is nearly midnight on a friday night23:54
dutchiepeople might have lives!23:54

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