
charlie-tcamicahg: bit of help?03:14
micahgcharlie-tca: sure03:14
charlie-tcaLatest updates to natty removed firefox03:14
charlie-tcatry to reinstall gives an error:03:14
charlie-tcathe following packages have unmet dependencies: firefox: Depends: python-gtk2 but it is not going to be installed03:15
charlie-tcaheh, bad?03:15
micahgsounds bad :)03:15
charlie-tcakind of without firefox now03:16
charlie-tcacan't be just me?03:16
micahgcharlie-tca: aptitude why-not firefox03:17
charlie-tcaUnable to find a reason to remove firefox03:18
ochosihey micahg 03:19
micahghi ochosi03:20
ochosiyou talked about gmusicbrowser or something?03:20
ochosicause it seems i missed that piece :)03:21
micahgochosi: yeah, I'm going to try to get it in Debian, 1.1.6, right?03:21
ochosiyeah cool03:21
ochosihow hard is it to update it once it's there?03:21
ochosibecause currently i'm working hard on getting everything right for the natty release03:22
ochosiso right now might be a bit soon (even though everything is basically working)03:22
micahgochosi: not hard once squeeze is released, as for Ubuntu updating, past feature freeze, anything more than bug fix releases need release team approval03:23
charlie-tcawell, I guess this is an opportunity! I can test midori and epiphany 03:24
ochosicharlie-tca: i'm just installing the latest updates in natty, we'll see whether firefox stays here03:24
charlie-tcahm, this is 64bit, with the already lost nvidia-current, too03:24
micahgcharlie-tca: trying to upgrade my chroot, seems to be happy, let's see what happens after install03:25
charlie-tcaand that session menu bug found in testing bit me too03:25
ochosimicahg: right, about ubuntu's policy i kinda knew (that's why i really try to keep the deadline in focus), about debian i don't/didn't really know much03:26
charlie-tcamr_pouit is release team, isn't he?03:26
micahgochosi: so, next week I should be able to get it uploaded, the multimedia team has plenty of sponsors03:26
micahgcharlie-tca: no, he's probably a delegate like I am03:27
charlie-tcamicahg: want a bug for the missing firefox?03:28
micahgchroot is busted :-/03:28
charlie-tcawell, it would be an update-manager bug, missing guake too now03:28
micahgcharlie-tca: ah, ok03:28
charlie-tcaoh, and catfish went03:28
ochosimicahg: sounds really great! let me know if there's anything else you need!03:28
micahgochosi: ok, thanks, you're an upstream dev for it, right?03:29
charlie-tcaand I don't know what else03:29
ochosicharlie-tca: oh dear, i won't do this upgrade. it proposes thousands of kde-packages and removes ff, catfish etc03:29
* charlie-tca did the upgrade and wishes he hadn't now03:29
micahgcharlie-tca: does aptitude why-not python-gtk2 show anything?03:30
ochosimicahg: hm, well, i'm only a very small contributor. there's only one real dev (he kinda keeps this project to himself ;) )03:30
micahgochosi: oh, ok, still good to have connections ;)03:30
ochosimicahg: i did some layout work, icons and a plugin03:30
charlie-tcaUnable to find a reason to remove firefox03:30
charlie-tcano, instead of firefox, python-gtk203:30
ochosimicahg: but i'm pretty much in daily or at least weekly touch with squentin (quentin sculo)03:30
micahgcharlie-tca: hmm03:31
charlie-tcahm too. I am going to attempt to file this, I don't know if it will work with midori, though03:31
micahgcharlie-tca: I forget how to get debug output from apt-get upgrade, but that would probably be helpful03:31
ochosimicahg: btw, you can also grab 1.1.6 from his git repo if you prefer pure upstream, in my version there's basically a different default layout and a few other small changes03:32
charlie-tcawell, I can attach everything manually if I need to. I triage my share of these 03:32
micahgochosi: yeah, I'll do that, are there not release tarballs?03:33
ochosimicahg: and i also don't wanna piss him off by superseeding his packages with mine...03:33
micahgoh, nm, there's a watch file03:33
charlie-tcayeah, update-manager is not a genuine package...03:33
ochosicharlie-tca: update-manager has the nasty habit of always killing my nm-applet during the update03:33
micahgcharlie-tca: are you using a mirror or the main archive?03:33
charlie-tcamain, I think03:34
ochosisame here03:34
charlie-tcahm, micahg lots of packages installed then removed by the update03:36
charlie-tcagimp, ibus-m17n, firefox, guake, gcompris, gnumeric, onboard, ibus- 03:37
charlie-tca20 or more packages03:38
micahgsounds like the gtk stack is messed up03:38
micahgcharlie-tca: maybe check in #ubuntu+103:38
charlie-tcatried that.03:44
ochosicharlie-tca: oh dear, i really hope the resize-grip issue gets fixed soon in natty03:49
ochosicharlie-tca: it really looks pretty bad imo03:49
ochosianyway, got to get some sleep now03:49
ochosinight everyone, see you!03:50
micahgochosi: you should file bugs if you see some, I think most got fixed03:50
charlie-tcasorry, micahg. I guess firefox was the most visible one for me04:04
micahgcharlie-tca: not a problem, wish I had a good answer, I'm going to blow away my chroot now since I broke it :)04:04
charlie-tcaThat's okay, you helped me find out how bad it really is.04:05
charlie-tcaOkay, going to bed now.05:16
ochosimicahg: sure, sorry, i was just already pretty tired yesterday...11:01
ochosihm, seems like the decision to move towards gmusicbrowser made the news already: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/gmusicbrowser-now-default-music-app-in-xubuntu-11-04/11:12
charlie-tcahm, is that a good thing or a bad thing to make it in OMG! Ubuntu now?14:09
charlie-tcathose resize grips are not going away totally. they will be fixed if they interfere with buttons14:10
charlie-tcaGood morning14:20
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: but who will fix them?14:25
charlie-tcaWhat's his name, bratsche ?14:26
charlie-tcaSome of the fixes are things like move the bottom scroll arrow up a tiny bit so the arrow is no longer hidden14:26
charlie-tcaif it is an annoying button present, it won't happen14:27
mr_pouitwell, I hope he has 96 hours/day, because he will have to try all gtk+ packages in the archive, and fix them if necessary14:27
charlie-tcaThey won't attempt to remove the buttons 14:27
charlie-tcaThey will fix the ones where the button covers things. firefox is an example, it is there. it will stay14:28
mr_pouitI guess they might fix packages when a bug is reported14:28
mr_pouitso packages from main mostly14:28
charlie-tcaThere is no reason to file a bug against every app, because it is not going to go away14:29
mr_pouitIt is a good reason, because without the fix the app will look ugly14:29
charlie-tcaUnless it actually interferes with something, it will be invalid14:29
charlie-tcaugly doesn't count. 14:30
mr_pouithow would you define the current look of xfdesktop then?14:31
mr_pouitif doesn't interfere with anything, there is only an ugly black area at the bottom of the wallpaper14:31
charlie-tcaThat one will get fixed, since it is a fixed size. But firefox has one, and it won't get touched14:31
mr_pouitfine if he fixes it14:32
mr_pouitI won't touch that anyway14:32
charlie-tcaIf they show up where they are useless, or interfere with a button, they fix it14:32
mr_pouitthis is going to add a completely unneeded delta with upstream and debian14:32
mr_pouitand I won't be able to forward it14:32
charlie-tcathe panel, the desktop, the covered scroll button14:33
charlie-tcaI know. Ubuntu devs are supposed to be doing them14:33
charlie-tcawe made webupd8 with gmusicbrowser too14:35
charlie-tcalooks good, too. Publicity for Xubuntu, publicity for Shimmer! 14:36
ochosicharlie-tca: yeah, the publicity machinery is working pretty well for us this release16:24
ochosicharlie-tca: btw, have you had contact with bratsche?16:25
ochosicharlie-tca: because if so, it would be great if you could ask him how we can theme those beasts (the resize-grips) if they're gonna be all over the place16:25
ochosicharlie-tca: and since the gtk2 approach doesn't work with gtk3 i really don't have a clue how it should work (gtk3 docu is not very helpful yet)16:26
charlie-tcaI can ask him, yes.16:28
ochosithanks, that would be great16:28
charlie-tcaI will see what I can get out of him16:28
ochosii worked a bit more on the theme lately, doing some improvements on xfwm4 and xfce4-notifyd16:29
ochosii'll do a new release soon and let you know so you can test it16:29
charlie-tcagreat! just be sure to push me on it, so I don't forget16:29
ochosiokeydokey :)16:29
ochosicharlie-tca: ok, i pushed most of the changes i did to the theme now. feel free to grab/test it: http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors/archive/tip.tar.gz16:58
ochosicharlie-tca: stuff that is still todo for xfwm is the "stick" button, apart from that it's final16:58
ochosicharlie-tca: it also picks up gtk colors now, so you can also use it with other themes and it'll integrate well16:59
ochosik, have a nice weekend everyone!17:00
charlie-tcainstalled latest greybird17:14
charlie-tcaochosi: can't change the background colors for orage, but that may not be your theme. I can't do it in raleigh either17:15
ochosicharlie-tca: yeah, orage is still pretty buggy unfortunately. discussed that recently with mr_pouit, maybe we can make the clock-plugin provide the same functionality without the problems of orage17:42
ochosiyet another (really positive!) review from the german community (unfortunately in german though): http://blog.elektronik-projekt.de/17:43
ochosioh, corrected link: http://blog.elektronik-projekt.de/2011/02/xubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ein-einblick/17:43
charlie-tcaGreat! positive reviews are a good thing17:45
charlie-tcaI think if orage is not going to work right, the clock plugin does tell time... 17:46
ochosiyeah, mr_pouit said that with a hidden option the clock plugin can start orage, so the functionality of opening the calendar would stay the same17:47
ochosi(and that's the main gain from that plugin imo)17:47
ochosiso we'll test it and then could discuss a switch to the clock-plugin in the next meeting17:47
ochosiTheSheep: sorry i didn't have time for you yet, the weekend is rather busy here, so maybe early next week?17:48
TheSheepochosi: sure, no hurry, I'm rather busy too, thank you for your care17:53
ochosiTheSheep: no problem, i'm really happy to hear your feedback or discuss things17:54
ochosik, now finally gotta go ;)17:54
TheSheepI wish I had answers instead of questions17:54
ochosiguess there are no "answers" (as in "final answers"), only process...17:55
charlie-tcaIs this still true in Natty? Can we fix it? 22:00
charlie-tcaYou probably need to unmute pulseaudio22:00
charlie-tcaIt helpfully starts muted by default22:00

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