
Plasmastarg_0_0: I got it. :)00:00
Plasmastaralsa-utils reset worked wonders00:00
harleypigetfb: It's a virtual private server.00:00
red2kicBlackDalek: Hold SHIFT when you boot up.00:00
g_0_0Plasmastar, so you have sound now?00:00
nejodeBlackDalek, boot with the live cd and chroot into your filesystem00:00
Plasmastarg_0_0: Yup, thanks. :)00:00
harleypigCale: that's not that different from mine at 1.9G00:00
g_0_0Plasmastar, you're welcome00:00
nejodeBlackDalek, ...then finish the upgrade00:00
harleypigwhat about /usr?00:00
CaleJust checking00:01
Cale8.3 GB for /usr00:01
harleypigwell monkey spit00:01
CaleUbuntu is just kinda big.00:01
harleypigsounds like I need to increase my partition size.00:01
MylesManhey g_0_0 can u help me00:02
g_0_0What's the problem MylesMan?00:02
MylesManI have mythtv setup its all working except every boot i have to re-run the capturecard setup to init my usb tuner00:02
Cale(my /usr/local is 2.2GB though)00:03
g_0_0what command do you have to run? MylesMan00:03
CaleSo it works out about the same in the end.00:03
MylesManmythtv-setup then go into capturecard and just click finish00:04
MylesManand it inits fine00:04
MylesManand modprobe pvrusb200:04
g_0_0is it the pvrusb2 that fixes the problem mylesman00:05
harleypigCale: yeah *sigh* Linode is great, but they're stingy with the hard drive space.00:05
MylesMani have to modprobe the setup etc00:05
MylesManthen setup*00:05
g_0_0ok add pvrusb2 to the file /etc/modules mylesman00:06
g_0_0gksudo gedit /etc/modules00:06
skutr3hey guys grooveshark isnt working on my pc can i get some help?00:06
g_0_0then add a line00:06
g_0_0MylesMan, with  pvrusb200:06
MylesManjust pvrusb200:07
MylesManafter loop00:07
Caleharleypig: Straight up ubuntu is a weird choice though, since it my default has lots of desktop stuff that I bet is using a lot of the space.00:07
ssnhi guys00:07
aeon-ltdskutr3: details please00:07
ssni have a bit of a silly question00:07
g_0_0MylesMan, you won't have to do modprobe after00:07
sacarlsonBlackDalek: my guess is you have a wubi install and have updated, there are issues with wubi updates at this time posible fix see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919800:07
Caleharleypig: If you're not using gnome, etc. you might try uninstalling it.00:07
MylesMani'll try that00:07
g_0_0MylesMan, goodluck00:08
skutr3aeon-ltd: well i try to play a song and it wont play.... it buffers but doesnt play....00:08
njeroHmm, usb fail too. I am jinxed... let me reboot and check that CD.00:08
ssnis it possible to export nfs shares on a system with just a root account to a system with a normal user that still can write on it (without sudo)?00:08
harleypigaptitude search gnome | grep '^i' returns nothing ... doesn't look like any gnome libraries are installed00:08
Acid190When Ubuntu boots, is there a config file or a way to change it from saying ubuntu to...whatever?00:08
BigMonkeyVideo help?  Streaming video in gnome stops, but only in my main account.  Is there anything I can reinitialize to fix it?00:09
bardyrHey, i have a Acer travelmate 230 and just installed Ubuntu 10.10 but i have a problem with the load, no matter what i do i cant get the load under 1, even with gdm/X killed and the box doing nothing00:09
Acid190bardyr: what's load 1?00:11
bardyrAcid190, average load: 0.9800:11
skutr3aeon-ltd: you there?00:12
sacarlsonssn: yes, it must be posible since I setup pxeboot with read write for users on nfs00:12
ssnscrooloose: it does not work here. with no_root_squash, you still can only write with sudo00:13
Acid190bardyr: your processor frequency? or is there a load feature I don't know about?00:13
BlaDe^I've just installed lm-sensors and my gpu is at 104 degrees C -- is that considered high?00:13
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piercedwaterCan anyone here help me with large storage options? (8+ TB)00:14
gnychisI have an ubuntu CD mounted at /mnt/iso (I have no internet connection), and I am trying to install a deb.  I added this to /etc/apt/sources.list "deb file::///mnt/iso lucid main restricted" and commented everything else out, I then did apt-get update, and tried to install something but got "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"00:14
ssnBlaDe^: thats ok00:14
bardyrAcid190, if you open up your terminal and type uptime, it will display the system load00:14
BlaDe^ssn: what temperature should I start to be concerned at?00:14
sacarlsonssn: I think you need to add rw  example: /nfs-share/ubuntu/    *(no_root_squash,rw,async,no_subtree_check)00:15
ssnBlaDe^: grakas get quite hot. as long as you dont have any crashes or display errors, you should be fine00:15
ssnsacarlson: thats exactly how my exports look00:15
BlaDe^ssn: what about CPU? It has been overheating lately.. I just cleaned out the fans etc though00:16
ssnBlaDe^: do you have case fan?00:16
BlaDe^ssn:  it's a laptop00:16
sacarlsonssn: I should verify then,  the last setup I just use for install that might just create a ram disk to write00:16
Acid190bardyr: i apparently have 3 users on this laptop00:16
ssnBlaDe^: does it still crash afer cleaning?00:17
BlaDe^I have to clock the laptop at 800MHz to stop it overheating, though.. However, it never overheated on Windows.00:17
Acid190bardyr: but my load average: 1.00, 0.95, 0.7800:17
bardyrAcid190, and thats probably fine if you are using your computer, not if your computer is idle00:18
Acid190bardyr: have like 5 things going, what the hell is the 3 users though?00:18
Acid190sorry, heck00:18
macoAcid190: you logged in on the gui, plus two terminals?00:19
ssnBlaDe^: maybe the fans are running to slow? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ACPI_fan_control_script00:19
Acid190maco: ah, nice00:19
sacarlsonssn: it would also depend on how the disk is mounted that you are exporting and how the privs are set on that disk and dir00:19
Linux_PROHow to install wine in linux 10.10?00:19
bardyrLinux_PRO, sudo apt-get install wine ; winecfg00:20
Acid190maco: there any other terminal tricks for good system info?00:21
bardyrAcid190, top00:21
macoAcid190: i like iotop00:21
nabukadnezar43hi how do i install network-manager-gnome on kubuntu maverick00:21
maconabukadnezar43: with the package manager00:21
BigMonkeybardyr: streaming stops, but only in my main account.  Can I delete any config files? Works fine in other accounts00:22
maconabukadnezar43: open kpackagekit and search for it00:22
maconabukadnezar43: to remove the others, ive already given you the package names in the other channel00:22
nabukadnezar43ok i have synaptic, but do i have to remove the used one first?00:22
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nabukadnezar43ahh ok sorry00:22
maconabukadnezar43: youd want to do it in the other order so youre online to install the new one00:22
bardyrBigMonkey, Sure go ahead and delete them all (btw what are you talking about? =00:22
nabukadnezar43ok thanks maco00:23
gnychisI have an ubuntu CD mounted at /mnt/iso (I have no internet connection), and I am trying to install a deb.  I added this to /etc/apt/sources.list "deb file::///mnt/iso lucid main restricted" and commented everything else out, I then did apt-get update, and tried to install something but got "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"00:23
BigMonkey bardyr:  Gnome streaming video 9.10 on a thinkpad, streaming stops after varying short periods - 10 sec to a minute or so.  Wierd part - only happens in my main account00:23
BlaDe^ssn:  none of those eem to work for 10.1000:23
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bardyrBigMonkey, Weird, i would just install vlc :)00:24
EmuAlertHow do you normally take pictures with a computer's camera?00:24
bardyrEmuAlert, gnome-cheese00:24
bikererhey, im having some problems00:25
BigMonkeybardyr: sorry about the blank.  VLC integrates with mozilla well?00:25
bikererinclude/linux/coda.h:223: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'u_quad_t'00:25
bardyrBigMonkey, if you install the plugin, it does00:26
Acid190bikerer: what are you trying to do?00:26
bc81BigMonkey: mozilla-plugin-vlc00:26
BigMonkeybardyr: do I have to remove any other plugin stuff?00:26
bikererAcid190, compile a linux kernel for a huawei s7 using a arm-eabi  i just built from the google tools00:27
BlaDe^my fan speeds aren't showing up in "sensors" -- why would that be?00:27
bikerertrued with gnueabi that dint work , produced the module i needed but it was incompatible somehow00:27
bikererand then i tried codesourcerys eabi, that didnt work either, basically produced the same error as this one here00:27
Acid190bikerer: ha, outta my league00:27
bikererhehe ok00:27
bardyrBigMonkey, not exactly sure, probably00:28
v0lksmanhey all!  10.04 -> 10.10 upgrade gone bad.  I can't seem to load the drivers for my nvidia card (GT220)...can anyone point me in the right direction?00:29
bardyrv0lksman, dmesg -> pastebin00:29
BigMonkeybardyr: thanks.  I'm hesitant to go down that route, though.  Since it's an account-dependent thing, I've deleted .mozilla, .gstreamer*, .macromedia*, hoping to get it.00:30
BigMonkeybardyr: that's what the "delete config files" thing was about.00:30
ipatchso i am following the guide located: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10425861&posted=1#post10425861 and grub is not loading :-/00:31
v0lksmanbardyr, http://pastebin.com/cYSdBjRQ00:31
pabstwhat's the etymology of 'wheel' to mean 'administrator'?00:31
bardyrv0lksman, doesn't seem to be anything there, whats actually the problem and do you get any error messages00:32
v0lksmanno errors or anything...but compiz won't launch and I can't get twinview working00:33
bc81pabst: http://superuser.com/questions/191955/what-is-the-wheel-user-in-os-x00:33
rwwpabst: http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/W/wheel.html says "from slang ‘big wheel’ for a powerful person"00:33
v0lksmanwhen I open nvidia settings it says nvidia isn't the current driver00:34
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v0lksmanwhat ever happened to envy!  :)00:34
kasper_god i hate unity00:34
Acid190v0lksman: administration/hardware drivers?00:34
KM0201v0lksman: envy...lol, another "problem from the past".. automatix, envy, and now tweak.. :)00:35
imonanyone know how to set up ircd-hybrid to make user supply a password to connect??00:35
Acid190not a fan of tweak00:35
v0lksmanenvy always worked for me...I read the horrors but it always seemed to work.. :)00:35
KM0201Acid190: not i said the fly... :)00:35
KM0201v0lksman: the problem w/ envy(and automatix, and tweak) is when they fail, its often quite spectacular, and difficult to fix.00:36
kasper_sudo apt-get install unity-sucks00:36
v0lksmanso this is fun, the Restricted Driver window (jocky?) says it's activated but not currently in use...00:36
Acid190kasper_: lol00:36
bikererhrmf. if all else fails change m to n :D00:36
kasper_just installed the new UNR and i am NOT pleased00:37
EmuAlertAre mod1, mod2, mod3, and mod5 normally unassigned?00:37
v0lksmanKM0201, I could say the same about Ubuntu's driver management at this time... :)00:37
ArkoldThoswhere do I reinstall grub (installed windows 7 long time ago and since my starcraft 2 licence just expired... i want to use ubuntu again)00:37
Acid190How is envy,automatix, tweak better than compiz?00:37
ArkoldThosi mean, is grub-install /dev/???00:37
bastidrazor!grub2 | ArkoldThos00:37
ubottuArkoldThos: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:37
KM0201Acid190: you could make the same argument.. i hate compiz00:37
bastidrazorArkoldThos: use the restoregrub link00:37
kasper_whatever happened to elbuntu00:37
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bikereryou can boot linux from the nt bootload too somehow00:38
bikereri did it once00:38
KM0201v0lksman: did you enable the restricted driver? what is your nvidia device00:38
v0lksmanI installed nvidia-current from repos00:38
v0lksmanwhen I first opened jocky it was blank so I did it manually00:38
KM0201v0lksman: wellt hats your problem00:39
KM0201v0lksman: most likely you intalled the wrong nvidia driver.00:39
bikereryou have the kernel headers is suppose?00:39
KM0201v0lksman: or it needs enabled in xorg... you can't blame ubuntu when you don't do something right.00:39
bikerermove your xorg file out of the way and try again?00:39
bikereror replace nvidia with nv00:40
v0lksmanbikerer, that's the only way I got it to boot...kill the xorg file00:40
v0lksmanbikerer, I bet thats it!  will try that!00:40
bikererthe nv driver is the nvidia generic xorg driver00:40
bikererthe nvidia install should have made a xorg file00:40
bikereri suggest trying different drivers or trying to get jockey to play game somehow00:41
bikererperhaps apt-get install the nvidia drivers00:41
Boatingbum23hello, i have an optical input on my mother board and would like to have that feed (from my tv) play through my speakers. how do i do that?00:41
prodigelhi all. redmine+ubuntu here, email issues, need help. thanks in advance :d00:41
bardyrbikerer, nv is a old crappy open source nvidia driver that only supports 2d00:41
bikererbut it works during fucked nvidia modules00:41
Acid190v0lksman: wrap the driver?00:41
v0lksmanwonder if I should attempt mannual install of the downloaded driver from nvidia00:42
bardyrv0lksman,  sudo nvidia-xconfig ; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:42
maco!language | bikerer00:42
ubottubikerer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:42
Mantis[]hi anyone have a favorite video converting program? ( ogm to avi )00:42
v0lksmanbardyr, I read somewhere that nvidia-xconfig will bork things pretty good...I guess it can't hurt at this point...ahhaha00:42
anchorschmidtmencoder all the way00:43
bikereri think handbreak is supposed to be quite good00:43
bardyrbikerer, his nvidia modules are not broken, they are just not configured00:43
v0lksmanbardyr, weird...nvidia-xconfig isn't found00:43
Midas3Mantis[]: or avidemux00:44
EmuAlertWhat's the command for key presses?00:44
anchorschmidtor pacpl, that's the most powerful file conversion program ever. It converts both audio and video http://www.tux-crazy.com/2011/01/ultimate-guide-to-audio-conversion-in_25.html00:44
v0lksmanmy nvidia packages00:44
delemiQuestion - After updates today my laptop boots into what looks like ubuntu and then opens a terminal. Any ideas?00:44
v0lksmandelemi, nvidia?00:44
anchorschmidttry startx00:44
bardyrv0lksman, post your xcorg.conf00:44
sorush20hi is there a program out there for ubuntu splits large files or folders into smaller number of files and burns them to dvd  automatically.. k3b doesn't do that.00:45
delemix: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.00:45
sprinkIs there any way I could remove some recent updates, or some way to simulate that updates are available, so I can write some regex's accordingly?00:45
Acid190delemi: sudo00:46
mellinHow do I go about editing the grub2 text entries for which kernel to boot?  I looked in /etc/grub/default and didn't see anything in the file to edit the text titles00:46
GulfstreamI installed the driver for the wireless card via ndiswrapper, but now the network manager can''t even detect the wireless card or the router. (I'm using 10.10 and the belkin F5d8053 (usb) v3xxx)00:46
v0lksmanbardyr, http://pastebin.com/SJ6Q4yr100:46
anchorschmidtsorush20 you can use Kdenlive to split the video and then export and .vob files and then you can burn them00:46
GulfstreamHow do I get the computer connected to the internet?00:46
strangl3rhi all. I was trying to load a symlinked directory in apache2 (perms were set to the ww-data user correctly) and I still get a permissions denied error. Once I move the files into /var/www instead of using the symlink it works. Why is this happening? I don't have selinux installed.00:46
NixGeekdelemi: sudo startx00:46
strangl3rGulfstream, need more info00:46
strangl3rare you using ethernet, wifi ?00:47
delemiFatal Server Error: Server is already started00:47
strangl3rdelemi, stop the server process first00:47
v0lksmanbardyr, I can't boot with that though...00:47
solar_georgedelemi sudo service gdm restart00:47
Boatingbum23hello, i have an optical input on my mother board and would like to have that feed (from my tv) play through my speakers. how do i do that?00:47
v0lksmanI have it renamed and no xorg in use right now...with it it won't launch X saying nvidia isn't valid00:47
bardyrv0lksman, what does "sudo modprobe nvidia" do00:48
v0lksmannothing at all00:48
Acid190v0lksman: do you have Nvidia X server settings in administration?00:48
strangl3rBoatingbum23, this is not an ubuntu question00:48
bardyrv0lksman, anything happened in dmesg?00:49
Boatingbum23where should i ask then?00:49
sorush20anchorschmidt: its not a movie its lots of photos in folders00:49
v0lksmanAcid190, preferences00:49
strangl3rBoatingbum23, read your motherboard manual00:49
v0lksmanAcid190, yes00:49
v0lksmanbardyr, nope00:49
Boatingbum23...already did...they like windows, thanks anyway00:49
magneticjoin #morphos00:49
bikererthe latest ubuntu kernel seems to break the broadcom sta drivers here btw00:50
v0lksmanbardyr, lsmod has nvidia               9331115  000:50
v0lksmanagpgart                32075  1 nvidia00:50
Acid190v0lksman: if you can use that program, it will let you save an xorg file in "display configuration"00:50
sprinkAny way to simulate there are package updates available with any of the apt tools?00:50
bikerermagnetic, spot on!00:50
v0lksmanAcid190, yea it won't launch cause the nvidia driver isn't in use (so it claims)00:50
delemiRestarted services, went to login page. Logged in. Looks like I am on my desktop with out any icons or task bars. And there is a terminal window open. I can do nothing but type in the term.00:50
delemiIf I type Exit. It takes me back out to the login page.00:51
bardyrv0lksman, sudo jockey-text -e nvidia-current00:51
Acid190delemi: are you trying to poweroff?00:51
delemitrying to get out of the term window.00:52
bardyrv0lksman, if that doesn't work you need to boot with the broken xorg.conf and find the error messages00:52
delemiI just rebooted my computer after updates.00:52
v0lksmanUnknown driver: nvidia-current00:52
delemiIt comes back on to the login page.00:52
v0lksmansudo jockey-text --list00:53
v0lksmankmod:nvidia_current - nvidia_current (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)00:53
bardyr_ instead of -00:53
delemiI login. Now I am on my desktop but nothing is there. No icons. No folders. No task bars.00:53
Jordan_Uv0lksman: Have you rebooted since enabling the driver?00:53
delemiThere is a white term window open.00:53
njerog_0_0, Jordan_U: my CD checked out okay... must be a bad drive. The USB did not check out though.. I must have done something wrong there. Does the media need to be formatted in a particular way or should dd handle that?00:53
delemiThat is all that is present.00:54
v0lksmanJordan_U, yep...many times...00:54
Jordan_Unjero: You can't just dd an Ubuntu iso to a flash drive. You need to use a tool like unetbootin.00:54
njerooh... hmm00:55
bardyrnjero, also ubuntu comes with a built in tool to create live usb drivers00:55
njerobardyr: I am on OSX00:55
njeroJordan_U: I was following the instructions here... http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download00:56
v0lksmanbardyr, tried with a _ and the same thing00:56
bardyrnjero, btw mbp does not support booting from USB00:56
Jordan_Unjero: I've made an image which can be dd'd.00:56
bardyrv0lksman, reboot and paste all errors00:56
v0lksmanwith the xorg.conf restored?00:56
g_0_0njero, have you managed to boot from the CD?00:56
Jordan_Unjero: A USB drive created that way will only boot on an intel mac, not a standard BIOS based PC.00:56
bardyrv0lksman, with xorg.conf that uses nvidia driver00:56
njerog_0_0: I tried the CD in my macbook and it worked and I ran the check... it was good. I am trying to install on my Toshiba where the drive is apparently bad00:57
g_0_0njero, how old the the toshiba?00:58
EmuAlertI messed up my keys with xmodmap. How do I get back to the default?00:58
prodigelEmuAlert, xkeycaps00:58
prodigelEmuAlert, restart defaults00:58
Jordan_Unjero: You can also boot from the liveCD on your mac (which I assume has a good drive) and use System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator from within the live system.00:58
nabukadnezar43i cant get nm-applet (applet for network-manager-gnome) running under kubuntu, here is the error i get: "http://pastebin.com/1EU1N4iE"00:58
g_0_0njero, you could try cleaning the cd lens with alcohol00:59
nabukadnezar43what should i do00:59
rand_uin windows how do you check the iso for errors after it has been burned? i tried isobuster and selected 2048 but it has errors at he end of the drive (gets to 99%) if i click replace with zeros i just keep getting asked the question... tried like 7-8 times. then i said lets try the selection button (with zero option) and it finishes but the md5sum is not valid. i'm 99% sure this is a valid burn. what should i be doing differently?01:00
strangl3rrand_u, windows? wrong channel dude.01:00
nabukadnezar43join #windows rand_u01:00
rand_ustrang13r yea- i'm asking here because ms windows users don't do this md5 stuff. and i couldn't find any other good place. it is an ubuntu iso.01:01
delemiSo guys - After updates today I reboot my machine. I come to the Ubuntu 10.10 login, I enter my password and it logs me into the desktop. However it has no icons, folders or task bars. It does however have a term window open. Does anyone have any ideas?01:01
jesusvaldezhello I im  currently on the "try it" ubuntu 10.10 on a netbook. I am tryn to install and it just stalls for about an hr at a time and nothing happends i am booting from usb drive01:01
fridgeratorhow can i kill an active tcp connection without killing the process thats running it?01:01
strangl3rrand_u, right but this is a linux chat. we're not answering windows questions.01:01
Marotterand_u, what program do you use for burning the iso ?01:01
strangl3rmight as well ask about motorcycles in a car forum01:01
bardyrdelemi, type gnome-panel in the terminal01:01
prodigelstrangl3r, what about configuring redmine under ubuntu? :D01:02
rand_umarotte: i used ubuntu 10.04, but don't have it any more (friends machine).01:02
bardyrstrangl3r, this is a ubuntu chat we chat about ubuntu related topics01:02
strangl3rprodigel, what does that have to do with anything01:02
jesusvaldezDownload the Universal USB Installer01:02
bardyrstrangl3r, and md5 checking a ubuntu iso is kinda related to ubuntu01:02
ray24Ubuntu-offtopic = admin ban abuse01:02
strangl3rbardyr, yes and burning cds in windows has nothing to do with ubuntu01:02
Jordan_Ustrangl3r: Normally questions related to processes required to install Ubuntu are answered in this channel, even if they are steps that need to be taken in Windows.01:02
bardyrstrangl3r, if it is and ubuntu cd it does01:03
rwwray24: Please /join #ubuntu-ops to discuss core channel bans. #ubuntu is for technical support only.01:03
prodigelstrangl3r, just asking ;), you were more than explicit on the windows issue .. .:D01:03
strangl3rnewbs! later.01:03
delemibardyl, that did it01:03
ray24nah stfu01:03
bardyrrand_u, there should be a howto to burn, check, etc. the iso in windows in help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com01:03
jesusvaldezim using  Universal USB Installer that ubuntu website slinkked me too01:03
rwwray24: and watch your language01:03
bardyrrand_u, i think those are the urls :/01:03
ray24rww, post your profile01:03
ray24i'd like to evaluate you01:03
sedekihow can i increase my screen brightness? like, update power schedule (running on battery)01:04
justakillhey does anyone here use GAG01:04
rwwray24: again, #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. I'd point you at #ubuntu-offtopic, but... well...01:04
ray24I want to know how much you make, your job occupation01:04
macoray24: none of these are relevant to you01:04
ray24support me by banning me and expressing my own opinions01:04
justakilli was thinking about using it to dual boot on 2 master drives is it possible with GAG?01:04
prodigeljustakill, used once ... just switch tu grub/grub2 if you can01:04
ulziibuyanread/write is really slow. what have I done wrong? mke2fs -t ext4 -i 65536 -I 512 -m 0 -O none,dir_index,extent,filetype,flex_bg,^has_journal,sparse_super,uninit_bg /dev/sda101:05
justakillgrub is better?01:05
justakillcan i reinstall grub from inside windows 7 for example01:05
prodigeljustakill, much better, more customizable and you can find loads of docs on the net about it01:05
bardyrulziibuyan, what does hdparm -T -t /dev/sda say?01:05
waracehow do I change channel?01:06
prodigeljustakill, boot from a live cd, and follow instructions on web. I'm sure you'll find plenty01:06
waraceI want to join the fallin-angel channel01:06
waracehow do I switch01:06
prodigelwarace, "/join #fallin-angel"01:07
justakillyea its just its really a pain if you install linux before windows 701:07
NixGeekwarace: /join #fallin-angel01:07
waracethank you01:07
v0lksmanbardyr, http://pastebin.com/eRiVdadW01:07
justakillto get grub to work again01:07
bardyrdelemi, great but thats not a permanent fix01:07
ulziibuyanbardyr: cached/buffered is 2983/49 respectively.01:08
BigMonkeybardyr: tried the vlc plugin, but no dice.01:08
Marottejustakill, you should install windows before GNU/linux01:08
njeroJordan_U: got the download thanks... brb01:09
Jordan_Unjero: You're welcome.01:09
Marotteas GNU/Linux takes care of windows but windows doesn't care about linux :/01:09
justakillyea i did but windows xp completly messed up i played around to much01:09
justakilli know01:09
jesusvaldezim new to this and could really use the help01:09
justakillbut i don't nécersairly want to reinstall ubuntu01:09
justakillits working great01:09
prodigeljustakill, read some grub stuff, it's not very hard to add a boot optin to menu.lst01:10
Marottejustakill, just don't install indos :)01:10
justakillwell i make music01:10
justakilland use ableton live01:10
justakilli've tried programs for linux01:11
justakillsome are getting good01:11
Marottedid you try lmms ?01:11
justakillits good just dosn't level up to ableton01:11
bardyrv0lksman,  sudo dkms build  -m nvidia-current -v 260.19.0601:11
prodigeljustakill, there was a music live cd ... I don't remember it's name01:11
Marottethat's true some windows app for audio are far more better...01:11
justakilli also like to keep a windows partition for certain programs or compatibility01:12
bardyrv0lksman,  then  sudo dkms install  -m nvidia-current -v 260.19.0601:12
Marottecan't you try using them in virtualbox ?01:12
jesusvaldezsorry im n "nuub: but i cuold really use the ubuntu help01:12
justakilli tried01:12
justakillbut it eats up processeur etc01:12
justakilland is completly bugged01:13
v0lksmanError! This module/version combo is already installed01:13
v0lksmanfor kernel: 2.6.35-25-generic-pae (i686)01:13
MarotteI have a windows partition too... but the fact is that for a multiboot you should always install windows first (or keep an unused partition for it)01:13
justakilland i tried wine to01:13
v0lksmanbuild said the same thing01:13
v0lksmanthis is nutters...01:13
justakilloh wait01:13
pegasus_I am new with ubuntu01:13
justakilljust thought of something01:13
bardyrv0lksman, paste dkms status01:13
Marottehi pegasus_01:13
pegasus_and I have a problem ...01:13
pegasus_I don't know how to solve it01:13
pegasus_hi marotte01:14
migroHi. I cannot connect to Facebook Chat with Empathy. Everything worked fine yesterday. Do you have this problem?01:14
v0lksmannvidia-current, 260.19.06, 2.6.35-25-generic-pae, i686: installed01:14
v0lksmanvboxhost, 3.2.12, 2.6.35-25-generic-pae, i686: installed01:14
jesusvaldezhi i am new to ubuntu and i could reall use the help thanks in advance01:14
justakillif i format the partition from ubuntu to a ntfs then install windows over?? it should eat up grub?01:14
Marottepegasus_, don't ask to ask...01:14
BigMonkeyWierd video problem - streaming video cuts out randomly, but only in my main account!01:14
pegasus_it seems my USB01:14
pegasus_doesnt work01:14
pegasus_don't know how to fix it01:14
gunndawgHas anyone used the P2P client GTK-Gnutella ? I cant seem to get a connection01:15
Marottejustakill, the windows install could get ride of grub, for sure01:15
pegasus_when I plug in an external unit01:15
bardyrv0lksman, uname -a01:15
Marotteat least for XP, don't know much about 701:15
justakilli hate windows01:15
v0lksmanLinux brian 2.6.35-25-generic-pae #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 19:01:46 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux01:15
pegasus_it does not appear like it is not read01:15
Marottewindows needs to install its own bootloader01:15
justakillyea i could look up for windows 701:15
aademIf i choose to install a different linux distro and use the partitioner to create a seperate little partition on my laptop for it, will grub automatically be set up for dual booting or is it dependent on the secondary distro i plan to install01:16
Marottebut you may reinstall grub afterward, booting from a live cd for exemple01:16
justakillit would be cool to have an independant disk with the bootloader on it01:16
jesusvaldezhey maybe some one can PMe i could really use then help thnks01:16
justakilla small 10gig disk01:16
justakillor watever01:16
bazhangjesusvaldez, ask here01:16
bazhang!enter | justakill01:16
ubottujustakill: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:16
waracehow do I join network GameSurge01:17
rand_ubardy: i found the info, but it only explains how to check the ISO image on ms windows. not after the disc has been burned.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#Check%20the%20CD01:17
waracehow do I join network GameSurge01:17
bardyrv0lksman, modprobe nvidia-current01:17
Marottewarace, what's your question ?01:17
v0lksmanbardyr, nothing comes back01:17
waracehow do I join the network "GameSurge"01:17
bardyrv0lksman, do it without sudo01:17
justakillyea i know i tried the reinstalling of grub but never made none of the tutorials i used worked, maybe i was doing something wrong... i don't know im not risking it now tho01:17
rwwwarace: /connect irc.gamesurge.net01:18
waracenetwork not channel01:18
NixGeekwarace! look it up, the ubuntu channel isn't for random irc questions!01:18
v0lksmanFATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic-pae/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko): Operation not permitted01:18
waracethank you01:18
justakillGAG seemed interesting because you can load it from windows01:18
royale1223how do I use this guide? http://pkgs.org/debian-sid/debian-nonfree-i386/abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb.html01:18
jsecroyale1223: read it and follow the instructions?01:19
bardyrrand_u, you can just boot the cd and in the boot menu there will be an option to do a integrity test01:19
royale1223jsec: there are no instructions01:19
BigMonkeyAdvice on zeroing out the config files for an account?  Video cuts out only in my main account on my laptop.01:20
Marottejustakill, what's the interest.. just use grub which is able to boot a windows system01:20
Gulfstreamstrangl3r: I am using wifi, it is a wireless card01:20
Gulfstreambut right now, I am using a different computer with wired01:20
jesusvaldezim using the "try it" version of ubuntu on my netbook i want to install it but it wont it laggs for about a hr at a time01:20
bardyrv0lksman, i'm out of ideas, sorry.01:21
Marottejesusvaldez, just use the offical CD.. it is live and install is supposed to work well01:21
Gulfstreamor... shoudl I reask my question?01:21
jsecroyale1223: did you download it already?01:21
GulfstreamI installed the driver for the wireless card via ndiswrapper, but now the network manager can''t even detect the wireless card or the router. (I'm using 10.10 and the belkin F5d8053 (usb) v3xxx)01:21
v0lksmanbardyr, np...thanks a lot for the effort...glad I'm not the only one stumped01:21
GulfstreamHow do I get the computer connected to the internet?01:21
royale1223jsec: and installed it already01:21
jesusvaldezi dont have a cd drive01:21
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: Which version?01:22
jesusvaldezi am using and running off the udb stick01:22
royale1223jsec: how do i use it now?01:22
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: Use 10.0-4 or 11.04...01:22
v0lksmanbardyr, http://pastebin.com/W7UJueWT just found that here:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/nvidia-96-driver-ubuntu-10-10-fix/01:22
Marotte11.04 !!?01:22
jesusvaldezGulfstream 11.4?01:22
bazhangGulfstream, please dont recommend alpha versions01:22
Gulfstreambazhang: sorry..01:22
gooseheadedHowdy, guys.01:22
jesusvaldezok i will not go alpha01:23
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: use 10.0401:23
Marotte10.04 or 10.10 are the two alternative01:23
jesusvaldez10.4 was not an option on the website01:23
jsecroyale1224: no idea...01:23
Linux_PROhow to uninstall LAMP server?01:23
EmuAlertWhat's a pointer?01:23
jesusvaldezim new to this and dont understand ehy i just cant rubn 10.1001:23
bardyrv0lksman, i wouldn't really call that a fix, but the driver should work, i have the same setup and it works perfectly01:23
MarotteLinux_PRO, aptitude purge apache2 mysql ?01:23
gooseheadedLinux_:pro: *my* quest oiççion is, how to install it, heh.01:24
royale1223jsec: its okay.. thanks anyway..01:24
gooseheadedSorry about the typo.01:24
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso01:24
royale1223how do I use this guide? http://pkgs.org/debian-sid/debian-nonfree-i386/abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb.html01:24
Marotteaptitude install apache2 php4 mysql :)01:24
v0lksmanbardyr, yeah rather hackish...going to try to manually install them..01:24
jesusvaldezthanks for the link but i noptice that says desktop im on a netbook01:25
bardyrv0lksman, kk, just remember to purge the old drivers01:25
Marottedesktop is ok for a netbook..01:25
v0lksmansudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-current nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-settings01:25
Marottejust choose the right between i386 and amd64 according to your processor01:25
jesusvaldezthanks for the link but raher then avoid the problem of 10.10 how can i fix that?01:26
Marottev0lksman, aptitude is recommended over apt-get no ?01:26
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: I had the same problem with 10.1001:26
bardyrv0lksman,   yep and maybe the dkms builds too, if they still are their you will probably have a version conflict and everything says boom01:26
v0lksmanMarotte, been using apt-get for years..I'm not changing now... :)01:26
Marotte^^ ok01:26
jesusvaldezgulf, how were you able to fixit?01:27
ZykoticK9Marotte, no.  aptitude isn't even installed by default in 10.10 - ubuntu prefers apt-get, debian prefers aptitude01:27
Marottenotice that aptitude is more powerful01:27
FraxtilIs there a way to make system beeps run a specified program instead of actually beeping?01:27
Marotteit can propose you different solution for an install01:27
gnychisi have a machine that is not connected to the internet, but I can scp things to it... I need the package libnl-dev.deb -- is there any way to download libnl-dev.deb directly from somewhere?01:27
GulfstreamI installed the driver for the wireless card via ndiswrapper, but now the network manager can''t even detect the wireless card or the router. (I'm using 10.10 and the belkin F5d8053 (usb) v3xxx)01:29
Marottegnychis, maybe from http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:29
GulfstreamHow do I get the computer connected to the internet?01:29
MarotteGulfstream, personnaly I have no skills with ndiswrapper01:29
MarotteGulfstream, plug an ethernet cable ?01:30
GulfstreamMarotte: the ethernet port is shot01:30
MarotteGulfstream, aren't you need a firware too ?01:31
jsecgnychis: doesn't look like it's hosted on packages.ubuntu.com... is it a 3rd party package?01:31
GulfstreamMarotte: ... what?01:31
websterhi everyone01:31
bardyrGulfstream, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper01:31
websteriam newer for ubuntu01:31
MarotteGulfstream, forget it, I really can't help you01:31
gnychisjsec: I see it here, but it doesn't have the ability to download a deb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libnl-dev01:31
Marotteand obviously nobody can here, as you posted the question twice already01:32
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GulfstreamMarotte: 3 times...01:32
BigMonkeyroyale1223: Seems like you can download that via Synaptic.  It shows up as a folder, Bash Scripting Tutorial, on my machine. Access via browser.01:32
bastidrazor!find libnl-dev01:32
ubottuFound: libnl-dev01:32
websteri wanna be a hacker ,who can tell me how to do that?01:32
bazhangwebster, hack the kernel?01:33
Marottegnychis, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/libnl-dev/download01:33
gunndawgwebster, pls tell me ur kidding01:33
gnychisMarotte: thanks a bunch!01:33
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bazhangwebster, please explain01:33
gnychisMarotte: where did you get that link from?01:33
bastidrazorgnychis: 64bit or 32bit?01:33
jesusvaldezso there is no solution to 10.10 not working?01:34
justakillokay im freaked out01:34
OmegaHow do you restart X?01:34
Marottea link the page :)01:34
Gulfstreamjesusvaldez: right..01:34
gnychisMarotte: dang, i couldn't find that link01:34
justakillhmm people here use skype?01:34
websteri am really be01:34
bastidrazorgnychis: on the bottom of that page you're looking at.. Download libnl-dev01:34
jesusvaldezthat sucks... does ubuntu know about teh issue?01:34
g_0_0Omega in terminal type - sudo pkill Xorg01:34
bazhangwebster, if you mean something illegal, then this is the wrong network01:34
Gulfstreamjustakill: yeah?01:34
websteriam serious01:34
bazhangwebster, so please don't ask any further01:34
BigMonkeybardyr: Any further advice? Somewhere else to ask?01:35
Marottebazhang, no he wants to become a kernel hacker, nothing illegal :)01:35
bazhangMarotte, lets move on please01:35
gnychisbastidrazor: oh i didn't even notice those were links :)01:35
Marotteyou're right01:35
macowebster: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html01:35
bardyrBigMonkey, create a new account and use it :)01:35
justakilla message was sent though my account to the echo, i didn't write it01:35
gunndawgwebster, enough01:35
Gulfstreamwebster: hacking is illegal?01:35
Ra-b-bitHi im new to ubuntu any heads up?01:35
gunndawgGulfstream, hacking is not illegal, forms of hacking are01:36
websterwhat is it?01:36
Gulfstreamgunndawg: true...01:36
macoGulfstream: nah just cracking is; however, the proportion of people who say they want to learn to hack and MEAN they want to learn to crack is alarmingly high01:36
bazhangwebster, Offtopic on this network.01:36
websteri know it's illegal!but ////01:36
Gulfstreammaco: yeah...01:36
govatentIs it safe to do a ubuntu server setup on a virtualmachine and later image that over to real hardware and have it boot with no problems?01:36
Marottehacking is not cracking but most people here know that..01:37
gunndawggovatent, I wouldnt recommend it01:37
bazhanggovatent, why do it that way01:37
BigMonkeybardyr: keyring access is wonky that way, isn't it?  Can I zero out the config files somehow?01:37
Gulfstreamgovatent: I tried it and, if you copy everything, it should work01:37
royale1223BigMonkey: is there any other software to use it?01:37
Gulfstreamgovatent: I mean.. EVEYTHING - hidden files too01:37
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BigMonkeyroyale1223: seems like you just open the index.html in the folder with your browser.01:38
jesusvaldezis there a 10.10 support from ubuntu01:38
Marottehi Ra-b-bit01:38
Ra-b-bithi.. thanks...01:38
Marottejesusvaldez, ubuntu offers a commercial support01:38
govatentIt was for school. I dont have access to the lab, and wanted to have everything setup ahead of time and just fireup in the lab later on01:38
jesusvaldezcommercial as in pay?01:39
royale1223BigMonkey: can i open it with yelp?01:39
Ra-b-bitim new to ubuntu... and i want to know is there any first steps... or something that i should know about it...01:39
jesusvaldezi just dont understand why it does not work on my net book that is all01:39
Hiroro1Hello, may i ask, how to clear most recent documents history on unity?01:39
Marottejesusvaldez, there would be many reasons..01:39
bazhang!manual | Ra-b-bit please have a read01:40
ubottuRa-b-bit please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:40
Marotteand as I said, I have no experience with ndiswrapper01:40
Umeaboyjesusvaldez: I've had a bunch of issues with my WLAN-card, what's the issue?01:40
NixGeekI wish someone would ask about booting issues, i'm quite good at those.  I'm actaually really good with most things, just boot issues is a specialty01:40
Umeaboyndiswrapper can't wake your interface with a new driver or............ ?01:40
jesusvaldezim using a usb stick to run the 10.10 netbook "try it" when i want to install it stalls for bout an hr and does nothing01:41
Marottejesusvaldez, did you try 'ifconfig wlan0 up' :)01:41
Marottewhat iwconfig shos.. etc..01:41
bazhangjesusvaldez, the usb stick is slower than a real install01:41
jesusvaldezin not sure what that is01:41
GulfstreamNixGeek: installed the intel graphics driver and the screen is black - even when the login screen sound plays01:41
Ra-b-bitany advice on programming??01:41
Brandon___Hi, everyone. I'm using the Wubi installer on a raid 0 system and am getting an error that states the root filesystem isn't defined.01:41
BigMonkeyroyale1223: I just installed it on my ubuntu system, navigate down into the  Bash Scripting Tutorial/abs/HTML directory, and opened index.html with my browser.01:42
bazhangRa-b-bit, try ##programming01:42
Hiroro1Hello?  :)01:42
Diamondcitejesusvaldez: You might need to be connected to a wifi network before it would work. Least from personal strange experience...01:42
jesusvaldezyea but i dont have a cd drive01:42
Brandon___Anyone have a solution to this?01:42
Ra-b-bitthe chanel?01:42
bazhangRa-b-bit, yes01:42
Ra-b-bitthanks :)01:42
CiphermagiGood evening.01:42
Marottehi Ciphermagi01:42
NixGeekGulfstream: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.n.log01:42
jesusvaldezim hard wired to the net01:42
l1nuxmanwhats the equivalent to the kdesu ?01:42
bazhanglinux_probe, gksudo01:43
l1nuxmani can't run apps as su01:43
aeon-ltdl1nuxman: gksudo01:43
Hiroro1Hello, does anyone knows, how to clear most recent documents history on unity10.10?01:43
MrI have 1 gigabyte of ram, i'm using ubuntu 10.10. do I still need a swap partition ?01:43
GulfstreamNixGeek: how do I login to get that pasted?01:43
ZykoticK9l1nuxman, you can use gksu as a shorter version of gksudo01:43
MarotteMr, yes01:43
Marotteyou'd better have one01:43
Marottelike 1.5 GB01:43
Brandon___Marotte, what about an 8 GB system?01:43
* linux_probe hangz bazhang for tab phailure ;)01:43
Brandon___er, 8 GB ram I mean01:43
MrMarotte why?01:43
MrMarotte do you know why?01:44
Marotteif your system needs more than 8GB it would use that partition01:44
Marottewithout it, it would just crash...01:44
CiphermagiI was wondering if there was someone that was willing to assist me with something. I have been all over the internet, and I can't seem to locate a resolution to this issue that I'm having with installing 10.10. I have (2) properly burned .iso discs (CD-ROM) on an AMD Athalon 3400+ (32 bit) and I am constantly getting a return of "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"01:44
Marotteit depends on what you plan to use01:44
Hiroro1is this the wrong channel to ask about ubuntu netbook?01:45
Brandon___So, does anyone have a solution to the root file system error on a wubi install?01:45
Marottewhat's a "ubuntu netbook" ?01:45
NixGeekGulfstream: woops, forgot about that.  easiest way would be from a live cd, you could do it from a terminal, but copying it to pastebin would be a challenge01:45
ZykoticK9Hiroro1, there is no UNE channel, so this is the one ;)01:45
MrMarotte my sys never reach 700 mb in ram01:45
Hiroro1thanks ZykoticK901:45
Marotteyou can go without swap it's up to you01:45
Brandon___Anyone here familiar with Wubi at all?01:46
Marottepersonnaly I prefer to have a 1.5*RAM size swap parition01:46
MrMarotte thanks01:46
jimcooncatGeeqie isn't as nice a photo browser as the old gqview. Any suggestions for a replacement?01:46
ZykoticK9Brandon___, experienced users don't use Wubi, so support is a little "thin"01:46
Hiroro1i wanted to ask , is there any way to clear "most recent documents"? in UNE.01:46
MarotteMr, so why did you buy a 8GB RAM computer ? :)01:47
royale1223BigMonkey: yes we can..  i used yelp file://usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/index.html01:47
royale1223BigMonkey: yes we can..  i used "yelp file://usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/index.html"01:47
BigMonkeyroyale1223: Good!01:47
nejodeCiphermagi, the install system can't find the optical drive01:47
NixGeekGulfstream: I really gotta go for a few minutes, get that pasted and i'll look at it when I get back01:47
Brandon___ZykoticK9 I didn't need to be told that I was inexperienced.01:47
royale1223BigMonkey: :)01:48
Brandon___That was kinda rude01:48
jimcooncatBrandon___, you might have an NTFS error. Sorry, I don't know the debugging, that's a Windows filesystem it sits on01:48
MarotteBrandon___, no harm anyway...01:48
Brandon___This would be true if it wasn't for the fact that I've tried this over a multitude of reinstalls of windows over the past as new releases of ubuntu have been released.01:48
MrMarotte I didn't I do not know what is the use for a normal user.01:48
ZykoticK9Brandon___, Wubi is for testing if you like ubuntu or not, or if it meets your needs.  I'm sorry i didn't mean to be rude, but i'm afraid it's the truth.  (no the you being inexperienced, that experienced users don't use Wubi, thus the support is rather lacking)01:49
Brandon___in other words, it's a recurring issue01:49
ZykoticK9Brandon___, very01:49
gunndawgFinally got GTK-Gnutella set up and working with my firewall, woot!01:49
MarotteMr, there is no "normal" user ;)01:49
jimcooncatBrandon___, I set up a laptop for work with wubi, and had a problem with my filesystem. I had to reinstall -- lost what I had, which was no big deal for me.01:50
Hiroro1Thanks for helping :)01:50
Brandon___ZykoticK9 that's what the Live CD is for...I plan on using it along-side windows. The best part about Wubi is the fact that I can boot to it through the default boot menu (which I'm aware is easy) right out of the box, and also allows me to seamlessly browse my existing file system without having to do any pesky formatting01:51
MrMarotte I just use my laptop for web browsing .01:51
Brandon___overall, it's less hassle01:51
Brandon___that's why I'd rather use that as opposed to a full-fledged installation01:51
Brandon___My system has a raid0, if this is a clue.01:51
MrMarotte that's a normal user :)01:51
PsPhaKeR_What will fix it to where on boot, it wont ask for a keyring for the internet??01:52
MarotteMr, so you maybe not need a swap partition, but it's worth using 1 or 2 GB for swap on a let's say 160GB hardrive01:52
ZykoticK9Brandon___, making Ubuntu rely on Windows is "in my opinion!" a terrible idea.  But if Wubi is what you want - go for it.  Best of luck man, enjoy Ubuntu.01:52
Brandon___Yes but I came in search of a solution to get Wubi to work.01:52
jimcooncatBrandon___, partitioning is a good thing. If I wanted to run Wubi again I'd give it it's own D: drive01:52
bazhangBrandon___, whats not working, please specify01:53
IceGuest_77Hi, i am having problems logging in with kUbuntu 10.10, when i put in my user/pass at the login screen, i only get this command promt type screen popping up, and then it just makes the screen go blank, and go back to the login screen, i CAN log in with the console login01:53
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MrMarotte yea I  agree, I have only 80 gb01:53
MarotteMr, how many RAM ?01:54
MrMarotte 1 gb01:54
PsPhaKeR_What will fix it to where on boot, it wont ask for a keyring for the internet??01:54
jimcooncatGeeqie isn't as nice a photo browser as the old gqview. Any suggestions for a replacement?01:54
Marotte1*ram size to 2*ram size is the usual setting..01:54
Marottefor web browsing you can go with 1*ram size01:54
MrMarotte but I notice high cpu usage in sys monitor.01:55
Brandon___ZykoticK9, jimcooncat, bazhang. Here's what I do. I install Ubuntu through Wubi like normal. It finishes, I reboot, and the entry for Ubuntu is added in the bootloader. Ubuntu then loads and continues installation from there. However, I get an error after a few seconds and loading that states "no root file system is defined"01:55
Marotteswap has nothing to deal with cpu usage01:55
steff12321Hi, i am having problems logging in with kUbuntu 10.10, when i put in my user/pass at thelogin screen, i only get this command promt type screen popping up, and then it just makes the screen go blank, and go back to the login screen, i CAN log in with the console login01:56
Marottebut as soon as you system "swap" it will go slower for sure01:56
ZykoticK9!who | Marotte01:56
ubottuMarotte: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:56
PsPhaKeR_What will fix it to where on boot, it wont ask for a keyring for the internet??01:56
MrMarotte thanks again01:57
jimcooncatBrandon___, you change any entries in the Windows boot loader? It sounds like an entry in there is pointing to something moved or nonexistent01:57
CiphermagiHokay...computer thinks it's funny.01:57
researcher1when I give print command I see message " job submitted" but it never prints. See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561867/01:57
Brandon___jimcooncat, it's an entry that Wubi puts in itself01:57
Brandon___I don't do anything with the bootloader01:57
ZykoticK9PsPhaKeR_, you need to use "Unsafe Storage" see http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/ for some slightly outdated info (probably still works?)01:58
CiphermagiSo...is there a workaround for the optical drive not being recognized? My DVD drive is currently a slave, and I can't move it to a dedicated IDE because my motherboard only has one.01:58
Brandon___PsPhaKer, use rm -rf ~/.gnome2/keyrings01:58
jimcooncatBrandon___, yes, it makes an entry in there.01:58
Brandon___jimcooncat, that's what I'm saying01:58
steff12321ZykoticK9 : do you know what i can do to fix this booot issue i am having?01:58
Brandon___Then it boots to Ubuntu like normal. It's only when it "finishes" the install does it ever pop up that error01:58
Rob235ok now on ubuntu, whats the download link?01:59
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:59
ZykoticK9steff12321, i don't use KDE, but on the KDM login screen be sure you don't have xterm selected as your session01:59
Brandon___jimcooncat, Using a RAID 002:00
EmuAlertHow do I set a key back to doing all its normal stuff? I messed up Alt_L with xmodmap so now it still counts as mod1 but doesn't do anything on its own02:00
steff12321ZykoticK9 : where would it tell me if i am using xterm?02:00
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MarotteEmuAlert, reverse what you've done ;)02:00
ZykoticK9steff12321, in KDM there should be some way to select your session (Gnome/KDE/xterm/etc)02:00
EmuAlertI thought of that already but I don't think I've figured out how02:01
steff12321ZykoticK9 : you mean something like restart xserver, remote login, console login??02:01
jimcooncatBrandon___, that makes me suspect an NTFS error even more. You may want to run fsck or chkdsk or scandisk or whatever can check errors on the filesystem. RAID0 can introduce errors, though normal Windows usage can too.02:01
ZykoticK9steff12321, are those the option you get?  GDM (Gnome) give very different options.  Sorry, I have no idea.  Best of luck.02:02
steff12321jimcooncat - do you think you can help me with my login problem?02:02
MarotteEmuAlert, so how do you think we can figure it ?02:02
steff12321ZykoticK9 - thanks02:02
EmuAlertWell I thought there might be some xmodmap command to reset a key to all the things it normally does02:03
steff12321ZykoticK9 - if i were to have to reinstall  teh whole OS, would you recommend i switch over to ubuntu?02:03
ZykoticK9steff12321, no, not if you like KDE.02:03
Brandon___jimcooncat, that's the basics. I've re-created the raid and even reinstalled win just to see if it'd have any affect02:03
MarotteEmuAlert, maybe, hope someone else would help...02:03
hanasakiwhat are the main tools for remote mounting filesystems? nfs, samba/smb,webdav  what else and which is best for what purpose?02:03
ZykoticK9hanasaki, ssh is another - Places / Connect to Server / SSH from dropdown - very easy (if you have an ssh server running on the remote box)02:04
v0lksmanI'm back!  and I have nvidia and twinview working! yay!  cept!  I have no 3d...I managed to get jockey to install the driver...so not sure where to poke...02:04
steff12321ZykoticK9 - i actually hate linux all together, i am a windows user that was forced to switch over because my computer startted to freak out with operating on windows 7 x64 with only 2.5GB ram02:04
Marottehanasaki, sshfs also02:04
CiphermagiAnyone able to offer a workaround for an optical drive not being recognized on boot?02:05
hanasakiZykoticK9:   ssh for a file mount?   hmm sshfs ... I need to go look...02:05
mAx--does any of u have any idea which is a good client to make videocalls with msn messenger?02:05
aeon-ltdCiphermagi: plop?02:05
researcher1which channel to join for printing support?02:05
ZykoticK9hanasaki, sshfs is actually something different02:05
Marottesteff12321, haha02:05
hanasakiMarotte:  does sshfs work with the automounters?  with windows clients?02:05
Brandon___mAx--, use pidgin02:05
jimcooncatsteff12321, I'm not familiar with KDE -- though it sounds like a graphics driver problem. I have an old laptop that acts the same way when it booted into Gnome. I had to manually put an xorg.conf (or something like that) file in with a VESA driver.02:05
Ciphermagiplop - explain?02:05
aeon-ltdCiphermagi: http://www.plop.at/02:05
Marottehanasaki, I don't knwo02:05
v0lksmanfrom what I remember you need GLX to be loaded in X for 3d...right?02:05
mAx--Brandon___,  it doesnt allow me to set up my cam02:06
ZykoticK9v0lksman, glx = opengl = 3d02:06
jimcooncatBrandon___, reinstalling windows and rebuilding the raid must have wiped out the wubi file -- or did you restore it?02:06
Marottev0lksman, I think it's right02:06
mAx--everytime i change the default value in complements02:06
v0lksman[   236.939] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  260.19.06  Mon Sep 13 07:01:31 PDT 201002:06
v0lksman[   236.939] (II) Loading extension GLX02:06
Brandon___jimcooncat, I reinstalled wubi AFTER the fact, yes.02:06
v0lksmanbut no 3d... :(02:06
steff12321jimcooncat - so what do you think i should do because atm, i know almost nothing about linux, except for how to do basic commands on terminal, i mean should i just reinstall OS, i have nothing important onit at all, sorry that i am being so stupid, my area of experteese is windows :S02:06
Ciphermagiaeon: If I install plop linux, am I going to have issues reformatting my HD and changing over to Ubuntu?02:07
ZykoticK9v0lksman, "glxinfo | grep direct" should say Yes02:07
Brandon___mAx-- it should do that if you go into the preferences. Either that or MSN considering you just mentioned MSN and nothing else like AIM etc.02:07
Marottesteff12321, no problem..02:07
Brandon___mAx-- use aMSN02:07
v0lksmanError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig02:07
steff12321Marotte - do you know how i can fix this problem??02:07
mAx--Brandon___,  amsn is not allowed for videocalls02:07
Marottesteff12321, your issue is that you don't have a working graphic interface ? just console ?02:08
Brandon___jimcooncat, what would the next approach be?02:08
jimcooncatsteff12321, try to get help from one of the graphics guys here. There might be other chatrooms, anyone know?02:08
Marottesteff12321, how did you installed ubuntu, what version ?02:08
jimcooncatBrandon___, like I said, check the filesystem. Or commit to a reinstall.02:08
hanasakiis there a simple easy way to use webdav over https to replace nfs?02:08
steff12321Marotte - my problem is taht this stupid machine isnt letting me log in, i just get a command promt type thing and then goes back to log in screen02:08
steff12321jimcooncat - kubuntu 10.1002:08
nejodeCiphermagi, is your optocal drive sata or ide?02:09
Marottesteff12321, weired :/02:09
researcher1can somebody help her PLZ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/561867/02:09
Marottesteff12321, yes try to reinstall 10.10 or 10.0402:09
CiphermagiIt's IDE, and it's a slave to the Hard Disk, since I only have 1 IDE port on my board.02:09
Brandon___jimcooncat it's been done already and still no juice02:09
steff12321Marotte - Ok, thanks, anythin specific that i should install to prevent any common problems?02:10
Marottesteff12321, stupid question, are you sure of your password ?02:10
Brandon___mAx--, aMSN in its features list specifically states webcam support. I suggest going to http://www.amsn-project.net02:10
steff12321Marotte - i know that i am a windows user, but i am not that stupid ;)02:10
mAx--Brandon___,  but its still not available for video calls02:10
Marottesteff12321, an official ubuntu iso... i386 or &md64 depending on your hardawre..02:10
shishirdwivedi20i want to download cisco packet tracer or any similar software , where i can get it ?02:11
Brandon___mAx-- what do you mean by "available"02:11
shishirdwivedi20i googled a lot but couldn't find it02:11
jimcooncatMarotte, he can log in at the console. I'd bet a buck if he reinstalls he reaches the same point.02:11
nejodeCiphermagi, try using "all_generic_ide" as a boot option02:11
steff12321Marotte - its an official ubuntu ISO, i got the CDs from them by mail, im a distributor, just i dont like linux myself02:11
Marottejimcooncat, you suspect a X configuration problem ?02:12
rats__steff12321: would this help How to reset your password in Ubuntu02:12
ZykoticK9shishirdwivedi20, i believe you need a Netacad or Cisco login to download PT02:12
jimcooncatMarotte, yes, it sounds just like my old laptop02:12
Marottesteff12321, by mail ?!02:12
Brandon___mAx--, you can't be picky about what client you use. If it says it uses webcam, and it supports it, and works, then use it. You can't afford to be picky.02:12
steff12321rats__ - how do i do that?02:12
Brandon___mAx-- there's no rule saying you can't use certain software on your own PC02:12
CiphermagiI don't know if my BIOS supports that, but I can look.02:13
Marottesteff12321, when you're logged in a console, run startx and then check the log to see what happended02:13
Brandon___mAx-- unless of course you're saying that your cam is completely incompatible with ubuntu.02:13
ZykoticK9mAx--, if you want MSN video+audio i don't believe any linux clients support it.  I could be wrong, i don't even use MSN.02:13
steff12321Marotte - how do i reset the pass?02:13
mAx--Brandon___,  its not about the cam.. its about the videocall option.. with all clients you are mostly available to do video instead videocalls02:13
ZykoticK9mAx--, amsn certainly works for video only calls02:13
mAx--make sence=02:13
researcher1what to do when printer fail to print paper but says "Job sumitted"02:13
shishirdwivedi20ZykoticK9 yesterday i register my self on website (cisco.netacad.net )and i searched the website but couldn't find any thing02:14
nejodeCiphermagi, no... as boot options in the live cd02:14
shishirdwivedi20ZykoticK9 any other software which can do same thing02:14
Brandon___mAx -- so, just send an invite for video, and another invite for voice. you should be able to run both at once.02:14
ZykoticK9shishirdwivedi20, not that i'm aware of02:14
Hiroro11Hello, may i ask how to clear "most recent document" history in UNE? Thanks :)02:14
Marottesteff12321, I'm not sure.. are you able to log in ?02:14
Ciphermagi2How do I change the boot options, then?02:14
Marottesteff12321, in text mode02:14
Brandon___mAx-- a video call is simply a cam invite and an audio invite. just do both simultaneously02:15
steff12321 ill do it later, i have to go for dinner, but be on for like an hour, and ill tell you how it went02:15
mAx--Brandon___,  thing is that mostly stupid ppl have downloaded msn messenger 2009 which only supports videocalls02:15
mAx--not video only02:15
Marottesteff12321, have a good dinner..02:15
Brandon___mAx-- That is where you're slightly confused, buddy.02:15
=== Hiroro11 is now known as Hiroro
draven_soli'm using dd to copy one drive to another to create partitions for a drive i replaced due to a raid failure. using mdadm is there any requirement other than having the same partition and adding the new device to the raid once the dd command completes?02:17
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Brandon___mAx-- works fine to me man. Just use aMSN, empathy, or pidgin02:18
HiroroDoes anybody able to help about UNE?02:18
Brandon___either one should be just fine02:18
Brandon___You just need to send 2 invites instead of one for both audio and visual02:18
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romistrubdo you guys prefer using synaptic for installing dev stuff like ruby or do you go straight to the website?02:18
MarotteHiroro, University of New England ?02:19
Brandon___romistrub synaptic of course.02:19
MarotteHiroro, what's UNE02:19
fdsaseemslegitromistrub:  try them both and decide for yourself02:19
draven_solromistrub, i prefer to install the base packages through synaptic, apt etc02:19
HiroroMarotte, Ubuntu Netbook Edition02:19
MarotteHiroro, you should ask you question directly, if somebody can help he will...02:20
Marottea smart question of course ;)02:20
HiroroHello, may i ask how to clear "most recent document" history in UNE? Thanks :)02:21
MarotteHiroro, in your browser (firefox ?)02:21
XunieHmm, I added a tunnel broker with $ ip tunnel but it seems my system fails to route packets properly.02:21
HiroroMarotte at the unity interface, or isit called zeigeist02:22
XunieAs in: $ ping6 gives me a "destination unreachable" error. :(02:22
MarotteHiroro, I'm sorry but I have no clue02:22
MarotteI don't have this interface02:22
HiroroMarotte, :) its okay02:22
lok0Alguien k hable español02:23
Marottelok0, no puedo ayudar en espanol, too limited...02:23
ZykoticK9!es | lok002:24
ubottulok0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:24
Marottethis bot is nice :)02:25
nbuonannowill scripts placed in the ~/.config/autostart run only under gnome sessions, or will they run for any type of session?02:25
Marotteso is ZykoticK9  :)02:25
leftisti have a serious problem with apt-get deamon02:25
KB1JWQleftist: Of course you do.02:26
Marotteapt-get is not a dAEmon02:26
leftisti was attempting to install a printer driver and it failed. well i it blew up02:26
leftisti reported it to bugs website and i see i am  not alone02:26
leftist now i cant install or uninstall anything let alone update or remove02:26
leftistmarotte ok02:26
ZykoticK9leftist, "sudo apt-get -f install"02:26
KB1JWQleftist: "And the error you're getting is...02:27
leftistjust a sec02:27
leftistjust a minute02:27
steff12321Machtin hey02:27
ubuntu_I need some help recovering from a GRUB error02:27
steff12321whoops, wrong person lol02:27
steff12321Marotte - hey02:27
Marotteubuntu_, so what ?02:28
ubuntu_??? Can anyone provide assistance to recover a BCD error?02:28
nbuonannodoes anyone here know if a script in the ~/.config/autostart directory will run regardless of what kind of session is logging in?02:29
fdsaseemslegit!ask | ubuntu02:29
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:29
leftistthis seems to be a major problem i see alot of people have this same problem.02:29
leftisti cant resolve it.02:29
bazhangubuntu_, what is bcd02:29
ZykoticK9leftist, did you add some repository to try installing from?  i assume you did by the error.02:30
ubuntu_Boot Config.02:30
bazhangubuntu_, installed from where02:30
KB1JWQleftist: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq fax2850lpr02:30
gunndawgCould someone help me with my mic settings? when I run sound recorder the only thing it records is whats being played in my headset, not my voice or things around me02:30
leftisti'll try it but i know it wont work02:30
leftistthanks kb1jwq02:30
ubuntu_I installed Ubunto10.10 alongside Win7, from a Live USB, and when I boot, I get no option to boot windows02:31
bazhangubuntu_, where did you get bcd from02:31
KB1JWQleftist: I'm rather convinced that'll work. :-)02:31
ubuntu_and I get "no such device"  then grub rescue.02:31
bazhangubuntu_, thats not what ubuntu uses, ubuntu uses grub202:31
nbuonannoubuntu_: what's your partition configuration?02:31
bazhangubuntu_, so you installed some 3rd party bootloader and its broken?02:32
ubuntu_scsi 1 has windows scsi5 has ubuntu02:32
bazhang!grub2 | ubuntu_ have a read02:32
ubottuubuntu_ have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:32
KB1JWQleftist: Where did you get that package from?02:32
mAx--i have installed the packeges needed for video and calls in Empathy and now i cant even log in.. Any suggestions?02:32
bazhangubuntu_, you need to install grub2 , and not use 3rd party things like bcd02:32
leftistprinter driver02:32
leftistppd file02:33
gunndawgCould someone help me with my mic settings? when I run sound recorder the only thing it records is whats being played in my headset, not my voice or things around me02:33
KB1JWQleftist: I'd ask them. :-)02:33
KB1JWQBecause that didn't just eat apt, it ate dpkg as well.02:33
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Dr_Willisleftist:  for my brother printer. i fought with installing drivers from the brother web site.. then checked the forums/package manager and discovered they were allready packaged with some other 'bunch' of ectra printer drivers02:33
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KB1JWQleftist: It's upset that ldpd isn't installed.  dpkg -l |grep fax285002:34
leftisti blew it02:34
=== kamal is now known as Guest26450
Dr_Willisleftist:  i also discovered the generic 'pcl5' printer driver would work with my specific printer.02:34
nbuonannogunndawg: check your input source?02:34
gunndawgnbuonanno, its only got one choice02:34
leftistit's listed kb1jwq02:35
leftisti am just so angry with myself to even try to install that stupid brother driver...02:35
gunndawgnbuonanno, so if I am listening to an .mp3 and I record in sound recorder then it basically records the song I am listening to (or any sound coming from my speaker/headphones for that matter)02:35
leftisti am so angry02:35
chowder I converted my partition table from MBR to GPT using the gdisk utility. I converted the partition table back to MBR using gdisk and now both gparted and fdisk are incapable of finding my partitions. cfdisk gives the following error: FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder.02:35
chowderDuring the process of converting back to MBR I was asked to manually inpu02:36
chowder<chowder> t the hexcode corresponding to each partition and I foolishly went with the default assuming that everything was automagic. TL;DR How do I recover my partitions?02:36
FloodBot1chowder: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
KB1JWQleftist: Let's get meaner.02:36
KB1JWQleftist: sudo dpkg --force-all -r fax2850lpr02:36
nbuonannogunndawg: is it a usb headset?02:36
gunndawgnbuonanno, no its a mic jack02:36
leftistbeen there kb1jwq sudo dpkg --force-all -r fax2850lpr doenst do anything but bring back the same err02:36
arcimboldo_I am trying to run StrongVPN under Ubuntu 10.04 using OpenVPN. The service gets connected, however, I cannot download or browse anything. Is there anything I could check before I try another outcome-free attempt with their customer support?02:37
KB1JWQleftist: Welp, time to restore from backup. :-)02:37
leftistthis is a bad situation.02:37
* leftist is a professional and he is so distraught that even with all his experience he doesnt even have a backup and should be kicked in his you know what for his arrogance...02:38
KB1JWQleftist: Nah.  Professionals keep backups. :-D02:38
leftistyeah i know02:38
leftistto arrogant02:38
KB1JWQleftist: So, you can't install any new packages, right?02:38
leftistcant do anything associated with install or removal02:38
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: I guess we could see how you have it routed,  I'm stale at openvpn but I might get a clue if I see your route | pastebinit02:39
KB1JWQleftist: The box is UP though.  So take a backup now, reinstall the OS.  If you did things intelligently you won't even have to touch /home02:39
leftisthere is a question is there a grub boot option that will allow me to load a previous version?02:39
KB1JWQleftist: Sure, of the kernel. :-)02:39
arcimboldo_sacarlson: Should I just enter this as a command?02:39
nbuonannogunndawg: i'm a bit shorter on further idea at the moment... i'm a fresh ubuntu install myself, and my sound device settings are acting up02:39
nbuonanno /s/shorter/short/02:39
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: if you already have pastebinit installed yes02:39
cooper_ever since i set pulseaudio to 8 channels instead of 2, if two things are playing at once i hear a high pitch screech02:40
KB1JWQleftist: dpkg -l is a list of what's installed.  I'd surely remove the troubled packages.02:40
gunndawgI just wanna get my mic jack working so I can record audio, so frustrating02:40
arcimboldo_sacarlson: not yet.02:40
nbuonannowow... that sentence did not come out at all like i was typing it02:40
KB1JWQ!sound | nbuonanno02:40
ubottunbuonanno: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:40
drbanzaiOk, I can't remember what it's called where you edit a file to tell your workstation the DNS info for a particular site, so it doesn't go ask the real DNS server...anybody know what I'm talking about?02:41
KB1JWQdrbanzai: /etc/hosts02:41
drbanzaiKB1JWQ, Thank you!02:41
arcimboldo_sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/X3tYMiGu02:42
chowderdoes anyone know of a utility that can detect your partitions without needing to read the MBR?02:42
bazhangchowder, testdisk or photorec ?02:42
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: ok reading02:42
chowderbazhang, I'll check them out, thanks02:42
v0lksmanall that upgrading to maverick nonsense so I could use a mic and the damn mic still doesn't work!02:43
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: you don't have openvpn running on this02:43
arcimboldo_sacarlson: Not right now, otherwise I could not chat. Good point, I might have to sign off and on again.02:43
v0lksmanwhy would I be able to hear myself through the speakers but no app can record that stream?02:43
jribv0lksman: check alsamixer02:44
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: well I will need ifconfig also then02:44
akshay_any body there for light chatss02:44
arcimboldo_I will try02:44
akshay_getng bored02:44
bazhangakshay_, #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here02:44
v0lksmanjrib, yeah I've turned everything on and up and it still won't record any of the noise...tons of noise when I turn on all the mic boosts etc...but blank recordings, no skype, no ekiga02:44
macov0lksman: you hear what you say into the mic come out of the speakers and nothing whatsoever is recorded?  that'd be because your hardware has an analogue feedback loop that makes it appear that the sound is getting from the mic to the os and back to the speakers when in truth it is only getting from the mic directly to the speakers02:45
v0lksmanmaco, I would agree cept alsamixer can control the volume of the sound coming into the mic (IE I can mute it and raise and lower the volume)...so wouldn't that suggest the OS is getting it?02:46
leftistwell i printed out a list of what is installed which i need but i am just wondering if there will be a fix shortly. i see this issue has been going on for a long time. they said there was a fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+bug/659438 but it didnt work.02:46
v0lksmanor is that purely a function of the card and alsa is just playing with me02:46
digirakcmakekde issue02:46
macov0lksman: unless its just "your face isnt close enough to the mic" id be inclined to think thats the overdriving from turning up mic boost02:47
v0lksmannaw...my face is right in there02:47
leftistit says a fix was released but i cant determine what or where it is/02:47
v0lksmanmaco any suggestion on fixing this?02:48
macov0lksman: file a bug02:48
macov0lksman: clearly the driver is not doing its job02:48
arcimboldo_sacarlson: pastebinit doesn't work due to the lack of ability to connect to other places. I could copypaste the log somewhere else, e.g. pm?02:48
macov0lksman: (that is: intercepting the sound)02:48
KM0201!test | arcimboldo_02:48
ubottuarcimboldo_: Failed!02:48
macov0lksman: ubuntu-bug -s audio02:48
KB1JWQleftist: Is this system "sensitive?"02:49
KB1JWQleftist: And why are you concerned with aptdaemon anyway?02:49
leftistactually yes it is KB1JWQ02:49
KB1JWQleftist: Okay, so having someone else log in to fix it is likely not high on your to do list.02:50
leftisti am not kb1jwq i just need to be able to update some security patches02:50
gunndawgHas anyone had any issues getting their mic jack port to work ?02:50
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: just send it to a file like route >route.txt  ; ifconfi >ifconfig.txt  and send those when your reconected  also lets see the openvpn config file02:50
* leftist laughs02:50
v0lksmanuhm...am I to believe that it sees two sound cards?  00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)02:50
v0lksman01:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)02:50
leftisti get your drift02:50
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: or from just the config file I think I can see what i need to know02:50
KB1JWQleftist: Stupid question, but dpkg purge $packagename didn't work?02:51
Spyderbytehey im a long time supporter of ubuntu and im just curious why on the ubuntu website under their downloads, that they recomment ubuntu 32 bit over a 64 bit version02:51
Dr_WillisSpyderbyte:  basically its 'idiot proofing'02:51
KB1JWQSpyderbyte: Simple.  32 bit will run on 64 bit systems, the converse isn't true.02:51
gunndawgI have tried everything I can think of to get my mic working via the mic/headphone jack on the side of my laptop, with no success, sound recorder just records the audio coming out of my headset02:51
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: with pastebinit you can also send with nautilus just right click on the file you want to send and select paistebin02:51
leftistkb1jwq no.02:51
ZykoticK9Spyderbyte, it's a big improvement over the previous "not-recommended" that was there before02:52
Dr_WillisSpyderbyte:  if someone has no clue what 64/32bit means.. they get pointed to 32bit.02:52
leftisti will just reimage those workstations tomorrow02:52
KB1JWQleftist: Even when passed a force-all?02:52
binarysimsomeone can help me with ssh and tunellingY?02:52
KB1JWQbinarysim: What's your question?02:52
KB1JWQY'know, rather than abusing the bot.02:52
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:52
Dr_Willisthe vnc factoud has some url/info on tunneling also.02:53
binarysimI have a Vps server hosted02:53
KB1JWQbinarysim: Who's the host, first off?02:53
Spyderbyteok that sounds legit i was  just making sure that they didnt have any problems with the 64 bit version thanks all for the support02:53
arcimboldo_sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/LWWbS2rK02:53
BlackWebjust curious is anyone familiar with linking files together, mainly when I create a link say on my desktop to somewhere then when i open the linked directory then it appears to be located on the desktop but it really isnt02:53
leftistkb1jwq nope.02:53
binarysima provider KB1JWQ02:53
KM0201KB1JWQ: i thought they were abusing the spell checker myself.. :)02:53
Dr_WillisSpyderbyte:  ive nad no issues with 64bit in ages. :)02:53
leftisti wish kb1jwq02:53
BlackWebto where if i edit a file then it wont be in the directory that I'm linking to02:53
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: ok reading02:54
DiamondciteBlackWeb: It's what linux would call a symlink02:54
KB1JWQbinarysim: Yeah, I was idly curious which provider.  Moving on, what're you trying to do?02:54
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  from a filesystem point of view. a link  on the desktop to a directory.. should be the same.02:54
binarysimand I would like to redirect all the trafic from the port 80 on my local machine via the ssh tunnel02:54
Spyderbytek thanks i moved back to windows for the other people in the household and now that i have my computer back im downloading it again02:54
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  link vs a 'shortcut' :) i guess.02:54
DiamondciteBlackWeb: If done from a terminal... ln -s /path/to/file/to/edit ~/Desktop/02:54
arcimboldo_sacarlson: second one is http://pastebin.com/fDnmKQYb02:54
binarysimI have sshd  listening on port 2202:54
arcimboldo_I've manually pastebinned it.02:54
BlackWebmainly like with windows then when you create a link on your desktop then it'll take you to the directory say hardDrive2 then you can make changes and it'll affect the orginal directory02:55
BlackWebis there a way to do this with linux02:55
KB1JWQbinarysim: Redirect port 80 traffic in what sense?02:55
KB1JWQbinarysim: Because what you're asking isn't what I think you want to do. :-)02:55
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  err.. im not sure how youa re doing it.. but if i link /media/foo  to /home/willis/Desktop/Bar   then  when i enter Bar. i am actually in foo...02:55
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: that looks like it should work02:55
arcimboldo_hm ok.02:55
BlackWebbut what I've noticed is that if you add to the linked file on your desktop then that changed or added file will remain on the desktop and not go to where the linked file directry is02:55
binarysimfrom the local machine to the ssh server02:55
leftistthis is really a serious bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/aptdaemon/+bug/66521802:56
BlackWebI'm using the commands ln -s target dir02:56
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  Ive never seen that happen.  the directory is the same here.02:56
sacarlsonso you can ping when it's up?02:56
aademis there a list of useful configuration files or log files / sh scripts that would be good for studying.  Im trying to learn everything i can unixwise before moving on to the challenge of a tougher distro02:56
KB1JWQleftist: Not really, aptdaemon just runs resident.  the concern is with the package manager itself.02:56
xiamxhow do i make evince document view running two instance opening the same pdf?02:56
binarysimssh -L 80:localhost:22 sshadmin@iweb.ca02:56
xiamx*how do i make evince document viewer running two instance opening the same pdf?02:56
leftistahhh KB1JWQ02:56
KB1JWQbinarysim: In real world terms, what are you trying to do? Secure your web traffic?  Emit your browsing traffic from somewhere else?02:56
leftistthank you so much now i understand.02:57
KB1JWQbinarysim: Simple.02:57
Dr_Willisaadem:  you learn the fundamentals of 'linux'  and it basically applies to all distros.  You dont gain a lot from going to a tougher disrto. :)02:57
binarysimsorry i'm not verry good to explain myself in english02:57
BlackWeband its working but yet say I create a link on the desktop then yes it'll take me to the desired folder on the system say hard drive2 but then if i add to the link directory on my desktop then the newly added file doesnt go to where the link dir is linked to it stays on the desktop02:57
KB1JWQOn your local host edit ~/.ssh/config to contain a line like "host YOURSERVER", next line "DynamicForward 8080"02:57
KB1JWQbinarysim: Then in your browser set the SOCKS5 proxy to be localhost, port 8080.02:57
DiamondciteBlackWeb: right click on the target, select "Make Link" move that link to where you want.02:57
arcimboldo_sacarlson: trying now, ping does not get a response yet even without the VPN.02:57
BlackWebbut alrighty I'll keep playing with it and see if i can figure it out02:57
KB1JWQbinarysim: Finally, ssh to your server.  Your browser should now work.02:58
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  make sure the hard drive is MOUNTED automatically perhaps at login/boot time.02:58
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: it shouldn't get a ping when your not connected it's a local ip address set02:58
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  it could be its not geting mounted untill you first access it via the /media/ mountpoint. so your link is pointimng to just a empty dir.02:58
BlackWebAlrighty, I'll give that a try, Thanks for your feedbacks02:58
fdsaseemslegitxiamx open as a copy maybe.02:59
Spyderbytehey all has the flash player plugin bug been fixed with the google chrome web browser and ubuntu02:59
bazhangSpyderbyte, have the bug link on launchpad?03:00
bazhangSpyderbyte, and you mean chromium-browser right? chrome has nothing to do with ubuntu03:00
Spyderbyteim not sure i had ubuntu a few months back to see how 10.10 was doing and the flash player on chrome wouldnt work after update03:01
gunndawgwhat exactly is the bug anyways?03:01
bazhangSpyderbyte, so not an actual bug? just a problem you were having?03:01
gunndawgspyderbyte I am using 10.10 and chromium and it works fine, aside from the load it puts on ur CPU at times03:01
Spyderbyteok ill just reinstall and see ill comeback wiith any issues03:02
binarysimKB1JWQ, I dont find the path of .ssh/config03:02
arcimboldo_sacarlson: Ping doesn't seem to work.03:02
bazhangSpyderbyte, this is chromium-browser we're talking about, not chrome03:02
bazhangSpyderbyte, from the ubuntu repos03:02
Spyderbyteno i was using chrome at the time not chromium03:02
l1nuxmanhow to get a list of packages related to say 'template' using apt-get ?03:02
bazhangl1nuxman, apt-cache search package03:03
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: I would assume maybe the encypted tunnel isn't setup then03:03
fdsaseemslegitlinuxman:  try sudo apt-get build-dep see what you would need to install it properly03:03
KB1JWQbinarysim: Make it then.  And that's ~/.ssh/config03:04
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: set me see the conf file03:04
arcimboldo_sacarlson: to where?03:04
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: pastebin the openvpn config file,  do you know where it is?03:05
arcimboldo_is it the .ovpn file?03:05
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: that sounds like one if it's what you run to connect to this service03:06
arcimboldo_yes. There are also some .crt files03:06
l1nuxmanfdsaseemslegit, I get 33MB instead of 2MB03:07
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: so I don't want the crt files those are the keys, I just want the config03:07
binarysimAll I've got is a White Page KB103:07
binarysimAll I've got is a White Page KB1JWQ03:07
craigbass1976I'm so lazy... How do I share out a printer down the hall without walking down the hall?  It's running, I've installed samba on the box down there, edited smb.conf so that it's pretty much wide open...  WHat'd I miss?03:07
Goatehwell hi03:08
binarysimalistair@Alistair:~/.ssh$ ls03:08
binarysimconfig  known_hosts03:08
binarysimhost SERVERIP03:08
binarysimDynamicForward 808003:08
Marottecraigbass1976, install cups ?03:08
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Marottebut maybe samba is able to share a printer without it. I reallu don't know03:09
arcimboldo_sacarlson: sorry, what's the command to show the full text of the file?03:09
KB1JWQbinarysim: It's the SOCKS host, not the http proxy. :-)03:09
KB1JWQSame page, three items down.03:09
craigbass1976Marotte, it's already installed.  I didn't know you could even print locally without cups03:09
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: it should look something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/562320/03:09
craigbass1976What's the gui printer config in GNOME called?03:09
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: to view files I use gedit opened from nautilus if that's what you mean03:10
ddilingermy default ubuntu desktop has a mail notification icon in the upper right, i use yahoo which is a bit convoluted for mail notification, but i have it working through pidgin.  Is it possible to join these two so the mail notification icon works, instead of only the note in the pidgin window?03:10
ddilingerthe notification icon lists pidgin in the list, but sending myself a test email only triggered in the pidgin window03:10
arcimboldo_sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/a0BTNPJY03:11
Marottecraigbass1976, in the "system" menu03:11
arcimboldo_sorry http://pastebin.com/WPRR9DNF03:11
Marottesorry but I have a french version installed, so I can't give you the exact menu entry..03:11
Goatehxfce is good03:12
MarotteGoateh, yes03:12
craigbass1976Marotte, I know, I needed the actual name so I could fire it up over ssh.  I have two kids sleeping where the printer is, so it's not PURE laziness, just wanting to make as few trips in there as possible03:12
craigbass1976Marotte, I found the name btw.  thanks03:12
Goatehlook at my XFCE http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/591/screenshot0203201107112.png03:12
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: so the service gave you this file?03:13
binarysimKB1JWQ, Tank you for your help, It doesn't work but I'll look forword on google03:13
KB1JWQbinarysim: Good luck.03:13
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: ok can we close or kill openvpn and restart on a command line so we can see what it did?03:14
binarysimyeah I'm sure it can be fix ;)03:14
binarysimi'm just doing it wrong03:14
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: the last 2 or 3 lines should tell if it worked or not03:14
Moral_Hey, I'm trying to mount my TI-84 calculator so I can upload some programs to it, when I plug it in dmesg says this: [25642.702610] usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5    [25642.954491] usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice   I'm not sure where it's sitting so I can mount it, does anyone have any idea?03:14
NixGeekGoateh: too much white, tone it down a bit, add some color03:15
arcimboldo_sacarlson: ok, how do I kill it (other than just closing the VPN connection)?03:15
Marotte"taste and colors" as we say in french...03:15
matthewjberryHello everyone03:15
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: what method did you use to open it?03:15
matthewjberryI'm new to Ubuntu. Trying to install an app that has PERL scripts and several required modules in the form of tar.gz03:16
MarotteHello matthewjberry03:16
matthewjberryAnyone willing to help me out?03:16
EnigmaticCoderHow can I synchronize my Ubuntu configuration between my desktop and laptop?03:16
matthewjberryHey Marotte03:16
Marottematthewjberry, aren't you sure the required package are not present in your package manager ?03:17
arcimboldo_sacarlson: I configured it under network connections and then connect/disconnect directly from the network connection icon in the top right corner.03:17
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: on a command line you should be able to start it with openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/home/client1.conf   with that file being your config file path03:17
arcimboldo_sacarlson: I configured it according to http://vpnblog.info/ubuntu-openvpn-strongvpn-tutorial.html03:17
Marottematthewjberry, what are you trying to install ?03:17
matthewjberryHere's how the readme begins:03:18
matthewjberryIf you don't have a technical familiarity with each of these, then either03:18
matthewjberryyou should be prepared to do some learning and stumbling, or you should03:18
matthewjberryfind someone who can lend a technical hand.03:18
FloodBot1matthewjberry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:18
ryan-c|wCan someone help me mount my ecryptfs?  The instructions for recovering my mount passphrase at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory aren't working with my past several login passwords03:19
eigmaI'm running maverick and have uninstalled 'cups' and other related packages. the Update Manager is now telling me I should install cups as a security update.. is this normal behaviour?03:19
Marottematthewjberry, I know nothing about webview netflow reporter sorry03:19
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: ok so I guess all those files are in a directory cd into that dir03:20
red2kiceigma: I think there are an updated version for cups -- Marked for security reason.03:20
l1nuxmananyone know where tt2 (template toolkit module) installs ?03:20
dsnydersHi all!  Is there a way to single step through a script?03:20
KB1JWQMarotte: Okay, so which are you prepared to do?03:21
MarotteKB1JWQ, ??03:22
histodsnyders: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/step-through-a-bash-script-273422/03:22
KB1JWQMarotte: Er, sorry-- he quit, and you tab completed by mistake.03:22
eigmared2kic: but if I don't have cups installed, it shouldn't be an issue?03:22
MarotteKB1JWQ, ok03:22
nunyais there anyway to have my headless server join a wireless network when it turns on?03:23
red2kiceigma: If you have ubuntu-desktop marked as installed, that may be the reason.03:23
histonunya: sure03:23
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: cd ~/Documents/StrongVpn ; openvpn --config ./opvn045.ovpn   something like that from what I see in the link you sent me03:23
histonunya: just any wifi network or is it stationary?03:24
red2kicnunya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo03:24
nunyahisto: it's stationary, i want it to join the same network every time it turns on03:24
histonunya: /etc/network/interfaces to configure the network on a cli system03:24
red2kicnunya: You need to test it first before you automatically it.03:24
eigmared2kic: hmm, pretty sure I uninstalled that as well when I removed some other stuff I didn't need03:24
histonunya: if its wpa then you need wpa_supplicant03:24
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:24
histonunya: or yuou can use something like wicd if you don't have X03:25
nunyahisto: thank you03:25
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: unless there is a log file you can view to see the output of openvpn when you run it in network-manager03:25
histonunya: wicd conflicts with network-manager  but it's easier03:25
histosacarlson: network-manager doesn't have much for a log.03:25
eigmared2kic: cups doesn't show up in 'apt-get upgrade' by the way.. so it's an issue with Update Manager specifically03:25
red2kiceigma: Ah. I don't know. I don't have cups installed. You could try and remove it afterward. The chance is that it might tell you which package depends on it, then you know which package may be the responsible for it.03:26
red2kiceigma: Use CLI instead of Update Manager, I suppose.03:26
eigmared2kic: ok, thanks03:26
sacarlsonhisto: well I had hoped maybe openvpn created one but I see from the config that is doesn't03:27
KB1JWQsacarlson: I think you can enable it.03:27
KB1JWQsacarlson: http://svn.openvpn.net/projects/openvpn/trunk/openvpn/sample-config-files/server.conf'03:27
sacarlsonKB1JWQ: yes there are added options in openvpn to create logs03:28
sacarlsonKB1JWQ: but this is the config the service provided so I don't want to mess with it if I don't have to03:28
craigbass1976Does anyone else have trouble with trying to exit a terminal where you first ssh -X 'ed into?  I type exit, and it hangs. Ctrl+C gets me out, but I wondered if there were something wrong.  Happens to me both when ssh-ing into a remote box, and when ssh-ing into a box on my lan03:29
KB1JWQsacarlson: It's no big deal to append a logging stanza at the end. :-)  If it breaks something (which it shouldn't) revert your change.03:29
george_i need help with gnomenu :(03:29
KB1JWQ!gnomenu | george_03:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:29
sacarlsonKB1JWQ: it's not running on my system so I don't even know were they have priv to write stuf03:29
=== gpc is now known as Gulfstream
KB1JWQI'm just failing all over today. :-)03:30
matsuuraI need plans for dinner03:30
rwwthe keys are right next to each other03:30
george_umm i want to run gnomenu under a Win 7 theme i got03:30
george_it doesnt pop up correctly03:30
sacarlsonKB1JWQ: that's ok, and the droped out so I will wait till there system comes back online03:30
george_it pops out under the dockbar03:30
ryan-c|wOkay.  Anyone have any idea why the hell ecryptfs won't unwrap my mount passphrase?  I've tried all of the passwords that I've had my account set to since the last time I logged in to X and it's not working.03:31
ryan-c|wThis is really irritating.03:31
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historyan-c|w: dont' you have to use htat key thing03:34
historyan-c|w: when you frist encrypt the drive it gives you some long key or something I thought.03:35
ryan-c|whisto: it does.  I didn't record it.03:35
historyan-c|w: well you need that not your login passphrase03:35
Derek__Hi, can someone help me with an installation issue with Ubuntu?03:36
ryan-c|whisto: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase unlocks the mount passphrase with the login password03:36
bazhangDerek__, please ask a question03:36
historyan-c|w: hrm..03:37
arcimboldo_sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/7t4SY1ck03:37
historyan-c|w: yeah if it's mounted03:37
Derek__I've been trying to help my friend install Ubuntu on his laptop, but once we got to the "Who are you?" page it won't go any further and just says "Ready when you are..."03:37
arcimboldo_... I lost all connections.03:37
ryan-c|wI got the damn thing unwrapped.  it didn't pick up a password change at some point, and i remebered the temp password i'd used before my current one.03:37
ryan-c|wit had been mounted for 6 months and then my computer froze03:38
historyan-c|w: isn't it set to mount on boot?03:38
brandoForgive me for being a super noob, But ive noticed my internet speed has been terrible and i have hardly any bandwidth... Is there a simple way you can check if my neighbors are using my Wireless?03:38
ryan-c|wit is03:38
historyan-c|w: so it stopped mounting on boot?03:38
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Marottebrando, I suppose this depends on your ISP03:38
ryan-c|w because the wrapping passphrase got desync'd from my account password.03:38
ryan-c|wbecause FML.03:39
historyan-c|w: do you not know all your other pass phrases?03:39
bazhangDerek__, are there any caps in the usernick etc03:39
historyan-c|w: sorry all your old passwords?03:39
Marottebrando, if you activated WEP access there is a chance some neighboor are using your wireless03:39
Derek__Oh, we are so dumb. Thank you bazhang.03:39
Marottebrando, not with wap03:39
bazhangMarotte, you mean wpa presumably03:40
Marottebrando, at least, with WAP there is only a very very few chance03:40
ryan-c|whisto: I tried all my old passwords and then remembered that i'd initially set my current password with a slight case variation which i changed to make it easier to type03:40
Marotteoops sorry yes WPA03:40
ryan-c|wsince i have to type my password a good 50 times a day03:40
brandoMar.  I actually set my wireless to OPEN cause i dont really have any close neighbors and its easier cause im always connecting other things (phone,TV,playsations etc.)03:41
bazhangbrando, better to encrypt and be sure03:41
red2kicbrando: Sure. Wait until you found out the coyote have been piggybacking your Wifi.03:41
bazhangbrando, provided your devices can handle wpa203:41
Marottebrando, if you don't have any close neighboor, why do you ask ?03:41
historyan-c|w: is your whole drive encrypted or just hte private folder?03:41
Ciphermagi2Q @ open wireless: Does encryption change your network performance at all?03:42
brandolol, Well the niegbors are approx. 300ft in both directions....03:42
ryan-c|wjust the private folder03:42
bazhangCiphermagi2, no03:42
ryan-c|wi've gotten it mounted again03:42
brandoI wouldnt think they could pick it up but im not sure....03:42
historyan-c|w: so you can decrypt the .ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase  then?03:42
Marotte300 feet is close :)03:42
historyan-c|w: can't not can03:43
brandoIt would just be nice to see if they were piggybackin....03:43
Marottebrando, stop WEP03:43
MarotteWEP is easily crackable, but WPA is not03:43
histobrando: I was at a customers today and they had 26 unknown people on their wifi03:44
ryan-c|whisto: Yes, i can decrypt .ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase03:44
historyan-c|w: then you can mount it03:44
histoI'm confused03:44
ryan-c|wi have it mounted03:44
brandoHisto, wow... thats crazy03:44
histoSo what is the problem then?03:44
ryan-c|wi'm now just annoyed about the bug that caused my wrapping password not to be changed03:44
red2kicbrando: Sharing is charing. :)03:44
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histobrando: yeah I shut the wifi down. It was some stupid tmobile hotspot that got setup open.03:44
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historyan-c|w: ohh03:45
historyan-c|w: lols I thought you were having trouble03:45
brandoThanks for everyones help really appreciate it03:45
heslamhey guys. i'm looking for help connecting to two different networks (two routers, one leading to the internet and one just to connect to other computers) with ubuntu and i'm struggling to get it right. is this too general a question?03:45
heslamperhaps i should go to #networking or something03:45
KB1JWQheslam: ##networking actually.03:46
heslamKB1JWQ: cool, thanks :)03:46
KB1JWQheslam: And it depends upon what you're trying to do.03:46
KB1JWQheslam: The answer is going to be "fix your routing table" wherever you ask.03:46
histo!ics | heslam03:46
ubottuheslam: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php03:46
heslamKB1JWQ: right, okay. well i'll research routing tables, then! thanks :)03:47
KB1JWQhisto: I don't think tht's what he's asking. :-)03:47
heslamhisto: i'm not actually looking to share my connection03:47
histoheslam: KB1JWQ yeah it will accomplish what he wants03:47
KB1JWQhisto: So will a one line routing table update.03:47
histoKB1JWQ: he configures once card to allow anyone to use it. Which is theother router. and it will pass all traffic through to the other router03:47
Ciphermagi2I used to have Ubuntu, and I can't remember what the GUI I used was...it was a really nice 3D thing that could basically make a cube, and it placed a desktop on each face of the cube. You could zoom out of the cube, and rotate it around, and push your windows onto different desktops without having tearing or lag issues. Anyone got any idea?03:48
twitchCiphermagi2: compiz03:48
KB1JWQhisto: But that's not his problem description.  He simply wants to be able to hit two distinct networkins (ideally they've got different ip ranges or he's out of luck) while retaining a sane default gateway.03:48
Goatehohai histo03:48
heslamto just briefly outline my problem: i'm using synergy to share the mouse + keyboard between a laptop and desktop, but the wireless is flakey so whilst i want both computers to access the internet via wireless, i also want them to connect to eachother over a local router to get the best performance from synergy03:48
bazhang!ccsm | Ciphermagi203:48
ubottuCiphermagi2: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz03:48
histoKB1JWQ: I just saw part of what he wanted to do then03:48
KB1JWQheslam: And the local router is wired?03:49
heslamKB1JWQ: yep03:49
Ciphermagi2I'm sitting here making a list of all the programs I need to get ahold of.03:49
KB1JWQheslam: Assign a separate IP range to the wired interface on both machines.  As long as they're both within the same subnet that should be all you need to do.03:49
KB1JWQJust make sure synergy is told to use that IP.03:49
bazhang!manual | Ciphermagi2 this may help as well03:50
ubottuCiphermagi2 this may help as well: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:50
izinucsCiphermagi2: like what?03:50
Ciphermagi2Well, I'm familiar with ordinary tasks, I'm looking for things for my wife's (graphical design) interests and my web dev.03:50
heslamKB1JWQ: i'm pretty sure i did that, unless i'm ignorant as to exactly how to assign seperate IP ranges...03:50
heslami'll look it up03:50
KB1JWQheslam: ifconfig -a to a pastebin then!03:51
Ciphermagi2Just...if anyone has something off the top of their head that they like, you know?03:51
KB1JWQAlso netstat -r while you're at it, heslam03:51
bazhangCiphermagi2, then browse through the software center and install what you wish03:51
KB1JWQPreferably from both hosts but we can start with one.03:51
KB1JWQCiphermagi2: I like pie, but what are you asking?03:51
skooz20111any trick to signing up for ubuntu one captcha solution cant make them out03:51
dsnydershisto, thanks for the link regarding stepping through bash scripts.  It helped.  Turns out I forgot the "extension" on the files I was renaming.03:51
izinucsCiphermagi2: graphical design... inkscape, gimp, xara xtreme, scribus03:51
histodsnyders: np03:51
bazhangskooz20111, #ubuntuone should help03:52
MarotteCiphermagi2, inkscape03:52
ShaneNHello. Any idea why SSH responds when started from a "local" connection (ie: server is 192.168.1.x and client is 192.168.1.y), but not over an OpenVPN connection? I can ping the server's VPN IP, but can't SSH03:52
heslamKB1JWQ: i don't actually have the network set up how i'd like it - whenever i connect them both to the wired router, they are no longer able to access the internet over the wireless router. so sending you the ifconfig + netstat -r data becomes a little bit difficult :P03:52
skooz20111thank you bazhang03:52
Ciphermagi2Well, is there a free equivalent to, say...dreamweaver? I'm already looking at Komposer and Blender, too.03:52
izinucsShaneN: ssh does not = vpn03:52
KB1JWQheslam: Ah, you're running network-manager.03:52
cobra2_ubuntu wont detect my damn headset microphone and only the internal one will work how do i fix?03:52
bazhangCiphermagi2, aptana studio is the closest03:52
ShaneNizinucs: Of course not03:52
MarotteCiphermagi2, dreamweaver I guess not03:53
ShaneNizinucs: The problem I am having is SSH works over a local network, but not over a VPN03:53
KB1JWQcobra2_: Hello.03:53
cobra2_ubuntu wont detect my damn headset microphone and only the internal one will work how do i fix?03:53
ShaneNJust a "stock" SSH config03:53
heslamKB1JWQ: yeah, i'm using a stock ubuntu install (and linux mint lxde for the laptop, but yeah). so network-manager screws with this sort of thing?03:53
MarotteCiphermagi2, inkscape is for scalable vector graphic edition03:53
KB1JWQheslam: Network-manager screws with bloody EVERYTHING.03:53
izinucsShaneN: why would you use ssh on top of vpn? they are both encrypted03:53
ShaneNizinucs: To access the machine :)03:54
KB1JWQheslam: I'd check out #nm03:54
hdondoes anyone know what packages i should install to build cinelerra?03:54
ShaneNizinucs: I'm 9 hours away from the system, so I have to SSH in03:54
cobra2_while 1: print 'can someone help me with this plz?'03:54
heslamKB1JWQ: gotcha :P thanks :)03:54
heslami'm gonna head over there now. if i get it working and remember, i'll come back here and let you know ;)03:54
ShaneNAs of right now, I have to VNC into another machine in the same room, and then SSH into the server from that machine03:55
izinucsShaneN: I don't get it .. if the machine is running a ssh server on a different port from vpn then you shouldn't have an issue.. if you're trying to use ssh in combination with vpn .. well.. you might be googling forever trying to find that answer.03:55
bazhanghttp://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu hdon03:55
cobra2_am i muted?03:55
matthewjberryWhat is the "network trash folder" in Ubuntu for?03:55
hdonbazhang, thanks03:55
bazhangcobra2_, no03:55
izinucscobra2_: what?03:55
cobra2_help me! plz03:55
g_0_0cobra2_, in terminal type - alsamixer - make sure the mic channel isn't muted if it is press m when the channel is selected to unmute it, nb it may not be labeled mic it may be labeled as an input03:55
izinucsdon't beg03:55
rww!helpme | cobra2_03:55
ubottucobra2_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:55
bazhangcobra2_, with what03:56
cobra2_my headset mic is not detected03:56
hdonbazhang, i am not interested in binaries, i said i was building from source :\03:56
bazhanghdon, then check their website, presumably03:56
ShaneNizinucs: It is indeed running on a different port. Hence the issue. I'm not able to SSH into it over the VPN IP address. The system is essentially a "stock" install with no crazy firewall configs or any changes in the SSH config03:56
=== windGone is now known as windkids
izinucsShaneN: is it on your lan or outside your lan?03:56
ShaneNizinucs: Outside03:57
ShaneNizinucs: My machine, and the ubuntu machine are on the same VPN. I can ping the VPN address of the ubuntu machine. But I cannot SSH in over the VPN address03:57
izinucsShaneN: do you know if the router on the other end is forwarding the appropriate ssh ports to that machine.03:57
ramontayaghey folks. i've added a network printer. host is ubuntu, guest is ubuntu. it added fine, but it asks for authentication when i try to print. I typed the host's username and password, didn't work. I typed the guests username/password, didn't work either. what username and password do I enter?03:57
ShaneNizinucs: Since I am going over the VPN, the router configuration shouldn't matter, correct?03:57
linogehi, my bluetooth doesn't work. Bluetooth applet shows a box to enable bluetooth but it never enables it. What could i do?03:58
izinucsShaneN: ah..so you're connected via vpn and you're trying to get a cli prompt?03:58
ShaneNizinucs: Bingo03:58
izinucsShaneN: well... why didn't you say so :)03:58
ShaneNizinucs: I think I did about 3 times :)03:58
izinucsShaneN: let me look for something..03:58
cobra2_g_0_0: i opened up the alsamixer but i really don't know what i'm looking at.. if i post a screenshot for ya will that help?03:59
=== Shinnok is now known as Guest68050
g_0_0cobra2_, I know what it looks like, you navigate the channel with the left and right arrows, up and down arrows to change volume and m to mute/unmute a channel03:59
cobra2_g_0_0: i know but i can't tell if my channel is muted or not04:00
izinucsShaneN: missed that previously.. sorry..04:00
cobra2_g_0_0: but for the 'mic jack" there isn't one of those bar thingyies04:00
g_0_0cobra2_, if a channel is muted you will see an M at the bottom04:00
ShaneNizinucs: No problem. Lots of chatter going on :)04:00
anonbootsAnybody have a linux utility for rooting a Sprint Epic 4G? Everything seems to be for Windoes boxes.04:01
ShaneNizinucs: Appreciate your attention, at the least04:01
g_0_0cobra2_, if there is an m select the channel and press m to unmute the channel04:01
cobra2_g_0_0: i will just post a screenshot04:01
g_0_0cobra2_, ok post a screenshot04:01
bazhang!imagebin | cobra2_04:01
ubottucobra2_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:01
jagsI was confused why I had all these folders with nothing in them in /media, so i did a few 'sudo rmdir's, I realize now that they where for my usb sticks, now when I try to insert them, nothing happens, and I get somekind of error message like "no mount point", anyone know a quick fix?04:02
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
red2kicjags: Try creating /media folder04:03
bonjoyeejags: the folders should be created automatically..unless you have defined mount points in fstab04:03
=== rene is now known as Guest88786
red2kicjags: And that's why we have permissions, to prevent users from doing what they shouldn't be doing in first place. Of course, we gave them authority too -- and that's just not helping the situation. :(04:03
cobra2_g_0_0: try not 2 be razzed out by my ultra theme but anyway heres the screenshot.. http://i.imgur.com/FLrM4.png04:04
natexShaneN: are you using the corrent (VPN) ip address?04:04
mopohello you amazing people04:04
ShaneNnatex: Yessir/mam04:04
mopoi need help with a tv tuner :(04:04
jagsred2kic, I guess i can see what disk utility labels them as and create a folder in /media as sudo?  I'll try that quick04:04
red2kicjags: If you removed /media -- Try "sudo mkdir /media"04:05
izinucsShaneN: I have not been able to find any info on doing that..when you vpn in, logically thinking you are part of the network the remote machine is attached to. so ssh'ing becomes problemmatic unless "localhost" ssh'ing will work.  that would be ssh'ing into the remote machine on it's local ip address not its wan address..04:05
red2kicjags: Maybe "sudo chown -R root:root /media" too04:05
jagsred2kic, I still have a /media, but I removed some folders within /media, now I can't seem to mount whatever those folders where linked to04:05
g_0_0cobra2_, do you have a line channel which is muted if so umute it04:05
ChilaquilesI get this error: segfault at a151ba20 ip 0498b5f8 sp bf8d4990 error 4 in libc-2.12.1.so[495c000+157000] Does somebody know what is this?04:05
cobra2_g_0_0: i don't know what a line channel is04:05
cobra2_g_0_0: why is linux so fcking hard?04:06
red2kicjags: Do you know what you removed? Create the directory again.04:06
bonjoyeejags: check in your /etc/fstab ..for any mount points defined under /media04:06
Chilaquilesmy computer crashes every week or so, its annoying04:06
jagsred2kic, I'm sure its still in history, I'll just have to grep all the rmdir commands04:06
red2kicjags: "history | grep -i rmdir"04:07
ShaneNizinucs: That is exactly what I thought. Which is why this is confusing me :). ifconfig shows that it is connected to the VPN fine. My machine can ping it. But I just can't SSH into it. I even tried to change the ListenAddress in hopes it would help. No go, sadly04:07
g_0_0cobra2_, I can't see all the channels in alsa mixer from your screenshot there should be other channels a channel simply named mic or line for example04:07
izinucsShaneN: is the remote machine on a commercial network with commercial switches?04:08
ShaneNizinucs: Not sure what you mean by a "commercial network". Sorry :/04:08
cobra2_g_0_0: there is not, there is a channel called mic jack04:09
izinucsShaneN: business.. using business class switches vs. in expensive linksys/dlink/etc routers?04:09
g_0_0cobra2_, what other channels are there?04:09
natexShaneN: what ip are you ssh to once your vpn is connected?04:09
ShaneNizinucs: Gotcha. Basic router. Nothing commercial04:09
cobra2_g_0_0: if i press tab more channels appear04:10
g_0_0cobra2_, alternatively unmute all the channels in turn until you find the appropriate mic channel, even if it isn't labeled mic04:10
ShaneNAnother machine on the same LAN cannot SSH into, but the ubuntu machine itself can04:10
g_0_0cobra2_, use the left and right arrows to navigate04:10
natexShaneN: right because it is not part of the vpn04:10
ShaneNie: If I "ssh" from the ubuntu machine, it works fine. Ubuntu doesn't come with a firewall started right away right?04:10
rwwShaneN: no04:11
red2kicShaneN: Right. ufw is disabled by default.04:11
red2kicrww: No? :o04:11
virtusIs there software that I can plug in a USB mic and use the software as a virtual amplifierr, and output it to speakers?04:11
macoShaneN: right, since there are no services to firewall off04:11
izinucsShaneN: although port are default closed04:11
rwwred2kic: no, Ubuntu doesn't come with a firewall started right away.04:11
imanwhould you please tell me, how I can play easyworship with dual display04:12
Nertili cant get to work ebox04:12
nunyaI just fresh installed 9.10 on my server and now (I have a monitor connected) I can't connect to my wireless network...04:13
Nertilim messing with it 2 days04:13
izinucsnatex: shouldn't ShaneN on the machine that's vpn'd into the other be able to ssh into the same machine using a local address?04:13
KM0201nunya: well, whats your wireless device, and second, why are you using 9.10?04:13
natexizinucs: he needs to use the ip address from the vpn interface (tun0)04:14
nunyaKM0201: I need 9.10 for my computer because that's the only verion supported by the maker of the computer (I need it for video acceleration) the wireless device is intneral.  I don't even know how to check which drivers are installed and working04:14
izinucsnatex: that I don't know much about.. maybe you can fill him in.04:15
natexizinucs: which he is
ShaneNnatex: SSH doesn't care which interface is used to connect to it, correct?04:15
natexShaneN: right04:15
natexShaneN: unless you've tweaked it to hell which I don't believe you have04:15
g_0_0Nertil, do you mean wbox as opposed to ebox?04:15
UbuntuNoobto #ubuntu good day all :)04:16
ShaneNnatex: Literally installed SSH today. Haven't touched it other after having these issues to try ListenAddress04:16
Nertilebox is something like webmin04:16
Nertilfor ubuntu04:16
natexShaneN: you never know with ubuntu though :/04:16
ShaneNnatex: Thanks for the vote of confidence :). Tried centos first... had issues with the hardware though04:17
bonjoyeeShaneN: netstat -ltunp will tell you on which ports ssh is listening!04:17
natexShaneN: honestly it just works with slackware04:17
* ryan-c|w likes to tweak ssh to hell04:17
bonjoyeeShaneN: sudo netstat -ltunp04:17
UbuntuNoobcan i play steam games on linx o_o?04:17
UbuntuNooblike gmod04:17
* cobra2_ places ban on UbuntuNoob!*@*04:17
ryan-c|wUbuntuNoob: Yes, gmod specifically will run.04:18
UbuntuNoobyayy :D04:18
ShaneNbonjoyee: Well, good news (?) is that I do see as a local address that is in state "LISTEN" for program name "sshd"04:18
KM0201natex: lspci should tell you what wireless device you have04:18
cobra2_my wireless adapter only works with windows04:18
natexShaneN: yeah something I'm missing here04:18
ryan-c|wUbuntuNoob: http://www.cedega.com/ will run steam, and *some* steam games.  It seems to run anything with the source engine fine.04:18
UbuntuNoobi have lots of questions, how do i use linux exactly.. i can open firefox, this irc, i can close firefox, i dont really know much else..04:18
g_0_0cobra2_, did you get the mic to work?04:19
ShaneNryan-c|w: What do you tweak with SSH? I've always just did /etc/init.d/ssh start and called it a day :)04:19
UbuntuNoobryan-c|w: thanks :D04:19
fakeerhow can i install all the small and big packages offline on ubuntu? I've got a ubuntu cd burned but i've no access to Internet on Ubuntu machine?04:19
cobra2_UbuntuNoob: google linux tutorials >.>04:19
cobra2_g_0_0: let me check04:19
UbuntuNoobcobra2: my teacher gave me a book x_X, but i wanted to know the vurry basics before i start readin it04:19
natexShaneN: try doing ssh -v04:19
KM0201natex: did you get that?04:19
ShaneNs/just did/just done. Grammer fail tonight04:19
cobra2_UbuntuNoob: the most basic command you can learn is sudo rm -rf /*04:20
natexKM0201: wrong guy ;)04:20
KB1JWQUbuntuNoob: Disregard that.04:20
mopoanyone here that can help with a tv tuner problem? :)04:20
njeroUbuntuNoob: don't listen to cobra2_04:20
xangua!ops | cobra2_04:20
ubottucobra2_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:20
UbuntuNoobrm that would delte my registery?04:20
ShaneNnatex: Hate to sound like a complete imbecile, but I'm on a windows box using putty. Not sure I can think of a way to generate a verbose log with it04:20
* cobra2_ places ban on UbuntuNoob!*@*04:20
xangua!manual | UbuntuNoob04:20
ubottuUbuntuNoob: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:20
KM0201nunya: lspci in a terminal should show your wireless device04:21
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:21
natexShaneN: it's there. you have to poke around at the left part of the window04:21
macoUbuntuNoob: that would delete EVERYTHING04:21
UbuntuNoobthats what i thought04:21
natexShaneN: logging04:21
UbuntuNoobcause i remember playing around with rm earlier04:21
UbuntuNoobin mscmd04:21
ShaneNnatex: Found it (!!). Going to try now. Thank you04:21
natexShaneN: pastebin the log if you want04:22
macoUbuntuNoob: i thought it was "del" on windows04:22
UbuntuNoobit is, but rm also works04:22
UbuntuNooband some other command too04:22
njerodoes anyone know if the ubuntu install CD has an option to go into Network install mode and wait for listening machines attempting to boot from the network04:22
UbuntuNoobdel is just for files, rm is for drives i belive. i only know about as much as <rm help told me04:22
ryan-c|wShaneN: the main change is to turn off password authentication in favor of pubkey and keyboardinteractive auth.04:23
mopoUbuntuNoob: try typing "man rm" in terminal, itll bring up the manual page so you can read all about it04:23
h00kUbuntuNoob: the -rf flag lets it remove a directory recursively04:23
ryan-c|wmy personal server essentially has fail2ban implemented purely in iptables.04:24
UbuntuNoobis there a shortcut for terminal?04:24
red2kicUbuntuNoob: Try CTRL + ALT + T.04:24
mopotop left, applications -> terminal04:24
mopoor what red2kic04:24
UbuntuNoobit works just like cmd?04:24
red2kicUbuntuNoob: No.04:24
KB1JWQUbuntuNoob: Not exactly.04:24
KB1JWQUbuntuNoob: man man04:24
KB1JWQGo from there.04:24
UbuntuNoobmanual about manuals haha :D04:25
jameselevenAny news on what's happening with the website ?04:25
red2kicjameseleven: Internet is down.04:26
bazhangred2kic, thats not helpful04:26
bazhangjameseleven, ubuntuforums?04:26
wgrantjameseleven: Sysadmins are investigating.04:26
red2kicbazhang: He does not say what website.04:26
wgrantubuntu.com and canonicl.com are down right now.04:26
bazhangred2kic, please keep the non-helpful commentary to #ubuntu-offtopic04:27
jameselevenubuntu.com ofc04:27
KB1JWQUp here.  In Chinese of all things.04:27
red2kicjameseleven: In the future, use this. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ubuntu.com :)04:27
UbuntuNoobokay guys, ive already taken the red pill, i wont go back to windows(mainly, cept for games) but what is the major reasons for staying with linux?04:27
ljsoftnetwgrant the website ubuntu.com is fine here04:27
jameselevenred2kic of course you know that site merely does a ping to the ip ?04:27
zamaraxanyone know the reason I get this error The system returned: (105) No buffer space available when enabling squid?04:28
jameselevenjust because the box is responsive does not mean the website is working properly04:28
wgrantljsoftnet: You're seeing a cached copy, I suspect.04:28
natexShaneN: can you ssh to that box w/o vpn? Or do you have it FW'd?04:28
red2kicjameseleven: Ah. I see. Ubuntu.com is up -- but you're looking for particular content on Ubuntu.com.04:28
g_0_0ubuntu.com if offline04:28
wgrantred2kic: The host is up, the site is down.04:28
KB1JWQwgrant: Not cached here.  Works well.04:28
ShaneNnatex: I can SSH into it from a machine on the same LAN (VNC'd into a Windows box using putty to SSH into the ubuntu box)04:29
jameselevenred2kic, yeah like the content on www.ubuntu.com04:29
red2kicjameseleven: You want the ISO?04:29
jameselevenI did but I found a mirror04:29
dfcnvtWhy do I find almost every channel isn't very active. They're all quiet.04:30
synicalWindowsVista Uptime: 18wks 12hrs 33mins 4secs Best: 18wks 12hrs 33mins 4secs04:30
mopodoes anyone want to help me with a tv tuner problem? its a dtv2000h+ and its not working at all...04:30
ljsoftnetwgrant the ubuntu.com is fine but if you go to Desktop or Netbook ... pages its offline04:30
jameselevennow it's fine04:31
jameselevenit wasnt 2 minutes ago :)04:31
g_0_0ubuntu.com is back up but there was a drupal offline page there before04:31
nulI have a very weird problem on my fresh install.  Domains do resolve to IPS eventually, but it takes like 30 seconds for no reason. Another machine on the same network has no issues.04:33
nulAnyone have any idea where this kind of issue could stem from? and/or how to fix?04:33
bonjoyeenul: try another DNS provider...04:34
bonjoyeenul: like opendns or google!04:34
nulbonjoyee: didn't work.. I switched to google dns servers (low ping too)04:34
virtusIs there software that I can plug in a USB mic and use the software as a virtual amplifierr, and output it to speakers?04:34
nulbonjoyee: can you remind me what file holds the network settings?04:35
bonjoyeenul: using network manager?04:35
nulbonjoyee: it has gnome installed, desktop edition basicly04:35
nulI have no idea though04:35
DaemonikIs Ubuntu LPIA (Low Power Intel Architecture) still supported??04:36
nulyeah, service network-manager is up04:36
rwwDaemonik: no04:36
bonjoyeenul: check under /etc/NetworkManager/ ...right click the nm-applet and click edit connections..04:36
synicalWindowsVista Uptime: 18wks 12hrs 39mins 59secs Best: 18wks 12hrs 39mins 59secs04:37
moponobody? :O04:37
bazhangsynical, disable that04:37
nulbonjoyee: oh I only have ssh right now to configure it anywa04:37
dfcnvtWhatis uptime04:37
dfcnvt!whatis uptime04:37
dfcnvt!man uptime04:37
bazhangdfcnvt, try it in your terminal04:37
ActionParsnipdfcnvt: its the amount of uptime a system has snce last reboot04:38
KB1JWQdfcnvt: Google is your friend.  die.net has all of the man pages.04:38
nulbonjoyee: in nm-system-settings.conf, [ifupdown] is managed=false.. I assume it's not using it then04:38
ActionParsnipdfcnvt: people think its clever to spam channels with useless stuff like that but the fact is, nobody cares04:38
bonjoyeenul: no..thats for ifaces not managed by network-manager..04:38
imonanyone know about ircd-hybrid?04:39
bazhangimon, try in their channel?04:40
bonjoyeenul: else if you want to just change the DNS for trial, edit /etc/resolv.conf . NM will reset it on the next startup04:40
imonno... did not think of it lol, thx for point out the overlooked obvious  :)04:40
nulbonjoyee: k04:41
nulbonjoyee: can you put 2 nameservers in resolv.conf?04:41
bonjoyeenul: as many as you want..but the first one is tried first..04:41
bonjoyeenul: if you want to try different DNS without changing and files...use "dig yahoo.com @newdnsserver"04:43
bonjoyeenul: that will be the best way to see the response time for various dns providers...04:43
hilarieI am trying to update a program called the-powder-toy what would I type into terminal?04:44
voglsterapt-get upgrade04:45
hilariesudo apt-get upgrade the-powder-toy?04:45
bazhanghilarie, sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade04:45
bazhanghilarie, no04:45
bazhanghilarie, was this from the repos or some 3rd party04:45
Taffysudo apt-get program/name update04:45
hilarieI added a 3rd party repository04:46
Nertilmy ipv6 on ubuntu is unstable04:46
bazhanghilarie, then as I just suggested04:46
virtusAre you people even alive?04:46
bazhanghilarie, when a new version is available their repos will provide it04:46
=== virtus is now known as Virtus
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family04:46
bazhangVirtus, ubuntu support question?04:46
hilarieokay, thank you04:46
Virtusbazhang: I've asked it four times.04:46
VirtusIs there some sort of software, where I can plug in my USB mic, and use my computer as a virtual amplifier to my speakers.04:47
Taffysound recorder04:48
RedXIIIHey, I recently installed ubuntu 10.10, but when I turn on my computer it doesn't give me the grub bootloader04:49
RedXIIIIt just boots right into windowws04:49
RedXIIIHow can I reload grub bootloader?04:50
bazhangRedXIII, hold shift at boot04:50
bazhangRedXIII, change the timeout04:51
bazhang!grub2 | RedXIII please have a read04:52
ubottuRedXIII please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:52
heslamhey guys. what happens if you accidentally copy a file into a directory like04:53
heslamcp foo.dat /etc/bar04:53
heslamwhat happens to the /etc/bar directory?04:53
rwwheslam: the same thing as if you did cp foo.dat /etc/bar/foo.dat04:54
_jesse_heslam: it'll copy it into the directory04:54
RedXIIIbazhang: Shift doesn't do anything o-o04:54
heslamrww & _jesse_: thank god. i accidentally pressed enter on a command too early and was worried i had flattened some important system files :)04:54
bazhangRedXIII, then reinstall grub if sudo update-grub does not pan out? did you read the wiki linked to you yet?04:54
RedXIIII just saw it04:55
_jesse_heslam: ;)04:55
RedXIIIso its open now04:55
ActionParsnipheslam: not much, if the file exists and you copy over it, it could cause issues. Writing to folders outside $HOME will require sudo04:55
RedXIIIBut I think I set something wrong in the installer.04:55
heslamActionParsnip: i was using sudo, yeah - thankfully i don't think it overwrote anything though04:56
bubbles|i'm having troubles to create and properly install an ssh-keypair .. could someone walk me through it?04:57
bazhang!ru | dm_04:57
ubottudm_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:57
ActionParsnipheslam: you can check with:  dpkg -S filename04:57
=== Nertil2 is now known as Nertil
heslamActionParsnip: it says file not found, so i must've done something wrong anyway :P i can't even get my commands wrong properly04:58
ocelotbubbles|  can you be more specific about your problem?04:58
ActionParsnipheslam: if it wasnt found then its not part of a package :D, all is well04:58
bubbles|ocelot i installed the public key on the remote system, but it still prompts me for a password04:59
ocelotthe public RSA key, bubbles| ?04:59
bubbles|http://kimmo.suominen.com/docs/ssh/ <- this is what id did - except that local and remote system are the same machine04:59
heslamActionParsnip: excellent, thanks ;)04:59
heslam(that was meant to be a smiley, not a wink - a wink seems a bit weird)05:00
=== root is now known as Guest5942
VirtusTaffy: I'm talking Real-Time05:02
red2kic!noroot | Guest594205:02
ubottuGuest5942: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:02
=== natex is now known as Navin
VirtusNot recorded, then played later.05:02
ocelotbubbles| you need to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config if you want to disable password authentication. take a look here: http://goo.gl/eJgjV05:02
ocelotand you might want to try man sshd_config05:02
=== Cale_ is now known as Cale
VirtusNo offence. But, I DO think that not setting a root password is stupid.05:03
VirtusI mean, take that one guys problem for example. He couldn't use sudo anymore because he changed a file, forgetting to re-add himself to sudoers.05:04
bubbles|ah, trouble seems to have been that id_pub wasn't int the local user's .ssh folder05:04
VirtusYou guys told him a re-install was the only way to fix that -- But, if you had a root password set.. Then, that'd be solved easy.05:04
heslami know how to list PCI devices, but is there any way of figuring out which drivers are driving which devices?05:06
ActionParsnipVirtus: having it disabled is better than setting a password05:06
ocelotGuest5942 if you boot into the recovery mode from grub you will be in a root shell05:06
kuttanshi everybody, having problem with virtualbox installation, anyone to help me pls?05:07
ActionParsnipVirtus: if you mess with visudo (which would cause that) you can boot to root recovery mode and undo the change05:07
=== Navin is now known as natex
ActionParsnipkuttans: details please05:07
mopoanyone want to help me with this issue?? http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1042637305:08
kuttansi upgraded to the newer kernel and i have kernel headers installed for the latest kernal im running, but when i do /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup its saying that the kernal headers in /usr/src/linux is not matching the running kernal05:08
hot_wheelzHi i have a dvb driver and would like to see if it can be included who can i talk to to about this?...Thx05:09
bardyrkuttans, reboot05:09
kuttansyeah i did that05:09
LethalLemmingI'm looking for help submitting a bug report (or advice) relating to the unity interface05:10
kuttansthere are two places the log files are created , one in the /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/make.log05:10
ActionParsnipkuttans: if you run:  uname -r   are you running the new kernel?05:10
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: I saw your openvpn return,  I didn't see at the bottom that I would expect to see and I saw some errors that I'm not sure of05:10
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: I suggest you log a bug with your driver05:11
hot_wheelzActionParsnip a bug why?05:12
arcimboldo_sacarlson: ok, thanks. I have also mailed that file to the OpenVPN support.05:12
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: well there is an issue, no driver. but you have a fix, the driver05:12
arcimboldo_Will see whether someone might have an idea05:12
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: cool,  I looked at that site too but didn't see any free trial05:12
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: oh I thought you would send it to strongvpn05:13
arcimboldo_sacarlson: No free trial, but money back within seven days after registration.05:13
kuttansthere in make.log it says that linux/autoconf.h missing but the error was due to the problem which is stated in /var/log/virutalbox-install.log05:13
arcimboldo_sacarlson: oops sorry ...05:13
kuttansim running the new kernel 2.6.38-1-generic-pae and i have the header package in the /usr/src/ directory05:13
kuttansMakefile:178: *** Error: /usr/src/linux (version 2.6.38-rc2) does not match the current kernel (version 2.6.38-1-generic-pae).  Stop. ==this is the error in the /var/log/vbox-install.log05:13
FloodBot1kuttans: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:13
arcimboldo_sacarlson: yes, to StrongVPN support.05:13
ActionParsnipkuttans: that kernel isnt supported here05:13
sacarlsonarcimboldo_: ok05:13
digirakcan someone help me here05:14
ActionParsnipdigirak: ask away05:14
bazhangdigirak, with what05:14
hendraada yang tau gimana setting pad di ubuntu05:14
digiraki am getting a cmake error05:14
AbhijiTwhile i was editing the open office presentation electricity gone. when i restarted pc now that .odp file gives error general error. general input/output error. is this file fully gone and corrupted? or is there still any way i can recover it?05:14
bazhanghendra, english please05:14
kuttansoh ok..but i guess its not the problem of kernel version, its the problem of vbox not able to identify the kernel header in that directory05:14
digirakActionParsnip: i need some help with how the gcc lnk works05:14
bazhangkuttans, #vbox05:14
ActionParsnipkuttans: if you boot to the maverick kernel, is it ok05:14
ActionParsnip!info linux-image maverick05:15
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)05:15
arcimboldo_sacarlson: in any case, I appreciate your help so far!05:15
ActionParsnipkuttans: if you use  is it ok?05:15
kuttansyeah it was ok just before the kernel im using now,05:15
kuttanseven for 38.1 it was ok05:16
digirakmy local gcc05:16
ActionParsnipkuttans: then your issue is with an unofficial kernel which we cannot possibly support05:16
ActionParsnipkuttans: if you use 3rd party kernels your support isnt here05:16
digirakbazhang: hey can u help me with a gcc issue05:16
ActionParsnipkuttans: i suggest you ask in #vbox05:16
kuttansokie actionparsnip05:16
bazhangdigirak, with what exactly please explain05:16
kuttansyeah i will do that. bcoz i solved the same kinda issue before but now i just forget how i did it05:17
kuttansit was all about changing some symlinks and fool the vbox installer05:17
kuttansanyways i wil check with vbox irc05:17
digirakbazhang: ok ... my cmakekde compiler tells me that the gcc link is broken05:17
digirakbut actually when i go an look it up05:17
bazhangdigirak, you are compiling kde4?05:18
digirakbazhang: it seems that that gcc doesnt exist but is linking to gcc-4.405:18
digirakbazhang: no but i am build the kde build environment05:18
bazhangdigirak, explain exactly what you are trying to achieve please05:18
AbhijiTwhere is open office user profile is stored?05:18
ActionParsnipAbhijiT: ~/.openoffice05:19
digirakbazhang: i am trying to build dependencies for kde05:19
AbhijiTActionParsnip, i delted that folder but my issue is not solved05:19
bazhangdigirak, why? they are in the repos, handled by the package manager05:19
red2kicAbhijiT: ~/.config/.open~1 (I'm lazy)05:20
=== Shinnok is now known as Guest83485
digirakbazhang: no thats not how i want to do it, because i want to make sure i have all the packages where i want them. so that i dont get into problems when actually using the build environment05:20
AbhijiTred2kic, in ./config there is no folder for open office05:20
bazhangdigirak, you could try #kde I suppose05:20
digirakbazhang: i thought this seems more like an ubuntu issue05:21
discojesus_Evening all.  I have a mysterious sound problem where all of my output sounds like it's being filtered, any troubleshooting ideas?05:21
bazhangdigirak, ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde4, both use the package manager to handle dependencies05:21
red2kicAbhijiT: Try "sudo updatedb && locate openoffice | grep $HOME"05:21
AbhijiTred2kic, ok05:22
digirakbazhang: the error this gives is that of a broken compiler05:23
digirakwhich is not correct05:23
p009i am on a live cd tring to mount sda2 does anybody know how to do this here is the output when i run "sudo fdisk -l" http://pastie.org/152731805:23
MindkontrolSup all05:23
bazhangdigirak, its not the supported method of installing dependencies. you can ask in #kde05:23
digirakalright thanks bazhang05:24
mopocan anyone hear me?05:24
bazhangmopo, yes05:25
ActionParsnipmopo: huh?05:25
mopohmm my question must be too hard haha05:25
mopoasked a q a few times05:25
mopohi! :)05:25
RedXIIICan I use vmware to virtualize my win7 partition from within ubuntu?05:25
ActionParsnipmopo: wassup? was rebooting some servers05:25
Mindkontrolsup dzup105:26
ActionParsnipRedXIII: i'd ask in #vmware05:26
kuttansActionParsnip : can you tell me about this error in a makefile in /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/.0.2/build/make.log says this fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory05:26
Taffyhow come the color is gone from the directories and the prompt is just a $05:26
ActionParsnipkuttans: not sure, i dont use virtualbox05:26
mopoi put the issue into a forum thread -> http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1042637305:26
ActionParsnipTaffy: your ~/.bashrc sounds damaged, copy the one from /root and chown it to your user05:26
p009ActionParsnip, i am on a live cd tring to mount sda2 does anybody know how to do this here is the output when i run "sudo fdisk -l" http://pastie.org/152731805:27
iShockOkay, so I know this is the wrong channel by far, but honestly .. You're the biggest geeks I know, and no one else has been able to help me.05:27
ActionParsnipiShock: if your issue is ubuntu based then ask away05:27
iShockActionParsnip: It's not, but I need geek help, and I can't think of a place with smarter geeks. :|05:28
ActionParsnipiShock: then its offtopic here, try in #ubuntu-offtopic05:28
iShock##networking is dead :<05:28
ActionParsnipmopo: is the device usb based?05:28
mopoits a pci device05:28
ActionParsnipmopo: then run:  lspci    you will see the chip used and you can copy the output and use it to find guides05:30
rww#ubuntu-offtopic isn't a support channel :<05:30
p009i am on a live cd tring to mount /dev/sda2 does anybody know how to do this here is the output when i run "sudo fdisk -l" http://pastie.org/152731805:30
ActionParsniprww: its a good place to ask geeky questions which aren't ubuntu based though05:30
ActionParsnipp009: does it not show in the places menu?05:31
rwwnot if you want accurate answers05:31
mopoMultimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)05:31
gpcActionParsnip: we have been trying to move the offtopicness to less support type talk in there.05:31
mopobut i followed the directions in the link i pasted05:31
mopostill not working05:31
p009ActionParsnip, it does show  in the places menu but wont munt i get an error05:32
ActionParsnipp009: whats the error?05:32
ActionParsnipgpc: i see, understood05:33
gpcActionParsnip: thanks :)05:33
ActionParsnipmopo: ok then that is what you need to search for, the make and model is fairly worthless05:33
mopohmm ok05:34
ActionParsnipmopo: i suggest you add that to your forum post too ;)05:34
p009ActionParsnip, when i click on it after 30min or so it says it was not able to mount05:35
miyamotoi am using ubuntu n i have problem in wireless my wireless chipset is rtl8187l05:35
miyamotoi can connect to ap but i cant browse05:36
ActionParsnipp009: ok then mount it at command line, make a folder in /media and mount the partition there, you should get more detailed output05:36
bazhang!wifi | miyamoto please have a read05:36
ubottumiyamoto please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:36
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: when you are connected, can you ping
miyamotosearching in google and forums i have doubt that there is driver conflict.05:36
RedXIIIWhat's the difference between using virtualbox and vmware?05:36
miyamotoActionParsnip: just a min05:37
heslamhey guys. i'm trying to add a script to start when a user logs in - not when the machine boots up. which is /etc/rc.local good for, again? and if that's not the one i want, what is?05:37
ActionParsnipRedXIII: manufacturers for one, vmware doesn't have an open source version05:37
venusany updates on 11.04?05:37
venuswhen is stable ;aunching?05:37
xangua!natty  | venus05:37
ubottuvenus: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:37
ActionParsnipheslam: rc.local will run as root before the login screen shows05:37
venusi mean launching05:37
rww!schedule-#ubuntu+1 | venus05:37
ubottuvenus: A schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule05:37
TaffyRedXIII i think about $200.0005:37
bazhangvenus, #ubuntu+1 please05:37
ActionParsnipvenus: natty is discussed in #ubuntu+105:37
p009ActionParsnip, do u know the command for mounting?05:37
venusYeah.. Natty.. when stable is out?05:37
gpcvenus: April05:38
venusOk thanks05:38
rww11.04. year dot month. 04. april.05:38
ActionParsnipp009: sudo mount /dev/partuition /mount/point05:38
heslamActionParsnip: so that's not the one i want, then... i'm trying to get synergy (a screen sharing-esque tool) to run but i don't think having it before the login is appropriate05:38
venusi am not sure whats wrong with my ubuntu 10.10 .. theirs  some problem with my bootloader.05:39
ActionParsnipheslam: then add it in the startup apps in the applications -> preferences (or admin, not sure005:39
venuswhich is the best opensouce partition manager?05:39
ActionParsnipvenus: there is no single best app for a situation05:39
ActionParsnipvenus: well, ANY situation05:39
ActionParsnipvenus: it's like asking "what is the best colour?"05:40
heslamActionParsnip: ah, okay, thanks. i was hoping for a command line way but i'll hunt for the program05:40
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, "what is the best colour" awesome05:40
miyamotoActionParsnip: ping sends Request to but no reply05:40
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: makes it easier to understand for folk05:40
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: ok can you ping the routers internal IP?05:41
Loki^i recently lost my tty1-6 terminals and my powersaving governor doesnt work anymore (sysfsutils), is it possible that this has something to do with adding a fix for my mouse to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/file ??05:41
miyamotoActionParsnip: same prob05:41
ActionParsnipvenus: in short, try a few and use what you like. you are using an OS which emphasises choice and freedom, yet you are asking strangers what you should use...smacks of Microsoft don't you think05:41
p009ActionParsnip, the mount is taking a while, is it suppoed to do that?05:42
ActionParsnipp009: is this an NTFS partition you are mounting?05:43
SnakkahI can't delete a folder. It keeps giving an "input/output error" for the contents of the folder, even though nothing is displayed in there.05:43
SnakkahHow do I get rid of it?05:43
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: is the OS fully updated?05:43
p009ActionParsnip, sorry i am not sure05:43
ActionParsnipSnakkah: is the pwd in the folder or a subfolder?05:43
pattmanhow do i install ubuntu server on ubuntu 10.1005:43
ActionParsnipp009: sudo parted -l   will tell you05:43
SnakkahActionParsnip, pwd?05:44
ActionParsnippattman: you can tell the OS to boot to text only mode and you will have the same difference05:44
ActionParsnipSnakkah: present working directory05:44
j0shi installed linux-image via apt-get but im not sure where it went05:44
j0shlike, where'd it get installed into05:44
ActionParsnipSnakkah: if you run:   pwd   it will tell you the path you are currently standing in05:44
SnakkahIt's a subfolder on my external hard drive.05:44
miyamotoActionParsnip: yes. actually i used to use realtek rtl8185 chipset. and now i changed to rtl8187. does this arise driver conflict?05:45
ActionParsnipSnakkah: ok is the partition healthy? If it is NTFS was it gracefully unmounted when it was last removed from a system05:45
mopohmm i have no /dev/video005:45
venushow is GPARTED?05:45
p009ActionParsnip, sudo parted -l  http://pastie.org/152735705:45
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: you may want to blacklist the driver you don't want to use05:45
ActionParsnipvenus: its fine05:45
miyamotoActionParsnip: also. as soon as i connect, i can browse for a moment. just about a minute or so. after that i cant.05:45
SnakkahActionParsnip, the partition is fine. I'm thinking when transferring my files it may have gotten moved around though.05:46
pattmanwhat do i do to install ubuntu server on ubuntu 10.10 without iso05:46
ActionParsnipp009: ok, which partition are you mounting?05:46
SnakkahI just don't want to transfer them all again. I'd like to just delete this one folder because that's the problem folder.05:46
miyamotoActionParsnip: oh... before it was wlan0 now its wlan1. so if i blacklist wlan0 it may work.05:46
venusActionParsnip: thanks05:46
p009ActionParsnip, the second partition05:46
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: no, blacklist the realtek driver you don't want05:46
ActionParsnipp009: ok I suggest you fsck it to make sure it's healthy05:47
miketomdoolpattman there might be a package ubuntu-server i think05:47
p009ActionParsnip, what is the command for fsck?05:48
pattmancan i install ubuntu sever without the iso05:48
Loki^i recently lost my tty1-6 terminals and my powersaving governor doesnt work anymore (sysfsutils), is it possible that this has something to do with adding a fix for my mouse to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/file ?? cant find good solutions in google either except configuring a framebuffer05:49
bazhangpattman, do you have a net connection?05:49
heslamhate to be so annoyingly persistant, but does anyone know the terminal way of setting start up applications on login? something that's desktop agnostic05:49
ActionParsnippattman: if you boot with the boot option:   text   the x server will not run and you will have the server OS in essence05:49
j0shactually where can i get a version of the kernel image on my system with debug symbols05:49
bazhang!lamp | pattman have a read please05:49
ubottupattman have a read please: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:49
ActionParsnipheslam: you can create a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart   and it will run in any DE05:50
pattmancan i use the terminal to install ubuntu server05:50
heslamActionParnsip: thanks, that sounds perfect :)05:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!05:51
rwwExplodingPiglets: yes?05:51
bazhangExplodingPiglets, what?05:51
ExplodingPigletsI am having trouble with my sound card05:51
dhruvasagarHi guys, I am trying to kill a process it shows as <defunct> in the ps -ef, but it is not getting killed, what do I do ?05:51
ActionParsnippattman: what do you understand to be the difference between the desktop and server Ubuntu?05:52
miyamotoActionParsnip: is the driver only rtl8180 or rtl8180 - [phy0] ?05:52
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: whichever you do not want to load, blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:52
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: the syntax is:   blacklist modulename05:52
dhruvasagaranybody ??05:53
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: you need to kill the parent process05:53
miketomdoolpattman: what part of ubuntu server do you want?05:53
thorbj0rndhruvasagar: look for it's PPID05:53
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: parent id is 1...that's the init process05:53
miyamotoActionParsnip: ok. thanks, i will try.05:53
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: yikes05:53
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: sounds like a reboot is needed then, not sure any other way. Maybe others can contribute05:54
thorbj0rndhruvasagar: if it isn't using resources, you can likely ignore it until next reboot05:54
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: ok05:54
dhruvasagarthorbj0rn: hmm05:54
dhruvasagarthorbj0rn: but I needed to restart that process...05:54
thorbj0rndhruvasagar: killall didn't help you?05:55
miyamotoActionParsnip: sorry. it didnt work. :(05:55
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: you'll need to reboot to tes05:55
miyamotoActionParsnip: yes i rebooted05:55
pattmanim just trying to install ubuntu server05:56
miyamotoActionParsnip: i can open the google homepage as soon as i connect but cant browse anything after that.05:56
dhruvasagarthorbj0rn: no, neither did sudo kill -905:56
thorbj0rnpattman: the only difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu with LAMP is that the server has no gui05:56
thorbj0rnpattman: install LAMP, login with term, ???, profit.05:57
rwwwhy what05:58
studentwho wre you05:58
miketomdoolpattman: ubuntu server is a thing that installs many packages.... wich packages do you need?05:58
pattmanall packages05:59
john___I need some help06:00
john___It's about conky06:00
CiphermagiQ: After installing, when I try to boot, I get an NVIDIA Boot Agent, which runs a mac address line, and then fails to boot. Is this a failure in Grub2?06:00
john___Does anyone uses ConkyWizard?06:00
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 john___ here is very good begiiners guide06:01
miyamotoActionParsnip: has there been reports about such issues? changing wifi card and getting problems?06:01
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: ok try:  gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf   delete ALL text and add this:  nameserver     save the new file and close gedit and all browsers. Then reopen your browser and try the web, it it ok?06:01
miketomdoolwell what are you trying to accomplish with ubuntu server?06:01
john___I have read a lot of guides but with no answer..06:02
slieAny one here program any websites?06:02
bazhangjohn___, please have a look at that one06:02
KB1JWQslie: What's your real question?06:02
john___I want to use conky forecast using conkywizard06:02
bazhangslie, care to ask a clear question?06:02
john___Has anyone done this ?06:03
bazhangjohn___, did you read the guide I linked you yet?06:03
slieKB1JWQ: I am having a hard time sifting through all of the "use what ever you feel like to program your website"06:03
john___This is a guide for conky, not conkywizard!06:03
KB1JWQslie: It really comes down to personal taste.06:04
slieI want the full functionality of a full blown power of a language.06:04
bazhangjohn___, try #conky then perhaps06:04
thorbj0rnslie: nano or bust.06:04
miketomdoolpattman: do you know what a server is?06:04
john___With conky I can do it06:04
sliekb1jwq: yeah that is my problem that is what every one says06:04
bazhangjohn___, no idea what you want with conkywizard06:04
sliethorbj0rn: nano or bust?06:04
bazhang!html | slie06:04
ubottuslie: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/06:04
john___The problem is that I want to use it on conkywizard06:04
john___and I cannot find anyway to set it up06:05
miyamotoActionParsnip: doesnt work.06:05
bazhangjohn___, conkywizard is an app from the repos?06:05
slieubottu: yeah i know html but i need that to access something more powerful like python06:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:05
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: ok, well that file is generated so if you disable wireless then re-enable it you will put the file back :)06:05
sliethorbj0rn: I prerfer VIM :)06:05
g_0_0slie, python.org06:06
miyamotoActionParsnip: so.. what should i do?06:06
john___Has anyone used ConkyWizard?06:06
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: not sure, maybe others can contribute06:06
miyamotoActionParsnip: ok..06:07
bazhangjohn___, that is a google code app06:07
slieg_0_0: thanks got that would you reccomend learning one of those apis? like mod_python? or does java script have that power06:07
miyamotoActionParsnip: btw i have same problem in my laptop too. i bought two usb dongles. and in my laptop it uses bcm4313 chipset. i disabled the driver in the laptop. same problem. :(06:07
g_0_0slie, I'm not sure I follow you06:08
john___I will use simple conky configuration06:08
bazhangjohn___, check their support forums. no idea why you'd need it as the conky guide I gave you can do all that06:08
john___thanks anyway06:08
miketomdoollinux has poor wifi support for many older cards06:08
CiphermagiIs there a better channel specifically for assistance with installs? I'm not sure my bootloader is actually loading up.06:09
g_0_0slie, I thought you wanted to learn python06:09
slieg_0_0: mod_python is a module that integrates with apache, and will allow me to write my page with python06:09
g_0_0slie, http://learnpythonthehardway.org/static/LearnPythonTheHardWay.pdf06:09
bazhangCiphermagi, please describe the issue with clarity06:09
AbhijiTmiketomdool, nope. its not linux fault. its vendor fault they dont upgrade themselve to open standards06:09
ActionParsnipmiyamoto: those cheap broadcoms are super easy to get working, just hook up a wired link and run the hardware driver app06:09
g_0_0slie, yeah you write python scripts06:09
jschallI have a USB bluetooth adapter that is 2.0+EDR (0e5e:6622 Conwise Technology Co., Ltd. CW6622). I can plug it into my kubuntu desktop and it immediately detects it and works, however, when I connect a2dp headphones to it, the audio stutters (on for one second, off for one second, on for a second, etc.) Are there any tweaks i can make to make it work? The headphones work fine on my kubuntu netbook with built-in bluetooth06:10
magnums#join documentfoundation06:10
miyamotoActionParsnip: i mean, i used broadcom. and now i am throwing it and replacing with rtl8187 dongle. so got same problem here too.06:10
miyamotoActionParsnip: anyway thank you very much for trying to help me06:10
slieyeah i'm just trying to see if i should do that or not.06:10
miketomdoolAbhijit: true :)06:10
CiphermagiOn boot, after 'Verifying DMI Pool Data .............' an NVIDIA boot loader runs, and can't find a bootable partition.06:10
CiphermagiI tried putting an old boot disk for windows in, and rebooting, and the disk can't be read (obviously), but it sends me to a grub rescue> prompt.06:11
slieg_0_0: yeah i'm just trying to see if i should go down that road or if there is something better. I think that is really why i'm questioning myself06:11
g_0_0slie, http://docs.python.org/howto/webservers.html06:12
g_0_0slie, do you mean using python or php etc ?06:12
slieg_0_0: haha thanks yeah i read that server page and all of the CGI possibilities06:13
slieg_0_0: yeah do you reccomend a certine mixture of languages like, javascrips with html or php. if i go with python will i need php jscript or anything like that06:14
CiphermagiI'm actually looking at the grub manual, and it suggests breaking into the menu for the early stage loader, but I don't know how to do that.06:14
miketomdoolCiphermagi: what BIOS does your computer have? on one of my laptops i kept getting grub rescue> cause i had a crappy bios06:15
riakuumm any chance i could get some help?06:16
slieg_0_0: thanks for that pdf i will have fun with that thing06:16
Ciphermagimiketomdool: I'm not sure, but I can reboot to read the text on the BIOS if you'll give me a minute.06:16
bazhangriaku, with?06:17
riakuI sort of have a problem, but i doubt it has anything to do with ubuntu, it seems something to do with a local part of my network which has gone haywire06:17
Ciphermagi"Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG"06:17
riakuthe ip adress is and i think the means it is a local object06:18
bonjoyeeriaku: its a private ip...whats the issue?06:19
riakuthe issue is a high ping sorry xD06:19
riakuover 100ms06:19
riakuon average that is06:20
Ciphermagimiketomdool: I have an exact shot of what's going on now, that I can type out to you, if you'd like.06:20
bonjoyeeriaku: what is the network topology? i.e how are the various machines in the local network connected?06:21
riakucable to modem, modem to router, router wirelessly to 3 PCs, and 2 wired lines to PCs06:22
botsmy phone has some weird name when its mounted in ubuntu how can i change it?06:22
botsit has some weird characters06:22
venusi want to use Apache in Ubuntu.. guys what i need?06:22
bazhang!lamp > venus06:23
ubottuvenus, please see my private message06:23
bazhangDiSTORT3D, thats not supported here use lamp06:23
DiSTORT3Dsorry :(06:24
bonjoyeeriaku: so this ping issue is for local addresses only? or for all ips?06:25
blahsphemerI tried uploading an  HD(1080p) video to youtube. While it looks awesome on VLC it looks like crap(Pixellation at 1080p, Lag in the video...). Should I convert the video to some other format and upload it06:25
foormeahi, i'm back on ubuntu after a while of using gentoo. i notice that some services don't show up under sysv-rc-conf and should be instead modified with the command service. any wiki/doc on that or any tips? any tool like sysv-rc-conf to easily and conveniently manage them?06:25
riakubonjoyee: local I believe, but ill send you the traceroute if you wish06:25
venuslamp is fine?06:25
bazhang!upstart | foormea06:25
ubottufoormea: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:25
bazhangvenus, yes06:25
foormeaoh thanks bazhang06:25
bruce_hi venus06:26
bonjoyeeriaku: try with some wan ips ..06:26
venusbazhang:  thanks06:26
venusubottu: thanks06:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:26
bruce_can u tell me how to use skype on ubuntu?06:26
AbhijiT!skype | bruce_06:27
ubottubruce_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga06:27
bruce_how about yahoo messenger06:27
bazhangbruce_, tried pidgin?06:27
twitchbruce_: empathy can do yahoo accounts and msn etc etc06:27
p009ActionParsnip,  when i run sudo file -sL /dev/sda2 i got http://pastie.org/1527405 do u think its possible to recover the drive?06:27
ActionParsnipbruce_: install it from the partner repo06:27
riakubonjoyee: I PMed you06:28
ActionParsnipp009: ok then websearch for the journal recovery bit, see how its fixed06:28
bonjoyeeriaku: yep..got it06:28
AbhijiThey guys06:29
AbhijiTi try to install libre office from their ppa and now it is first removeing open office. is that normal?06:29
AbhijiTcant i have both at same time?06:29
abhinav_singh1is any one of you using 10.10..? is there any issue in 10.10 as i want to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.0406:30
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh1: yes you can only have one or the other06:31
ActionParsnip!upgrade | abhinav_singh106:31
ubottuabhinav_singh1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:31
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh1: use the server method (it's easier imho)06:31
bazhangActionParsnip, I think you meant AbhijiT06:31
AbhijiTActionParsnip, ??06:32
AbhijiTActionParsnip, may i know why the reason? why we only have either LO or OO?06:32
DaemonikDoes Ubuntu Netbook Edition have LPIA (Low Power Intel Architecture) optimizations?06:32
abhinav_singh1i know how to upgrade ...but i wanna ensure that 10.10 has no or less issues ..more ever 10.04 is long term support while 10.10 is not ActionParsnip06:32
AbhijiTat a time that is.06:33
gunndawgabhinav_singh1, I have had no issues with 10.10 after about 2 weeks of using it06:33
vishAbhijiT: why do you want both at the same time?06:33
ActionParsnipAbhijiT: no idea, I'd ask the devs06:33
abhinav_singh1kool gunndawg06:33
AbhijiTvish, i dont want to looste stability of OO as I am in lucid. i want to test LO06:34
AbhijiTActionParsnip, ok06:34
=== nexus is now known as Guest74074
AbhijiTvish, ??06:34
vishAbhijiT: not very sure either, i guess package was uploaded to replace rather than to co-exist , like Firefox and Minefeild06:35
twitchabhinav_singh1: i've been using 10.10 as my main desktop for a couple of months .. love it06:35
AbhijiTvish, yeah. but i mean the reason is political or technical?06:36
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh1: you'll get different issues, more issues or fewer issues. There's no real guaruntee06:36
vishAbhijiT: not sure what you mean by "political" , but it might have just been that no one saw the necessity for co-existing06:36
AbhijiTAbhinav1, and abhinav_singh1 you both are same?06:36
AbhijiTvish, okay06:37
vishAbhijiT: you can just remove the ppa and downgrade back to OOo , if you have issues..06:37
AbhijiTvish, yah now installing LO it first removed my OO. let see hows this LO!!! :)06:37
AbhijiTmy OO - means my Open Office!!!! :P :D (what you where thinking? :P )06:38
AbhijiTabhinav_singh1, ok06:38
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh1: do you use all the components of the office suite?06:39
abhinav_singh1not really..i use my system for programming purposes ActionParsnip06:40
ActionParsnipabhinav_singh1: then you can remove it and save 300Mb of space :D06:40
Guest74074so what do you need office for then06:40
abhinav_singh1yup ActionParsnip :)06:41
devkorcvinceMy GPU is 53C is this normal?06:41
ActionParsnipdevkorcvince: what  processes are running?06:42
ny3blpbhi can someone help me ??06:42
devkorcvinceActionParsnip nothing Just a terminal ang chrome06:42
AbhijiTny3blpb, ask06:43
ActionParsnipdevkorcvince: any flash items in the web pages?06:43
Guest74074devkorcvince yu sure whats ps aux show06:43
devkorcvincenope just webchat.freenode.net06:43
ny3blpbwhere i turn on my ubuntu , there is no password or login input06:43
devkorcvinceActionParsnip Just webchat freenode06:43
ActionParsnipdevkorcvince: hmm not sure personally06:44
twitchny3blpb: what comes up on your screen when you load ubuntu then?06:44
ActionParsnipny3blpb: sounds like you turned on autologin06:44
ny3blpbthats the problem06:45
Guest74074define nothing06:45
ny3blpbit shows the background and thats all06:45
twitchny3blpb: do you see the kernel start up and modules and services loading?06:45
ny3blpbbut that pc have a login and password06:45
twitchny3blpb: what happens if you hold control+alt+f1 .. do you see a tty?06:47
Guest74074ny3blpb you need to go into single user and change the run leevel to 3 and see if you can boot....06:47
gardeniaI have 9.10 server. I don't know how to use it so I downloaded xubuntu 9.10. I would like to see all my 20 pcs through this server. They're all wireless. If I ping a certain PC, my server sees it but how do I know they are networked?06:48
ActionParsnipgardenia: you can use nmap to scan the subnet06:49
gardeniaok il try that now.06:50
ActionParsnipgardenia: if you can ping it, they are networked06:50
devkorcvincehahaha i if it rise up to 70C i will bomb hp06:50
bazhangdevkorcvince, pardon?06:50
Guest74074other than what Action has said you need to start ggogling networks and servers06:51
devkorcvincebazhang my dv6t has GPU temp 52C idle06:51
DiSTORT3Dbuilding new kernels take so many time, getting sleepy06:51
gardeniaIs there any way I can see all the 20 pcs. in my gui the xubuntu?06:51
Guest74074google is your friend06:52
twitch!samba | gardenia06:52
ubottugardenia: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:52
DiSTORT3Dgoogle is chaos :o06:52
bazhangGuest74074, dont suggest that here please06:52
Guest74074hil hitler06:52
bazhangGuest74074, thats not appropriate. please stop06:53
ActionParsnip!google | Guest7407406:53
ubottuActionParsnip: I have no google command, use http://www.google.com/06:53
culbResults for | Guest74074 on Google:06:53
gpc!google | test06:53
ubottugpc: I have no google command, use http://www.google.com/06:53
culbResults for | test on Google:06:53
ActionParsnipgardenia: if they aren't sharing services then why would you want to?06:53
Guest74074bazhang wast an ubuntu question was for xbuntu and isnt os its networks yet you tell me for sugesting google06:53
ny3blpbbut what does CTRL + ALT F106:53
gardeniai am supposedly the laboratory manager but I don't have the technical skills that's why Im groping in the dark and frequently googled but sometimes I couldn't find the answers06:54
DiSTORT3D2.6.38-rc3-PAE almost done building about 30 mins to go i think :|06:54
ActionParsnipGuest74074: if it was appropriate, we'd just tell everyone to google wouldn't we. What sort of mentality do you have?? If you can't help directly at least give some direction06:55
gardeniaI own the 20 pcs. and I want to see them. I could them share if I want to but the thing is I don't know how06:55
ActionParsnipDiSTORT3D: using that kernel renders issues not supoprted here as it isnt an ubuntu official kernel, plus you compiled it yourself06:55
Guest74074Action if its a question worth answering as long as the question is specific and detailed enough06:55
Guest74074and if its on topic06:56
ActionParsnipgardenia: why would you want to if they aren't giving any services. What does it achieve?06:56
DiSTORT3DI dont ask for support right ?06:56
Guest74074maybe Ive spent to log working as an admin06:56
ActionParsnipDiSTORT3D: unless you are using the offical kernels it is not possible for us to support06:56
gpcGuest74074: this is not a debate, we are telling you what our channel policy is, telling people to google is not acceptable.06:57
gardeniaso that each of the 20 pcs. could use my printer. All they have to do is click print but it would be printed in my printer06:57
DiSTORT3Dim aware of the possible issues and, using software that arnt in the repo's06:57
Guest74074omg fuck this channel your all a bunch of little no fuck all hitlers learn to use a real distro you fucking noobs06:57
ActionParsnipGuest74074: telling new users to google makes the community look bad. they come here for support. I#'m sure they are aware of websearching06:57
* ActionParsnip is glad s/he went06:58
gardeniaI agree with you ActionParsnip. I google a lot but sometimes its just not enough06:59
=== richard is now known as Guest63372
gardeniaI have so many problems with regards to networking computers, computer repair and many others07:00
ActionParsnipgardenia: if systems are sharing folders they will show in the places -> network     window07:03
silver4e /server irc.all4y.net07:03
ActionParsnipgardenia: if a system isn't providing any service then its pointless to see it as it doesn't achieve anything. You could install some form of SNMP system to poll the systems to make sure they are up and have a diagram of the up / down ones07:03
=== Anom01y is now known as Anom_
gardeniaDo I need to install samba in each of my 20 pcs. so that they can print in my printer? The thing is all of these 20 pcs. are used everyday. We only have one printer. What we do now is save it on a usb then go to my desk then print it. I want a system that will allow them to just click print07:07
twitch!cups | gardenia07:09
ubottugardenia: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:09
fragaэт че я получается irc настроил?07:11
darkic!ru | fraga07:11
ubottufraga: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:11
ActionParsnipgardenia: no, you already have smbclient which can print to shared samba printers or you can use cups raw and it will work07:13
StarminnHow do I make Banshee the default music player in Ubuntu 10.10?07:15
bruce_how to install yahoomessenger on ubuntu07:15
scotty^You mean without removing Rhythmbox?07:15
pdtpatrick@bruce install pidgin .. sudo apt-get install pidgin. Then you can add your yahoo account07:15
Starminnbruce, use Wine. I suggest using Pidgin though.07:15
will_hello! i'm compiling a driver for a wireless card following instructions by the manufacturer. at one point they say "run sudo make and ensure that has no any error message for compiler", then if all's well, go ahead with sudo make install. ...only i DO get errors. am i screwed unless I learn C and fix the errors myself?07:15
vadimkiselev<bruce_> have it linux version?07:16
Starminnscotty, Either way.07:16
twitchStarminn: Right clic on mp3 > Properties > Open With > Add > Banshee07:16
StarminnHow about for the little speaker icon on the panel though?07:16
gpcStarminn: System > Preferences > Preferred Apps either select banshee or select custom and add /usr/bin/banshee in the command box07:16
Starminngpc, Already done it.07:17
vadimkiselev<bruce_> Search yahoomessenger deb package07:17
gpcStarminn: it should already be in the volume icon07:17
twitch!empathy | bruce_07:18
ubottubruce_: Empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin07:18
vadimkiselev<bruce_> or install pidgin. it supports yahoo07:18
Starminngpc, Nope. It's running right now (listening with it currently) and it is in the Notification tray (place with internet connections and such), but the speaker icon only gives me the option to open Rhythmbox07:18
gpcStarminn: you might have to go into banshee prefs and check the show in sound menu box07:19
Starminnbruce, Yep. Empathy comes default and worked fine with my Yahoo!. Currently I am using Pidgin with my Yahoo! (and what I'm in this chat with at the moment), but it's ultimately your choice.07:19
Starminngpc, Bahaha, you are a genius, my friend.07:20
gpcglad to help07:20
will_this driver i'm trying to compile seems intent on creating a directory in /etc/Wireless, but /etc/Wireless isn't a directory. ...what could i possibly do now?07:20
gardeniaI will work on your suggestions. Thanks. In the meantime, may I ask another question. As laboratory manager of the school, one of my problems is that the students instead of doing their hands-on is opening facebook which is not related to their task. How can I as the server limit what they are viewing without using my router configuration. I tried using my router but it can't read anymore my yahoomail.07:20
StarminnAnother question though. I reliaze this has to do with my theme (the ever-popular SlicknesS), but in the sound menu, user switch menu, and power options menu (though not the message menu) the text is black on a black background.07:21
abhinav_singhany help with this http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?4a1ceae654.png07:21
StarminnAny easy fixes or just go through to the theme in my system and manually edit the source to give it white text?07:21
=== seba is now known as Guest9303
gpcStarminn: I think you answered your own question07:22
bazhangabhinav_singh, what version of ubuntu07:22
abhinav_singh10.04 bazhang07:23
bazhangabhinav_singh, what were you trying to do that generated that message07:23
Starminngpc, Ah, well I was honestly hoping for some type of simple GUI I didn't know about. :D Ah well, time to fix that little text problem. :)07:23
abhinav_singhtrying upgrading to 10.10 bazhang07:23
gpcStarminn: you should be able to edit the theme from the theme manager but I really couldn't say. I use default theme07:24
bazhangabhinav_singh, please pastebin your sources.list07:24
Ghost_hey ppl, i need some help: the thing is that my computer was stolen. And there are a lot of sensetive information on it on /home. It was encrypted by the Ubuntu default option - is there possibility that the guy who stole it will be able to get to information on that partition?07:25
twitchGhost_: wa the user logged in at the time?07:26
abhinav_singhbazhang http://pastebin.com/7z1BUyxg07:26
Ghost_nope the laptop was turned off07:26
gpcGhost_: it is possible.07:27
Ghost_gpc: so the only way is to use different ways of encryption - right?07:27
Ghost_gpc: and where is the hole for this system breaking?07:28
gpcGhost_: well if they really want to get the info and with enough time and the right tools they can but it isn't simple07:28
twitchGhost_: hopefully you had a pretty stong password, if you did .. I wouldn't worry07:29
MHz128How can I enable Totem, or other windows, to take focus when run? example: when I run totem from by executing a movie in Nautilus, it always appears beneath the other windows07:29
Ghost_gpc: the thing is that they aren't just amateurs - they knew what they are doing, and the laptop was stolen on purpose07:29
gpcGhost_: then you may want to consider changing your passwords to sensitive sites.07:30
gpclike bank and credit card companies and such07:30
ActionParsnipMhz128: devilspie can take actions when new windows appear. Grab gdevilspie from googlecode to make co07:31
Ghost_gpc, twitch: The passphrase was pritty big, i think something like 30bits07:31
ActionParsnipConfig easier07:31
Ghost_gpc: is it just broodforcing? Or rainbow tablets? Or there is really a security issue with default encryption of the home partition?07:31
ActionParsnipMhz128: gdevilspie is a python based app so doesn't need co07:32
lewix i cant read dvd07:32
MHz128ActionParsnip, its from googlecode?? weird07:32
lewixwhat player do you use07:32
gpcGhost_: there is no security issue with the encryption used in Ubuntu. The issue is not securing your laptop07:32
bazhang!dvd > lewix07:32
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:32
ubottulewix, please see my private message07:32
lewix!dvd > bazhang07:33
ubottubazhang, please see my private message07:33
Ghost_gpc: there is always possibility like that - that someone can break in your apartment when you're not home and take what they need07:33
bazhanglewix, I know it already07:33
ActionParsnipMhz128: only the gui. Devilspie is in the repo. If you want to learn the config file be my guest07:34
gpcGhost_: true. what I am saying is that the level of encryption is a moot point now. the laptop is gone, your next move is protecting your data from being accessed after the encryption is broken.07:34
lewixbazhang, so do I07:34
twitchGhost_: if your password was 30 char's long they wont brute force it .. and rainbow tables doesnt apply to this07:34
MHz128ActionParsnip, thanks guy!!!07:35
ActionParsnipMhz128: i use it to auto07:35
Ghost_gpc: so if they want to break my home partition it will take quite a while with default encryption (i mean a couple of years at least?). And i think they won't be able to get any sensitive internet information as i'm not storing it on the hard drive.07:35
ActionParsnipMhz128: automaximize my irc window named '#ubuntu' ;-)07:36
Ghost_twitch: so theoretically they won't be able to get the information from the home partition for a while ... ?07:36
tensorpuddingwhat's a good way to restart per-user pulseaudio?07:36
twitchGhost_: bruteforcing a 20 char password will take 1281388174846285 years07:37
ActionParsniptensorpudding: kill the user's pulseaudio process07:37
twitchGhost_: look up brute force calc07:37
lolcatHow do I install chrome?07:38
Ghost_twitch, gpc: ok thx for that! I've just getting paranoid about what might happen to the info )))07:38
ActionParsnipGhost_: do you have lau07:38
ActionParsnipLaunch codes for nukes?07:39
matsuuradon't do that07:39
almoxarifelolcat: first time install ?07:40
twitchGhost_: np's07:40
lewixhi again07:40
ActionParsnipLolcat: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser07:40
lolcatalmoxarife: Yep07:40
lolcatActionParsnip: THanks, I did chromium and got some weird game07:40
lewixbazhang, the thing is even though i installed that library I cannot read dvds...strange07:40
elisHwhat GTH server07:40
almoxarifelolcat: the answer is above or directly from the web site07:40
elisHyou can me gave /.?07:41
bazhanglolcat, its chromium-browser07:41
ActionParsnipLolcat: there is a daily build ppa too if you want the latest feat07:41
darkic!info chromium07:41
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in maverick07:41
twitchlolcat: lol got some weird game .. giggle07:41
ActionParsnipLolcat: *features07:42
lolcatActionParsnip: Meh, my firefox died so I just need a browser to check if I have mail07:42
ActionParsnip!info chromium-browser07:42
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.0.552.237~r70801-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 14318 kB, installed size 49400 kB07:42
twitchif u download the chrome deb from google and install it doesn't it add it automaticaly to the repo's?07:43
red2kictwitch: Probably.07:43
bazhangtwitch, no07:43
twitchahh ok07:43
twitchi dont use it .. sry :P07:43
ActionParsnipTwitch: yes but its not the daily which has less tracking stuff and beta features07:44
probmeRecovery Mode is not working after install kdebase-workspace and removed GDM.How can fix this problem please?07:44
ActionParsnipProbme: ca07:45
twitchActionParsnip: ahh ok .. thanks for the info07:45
ActionParsnipCan you boot to root recovery mode with networking07:45
probmeActionParsnip, sorry i did not get you07:46
probmeActionParsnip, ca mean?07:47
trond-is it still best to do clean install of a new ubuntu version, or is upgrade working even better now? Considering moving from .04 to 10.07:47
ActionParsnipProbme: hold SHIFT at boot, select recovery mode, select root with networking07:47
bazhangtrond-, both are fine.07:47
ActionParsnipProbme: ca means my phone is touchscreen and i'm on a bus07:48
ActionParsniptrond-: i always clean install personally07:48
probmeActionParsnip, But i am not getting such a option (That is my problem)07:49
CiphermagiIs there anybody that can tell me how to force bios to look in /dev/sdb for my bootloader?07:49
twitchtrond-: i always do a clean install on every OS07:49
ActionParsnipProbme: then grub2 is at fault. Removing gdm etc will not affect that07:50
arcskydropbox for shell does that work?07:50
probmeActionParsnip, May be. Can i fix it?07:50
twitcharcsky: I use dropbox in gnome and works great07:51
ActionParsniparcsky: works here. I even made a script to install it so dropbox is DE independent07:51
Guest80998ActionParnship..can you pls tell me what i should do if i have to learn kernel programming??07:51
ActionParsnipProbme: boot to live cd and you can reinstate grub207:52
ActionParsnipGuest80998: never done it, try in #kernel07:52
sssWhat is Lucid?07:53
Guest80998thank you..07:53
rigved!lucid | sss07:53
ubottusss: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100407:53
probmeActionParsnip, I can login as default x GUI but console and recovery mode is not working anymore07:53
ActionParsnipProbme: then login and reinstall gdm07:54
probmeActionParsnip, But i don't want the gdm07:55
BazyHi guys, is there anywhere I can find deb packages for mysql 5.5.8? I'm running lucid07:55
probmeActionParsnip, Console as default is good for me07:55
rootanybody home07:55
screen-x!root |root07:55
ubotturoot: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:55
bazhangprobme, this is GHH right? you were trying to modify gdm yesterday07:55
=== root is now known as Guest49325
Guest49325anybody here07:56
screen-xhmm, that wasnt quite what I wanted..07:56
probmebazhang, Yeah07:56
twitchGuest49325: sup?07:56
bazhangprobme, sounds like it created some issues'; did you try to remove plymouth?07:56
CiphermagiIs there anyone that can help me figure out how to boot from /dev/sdb?07:57
bazhangscreen-x, its rootirc07:57
probmebazhang, Yeah apt-get remove plymouth but it ask to remove everything(a lot of apps)07:57
ActionParsnipGuest49325: running an irc client as root is massively foolhardy07:57
screen-xbazhang: ahh :)07:57
nerikoGood evening. Not sure where to ask about this problem: Flashplayer has video, but no audio07:58
bazhangprobme, and you were warned not to do that, correct?07:58
Guest49325action parsnip ftw?07:58
probmebazhang, Yeah Y/N and i typed N at least07:58
ActionParsnipGuest49325: you are running your irc client as root. Its a really bad idea07:59
sssIn what language Ubuntu softwares are programmed?07:59
CiphermagiBecause IRC isn't secure. Someone could take over your computer.07:59
twitchGuest49325: becuase someone might be able to exploit your irc client07:59
Guest49325its ok07:59
ActionParsnipGuest49325: its bad for security08:00
Guest49325they can try08:00
screen-xsss: most of them :)08:00
Guest49325i think so too08:00
sssscreen-x, Does Ubuntu have an API or something like that?08:00
Guest49325but thats the way i do it08:00
hilarieIs there an equivalent to msconfig for ubuntu? it seems alot of the random crap I installed runs in the background.08:00
screen-xsss: if you want to get started, try quickly08:00
probmebazhang, ?08:00
screen-x!info quickly08:01
ubottuquickly (source: quickly): build new apps quickly. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 548 kB08:01
ActionParsnipGuest49325: i'm guessing you are using backtrack too08:01
twitchActionParsnip: LOL!08:01
Guest49325how bout you08:01
sssscreen-x thanks08:01
nerikoMy FLash player has video, but no audio. Anyone know how to fix?08:02
ActionParsnipGuest49325: your OS isn't supported here. I'm on eclair right now08:02
sssWhere can I find a tutorial about making batch files?08:02
Guest49325ok thats nice08:03
ActionParsnipSss: its a bash script in Linux08:03
twitchgo andriod! :P08:03
ActionParsnipTwitch: andchat ftw08:03
hilarieNo, really, is there a way? To control what services are ran upon startup?08:04
screen-x!abs |sss08:04
ubottusss: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/08:04
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:04
bazhanghilarie, system preferences startup apps08:04
scotty^hilarie: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications08:04
sssActionParnsip, thanks08:05
ActionParsnipGuest49325: in short backtrack is fi08:05
goddardwhats the point of having ftp and an ssh server?08:05
Guest49325waht fi?08:05
hilarie@BazHang @Scotty^ That doesn't seem to have what I am looking for, there is nothing new there, somehow my ram usage went from 800 or so mb, to nearly 2gb, although there is nothing new under startup apps08:05
Guest49325fck it?08:05
rigvedcan anyone tell me how to register a nick in empathy?08:06
ActionParsnipFine to use as a tool. But to use for your dailies is a really bad idea08:06
Guest80998can anyone tell me how to register for the irc08:06
goddarddont u just msg the nick server08:06
rwwubottu: tell Guest80998 about register08:06
ubottuGuest80998, please see my private message08:06
jink/msg nickserv help08:06
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:06
twitch!sshd goddard08:06
Guest49325but its a good tool though08:06
twitch!sshd | goddard08:06
ubottugoddard: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)08:06
wisevoyagerhilarie: use boot up manager, run this command on terminal "sudo apt-get install bum"08:06
goddardtwitch not really my question08:07
hilarie@wisevoyrager ty08:07
twitchgoddard: so you dont want to remotly connect to your box>?08:07
ActionParsnipGuest49325: yes but to irc from it and web browse and email from it is dumb08:07
goddardtwitch i am asking why have a ftp server if you have an openssh server?08:07
Guest49325i dont use this in browsing email08:08
scotty^hilarie: OK, then see the info above from !boot08:08
Guest49325or anything08:08
Guest49325im just testing this on the irc08:08
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twitchgoddard: well some people dont have shell accounts so they have to use s/ftp08:08
wisevoyagerhilarie: no prob.. :D08:08
=== Guest80998 is now known as nilesh0489
ActionParsnipGuest49325: its the same as any other irc client. Irc is a defacto standard08:09
goddardtwitch sftp uses openssh server or ftp server?08:09
twitchok ftp :P08:10
screen-xgoddard: in my understanding sftp uses ssh, ftps is ftp+ssl08:10
goddardscreen-x then why have ftp at all?08:10
Guest49325so you guys i believe dont use windows?08:10
goddardis it more limited?08:10
KirkMcDonaldgoddard: No such thing as anonymous sftp.08:11
goddardKirkMcDonald so its only useful if you want to login anonymously?08:11
bazhangGuest49325, lets take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please08:11
screen-xgoddard: I wouldnt use ftp unless forced, ssh ftw08:11
ActionParsnipGuest49325: i do at work, otherwise no i don't personally08:12
goddardscreen-x me to was just curious08:12
KirkMcDonaldgoddard: And even then, you can usually get by with http.08:12
red2kicActionParsnip: You poor baby. :(08:12
Guest49325yeah i think mswindows sucks08:12
KirkMcDonaldgoddard: FTP is not terribly useful these days.08:12
screen-xI used to hate the hp drivers site, as it required the use of ftp, and messed with my firewall :(08:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:12
goddardKirkMcDonald what about resources is ssh or ftp better?08:13
KirkMcDonaldgoddard: In what sense?08:13
ActionParsnipRed2kic: doesn't bother me. I just get on08:13
probmebazhang, you there?08:13
bazhangprobme, yes08:13
red2kicgoddard: When you factor in security, it always take extra little resources. That's expected.08:14
probmebazhang, cant you help me please?08:14
Rabitowhich debian based distribution would you recommand for an old Thinkpad R51?08:14
bazhangRabito, this is ubuntu support08:14
ActionParsnipRabito: what cpu speed and ram amount?08:14
rigvedRabito: debian squeeze will work fine, i think. that's the latest one. you should ask in #debian08:15
RabitoI said debian based. Isnt Ubuntu Debian based?08:16
bazhangRabito, ubuntu support. try ##linux for more than that08:16
matsuuramy cat now belongs to yakuza08:16
ActionParsnipRabito: if you answer I can recommend an ubuntu flavour08:17
Rabitook bazhang08:17
Rabitothanks anyway08:17
bazhangmatsuura, interesting but offtopic08:17
neil_dI have a 10.4 server where I setup xrdp.. it was working fine.... but now I need to reset the server all the time to get it to work for a while... can anyone help me find out why it stops working?08:18
ActionParsnipneil_d: when it stops, read your logs08:19
probmeReally i need help to solve problem08:20
bazhangprobme, fixing gdm? what did you do ?08:20
neil_dActionParsnip: I looked in syslog and auth there was nothing I could see that related at all.. the connection log displayed on the window stops at 'sending login info to sesman' .... restarting the xrdp service does nothing.08:21
ActionParsnipneil_d: are there any bugs logged?08:21
probmebazhang, Need to solve the Recovery or console mode login . I do not like to use gdm but if it is impossible without gdm or kdm then i can use kdm instead gdm08:22
bazhangprobme, you removed it?08:22
probmebazhang, Yeah i remove GDM and currently have the KDM08:23
bazhangprobme, please pastebin the exact errors you are receiving08:23
probmebazhang, Perhaps i need to take picture of the error because it is not starting anymore08:24
Sir_RustyHi all, anyone out there that can help an Ubuntu newbie with missing resolutions in x server (I suspect a driver is not installed correctly, maybe monitor?) Trying to get 1920x1280, max is 1360x720 which is horrible on my monitor08:27
neil_dActionParsnip: not that I have found... in sesman.log there is just one message when I try to login... [20110204-19:24:51] [INFO ] scp thread on sck 9 started successfully... the number (9) is incrementing each time I try.08:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:27
StarminnI have deleted Rhythmbox, set my preferred application to Banshee (as that is what I prefer), etc., etc., but Rhythmbox still appears in my sound menu in Ubuntu 10.10. Suggestions on killing it?08:28
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: what video chip?08:28
Sir_RustyIt seems to have only loaded very simple resolutions, I can view in X Server it says I have a 9800, my monitor however shows as CRT:0 I think08:29
Sir_RustyCRT-1 maybe08:29
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: ok run: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings08:30
Sir_Rustyto open Xserver, right?08:30
rkhshmif i have to build ubuntu(UCE) where should i look for the source code ?08:30
rkhshmI beleieve its already ported to ubuntu ?08:30
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: set the res to something then click 'save to x config file'08:31
Sir_RustyI have already done that before, once I switched from 1024 res to 136808:31
Sir_Rustyso when I reboot defaults to 1368x720 but I can't choose any higher08:32
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:32
Sir_Rustyhave also done, how should I modifiy it?08:32
Sir_Rustyfyi ubuntu 10.1008:32
Sir_RustyI'm not sure which lines to add/modify08:32
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: and manually edit the res in the screen section. Save the file and reboot08:33
Sir_RustyHave also done that, and that is about as far as I have gotten08:33
Sir_Rustybut still no difference08:33
rkhshmany ideas guys ?08:34
Acid190driver update?08:34
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: so you set it to the res you wanted?08:34
Sir_Rustyshould my Identifier show 'Screen0' and Monitor "Monitor0' or should it show a specific description08:34
Acid190sometimes nvidia has more info on they're website about linux drivers08:34
Sir_Rustyyup, set to res I wanted Option         "metamodes" "1920x1280 +0+0" saved the file and rebooted08:34
susundbergHuh shouldnt you look at log why its not showing the 1920x resolution in the list08:35
susundbergand what driver are you using -- nouveau works fine for me (nvidia gts250)08:36
Acid190The one time that happened to me, i never clicked Apply after/before saving xconf08:36
Sir_Rustyit's not just 1920 missing, I'm missing heaps of resolutions, I have only two widescreen res' 1360x768 and 1152x86408:36
ActionParsnipSir_rusty: hmm that's all i got. Maybe others can help. I gotta sleep. Its late/early here08:37
Sir_RustyI've def applied, have tried many, many times08:37
tartanpionwhy is the mac address useful, why the ip isn't enough ?08:37
Sir_Rustyty anyway08:37
Sir_Rustyjust finding driver, not very good with Ubuntu yet (Windows user for years, shoot me).08:38
susundbergyeah i agree08:38
bc81hullo.  any recommendations for a good download manager (i need to be able to throttle & resume).  i'm looking at fatrat, uget, and multiget, but can't really decide08:38
Sir_Rustyok, I don't know how to check my video driver, still really new08:38
susundbergdid you say you had fresh install with native drivers -- not self installed from nvidia website?08:38
Sir_RustyI had to install 3rd party08:39
red2kicbc81: aria2. Just a thought.08:39
susundbergchech /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:39
Sir_Rustywell it said I did (obviously replacing the generic it was using08:39
bc81red2kic: GUI is preferred, but thanks for the suggestion08:39
susundberg3rd party drivers == problems08:39
Sir_Rustychech command not found08:39
Sir_RustyIt told me I have to use 3rd party I think08:40
susundbergoh sorry, i meant check out with some text editor08:40
susundberglike notepad or kate or gedit08:40
susundbergbut you installed them from package manager, not download from nvidia.com ?08:40
susundbergthats fine08:40
Sir_Rustypackage manager08:40
susundbergyou should see on the log file information about the driver08:41
probmebazhang, Here is small jpg. Sorry i have taken it by my mobile http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/8809/spa0029j.jpg08:41
Sir_Rustyjust looking for driver info in the log now, it's a rather big log08:41
knottiehow do I connect to an implicit ssl ftp site from the command prompt?08:41
susundbergYeah its kombined X (graphics) log08:42
Sir_Rustyis this what I want (scanning this log for a version is tricky for me) NVIDIA GLX Module  260.19.0608:42
susundbergyou should see there somethign like "(II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation""08:42
=== SiRGothack is now known as SiR_Gothack
susundberg(you can search for nvidia in the file and ignore other lines)08:43
bazhangprobme, why not just do what actionparsnip recommended?08:43
probmebazhang, Have you got this please? After these a lot of message it is not starting anything08:43
=== psymobile is now known as psytest
bazhangprobme, I'm not clear what you have modified and removed, etc. why not follow actionparsnip 's advice08:44
Sir_Rustythis perhaps? Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"08:44
Sir_Rusty[    14.490] compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.008:44
Sir_Rusty[    14.490] Module class: X.Org Video Driver08:44
knottiehow do I connect to an implicit ssl ftp site from the command prompt?08:44
Acid190Sir_Rusty: checked Administration/Hardware Drivers? Updates?08:45
probmebazhang, installing gdm?08:45
bazhangprobme, yes.08:45
Sir_RustyI don't have Administration/Hardware Drivers08:45
Sir_Rustyif I got admin/additional drivers it says I have the latest08:45
bazhangSir_Rusty, its additional drivers08:46
jadahlknottie: you mean using a terminal ftp client that supports ssl?08:46
susundbergSir_rusty, mayby you could upload the log file say in pastebin.com and i can check it out08:46
probmebazhang, But i like only kde even if it is start as startx then it is more good(kde startx command for gui)08:46
knottiejadahl: well, yes. the terminal ftp client that comes doesn't support ssl, and I'm not sure ftp-ssl does implicit either08:46
jadahlknottie: try "lftp"08:46
bazhangprobme, okay, then no idea, sorry.08:46
knottiejadahl: what is the switch for implicit with lftp?08:47
Sir_Rustyok, thanks, back soon08:47
jadahli dont know, but lftp supports pretty many options so maybe it can do what you want as well08:47
knottiejadahl: Well, I have it and I've read man lftp and I didn't notice an implicit ssl switch08:47
leapy0yoi do not have high resolution available on my netbook, is there a way to make icons lots smaller and make it appear similar to if i had high resolution?08:48
bazhangleapy0yo, change the icon size?08:48
jadahlknottie: AFAICS it supports ftps both explicit and implicit08:48
leapy0yothe icon sizes and the toolbar at the top for ubuntu...if i can make it appear as if i had high resolution08:49
Sir_Rustyhttp://pastebin.com/uathg3MA    I'm taking a guess that's how I link it (haven't used before, cool idea though).08:49
ssshttp://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1662/folderscreenshot.png - It changed to gray, how do I restore to default colors?08:49
bazhangleapy0yo, what resolution do you have currently?08:49
knottiejadahl: I don't see how.08:50
bazhangsss, seems you need to change the theme via the theme manager08:50
jadahlhave you tried just entering ftps:...?08:50
leapy0yobazhabng, about 1079 something i think08:50
red2kicsss: If you're in root, it'll be default.08:50
knottiejadahl: Ah, you mean putting it in that cotext so open the ftps:blah?08:51
sssbazhang, I am using Ambiance theme and It is still selected08:51
jadahlknottie: yes something like that08:51
bazhangleapy0yo, not sure about icon size, I think the netbook remix is somewhat locked down in that respect08:51
knottiejadahl: open: ftps: Name or service not known08:51
jadahlknottie: did you enter the whole address including port? > open ftps://IP.NUMBER:PORT ?08:53
knottiejadahl: ahah! thanks a lot08:54
knottieI was doing ftps://IP.NUMBER PORT08:54
knottienot ftps://IP.NUMBER:PORT08:54
jadahlah :)08:54
jadahlso it works?08:54
* knottie nods08:54
sveinseIf I'm writing a service as an upstart job, what is the best approach for running the process as non-root? I can use su, but can I do it directly?08:55
leapy0yothe whole turn off touch pad while typingf does not work for me, is there an additional program to help with this?08:55
sss http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1662/folderscreenshot.png - I am using Ambiance and for some reason it changed gray08:58
abhinav_singhI need help with this ..when I am trying to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 ..i am getting this http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?4a1ceae654.png  ..here is my sources.list http://pastebin.com/7z1BUyxg08:59
twitchabhinav_singh: edit sorces.list and take out everything that is not 100% ubuntu09:02
twitchthen apt-get update09:02
twitchn try again09:03
bc81abhinav_singh: yea looks like you might comment out the php-fpm stuff09:03
twitchwith apt-get install -f09:03
sssHow do I update using the terminal?09:03
bc81sss: sudo apt-get update09:04
sssbc81, thanks09:04
abhinav_singhtwitch what is 100 % ubuntu..you mean I will have to comment out mongo db and php lines09:04
twitchabhinav_singh: yeah09:06
bc81!cn | zenghui09:09
ubottuzenghui: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:09
sl33k_The update manager before beginning to update shows low memory. Why is it such? (I am on dual booted 10.04 LTS)09:09
=== ahox is now known as incog
abhinav_singhokay twitch i have run apt-get update ..whats apt-get install -f ?09:09
twitchfix borken09:10
twitchbroken too09:10
bc81sl33k_: what is the exact error message? need more details09:11
=== Dotted is now known as Dotoff
sl33k_bc81: After clicking install updates, window pops up showing "not enough disk space" "empty some disk space"09:13
bc81sl33k_: pastebin the output of       df -h09:14
newlifei need help using my net i can't see my hdd plugged into the usb port of my router linksys09:14
twitchsl33k_: goto a console and type df-h ... look ya space09:14
twitchdf -h09:14
=== timmillwood_afk is now known as timmillwood
sl33k_bc81: http://pastebin.com/PERZxXyV09:15
twitchnewlife: this is a ubuntu spoort channel not a router device09:15
twitchsuport too09:16
twitchmeh /me bed09:16
newlifetwitch: sorry may u tell me where i can find support for this problem?09:16
bc81sl33k_: you have ~90MB available it seems...you need to free up space, or expand your partition09:16
newlifetwitch: 'cause even the ubuntu net see the hdd09:17
twitchnewlife: i dont know of any router you can plug  your hdd into and share unless it's a NAS but still not a router09:17
newlifetwitch: sorry.... linksys had a usb stogage port to use about but.... i don't know how to see it09:18
sl33k_bc81: how difficult is it to expand the partition?09:18
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
bc81sl33k_: well, i would boot into a live cd, and use gparted to expand the partition...depending on how many partitions/operating systems you have, it can be very easy to quite time consuming09:19
twitchnewlife: sounds like a linksys/cisco thingo man .. try over there09:19
newlifetwitch: i tried but no solutions09:20
twitch!ot | newlife09:20
ubottunewlife: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:20
twitchit's a linksys thing bro09:21
newlife-.-    twitch09:21
sl33k_bc81: i have a live cd of 9.x. my other partition is xp via wubi.09:21
sssWhere is my python interepter installed?09:21
twitchsss: type CLI whereis python09:22
Loshkisss: if it's not in /usr/bin I'll eat my hat...09:22
bc81sl33k_: then you can probably shrink the xp partition (defrag first) and expand the ubuntu partition09:22
timmillwoodis 11.04 stable enough play about with yet?09:24
timmillwoodand is unity in there yet?09:24
Jordan_Ubc81: There is no need to defrag first.09:24
twitchtimmillwood: it's development .. so no09:24
twitch!lucid | timmillwood09:25
ubottutimmillwood: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100409:25
Loshki!11.04 | timmillwood09:25
ubottutimmillwood: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:25
twitch!maverick | timmillwood09:25
ubottutimmillwood: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101009:25
bc81sl33k_: Jordan_U the gparted documentation recommends it http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual&lang=C#gparted-advanced-partition-actions  besides, it won't hurt any to do so09:26
Jordan_Ubc81: And the ntfsresize (the tool gparted actually uses to resize ntfs) explicitly states that it is not necessary.09:27
Jordan_Ubc81: *ntfsresize man page.09:28
sssI installed a software using Ubuntu Software Center. It says it's installed, where do I find it?09:28
Loshkisl33k_: make sure you have backups of anything important before you start, just in case....09:28
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timmillwoodthanks Loshki  & twitch09:29
timmillwoodshame Unity doesn't play nice in virtualbox.09:29
bc81Jordan_U: ok, maybe not xp..but for vista resizing, where space is a factor, defrag before shrink can recover more unused space09:30
sl33k_Loshki: how to backup important s/ws and all09:30
sssHow do I run software I installed with Ubuntu Software Center09:30
twitchsss: thorugh the gnome/kde/etc meno or command line09:30
AntonisHello. I am running ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition and would like to get rid of the menubars of each and every application and instead get them on the gnome-panel09:31
Antonisthe same goes for titlebar and close,maximize,minimize button09:31
ssstwitch, Can you explain?09:31
Loshki!backup | sl33k_09:31
ubottusl33k_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:31
Antoniscould you please provide me with a link or something or if there are applets for the panel, give me the names so I can look them up?09:31
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Loshkisl33k_: sorry, doing backups turns out to be a big subject...09:32
JenniferB2I can't install ubuntu.. it keeps going into the live disc and it takes forever!09:32
lewixwhats a good videomaker09:32
DPxCould anyonne give me a hand with Firefox, can't stop it from crashing or freezing every 2minutes. Then it comes back and freezes 2minutes later and so on09:32
JenniferB2I have a previous installation of ubuntu server on it that I want to clear09:32
pvl1Antonis, what are you trying to do?09:32
pvl1lewix, a director09:32
lewixpvll, a app09:33
ssstwitch, Can you explain please?09:33
Antonispvl1, I want to get rid of the menubars and titlebars of applications and instead load them on the panel whenever I maximize an app. like the netbook edition but on my desktop09:33
iqpi_DPx: run firefox trough the console09:33
pvl1JenniferB2, before booting a live cd, edit the string and take off the last bit, you should get a lot of debug info09:33
twitchJenniferB2: in the install when it comes to parts do u select use entire disk09:33
JenniferB2edit the string ?09:33
Bazyguys, where can I edit to modify PATH for all users on the system?09:33
rileypgrub is installed on wrong drive how can i fix it09:33
JenniferB2twitch: I get the screen to choose language and then I select install ubuntu09:34
bc81lewix: depends on what you want to do.  pitivi is a lot like windows movie maker, and avidemux is similar to virtualdub09:34
JenniferB2and end up in the live disc stuff anyway09:34
Loshki!manual | sss:09:34
ubottusss:: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:34
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lewixthank u09:34
pvl1Antonis, you mean just use the right click to change the maximize and such09:34
twitchJenniferB2: keep following install and it will come to the disk stuffz :D09:35
ag24sasneed help for internet sharing 10.10server proliant ml350 eth0 ip static internet and etho ip static lan; gui help09:35
Antonispvl1, on the gnome-panel (the panel at the top) I want to get the menubar (like XChat, View, Server, Window, Help) on XCHat, every time I maximize it, instead of having it on the app09:35
JenniferB2twitch: I don't even get that far09:35
Antonislike the netbook edition has.. globalmenu etc.09:35
twitchJenniferB2: ok how far u get09:36
sl33k_bc81: for how long can i go without updating ubuntu?09:36
iqpi_Bazy: in the .bashrc confof each user you can do it, just type and the end of the file: PATH="dir:ahotherdir:and_so_on"09:36
DPxiqpi_ same result im thinking its only todo with flash player, working okay on everything but psx-scene. Im using flash-aid.09:36
JenniferB2twitch: the language stuff doesn't always come up but I end up going into live disc without being prompted for language or the install menu twitch( also live disk option)09:36
pvl1Antonis, http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/09:36
ag24sasneed help for internet sharing 10.10server proliant ml350 eth1 ip static internet and eth0 ip static lan; gui help09:36
pvl1ag24sas, whats the problem09:36
bc81sl33k_: lol some people run very old systems and never update...depends on how comfortable you are with potential security holes09:37
ag24saswhat are need settings? pvl109:37
JenniferB2twitch: I am going to try to wipe my harddrive using the ubuntu server edition... rm -f * ?09:37
DPxiqpi_ (<unknown>:2072): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead09:37
twitchJenniferB2: ok well i cant help you sry .. i have had that problem befoew .. i kept rebooting and trying until it [passed .. (lame but working answer lol)09:37
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pvl1ag24sas, gimme a second09:37
ag24saspvl1, may I pm you?09:38
pvl1ag24sas, yea sure09:38
Antonispvl1, I went to that website earlier but in the installation section there is no ppa for lucid or maverick :\09:38
trond-JenniferB2, seems to me that the boot options are set to cd then disk, change to disk (harddisk) then cd.. and you won't boot into live cd.09:38
pvl1Antonis, just get the source and compile it09:39
twitchJenniferB2: e.g. i had a laptop and it took like 10 cold reboots until ubuntu would fully instal;l once it was on it worked fime but i cant TS installs09:39
Antonispvl1, ok.. let me see how it goes :p brb09:39
iqpi_DPx: it seems to be an error according the propietary radeon driver09:40
bc81sl33k_: example, if you have a "work horse" machine that maybe only encodes video 24/7 or renders 3d sequences, never has a need to connect to the net..you can run this system indefinitely without updating09:40
bc81hi BLuEGoD09:41
DPxthanks iqpi_ will have a look into it09:41
BLuEGoDI've succesfuly upgraded my php version in hardy manually to 5.3, however, I don't know how to "update" apache to get the new php working... google didn't help me on this.. could anyone point me in the right direction?09:41
sl33k_bc81: so its ok if i delay this a bit09:42
twitch!ot > BLuEGoD09:43
ubottuBLuEGoD, please see my private message09:43
Tm_Ttwitch: if he's discussing about ubuntu packages and alike, it's not offtopic09:43
Loshkisl33k_: any machine exposed the internet should probably take security updates, at a minimum...09:43
BLuEGoDoh I don't think I would do the same in Ubuntu, FreeBSD or Windows, so I don't think it's unrelated09:43
twitchTm_T: 5.3 is supported?09:44
Tm_Ttwitch: I have no idea, you didn't state why it would be offtopic09:44
bc81BLuEGoD: sl33k_ that's entirely up to you..and how much you value the security of your data.  on a personal note, i set up a laptop for my parents, and disabled updating (and all the problems that come with it)  so i only update once or twice a year and they are not complainging (then again they only use the computer for light browsing and email/games etc09:44
twitchit's not in stable .. ?09:44
sl33k_Loshki: how much disk space will be freed by deleting temporary files? and how to free it?09:44
BLuEGoDCurrent PHP 5.3 Stable: 5.3.5 source: php.net09:45
BLuEGoDI've already installed php5.3 in hardy, I'm just looking a way to reflect this in Apache, I dont know how to do this in ubuntu09:45
Tm_TBLuEGoD: if you're installing outside of ubuntu package repositories, it's relatively hard for us to help you09:46
aethelrickBLuEGoD: did you install the apache PHP module? or just PHP?09:47
BLuEGoDjust php09:47
twitchTm_T: syr going to bed to annoyed as a pissed person :P09:47
BLuEGoDI got the previous version of the module09:47
Loshkisl33k_: unless you've been working with very large files (e.g. video) I don't know that you'll save much space 'deleting temporary files'. How much data are we talking about?09:47
twitcherr missed /msg sry09:47
Tm_Ttwitch: np, sleep well09:47
bc81sl33k_: bleachbit for linux, ccleaner for windows09:47
BLuEGoDis there a way to update that module ? is not included in the php tarball ?09:47
sl33k_bc81: apt-get install bleachbit?09:48
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
kFjHi.. i want to install ubuntu server that will be used for TWiki. i have a hp proliant with 2 72gb sas drives. what is the best solution? raid using the server raid array, or software raid in ubuntu? also. the setup still reads them as separate drives, even they are setup in raid 1+0 in the server raid array09:48
Tm_TkFj: that's prolly best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic as it's more of an opinion09:48
aethelrickBLuEGoD: the module just needs to be in the right directory and configured in apache.09:48
sl33k_bc81: will it give problems when installing modules to other partitions?09:49
kFjTm_T ok. thanks. ill do that:D09:49
bc81sl33k_: yes, but you only have about 6 gig for your entire linux installation.  please consider shrinking windows, and expanding linux partition by 20 or more GB09:49
Antonispvl1, do you maybe know how to do the same for the min,max,close buttons? I mean get them on the panel?09:49
bc81sl33k_: i don't know..what do you mean by modlues?09:49
BLuEGoDaethelrick: ok! so do you think the module is in the php tarball already ?09:49
sl33k_bc81: like checking out from a repository.09:50
pvl1Antonis, uhm, unless you wanna hack the source code, no idea09:50
pvl1Antonis, but then again, i dont see why that would be so difficult09:50
aethelrickBluEGoD: gimme a sec... checking09:50
UbuntuNubhello, i was wondering if anyone was willing to help me with a problem09:50
twitchbc81: modules are like drivers that get loaded drom the kernel to run our "other devices"09:51
AbhijiTLO looks promising!! :)09:51
AntonisI will let you know if I find anything =)09:51
Antonisthanks for helping!09:51
aethelrickBLuEGoD: did you build from source?09:52
=== burak is now known as Guest13151
UbuntuNubi was wanting to get Ubuntu for my laptop (not netbook) and was wondering if I am supposed to use the Desktop version09:52
aethelrickUbuntuNub: yup, full edition is great on notebooks :)09:52
UbuntuNubok cheers for that09:53
UbuntuNuband also, does ubuntu install all of your drivers (for USB ports, WiFi cards, Graphics cards etc?)09:53
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xiongI believe in automated backup but I have an issue with it on my laptop; it always seems to kick in right when I wake up the machine and want to do something, right then. How can I adjust the cron job so that it only runs during idle time?09:54
llutzxiong: using anacron you could adjust the offset to a later point (man anacrontab)09:57
devcorkvincewhos using dv6t quad here any problems on temp i have CPU 54C , HD 54C, GPU 48C? is this normal?09:57
xiongllutz, Thanks. I'll look at that.09:57
bc81UbuntuNub: yes, unless the driver is restricted or the device is unsupported.  for the former you can check System >> Administration >> Additional Drivers09:59
=== aethelrick_ is now known as aethelrick
devcorkvinceany one using ubuntu on dv6t quad... any temp problem? i have both CPU and HD 56C-60C and GPU 48C-53C10:00
bc81UbuntuNub: the only way to know for sure is to try it out :-)  once booted, you can test @ System >> Administration >> System Testing10:00
UbuntuNubThanks for all of your help guys10:02
aethelrickBLuEGoD, did you install from source??10:02
bc81UbuntuNub: good luck, and enjoy Ubuntu10:03
guest9how to install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 10.10 ?10:06
kaihi folks10:09
rileypI need to reinstall grub as its on a disk I wish to remove from my system Do I need to set the boot flag in gparted on the drive Im keepingthat contains the os??10:13
rileypI dont have a boot partition and my fist partition on th edrive is swap10:14
AbhijiT!fixgrub | rileyp10:16
ubotturileyp: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:16
rileypAbhijiT,  It is grub210:16
furiis there a way to issue a command from a tty to the main screen?10:16
AbhijiTrileyp, karmic that is 9.10 onwards we have grub210:17
rileypAbhijiT,  Im usingthe os at present that has the drive I wish to remove10:17
AbhijiTrileyp, no idea. i am not getting you.10:17
rileypits lucid and grub2 I know that bit10:17
rileypAnd it works but only if I maintain my old drive in to allow it to boot10:17
rileypwhen that drive is removed it does not boot10:18
AeSixI'm trying to run XFCE in VNC on a headless server (ubuntu 10.10 server). I have VNC working, but it is connecting to a plain old X desktop. How can I have XFCE be used?10:18
AeSixwait, it appears xubuntu-desktop didn't get installed10:19
rileypAesisx you can ssh -X username@
rileypand then just type the program you want10:19
rileypeg thunar!10:20
AeSixrileyp, I'm wanting a full desktop. I'm a Windows guy normally, and I find I work much more effeciently in a GUI. :S10:20
AeSixthat aside, where do I type "ssh -X username@addy"?10:21
AeSixI'm using Windows as my desktop, so I guess I'd type that in my putty SSH session?10:21
rileypdo you have ssh installed ?10:21
felichashi,   tail -f   works as expected locally, but I experience buffer problems when tailing log files in a mounted cifs filesystem (windows eol)10:22
felichassometimes new lines don't show up, but can be seen with tail -n though.  Any hint?10:22
rileypahh -x wont work in windows without lots of fiddling sorry10:22
red2kicAeSix: You would have to install Windows X11 app. I don't know the name of it but you'd need one.10:22
rileypred2kic,  IS ON THE MONEY10:23
AeSixred2kic - thought that's pretty much what VNC was doing?10:23
furiis there a way to issue a command from a tty to the main screen?10:23
red2kicAeSix: VNC stream out everything that's on the "screen" -- where ssh is just CLI, but could bring you an X11 application to work on.10:23
rileypfuri selected a bad screen res?10:23
rileyplol I did that yesterday10:23
furirileyp, nah, just have an opened up fullscreen program and would like to get rid of it10:24
alpinestars_2002First time on irc10:24
alpinestars_2002Rather interesting10:24
red2kicAeSix: It is more of a preference that he is offering you. That's all.10:24
rileypthen just kiol the program from the tty screen10:24
rileypeg killall xbmc]10:24
furiyou mean, that works?10:25
furiif i'm logged in as that user10:25
AeSixred2kic - like I stated, i've got VNC working, but I've got the plain old X desktop. I know it's possible to have VNC connect to XFCE, but don't know how to do it in this scenario10:25
milamberfuri: F11 will usually take the program out of full screen10:25
furiwow, thought it involved connecting to the X program or something10:25
furiidk, i'm not really... savvy10:25
bc81AeSix: what vnc server are you running?10:25
red2kicAeSix: I never really messed around with VNC much myself. Sorry. :O10:25
Drue192Hey, My video is kinda laggy on the latest release of ubuntu. 10.10 i think. Anyway my computer is a HP Pavilion ZE5600 series, what do i have to do to upgrade? Thanks.10:25
AeSixbc81 tightvncserver10:26
rileypDrue192,  no one know what video adaptor you have that migt help10:26
bc81AeSix: i have had the same trouble with it, have you tried x11vncserver?  or vino server works well too10:26
AeSixI attempted to duplicate a config I had on a previous server. The main difference though is that machine had a GUI desktop, this one does not.10:26
rileypis its nvidia or intel or ati10:26
AeSixI just don't know what I'm not doing10:27
rileypAeSix,  just install linux instaed of windows on the client machine and all problems fixed10:27
AeSixYou going to buy me a new computer I can use for gmaing, rileyp?10:27
dylanioopwhats the australian room?10:28
rileypfuri go back to tty7 and alt +tab out of it (only possible if another program is running'10:28
AeSixthat was wrong of me.10:28
rileypIm skippy :D10:28
bc81AeSix: try installing vino then starting it with /usr/lib/vino/vino-server see if that works10:29
red2kicAeSix: How are you connecting to the VNC? I'm thinking you're using root account if you're getting a plain display X11 thing.10:29
rileypAe no it was wrong of me :D10:29
rileypWindows shits me these days10:29
AethelrickAeSix, I have to ask... erm, why you running an X environment on your server? (I came to the conversation late, so I may have got the wrong end of the stick)10:29
red2kicrileyp: Language. :)10:29
AeSixbc81 it's not tightvnc not working, that's working, I just do not know how to make XFCE get into the mix10:29
Drue192rileyp, How would i check  under ubuntu it is the only OS on this PC and i am a Ubuntu noob.10:29
rileypeverytime I go to copy and paste  by highlighting and clicking mouse and it dont work10:29
red2kicAeSix: Did you install xubuntu-desktop? How did you install it? Server Iso?10:30
AeSixAethelrick - cause I need a GUI to be able to work. I'm a Windows guy normally, but the Windows VM we had set up failed miserably with KVM10:30
AethelrickAeSix, what's running on your X desktop, can you simply launch XFCE? perhaps edit startx?10:30
AeSixAethelrick I don't know.10:31
AeSixThat's why I'm here10:31
mawi__i try to create an unattended install of ubuntu 10.10 with crypto disk10:31
rileypDrue open google and type in model of your pc and find out its specs or look in dmesg from a terminal screen10:31
AethelrickAeSix, what do you see on your VNC screen?10:31
AeSixand there's nothing running on the X VNC session other than the X cursor10:31
mawi__how can i preseed a passwd for crypto ?10:31
red2kicAeSix: Start from the beginning. You installed it... how?10:31
red2kicAeSix: If you want XFCE, install xubuntu-desktop.10:31
AeSixred2kic I did10:32
red2kicAeSix: Presumbly from server iso?10:32
AeSixno from apt-get10:32
bc81AeSix: try startxfce4 or xfce4-session10:32
AeSixI don't have access to the server10:32
red2kicAeSix: Did you reboot after you installed it?10:32
AeSixall I have to do is get XFCE to start and VNC will connect to it?10:32
mawi__nevermind already got i working ;x10:33
mawi__i missed a line in the .seed file10:33
AeSixI'll be back10:33
daniel34Hi, I am updating my computer. (Dell XP1710) running latest Ubuntu 10. This may be a hardware-question. But will alternative #2 and #3 work for my computer. : http://paste.ubuntu.com/562457/10:33
bc81AeSix: that's what i was saying earlier about tightvncserver, even with xfce running, you will still get the x screen..so do try using vino or x11vncserver10:33
AeSixbc81 - and that's exactly what I told you did NOT happen on my old server10:34
AeSixand I will be back10:34
=== damian is now known as Wujek
=== donSchoe is now known as donSchoe^^
rileypDrue ATI MOBILITY RADEON 4X AGP and 3D architecture10:34
red2kicdaniel34: ##hardware -- Try that.10:34
rileypDrue192,  ATI MOBILITY RADEON 4X AGP and 3D architecture10:35
bc81AeSix: well, xubuntu 9.04 had no trouble with tightvncserver, but for some reason 10.10 did..all i got was the x desktop10:35
Classhello guys we have a web hosting there is installed php4 and 5 on the server someone is using php5 and others php4.  Now i want a user list who are using php4 an php5 from where can i get this information ?10:35
leonardAikar, how to install vmware workstation 7 ??i am use ubuntu 10.10 maveerik10:35
red2kicClass: "man lsof"10:36
leonardAeSix, how to install vmware workstation 7 ??i am use ubuntu 10.10 maveerik10:36
moldywhen i try to upgrade a system from 10.04 to 10.10, i get a "Resolve generated breaks" error. i guess this is caused by some "unofficial" package that is installed. how do i reliably determine which unofficial packages are installed? i remove all from origin "local" in synaptic, but that didn't solve the issue10:37
=== donSchoe^^ is now known as donSchoe
Tm_Tmoldy: are you using do-release-upgrade ?10:38
moldyTm_T: yes10:38
leonardmoldy , how to install vmware workstation 7 ??i am use ubuntu 10.10 maveerik10:38
Tm_Tmoldy: that's all I had to know to know I don't know (:10:38
Drue192rileyp, I looked on Google and it says i have ATI Radeon Xpress 200. How would i go about updating the drivers via the Terminal? Thanks.10:38
Classred2kic, can you be more specific how can i use lsof in this situation ?10:38
=== leonard is now known as rene
red2kicClass: Try "lsof /path/to/bin"10:39
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Classred2kic, i understand the syntax but as i guess i need to do this for all users ?10:40
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rileypDrue I dunno I would google it myself eg use search terms lucid ati insatll10:40
rileypI always use nvidia10:40
red2kicClass: It have USER column.10:40
marcin__BatckTrack 4 file /etc/inittab10:41
Drue192rileyp, Thanks man, i found something on the Ubuntu Docs10:41
marcin__im poland10:41
bc81!pl | marcin__10:41
ubottumarcin__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:41
rileypDrue look in synaptic rather than terminal . But you may need to add a repo first thats why I suggest doing a search10:42
rileypDrue192,  no probs ...cheers10:42
Tivenhi, ifconfig keeps showing network interfaces that i removed in network/interfaces and did networking restart10:51
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erUSULTiven: well it shows them unconfigured; isn't it?10:52
riakuanyone here good at debugging networks?10:52
Tivenno it shows that they are up, i ifdown them and it says that they arent active10:52
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Tivenand i try to make a new interface with their IPs, etc (trying to ipv6 tunnel) and i get some odd error about buffer that trully means interface in use or something10:53
erUSULTiven: paste the output of « ip a » ina pastebin10:53
adok                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10:54
adok                                       i have bt4 installed, win7 and want to install macosx...is that going to overwrite grub loader settings?10:54
adoksorry for long post10:54
TivenerUSUL http://pastebin.com/GMikMQWM10:54
Tiventhe only available conf on interfaces right now is eth0 and eth0:010:55
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Tivenwhich is my 2 IPv4 addresses starting with 10910:55
venilsuryaDoes anyone here know some chemistry software that draws molecular orbitals? Not 3d molecules10:55
erUSULTiven: i see the others DOWN or UNKWON which looks resonable ( given than most are "virtual" ifaces )10:56
bullgard4When booting Ubuntu reported: "EXT3-fs mounted filesystem with ordered data mode". What does "filesystem with ordered data mode" mean? https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Changelog: "Ordered data mode loosely means any system that prevents garbage or stale data blocks after a crash." How can  Ubuntu prevent garbage or stale data blocks after a crash?10:56
Aethelrickvenilsurya, you may find something here... http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~noel/linux4chemistry/10:57
venilsuryaAethelrick: Thanks, I had that page open10:57
TivenerUSUL i have to dash for a couple hours see u later mate10:57
venilsuryaWas just checking to see if anyone was already using something of the sort10:58
sssI am using a laptop with a small screen. Some application jump up and down when I click them10:58
erUSULbullgard4: ext* filesystems support three modes of operation one is ordered data ( the others are writeback and journal ) you can find more details about them in « man mount » ( and probably in wikipedia and other net resources )10:58
bonjoyeesss: your resolution is not properly set..check system>>pref>>monitors10:59
erUSULbullgard4: ordered data is the one that offers more data warantees of no data  loss in a crash becouse it logs the data not only the metadata in the journal11:00
sssbonjoyee, It's the highest resulution11:02
yuvatejaiam installed 10.04 os in my laptop.there is no sound while playing medis files what i should do?11:04
bonjoyeesss: but is it the native resolution supported by your screen?11:05
sssbonjoyee, I think it is.11:06
bullgard4erUSUL: Understood. --  Thank you very much for your excellent help.11:06
erUSULbullgard4: no problem11:06
sssbonjoyee, I mean it shows and hides the title of the window, causing everything in the window go up and down11:07
yuvateja<yuvateja> iam installed 10.04 os in my laptop.there is no sound while playing medis files what i should do?11:07
babar_hey there i need help11:08
bonjoyeesss: yeah i got that..it happened to me after i got a new monitor..but setting the screen resolution resolved it..11:08
sssbonjoyee, When I use a lower resolution everything is too big11:08
bjaanesHello. Quick question. I have a bash script that does a tar job. How would that work if the tar was run with verbose and executed in the background with "nohup ./script.sh &"?11:08
bjaanesWhat happens?11:09
bonjoyeesss: wait...do you mean the title bars of the windows or the panels hiding?11:09
babar_i had configured an ldap server and my ubuntu client can tawk to ldapserver but users are not authenticated11:09
sssbonjoyee, the title bars of the windows.11:09
yuvatejabonjoyee: where screen resoultion setting are present?11:09
bonjoyeeyuvateja: system>pref>monitors11:10
sssbonjoyee, the title bars of the windows, only in certain application11:10
bonjoyeesss: oh..ok...sorry don't know then :(11:11
Aethelrickbjaanes, I take it you're concerned about the output from your command? if so, then redirect the output to a file11:11
sssbonjoyee, ok11:11
bjaanesAethelrick: ah! ofc! Why didnt I think of that? xD Thanks a ton!11:11
DiagonalArgInstalling Ubuntu over a previous install, which was on a RAID1. Only option on Alternate Installer is "Erase Drive".  Took 30 hours for 168G???  There has _got_ to be a better way!  (Please tell me there is.)11:11
Aethelrickbjaanes, e.g. ls > ls.txt puts output from ls into a file called ls.txt :)11:12
yuvatejabonjoyee: i went to monitors then next what?11:13
bonjoyeeyuvateja: select the resolution and apply!11:13
bjaanesAethelrick: idd :) Worst of all, i know this, and have used it quite a lot for logging with my automatic scripts -_-  But for some reason I didnt think of it now ^^11:14
madsailorhello, I'm making some new plymouth themes.  What is the best way to take a screenshot/video of them so people can tell what they are like before installing?11:14
red2kicDiagonalArg: I never had used RAID1 -- but Erase Drive should be really really quick.11:14
bonjoyeemadsailor: run them in a VM and get screenshots/videos!:)11:15
madsailorahh...of course.  Thanks bonjoyee.11:16
DiagonalArgred2kic: Nope, "Erase Drive" seems to have zeroed out the whole drive, at ... 100MB/s11:16
yuvatejabonjoyee :iset 16:10 but there is no voice?11:17
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bonjoyeeyuvateja: voice?11:17
DiagonalArgred2kic: oops, no.  I forgot a factor of 60.  So that's 1.6MB/s11:17
madsailorbonjoyee, any recommendations for a screen video capture program (rather than plain screenshots)11:18
DiagonalArgWhat the??11:18
yuvatejabonjoyee : i install ubuntu 10.04 while opening media files there is no voice.11:18
bonjoyeemadsailor: never used myself..but gtkrecordmydesktop, xvidcap seem good!11:18
red2kicDiagonalArg: You could ask in #ubuntu-server -- The traffic is slow but you might get some decent answers.11:18
bonjoyeeyuvateja: just when opening media files? or otherwise as well?11:19
DiagonalArgOk, thanks red2kic!  Appreciate it.11:19
milamber!screencast | madsailor11:19
ubottumadsailor: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:19
madsailorthanks milamber11:20
milambermadsailor: np11:20
NietechtAfter 'a while' after startup, programs begin to randomly stall/freeze temporarily, not all at the same time. Sound and video becomes slow and stutters. I have to reboot to get rid of it. When turning off, it spends some time "checking for unattended upgrades" before turning off normally. Any clues?11:21
Nietecht(Ubuntu 10.10, fairly new to it)11:21
yuvatejawhile playing any movies and songs atleast there is no booting sound11:22
bonjoyeeNietecht: i'd do a memory scan with memtest..11:22
bonjoyee!sound | yuvateja11:22
ubottuyuvateja: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:22
yuvatejabonjoyee:while playing any movies and songs atleast there is no booting sound11:22
veracNietecht: check /var/log/messages for issues. run "top" to see obvious errors11:23
Nietechtbonjoyee: Thanks, I'll do that. I also fear for my hard drive. A possibility?11:23
bonjoyeeNietecht: possible..also check the logs as verac says..11:24
yuvatejabonjoyee: while executing command !sound11:24
yuvatejabonjoyee: while executing command !sound | yuvateja  it shows error event not found.11:25
AbhijiTubuntu no more ships free cds?11:25
bonjoyeeyuvateja: thats not a command...those are links to guides you have to refer..11:26
yuvatejaubottu: where is the volume applet present?11:26
AbhijiTi needed them to distribute at my seminar to all teachers and students11:26
YankDownUnderDownload 1 ISO image, make copies of that image?11:27
milamberAbhijiT: http://shipit.ubuntu.com11:27
AbhijiTmilamber, ohh ok11:27
yuvatejaubottu: where sound preferncesare present?11:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:27
milamberyuvateja: what version of ubuntu?11:29
bonjoyeeubottu: don't lie..come on..tell him!11:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:29
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sneezebayI'm looking to install ubuntu on my MBP and every time I have to connect it to the ethernet because it doesn't have the packages for my wireless card. Is there anyway I can download it to a flash drive and install later?11:30
ionuthow can i see what permission has a folder from terminal ?11:30
bonjoyeeionut: ls -l11:31
yuvatejamilamber,  10.0411:31
AbhijiTis there anyone handling ubuntu free cd to whome i can talk about a thing?11:31
erUSULionut: ls -ld directory11:32
ionuterUSUL: i see this " drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2011-02-04 12:22 gogs " please can you help me to understund it ?11:33
erUSUL!permissions | ionut11:33
ubottuionut: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:33
AethelrickAbhijiT, if you have a question, go ahead and ask it :) you don't need to ask if you can ask!11:33
ionuterUSUL: thanks a lot11:33
erUSULionut: no problem11:34
AbhijiTAethelrick, ok11:34
sneezebayI'm looking to install ubuntu on my MBP and every time I have to connect it to the ethernet because it doesn't have the packages for my wireless card. Is there anyway I can download it to a flash drive and install later?11:34
bonjoyeesneezebay: whats an MBP?11:34
Aethelrickbonjoyee, maybe Mac Book Pro11:35
erUSUL!offline | sneezebay11:35
ubottusneezebay: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD11:35
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JetBoyJetGirlyo yo yo11:36
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howoriginalAUHi everyone :)11:39
iqpihi howoriginalAU11:42
howoriginalAUiqpi: hi :)11:43
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howoriginalAUI'm pondering whether or not I should attempt to give up games and completely install Ubuntu over windows (I want to, but I keep thinking about Fallout 3 and going back to it, haha)11:44
iqpiperhaps you are lucky and you could run that game over ubuntu with wine11:45
devcorkvincehoworiginalAU: do whats best the game or productivity?11:45
howoriginalAUdevcorkvince: well that's what I've been thinking - unfortunately I don't have a job (but I'm trying to find one), so I'm trying to break the habit before I get one11:45
howoriginalAUJust so it's an easier transition..11:46
red2kichoworiginalAU: Get another hard drive. Keep things separate. :)11:46
howoriginalAUA bit of a silly question to ask in a Ubuntu forum, but I've never really used Linux before and was directed to Ubuntu as a beginner's distro...would you agree with this?11:46
red2kichoworiginalAU: Yes. I concur.11:46
iqpihoworiginalAU:  yes, ubuntu is a good one for beginners, but linux mint is even easier11:47
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, I would suggest ubuntu to anyone looking to run linux, newbies and pros alike :) convenience is not just for newbs :P11:47
howoriginalAUiqpi: I read something about Linux Mint as well, but I like the idea of support (which after a bit of reading, Ubuntu looks like it has more direct support to offer)11:47
ionutguys one problem. i have this folder that contains some files and other folders... i applied chmod and changed the permission for folders but not also for files. how can i grant persmission to all users from the terminal ?11:47
sagaciOf course you can11:48
bullgard4When I switched on my Lucid computer this morning it reported: "fsck: T43root had been mounted 51 times without check. Check enforced." The result fo the check on the screen has been overwritten. Where can I find the result of this fsck check in some log file?11:48
devcorkvinceionut: chmod -R11:48
howoriginalAUAethelrick: Well I guess everyone so far seems to concur, so I think I will download it11:48
iqpihoworiginalAU: linux Mint is based on ubuntu, so everything what's capable for ubuntu, will be also capable for Mint too11:48
howoriginalAUAnyway, I should stop talking about this and detracting from people with actual problems haha11:48
ionutdevcorkvince:  what -R stands for ?11:49
bonjoyeebullgard4: /var/log/fsck11:49
multiplatinumhey guys, upon booting i get randomly disconnected and reconnected for 15 mins, then i stay connected to my wifi, help plz11:49
th_hello all11:49
devcorkvinceionut: recursive\11:49
howoriginalAUiqpi: Oh is that so? Does that mean everything will be the same in terms of commands etc (or something?)11:49
ionutdevcorkvince: but what does this command do ?11:49
devcorkvinceionut: eg. chmod 755 -R /dir11:49
iqpihoworiginalAU:  that is11:50
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question: any idea,  when chromium 9 will be in the ubuntu repositories?11:50
bullgard4bonjoyee: /var/log/fsck does not exist.11:50
devcorkvinceionut: it will apply the permission on the dir and all the content inside it11:50
multiplatinumhowlymowly,  a few days after chrome 9 stable came out11:50
howoriginalAUWell thank you all for helping me make my decision - perhaps I should document the transition hahaha11:50
ionutdevcorkvince: good , thanks11:50
howlymowlykk multiplatinum thx..11:50
sagaciWhen it's packaged11:50
iqpiperhaps the only change wil be the repositories name, the other things, always the same11:50
bonjoyeebullgard4: its a folder..checked inside it?11:50
devcorkvinceionut: no prob11:51
iqpishit, i am running out of battery11:51
Aethelrickionut, you can also use a combination of find and chmod if you want a little more precision e.g. find -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; or find -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; for instance (change the find part to suit your needs)11:51
coz_iqpi,   I think you meant to say  "Caca... I am running out of battery"  << family friendly11:52
milamberyuvateja: system >> preferences >> sound11:52
erUSULbonjoyee: bullgard4 the results are lost since the change to upstart ....11:52
iqpicoz_: well, more than caca, mierda should be a better expresion to show what i feel11:52
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bullgard4bonjoyee: In /var/log/fsck there are 2 files. Both are dated 2010-09-18 and do not include today's information.11:52
coz_iqpi,   :)11:52
sagaciCharge it11:53
erUSULbonjoyee: bullgard4 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/51364411:53
bullgard4erUSUL: I see. --  Thank you very much for your information.11:53
howoriginalAUOkay - the same friend who just referred me also said that I should ask whether or not I should download something called LTS or the non-LTS version (sorry I don't really know what he means)11:53
bonjoyeebullgard4: well that was the best place to look into...11:53
red2kic!lts | howoriginalAU11:53
ubottuhoworiginalAU: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)11:53
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, LTS = long term support11:53
iqpithat happens when you trust on your 10.5 h battery-life-capable-netbook and you use it without charging it for 9 hours xDDD11:53
ionutAethelrick: good point . that was what i wanted to do.i applied chmod 77711:54
howoriginalAUOh right, so that seems to be what I want since I hate reinstalling11:54
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, use long term support release if you value stability over newness11:54
iqpithen yes howoriginalAU11:54
red2kichoworiginalAU: Regular cycles are six months apart.11:54
bonjoyeeiqpi: actually its ubuntu....it makes people forget more important things in life!;)11:55
howoriginalAUDecisions decisions, haha - you'll have to forgive a Windows user for being out of his comfort zone.....11:55
iqpisorry bonjoyee i haven't undertand that, english is not my native language11:55
bonjoyeeiqpi: not mine either:-D11:56
iqpihoworiginalAU: you could try a rolling release distro11:56
milamberhoworiginalAU: you can download the live cd and try it before you commit11:57
bullgard4erUSUL, bonjoyee: I added a comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/513644. --  Thank you again.11:57
iqpibonjoyee: then i guess you wanted to say that they are more worried in programs versions than in use them?11:57
milamberhoworiginalAU: also, you will be automatically notified when the next LTS is out11:58
howoriginalAUmilamber: Oh I see, so I can just update to it when it comes out?11:58
replicasexCan anyone help me with a very irritating font problem?  I installed the kubuntu-desktop package on a whim and upon my deleting it my fonts in Chrome and FF have been totally messed up.  I have no idea what it's using but it's very ugly and not at all how it used to be.11:58
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, yup indeedy, upgrading to next release is basically a click...11:58
iqpihoworiginalAU:  yes you can, but i don't advise you to do it11:58
zhangqianybody here?11:58
milamberhoworiginalAU: yes. you can set the option to upgrade to each new release or just the lts releases. it is always recommended to back up your data though :)11:59
sagaci1450 people11:59
replicasexanybody know how i would get back to the original gnome font configuration after kde had its way with me?11:59
iqpireplicasex: in the kde control panel you can manage fonts11:59
replicasexiqpi, I've already deleted kde.11:59
iqpithen purge it12:00
replicasexThis is a post-deletion issue.  It's had its way with my fonts and gone and left me.12:00
iqpisudo apt-get -purge kde12:00
iqpinot -purge12:00
replicasexiqpi, I thought I did, there doesn't seem to be anything left.12:00
zhangqiHow many people is chinese12:00
howoriginalAUHaha a couple of conflicting opinions - milamber I maintain what I hope is a thorough backup system (which touch wood will continue to work). Aethelrick - seems like it's an easy process, but do things often go wrong (or is it just a precaution to ensure my files are all safe)12:00
replicasexiqpi, doing that removed a few things but the fonts are still very, shall we say, painful.12:01
bullgard4zhangqi: 1.2*10^912:01
iqpiperhaps if you reinstall kde you could manage fonts from there12:01
howoriginalAUI'm just looking at rolling releases someone suggested earlier (thanks wikipedia)12:01
replicasexin a guest account for example everything looks fine12:01
howoriginalAUIt looks quite tempting to constantly upgrade without a reinstall12:02
howoriginalAUI'm guessing Ubuntu doesn't have this feature though12:02
red2kicreplicasex: Try this. "killall firefox ; mv ~/.fonts.conf ~/.fonts.conf.bak"12:02
replicasexi'm not using firefox.12:02
red2kicreplicasex: Okay. Just execute it. I guess.12:03
YouKay!cn | zhangqi12:03
iqpi@_@ zhangqi  please, western characters12:03
ubottuzhangqi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:03
popeyhoworiginalAU: we don't do rolling releases, no12:03
VCooliohoworiginalAU: ubuntu (and debian) are quite slow on implementing updated software, but you can always add repos that have newer stuff; most users only need new versions of just a few apps, you can have that in ubuntu too12:03
zhangqijoin #ubuntu-cn12:04
replicasexSo no ideas?  Is there no file I can delete and regenerate to get out the clutter?12:04
howoriginalAUOh right12:04
iqpizhangqi:  put like this ---/join #ubuntu-cn but without ----12:04
howoriginalAUI'm thinking it's probably best if I just start with the newest edition of Ubuntu and then learn from there, all of this is a bit overwhelming so far heh12:05
JeroenDeDauwI put in a new disk in my pc (already had one in there) and just formatted it as ext4. It's not showing up anywhere. I figured I needed to mount it, but when I do mount /dev/sdb1 (got the name from fdisk -l), I get an error. Am I doing it wrong? :p12:05
milamberhoworiginalAU: i have had pretty good success with updates. but as was stated. proper backups are always important12:05
VCoolioJeroenDeDauw: what error? you'll need root permissions, and to make it permanent add a line to /etc/fstab12:06
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iqpiJeroenDeDauw: you have to mount in a mount point. For example, create a folder called:12:06
iqpiJordan_U: second-disk12:06
iqpiin you home12:07
iqpithen execute : sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/your-user/second-disk12:07
iqpiand you will have your disk available from second-disk  folder12:07
muppisI want to use hostwappable sata in server. How I make it automounted like usb-keys in desktop ?12:08
howoriginalAUmilamber: well I always remember to do backups whenever I do anything important, so I think you might have sold me on Ubuntu (along with all the other comments from all these other helpful people :) )12:08
howoriginalAUWell as much as I like playing games on Windows, I think I might give them away to pave way for productivity12:10
howoriginalAUThanks for the help guys, I guess I'll try and get on here again after the install12:10
milamberhoworiginalAU: if when you download the !livecd make sure to follow the instructions closely, check the sums, and burn slowly.12:10
SchopfeRwhat do you think of Unity ?12:10
iqpiyou could try nexuiz on linux, you will get addict xDD12:10
milamberhoworiginalAU: there is always the !dualboot option12:11
gordonjcphoworiginalAU: depending on which games you play, you might find there are Linux native ports, or they work just fine in Wine ;-)12:11
howoriginalAUmilamber: thanks for the tips, ubuntu looks it has some good instructions on the websites12:11
gordonjcphoworiginalAU: I like HL2, works perfectly in wine12:11
gordonjcphoworiginalAU: the framerate is a bit slow and the rendering is a bit buggy in places but I blame my eldery Geforce 7300 for that ;-)12:11
howoriginalAUgordonjcp: well the problem is not so much the individual games as a whole, it's also part of a personal project to give up video games - but we'll see how well I go. I have HL2 so if I falter I might put that on there. I also read that Amnesia was actually a Linux native game before it became available for Windows, so that might be worth getting12:12
howoriginalAUAnyway, I'll be back soon I hope!12:12
gordonjcphoworiginalAU: if you *really* want to be sure, go and buy a new hard disk and do a totally clean install12:12
iqpiif you play idsoftware games, there are original native support forr linux12:12
gordonjcphard disks are cheap12:12
replicasexiqpi, apparently renaming .fonts.conf was all I needed to do.12:12
Wipsterafternoon all, from the to time my laptop screen when I am rotating my deskop cube will freeze and I cant even switch to a lower run level, its in that state currently and I am SSH'd into it, the i915_error_state says no state collected and Xorg.0.log doesn't say anything odd. What else can I look at to debug it? I am runing ubuntu 10.04.2 with xorg-edgers ppa installed mesa 7.11-devel12:13
iqpithat was so easy that i did not thought about it. Congratulations for show us (at least to me) new information :D12:13
howoriginalAUgordonjcp: unfortunately being recently unemployed has left me with no money at all haha, so I guess I'll have to do a good format or something12:13
howoriginalAUI'm assuming that option is available in the install12:13
milamber!livecd | howoriginalAU12:14
ubottuhoworiginalAU: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.12:14
cryptodirano errors on install of 64 bit google earth for ubuntu, it will NOT launch... any suggestions?12:14
iqpiI have 2% remaining battery OMG12:14
iqpi10 min xD12:14
howoriginalAUmilamber: Oh I'll be trying it first don't worry :)12:14
sagaciCya mate12:14
milamberhoworiginalAU: excellent12:15
Aethelrickcryptodira, try launching from the console and see if there are no errors there12:15
JeroenDeDauwiqpi: VCooli: thanks :)12:15
howoriginalAUAlright, be back soon I guess! Thanks everyone12:16
iqpinp =)12:16
iqpibye howoriginalAU12:16
foozHi, i have a list of bad blocks fetched from badblocks. How can i use fsck to repair the specified blocks and add them to the bad list in the hdd?12:17
PowerTopUserHow can i make the powertop suggestions permanent? :)12:18
iqpifooz: i don't know if with fsck you could do that, read the man page, try also with hdparm12:19
iqpii would like to help you, but i have run out of battery12:19
iqpijust one minute left12:19
Drue192Hey, I have another question. Is ATI Radeon 2100 supported in the latest Ubuntu Disto?12:20
fooziqpi: ok i understand :) well i have read that it would be possible with the -t switch and ntfs "fsck -t ntfs"12:20
iqpiwell guys, 0% left, perhaps i have just few second to say you, good bye guys12:21
sagaciProbably is12:21
Gwar_TrolleHey guys, I need some help :'( I have a USB dongle that wont connect to my router. A different adaptor connects to the router just fine, so it's not a router problem. :'( The Dongle is a Ralink 3070 chip12:21
sagaciNice, gwar12:21
Gwar_TrolleOh, it's U!12:21
Gwar_TrolleHelp me in twil damiNt sagaci ;)12:21
PowerTopUserHow can i make the powertop suggestions permanent? :)12:22
milamberGwar_Trolle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1547195&highlight=307012:22
sacarlsonGwar_Trolle: I'm not sure this will work but seems you need to blacklist rt2800usb as seen in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131206812:24
Gwar_Trollesacarlson: I tried that. That let me see the wireless network, but it keeps failing to connect12:24
sacarlsonGwar_Trolle: ok progress, is your net encrypted?12:24
Wipstercan I increase the dmesg buffer as a boot parameter?12:25
Gwar_Trollesacarlson: Yup. WPA. My Wireless card on this connects just fine. (I am talking now ;))12:25
sacarlsonGwar_Trolle: try the wpa-gui12:25
Gwar_Trollesacarlson: What's that? o.012:26
sacarlsonGwar_Trolle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34726912:26
sacarlsonGwar_Trolle: it's a gui package that uses wpasuplicant so any wifi should work12:27
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landingonwaterhmm.. any help to get here. installation issue12:28
sagaciWhat issue12:28
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landingonwaterwell.. win 7. want to install 10.10 alongside it. worked great on my vista laptop. but on my win 7 laptop the ubuntu on the usb stick cana see win 712:29
landingonwateris this normal ?12:30
sacarlsonlandingonwater: can't see the win 7 partitions?12:31
ramshow can i create flash presentations in ubuntu?what is the s/w needed?12:32
landingonwatersacarlson: i can see the ntfs partition, but the install wizard dont cath It, so no option to resize12:32
landingonwatersacarlson: i just thought in 7 used the same bootloader as vista12:32
red2kicrams: Slideshow? Applications --> Office --> OpenOffice (Impress).12:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:33
sacarlsonlandingonwater: I'm not sure what the install wizard is but mabe try gparted or other partition tool to resize to provide at least 10 gb free partition for ubuntu side install12:33
tarelerulzI have geforce 425 m  video card and I have hdmi video working on my tv ,but no sound.  Is there any fix to this ?12:33
ramsred2kic, not slide show, making micromedia flash presentaions12:34
landingonwatersacarlson: but what about grub then ? will it break the win 7 boot ?12:34
digitalfiztarelerulz, did you select the hdmi output as your sound device?12:34
AbhijiTrams, from open office or libre office expoert it to flash .sfw12:34
sacarlsonlandingonwater: your asking the wrong guy for that,  I run all windows in virtualbox,  but from word of mouth it should be not a big problem12:35
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Wipstercan I increase the dmesg buffer as a boot parameter?12:35
LollerI am having troubles with getting my wireless network to work on an Lenovo x100e (thinkpad). It is NOT the standard x100e network card in this laptop, lspci reports the following: "03:00.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 0576 (rev 01). Can you help me?12:36
tarelerulzDigitalfiz ,  I don't have the gnome sound app .  The ALSA mixer don't show any setting for the hd sound at all.12:36
ramsAbhijiT, that worked:-). thank you12:36
landingonwatersacarlson: thanks. well.. not my machine actualy. so i dont want to mess it up. on my on own laptop 10.10 runs like a dream. haha.. it just cant see the broadcomcard :D that sucks.12:36
psycho_oreos!broadcom| Loller12:37
ubottuLoller: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:37
digitalfiztarelerulz, do you have the restricted drivers installed for nvidia?12:37
Lollerubottu: it is not the 4312:37
milamberLoller: did you enable restricted drivers?12:37
landingonwaterHP Pavilion tx1000 is the most flawed laptop ever. im the lucky owner12:37
doohanHi, nautilius is acting kind of wierd, it seems to have become the default program for opening just about everything when for example xdg-open or when chrome tries to open it. Nautilus then says "Location is Not a Folder"12:37
psycho_oreosLoller, no you get the broadcom-sta driver12:37
doohanIs there a way to make it open the file as though it where double clicked?.12:37
sacarlsonlandingonwater: in those cases like my scanner that can't run in linux i just do it in virtualbox12:37
doohanIm using ubuntu 10.10 btw12:37
red2kicAbhijiT: You do see .sfw? I don't. :(12:38
tarelerulzI installed the restricted driver offered by Ubuntu it game me a black screen . I had install the nvidia drivers from there site12:38
Lollerpsycho_oreos: you mean broadcom-sta-common? or should i compile myself?12:38
landingonwaterubottu: thanks for the link :) totally confusing. people have posted 20 ways of fixing the broadcom issue, so chance is that one gte it even more messed up12:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:38
psycho_oreosLoller, probably wouldn't recommend compiling unless you know what you are doing. Normally that can be enabled through something like jockey12:38
VCooliodoohan: if you double-click it uses gnome-open, xdg-open is different; use 'alternatives' to configure, or install 'galternatives' for a gui, don't know why it would use nautilus for everything12:39
red2kicAbhijiT: Ah. Found it.12:39
sacarlsonlandingonwater: that would also include a broadcom device if I couldn't get it to work with ndiswrapper12:39
AbhijiTred2kic, :)12:39
landingonwatersacarlson: hmm.. i must look into that. would be nice if any ugly surprices shoud turn up12:39
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, the problem is broadcom :) there's like 3 native drivers 1 broadcom-sta and the other is ndiswrapper, go figure12:39
Lollerpsycho_oreos: it doesnt say that 0576 model is supported for the broadcom-sta driver12:39
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: what a nightmare. thanks Broadcom.12:40
psycho_oreosLoller, what does lspci -nnk say for that exact same line?12:40
fmanachI was just wondering. Do you guys now if there is an iPad-like that can run Ubuntu Netbook Remix ?12:40
sacarlsonpsycho_oreos: I'm not sure bradcom usb has anything that will work in linux last I looked12:40
azizLIGHTScan someone explain me what is "certificate authority" and why u need for set up of l2tp vpn server. im tyrying to understand concepts inside a tutorial but it doesnt explain12:40
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, hopefully over time they will clear it up12:40
moldyfresh install of kubuntu 10.10 into a virtualbox on linux, apt-get segfaults everyimt time -- can anyone help?12:41
psycho_oreossacarlson, bcm4320 (non 802.11n capable) is supported via rndis_wlan according to http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/rndis_wlan12:41
Lollerpsycho_oreos: "03:00.0 Network Controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:0576] (rev 01)"12:41
fmanachOoops... It's Ubuntu Netbook now I think... no "Remix" anymore12:41
AethelrickazizLIGHTS, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority12:41
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: well.. i think its a problem that the broadcom issue is just too must to handle for a noob. some chick changing from windows to ubuntu dont stand a chance.12:41
erUSULazizLIGHTS: a certification authority is a company that issues cryptographic certificates like the ones used in https ( ssl ) websites12:41
sacarlsonpsycho_oreos: is that native linux or just another ndiswrapper like thing?12:41
landingonwaternot that chicks cant be geeks. sorry12:41
psycho_oreosLoller, lol well broadcom-sta won't work I guess the next choice is pretty much ndiswrapper and hope12:42
erUSULazizLIGHTS: it is possible to create personal certificates afaik; deending on what you are doing it may be enough12:42
azizLIGHTSi dont understand all this on the wikipedia page. i have no idea what i means?12:42
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, it was lot worse before when broadcom only decided to release the binary blob which was cumbersome12:42
landingonwaterubottu: can you drop me that link again ? im in irssi, and dont kno ho to scroll back12:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:43
erUSULazizLIGHTS: http://www.openssl.org/docs/HOWTO/certificates.txt12:43
Lollerpsycho_oreos: thanks. I have tried ndiswrapper before but it was buggy and i dont even remember if it worked at all12:43
psycho_oreossacarlson, I'm not quite sure but I do believe its native, integrated as part of kernel.. under mac80211 framework12:43
Asadany idea where the GUI network-manager store its configuration?12:43
kamalesh1How do i make a collection of images my wallpaper ?12:43
moldy rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin did the trick12:43
Lollerpsycho_oreos: why doesnt broadcom make drivers for all of their card -.-12:44
psycho_oreosLoller, guess you don't have much of a choice :) there's no native drivers that would support it (as they only support a handful altogether). The broadcom-sta was meant to cover a wide range but fails to work with yours. ndiswrapper is the last choice, doesn't work well with 64bit and now as you says fails. *shrugs* ideal to move onto another brand of laptop I'd say :)12:44
sacarlsonpsycho_oreos: I just read your link, maybe it's just not enabled in ubuntu for license problems,  next time I see someone else with a bcm usb I'll try it12:44
AbhijiTkamalesh1, edit them in gimp & make single fuile and then use it!12:44
psycho_oreosLoller, they do, but only for windows, they treated linux like a minority12:44
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: ell. even ith the broadcom working, HP tx1000 is still a dissaster.12:45
erUSULazizLIGHTS: http://www.natecarlson.com/2006/07/10/configuring-an-ipsec-tunnel-with-openswan-and-l2tpd/12:45
psycho_oreossacarlson, interesting even though it seems to be part of the kernel12:45
AbhijiTi heard that broadcom joins linux ?12:45
kamalesh1AbhijiT:  What  ? I guess you didnt understand what i meant, images will change periodicallu12:45
Lollerpsycho_oreos: ok, thanks for your help anyway :)12:45
kamalesh1AbhijiT: *periodically12:45
AbhijiTkamalesh1, ohh then use desktop drapes12:45
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, it's going to be even more hell if broadcom doesn't clear up their own mess quickly. It was ideally the choice for one to avoid buying broadcom wireless equipped devices12:45
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: you make a bad doctor. who wants bad news :D12:46
azizLIGHTSerUSUL: yes thats the link im on, it doesnt explain anything in conceptual ways i havenoi diea what he talking bout12:46
kamalesh1AbhijiT:  I can set a collection, which is available by default, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 . So i think i dont have to install any extra apps12:46
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, well at least I'm being frank12:46
psycho_oreosLoller, nw12:46
AbhijiTkamalesh1, install a software called desktop drapes12:46
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: frank in Chicago and Ernest in New York :D12:46
azizLIGHTSerUSUL: like practically speaking, what all that stuff means12:47
sacarlsonpsycho_oreos: I'm not sure ubuntu rules and kernel rules are the same, but if it's true I should find that drive in my kenel since it's 2.6.32-21-generic is should already be in there12:47
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, no frank as in putting things bluntly :p12:47
kamalesh1AbhijiT:  dude, it's already there by default, i'm using Ubuntu 10.10 . I just need to know how to add new sets12:47
landingonwaterpsycho_oreos: i agree. broadcom should lighten up. more *nix units will be sold.12:47
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, they are, but they are quite slow at it.. brcm80211 is the new driver by them with open source but it supports like 3 chipsets and isn't guaranteed to work well12:48
kamalesh1AbhijiT:  Are you using ubuntu 10.10 ?12:48
kamalesh1AbhijiT: ah Ok then :)12:48
psycho_oreossacarlson, interesting, it might not even be set to be compiled as a module I suppose12:48
erUSULazizLIGHTS: well; from very high level --> the certification authority ensures that all the keys you are using ( by signing them etc ) are the keys they are supposed to be to avoid attacks.12:49
Antonishow can I run a command in ubuntu using something similar to -threads 0?12:49
psycho_oreoslandingonwater, the other thing I want to also add is that with some laptop manufacturers, you can swap out the internal wireless card. However there's 5 manufacturers that I know of whom wants to control their consumers by whitelisting the minipci/minipcie wireless cards to be inserted into their device bays12:52
AethelrickAntonis, I don't understand your example. Please tell me what you want to have happen and I'll try to help :)12:52
AntonisAethelrick, when I encode something with ffmpeg I use -threads 0 to get all cores working12:53
Antonisis there something similar when running a command like make12:53
Antonisor make install?12:53
Antonisok :P12:54
mwallyMy 10.04 LTS 64 server, which uses an encrypted lvm file-system, experienced an error and switched to a read-only file system about an hour ago.  I backed up all the important files and rebooted the machine.  After entering the keyphrase, fsck reports an error, demans a manual run, but does not spawn a shell.  What can I do to get a shell?12:56
AethelrickAntonis, I understand your question now :) you may want to try make -j12:57
Antonisah nice! thanks =)12:57
AethelrickAntonis, http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Parallel12:57
Antonisis this in general or do I have to check if a specific app supports it?12:57
Wipsterok so what does it mean when I try and boot but I get 'No init found. Try passing init= bootarg' I tries to add a boot option 'log_buf_len' but now have reverted it and still no init found12:58
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erUSULWipster: either your grub.conf is wrong about what the root partition or the root partition is busted ( fs corruption ) and the init binary is gone )12:59
erUSULWipster: did you did partitioning in the disk? shirink partitions; create new ones or something ?13:00
bc81mwally: can you get a virtual console?13:00
AethelrickAntonis, linux will make use of all your cores provided the applications you're running are multi-threaded. Single threaded applications will only use one core. You can run lots of single threaded applications on multiple cores though...13:00
mwallybc81, no13:00
codemagiciancan anyone explain the difference between /etc/init.d and upstart?13:00
codemagicianRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)13:01
mwallybc81, let me take a photo13:01
codemagiciandid this recently change in ubuntu?13:01
WipstererUSUL, didn't try to repartition... well thats grand heh livecd time I guess see if I can recover13:01
Aethelrickcodemagician, the idea is upstart is an "event based" replacement for init.d13:01
erUSULAntonis: for make there is make -jn where n is the number of jobs you wat to simultanously.13:01
codemagicianAethelrick, who decided to change it?13:02
erUSULWipster: good luck check partitions with gparted...13:02
whitemambaHellO everybody can anybody help me install mypaint on ubuntu 10.04 lucid13:02
Aethelrickcodemagician, lol... Ubuntu :) Scott James at Canonical wrote upstart, it looks pretty good, but it's early days yet I suppose13:02
erUSUL!info mypaint lucid13:02
ubottumypaint (source: mypaint): Paint program to be used with Wacom tablets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 284 kB, installed size 1252 kB13:02
erUSULwhitemamba: sudo apt-get install mypaint13:03
codemagicianAethelrick, but my entire system changed overnight without any choice or warning?13:03
erUSULwhitemamba: or use the ubuntu software center13:03
whitemamba< erUSL> true but getting some error13:03
sacarlsoncodemagician: in upstart things will start when all the things they need have already started,  init.d was not so much dependent on signals to start the next thing and only let one thread run at a time in a sequence13:03
erUSULwhitemamba: paste the error you get in a pastebin13:04
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erUSUL!upstart | codemagician13:04
ubottucodemagician: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:04
codemagiciansacarlson, I understand.  So, do I have to relearn this and stop using /etc/init.d ?13:04
sacarlsoncodemagician: the end rusult will boot faster without waiting for some things you don't need13:04
howoriginalAUHello again everyone :)13:04
codemagiciansacarlson, my machine has a SSD and boots in 7.5 seconds13:05
obscurant1stnot again!13:05
Aethelrickcodemagician,  upstart has been creeping around for years, it still uses sysvinit scripts if you like13:05
codemagiciansacarlson, and now I have to spend two hours learning something new instead of working13:05
codemagiciansacarlson, will using /etc/init.d conflict if I mix and match?13:05
howoriginalAUI ended up installing it via USB stick since I quickly discovered I didn't have any CDs to burn....haha13:05
sacarlsoncodemagician: no at this time they both run,  some day we will all move to upstart, but now you can setup on eather side13:05
whitemambaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:05
Aethelrickcodemagician, you don't have to panic, or change how you work13:05
codemagicianAethelrick, okay.  So will debian use this too... or will I need to remember the /etc/init.d way of starting processes?13:06
sacarlsoncodemagician: I think most upstarts still have scripts in /etc/init.d13:06
Aethelrickcodemagician,  the /etc/init.d way is supported BY UPSTART although it also introduces a new way of working. You can use either way13:07
whitemambawhen i try instal mypaint  this is the error i get    E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:07
codemagicianAethelrick, how well received has it been with the other distros?13:07
mwallybc81, http://i.imgur.com/8wAnO.jpg13:07
howoriginalAULooks like everyone I was talking to before has gone :( Oh well13:08
bc81whitemamba: do you also have synaptic open?13:08
whitemambai have closed it13:08
sacarlsoncodemagician: for my own private apps I use cron to start them, as far as I know @reboot will continue to be supported13:08
Aethelrickcodemagician, fedora have adopted it, it's in openSuSE 11.3, Maemo uses it, ChomeOS uses it13:09
whitemambabc81> no its closed13:09
Aethelrickcodemagician, I think Debian is pondering it as well13:09
codemagicianAethelrick, yeah says optional on debian13:09
howoriginalAUHave I installed something wrong? I just put a DVD in and Movie player says it cannot read from resource13:10
bc81mwally: wow, that doesn't look too good..so it's stuck at that point?13:10
ikonia!dvd | howoriginalAU13:10
ubottuhoworiginalAU: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:10
Aethelrickcodemagician, to be honest, it looks like a nice piece of evolution and the way things are going. It dosn't break backwards compatibility :)13:11
howoriginalAUOh, thankyou ikonia13:11
mwallybc81, yes, no virtural consoles, I can get SysRq's to work, but that doesn't help me any13:11
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Driiperhello. any ubuntu/linux heroes here that know how to set up an socks5 proxy?13:11
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, hey, I just noticed you're back, how'd the install go?13:12
spowHi, i'm trying to 'make' the driver of a new PCIe <=> RS232 card but have a list of errors :13:12
ikoniaDriiper: socks5 is quite a dead technology now, there is a socks 5 server actually called "socks 5" that has always been very solid when I've used it13:12
howoriginalAUHi Aethelrick, yeah it went really well - I ended up having to use a USB stick because I didn't have any CDs (haha) but it went quite quickly and I'm just downloading some updates it popped up13:12
sagaciIt's encrypted13:13
Driiperwhich technology would you prefer if you want to  for example go through a school firewall then if not socks :)13:13
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, good to hear :)13:13
ikoniaDriiper: I'd ask your school to resolve your connectivity13:13
Vilinydoes ubuntu ltsp server need to be a dhcp server? and assuming it does, can i tell my existing dhcp to somehow redirect the pxe booting from a separate machine?13:13
Vilinymy dhcp server isn't the one that i want to use as a ltsp server13:13
ikoniaViliny: two dhcp servers on the same network isn't good13:14
Vilinyi realize that13:14
howoriginalAUAethelrick, yeah I'm just figuring what out what I'm going to do now - I guess I'll put all of the stuff I backed up back onto the main hard drive while it's updating. I was going to download the restricted formats some kind person linked me to before so I can play DVDs, but apparently I can't do it while it's downloading updates (I guess there's probably a good reason for that)13:14
whitemambartgenera@artgenera-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install mypaint  [sudo] password for artgenera:  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:14
Driiperikonia: Thank you :)13:14
Vilinywhat im wondering is: can i make the old dhcp server tell the client "hey man, go HERE for a pxe boot!"13:14
whitemambacan anyone help me install mypaint13:14
spowtry with synaptics maybe ?13:15
ikoniaViliny: depnds on the dhcp server you're running, you can point to pxe servers you want13:15
Vilinyikonia, it's a ubuntu box as well13:15
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ikoniaViliny: ok, so you can assign ranges and mac addresses and point them at a pxe server of your choice13:16
bc81mwally: hmm... maybe boot a livecd, run sudo fsck -p <partition>13:16
Vilinyok, good. how? :)13:16
ikoniaViliny: look at dhcp pool configuration options in the documentation13:16
howoriginalAUOther than that it seems to be quite easy to use Aethelrick, I'm still getting used to the fact that I barely have to install anything. It kinda looks like a Mac, actually with the background and all13:16
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, yup, updates and installs are "atomic" because ubuntu keeps track of what you've got installed and the versions. So changing what is installed or doing an update needs to update this info and too many chefs could spoil the broth (so to speak)13:16
Vilinythanks ikonia13:17
howoriginalAUAh I thought that might have been the case - too much at once accessing the same stuff13:17
AbhijiTwhere can i get more alarm sounds for alarm application in gnome?13:17
ikoniaViliny: one of the tricks is to refernce a filename, eg: pxeimage01 but make sure that only one pxe server is holding that image13:17
AethelrickhoworiginalAU, the mac-like appearance is no coincidence, it was actively copied in many ways :)13:17
mwallybc81, can I do that normal, or do I need to do something special because of the crypto?13:18
howoriginalAUAethelrick, oh really? Well I guess they wanted it to be intuitive to PC and Mac users13:18
sacarlsonViliny: I've just got one of my systems to be a pxeboot server,  I disable my adsl box from being the dhcp server so I can setup from my ubuntu box13:19
Vilinysacarlson, cool13:19
Vilinyi have a ubuntu server for a wide range of stuff13:19
bc81mwally: ooh, i'm not sure, sorry.  this is way over my head, so all i can do is wish you luck :-(13:19
florian_hi im having a bit issues with xonar dx 7.1 soundcards and ubuntu 10.10 (same issue on kubuntu): when i set the volume with the applets i get soundlags. i think this is the kernels fault because with fedora or any other distro it doesnt happen. it had a lot longer lags with 10.0413:20
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mwallybc81, re-install it is :)  (Thank God I made that backup before the reboot)13:20
sacarlsonViliny: but it's presenly only setup as a installer , I had it used as persistant pxeboot but didn't continue13:20
Vilinyi set up a virtual machine on my powerfull desktop to act as a pxe host but im starting to think that the implications of setting it up that way and having it show up for the network in an easy manner is too much hassle so im just installing the ltsp on my actual server to try it out13:20
florian_im using an nvidia graphicscard so i wonder if its recommend to install the mainline kernel13:20
bc81mwally: see http://iquaid.org/2008/03/04/running-fsck-on-a-luks-encrypted-partition-in-lvm/13:20
florian_i need the proprietary driver to work13:20
MadCarburetorWhen i start my computer and log into my user account it immediately asks me to enter my keyring password, How do i find out what application is asking for it?13:21
MadCarburetorAt first i only needed to enter the keyring password when i tried to do something that needed it, Like connecting to my WiFi network, But now it's asks for the password as soon as i log in13:22
detoxicawhat ppa should I add to install nvidia beta 270 driver under natty alpha 2?13:22
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knottieusing lftp, why do I get this message: mget: Access failed: 521 Data connection cannot be opened with this security level.13:23
MadCarburetorShould i be worried that i have a virus or spyware or something?13:25
obscurant1stMadCarburetor: yeah the same happens for me too!13:25
DiSTORT3D2is there a way to make a apt-mirror @ windows server?13:26
bc81mwally: a bit old, but also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4524774&postcount=913:26
obscurant1stso somebody, my system is asking for password to unlock keyring, everytime i login, wht should i doto avoid this?13:26
sacarlsonViliny: I had all my old server operations on a second low power 256meg ram system for years but it died now it all runs on my desktop 10.04 system, it did all that stuf, dhcp, route, apache, pxeboot, vpn, torrents after hours13:27
MadCarburetorobscurant1st, it's weird, i wan't to know what app that i installed is asking for my password13:27
obscurant1sti think its something like key management app!13:27
obscurant1stwhich stores our passwds! i amy be wrong also!13:28
obscurant1stthere is something like kde-wallet in kde also!13:28
MadCarburetorIt should be something that i installed, I don't mess with settings and stuff much so i'm sure it's the OS thats asking for the password13:28
gordonjcpobscurant1st: delete the keyring and don't set a keyring password13:29
obscurant1stgordonjcp: how can i do that?13:29
bc81MadCarburetor, obscurant1st : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9048669&postcount=413:30
mwallybc81, I'm going to try that last one.  Failing that, I will replace the hardware with a new-in-box server of the same model, and restore from my latest (~2 hr ago) backup.  Thank you for your help.13:30
knottieusing lftp, why do I get this message: mget: Access failed: 521 Data connection cannot be opened with this security level.13:30
bc81mwally, ok then.  good luck!!13:30
MadCarburetorI don't really mind typing the password everytime i log on, i just want to find out what's causing it to ask for it13:31
obscurant1stbc81: ok after reading that, i think i am choosing to type the password everytime!13:32
obscurant1stthanks for the link btw!13:32
frogzooI have a 3G mobile that network manager doesn't recognise - I can dial out with pppd, but only up to 380k, (ie GSM) - any idea how to get 3G speeds?13:33
codemagicianAethelrick, want the only reason to write upstart to do with boot time?13:33
sacarlsonfrogzoo: gprs would be like 20k for me, 380k sounds good13:34
Aethelrickcodemagician, no, not as I understand it... though that was one reason. it's a lot more flexible as it can load stuff in response to events like maybe plugging in an external drive or similar, whereas sysvinit cannot13:35
paradigmflowI've just tried recordmydesktop and it's unusable :( are there any others that work?13:36
deweloperMówicie po polsku ?13:36
rigvedparadigmflow: what problem are you having with recordmydesktop?13:36
paradigmflowvery laggy13:36
bc81!pl | deweloper13:37
ubottudeweloper: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:37
rigvedparadigmflow: my works fine...what computer do you have? CPU? RAM?13:37
deweloperAle ja nie umiem angielskiego13:37
sacarlsonparadigmflow: I've used recordmydesktop, worked ok just the sound wasn't perfectly synced13:37
paradigmflowI have an acer 8920g13:37
paradigmflow3 gigs ram intel duo @ 2ghz13:38
sacarlsonparadigmflow: I think it might be dependent on the video drivers13:38
appleseedUpgraded RAM from 8GB to 16GB, also upgraded SWAP from 8GB to 40GB (shouldn't matter), but now SUSPEND to RAM doesn't want to work, please any ideas?13:38
rigvedparadigmflow: ya...that too13:38
paradigmflowradeon 3850 500meg card13:39
rigvedparadigmflow: there's Istanbul Desktop Session Recorder...but gtk-recordmydesktop is the preferred one13:39
paradigmflowon the windows box camtasia runs smooth as silk, weird.13:39
sacarlsonparadigmflow: radeon is that ATI video card?  that might be the problem, I use nvidia13:40
rigvedappleseed: how exactly did you upgrade swap from 8 GB to 40 GB? is it one continuous partition?13:40
appleseedAh, just had a brainwave, may be that USB3 is still enabled in BIOS, will check it out and come back to ya.13:40
appleseedrigved: have another drive, added swap partition, and moved in fstab13:40
rigvedparadigmflow: do you use the open source ATI drivers?13:41
sacarlsonparadigmflow: maybe try it in the vesa graphic mode without fancy eyecandy software it might still work13:41
paradigmflowwell, im new to ubuntu, so clicked on an icon at the top menu and I had to 'activate' the driver?13:42
paradigmflowdon't think it's open source13:42
paradigmflowlooks like the proprietory one13:42
paradigmflowwasn't aware that there was an open source one to be honest13:43
rigvedparadigmflow: ok. so that's the proprietary one13:43
sacarlsonparadigmflow: well if you activated something you might try disable  the propriatary in the same maner as activating  and see if it changes anything13:43
rigvedparadigmflow: try sacarlson's suggestion...13:43
rickhOnly the binary driver gives decent 3d support for ATi, the FOSS driver lacks in that or support is still partial, mostly or WIP, but then again has a very very good 2d acceralation.13:44
paradigmflowright, I understood some of that :$13:44
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
rigvedparadigmflow: in the top menu, click on System > Preferences > Appearance. Then click on the Visual Effects tab on the window that opens up. Select None. Close.13:46
paradigmflowok done that13:46
paradigmflowdon't know how to disable the driver13:47
rigvedparadigmflow: now try recording13:47
billmaniaHow do I configure a 10.04.2 LTS 32 bit notebook (2.6.32-28) to support photo transfer from a Samsung SCH-U640 Qualcomm 05c6:1000 mobile phone via USB?13:47
yellabs-r2hello all13:48
sacarlsonbillmania: I'm sure you must have tried but I would expect it would act as a usb disk and plug and play when you pluged it in13:49
yellabs-r2what would be the power use of an server , how much would it normally consume ?13:49
yellabs-r2dell poweredge 185013:49
billmaniasacarlson: Yes, tried that. lsusb lists the phone but it's not mounted as a filesystem and also not recognized as a modem.13:49
spowanyone knows what is the new variable which replaces tty in the struct uart_state (serial_core.h) since 2.6.32 ?? Can't finish converting the driver because of that :(13:50
rigvedbillmania: does your phone provide an option to select Mass Storage mode when connected via USB?13:50
knottieusing lftp, why do I get this message: mget: Access failed: 521 Data connection cannot be opened with this security level.13:50
sacarlsonbillmania: well in this case you don't need a modem,  sudo lshw not show the device have a driver?13:50
th_Cain, i know your ip!13:51
billmaniarigved: Yes, I've configured the phone to act in "media transfer" mode.13:51
billmaniasacarlson: Correct, no driver is loaded for the phone. It does work on a MS-Windows notebook, so I'm fairly confident the phone itself is functional.13:51
paradigmflowright, that is a little better - but, I recorded the entire screen as the select area didn't seem to work?13:52
paradigmflowIt is a drag out and click, isn't it?13:52
billmaniaI've been reading about Qualcomm storing the actual Windows driver on the phone, and that "automatically transfer the driver to Windows" setup is what's bother ubuntu.13:53
billmaniaThere's a bug listed which suggests adding a line to /etc/modules but that doesn't work for me.13:53
mwallybc81, those instructions for fsck-ing the encrypted lvm were PERFECT.  I'm still going to provision a replacement server, but the important thing is that the current one is up and running, with 4 minutes to spare (until 9am ET).  Your Google skills rock.   Saved me some expensive downtime.13:53
rigvedparadigmflow: use the Ubuntu Software center to download and install CompizConfig Settings Manager. enable desktop zoom. then you can zoom in on any area and record on that part13:53
mwallyjust missed him :]13:53
paradigmflowwhat is this 'vesa' mode?13:54
billmaniaThere's also mention of usb_modeswitch but that seems oriented toward putting the phone into modem mode, which is probably the mode I can't get OUT of.13:54
moldywhat is that "ready when you are" crap when installing 10.10? installation seems to hang if i select a keyboard layout...13:54
nT4BRhey guys, whats significate etc, in linux filesystem?13:54
rigved!vesa | paradigmflow13:55
ubottuparadigmflow: vesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x13:55
moldyi can't see what is actually happening because the text window is outside of the screen. argh.13:55
ikonianT4BR: which linux file system13:56
sacarlsonbillmania: what about view of dmesg13:56
webroastershi guys. I've changed the nautilus gconf-editor setting in apps - nautilus - prefs:: use_location_entry = checked, however, I'm still showing the breadcrumbs crap in the folder window13:56
Phuzzyquick question... is apt broken?13:56
paradigmflowright, I see, will get that compizconfig manager, see how that goes, also would lowering the 32 bit colour down to 16 bit do better?13:56
billmaniasacarlson: dmesg records that the device was physically connected, but does NOT mention a specific driver being loaded or a device file being created.13:56
Cainth_ : good for you !!13:56
spowanyone running a kernel prior to 2.6.32 please ?13:56
webroasterscan someone help me make sure it shows the location window correctly13:57
milamberPhuzzy: are you getting an error message?13:57
th_Cain, :D13:57
Phuzzyhttp://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security/multiverse fails to update with an integrity error13:57
th_just trollin'13:57
ikoniath_: please don't13:58
MrShmelo12can i ask dns related question ?13:58
ikoniaMrShmelo12: is it an ubuntu issue ?13:58
BluesKajHey folks13:58
rigvedparadigmflow: i don't know if lowering the colour depth will help...13:58
ikoniawebroasters: anyone what13:58
webroasterscan help me with my question13:59
MrShmelo12kinda its hotsed on ubuntu13:59
ikoniaMrShmelo12: if it's an ubuntu issue we can help13:59
sacarlsonbillmania: well this phone worked back in 8.04, but I see people working it with tried adding the line usb-storage option_zero_cd=2   to /etc/modules  as seen here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1145846.html  but didn't work for all people13:59
paradigmflowtis ok, I'm just sorting this compiz out, will see how that goes13:59
MrShmelo12i have domain and i dont know why apache cannot see it its dev.shutaf.im, how can i see where is the problem?13:59
webroastersI've changed the nautilus gconf-editor setting in apps - nautilus - prefs:: use_location_entry = checked, however, I'm still showing the breadcrumbs crap in the folder window13:59
MrShmelo12im hosting on apache13:59
milamberPhuzzy: mine is up. try: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get check13:59
billmaniasacarlson: Yup, that's the line I tried in my /etc/modules, but no joy.13:59
ikoniawebroasters: saying anyone is pointless, if someone knows the answer they will respond, if someone didn't see the question saying "anyone" won'tt help them to help you13:59
webroasters@ikonia: I've changed the nautilus gconf-editor setting in apps - nautilus - prefs:: use_location_entry = checked, however, I'm still showing the breadcrumbs crap in the folder window14:00
webroastersthere, that's the question14:00
ikoniaMrShmelo12: does the hostname dev.shutaf.im respond if you query it from the apache server in question14:00
Phuzzynope... 99%, same error every time14:00
Phuzzyalso, this is a fresh install14:00
billmaniasacarlson: I'm hesitant to upgrade this particular notebook to 10.10 just yet, because that upgrade broke GDM on my desktop.14:00
MrShmelo12i get the page cannot be displayed14:01
freakynlhi, I want to create a bootable usb stick to install ubuntu 10.10 server (no cdrom). Can I just select the ubuntu 10.10 live64 to create a stick for server? Live actually is the desktop version...14:01
ikoniaMrShmelo12: that's not what I asked14:01
ikoniaMrShmelo12: from the apache server, can you resolve the full DNS name in question14:01
sacarlsonbillmania: no it worked before 8.04 or 8.10,  later it stoped working at 9.10....14:01
milamberPhuzzy: those commands shouldn't have given you a percentage. did it report any errors?14:01
MrShmelo12how i do that?14:02
Olfwayok, I have a question.  I'm running Kubuntu on a flash drive so I don't have to degrade myself by using windows.  Is there a way I can create a new user profile on here, because the regular way doesn't seem to work...14:02
ikoniaMrShmelo12: have you ever hosted a website before ?14:02
billmaniasacarlson: Understood. There are also some comments on some of the bugs stating that the phone works again with some 10.10 systems.14:02
sacarlsonbillmania: newer is not always better is what I am tring to say14:02
billmaniasacarlson: I hear you loud and clear.14:02
MrShmelo12i ask with what tool i use14:02
ikoniaMrShmelo12: ok, so check the dns name resolves on the apache machine14:02
Phuzzysorry no those completed fine... "Reading package lists... Done14:02
PhuzzyBuilding dependency tree14:02
PhuzzyReading state information... Done14:02
billmaniaHence my reluctance to upgrade.14:02
FloodBot2Phuzzy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
MrShmelo12dig nslookup ping14:02
sacarlsonbillmania: ok I missed that link14:02
elnurWhich package is needed in ubuntu to resolve domain names like google.com?14:02
Phuzzythen run an update after that and it fails on same site at 99%14:02
ikoniaMrShmelo12: what ever you want14:02
milamber!repositories | Phuzzy: go to the section on changing mirrors14:03
ubottuPhuzzy: go to the section on changing mirrors: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:03
MrShmelo12question section: dev.shutaf.im.                 IN      A , autority : shutaf.im.              39343   IN      SOA     ns1.speedydns.net. none.none.com. 2011020400 86400 7200 3600000 8640014:03
MrShmelo12i moved it at the morning14:04
MrShmelo12i made the dns14:04
ikoniaMrShmelo12: can you please listen to what I'm asking and stop pasting random stuff14:04
rigvedelnur: none. that's the job of the DNS server. do you want to know the package required to resolve domains on a ubuntu server?14:04
spowHi i'm trying to update a serial driver, but I run in the error : "struct uart_state has no member tty", I'm looking for an old version of the header to replace tty by the appropriate variable but I can't find one14:04
ikoniaMrShmelo12: does the fully qualified dns name respond on the apache web server14:04
iuriHi there, i can't remove emacsen-common from my box. I installed emacs22 and it threw out errors on emacsen-common then i tried to run apt-get purge but it gets stuck at emacsen-common14:04
sacarlsonbillmania: don't blame you, I never upgrade till it's broken or there is some new software that no longer runs on mine without backports or is within 6 months of no longer being suported14:04
Phuzzythnx..ill give it a shot14:04
iuriany ideas?14:04
ikoniaMrShmelo12: can you resolve the fully qualified dns name on the apache machine14:05
jribiuri: "gets stuck" is too vague.  Pastebin terminal input and output (in full)14:05
erUSULiuri: show the actual error message you get when you try14:05
billmaniasacarlson: :-D14:05
erUSUL!details | iuri14:05
ubottuiuri: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:05
MrShmelo12what command i should use?14:05
ikoniaMrShmelo12: what ever command you normally use to test this14:05
elnurrigved, I mean my ubuntu installation doesn't resolve dns names, so, for example, when I type ping google.com it replies with this: ping: unknown host google.com14:05
ikoniaMrShmelo12: what ever you are comfortable with14:05
elnurrigved, nvm, it's because i'm not connected to a network14:06
erUSULelnur: how does your /etc/resolv.conf fle looks like?14:06
MrShmelo12if i ping without cname , like shutaf.im its works other no response14:06
iurijrib,  http://pastebin.com/X4Xw7e5P14:06
ikoniaMrShmelo12: so then "no" the fully qualified dns name is not setup14:06
rigvedelnur: ya...i was going to ask you check your connection next by typing the IP of the google server14:07
elnurerUSUL, got 2 nameserver entries. i've found that i'm not connected to a network. that's the problem14:07
ikoniaMrShmelo12: you need to resolve your dns configuration for dev.shutaf.im14:07
erUSULelnur: ok14:07
elnurrigved, erUSUL, ifconfig shows lo interface only.14:07
ChaosRhello, currently, every reboot my theme reverts to the default gnome theme (raleigh, and gnome icons), until I reset the theme back in appearance, logout and login, and repeat that a few times, any way to stop this highly annoying issue?14:07
iurijrib, and this one is to purge emacs2214:07
iuriubottu, and this one is to purge emacs2214:08
jribiuri: investigate /var/lib/dpkg/info/emacsen-common.*14:08
Piciiuri: no need to address ubottu, its a bot.14:08
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iurijrib, what do you mean14:08
Phuzzyok so that kinda helped... my main problem persists however...14:09
elnurThen which package is needed to connect via a dhcp server?14:09
jribiuri: pastebin: ls -ld /var/lib/dpkg/info/emacsen-common.{prerm,postinst}; cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/emacsen-common.{prerm,postinst}14:09
Phuzzyi need to install cvs... which has now been replaced by cvsnt ist seems. cvsnt is, however, broken, not apt14:09
milamberPhuzzy: can you pastebin your command/output?14:09
chocobananaHi everyone14:10
jribPhuzzy: cvs is still in the repositories14:10
chocobananais it possible to sync a Windows Phone 7 device in Ubuntu?14:10
ikoniachocobanana: very unlikley14:10
leftisti  talked about this last night.  i am unable to install or uninstall any applications, updates, etc.  it occured during the install of a printer driver.14:10
jribPhuzzy: or do you know you want cvsnt?  In that case tell us how exactly it is "broken"14:10
Bushmanwhat I want to know is what package is needed to fix the f***ed up bluetooth dongle driver so my mouse won't cause the BT dongle to die14:10
Phuzzymilamber: sure... erm... how?14:10
ikoniaBushman: control your langauge14:10
rigvedelnur: ubuntu installs everything automatically. are you connected via router? if yes then make sure that your router is not blocking?14:11
milamber!pastebin > Phuzzy14:11
ubottuPhuzzy, please see my private message14:11
multiplatinumupon logging in, i get randomly disconnected and reconnected for 15 mins, then i stay connected, help plz14:11
jribleftist: show us what happens when you try to install something via apt-get (use http://paste.ubuntu.com)14:11
Bushmanikonia: i just controled it. i controled it with auto censorship14:11
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sacarlsonPhuzzy: I assume cvs to git isn't an option?  I love the git gui to view who did what when and snap back from one to anther,  I never saw anything like that in cvs14:11
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:11
ikoniaBushman: you don't star out words, if you need to star them out, don't say them14:11
UbackaHello, I'm new to using Ubuntu and I'm wondering if it would be possible for me to reboot from Ubuntu to Windows without having to change the OS at startup14:11
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vBmcan onyone help out ... how to 'fix' this warning ? -> warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 816 package 'gtk2-engine-oria-amd64': missing description14:11
leftistjrib i already have a report on launchpad but give me a sec.14:11
DexterLBhello. I have a problem with notify-osd. I'm using NVidia twinView and the baloons always appear on the upper-right corner of the _entire_ virtual desktop. I want them on the primary screen only14:11
iurijrib, http://pastebin.com/0BpQr1t514:12
elnurrigved, i'm experimenting by removing Ubuntu Desktop task via tasksel. I want to know which packages are required as minimal to keep them, so that I can install other packages.14:12
Bushmanikonia: how bout you or someone else help me atlast so i don't have to ask for help at all?14:12
ikoniaBushman: just control your language14:12
elnurrigved, first i discovered that ubuntu-minimal is required, so I kept it. but that's not enough, it seems14:12
jribiuri: why are they empty (they should not be)?14:12
rigved!dhcp | elnur14:13
ubottuelnur: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP14:13
iurijrib, i have no idea14:13
arbiterI need some help with evolution mail, i set up my account but forgot to set it to leave messages on the server, does anybody know how I can get my received messages back onto the server I got them from?14:13
iurijrib, i just install them via apt-get14:13
Gwar_TrolleHi guys. I am having major trouble getting a USB Adaptor to connect. It's a Ralink 3070 chip, and it can SEE the wireless connection, but it wont connect to it, even though my other card (the one I am speaking to you now on) connects instantly. I have googled and tried everything, to no avail. Any suggestions??14:13
leftisti am trying to remove it but it wont14:13
elnurrigved, my system has dhcp3-client installed. shouldn't that be enough?14:13
jribiuri: see if that's the case with other files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/14:13
iurithen it threw errors then i tried to remove14:13
leftistit wont allow me to reinstall it nor uninstall it. it's in limbo14:14
Bushmanikonia: look, i've paid lost of money for brand new bluetooth mouse and rechargable batteries for it. You also would be pissed of if you come home and your new equipment works but fails every few minutes and you have to wait for it to reconect, wouldn't you?14:14
ikoniaBushman: I don't care for your reasoning, I'm just asking you to control your language please.14:14
iurijrib, yes, it is .postrm and .conffiles14:14
jribiuri: even files for packages other than emacs-common!?14:15
rigvedelnur: install dhclient. that's the standard one. it'll be enough.14:15
jribleftist: is this some third party package?14:15
paradigmflowI've disabled everything bar zoom in compiz, however, the combo for zoom is; Super + button 4, I take it the windows key is the super one?14:15
Bushmanikonia: oh, i see... you care for my language but not my ubuntu problems? nice... really nice. -_-'14:15
leftistit's for a brother printer yeah jrib.14:15
iurijrib, yes14:15
milamberPhuzzy: are you running lucid?14:15
iurijrib, all of them14:15
Gwar_Trolleparadigmflow: yes, Super = Winblows key14:15
rigvedparadigmflow: yes14:15
iurijrib, just weird14:15
jribiuri: hmm... that's not good...14:15
paradigmflowand 4?14:15
Phuzzymilamber: yup14:16
Gwar_TrolleHi guys. I am having major trouble getting a USB Adaptor to connect. It's a Ralink 3070 chip, and it can SEE the wireless connection, but it wont connect to it, even though my other card (the one I am speaking to you now on) connects instantly. I have googled and tried everything, to no avail. Any suggestions??14:16
elnurrigved, there is no such package dhclient14:16
jribiuri: I thought that it would be just this package and then you could just delete those files and apt would fetch them again, but now we need to figure out what is going on14:16
erUSULGwar_Trolle: try updateing wifi drivers « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »14:16
iurijrib, there is one .list take a look14:16
Bushmanubuntu 10.04 Long Time Support. Now i get what does it stands for: "You must wait Long TIme to get Support". yeah, way to go.14:17
jribiuri: what did you find that was empty?14:17
leftistthis is the  bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+bug/71015714:17
elnurrigved, maybe I need network-manager?14:17
DexterLBBushman: lol14:17
DexterLBBushman: nice one :D14:17
iurithese files except for .list14:17
ikoniaDexterLB: please stop fueling14:17
Bushmanikonia: feel better?14:18
iurijrib, all these files except for .list http://pastebin.com/JBUjX4Yq14:18
jribleftist: it's not a bug, it's a stupid package most likely.  You can edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/fax2850lpr.postrm  and make smart comments.  If you aren't sure what to do, pastebin that file14:18
DexterLBikonia: ok I'm shutting up14:18
ikoniaBushman: drop it, ask/wait for support, or don't participate14:18
jribiuri: right, but are there any files not about emacs-common that exhibit this zero-size property?14:18
leftistthanks jrib14:18
Bushmanikonia: read the back log! i've asked many times!14:18
milamberPhuzzy: sudo apt-get clean all && sudo apt-get autoremove14:18
Bushmani wait weeks now14:18
ikoniaBushman: so wait14:18
Bushmanhow long?14:19
ikoniaBushman: it's a public support channel, no-one has to help, but people will if they know the answer and have time14:19
rigved!info dhclient | elnur14:19
ubottuelnur: Package dhclient does not exist in maverick14:19
elnurIs there a minimal Ubuntu ISO?14:19
Bushmantill i get tired and migrate to other distro?14:19
bazhangelnur, yes 20 mb iso14:19
iurijrib, no14:19
rigvedelnur: hmmm...it's not present in 10.1014:19
the_germanelnur: yes ther is14:19
Gwar_TrolleerUSUL: I tried that already, no sucess14:19
bazhangBushman, if someone knows they will answer14:19
iurijrib, other files have content14:19
ikoniaBushman: you're welcome to try a different distro if you feel it will work better, that can be a good option14:19
sacarlsonPhuzzy: I guess no one is supporting cvs?  maybe because git is better and you can import to git http://maymay.net/blog/2008/04/15/how-to-import-cvs-code-repositories-into-git-using-git-cvsimport/14:19
erUSULGwar_Trolle: you have to reboot after installing...14:19
elnurbazhang, the_german, thx. then google ftw14:20
Gwar_Trolleyeah, i tried it before I mean.14:20
Gwar_TrolleDidn't help14:20
bazhang!minimal | elnur14:20
ubottuelnur: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:20
rigvedelnur: but i have dhclient installed. it even has a manual entry14:20
Bushmanif there was a ready answer for my problem i would find it on the forums or google long time ago14:20
elnurrigved, strangely, i can't find it14:20
anonbootsSo shut up and wait.14:20
Bushmanit's a NEW PROBLEM and there is no aswer yet14:20
iurijrib, for example this one http://pastebin.com/HsgwAqZc14:20
jribiuri: ok, then just delete the zeroed-out emacs-common files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/.  I'm actually not sure if apt will try to fetch them again when you try to remove (if not, then reinstall the package first)14:20
bazhangBushman, asking every few seconds won't get better/faster support14:20
elnurbazhang, aha, thx14:20
ikoniaanonboots: that's uncalled for14:20
ikoniaanonboots: don't be rude14:21
ikoniaBushman: yes, it's new, so no-one knows the answer14:21
Phuzzysacarlson: unfortunately we specifically require cvs...and will continue to do so until reviewd. This is slightly troubling for me as i did this exact installation not 2 months ago without a hitch14:21
Bushmanbazhang: i was asking twice a day14:21
Bushmanmorning and evening14:21
ikoniaBushman: that doesn't mean someone knows the answer14:21
ikoniaBushman: have you confirmed if the hardware is compatible with Linux ?14:21
bazhangBushman, you're asking every few seconds now. please wait 15 minutes before you ask again14:21
leftistjrib i am not sure what to do with this http://pastebin.com/WFn5wK4514:21
iurijrib, good I could get emacsen-common removed14:21
rigvedelnur: i tried to find it in apt-cache also. it exists. but it's not present in the repos.14:21
jribleftist: put a # at the beginning of the third line14:22
leftistthat is what i thought jrib14:22
jribiuri: do you know if it fetched the postrm and prerm scripts and ran them?14:22
sacarlsonPhuzzy: well just a few more hoops to jump then,  maybe a look in ppa14:22
Bushmanbazhang: i'm not asking now, i'm arguing with ikonia and i don't know why -_-'14:22
ikoniaBushman: have you confirmed if the hardware is compatible with Linux ?14:22
bazhangBushman, move on please14:22
Bushmanikonia: yes, it's fully operational14:22
ikoniaBushman: , no it's compatible14:22
ikoniaBushman: have you checked it's compatability /14:22
milamber!info dhcp-client maverick14:23
ubottudhcp-client (source: dhcp3): DHCP client transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-2ubuntu6 (maverick), package size 27 kB, installed size 56 kB14:23
Bushmanthe problem is it crashes when BT mouse is used14:23
ikoniaBushman: ok, so it's not fully operational14:23
sacarlsonPhuzzy: or if foward fails you can always move backward14:23
rigvedelnur: so, there is no way to download it from the repos. hmmm. then i guess dhcp3-client should suffice14:23
ikoniaBushman: have you checked it's compatability ?14:23
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multiplatinumupon logging in, i get randomly disconnected and reconnected for 15 mins, then i stay connected, help plz14:23
iurijrib, what do you mean by fetch?14:23
Bushmanikonia: where can i check it?14:23
jribiuri: never mind14:23
iurijrib, i believe it didn't http://pastebin.com/RtwiJQpY14:23
ikoniaBushman: with the vendor is always a good start14:23
ikoniaBushman: then depending on that response, with secondary levels14:23
iurijrib, but seriously, what is fetch?14:23
v0lksmanhi!  where is the official bug tracker?14:24
jribiuri: oh, it means "get" or "download" in this case14:24
elnurrigved, i had it but it wasn't enough. okay, i'll try the ubuntu minimal cd. thx for trying to hlep14:24
AbhijiT!bug | v0lksman14:24
ubottuv0lksman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:24
rigvedmultiplatinum: do you get this problem in other accounts as well?14:24
Bushmanand it does operate, just not permanently. it crashes in random intervals14:24
iurijrib, ah okay14:24
ikoniaBushman: that's not what I asked14:24
multiplatinumrigved,  i only have one user on this machine, myself xD14:24
v0lksmanAbhijiT, thx14:24
iurijrib, can you see it didn't?14:24
Gwar_TrolleHi guys. I am having major trouble getting a USB Adaptor to connect. It's a Ralink 3070 chip, and it can SEE the wireless connection, but it wont connect to it, even though my other card (the one I am speaking to you now on) connects instantly. I have googled and tried everything, to no avail. Any suggestions??14:24
ikoniaBushman: I asked about compatatability14:24
ikoniaBushman: if this is a new problem with no information, getting information is key14:25
rigvedelnur: you are welcome. though i wasn't able to help. yes use the minimal CD14:25
ikoniaBushman: getting the vendors stance on Linux compatability is a good start14:25
jribiuri: I said "never mind" because if the postinst and preinst scripts were also empty, then it doesn't matter whether you ran the postrm and prerm scripts :)14:25
rigvedmultiplatinum: create a new user and use that account. check if this problem persists on that account too.14:25
elnurrigved, seems like holing network-manager package did the job. :)14:26
iurijrib, okay. Thank you. The problem is solved14:26
SDrhey guys14:26
leftistwow that fixed it jrib i just didnt know where to look for it :) bless you!!14:26
elnurrigved, *holding14:26
multiplatinumok rigved, gotta give me some time then though14:26
SDrusing bash, how can I delete all files in a directory, that are older, than 2 weeks?14:26
MikeChelenhas anyone experienced monitor burn-in with the default panels and menus?14:26
Phuzzymeh.... still not having any luck... *sigh* lets go find those source files then. thanx anyway guys14:26
Bushmanikonia: this should provide all information you can posibly wish: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/1/19/16814:26
rigvedelnur: ok. good. that'll also give you more easier control over the network connection.14:26
ikoniaBushman: why would that provide information14:26
rigvedmultiplatinum: ok14:27
jribiuri: you might check out Bug #512096 once launchpad decides to work again14:27
erUSULSDr: try this first --> find dir -mtime +14 -exec echo rm '{}' +14:27
leftisti am running a partial upgrade because i am limited due to that broken package from brother...brb14:27
erUSULSDr: if it looks ok remove the echo14:27
jribSDr: hold on a second14:27
ikoniaBushman: get the vendors stance on Linux support,14:27
ikoniaBushman: that link provides nothing different to what you have said in this channel14:27
ikoniaBushman: the fact that you are sending that information to a kernel list shows you think it's a kernel issue, not an ubuntu issue, so there is no point progressing it in this channel14:28
iurijrib, Yep! thanks14:28
Wipster_I'm in a live cd trying to repair my no init found issue with fsck /dev/sda1 and its telling me device or resource busy while trying to open, fs mounted or opened exclusicvly by another program? How can I fix this14:28
transhello anybody using empathy here, I cant set status to invisible, using gtalk and facebook accounts14:28
drizthello! i want to rename .deb package. Which section in the control file i should use? (conflicts, provides, replaces)14:28
jribSDr: note that erUSUL's is based on mtime (modification time).  I just noticed erUSUL put an echo in there so you can see what it does first, so go for it :P14:28
elnurrigved, yea. but installing ubuntu desktop and then ubuntu-desktop task doesn't feel right, so gonna try ubuntu minimal cd anyway.14:28
Bushmanikonia: i don't know whats the problem14:28
quesoI have two 10.10 systems experiencing the same issue. One is a desktop using wireless (not using network-manager, I've put the settings in /etc/network/interfaces), the other a laptop using ethernet through a docking port (using network-manager). The issue is that for both networking will randomly stop working.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart works for the deskop machine for a while, but then eventually even that doesn't work --14:28
ikoniaBushman: ok, so why have you sent it to the kernel list14:28
xanguatrans: jabber implementation of facebook chat doesn't support 'invisible'14:29
elnurrigved, *and then REMOVING ubuntu-desktop14:29
ikoniaBushman: why are you not getting the vendor information as I'm asking14:29
SDrjrib, erUSUL, tyvm ^^14:29
Bushmanikonia: some dude didn't know how to bite it and he told me to post it on LKML14:29
driztI want that it is possible to update my installed packages without removing.14:29
ikoniaBushman: how to "bite it" - can you please talk in clear English14:29
Bushmanikonia: what's a vendor information?14:29
rigvedelnur: cool. all the best!14:29
elnurrigved, thx. you too :)14:29
transxangua: is it supportable in pidgin14:29
spowHi, I'm trying to update a driver but i'm stuck at this line : struct tty_struct *tty = up->port.state->tty;       I don't know which variable replaces tty, or even in which version tty was an actual variable, could soemone please help me ?14:29
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ikoniaBushman: vendor information - that is what I've been telling you to get for the past 5 minutes, contact the vendor for Linux support details14:29
rigvedtrans: i think facebook does not support invisible status.14:30
transIt does I think14:30
rigvedelnur: :)14:30
Amaranthtrans: The web version of it certainly doesn't14:30
* Bushman gets contemporary english language dictionary and checks for "vendor" 14:31
ikoniaBushman: stop messing around14:31
phimichi all14:31
ikoniaBushman: you're moaning you're not getting help, I'm helping you and you're making jokes14:31
aademGood morning everyone,   is there anyone here who can recommend an advanced unix/linux terminal/console guide , preferrably one that is comprehensive and large and maybe even well known?14:31
ikoniaBushman: get the Vendor support information, it is important to know if the vendor has any linux support and if so what their requirements are14:31
bazhang!abs > aadem14:31
ubottuaadem, please see my private message14:31
phimici have a ibm X3550M3 with a intel 6-c x5650 xeon cpu14:32
aademthank you so much!14:32
erUSULbazhang: tst tst ... people at #bash hate that guide ;P14:32
GneaBushman: does the dongle lose power when the laptop is plugged into the wall?14:32
Bushmanikonia: could you please stop using word vendor?14:32
spow!abs > spow14:32
ubottuspow, please see my private message14:32
phimicwhich image i should use i386 or amd64?14:32
ikoniaBushman: no, as it's the correct word14:32
bazhang!rute > aadem14:32
ubottuaadem, please see my private message14:32
bazhangerUSUL, :)14:32
freakynl!abs > freakynl14:32
ubottufreakynl, please see my private message14:32
ikoniaBushman: contact the vendor, ask them about Linux support and if there is any what are the requirements14:32
Bushmanikonia: use a synonym please14:32
transoh got it, we can go offline but not invisible14:32
GneaBushman: also, it would be to your advantage not to talk back to ikonia14:32
bazhangBushman, seller14:32
transI was confused14:32
ikoniaBushman: no, it's the correct word14:32
Bushmanwell the seller is a mall14:32
GneaBushman: in the industry, the term 'vendor' is spot-on correct.14:33
Bushmanthey know nothing14:33
Loki^my tty1-6 are not starting anymore, can anyone help me?14:33
ikoniaBushman: the vendor is the company that makes the device14:33
Bushmanahh, so it's the manufacturer14:33
bazhangBushman, vendor is who makes it and then sells it14:33
GneaBushman: the vendor is the company that makes and, thus, SELLS the device. the term is correct.14:33
Bushmani've asked that 10 minutes ago14:33
GneaBushman: if a place manufactures a device and doesn't see a penny for it, how would they be a vendor then?14:33
ikoniaBushman: ok, so wait until the vendor responds with details14:33
PiciLets get back on topic.14:34
GneaBushman: enough of your off-topicness, does the dongle lose power when the laptop is plugged into the wall?14:34
transthanks guys for the help14:34
transbye everybody, have a nice day all14:34
Bushmanok, so the "vendor" is Esperanza, model is EM117. On the box it says it's designed for Windows and Mac14:35
Bushmansays nothing about linux but14:35
ikoniaBushman: contact the vendor and ASK about Linux support14:35
GneaBushman: I don't care, answer my question please.14:35
Bushmanit also says it's PnP and requires no driver14:35
ikoniaBushman: contact the vendor and ASK about Linux support14:35
GneaBushman: just answer the question.14:35
Bushmangive me a minute14:35
me4oslavgood afternoon14:35
Loki^my tty1-6 are not starting anymore, can anyone help me?14:37
GneaLoki^: how have you determined that they are not starting?14:37
russjr08Hey guys, how do I install the Unity Global thing in Ubuntu 10.10?14:37
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me4oslavsudo apt-get install appmenu14:38
Loki^Gnea i pressed strg + alt + f1-6 and theres only a blinking coursor... plus i used this command, forgot wich, to see if tty's are loaded, and its only tty714:38
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GneaLoki^: what version of Ubuntu are you on?14:39
Loki^Gnea 10.1014:39
GneaLoki^: and when did they start going away?14:39
russjr08me4oslav, it says Unable to find the package "appmenu"14:39
Loki^Gnea im pretty sure it was after an automatic update14:39
GneaLoki^: did you reboot?14:40
Loki^Gnea plenty times14:40
pksadiq!find appmenu14:40
ubottuFound: indicator-applet-appmenu, appmenu-gtk, indicator-appmenu, indicator-appmenu-tools14:40
russjr08I'm going to try indicator-appmenu14:40
Loki^Gnea since my tty's arent working anymore, my power govenor to control cpu frequency at startup doesnt work anymore either14:41
kamalesh1Hey, how can i set a "slideshow as wallpaper"  ? Like the image will change every day or something.. ( Ubuntu 10.10)14:41
GneaLoki^: alright, if you type in a terminal:  ls /etc/init/tty*  how many results occur?14:41
ravenany tool to view logfiles?14:41
schnuffleGnea: check for /etc/init/tty[1-7].conf14:41
Loki^Gnea even with sysfsutils nothing happens, its always on ondemand, never on powersave14:41
Gneaschnuffle: no, really?14:41
Bushmanikonia: the mouse IS linux compatible. The dongle also IS linux compatible. what now?14:41
Loki^> ls /etc/init/tty*14:41
Loki^/etc/init/tty1.conf  /etc/init/tty3.conf  /etc/init/tty5.conf14:41
Loki^/etc/init/tty2.conf  /etc/init/tty4.conf  /etc/init/tty6.conf14:41
schnuffleraven: you can use tail -f /logfilr14:41
anonbootsBushman, is it wireless?14:41
ravenschnuffle, i mean something with highlighting14:42
anonbootsI wasnt paying attention to you before.14:42
kamalesh1 Hey, how can i set a "slideshow as wallpaper"  ? Like the image will change every day or something.. ( Ubuntu 10.10)14:42
leftisti thought that libre was replacing open-office in future releases?14:42
Guest87081schnuffle,  thers a tool built in called log file viewer..u will find it in the system>administration menu14:42
Loki^seems alright Gnea14:42
Bushmananonboots: bluetooth14:42
anant@kamlesh1 i prefer webilder for this job14:42
GneaBushman: doesn't matter, is the laptop plugged into the WALL when the dongle dies?14:42
anonbootsIt most likely will not work.14:42
Guest87081u tool14:42
BushmanGnea: yes14:42
GneaLoki^: one sec14:42
anonbootsJust return your items and use USB.14:42
GneaBushman: and does the dongle die when you plug it into another computer?14:42
kamalesh1anant:  hm, but ubuntu has that feature by default, it has a few sets14:42
sacarlsonkamalesh1: I found this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25549/how-to-create-a-wallpaper-slideshow-in-ubuntu/14:42
kamalesh1anant: I just want to know how to add new sets14:42
anonbootsIt is Windoes and Mac compatable. It isnt linux. Already went down that road.14:43
kamalesh1sacarlson: Thanks, checking :)14:43
paradigmflowsorry lads, can't get zoom to work, both enhanced or normal :$14:43
Bushmananonboots: it does works. just dies for unknown reason in random intervals. sometimes 10 seconds sometimes 10 minutes14:43
anonbootsYes. Exactly.14:43
anonbootsAs I said, I already went down that road.14:43
anonbootsReturn it, and get USB compatable mouse and keyboard and such.14:43
Bushmanand i don't see how a remote device could kill dongle that works with other devices like mobile phone, headsets atc14:44
anonbootsIts the nature of the beast.14:44
GneaBushman: why can't you answer the question?14:44
anonbootsIts just not lunix compatable.14:44
anonbootsIve already been down that road.14:44
allehi everyone14:45
BushmanGnea: only in ubuntu14:45
Bushmanso yes14:45
Bushmani've tested it in other ubuntu of my friend14:45
allei want some help on ubuntu installation issues14:45
Bushmandoes not happen in windows XP nor in Windows Mobile 6.014:45
bazhangalle, then ask14:45
anonbootsThats because the hardware was developed for those OS systems.14:46
GneaBushman: perhaps you could furnish some relevent usb information from the lsusb command14:46
anonbootsIt was not developed for Ubuntu. While it may SORT OF work, it wont work all the time.14:46
GneaLoki^: still looking...14:46
anonbootsI had the same issue.14:46
allei installed ubuntu 10.04 everything went like a charm during installation but at the end after completing installation when i press reset button of last dialogue window. cd ejected and a lot of errors was appeared and system halted there. i pressed ctrl+c after waiting almost 30min and it continued the reset process.14:46
allei encounter no errors during booting. but a lot of files are missing.14:46
allei tried re-installing 5 to 6 times but no luck. always same results.14:46
ChaosRhello, currently, every reboot my theme reverts to the default gnome theme (raleigh, and gnome icons), until I reset the theme back in appearance, logout and login, and repeat that a few times. Does anybody know why and how to get rid of it?14:47
icarus-calle: did you check the CD prior to installation?14:47
bazhangalle, did you ever successfully startup after installation?14:47
kamalesh1alle: why dont you just install 10.10 now  ? :)14:47
compdocalle, is it running at all right now?14:47
Loki^Gnea i googled myself alot, else i wouldnt be here.. but the only solution i found was to install a framebuffer, but i just want to have it like it was... i dont need the risk that my computer might not start up anymore14:47
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GneaLoki^: a framebuffer? what video card do you have?14:47
alleyes os is working fine other then that14:47
Bushmananonboots: the hardware is designed according to USB 2.0 and Bluetooth standards. also the mouse works as standard HID14:48
Bushmani see no reaso why it would die because of hardware14:48
allei downloaded iso twice14:48
anonbootsBushman: I understand that. However, our distro isnt completely there yet, and some things just will not work.14:48
xangua!md5 | alle14:48
ubottualle: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:48
bazhangalle, md5 the iso? burn slowly? do the disk integrity check?14:48
anonbootsIve already researched your problem, and ultimately returned my hardware to the store and purchased hardware that will work.14:49
BushmanGnea: any information you may wish is here: http://www.bushman.pl/attachments/enviroment.txt14:49
BushmanGnea: including lsusb14:49
rigvedelnur: hey. you can also try out LFS (Linux From Scratch). it teaches how to buid a Linux system from the ground up.14:49
allei verify it now14:49
Loki^Gnea ATI Mobility Radeon HD 343014:49
bazhangalle, be sure to do all 3 steps14:49
Bushmananonboots: i installed LTS as it was suppose to be stable14:49
Loki^Gnea i use proprietary driver from ati homepage14:50
bazhangBushman, its not ubuntu's issue14:50
anonbootsIt is stable. VERY stable, Bushman.14:50
allewhich three steps bazhang14:50
anonbootsIts just not compatable with EVERYTHING on the planet.14:50
aeon-ltdBushman: relative to the normal releases though, keep thtat in mind14:50
bazhangalle, md5 the iso, burn slowly, do disk integrity check14:50
allebrun slowly?14:50
anonbootsIn future releases, you may find your hardware to work just fine.14:50
elnurrigved, it's a book, right?14:50
bazhangalle, burn the iso to cd at low speed14:51
Bushmananonboots: but it IS compatible with standard HID devices?14:51
Bushmanlike USB mouses and keyboards?14:51
anonbootsBut as of right now, in my experiences and from what I have tried, that hardware wont work correctly.14:51
rigvedelnur: yes14:51
sacarlsonalle: maybe it's a media problem,  if you can you should try install iso direct hard disk with a  grub2 entry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860414:51
alleya i did it slow speed14:51
GneaLoki^: ah okay, that could be the problem.... did you just download and install the driver from ati's page or did you follow the ubuntu-method of installing it?14:51
pksadiqalle: or try to boot from CD and install to a usb drive and then boot from USB14:51
elnurrigved, good idea. thanks. i'll take a look at it. :)14:51
leftistyes jrib t hat fixed it :).14:51
rigvedelnur: :)14:51
leftistthanks have to reboot brb14:51
Bushmananonboots: "that hardware" ?14:51
Wipster_ahha found my problem there is a bug in e2fsprogs 1.41.12 included on the 10.10 livecd which prevents me from repairing my ext4 boot partition, how can I pull a recent one and can this be flagged as an urgent apt-get update? 99% of people who encounter this will just reformat14:51
bazhangalle, then once the iso md5 is done, do again, and do disk integrity check once it has booted into cd14:51
anonbootsBushman: I have never had any issue with using a standard USB keyboard or mouse with any of the LTS Ubuntu releases.14:51
anonbootsI have, however, ALWAYS had issues with random stopping and then working of bluetooth and wireless based keyboards and mice.14:52
GneaBushman: and you say that you never found any relevent information on this via google?14:52
erUSULWipster_: use an older livecd?14:52
BushmanGnea: no?14:52
Bushmani didn't.14:52
Bushmanthat's all MY info14:53
Bushmani collected it14:53
=== MinSys is now known as JayCee
pksadiqhow to fix a USB flash drive messed up using cat /dev/null > /dev/sdc   :( my pendrive dead14:53
Bushmanfrom my system14:53
Bushmanpksadiq: tried gparted?14:53
pksadiqBushman: not working14:53
GneaBushman: perhaps it's time you started utilizing that service14:53
Bushmanpksadiq: fdisk?14:54
BushmanGnea: "that service" ?14:54
=== JayCee is now known as Jay-Cee
bazhangREKLAM, thats offtopic dont paste here14:54
sacarlsonpksadiq: can't you just use gparted and delete all partitions and reformat it?14:54
Bushmanbazhang: "reklama" means "advertisement"14:55
pksadiqBushman: e2fsck shows some error, and parted allows me to format but I could not mount14:55
compdocalle, open system>administration>disk utility14:55
Wipster_erUSUL, where can I grab an older one?14:55
GneaLoki^: can you pastebin the output of the /var/log/syslog file please?14:55
allecompdoc i m on windows rite now but you tell what to do14:56
pksadiqBushman: and too I think there is some problem with firmware, do you know how to burn firmware to device in linux if I get the bin file?14:56
erUSULWipster_: ubuntu.com ? you can try with a rescue livecd like sysrescuecd or gparted livecd ( they are a smaller dwonload and to run fsck they are enough )14:56
Bushmanpksadiq: gparted does not work or it can't handle the pendrive?14:56
compdocalle, is windows on the same PC?14:56
allemd5 matched of my iso.14:56
alleyes but different drive14:56
icarus-calle: try runnign disk integrity check14:57
pksadiqBushman: I mean I need to rewrite the firmware14:57
BushmanGnea: what did you mean by "start using that service" ?14:57
GneaBushman: are you on 32bit or 64it?14:57
compdoccool. d/l hd tune from cnet.com14:57
icarus-calle: that should be in live cd boot menu if i remmeber correctly14:57
Bushmanpksadiq: what's the device?14:57
GneaBushman: irrelevent at this point.14:57
Loki^Gnea done14:57
pksadiqBushman: usb pendrive14:57
GneaLoki^: url?14:57
Bushmanpksadiq: MP4 by chance?14:57
GneaLoki^: url in the channel, please14:57
compdocalle, download 'hd tune' from cnet.com14:57
Loki^Gnea query14:57
Wipster_erUSUL, thanks14:57
GneaLoki^: no, in the channel, please.14:57
BushmanGnea: i'm on 32 bit14:57
Loki^Gnea http://pastebin.com/fk5BxMPB14:57
ikoniaBushman: where did you get the inforamtion that the mouse and dongle are linux compatible14:57
pksadiqBushman: no, simply a pendrive, I just need a tool to burn firmware14:58
Bushmanikonia: from the vendor's service department14:58
Bushmanby phone14:58
z41d4hello.. i have a question about alsa. my mic works fine, is an usb mic. however, when I restart my computer the input devices changes to de front mic. how do I prevent that and keep my usb as default mic?14:58
ikoniaBushman: really, they just told me they offer no linux support or compatability14:58
sacarlsonpksadiq: I had some counterfit usb pendrive (kingstone) that I had to do a low level config on to get them to partly work, it  only ran in windows14:58
Bushmanin that case they lied to one of us14:58
ikoniaBushman: that's why I took so long responding, I was on the phone14:58
alleicarrus: live cd boot menu?14:59
pksadiqsacarlson: never a tool for linux ? :(14:59
ikoniaBushman: what where their support requirements14:59
ikoniaBushman: remember, I said if they said it was compatible, what where the requirements,14:59
GneaLoki^: this looks odd: Feb  4 15:36:01 marvin kernel: [   26.093209] atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xf7 on isa0060/serio0).14:59
Cthulhuistkaplease, give me a link for russian chat14:59
pksadiqsacarlson: that is where the only , I'm imposed to use windows14:59
sacarlsonpksadiq: it was direct form the chip maker, they didn't have one for linux at that time14:59
bazhangCthulhuistka, #ubuntu-ru14:59
GneaBushman: or they just didn't understand what you were asking for15:00
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allecompdoc: ok downloaded hd tune15:00
Bushmanikonia: bluetooth 1.0 compatible reciver15:00
=== AbhiJit is now known as AbhijiT
sacarlsonpksadiq: I'm not saying that is your case,  do you even know what chips are in it?  lsusb?15:00
ikoniaBushman: no, that's not a Linux requirement15:00
Loki^Gnea i dont know sorry15:00
ikoniaBushman: what is the Linux requirement15:00
GneaLoki^: are you on a laptop?15:01
Bushmanikonia: are you trying to prove i'm wrong?15:01
Loki^Gnea yes15:01
GneaBushman: stop that.15:01
paytamhey,is there any body who uses LXDE?15:01
ikoniaBushman: , no I'm asking you what the requirements are, as I told you to get15:01
Bushmani'm wrong. now help me to solve the problem.15:01
Gnea!attitude | Bushman15:01
ubottuBushman: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:01
ikoniaBushman: you're wrong? wrong about what15:01
bazhangpaytam, whats the question15:01
GneaBushman: do NOT demand help.15:01
paytam@ bazhang: I can't chan my agekeyboard layout,however I install my languge15:02
bazhangpaytam, using lxde and openbox? there are some other packages to install to help you configure that15:02
compdocalle, install it too15:02
BushmanGnea: right now i fee like i'm beaging for help15:02
compdocand run it15:02
Bushmanon my kneed15:03
elnurWhy do ec2 kernels in ubuntu 10.04 have later versions than in ubuntu 10.10?15:03
allehow can i perform cd intrigity check15:03
bazhangpaytam, apt-cache search lxde to turn them up15:03
aeon-ltd!md5 | alle15:03
ubottualle: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:03
bazhangalle, once you have booted15:03
Bushmani can provide video feed of me beaging on my kneed if needed15:03
paytambazhang, no just install lubuntu15:03
alleon window or nix?15:03
GneaBushman: and that is the incorrect way to do it.15:03
ikoniaBushman: did the vendor say there is Linux support, yes or no15:03
ikoniaBushman: just yes or no answer only please15:03
alleya bazhang15:03
Bushmanikonia: yes15:03
GneaBushman: kindly read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1166376&page=215:03
compdocalle, run hd tune in windows15:03
ikoniaBushman: right, what are the linux requirements (I asked you to get them)15:03
alledone compdoc15:04
GneaBushman: there are, of course, more pages than just that15:04
spowI still need help with my driver please : I need to replace the tty of the uart_state (serial_core.h) by an up-to-date other vriable but I don't know which15:04
kuuhwenn ich das xfs dateisystem auf maximalegröße vergrößern will, muss ich dann außer xfs_growfs $mountpoint noch was machen?15:04
tzangis there any really good tutorials that you know of for installing dhcp service on my server?15:04
aeon-ltd!de | kuuh15:04
ubottukuuh: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:04
BushmanGnea: but i don't have problems installing it? o_O15:04
ikoniaBushman: right, what are the linux requirements (I asked you to get them)15:04
kuuhaeon-ltd, sorry.. did realize it the mokment i hit enter15:04
aeon-ltdkuuh: ok15:04
GneaBushman: stop complaining and read the page, please.15:04
kuuhi was kinda sure i was at .de15:05
Bushmanit is detected out of the boks and works like a charm with my mobile phone and headeset15:05
allemax 55.9 min 38.215:05
compdocalle, cool. select the drive you try to install ubuntu on, and the click the Health tab. Look for Reallocated Sector Count. In the Data column, is the number greater than zero?15:05
paytambazhang: no I just install lubuntu distro15:05
ikoniaBushman: what are the Linux requriements from the Vendor15:05
GneaBushman: yes, you said that many times, once was enough. now move on.15:05
bazhangpaytam, let me check the names of those packages15:05
kuuhnonetheless.. i want to grow my xfs filesystem to the maximum size, does a xfs_growfs $mountpoint do the trick or do I have to do something else15:05
Loki^Gnea i will restart my computer now, i'll tell you once im back15:05
Bushmanikonia: there are no requirements, even for windows or mac15:05
GneaLoki^: okay15:06
ikoniaBushman: there are requirements for Linux, please ask for them15:06
Bushmana bluetooth 1.0 support is required15:06
alle20 there15:06
researcher1I ant install Ubuntu 10.10 on my system which previosly had the same OS but after installing wiondows its not permitting installation15:06
ikoniaBushman: that is not a requirement for Linux, ask for the Linux requirements15:06
compdocalle, thats bad. how about your other drives?15:06
=== TheMaster is now known as _TheMaster
GneaBushman: you're wasting time now, you should take the time to read that thread.15:06
pksadiqBushman: paste the line in lsusb here , that says about your USB dongle15:06
alle0 on that15:06
bazhanglxde-settings-daemon paytam is that installed?15:06
allewhat does that mean?15:07
compdocalle, that drive with 20 bad sectors is dying15:07
elnurI use xen VDS hosting. Initially they've installed me ubuntu server 10.04 adapted for xen. I was getting upgrades to my ec2 kernels. But then 10.10 came out and I did dist upgrade. After that my ec2 kernel is not getting upgrades. Why is that so?15:07
Bushmanikonia: what do you want to hear? "kernel blah blah blah, 4gb of RAM and 10gb of HDD" ?15:07
Bushmanthe does not know15:07
Bushman*the guy does not know15:07
ikoniaBushman: a minimum / maximum kernel version would be a good start, yes. What the kernel module is15:07
ikoniaBushman: then there is no Linux support, they have to be able to provide the requirements15:07
elnur10.04 has more updated versions of ec2 kernels (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ec2+linux&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all) than 10.10 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=maverick&searchon=names&keywords=ec2%20linux) Is there any logical reason behind this?15:08
Bushmanikonia: i just felt it. you were trying to prove it won't work insted of trying to find the solution15:08
paytambazhang: no,was not install. I should install that package?15:09
ikoniaBushman: no, I'm trying to get the information as I've been asking you for 20 minutes15:09
Bushmanikonia: well. i'm very gratefull to you for doing that. thank you.15:09
bazhangpaytam, yes15:09
allethanx compdoc15:09
Bushmanikonia: i don't have and will never have those informations15:09
pksadiqBushman: paste the one line in lsusb here , that says about your USB dongle15:09
compdocalle, I would normally also run memtest86+ on a computer that I'm installing an OS on, but reallocated sectors is certainly a bad sign15:09
Loki^Gnea im back15:09
Bushmanpksadiq: 10 seconds15:10
GneaLoki^: what's the verdict?15:10
bazhangopenbox-xdgmenu paytam is this installed also?15:10
Loki^Gnea i dont know what verdict is15:10
ikoniaBushman: then ask the vendor for that information15:10
alleok i'll perform that 215:10
GneaLoki^: er, is the problem still there?15:10
mneHi. On lucid I can't get my microphone to work under pulseaudio (and for that reason it does not work with skype either). Can you help ? The microphone works with alsa. I can record with arecord or audacity15:10
BushmanBus 002 Device 043: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)15:10
Loki^Gnea yes15:10
cakirturkhi all15:11
cakirturkselamlar :p15:11
Bushmanpksadiq: is that it?15:11
GneaLoki^: what is the output of this:  ps axf | grep upstart15:11
paytambazhang: no, neither this or that15:11
Bushmanikonia: they don't have it either15:11
pksadiqBushman: k, that's it15:11
ikoniaBushman: if they support linux, they do15:11
Loki^Gnea i installed a framebuffer now it says error inserting uvesafb in tty1 but after that its still the blinking coursor.... i thought uvesafb was by default in kernel15:12
Bushmanok, the guy lied to me. it has no linux support. why does it work?15:12
=== mike is now known as Guest72199
Bushmanikonia: ?15:12
ikoniaBushman: what ?15:12
lee__how do i make gnome-panel transparent? when i set the background it doesn't make the icon or menu areas transparent.15:12
Loki^Gnea: > ps axf | grep upstart15:12
Loki^  366 ?        S      0:00 upstart-udev-bridge --daemon15:12
Loki^ 1945 pts/0    S+     0:00              |               \_ grep --color=auto upstart15:12
Bushmanand why does it crashes in random moments15:12
elnurmne, if it works with alsa, why don't you use alsa with skype?15:12
ikoniaBushman: you said the vendor says the device is linux compatible, they must know what the requirments are15:12
ikoniaBushman: the guy lied to you ? I doubt that,15:13
ikoniaBushman: get the information from the vendor15:13
researcher1how can voice chat be enabled in Empathy?15:13
Bushmani told you alredy, the don't know. the guy on the phone says he does not know15:13
researcher1?join #empathy15:13
GneaLoki^: okay, might want to remove the framebuffer for now15:13
pksadiqBushman: search for "0a12:0001" and select the linux Bluetooth HOW TO and check if it does help you15:13
pksadiqBushman: hope better to google15:13
Loki^Gnea ok15:13
xanguaresearcher1: better try gnome's irc network15:13
researcher1xangua: will it permit my yahoo id to work?15:14
mneelnur, skype doesn't give me a choice. The only playback or recoding devices I can choose is "pulse"15:14
Bushmanpksadiq: will look into that. gime a minute or ten15:14
GneaBushman: what is the phone # of the vendor that you called? how long ago did you call?15:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1166376.html Bushman try what is suggested here15:15
sacarlsonBushman: look like they supported that for some time https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:15
elnurmne, i don't know whether this will solve your problem, but i have installed linux-backports-modules-alsa-maverick-generic(-pae) package back when i had some problems with microphone or sound from front panel. you might try it15:15
Gneabazhang: that's the URL I gave him originally15:15
lee__nvm.. found it   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI4mpNvCu9o15:15
bazhangGnea, sorry I missed that, I was on forums :)15:16
elnurmne, my microphone works nice with skype15:16
mneelnur, I'm on lucid, thus I guess this would be something like linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-... for me ?15:17
elnurmne, i mean, if you're using lucid, there should be a package for your version15:17
Gneabazhang: haha that's okay, you're obviously not the only one that missed it ;)15:17
bazhangGnea, true :)15:17
elnurmne, try searching with "linux alsa backports" and see what options you have15:17
sacarlsonmne: seems skype will support alsa if it can't find pulse,  I have seen instrutions on how do disable pulse if needed to try it15:17
mneelnur, yep. found it15:17
Loki^Gnea i will restart again to see if its disabled15:17
GneaLoki^: k15:17
spowwhat could go wrong if I replace a header in usr/src/linux-headers/include/linux by an older version of it ?15:17
mnesacarlson, but just for skype I do not want to uninstall pulseaudio or something15:18
sacarlsonmne: no it had to be disabled for the entire session,  or untill you reinstalled pulse15:18
elnurmne, looking at my skype audio settings, i see that everything is set to pulseaudio. but it works. after installing that package and rebooting your system, check system audio settings — there will be more options15:19
rigvedspow: of course you need to make sure that the new code of the header file that you replaced is not used anywhere15:19
mnesacarlson, hmm. what about temporarily disabling pulseaudio ? AFAIK there was something like pa-suspender ?15:19
Bushmanpksadiq: i've looked into the HOWTO and they made the example based on exactly the same BT dongle as mine. i take that as "compatible with linux".15:19
mneelnur, cool, I'll try it15:19
paytambazhang, I've installed both the packages, but nothing happened,what should I do now?15:19
Loki^Gnea framebuffer successfully disabled again, still no tty15:19
BushmanGnea: do you speak polish?15:19
bazhangBushman, I just gave you a link15:20
sacarlsonmne: I"m not even sure pulse is your problem,  did you exast all other posible things?15:20
Gnea!pl | Bushman15:20
ubottuBushman: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:20
Bushmanbazhang: sorry, let me read the back log15:20
GneaBushman: No.15:20
spowrigved it's the serial_core.h, I suppose it's not used much15:20
bazhangBushman, the same link that Gnea gave you. please go through it and do what it suggests15:20
spowI need to replace the C file also I guess ?15:20
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1166376.html Bushman15:20
elnurHow to check whether my system uses pulseaudio or alsa for sound workings?15:20
pksadiqBushman: and so I think the problem is specific to your dongle, or your computer, everywhere it says it works, isn't it ?15:20
bazhangpksadiq, the problem is he's not listening to our suggested fixes15:21
BushmanGnea: dude, you'r asking me for the phone number, but it's a polish number15:21
PCdocwhen i try to load game flightgear, my system freezes15:21
rigvedspow: just make sure that it is really not used on your system.15:21
bazhangBushman, I just gave you the link again15:21
Bushmani'm not asking you to speak polish with me15:21
mnesacarlson, well, there are hundrets of things that could be the cause :P But ALSA is working, so I guess it must be a pulseaudio thing. The pulseaudio tools show the microphone input, but it's just silent all the time although it's not silent with ALSA15:21
Bushmanbazhang: wait please15:21
Bushmanneed to read it first15:21
GneaBushman: why are you assuming that? I just asked what their phone # is. why can't you just give it to me?15:22
paytambazhang: I've installed both the packages but nothing happened15:22
GneaBushman: maybe it's because you don't really have it?15:22
mnesacarlson, it would be so much easier if I could just switch to "ALSA" in skype.15:22
juki love that guys voice at magnatune, 'if tired to hear my voice...'15:22
pksadiqbazhang: might be he does, who knows ;)15:22
setuidI've got gdm-2.20 installed, and it refuses to start up X... with this error:15:22
setuidgdm/:0.log:GDM: Xserver not found: /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt815:22
BushmanGnea: here15:22
setuidAny idea how to fix it?15:22
bazhangBushman, please go through that link and try what is suggested there15:23
Kartagisdoes ubuntu have an iPhone synchronizer?15:23
sanmugambazhang: Hi, not yet i get a good application for video casting15:23
Bushmanbazhang: yes, just wait please15:23
setuidKartagis, funambol15:23
GneaBushman: thank you.15:23
sanmugambazhang: Wink is also doesn't satisfies my need.15:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:24
Loki^Gnea i disabled the framebuffer now, still no tty.. should i give up?15:24
Kartagissetuid can't be located15:24
bazhangsanmugam, no idea then sorry, the ones listed in !screencast work very well for me.15:24
blue112Hi here.15:24
setuidKartagis, http://www.google.com/search?q=funambol&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&lr=lang_en15:24
ikoniaBushman: please get me the phone number to verify it's the same one I called15:24
sanmugambazhang: what is that?15:24
purplefoolmy mouse just died and i am trying to install a saitek m100v mouse but cannot find a driver for ubuntu and only a couple things work on it.  any ideas?15:24
bazhang!screencast | sanmugam these15:24
ubottusanmugam these: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.15:24
blue112When I turn on my ubuntu, it seems to have problem with a my TV card... It shows me a list of card prefixed with a number on a green screen, and it seems that I can't do anything... Can someone help ?15:25
PCdocI get an error when I do ...15:25
PCdoc glxinfo | grep direct15:25
PCdocdirect rendering: Yes15:25
PCdocX Error of failed request:  BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)15:25
PCdoc  Major opcode of failed request:  138 (XFree86-DRI)15:25
PCdoc  Minor opcode of failed request:  9 ()15:25
FloodBot2PCdoc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
Bushmanikonia: i already did. it's on the page i gave URL to15:25
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
ikoniaBushman: I didn't see it, please put the page in here15:25
ikoniasorry, the number in here15:26
Doonzis there a built in network scanner in ubuntu through the cli15:26
sanmugamubottu: ya but i need an application which having a feature of highliting the cursors, zooming particular area while recording like these...15:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:26
GneaLoki^: no, did you follow the method for installing the driver here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:26
Doonztrying to trck down what static ip i assigned to my slingbox15:26
Loki^Gnea when i use "sudo start tty1" it works again, so something is wrong with the start up of tty's.. that would explain why my cpu control govenor doesnt start up too, somethings wrong with startup15:26
MrUnagianyone know how to keep curl from overwriting files, and appending the filename instead?15:26
PCdocany help with the  error i get ?15:26
sanmugamubottu: gtk-recordmydesktop,xvidcamp,wink is a basic application.15:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:26
Loki^Gnea my driver is perfectly installed, direct rendering is working, 3d games work perfectly15:26
GneaLoki^: right, it's not lining up correctly, I'm wondering if the method you used to install the ATI driver wasn't in line with that15:26
jukDoonz: assigned to what?15:27
BushmanInc`: Tel: 22 721 35 71 wew. 1015:27
Doonzmy slingbox15:27
GneaLoki^: I understand that, but now other things are broken when they shouldn't be15:27
PCdoccan anyone read me?15:27
Bushmanikonia: Tel: 22 721 35 71 wew. 1015:27
sacarlsonmne: I've never seen anyone use this but this looks easy enuf http://jechem.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-remove-pulseaudio-on-ubuntu-1010.html15:27
Loki^Gnea i didnt change anything with my graphics driver, and it worked before with tty15:27
Doonzi use angry ip scnnaer in windows but im not home and need to do it through my ssh15:27
bazhangBushman, still waiting15:27
Doonzwould there be a way to do it using ping15:28
jukDoonz: i meant what a hell is slingbox15:28
GneaLoki^: right, but you did a system upgrade - if you installed the driver using a non-ubuntu method, then the driver is going to cause problems when system upgrades occur15:28
Doonzjuk it streams my digital cable over the internet15:28
noobstergood mourning all.15:28
sanmugamubottu: ?15:28
bazhangsanmugam, ubottu is a bot15:28
GneaLoki^: if the driver was installed using the ubuntu method, then this error would not occur15:28
blue112How can I show grub at startup ?15:28
paytambazhang: I've install both the packages,Nothing happened15:28
jukDoonz: that sounds like english15:28
Loki^Gnea oh ok, anyway i did it exactly like posted in your link, i actually used that link before to install it15:29
GneaLoki^: so what I'm asking you is, to go through and read that page and confirm that it's the method you used or not. if not, please let me know so we can fix it.15:29
bazhangpaytam, not sure then sorry15:29
xanguablue112: keep Shift key pressed when you boot15:29
Loki^i made ubuntu .deb packets from the official driver and installed them like explained @ Gnea15:29
GneaLoki^: alright15:29
blue112xangua, it does not show grub menu...15:29
lee__dany tilda users?15:29
blue112I've just tried;15:29
sanmugambazhang: sorry i cant understand15:29
GneaLoki^: try this: follow those directions again, make a new package, and install that15:30
noobsterI woke up today and our server has an error I have never seen before. I get a ureadahead-other terminated with status 4.. Never have I seen this error. I am using ubuntu server 10.04.1LTS15:30
sacarlsonblue112: did you install with wubi installer from windows?15:30
Loki^Gnea ok i will15:30
noobsterplease help15:30
blue112sacarlson, no.15:30
blue112it's a clean single boot ubuntu.15:30
Bushmanbazhang: i'm sorry. i don't see any sugestion helping me out here15:30
blue112I've updated my kernel and now it's not booting anymore, I'd like to restore old kernel, so I should access to grub.15:30
Bushmanbazhang: this guy seemed to have some problem with the dongle from mechanical side and also missing bt icon in tray15:31
sacarlsonblue112: well there is a package startup-manager that will let you make the delay longer and enable text at boot and more15:31
bazhangBushman, you need to read more carefully then15:31
Bushmanbazhang: i don't have such problems. it works out of the box. it is PnP detected and installed by ubuntu15:31
blue112sacarlson, actually I can't boot, so I'm not able to install it15:32
chrislustichi all15:32
Bushmanjust dies when paired with BT mouse and used for some times15:32
xanguablue112: tried what i said¿15:32
Bushmanbazhang: i will read it more then.15:32
appleseedAfter RAM and GFX upgrade, I installed FGLRX on lucid, at end of install I am stuck at "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic", when I sudo dpkg --configure -a, it gets stuck at exactly the same point, so I am unable to reinstall even initramfs-tools to fix the problem, please any ideas?15:32
PCdocI have this error when i run glxinfo | grep direct http://pastebin.com/aYj0PQ1m15:32
PCdocplz help15:32
chrislusticwhen I go to update ubuntu 10.10.   it says.. waiting for "jockey-backend" to exit15:32
blue112xangua, already say, it doesn't work.15:32
chrislusticit just waits forever15:32
sacarlsonblue112: well then you will need to boot from another media like cd or usb or other and reload grub2 mbr15:32
chrislusticand I cant update any other way it see,s.15:32
Loki^Gnea should i overwrite it or delete the old driver first?15:32
jukDoonz: ping is to check if machine is up and willing to play15:32
blue112sacarlson, I have grub, but Ubuntu kind of kernel panic on boot... It's not a grub related problem.15:33
GneaLoki^: pick one and see what happens15:33
paytamis there any one who uses the LXDE?15:33
sanmugamWell in which channel i can get more details of screen casting application?15:33
jukpaytam: probably in #lxde15:33
gribouillebefore upgrading kde, when I plugged my external HD, it was mounted under /media/disk. know, it is mounted under /media/<UUID>. what does that mean ?15:33
sacarlsonblue112: if you can't hold the shift key to get to the grub2 menu then I'm not sure what else you can do15:33
PCdoclol .. who is helping whom ??? my questions remain unanswered15:34
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:34
paytamjuk: I can not change the keyboard layout15:34
PCdocI have this error when i run glxinfo | grep direct http://pastebin.com/aYj0PQ1m15:34
codemagicianis there a way to grab a window-shot (not the whole screen just the current window in focus) ?15:34
blue112Sounds boring... Why did this kernel upgrade...15:34
=== px_ is now known as KHW
codemagicianPrntScrn grabs the whole screen15:35
jukpaytam: im sorry?15:35
sacarlsonblue112: because you let it,  I feel if it's not broke don't fix it.  I never upgrade unless needed15:35
ZykoticK9codemagician, Application / Accessories / Take Screenshot - "Grub the current window"15:35
* PCdoc *yawns*15:35
Bushmanbazhang: it's a long thread. is there anything in particular you are trying to gain my attention to?15:35
blue112sacarlson, I've just applied "security upgrade"15:36
blue112It's not supposed to crash my whole computer15:36
setuidCan someone help me with this? WARNING: gdm_server_spawn: Xserver not found: /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt815:36
paytamjuk: I can not change the keyboard layout15:36
jukpaytam: omg i didn't touch15:36
sacarlsonblue112: normaly if a kernel is added and it breaks something you can just set the old kernel to boot from grub2 the way it was15:36
Bushmanbazhang: they have issues that i'm not experiencing. besides they were using U8.xx15:37
blue112sacarlson, but I can't access grub15:37
cylobif i want a dualboot system with windows and ubuntu, which os do i have to install first?15:37
sacarlsonblue112: you can from a cd or usb15:37
jukpaytam: i didn't touch you keyboard15:37
ZykoticK9cylob, windows!15:37
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1455877 paytam please have a read15:37
me4oslavcylob windows first15:37
blue112sacarlson, it's booting on the ubuntu livecd... What should I do next ? grub-install ?15:37
cylobok, gotcha. im assuming its easy from there then.15:37
cylobthe ubuntu installer will ask if i want to do a dualboot thing?15:38
me4oslavmhm not hard at all,just install ubuntu boot at the main ahrd drive15:38
me4oslavhard* dive15:38
ZykoticK9cylob, the installer calls it "install along side" or something similar ya15:38
cylobwell i only have 1 hard drive15:38
cylobcool. thanks.15:38
timmillwoodAnyone use a software Raid 1? is it worth it?15:38
PCdoccan i expect a help here ?15:38
bazhangPCdoc, with what15:39
PCdocI have this error when i run glxinfo | grep direct http://pastebin.com/aYj0PQ1m15:39
Loki^Gnea btw how is it possible that the graphic driver can disable the startup of tty and other programs like my cpu govenor?15:39
bazhangPCdoc, for compiz?15:39
Bushmanbazhang: ?15:39
bazhangBushman, yes?15:39
GneaLoki^: I'm not sure, I use nvidia and intel, not ati15:40
Bushmanbazhang: just making sure you got my messages?15:40
PCdocbazhang: includes compiz ... using openchrome driver for my via K8M800-CE chipset15:40
blaaWhat is the right way to prevent mysql starting with the system?15:40
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bazhangBushman, sorry I've been a bit busy, that device has been around an d in use since Hardy at least, I'd recheck the steps you taken to get it working; many have reported success.15:41
PCdocactually, i was tryin to configure xorg.conf so that i can play flightgear game using ubuntu 10.1015:41
sacarlsonblue112:  you might try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/562593/15:41
Gneablaa: sudo update-rc.d -f mysql remove15:41
Loki^Gnea i meant in general, shouldnt that be impossible? :/15:41
GneaLoki^: like I said, I've never had this problem15:41
blaaGnea this will keep the mysql start script if I want to start mysql manually?15:41
Bushmanbazhang: ok, re-checking: insert dongle into USB port - checked!15:41
Gneablaa: correct.15:41
bazhangPCdoc, what driver do you have for that card? I'm not sure that it does 3D or is supported for 3D very well15:42
blaaGnea thank you =)15:42
Gneablaa: cheers :)15:42
Bushmanbazhang: all i did was to plug it in15:42
PCdocbazhang: m using openchrome rite now15:42
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me4oslavopenchrome? chromium right?15:42
PCdocbazhang: but m able to play openarena game smoothly, and can see 3D objects in that game15:43
bazhangBushman, no idea then; there are a ton of posts on the forums to get it working. one of which I provided to you. just pluggin it in is not a sufficient checklist fyi15:43
Bushmanbazhang: the dongle itself is operatinal and does not dies on it's own or while connected to mobiles phone and serving as an internet link15:43
Bushmanbazhang: but it DOES WORK!!!15:43
blue112sacarlson, how can I force it to show menu at boot time ?15:43
Bushmani'm saying that from the start15:43
precubcrplease i need help how can a get my Intel GMA to have a bigger resolution ? i cant get more than 800X60015:43
bazhangBushman, then be patient, repost every 15 mins or so, while you wait browse the ubuntuforums for solutions.15:44
Bushmanbazhang: it works with preaty much everything!15:44
Compositorcheesburgers in elky-paradise.15:44
Compositorwhoops i mean um15:44
sacarlsonblue112: hold the left shift key through boot sequence15:44
bazhangCompositor, pardon?15:44
Compositoranyone know why the newest updates messed with the vm guest15:44
PCdocbazhang: :-s15:44
Bushmanbazhang: what sould i ask for then?15:44
Compositorthe resolution is significantly shrunk15:44
sacarlsonblue112: if that fails again then you will have to find out what file in grub to modify to increase the delay at boot15:44
precubcrCompositor it is15:44
precubcrwhat can i do ?15:45
Compositorthis wasn't pre-update issue15:45
precubcri almost can`t see15:45
GneaBushman: you appear to be repeating the same thing over and over again, hoping for something to change, and yet nothing does.15:45
Guest87081elnur, system>preferences>sound>then click the applications tab15:45
Bushmanbazhang: people are trying to help me install what's installed, over and over.15:46
bazhangBushman, as I have said, please be patient, repeat every 15-20 minutes, and check other sources whil you wait15:46
ChelseaHi all, is there a way to copy stuff to the global clipboard by commandline?15:46
Bushmanbazhang: did i mention i ask atleast twice a day for last few weeks?15:46
GneaBushman: perhaps if you used resources properly instead of asking for people to solve the problem for you, it wouldn't be so bad.15:46
bazhang!helpme | Bushman15:46
ubottuBushman: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:46
Loki^Gnea finished, nothing changed15:46
elnurGuest87081, it's empty in there15:47
blue112sacarlson, ok.15:47
GneaLoki^: okay, did you delete or overwrite?15:47
BushmanGnea: what resources?15:47
Loki^Gnea overwrite15:47
GneaLoki^: try to delete this time.15:47
GneaBushman: don't you know how to use google.com? or ubuntuforums.org?15:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:47
GneaBushman: SEARCH for this stuff, FIND what other people have done15:48
Loki^Gnea im scared my X wont startup anymore, had this plenty of times already but tty saved me most of the times... now without tty i dont dare15:48
researcher1once I had Ubuntu.Then it stopped working after unattended update.then I installed XP.Now trying to install Ubuntu but PC hangs forever15:48
BushmanGnea: like i didn't15:48
Jon--Please tell me I didn't just break my boot loader... I messed up doing burg-install.. http://pastebin.com/HazjXCQM15:48
WierdAARHi guys. I don't think I have the correct video driver installed, but have no idea, how to find what driver I need, and how to install it. Please help15:48
GneaBushman: you've made it abundantly clear that you have not.15:48
PCdocubuntuforums?? i have tried them several times, even posted my question there but hardly got any replies. got one reply after like 1-2 months :-s15:48
Bushmani've spent few days on google and Ubuntu forum before coming here15:48
GneaBushman: I doubt that.15:49
Bushmanyou doubt everything i say15:49
GneaBushman: have you made a post to ubuntuforums.org outlining the problem?15:49
Bushmanyes i did15:49
Bushmanwant to read it?15:49
Gneawhat is the URL?15:49
sacarlsonblue112: oh I had a thought maybe you have a usb keyboard?  if so make sure your bios is setup to support usb keyboards at boot15:49
GneaYes, please.15:49
Bushmanwait, let me find it15:49
grendal_primewhos good with rsync?15:49
PCdocBushman: same hre .. and m self-learner ... u can see from my nick :P i tried several hit n trial myself :P15:49
GneaBushman: and why didn't you post that URL in the first place?15:49
bazhanggrendal_prime, please ask the channel15:49
compdocgrendal_prime, I use it <shrug>15:49
PCdoccompdoc: stole my name :(15:50
grendal_primecompdoc, i want to use it to MOVE some stuff as opposed to sync it..15:50
BushmanGnea: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807615:50
grendal_primeso sync some things but then delete them from the source after syncing15:50
PCdocBushman: can u re-post ur question plz ?15:51
compdocgrendal_prime, Im pretty sure it has the option to delete the srouce files after syncing15:51
Loki^Gnea do you, or anyone else here, know any other way how to see why tty and other programs wont startup with the system?15:51
BushmanGnea: why? because i've posted other URL describing the problem15:51
grendal_primei thought so to15:51
grendal_primejust touching base though.15:51
Jon--Please tell me I didn't just break my boot loader... I messed up doing burg-install.. http://pastebin.com/HazjXCQM   Please help.15:51
Abhinav1Is there any guy for wintermute project?15:51
BushmanPCdoc: yes, it's in the URL few lines up there15:51
bazhangAbhinav1, what is that15:51
bazhangAbhinav1, related to ubuntu?15:51
grendal_primehey compdoc do you use a daemoised setup?15:52
Jon--Please tell me I didn't just break my boot loader... I messed up doing burg-install.. http://pastebin.com/HazjXCQM   Please help I have to reboot my laptop soon and if I broke my boot loader I need to know.15:52
rany27Can't get same page source with 'View->page source' and with lynx -source "$link" , Any ideas?15:52
GneaBushman: That's not good enough. You can here, to the #ubuntu channel, asking for help on Ubuntu. The Ubuntu forums are an extension of this place, as this place is an extension of the forums.  Posting from outside of that realm defeats the purpose, plus you've already linked to that site from the forum posting AND you've ignored the help that's been provided there.15:52
Abhinav1bazhang: yep15:52
bazhangJon--, burg? why not grub215:52
bazhangAbhinav1, whats the connection15:52
Jon--bazhang: burg is on top of grub215:53
bc81please help me remount an nfs share at boot.  i can mount it from the command line with, "sudo mount 192.168.1.xx:/home/server/share /home/client/share15:53
bc81" just fine.  but at boot, it won't mount!?  this is the fstab entry, "  /home/bc81/linshare  nfs rsize=1024,wsize=1024,noauto 0 0" do i need to add some // or \\?15:53
bazhangJon--, burg is 3rd party?15:53
Jon--bazhang: well, sort of. I have grub2 installed.15:53
GneaBushman: Since you've failed to heed the advice given there, I see no reason to attempt to help you here any further.15:53
Jon--bazhang: I am surprised you've never heard of it.15:53
bazhangJon--, its 3rd party?15:53
Abhinav1bazhang: : http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2011%2F02%2Fwintermute-project-aims-to-bring-artificial-intelligence-to-ubuntu%2F%3Futm_source%3Dfeedburner%26utm_medium%3Dtwitter%26utm_campaign%3DFeed%253A%2Bd0od%2B(Omg!%2BUbuntu!)&rct=j&q=wintermute%20ubuntu&ei=AyFMTaTAKoX5rQfV6v3ZBg&usg=AFQjCNFa-xVP1UomuTaOeYFaNa_ctTnKEw&sig2=OP-7rrGCX6roIzJmW57Skg&cad=rja15:53
BushmanGnea: i did what?15:53
PCdocBushman: hmm never used a bluetooth device with my comp ... so dun even know how does the BT interface luk like15:54
Bushmanwhat advide?15:54
Jon--bazhang: define third party?15:54
bazhangJon--, not in UBUNTU repos = 3rd party15:54
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GneaLoki^: well, that's why I recommended the syslog, that's where all of the error messages go15:54
GneaLoki^: it's just a weird problem15:54
Jon--bazhang: It's in the repos.15:54
bazhang!find burg15:54
ubottuFound: burgerspace, liburg0, liburg0-dev, ml-burg15:54
Jon--bazhang: I believe it is, anyway. I don't recall.15:54
GneaBushman: "No, i haven't enabled any bluetooth timers. It happens in random intervals. Some times 10 seconds, some times 5 minutes."15:55
bazhangJon--, whats the package name15:55
PCdocGnea: can u help with my problem?15:55
GneaBushman: you didn't try any timers, therefore you ignored it.15:55
sekaiwhat's the diference of burg and grub215:55
djindyI need to revert back to an older kernel version than I currently have stored on my machine (back to 2.6.34-*) on Ubuntu 10.10. I found a resource here http://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/129 detailing how to do it back with 9.04. Will this method still work/is it safe?15:55
precubcrjoin #backtrack-linux15:55
GneaPCdoc: probably not.15:55
Guest87081elnur, im sorry can u repeat ur question again...lost it15:55
bazhangJon--, so 3rd party not an ubuntu issue, fix grub215:55
BushmanGnea: dude, i though he mean auto-disable timers15:55
Jon--bazhang: That's why I fucking came here for help.15:55
Bushmani didn't ignored it, i answered to it15:56
GneaBushman: then you should have asked to clarify.15:56
Jon--bazhang: In case grub 2 was broken.15:56
bazhangJon--, watch the language15:56
PCdoclooks like ppl better like to stay out of any problems regarding via chipsets running on ubuntu :-s15:56
BushmanGnea: well, it was clear to me15:56
GneaBushman: no, you ignored it. you didn't even try to setup a timer of any sort.15:56
elnurGuest87081, i don't even remember my question. maybe you mistaken me with someone else :)15:56
BushmanGnea: what sort of a timer should i try then?15:56
GneaBushman: why don't you ask the person that made the suggestion?15:56
Jon--Please tell me I didn't just break my boot loader... I messed up doing burg-install.. http://pastebin.com/HazjXCQM   Please help I have to reboot my laptop soon and if I broke my boot loader I need to know15:56
Loki^Gnea i understand, but isnt there a file defining all system startups? or something15:57
McPelsrecently when i wanna install new software in software center, instead of showing the Installation  process, it shows me "Applying Changes" but this applying never ends.15:57
McPelswhat should i do?15:57
GneaLoki^: well that's what upstart does... is there something like a /var/log/upstart?15:57
BushmanGnea: "Have you somehow enabled an temporary bluetooth connection to stay up for some 10 mins or so?"15:57
BushmanGnea: answer "no"15:57
GneaBushman: THEN why didn't you say NO?15:58
milamberJon--: the error messages indicate that you didn't break it. two warnings and an error w/ no initializing or exiting. you should be ok.15:58
BushmanGnea: i didn't ignored it15:58
Jon--milamber: Thank you.15:58
Loki^Gnea there is boot and boot.log15:58
GneaBushman: No, you ignored it because you didn't TRY15:58
GneaBushman: someone gave you advice, you didn't try to follow it. that's the SAME as ignoring it.15:58
McPelsno one answers me?15:58
BushmanGnea: if you'r trying to drive me crazy, you'r doing great15:58
GneaLoki^: could you pastebin those please?15:59
GneaBushman: no, I'm trying to help you see the light so that you can properly solve this problem.15:59
McPelsrecently when i wanna install new software in software center, instead of showing the Installation  process, it shows me "Applying Changes" but this applying never ends.15:59
Loki^Gnea: boot is empty, boot.log only says init: ureadahead-other main process (854) terminated with status 415:59
BushmanGnea: the first word in my reply was "no"15:59
BushmanGnea: go read it again15:59
sacarlsonblue112: I found the file that has the timout /etc/default/grub  in line with: GRUB_TIMEOUT=10   10 being the timout in secouds,  if that is already set at 10 secounds it must be a keyboard problem15:59
GneaBushman: if you're going crazy, then good. but if you insist on not changing your approach to solving the problem and not following advice, then there is no hope for you.15:59
Bushmanand give me a break. i didn't ignored him15:59
codemagicianis there a keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot of a window?16:00
bazhangGnea, lets move on16:00
bazhangBushman, see your PM16:00
GneaBushman: yes, and then you said "I haven't enabled any timers"16:00
Encry9Hi, when I install something sometimes the display goes crazy or someting & donno how to get it back to normal,I think it's when Ubuntu-Desktop gets uninstalled16:00
milambercodemagician: prntscrn16:00
codemagicianmilamber, for a single window16:00
GneaBushman: by not enabling any timers, you haven't tried.16:00
codemagicianmilamber, prntscrn gives me the whole shabang?16:00
PCdocGnea: by that person's question, i too assumed that he meant, whether the timers were set becoz of which the bluetooth was dying out after some time ... :)16:01
milambercodemagician: alt + prntscrn16:01
PCdoche didnt say "try setting timers"16:01
mneptokBushman: see if the same pointing device works with another machine's Bluetooth connection. then try another mouse with the Ubuntu machine. see what happens.16:01
Abhinav1!find wintermute16:02
ubottuPackage/file wintermute does not exist in maverick16:02
GneaPCdoc: He asked if the timers had been set yet or not, which assumes "well, if they haven't been set, then set them already!"16:02
yellabs-r2hi there , how can i get vsftpd to play nice? cant get it to be able to ftp files into the ftp ..16:02
McPelstpt: recently when i wanna install new software in software center, instead of showing the Installation  process, it shows me "Applying Changes" but this applying never ends.16:02
BushmanGnea: i will try to say that as calm as i can: he asked about "disabling" timers. they are turned OFF. i didn't set them ON and i don't NEED to turn them ON cause i want my BT dongle to work 24/7. is that clear enough?16:02
mneptokGnea: i'm not reading it like that at all.16:02
McPelstpt: what should i do?16:03
yellabs-r2i need an easy ftp server16:03
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PCdocBushman: i agree16:03
bazhangAbhinav1, there is not a wintermute in ubuntu repos16:03
WierdAARHow do I find and install a driver for Intel 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device ?16:03
SoftarPaulI can't find mysqld.sock in /var/run/mysqld. The directory is empty.16:03
yellabs-r2vsftpd , but i cant get it to work like it should16:03
yellabs-r2tips are welcome16:03
mneptokyellabs-r2: why FTP and not SFTP?16:03
GneaBushman: Now, I will tell you: since you didn't turn them on, that means you didn't even try to do what was suggested, you assumed that turning the timers on would make things worse, not better, without even trying to see if they would or not.16:03
mneptokGnea: please let it drop.16:03
mneptokBushman: you, too.16:04
yellabs-r2sftp ? you mean secure ?16:04
me4oslavweirdar it comes installed with Ubuntu16:04
PCdocdun think m gonna get help when ppl are building controversies *assuming* stuff :-s16:04
Gneamneptok: if he tries to talk to me again he's going on /ignore16:04
mneptokyellabs-r2: yes. FTP over SSH.16:04
codemagicianmilamber, alt + prtnscreen does nothing... :-/16:04
mneptokGnea: prolly a wise idea at this point.16:04
SoftarPauldoes anyone know how to create mysqld.sock? Or get a new file16:04
WierdAARme4oslav, Oh ok.. Then the error much be something else. Thank you16:04
sekaihow install sftp16:04
sekaisudo apt-get install sftp ?16:05
mneptoksekai: sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:05
GneaBushman: So pretty please, with sugar on top, turn the timers on and see what happens.16:05
Abhinav1Is irc.ubuntu.org is different server for help or same as it?16:05
milambercodemagician: what version of ubuntu? are you using a laptop? (i just tried it (to confirm) on 10.04 and it is working here)16:05
PiciAbhinav1: Thats gets you here, to freenode.16:06
bazhangAbhinav1, its freenode16:06
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codemagicianmilamber, desktop 10.1016:06
Abhinav1Pici: thanks16:06
Eysysshttp://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://otokiralamaerzurum.com/&ct=ga&cad=CAcQAhgAIAEoATAAOABAvdCi6gRIA1gAYgV0ci1VUw&cd=NBAX3YRKjZU&usg=AFQjCNG4GD81JX6FqDTOkdRX0GsqVhIfWg Sex Sex Sex16:06
codemagicianmilamber, did yours map to this combination out the box?16:07
djindyWill Ubuntu 10.10 work with kernel 2.6.34-*?16:07
codemagicianmilamber, is was that a thing you configured16:07
teicahmust I compile "firmware" into a new kernel for a single user desktop system?16:07
milambercodemagician: no, it's supposed to work out of the box. see: http://www.virtualhelp.me/linux/212-altprint-screen-not-working-ubuntu-101016:07
codemagicianmilamber, thanks16:07
codemagicianmilamber, i'll check it out16:07
BushmanGnea: i see no timers to be set except "temporary visible" wich is manual enabled and set to 1 minute. not in action when my mouse is detected and paired and operating.16:08
sacarlsonteicah: firmware is sometimes used in wifi and maybe other things,  do you use wifi in this desktop system?16:08
BushmanGnea: there's no timer to i am aware of that will disable BT compleetly16:09
teicahsacarlson: 10x.  No, I don't use wifi.. It is a wired connection16:09
codemagicianwill running  sysctl -w kernel.sysrq=0 to fix the alt + prnt screen cause any issues?16:09
teicahsacarlson: would I need firmware compiled if I plan on installing radeon proprietary drivers?16:09
BushmanGnea: and since we'r on the thing. the dongle is acting like it was "re-pluged" into the system, not disabled.16:10
sacarlsonteicah: well it takes not much space or time to compile so I think I would keep it in the event you test a usb wifi dongle with it some day16:10
codemagicianmilamber, it worked fine thanks16:11
sacarlsonteicah: what would it hurt if you did compile the firmware?16:11
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tkubackiis there any default log for failed service startup from  /etc/init.d/service_name?16:12
sacarlsonteicah: I guess worst case you can delete the firmware files after you compile if it breaks something16:12
teicahI guess I just want it as lean as possible16:12
teicahI see.  Thanks for your time16:13
CaffeineQuick question here... I'm trying to use the "Ubuntu Software Center" as much as possible, since I guess it's the standard way of installing stuff nowadays.. but, for example, now I want to install the "subversion" package. Is it 300% ok with the system to use aptitude? or will it break stuff? I hate breaking my system, obviously.16:13
sacarlsonteicah: and for me it takes hours to compile so I turn lots of stuf on so I don't have to do it again16:14
teicahsacarlson: Let me ask you one more question.  What is your media player of preference?16:14
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807616:14
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GneaBushman: Good.16:15
teicah"hours to compile"?  Do you have a single processor system?16:15
sacarlsonteicah: totem seems to come up as default so that's what I normaly use16:15
sacarlsonteicah: no it's dual core but old16:15
Bushmandonno what do you mean by "good" but i'll just pretend you missclicked my nickname -_-'16:16
GneaYou are free to believe what you want to believe, even if it's wrong. :)16:16
sacarlsonteicah: maybe I count the time it takes to download the source also16:16
sacarlsonteicah: put it this way it takes long enuf for me to leave so I"m not sure how long it takes16:17
Rob235does the fixed gp work in a vm environment?16:17
trond-room: Everytime I am upgrading from one version to another I have decided to do a clean install - that after I have noticed that not all works as good when upgrading. How is upgrading working in ubuntu now? Are there things that I should consider when doing the upgrade. I have home on a separate partition. will that give me grief?16:18
bazhangtrond-, both are fine16:18
teicahI remember those days.  I would download the ubuntu iso with dialup.. I took 25 hours!  Now w/comcast about 20mins16:19
bazhangtrond-, separate home is a very good idea as well16:19
jolly_xenhey all, Q: I editted /etc/networks/interfaces to change to static instead of dhcp. if issue "ifup eth0" it works perfect, but if i reboot eth0 is not brought up. Again after reboot if i type ifup eth0 all is good16:19
sacarlsonteicah: even at 20 mins I'm not going to sit there waiting for it16:19
jolly_xenwhat script call ifup at boot time16:19
trond-bazhang, I know :) (even put my mysql-database stuff on that partition)16:19
teicahthat's when totem comes in handy16:20
g_0_0jolly_xen, add auto eth0 to file16:20
jolly_xenah, i guess i deleted that when editing static settign is, cheers16:20
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807616:21
GneaBushman: please increase posting time from 5 to 15 minutes, thanks.16:22
mdoublesterProblem with GRUB16:23
afeijohi guys, I have an alias that point to a script in another folder. I made a new script that call the first one, but it cant find it. How to show inside the second script where the first one is?16:23
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mneptokafeijo: define a PATH in the second script16:24
afeijook thanks16:24
milamberBushman: what bluetooth controller are you using bluez or gnome?16:24
sacarlsonafeijo: well it a script so edit it,  if not that then create a sybolic link ls -s to the files new location16:25
sacarlsonafeijo: sorry that symbolic link command is ln -s16:26
afeijoI know thanks sacarlson :)16:26
SoftarPauldoes anyone in here use mysql?16:26
afeijoIt worked with PATH=${PATH}:/home/folder16:26
afeijoSoftarPaul: I do16:26
SoftarPaulafeijo: I can't find mysqld.sock...16:27
SoftarPaulSo I can't run it16:27
sacarlsonSoftarPaul: I"m sure many including myself do16:27
afeijoSoftarPaul: locate mysqld.sock16:27
SoftarPaulafeijo: What? I don't get it. I'm a ubuntu-noob and got bad english16:27
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family16:27
Bushmanmilamber: gnome16:27
Tivenhello, is there any good alternative to firewall/router software like pfsense and monowall but that can be run inside Ubuntu ?16:27
mdoublesterAnyone here have lots of experience fixing a broken GRUB in a windows / Ubuntu 10:04 dual boot?16:28
afeijoSoftarPaul: can you access the server thru shell/ssh ?16:28
sacarlsonSoftarPaul: you want to restart it?  I don't recall looking at or for mysqld.sock16:28
SoftarPaulafeijo: How to do that?16:28
milamberBushman: just a shot, but remove the gnome-bluetooth and try bluez (it is in a ppa)16:28
Bushmanmilamber: works like a charm with other devices, never crashed16:28
Bushmani will try this16:28
SoftarPaulsacarlson: I run "mysqladmin create database" in the terminal, but I get error16:28
milamberSoftarPaul: is mysqld running?16:29
SoftarPaulerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'16:29
SoftarPaulCheck that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!16:29
trond-SoftarPaul, have you checked if it is there?16:29
SoftarPaulmilamber: No, I can't find the mysqld.sock16:30
sacarlsonSoftarPaul: is it running  see ps -A | grep mys16:30
trond-SoftarPaul, check the owner of the directory, check also if mysql is running as mysql-user and has read/write rights to that directory16:30
SoftarPaultrond-: it's not..16:30
mneptokSoftarPaul: is MySQL running? why not create the database from inside the server?16:30
milamberSoftarPaul: mysqld.sock is created when the server is started and destroyed when the server is shut down16:30
milamberSoftarPaul: are you sure your mysql server is running?16:30
trond-SoftarPaul, do service mysql status16:30
SoftarPaulmneptok: How to get "inside"?16:30
SoftarPaulmilamber: Not really. How to check?16:31
mneptokSoftarPaul: the command you are using tries to create a DB as an anonymous user.16:31
mneptokSoftarPaul: mysql -u root -p16:31
SoftarPaulmneptok: That gives me the same error16:31
milamberSoftarPaul: what trond- said: service mysql status16:31
mneptokSoftarPaul: and you will need to know the password for the *MySQL* root user, not the system root user.16:31
trond-SoftarPaul, to find out if it is running: service mysql status16:31
trond-SoftarPaul, to start: sudo service mysql start / to stop: service mysql stop16:31
mneptokSoftarPaul: ^^^ use the above "start" command ^^^16:32
SoftarPaulmilamber: "mysql stop/waiting"16:32
sacarlsonSoftarPaul: you should check out phpmyadmin  it guifies all that stuf so even stupid people like me can do it http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php16:32
SoftarPaulhow to start it?16:32
trond-SoftarPaul, sudo service mysql start16:32
SoftarPaulstart: Job failed to start16:32
gus-purmy modem not run in net mon16:33
mneptokSoftarPaul: how did you install MySQL?16:33
SoftarPaulmneptok: sudo apt-get install mysql-server16:33
milamberSoftarPaul: try: sudo service mysqld start16:34
SoftarPaulmilamber: mysqld: unrecognized service16:34
trond-milamber, he should also follow his logs (/var/log/mysql.err or mysql.log)16:34
sacarlsonSoftarPaul: maybe sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart16:35
SoftarPaulI can't find my my.cnf eatjer16:35
SoftarPaulsacarlson: Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an16:35
SoftarPaulUpstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart mysql16:35
SoftarPaulstart: Job failed to start16:35
trond-SoftarPaul, it is in /etc/16:36
milamberSoftarPaul: my.conf should be located in /etc/mysql i think16:36
Cyberfusionmy etc/network/interfaces is empty, is there any way to use it instead of the network config utility?16:36
SoftarPaulmilamber:  not there...16:36
SoftarPaulbut how to solve my problem?16:37
trond-SoftarPaul, you should reinstall mysql-server16:37
SoftarPaultrond-: How?16:37
milambertrond- +116:37
sacarlsonCyberfusion: yes if you want to setup a static ip that's the normal way to do it16:37
trond-sudo apt-get purge mysql-server then sudo apt-get install mysql-server or use the synaptic tool16:37
SoftarPaulmilamber: Show me the command for reinstall16:37
SoftarPaultrond-: thanks16:37
Cyberfusionwhat im asking is where is the config file for the network manager16:38
trond-(is going offline, is on mobile network and on the bus eq expencive)16:38
trond- Best of luck SoftarPaul, and maybe you should get to #mysql for install help if a reinstall does not work.16:38
mdoublesterI installed Lucid using the Windows Wubi install routine, which also installed GRUB which allows me to run the dual boot setup.  At some point Grub would no longer allow me to boot Ubuntu but Windows still boots fine.  I have retreived and read and followed several directions on how to repair GRUB from Windows but stilll have no joy.  I've used the Grub4Dos routine, but even after success in getting a GRUB boot men16:38
sacarlsonCyberfusion: I'm not sure where they are but if the /etc/network/interfaces file in not empty it will override the network-manager16:39
trond-milamber, maybe I should change my nick to trond+ (since you gave me a +1 ;) )16:39
SoftarPaulE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)16:40
milambertrond-: i'd approve :-016:40
SoftarPaulwhen the uninstall is done I get that16:40
milamberSoftarPaul: try this: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server16:41
Bushmanmilamber: i removed gnome-bluetooth and bluez is already installed (ubuntu repos)16:41
trond-thanks milamber16:41
SoftarPaulmilamber: It should be deleted now16:42
SoftarPaulwhat's next?16:42
sacarlsonCyberfusion: do you just want to see what your present setting are that network-manger did for you?   if so ifconfig and iwconfig should show that16:42
milamberSoftarPaul: sudo apt-get install mysql-server16:42
SoftarPaulmilamber: done16:42
milamberSoftarPaul: ok. we are now going to see if your instance is running. from the terminal: sudo apt-get install nmap16:43
SoftarPaulmilamber: What's up next?16:43
Cyberfusionwhat i want to do is isolate eth1 into a virtural machine, i dont want the host to have any part of it16:43
gus-purall i ask to modem zte ac2627 not connect to net manager16:44
SoftarPaulmilamber: now that's installed16:44
milamberSoftarPaul: now do: nmap -p 3306 localhost16:44
sacarlsonCyberfusion: on my virtualbox i set it to bridge mode,  I don't see the address on my real side but I can ping and ssh into it16:45
SoftarPaulmilamber: Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.15 seconds16:45
milamberSoftarPaul: no ports listed as open?16:45
SoftarPaulmilamber: should I open 3306?16:45
milamberSoftarPaul: not yet. try this: sudo service mysql start16:46
gtklockerI've upgraded to version 10.10, but I want to revert the old Ambiance theme, as I liked the window buttons more in the old version.16:46
joe_9I updated ~/.bashrc and added a new folder to my Path. Yet it doesn't seem to have worked. I cannot access any of the applications in that directory.16:46
SoftarPaulmilamber: start: Job failed to start16:46
gtklockerAny way of getting the old buttons back? :|16:47
sacarlsonCyberfusion: if you also want a real ethX on the real side I guess you could setup a tunnel that went to this invisible ip address with like openvpn16:47
SoftarPaulmilamber: I open the port now?16:47
milamberSoftarPaul: not yet. one sec . . .16:48
SoftarPaulmilamber: alright!16:48
ironfoot495Hi I just installed ubuntu 10.04 Desktop and It very sluggish plus yahoo sticks in the new email command???16:48
mdoublesterWoops, something came up and I have to run, see you later16:48
ironfoot495Can some one please help me with this!16:49
milamberSoftarPaul: what version of ubuntu are you running?16:50
SoftarPaulmilamber: 10.1016:50
Uranellushey, I'd like to add multiple ipv6 addresses to an interface .. any ideas?16:50
minimecironfoot495: Check <System <Administration <Additional Drivers16:51
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SoftarPaulmilamber: What's up?16:53
arbitermy laptop has a lock touchpad button, but when i use it the touchpad does not unlock afterwards, the cursor remains locked, does anybody have any ideas?16:54
ironfoot495minimec: It says it is using proprietary drivers.16:54
minimecironfoot495: ok. Ok. ATI or Nvidia?16:54
ravenhow to add more changing backgrounds to ubuntu?16:55
ubutesterhmm hypothetically if I had installed ubuntu 10.10 and two accounts with the one thats password I don't remember using the "encrypt home folder", could I open the home folder or lets say firefox bookmarks from the other account in any way?16:56
sacarlsonUranellus:  I think I did something like this http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/x1035.html16:56
minimecironfoot495: Open a console and type 'lspci | grep VGA' in it. Important: 'VGA' not 'vga'16:56
ubutesterboth accounts are administrators16:56
milamberSoftarPaul: for chagrins try this: sudo servis apparmor stop16:56
arbiterraven: try this http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/1005-create-dynamic-backround-in-ubuntu-and-linuxmint-with-16:56
gabehhello, I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.  It has erlang installed, I see it in /usr/lib/erlang.  I can use the command 'erl' everywhere leading me to believe it is in a path variable somewhere. Unfortunately I'm too noob to know where it could be other than $Path, which it isn't in of course.  Do you have any ideas how I can tell where the /usr/lib/erlang directory is referred to?16:57
SoftarPaulmilamber: I get some text now. What to do now?16:57
schnufflegabeh: which erl16:57
ubutesterhmm hypothetically if I had installed ubuntu 10.10 and two accounts with the one thats password I don't remember using the "encrypt home folder", could I open the home folder or lets say firefox bookmarks from the other account in any way? both of the accounts are administrators16:57
milamberSoftarPaul: sudo service mysql start16:57
Bobmarleyhi if i take back of /etc then how can i upload in new box ?16:57
mkanyicygabeh: which erl16:57
gabehschnuffle 13b0316:58
mkanyicygabeh: or, type erl16:58
Uranellussacarlson, yeah, although it would be cool if I could do that with /etc/network/interfaces .. what do you think of adding a few "up" statements with ip -6 addr add ?16:58
timmillwoodDo most USB wifi dongles work out the box with 10.10?16:58
SoftarPaulmilamber: start: Job failed to start16:58
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Bobmarleyabhishek: bhosadi ke16:58
sacarlsonUranellus: I think you can setup scripts to run pre and post that should work there16:58
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gabehschnuffle: gives me /usr/bin/erl  So that path, /usr/bin is in $PATH.  Brilliant, thanks!16:59
ironfoot495 minimec: it shows that the VGA nvidia16:59
milamberSoftarPaul: try: sudo -u mysql mysqld16:59
Bobmarleyhello if i take back of /etc then how can i upload in new box ?16:59
Uranellussacarlson, thanks16:59
schnuffleBobmarley: take back of?17:00
minimecironfoot495: Do you have some info in [], like [GeForce 7600 GS] ?17:00
AbhijiT!language | Bobmarley17:00
ubottuBobmarley: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:00
AbhijiTPici, bazhang Bobmarley is using bad words in hindi17:00
Bobmarleyschnuffle: yes how can i back my old setting from backups ?17:00
AbhijiTshould i call !osp?17:00
ikoniaAbhijiT: we are aware17:00
AbhijiT...!ops  i mean17:00
Cyberfusionsacarlson when you say you can ping and ssh into it, is it on the same router?17:00
AbhijiTikonia, ok17:01
ajainAbhijiT, some abused me on #ubuntu17:01
schnuffleBobmarley: you mean how can I backup my /etc directory?17:01
SoftarPaulmilamber: What should I do?17:01
AbhijiTajain, talk to ikonia17:01
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undecimWhat's the command to purge the package cache?17:01
minimecironfoot495: Or easier. Paste the whole line17:01
Cyberfusioni have two seperate lans, i want the vm on one and the real machine on another but i want complete seperation17:01
milamberSoftarPaul: sudo apt-get install mysql-common17:01
sacarlsonCyberfusion: it is bridged onto any of my ethX devices17:01
ajainikonia, hey Bobmarley abused me17:01
ikoniaajain: send me a pm with details17:02
sacarlsonCyberfusion: and it has it's own mac and ip address17:02
SoftarPaulmilamber: I've already got mysql-common17:02
undecimCan I just clear out /var/cache/apt? or with that cause problems?17:02
Cyberfusionbut you still have one lan right or am i missing something17:02
sacarlsonCyberfusion: you can have it setup to bridge to the ethx of choice17:02
milamberSoftarPaul: did you try sudo -u mysql mysqld17:02
MHBhow to fix Got a single header line over 360 chars17:03
Cyberfusionwhat i dont want is the vm to access the host computer through the bridge17:03
sacarlsonCyberfusion: sometimes have 2 or 3 lan devices and bridge it to the one I want17:03
SoftarPaulmilamber: 110204 18:03:19 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.17:03
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SoftarPaul110204 18:03:19  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 4423317:03
SoftarPaul110204 18:03:19 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events17:03
SoftarPaul110204 18:03:19 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.17:03
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FloodBot2SoftarPaul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
SoftarPaulVersion: '5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  (Ubuntu)17:03
SoftarPaulsorry! forgot tiny17:03
snarksterin what situation will 10.04 not upgrade to 10.10.. i keep getting an error but its not giving me a reason17:03
Cyberfusionone lan is public and dangerous, the other is private and safe, I want the vm to exist in the dangerous network but not expose my host17:04
sacarlsonCyberfusion: well it's just like hardware if it's bridged to eth0 then it has the same restructions that hardware has to reach eth117:04
MHBhow to fix Got a single header line over 360 chars17:04
SoftarPaulmilamber: after that?17:04
newbieuserHello everyone17:04
milamberSoftarPaul: this seems to be some sort of bug then. try: locate my.cnf from the terminal. it should be there now17:05
newbieuserdoes anyone know why the color scheme for the top and bottom taskbars would change unexpectedly?17:05
gunndawgHow can I make a python (.py) file executable ?17:05
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SoftarPaulmilamber: It's found!17:06
sacarlsonCyberfusion: you could set that up kind of safe even with only one ethernet port but run the vm on a different mask ip address set17:06
jrib!permissions > gunndawg17:06
ubottugunndawg, please see my private message17:06
MHBhow to fix Got a single header line over 360 chars17:06
jribMHB: give us context17:06
gunndawgjrib, I tried that and got this. chmod: changing permissions of `main.py': Operation not permitted17:06
SoftarPaulmilamber: Open port now?:P17:06
MHBhow to fix (Got a single header line over 360 chars)17:06
woutervddnhey guys I'm searching for the webform of canonical where you can ask questions regarding the loco teams..  I can't seem to find it on their website..17:06
jribgunndawg: paste: ls -l /path/to/your/file.py17:06
newbieuseranyone know why the color would change on the top and bottom taskbars unexpectedly?17:07
gunndawgjrib, total 417:07
gunndawg-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2987 2011-02-04 09:05 main.py17:07
milamberSoftarPaul: mysql should automatically open the port. i'm trying to figure out why it won't let you start the process. try: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start17:07
jribgunndawg: why is it owned by root?17:07
gunndawgjrib, thats a good question17:07
MHBhow to fix (Got a single header line over 360 chars)17:08
hsa2i installed audacious and it's libnotify plugin but plugin is not working (it's not visible in plugin list)17:08
jribMHB: you need to give us context.17:08
SoftarPaulmilamber: "some text... start: Job failed to start"17:08
newbieuseranyone able to help a novice user here?17:08
jribnewbieuser: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:08
smallfootim using 10.10 maverick and i want kernel 2.6.37!! GIVE ME!!17:08
milamberSoftarPaul: can you pastebin it?17:08
bazhangsmallfoot, thats not supported17:09
smallfooti want anyways17:09
newbieuserwhy would the color on top and bottomr taskbars change unexpectedly?17:09
smallfootim tired of this shit ubuntu you always stuck with the old software and never can have new stuff!!17:09
bazhangsmallfoot, its not supported. thus offtopic17:09
bazhangsmallfoot, watch the language17:09
SoftarPaulmilamber: http://pastebin.com/FE1W6unm17:09
newbieuserI turn on my comp this mornin and the taskbars on top and bottom are suddenly gray17:09
jribsmallfoot: if you don't like ubuntu's time-based releases, then it's not for you.  Use a rolling release instead17:10
gunndawgjrib, ok I made it executable and when I double click on it and hit Run nothing comes up17:10
snarksteri cant get a laptop to upgrade to 10.10.. any suggestions?17:10
jribgunndawg: use a terminal17:10
lcbhi. how is possible to check which module / driver is running a particular device (in this case a webcam 0ac8:3420 ) by its id?17:10
SoftarPaulmilamber: You saw the result?17:10
ironfoot495 minimec: ok pasting17:10
milamberSoftarPaul: yes, looking at it now17:10
gunndawgjrib, I am trying to eliminate the use of a terminal in order to launch this python program, aka use it as an icon on my desktop17:10
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SoftarPaulmilamber: Good!17:11
jribgunndawg: that's fine.  But for now, use a terminal so you can troubleshoot.17:11
allquixoticHi, is there any GUI way to auto-mount non-Linux partitions (e.g. ntfs-3g) on every boot, from the GUI? I know how to mount it once, then take the /proc/mounts entry and stick it in /etc/fstab, but would like to know if there is a GUI way. Ubuntu 10.1017:11
mkanyicylcb: have you experimented with lsmod before?17:12
milamberSoftarPaul: is there anything in /var/log/mysql.err or /var/log/mysql.log   ?17:12
compdocallquixotic, I think the disk utility will do that, no?17:12
jribsmallfoot: note however that you can usually find PPAs for some of the more popular programs (for example the kernel team has a ppa iirc). Using them just means you have less stability (like with rolling releases)17:12
smallfootim pissed that i have kernel 2.6.35, and i must wait 6 months17:12
bazhangsmallfoot, this is not for complaints17:13
compdoc 2.6.35 is a bad thing?17:13
Cyberfusionwait 6 months for what17:13
smallfootjrib, the ppa only have 2.6.37 for 11.04 not 10.1017:13
lcbmkanyicy«  yes, it gives me several ones for video17:13
sacarlsongunndawg: so like a button it needs no display?  you can add it to a pannel to run your python script or just a file on you desktop that's runable I guess17:13
smallfootbazhang, where is for complaints?17:13
ironfoot495minimec: http://pastebin.com/RsbaTjNn17:13
SoftarPaulmilamber: not var/log/mysql/error.log?17:13
allquixoticcompdoc: The disk utility will mount it once, but I don't think it will make it mount on boot.17:13
smallfoothi ironfoot495, im smallfoot!17:13
DiSTORT3DAny solutions for apt-mirror:  Ssh: cannot open archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu//dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz: No such file ??17:13
compdocoh, I thought you wanted to do it manually17:13
mkanyicywhat is kubuntu's equivalent to ubuntu's baobab?17:14
ironfoot495yeah I see how did you come up wiyh that name?17:14
compdocallquixotic, try editing fstab?17:14
milamberSoftarPaul: if that exists and there is something in it, it's probably relevant17:14
SoftarPaulmilamber: they seem to be empty. or is it just because they've got a lock?17:14
allquixoticcompdoc: That's not a GUI way :) In my initial question I stated I know how to edit /etc/fstab. But when advising new users, I'd rather be able to tell them where to click, not what to type. :)17:14
milamberSoftarPaul: gksu gedit <filename> will open them (and show you if there is anything there)17:15
ironfoot495well maybe you got small feet right:)17:15
compdocallquixotic, all gui's17:15
smallfootironfoot495, maybe you got iron feet :D17:15
compdocooops, all gui's edit the config files - if its only done once, why use a gui?17:15
minimecironfoot495: There is a thread about someone having troubels with the 10.10 live CD in combination iwth your GPU... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158755117:16
ironfoot495well I'm a drummer from new york and I kick a mean Base Drum that why I got the name!!!17:16
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SoftarPaulmilamber: mysql.err is empty17:16
ironfoot495minimec: ok I'll check it out! Thanx.17:16
milamberSoftarPaul: ok. check /var/log/daemon.log17:17
q0zlcb, imho lspci -v | less, find your device, and it should list a kernel driver\module17:17
jribsmallfoot: erm, are you sure?17:17
minimecironfoot495: I am not really a Nvidia Guru. Maybe try to find some nvidia expert here on the channel.17:17
usr13how does one know if he has grub or grub2?17:17
smallfootjrib, idk17:17
popeysmallfoot: you can get newer kernels from the kernel team ppa17:17
lcbq0z«  thank you17:17
SoftarPaulmilamber: should I pastebin the last ones?17:17
milamberSoftarPaul: yes17:17
jribsmallfoot: well check... I'm fairly certain tha kernel ppa has the kernel you want (the -backbport-natty package)17:18
SoftarPaulmilamber: http://pastebin.com/EyE3MUui17:18
smallfootjrib, but i have maverick, not natty17:18
popeysmallfoot: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/17:18
jribsmallfoot: yes.17:18
usr13grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu10)  #Is this grub or grub2?17:18
popeysmallfoot: but they aren't supported as I understand it17:19
smallfootjrib, how i get 2.3.37 in maverick?17:19
milamberSoftarPaul: where is the my.cnf located?17:19
jribsmallfoot: by doing what I just told you :/17:19
smallfootpopey, on that website, i only find for natty, not maverick17:19
popeysmallfoot: ^^17:19
smallfootpopey, thats rc2, its bug, i want stable, that is not rc17:19
SoftarPaulmilamber: /etc/mysql/my.cnf17:19
popeysmallfoot: compile it yourself?17:19
allquixoticusr13: grub217:19
popeysmallfoot: I dont think you understand the way we release our software17:20
smallfootpopey, its not easy17:20
popeysmallfoot: ubuntu doesn't claim to always have latest of everything17:20
bobmarleymy system is formatted but i backup the /etc dir before i want to install previous /etc  in the new box .17:20
usr13I have a friend that has 9.04.  Would he have grub or grub2?17:20
MagicJI want to "hide" or remove the switch user icon from the panel - How do I do it?17:20
jribsmallfoot: what's your issue with https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa ?17:21
minimecironfoot495: Your card seems to be a special integrated GPU. --> see following link 'Video decoding processes that could be accelerated' http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/XvMC17:21
popeysmallfoot: if you want the very latest of everything you have various options, one of which is to run a different distro, like arch, or debian, another option is build it yourself, another option is to get someone else to do it. demanding it here wont solve it17:21
SoftarPaulmilamber: /etc/mysql/my.cnf17:21
bonjoyeeusr13: grub legacy17:21
smallfootjrib, it has kernel for natty, not for maverick17:21
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usr13bonjoyee: Thanks.  Well, probelm is that he re-installed, (becuase he forgot password), and now he is no longer able to boot MS-Windows on his notebook.17:22
bobmarleyhow can i reback my computer via my old backups ?17:23
jribsmallfoot: actually those packages are built for lucid17:23
usr13bonjoyee: Not sure what to tell him.  Not sure where to start...17:23
bonjoyeeusr13: did the install not pick up the windows install?17:23
bazhang!info etckeeper | bobmarley17:23
ubottubobmarley: etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 32 kB, installed size 380 kB17:23
smallfootjrib, i want 2.6.37 for maverick17:23
allquixoticIsn't a grub version of 1.98 indicative of grub2? If you look at ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/grub/ it seems "GRUB legacy" is 0.97 and earlier; "GRUB 2" is 1.90 or later.17:23
jribsmallfoot: so you probably either need to wait or build it yourself17:23
bazhangallquixotic, yes17:23
bonjoyee!grub | usr1317:23
ubottuusr13: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:23
usr13I told him that he should upgrade to 10.04 but.... other than that, I don't know.17:23
bobmarleythanks bazhang lemme try it :)17:24
allquixoticbazhang, usr13, bonjoyee: Then he is not using grub legacy. That is grub2.17:24
allquixotic(thanks bazhang)17:24
popeysmallfoot: I have given you the options17:24
bazhangallquixotic, yep :)17:24
LeGambitteurhi there17:24
bonjoyeeallquixotic: how?17:24
whitehatHello, I'm having some trouble with apt-get. I tried install vim a few days ago and got this error "E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)."  with a bunch of stuff saying "that" this relied on "that" and that they won't be installed.  So then I tried "apt-get -f install" and it gives me the error "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libattr1". I17:24
whitehatsearched for a solution yesterday and found a few things, but none of them worked for me. I just thought there might be someone here that could help, thanks to anyone who relies.17:24
milamberSoftarPaul: hold please (hampster doing its thing)17:24
allquixoticbonjoyee: Look at the version of the grub-install that usr13 posted. It was 1.98 and some ubuntu patches. That's grub2.17:24
allquixoticbonjoyee: You can also easily tell by determining which of these two files exists: /boot/grub/menu.lst (grub-legacy) or /boot/grub/grub.cfg (grub2)17:25
smallfootjrib, in windows or mac i never need build anything myself, only in linux!! CRAP!17:25
bonjoyeeallquixotic: oh..ok..i jumped in late....but he mentions its 9.04?17:25
BlaDe^the cpu frequency scaling thing only lets me take my laptop up to 1.9Ghz when it's a 2.4 --- why is this?17:25
BlaDe^it's a default install I haven't touched anything17:25
jpdssmallfoot: But if you want the latest features and bleeding edge stuff, you have to run the dev release.17:26
smallfootpopey, i dont want arch linux, its dumb and need edit config file and do dumb stuffs in 1000 hours17:26
jribsmallfoot: you don't need to build anything.  Just use what the repositories already provide for you17:26
allquixoticbonjoyee: Maybe he installed the grub2 package :) Might've been available as a package back then, I honestly don't remember. But if it is a default install, then yeah, it would probably have to be grub-legacy...? O.o17:26
SoftarPaulmilamber: What's hampster?17:26
smallfootjpds, yeha i tried natty alpha2, it sucks so hard, you try open a window, whole thing crashes, its more crap than windows 3.11 beta117:26
bonjoyeeallquixotic: also if its grub2 ,,then getting windows back should be as easy as doing....sudo update-grub!17:27
allquixoticBesides, a grub version of 1.98 couldn't possibly have been reported before 3/5/2010, because that's when that version of grub2 was put on GNU's ftp server.17:27
jribsmallfoot: anyway, popey and I have told you, if you don't like ubuntu's time-based releases (stable release every 6 months and then only security updates), then use a different distro.  It's that simple17:27
jpdssmallfoot: With, it is an _unstable_ release for a reason.17:27
allquixoticSo a grub version of 1.98 on 9.04 is a huge anachronism :)17:27
allquixoticunless he compiled it from source17:27
piercedwaterDoes anyone know of a program similar to hwinfo that will measure the active speed of a USB port?17:28
whitehatIs there anyone here that could help me fix apt-get?17:28
smallfootjrib, different distro? like gentoo? its like pick yourself in the eye with a fork, the only alternative to ubuntu is mac or win717:28
bonjoyeepiercedwater: sudo lshw17:29
popeypiercedwater: time dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/foo/filename17:29
LeGambitteurhey guys, how to reset all graphic settings ans start from the begining to install a new graphic card ?17:29
milamberSoftarPaul: it meant i was thinking. is your my.cnf readable?? ls /etc/mysql/my.cnf17:29
jribsmallfoot: then use mac or win if that's what you like17:29
usr13Is it possible that update-grub will fix it?17:29
smallfootjpds, so just cuz its unstable, it has to be worse than windows 3.11 beta1?17:29
popeysmallfoot: this isnt helping17:29
whitehatIt's giving me a few errors and I can't find any way to fix it.17:29
bonjoyeeusr13: don't remember if that works on grub legacy..17:30
allquixoticLeGambitteur: If you are using a recent enough version of Ubuntu and no proprietary drivers, you shouldn't need to do anything to change your graphics card. It should be automatically detected.17:30
plaziaI have lost the volume control/mixer icon "thingie" in the notification/system tray area since I upgraded to 10.10. I've still got sound and everything but could anyone tell me how to restore it?17:30
allquixoticLeGambitteur: However, if you *do* have proprietary NVIDIA or ATI drivers installed, you should remove them first if you are changing from ATI to NVIDIA or vice versa.17:30
ionutanyone knows a windows mobile sync for ubuntu ?17:30
plaziaDoesn't seem to be a normal gnome panel applet thingie17:30
milamberwhitehat: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get check17:30
bonjoyeeusr13: you could check the grub guide though !grub | usr1317:30
azidhakais there a separate channel for advanced networking in ubuntu?17:30
whitehatmilamber, ok I'll try that17:31
ikoniaazidhaka: just ask17:31
whitehatmilamber, Using those commands it gives me the error "E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f."17:32
LeGambitteurallquixotic: I was using an nvidia card, then the sis embended one and now an nvidia one, but it's not detected, so I want to reset all settings to see if it'll be detected17:32
bonjoyeewhitehat: try sudo apt-get install -f17:32
milamberwhitehat: sudo apt-get -f install17:32
wsirc_4737723hi, can anyone please mention about how to install packages from ubuntu 10.10 maverick dvd, without internet connection17:32
sacarlsonplazia: add the Indicator Applet 0.3.717:32
whitehatbonjoyee, i'll try that17:33
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Ah -- so you have an on-board SiS integrated GPU, as well as an Nvidia discrete card?17:33
plaziasacarlson, thanks I'll try it17:33
LeGambitteurallquixotic: yes17:33
allquixoticLeGambitteur: The SiS chip doesn't have any special proprietary drivers, so all you need to do is install the NVIDIA binary drivers (or try to get nouveau working if you want open source), and make sure your VGA or DVI-D cable is plugged into the correct card.17:34
piercedwaterthanks popey bonjoyee17:34
azidhakaI have the following network setup: client --pptpvpn--> server  --ipiptunnel--> 2ndserver --> internet. This system works perfectly in CentOS, but with Ubuntu i am having17:34
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Your motherboard probably has a VGA or DVI port, and that goes to the SiS chip. To use the NVIDIA card, you need to plug your monitor into the NVIDIA card in your PCI or PCI-Express slot.17:34
azidhakathe too-big-enter syndrome17:34
LeGambitteurallquixotic: it'splugged in the right port17:34
allquixoticLeGambitteur: OK. Are you currently at the nvidia machine, using the desktop, with the monitor plugged into the nvidia card?17:35
whitehatbonjoyee, The last time I tried that it gave me the error "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libattr1", but this time it's doing something different. Hopefully it works this time.17:35
bonjoyeewhitehat: good luck:)17:35
LeGambitteurallquixotic: yes I'm using the nvidia card, but it's not detected17:36
paradigmflowhello, I was wondering what is the nearest program to adobe fireworks?17:36
allquixoticLeGambitteur: OK -- by "not detected", what do you mean? Do you get a specific error message?17:36
bazhang!equivalents > paradigmflow17:36
ubottuparadigmflow, please see my private message17:36
ionutanyone knows any syncronization application for wmobile ?17:37
twitchbazhang: do you ever sleep :P17:37
allquixoticionut: Try SynCE17:37
wsirc_4737723hi, can anyone please mention about how to install packages from ubuntu 10.10 maverick dvd, without internet connection17:37
LeGambitteurallquixotic: no specific messages, but when I try to install the proprietary drivers nothing is detected17:37
ionutallquixotic: okay. thanks buddy17:38
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: add the dvd to sources.list...17:38
azidhakaI have the following network setup: client --pptpvpn--> server  --ipiptunnel--> 2ndserver --> internet. This system works perfectly in CentOS, but with Ubuntu i am having the following problems: pings from the client to the internet are erratic, websites do not open, etc. Tcpdump shows that the client sends the initial packets and nothing happens for a while, and then a single RST is received from the website. I've managed to provide internet17:38
azidhakaaccess for the 2ndrouter by lowering MTU on the tunnel. The clients are still in the air. Any ideas?17:38
allquixoticLeGambitteur:  OK. Hmm. Can you find the PCI ID for your Nvidia card for me? It should be in the terminal command: lspci -nnvv17:38
allquixoticLeGambitteur: It should show up as a "VGA Controller" and should say "NVIDIA" somewhere in there. And then it'll have two numbers, like this: [1234:5678]17:38
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: its added but not working17:39
piercedwaterSo will USB 3.0 actually hit the speed they claim? My USB 2.0 port gets no where near the 480Mbps its supposed to17:39
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: have you added another  repos to sources.list that get packages from internet?17:39
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: infact i have ubuntu 10.10 and systems adds a line in the sources.list some other some other line by itself17:40
LeGambitteurallquixotic: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] [10de:0322] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])17:40
allquixoticAh. FX 5200. Thanks17:40
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: the packages from internet are working fine17:40
LeGambitteuryeah it's an old one :p17:41
milamberwsirc_4737723: did you run sudo apt-get update after adding it to the list?17:41
allquixoticI'll pose this question to the channel then; does anyone know if the GeForce FX 5200 is still supported by current NVIDIA binary drivers? Not sure if they have removed support.17:41
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: yes17:41
allquixoticI *think* you will need to use the nvidia legacy drivers17:41
paradigmflowthnx! definitely links to keep ;o)17:41
BlaDe^CPU Frequency Scaling only lets me go up to 1.9GHz -- my laptop is a dual core 2.4GHz --- what's the problem? (It's a default install)17:41
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: then apt will try to get the latest package from the internet and not the dvd..only if the packages on the dvd are the current version, they will install from it..17:41
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: synaptics package manager is preconfigured to get the installation from a specifc DVD17:42
allquixoticLeGambitteur:  NVIDIA has three "series" of binary drivers. The current series supports recent cards (I think, GeForce 7000 or later). The legacy series supports, probably your FX 5200. The unsupported series supports the truly ancient stuff.17:42
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: ok17:42
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: how exactly?17:42
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?17:42
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: how i can override this option, i do not want to use internet at all17:43
BlaDe^CPU Frequency Scaling only lets me go up to 1.9GHz -- my laptop is a dual core 2.4GHz --- what's the problem? (It's a default install)17:43
LeGambitteurallquixotic: Maverick17:43
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Ok, great. I'm thinking you need to install the nvidia-96 package.17:43
allquixoticYep. This is from `aptitude show nvidia-96':  GPUs ranging from GeForce series 2 (except for GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro,17:43
allquixotic GeForce2 Ti and GeForce2 Ultra) to Geforce series 7 are supported.17:43
allquixotic5200 is between '2' and '7' ;-)17:44
St018hello there.I will format my dual boot computer (ubuntu-windows) but grub is on same partition with windows .How can i restor grub after formatting17:44
LeGambitteurallquixotic: :=17:44
minimecallquixotic: You seem to have some knowledge about the nvidia driver. I had a question about sluggish behaviour of a nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2), using property driver. Any ideas?17:44
minimecallquixotic: on 10.10 maverick...17:45
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: I have downloaded ubuntu 10.10 i386.iso which i try to add in the sources.list, but there always exists another line with Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat Release i386 (20101007.1)17:45
allquixoticminimec: It's been about 2 years since I've booted up the Nvidia proprietary driver; I use ATI now. That said, I might be able to speculate as to the issue. Sluggish behavior, eh? Do you have compiz (desktop effects) enabled?17:45
BlaDe^CPUFREQ shows "  hardware limits: 800 MHz - 1.90 GHz" but I have a dual core 2.4GHz -- what's the problem?17:46
Nisarg_Shahcan i ask problems here?17:46
LeGambitteurallquixotic: thanks for your help, but how to install the package ?17:46
sacarlsonallquixotic: LeGambitteur: I see at nvidea site it wants nvidia driver version 173.14.28 as support http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-173.14.28-driver.html17:47
obscurant1sti have installed vuze. What is the default install location of that? can some one pls tell me?17:47
plaziasacarlson, thanks that sorted it :)17:47
allquixoticNisarg_Shah: This is a community tech support channel for supported versions of Ubuntu. If you have a problem with that, go ahead and ask.17:47
coz_obscurant1st,  that should be under  internet applications17:47
minimecallquixotic: Was a question on the #channel here from ironfoot*something*... I guess he used default settings including restricted driver.17:47
Nisarg_Shahwell, i just installed eclipse from the software center, but it was 3.5.2, 3.6 being the latest.17:47
obscurant1stcoz_: no i need the install location, where the binaries are stored!17:47
bonjoyee1obscurant1st: try "whereis vuze" or "which vuze"17:47
BlaDe^can anyone help with my problem?17:48
coz_obscurant1st,  most likely  /usr/bin17:48
BluesKajobscurant1st, look inapplications/ internet17:48
Nisarg_Shahi searched on the internet for steps to update, and followed them, but keep getting there are no new updated17:48
allquixoticminimec: ironfoot495 is no longer here, so if that's his problem, and he isn't here...17:48
obscurant1stcoz_: bonjoyee1 thanks guys!17:48
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee1: any hint for me17:48
Dr_WillisNisarg_Shah:  you looked for aupdated PPA of eclipse?17:48
minimecallquixotic: I know.17:48
undecimBlaDe^: Can I get a pastebin of /proc/cpuinfo?17:48
Nisarg_Shahaaaaa.... whats that, i am new to ubuntu17:48
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Oh, you might want to install the nvidia-173 package instead :-) Although the -96 package MAY work, the 173 is much more recent and still supports your GPU17:48
BlaDe^sure, moment undecim17:48
Dr_Willis!ppa | Nisarg_Shah17:49
ubottuNisarg_Shah: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:49
bonjoyee1wsirc_4737723: so you say you have added the dvd to sources right?17:49
Dr_WillisNisarg_Shah:  ubuntu gets basically everything updated every 6 mo, thats why the app is not the latest17:49
=== bonjoyee1 is now known as bonjoyee
St018Nisarg_Shah: eclipse in software center is helios if you go eclipse.org and download eclipse for linux version17:49
allquixoticminimec: Well, for starters, it could be what I just discovered (thanks scarlson): The cards from GeForce '5' series through GeForce '7' series (6150 included) would be supported by either the -96 or the -173 driver. You want to use the newer one.17:49
LeGambitteurSt018: you have to  boot with the live cd, 1) System->Administration->Drivers utilities: then pick the primary hard drive id (normaly /dev/sda)17:49
St018its galileo there17:49
BlaDe^undecim:  http://pastie.org/152888417:49
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: so what happens when installing packages?17:49
Nisarg_Shahi can downloaded it from the website17:49
Nisarg_Shahi cant see the icon and stuff17:50
=== evilvish is now known as vish
Nisarg_Shahof eclipse17:50
allquixoticLeGambitteur: You could probably install it through the Ubuntu Software Center, but I just pull up a terminal and run, e.g., sudo apt-get install nvidia-17317:50
Dr_WillisNisarg_Shah:  its best to use a PPA. or som eother repository17:50
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: here is how line look like deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 i386]/ maverick main restricted17:50
GauravButolaPete Graner (Kernel Engineering Manager) is about to do his live Q+A IRC chat now in #ubuntu-meeting on freenode - join and ask your kernel questions! Join from your web browser at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-meeting17:50
St018LeGambitteur: there is no drivers in admi*17:50
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: do you have the dvd now?17:50
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: there is another line added by itself like this deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007.1)]/ maverick main restricted17:51
BlaDe^undecim:  that doesn't seem to mention 2.4GHz either17:51
Gwar_TrolleWhy wont my wireless usb dongle connect to an adhoc network? :'(17:51
St018Nisarg_Shah: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/17:51
undecimBlaDe^: Nope17:51
LeGambitteurSt018: sorry I have the french version, it's the one before the last menu in Administration17:51
BlaDe^undecim: It is though, I assure you :p17:51
Nisarg_Shahhow do i add the eclipse i downloaded from the website to the development section in the menu17:51
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: while doing apt-get install something it says it can not find the second deb dvd17:51
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: i have the iso17:52
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: is any of those lines preceded by a # (ie commented out)?17:52
minimecallquixotic: That is good to know for further questions going into this direction. I run a painless 7600GS... Would the system automatically indicate the newer one a srecommended?17:52
LeGambitteurallquixotic: ok thank you, I'll install it ;)17:52
St018Nisarg_Shah: i dont remember actually u can ask that here17:52
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
LeGambitteurSt018: are you runing the live cd right now ?17:52
Nisarg_Shahnew doubt!17:52
St018no boot17:52
allquixoticminimec: Unsure. You can look in dmesg to check which version you're running though.17:52
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: no17:52
undecimBlaDe^: Do you have cpufrequtils installed?17:53
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: ok...is this the same dvd you installed your ubuntu from?17:53
BlaDe^undecim:  yup -- want the info output?17:53
undecimBlaDe^: AYe17:53
minimecallquixotic: DOn't need nvidia assistance personally. But THX for the information. I am more the ATI guy...17:53
BlaDe^undecim:  http://pastie.org/152889817:54
LeGambitteurSt018: in linux or windows ? ?17:54
St018its dual boot17:54
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: yes, i mean the first name, out of two17:54
St018i will just format windows17:54
LeGambitteurSt018: so you havn't done it yet17:55
St018but thanks to manufacturer ubuntu's grub settings are in ntfs partition which i will format17:55
St018no but my friend done17:55
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: ok then...comment out the second line...mount the dvd..and do sudo apt-get update17:55
obscurant1stbonjoyee: coz_ it showed /usr/bin/vuze but its not a dir it says?17:55
undecimBlaDe^: Is this a laptop?17:55
BlaDe^undecim:  yes17:55
St018Nisarg_Shah: ar u there17:55
undecimBlaDe^: Is it currently connected to AC power?17:56
St018check here it says how to17:56
BlaDe^undecim:  yes17:56
undecimBlaDe^: Was it connected on boot?17:56
bonjoyeeobscurant1st: it should be a binary file..try file /usb/bin/vuze17:56
BlaDe^undecim: yes, it's almost always connected.... i've had this problem for months.. but finally decided to try and do something about it17:56
BlaDe^undecim:  I also had the issue on 10.0417:56
undecimBlaDe^: My guess would be that it's a BIOS setting17:56
undecimBlaDe^: But that could be wrong17:57
LeGambitteurSt018: ok, I'v done the same, but with a french procedure, so what are u runing now ?17:57
chaos2358strange thing. the battery for my laptop has been dead for a few months. I just recieved the new one i ordered but when i put it in "everything works fine" I do not have the "on battery power" settings group under power managment anymore????17:57
BlaDe^undecim:  what should I look for? the bios is pretty basic for this laptop17:57
St01823 or 24 kernel17:57
obscurant1stbonjoyee: the thing is i downloaded the latest binaries from vuze website, and i am thinking to update it by replacing these binaries, but now in here i am only able to find one binary file. :(17:57
chaos2358running ubuntu 10.10 by the way17:57
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: its mounted, but is in the /media, not in the /media/cdrom and cat /etc/fstab, does not have its entry17:57
LeGambitteurSt018: fine, System->Administration->disk utilities17:58
undecimBlaDe^: Anything to do with clock speed or performance. Though unless you changed it yourself, I don't see any reason for it to be limiting your CPU speed17:58
St018LeGambitteur: im there17:58
BlaDe^undecim: Nah I haven't touched it.17:58
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: it should be in /media/apt17:58
bonjoyeeobscurant1st: did you install it from the repos?17:58
chaos2358I no longer have the settings tab for "on battery power" on my laptop. I dont know where it went, how it went or why it went. How do i get it back? Ubuntu 10.1017:58
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: should i create apt manually17:59
LeGambitteurSt018: note the id of your primary hdd17:59
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: no..17:59
BlaDe^undecim: thanks for your help17:59
LeGambitteurSt018: normaly it's /dev/sda17:59
undecimBlaDe^: Is your laptop running hot or anything?17:59
obscurant1stbonjoyee: the old one i installed from binaries, but the vze 4.6 is nt there in repos17:59
Nisarg_Shahi am really new to ubuntu and have a question : what is tar.gz exactlly. i know its a compression standard, but does it have any other application, like an exe in windows17:59
BlaDe^undecim:  nope, 48degrees for the CPU17:59
undecimBlaDe^: In my experience, AMD boards like to have hardware control of CPU frequency...17:59
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: how did you mount the dvd..from iso image?17:59
BlaDe^undecim:  I see17:59
undecimBlaDe^: e.g., my laptop will only go to 1/2 speed if not plugged in18:00
BlaDe^undecim:  I rarely utilise all the CPU anyway so it's not a major issue, just irritating18:00
chaos2358Nisarg_Shah,  Nope. It is just the format in which linux/ubuntu uses for packages.18:00
bonjoyeeobscurant1st: what do you mean by binaries?18:00
chaos2358I no longer have the settings tab for "on battery power" on my laptop. I dont know where it went, how it went or why it went. How do i get it back? Ubuntu 10.1018:00
St018LeGambitteur: i have 718:00
undecimBlaDe^: It might be the powernow driver, too18:00
renjdoes ubuntu use /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit18:00
BlaDe^undecim:  that'td make proc/cpuinfo report the wrong data?18:00
LeGambitteurSt018: 7 hdd ?18:01
undecimBlaDe^: No18:01
obscurant1sttar.gz will contain binaries right, like firefox when we download from the webite18:01
renjfirst script run by init18:01
Nisarg_Shahthen how do u 'install' from tar.whatever18:01
bonjoyeeobscurant1st: yes..so my question is..how did you install the older version?18:01
chaos2358Nisarg_Shah, right click>extract here.18:01
wsirc_4737723bonjoye:         mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom18:01
obscurant1stthe old version is still there in repo18:01
St018LeGambitteur: No 7 partitions 1 for bootable 2 ntfs 1 swap  and 3 ezt18:02
Nisarg_Shahthat will extract the folder, is that it?18:02
obscurant1sti think i hv made some changes in the repo18:02
obscurant1stbut still its shwing 4.318:02
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: is this a dvd image or a physical disc?18:02
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee:  mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom18:02
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: dvd image18:02
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: then that command won't mount the image..18:03
St018LeGambitteur: i have a partition called "Sistem Ayrıldı" which mea18:03
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso /media/cdrom18:03
LeGambitteurSt018: so just one hdd, click on it and write in a paper what u have in device (normaly it's /dev/sda)18:03
endlesshello everyone18:03
glitchddoes anyone know how i can go about getting  the matrix code for my desktop background?18:03
renji had this question about init and init scripts18:03
St018LeGambitteur: Which means system seperated and which have a folder called boot18:03
endlesshow to reactive gtk?18:04
St018LeGambitteur: so what i need to do is not to format that part right?18:04
coz_endless,   "reactive"  gtk?18:04
schnuffle1renj: rc.sysinit is not used on 10.10 you have rc.local and /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf18:04
St018LeGambitteur: which called dev/sda118:04
schnuffle1renj: the latter one cares about starting old sysv based daemons18:05
LeGambitteurSt018: dev/sda1 is the ntfs one ?18:05
St018LeGambitteur: yes18:05
endlesscoz_ somehow my X-server is not working18:05
renjschnuffle1, /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf is the first script run by init?18:05
mcl0vingood morning folks18:05
mcl0vini need help with some network issue . please take a look at http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd3/ribrahim/mynetwork.jpg18:05
St018glitchd: just waşş18:05
endlessusing natty @ eeepc 1000H18:05
coz_endless,  this is  10.10?18:05
LeGambitteurSt018: you can format it if you want, and then restore your grub18:05
endlesscoz_ natty18:06
St018glitchd: just wallpaper?18:06
glitchdSt018, huh?18:06
mcl0vini need help with that to access my apache2 running on ubuntu 9.10 please18:06
glitchdSt018, yes18:06
coz_endless,  ah   well you must either just installed this or did system updates... and you have nvidia  ..yes?18:06
glitchdSt018, i want it to be an animated type wallpaper18:06
Nisarg_Shahi still didnt get an answer, how do i add eclipse to application> when i have extracted it from a folder and run it from there18:06
St018glitchd: googlize that18:06
St018glitchd: i dont think you can add animated wallpapers18:06
Brokenhello everyone :)18:06
renjschnuffle1,  so is it the first script run by init..??18:06
glitchdSt018, wow,...thx for the tip.18:06
bonjoyeeNisarg_Shah: you have to create a custom launcher for it..18:07
endlesscoz_ I'm using ASUS eeepc 1000H now, it's my only netbook I can get now..18:07
schnuffle1remj: no it's an upstart script that is run on the filesystem trigger which means after the filesystems are mounted18:07
St018LeGambitteur: how to restore grub then?18:07
Nisarg_Shahlauncher???? i am new18:07
undecimNisarg_Shah: Right-click on the main menu, click "edit menus"18:07
mcl0vinanyone please help me18:07
Brokencan anyone help me I want to install games on ubuntu :-s18:07
coz_endless,   which video card?   lspi | grep -i vga18:07
schnuffle1renj: what do you want to do?18:07
undecimBroken: Which games?18:07
chrislu5ticHi all, Im relatively new to linux, Im running ubuntu 10.10,   Im trying to install enemy territory,   a game.. I have the file,   et-linux-2.60.x86.run      But I am unsure as of how to properly install it,18:07
St018Nisarg_Shah: like shortcut18:07
LeGambitteurSt018: I'v got dual boot too, I'v formated the windows partition and installed a new one, then I'v restored my grub, if it's what you want I can help you18:07
Brokengames like NFS Most wanted and i have image is the dvd :|18:07
BrokenNRG file18:08
St018LeGambitteur: exactly18:08
bonjoyeeNisarg_Shah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToAddaLauncher18:08
renjschnuffle1, i wanted to set cpu affinity for init so that i get all process bound to jut one processor18:08
minimecglitchd: There was some application once that took the matrix screensaver and rendered it as background. But that slows down the system.18:08
undecimBroken: Most games like that don't support Linux18:08
St018LeGambitteur: just how to restore grub while cant access ubuntu18:08
LeGambitteurSt018: in disk... click on the partition wich have linux18:08
coz_endless,  did you just install this?  and  actually  go to #ubuntu+1  channel  which is for natty18:08
minimecglitchd: Also e17 got an animated matrix background I think.18:08
Brokenso i cannot play it then :((18:08
Nisarg_Shahwow thanks18:08
chrislu5ticHi all, Im relatively new to linux, Im running ubuntu 10.10, Im trying to install enemy territory, a game.. I have the file, et-linux-2.60.x86.run But I am unsure as of how to properly install it,18:08
LeGambitteurSt018: you need to boot with the live cd18:08
undecimBroken: You can try it in Wine18:08
undecimBroken: WineHQ.org18:09
St018LeGambitteur: and how to restore?18:09
Brokenwine does not run NRG files and not ISO also :(18:09
undecimchrislu5tic: You're going about this the wrong way...18:09
undecimchrislu5tic: Enemy Territory is in the Ubuntu repositories. Just install it from the software center18:09
LeGambitteurSt018: pick a shit of paper and write the commands to do while in livecd18:09
chrislu5tichow about, the 2.60b pathch and what not?18:10
gpcLeGambitteur: sheet18:10
chrislu5tic patcH**18:10
undecimlol, bad typos18:10
St018LeGambitteur: i have my editor18:10
gpcsheet = une page18:10
victorhugo289Guys, I need can somebody help me, I have Ubuntu 10.10, and I installed this program called 'KIG', it's very good, but the little squares for the help tips when you hover your mouse on a button appear as black squares, you can't see nothing in there.18:10
LeGambitteurgpc: oops sorry18:10
gpcLeGambitteur: no problem18:10
glitchdminimec, e17?18:10
Brokeni have Ubuntu 10.04 UE it has wine but wine wont run ISO files18:10
St018LeGambitteur: yes?18:11
LeGambitteurSt018: the first thing is to run : System->Administration->disk utilities18:11
undecimBroken: You need to mount or extract the ISO files18:11
Brokenin WINE?18:11
Brokenwine will mount ISO files? :D18:11
undecimBroken: No18:12
St018LeGambitteur: didnt close18:12
mike999hi all18:12
victorhugo289All my KDE applications on Ubuntu are not showing the help tips when you hover your mouse over a button!! it's annoying.18:12
glitchdis there an exact way to get  the matrix background on my desktop? ubuntu 10.0418:12
undecimBroken: Either open with the archive manager or use acetoneiso to mount18:12
undecimBroken: Acetone should be available in the software center18:12
VCoolioglitchd: e17 has animated backgrounds, just not matrix ones; you'll need to make xscreensaver your wallpaper (there's a tool for that) then set matrix as default screensaver and disable nautilus as drawing desktop, google for a howto18:12
Brokeninstalled acetoneiso but i don't find where is it :(18:12
LeGambitteurSt018: 2) write the mount point of the linux partition which have grub18:12
chrislu5tici cannot locate enemy territory in ubuntu software centre18:12
glitchdVCoolio, ok thx18:12
Brokenmike999: hello18:12
mike999Broken hi there18:13
ben___coz_, I solved my problem by mistake ..18:13
minimecglitchd: http://www.enlightenment.org/ sudo apt-get install e17 on 10.10 maverick. It is a different Window Manager. But I didn't find any animated matrix wallpaper.18:13
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Brokenwhats up?18:13
undecimchrislu5tic: Oh, sorry. It's only in mine because I had enabled the PlayDeb repositories....18:13
m1lk34i try to update driver for intel gm965. i get this:18:13
St018LeGambitteur: root (/) folder ?18:13
m1lk34'sudo apt-get install-xserver-xorg-video-intel E: Invalid operation install-xserver-xorg-video-intel'18:13
Guest26752just ALT+left arrow , It shows login screen!18:13
LeGambitteurSt018: /media/...18:13
undecimchrislu5tic: Check this out: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/10.10/?q=enemy+territory18:13
=== Guest26752 is now known as endless
mike999Broken how is ur Ubuntu18:13
coz_ben__  oh18:13
Brokenawesome :)18:13
St018LeGambitteur: ok its sda118:14
Brokenmike999: it is brilliant :D18:14
victorhugo289Any help?18:14
mike999Broken  no doubt18:14
endlesscoz_ thx alot helping me18:14
genii-aroundm1lk34: Remove the dash between install and xserver and replace it with a space18:14
coz_endless,  ok how did you solve this?18:14
LeGambitteurSt018: yes, now write the mount point name /media/...18:14
undecimchrislu5tic: Install the playdeb package as it explains on that page, then you will have PlayDeb games (including enemy territory) in your software center.18:14
endlesscoz_, ALT+Left Arrow18:14
coz_endless,  also  the official natty  channel is   #ubuntu+118:14
St018LeGambitteur: its /media/Sistem Ayrıldı18:14
mcl0vinwhy i am not able to access my apache2 on my server18:14
endlesscoz_, okay thanks :)18:15
mike999Broken so where r u from18:15
m1lk34oh thx, i thought i had already tried that, but heck it worked :)18:15
sacarlsonmcl0vin: is apache2 running?  check with ps -A | grep apach18:15
LeGambitteurSt018: fine, 3) in a terminal (Applications->accessories->terminal) run this command : sudo os-prober18:16
mcl0vinsacarlson: check this out please http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd3/ribrahim/mynetwork.jpg18:16
Nisarg_Shahwhats a repository?18:16
LeGambitteurSt018: and check if all your systems are listed18:16
Brokenmike999: India my brother and you?18:16
mcl0vinsacarlson: you were helping me the other day i believe so !18:16
bazhang!repo > Nisarg_Shah18:16
ubottuNisarg_Shah, please see my private message18:16
mike999Broken  Russia18:16
St018LeGambitteur: /dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain18:16
bazhang!ot | Broken mike99918:16
ubottuBroken mike999: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:16
St018LeGambitteur: just windows18:16
JuJuBeeIf I didn't mount a volume during install of 10.10 can I copy the entry from my 10.04 fstab over?18:17
mcl0vin!repo > mcl0vin18:17
ubottumcl0vin, please see my private message18:17
sacarlsonmcl0vin: well I must have failed the first time, so it is running then?18:17
endlessmay I ask how to change telnet to UTF-8 Support?18:17
LeGambitteurSt018: it's normal you are not running a livecd18:17
mcl0vinsacarlson: hahaha ... no its not18:18
LeGambitteurSt018: thees steps are to do in the livecd18:18
chrislu5ticawesome its working18:18
St018LeGambitteur: and what more?18:18
sacarlsonmcl0vin: takes me 2 times to figure that out?18:18
LeGambitteurSt018: that's why u have to pick a sheet of paper and write them ;)18:18
yellabs-r2hello there18:18
yellabs-r2any one who knows a lot about vsftpd ?18:19
St018LeGambitteur: i have18:19
mcl0vinsacarlson: are you looking at the diagram ?18:19
sacarlsonmcl0vin: I did yes18:19
NooBoontooOk, i've  done it again. I cant login to Ubuntu 10.10 without being in SafeGraphical Mode18:19
NooBoontooI have done the nvidia-xconf and restarted, but still, the same18:19
LeGambitteurSt018: 4) in a terminal run : sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/... /dev/sda18:20
NooBoontooIts the second time now, last time happened when I updated and now the same18:20
NooBoontooIts the second time now, last time happened when I updated and now the same18:20
bonjoyee!anyone | yellabs-r218:20
ubottuyellabs-r2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:20
bazhang!enter | NooBoontoo18:20
ubottuNooBoontoo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:20
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: have you tried backing up Xorg.conf and just trying again?18:20
LeGambitteurSt018: change /media/... with your linux mount point name18:20
St018LeGambitteur: ok18:21
mcl0vinsacarlson: ok there is a dnydns updater installed at the m$ windows ( that redirects my WAN ip to my domain.dynDNSfreeacount.com18:21
LeGambitteurSt018: 5) reboot and you'r done ;)18:21
brokenangeli got dc you there :-s18:21
mcl0vini am not able to hit my domain18:21
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: trying again with the driver manager, not the nvidia-configamajig command18:21
St018LeGambitteur: can i access my programs while live cd18:21
NooBoontooChogyDan: Yes, I used the nvidia-xconf command and restarted but still the same18:21
St018LeGambitteur: like guake and emacs?18:21
sacarlsonmcl0vin: ok and does your router redirect port 80 to your ubuntu box?18:22
mcl0vinsacarlson: which router?18:22
LeGambitteurSt018: u can run all the programs installed by defaul in ubuntu18:22
LeGambitteurSt018: like gedir18:22
LeGambitteurSt018: gedit*18:22
miniuserhello. whats the new keybaord combo to restart X? it used to be ctrl-alt-backspace?18:22
sacarlsonmcl0vin: the linksys the outside wan, is it redirect port 80 to what?18:23
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: you could post your Xorg.0.log through pastebin18:23
NooBoontooSome say is the Kernel, I installed the most recnt version of the module Kernel from Nvidia, but some Ubuntu experts say that I have to stay with the kernels provided by Ubuntu18:23
mcl0vinsacarlson: at this time , i removed all port fwding until i figure out whats up18:23
sacarlsonmcl0vin: well without it wan port 80 will go no place18:24
NooBoontooChogyDan, I have like 15 .Xorg files, wich one should I paste?18:24
LeGambitteurallquixotic: how to activate the new installed driver ?18:24
sacarlsonmcl0vin: can you access apaceh2 from you windows box?18:24
allquixoticLeGambitteur: try rebooting18:24
mcl0vinsacarlson: well will it redirect to another subnet ? because linksys is at network id and ubuntu is at
bonjoyeemcl0vin: if you have not redirected port 80 to ubuntu..it should take you to the router config page..18:24
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: it sounds like you already know what the problem is18:24
LeGambitteurallquixotic: that's what I was thinking to do ;)18:25
LeGambitteurallquixotic: thx man18:25
allquixoticLeGambitteur: Good luck! :)18:25
LeGambitteurcya guys18:25
NooBoontooChogyDan, not really, I just asuming it is the Kernel, is there a way to delete a Kernel from a GPU and then installing the one provided from Ubuntu?18:25
sacarlsonmcl0vin: no it won't18:25
mcl0vinsacarlson: that an issue then18:26
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sacarlsonmcl0vin: ya just change it18:27
mcl0vinsacarlson:there must be a way18:28
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: you should uninstall whatever you installed, but I don't know about that.  You could try just renaming your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and then use the standard driver manager to uninstall then install the driver again18:28
mcl0vinsacarlson: i mean , thats what a router suppose to do! join internetworks right?18:29
QuartZohey dudes, i have one concern, i am setting up a "studio" machine... with ubuntu... it will have 2 lite-on drives, is brasero going to be OK burning 2 mediums at once?18:29
ChogyDanQuartZo: I think that depends on how you have hooked them up18:29
sacarlsonmcl0vin: ok add another fake port on ubuntu like eth0:1  that has another address of
NooBoontooChogyDan, Thats sond ok, but like I told you before, I have like 15 Xorg files, wich one is the correct one?18:30
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:30
mcl0vinsacarlson: can you help me understand what you are trying to accomplish18:30
QuartZoChogyDan: one on each SATA channel18:30
NooBoontooXorg.0 Xorg.0.log.old Xorg.1 Xorg.1log.old....18:31
mattc__major headache with alu mac keyboard (uk) and ubuntu18:31
mattc__every setting i try always misses out an important key18:31
mattc__either hash or backslash18:31
NooBoontooI even have a Xorg.failsafe.log18:32
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:32
cognitiaclaevesssh-agent appears to be broken in ubuntu LTS.  ( At least, it didn't work out of the box like it did for Debian Lenny. )18:32
cognitiaclaevesIt keeps asking for the passphrase with each connection.18:32
schnuffle1mattc__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard18:32
mattc__infact, it is fine if i switch to US keyboard (just lose the pound symbol)18:32
ChogyDanQuartZo: I would give it a try.  If it doesn't work, try enabling immed in Edit > Plugins > wodim > Configure   (I know, it is hidden)18:33
izinucsAny issues these days with installing ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop on the same install and switching between them on the login screen?  other than the menu mess it typically creates18:33
macoizinucs: thats it18:33
izinucsmaco: meaning the menu mess ? :)18:33
ChogyDanNooBoontoo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf     you only have one of those18:33
sacarlsonmcl0vin: simply add with ifconfig eth0:1, and magic now you can be seen and work both networks from a single nic18:33
macoizinucs: yep18:33
macoizinucs: though i saw someone link a hint here recently about running a script to add OnlyShowIn=Gnome and OnlyShowIn=KDE (or something like that) all the .desktop files18:34
piercedwaterDoes anyone know where I can find 64-bit Dell DSET or OMSA for Ubuntu?18:34
inashdeenhi,need help to get ctrl alt del bind to system monitor on maverick meerkat for ok mint linux 1018:34
izinucsmaco: ok.. good.. in the past when you switched you had to choose the backend processes.. either gnome or kde.. is that still true and can you flip flop between them?18:34
jastivwhere can I find my package log?18:35
paradigmflowis there a sudo apt for ImageMagick?18:35
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:35
tom1996hi all18:35
izinucsparadigmflow: sure.. sudo apt-get imagemagick18:35
jastivI've completly messed up my packageing system and I want to find out what I did wrong.18:35
izinucsparadigmflow: sure.. sudo apt-get install imagemagick18:35
schnuffle1jastiv: /var/log/dpkg.log18:35
jastivso I don't keep doing it over and over and over18:35
macoizinucs: what do you mean "backend process"?18:35
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:35
tom1996dpkg-reconfigure apt18:35
gpcjastiv: /var/log/apt/history.log18:36
izinucsmaco: the system processes.. gnome uses compiz and kde doesn't etc18:36
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:36
genii-aroundparadigmflow: You may want to run first: sudo apt-get update18:36
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:36
macoizinucs: compiz is just a window manager. you can use it with gnome, kde, or xfce18:36
sten_hi, where i can put rythmbox translation?18:36
macoizinucs: gnome's window manager is metacity. kde's is kwin, and xfce's is xfwm418:37
jalljois there an ubuntu equivalent to freebsd's portaudit, or do you just watch the security lists and manually upgrade vulnerable packages18:37
tom1996sten_: you might seacrch for a locales/folder18:37
paradigmflowmany thnx18:37
=== kaie is now known as Guest60790
izinucsmaco: yes.. but like in 10.04 pulseaudio was in gnome but not in kubuntu and there are other system differences in the backend.18:38
greppyjalljo: I just install apticron and then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade when it emails me that there are updates.18:38
macoizinucs: kubuntu and xubuntu both use pulseaudio now18:38
izinucsmaco: yes.. on 10.1018:38
paradigmflowInvalid operation imagemagick?18:39
izinucsmaco: ok.. I'll give it a shot.. I can always revert18:39
schnuffle1paradigmflow: trying to install imagemagick?18:40
genii-aroundparadigmflow: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install imagemagick18:40
schnuffle1paradigmflow: how? paste your command18:40
genii-aroundschnuffle1: If it says that "imagemagick" is an invalid command, omitting of the directive "install" almost certainly18:41
paradigmflowyes I missed the 'install' bit :$18:41
ActionParsnipPici: can I PM you a trivial question please?18:41
noobie25sudo apt-get install mysql    this is not working any help>18:41
schnuffle1genii-around: the main imagemagick tool is called convert18:41
Encry9Hi, I relogged out of ubuntu, truecrypt was running, refuses to show a window because it's really there i just cannot see it, i tried sudo killall -9 truecrypt, and i dont see it running anywhere, how to get truecrypt running again without restarting PC?18:42
schnuffle1genii-around: sorry just got it :)18:42
ryliemy niggaz18:42
ryliehow do i decrypt a 7zip file18:42
rylieslammy wammy on the p side18:42
schnuffle1paradigmflow: imagemagick is a tool suite where the main binary is called convert18:42
pvl1rylie, get the password?18:43
guntbertrylie: don't do that again18:43
paradigmflowI see18:43
ActionParsnipRylie:can you not spam the channel please18:43
izinucsnoobie25: you trying to install LAMP?  then use sudo tasksel18:43
SuperPaco69hello is there a command to find out which users belong to what groups?18:43
pvl1Encry9, have you tried running it from a terminal to see the debug info18:43
ryliei have the password18:43
noobie25izinucs: yes...      i haven't used tasksel.... i'll try that now18:44
pvl1rylie, so go install 7z and extract18:44
guntbertrylie: 1st: mind your language here18:44
Encry9pvl1: yeah, ill try with -v and see what it says or is there a better method?18:44
PiciActionParsnip: Sure.18:44
RypervencheHow can I extract a tar.gz to a specific folder in one command? I tried "tar xzvf filename.tar.gz -C $HOME/folder" and it didn't work.18:44
ajitamhi I'm unable to mount disk - wrong filetype. How can I get disk filetype (/dev/sdb2            3854       19457   125339130   83  Linux)18:44
ActionParsnipRylie: if you install p7zip-full and p7zip-rar you can run: 7z x filename18:44
pvl1Encry9, you might also want to try running top, or better yet htop, to see if maybe its not called truecrypt18:45
androxyhello, any one here installed android sdk in ubuntu?18:45
androxyhave a problem18:45
FloodBot2androxy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
SuperPaco69hello is there a command to find out which users belong to what groups?18:45
q0zajitam, i assume thats a usb pendrive?18:45
pvl1SuperPaco69, do you mean from a command line?18:45
guntbertSuperPaco69: less /etc/group18:45
ajitamq0z no hard drive18:45
SuperPaco69yes pvl118:45
greppySuperPaco69: you could grep /etc/group for the usernames or the group name.18:46
xmanhi !!!18:46
jalljogreppy - thanks. thats one method i had read about but wasnt sure if that just emailed about updates or if it ranked them by severity. ill check it out18:46
SuperPaco69ok greppy  thanks18:46
mkanyicyRypervenche: try a direct link, ditch $HOME for now18:46
cognitiaclaevesAnyone have ssh-agent working in ubuntu from the command line?18:46
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
PiciSuperPaco69: getent group somegroupname18:46
xmando you know a way to change desktop icons size in ubuntu ?18:46
Rypervenchemkanyicy: I tried that as well, I tried using "/home/username/folder" but it did nothing as well.18:46
guntbert!anyone | cognitiaclaeves18:46
ubottucognitiaclaeves: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:46
ajitamq0z I try et3 and nfs but nothing works18:47
q0zhm.. then this is definitely not the way to do it, but start up gparted and look at the device, then mount -t (filetype gpartedshowed) /dev/sda(partion #) (folder)18:47
mkanyicyRypervenche: what message do you get?18:47
cognitiaclaevesssh-agent appears to be broken in ubuntu LTS.  I keep getting prompted for my pass key.18:47
q0zajitam, mistyped, sdb*18:48
Rypervenchemkanyicy: No message, it just acts as though it finished, but nothing has been extracted. Normally I would just extract the folder then mv it, but since it's in a shared folder, I would rather not.18:48
cognitiaclaevesHow do I make ssh-agent work properly in ubuntu LTS?18:48
pvl1cognitiaclaeves, why wouldnt you be prompted for a pass key?18:48
mkanyicyRypervenche: does tar xzvf filename works without the -C option?18:48
cognitiaclaevespvl1: I would the first time.  I shouldn't every time after, right?18:49
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: it does not seems to work at all, while doing apt-get install somthing it goes to internet repos and dont look for cdrom18:49
greppycognitiaclaeves: how are you running ssh-agent?18:49
Wipsterevening all, I'm trying to recover my data after init couldn't be found, I am in the livecd at the mo but half my files and folders say I do not have the permissions necessary to display18:49
mkanyicyRypervenche: plus do you have write permissions to your destination folder, or does it exist already?18:49
Rypervenchemkanyicy: Doing tar xzvf filename works fine.18:49
mellohi im trying to connect to a virtual classroom that my university has but o only get a wihte page, but in windows it works fine, any idea why ff in ubuntu wont display it?18:49
pvl1cognitiaclaeves, well if your running an ssh client to connect, yes it would ask for a password everytime18:49
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: eval `ssh-agent`  , except in a script.18:49
HomefixI have ubuntu installed on my EVO phone (My tutorial) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10584098#post10584098 I am installing darwin streaming server and(done it sucsessfuly on my desktp computrs) I get "./Install: line 408: /user/local/bin/qtpasswd: no such file or directory". I installed with and without root priv. and even emulated in qemu, no luck either way. Is it because18:49
Homefixit is in a chroot envirement? is there any work around, (all files and folders belong to root except "home/user".18:49
Encry9pvl1: I was able to find the truecrypt window with superkey+tab, silly me for not doing that first! :)18:49
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: that depends on what package you are installing..i18:50
cognitiaclaevespvl1: Do you know what ssh-agent is?18:50
Rypervenchemkanyicy: Yes, and I tried it both with the folder already existing, and without.18:50
ActionParsnipXman: if you rightclick and icon you can stretch it. If its the icon for a removable media it will stay stretched next time too18:50
greppycognitiaclaeves: each time you do that it is setting up a new... socket? I think anyway...18:50
pvl1Encry9, ah, good job!18:50
noobie25izinucs:  thanks...i think its working like a charm!18:51
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: Correct.  So I run the script once.18:51
wsirc_4737723bonjoyee: but since i assume dvd has all the things than it has to look there also, can i force somehow to look only in cdrom and not internet18:51
pvl1cognitiaclaeves, oh my mistake, yes i do. have you set up a password keeper thing on ubuntu18:51
ActionParsnip!cookie | izinucs18:51
ubottuizinucs: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:51
greppycognitiaclaeves: what I normally did was to save the output to a file, then source that file to get the env setup18:51
mkanyicyRypervenche: try this: 'tar xvzf filename.tar.gz && echo PASS || echo FAIL'18:51
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: ... but it doesn't seem to matter.  It doesn't seem to be talking correctly in ubuntu LTS.18:51
greppycognitiaclaeves: then run ssh-add to add the key.18:52
mkanyicyRypervenche: oh, with your -C foldername in place18:52
cognitiaclaevespvl1: I'm trying to use ssh-agent directly.18:52
greppycognitiaclaeves: it was working for me before I changed how I used ssh a little.18:52
bonjoyeewsirc_4737723: disable all other repos except the dvd...but beware that way you won't get the updates..18:52
pvl1cognitiaclaeves, maybe you ought to try to compile from source18:52
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: Ubuntu lts ?18:52
greppycognitiaclaeves: yes.18:52
ajitamq0z what do you mean with that (mistyped, sdb*)18:52
greppycognitiaclaeves: 8.04 and then 10.0418:52
pvl1cognitiaclaeves, however i think it may be a onfiguration thing18:52
mkanyicyRypervenche: this works fine for me18:53
greppycognitiaclaeves: if you do ssh-add -l, does it list your keys?18:53
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: Hmm.. source the file.18:53
mellocan i connect to a microsoft remote desktop from ubuntu?18:53
pvl1mello, yes18:53
Rypervenchemkanyicy: it says pass18:53
mattc__im having user permission issues with mysqld18:53
ActionParsnipMello: yes use tsclient18:53
mattc__can i repair these18:53
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: In this case, no;  I'm somewhere in between testing where it is broken.  Give me a minute.18:54
mattc__cant access files, so therefore cant start mysqld18:54
mkanyicyRypervenche: so tar did not fail18:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:54
greppycognitiaclaeves: http://paste.lopsa.org/8718:54
sacarlsonmello: not with remote desktop but you can with realvnc and maybe a few others18:54
mkanyicyRypervenche: now, have you tried another tar file?18:54
pvl1mattc__, you can only run binaries in the /etc/  dirs with sudo18:54
angelosilenzio deglia agnelli18:54
melloActionParsnip: ok ty, where do i find it? or is it a terminal program?18:54
q0zajitam, i wrote "hm.. then this is definitely not the way to do it, but start up gparted and look at the device format, then mount as usual /dev/sdb[partion #]" , but instead of sdb i mistyped sda18:55
Pici!it  | angelo18:55
ubottuangelo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:55
Rishav_T@mello: you can even use terminal server client, I think. Remote Desktop just needs to be enabled on the windows machine. Although I haven't tried it myself.18:55
greppycognitiaclaeves: that is what I have in my .bashrc, run 'agentinfo' once, then ssh-add my keys, voila18:55
Rypervenchemkanyicy: No, I'll try that.18:55
cognitiaclaevesgreppy: Ok.  Thanks.18:55
angelook sorry18:55
melloActionParsnip: found it :918:55
ActionParsnipsacarlson: user wants to connect to rdp which tsclient can do :)18:55
ajitamq0z Ohh i get it. problem is that I have only terminal avalible18:55
Rishav_THi ;)18:56
greppysacarlson: umm, apt-get install rdesktop will get you an rdp client that works with windows.18:57
sacarlsongreppy: yes seems there is a way as actionparsnip point out18:57
clarkfischerWhat's the difference between install and just cp-ing?18:57
q0zajitam, oh.. thats a bit more tricky.. than start up sudo fdisk /dev/sdb18:58
thebear_I have a question.I am running a 7.1 server edition and am looking to upgrade. The package manager doesnt work (prob due to the age of the distro). Is there an easy way to upgrade without loosing all my settings?18:58
q0zajitam, and write p, you shoud get the partion type printed out18:58
mkanyicyRypervenche: you can try this one of mine: http://codespace.21publish.com/pub/codespace/ftransc-3.2.2.tar.gz18:59
mattc__does mysqld have to be in init.d18:59
Rishav_T@the_bear: maybe, this can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159513918:59
Rypervenchemkanyicy: Ok, I'll try that.19:00
thebear_Thanks Rishav_T I'll check it out19:00
Rishav_Tthebear_: no prob, ur welcome ;)19:00
Goliathhey is grub2 stable to use?19:01
Rypervenchemkanyicy: Hmmm, that worked. So it's the file then?19:01
bonjoyeeGoliath: what ubuntu are you using?19:01
mkanyicyRypervenche: I bet19:01
Goliathbonjoyee: 9.1019:01
sacarlsongreppy:  so give it a try sudo apt-get install tsclient19:01
bonjoyeeGoliath: then you should be using grub2 anyways?19:02
greppygreppy: I wasn't looking for an rdp client :)19:02
Goliathbonjoyee: but is it stable yet?19:02
Goliathwhy ubuntu uses grub219:02
ra2011hi all, how can I config my usb webcam? lsusb shows it as: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 041e:4043 Creative Technology, Ltd19:03
mkanyicyGoliath: instead of what?19:03
bonjoyeeGoliath: so does almost every other desktop linux distro..infact next debian stable will use it as well!19:03
schnuffle1mattc__: which version of ubuntu?19:04
bonjoyeeGoliath: im using it since 9.10, now with debian squeeze, don't have any issues as such..19:04
bonjoyeeGoliath: what kind of issues are you expecting?19:05
Goliathi read that grub2 is still under development19:05
mattc__schnuffle1, the latest stable19:05
PiciGoliath: Linux is still under development.19:05
angelohi, who know what can i do to download a file?19:05
bazhangangelo, wrong network for that19:05
noobie25izinucs: i finished install with tasksel, but it keeps trying to download my php script rather than show in the browser....19:06
tuXXXhey guys19:06
schnuffle1mattc__: the latest ues upstart so its configured in /etc/init19:06
tuXXXI hope you can help me again here.. I got a NFS-Boot running on my xbox360 .. but i get what i would call "blinking cursor of death" .. its a fresh debootstrapped powerpc ubuntu system (built via livecd)19:06
sacarlsonangelo: in many cases we just click on a link in a browser to download files19:06
macoGoliath: when development on some bit of free software /stops/ is when you need to worry19:06
tuXXXand here goes the bootlog http://pastebin.com/7SdAekyk19:06
bonjoyeeGoliath: isn't that so a for every package?19:06
angelodo you know a good network for this?19:06
tuXXXfstab contains the following.. but also with empty fstab I get the exact same error:19:06
tuXXX192.168.11.20:/mnt/nfsroot/xbox/gentoo / nfs defaults 0 019:06
bazhangangelo, nope19:07
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ajitamwhen I try to mount disk I get "NTFS signature is missing." is there any way to fix this ?19:07
schnuffle1tuXXX: you have problems with ureadahead and plymouth apparenty19:08
v0lksman_ajitam, you may need to boot the disk in windows and run chkdsk on it...then try the mount again19:09
bonjoyeeajitam: get it signed from Mr. Bill:P19:09
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tuXXXplymouth i just a graphical status .. which shoes how far bootprocess is19:09
tuXXXisnt it?19:09
ra2011any tips?19:10
v0lksman_ra2011, cheese?19:10
spowbonjour, bon, c'est probablement débile mais ca fait 1 heure que je suis sur google et que rien ne marche : j'ai du son dans tout, sauf dans ce qui utilise flash, et je suis sur une ubuntu à peu près neuve, ca vient d'où à votre avis ?19:11
ra2011v0lksman: already tried cheese, but it shows my videocapture board instead of my usb webcam19:11
spowoops sorry19:11
schnuffle1!fr | spow19:11
ubottuspow: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:11
Pici!fr | spow19:11
spowyeah got it thanks ...19:11
v0lksman_ra2011, hrm...should be able to flip...sorry that was my only piece of knowledge on the matter.. ;)  I heard it was the be all end all of webcams in Ubuntu.. ;)19:12
Rishav_Tra2011: tried going to preferences and choosing ur webcam?19:12
Rishav_Tas in the USB one?19:12
cognitiaclaevesOk... why is ssh-agent generating a PID that is one greater than the PID it's using in its SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable as reported when running ssh-agent by itself?19:13
ra2011Rishav_T:  I can't change the device using cheese.... yes, its a USB webcam: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 041e:4043 Creative Technology, Ltd19:13
spowmight as well translate it to english, I have no sound in any flash application on a somewhat new kubuntu, any idea where this usually comes from ?19:13
ra2011v0lksman: ok19:14
ActionParsnipSpow: does sound work everywhere else?19:14
spowit does in amarok at least19:15
spowand when I boot the computer19:15
ubuntu_hi, i'm new to ubuntu and everything.  i'm trying to figure this out on my own and am having a bit of trouble.  for an old 600mhz computer with 512mb of ram, what OS do i want?  i read about an ubuntu with xfce or something called xubuntu?  would an ubuntu minimal install iso be best?19:15
schnuffle1spow: pulseaudio might be the problem19:15
cryptodira/usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found .... is the response to invoking google earth from the command line...nor will it launch from the icon in applications/internet... this is the latest version for 64 bit ubuntu.... suggestions???19:16
spowthis is wwhat I have in about:plugins :19:16
spowapplication/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes19:16
spowapplication/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes19:16
cryptodiragoogleearth.bin is indeed in the directory specified19:16
schnuffle1spow: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PulseAudio you have an explanation19:17
Rishav_Tra2011: I found something online. maybe your drivers are missing, there's a link in the 2nd post of that thread. check it out. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102931219:17
ActionParsnipSpow: can you use http://pastie.org to give the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash: dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf   thanks19:18
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spowschnuffle1 : taking a look, ty19:18
LeGambitteurhi guys19:18
androxyhi would some one help me with an android sdk install on 10.0419:18
schnuffle1spow: See the Known Issues section19:18
LeGambitteurallquixotic: it works, thank's for the help19:18
spowActionParsnip : http://pastie.org/152917919:18
=== ianto is now known as Guest89743
Rishav_Tubuntu_: You could try xubuntu, as u said (Its lighter than ubuntu) or lubuntu (which is also lighter than ubuntu) but I dont know what to choose between lubuntu and xubuntu. Best would be to download the ISOs and create a USB disk of each, try them out and see which one works the fastest.19:19
=== Guest97037 is now known as ianto
SuperPaco69how can I take off a group a user???19:19
SirNeohow can i tell update manager in ubuntu that i dont want th open office crap updates?19:20
ubuntu_Rishav_T: ok thank you.  i'm reading here that xubuntu is for kids or something?  true?19:20
spowschnuffle1 : it's also the case on Konqueror, not FF only btw19:20
ActionParsnipSpow: sometimes its caused by too many flash plugins. I've also seen users only get sound with a manual flash install19:20
ActionParsnip!pin | Sirneo19:20
ubottuSirneo: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:20
noobie25when i try to edit my web files .... i have to always "sudo" my file....  isn't there a group thing i can do so i don't have to keep doing this?19:21
Rishav_Tubuntu_: Not really. edubuntu is something meant for educational purposes. Xubuntu just uses a different environment (XFCE rather than GNOME) which is lighter. I haven't used it, but I find its programs (like its filemanager, music player, etc) much faster than those of ubuntu.19:21
schnuffle1noobie25: which group owns the files?19:22
Gwar_Trollecan someone find me what the terminal command is to disable and enable wireless with nm-applet? I know about ifconfig <device> down/up, but that's not what I am looking for.19:22
ActionParsnipnoobie25: add yourself to the group which owns the folder19:22
ubuntu_Rishav_T: thank you very much.  i'll be getting that now.  it's so nice to see such a helpful community to guide new people :D19:22
noobie25schnuffle1:   root owns the file....shouldn't it be apache?19:22
Rishav_Tubuntu_: glad to help :) Actually its my first day on the IRC and feels awesome :)19:22
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: you could use: sudo modprobe -r modulename19:23
schnuffle1noobie25: you decide who owns the files. apache is running under the user:group www-data:www-data19:23
noobie25ActionParsnip:  root owns the directory...shouldn't it be apache?   ...   how do i add my name to the group?   is it chgrp foldername myusername19:23
Kindari|workCan anyone reccomend a good video editor? Need to simply crop a couple clips and join them together, no frills.19:24
Gwar_TrolleActionParsnip: I'm not trying to remove wireless, I am just trying to temp disable it, the same way as if you rclicked nmapplet in the panel and clicked "enable wireless" off19:24
Rishav_TSuperPaco69: go to system>>administration>>users & groups >> manage groups. There double-click the group and uncheck the user listed, whom you want to remove..19:24
Gwar_TrolleKindari|work: openshot is EPIC no frils19:24
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: replace modulename with the actual module driving the interface19:24
Gwar_TrolleKindari|work: KDenLive is also a good one19:24
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: i don't use gui network management much19:25
Gwar_TrolleActionParsnip: That seems a little extreme. :( I know it has something to do with Dbus. I had it saved once, but I lost it :(19:25
noobie25schnuffle1:  i'm new to web development.... sorry.    If I (user_a) owns teh file.....can apache still read the files ok?19:25
cryptodirai have the 64 bit ubuntu version of google earth... install produced NO errors, icon invocation = nothing happens, terminal = /usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found   even tho the file in question is indeed in the directory in question.... thoughts, suggestions?   amd64 / 10.0419:25
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: to re-enable simply run: sudo modprobe modulename19:25
sacarlsonSuperPaco69:  I like Rishav_T method better but if you have to use the command line then see man deluser19:26
SuperPaco69sacarlson, what is the Rishav_T method??19:27
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: how is it extreme?19:27
Rishav_TSuperPaco69: go to system>>administration>>users & groups >> manage groups. There double-click the group and uncheck the user listed, whom you want to remove..19:27
Rishav_Tthats my methog19:27
sacarlsonSuperPaco69: as stated: (02:24:22 AM) Rishav_T: SuperPaco69: go to system>>administration>>users & groups >> manage groups. There double-click the group and uncheck the user listed, whom you want to remove..19:27
ActionParsnipcryptodira: is there a bug logged?19:27
Gwar_TrolleMessing with Kernal modules is hardly not :P I know it's a dbus command, just hoping someone knew. Thank ytou for the alternate method though ActionParsnip19:27
schnuffle1noobie25: normally you change the ownership of the file ou upload to /var/www to www-data. A chown -R www-data:www-data would do it19:28
spowActionParsnip > Okay, so I'd like to try and remove FutureSplash, how do I find the package name associated ?19:28
ElectricBillsurprised that I can't apt-get unionfs-tools from lucid repo...19:29
ElectricBillwassup with that?19:29
noobie25schnuffle1:  what do you have www-data twice?19:29
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: at least you have a method. Its not graceful which is what i think you meant19:29
almufadadohi what good app is there to monitor network traffic in realtime ?19:29
ActionParsnipSpow: scroll up. The command is there19:29
KB1JWQalmufadado: ntop perhaps.19:30
LeGambitteurCYA GUYS19:30
sacarlsonalmufadado: wireshark19:30
KB1JWQalmufadado: wireshark, depending on what you're trying to see.19:30
ActionParsnipalmufadado: ntop maybe19:30
KB1JWQActionParsnip: Echo much? :-)19:30
Rishav_Talmufadado: I use bmon. simple yet quite good.19:30
ActionParsnipKB1JWQ: great minds eh19:30
schnuffle1noobie25: the first is the user, the second is the group : http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html19:30
almufadadoI use ntop -> good for traffic analysis19:31
noobie25schnuffle1:  ty!!19:31
almufadadoi need to see who connected to my computer at a given time when there was a "mishapp"19:31
sacarlsonalmufadado: if they loged in then might be seen in /var/logs/auth.log19:32
jk_almufadado, try "less /var/log/auth.log" to see who's logged in and when.19:32
peteypananyone remember talking to me about xfce last night?19:34
lofyAnyone here familiar with ubuntu remix?19:36
=== hunter` is now known as hunter`-dinner
lofyi'm trying desperately to get rid of the remix interface19:37
Rishav_Tlofy: remix as in unity?19:37
lofydesktop-switcher thinks im in classic mode19:37
=== RoadRunner is now known as mp33pm
lofywhatever you call that bar on the left19:37
schnuffle1lofy: you unr?19:37
lofythat isn't gnome19:37
Rishav_Tlofy: yea thats unity19:37
ibrahimi have just installed ubuntu 10.4 there is no sound ,nothing is muted19:37
lofyok well that will help my search terms out a bit19:37
lofyi can't even find the system preferences in it19:37
cognitiaclaevesThe best answer was to use keychain.19:38
Rishav_Tlofy: logout. then after you click on your login name (when typing in yout password) you shall see "unity" somewhere in the bottom of the screen. click on that, change it to GNOME (or Desktop)19:38
DiSTORT3Dmirroring a repo is taking 5 hours :o thats only for main updates and security :(19:38
lofythanks Rishav_T, will try that now19:38
androxylastlog androxy19:38
Rishav_Tlofy: ur welcome :)19:38
cryptodiraActionParsnip, there are a few of these: status half-installed google-earth-stable   with the final entry being: status installed google-earth-stable   these being found in the dpkg.log..... NO other log entries found anywhere.19:39
lofyhaha well i just logged in (before i got your advice) and there's nothing but a background19:39
Rishav_Tlofy: it will come once you click on your name.19:39
lofyRishav_T: i've already logged in :)19:39
Rishav_Tlofy: So its working?19:39
lofylol no, I logged in and there is only a background displayed19:40
paradigmflowtry changing the log in to safe mode19:40
lofyi was running some commands i was unsure of trying to get unity to go19:40
ibrahimi have just installed ubuntu 10.4 there is no sound ,nothing is muted "help me to solve that problem" ???19:41
ra2011Rishav_T: Thanks I will try this...19:41
lofyJust logged in with desktop edition. Thanks for clarification Rishav_T & paradigmflow19:41
Rishav_Tlofy: wc again.19:42
pindongahi, is it possible to run a command each time a package is updated from a specific ppa? (I'm thinking here in the case of using unattended-upgrades)19:42
almufadadosacarlson : wireshark is the best so far ... Thanks community !19:43
newbieOnecan anyone please tell me how to install ubuntu from usb, from the terminal?19:44
Firartixyohey :)! wanted to ask, is the .xinitrc launched on X Init or the Windows' manager init ?19:44
Rishav_Tnewbiw0ne: I didn't get you exactly. If you want to install Ubuntu from USB, how do you get a terminal? You using any other OS with a command-only interface?19:45
Rishav_T newbie0ne: I didn't get you exactly. If you want to install Ubuntu from USB, how do you get a terminal? You using any other OS with a command-only interface?19:46
CitizenwarriorDoes anyone know a interface control applet (like smart phones have) for Ubuntu that would let you monitor and control wireless, gps, bluetooth, lan.... ect... Something that would let you also set profiles for both security and power management?19:46
ibrahimmay any body help me i have a problem there is no sound like it is muted and nothing is muted "i am new to ubuntu please help me" ubuntu 10.0419:46
cryptodiragoogle earth  fails to launch   no errors on install.... this error when launching from terminal:  /usr/bin/google-earth: 43: ./googleearth-bin: not found  the file is actually in the dir...except it has a preceeding '.' but no slash.... suggestions?19:47
zickconnection error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL any idea?19:47
Encry9cryptodira: run this and then try remaking that .deb sudo apt-get install lsb-core19:48
Encry9had the same exact issue last night19:48
CiphermagiWhat does Krisha do, exactly?19:49
CiphermagiSorry, Krita19:49
tim167hi, how can I share my internet connection from my laptop with a desktop that only has (wired) ethernet ? (both ubuntu)19:49
schnuffle1tim167: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:50
RuudjahHi! ubuntu's working great :). Yesterday, my Lenovo t61 got broken, so I switched my SSD into my old t60p. Everything works fine, except playing video. The video shows, but colors arent good (too dark, too much red, barely see-able)19:51
tim167thanks schnuffle119:51
RuudjahMost likely, the graphics driver/subsystem has the wrong settings or video driver. What best to do next?19:51
cryptodiraEncry9,  these are all packages that are NOT currently installed.... running amd64 10.04    are these actually required to run google earth, if so, why was that not mentioned during the install?19:52
schnuffle1Ruudjah: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-xserver19:52
Games_x2how do i see what packages are installed on my machine19:53
schnuffle1Games_x2: sudo dpkg -l | less19:53
Ruudjahschnuffle1: "Package `xorg-xserver' is not installed and no info is available.19:53
cryptodiraEncry9,  this google earth is the latest ubuntu 64 version... no make required.19:53
schnuffle1Ruudjah: xserver-xorg19:54
ibrahimmay any body help me i have a problem there is no sound like it is muted but nothing is muted "i am new to ubuntu please help me" ubuntu 10.0419:54
Ruudjahreboot I suppose? it "worked" --> meaning it did not respond19:54
bazhangRuudjah, what about alt f2 metacity --replace19:55
}dec3pti0n{how come there is still no sign of postgresql 9 pkgs on any repo ?19:55
spacecataz_does anyone know if you can assign more than one group to a directory?19:55
schnuffle1Ruudjah: log out and login again is enough19:56
murphsis there a hotkey to open a term? or at least a run command hotkey? (netbook edition if it matters)19:56
schnuffle1spacecataz_: only way i to use acl, the partition needs to be mounted with acl enabled19:56
spacecataz_ugh, thx schnuffle19:57
Encry9cryptodira: sudo apt-get remove lsb-core then19:57
Gwar_Trollecan someone find me what the terminal command is to disable and enable wireless with nm-applet? I know about ifconfig <device> down/up, but that's not what I am looking for.  It has something to do with dbus. I had it before, but i lost it :(19:57
spacecataz_also wondering if apache web folder (www) should be assigned to root or www-data group?19:57
brontoeeeany 'kupfer' alternatives?19:57
Ruudjahno luck19:58
schnuffle1spacecataz_: /var/www is normally owned www-data19:58
spacecataz_for some reason mine is owned by root :/19:58
bazhangRuudjah, did you run the command I suggested?19:59
RuudjahEverything else seems to render as expected. Windows media streams, avi played in totem gives linked result19:59
ibrahimmay any body help me i have a problem there is no sound like it is muted and nothing is muted "i am new to ubuntu please help me" ubuntu 10.0419:59
Ruudjahbazhang: yes19:59
spacecataz_default from install.  i'll try changing and see if it breaks anything.19:59
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Ruudjahbazhang: the screen flickered just very quick and then showed as before runnng the command19:59
schnuffle1spacecataz_: ooops, I was wrong it's owned by root19:59
bazhangRuudjah, and videos play the same now?20:00
Ruudjahyes, after reboot no change in video rendering20:00
spacecataz_lol, okay.  it seems weird to me, why have a www-data group if it's owned by root? :/20:00
bazhangRuudjah, you ran the command again after rebooting?20:01
Ruudjahi ran it before rebooting20:01
bazhangRuudjah, then try again now please20:01
RuudjahI'm afraid20:01
botcityGwar_Trolle:  what you want is to stop the service of network manager"  sudo service network-manager stop / start  " i think is the command?20:01
Ruudjahmy irc client is a bit antique, no logs nor history...20:01
Ruudjahwhat was the command again?20:02
bazhangRuudjah, there are channel logs kept for this channel20:02
bazhangRuudjah, alt f2 metacity --replace20:02
Games_x2is there a way to search for a specific thing you have installed?20:02
Rishav_Tbye guys.20:02
schnuffle1Games_x2: sudo dpkg -l | grep <packetname>20:03
Ruudjahseems not to help20:03
brontoeeespacecataz_, i belive thats good for a production server, since you will probably have virtual domains which can be owned by somebody else for examples, however for playing around and dev work i'd just chown to www-data, but i'am no expert really...20:03
mkf00someone common with xchat?20:04
mkf00i get the message20:04
mkf00#django :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services20:04
mkf00when i try to connect to the channel #django20:04
spacecataz_brontoeee: i'll give it a try, if it breaks i can always change it back :)20:04
bazhangmkf00, then register20:04
guntbert!register | mkf0020:04
ubottumkf00: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:04
brontoeee!register | mkf0020:04
schnuffle1spacecataz_: just use screen and open a second window and u - www-data20:04
bazhangmkf00, /join #freenode to do so20:04
botcityibrahim:  have you a terminal up ?20:05
mcl0vini am able to hit my ubuntu apache2 sever from inside my LAN , but not from WAS using my free DynDNS account ? what could be the problem20:05
spacecataz_schnuffle1: okay, give me just a sec.20:05
brontoeeeany 'kupfer', 'gnome do' alternatives?20:05
iuriI can't play youtube movies on my ubuntu 10.04 6420:05
iuriDoes anyone know what codec should  i install. I already tried to install gnash but it just doesn;t work20:06
Gwar_Trolleiuri: Install flash. :) Google for "flash square PPA" to get the very latest version20:06
brontoeeeiuri, you need flash20:06
Starminniuri, Does it tell you anything about Flash?20:06
guntbertbrontoeee: what is "kupfer"?20:06
botcity!restricted | iuri20:06
ubottuiuri: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:06
brontoeeeguntbert, like gnome-do, keyword launcher20:06
guntbertbrontoeee: sorry, I have no idea about gnome-do either20:07
RuudjahI found a way to view the hardware in the system. on the previous t61, there was an intel graka, this t60p has a firegl v525020:07
Gwar_Trollecan someone find me what the terminal command is to disable and enable wireless with nm-applet? I know about ifconfig <device> down/up, but that's not what I am looking for.  It has something to do with dbus. I had it before, but i lost it :(20:07
botcityGwar_Trolle:  what you want is to stop the service of network manager"  sudo service network-manager stop / start  " i think is the command?20:08
brontoeeeguntbert, like alt+f2 in default ubuntu20:08
RuudjahSo, most likely videoplayback uses hardware acceleration which is where the problem originates20:08
ActionParsnipRuudjah: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display    you will see the video chip20:08
SoftarPauldamn it! I can't start my MySQL-server. Please help20:08
Paolo_CTHi there, Im trying to run a cron job, but nothing is going on. I had never done this before. This is what Im doing:20:08
botcityibrahim: type      gnome-volume-control    and just make sure nothing there sorts the problem ?20:08
Paolo_CTcrontab -e20:08
Gwar_Trollebotcity: No, I just want to stop the wireless, not all networking. Basically I want to do whatever it is the applet does when you rclick it and toggle wireless20:08
HomefixI have ubuntu installed on my EVO phone (My tutorial) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10584098#post10584098 I am installing darwin streaming server and(done it sucsessfuly on my desktp computrs) I get "./Install: line 408: /user/local/bin/qtpasswd: no such file or directory". I installed with and without root priv. and even emulated in qemu, no luck either way. Is it because20:08
Homefixit is in a chroot envirement? is there any work around, (all files and folders belong to root except "home/user".20:08
RuudjahActionParsnip: I found http://embraceubuntu.com/2007/02/18/find-hardware-specs-details-on-your-computer/, sudo lshw -html hardware.html20:08
Paolo_CT*/60 * * * * python /home/paolo/django/personal/Sisca/b.py20:08
Paolo_CTBut the script is not running at all20:09
kasansweatDoes anyone know of a decent "10 foot" media center app launcher? Or is there anything easier than hacking at xbmc's home menu to launch something like hulu or netflix?20:09
genii-aroundPaolo_CT: Perhaps specify full path to python20:09
SoftarPaulcan anyone help me with mysql?20:09
ActionParsnipRuudjah: you can also use:  lshw-gtk20:09
Ruudjahquestion then becomes how do I install the video driver. I'll google some, and then I'll be back posting results :)20:09
ActionParsnipSoftarPaul: in what sense?20:09
botcityGwar_Trolle:  its automatic for network-manager no cli for it in 10.0420:09
Ruudjahor better: how do I change video driver20:10
SoftarPaulActionParsnip: Mine isn't working20:10
SoftarPaulI can't start it20:10
Gwar_Trollebotcity: there is a cli for it. It has something to do with dbus. As i said, I had the command before, but I lost it, and it's like really really long :(20:10
leftistwhomever it was that resolved my problem for me i think it was like jbib1 i forget now but thanks a bunch.20:10
leftisti also wanted to say that there are a couple of punk ass op's in here and your days are numbered you asswhipes.20:11
ActionParsnipSoftarPaul: have you checked your SQL logs to see what's going on20:12
ActionParsnipSoftarPaul: i'd ask in #sql too20:12
SoftarPaulthank's for the tips!20:13
p008i have a question about gparted20:13
ActionParsnipp008: ask away20:13
CiphermagiQ: I'm downloading a driver (.bin) for my graphics card and I want to install it, where do I look for how to do that?20:13
ActionParsnipCiphermagi: what video chip are you using?20:13
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:13
CiphermagiNVIDIA GeFORCE 9400 GT20:13
SoftarPaul===#sql Cannot send to channel20:14
SoftarPaulwhy this?20:14
ActionParsnipCiphermagi: use the hardware driver app under system -> admin20:14
ActionParsnipCiphermagi: or run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current20:14
botcityGwar_Trolle:  i un-installed it  because of its lack of cli support  for 10.04 i believe 10.10 has the cli for it  sorry if thats not much help id like to know it too though20:14
KB1JWQSoftarPaul: Identify to services, perhaps.20:15
RuudjahWhat's the 11.04 equivalent of "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers"?20:15
SoftarPaulKB1JWQ: How?20:15
ActionParsnipRuudjah: ask ni #ubuntu+120:15
p008when i tried to start gparted form a live cd -- sudo gparted -- i get the following error - http://pastie.org/1529334 anybody know why?20:15
ibrahimbotcity:sorry connection has gone20:15
RuudjahIt's referred to in the docs, but I dont have that menu option under Administration20:15
ActionParsnipRuudjah: natty isn't supported here20:15
CiphermagiActionParsnip: Unable to lock the administration directory. Does this have anything to do with me running the updater/installer in another window?20:16
bazhangRuudjah, #ubuntu+1 please20:16
soreau'sudo service dhcp3-server start' fails with '* check syslog for diagnostics.' but dmesg shows no new relative output. Note: I just installed dhcp package and configured but trying to avoid rebooting20:16
ActionParsnipCiphermagi: you can only have one app accessing the packages at one time, let the updates finish then close al the apps sop the packages get freed up20:16
greppysoreau: what about /var/log/daemon.log or /var/log/messages?20:16
UbuntuNubI was wondering if I can use a DVD instead of a CD to create a Boot Disk for Ubuntu?20:17
Ruudjahsorry, I double checked the version. it now says "You are using Ubuntu 10.10". I would swear that was 11.04 last time i checked.20:17
CiphermagiActionParsnip: Okay. I have a dozen programs installing right now, so I might come back to you later, if I'm still having issues.20:17
ActionParsnipUbuntuNub: sure, there is a DVD ISO20:17
RuudjahWhat you guys mean with "#ubuntu+1 please"?20:17
CiphermagiOn a side note, if I use the sudo command, can I just del the bin I downloaded?20:17
KB1JWQfreenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (Please make sure you check your email to complete registration) SoftarPaul20:17
greppyRuudjah: go to that channel for ubuntu 11.x20:17
PiciRuudjah: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for Natty.  It is not supported in #ubuntu at this time.20:17
VCoolioRuudjah: probably 'additional drivers' and #ubuntu+1 is a different room for support for not-yes released ubuntu version20:18
spacecataz_thanks for your help guys, www-data works fine.20:18
Ruudjahbut I installed 10.10. So I guess I have 10.10, not the 11.04 I previously mentioned. Sorry for misnaming my cur version. Is 10.10 supprted here?20:18
ActionParsnipCiphermagi: sure, you don't need it, using the packaged method will auto update the driver when the repo gets updated too20:18
UbuntuNubCan I just use the regular ISO file, or would I have to download another one?20:19
ActionParsnipRuudjah: yes, as it is released officially20:19
botcityibrahim: type   sudo aplay -l   is the card recognized?20:19
ActionParsnipUbuntuNub: as far as I am aware you will need the DVD ISO20:19
ginosalhi everybody! i'm experiencing problems surfing the web with ubuntu 10.4. my wireless connection works perfectly under windows 7 and my ethernet connection works perfectly under ubuntu 10.4. i've got problems with my wireless connection... it's quite unstable.. sometimes i have to click twice on a link to make the browser load it20:19
Ruudjah(ok: again :)) What's the 10.10 equivalent of "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers"?20:19
soreaugreppy: Checking..20:19
ginosalhow can I make some diagnostic?20:19
soreauRuudjah: jockey-gtk20:20
brontoeeeguntbert, pretty cool kupfer is actually http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4L-hLsoCk20:20
cryptodiraEncry9, np,,,, i did not install the lsb core.... any other suggestions?20:20
UbuntuNubAny ideas on where to get the DVD ISO?20:21
Lautreда тут их как грязи20:21
Yuegoой, скокамного народу20:21
soreaugreppy: Nope, no new messages20:21
Lautreа вот и наш друг20:21
Ruudjahsoreau: Is there a menu item for, or only accessible by cli?20:21
p008ActionParsnip, when i tried to start gparted form a live cd -- sudo gparted -- i get the following error - http://pastie.org/1529334 anybody know why?20:22
soreau! ru | Laurenceb Yuego20:22
ubottuLaurenceb Yuego: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:22
guntbertbrontoeee: thx20:22
greppysoreau: wierd, that's where I would expect them to be.20:22
Lautreда, ща тебя тут отматросят ))20:22
Lautreсам ушел20:22
soreauRuudjah: You typed the location of the menu item already..20:22
botcityibrahim:  what is the device 0:   Alc ??20:22
bazhangBibikoff-ru, english here20:23
bazhangLautre, you too20:23
Lautrewhateveraaa: сам дурак20:23
ActionParsnipp008: try: gksudo gparted20:23
soreauLautre: English only here20:23
Lautreучите родные великий и могучий русский язык20:23
Lautresoreau: да ладно тебе20:23
Bibikoff-ruich bin Englisch20:23
bazhangLautre, #ubuntu-ru for russian20:23
macoLautre: #ubuntu-ru  Пожалуйста20:23
Lautrebazhang: ой ну что ты20:23
p008ActionParsnip, same error ugh20:24
Lautremaco: спасибо, я знаю )20:24
bazhangLautre, then stop20:24
macobazhang: you understoodt hat too?20:24
Lautrebazhang: что значит стоп?20:24
Yuegotrlololo )20:24
Bibikoff-ruэто война20:24
ibrahim Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]20:24
ibrahim  Subdevices: 1/120:24
ibrahim  Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:24
Ruudjahsoreau: I mean a menuitem in the System menu20:24
bazhangYuego, Bibikoff-ru stop20:24
UbuntuNubI can't seem to find a DVD ISO on the Ubuntu main page20:24
RuudjahI tend to remember menu commands, not so for cli cmds20:24
Yuegobazhang: ok20:24
ginosalare there diagnostic tools to evaluate the "continuity" of the internet connection?20:25
agentgasmaskHi. anyone know of a caldav calendaring/task-list client for the commandline?20:25
VCoolioUbuntuNub: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download20:25
soreauRuudjah: I don't understand your question20:25
greppyagentgasmask: I think the google-cli tools will let you mess with a google calendar.20:25
Starminnginosal, Be more specific please?20:26
RuudjahHow do I execute "jockey-gtk" without using the commandline, but by clicking an item in the menu? (which item?)20:26
magicianlordkernel 2.6.37 is out. will be testing to see if broadcom driver compilation is no longer necessary.20:26
ginosalstarmin: i'm experiencing problems surfing the web with ubuntu 10.4. my wireless connection works perfectly under windows 7 and my ethernet connection works perfectly under ubuntu 10.4. i've got problems with my wireless connection... it's quite unstable.. sometimes i have to click twice on a link to make the browser load it20:26
schnuffle1agentgasmask: http://wiki.davical.org/w/CalDAV_Clients/Cadaver20:26
bazhangRuudjah, alt f220:26
UbuntuNubBut do I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO use the DVD ISO to boot from a VD?20:27
DevilAshHey. I've got a bit of a weird bug here: just set up a new ubuntu box, installed libdvdread4 and got sound working for some dvd's.20:27
magicianlordRuudjah: in the system, hardware drivers. menu at top20:27
ginosalStarminn: i'm experiencing problems surfing the web with ubuntu 10.4. my wireless connection works perfectly under windows 7 and my ethernet connection works perfectly under ubuntu 10.4. i've got problems with my wireless connection... it's quite unstable.. sometimes i have to click twice on a link to make the browser load it20:27
bazhangUbuntuNub, no20:27
UbuntuNubThank you20:27
DevilAshhowever, on quite a lot only the title audio and extras audio works. any idea why?20:27
UbuntuNubi shall now install Ubuntu on my PC20:27
ibrahimbotcity: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]20:27
Ruudjahah, found it: it's System > Administration > Additional Drivers20:27
ibrahim  Subdevices: 1/120:27
ibrahim  Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:27
CiphermagiWhat is the sudo command to remove an application?20:28
brontoeeeDevilAsh, what player?20:28
DevilAshbrontoeee VLC.20:28
MC8Is there a way to display Unix time next to the 'normal' time in the Ubuntu top bar (for added awesomeness)?20:28
DevilAshCiphermagi: sudo apt-get remove20:28
schnuffle1Ciphermagi: sudo aptitude remove <package>20:29
agentgasmaskgreppy: Thanks, unfortunatly I'm not using google calendar. I'll keep it in mind if I need to though. Any other ideas?20:29
soreauRuudjah: It's been called several things from Hardware Drivers to Additional Drivers to whatever else they'll come up with. From Alt+F2 run dialog or CLI, it's 'gksu jockey-gtk'20:29
agentgasmaskschnuffle1: Great, I'll check it out. :)20:29
CiphermagiDevilAsh,schnuffle1: Thanks. Bye, bye, Evolution.20:29
soreau'sudo service dhcp3-server start' fails with '* check syslog for diagnostics.' but dmesg shows no new relative output. Note: I just installed dhcp package and configured but trying to avoid rebooting20:30
Ruudjahsoreau: thanks. Since I'm very bad at remembering text (or text-commands), I try to find GUI ways to fix things20:30
greppyagentgasmask: I don't use caldav stuff, but I do use http://todotxt.com + dropbox for my task list.20:30
Starminnginosal, Not sure much about Internet and such (I'm not the one to ask -- maybe someone else here can help_=, but do any of these suggestions help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=899820420:30
HaPK_PerCarhere's the thing... I set up a linksys WRT54G v6 router, and it works great wired, but the wireless won't work! I had a netgear before and it worked fine. Can someone help me here?20:30
DevilAshbrontoeee any ideas, then?20:31
iuriubtuntu 10.10 installation only shows the wizzard to install full version how do i install only a standard system20:31
brontoeeeDevilAsh, nope, irc vlc should be able to play any sort of audio, either pcm, ac3, dts or mp220:31
bazhangiuri, live cd? alternate? minimal iso?20:32
ginosalthanks Starminn, i'm taking a look at that link20:32
agentgasmaskgreppy: Ah! nice, I'll take a look. Thanks20:32
DevilAshbrontoeee, i know, that's why i found it odd. i mean, i'm not even pulling any errors or anything, it's just not playing ;_;20:32
iuribazhang, nope. I have the iso cd and i wan to run sort of a expert mode as we have in debian20:32
CiphermagiIs xterm still around?20:32
Starminnginosal, Yeah, I'd suggest asking somebody else here though. :) I'm only as good as my Google skills as far as that goes.20:33
iuriand choose only standard and no desktop20:33
bazhangiuri, the alternate is probably what you want ncurses based text installer20:33
brontoeeeDevilAsh, how about something mplayer based, like smplayer?20:33
DevilAshbrontoeee, i'll give it a try now and let you know how i get on.20:33
iuribazhang, is alternate another iso ? can i run it with the iso i have here?20:34
iurii download from oficial site 10.1020:34
iurii downloaded20:34
bazhangiuri, there is an alternate (not the live) and a 20mb minimal iso as well20:34
bazhang!alternate | iuri20:34
ubottuiuri: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:34
magicianlorddid you know that you can log in with a live ubuntu usb stick and access NTFS wnidows files on another computer without needing a password?20:34
izinucsWhy oh Why does Evolution require a restart just so I can see/use a newly added Catagory for contacts?20:34
HaPK_PerCarplease can someone help me with my wireless router problem20:35
iurithen i have a problem20:35
waltis there a quick way to set up an ubuntu machine as a wireless access point sharing a connection from a mobile broadband20:35
walt3g that i20:35
greppyHaPK_PerCar: so ubuntu worked with your netgear, but not your wrt54?20:35
iuribastidrazor, i have no media to burn it. I have only the cd with 10.10 and i wan to install only the core20:35
HaPK_PerCargreppy, yeah, basicly20:35
iuribazhang, do i have a way out?20:36
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, did you try to edit connections and remove them all on the ubuntu box? and then make new ones?20:36
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, in the network manager i mean20:36
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, yes, got all the old ones out20:36
greppyHaPK_PerCar: do you get an error? does ubuntu see the new wap?20:36
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, what kind of security do you use on your router and does the manager get that right?20:37
HaPK_PerCargreppy, I can see the network, and I can see that it has a strong signal, I just can't connect to it20:37
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, have no security now20:37
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, is your system uptodate?20:37
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, yeah, I'm using 10.10, updated yesterday20:38
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, do you use same names for broadcast radio as on your old router?20:38
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, yes20:38
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, I'm using the same SSID20:39
brontoeeeHaPK_PerCar, ok, i'd try changing the name, i know its weird, but thats one thing i did to fix my wireless few days ago20:39
DevilAshbrontoeee it works. how odd, i've never came across something VLC can't play before.20:39
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, I'll try that20:39
botcityibrahim:  cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec   i the terminal please20:39
Andy-at-home Anyone know this error? - Errors were encountered while processing: ca-certificates-javaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:41
CiphermagiHaving some slight difficulty with my graphics. I installed nvidia-current, and I got feedback that it's a successful install, but I can't change my appearance at all.20:41
adminewbSimple question but maybe nontrivial: on latest kernel / grub release for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS it's taken in some obscure place(s) to calling itself 10.04.2 apparently, rather than 10.04.1. But I'd like to see some formal confirmation of that; System Monitor / System tab says only 10.04 (Lucid). Shell based things don't seem to refer to that at all... GNOME desktop System menu > About Ubuntu also doesn't... thoughts?20:41
brontoeeeDevilAsh, well, good i guess20:41
HaPK_PerCarbrontoeee, how strange, it worked!20:41
DevilAshbrontoeee yeah, thanks man. i'm heading off now, so ciao and thanks for the advice :)20:42
ibrahimbotcity:realtek ID 27020:42
brontoeeei'am so good today20:42
cfdsadfsadfيا هوووووووووووووووووووبل20:42
cfdsadfsadfانا جاي الطخ عليكووووو20:42
toyotireshello all I am giving maintenance to a NAT ubuntu where can I see the config??20:42
hdonhi all :) does anyone have the file /usr/include/X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h ?20:42
hdonif you do can you dpkg -S it and tell me what package it's in?20:43
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:43
botcityibrahim: what computer is it laptop ?20:43
=== hunter`-dinner is now known as hunter`
izinucsadminewb: not to worry.. the initial release of a LTS starts with no "points" as 10.04.. then after some bug fixing etc. it becomes 10.04.1 and later 10.04.2 with more massaging and bug fixes.. you could look on ubuntu.com and the alternate download links and see which "Point" is being offered for download.20:44
adminewbizinucs afaict 10.04.1 is the only download image offered at ubuntu.com20:45
izinucsadminewb: it's still 10.04 .. the .1 & .2 are kinda like MS service releases.20:45
Starminnhdon, Is this what you're looking for? (6th from the bottom) http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5706&start=12520:45
hdonStarminn, i think i just found it in package libxxf86vm-dev20:45
Starminnhdon, I tried it myself but I don't have that file.20:45
ibrahimlaptop hp G62-a44EE20:45
ReprestoIf anyone has experience correcting ALSA jack sense issues, pls msg me to help restore my sanity.20:46
izinucsadminewb: that will most likely change in the near future..20:46
Starminnhdon, Yep, that's exactly what the person I found said so I'd say it's right. :)20:46
adminewbizinucs yes it's still nice to get some visual feedback indicating which system it thinks it is, as a sanity check.20:46
hdonStarminn, thanks for looking20:46
theMallochi @ all20:46
ibrahimbotcity:laptop hp G62-a44EE20:46
=== RoadRunner is now known as mp33pm
mp33pmhow can i edit the grub loader20:47
mp33pmis there a gui20:47
LinuxWouldBehello everyone20:47
iuriCan i install ubuntu 10.10 with no UI ?20:47
Starminnmp33pm, Does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14848920:48
schnuffle1iuri:  yes, use erver cd or minimal install20:48
theMallocon my lucid installation pressing the d key on the keyboard causes creation of a new file(in nautilus or on desktop). Does anyone have an idea how to disable that?20:48
mp33pmStarminn, that file is empty (no contents)20:48
mp33pmunless it's supposed to not have the linux table20:48
LinuxWouldBeI have a question about how ubuntu handles usb coinnections.  I've looked all ovrer the net and cannot find information about my specific problem.  I have two USB drives hung on my HP laptop and sometimes I  can get u buntu to see one of them and sometimes not20:49
mp33pm-- /boot/grub/menu.lst is empty20:49
mp33pmbut i get the grub menu whenever i boot and i can see all the linux distros20:50
schnuffle1LinuxWouldBe: usb devices are handled by udev20:50
munkyBeatzdoes anyone know of a good tutorial that will tell me what settings to use in GParted to create my own partition table? I'm wanting to create 3 partitions a Swap/Root/Home and that's it. I know what sizes to make them and everything, I just can't figure out if/what each one should be like "ext2/ext3/linux-swap" etc..20:50
chrislu5ticHi there everyone. Im trying to install an aimbot on enemy territory for ubuntu 10.10.    but Im unsure how to.. any help please? much appreciated20:50
Starminnmp33pm, This guy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226183 says you may have to add stuff to it yourself near the end of his post (first post)20:50
LinuxWouldBeSometimes I only get a dialog box that is telling me that one or both of the drives is busy.  I am using Windows 7 64 bit as a Host OS with Ubuntu as a guest.20:50
p008when i tried to start gparted form a live cd -- sudo gparted -- i get the following error - http://pastie.org/1529334 anybody know why?20:51
theMallocLinuxWouldBe: What virtualisation software?20:51
LinuxWouldBetheMalloc:  Im using Oracle VirtualBox20:52
LinuxWouldBeversion 4.0.220:53
ActionParsnipp008: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned? Have you tried updating gparted?20:53
toyotireshello all I am giving maintenance to a NAT ubuntu where can I see the config??20:54
botcityibrahim: please type   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa20:55
theMallocLinuxWouldBe: Win7 recognizes both of them?20:55
schnuffle1LinuxWouldBe: udev gets kernel events and executes something. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120566220:55
erUSULtoyotires: iptables; but maybe they used a higher level tool to configure them20:56
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schnuffle1toyotires: all config files are located under the directory /etc20:56
guntbert!grub2 | mp33pm look at that20:56
ubottump33pm look at that: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:56
omertahi anyone using smplayer?20:57
munkyBeatzI'm currently running a live cd "usb" and my netbooks hard drive is blank, 232GB of unallocated space. How would I go about finding out the name of the computers hard drive? I've tried (sudo fdisk -l) and it's only listing the usb.20:57
p008ActionParsnip, i am not familiar with MD5 test.. i will look into it20:57
omertawhen i try to change subtitle encoding ubuntu logs out20:57
LinuxWouldBetheMalloc:  Yes. Windows recognizes them,  I eject them from the Windows host prior to trying to attaching them to ubuntu.  Sometimes one will be reconized and other times none of them20:57
ibrahimbotcity: still no sound :(20:58
harrumphhi - how do i get libphp5.so back?  i wanted to move from apache prefork to worker, but realized it needed more than i could deal with, so i apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork and restart, but get this error: http://pastebin.com/jfivs5Yn20:58
botcityibrahim: please type sudo apt-get update20:58
ActionParsnip!md5 | p00820:59
ubottup008: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:59
ActionParsnipp008: basically as you didn't test the ISO you have no way of knowing it was complete or consistant, yet you still used it20:59
sulumarCan anyone tell me how to decrypt gpg in mutt21:00
schnuffle1harrumph: sudo aptitude libapache2-mod-php521:00
KB1JWQsulumar: Sure!21:00
botcityibrahim: after that then please type     sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)21:00
harrumphschnuffle1: thank you21:00
KB1JWQsulumar: http://codesorcery.net/old/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto is a good start.21:00
schnuffle1harrumph: install is missing21:00
zalghow do I start the ubuntu installer from the mounted -o loop official ubuntu.iso ?21:00
far_hello every,  one need help  default locale21:00
botcityibrahim:     After installing the linux-alsa-driver-modules package, your system needs to be rebooted.21:01
=== LinuxWouldBe is now known as Moroni
schnuffle1far_: sudo vi /etc/default/locale and set your prefered locale21:02
mp33pmthank you guys21:02
mp33pmguntbert, that helped a lot!21:03
mp33pmbrb testing custom addition21:03
Paolo_CTHi, Im new to cron, an already Im struggling with it. Im running 2 tasks in cron  (crontab -e), but they only run once, and they are supposed to run every 2 seconds (*/30). So they will run and for it to run again I need to do /etc/init.d/cron restart.  What am I missing?21:04
schnuffle1Paolo_CT: paste your crontab21:04
genii-aroundPaolo_CT: Perhaps the task is taking longer than 2 seconds21:05
Paolo_CTgenii-around: http://dpaste.com/385951/21:06
Paolo_CTgenii-around: I will guess that it takes more than 2 secs21:06
Paolo_CTgenii-around: But Shouldnt it run again?21:06
ibrahimbotcity:thank you :D21:06
minimecbrontoeee: Thx for that kupfer thing. I just got rid of gnome-do. That thing is pretty cool.21:06
toyotiresdoes any one recommendme to configure a DNS on  a NAT... I have an internet provider that gives them but should I put open DNS's and moddify the /etc/resolv.conf file??21:07
ActionParsnipPaolo_CT: you can use gnome-schedule as a gui to cron. You can use: gksudo gnome-schedule  to cron as root21:07
schnuffle1Paolo_CT: you could use http://code.google.com/p/django-cron/21:07
ActionParsniptoyotires: yes running a local dns makes the web a little faster21:08
ActionParsnip!info gnome-schedule21:08
ubottugnome-schedule (source: gnome-schedule): GNOME scheduler for automatic tasks. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.1-3 (maverick), package size 1094 kB, installed size 2684 kB21:08
armoralldoes anyone know how to create a symlink to a directory?21:08
Paolo_CTschnuffle1: Im actually using django-chronograph21:08
guntberttoyotires: you better ask in ##networking (or even #ubuntu-offtopic ) because that has nothing to do with ubuntu support21:08
toyotiresActionParsnip, how do I find out the local open dns__21:08
Starminnamorall, Go to the directory in Nautilus (or whatever you're using), right-click on the folder, then click, "Make Link."21:09
genii-aroundPaolo_CT: If the file it uses it locked by being written to at the time the next instance starts, I think it will fail21:09
aademdo ln -s21:09
aademln -s directorypath21:09
toyotiresguntbert, ofcourse it has is a nat on ubuntu and the files are changing a lot per disto21:09
amodakhi guys i have a question regarding shortcut key.. can i assign a key to send a text string "hello" in gnome console?21:09
armorallaadem: thanks, i'll try it.21:10
aademsorry use Starmins answer, didnt see that21:10
aademeither will work but his is easier :)21:10
ActionParsniptoyotires: you can echo the resolv.conf file, dnsmasq is a great little dhcp and dns service in one21:10
schnuffle1Paolo_CT: write to a file  with a time stamp in the name, so you'll see if timing is your problem and redirect stderr as well21:10
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Starminnarmorall, Yeah his will work but I usually assume that people want a GUI. For a GUI try mine, for CLI try his.21:10
guntberttoyotires: you question was *if* you should choose another dns server, now *how* - or did I misread?21:10
armorallaadem: oops, forgot to ask, do i need to specify a file name for the link, or just where it should go?21:10
aademyou will specify21:11
aademi believe its ln -s linkname directorypath21:11
aadembut do man ln21:11
aademto check21:11
toyotiresguntbert, thanks I am getting help on the config of my ubuntu from someone else but thanks for the support21:11
armorallstarminn: thanks.  i'm on ssh at the moment.21:11
karlo94I installed kubuntu-desktop so I can test kde.. and now I wanna uninstall it but when I installed kubuntu-desktop than there was installed many others packages, so if anyone know how I can remove all that kde packages?21:11
Starminnarmorall, Here, http://www.mydigitallife.info/2008/12/02/how-to-make-or-create-symbolic-link-in-unix-or-linux/ (Ah, gotcha lol)21:11
toyotiresActionParsnip, and the dnsmasq file where is it in ubuntu_21:12
armorallstarminn:  awesome link, thank you!  google was giving me a bunch of garbage.21:12
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:13
zvacetkarlo94:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome21:13
lahwranis there a way to tell file-roller to use infozip for zip and p7zip for 7z?21:13
Starminnarmorall, lol not a problem. :)21:13
lahwranright now, it's using p7zip for everything ...21:13
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karlo94zvacet, tnx :D I'v been crazy because this..21:15
zvacetkarlo94:  np  ;)21:15
ActionParsniptoyotires: the config file is /etc/dnsmasq.conf21:15
luis_hi, i have installed server 10.10 and installed  some x support, now i want to allow ssh and mysql from the lan21:15
ActionParsniplahwran: it will use whatever it deems suitable21:15
luis_port 22 is open21:16
toyotiresso there I have to configure the private lan dhcp as well right_21:16
luis_but i can reach the server21:16
toyotiresActionParsnip,  so there I have to configure the private lan dhcp as well right_21:16
lahwranActionParsnip: right, what if I think I know better and want to tell it to use something else?21:16
lahwranthis isn't java, it shouldn't be hard to do21:16
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CiphermagiIs there a fast way to pick up all the CCSM addons at once?21:17
ActionParsniplahwran: not sure, could use command line, maybe there is a config hidden in file roller21:17
lahwranCiphermagi: as in, install them?21:17
ActionParsniptoyotires: if you don't already have a dhcp server running21:17
Abhinav1I am trying to change the permission of folder via sudo chmod but it saying read-only filesystem.. how to change permission21:17
lahwranCiphermagi: apt-cache search compiz | grep -i plugin21:17
lahwranapt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-plugins21:18
hdon>:( alarm-clock was consuming 444 MB >:( I smell a HORRIBLE MEMORY LEAK21:18
toyotiresno the NAT will be also the DHCP for the internal part ActionParsnip... so I can configure it there right_21:18
lahwranhdon: memory leak?21:18
schnuffle1Abhinav1: you'll have to remount the partition read/write21:18
lahwranhdon: don't you mean memory pipe burst?21:18
GeekyAdamhaving problems with ettercap. i set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to 1, then when i run ettercap it gets set back to 0. but when ettercap closes its set back to 1. why is it doing that and how do i stop it?21:19
ActionParsniphdon: log a bug21:19
* hdon rolls his eyes21:19
Abhinav1schnuffle1: how?21:19
hdonActionParsnip, it takes like 10 minutes to file a bug and i'm working right now. it should be easier to file a bug. launchpad's website is very slow!21:19
toyotiresActionParsnip, onece I configure and save that files when I restart the nat it will keep the same dhcp pool and info right__21:19
aademabhinav have you been answered?21:20
schnuffle1Abhinav1: sudo mount will list you the partitions, look for the partition where the file is on and then you can remount it with mount -o remount,rw /your/patition /mountpoint21:20
GeekyAdamschnuffle1: i thought -o [options] comes after the 2 locations21:21
luis_i can see http://localhost but i cant see it from the lan ... i have ping to the lan, the others can ping the server and the 80 and 22 are open ports as i see with port scaninig21:21
erUSULGeekyAdam: http://lists.debian.org/debian-firewall/2004/09/msg00009.html <<<21:21
GeekyAdami.e. mount /your/partition /mountpoint -o [options]21:21
murphswhat package do i need to install to get the glut.h and stuff21:21
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erUSUL!find freeglut21:22
ubottuFound: freeglut3, freeglut3-dbg, freeglut3-dev, libtaoframework-freeglut-cil-dev, libtaoframework-freeglut2.4-cil21:22
erUSUL!find glut.h21:22
Ciphermagilahwran: I used those commands, but I'm not seeing any more options in CCSM.21:22
ubottuFile glut.h found in autoconf-archive, doc-linux-html, fltk1.1-doc, freeglut3-dev, libguichan-dev, libmgl-dev, libroot5.18, libsofa1-dev, nvidia-cg-toolkit21:22
Paolo_CTgenii-around: I tryed giving it much more time, but the cron is still running once, and only once21:22
schnuffle1GeekyAdam: not on the command line as long as I know21:22
lahwranCiphermagi: you probably have it all already?21:22
CiphermagiI'm definitely missing some from Effects and Extras.21:23
ActionParsniphdon: use:  ubuntu-bug packagename21:23
GeekyAdamerUSUL: thx but im not running ettercap on a gateway. everything ive read on ettercap says you need to enable ip_forwarding, but that link says it disables it. im confused more.21:23
ActionParsniptoyotires: as far as I know, yes21:23
rtdoshow do i manually install pidgin (or any program for that matter) without using synaptic or apt-get ?21:23
DevilAshHay again. So, I'm pulling this error with VLC, which means my DVD's won't play any audio: [0x92d4bb4] pulse audio output error: Invalid number of channels21:23
exutuxPaolo_CT: in your crontab */60 * means 60 minuts not seconds21:24
toyotiresdoes any one know how to enable ubuntu kernel for forwarding??21:24
ActionParsniprtdos: you can grab the debs and use dpkg but you will need to manually satisfy deps which apt-get does for you21:24
hdonkernel forwarding? what?21:24
DevilAshDon't suppose anyone know s anything about it...?21:24
ActionParsnipDevilAsh: does it work in other players?21:24
genii-aroundPaolo_CT: Apologies on lag. Work keeps taking me from my computer. Maybe experiment with naming the file uniquely, perhaps by appending date or so, would be my next suggestion21:25
Paolo_CTexutux: Thanks, that was it, I had it to */2 for 30 seconds. Now I know that is 30 mins :p21:25
jamesjedimasterhi, I'm running kubuntu 10.04 fully updated, but the kernel is, while an ubuntu 10.04 fully updated has kernel, my question is: why kubuntu doesn't update the kernel as ubuntu?21:25
exutuxPaolo_CT: :d21:25
Abhinav1schnuffle1: I tried sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/Windows/ -o remount,rw and still getting the same error21:25
DevilAshActionParsnip: No. I got limited functionality from SMPlayer, but it cut out after 1 episode.21:26
exutuxPaolo_CT: now it runs every two minutes21:26
exutux*/2 *21:26
ubundoes bluefish have a freenod channel21:26
hdonActionParsnip, thanks for reminding me about that. that cuts through a lot of the time.21:26
l_ra friend of mine has the mic mapped to the audio output of his soundcard. i can hear everything from his pc except his voice. how can i re-enable the mic? i can control the systemm remotly21:26
ActionParsnipDevilAsh: check the sound option in vlc. what version of vlc are you using?21:26
DevilAshJust got the following error when running the command 'vlc dvdsimple://': [0xb74005f4] main input error: Invalid PCR value in ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR ! [0xb74178e4] pulse audio output error: Invalid number of channels'21:26
mandricis there a command in ubuntu to manage init.d files, so if i want to disable apache on boot?21:26
ActionParsniphdon: that too but it uploads a lot of useful information for you ;)21:26
Starminn!kubuntu | jamesjedimaster21:27
ubottujamesjedimaster: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde21:27
mandricbesides editing /etc/rc.*21:27
schnuffle1Abhinav1: add -t ntfs-3g21:27
Paolo_CTexutux: Oh, I see. How could I make it run every 2 secs?21:27
ActionParsniphdon: people think command line is "old fashioned" but in many cases it performs better21:27
erUSULGeekyAdam: foer waht i can read ethercap disables ipfrowarding in the kernel if it is enabled and restores the setting when it exists21:27
DevilAshActionParsnip, 1.1.4-1ubuntu1.3 (also agree about the command line comment)21:27
ActionParsnip!startup | mandric21:27
ubottumandric: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:27
exutuxPaolo_CT: you cannot use seconds on crontab only one second is your chance so * *21:28
Abhinav1schnuffle1: I have hfs+ filesystem21:28
erUSULGeekyAdam: Every time Ettercap starts, it disables IP forwarding in the kernel and begins to forward packets itself. <<<< http://openmaniak.com/ettercap.php21:28
genii-aroundexutux: Nice catch on the cron timing issue21:28
erUSULGeekyAdam: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zeO5Fv9bGc4J:ettercap.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php%3Fp%3D535+ettercap+ip_forward&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=ubuntu&source=www.google.com21:28
makulkar_laptophow to check if my laptop has usbnet enabled?21:28
hdonActionParsnip, you're preaching to the choir, though in this case i don't think that's related. microsoft might have accomplished the same thing the other way around: with a browser plugin that can harvest the data for you. of course i think it's safer the way ubuntu does it. more browser plugins = more danger.21:28
ActionParsniphdon: true21:28
Paolo_CTexutux: Thanks21:28
ActionParsnipDevilAsh: try 1.1.5 http://www.unixmen.com/software/1304-vlc-115-is-released-ppa-ubuntu-a-linuxmint21:28
mandricActionParsnip: hrm i'm on the server21:28
mandricno GUI21:28
exutuxPaolo_CT: every one minutes only21:28
GeekyAdamerUSUL: was just gonna ask how u got info but see you cached the forum results from google. ive been frustrated because looks like ettercaps sourceforge forums are down. thx checking links now.21:29
erUSULGeekyAdam: sf was recently compromised/attacked21:29
erUSULGeekyAdam: but this link http://openmaniak.com/ettercap.php is not in sf21:30
GeekyAdamerUSUL: oh rly? that sounds like big news. surprised i didnt hear about that.21:30
erUSULGeekyAdam: http://sourceforge.net/blog/sourceforge-net-attack/21:31
luis_i can see http://localhost but i cant see it from the lan ... i have ping to the lan, the others can ping the server and the 80 and 22 are open ports as i see with port scaninig, but i cant ssh this server from the lan21:31
NCS_OneI have a folder that I need to give access to user www, group www, but I need to edit the files with my user. The best way is to add my user to the group www and make the folder part of the group www?21:31
gp5stusing openssl, is there a way to tell if a file encrypted with a symetric cipher was decrypted correctly?21:31
mcl0vinanyone here have a good tutorial about iptables21:32
exutuxluis_: have you installed openssh-server on  your server? is ssh service running?21:32
luis_i thinit it is21:32
Starminnmcl0vin, try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:33
exutuxluis_: whats you think it is ? :)21:33
luis_ssh -version works21:33
GeekyAdamerUSUL: ive read that openmaniak.com link before but dont remember it being helpful. im getting a "Operation not permitted" error even though I'm running as root and ettercap's ec_uid and ec_gid variables are set to 0 (for root).21:33
exutuxluis_: dpkg -l | grep openssh21:34
NCS_Oneluis_: sudo ps aux | grep ssh21:34
toyotiresActionParsnip, to start the DHCP i just uncomment the dnsmas.conf file and retart the service_21:34
mcl0vinStarminn: thank you sir21:34
soreau'sudo service dhcp3-server start' fails with '* check syslog for diagnostics.' but dmesg shows no new relative output. Note: I just installed dhcp package and configured but trying to avoid rebooting21:34
Starminnmcl0vin, Not a problem. :)21:34
exutuxsoreau: syslog not dmesg21:34
DevilAshno dice, actionparsnip, i think the current package (1.1.4x) is the newest on linux.21:34
luis_dpkg -l | grep openssh   .....  openssh-client                       1:5.5p1-4ubuntu4                                  secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines21:35
soreauexutux: There is nothing output in /var/log/messages either21:35
DevilAshseeing as i just sudo apt-get update'd and sudo apt-get install'd vlc again, and it's still 1.1.41-ubuntusomethingoranother21:35
exutuxsoreau: syslog21:35
killownI have 4gb of memory ram but ubuntu only detects 3gb, do I need install the kernel PAE?21:35
rtdoshow do i install a program that is in tar.gz or tar.bz2 format ?21:35
erUSULGeekyAdam: that's all i can help ... maybe yama or apparmor are interfering ?21:35
soreauexutux: Where is syslog?21:36
exutuxluis_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:36
exutuxsoreau: always logs are in /var/log/21:36
erUSULrtdos: you shouldn't. youn should try to find it in deb form or in some ubuntu repo21:36
erUSUL!compile | rtdos21:36
ubotturtdos: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:36
NCS_OneI have a folder that I need to give access to user www, group www, but I need to edit the files with my user. The best way is to add my user to the group www and make the folder part of the group www?21:36
luis_ dpkg -l | grep openssh21:37
luis_ii  openssh-client                       1:5.5p1-4ubuntu5                                  secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines21:37
GeekyAdamerUSUL: i appreciate the help. im unfamiliar with yama and apparmor. a "which yama" and "which apparmor" return nothing...so i dont have them installed?21:37
macoNCS_One: yep21:37
macoNCS_One: and make the folder group-writable21:37
exutuxluis_: you must typ command on server21:37
NCS_Onemaco: thanks21:37
NCS_Oneluis_: sudo ps aux | grep ssh21:37
soreauexutux: Thank you, it reveals the problem21:38
erUSULGeekyAdam: they are kernel frameworks for security21:38
DevilAshso yeah, actionparsnip, any other ideas?21:38
rob_pluis_: openssh-client != openssh-server21:38
boywonderhi can anyone help out getting my ssh to work?21:38
exutuxluis_: if that is the output about the server, you haven't got server ssh installed ....so you need it21:38
erUSUL!sshd | boywonder21:39
ubottuboywonder: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)21:39
luis_sudo ps aux | grep ssh     .............luis@ubuntu:~$ sudo ps aux | grep ssh21:39
boywonderexutux,  thats exactly what i think is going on also,21:39
luis_luis      1261  0.0  0.0  11988   296 ?        Ss   11:58   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager21:39
DevilAshOkay, so once more just to see if anyone can help me:21:39
exutuxboywonder: indeed21:39
gurkanin ubuntu where could i find the utmp file ?21:39
DevilAshI've installed the newest VLC a few days back, and for some reason it doesn't play audio on *some* dvd's. It gives me a pulseaudio error saying that there's too many channels. Any ideas?21:40
luis_root      4813  0.0  0.0  49320  2648 ?        Ss   18:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D21:40
luis_this is what igot from sudo ps aux | grep ssh21:40
gurkani have /var/run/utmp but it is not in /var/log21:40
boywondererUSUL, exutux ,i can connect from my ssh but not to, does that mean i have no ssh server, the nmap ssh port listening aint there also?21:41
ubunif im making a php, in ubuntu10.10 how do i preview it what program do i get21:41
exutuxboywonder: you ping server's ip?21:41
Gorrothdoes anyone here know how to disable X from starting when *ubuntu starts?  i don't want gdm/kdm or anything to come up; i want it to just go to a command prompt21:42
exutuxyou can*21:42
=== DealingWithFools is now known as ExplodingPiglets
makulkar_laptopI have my linux phone connected to my laptop which i recently installed ubuntu 10.0421:42
GeekyAdamGorroth: install ubuntu server instead21:42
Gorrothi don't want to install server21:42
exutuxboywonder: and you get some error when you try to connect?21:42
makulkar_laptopI'm not able to ssh to my device connected. I can see the device up and running in ifconfig -a21:42
boywonderexutux,  i nned to see if the server is running?21:42
Gorrothi know this is a simple change, but the rc scripts are quite a bit different than in the past21:42
GeekyAdamGorroth: google runlevels. i think you want runlevel 2 but i may be wrong21:42
boywonderyes connection refused21:42
botcityDevilAsh: not my area but if it works with some and not others what's the difference..  is there a difference in codecs ?21:43
exutuxboywonder: wich command are you using?21:43
GorrothGeekyAdam: do you know how to figure out what runlevel you're currently on?  that used to be in /etc/inittab, but all that stuff was moved too21:43
kheuhey there, after updating ubuntu my soundcard stopped working, why has it happened ?21:43
bluefroggurkan, what do you need utmp for?21:43
boywonderssh -p 22xx chris@
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luis_i did ------ sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:43
boywonderoops no 22 on end21:44
exutuxboywonder: uhm remote server?21:44
GeekyAdamGorroth: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+runlevels&l=121:44
DevilAshbotcity i have absolutely no idea. :/ media's not my area, either. the only thing i can tell is that only the dvd's that don't work pull the error 'too many audio channels'21:44
boywonderem its on my lan21:44
exutuxboywonder: if is local, why you are using public ip?21:44
GorrothGeekyAdam: don't be a dick.  i've already done my google searching and am scanning "teh webz" while i speak.21:44
PAoaI cant seem to be able to access my windows network drives, some folders says I dont have a persmission but I enabled full permission to those folders21:44
GeekyAdamGorroth: well how'd you miss that first result?21:45
VCoolioGorroth: http://ubuntuguide.net/boot-into-consolecommand-line-when-startup-ubuntu-9-1021:45
botcityDevilAsh: have you tried mplayer ?21:45
boywonderexutux,  how to see if i have the server running?21:45
exutuxboywonder: chris@
DevilAshbotcity yeah. the dvd seems to work for one episode on mplayer, and then bugs out21:45
PAoaany ideas?21:45
DevilAshbotcity, not too sure about error messages for that, though, one sec.21:46
kheuis there any way that i can have it back or my only solution is to reinstall ubuntu ?21:46
exutuxboywonder: ah ok final 22 is wrong21:46
GorrothGeekyAdam: how did you miss that that is from from 4 years ago21:46
PAoaI gave full permision to all users on the windows machines to those folders21:46
exutuxboywonder: why are you using public ip???21:46
GorrothVCoolio: thanks21:46
PAoabut it still says no permission21:46
boywonderi did say that already21:46
usr13boywonder: lynx -dump localhost21:46
exutuxboywonder: if you're on LAN you must to use ip/lan21:46
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GeekyAdamGorroth: its still valid.21:47
exutuxboywonder: your lan has that ip ranges^21:47
boywonderi dont have lynx21:47
boywonderno i was bogus i have static ips21:47
exutuxboywonder: not useful ip tipe for private lan21:47
usr13boywonder: Ok, sorry21:48
GorrothGeekyAdam: that is a description of how runlevels work, from a long time ago.  that is irrelevant to 2011.02.0421:48
exutuxboywonder: ok so can you paste ifconfig?21:48
DevilAshbotcity, yeah, only runs for one episode and then cuts out. no errors pulled, though21:48
botcityDevilAsh: hmm! there is a #vlc  i don't know if its an official channel21:48
usr13Gorroth: Some distros still use runlevel methods21:49
exutuxboywonder: have you change some config on ssh server...like default port or other?21:49
DevilAshbotcity thanks for the tip, i'll give it a try :)21:49
Gorrothusr13: yeah, but ubuntu changed how they do it21:49
Gorrothusr13: i'm just trying to figure out how to disable kdm/gdm from starting at bootup21:49
njbairwhat script controls the purging of files in /tmp?21:49
boywonderi have changed the port21:49
usr13Gorroth: Yea, I konw.  Was kind of confusing to me at first but...21:49
guntbert!lmgtfy | GeekyAdam21:49
ubottuGeekyAdam: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:49
exutuxboywonder: and have you restart service after?21:49
guntbert!nox | Gorroth21:49
ubottuGorroth: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:49
luis_i did ssh and it work, port 22 is open (as port scan says) but i cant ssh from the lan... maybe forbidden host? idem with port 8021:50
boywonderno i cant get to init.d21:50
exutuxboywonder: why?21:50
killownhow to set default kernel on grub2?21:50
boywonderi dunno my commans dont work21:50
GeekMani have ubuntu on a hp mini its my friends but it uses this wierd hp ubuntu netbook edition any ways he wants flash player to work so i entered [apt-get install adobe-flash plugin] and downloaded and installed the plugin but firefox still wont play back the flash video i check the plugins and it says its using the one i just installed whats the deal?21:50
guntbert!grub2 | killown21:51
ubottukillown: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:51
boywondersudo /etc/init.d/ssh start21:51
boywonderthe is no init d there21:51
sven_oostenbrinkclive and youtube-dl are not functional anymore? Its impossible to download any youtube page with either..21:51
exutuxboywonder: ??21:51
boywonderdamm lol21:51
exutuxboywonder: are u using a standard Ubuntu release?21:51
bluewandersi used youtube-dl yesterday... worked just fin21:52
boywonderlucid 10.4 i think21:52
mkanyicykillown: you edit the GRUB_DEFAULT variable in /etc/default/grub21:52
macosven_oostenbrink: as of like last month youtube no longer lets you pick which format you want, which youtube-dl tries to do by default, so maybe play with flags from its manpage?21:52
Evaanhey guys, I need a little help. I installed ubuntu on my laptop that has a broken "e" on the keyboard.21:52
NCS_Oneboywonder: its init.d21:52
guntbertboywonder: try sudo /etc/init.d/ssh<tab> start (you will see it is sshd, not ssh)21:52
GeekyAdamGorroth: i apologize. to check current runlevel, type "runlevel" in console and press enter.21:53
killownmkanyicy, how Do I know what kernel is GRUB_DEFAULT = 0 or GRUB_DEFAULT = 1?21:53
GeekyAdamalso "who -r" works nicely.21:53
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Evaanxmodmap -e "keycode 26 = Alt_L" should make the left alt key function as the e key, right?21:53
Gorrothubottu: thanks.  your info helped out.  with some info about upstart, i also found a similar bit of logic in /etc/init/kdm.conf21:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:53
nesunoHi! In the grub of ubuntu 8.10 uuid is supported? (As the replacement of the root command?)21:54
mkanyicykillown: by 'sudo grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg', count 0 on the first entry21:54
Gorrothubottu: basically telling me what you told me21:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:54
GorrothGeekyAdam: thanks :)21:54
Evaanor if someone could PM me? need help with remapping keyboard.21:54
killownmkanyicy, thank you21:54
rwwnesuno: Ubuntu 8.10 moved to End of Life status in April 2010. It hasn't received security updates since then, and is not supported in this channel.21:54
mkanyicykillown: no prob21:54
rww!eol | nesuno21:54
ubottunesuno: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:54
boywonderits just not there?21:54
guntbertGeekyAdam: <who -r>  wow, where did you find *that* ?21:54
sven_oostenbrinkmaco: mmm, and it can not just dl given format?21:55
GeekManwhat was the release number for hardy21:55
rwwGeekMan: 8.0421:55
botcityDevilAsh: you could try sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-pulse and selecting 'Pulseaudio audio output' from the audio section21:55
GeekyAdamguntbert: http://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/question/linux/unix-linux-find-out-runlevel.php why?21:55
StarminnEvaan, Not sure what to tell you, but my first thought was try to try to make a keyboard shortcut to simulate "e." In System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts you could maybe make something like "CTRL+ALT+;"= the letter "e"? I really don't know.21:56
DevilAshbotcity already tried it :/21:56
exutuxboywonder: have you tried what guntbert  said?21:56
StarminnEvaan, I don't even know if that's possible though. :( Sorry21:56
Evaanso if you have a broken key on your keyboard linux is worthless then?21:56
guntbertGeekyAdam: only because it seems a very strange combination - who I am logged in as has nothing to do with the system state - still a nice find :-)21:56
GeekyAdamguntbert: thank google21:57
guntbertGeekyAdam: :)21:57
Midas3Evaan: usually it should work by pressing the left alt key and then enter the ascii code on the num pad. i do not remember exactly but this should work somehow21:58
toyotireswhere can I save a script what will start when the machine starts??21:58
botcityDevilAsh: you could try the alsa settings in preferences maybe21:58
EvaanOkay, how do I go about making a shortcut to simulate e?21:58
GeekyAdamanyone have experience using ettercap for arp spoofing? im getting an error.21:59
bluewanderstoyotires: system>preferences>startup applications21:59
mkanyicytoyotires: you can ALT+F2 and 'gnome-session-properties' and insert an entry to execute that script21:59
botcity!startup | toyotires22:00
ubottutoyotires: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:00
Midas3Evaan: does it really have to be a shortcut? i just tried here. ive pressed left alt and then entered 1 0 1 on the numpad: e22:00
GeekManhow do you check your system specs in terminal like distro kernal etc22:00
exutuxguntbert: i know that service is ssh not sshd anyway :)22:00
mkanyicyGeekMan: uname -a22:01
Evaanwell, I really don't want to have to press alt 101 every time I want to use the e key22:01
guntbertexutux: you are right, sorry :-)22:01
Midas3Evaan: k, i see. its one of the most used letters :)22:01
botcityMidas3: lsb_release -l22:01
sven_oostenbrinkclive and youtube-dl are not functional anymore? Its impossible to download any youtube page with either.. I keep getting "ERROR: format not available for video". I tried every possible format specified in the wikipedia page, but all give the same error.. Is there a way I can just download the default format given by youtube?22:02
exutuxguntbert: i'm in doubt too, but i verified now :)22:02
toyotiresI do not have the Sessions icon on my gui is there any way to call it by command??22:02
Evaanso basicly I have to use an external keyboard or go back to windows xp?22:02
StarminnEvaan, Midas3, Sorry, that just reminded me of this. Most used letters in the English language (in this order) are senorita.22:02
guntbertexutux: btw: nowadays we could/should issue sudo service ..... (instead of sudo /etc/init.d/...)22:03
mkanyicytoyotires: gnome-session-properties22:03
mrdoobySven, I believe the command to update youtube-dl is "sudo youtube-dl -U" this will update to the latest stable version22:03
StarminnEvaan, So the key worked in XP but just doesn't work in Ubuntu?22:03
Evaanwindows xp let me remap e to l_alt22:04
mkanyicymrdooby: that's right.22:04
Evaanbut it sounds like linux isn't able to remap keyboards?22:04
GeekManWOW this hp ubuntu for this netbook is awful i feel bad for my friend hes not getting the full benifit of linux22:04
StarminnEvaan, System->Preferences->Keyboard22:05
exutuxguntbert: i don't know, maybe for some reason sudo service sometimes fails, i use always /etc/init.d/... old school22:05
EvaanStarminn: where do I look in there to change my keyboard remaps?22:05
guntbertexutux: thats why I said should/could .... :)22:05
StarminnEvaan, Layouts.22:06
mkanyicyexutux: yeah, i've seen 'sudo service' failing at some point22:06
StarminnEvaan, Just curious -- How are you using 'e's right now in this conversation?22:07
Evaanim using my netbook22:07
GeekManomg i cant even install fire fox this desktop wont let me open a download window22:07
Evaanokay, how do I edit my keyboard layout?22:07
Evaanim not seeing an option here.22:07
GeekMandoes anyone know the apt for firefox linux i68622:07
exutuxsudo apt-get install firefox22:08
GeekManthanks :)22:08
munkyBeatzwhen you're partitioning your drive, pre-installation, do you have to have your Swap partition "Mount" as /swap or something?  Or is that unecessary? "E.G. you would have home mount as /home"22:08
StarminnEvaan, What version are you using?22:08
Evaanthe latest one22:09
erUSULmunkyBeatz: swap partitions are not mounted22:09
Evaanlucid lynx?22:09
munkyBeatzerUSUL - thanks, that's what I needed to know.22:09
Starminn10.10 Maverick Meerkat is the latest one.22:09
brokendatapointhi, is the an USB Live Creator that I can get for Ubuntu?22:10
schnuffle1Evaan: XKeycaps is a tool that you can use to genrate xmodmappings22:10
GeekMani think im just gonna ask him if i can put a clean install of a normal distro of ubuntu not this hp garbage22:10
Evaanschnuffle1: I downloaded it in the software market but I can't find it after it installed22:10
StarminnEvaan, I just checked though and in 10.04 the method is the same. Go to System->Preferences->Keyboard then hit the "Layouts" tab. Hit "Add..." and go for it.22:10
exutuxbrokendatapoint: gnome or kde?22:11
GeekMani cant even do that because it uses a variant of firefox but u cant uninstall it unless maybe i use aptitude22:11
Evaanthis is my first day with linux, btw22:11
brokendatapointexutux: Xfce4.422:11
exutuxbrokendatapoint: sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk22:11
brokendatapointexutux: thank you22:12
StarminnEvaan, http://www.wikihow.com/Change-Keyboard-Layout-in-Ubuntu22:12
exutuxbrokendatapoint: maybe usb-creator-common too22:12
* tuxifier is just installing ubuntu 10.10 on freshly arrived new pc22:13
brokendatapointexutux: how do you check for package dependancies22:13
encryptedhi can someone help me install libgtk1.2 - i get the error message package not found :/22:13
EvaanStarminn: it doesn't seem like I can edit layouts here22:13
GeekMandoes aptitude install dependencies automaticly22:14
tuxifierencrypted: apt-cache search libgtk22:14
brokendatapointexutux: just tried to install it, haha, it is already onboard!22:14
tuxifierencrypted: might have another name/version in your case22:14
exutuxbrokendatapoint: that isn't a dependance for usb-creator, but maybe an advise package... and for see depends about some package apt-cache depends pack_name22:14
exutuxbrokendatapoint: ok22:14
encryptedtuxifier: That command has returned quite a lot of details, not sure which one?22:15
whitehathello, I'm having some trouble with apt-get. Earlier I was on here and someone instructed me to do "apt-get clean && apt-get check" then do "apt-get -f install". After doing that I get the error "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libattr1".   Could anyone clarify what this means? I can't install anything because of it.22:15
rwwGeekMan: yes22:15
brokendatapointexutux: seems it is in by default on Maverick, in the System => Startup Disk Creator22:15
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exutuxyes, since from jaunty 9.04 it was22:16
tuxifierencrypted: sorry I can't verify atm - I'm installing ubuntu just now on my new pc - I am on with my business notebook22:16
StarminnEvaan, I promise you you can. If you are running 10.04 or 10.10 I promise you this works. You select Country and then the Variant. Click on the picture of a keyboard and start typing. Make sure everything is where it should be.22:16
encryptedtuxifier: Thats ok22:16
mcl0vini setup a static route in my dd-wrt to that subent there is a PC browsing the internet fine located at but i can't ping it from the router22:16
tuxifierencrypted: old pc broke a week ago right after I ordered the new one :P22:17
GeekManthis stinks too because i guess since its an hp version of ubuntu u cant upgrade from hardy hearon lmao i cant even get updates any more22:17
whitehatI am having trouble with apt-get it is giving me the error "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libattr1"22:17
GeekMandefinatly asking on monday thanks for the help though22:17
exutuxwhitehat: try sudo dpkg --configure -a22:17
antivirtelhi! I have apache, mysql auto started with system, but I need it only rarely, how can I start my system, with these stopped daemons?22:18
whitehatexutux, Ok I'll try that and post the results22:18
strigoi66can anyone tell me if anyone else has had problems installing ubuntu 10.04 server edition?22:18
tuxifierantivirtel: remove the link to the init skript in /etc/rc2.d22:19
antivirteltuxifier ok, I try it!22:20
strigoi66the prob that I am having is i try to boot off cd and get as far as installing base system then fail says "base sys" is corrupt ! I have tried 3 copies of same iso and checked the md5sum please help22:20
spowhey, anyone using dual screen here ?22:20
strigoi66spow yes22:20
whitehatexutux, it tells me "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of dmraid:" with a bunch of other stuff underneath22:20
tuxifierantivirtel: the S# link22:20
spowstrigoi66 : did you manage to have a second taskbar and a background on the second desktop ?22:20
Evaanschnuffle1: I figured out xkeycaps. thank you it works now22:21
schnuffle1Evaan: perfect22:21
strigoi66spow: it is only a mirror of first monitor as my hardware is not properly configured for dual screen22:21
spowthe second desktop's behaviour is actually pretty differnet from the first one, I can't resize windows by touching the coners or double clicking them22:21
exutuxwhitehat: sudo apt-get install -f22:21
strigoi66spow: what type of graphics are you running22:22
botcityspow: whats your gfx card ?22:22
whitehatexutux, I've tried that and I get the error "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libattr1"22:22
spowah, I went in the nvidia app to have a second differnet desktop but it lacks a lot of ergonomy22:22
exutuxwhitehat: i think that you have installed something out of repos22:22
spowmy card is a nvidia 8600 gts22:22
whitehatexutux, What do you mean?22:23
guestcan someone have a private chat with me about basics of scripting and using 'processing' language22:23
KB1JWQguest: Ask in here, that's what the channel is for.22:24
guestisn't it rude to ask a question in a room with 1500 pple?22:24
erUSULguest: shell script? try #bash22:24
exutuxwhitehat: have you installed some packages from external repos? and lsb_release -a what answer?22:24
ActionParsnipguest: i'd ask in #bash for scripting help22:24
antivirteltuxifier I have apache2, but I have no mysql here; where else can I find it?22:24
botcityspow: and you have the propitiatory driver installed22:24
spowhow can I check that?22:25
ActionParsnipspow: got sound from flash yet?22:25
whitehatexutux, Not that I know of. What do you mean lsb_release -a ?22:25
spowyeah, solved it eventually ^^22:25
ActionParsnipspow: what was the bullet?22:25
ariqsSay I have a process running from another terminal session, and I want to bring it up. Is that possible?22:25
ActionParsnipariqs: i believe it's: fg22:26
exutuxwhitehat: it's a command22:26
ariqsActionParsnip: is jobspec == PID?22:26
spowI actually do not know, I installed a plugin which removed every plugin and then reinstalled one, also my PCM sound level was at 0 :S22:26
strigoi66ActionParsnip: I have asked for help b4 and you were able to help, I just wanted to say thank you for playing a part in helping out the community!22:27
whitehatexutux, So run the command and post the results?22:27
ActionParsnipariqs: i'd read: man fg   I believe it can take PIDs22:27
guesti'm an irc idiot, is it possible to register a name in this channel?22:27
ActionParsnipstrigoi66: no worries dude, soon you'll be helping too, makes the OS stronger :D:D22:27
ActionParsnip!register | guest22:27
ubottuguest: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:27
Starminn!register | guest22:27
ariqsthe PID doesn't work and: No manual entry for fg22:27
exutuxwhitehat: sure22:27
ActionParsnipguest: you register it on the freenode network, not just the channel]#22:27
far_ hi, need help i have deleted some packages now if i want to do any thing i get "LANGUAGE = (unset),22:28
far_LC_ALL = (unset),22:28
far_LANG = "en_US.UTF8"22:28
spikkuUmm, I thought apt-get autoremove only removed packages that were installed as dependencies for the package you're removing (plus the package you're removing)...22:28
whitehatexutux, this is what I get "No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 9.10 Release:9.10 Codename:karmic"22:28
spowbotcity : what command can I run to check if proprietary drivers are installed ?22:28
ActionParsnipguest: the guys in #freenode can help register22:28
gpc!language | pauline22:28
ubottupauline: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:28
whitehatexutux, what was the purpose of that command?22:30
exutuxwhitehat: to use pastebin for output commands is a good thing22:30
strigoi66ubuntu 8.04 problem: installed great just slow now i try to boot to hdd and i get (grub loading stage 1.5) [grub loading, please wait...] {Error 18} can anyone point me in right direction?22:30
exutuxwhitehat: have you tried some upgrade before you get this issue?22:30
ariqsHow do I bring a process running in the background from a prior ssh session back up? I was told FG, but I don't know what job_spec is, and the PID doesn't work22:31
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whitehatexutux, What are you talking about pastebin?  No I haven't tried to upgrade, but I did move my Linux installation from one HDD to another. Would that make a difference?22:32
botcityspow: just look at the top panels system > administration > hardware drivers22:32
howoriginalAUHello everyone22:33
exutuxwhitehat: not about software ...in case only hardware problems...22:33
exutux!pastebin > whitehat22:33
ubottuwhitehat, please see my private message22:33
far_no one there have any ans  pauline22:33
spowbotcity : ok so it says I have a pilote which is activated but not used atm (nvidia_current)22:34
whitehatexutux, no, I haven't upgraded any hardware.22:34
exutuxwhitehat: i advise you to upgrade...Ubuntu release or reinstall it with a recent version22:35
whitehatexutux, Ok, thank you for your help.22:35
exutuxwhitehat: np22:35
kingoffbiok ..22:36
kingoffbithre are a lot of people here22:36
bazhang!enter | kingoffbi22:36
ubottukingoffbi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:36
=== marcos_ is now known as Daekdroom
far_does any one know linux here22:37
Diamondcitefar_: Can't say we know anything unless you ask what you have in mind ^_^22:38
far_getting warning perl please check you locale setting22:39
ActionParsnipKingOfDos: its the official support channel of the fastest growing linux dstro, what did you expect22:39
rwwActionParsnip: they left a while back ;)22:39
schnuffle1far_: so you  checked your locale? its defined in /etc/default/locale22:40
toyotiresI need to have a start up script for iptables rules and forwarding where is the best place to put that script22:41
far_there is nothing in there22:41
red2kicKingOfDos: When compared with Windows, it is superior operating system that will do anything at your whim.22:41
gidasdebian is better22:41
rwwtoyotires: /etc/rc.local22:41
ActionParsniprww: d'oh22:41
ActionParsnipgidas: each distro has strengths and weaknesses22:41
Diamondcite(Off topic?) As for fastest growing.. where is the wait times everyone's grown to groan at for such large things :)22:41
toyotiresrww but that script need root permittions... how can I do that__22:41
yeats!iptables | toyotires22:41
ubottutoyotires: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:41
rwwtoyotires: commands in /etc/rc.local are run with root permissions.22:42
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: how do you mean22:42
schnuffle1far_: set LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" for example22:42
toyotiresrww thanks!!22:42
TeligardHi, anyone have any idea why, starting from a Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 install, and performing a dist-upgrade, the installer stops on generating grub.cfg?22:42
ActionParsnipTeligard: how many kernels do you have installed?22:42
far_i set en_US.utf or somting like that22:42
DiamondciteActionParsnip: My mind is just going through stereo types of how large 'companies' tend to have long wait times on the phone for support.22:42
toyotiresrww so I just copy and paste the script... or should I put an extension is a vim file without extension!!22:42
howoriginalAUHi all22:43
howoriginalAUjust installed nvidia drivers22:43
howoriginalAUand the boot screen looks terrible22:43
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: you can pay for Ubuntu phone support if you like, it does exist22:43
howoriginalAUdid I do something wrong?22:43
TeligardI believe I have 5 + 1 generic22:43
schnuffle1far_: should be en-US.UTF-822:43
MoroniCan someone help me with an ongoing problem with ubuntu recognizing a couple of USB drives that I have attached to my HP notebook?  Sometimes I can mount them and other times I just get a message that says they are an umknown device22:43
rwwtoyotires: yes. or save the script somewhere and run it from /etc/rc.local22:43
ActionParsniphoworiginalAU: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/22:43
far_i actually removed some packages22:43
rwwtoyotires: /etc/rc.local itself doesn't need a filename extension.22:43
toyotiresrww how can I do that__22:43
Teligard2.6.35-22 through 2.6.35-2622:43
howoriginalAUthanks actionparsnip :)22:44
ActionParsniphoworiginalAU: shows how to force the boot to use the fb driver, follow the guide until the embedded video22:44
toyotireshoo rww I am just going to save it on that dir thanks22:44
aethelrickhoworiginalAU: hi... back again eh?22:44
howoriginalAUAlright I will, thanks for the assistance. So many helpful people on this forum lol22:44
howoriginalAUAethelrick: hi, yeah just woke up lol22:44
aethelrickhoworiginalAU: still friday for me... not bedtime yet :)22:45
ActionParsniphoworiginalAU: I use add it to ALL systems I touch, makes life easier22:45
howoriginalAUHahaha I can see that.22:45
schnuffle1far_: sudo aptitude install locales localpurge to reinstall if you removed them22:45
far_ this the the message i get "perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:22:45
far_LANGUAGE = (unset),22:45
far_LC_ALL = (unset),22:45
far_LANG = "en_US.UTF8"22:45
FloodBot2far_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:45
howoriginalAUActionParsnip: Well that's some good advocacy there, gives me a bit of confidence heh22:45
exutuxtoyotires: rc.local is a file not a dir :) you need to put your /path/script_name insied /etc/rc.local file before exit word22:45
ariqsHow do I bring a process running in the background from a prior ssh session back up? I was told FG, but I don't know what job_spec is, and the PID doesn't work22:46
aethelrickfg %122:46
UbuntuNoobhello all :)22:46
ma3xhi! should badblocks display the bad blocks after they've been reallocated? or is it normal to show 0 bad blocks?22:46
TeligardActionParsnip: 2.6.35-22 through 2.6.35-2622:46
=== chad is now known as Guest33812
Guest33812weres music22:46
far_i tried that still get the same message can't install or upgrade any thing22:47
aethelrickalso... "jobs" to see a list of current bg jobs22:47
schnuffle1far_: do a sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade22:47
UbuntuNoobhow do i change the screen resolution..22:47
UbuntuNoobi downloaded my nvidea driver after fresh install of ubuntu22:47
schnuffle1far_: pastet the error if you get one22:47
UbuntuNoob(first time user btw), and now everything is so smallo :(22:47
aethelrickUbuntuNoob: click on system, administration, nvidia22:48
MoroniUbuntuNoob:  do you have GuestAdditions installed?22:48
far_ok let me do that but i have tried it ?22:48
aethelrickUbuntuNoob: nvidia control panel... resolution is in there22:48
UbuntuNooband my screen dims after like 5 seconds >.> i tried power management(laptop)22:48
UbuntuNoobthanks :D22:48
howoriginalAUHmm, I think I might have to live with it - I do want acceleration on my desktop22:48
howoriginalAUand apparently this uvesafb slows things down22:48
manousi need help22:48
schnuffle1far_: apparently those perl locale error often come from an uncomplete update22:49
manousi have dhcp server on ubuntu 922:49
jonteHello. I have 3 sound cards in my system, and ALSA seems to pick the wrong one for playback. How can I change it? Some sounds, like the systemn sounds play well, but "aplay" doesn't play at all.22:49
howoriginalAUAethelrick: I put the extra visual effects on btw, they look fantastic - wobbly windows etc ahah22:49
aethelrickhoworiginalAU: hehe :)22:49
mateuszwho is 4rm pl?22:49
TeligardActionParsnip: when I killed the process and rebooted, the sound was messed up (overlapping startup sounds).  I attempted to sudo dpkg --configure -a and I'm stuck back where I was22:49
toyotiresexutux, I just erase my rc.local file :s22:50
toyotireswhat can I do__22:50
Teligarddriving me batty22:50
manousi woulg like to denied some ip to my dhcp server22:50
=== guest is now known as cyybborg
toyotireshow can I regenerate rc.local??22:50
botcityspow:  sorry..  you should select which ever is the most recent nvidia driver  and configure from the system administration nvidia x server settings !22:50
UbuntuNooboh yeah, i tried to install something earlier and it said i didnt have permission o_o22:51
UbuntuNoobi googled it and it said that every application that i download u have to have permission for22:51
usr13toyotires: Probably already there.  /etc/rc.local22:51
manousi make iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -s ip_address -j DROP22:51
usr13toyotires: Oh regenerate... touch /etc/rc.local ; chnod +x /etc/rc.local22:51
toyotiresuser82, that is it__22:52
UbuntuNoobubuntu_user: whats up22:52
toyotiresno info on that file user13??22:52
UbuntuNoobubuntu_user: might not be able to help, but i can try :D22:52
usr13toyotires: is there a backup of the one you had?  ls /etc/rc.loca*22:52
far_i tried it here it is "perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:22:52
far_LANGUAGE = (unset),22:52
far_LC_ALL = (unset),22:52
far_LANG = "en_US.UTF8"22:52
FloodBot2far_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
user82toyotires what did i say? usr13 switch22:52
manousbut it's only work on server22:52
earthmeLonUsing iftop, I found my friend's IP connected to me.  How can I tell what service he is connecting to me with?22:52
toyotiresusr13, one sec22:52
manousnot on client dhcp22:52
botcity!ask | Ubuntu_user22:52
ubottuUbuntu_user: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:52
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I mount a ddrescue .img file or see whats in it?22:52
q0zmanous, theres an easier way i believe, google /etc/hosts.deny i believe.. or something simular22:53
usr13toyotires: What happened to the one  you had before?22:53
Ubuntu_userin windows i have D partotion but in ubuntu  i don't see that partition22:53
Ubuntu_userjust C=windows and system partition22:53
usr13THE_GFR|WORK: mount -loop22:53
THE_GFR|WORKusr13: thanks22:53
tensorpuddingUbuntu_user: are you sure?22:54
usr13THE_GFR|WORK: But you have to use or create a mount point.22:54
manousok q0z but with iptables i must to do it22:54
Ubuntu_useryes after restart22:54
TeligardAny ideas?22:54
tensorpuddingUbuntu_user: did you check to see that it appears in the Disk Utility?22:54
tensorpuddingdoes it say that it is mounted?22:55
q0zmanous, why?22:55
chrislu5tichi there, I am running Ubuntu 10.10, on two computers, on my imac along side mac osx,   and on my hp pavillion from external HD,   I have Play deb enabled on both,   I have enemy territory installed on Ubuntu Imac, it runs just fine.. but when I try to install it on the HP/external it says no packages with that name are found.... any suggestions please????22:55
THE_GFR|WORKusr13: right it says special mount device not found22:55
Ubuntu_userif u know give me the command of terminal and i paste here22:55
usr13THE_GFR|WORK: -o loop.  Like:  mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/cdrom22:55
humanIs er iemand Nederlands in de chat? een vraag over ubuntu 10.1022:56
q0zmanous, well if you must then i'm of no help, sorry22:56
toyotiresexutux, so I put the file with its location before exit 0__22:56
rww!nl | human22:56
ubottuhuman: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:56
manousbut with this action on my server all dhclient must be block for this ip22:56
usr13THE_GFR|WORK: or:  mount -o loop /mnt/hdb1/system_partition_backup.img /mnt/tmpmnt22:56
chrislu5tichi there, I am running Ubuntu 10.10, on two computers, on my imac along side mac osx,   and on my hp pavillion from external HD,   I have Play deb enabled on both,   I have enemy territory installed on Ubuntu Imac, it runs just fine.. but when I try to install it on the HP/external it says no packages with that name are found.... any suggestions please????22:56
BurzmaliHey all, anyone know what's up with Canonical's seeming inability to populate the "For purchase" section of the software center with the dozens of for sale linux games out there?22:56
Ubuntu_userany help?22:56
exutuxtoyotires: ok, but out of curiosity  runs server edition or desktop edition in that machine?22:57
toyotiresdesktop ed 9.1022:57
toyotiresexutux,  desktop ed 9.1022:57
tensorpuddingBurzmali: presumably the for-sale linux games have to agree to be placed in the software center, and most haven't done so22:57
exutuxtoyotires: ok22:57
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this?22:57
tensorpuddingthey also have to be packaged for the current version of ubuntu22:58
Burzmalitensorpudding: I doubt that many would turn down the money involved.22:58
toyotiresexutux, so is it better to put the bash script for a call or the actual commads those are just 3 commands22:58
botcitychrislu5tic:  sound like its not installed ?22:58
tensorpuddingworld of goo is in the software center22:58
Burzmalitensorpudding: Aquaria, Lugaru, Gish, Penumbra ...22:58
chrislu5ticcan you tell me why I dont have a third party software section in my ubuntu software centre22:59
tensorpuddingBurzmali: maybe you should ask them on their forums, or contact emails...22:59
exutuxtoyotires: you can put the 3 commands in succes but is better to put a script22:59
UbuntuNoobhello again :), another question, i was told that i coud run steam with wine. i get this error when i try to run with wine.22:59
usr13OttifantSir: I think it just means that you do not have an application registered to open that particular file type.22:59
kakashi__please can you help me. i wanna to because a linux programmer but i dont know how22:59
UbuntuNoobthe file /tmp/steaminstall.msi is not marked as executable22:59
chrislu5tici have the section on my other computer running ububtu 10.10,    but its not on this one.22:59
UbuntuNoobhow do i mark a file executable?23:00
Burzmalitensorpudding: I'm just wondering if Canonical is actively trying to recruit or just waiting for indies to come begging23:00
toyotiresexutux, ok i just did I am going to restart to see if is working the script when starts as I need brb and thanks!!23:00
chrislu5tici need hzelp23:00
usr13OttifantSir: You have to have set up a preferred application for that file type.23:00
usr13UbuntuNoob: chmod +x23:00
ActionParsnipchrislu5tic: ask away23:00
KirkMcDonaldUbuntuNoob: I would not expect an .msi file to be executable on Linux.23:00
UbuntuNoobkakashi_: my teacher gave me a really good book23:00
KirkMcDonaldUbuntuNoob: Oh! You're talking about Wine.23:01
Loki^is it normal not to have a menu.lst file in /boot/grub?23:01
KirkMcDonaldUbuntuNoob: Never mind me.23:01
rumpe1Loki^, normal for grub223:01
chrislu5tic I am running Ubuntu 10.10, on two computers, on my imac along side mac osx,   and on my hp pavillion from external HD,   I have Play deb enabled on both,   I have enemy territory installed on Ubuntu Imac, it runs just fine.. but when I try to install it on the HP/external it says no packages with that name are found....also.... in Ubuntu software center... there is no |third party software" section on the left.... .but there is23:01
=== bikcmp is now known as not
chrislu5ticthat section on my other computer running ubuntu 10.10.23:01
UbuntuNoobkakashi_:  its called "a practical guide to ubuntu linux" its by mark G. sodell23:01
Loki^rumpe1 thx23:01
=== not is now known as bikckmp
=== bikckmp is now known as bikcmp
UbuntuNoobwhtat chmod +x mean23:01
schnuffle1Loki^: you find the config in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and /etc/default/grub23:01
usr13Loki^: Do you have grub2 or just grub?23:02
usr13Loki^: Never mind...23:02
Loki^schnuffle1 thank you23:02
manoushow can i use this rule for my dhcp client ?  iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -s ip_address -j DROP23:02
OttifantSirusr13: There is nothing wrong with opening EVERY file on my seven computers even over NFS, but I can't open Nautilus from any of AWN's applets capable of doing so.23:02
Loki^i got the problem that my tty's are not starting up, also the ondemand governor doesnt start... thats why im trying some stuff -.-23:03
strigoi66ubuntunoob: the chmod +x command is to enable executing file as exe23:03
UbuntuNoobi tyed man chmod in terminal, i see nothin about +x23:03
botcity!permissions | UbuntuNoob23:03
ubottuUbuntuNoob: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:03
usr13manous: Not sure what you are asking.23:03
ActionParsnipUbuntuNoob: if you aren't the owner of the file you will need to prepend the command with sudo23:03
strigoi66you must enter (su chmod +x /dir/filename23:03
UbuntuNoobtell away, im all ears.23:03
manoususr13 i want to block some ip in my lan on my dhcp server23:04
usr13strigoi66: I think it would be sudo not just su23:04
UbuntuNoobi think i might of gotten myself into a mess, i formated my hdd, ubuntu is my only os, i have no idea what im doing tbh =/23:04
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, even if you mark it as executable, it will only be executable, if it's executable under linux...23:04
strigoi66sorry you are correcy23:04
UbuntuNoobive never used linux before x_X23:04
|Long|anyone here good with remote desktop?23:04
UbuntuNooblike teamviewer?23:05
usr13manous: You just enter the line into your firewall file.23:05
UbuntuNooband yes, if its a windows program.23:05
strigoi66long: what is the prob23:05
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, .msi-files are for windows... you need wine or a virtual windows installation23:05
chrislu5ticteamviwer = easy good23:05
|Long|does that work on ubuntu?23:05
usr13manous: Or if it's just for this session, just do it and it will last for the session.23:05
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this? I can open Nautilus, but Nautilus can't open Videos/Documents etc from any of AWN's menu or folder applets. At #awn I was told it was a problem in Gnome.23:05
UbuntuNoobi have wine, in my applications bar23:05
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807623:05
|Long|strigoi66, thanks23:05
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, then try "wine /path/to/file/file.msi"23:06
strigoi66Long: No prob23:06
Ubuntu_userhelp - my disk utility show  unknow partition dev/sda2 and i can't se it on my computer23:06
UbuntuNoobi could.just install windows back on my system for games, but that woulddefeat the purpose of me figuring this out on my own23:06
|Long|strigoi66, what is the cmd to install it?23:06
usr13UbuntuNoob: What does sudo fdisk -l  show you?23:06
manouswhen i put this rule , it's only done on my server but not on dhclient iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -s ip_address -j DROP23:06
strigoi66long: hold please23:06
usr13manous: What does dhclient have to do with it?23:07
strigoi66Long: what ver ubuntu?23:07
UbuntuNoobusr13: i just type that in terminal right o_o23:07
usr13UbuntuNoob: Yes23:07
manousit's mean that my lan computer23:07
chrislu5ticI am running Ubuntu 10.10, on two computers, on my imac along side mac osx, and on my hp pavillion from external HD, I have Play deb enabled on both, I have enemy territory installed on Ubuntu Imac, it runs just fine.. but when I try to install it on the HP/external it says no packages with that name are found....also.... in Ubuntu software center...on the hp there is no |third party software" section on the left.... .but there i23:07
UbuntuNoob#ubuntu is typing sudo fdisk -l going to fry my shit?23:07
chrislu5ticthat section on my other computer running ubuntu 10.10.23:07
strigoi66Long: go to applications/internet/remote desktop viewer23:07
strigoi66its on main menu23:08
tensorpuddingfdisk -l lists the partition table23:08
|Long|strigoi66, thanks23:08
tensorpuddingit  doesn't modify anything, so it's completely safe23:08
realubotIs it possible to hack a computer that has got only a ssh client? I'm a openssh-server using a weak passwd would be hackable but how about hackinh a ssh client computer from a hacked openssh-server computer?23:08
manousi have laptop with xp , suse, and ubuntu23:08
usr13manous:   iptables -A INPUT -i eth1  -p tcp -s ###.##.###.## -j DROP23:09
philip_Hey how do I disable the 2D Nvidia driver?23:09
usr13manous:   iptables -A INPUT -i eth0  -p tcp -s ###.##.###.## -j DROP   #or what ever23:09
derklempnermanous: i have a three-legged gerbil23:09
Ubuntu_userhelp Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:10
Ubuntu_user/dev/sda1   *           1        5237    42066171    7  HPFS/NTFS23:10
Ubuntu_user/dev/sda2            5237       38912   270501889    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)23:10
Ubuntu_user/dev/sda5           12749       38912   210162298+   7  HPFS/NTFS23:10
FloodBot2Ubuntu_user: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:10
Ubuntu_userwhat is the D partition of windows?23:10
usr13usr13: But if you want it to be perminate, place it in an executible script.23:10
rwwUbuntu_user: probably /dev/sda523:10
rwwGustavo: /join #ubuntu-pt23:10
Ubuntu_userok.. in my computer i cam't see the partition.. just C23:10
Ubuntu_userwhat i should do?23:11
usr13UbuntuNoob: I would say sda223:11
manoususr13 i use that rule but it's doesn't work on other computer in my lan23:11
rwwUbuntu_user: sda2 is an extended partition container.23:11
rwwusr13 **23:11
botcitychrislu5tic:      https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/add-applications/C/adding-repos.html23:11
usr13UbuntuNoob: Oh no, I think rww is right, sda523:11
manousi told you when i use this rule it's wokr only on my server23:11
exutuxmanous: but your dhcp server is gateway to?23:12
usr13manous: Not sure what you are doing.  You would have to describe the network and what you are doing.23:12
UbuntuNoobusr13: okay what do you want me to tell ya when i type that23:12
Ubuntu_userbut the sda5 is the bigger partition for games for exemple.. and i can't access that partition on ubuntu23:12
Ubuntu_userbut the sda5 is the bigger partition for games for exemple.. and i can't access that partition on ubuntu23:12
UbuntuNoobit lists my hdd n shit23:12
rumpe1Ubuntu_user, open terminal "sudo mkdir /media/windowsD && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/windowsD"23:12
manousno my gateway is another sagem router23:13
usr13UbuntuNoob: It's what it tells you.  Not me.23:13
UbuntuNoobrumpe1: and whats that do?23:13
jschalli have a large music library (7,000 tracks) that is badly organized, incorrectly tagged, etc. is there something available that will clean it up properly and automatically?23:13
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, mouning the partition or returning an error-message23:13
UbuntuNoobusr13: but u asked me to type that, what am i looking for23:13
exutuxmanous: for this iptables rules doesn't runs23:13
UbuntuNoobrumpe1: why am i mounting my partition, i already thought i did my partitions >.>23:14
manousexutux so how can i change it ?23:14
usr13UbuntuNoob: You said there was an "unknown partition" ... well just thought that might give you a clue as to what you really have there.23:14
exutuxmanous: your dhcp server get ip but it's routed by router/gateway23:14
Ubuntu_userrumpe1 and that command do not change my D partition on windows?23:15
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, "<Ubuntu_user> ok.. in my computer i cam't see the partition.. just C"23:15
rwwjschall: I use the 'picard' package. It's a little unintuitive, though.23:15
rumpe1Ubuntu_user, in no way23:15
exutuxmanous: what you want block for thats ip?23:15
UbuntuNoobrumpe1: i only have linux, i dont have windows anything on this hdd23:15
rumpe1Ubuntu_user, it will just be "accessible"23:15
usr13manous: You are trying to block that IP address from what?  The entire LAN?23:15
MikeMike1I have a few questions about sound23:15
Ubuntu_userok i'l try the command23:15
MikeMike1Can anybody help me out?23:15
Starminn!ask | MikeMike123:16
ubottuMikeMike1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:16
manoususr13 yeah for entire lan23:16
rumpe1UbuntuNoob, just try it23:16
jschallrww: pretty hard to use and unpolished, as i recall. was hoping for something easier23:16
strigoi66MikeMike1: What is the questions?23:16
exutuxmanous: router/gateway is connected by a second interface at dhcp server?23:16
rwwjschall: indeed. I haven't found anything better, though.23:16
UbuntuNoobrumpe1: try what o_o? it says 21gbfilesystem, 125gbfiless, 177gbfilesyste23:16
usr13manous: Then it will need to be the firewall router that you do it on, (that is if you have one).  But again,  would have to know your setup.23:16
brokendatapointdoes Ubuntu have an app or allowing the syncronising on one system to another ie an Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop sync with an Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook? files, configs etc23:17
usr13manous: Otherwise, you will need to block it on each individual system.23:17
Starminnbrokendatapoint, Ubuntu One23:17
MarkAngPeople, urgent help required. I installed 10.10, but I was dissatisfied with a graphical error that occurred whenever I hibernated and restored several times.  So I evacuated my valuable data onto a USB drive and nuked my Ubuntu partition (used Gparted to wipe it completely and place a new ext3 partition in it's place). I have an install disk burned just this morning using Image Burner with a fresh 10.04 LTS image, but this one doesn't even get past23:17
exutuxmanous: is your lan dhcp server -> switch > pc > router?23:17
brokendatapointah, that's what that is? cool23:17
rumpe1arrg... UbuntuNoob and Ubuntu_user ... your nicks are confusing ^^23:18
Starminnbrokendatapoint, Yep. Here's the "official" link, https://one.ubuntu.com/23:18
MikeMike1I just installed Ubuntu Studio and I want to connect my Midi keyboard to lmms or another DAW. When I hook up the keyboard and play some keys it dosnt register and after a few seconds lmms crashes with the error "segmentation fault" in terminal23:18
UbuntuNoobrumpe1: yeah i just went back and looked haha, i was like why is he tellin me to do his o_o23:18
manousyeah swith > pc > router wifi23:18
=== UbuntuNoob is now known as LinuxNoob
LinuxNoobthats better23:19
brokendatapointStarminn: thank you, is there a Ubuntu version of package popularity to ID the most popular DM? Gnome KDE etc?23:19
exutuxmanous: so your iptables roules are bypassed23:19
usr13MarkAng: Sounds like bad media....23:19
manoususr13: exutux: i have some laptop on my lan which use wifi23:19
rumpe1LinuxNoob, sorry :)23:19
Ubuntu_userrumpe1 i got it.. 10x23:19
Starminnbrokendatapoint, You mean like, "How many people use this app, and what's the rating people give it?"23:19
biopytehi, using "vnstat" i realized that i have a lot of network upload traffic, making approx. 1/5 of my download traffic (140 MB up, 25 MB down). All I do is internet surfing, email etc ... no torrent, no peer-to-peer, whatsoever. Any, why is there so much upload traffic. i understand there is always a certain background level, but 25 MB daily just browsing internet.23:19
MarkAngThe current one was burned on a new cd using a new image, and the older one worked just fine a few months ago. I really have no clue.23:19
LinuxNoobso how do i mark my steam installer .msi as excicutable so i can play games :D23:19
manousso how can i define it on my dhcp server23:20
LinuxNoobive got wine.23:20
brokendatapointyes but more specifically the DMs23:20
zeepicklerGetting an error message installing php5-mysql module "php5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.7 is to be installed" already upgraded and updated though.  Ideas?23:20
manoususr13: exutux: i want to make it on my server not in router23:20
brokendatapointLinuxNoob: great, don't drink and type...23:20
=== veovis__muaddib is now known as veovis_muaddib
jschallrww: i guess i should clone my 50GB music folder before messing with this...23:21
usr13manous: If it is only a dhcp server, it won't block anything.  Dhcp servers only hand out IP info.  A dhcp server's job is not to pass traffic.23:21
LinuxNoobbrokendatapoint: i have a wireless keyboard, it has interference.23:21
KirkMcDonaldLinuxNoob: Precisely how are you trying to execute the file?23:21
LinuxNoobi downloaded the file from steam.com and double clicked on it :D23:21
exutuxmanous: you need server dhcp on eth0 > switch > pc and server dhcp eth1 router and you can set iptables for not forward some ip trought router23:21
KirkMcDonaldLinuxNoob: You need to run it with Wine.23:21
usr13manous: Now, on the other hand, if you have, (or if you create), a linux router, you could use it to block an IP.23:22
KirkMcDonaldLinuxNoob: E.g. from a terminal: wine whateveritscalled.msi23:22
jschallis there a good way to get 2.6.37 on 10.10? i heard it has serious performance improvements for desktops, especially during file transfers.23:22
Starminnbrokendatapoint, You mean DE's? You said GNOME, KDE, etc.? Desktop Environments23:22
MikeMike1Can anybody tell me what will help me understand sound23:22
derklempnerMarkAng: are you sure the CD is good?  the download of the ISO wasn't corrupted?  did you do an MD5 check?23:22
MarkAngI don't even know what that is, so no.23:22
LinuxNoobkirkmcdonald: thanks ill see what happens :D23:22
brokendatapointStarminn: ah dammit, i always mess that ackernim up ... yes D E23:23
derklempnerMarkAng: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM23:23
botcityMikeMike1: i think jackd is good for that also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSD1csGHW4023:23
MikeMike1what exactly is jackd23:24
manoususr13: exutux: what is fun ?23:24
manoususr13: exutux: another interface or linux router ?23:24
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this? I can open Nautilus, but Nautilus can't open Videos/Documents etc from any of AWN's menu or folder applets. At #awn I was told it was a problem in Gnome.23:24
botcityMikeMike1:   jackd - JACK Audio Connection Kit23:24
brokendatapointusr13: fun is the weird and inapproprite feeling you get when using a heavy piece of machinery or have / access to a DNS server and you fuxor it up!23:25
Starminnbrokendatapoint, Oh geez, No I don't think so. The DE "wars" are so muttled... I looked just now but I couldn't find anything. The main ones are GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Lxde, Openbox, Fluxbox, Blackbox, and I'm sure plenty mroe I missed.23:25
MikeMike1Would that stop me from getting  "segmentation fault" errors?23:25
exutuxmanous: easy way is a second interface connected to router in the dhcp server IMHO23:25
brokendatapointStarminn: fair point, thanks for taking the time23:25
usr13manous:  A linux router, like ipcop or smoothwall or monowall etc23:26
MylesManquick question if i may23:26
Starminnbrokendatapoint, As for an "app popularity" thing, I know Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal is working on something like that in the Ubuntu Software Center, but I don't know of anything current.23:26
OY1Rvery nice aurora tonight23:26
gunndawgIs it possible for me to remote into my winXP system on the same network ?23:26
derklempner!ask | MylesMan23:26
ubottuMylesMan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:26
exutuxmanous: or you can use router roules for to block some ip if it has23:26
MylesManlol ok thx23:27
MylesManjust being polite23:27
botcityMikeMike1:  dont know for sure sorry! but may be worth a look at acts as a server .23:27
brokendatapointStarminn: Debian has the "popularity contest" app that you sign up for and it shows who is using what across each version ... just wondered23:27
OttifantSirStarminn, brokendatapoint: Apparently the latest build of natty, according to WebUpd8, has this.23:27
exutuxmanous: and better way is to use static ip too23:27
MikeMike1botcity: jackrack dosnt work on my computer, I installed it in the audio package of ubuntu studio, but whenever i click it it just crashes23:27
manoususr13: exutux: i dont want to use roter to do that23:27
brokendatapointrebooting new Desktop 10.10 ... ghastly sector error messages23:27
aethelrickgunndawg: you can use remote desktop (rdesktop) to connect to windows boxes23:28
MylesMani'm looking to upgrade to myth 0.24 i've configured my repos so do i just apt-get dist upgrade?23:28
musoi have a question about gparted23:28
ActionParsnip!info canonical-census23:28
ubottuPackage canonical-census does not exist in maverick23:28
manoususr13: exutux: i disable dhcp on my royer and use static ip on ubuntu server23:28
derklempnerMylesMan: a dist-upgrade is a distribution upgrade, like from 10.04 to 10.1023:28
ActionParsnip!info canonical-census23:28
usr13manous: Then I do not know how you can do it, unless you block on each particular machine.23:28
manoususr13: exutux: on this server i have dhcp-server and samba-server23:29
exutuxmanous: you speaking about dhcp server before23:29
ActionParsnipthats the 'popularity contest thing'23:29
brokendatapointOttifantSir: what is Natty?23:29
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.23:29
derklempnerMylesMan: you jusy want to do a simple apt-get upgrade23:29
exutuxmanous: i mean static ip on clients23:29
gunndawgaethelrick, is that Remote Desktop from System > Pref. ?23:29
brokendatapointActionParsnip: thanks, was going to ask howto do that23:29
brokendatapointubottu: cheers little binary weird dude23:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
MylesMank so just use synaptic then? mark all upgrades23:29
manoususr13: exutux: i already fixe ip on dhcp config file23:30
exutuxmanous: ok23:30
derklempnerMylesMan: yep, as long as there's an upgrade for Myth available, it'll do it.23:30
musogparted crashes when i do sudo gparted http://pastie.org/1529334 anybody know y?23:30
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this? I can open Nautilus, but Nautilus can't open Videos/Documents etc from any of AWN's menu or folder applets. At #awn I was told it was a problem in Gnome.23:30
brokendatapointi have been using Xfce for so long forgot what a pretty desktop looks like ... Ubuntu 10.10 default23:31
* brokendatapoint gazes in wonder23:31
exutuxmanous: but clients that use wifi, get ip from router? or you have an iface ad-hoc configured for give an ip address to clients?23:31
derklempnermuso: looks like libparted is fux0red23:31
musoderklempner, fux0red?23:32
manoususr13: exutux: clients get but router > dhcp-server23:32
derklempnermuso: "fucked"23:33
chaos2358can someone PLEASE help me?? I've come in here four times today and gotten no response. I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop. none of my visual prefference settings will open. i.e. settings>preferences>appearance, settings>preferences> monitors, etc. I click to open and nothing happens. I did nothing to cause this that i am aware of "removed packages, etc. just woke up this morn and it wouldn't work.23:33
exutuxmanous: so i think that this argument becomes OT in this channel, this is a network issue IMHO23:33
chaos2358strike that. NOTHING is sytem>preferences. will open23:33
aethelrickgunndawg: use apt-get install rdesktop23:33
manoususr13: exutux: wifi is open but all client same client with wifi have an ip fixed on dhcpd.conf23:33
musoderklempner, do u think it can b fixed?23:33
manoususr13: exutux:  what is OT , IMHO23:34
erUSULchaos2358: if you launch them from a terminal ? gnome-appearance-properties23:34
usr13manous: I'm on the phone.  Sorry.23:35
brokendatapointStarminn: reading Ubuntu One, not quite what i was after, i want my Desktop and Netbook Ubuntu 10.10 to exactly the same installed packages, /etc configs, passwds, scripts, extras ie conky/feh, so the netbook is just a little version of my desktop that i take away with me23:35
schnuffle1manous: have you tried ignore unknown-clients; option23:35
earthmeLonI am trying to use iptables to redirect ALL incoming traffic from a specific ip to be redirected to another computer/ip.23:35
derklempnermuso: maybe try finding the exact package name, removing it (apt-get remove --purge), deleting the .deb file (from /var/cache/apt/archives), and then reinstalling it23:35
exutuxyour network configure problem, but only my opinion...23:35
``Hello every 1 i was just wondering if the only way to instal a windows 7 ultimate iso file is by making a copy on a cd and then booting from it or is there another way like puting it on a usb and booting from that?23:35
derklempnermuso: or just try apt-get clean23:35
MarkAngderklempner I am downloading a new .Iso right now, will do MD5 check and then follow up if necessary.23:36
manousyeah i try itt23:36
Starminnchaos2358, Does this help? http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167690223:36
chaos2358erUSUL, it says it is not installed i ran the install command23:36
gunndawgexutux, this is a linux/ubuntu channel, not windows23:36
derklempnerMarkAng: good luck23:36
OttifantSirbrokendatapoint: I don't know if it's what you want, but look at Ubuntu Customization Kit (make your own LiveCD) perhaps?23:36
brokendatapointStarminn: guess the hardway is to scp out all .rc files, the package list etc23:36
exutuxgunndawg: ?23:36
Jordan_U!windows | ``23:36
ubottu``: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents23:36
chaos2358erUSUL,  I don't understand how everything under preferences got un installed though23:36
=== _ is now known as Guest96548
gunndawgexutux, this channel is for linux/ubuntu support, not windows 723:36
musoderklempner, will try that tnx23:36
mattwich0rHey you guys I have a quick question if anyone has the time23:36
MikeMike1Can anyone help with jackaudio?23:36
brokendatapointOttifantSir: good idea, thanks23:36
exutuxgunndawg: who speaking about windows?? o.023:37
brokendatapointMikeMike1: sorry we are all out of answers ... just ask23:37
``i am running ubuntu 10.10 and want to instal win 7 with it23:37
derklempnermuso: also try apt-get autoclean if apt-get clean doesn't get rid of them all23:37
brokendatapointer i meant mattwich0r23:37
Starminnbrokendatapoint, I found this. Take a look and see? http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146386823:37
brokendatapointStarminn: cheers23:37
gunndawgexutux, oops wrong person, sorry23:37
Jordan_U``: That is still a question for ##windows.23:37
gunndawgexutux, my bad :)23:38
exutuxgunndawg: np i understand23:38
mattwich0rSay I have an old hard drive that I'd like to get view the contents on and possibly back up a few things.. How would I go about viewing it's contents as a secondary drive on Ubuntu. I have a 1tb drive that has ubuntu on it, which is in my computer.. I'm trying to plug in a second hd just to view the contents.. I'm new to ubuntu btw so this is terrible :(23:38
Jordan_Umattwich0r: Places > Computer.23:39
mattwich0rI was afraid you'd say that, Jordan. Unfortunately it's not there! :(23:39
``your hd should show up if its pluged in is it pluged in?23:39
mattwich0rYeah, it's plugged in. I think it's on its deathbed though23:40
Starminnmattwich0r, Then I don't suppose you'd find it in /media?23:40
Jordan_Umattwich0r: How is the drive connected?23:40
``o hopefully u can back everything up b4 it get worse23:40
Starminnbrokendatapoint, Don't thank me yet. See if they work first, haha. :)23:40
mattwich0rit's got the 4 pin power (old hd) and serial cable.23:40
mattwich0rI removed the jumper23:40
mattwich0rill check media23:40
manoususr13: exutux: hey where are u ?23:40
derklempnermattwich0r: is the drive recognized in BIOS?23:41
mattwich0rwhen booting up it did recognize and shoot a list of the hard drive, yes. I didnt officially enter bios though :/23:41
brokendatapointStarminn: that is pretty much my query too, will read those links23:41
``did u try backing everything up on a secondary hd?23:42
MylesMani had a package kept back what do i do to resolve the issue23:42
brokendatapointwhy are open source geeks so pasty faced?23:42
VCooliomattwich0r: does it show up in sudo fdisk -l  or was that already asked?23:42
usr13manous: Still on phone23:42
MylesManduring an upgrade23:42
derklempnermattwich0r: well, it could be that the partition table on the drive was nuked before you connected it.  in that case, the drive wouldn't show up at all because there's no defined partitions23:42
ActionParsnipMylesMan: when the deps of that package are met, it will come down23:42
mattwich0rThat wasnt asked.. i googled that and was intimidated for fear it would reformat my primary23:42
brokendatapointcos there are no windows in their house ... haha23:42
VCooliomattwich0r: no, it will list drives :)23:42
* brokendatapoint slaps self and settles down23:42
ActionParsnipMylesMan: is it libavformat52 by any chance?23:43
MylesManno mythplugins23:43
mattwich0rI just see this: (long)23:43
mattwich0rDisk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes23:43
mattwich0r255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders23:43
mattwich0rUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:43
mattwich0rSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes23:43
mattwich0rI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes23:43
FloodBot2mattwich0r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:43
ActionParsnipMylesMan: its fine, the package is ready but the dependancies needed by that package are not ready yet so it gets held back, when the deps are made it will come down with normal updates23:44
VCoolio!paste | mattwich0r23:44
ubottumattwich0r: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:44
MylesManthx AP23:44
ActionParsnipMylesMan: what is the output of: lsb_release -c   please?23:44
mattwich0rMy appologies23:44
usr13manous:  I'm back...Helo?23:44
MylesMancan i do that safely during a upgrade?23:45
douglI just replaced my agp nvidia 6200 with a pci-express nvidia gt220 and now my display sucks can anyone help me reinstall nvidia drivers?23:45
douglerr is that what I need to do?23:45
brokendatapointthank Gaia I have a 40GB monthly allowance ... just blew 2GB in last 3 hours ... damn .isomaniac => that's me23:45
usr13dougl: Yes pretty much.  Or run the config tool23:45
douglusr13, thanks for the reply - the config tool? what is that?23:46
MarkAngderklempner I just DL'ed the iso and md5 gives me a code that exactly matches one on the UbuntuHashes page. From here, can I assume my iso is alright?23:46
usr13dougl: Probably nvidia-xconfig or nvidia-settings23:46
derklempnerMarkAng: yep, burn that puppy23:46
IvisWhy at youtube when i run fullscreen it's video run very slow with lag ?23:46
``1tb plan 4 cheap plan came in a few months ago u think u can blow that @ brokendatapoint?23:47
douglusr13, thanks for the advice... will do23:47
usr13dougl: But I think you need to turn off the Xserver first....23:47
aeon-ltdIvis: update flash?23:47
rtdosrather than use synaptic or aptitude to install a package i want to learn how to compile it from source, where do i begin?23:47
MarkAngAllright, I'll give it a go.23:47
Ivisaeon-ltd,  i did that23:47
douglusr13, great - will try that route first23:47
mattwich0rI'll be back :D23:47
MylesManits maverick ap23:47
douglusr13, thanks agian23:47
chaos2358Starminn, no I tried the info in the link "edited for my system, i.e. names" and nothing. in system preferences the following will not work: about me, appearance, assistive technologies, email settings, keyboard, keyboard shortcuts, monitors, network proxy, preffered applications, ubuntu one, windows. and when i say will not work i mean i click to open and nothing at all happens.23:48
Confused Hi, I am having a DVD playback problem.  Any experts in here who can help me a bit?23:48
Ivisaeon-ltd,  when you run fullscreen it's running without lag?23:48
brokendatapoint`` cool nick btw, i live in En Zed so that would not be available to me23:48
Starminnrtdos, how about this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo23:48
MarkAngderklempner: I'm sorry, do you know any good burning applications for Ubuntu?23:49
KirkMcDonaldConfused: We'll never know if you don't ask the question.23:49
aeon-ltdIvis: yes, well not 720p or 1080p sometimes23:49
snowrichardMarkAng,  brasero and k3b23:49
rtdosthanks starminn23:49
MarkAngOkay, thanks.23:49
aeon-ltdIvis: what gpu and cpu, also browser aswell23:49
``i almost blew my cpu i like over clocking to the shithouse23:50
ConfusedAfter updating from 8.04 to 10.04, DVD's no longer playback.  I get a variety of error messages depending upon what application I am trying to use.  libdvdcss4 seems to be working all right.  I can see the generated keys.  There seems to be some other problem.23:50
Ivisaeon-ltd,  gpu 8600 GT ,   CPU dual core AMD 2.4 GHZ,   browser sometimes opera and firefox23:50
shawndrosthey all, I have to update apache on a production jaunty machine, and the version I need isn't in the repositories.  what's the best way to move forward?  I can imagine updating to maverick, finding a non-canonical repository with the right apache version, and reinstalling apache23:51
Starminn!language | ``23:51
ubottu``: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:51
ActionParsnipConfused: i'd reinstall the dvd codec package, it may help23:51
usr13Confused: maybe video driver problem23:51
ConfusedI did that, but thanks for hte suggestion.23:51
ActionParsnipshawndrost: jaunty isn't supported anymore23:51
usr13Confused: Try mplayer or different player and look for errors that will give you a clue.../23:51
aeon-ltdIvis: it happens in both?23:51
ConfusedThe video driver seems all right.  I can take a file from a ripped DVD and play it just fine, I just can't play the DVD itself.23:51
schnuffle1shawndrost: no backport availble?23:52
ActionParsnipshawndrost: so I suggest you upgrade to karmic, lucid or maverick23:52
Starminnchaos2358, Look, I just thought I'd suggest it while other people read your question that way you weren't just stuck waiting. You could try running the programs from the terminal and seeing if they exist.23:52
Ivisaeon-ltd,  yes23:52
chaos2358Starminn, no I tried the iCan someone please help me???? I am running ubuntu 10.10 in system preferences the following will not work: about me, appearance, assistive technologies, email settings, keyboard, keyboard shortcuts, monitors, network proxy, preffered applications, ubuntu one, windows. and when i say will not work i mean i click to open and nothing at all happens.23:52
ActionParsnipConfused: do all players act the same?23:52
usr13Confused: Have you tried mplayer?23:52
usr13Confused: Or....?23:52
MarkAngI forgot to ask: I'm running from LiveCD at the moment, can I safely remove the disk and replace it by the soon-to-be-burned disk?23:52
ConfusedIn the sense that they don't work, yes, they all act the same way.  The error messages are different though.23:53
shawndrostactionparsnip: yup, I'd like to update, but I'm not familiar with the process. is it likely to bork the machine?  that would make me sad.23:53
aeon-ltdIvis: when running the video, right click toggle acceleration see if it helps23:53
p_reschaos2358, I'd suggest a complete reinstall.23:53
erUSULMarkAng: no23:53
Starminnchaos2358, Just keep in mind I'll try to help while others more knowledgable than I can chime in. So you've tried running those applications from the terminal, yes?23:53
MarkAngThen how am I supposed to burn the files? Ah well, I'll find a way.23:53
schnuffle1shawndrost: if the machine is in production, you should really know your way23:53
ConfusedDCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket23:54
Ivisaeon-ltd,  where i can find this function "toggle acceleration ?"23:54
shawndrostschnuffle1: jaunty's apt repo only has 2.1.12, and I need 2.1.15 to pass a security scan.  I'm told the security backports do not suffice23:54
chaos2358Starminn,  yes, It tells me the program is not installed and gives a command to install. i enter the command, it says it installs but it still doesnt work23:54
ConfusedERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!23:54
ConfusedDCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket23:54
Bushmanmilamber: sorry, but removing gnome-bluetooth didn't helped. the problem is still there.23:54
``@chaos i had that problem a while ago i dont remember ecacly how i fixed it unfortunely  if it continues for a few days maybe u can do a fresh install but back your importent files first if u can sorry i can not be more helpfull!23:54
ConfusedThose were errors from xine23:54
KirkMcDonaldConfused: Which player are you using?23:54
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807623:54
KirkMcDonaldAh, xine.23:54
Starminnchaos358, Why does it tell you it doesn't work?23:55
douglusr13, thanks werked like a charm23:55
KirkMcDonaldConfused: Have you tried a different player?23:55
KirkMcDonaldConfused: Like mplayer or vlc?23:55
Burzmalitensorpudding: I found the problem, it's here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/commercial/23:55
Starminnchaos2358, Why does it tell you it doesn't work? (typo'd your name)23:55
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this? I can open Nautilus, but Nautilus can't open Videos/Documents etc from any of AWN's menu or folder applets. At #awn I was told it was a problem in Gnome.23:55
ConfusedI have all the players I can find, so which would you like to discuss?  I don't think that the problem is the player.  I think that the different error messages come from the same problem throwing exceptions in the application and each application handling the exceptions differently.23:55
ConfusedYes, I have tried both mplayer and vlc.23:56
schnuffle1shawndrost: i apache the only service runing?23:56
KirkMcDonaldConfused: Sure, if they are all failing, that would certainly indicate some underlying problem.23:56
chaos2358Starminn, i dont understand what you mean. when try to run it from command it tells me that what i am trying to run is not installed.23:56
usr13dougl: NP23:57
KirkMcDonaldConfused: To ask another stupid question: Does the disc work in a different DVD player? (Another computer, etc.)23:57
usr13Confused: they give same error?23:57
Starminnchaos2358: And when you try to install it what does it say? Does it tell you it has completed installation or does it not act like it?23:57
ConfusedI have tried various DVD's and they all fail in the same way on this laptop but not on another laptop using the same version of the same distribution and updated in the same way.23:58
shawndrostschnuffle: no, there's mysql, postfix23:58
shawndrostschnuffle1: no, there's mysql, postfix23:58
usr13Confused:  Did you run vlc or mplayer from command line?23:58
chaos2358Starminn, it runs through with the installation precentage, like it is installing and then brings my command entry back just as if it installed correctly23:58
Confusedmplayer exits with an exit status of 0, doesn't print any error message, but doesn't play the DVD.23:59

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