
* kdub_ surfs all weekend :D00:42
* MarkDude has finally arrived at home. Fun trip.01:27
stbuurto 02:50
stburto_we're here at Tandoori Oven on CALIFORNIA Ave for Ubuntu Hour @ Palo Alto #2 akk crashsystems1 crashsystems jtatum , jledbetter aaditya jedahan , jono , KDUB, , rww , Yasumoto03:22
akkI came home early ... but hope you're having fun!03:23
stburto_We just installed Lucid on Adams' computer and i'll try and get him on empathy/irc here pretty quick.03:23
stburto_We'll miss you akk, but hope you'll feel better soon. :-)03:23
akkThat's great, a new install already!03:26
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports/Current edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports/11/January edited04:22
rww!cookie | pleia204:23
Eurekapleia2: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:23
* pleia2 omnomnom04:23
adamshey y'all. this is Drew typing on Andrew's newly Ubuntu-ized machine. 04:35
* pleia2 waves04:35
adamsHello my name is Andrew and I am new to Ubuntu04:37
pleia2welcome :)04:40
adamsPleia hello, thank you for the wave and the thoughts04:40
adamspleia2:  thank you04:42
akkHi, adams -- welcome to ubuntu and ubuntu-california04:45
akkwait, I'm confused, Andrew is new but Drew isn't ...04:46

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