
dmcgloneI'm having Hockey withdraws LOL02:20
Unit193They lost?02:24
dmcgloneNo, there isn't a game tonight02:26
dmcglonegotta wait till tomorrow :-/02:26
* canthus13 crosschecks dmcglone.02:26
* dmcglone hooks canthus1302:27
* canthus13 boards dmcglone.02:27
* dmcglone body checks canthus1302:27
dmcgloneHmmmm you sound like your a hockey fan02:28
* canthus13 roughs dmcglone.02:28
canthus13A bit. :)02:28
canthus13Not much of an NHL fan, but I enjoy watching ECHL games.02:28
dmcgloneI see02:28
Cheri703someone who missed the initial mention of hockey might think they'd stumbled into a very different type of chat room....02:28
canthus13I just don't really like all the major-league prima donnas.02:28
canthus13Cheri703: Heh.02:29
dmcgloneI was a penguins fan most of my life, now the bluejackets came to columbus, so sometimes I'm torn between the two02:29
dmcgloneI root for both teams, but when they are playing each other, I root for the team thats winning ;-)02:30
dmcgloneI just think hockey is much more energetic and fast paced and never a dull moment02:31
dmcgloneit beats football and basketball by just a bit in my book02:32
Cheri703roller derby and bull riding, 2 minutes at a time and 8 seconds, respectively02:32
dmcglonefunny how a computer guys says "just a bit" instead of "just a hair"02:32
dmcgloneI could never beat 8 seconds! ;-)02:33
dmcglone2.7 seconds is my record... LOL02:33
dmcgloneAh shit, I just read that again, that did not sound right... LMAO02:35
Unit193No WWE or UFC fans, correct?02:35
dmcgloneUnit193: my wife loves the UFC02:36
dmcgloneTito Ortiz is my main man!02:36
Unit193Isn't it fake fighting?02:36
dmcgloneno the UFC02:36
dmcglonethe WWE is02:36
dmcglonethe WWE is stupid02:37
dmcglonethe UFC is mixed martial arts fighting, and it real as real can be02:37
Unit193I don't really care about either... (TWC seems to think I do...)02:37
dmcglonehow so?02:37
Unit193Sends me emails about the events... allthe time!!02:38
dmcgloneYou must be subscribe to some list of theirs02:39
Unit193eh, it's a rr.com address02:39
dmcgloneno wonder02:39
Cheri703ufc is good when they're actually fighting, but it's a lot of men hugging and grunting and rolling around on the ground when they're grappling...which, if that's your thing, go for it, but...02:40
dmcgloneI agree cheri02:41
dmcgloneI tell my wife that all the time02:41
dmcgloneit's boring watching them just grab each other and lay there like fags... LOL02:41
* Unit193 isn't really a sports fan02:42
Unit193I'll watch the random football game, but that's about it02:42
dmcgloneare any of your friends sports fans?02:43
Unit193Not crazy ones... (might be, but I don't know)02:43
Unit193Have you never seen a crazy fan? (Like most of the OSU fans are...)02:44
dmcgloneLOL you calling me crazy?02:45
dmcglonejust kidding02:45
dmcgloneyou mean the fans that know how to have fun?02:45
Unit193It would depend on how you define "fun"02:46
dmcgloneI see, you mean the "sorry sports" the ones who get mad and yell when they lose or miss something02:48
dmcgloneI'm not like that. I'm one of the few that realizes you cannot win them all. Although OSU did it in 2001... LOL02:49
Unit193I would call that more of an extreme type02:50
dmcgloneI've never been around one like that though02:52
Unit193I also have not...02:53
dmcgloneFootball around here is a time for fun and friends02:54
dmcgloneThis weekend I'm going to a super bowl party at my wife's uncle's house. He's a Pittsburgh steelers fan and I am a browns fan :-)02:56
dmcgloneand I'm gonna root for the Packers the whole time02:56
dmcgloneMy brother in law is a Michigan fan and we watch the OSU/Michigan game every year together03:00
Unit193I'm more of a Michigan then OSU... I've watched it with my OSU friends03:01
dmcgloneIt's all good clean fun03:02
dmcgloneIt's my time to be sociable.. lol03:03
dmcglonethe other 99.9% of the time, it's kids and computers03:04
dmcgloneback! seems I fell out the window03:08
Unit193You're making it hard to play AC.. ;)03:10
dmcgloneI'm out everyone! have a good night04:25
canthus13ChanServ: *poke*17:24
thafreakAfternoon all20:39
thafreakHey canthus13, looks like I'm buyin me a guruplug for testing!20:40
canthus13thafreak: good morning.20:40
thafreakguruplug is sheevaplug++20:40
canthus13thafreak: Woo. watch out for massive heat issues.20:40
* canthus13 avoided buying one due to the high heat failure rate.20:40
thafreakreally? I haven't read that yet20:40
canthus13thafreak: They overheat like mad.20:40
thafreakhmmm...the sheeva plug, or the guruplug, or both?20:41
canthus13google guruplug overheat20:41
canthus13dunno about sheeva.20:41
thafreakI guess it doesn't matter anyway....you can't get them anymore...21:02
thafreaklooks like they replaced guruplug with a new model, dream plug21:03
thafreakbut it has "audio" built in...which I don't want/need21:03
thafreakcanthus13: you know of anything similar to those plug computers out there?21:06
canthus13Not really.  I'd prolly go with a dual core Atom mini board if I wanted small...21:25
canthus13a D520 and motherboard runs about 90 bucks.21:25
thafreakyeah, but it's not THAT small :)21:43
thafreakand I'd prefer something I can control over serial21:45
thafreakSeems to have a bunch of info on lots of devices21:51
canthus13thafreak: mini ITX boards have serial ports... :)21:52
thafreakyeah, but you can't boot from them....not like embedded boards, where things like bios/boot messages get sent over serial22:09

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