
nodieis there some upstart command for executing actions with a specific user ?15:51
nodiesudo -u ?15:55
=== ion_ is now known as ion
djszapihi KeyBuk :)21:04
djszapisup ?22:04
Keybuknot much...\22:05
SpamapSKeybuk: forgive me for assigning some new upstart (Ubuntu) bugs to upstart. I'm on a triaging mission. :-P22:09
KeybukSpamapS: that's ok22:10
Keybukyou'll want to subscribe James to them, obviously22:10
Keybukthough he may be automatically22:10
SpamapSYes indeed. I'm trying to whittle it down to actual bugs.. there's a lot of cruft.22:11
KeybukI'll read them in a "will this be a problem in upstart2" kindof way22:14
SpamapSYou know, Coit Tower isn't actually made of ivory... 22:15
SpamapSlame attempt to poke fun at your enviable position of being in charge of the rewrite22:16
Keybukheh :)\22:16
Keybukit's more that there's enough deep bugs in the design with good known fixes in 2 at this point that I find it hard to shift gears back to the existing design22:17
Keybukand since I'm not being paid to develop Upstart to Ubuntu's timescales anymore, I have the luxury of focussing on 2 rather than bolting fixes onto 1 ;-)22:17
SpamapSThrew in a San Fran reference, just to make it that much more confusing. Thats what makes a good joke.. when you have to explain it to the smartest people you know. ;)22:18
Keybukah, but I live in San Jose technically ;-)22:18
SpamapSWhere they do have ivory towers?22:19
Keybukdunno, I've not been into San Jose since 199922:19
Keybukvisiting Dustin at the Doubletree by the Airport on Monday doesn't count22:19
SpamapSNo but seriously.. we're all excited to see it and I like that you can tell people to go stuff it until its done.22:19
Keybuknor does visiting the Mercado Center22:19
SpamapSI like the ultra-slow light rail that goes between San Jose and Mountain View.. very fun to run along side it and wave to the passengers.22:20
Keybukhaha, yeah22:20
Keybukmy apartment is right by that22:20
SpamapSBTW have you run into Mathiaz? he's in DT SFO now22:20
KeybukI take the Google Shuttle into Mountain View ;-)22:21
Keybukno, I haven't22:21
Keybukbug #707479 -> by design22:23
Keybuklikewise the fact that restart errors if it's not running22:25
SpamapSright, I think the restart command is broadly misunderstood22:25
SpamapSand I include myself in the group that misunderstands it22:25
Keybukrestart is exactly what it says22:25
Keybukit restarts a running service22:25
Keybukusing the same configuration it is currently running with22:25
SpamapSI expect it to work like init.d scripts' restart .. which calls $0 stop ; $0 start  .. but its just a little bit different.22:26
Keybukinit.d scripts are massively variable on how they restart22:26
Keybuksome send signals22:26
Keybukand others do call into themselves for stop and start22:26
Keybukso for Upstart, I had to pick one behaviour22:26
Keybuksince you can just run "stop job ; start job" I decided having the other behaviour was more useful for restart22:27
SpamapSWould it make sense to add a note about it in man 5 init?22:27
SpamapSI think people will still misunderstand, but at least we can close the bug reports with RTFM.22:28
Keybuksure, feel free to add a patch to document that ;-)22:30
Keybuka good way of putting it22:31
Keybukrestart is a special command to restart a running service without changing its configuration22:31
Keybukits intended for use when you're unsure whether or not someone may have altered the configuration file under you22:31
Keybukand you want the existing job restarted (e.g. to enact a config change of its own) and not have it replaced by another22:31
KeybukSpamapS: also can you do a bit of de-dupping if you're adding upstream tasks22:32
Keybuke.g. 703800 and 568288 might be the same?22:32
SpamapSKeybuk: of course. Reading it, to me its not clear that they're duplicate, but I will most definitely take your word for it that they might be.22:34
Keybukno, I haven't read them thoroughly22:34
Keybukbut since you're triaging, maybe worth a pass through22:34
Keybukand at least a comment to say why you don't think they are, etc. :p22:34
Keybuk(hey, I get to pretend Ubuntu is terrible to upstreams :p)22:34
SpamapSNo no, we care about you, Mr. Upstream... are you done fixing it? did you fix it yet? Fix it now.22:35
Keybukpatches welcome <g>22:35
Keybukbut first, sign my copyright assignment agreement please22:36
Keybukit says you have to give me both copyright and ONE MILLION DOLLARS *pinky*22:36
SpamapSonly a million? but this patch is priceless!22:37
SpamapSOh wait, I'm giving you a million.. crap. This is almost as bad as trying to get patches into FreeBSD22:37
* Keybuk gets bored of pressing ^D to boot22:40
ionkeybuk: You might find this video about testing software with QuickCheck interesting. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=465536944514100867222:48
Keybukdoes that involve Haskell?22:50
ionIn that video, the Erlang implementation is used. There are implementations of it in multiple languages.22:51
ionIn particular, the examples of real world bugs uncovered by QuickCheck that weren’t found with manually written unit tests are interesting.22:55

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