=== xindz is now known as xindz`off [06:03] excuse me [06:04] there's no class going on here right now [06:04] i read on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Academy [06:04] there is class c++ [06:04] * maco clicks [06:04] on 15:00 [06:05] but i think there is a differetn time [06:05] 15:00 isn't for another 9 hours [06:05] oh come on webpage, load fasterer [06:06] time 15:00 for country what? [06:06] because in my country [06:06] it''s UTC [06:06] oh [06:07] like, my timezone is Eastern US which is -05:00 which means i take UTC and subtract 5 hours to get local time [06:07] That page says "hour / utc" in the time column... UTC. [06:07] if you're in india, im sorry about your half-hour wackitude [06:07] i'm in indonesia [06:07] (if you're not: india is 5 and a half hours off of UTC) [06:08] If you have an ubuntu or debian system, the 'gworldclock' package is useful for tracking these things. [06:08] (which is just WEIRD) [06:09] maco: haha, you gotta pull us on the half hour wackitude don't ya? ;) [06:09] nigelb: yes [06:09] nigelb: though that one timezone that's got a :45? they win [06:09] There is a timezone with :45? [06:09] Ok, they win hands down [06:10] yes [06:10] there are other time zones with :30 too [06:10] only winninger thing would be like... :37 [06:10] (which doesnt, afaik, exist) [06:10] Divided state of maco. [06:10] i4ba1__: how's that network doing? [06:11] down again [06:11] Anyway, jokes apart. Lets get off the classroom channel, its logged for classes. [06:11] i4ba1__: you got all the important bits [06:12] so i must wait 9 hour [06:12] yes [06:12] it mean 22:00 pm in mycountry [06:12] if thats too late for you, it will be logged and posted on the wiki for you to read later === rohit is now known as Guest36870 === Guest36870 is now known as rohitankushshind === rohitankushshind is now known as rohit64 [08:03] what are we being taught today? [08:04] in 7 hours, C++ [08:05] there's a link to the google calendar in the topic [08:05] tsimpson, thanks === xindz`off is now known as xindz === apachelogger is now known as fosdemlogger [15:08] hy [16:20] hiho [16:21] #ubuntu-classroom-chat [16:21] humm === squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere === xindz is now known as xindz`off === xindz`off is now known as xindz === MH0 is now known as MichealH