
schnuffle1shawndrost: my advice: update your system if you're linux save or compile apache and create a package from the source otherwise. that way its easier to revert if you have problems00:00
Starminnchaos2358, Have you tried installing and running as sudo? (At least installing so everything gets where it needs to be)00:00
``if this problem was ongoing for more then a few days and u dont want to blow your brains further tryng to resolve it try a fresh instal @ chaos00:00
chaos2358Starminn,  yes of course.00:00
mike_millerAny ideas why I can't grab the kernel sources using apt-get(I get a 404?00:00
schnuffle1shawndrost: normally an update is painless, but sometimes you have to correct something00:01
Starminnchaos2358, :) Just making sure. Alright, well the only thing I'm left with is just reinstalling it. Just back up your Home folder and reinstall Ubuntu. May be killing a fly with a bazooka but at least it'll work. (Anybody else wanna chime in?)00:01
mike_millerDo I need to add anything to /etc/apt/sources.list ?00:02
``@  starmin thats what i said a few times already so i agree!00:02
ConfusedThe error from vlc is: [0xb7300be0] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called00:03
chaos2358Starminn,  i'm hoping I can get away without having to do that because i  have over 150 gigs of media stored on it. family photos, etc00:03
``Good lucj chaos!00:03
usr13Confused: Mplayer must be broken.  Try to upgrade or re-install mplayer or smplayer00:03
rumpe1mike_miller, no... change the package-server00:03
Luigianacan some1 help me? i have troubles installing ubuntu00:03
shawndrostschnuffle1: thanks.  by "create a package", do you mean create my own apt package, or just compile the new version?00:03
mike_millerrumpe1: How? To point to what?00:03
ConfusedI did all that and I reconfigured everything using dpkg-reconfigure.00:03
Luigianacan some1 help me? i have troubles installing ubuntu00:04
yayoj1luigiana: what is the issue at hand00:04
Luigianawhenever i boot, and press install it goes blackscreen00:04
rumpe1mike_miller, to another mirror00:04
barack_osamatry to add00:05
ConfusedIn fact, I purged all of the media players and libreaddvd and libdvdcss and reinstalled everything.00:05
Starminnchaos2358, Just put the Home folder on its own partition and just don't touch that partition on reinstall.00:05
p_resLuigiana, have you tried safe-graphics mode.00:05
barack_osamadont remember number exactly00:05
yayoj1luigiana: which version are you installing?00:05
rumpe1mike_miller, 404 means the current mirror you are using is not available00:05
schnuffle1shawndrost: you can use the checkinstall tool to create a de package, or you get the ubuntu package source ana create it with the debian tool. first way is easier second one cleaner and gets you all dependencies00:05
Luigianaim installing the 10.1000:05
mike_millerrumpe1: How would I go about changing my mirror?00:05
Luigianaand im running a intel quad core00:05
``@ Lugiana does your pc meat the requirements for installing ubuntu 10.1000:05
rumpe1mike_miller, e.g. with synaptic-packagemanager00:05
Luigianaas mentioned im running quad core00:05
mike_millerrumpe1: Which mirror should I change to?00:06
yayoj1luigiana: and graphics card?00:06
Luigiana7600 gtx i think00:06
g_0_0chaos2358, have you tried reinstalling gnome-main-menu, maybe I'm not following what the problem is00:06
OttifantSirchaos2358: How did you install? Synaptic? Did you open it from CLI? If so, did you start it with sudo synaptic or gksudo synaptic?00:06
usr13Confused: How about libdvdcss ?00:06
mike_millerAlso, I don't have a GUI. What would I use instead of synpatic? Would editing source.list have the same effect?00:06
chaos2358one sec guys.00:06
schnuffle1mike_miller: yes00:07
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yayoj1luigiana: will Ubuntu be the primary os on your drive?00:07
ConfusedI reinstalled libdvdcss after purging it but libdvdcss is actually working and has always worked.  It generates the key, but the DVD play.  This isn't a decryption problem, or at least I don't think it is.00:07
mike_millerokay, so what mirror WOULD have linux_2.6.35-24.42, if not security.ubuntu.com?00:07
chaos2358g_0_0,  ok it gives invalid command trying to install.00:07
rumpe1mike_miller, yes, you could edit sources.list00:08
usr13Confused: Maybe codecs need to be installed or re-installed, (not complete or lacking in some way)...00:08
chaos2358OttifantSir, I tried installing via sudo apt-get in terminal00:08
ConfusedDid all of that.00:08
schnuffle1mike_miller: do a aptitude update and retry00:08
usr13Confused: DO you have GStreamer codecs ?00:08
ConfusedYes, I do.00:08
ConfusedAll purged and reinstalled.00:08
Midas3Confused: permissions for the dvd-drive do allow your user? another strange idea would be to check for libdvdnav version, though it is not necessary to play dvds00:09
mike_millerschnuffle1: looks like that did the trick, thanks00:09
rumpe1mike_miller, mirrors are e.g. in  /usr/share/update-manager/mirrors.cfg00:09
yayoj1luigiana: I have seen graphics card errors with 10.10, I would try the lts release of Ubuntu, version 10.04.  there really isn't much of a difference.00:09
yayoj1second are you installing through a thumb drive or dvd?00:10
schnuffle1mike_miller: that happens when you don't have the latest repo infos and something has changed00:10
aeon-ltdIvis: just right click on any flash embedded media, then it should have some options; also if you're using compiz disable that, it may make the video smoother00:10
ConfusedI am in the cdrom group which seems to be all of the permissions I should need, but just to be sure, I changed the permissions for /dev/dvd to 777 just for testing purposes.  When that didn't work, I changed them back to what they should be.00:10
OttifantSirchaos2358: OK. I just remembered that opening GUI-apps with sudo from a terminal can give you problems.00:11
tom453642356hello - SHN audio files are not working, can someone help please00:11
chaos2358OttifantSir, anyother ideas?00:11
strigoi66guys please help if possible: problem just clean installed ubuntu 10.04lts when i boot or try to boot all i get is a message (Boot form atapi cd-rom : error : out of disk.) then a grub rescue prompt any ideas how to fix00:11
usr13Confused: Try installing mplayer from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html00:11
ConfusedI like how you are thinking though Midas and user13.00:11
erUSULConfused: /dev/dvd should already be 777 becouse it is a symlink to the actual device /dev/sr000:11
g_0_0chaos2358, no luck reinstalling gnome-main-menu?00:12
usr13Confused: I'm still thinking it's a video driver prolem.  See  http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html00:12
chaos2358g_0_0, no in terminal it gives invalid command and i cant find the package in synap or software center.00:12
ConfusedHow do you think that would help usr13?  They all use the same basic libraries.  If it were a video driver problem, how would I be able to play ripped dvd's using the same players?00:12
usr13Confused: Let me ask you this;  Is this 10.04 system fully updated?00:13
OttifantSirchaos2358: Not really. I thought about maybe installing ubuntu-desktop to see if that solved it, but that's ONE big package, and isn't what I'd try so soon00:13
g_0_0chaos2358, so sudo apt-get install gnome-main-menu doesn't work?00:13
usr13Confused: What command are you using to tell mplayer to play DVD?00:14
ConfusedYes, I am fully updated.  I am running kubuntu by the way in case that makes any difference.00:14
OttifantSirchaos2358: Have you checked your enabled repos? In Synaptic or sources.list00:14
chaos2358g_0_0,  nope invalid command is the output00:14
strigoi66can anyone help me with grub rescue00:14
``chaos fresh install should save u allot of head aches dont forget back up your home folder b4 u fresh install ;-)00:14
chaos2358brb guys rebooting00:14
Confusedmplayer dvd://12  (12 is the longest DVD title.)00:14
robehend1say, any reason why a brand new, fresh install of 10.04 server would be grabbing the KVM packages at only 30 kb/s? Its hooked up via a gig nic, plenty of bandwitdh00:14
Midas3Confused: did you try the --verbose= switch on the cli with xine? sry if i missed something, i did not read the whole backlog00:15
__name__can i except a network to be displayed as roaming in networkmanager?00:15
mike_millerI made a patch using patch -p0 -b < myFile. How can I undo the patch?00:16
mike_miller(since it didn't apply cleanly)00:16
OttifantSirI get this message when running xdg-open file:///path/to/home in terminal: gvfs-open: path: error opening: No program registered. Can anyone help me correct this? I can open Nautilus, but Nautilus can't open Videos/Documents etc from any of AWN's menu or folder applets. At #awn I was told it was a problem in Gnome.00:16
uranus_gas_giant@lart gpc00:17
usr13Confused: Any luck with just mplayer dvd://00:17
ConfusedWell, thanks for the attempts guys.  I have to take a phone call now, but I will keep working on this and I will add something to the forums if I solve it.00:17
strigoi66what is the help command for grub rescue prompt00:17
ConfusedNope, mplayer dvd:// doesn't work either.00:17
usr13Confused: Very good.  sorry...00:17
Midas3Confused: or try putting it in ''00:17
Midas3ok good luck Confused00:18
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:18
ConfusedI have to say, mplayer is the most interesting malfunction since there is no error state reported.  The application just exits with an error state of 0, although it obviously malfunctions.00:19
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ConfusedBye for now.00:19
ConfusedAnd thanks again.00:19
robehend1hmm, guess I just got a slow mirror. when i SCP a file from another machine to this one, i get some decent speeds00:19
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philip_robehend1 it happens.00:20
bozdoghi all00:20
robehend1philip_: yeppers. Just wanted to make sure it was just that before I threw my LTSP server on here in KVM00:21
subspiderhow do i restore GRUB200:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:21
philip_Even on my DSL where  I get 175K download speed on 1.5 I hit a few bad mirrors.00:22
bozdoganyone have any idea how to remove a program, specifically google earth from my machine(ubuntu 10.10)00:22
nikrudrobehend1, if you're talking about an ubuntu mirror you can search for a faster one via the edit software sources in the software center00:22
usr13bozdog: dpkg00:22
robehend1nikrud: yep, got it figured out. i was pulling from a mirror in Europe ;000:22
bozdogusr13 dpkg?00:23
nikrudI remember when doing that was faster :)00:23
* philip_ noms on some burgers mmm :)00:23
usr13bozdog: Yes dpkg -r00:23
usr13bozdog:  Man dpkg00:23
usr13bozdog:  man dpkg00:23
nikrudbozdog, where'd you get google earth?00:23
bozdognikrud  google site00:24
mda_anyone here use the linux-rt package?  I use it b/c it makes things more responsive, especially during I/O...  one annoyance though, grub doesn't seem to want to let me make it the default at boot00:24
bozdoglooks like it isn't installed00:24
nikrudwas it set up as an ubuntu package?00:24
bozdogbut is still there00:25
usr13bozdog: or apt-get remove googleearth-package00:25
bozdognikrud pretty sure it was00:25
nikrudbozdog, I'd run that last command from usr13 - if you got the right stuff from google you'll be gold00:25
mda_(pls tell me if you actually use linux-rt and have grub setup....i've tried multiple suggested approaches and of course rtfm ;)00:25
nikrudprobably need sudo apt-get <etc>00:25
usr13bozdog: dpkg -S google00:26
mda_10.04.1 LTS00:26
bozdogthanks all00:26
mda_pls privmsg me if you know the answer, this channel is too high volume to monitor....thx00:27
chegibariHello. Can I have my window buttons to the right in Ubuntu?00:27
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nikrudchegibari, try system->preferences->appearance - some of the themes have the button on the left00:28
nikrudor right, your choice00:28
LinfertHello !00:29
robehend1now, to make sure i'm not retarded. 1 MB/s = 10 mb/s, correct?00:29
asin3Is there a way to forward a ms windows application windows(s) to a linux desktop without the desktop (VNC and similar programs show the whole desktop not just the application)?00:29
chegibarinikrud: oh, it's a theme thing. I was looking in the Window's preferences! :) Ok. Thanks very much!00:30
robehend1asin3: check out SeamlessRDP00:30
bozdoghi again all00:30
nikrudchegibari, I've got the default theme and my buttons are top right. I've not installed ubuntu in a bit, so I can't say if they're moveable from one side to another00:31
LinfertI need help, but, i'm french and i don't know if i can describe my problem...00:31
LinuxNoobi just installed steam using wine, it asks for username and password to log into steam, starts logging in, shows all the steam crap that first pops up, then closes, what is happening?00:31
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:31
nikrudjust in case, Linfert00:31
bozdogstill have the google earth installed, it works ok apart from the fonts are all illegible00:31
robehend1nikrud: they are. easiest way is to just change the theme to clearlooks, but you can change it in gconf as well00:31
robehend1LinuxNoob: try running steam from the terminal, via wine /path/to/steam . it should give you any crash errors00:32
bozdogand it doesn't appear on the list of installed applications00:32
nikrudthanks robehend1 . I'm poking around again - nice to see that the underpinnings are still recognizable00:32
LinfertMhhh, yes, i know, but, they do not respond...00:32
LinuxNoobhow do i find the path to steam? its on my desktop00:32
LinuxNoob(im complete noob to this)00:32
robehend1LinuxNoob: that case, the path would be /home/username/Desktop/, etc etc00:32
gunndawgLinuxNoob, you might also look under the Applications menu at the top of ur screen00:33
LinuxNoobso "wine /home/cameron/desktop/steam or steam.exe00:33
robehend1LinuxNoob: steam.exe00:33
gunndawgLinuxNoob, look under Applications menu at the top of ur screen00:33
LinuxNoobcannot find00:34
gunndawgLinuxNoob, is Wine under your applications menu ?00:34
LinuxNoobdoes capital's matter when typing in terminal?00:34
LinuxNoobyeah wine is under apps menu00:34
gunndawgLinuxNoob, thats how you access it, thru the wine menu00:34
ubuni cant find help for bluefish....00:35
chegibarino, it's not like that. While pictures show the buttons on the right, it doesn't acctually affects my windows00:35
ubundoes anyone know where i can get help for bluefish?00:35
robehend1Ubun: i thought bluefish was dropped in favor for Kompozer?00:36
edbianubun, what are you trying to do with it??00:36
LinuxNoobdo u have wine and steam?00:36
LinuxNoobcause i go to applications/wine/programs/steam/steam00:37
SethHui'm using compucompiz to enable my workspace cubes, but i cannot find where i can specify different wallpapers for it; does anyone know how to? 10.04 if it matters00:37
LinuxNooband it says logging in....the steam browser n such opens up, and then it closes00:37
gunndawgLinuxNoob, hm im not sure, it works fine for me00:37
LinuxNoobgunndawg hmm00:37
usr13ubun: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/manual/00:37
skyllohow I set ip in apache modem routed?00:37
skyllohow I set ip in apache modem routed?00:38
robehend1SethHu: if you go into the compiz settings, under desktop cube, its called "skybox"00:38
usr13skyllo: Can you elaborate on that just a bit?00:38
SethHurobehend1: oh that's what that thing is00:39
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GeekManhow do i install shockwave?00:39
SethHuthe word dome was confusing me00:39
subspiderhow do i place windows option on grub i can't do it00:39
SethHui thought it was refering to the top of the dome00:39
robehend1GeekMan: shockwave doesnt exist, unless you do it via wine, and its not that good ;)00:39
jpdevallo à tous00:40
subspiderallo jpdev00:40
GeekManhulu doesnt work on my buddies laptop (netbook) im trying to make it all work but it runs on a hp derivitive of hardy heron00:40
usr13GeekMan: You mean the plugin for Firefox?00:40
jpdevj'ai probablement un probleme avec xorg, quelqu'un peut m'aider?00:40
Julienjpdev: english here, noob00:40
skyllousr13 simplistic, I'm on a network and need to configure ip in apache for external access.00:40
GeekMani installed flash but its not recognizing it00:41
jpdevoups, english in here00:41
GeekManon that site00:41
coz_GeekMan,  how did you install flash?00:41
jpdevxorg problem, need some help00:41
root-mehyrestart your computer00:41
fumblnoobwindow kill 400:41
robehend1GeekMan: go into the terminal and run "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" , then restart browsers. Blammo, your good to go.00:41
GeekManapt-get install adobe-flashplugin00:41
rwwJulien: please don't call people "noobs" in here.00:42
coz_GeekMan,   try  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:42
usr13GeekMan: Restart firefox00:42
usr13skyllo: Do you have this machine listening on an outside IP?00:42
knoppiesI used to use compiz to draw my desktop wallpapers, I am using 10.10 64bit and it seems as though if I turn nautilus draw desktop off, nothing draws the desktop wallpaper. Does anybody know how to have a different wallpaper for each virtual desktop (in the compiz wall)?00:42
robehend1knoppies: i dont even want to thinko f the extra resources that'll eat ;)00:43
usr13skyllo: So, you want it to be accessable to the www?00:43
__name__how do i get the network id of a gsm network i am online in?00:44
Julienjpdev: you have channel ubuntu-fr for french community, see ya bro00:44
knoppiesrobehend1, then I had a script that would automatically change each desktop background every minute or so.00:44
robehend1knoppies: heh. I'll stick with my Icewm. Function over pretty ;)00:45
GeekManstill doing it its pointing me to the adobe site to download flash00:45
ubudo you  need apache with bluefish?00:45
robehend1GeekMan: what did you try?00:45
robehend1ubu: no00:45
craigbass1976Well, that was annoying...  I was on a wireless network at my inlaws, shut the laptop lid, and cracked it open again at my house.  WOULD NOT connect to my wireless network.  I did /etc/init.d network-manager and networking restart.  Nothing.  What's the right way to do it?00:45
GeekMani tryed sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfre00:45
uburobehend1: do you need mysql?00:45
skyllouser13 I'm on a network with several computers connected to a modem in router mode, I configre apache on my machine not the server.00:45
craigbass1976I ended up rebooting, but that's very windows-ish00:45
GeekMani tried the restricted00:45
robehend1GeekMan: ah, must not work on 8.04.00:45
jpdevhi all00:46
jpdevcomputer gets slower with time, any help?00:46
skyllouser13 yes00:46
brandon420how can i get the terminal to auto complete long ass file names, and tab isnt working.00:46
jpdevfeels like xorg swap, or some...00:46
skylloi want00:46
uburobehend: to view it in browser? what do i need? do you know of a tutorial?00:46
usr13GeekMan: see if libflashplayer.so is in the plugins directory00:46
GeekMan:( i will have to ask my friend if i can install a real version of ubuntu on this machine not this snot of hp junk00:46
robehend1ubu you should be able to just open the file you've created00:47
craigbass1976jpdev, you mean over the course of weeks, or until you reboot?00:47
GeekManhow do i do that usr1300:47
usr13GeekMan: ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/00:47
jpdevafter 3 hours i have to reboot00:48
brandon420anyone know how to make the terminal auto complete long ass file names?00:48
subspiderplz how do i get window option on grub200:48
philip_jpdev which CPU do you got?00:48
jribbrandon420: press tab a couple of times00:48
knoppiesjpdev, that sounds bad, I haven't seen that issue before.00:48
philip_And how much ram.00:48
brandon420jrib, i did, and its not working.... on any file names00:48
jpdevif i leave computer on for the night, then display is very very slow, action like closing a window takes about 15 sec., and is in slow motion00:48
jribbrandon420: did it ever work?00:49
Guest1274mkv files go crazy = slow down or speed up, missing frames and so on. both on Totem and VLS. help please.00:49
jpdevP4 1.5, 2g ram, nvidia00:49
brandon420not on this install00:49
usr13GeekMan: Is it there?00:49
brandon420jrib, ^^00:49
philip_About time for a new PC.00:49
jribbrandon420: what is special about this install?00:49
GeekManflash player plugin alternate . so is00:49
brandon420jrib, nothing... lol.00:49
usr13GeekMan: Download http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_10.1_for_Linux_(.tar.gz)00:49
jribbrandon420: how did you install it and what is "it"?00:49
brandon420installed with a cd, and its 9.0400:50
GeekManam i gonna have to compile this sucker ?00:50
knoppiesjpdev, sounds like something is hogging your ram. I assume a memory leak, could you use top or htop (or even conky) to have a look?00:50
jrib!9.04 | brandon42000:50
ubottubrandon420: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:50
jpdevi had last LTS with all compiz gear working just fine, switched to lucid and then melt down00:50
Julienjpdev: do you use windows ?00:50
GeekManhold on a second00:50
xycloHi, My problem of today is that Pulseaudio disconnects from Skype and Firefox after a while.  Any ideas? Ubuntu Studio 10.04, rt kernel00:50
jribbrandon420: (that's not why you can't tab-complete but you need to upgrade anyway so might as well sort that out first)00:50
brandon420jrib, i tried to update yesterday, and it didnt turn out well, my computer got slow as hell.00:50
jpdevfor the moment, top doesn't tell me anything, since i've just boot00:50
GeekManlet me type it in .... i cant install xchat on this thing so im using my desktop00:50
jribbrandon420: you're being too vague, I can't really say anything00:51
jpdevno full ubuntu user for 7 years00:51
philip_jpdev try LXDE00:51
philip_That's a tad old.00:51
gamerccan anyone identify the intros 1,7,8,9,13,26 and 33 here is for which games? Thanks in advance  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUJ_zS_6Ks400:51
jpdevi like gnome...00:51
jrib!ot | gamerc00:51
ubottugamerc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:51
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usr13GeekMan: Don't need to compile it, just mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/00:51
brandon420jrib, all im saying, is i upgraded to 10.04 yesterday, my computer got hella slow, like a lag in everything. and couldnt update further. so i reinstalled and im going to stick with 9.0400:51
brandon420i just want "tab" to effin work00:52
Julienxyclo: you must recompile the alsa_core module to v.
jribbrandon420: do you understand why it's a really bad idea to use an unsupported release?00:52
jpdevnvidia driver installed and working, anybody wants to check my xorg file?00:52
jpdevi dont know that stuff00:52
edbian10.04 is supported00:52
edbianjrib, 10.04 is supported00:52
usr13GeekMan: tar zxvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz ; sudo  mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/00:52
jribedbian: brandon is sticking with 9.0400:52
brandon420jrib, not for what i use my computer for, no. and like i said, 10.04 made it hella slow00:53
edbianjrib, which is also supported right now00:53
GeekManok wait a sec00:53
jribedbian: eh?00:53
Julienjpdev: after 7 years, try w7. No memory leaks and rock stable !00:53
brandon420i still get updates....00:53
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brandon420either way, 10.xx is slow as hell, even on a quad core00:53
GeekManso in the term just type tar zxvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz00:54
jribbrandon420: you're not guaranteed to get security updates and soon your repositories will move to old-releases.  What are the specs on your computer?  How much ram?00:54
LinuxNoobwhen i try and open steam it asks for steam login, pass,etc..then logs in, steam opens the browser, friendslist, etc..then about 1 second later, closes out steam. what are the possible causes?00:54
edbianjrib, the latest unsupported version is 8.10  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:54
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philip_I'm on LXDE Ubuntu and I run fine on a AMD Sempron 3000+1.8GHZ 1Gig ram Machine.00:54
LinuxNoobbtw, im using wine00:54
brandon4203.0 ghz atholn II  2gb ddr2 120000:54
brandon420jbwiv, ^00:54
brandon420jrib, ^^^00:55
UbuntuUser16Athlon II X4?00:55
LinuxNoobhybrid processor :D00:55
LinuxNoobcan run 64 and 32bit00:55
jpdevJulien i prefer gnome look then w7...00:55
UbuntuUser16Ubuntu doesn't isn't that great at multi-core CPUs00:55
jribedbian: that's just out of date 9.04 had support for 18 months and that expired in october of last year00:55
UbuntuUser16It seems that it uses one of my cores alot and the others zip00:55
LinuxNoobwhen i try and open steam it asks for steam login, pass,etc..then logs in, steam opens the browser, friendslist, etc..then about 1 second later, closes out steam. what are the possible causes?00:55
edbianjrib, Can you cite a source?00:56
UbuntuUser16LinxuNoob, its because Steam isn't made for Ubuntu. Get Virtualbox00:56
LinuxNoobim using wine00:56
LinuxNoobis virtualbox better?00:56
UbuntuUser16Wine isn't that great00:56
brandon420UbuntuUser16, i notice that too, but when it needs em, it will use all the processors00:56
UbuntuUser16Virtualbox allows you to run Windows in Linux00:56
jribedbian: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:56
philip_LinuxNoob Virtualbox is a Virtual OS install thing.00:56
edbianjrib, Alright I believe you.  Thanks00:57
ubuntu_I'M NEW USER UBUNTU00:57
philip_Please take off Caps.00:57
LinuxNoobwhat os should i install to keep this comp super fast, while still playing games :D00:57
Midas3but virtualbox and so on could be quite difficult to get hardware accelerated 3d working iirc00:57
UbuntuUser16LinuxNoob, Tiny700:57
jribbrandon420: your machine can definitely run 10.04 smoothly00:57
LinuxNoobive got a fast labtop00:57
GeekManit needs a file directory so i jsut chang the terminals dir00:57
brandon420jrib, it doesnt.00:57
jribbrandon420: of course it does00:57
LinuxNoobi know the guy that made tiny7 :D00:57
UbuntuUser16Linuxnoob, what CPU/GPU do you have?00:57
brandon420jrib, i updated to that yesterday, and had to reinstall 9.04 cause it was so slow, not to mention 10.04 is ugly as hell00:58
jribbrandon420: maybe you had compiz enabled and didn't get a chance to install video drivers?  Hard to speculate.00:58
LinuxNoobuhhh, lemme check..(where at..im windows savy..not linux savvy) and i forgot my specs00:58
brandon420i had compiz installed, and had updated my drivers before i nuked it00:58
usr13GeekMan: Yea, that's right.00:58
usr13GeekMan: was on the phone....00:58
bindiHey! I have a laptop, Toshiba Satellite Pro A100 (PSAACE), and running Ubuntu 10.10. I had this problem, no sounds, that got (barely) fixed by adding options snd-hda-intel model=auto to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf - though now the sound is very very quiet, even when boosted over 100%. alsamixer states everything is to the max, but master doesnt have a bar/value..00:58
bindiaplay -l says HDA Intel, ALC86100:59
usr13GeekMan: Wait.. What did you say?00:59
ubuIS there a Bluefish CHANNEL?00:59
GeekMannvm hold on00:59
brandon420bindi, no sound, or is it really quiet?00:59
usr13GeekMan: tar zxvf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz ; sudo  mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/   # That's all there is to it.00:59
bindibrandon420: really quiet00:59
jribbrandon420: I'd recommend troubleshooting your issues with 10.04 or trying 10.10 instead00:59
bindii get only left channel (headphones plugged in atm)00:59
UbuntuUser16Bindi go to your audio settings00:59
UbuntuUser16I had the same problem, Ubuntu is weird there00:59
brandon420bindi, open a terminal and type "alsamixer"01:00
bindibrandon420: did that01:00
bindiits 100 as i said01:00
bindiand boosted to 140% or so from the gui01:00
brandon420and turned up the first one?01:00
bindimaster can not be turne01:00
GeekManso what after that just try it out agian01:00
bindihttp://bindi.arkku.net/upload/XwvHS3afb6.png looks like this01:00
brandon420i had that same problem, but that fixed it01:00
jrib!who | brandon42001:00
ubottubrandon420: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:00
brandon420tha hell!01:00
g_0_0bindi, try typing - amixer init01:00
brandon420he knows who im talking to.01:01
ddWorld have 10.04 and everything is working fine and fast ;)01:01
UbuntuUser16Back in the day, this was a great gaming PC: 66mhz Intel CPU, 8MB of RAM01:01
usr13GeekMan: What failed?01:01
bindig_0_0: amixer: unknown command 'init'...01:01
LinuxNoobhow do i know if all my hardware is updated driver wise?01:01
knoppiesUbuntuUser16, they had games back then?01:01
UbuntuUser16They had game a long time ago01:01
GeekManwhat we tried i moved the file to the right dir but the website says the same thing01:01
UbuntuUser16Games back then were beast01:01
knoppiesUbuntuUser16, I know, I was teasing.01:01
UbuntuUser16YouTube "Daggerfall"01:02
g_0_0bindi, oops I meant alsactl init01:02
jribLinuxNoob: update-manager will inform you of updates01:02
LinuxNoobso why would steam not be working =/01:02
LinuxNoobcause it says im updated01:02
bindig_0_0: still quiet01:02
ddWorldwhy do you want to use steam in linux ?01:02
bindiHardware is initialized using a guess method01:02
GeekManLinuxNoob: check under administration in restricted drivers01:02
jribLinuxNoob: follow the instructions at !appdb for installing steam.  #winehq can help you with wine issues01:03
ddWorldcreate a second partition and install windows for the games01:03
jrib!appdb | LinuxNoob01:03
ubottuLinuxNoob: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:03
UbuntuUser16You needed a hardcore gaming system for that game01:03
bindig_0_0: http://pastebin.com/ivGPzf4G01:03
brandon420what are the perks of 64 bit over 32bit ( i only have 2gb of ram)01:03
UbuntuUser1664-bit is faster01:03
UbuntuUser16Performs operations faster01:03
LinuxNoobubottu: tried there, no one answered =/01:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:04
UbuntuUser16More than twice the speed when it comes to rendering, Winrar, etc01:04
jribbrandon420: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#Pros_and_cons01:04
GeekMani think i will just install the netbook edition of ubuntu 10.10 the official version not this hp derivitive01:04
LinuxNoob64bit can run 8 times as many processes as 3201:04
KM0201brandon420: imo.. not much, if you dont have the ram.. but thast my opinion01:04
brandon420KM0201, thats what i was thinking, but ill give it a shot01:04
GeekManthey dont even keep the os up to date on it its running hardy lol01:04
edbianLinuxNoob, nope, it can just address more memory and handle bigger single values01:04
usr13GeekMan:  If the website you are going to generates the error that flashplayer is not installed, I would just about imagine the warning is an error.  Nor sure why but....01:04
g_0_0bindi,  lsmod  | grep -i snd     gives ?01:05
GeekManhold on01:05
LinuxNoobto bad we have such inferior mobo's01:05
LinuxNoobwe could make 1tb ram sticks :D01:05
bindig_0_0: http://pastebin.com/MnPukLXX01:05
usr13GeekMan: I don't think re-installing the OS will help.01:05
LinuxNoobbut it wont work cause mobo's wont suport that muc lol01:05
brandon420good iso burner for ubuntu?01:05
KM0201brandon420: i like gnomebaker01:05
jrib!burn | brandon42001:06
ubottubrandon420: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:06
macobrandon420: i think you can just righ click an iso and tell it to burn01:06
GeekManno trust me man this version of linux sux01:06
macounless gnome removed that feature too01:06
firtyxhi all01:06
ariqsis there an unrar tool other than unrar?01:06
jribariqs: why?01:06
macoariqs: there's unrar-nonfree01:06
brandon420jrib, why you keep !w/e me, when the question has been answered?01:06
pksadiqGeekMan: might be for you, but not for all,01:06
gilbert_Ubuntu 10.10 problemas de suspencion.01:06
brandon420!pipeit | jrib01:06
macoariqs: its not open source but it can do more complex rars01:06
gilbert_Alguien que me ayude con esto01:06
maco!es | gilbert_01:06
ubottugilbert_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:06
GeekMani have used lost of diffrent distros of linux but this one is very crippled01:06
jribbrandon420: !burn gives you several options01:06
pksadiqbrandon420: every answer starting with ! is to invoke the bot to say the answer01:07
firtyx this line is correct         sudo apt-get remove --purge "the packet name"01:07
gilbert_join #ubuntu-es01:07
macoGeekMan: oh yeah didnt hp like disable the command line on their version too?01:07
brandon420jesus, its gonna take 20mins to download this hoe01:07
KGHey, I could use some help with a GStreamer installation01:07
KGEverything was working perfectly up until a few days ago01:07
macogilbert_:  necessita "/join" no solo "join"01:08
jrib!enter | KG01:08
ubottuKG: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:08
GeekManthank god it has root command LMAO i dont even enter a password for sudo01:08
ariqsmaco: Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:08
jribfirtyx: that's fine, yes01:08
macoariqs: enabe multiverse in your software sources01:08
pksadiq!find unrar | ariqs01:08
ubottuariqs: Found: unrar-free, libclamunrar6, unrar01:08
GeekManunder the application manager the only internet app there is skype01:08
jribfirtyx: note, you can also use: apt-get purge PACKAGE     nowadays01:08
macohrmph did naming swap?01:08
macoariqs: sorry01:09
jribariqs: you very likely want unrar, not unrar-free01:09
KGjrib: Sorry, habit. But since then, GStreamer can't find any plugins but the core elements like fakesrc/sink. When I use gst-inspect, only 20 elements are listed. However, /usr/libs/gstreamer-0.10 is filled with all the plugin .so's that GStreamer can't find.01:09
ariqsnp, it's just I have unrar hitting on a different file in the archive as corrupt each time.01:09
macojrib: this seems backwards of how things normally get named. that is, the free one is plain, and the nonfree one is -nonfree01:09
GeekManits gnome but a funky version of it theres no way to use the gui to change settings for update manager01:09
firtyxthanks jrib thats all  bye01:09
ariqsand I wanted to try a different unrar to figure it out since unrar is being ridiculous01:09
bindig_0_0: ah i think i found something01:09
g_0_0bindi, ?01:10
bindiCodec: LSI Si305401:10
jribmaco: it used to be like that many releases ago, I guess too many people were grabbing the free version and it's pretty useless01:10
bindihow do i get rid of this?01:10
GeekMani could go on about this hp linux but im not01:10
macojrib: oh01:10
GeekMananyways thanks for trying to help me01:10
g_0_0bindi, ??01:11
bindi4th post from the bottom01:11
jribariqs: you're sure it's not actually corrupted?01:11
bindi"remove all the other Codecs support and all other sound devices in Kernel" i'm having problems understanding this line :<01:11
g_0_0bindi, you have checked sound preferences01:12
jribKG: hmm, I don't remember much about gstreamer... But, what does this return: which gst-inspect01:13
KGjrib: It lists all of the plugins and GStreamer elements that it finds.01:14
KGUp until a few days ago it listed some hundreds of elements from the various plugin packages01:14
g_0_0bindi, output from cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec ?01:14
ariqsjrib: I expect something is, but I can't narrow it down with unrar since unrar keeps hitting on a different file in the archive01:14
jribKG: nah, I mean what does the command « which gst-inspect » return?  (I'm checking if you installed stuff to /usr/local/)01:14
bindig_0_0: same as earlier01:15
bindirealtek alc861 + lsi si305401:15
g_0_0try here http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#High%20Definition%20Audio%20Codecs01:15
g_0_0bindi, for the correct codec01:15
KGjrib: hah, sorry, somehow missed the which. It shows /usr/local/bin/gst-inspect01:15
bindiwhats this LSI Si305401:16
jribKG: so my hunch was right :P  Why do you have it in /usr/local/?01:16
pooltablehelp installed tomtom gps?01:16
blixtendo i need to install any packet to get 32bin to work on a ppc64 with ubuntu 64?01:17
philip_How do I make the Windows logo button open up the menu on LUbuntu 10-1001:17
ActionParsnippooltable: connect the device and run: lsusb   websearch for the 8 character hex id01:17
KGjrib: No idea? I haven't changed it since it's been install. Supposedly it came with 10.10.01:17
jribKG: hmm, official packages won't install anything to /usr/local/.  Stuff usually ends up in there through some "./configure; make; make install" dance01:18
pooltablewhere do i fine the hex id?01:18
jribpooltable: the hex id of ...?01:19
bindig_0_0: what exactly am i supposed to find there01:19
pooltabletom tom gps?01:19
ActionParsnippooltable: its in the command output, please direct your txt too01:19
ActionParsnipphilip_: http://www.planetwatt.com/forums/topic/47/i-wish-i-could-use-my-windows-bu/view/post_id/26101:19
g_0_0bindi, appropriate codec for your sound card01:19
KGjrib: Oh geez, must have been when I thought writing a custom GStreamer plugin was the solution to my problem, so I tried to build from source. :X Completely forgot about that. Anyway to remove?01:19
bindiim having trouble finding01:19
philip_Thanks ActionParsnip01:19
pooltableCommand 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-heavy' (main)01:20
pooltable Command 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-light' (main)01:20
g_0_0bindi, it should work for your card01:20
pooltable Command 'runq' from package 'sendmail-bin' (universe)01:20
pooltablewhat one?01:20
FloodBot2pooltable: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
bindig_0_0: i dont even know whats a "correct codec"01:20
jribKG: sometimes authors will provide an "uninstall" rule, so you can try « make uninstall » in the same place you ran « make install ».  Otherwise just use rm in /usr/local/ (this is easy if all you have in there is gstreamer :))01:20
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
g_0_0bindi, unpack the files and run ./install01:21
ActionParsnippooltable: the command is:  lsusb01:21
pooltableyes did that01:21
ActionParsnippooltable: then read the output, one line identifys the device, copy the hex id and websearch it01:22
=== WinP000 is now known as drivelpita
jribpooltable: try to write "ActionParsnip" at the beginning of what you say when you are talking to him.  Makes it easier for everyone (mostly ActionParsnip :))01:22
pooltablethis http://paste.ubuntu.com/562846/01:22
ActionParsnipjrib: I need all the help i can get :)01:22
q0zhm, i installed grub-install to mbr. first sign of trouble: no menu.lst on boot i get a grub shell but without the kernel command, so i cannot load the kernel. any advice? i suppose i can try to type out the menu.lst file on my own..01:22
ActionParsnippooltable: ok the ID is:     1390:000101:23
jribq0z: reinstall grub?01:23
jrib!grub | q0z01:23
ubottuq0z: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:23
ActionParsnippooltable: so if you websearch: ubuntu 1390:0001   you may find guides01:23
pooltableok actionparnip now what nest?01:23
blixtendo i need to install any packet to get 32bin to work on a ppc64 with ubuntu 64?01:23
rcmaehlHelp! Booting gets me stuck at grub>01:23
pksadiqjrib: its grub2 I beleive01:23
rcmaehlHow do I fix this?01:23
q0zjrib no this is the first install01:23
frotzedblixten: I've had mixed results depending on the software01:24
KGjrib: Well it was the only thing in there so I did rm -rf *. Now gst-inspect-0.10 (the only available gst-inspect) is located in /usr/bin and still only has 20 items. Is this another silly mistake on my part?01:24
MrUnagii dont understand md5 checksums........i ran md5 on a text file, then added 'testing' and it was the same checksum.....01:24
=== drivelpita is now known as WinP000
=== WinP000 is now known as drivelpita
blixtenfrotzed: okey, what was needed to get those who worked to work? :P01:24
jribq0z: well if you know the install completed successfully, then just try reinstalling grub by following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub01:24
jribpksadiq: you're right but the RestoreGrub link handles both01:24
ActionParsnippooltable: thats your bit, go searching01:25
frotzedblixten: I'm not _that_ good ;)  I only mean that some software worked out of the box while others didn't01:25
ActionParsnippooltable: there is no 'next', are you always that obnoxious?01:25
jribMrUnagi: it's possible... I really doubt that happened but it's possible...01:25
ActionParsnipfrotzed: how do you underline, dude?01:26
jribKG: try deleting ~/.gstreamer-0.10/*.bin01:26
=== drivelpita is now known as r\wWORLD
blixtenfrotzed: hmm okey? so you had a clean ubuntu64 install on ppc64 and some 32bins worked and some didnt? without change or install anything extra for it?01:26
nixjrhow do i save the output on a command to a text file? something like "ls || file.txt"01:26
rcmaehltotal times I've screw up something on my linux install: 37. Total linux reinstalls: 1301:26
pksadiqnixjr: ls > filename01:26
jribActionParsnip: _ underlined _  (get rid of the spaces)01:27
nixjrthanks pksadiq01:27
jribnixjr: note that will overwrite filename if it already exists01:27
=== PhilWolf is now known as philip_
q0zjrib, already tried that, grub fails at "setup (hd0)" - no such command01:27
ActionParsnipjrib: ahh, i see01:27
MrUnagimd5 does not update....01:27
frotzedblixten: yes.  But honestly I can't claim to know why.  Sorry I couldn't be more help.01:28
pooltableactionparnis found pytomtom will try that thanks01:28
pksadiqActionParsnip: _failed_01:28
jribActionParsnip: it must be your client making things look nice.  /italics/ *bold* _underline_01:28
blixtenfrotzed: mkay, weird :P01:28
jribMrUnagi: pastebin your terminal session showing us what you are doing01:28
ActionParsnipjrib: italics didn't work, the others were fine01:28
frotzedblixten: agreed01:28
ActionParsnipnar, oh well, on with support01:28
pksadiqjrib: ActionParsnip : me too, I'm in irssi01:28
ActionParsnipjrib: thanks btw :)01:28
frotzedActionParsnip: I've always just done underscores for underline, in my client it doesn't underline, but it's kinda "understood"01:29
jribq0z: that's pretty weird.  You ran grub from the live cd?01:29
philip_ActionParsnip I did that tutorial, and it did not work for me.01:29
KGjrib: You're probably overwhelmed by all the other people asking questions, sorry :/ Deleted ~/.gstreamer-0.10/, still the same situation it seems.01:29
pksadiqjrib;    do you see something different?01:29
q0zlive usb, its grub 0.9701:30
jribpksadiq: I just see them as you write them (no italics, no bold, no underline)01:30
pksadiqq0z: which version of ubuntu?01:30
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blixtenand i may have formulated myself wrong, i was talking about x86 32bins applications :)01:30
=== drivelpita is now known as r\wWORLD
[Nigel]hello, does any run smartmontools with  with seagate ST32000542As (2TB) drives?01:30
pksadiqjrib: k, But I love irssi, it shows the source code of written text ;)01:30
q0zjrib, um.. actually the distro is more like backtrackr2, but i thought since i'm here why not give it a shot, eh?01:31
jribKG: are you running "gst-inspect" or "gst-inspect-0.10"?01:31
pksadiqblixten: you can install and run almost every 32 bit apps on 64 bit, I beleive01:31
jribq0z: heh, try the backtrack channel01:31
rwwq0z: Backtrack isn't supported in #ubuntu. Register/identify with nickserv and /join #backtrack-linux.01:31
KGjrib: at this point, there is no gst-inspect. Just gst-inspect-0.1001:31
pksadiq!find ia32-libs01:31
ubottuFile ia32-libs found in ia32-libs01:31
blixtenpksadiq: yes, but this is a x86 bin01:31
blixtenpksadiq: and i want it to work under ubuntu 64 on ppc64 arch01:32
pksadiq!info ia32-libs | blixten01:32
ubottublixten: Package ia32-libs does not exist in maverick01:32
Nertilsudo ifup he-ipv601:32
Nertilioctl: No buffer space available01:32
NertilFailed to bring up he-ipv6.01:32
Nertilwhy i get this error!!!01:32
FloodBot2Nertil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
blixtenthere is no ia32 libs for that :(01:32
q0zjrib, yea, i know.. i thought i could get away with that01:32
nixjrif i want to read the contents of a text file into a php script, do the permission of that text file matter?01:32
MrUnagijrib: http://pastebin.com/DAfzRVFp01:32
jribq0z: well you can, we can't really check.  But you're likely to get better support there as the helpers there will be more familiar with the differences between ubuntu and backtrack01:33
pksadiqblixten: is it a bin file?01:33
rsouthardAnyone work with indian contractors that always say "please do the needful"?01:33
ActionParsniprsouthard: that is offtopic here01:33
pksadiqrsouthard: :O ?01:33
Juliensouthard cht fu'01:34
frotzednixjr: theoretically yes, but it would be odd for a file to be unreadable.01:34
jribMrUnagi: any reason you aren't using md5sum?  I'm not familiar with md5 nor do I have it installed01:34
rsouthardSorry was just doing the needful.01:34
blixtenpksadiq: yes01:34
blixten2.6.37-12-powerpc64-smp #26-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 5 21:56:46 UTC 2011 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux01:34
goddardwhats better for php fast cgi or cgi mod-php or suPHP?01:35
jribKG: and « which gst-inspect-0.10 » now returns the /usr/bin one?01:35
john-john1what would cause rythembox not play sound?01:35
pooltableActionParsnip ok try tom tom home with wine but wine does not see the tomtom?01:35
ActionParsnip!natty | blixten01:35
ubottublixten: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.01:35
jribjohn-john1: not having speakers would be one possible cause (give more details)01:35
pksadiqblixten: what does file filename        command shows?01:35
goddardthe driver setup wrong01:35
goddardor set to play from wrong device01:35
jribgoddard: maybe try ##php01:35
ActionParsnippooltable: if the ubuntu cannot communicate properly with the device then wine won't. Did you find any guides01:35
john-john1i have speakers01:35
gbear14275can I mount a partition to a directory that doesn't exist?  I am trying to figure out what is on an unmounted parition... and am not sure where to mount it so was just thinking of mounting it at /explore01:36
KGjrib: Yep, that's the case.01:36
pooltableActionParsnip not really01:36
ActionParsnipgbear14275: no you need the mount point to exist01:36
strigoi66john-john1: is it a fresh install or old install01:36
pksadiqjohn-john1: does other players work well?01:36
ActionParsnippooltable: that's what you need to do01:36
jribKG: hmm, try reinstalling the relevant packages before we spend more time troubleshooting?01:36
KGjrib: Yeah, hope I wouldn't have to but that's what I get for being silly01:37
strigoi66john-john1: what version are you running01:37
blixtenpksadiq: Exec format error01:37
john-john1no no sound from other players but the test sound work01:37
pksadiqblixten: I mean  try the command        file <filename>01:37
pksadiq!sound | john-john101:37
ubottujohn-john1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:37
gbear14275ActionParsnip, thanks01:37
blixtenah oh01:37
ralliasis there anything other then the packages to be installed that needs to be on a Ubuntu LiveCD?01:38
gbear14275ok... next question... Can I dd a running disk?01:38
john-john1they are all the way up01:38
blixtenpksadiq: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, stripped01:38
gp5st1using openssl, is there a way to tell if a file encrypted with a symetric cipher was decrypted correctly?01:38
MrUnagijrib: how to use md5sum with a directory?01:38
pksadiqblixten: what does         ./<filename>            does?01:38
jribMrUnagi: md5sum operates on files01:38
brophatI have an approx 7 year old pci card but does not seem to fit into my new HP pavilion. It almost fits. Did they change the spec for a pci card recently?01:38
MrUnagithen that is why i wasnt using it :D01:38
digiraki am having some permission issues01:38
blixtenpksadiq: cannot execute binary file01:39
digirakkde-devel@rakesh-eMachines-E725:/usr$ cd local01:39
digirak-su: cd: local: Permission denied01:39
pksadiqblixten: try         chmod +x <filename>01:39
digirakcan someone help me with that01:39
ActionParsnipbrophat: ask in ##hardware , this is ubuntu support01:39
gbear14275Can I unmount /boot once the machine is booted and running?01:39
brophatok thanks01:39
pksadiqblixten: then      again do ./<filename>01:39
john-john1the rythymbox is ghosting on the screen even though it was turned off.01:39
blixtenpksadiq: it has -rwxr-xr-x01:39
digirakdrwxrw-rw-  10 root root  4096 2011-01-25 13:52 local01:40
digirakthese are the permissions01:40
ActionParsnipblixten: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d    thanks01:40
pksadiqblixten:  do you have a linux32       command available?01:40
juniour john-john1 click on exit01:40
ridinwhere's the blacklist file at?01:40
blixtenActionParsnip: Description:    Ubuntu natty (development branch)01:40
ActionParsnipridin: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf01:40
blixtenpksadiq: yes01:41
ActionParsnipblixten: your release isn't supported hre01:41
ActionParsnipblixten: #ubuntu+1 is where natty is supported until it is officially release01:41
blixtenActionParsnip: what rls shall i use on a ppc64 box?01:41
pksadiqblixten: try linux32  command       and then run ./<filename>01:41
john-john1@juniour the rythymbox doesn't show a symbol at the top like it usually does.01:41
blixtenpksadiq: that gives me; 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:41
Dead_Storagehow do i know if my computer is infected by a keylogger or something, My password for one of my forum accounts (its very exlusive and cant be replaced) has been stolen twice now01:41
ActionParsnipblixten: maverick is the highest release supported here, the guys in #ubuntu+1 will support you. Natty is NOT stable and NOT ready01:41
KM0201!ppc | blixten01:42
ubottublixten: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:42
ActionParsnipDead_Storage: rkhunter may help01:42
pylixnatty wouldn´t work on my machine driver issues i think01:42
ActionParsnipblixten: please join #ubuntu+1 and continue support there01:42
pksadiqblixten: wow,ok linux32 thinks that its a shell script , I'm afraid, I think if you can't run 32 bit directly you can run by chroot      command01:42
nicofsWhich folders in / are owned by who normally? I might have messed up a bit...01:43
jribnicofs: what did you do?01:43
ActionParsnippksadiq: please don't support natty here, it's offtopic. Natty is only supported in #ubuntu+101:43
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
pksadiqActionParsnip: I said nothing about natty01:43
ActionParsnipnicofs: most are owned root:root but there are anomolies01:43
TDJACRHow would I convert a Raid-1 array into a Raid-5 array?01:43
nicofsjrib, install a root file system by extracting a .tar.gz - and i don't think everything ended up as it should01:43
Dead_StorageActionParsnip, I used something simmalar to that and it came up negitive for any malacious code01:43
ActionParsnippksadiq: but you are advising blixten whom is using natty, natty isn't supported here01:44
ActionParsnipDead_Storage: should be ok then01:44
jribnicofs: I'd advise starting over and doing it right01:44
nicofsActionParsnip, so i rephrase to which folders in / are not owned by root...01:44
pksadiqActionParsnip: wow, K , sorry01:44
ActionParsnipDead_Storage: you can also run:  ps -ef | less     and analyse each process01:44
=== SirNeo is now known as sirneo
nicofsjrib, i can only extract the tar.gz - and end up with what i have now...01:44
jribnicofs: so you don't have access to the original files with the permissions?01:45
nicofsjrib, i created that tar with rootstock...01:45
digirakcan someone help01:46
pksadiqdigirak: pong01:46
ActionParsnipdigirak: ask away01:46
digirakActionParsnip: i am getting a permission denied for a cd01:46
ActionParsnip!games > Julien01:46
ubottuJulien, please see my private message01:46
digirakActionParsnip: and the file has read permissions for all01:46
ActionParsnipdigirak: what asort of CD is it and what are you trying to do01:46
ruffleSi'd like to know what is this pae kernel? what is the difference between it and the generic kernel?01:47
jribnicofs: I don't know what "rootstock" is01:47
EmuAlertWhat the command to toggle capslock?01:47
digirakActionParsnip: na am getting a permission denied for a change direcrtory01:47
nicofsjrib, a program to create a root file system01:47
ActionParsnipruffleS: it can address 64Gb RAM wheras the generic can only reference 3Gb01:47
digirakcd local01:47
digirak-su: cd: local: Permission denied01:47
EmuAlertAs in, change the state of capslock, but not do anything to the capslock key01:47
ActionParsnipdigirak: if you run;  sudo -i    can you do what you need01:47
jribnicofs: ok, and you can't redo that but tell it to create the tar.gz with permissions intact?01:47
ActionParsnipdigirak: forget su, use:   sudo -i01:48
juniourhow to uninstall ubuntu 10.1001:48
digirakActionParsnip: i cant cd with sudo01:48
ruffleSActionParsnip, should i use it then? will it make any difference to my lappy?01:48
rwwJulien: #ubuntu is for technical support, not silliness. Thanks.01:48
ActionParsnipdigirak: run sudo -i   and you can then issue the cd command seperately01:48
ActionParsnipruffleS: if you have 32bit OS and all your RAM isn't being used then PAE will make it get used01:48
KM0201juniour: giving up?01:49
Julienrww: i dont attack you so be pacifist and pragmatic. Or ...01:49
Julienrww: tanks a lot for you comprohension01:49
digirakActionParsnip: wow that worked but then the local is highlighted in green01:49
juniourKM0201 WT ARE YOU TALKING ABT?01:50
KM0201juniour: did you not ask how to remove ubuntu 10.10?01:50
nicofsjrib, in the end, rootstock creates a tar. i can tell rootstock what shall be inside - but not with which rights... i assume that in most cases it's correct - but even un-taring can have an effect on ownership... so the best and most efficient way to sort out my problem would be to manually adjust what went wrong...01:50
ActionParsnipdigirak: how do you mean 'local'?01:50
juniourKM0201 how to remove that i wanna to use 10.04 thata y i waan to remove01:51
digirakActionParsnip: see its like this01:51
KM0201juniour: just install 10.04 over 10.10.01:51
jribnicofs: tar will preserve permissions by default and keep them intact when you extract as superuser by default (maybe pass --preserve-permissions during extract to be sure)01:51
digirakActionParsnip: i am trying to run cmakekde and it gives a permission error on usr/local/bin01:51
ruffleSActionParsnip, ok thanks. one last question. i guess i'll get it installed so what is the metapackage i should install? would it be linux-generic-pae? and also, does it include the ubuntu patches?01:51
juniourKM0201 last time i did the sam but it dident work01:52
digirakActionParsnip: and i am trying to change the permissions but then the directory has read permissions01:52
frotzedjuniour: afaik you'll need to backup your necessary data and reformat/reinstall.  I could be wrong though.01:52
nicofsjrib, yes, but even so - the fact that i don't install but just extract is complex... numeric ownership and so on...01:52
juniourfrotzed i am ona dual boot with win701:53
jribnicofs: no, it's not01:53
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juniourfrotzed i have installed ubuntu 10.10 through usb01:53
rcmaehlKernel panic - not syncing: VPS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)01:54
nicofsjrib, i just changed ownership of /lib from 500 to root - resulting in the network manager to disappear...01:54
frotzedjuniour: have you manually removed the 10.10 partition and installed 10.04 in its place?01:54
juniourfrotzed alongside other operating system01:54
jribnicofs: look, the best way is to this properly, preserving permissions from the start01:54
rcmaehlHow do I fix this Kernel Panic?01:54
juniourfrotzed now i have done nothing01:55
jribnicofs: if that's not possible, you can use getfacl -R to record the permissions of the original file and then restore them on this01:55
Snowman1I just installed linux and it says i need a vga compatible controller. where do i download one from?01:55
juniourfrotzed i am askig you how to do that01:55
nicofsjrib, but what would be the original file?01:55
jribnicofs: the files you created the tar from01:56
juniourSnowman1 system->addminstration->hardware drivers01:56
sagaciis dapper server EOL in june?01:56
Snowman1ok that is the thing i went to that and all i have are 2 different broadcom installs. i have done 1 but nothing else is there.01:57
rwwsagaci: yes01:57
ActionParsnipsagaci: yes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases01:57
Snowman1my buddy told me i need to find out what to get so it can be01:57
nicofsjrib, but what if indeed rootstock creates them wrong...01:57
rwwsagaci: dapper = 6.06 = June 2006. LTS for server is 5 years, so June 2011.01:57
jribnicofs: I was under the impression you used rootstock to create the tar.gz from some install, is that not the case?01:58
frotzedjuniour: I believe there are several tuts online.  Basically your task is to boot to a live 10.04 CD, remove the 10.10 partition (might be able to use the gui) and then select that partition as the one in which you'd like to install 10.04.  GRUB should take care of itself.01:58
nicofsjrib, rootstock takes packages from the repositories and uses qemu to emulate a system where to install them (thats how i understand it) - enough room for mistakes01:59
pooltableactionparsnip got it to work with this thanks 1390:0001 TOMTOM B.V. GO 520 T01:59
ActionParsnippooltable: cool01:59
ActionParsnippooltable: glad you got the gold bro01:59
pooltableactionparsnip got it to work with this thanks http://pytomtom.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page02:00
ActionParsnippooltable: IDs are dead handy, what is printed on the plastic case isn't terribly useful :)02:00
jribnicofs: how did you extract the tar.gz?02:02
nicofsjrib, "tar xvzf file.tar.gz"02:03
jribnicofs: as a regular user?02:03
TohuwI'm having issues getting Wifi working on an HP Mini 1010nr with Ubuntu NE 10.10. I followed the steps at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#HP%20Mini%201010nr, but after updating WL I don't see anything in the Additional Drivers manager except the b43 drivers (no STA). The first time I tried it, STA did show up and that driver actually worked. Now it's gone from the list... any ideas?02:03
nicofsjrib, as root on host system.02:03
ActionParsnipTohuw: try a reboot02:04
gbear14275Is there a config file which determines the layout of the desktop bar?  I've noticed that my arrangement is significantly different from thoseof new users I create.  Is there a way to "reset" the config file so it goes back to default?02:04
TohuwActionParsnip: I did, that's what made it disappear from the list :D I'll try another though02:04
rwwubottu: resetpanel | gbear1427502:04
ubottugbear14275: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:04
jribnicofs: also ubuntu?02:05
jribnicofs: erm02:05
nicofsjrib, host: ubuntu, target: shared internal storage of android 2.102:05
TohuwActionParsnip: I should have also mentioned, it can't connect to networks, but I can see the networks. (as opposed to when I first installed the OS and the driver wasn't even present)02:05
djjonexhello everybody02:07
frotzedTohuw: what kind of router / wireless security are you trying to connect to?02:07
SushiDudeFredo42, hi02:07
frotzeddjjonex: hello02:07
jribnicofs: well I don't know how to fetch the permission data in a tar.gz, but checking that would see if rootstock is to blame or not (I found no bugs to the effect).  Otherwise, try passing -p to tar and see if it makes a difference02:07
djjonexi wanto to setup a outgoing mail server to work with php (mail())02:07
Tohuwfrotzed: WPA2 on a Cisco SMB router.  I connected just fine to a linksys using wpa2 earlier today though.02:08
frotzedTohuw: so the _only_ thing that has changed is the router?02:08
Tohuwfrotzed: That and restarting. I have no issues with this router on another ubuntu system, though (granted, it's using an atheros)02:09
TohuwActionParsnip: frotzed: now the STA shows up again, but trying to install either yields the message: InstallArchives() failed02:09
nicofsjrib, the thing is that "restarting" is really only my last resort... since getting this system running was quite some work... and since then i added lots of other things, drivers, firmware - somewhere in this process some ownerships have gone wrong - all i really need is the info, what should be owned by who...02:09
djjonexnobody knows about localhost mail server? i need to configure one02:09
Tohuw!anyone | djjonex02:10
ubottudjjonex: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:10
jribnicofs: extract it properly somewhere else then get the info there (you can use getfacl trick for this)02:10
djjonexi was trying to configure Sendmail Mail Server02:10
djjonexbut not lucky02:10
rwwdjjonex: try postfix instead. It's less arcane.02:11
SushiDudemy friend ran 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop', and now it always says kubuntu at start up02:11
rww!postfilx | djjonex02:11
rww!postfix | djjonex02:11
ubottudjjonex: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer02:11
SushiDudehe does not know how to remove/rollback it02:11
djjonexi have it installed02:11
SushiDudeI have not seen the computer in person yet..02:11
pragmaticenigmaanybody know how to refresh GRUB2 selection menu?02:11
edbianpragmaticenigma, sudo update-grub202:11
rcmaehlWhat do I do I if have no fstab?02:12
pragmaticenigmaedbian: that should clear out the old kernel references?02:12
edbianpragmaticenigma, if the kernels are no longer on the system.  But if you remove those packages it takes them off the list and updates it for you.02:12
edbianrcmaehl, Are you SURE?  How does your OS find the / drive?02:13
pragma_pragmaticenigma: what is wrong with your name?  it looks like it has a cancerous growth of letters on it02:13
pragma_also, it's too long02:13
edbianpragma_, it's an enigma02:13
pragma_no it's not02:13
pragmaticenigmayour just jeleous02:13
nicofsjrib, it says that /lib should be owned by 500... that just sounds weird...02:13
john-john1what's the command for metacity replace?02:13
pragma_it makes perfect sense02:13
rcmaehlIDK but according to ls-ing into the /etc/ dir after getting stuck at (initramfs) there's no fstab\02:13
jribnicofs: what says that?02:13
edbianjohn-john1, metacity --replace02:14
rcmaehledbian: IDK but according to ls-ing into the /etc/ dir after getting stuck at (initramfs) there's no fstab\02:14
john-john1thank you02:14
pragma_my whois says "pragmatic chaos"02:14
* pragma_ wins.02:14
nicofsjrib, extracting and having a look at the owner states "500"...02:14
edbianrcmaehl, oh, you're stuck at initramfs (now this makes sense)   You could write it by hand?  Do you have busybox?02:14
edbianjohn-john1, sure02:15
rcmaehledbian: idk how to02:15
jribnicofs: then it may be an issue with rootstock02:15
rcmaehlbut yes it says busybox02:15
edbianrcmaehl, do you have nano?02:15
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nicofsjrib, it's not only rootstock - as i said it's also all the other things i added - so it really would be helpful to know how it should be on a running system...02:16
rcmaehledbian: umm idk02:16
rcmaehldoesn't look like it in the help02:16
edbianrcmaehl, type nano, press enter02:16
edbianrcmaehl, this will help in writing it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab02:16
jribnicofs: what do you mean "it's also all the other things I added"?02:16
rcmaehledbian: /bin/sh: nano: not found02:16
jribnicofs: you have a running system anyway, don't you?  The host ubuntu system?02:17
frotzedTohuw: In my experience wireless networking can be frustrating.  I'd really pour through that Cisco router and see if perhaps it's being too restrictive.02:17
djjonexmy postfix is running02:17
nicofsjrib, firmware, drivers, the lot...02:17
djjonexnow i need to edit php.ini ?02:17
jribnicofs: well what went wrong?02:17
rcmaehledbian: how do I write it?02:18
nicofsjrib, i had hoped there is a better way that taking my host's filesystem and going through all folders on it...02:18
frotzedTohuw: Perhaps it has some other security measures in place other than  a simple encryption.02:18
edbianrcmaehl, you should probably just follow this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89527302:18
Tohuwfrotzed: I am absolutely certain it is not the fault of the router. There is something strange going on with the OS itself... the STA driver appears and disappears out of jockey, and trying to install the lph version of b43 driver, which is what it really should be using, doesn't work because the URL the deb pulls from is dead.02:18
singularitycan you guys suggest any great universal tech forums that i can join ?02:18
philoskidjjonex: lol02:19
Tohuwfrotzed: I'm a network engineer by trade. :) This is a ubuntu 10.10/b43 issue.02:19
Tohuwnot a cisco router issue.02:19
singularityyeah, by unviersal i mean everything inside technology02:19
jribnicofs: of course!  The better way is to get the permissions right from the start!  But asking here for the permissions of folders would just give you the same info you already have from your ubuntu system.  Like I said, if it's not possible to do the permissions properly for whatever reason, you can use getfacl/setfacl to copy permissions over02:19
djjonexu know they have everything there02:19
Tohuwsingularity: tomshardware.com02:19
nicofsjrib, as such nothing went wrong - but things that should work don't... for instance wifi - when i do "ifconfig ra0 up" all i get is SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not permitted02:19
ChogyDansingularity: askubuntu.com      and the rest of stack overflow stuff02:19
gbear14275thanks rww02:19
frotzedTohuw: gotcha ;)  Then you're more advanced than me.02:19
philoskidjjonex: They have everything, but it's far from great..02:19
jribnicofs: but that's probably caused by the original permissions issue, no?02:20
edbiannicofs, sudo ifconfig ra0 up02:20
nicofsedbian, yes, i meant that02:20
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nicofsedbian, i just always forget to mention because sudo -s is what i do first...02:21
nicofsjrib, you wouldn't believe it, but i have been through this delete all, extract again thing several times now for various reasons...02:21
cb1066trying to run hplip-3.11.1.run but does not finish, get Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes libsane-dev'02:22
cb1066Please wait, this may take several minutes...02:22
cb1066error: Package install command failed with error code 10002:22
cb1066any ideas appreciated.02:22
FloodBot2cb1066: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
rcmaehledbian: well when i'm on live cd fstab appears but when i boot from grub it doesn't02:22
edbianrcmaehl, that's because you're looking at the live CD's /etc/fstab, you'd have to mount your Ubuntu partition and copy /etc/fstab over (then edit it appropriate)02:22
rcmaehlno I'm on /media/(UUID here)/etc/fstab02:23
pooltablewhat are the speed of usb 3.0?02:23
rcmaehlit exists but not when I boot from grub...02:23
edbianrcmaehl, does it all look correct?02:23
datakidcan I get some help with rsync or can someone point me to where I can get some help with rsync02:23
edbianrcmaehl, Well then you my friend need to boot (the system, not the live CD) and look for errors to figure out why you're getting dumped to busybox.  It's possible that the / partition is not being mounted so you're not seeing your /etc/fstab even though it is there.02:24
SushiDudercmaehl, oh hi =P02:24
edbiandatakid, I can help.  More specifically what is the problem?02:25
pooltableis there a way to have 2 hard drive one with windows os the other with ubuntu and both boot at the same time if so how ?02:25
edbianpooltable, It is not possible to boot two OS's at the same time.02:26
rcmaehledbian: proc doesn;t have a device though'02:26
datakidedbian, I am backing up a 550GB drive. I've done a 3 day cp -a to get 500 across. Now I want to rsync the remaining files, but only those that don't already exist in the destination02:26
rcmaehljust noticed that02:26
edbianpooltable, You can have two running at the same time using virtualization.  but one is the host OS and one is virtual02:26
pooltableedbin ok02:26
edbianrcmaehl, That's cause you're not really booting into Ubuntu.  So the whole ubuntu / is not available.  Busybox is very limited.  Do you see any errors during the Ubuntu boot?02:27
=== richard is now known as Guest61568
datakidedbian, It's a mail spool, that can't go down - so I am expecting some files to have changed, hence mv from cp to rsync02:27
djjonexmy postfix is running how do i send an email now? :(02:27
edbiandatakid, ok hang on, I have to think02:27
edbiandatakid, Should it delete files that are at the destination that are not at the source?02:27
datakidedbian, for some reason I get the impression that rsync will actually overwrite or re-copy files that allready exist02:27
edbianpooltable, virtualbox is neat like that :)02:27
datakidI only want the diff02:28
datakidedbian, yes, I have --delete already02:28
edbiandatakid, rsync is built specifically to easily do what you want02:28
edbiandatakid, -u is the flag you're looking for02:28
rcmaehledbian: yes something about something not mounting or something it whent by too fast02:29
m_fuldercan I auto enter a command in a new terminal window while opening it by gnome-terminal in teminal :P ?02:29
Blue1edbian: datakid this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=44102:29
edbianrcmaehl, shift + page up02:29
edbianBlue1, Thanks02:29
datakidedbian, cool - I just wanted to confirm, since I couldn't find a switch that says "only the diff"02:29
MikeMike1does anyone know how to set up a midi keyboarD?02:29
datakidedbian, but I did seee something about copying files that already existed, which is not waht I want :)02:30
edbiandatakid, a: archive z: compress v: verbose u:update (what I suggested)02:30
rcmaehledbian: mount: cannot read /etc/fstab: No such file or directory02:30
Blue1MikeMike1: nope but if you'd tell us, it would me much appreciated, I could pass on the knowledge02:30
edbiandatakid, the -u flag will do what you want.  I do it all the time02:30
Romulasis thre an ubuntu social channel?02:30
datakidedbian, Blue1 thanks - appreciate it02:30
edbianrcmaehl, go back before that02:30
edbianrcmaehl, we know that is actually there via the live cd right?  so ignore that02:31
RomulasI know you guys handle tech and I just want to chat with some fellow Ubuntu fans in a techinical fashion02:31
MikeMike1i will report back with info02:31
rcmaehledbian: mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory02:31
edbianRomulas, #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
Romulasthank you02:31
edbianrcmaehl, that's a good one.  go to the first error (that's how debugging works)02:31
edbianRomulas, no problem02:31
anonbootsm_fulder. I herd you like terminals so we put some terminals in your terminals so you can have some terminals.02:31
rcmaehledbian: same thing with /sys and /proc02:31
edbianrcmaehl, what is the first error?02:32
edbiandatakid, I use -u all the time on a script I wrote to sync my music on my hdd and my music player.  I promise you it doesn't copy data that is already there.02:32
cannonfodderany way to install ubuntu onto a flashdrive with penndrivelinux? while on ubuntu...not windows?02:32
edbiancannonfodder, yes absolutely.  Use the usb creator02:33
ActionParsnipcannonfodder: use usb-creator02:33
edbiancannonfodder, link?  It's in the System -> Admin menu02:33
cannonfodderoh ok02:33
edbiancannonfodder, no problem have fun!02:34
rcmaehledbian: fstab no such file or directory, then mounting /dev failed, then /sys mount failed, then /proc mount failed, then filesystem doesn;t have requested /sbin/init02:34
ActionParsnipcanthiswait: instead of instantly asking for a link, try doing smoe research based no theadvice02:35
edbianrcmaehl, the very first error is that fstab is missing?02:35
djjonexneed help configuring postfix02:35
rcmaehledbian: yes02:35
edbianrcmaehl, are you sure that there isn't a typo in the filename or something?  Can you pastebin the ls from the live cd ?02:35
TulioH'yal, I'm Tulio Baars and I am here to help you guys02:36
edbianrcmaehl, Sorry to jerk you around but this is getting confusing02:36
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rcmaehledbian: also I've have had to manually enter grub info like kernel and initrd info02:36
djjonexneed to configure postfix with localhost02:37
m_fulderIm trying doing "gnome-terminal -t "myName""   it creates a new terminal window with the name "myName" but as fast as it loads it changes the name to myComp@myComp ... can't I change that somehow?02:37
edbianrcmaehl, well that's bad... Are you sure you're doing that correctly?  Perhaps you're pointing it to the wrong /dev/sdX ?02:37
edbianrcmaehl, Of course it's unlikely that it found the kernel but not /02:37
MikeMike1i have another question02:37
pooltableany one have a usb 3.0 working?02:37
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rcmaehledbian: I'm pointing it the partition that has /boot and everything else02:38
shcherbakm_fulder: in profile preferncies set keep title instead of repleace02:38
edbianrcmaehl, Do you have a separate /boot?02:38
m_fulderah will check it out :)02:38
edbianrcmaehl, I think you're pointing it to the wrong /02:38
MikeMike1a bunch of jack audio programs keep crashing02:38
rcmaehledbian: no but I have a seperate /home02:38
cb1066new printer and trouble installing hp printing package...hplip-3.11.1.run fails trying to install libsane-dev anyone else encounter this?02:39
m_fuldershcherbak, which profile perferncies do you mean?02:39
edbianrcmaehl, pastebin me some things.  I want (from a live CD) the ls in the mounted /etc.  sudo fdisk -l  can you do that?02:39
ActionParsnipcb1066: does:  sudo apt-get install libsane-dev   install ok?02:39
rcmaehledbian: k02:39
edbianrcmaehl, k02:40
rcmaehledbian: so what's mounted and fdisk -l?02:40
edbianrcmaehl, I want ls in the /media/whatever/etc/02:40
edbianrcmaehl, So I can see fstab02:40
edbianrcmaehl, df -h too, why not02:40
shcherbakm_fulder: gnome-terminal: menu > Edit > Profile Preferencies, it is second tab, set option: Keep initial title02:41
shcherbakm_fulder: You mean window title, not prompt?02:42
m_fulderaha there02:42
m_fulderyes the title02:43
StarminnWhen using the "man" command in the shell, how do you get out of man? Say I run, "man chmod" -- how do I get back to entering commands?02:43
edbianStarminn, q02:43
shcherbakm_fulder: if this do not work, you will need to make new profiles (I have more than dozen) to control start and settings.02:44
rcmaehledbian: http://www.pastebin.com/FcaTdMHx02:44
Starminnedbian, Ah, thank you very much. :)02:44
edbianrcmaehl, reading02:44
edbianrcmaehl, You have a lot of hdds02:45
B-doghard drive on my laptop idlies hot any help plz02:45
edbianrcmaehl, what are you giving it when you boot using grub?02:45
cb1066when try to install libsane get depends: libsane (= 1.0.20-13ubuntu2) but 1.0.21-0ubuntu1 and not sure how to correct.02:46
brandon420jrib, i just installed 10.10 and now my sound is messed up, it keeps muting itself02:46
B-dogi have 10.10 on a laptop and the hard drive get hot sometime to the overheating point02:47
ActionParsnipcb1066: you may need a reop or deb to satisfy deps. What is the output of:  lsb_release -d   please02:47
rcmaehledbian: grub> linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic then grub> initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-25-generic then grub>boot02:47
uranus_gas_gianti had to do 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base alsautils' with ubuntu 10.1002:47
ActionParsnipB-dog: what make / model laptop?02:47
rcmaehlB-dog: try using fancontrol by running pwmconfig then fancontrol02:48
edbianrcmaehl, you're missing the root line on your linux02:48
rcmaehledbian: everything I tried with root gave me a kernel panic02:48
edbianrcmaehl, (this is the cause of the problem) it should be something like linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic root=/dev/sda102:48
edbianrcmaehl, That's cause you were getting the root wrong. (that causes a kernel panic)02:49
TulioEven sudo permissions02:49
djjonexhow i can send php mail using postfix ?02:49
aLemmerThe s-video on my GTX 260 isn't working to display on my TV.02:49
edbianrcmaehl, Which one of your 3000 hdds has ubuntu installed on it?02:49
cb1066Ubuntu10.04.2 LTS02:49
rcmaehledbian: the 38 MB partition02:49
rcmaehlhas /02:49
edbianrcmaehl, what?  Ubunut is not install in 38mb02:50
m_fulderschatan, thanks works great with the title... now the only problem is .. when I try to execute this command:  "gnome-terminl -e "cd /home/" I get the error message:  "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal :S ... why is that?02:50
B-dogThere are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed02:50
rcmaehledbian: /dev/sda1              38G  4.0G   32G  12% /media/54fb5dd0-ce0b-467c-9db4-5b93adea285f02:50
rcmaehlthat one02:50
edbianrcmaehl, oh, Gb!  not mega-bytes ;)02:50
edbianrcmaehl, so that's the one you should use in grub02:51
aLemmerCan someone help me get s-video displays to work on my GTX 260?02:51
rcmaehlokay also if it works how to I fix it so I don't have to type in the stuff?02:51
edbianlinux /boot/vmlinuz26-whatever root=/dev/sda202:51
rcmaehlaLemmer: sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig02:51
edbianrcmaehl, sudo update-grub2  once the system is working02:51
aLemmerrcmaehl: I already have that.02:51
edbianrcmaehl, If fact, you maybe be able to chroot using the live CD and just run that command ;)02:52
brandon420i just installed ubuntu 10.10 x64 and my audio keeps muting its self when im watching youtube/banshee, can someone help me?02:52
rcmaehlaLemmer: did you install the restricted drivers?02:52
aLemmerrcmaehl: From nVidia's site?02:52
rcmaehlaLemmer: from the repos02:53
aLemmerrcmaehl: Elaborate, please...02:53
rwwrabbit_: hmm?02:53
cb1066Action Parsnip: Ubuntu 10.04.202:53
rcmaehlaLemmer: easier way goto: the system menu and choose check for drivers02:54
Tuliobrandon420: Have you tried to reinstall alsa?02:54
ActionParsnipbrandon420: what link is generated by: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh02:54
rcmaehledbian: root=/dev/sda2 <- you sure?02:54
brandon420Tulio, no, i just installed it <10 mins ago02:54
ActionParsnipbrandon420: say yes to upload to the site02:54
brandon420ActionParsnip, 1 sec02:54
shcherbakm_fulder: I guess -e top works fine, no idea.02:54
edbianrcmaehl, no, def not that (must have been a typo) root=/dev/sda102:54
rcmaehledbian: ok02:55
edbianrcmaehl, I'm betting that your system and the live CD name them the same02:55
aLemmerrcmaehl: it says I have installed "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver," and it has a green icon.02:55
brandon420ActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=81a5f70f9ebdd201c2f9e4f35edea851f203058202:55
rcmaehlaLemmer: are there others?02:56
* rcmaehl hugs edbian It worked!02:56
aLemmerrcmael: no.02:56
edbianrcmaehl, I feel like a hero02:56
rcmaehlaLemmer: then it should automatically detect the device when the svideo is connected to the card and the device02:56
uranus_gas_giantrcmaehl: I did a 'sudo apt-get build-dep <mydriver>' before I installed it.02:57
* rabbit_ 'I am little boy'02:57
rcmaehledbian: so sudo update-grub2?02:57
ActionParsnipbrandon420: is the systenm a branded pc or laptop?02:57
ACameronHi all.  I'm looking to facilitate my workflows for a couple specific use cases, and I was wondering if Ubuntu had any helpful features or if any software existed that might support me.  For example, it would be nice to have a single shortcut which launches a couple programs and positions them appropriately on the screen as well.02:58
edbianrcmaehl, yeah, it should say stuff about 'found this kernel' and 'found that kernel' Is your grub menu totally erased?02:58
rcmaehledbian: update-grub2 not found02:58
aLemmerrcmael: its not,02:58
edbianrcmaehl, sudo update-grub202:58
rcmaehledbian: I tried02:58
edbianrcmaehl, sudo update-grub     ?02:58
TDJACRACameron: You can use launchers to do that :)02:58
ACameronTDJACR: Nifty!  I'll have to check out their documentation.  =)02:59
TDJACRI have a RAID-1 array which I just tried to resize. First I resized the underlying partitions and then tried to use mdadm grow. The partitions are larger, but the mdadm won't let them grow02:59
=== rcmaehl_fallback is now known as rcmaehl
rcmaehledbian: http://pastebin.com/NXTh2q5503:00
edbianrcmaehl, reading03:00
edbianrcmaehl, oh hell yes03:00
edbiansorry, 'heck' yes03:01
edbianrcmaehl, That pretty much solves the entire problem03:01
onekenthomasoption to include file in ubuntu tar?03:01
ACameronTDJACR: So I would do something like "matlab -nodesktop && firefox www.mathworks.com", for instance, as the command for my launcher to run?03:01
bobboauok, so I have this mother board: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813500046 and I am unable to get sound out of any but two chanels, it seems that the onboard audio has some sort of soft switch that changes the function of the jacks03:02
TDJACRACameron: A ; instead I believe03:02
ACameronTDJACR: ..right; && would block until matlab completed, right?  Also, how do I get the launcher to position & size the windows it opens?03:03
welshmenanyone willing to help the wireless driver questions?03:03
edbianwelshmen, here for ya03:03
TDJACRACameron: I believe so and I'm not sure03:03
ACameronTDJACR: Well, thanks.  That's a start, anyway.  =)03:05
ACameronTDJACR: Perhaps the docs for compiz can tell me more...03:05
welshmencool, so i put BT4 on my laptop and knew that my broadcom won't work or would be a hassle but i found a driver and installed it rebooted and it was there, but when i came back to it today and booted up it was gone03:05
edbianwelshmen, This is support for Ubuntu not Backtrack03:05
edbianwelshmen, sorry! ;)03:05
welshmenwent through the same proess and can't seem to get it03:06
welshmenok sorry than03:06
bobboauso any idea on my audio problem?03:06
ActionParsnipwelshmen: backtrack isn't supported here03:08
welshmenok  another question i have another laptop that today i put ubuntu on and the laptop is a touch screen, would there be any such drivers that would support  that input03:09
ActionParsnipwelshmen: what is the make and model, it's massively important03:09
lexvegasonekenthomas, tar --append --file=foo.tar bar.txt       where foo.tar is the existing archive and bar.txt is what you want to add03:09
welshmenhp tx2 touchsmart03:09
ActionParsnipwelshmen: so you never found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125249203:11
onekenthomaslexvegas,  tks,  I had just essentially figured --append is the only way to do what I want with gnu tar :)03:12
ActionParsnipwelshmen: i literally found that in 120 seconds....03:13
welshmensorry but after i was told this was strictly and ubuntu chat  it just popped in my head03:13
xe-dlli recently installed ubuntu side by side with windows 7 although i installed it on a diffrent drive coz i have two of them,i could get the network up and running03:13
xe-dlli installed 8.10..03:13
rcmaehlxe-dll: ubuntu 8.10?03:14
xe-dllis there something wrong with the way i installed it?03:14
lexvegasonekenthomas, no problem. i think you may be able to do something with the u option, but i couldn't find anything03:14
welshmeni was not trying to lazy03:14
TDJACRxe-dll: 8.10 is two and a half years old.03:14
ActionParsnipwelshmen: the forums are awash with handy guides like that, if you websearch a little before asking you'll probably find stuff. Ask here if you get stumped :)03:14
xe-dllyep 8.10 its he only cd that i have unfortunately..i know its a lil bit old..:)03:15
TDJACRAnyone have software raid, fs experience?03:15
pksadiqwelshmen: you need not try to be lazy, it happens automatically ;). just do nothing03:15
brandon420whats the best looking window manager?03:15
pksadiqbrandon420: e17 , I think03:15
welshmenwell thanks folks sorry to bother03:15
moesI was trying to save some app changes to sro and it started saving to sda1 ..now my sda1 returns to grub and retries to boot sda103:15
Tempus_Fugitis there a compiz room or can someone help me in here?03:15
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: might be #compiz, but enough here if it's ubuntu specific03:16
brandon420thanks pksadiq that does look pretty good03:16
rcmaehlxe-dll: dollar tree now has 3pack 52x cd-rs for $103:16
Tempus_Fugithas anyone else upgraded to the newest distro of ubuntu......26 and had compiz stop working??03:17
rcmaehlTempus_Fugit: yes03:17
xe-dllyeah i know,i didnt download the newest release..lol! :)03:17
Tempus_Fugitok so its not just my puter then ok03:17
rcmaehlbut it was just the compiz package conflicting with compiz-fusion on my pc03:17
xe-dllwell its just the network manager thats bugging me..03:18
xe-dllwell guess ill just look for some ways around it thanks03:18
Tempus_Fugitfor some reason I cant even get the extra plugins03:18
pksadiqxe-dll: might be better to use 10.04 atleast,03:19
Tempus_Fugitevery time i try to check the features and effects they uncheck automatically for some reason03:19
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: does the wobbly efect, etc.. works?03:19
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: are you using nvidia?03:19
bonodoes your card support 3d acceleration?03:19
Tuliotouchsmart tx2 seems to have some issues with the Nvidia Ubuntu driver, AFAIK03:20
Tempus_Fugitpksadiq:  not sure which card I have a dual boot but I hardly ever go into windows however before I did the upgrade all my effects worked fine...i.e cube and effects for open and minimize03:21
DanielWhere can I get help on using Compiz?03:23
DanielI cannot get it to do the cube.03:23
DanielIt was working before then stopped working.03:23
Tempus_FugitI have another question as well....when I boot up, before I log in the appearance window pops up and I have to close it before I can log in03:23
Tempus_Fugithow do I get rid of that03:23
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: try ls pci and find which it does03:24
pksadiqTempus_Fugit:  I mean lspci03:24
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Tempus_Fugitpksadiq: 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)03:25
TulioWhich kinda popups?03:25
Tempus_Fugitthe appearance window03:25
DanielIs there a chatroom for Compiz help?03:26
xanguaDaniel #compiz03:27
TDJACRI have a RAID-1 array which I just tried to resize. First I resized the underlying partitions and then tried to use mdadm grow. The partitions are larger, but the mdadm won't let them grow03:27
* x_X Identificandome Como Administrador De La Red03:28
TulioDoes NN have any huge bug?03:29
Sonjai'm getting this error when trying to update ubuntu: http://pastie.org/153025603:29
DanielIs this a serious error?  I get it when I try doing updates.03:31
DanielW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A2019EA84E7532C803:31
xanguaSonja: it means it does not exists03:32
DanielSays more too03:32
xangua!gpg | Daniel03:32
ubottuDaniel: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts03:32
xanguammmm it doens¿t say how to add the gpg i believe :S03:32
DanielThank you03:32
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: sorry, I was away03:32
ActionParsnipDaniel: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com A2019EA84E7532C803:32
xanguasudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <last ten numbers> » Daniel03:33
xanguaooh ActionParsnip got t better03:33
ActionParsnipDaniel: or you can go to the ubuntu opera howto and use the key file there03:33
DanielThank you03:33
fool_does anyone know how to fix problem where CUPS printers are not shown in the print dialog (evince, firefox, etc...) ?03:34
brandon420is their anyway to adjust the EQ on ubuntu?03:34
pksadiqbrandon420: what is EQ?03:34
ActionParsnipfool_: is cups running?03:34
fool_ActionParsnip: yes03:34
ActionParsnipbrandon420: there is a pulse equalizer03:34
brandon420ActionParsnip, how do i access it?03:35
fool_ActionParsnip: i can print from acroread, but not evince/firefox/bleh03:35
ActionParsnipbrandon420: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/954-add-equalizer-for-pulse-audio-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx03:35
brandon420thank you sir03:35
brandon420you must be a audiophile03:35
bobboauok, still have no idea what to do to get my 5.1 sound to work.03:36
pksadiqbrandon420: I don't think its need to call someone sir, untill you truely beleive ;)03:36
brandon420pksadiq, its just respect =)03:37
ActionParsnipbrandon420: no, i just know of stuff that exists, then find guides03:37
pksadiqbrandon420: everybody is a student here, even if is the Master, learning new things time to time ;)03:38
ActionParsnipbrandon420: keep an eye on omgubuntu it's a huge fanboy site but they have the odd nugget of usefulness. They are on facebook too so you can see when they publish a new review / report03:38
brandon420i will "like" them on facebook now =)03:38
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JuJuBeeHow can I change the order of the entries listed in the Grub2 window?03:39
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: do you want windows on top per chance?03:41
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: no, I want my most recent version of ubuntu on top 2.6.35 (10.10) vs 2.6.32 (10.04)03:42
JuJuBeeThey are on different partitions.03:42
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: why not just remove the lucid kernel? do you actually use it?03:42
ActionParsnipahhh i see03:42
UnderSampledthis kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: cmov03:42
UnderSampledwhat do I do?03:43
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macoUnderSampled: use 10.0403:43
knoppiesUnderSampled, have you googled it? Or should I?03:43
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: I am not done setting up my maverick env. yet...03:43
macoUnderSampled: 10.10 only supports i686 and newer03:43
Tempus_Fugitpksadiq: thats fine03:44
UnderSampledmaco: oh03:44
UnderSampledI'll try 10.4 then03:44
Dead_Storagesoo one of my accounts on a forum i go to keeps getting stolen, i know this doesnt have to do directly with ubuntu but i would like some help here last time it happened i had a 25 char pass on both my recovery email and account, what could be going on03:44
pksadiqTempus_Fugit: ok, now let me try?03:44
ActionParsnipUnderSampled: http://www.rasyid.net/2009/01/28/the-kernel-requires-the-following-features-not-present-on-the-cpu-06/#03:44
ActionParsnipUnderSampled: http://www.rasyid.net/2009/01/28/the-kernel-requires-the-following-features-not-present-on-the-cpu-06/   sorry03:44
macoDead_Storage: try #ubuntu-offtopic03:44
LinuxNoobhello all, im slowly figuring this out :D03:44
brandon420apt-get install banshee03:44
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: not sure personally, could ask in #grub as well03:44
brandon420 /rage03:44
LinuxNoobday 1 in, i found out how to open steam and play gmod and i learnned.......how to close firefox :D03:45
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: I did, not much happening there...03:45
UnderSampledActionParsnip: how could I run apt-get if I can't get past the kernel boot?03:45
Dead_Storagemaco, ok i just did03:45
brandon420LinuxNoob, thats actually pretty good, lol. it took me awhile before i got a game to play decent in linux03:45
LinuxNoobactionparsnip < helped me out when i couldnt get my comp runnin, now it is :)03:45
ActionParsnipUnderSampled: could boot to livecd and chroot03:45
brandon420ActionParsnip, your a good guy, lol. helpin many people out =)03:46
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: np bro, you'll help others as you learn03:46
LinuxNoobbrandon420: yeah i hope so :D03:46
fool_does anyone know how to fix problem where CUPS printers are not shown in the print dialog (evince, firefox, etc...) ?03:46
ActionParsnipbrandon420: i try, tbh work is dead so i may as well use my time for somethin03:46
LinuxNoobi found out also that capitals matter in terminal >.>03:46
UnderSampledActionParsnip: well, I'm just going to use 10.0403:46
UnderSampledit's to late to go back anyway, I just erased the cd-rw03:46
whiteshadowhi all, trying to install ubuntu 10.10 server on x86 from usb, running into cannot mount cd-rom errors, any advice?03:46
LinuxNoobi spent forever trying to open somethin stupid on my desktop, to find out that i had to say /Desktop not /desktop >.>03:46
brandon420ActionParsnip, we appreciate it.03:47
knoppiesLinuxNoob, on linux, capitals ALWAYS (ok, almost always) matter.03:47
LinuxNoobknoppies: i know that now :D03:47
LinuxNoobonly after like..30 minutes of fustration03:47
bobboauok, so, I have just installed 10.10 on a zotac nm10-a-e mobo and I cannot get the 5.1 sound03:47
brandon420everything is case sensitive03:47
fool_LinuxNoob: try bash-completion03:47
knoppiesLinuxNoob, yea, some of us have been there too.03:47
* brandon420 hates it03:47
LinuxNoobwell. i dod formated my hdd, and linux is my only os03:47
izinucsI just plugged in a usb stick and waited.. then did lsusb and it is recognized but not mounting.. how do I mount it?03:47
pksadiqLinuxNoob: but usually variables are named in capitals     . try     the export command and see some03:47
LinuxNoobi know how to use windows like a master pokemon trainer03:48
brandon420now time to add over 11k songs to banshee =/03:48
pksadiq!tab | LinuxNoob03:48
ubottuLinuxNoob: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:48
macoActionParsnip: that's /old/  ... see 8.04? even the one that says 386 is now 68603:48
yonderinghola.  anybody know of a utility to view which mouse button is which when I click them?03:48
macoyondering: xev03:48
pksadiqActionParsnip: what is the difference between 386 and 686?03:48
LinuxNoobthe way i installed it, was i Have to learn what im doing to do it, i cant go back to windows :D03:48
whiteshadowtrying to install from usb, but getting cannot mount cd-rom, ideas?03:48
LinuxNoobinless..i reinstall it ofcourse, which i wont do, inless i have to for a project for school lol03:49
yonderingmaco, that's the one I was looking for, thanks.. just couldn't remember the name.03:49
knoppieswhiteshadow, is the error from GRUB or the cd-rom?03:49
yonderingneed to disable the 'wobble' keys on this mouse. =/03:49
macopksadiq: its a matter of what cpu instructions intel added at what point in history. cmov was added in i686, so UnderSampled probably has a i586 (which would be quite old) or a Via or some brand of thin client (which simply stuck with the old architecture very long)03:50
pksadiqLinuxNoob: if you use Only ubuntu for at least a week, M$ windows will look bad, especailly the scrolling techniques and ....... of ubuntu03:50
fool_LinuxNoob: also try virtualbox03:50
fool_does anyone know how to fix problem where CUPS printers are not shown in the print dialog (evince, firefox, etc...) ?03:50
pksadiqmaco: is there something special with the naming/03:50
whiteshadowknoppies: i'm not using grub, i used univeral usb installer03:50
knoppiesLinuxNoob, you could use something like virtualbox to run windows (assuming your hardware is sufficient), or use WINE which enables you to run some windows apps on linux.03:50
LinuxNoobive got xp,vista,7 cd's i dont need a vm03:50
father_longcat>switch to ubunt03:51
father_longcat>2 years later, visit windows 703:51
LinuxNoobi just am for lack of better quote, jumping in to linux and programming in general without knowhing how to swim03:51
father_longcat>cant find drivers for computer03:51
LinuxNoobive got an asus gaming labtop, it can run lots of stuff :D03:51
knoppieswhiteshadow, is the .iso supported by universal USB installer?03:51
pksadiqLinuxNoob: genuine?03:51
father_longcatlinuxnoob: no offense to anyone here but the best OS for gaming is Win7 unless you love to mess with WINE03:52
LinuxNoobyeah my stuff is legit :)03:52
brandon420whats the best media player for a large volume of music? (flac)03:52
whiteshadowknoppies: yeah, it is supported, otherwise it wouldn't find the iso, i had trouble with it for a bit cuz i was selecting a desktop version when i had the server iso03:52
rwwfather_longcat: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Your opinions on Ubuntu vs. Windows 7 are not technical support.03:52
LinuxNoobim goin to school to be a CNT, i know windows, just never messed with linux03:52
knoppiesLinuxNoob, you could use your CDs to install the OS on a VM. You could also duel boot the two. Many people (including myself) do that.03:52
father_longcatbut neither is stating "I have an asus laptop"03:52
ultrabizweb2Have to agree with father ubuntu lts for servers FTW...03:53
LinuxNooband ill need this for later on, when i do servers, as alot use UNIX03:53
macopksadiq: um... 586 is newer than 386 nd 686 is newer than both?  i mean...i think this corresponds to pre-pentium days03:53
father_longcatlts is great for servers03:53
fool_brandon420: mpd03:53
UnderSampledmaco: Undersampled has a AMD-K6(tm)-2/30003:53
fool_brandon420: or vlc :)03:53
whiteshadowknoppies: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1550317&highlight=mount+cd-rom     i think i'm supposed mount my cd-rom as the usb, but i can't seem to understand those directions, sort of linux noob03:53
UnderSampledmaco: which was released in 199803:53
bobboau--keeps pokeing about my audio problems in the futal hope that I will find myself on the top of the stack--03:53
LinuxNoobi plan on getting my CCNA03:53
ProfessorBaconif you have a computer that still runs, it is 686 class03:53
pksadiqmaco: then why the numbering is in the reverse order? any ideas?03:53
father_longcatdescending order of set03:53
father_longcatI mean03:53
brandon420fool_, there isnt anything like foobar, or winamp03:53
father_longcatit went from 386 to 58603:54
father_longcatand then to 68603:54
ActionParsnippksadiq: 386 is the old 8082 CPUs. 686 includes Pentium 3 CPUs and higher (from what I remember)03:54
ultrabizweb2Used to run centos now run lts on just about everything.03:54
LinuxNoobquestion guys, i tried to make a windows batch file(for cmd) and he couldnt open it03:54
father_longcatany date when 11.04 is releasing?03:54
pksadiqthe naming is a bit confusing03:54
fool_brandon420: there are many players, you just have to try them all03:54
rww!schedule-#ubuntu+1 | father_longcat03:54
ubottufather_longcat: A schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule03:54
UnderSampledfather_longcat: april03:54
macoUnderSampled: k6-2 is a 586. amd apparently kept it for a very long time03:54
lucky711xfather_longcat, april 201103:54
father_longcatI mean the real release date, not beta03:54
pksadiqLinuxNoob: define he03:54
fool_brandon420: personally i use vlc/mpd03:54
macoUnderSampled: even some thin clients being manufactured *now* are still 586. maybe its a cheaper architecture to produce *shrug*03:54
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: you will need notepad++ to thn resave it as Linux uses different CR characters to Linux03:55
LinuxNoobwindows user03:55
rwwfather_longcat: the wiki schedule page has the release date also.03:55
father_longcatthank you again.03:55
LinuxNoobi had to explain it to him over msnger03:55
=== bencahill is now known as bencahill_
UnderSampledfather_longcat: by definition, 11.04 is april 2011. if it was in may, it'd be 11.0503:55
macoUnderSampled: the k6 claimed to be a 686 but it actually wasnt fully compliant with the 686 spec03:55
LinuxNoobhe wanted a prank he could do to his moms computer, so i wrote him one03:55
brandon420fool_, i have over 11k songs, i need something that will organize it all for me, lol. i know vlc doesnt do that, not sure about mpd, but imma give it a try03:55
macoUnderSampled: this is what the google is telling me03:55
ljsoftnetcan i use icon themes from gnome to xfce?03:55
father_longcatmonth, year.03:55
xangualjsoftnet: yes03:56
knoppieswhiteshadow, I can suggest using a tool which mounts the drive using GRUB legacy and then trying to follow what that guy said in the forum post.03:56
MrUnagianyone know why rsync -r --delete doesn't work within a script?03:56
fool_brandon420: mpd takes a little to set up, but once it runs it's very nice :)03:56
pksadiqbrandon420: what about mplayer or rhythm box?03:56
rewinelandokay which ftp program is better filezillia or vsftpd03:56
lucky711xhaha sorry ive got dyslexia03:56
ljsoftnetxangua how about gtk themes?03:56
UnderSampledmaco: I'm guessing that it doesn't matter, because I'm burning 10.04 anyway03:56
fool_brandon420: my ~/music is about 80gb as of now :)03:56
xangualjsoftnet: yes03:56
ultrabizweb2If your going for CCNA take a look at vyatta and tell your instructor about that and watch his face drop lol.03:56
brandon420mine is >250gb03:56
knoppiesrewineland, I use nautilus for some basic ftp, but its probably not what you are looking for.03:56
ljsoftnetxangua ah thanks man03:56
father_longcatgood question fool_: how much of it is legal?03:56
whiteshadowknoppies: sure, i don't wanna waste anymore time installing this thing, what's the other good installer, unetbootin?03:56
pksadiqfool_: my whole hard disk is ~80 GB :O03:56
fool_father_longcat: not much03:57
brandon420pksadiq, rhythm box crashes when i try to add that much music at once. and mplayer is about like vlc03:57
rewinelandi am just looking for control someusers and there access to files03:57
fool_father_longcat: define legal :)03:57
father_longcat~/music/ is 507 GB03:57
father_longcatfool_: RIAA sucks anyways03:57
Tempus_Fugitsorry if anyone was talking to me I was away for a few03:57
bobboau--keeps pokeing about my audio problems in the futal hope that I will find myself on the top of the stack--03:57
brandon420father_longcat, what media player you use?03:57
knoppieswhiteshadow, no, I used the multi-iso thing from pendrivelinux, I forget what its called, Let me find it for you. You will have to edit the menu.lst, but otherwise it should work.03:57
ActionParsnipbrandon420: tried deabbeef?03:57
pksadiqfool_: size is not a matter, how much of that do you hear?03:58
ActionParsnipdeadbeef sorry03:58
knoppieswhiteshadow, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/03:58
whiteshadowknoppies: gonna give that a shot, be back in 503:58
knoppieswhiteshadow, I suggest you install some small .iso (other than your server one, we will do that manually) then copy your server.iso onto the root of the flash drive. Then we will need to edit the menu.lst03:59
brandon420ActionParsnip, imma try that now03:59
father_longcatone day....03:59
brandon420seens kegut'03:59
father_longcatwe will invent the self-extracting TARball03:59
ultrabizweb2Pendrive is good stuff03:59
knoppieswhiteshadow, 64 or 32bit? Because that doesn't seem to have the 64bit under the options, but I think you can use it anyway.04:00
KB1JWQknoppies: Does your system support 64 bits?04:00
rewinelandso no ideas on a good ftp server04:01
brandon420must all the good shit be a bitch to install?!04:01
knoppiesKB1JWQ, yes it does, Im talking about a tool that puts .iso files onto a USB flash drive.04:01
brandon420rewineland, ubuntu server comes with one04:01
KB1JWQFor the tool itself, shouldn't matter.04:01
m_fuldercan I somehow run .sh files by doubleclicking on them?04:01
ultrabizweb2Proftpd for the win.04:01
ActionParsnipbrandon420: keep it family friendly please04:01
lahwranm_fulder: set them executable04:01
rewinelandyes but i am looking for easy setup04:01
ActionParsnipultrabizweb2: openssh-server is a more secure method ;)04:02
knoppiesm_fulder, yes, in gnome I can. You need to set them as executable first. chmod u+x <filename>04:02
lahwran!permissions | m_fulder04:02
ubottum_fulder: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:02
drue_Hey, I am having a little problem. I have the ATI Radeon IGP 330m/340m/350m video card in my HP Pavilion ze5604rs notebook. I have looked over the net all day and cant find drivers for ubuntu. Does anyone know where i could find drivers? Thanks in advance!04:02
fool_rewineland: vsftpd04:02
ultrabizweb2Yes it is I use it too scp and sftp04:02
pksadiq!ati | drue_04:02
ubottudrue_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:02
sacarlsonrewineland: nothing much easier than apt-get install openssh-server04:03
rewinelandI have that already but I want multipl users that will not be on my system04:03
drue_pksadiq, Thanks!04:03
m_fulderI've already set my permission to +x but still I can't run it ... I mean making it executable it only shows me a window where I can choose to edit my script run in terminal etc... but while I choose run in terminal nothing happends :S @ lahwran & knoppies04:03
rewinelandcarlson i'll look into it04:03
bobboau--keeps pokeing about my no 5.1 sound on a zotac nm10-a-e problems in the futal hope that I will find myself on the top of the support stack--04:03
ultrabizweb2I use virtualmin install script simple and effective.04:03
ultrabizweb2Does use more ram for gui though.04:04
ActionParsnipultrabizweb2: so why run an ftp server as well as sftp?04:04
knoppiesm_fulder, does your script have the #!/bin/bash (I think its called a shabang or something)04:04
sacarlsonrewineland: well you said you wanted something that needed no account, so maybe ssh wouldn't be as easy for that04:04
pksadiqm_fulder: you might have to change the first line , what is it now #!  .......?04:04
m_fulderknoppies, yes it has04:04
ultrabizweb2For legacy support04:04
m_fulderpksadiq, its #!/bin/bash04:05
ultrabizweb2Most of the time I use scp04:05
ultrabizweb2I have a developer or 2 that uses it.04:05
brandon420deadbeef is 100% legit04:05
knoppiesm_fulder, then Im not sure what your issue is then. Is it possible that the script works its just so quick you dont see the terminal??04:05
pksadiqm_fulder: might be you need to change it to #!/bin/terminal -e         or what ever your terminals path is and try double click04:06
JoseeAntonioRHello, anyone here?04:06
m_fulderknoppies, the script should open up new terminal windows and while run directly from terminal I can see them open with 1 sec between them04:06
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brandon420JoseeAntonioR, there are alot of people here04:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:06
m_fulderpksadiq, oki will try that :)04:06
bobboauyeah, pveople are heree04:06
knoppiesm_fulder, Im stumped then. Sorry I couldn't help.04:07
virtus=/ I need to intall glib2.5 or higher, but apparently the highest glib is 2.26 via the repos?04:07
brandon420ActionParsnip, i think i love you04:07
ActionParsnipbrandon420: deadbeef is not in the repos but it's light on resources and pretty sweet04:07
m_fulderknoppies, np, thank you anyway :D04:07
virtusOr, atleast, when going apt-get install libglib2.004:07
ActionParsnipbrandon420: hehehhee04:07
TulioCan I ask a question?04:07
m_fulderpksadiq, -e or -c didn't help :(04:07
AbhijiTvirtus, get it from their website04:07
ActionParsnipTulio: sure, ask away04:07
virtusPlease tell me you're not THAT far behind04:07
fool_does anyone know how to fix problem where CUPS printers are not shown in the print dialog (evince, firefox, etc...) ?04:07
brandon420!question | Tulio04:07
ubottuTulio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:07
fool_anone ?04:07
TulioJust joking, the bot already said04:08
knoppiesfool_, have you added the printer using System->admin->printing?04:08
pksadiqm_fulder: is the path to terminal right?04:08
virtusJesus christ =/04:09
virtusIt's like dependancy hell INSIDE UBUNTU04:09
fool_knoppies: acroread prints fine04:09
brandon420ActionParsnip, deadbeef is awesome! you can change anything to your likings! this is what i was looking for! woot!04:09
virtusApparently it needs glib-2.0 -- When I have 2.2604:09
JoseeAntonioRI have a problem with Pidgin, it signs me in, and then it disables my account because it says I have connected in another place, and when I re-enable it, the same thing happens.04:09
fool_knoppies: it's evince/firefox/otherbrowsers/ that does not show the printers in the print dialog04:09
fool_very weird04:09
ActionParsnipbrandon420: it uses a heck of a lot les resources too. it was considered for lubuntu04:09
m_fulderpksadiq, what do you mean my path to the terminal :P04:09
jribvirtus: you're doing it wrong04:10
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, it seems that your signed in somewhere else....04:10
voidmageI have an issue with notify-osd. When I have a wine virtual desktop on a separate workspace, it suppresses notification bubbles from coming up as if it's a full screen app.04:10
virtusjrib: Of course I am.04:10
virtusEither tell me 'how' or, don't adress me.04:10
JoseeAntonioRbrandon420 No.04:10
jribvirtus: start from the beginning.  Why do you think you need this version of glib?04:10
brandon420ActionParsnip, thats just a plus =) quad core baybee04:10
virtusjrib: For screem. -- A editor.04:10
ActionParsnipbrandon420: i dont follow04:10
virtusSays 'You need Glib 2.5 or higher' when compiling.04:10
virtusSo, naturally. I try apt-get, then synaptic04:10
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, pidgin doesnt lie. try signing in with www.meebo.com sometimes meebo will kick where ever you are signed in at.04:11
macovirtus: screen isn't an editor, but moving on... glib-2.0 is just the package *name*. the version is 2.2604:11
father_longcat^doing something horribly wrong04:11
virtusNothing. Go to the site, highest glib there is 2.27 -- I go to the GTK+ part-04:11
pksadiqm_fulder: try       which terminal       command , you might see the path04:11
virtusScreem. Learn to read.04:11
brandon420ActionParsnip, lol, means im not worried about using resources, i have more then enough04:11
voidmagethe xwininfo and xprop for my wine desktop are at http://pastebin.com/YZCzAVFJ if anyone knows what to look for04:11
ultrabizweb2Rember editing apt sources can be your friend.04:11
LinuxNoobdo they make a app in the ubuntu software center thats like "ubuntu for dummies" or "so easy a kindergardener can do it"04:11
ActionParsnipbrandon420: ahhh i see, i have spare but always use lightweight stuff so the OS is snappier04:11
JoseeAntonioRbrandon420 I have already tried, and it works normally.04:12
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, you try it with empthy?04:12
Tuliobrandon420: You  around here breda?04:12
ultrabizweb2Ubuntu is the easiest.04:12
virtusmaco: You're saying there is no 2.5? 'Cause, this is becoming stupid.04:12
brandon420Tulio, sup mane04:12
ActionParsnipjust how i roll, its not right or wrong, just my bag :)04:12
whiteshadowknoppies: LOL, well, i didn't even bother using the multiboot thing cuz i'm super lazy, and decided to just drop the .iso onto the root of the usb (after i had formatted it with universal usb inst) and followed those directions, it works :)04:12
duckwarswhat is the file I need to copy to make a new user's shell experience like my original users? (I mean the new user has no tab completion and such)04:12
JoseeAntonioRbrandon420 Empathy  doesn't shows my contact list.04:12
whiteshadowknoppies: not done with the install though, i'll let you know04:12
TulioMane? How did ya called me?04:13
AbhijiTvirtus, why dont you just dwonload from their website?04:13
voidmageor is the fullscreen flag necessary for the virtual desktop to go overtop of gnome-panel?04:13
virtusAbhijiT: Again. If you would read - Highest on their site is 2.2704:13
knoppieswhiteshadow, awesome. Im glad you are winning.04:13
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, it seems like there is something wrong with your account, maybe try making a new one to test it with? that would let you know if it is your account, or client.04:13
macovirtus: im saying 2.26 is WAY NEWER than 2.5 so should be dandy04:13
virtusconfigure: error:04:13
virtus*** GLIB 2.5.6 or better is required. The latest version of04:13
brandon420Tulio, hahah, yeah.04:13
AbhijiTvirtus, what is this http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/glib/2.25/04:13
fool_duckwars: ~/.bashrc04:13
jribvirtus: you need -dev packages to compile things04:13
duckwarsfool_: thank you04:14
fool_duckwars: as well as many other ~/.dotfiles04:14
virtusjrib: Why? That sounds very inconvenient04:14
AbhijiTvirtus, what is this http://ftp.se.debian.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/2.5/04:14
jribvirtus: erm, because users do not usually need to compile things04:14
macovirtus: because -dev packages have headers04:14
brandon420=( my eq only goes down to 55hz04:14
JoseeAntonioRbrandon420 I use MSN Messenger, and I have two accounts. The two of them have the same issue.04:14
macovirtus: you cant compile against binaries04:14
virtusWell. I have both.04:14
jribvirtus: what do you have exactly?04:14
ultrabizweb2apt-get install build-essentails I think?04:14
virtuslibglib2.0-dev is already the newest version.04:15
ActionParsnipvirtus: it tells the compiler and libraries how to talk to the binarys when they run, its pretty inconvenient though, especially when compiling huge things like X or gnome04:15
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, have you tried reinstalling pidgin?04:15
AbhijiTvirtus, answer me?04:15
jribvirtus: then tell your configure script to stop being silly?04:15
xanguaJoseeAntonioR: don't login in the online client04:15
virtusAbhijiT: Shh. I'm dealing with people actually helping me.04:15
AbhijiTjrib, i gave him location to download 2.504:15
xanguaJoseeAntonioR: update pidgin04:15
=== Newa2 is now known as NewaWrk
ActionParsnipJoseeAntonioR: there's a pidgin developers ppa with a later version04:15
virtusjrib: Wish I could. 'Tis bein' very rude.04:15
jribAbhijiT: he'll just break things if he starts compiling glib :/04:15
JoseeAntonioRbrandon420 When I reinstalled it, the issue was solved. Now I have reinstalled two times and nothing.04:15
AbhijiThmm :/04:16
brandon420JoseeAntonioR, 1 sec. i am going to try something on my end. it may be msn, it messes up alot on me.04:16
JoseeAntonioRActionParsnip: Already done that, nothing.04:16
ActionParsnipJoseeAntonioR: bah04:16
voidmagedoes anybody know how i can get notify-osd bubbles to show up with a wine virtual desktop, and still have the desktop obscure the gnome-panel? xwininfo/xprop on the desktop at http://pastebin.com/YZCzAVFJ04:17
ActionParsnipvoidmage: have you asked in #winehq04:17
voidmageActionParsnip: i haven't because notify-osd is an ubuntu thing04:18
ActionParsnipvoidmage: i guess04:18
voidmagesuppose i could ask in #winehq as well04:18
achew22What package installs test-mpeg2?04:19
ichbeinTAKE CARE, TCB04:19
FloodBot3ichbein: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
pksadiq!find test-mpeg204:19
ubottuPackage/file test-mpeg2 does not exist in maverick04:20
ichbeinNO THX FLOODBOT304:20
gpc!caps | ichbein04:20
ubottuichbein: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:20
achew22pksadiq: damn. thanks though04:20
gpcichbein: drop the caps please and stay on topic04:20
ichbein!caps gpc04:20
ichbeinWHATS THE TOPIC?04:20
xanguaichbein: respect the rules and stop04:20
gpcUbuntu support04:21
ichbeinTHATS BORING04:21
FloodBot3ichbein: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
xangua!ops | ichbein04:21
ubottuichbein: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:21
achew22thank you gpc04:21
ichbeinI SAID HI04:22
fool_does anyone know how to fix problem where CUPS printers are not shown in the print dialog (evince, firefox, etc...) ? - acroread + openoffice prints fine04:22
rwwichbein: I strongly recommend you stop that.04:22
gpc!guidelines > ichbein04:22
TulioI SAID BYE BYE04:22
ichbeinBYE tULIO04:22
ubottuichbein, please see my private message04:22
ichbeinbye Tulio04:22
gpcTulio: stop please04:22
TulioIm trying to make ichbein listen to you04:22
achew22fool_: is it listed in the printer list?04:23
fool_achew22: no04:23
fool_achew22: that's exactly my problem :~(04:23
achew22fool_: sorry, I meant the one in system | admin | printers04:23
fool_achew22: oh, yes04:23
ichbeinwhats up?04:23
fool_achew22: like i said, i can print with acroread/openoffice fine04:23
pksadiqichbein: ifup, uptime etc are up ;)04:24
fool_achew22: it's just weird that the printers are not shown in firefox/evince/other browsers..04:24
ichbeinnot funnt pksadiq04:25
fool_achew22: and i've been googling to no end04:25
* jrib doesn't feel so slow now04:27
Nertildoes anyone have ipv6 on ubuntu?04:27
jribvirtus: packages seems old.  Actually seems to have been packaged in debian and now gone.  You can try to fetch the source package from debian but it seems like deps are just gone now (like libgtkhtml-2.0)04:28
macoNertil: ive had ipv6 access using the meredo package before, but not native04:28
jribvirtus: s/packages/screem04:28
NertilTom-B ipv6 is for ipv6 not for ubuntu + ipv604:28
strigoi66please help if u can I have lucid with 2.6.32-28 kernel and gnome 2.30.2 when i boot i get a message that says upgrade bios or use Force1 can anyone tell me what to do to fix this?04:28
Nertilthis channel is for ubuntu + help04:28
shcherbakNertil: ipv6 is suported, with some applications you need to change configs, or get *v6 version, i.e. traceroute604:28
jribvirtus: see, made it into older ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=screem&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all04:29
whiteshadowahhhh!!!!!!! gonna be running my own dedicated tf2 server (main purpose of installing ubuntu on this machine) and print server (didn't know about this until now, makes life so much easier)04:30
devdrinkerwhat happens when during (say 50% through the process) copying a 900mb file (fileA) from one location to another that file A is updated and now 912mb. what is the result of the end copy?04:33
GanymedeHello. I'm trying to print an order confirmation in Firefox to a PDF so I can email it. However, it comes out on two pages. I tried setting the scale to 50% or 75% but when I printed to effect, there was no visible change on the output PDF; it was still two pages. Please advise on how I can fit it into one page.04:33
ActionParsnipGanymede: copy the text and paste to a file, then you can resize / remove unwanted fluff etc04:35
GanymedeHmm...I guess I can do that...it just seems a bit less official once it's modified.04:36
ljsoftnetcan i install metacity themes in xubuntu?04:36
devdrinkercan u just send a 2 page pdf and when they print it they scale to fit one page04:37
=== buschwus_ is now known as buschwusch
maco!language | austen04:37
ubottuausten: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:37
austeni just wanted to see what wood happen04:38
Ganymededevdrinker, That seems nontrivial...I don't think Adobe Reader has the capability of doing that, except if you fit two pages per page of printout, in which case, the text will be much smaller than it needs to be so it will be suboptimal.04:38
austenwhat r we talking about04:38
rwwausten: Ubuntu technical support04:38
GanymedeAnd if I save the HTML and send it, then I'll need to ZIP it up because of all the embeds and images, which is a hassle on the other end.04:39
austenwhy doesnt kino work right04:39
austen and why everytime i download something its a useless document04:39
austenanswer me04:40
ljsoftnetcan i install metacity themes in gnome to xubuntu?04:40
austeni need to get a mac04:40
father_longcatWhat you need is to get a brain.04:41
xangualjsoftnet: no, visit xfce-look04:41
GanymedeYou heard the man! He demands an answer...you have less than TWO minutes.04:41
austenshut up father im only 1104:41
thiebaudesomeone ban him please04:41
macofather_longcat: be nice04:41
father_longcatGo to your room, young man.04:41
rww!work | austen04:41
macoausten: get on topic04:41
ubottuausten: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:41
macofather_longcat: stop04:41
father_longcatJust kidding.04:41
macogosh gonna have to sit you two in opposite corners of the room...04:42
* father_longcat activates his innuendo mode04:42
austenwhen i download stuff it turn into a useless document04:42
rwwausten: example?04:43
father_longcatmake sure it saves the filetype04:43
AbhijiTis there any special channel for ubuntu artifial inteliigence? or wintermute for that matter?04:43
austenand then it says error you cant get into this04:43
rwwneuromancer is better04:43
shcherbakausten: what browser? have you tried "Save as..." oprion?04:44
austeni think so04:44
AbhijiTrww, that response to me?04:45
austenill be back04:45
austenit does the same thin g04:48
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:48
austeni hate ubuntu04:48
austenit never agrees wth me04:49
rwwausten: If you feel like actually giving usable details about your issue, we can help you. If not, please feel free to use an OS you like.04:49
endlessgood morning everyone04:49
id10tJust curious, does anyone successfully bittorrent between hard drives (IE have an os on one hard drive and tell transmission to download and seed torrents to a storage drive"?04:49
austenits hard to explain04:49
Nisstyreid10t, that's easy04:50
Bopcan i use apt-get on a mounted filesystem ?04:50
Nisstyrejust mount the drive and tell your torrent client to save torrents there04:50
Nisstyreor if you like you can make a symlink somewhere to the hdd04:50
austeni dont have an option when i download stuff04:50
gpcausten: what stuff?04:51
gpcausten: give me a link so I can test04:51
id10tnisstyre: I already did that but i am having problems with my memory caching until my comp freezes04:51
austenk ill be back04:51
j_ayen_greenI was going to try phpStorm, but it requires sun jdk instead of openjdk. I was reading the reasons for it, and that the sun version, aside from being much better with fonts and graphics, is much faster, and I wonder, is it a bad idea to use it instead of openjdk?04:52
austenthats the link04:53
AbhijiTno idea whats going on in this channel04:53
rwwausten: the best way to get programs in Ubuntu is to use Software Center, not from random websites.04:54
anonbootsAlways relevant and on topic.04:54
rwwanonboots: please don't advertise in here.04:54
gpcanonboots: please don't spam04:54
anonbootsVery well.04:54
austenoh but i need movie making stuf like movie maker for linux04:54
xanguaausten: pitivi already comes installed in ubuntu04:54
anonbootsFeel free to check it out.04:54
rwwausten: then go to Software Center and search for pitivi.04:54
xanguaausten: and you don't need to download software from suspicious sites, use repositories04:55
ActionParsnipausten: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/04:55
rwwor apparently it's already installed. I'm out of touch with the default app selection.04:55
ActionParsniprww: +1 minimal ftw04:55
jeniahello, I cannot start compiz. I upgraded to 10.04, it was working in previous versions of ubuntu, and it worked in this version until I turned it off, and then I can't turn it back on anymore. It says, looking for drivers, than it says couldn't start visual effects. I have Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) on the lenovo notebook04:56
austenill be bak04:56
ActionParsnipjenia: what video chip do you use?04:56
sacarlsonausten: I have that already installed,  sudo apt-get install pitivi04:56
ActionParsnipjenia: nm, just saw04:56
ActionParsnipjenia: what model lenovo04:57
brandon420ActionParsnip, pm?04:57
jeniaActionParsnip: ThinkPad SL50004:57
ActionParsnipbrandon420: sure04:57
austeni dont know04:59
austenit just crap04:59
sacarlsonjenia: take a glance at System>Administration>Hardware drivers04:59
bobbydHey, I'm looking for a book or books that would be great reference for Ubuntu Linux. Something that has terminal commands, etc. Any suggestions?05:00
jeniasacarlson: I looked in there and it's empty05:00
Nisstyrebobbyd, "Classic Shell Scripting"05:00
g_0_0!manual bobbyd05:00
NisstyreO'Reilly publishing05:00
g_0_0!manual | bobbyd05:00
ubottubobbyd: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:00
=== windGone is now known as windkids
austenim gonna get a new computer or something05:00
=== root is now known as Guest63284
akshatjjenia: rub compiz --replce in a terminal and tell us what it says05:01
austenit was supposed to have windows 7 but i clicked the wrong thing05:01
xanguaGuest63284: not good idea enter as root05:01
gpcakshatj: jenia compiz --replace05:02
AbhijiT!root | austen05:02
ubottuausten: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:02
Bopcan i regenerate the files on /etc/ssh/ ?05:02
xanguaausten: and you are telling us this because....05:03
AbhijiThow do i set alarm for after 15 days?05:03
austeni never said anything about root password!?05:03
shcherbakFirst 100 who type /ignore austen<ENTER> will get bonus points!05:03
Nisstyresudo passwd root05:03
austeni give up05:03
AbhijiTshcherbak, :D05:03
rww!noroot | Nisstyre05:03
ubottuNisstyre: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:03
gpcshcherbak: Please don't.05:03
gpcausten: We can't help you if you don't tell us exactly what the problem is.05:04
jeniagpc, akshatj: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/562902/05:04
shcherbakAbhijiT: sleep <calculate seconds> && alarm, or crontab (more efective)05:04
austeni told u a million times05:04
AbhijiTshcherbak, gui way?05:04
AbhijiT!details | austen05:04
ubottuausten: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:04
gpcno you didn't, you said it doesn't work. what exactly doesn't work?05:04
Nisstyrerww, and giving people information is bad how?05:04
austen downloading stuff is worth crap and a waste of time it doesnt work05:05
dospodwhat is &lt Br&gt supposed to be05:05
Nisstyredospod, html entities05:05
gpcausten: fine continue to be vague. enjoy windows 705:05
Nisstyrethey are non special characters used to represent things like quotes05:05
dospodmy bad I mean &ltEnter&gt.05:05
austeni like mac05:06
austenbut i need windows05:06
qreezyHi, I'm having a problem with Ubuntu 10.10. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 GFX Card with the latest drivers. I use Google Chrome, and the problem is that I experience a lot of lag viewing videos in youtube, skipping every couple of seconds. I also experience lag watching offline videos usually after browsing in google chrome, and this still persists even after I close all memory leaking instances (ha). Anyone have any idea what'05:06
qreezys wrong and how to fix this? Thanks05:06
rwwNisstyre: because you're not going to be online 24/7 to offer support when it breaks things, and we're going to tell them to go away because they set a root password, which isn't supported here.05:06
shcherbakAbhijiT: gui way? let me think05:06
akshatjjenia: no idea about what GLX means, try #compiz05:06
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ligtmanhi all, does anyone know how to focus my web cam build into my netbook for kubuntu...05:06
sacarlsonausten: I have that already installed,  sudo apt-get install pitivi05:07
akshatjjenia: probably related to your graphics driver05:07
austenwhere do you get it05:07
xangua!manual | austen: why don't you take a look in the manual¿05:07
ubottuausten: why don't you take a look in the manual¿: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:07
xgt001ligtman: do u have cheese web cam booth installed???05:08
sacarlsonausten: it's automatic downloaded and installed look in synaptic or in a terminal type sudo apt-get install pitivi05:08
shcherbakAbhijiT: seems oldish, but should do: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/schedule-tasks-using-gnome-schedule-a-cron-at-gui-in-ubuntu.html05:08
gpc!software > austen05:08
ubottuausten, please see my private message05:08
jeniaakshatj: ok, that's weird though that it worked before. I will see what #compiz says05:08
austeni DONT have a manuali had this for a YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i suck05:08
AbhijiTshcherbak, ok. thanks05:09
gpcausten: read the links sent to you05:09
xgt001qreezy: did u update ur Ubuntu system???05:09
rwwubottu: u05:09
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.05:09
sacarlsonausten: solutions are abundant everywhere05:09
austenyou didnt send me any05:09
qreezyYes xgt00105:09
ligtmani have cheese but not booth ...05:09
thorbj0rnausten: nobody will send you a hardcopy manual. everything is online05:10
austeni know that05:10
xgt001qreezy: my friend had a similar issue with 10.1005:10
gpcausten: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement05:10
thorbj0rnausten: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ http://ubuntu-manual.org/ http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:10
Ten-Eightausten: you're getting the right answers05:10
xgt001qreezy:nvidia drivers seems to have a problem with 10.10 ... did u update ur drivers???05:11
melhi everyone05:11
=== mel is now known as Guest40500
AbhijiTausten, you can buy that manual05:11
AbhijiTif yyou want hardcopy05:11
qreezyyes xgt00105:11
austenim not gonna stay up reading a manual im 12 and im not that awake. i give up.05:11
philip__What's a good DVD making program in LUbuntu?05:11
anonbootsAwaiting new n00b chats. Feed it.05:12
AbhijiTphilip__, gnomebaker05:12
AbhijiToh lubuntu05:12
philip__It will still work though :)05:12
dospod"Type run and then press &ltEnter&gt." what keys do I need to press05:12
Loshkiphilip__: dvd burning, or dvd authoring?05:12
AbhijiTphilip__, yeah it will work more help in #lubuntu05:12
xgt001qreezy: did compiz effects (like woobly windows, desktop effects) etc run fine prior to the driver update???05:12
philip__Sorry this is the room it takes me to.05:13
Ten-Eightausten: take a break and come back to it later with a clear head.05:13
ligtmanhow do i focus web cam in a browser...05:13
anonbootsIll keep it stealthier.05:13
ActionParsnipphilip__: devede can make DVD ISOs from video clips andsuch05:13
anonbootsPlease excuse me.05:13
anonbootsas I lurk.05:13
qreezyi've never used them xgt00105:13
katphiveAnyone try installing Ubuntu Server with /boot on raid1, rest of fs(es) on raid5/lvm? That's my current setup, and I'm having a problem booting. It tries to wait for root fs to become available, it doesn't, drops to initramfs prompt.05:14
xgt001qreezy: can u do this... run a live boot from the cd... without doing any update... and try playing the videos from youtube05:15
qreezyim watching this video in youtube and my cpu resources are going up to 70% and 70%, and memory is only .5gb out of 405:15
xgt001if it works fine then i think u should revert back the drivers05:15
dospod&ltEnter&gt what keys are these05:15
qreezyalso... my hardware on another machine of mine is failing, lag on the OS as well (music machine)05:15
qreezycould it be dusty air or something? what the hell... lol05:15
philip__qreezy - specs?05:15
xgt001no no05:15
xgt001nvidia drivers were always seems to be buggy05:16
dospod:'( really?05:16
MylesManI installd the 96-x nvidia and when i do a xorg -configure the glx module fails to init05:16
dospodIm getting a new asus rog laptop next week with nvidia and I planned on dual booting05:16
Dead_Storageok this is driving me insane, i have conky and it is working ok but I cant find the conky.rc file so i can edit it. I have looked everywhere05:16
father_longcattry using crtl+f05:16
NisstyreDead_Storage, make it05:16
katphiveDead_Storage: You need to WRITE one, otherwise it uses compiled-in defaults.05:16
* philip__ has Nvidia 173 drivers on his Nvidia geforce FX 5200 AGP8x 256Mb card.05:16
father_longcator make it05:16
* father_longcat has nvidia 173 drivers on his nvidia quadro fx1500 256mb05:17
father_longcattoo bad it SUCKS05:17
xgt001forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=190837 ... similar issue i guess05:17
Loshkiqreezy: well, funnily enough, dusty air can clog fans and cause overheating, which might manifest as 'lag'...05:17
qreezyamd athlon 7750 dual core processor  2.7 ghz (black edition), 4gb ram, gigabyte mobo, and nvidia geforce gtx 26005:17
MylesMancan som1 help me out05:17
father_longcatwhat's up mylesman05:17
Dead_Storagekatphive, I have mad it, mine is VERY customized and i dont want to redo it, My custom one is still there i just cant find the file05:17
philip__Try using Lubuntu qreezy.05:17
xgt001i suggest not to use nvidia official drivers for ubuntu ....05:17
qreezyok xgt00105:18
katphiveDead_Storage: Could always do a search for '.conkyrc'05:18
qreezythank xgt00105:18
Nisstyrexgt001, are you high or something?05:18
philip__Gnome is getting heavy I ese.05:18
Nisstyrethe open source drivers are terrible05:18
xgt001qreezy... that should be fairly powerful to run05:18
Dead_Storagei have it says no files found05:18
father_longcatyou have to be full retard to not use proprietary drivers05:18
xgt001Nissty... lol can u elaborate???05:18
father_longcatdat 3D/openGL support05:18
uranus_gas_gianti did a 'sudo apt-get build-dep <mynvidiadriver>' before I installed it and it built a kernel module installled it and I even get a fullscreen nvidia logo05:18
MylesManfather i installed the nvidia96 pkg and now the glx kernel module wont init05:18
Nisstyrenouveau sucks05:18
qreezyi DO have cpu spikes on my music machine too... but i mean could the air really be THAT bad?05:18
katphivexgt001: Why NOT use the official drivers, exactly? The only way I can get my VAIO to not vomit on me is to use the proprietary drivers.05:18
Dead_Storagebut it has to be somewhere or my conky wouldnt still exist05:18
father_longcatpiss sakes.... slow down05:19
rwwfather_longcat: Your attitude is not appropriate for this channel.05:19
father_longcatwill I be assimilated?05:19
katphivefather_longcat: Assistance is futile.05:19
philip__qreezy it could also be due to GNOME.05:19
thorbj0rnDead_Storage: locate conkyrc05:19
qreezyits so strange that a youtube video uses 70% of my cpu resources... what is that?05:19
* father_longcat is totally registerring wearetheb.org05:19
ActionParsnipqreezy: in all browsers/05:20
philip__qreezy, That's normal that's flash being gay.05:20
qreezyi was considering that too philip_, which DE do you recommend? KDE?05:20
katphiveGRUB help needed, btw.05:20
ActionParsnipqreezy: `are you using 64bit OS?05:20
rwwphilip__: Don't use "gay" as a pejorative.05:20
qreezy32bit ActionParsnip05:20
philip__Sorry about that.05:20
qreezyphilip_,  flash tends to crash a lot in google chrome05:20
father_longcatuse such terms as homosexual, or "rosie o'donnel05:20
philip__I use Chrome in LUbuntu05:20
qreezyoh, Lubuntu is a dekstop environment05:20
ActionParsnipqreezy: in all browsers?05:20
father_longcatI prefer firefox.05:20
qreezyhaven't tried ActionParsnip05:20
qreezyi'll try now05:20
ActionParsnipqreezy: lubuntu is a distro, lxde is the DE05:20
xgt001because offlate too many are complaining that there systems  are behaving badly after updating the nvidia drivers... i dono which exact models suffer but thats an issue of late in many cases05:21
Bopanyone here know how to generate ssh host keys on a mounted filesystem ?05:21
Dead_Storagethorbj0rn,  I know where conkyrc is but that is not mine that is the "default" i have a conky.rc but i cant find it but conky is still running off it so its somewhere05:21
Bopplease , this is important :s05:21
qreezycan i use lxde in ubuntu?05:21
philip__Yes you can.05:21
philip__I'm using it right now.05:21
MylesManwould reinstalling the driver work05:21
thorbj0rnDead_Storage: so use "locate conky" and look for that file..05:21
ActionParsnipqreezy: install lxde, log off, click your name, select lxde at the bottom of the screen then logo n05:21
IvisHelp, sound controler from left corner disapeir05:21
thorbj0rnif it is somewhere, it will be listed.05:22
macoqreezy: sure. in fact there's an ubuntu derivative called Lubuntu that defaults to just that05:22
xgt001and my friend could nt even start the x windows server after he updated his nvidia driver05:22
ActionParsnip!sound | Ivis05:22
ubottuIvis: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:22
philip__Hey qreezy check your PM I sent you a Link for Lubuntu05:22
father_longcatit's simple: ATI05:22
qreezyi'm monitoring resources with the ubuntu gui and running firefox. i went to a website and both cpus spiked to around 40% usage05:22
father_longcatjust kidding05:22
philip__I use it on my 6 yr old PC.05:22
ActionParsnipphilip__: if s/he install lxde then s/he can use the ligh OS05:22
Ivissound is working just control disapeir05:22
philip__That works too.05:22
shcherbak!resetpanel | Ivis05:22
ubottuIvis: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:22
philip__But I prefer to use the main Downloadable version IMO05:23
Loshkiqreezy: If you were in a lumberyard maybe I'd worry. But realistically, it's probably something else.05:23
ArtyHi ALL.05:23
philip__Hello there arty.05:23
xgt001father_longcat: ati doesnt seem to have an issue ... i havnt seen/heard of issues with ati offlate05:23
sandGorgondoes anybody know how to share a screen session ? I am doing a code merge that different people need to see05:24
father_longcatif I can get off my *** and find money, I'll buy a 577005:24
ArtyI got 577005:24
pragma_get off your three stars?05:24
sacarlsonBop: you can try this but there might be easier ways with a gui someplace http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/05:24
qreezydo the cpu spikes mean anything? or is the ubuntu gui resource monitor just slow?05:24
ArtyIt not bad.05:24
father_longcatarty: worth it?05:24
xgt001and rite now i am online using 11.04 natty alpha 1... it has got all the nvidia/ati/intel video drivers and is pretty good05:25
philip__Why does people say VIA Chipsets suck on Linux?05:25
philip__My machine is using a VIA Chipset and I have no issue.05:25
Nisstyrexgt001, the open source nvidia driver is great. If you never plan on doing anything at all with your hardware (3D for example)05:25
Nisstyreotherwise it's a pos05:25
Ivisshcherbak,  Oh how can you not love the linux, support is wonderful, thanks again :)05:25
father_longcatphillip: grow a pair and buy a real chipset05:25
uranus_gas_giantI have an entire via mainboard and have no issues05:25
ActionParsnipphilip__: because 9 out of 10 times you need to form an xorg.conf file and often they either don't do 3D or do it badly05:25
xgt001nisstyre ... yeah .. i was referring to official nvidia drivers05:25
thorbj0rnVIA killed mah pa!05:26
Arty< 190$05:26
Nisstyrexgt001, those are closed source05:26
sacarlsonphilip__: I had a via sound card that made sound but never recorded,  I worked for weeks to find a solution gave up get a new card,  thumbs down for me and via chips05:26
philip__I haven't had a single problem with that on my end.05:26
IvisYou know what i hate? When people ask what distr and you answer - "Ubuntu" they start laughing and saying that you are noob05:26
philip__Realtech/via here.05:26
brandon420what happened to the compiz cube deformation thing in the compiz config manager?05:26
Ivisit's stupid05:26
LoshkiBop: might be easier to just remove then reinstall openssh05:26
qreezyokay, thanks guys, my videos seem to be running well in firefox now. but i wonder why offline video in any media player still lags even after closing all instances of google chrome? don't the memory leaks clear up after the processes are killed?05:27
shcherbakIvis: nice, thanks.05:27
xgt001just google "nvidia issue 10.10" and u will get dozens in the ubuntu forum05:27
ArtyI try to play angrybirds on my ubuntu labtop it's not work05:27
BopLoshki, i know that , but i dont have the filesystem mounted05:27
ActionParsnipIvis: let them, it changes nothing05:27
BopLoshki, its on rescue  mode on /mnt05:27
Nisstyrexgt001, I have no problems with the latest nvidia drivers05:27
thorbj0rnIvis: tell them you run Suicide Linux on a headless terminal.05:27
Nisstyremust be a problem with gnome or something05:27
Nisstyreor the default xorg configuration05:27
xgt001nisstyre : are u using 10.1005:28
shcherbakIvis: That distro thing is partly true...05:28
Nisstyrexgt001, I'm on Arch05:28
uranus_gas_giant'sudo nvidia xconfig'05:28
thorbj0rnIvis: http://qntm.org/suicide05:28
zeroklHello. Does anyone speak Russian?05:28
Nisstyrenvidia 260.19.36-105:28
ActionParsnipIvis: or find a really obscure distro like Chakra05:28
xgt001Nisstyre: Arch is rpm based i guessed05:28
rwwzerokl: /join #ubuntu-ru05:28
Nisstyrexgt001, no05:28
ActionParsnipIvis: they'll be all like "huh?"05:28
zeroklrww Thank you :)05:29
Ivisthorbj0rn,  ohh :D:D05:29
xgt001Nisstyre: debian????!!!!05:29
Nisstyrexgt001, it's similar to crux05:29
rwwxgt001: Arch uses neither .deb nor .rpm for packages. It has its own thing.05:29
shcherbakthorbj0rn: sl05:29
Nisstyrerww, it uses the basic package format, .pkg.tar.xz05:30
Nisstyrejust compressed archives05:30
xgt001rww: cooool i gotta try that.. i thought all used either rpm or deb05:30
Ivisi mean i have installed gentoo in terminal mode, arch linux etc... but i choose ubuntu for many reasons and becouse it's easy to use doesn't mean that you are end-user or else... :D05:30
LoshkiBop: from http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/ssh-host-key-protection: ssh-keygen -t rsa /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key   # ssh-keygen -t dsa /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key   # ssh-keygen -t rsa1 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key05:30
Nisstyrethe problem isn't with the nvidia drivers05:30
katphiveNisstyre: I use Arch fairly extensively. Great system to tinker with, for one.05:30
Nisstyreit's with ubuntu05:30
thorbj0rnNisstyre: Arch(ives) ?05:30
thorbj0rnwho would ahve thought05:31
pragma_rww: doesn't it use burritos?05:31
ActionParsnipIvis: totally, gentoo teaches a LOT05:31
=== rogerzanoni is now known as albtraum
tomoyuki28jpOn 10.04 server, sudo command does not require password. I've tried to put PASSWD:ALL in /etc/sudoers, but no difference. How can I check it to require sudo password?05:31
IvisActionParsnip,  after painfull couple day reading manual i finally start understand how kernel works and so on...05:32
Loshkipragma_: burritos?05:32
rwwtomoyuki28jp: by default, sudo doesn't ask for your password if you've supplied it within the last N minutes (I forget how many, maybe 10).05:32
Nisstyretomoyuki28jp, I thought the default was to require a password? Also, I hope you're not editing the sudoers file directly05:32
Nisstyreuse visudo05:32
shcherbakIvis: since using Ubuntu, I devepled very sneaky method of copy/paste (how to's), but lost ability/ambition to read...05:32
tomoyuki28jprww: Nisstyre: I see, thanks!05:32
xgt001but Ubuntu is the distro which beats even windows when it comes to user friendliness and consistency05:32
ActionParsnipxgt001: beats how?05:32
katphiveYeah, I'd question that statement.05:33
pragma_xgt001: not05:33
Ivisshcherbak, copy/paste (how to's) ?05:33
BopLoshki, Too many arguments.05:33
xgt001@all: i am speaking abt my own experience which may differ from person to person05:33
LoshkiBop: ?05:34
Bopgive-me that error05:34
Bopcant understand why05:34
ActionParsnipxgt001: thats fine05:34
xgt001i have tried Ubuntu , Fedora,Opensuse, PClinuxOS, puppyLinux, Mandriva05:34
syddrafI am using a dual 1080p monitor setup on ubuntu 10.04. I would like to have one monitor in landscape and one monitor in portrait, however this option vanishes in the Monitor Preferences unless I have "Same image in all monitors" checked. Is there a way around this?05:34
zeroklPeople tell me please I want to start using ubuntu how to install a better version of me?05:34
xgt001but Ubuntu suited me the most05:34
IvisAnd what's is the greatest part of all this - community i always liked linux people they are different i think you know what im saying :)05:34
Artyubuntu is the best05:34
ActionParsnipArty: in some ways yes, in others not05:35
shcherbakIvis: with this mass of user base, most of problems are solved, so developing method of transfering web content to console issue, but this is exactly why i use Ubuntu.05:35
* rww notes that #ubuntu-offtopic is available for non-support discussions ;)05:35
Error404NotFoundi have a hp dv6 laptop with 4 primary partitions: system, windows, recovery drive, hp tools. I want to dualboot it but can't have anymore primary drives, any solution beside only booting ubuntu or formating whole drive?05:35
katphiveArty: Blanket statements are typically the realm of the ill-informed. Best at what?05:35
ActionParsniprww: ;)05:35
LoshkiBop: you understand it's meant to be 3 lines of text, right?05:35
BopLoshki, yeah , i know05:35
BopLoshki, i've just inserted first one05:35
Artybest for my use05:35
thorbj0rnZerokl: you might end up having to edit your config manually :/05:35
Ivisshcherbak, ahh understand05:35
katphiveArty: And what use is that?05:36
ActionParsnipArty: that qualifies it a bit better05:36
ArtyPrograming , Social network , ETC.05:37
LoshkiBop: you're right! Mine too. Please stand by...05:37
rad_sci_guyhello.  I have question about ubuntu on my Asus netbook.  After I shutdown, Ubuntu will switch off my wifi card so that when I turn the netbook on again I need to go into the bios to enable the wifi card again.  Is there a way to prevent Ubuntu from not turning off the wifi card on shutdown?05:37
IvisCan someone please suggest compilator for C# ?05:37
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ActionParsnip!info mono-mcs05:38
ubottumono-mcs (source: mono): Mono C# 1.0 compiler for CLI 1.1. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.7-3ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 410 kB, installed size 1260 kB (Only available for i386 lpia kfreebsd-i386 powerpc amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 ia64 arm armeb armel sparc s390 all)05:38
zeroklthorbj0rn Yes I read the manual I know but can not decide which version of ubuntu I install =\05:39
BopLoshki, nevermind , i've managed to install a telnet server , in case sshd fails05:39
sacarlsonBop: so your in rescue mode on the server side?  what is it you want to acomplish?  what's in /mnt ?05:39
LoshkiBop: looks like you need to add '-f' before the filename e.g. ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key05:39
Artyjust force architect .05:39
brandon420where is the option to make the compiz "cube" a sphere? it used to be there, but not anymore......05:39
Bopsacarlson, /mnt is my filesystem , im on rescue mode05:39
Bopbut i've manually installed a telnet server05:39
Bopas failsafe05:39
katphivezerokl: What versions are you considering?05:40
qreezyis google chrome better than firefox?05:40
sacarlsonBop: I guess you could turn keys off in ssh also if it's the server side05:40
qreezyin terms of memory management and speed05:40
ArtySomeone can tell about RAMDisk05:40
qreezyseems already twice as fast05:41
xgt001@qreezy: yeah05:41
alesanhi I have installed a program called "enfuse", but it's stripped, and I would like to debug it05:41
alesanwhat am I supposed to do?05:41
qreezyhah, google isnt perfect!05:41
xgt001i use chromium and its more than double speed05:41
thorbj0rnzerokl: " cat /etc/lsb-release " to see your version info05:41
qreezyis chromium coded by google05:42
ActionParsnipqreezy: i find it chews fewer resources personally05:42
xanguaqreezy xgt001 opera with turbo enables is faster, don't go too much !offtopic here ;)05:42
GSF1200Sqreezy- not to me05:42
dschuettcould someone that is running bind9 on ubuntu explain this... this is from a client within my network http://pastebin.com/USAf28mU05:42
zeroklkatphive I see 2 version. ubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu 10.1005:42
rad_sci_guyhello.  I have question about ubuntu on my Asus netbook.  After I shutdown, Ubuntu will switch off my wifi card so that when I turn the netbook on again I need to go into the bios to enable the wifi card again.  Is there a way to prevent Ubuntu from not turning off the wifi card on shutdown?05:43
ArtyOpera turbo not fast for me05:43
ActionParsnipqreezy: chromium also precaches DNS while you read, making it faster there05:43
katphivedschuett: What about it are you questioning?05:43
qreezythanks everyone for the help, gotta run! :)05:43
thorbj0rndschuett: looks like google's dns server05:43
ArtyIt's connect to Opera server before load web page05:43
xgt001xangua: i am going offtopic because i am learning way more stuff here :-D.... but chromium was in ubuntu repos by default (not chrome)so i tried tat05:43
dschuettkatphive: if i do a nslookup through googles public dns it still resolves my INTERNAL hosts even after flushing dns05:43
katphivedschuett: Some routers intercept DNS requests if they look like they're destined for LAN hosts.05:44
dschuettthorbj0rn ^^05:44
dschuettkatphive: even ubuntu running bind?05:44
sacarlsonrad_sci_guy: you might be able to turn it on with rfkill command,  if so then you might add that in a script at boot05:45
ActionParsnipdschuett: you can run a local dns service on the system like dnsmasq and make dns resolution take 0ms rather than 50ms or so05:45
dschuettkatphive i am using an ubuntu server box with two nics as my router which is running iptables and bind/dhcp05:45
katphivedschuett: Depends on its configuration, I think. Google would reject a request for a host that's not an FQDN or something similar.05:45
brandon420how can i install the compiz "extra plugin" package?05:46
katphivedschuett: Also, if the system's running BIND, it's going to try using its own internal resolver FIRST - which means that BIND is going to resolve your host before it ever kicks it out to Google.05:46
dschuettkatphive: yeah, i know it isn't actually google that is resolving it...i just wish i knew HOW it was doing it..05:46
spikkuHow bad is this? sudo apt-get autoremove python05:46
katphivedschuett: Check your /etc/resolv.conf05:46
katphivedschuett: I know that nslookup is SUPPOSED to use the specified server for DNS resolution, but who knows.05:46
ActionParsnipspikku: VERY05:47
ActionParsnipkatphive: try: dig www.yahoo.com05:47
xgt001brandon: Ubuntu software center, there u type compiz-plugins-extra05:47
rad_sci_guysacarlson:  how do you turn it on with a rfkill command?05:47
xgt001or even this will work i guess sudo apt-get compiz-fusion-plugins-extra05:48
spikkuActionParsnip, haha, autoremove seems to act differently then I interpreted the documentation05:48
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dschuettkatphive: get this as well... if i manually set my client to use some random ip for its dns it still resolves....?05:48
katphivedschuett: Haven't the foggiest. I haven't run BIND in a long time.05:48
xgt001sorry the latter wont work05:48
katphivedschuett: And I'm a little fuzzy from lack of sleep. On that note, g'night all.05:49
xgt001but Ubuntu software cnter must be fine05:49
dschuettkatphive...thanks for your input.05:49
katphivedschuett: Sure, however brain damaged it might be. :P05:49
katphivexgt001: That's because it's 'apt-get install blah' not 'apt-get blah'05:49
xgt001katphive : thanks :-D05:50
pylixi'm having trouble installing Glib 2.26.105:50
* katphive @derps, "I'm useful, yaaay!"05:50
xgt001any1 testing natty alpha 2 over here????05:50
pylixi keep getting a make error05:50
katphivexgt001: No, how is that, anyway?05:50
xgt001have to download that ... i am on alpha1 yet05:51
xgt001alpha1 is pretty stable... (unity is almost unusable in alpha 1 :P)05:51
xgt001gnome (now called as Ubuntu Classic Desktop) is very stable except for a couple of buggs05:52
rigvedxgt001: you could ask in #ubuntu+105:52
xgt001@rigved: thanks for the info05:52
rigvedxgt001: :)05:53
pylixhelp please with this05:53
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ActionParsnipxgt001: putting alpha2 lubuntu on my lappy on sunday, should be ok05:55
xgt001can u tell me the differences b/w lubuntu and ubuntu05:56
g_0_0pylix, try removing the space in "New Folder" or rename new folder without spaces05:56
xgt001lubuntu is lxde i guess??05:56
rwwxgt001: yes05:56
thorbj0rnpylix: New\ Folder05:56
thorbj0rnspaces need escapes05:57
ActionParsnipxgt001: ubuntu uses gnome + compiz/metacity by default, Lubuntu uses LXDE + openbox and is drastically lighter even than Xubuntu05:57
pylixi took out the space05:57
ActionParsnippylix: easier05:57
xgt001differences btween gnome,lxde and xfce pls :)05:57
g_0_0pylix,  and any luck?05:57
pylixgonna re ./configure first05:58
pylixthen try make05:58
ActionParsnipxgt001: base apps and reasources used05:58
hilarieWhen System Monitor 2.30.0 says 22% memory used as cache, is that essentially prefetch like on windows?05:58
ActionParsnipxgt001: you can install gnome apps in LXDE if you wish05:58
xgt001compiz wont work in lxde???05:58
xgt001hilarie: can u tell the system conig05:59
hilarieUbuntu 10.10?05:59
ActionParsnipxgt001: sure will, its a bit weird though, using a light desktop like LXDE then adding fat old compiz...05:59
thorbj0rnxgt001: gnome, kde, xfce, lxde are window managers05:59
hilarieon an HP DV7 1129 WM05:59
xgt001i mean ur ram, cpu05:59
macothorbj0rn: no05:59
macothorbj0rn: they're desktop environments06:00
thorbj0rnwhat he said.06:00
ActionParsniphilarie: yes, your kernel will use the ram as disk cache, unused ram is wasted ram06:00
rwwthorbj0rn: metacity, kwin, xfwm, and openbox are window managers.06:00
hilarie4gb of ram (3.6 for memory and the rest for VideoRam)06:00
macothorbj0rn: gnome's window manager is metacity. kde's is kwin. xfce's is xfwm4, and at least in lubuntu lxde uses openbox for a window manager06:00
xgt001@thorbj0rn: diff bw xfce and lxde???06:00
rwwI am faster than the maco.06:00
macorww: im more specific06:00
hilarie@actionparsnip would it be possible to turn it up? so it would use closer to 50% as cache?06:00
macorww: however you are a he06:00
ActionParsnipxgt001: you can find out more than we can tell you with a few simple websearches06:01
xgt001and compiz is a window manager or a windw decoratot???06:01
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rwwxgt001: window manager06:01
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macoxgt001: gtk-window-decorator and kde-window-decorator are supported decorators for compiz06:01
pylixsimilar error http://paste.pound-python.org/show/2522/06:01
macoxgt001: emerald is an old unmaintained and unsupported decorator for what existed /before/ compiz-fusion (beryl) that you may occasionally find references to06:02
xgt001maco: ok.... if i use compiz effects like cube etc... it replaces metacity or will it just display the effects inside metacity???06:02
macoxgt001: replaces06:03
ActionParsniphilarie: not sure, if you set vm.swappines = 0   in /etc/sysctl.conf  it will keep apps in ram rather than swapping out to swap06:03
thorbj0rnpylix: ...the library `Folder/glib-2.26.1/glib/lib...  looks like it is still looking for "New Folder" somewhere06:03
macoxgt001: gtk-window-decorator ensures that it maintains your theme though06:03
ActionParsnipxgt001: thats why you run: compiz --replace   to get compiz stated06:03
pylixhow do i fix that?06:03
* jonnyboi anyone know about gnome shell support for 11.0406:04
g_0_0pylix rename NewFolder as just Folder06:04
xgt001ok in the desktop effects.. if i choose normal/none it uses metacity and if i choose extra then it runs compiz am i correct06:04
hilarie@actionParsnip where would I do that at? or if my swap space is never used, is that not happening?06:04
xgt001gnome 2.32 in 11.0406:04
rigvedpylix: rename 'New Folder' to 'NewFolder'...without the quotes06:04
jonnyboisigh, thanks, any chance of ppa support?06:04
rwwjonnyboi: it'll be in a PPA, yes.06:04
xgt001but gnome 3 will be included in the software center06:04
pylixi already did06:04
thorbj0rng_0_0: it might be mis-parsing the line to "New" "Folder/... etcetcetc"06:04
ActionParsniphilarie: like I said, in /etc/sysctl.conf06:05
g_0_0thorbj0rn, I think it's expecting NewFolder to be called just Folder06:05
sacarlsonpylix: what is the top of the tree that you are trying to compile?  what application?06:05
pylixi´m gonna re-extract the source without the folder altogether06:05
jonnyboiAnother question, I remember dell was going to release an ubuntu laptop but it fell through due to the 6 month release cycle06:05
g_0_0thorbj0rn, we already renamed it NewFolder06:05
pylixglib 2.26.106:05
jonnyboiany chance that there will be a rolling release ubuntu?06:05
jonnyboisimilar to what mint is doing?06:05
ActionParsnipjonnyboi: no06:05
xgt001jonnyboi: mint rolling is debian based i guess06:06
rwwjonnyboi: Dell ships Ubuntu laptops, and Ubuntu is not going to become rolling release.06:06
ActionParsnipjonnyboi: miint is now debian based which is a rolling release06:06
thorbj0rng_0_0: yeah, but the script might still have a "New Folder" in there somewhere06:06
sacarlsonpylix: that not an application that a lib,  what application is it you plan to run it with?06:06
jonnyboithey do? In the US06:06
g_0_0thorbj0rn, possibly but we haven't seen the makefile, worth a try just to rename it06:06
ActionParsnipjonnyboi: http://www.dell.co.uk/ubuntu06:06
jonnyboiI'm also a gentoo/arch user but I was wondering if ubuntu would go rolling release similar to mint06:07
pylixoh i need the dependency to get gtk+2.22.106:07
thorbj0rnpylix: pastbin makefile?06:07
xgt001no no... ubuntu will be 6 month cycle06:07
ActionParsnipjonnyboi: sorry: http://www.ubuntu.com/dell06:07
pylixthe whole thing?06:07
rigvedpylix: i suggest restarting the make process by forcing it to start fresh, instead of using the cached files06:08
jonnyboithanks, and the next LTS version is 12.04?06:08
sacarlsonpylix: gtk_2.22.1 is also a lib,  what application on top top top of that?06:08
ActionParsnipjonnyboi: yes06:08
zenithdk_-hi, when trying to compile rawstudio I get an error about not being able to find glib.h, but I already installed libglib2.0-dev, and I did apt-get build-dep rawstudio - it seems like a lot of include directories are missing to the gcc command, what should I do?06:08
xgt001rolling release requires us to break our heads over broken packages :D (thats wat i guess) :P06:08
xgt00112.04 will be LTS :)06:08
pylixxfce 4.806:08
jonnyboihmm, I know with arch/gentoo you have to merge config files with new updates06:09
jonnyboiI suspect it would be too hard for common users to do manually06:09
jonnyboinot sure how mint is going to pull it off06:09
xgt001ya ... thats the reason06:09
goddardis it possible to login to ssh as the mysql user?06:10
xgt001but mint have seperate editions for lxde, xfce, kde, gnome (ubuntu) and gnome (debian which is rolling)06:10
rwwCan we move the general OS talk to #ubuntu-offtopic, please?06:10
sacarlsonpylix: well even that's a lib,  but there are already ppa in 10.04 and 10.10 for that http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/xfce-48-ubuntu-1004-and-1010-ppas.html06:11
xgt001rww: can i update my current ubuntu install offline???06:11
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pylixwhat is a ppa?06:12
g_0_0pylix, did you run a configure script?06:12
g_0_0can you run it again then make06:12
bazhang!ppa | pylix06:12
ubottupylix: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.06:12
rwwxgt001: from one version of Ubuntu to another, or just regular updates?06:12
thorbj0rnxgt001: you can use "apt-get install --download-only <package-name>" to get the .deb files, and install them with dpkg offline06:13
xgt001regular updates like bugfixes released06:13
pylixi´m making now w/o new folder06:13
goddardis it possible to login to ssh as the mysql user?06:13
sacarlsonpylix: stands for personal package arkives https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas06:13
pylixso far so good06:13
pylixno errors06:13
rwwgoddard: not unless you set a password and valid login shell for the mysql user.06:14
g_0_0pylix, good06:14
xgt001and i have heard about something lik "apt safeupgrade" whats that06:14
thorbj0rnxgt001: aptitude safe-upgrade06:14
g_0_0pylix, I think the configure script was thrown by the initial spaces, without the space now it's going06:14
rwwxgt001: aptitude safe-upgrade is approximately equivalent to apt-get upgrade. It installs packages that are newer in your current version's repositories than on your computer.06:14
xgt001yeah .. but wats that06:14
thorbj0rnxgt001: "man aptitude"06:15
xgt001are synaptic , ubuntu software center and aptitude independent ???06:15
pylixthe reason i used a folder was cause i didn't think the extract would make one06:15
rwwxgt001: they're different frontends to the same package management system.06:15
bazhang!manual | xgt001 please have a read06:15
ubottuxgt001 please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:15
sacarlsonpylix: what your trying to do require only sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexx2000/xfce sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:16
pylixmake is running smoothly still; i think the folder was the culprit06:16
g_0_0pylix, so it has definitely made progress06:16
SoulPropagationSo I've got a server that's giving me some trouble. I can ping it and access http://myserver.example.com but I can't get to my samba shares or ssh to it. Is there anything I can do to give it some sort of smack upside the head over the internet, or will I need physical access to do anything more? (pretty much stock server 10.10 x64 with lamp and samba set up to some degree)06:16
bazhangAbhinav1, please /msg ubottu06:17
pylixon xfce.org they have a source tar there; but there are a lot of libs i need before i can make06:17
sacarlsonpylix: that's all been done for you in the ppa build06:17
pylixmake was successful :)06:18
Abhinav1bazhang: hmm sure, I will that next time06:18
xgt001hey this is a issue which couldnt be solved by any1... ready for this????06:18
gino__I've followed the Headless installation guide for virtualbox (using ubuntu 10.04) but RDP isn't working, tried starting vbox with: VBoxHeadless -s "Win7" -e "TCP/Ports=3390 but win7 rdesktop and nmap don't show up 3390?06:18
pylixsudo make install time06:18
rigved!info gnome-voice-control | Abhinav106:18
ubottuAbhinav1: gnome-voice-control (source: gnome-voice-control): speech recognizing applet to control the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4really0.2-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 32 kB, installed size 208 kB06:18
bazhangpylix, thats not a command06:18
ActionParsnipxgt001: ask away, i got jeeves ready :)06:18
Abhinav1rigved: thanks06:18
bazhangpylix, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here06:18
rigvedAbhinav1: :)06:19
Abhinav1rigved: have you worked on it?06:19
pylixi'm not chatting....06:19
rigvedAbhinav1: nope06:19
xgt001i use my cell nokia 6600  to connect to the internet and i use bluetooth to connect for pc .... but i tried both ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 both seem to hate my cel..............they dont even pair with my cell :(06:19
ActionParsnipxgt001: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup06:20
xgt001but it works flawlessly in 11.04 !!!06:20
SoulPropagationuse 11.04 then06:20
xgt001thats eating my headoff!06:20
xgt001 dude 11.04 is in alpha stage... (incomplete distro!!)06:21
rww#ubuntu is for released versions of Ubuntu. Try #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion.06:22
ActionParsnipxgt001: then make your call, which is more important..06:22
xgt001rww : there is no one online in #ubuntu+1 :(06:22
bazhangxgt001, then be patient06:23
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rwwxgt001: probably because people keep asking #ubuntu+1 questions in other channels.06:23
bazhangxgt001, its offtopic here06:23
xgt001ok... :) any ideas about connecting nokia 6600 via bluetooth to Ubuntu 10.10 /10.04 for net connection????06:24
SoulPropagation1get the packages that are updated in 11.04 and add them to your 10.10 install06:24
rwwMixing packages from different versions of Ubuntu is not supported in this channel.06:25
ActionParsnipxgt001: http://www.abttech.com/connecting-internet-in-ubuntu-using-mobile-as-modem-via-bluetooth-or-datacable/06:25
bazhangSoulPropagation1, supremely bad advice06:25
xgt001i agree with bazhang ... will break lots of packages....06:26
xgt001actionparsnip: i tried it ... doesnt work :(06:26
ActionParsnipxgt001: could just wait 2 months06:26
SoulPropagation1it works with 11.04's packages; it doesn't work with 10.10's packages. that means the only option is to use the updated versions of the packages. you could manually install them but there's no real option outside of version mixing06:28
brandon420how can i check my computer specs?06:28
xgt001the basic problem is... 10.10 cant access my cellphone's bluetooth services ....(even file sharing) ....06:28
bazhangSoulPropagation1, dont recommend it here. its not helpful at all.06:29
bazhangbrandon420, sudo lshw06:29
lazyPowerI'm having trouble locating a spidermonkey package for Ubuntu 10.10, does anybody have any helpful hints on where I could find it?06:29
LinuxNoobbrandon420: noob even i know that, j/k :D06:29
ActionParsnipbrandon420: or use lshw-gtk06:29
g_0_0brandon420, sudo lshw | less06:29
xgt001@brandon420: go to system>administration>system monitor> system06:29
sacarlsonxgt001: might it just be in the kernel of 11.04?  you should be able to backport that06:29
ActionParsnip!info lshw-gtk06:30
ubottulshw-gtk (source: lshw): graphical information about hardware configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 02.14-1build1 (maverick), package size 381 kB, installed size 1540 kB06:30
xgt001sacarlson: ya .... if thats the case then i dont think nothing much can be done :(06:30
xgt001i wanted especially for 10.04 as its an LTS06:30
SoulPropagation1bazhang: we've determined that it needs a newer version of whatever manages the connection than is available in 10.10. what else can you do besides get the newer package (or manually getting the package's contents or building the contents etc) somehow?06:31
lazyPower!info spidermonkey-bin06:31
ubottuPackage spidermonkey-bin does not exist in maverick06:31
sacarlsonxgt001: why did you already boot the 11.04 kernel in 10.10 and fail?06:31
bazhangSoulPropagation1, backports06:31
xgt001@sacarlson: nonono i was using 10.10 b4.... bt then formatted it and installed 11.04 (only for testing)... and i noticed that bluetooth works so dint remove it06:32
SoulPropagation1xgt001: do you have problems with 11.04?06:32
ActionParsniplazyPower: do you mean Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript.06:33
lazyPowerActionParsnip: its required to run the jslint plugin for gedit is all i know06:33
pylixthe ppa didn´t work06:33
pylixmy txt rendering is messed up now06:33
xgt001@SoulPropagation1: not with the connection but with the gui of the OS .... i cant logout easily, notification area and compiz crashes randomly and so on06:33
lazyPowerpylix: ooooooo i hadn't considered searching for a ppa. thanks!06:34
xgt001thats justified though... its still in alpha...any help for 10.04 ???06:34
sacarlsonxgt001: so make a dualboot system with 10.10 and 11.04 and try backport the 11.04 kernel then,  if not boot the one that has the feature you need at the moment06:34
ActionParsniplazyPower: maybe: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386/spidermonkey-bin/   never heard of it personally06:34
PurplePeterHi everyone. Xorg has gone berserk and is taking up 100% CPU time on one core, and not working correctly. For some reason, despite sending it SIGKILL and SIGSTOP repeately, it won't die. How do I kill it?06:35
xgt001@sacarlson: 11.04 has a sad grub as of now.... it wont install with the normal installation... it shows error ... so no 10.04 dual boot :(06:35
fdsaseemslegitPurplePeter, you kill it softly.  Also,  Have you tried to reboot?06:36
SoulPropagation1xgt001: how about installing 10.04 second to use its grub06:36
sacarlsonxgt001: you don't need to change grub to boot the 11.04 kernel,  keep 10.04 grub and try just port the kernel06:36
xgt001ok first i have to install 11.04 then 10.04???06:36
Skilzhey guys my pc is screwed, it keeps freeing on the graphical 'Ubuntu' screen with the .... under it, it's before the GDM or what ever it is login screen.06:36
SoulPropagation1xgt001: or use 10.04's installer to reinstall grub06:37
xgt001sacarlson: can u explain how to port the kernel???06:37
chupacabratry fedora06:37
sacarlsonxgt001: you said you already have 11.04 installed,   you just need to setup a spare 6 gig partition to install the secound06:37
ActionParsnipSkilz: when the splash shows, press ESC and you can see the useful text that plymouth hides06:37
ActionParsnipchupacabra: please be constructive06:37
xgt001@chupacabra: ya i tried fedora as well ,... doesnt work06:37
chupacabralol sorry06:38
Blue1xgt001: this might help re-install grub:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=31406:38
chupacabrawhat video chipset?06:38
PurplePeterfdsaseemslegit: I have not. I was more worried about whether I've gone insane and SIGKILL doesn't actually just rudely remove the process from the run queue, than worried about how to fix the issue. For reference, I just discovered that dmesg has some pretty horrific things in it, so I think this issue may be that of a crashed graphics driver.06:38
sacarlsonxgt001: to port the kernel just get the deb file for it and install it in 10.04 or just copy the two files that make up a kernel and put them into /boot and create a custom grub2 entry to boot that set of ported kernel to try06:39
SkilzActionParsnip: not working06:39
xgt001sacarlson: ok the simple deb install should work???06:40
lazaruspchi, I just moved my home folder to a new drive/partition, and I see a "lost & found" folder in it - is that normal?  I'm a Linux noob - ty06:40
xgt001wat about the dependencies????06:40
xgt001lazarus: ya thats normal...06:40
lazaruspcok, thanks - is that like the hidden "recycler" in windows?06:41
ActionParsnipSkilz: ok then hold shift at boot, select recovery mode then select root, you can now use nano to edit /etc/default/grub and remove the quiet splash boot options, you can then run: update-grub  to apply the change and reboot to get a text boot06:41
sacarlsonxgt001: I'm not sure if the kernel is you problem or not but it's one difference between that it could be,  what version kernel is your 11.04 now running?06:41
xgt001@lazarus: exactly!06:41
xgt0012.6.37 rc306:42
SkilzActionParsnip: I already have that option turned off06:42
listerdlcant play dvds and done most things like medibuntu - but dvd is japanese u think that is problem06:42
listerdlam in japan :)06:43
ActionParsnipSkilz: then you should get no splash, just text06:43
lazaruspcmight have to change region on the dvd player, listerdl06:43
listerdlthanks is that an option in VLC lazaruspc?06:43
lazaruspclisterdl: doubt it - in windows, you right-click on the player, properties - not sure in linux (I'm noob)06:44
lazaruspcthink it affects the firmware06:45
sacarlsonxgt001: I see kernel 2.6.38 available in daily build ppa you could try on both 11.04 and 10.10 https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid06:46
blitzer32hey anybody here with a separate home partition can help me out06:47
xgt001sacarlson: is it a deb file???06:47
lazaruspcblitzer:I just did it 5 min. ago, but I'm a major noob06:48
sacarlsonxgt001: it an added repository that adds deb files yes06:48
blitzer32when you had it in the home folder was it just your user name folder or was there other files06:48
xgt001sacarlson: will give it a shot :) thanks06:48
lazaruspcblitzer: I believe there were all the default subfolders, but not sure -this is fresh install06:49
przemo_liHi how to report bugs in boot process after upgrading to 11.0406:50
lazaruspcI followed directions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving06:50
blitzer32so inside the home folder there is a boot folder and an initrd.img amongst other things or no06:50
cse03_where is the trash option present?06:51
lazaruspcI see no boot folder in mine06:51
lazaruspcthe commands on the page I just listed move everything to the new home folder06:51
cse03_i want to restore my file from trash . where the trash present ?06:51
blitzer32okay thanks i thought so i can delete those then thx just wanted to double check06:51
lazaruspcblitzer: I'd back it up first06:52
lazaruspccan't be too safe06:52
cse03_what is the terminal command to restore from trash?06:52
blitzer32i already have a separate home partition setup thats not it my home partition is 10 gb and its only showing about 3 gb but i think i forgot to format the partition after changing it from the whole install to just the home partition06:52
zenithdk_-cse03_:  how about just going to the trash and then move it back out again?06:53
zenithdk_-if you deleted something using the command line, then it is gone06:53
lazaruspcblitzer: that page should help - took me a while, but I'm very new to this06:54
blitzer32just to be sure zenithdk_- ubuntu doesn't install any system files on your home partition right?06:54
zenithdk_-blitzer32: I have no idea how your partition layout is, so can't answer that06:55
blitzer32okay how about this i have a initrd.img file on my file system partition and on my home partition is that normal06:56
SuperMiguelwhats the easiest web serveri can use?06:56
SuperMiguelapache 2?06:57
chupacabrathe newest06:57
zenithdk_-blitzer32: I would expect it only to be on the file system partition, but I am no expert06:57
przemo_liHi how to report bugs in boot process after upgrading to 11.0406:57
zenithdk_-chupacabra: is that not a bit overkill? apache is hardly easy to configure?06:57
lazaruspcgl blitzer, good night to all06:58
przemo_liapache goes as pre configured06:58
chupacabrais for me.  get something less and when you need a real feature it ain't there06:58
przemo_liput anything to /var/www06:58
blitzer32okay thanks i'm pretty sure i know whats wrong so ill take the plung and delete them whats a reinstall anyway06:58
przemo_liif it is olny static web site06:58
brandon420how can i delete the main topbar?07:00
zenithdk_-right click -> delete?07:00
zenithdk_-but then your menu and everything will be gone :)07:00
zenithdk_-better to just move07:00
zenithdk_-move it to the bottom that is07:00
brandon420i want it gone, lol07:01
brandon420i have cairo-dock07:01
brandon420and you cant right click and delete07:02
=== buschwus_ is now known as buschwusch
zenithdk_-what does it say when you try?07:02
blitzer32i kept it with glx-dock i did remove it once but glx-dock is not that stable07:02
SuperMiguelhow about ftp server? whats a very simple ftp server?07:02
blitzer32you can't just right click delete07:02
brandon420you just cant click the option07:02
brandon420blitzer32, i have the dev version, and its pretty freaking stable, lolol.07:03
przemo_liUbuntu can not mount any file system after upgrading to 11.04 , manual mounting fails also, ubu think that / is mounted while it is not07:03
brandon420if something goes wrong, i have a keyboard combo for the terminal07:03
blitzer32do you have any extra hard drive whenever i try to open my ntfs drive from the shortcuts menu it doesn't work07:04
blitzer32the last post on this thread pg. 207:04
brandon420idk man07:05
brandon420i have 2 extras, but i dont have that issue07:05
blitzer32i know its odd it didn't used to happen but now it happens on both my desktop and laptop07:06
brandon420tha hell.....07:06
blitzer32your using ubuntu 10.1007:06
brandon420yeah, atleast now i am07:06
blitzer32and what version of cairo-dock i have 2.2.0-407:06
blitzer32how do you get the beta maybe that will fix it07:08
brandon420i would uninstall yours first07:09
brandon420then do that.07:09
brandon420pm me, and i can walk you through it if ya need it07:10
blitzer32thanks i've got it from here07:11
Bopanyone knows where vncserver logs failed login attempts ?07:11
Blue1Bop: good question07:12
brandon420maybe in the ~/vnc4server/ folder?07:13
Datzis ubuntu going to be doing point releases now? eg 10.04.207:13
Bopbrandon420, nope07:13
macoDatz: long term support releases get them every 6 months starting 3 months after release07:13
blitzer32i dont think so Datz what would make you think that07:13
macoblitzer32: the fact that the 10.04.2 freeze is currently in effect?07:13
Datzwell, 10.04.1 was apparently  the first point release07:14
holmserI need some help here. Just set up my server with spam assasin, and I want to test it.  Anyone know of any sites where I could post my email address that would guarantee spam?07:14
DatzI was wondering if this is a new strategy07:14
ericthehaxI just gotta say it, I'm stumped. Is there a file I could edit to change default compiling options? Y'know, so I don't have to specify everything every time? Such as in Gentoo there's /etc/make.conf07:14
blitzer32really i missed that i just went to 10.10 and forgot about the rest07:14
macoDatz: 8.04 also had point releases07:15
Datzmaco: ah. ok thanks07:15
ActionParsnipholmser: http://www.financial-freedom-informant.com/free-spam-guard.html07:15
blitzer32do you know why there are point releases?07:16
macoblitzer32: so you dont have to spend eternity downloading patches07:16
chris_osxno why?07:16
blitzer32sudo apt-get update07:18
blitzer32sorry wrong window im leaving thanks for the help07:19
ragaspatch : command not found; its a new vps.  do i have to install it?  ive done apt-get update07:19
brandon420got a easy question, where is the conky config at!?07:20
brandon420save me some googling07:20
ActionParsnipbrandon420: ~/.conkyrc07:20
brandon420ty again good sir07:21
blitzer32brandon420 updating to the beta fixed the issue thanks i thought i was on the beta07:21
brandon420the regular version never works right for me either07:21
blitzer32thats stupid the beta is more stable than the stable version07:22
smadwhat is polish kanal ubuntu ?07:22
rwwsmad: #ubuntu-pl07:23
blitzer32alright going to sleep got my 7 gb back and cairo/glx-dock fixed i can sleep happy07:23
kbrosnan!pl | smad07:23
ubottusmad: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.07:23
smadok thx ;)07:23
brandon420nn blitzer3207:23
zenithdk_-when trying to compile rawstudio I get an error about not being able to find glib.h, but I already installed libglib2.0-dev, and I did apt-get build-dep rawstudio - it seems like a lot of include directories are missing to the gcc command, what should I do?07:24
zenithdk_-rs-debug.h:23: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory07:24
zenithdk_-with what?07:27
I-Am-A-PenguinI am using ubuntu in virtualbox and compiz dosent work07:27
I-Am-A-PenguinI enabled 3d Acceleration but Ubuntu cant enable desktop effects07:28
zenithdk_-did you install support for 3D in virtualbox?07:28
ZykoticK9I-Am-A-Penguin, did you install the Virtual Guest Additions inside your vm?07:28
brandon420ummmmm.... hate to as again, but where the heck is the conky config?07:28
brandon420i looked in the home folder, and didnt see it.07:29
yonderingbrandon420, ~/.conkyrc07:29
yonderingbrandon420, ~ is your /home/username directory, if you didn't know.   .conkyrc (note the period at the beginning) is a hidden file.  If it's not there, it needs to be created.07:30
I-Am-A-Penguinzenithdk_-:What do you mean07:32
jgcampbell300can someone help me use firestarter to white list some of the computers on my lan07:33
zenithdk_-I meant the Guest Additions as the other person wrote07:34
zenithdk_-3D is not supported out of the box if I remember correctly07:35
I-Am-A-PenguinI installed the guest additions, and I DID enable 3D07:35
=== windkids is now known as windGone
yonderingThat is correct.  TBH though, I've never tried using compiz or any other composite wm in a vm.  not sure it's possible.07:36
ActionParsnip!away > windgone07:36
ubottuwindgone, please see my private message07:36
I-Am-A-PenguinIt did work when I installed karmic, but now I'm using maverick and it dosent work07:37
sagaciWhat doesn't work07:37
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: which version vbox are you using?07:38
ActionParsnipHi technokid07:38
arundraculaHi Urgent Help needed!!!. While I was upgrading.. at Applying changes.. My system gone OFF due to power failure07:38
arundraculaI cannot go into ubuntu. It stucks at somewhere.. Ples help07:39
sagaciAny errors?07:39
zenithdk_-arundracula: can you get a shell?07:39
arundraculaHow to get the shell?07:39
ActionParsniparundracula: boot to root recovery and run: apt-get -f install07:39
rkodrHello, I was wondering if anyone could help. I have a pavilion dv2000 series laptop with broadcom wifi (4312) and have gotten the additional drivers for it from the livecd (restricted) for it and it still does not recognize07:40
arundraculaOn the recovery mode.. at somewhere it stucks... and I cannot type there07:40
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: try the closed source one. There is a repo method o07:40
ActionParsnipOn the vbox site07:40
arundraculaSo what to do07:41
I-Am-A-PenguinActionParsnip:I'm not sure if Im using the closed source one07:41
ActionParsniparundracula: hold shift at boot, select recovery, select root07:41
arundraculathen apt-get -f install?07:42
* HeilNewDawn it07:42
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: dpkg -l | grep virt | grep box07:42
ActionParsniparundracula: thats what i said..07:43
arundraculaI'll try and if fails at somewhere..07:43
HeilNewDawnhello ActionParsnip how do i get my ipod touch 3g working on ubuntu?07:43
I-Am-A-PenguinActionParsnip:Nothing happened07:43
arundraculaI'll retur here.07:43
arundraculaok. Im going to check that07:43
ActionParsnipHeilNewDawn: no idea. I don't buy garbage from Apple07:44
HeilNewDawnanyone can help to get ipod touch working on ubuntu as they say it's supported?07:45
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: ok just search software centre. If you see 'ose' its the open one07:45
macoHeilNewDawn: stop now07:45
sagaciPlug it in07:45
rkodrIs there a possible conflict from me having both b43-fwcutter and bcmwl_kernel_source active?07:45
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:46
I-Am-A-Penguindpkg -l | grep virt | grep box didnt work07:46
thauriswulfaQUESTION: want to install xfce4.8 , would it ok if i do that ?07:46
HeilNewDawndoes anyone know how to get ipod touch 3g working on ubuntu?07:46
Bopdoes anyone users vncserver here ?07:46
ActionParsnipHeilNewDawn: if you had a more accessible device rather than one needing specific software to run you'd have an easier life07:47
I-Am-A-PenguinNo, i am using it on Windows07:47
HeilNewDawn i know but i got that so what you advise ?07:48
ActionParsnipthauriswulfa: omgubuntu have a review of it as well as a ppa07:48
sagaciDoes it come up in rhythmbox or banshee07:48
ActionParsnipHeilNewDawn: ubottu gave some info07:48
I-Am-A-PenguinI installed Virtualbox on XP07:48
HeilNewDawnwhere is ubottu ?07:49
sagaciVbox 4!07:49
HeilNewDawnubottu! ipod touch07:49
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:49
arundraculaHello, that command not working07:49
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: you said. Did you find the app in software centre like i suggested??07:50
kaushalcan someone please guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-February/239556.html ?07:50
HeilNewDawnhey hello :)07:50
arundraculaI cannot go into console07:50
arundraculabecause,, on booting it stucks at Begin: Running scripts.init-bottom... doonw07:50
I-Am-A-PenguinI found it, but no help07:51
ActionParsniparundracula: can you give us some details or do you expect us to guess07:51
arundraculaI pressed shift and then entered into the recovery console07:51
sagaciGood work07:52
arundraculaBut I am not getting the console.. It got paused at07:52
ActionParsnipI-Am-A-Penguin: ok try:dpkg -l | grep -i virt07:52
leyvishello, my flash plugin of my firefox crashed when I try to put a video on full screen07:52
arundraculaIs there any other way or I want to install Ubuntu again?07:52
sagaciBack up ur data07:53
arundraculaHow to backup if I am not getting even console07:53
ActionParsniparundracula: you ca07:53
sagaciLive cd07:53
smackboxdoes anyone know how to exit fullscreen mode in putty?07:54
arundraculaOne more question.. where is the firefox bookmarks folder reside?07:54
ActionParsnipCan boot to livecd, chroot to the installed os and maybe run the same command07:54
arundraculaok.. I'll try07:54
ActionParsniparundracula: ~/.mozilla/firefox someplace07:55
rkodrHello, I was wondering if anyone could help. I have a pavilion dv2000 series laptop with broadcom wifi (4312) and have gotten the additional drivers for it from the livecd (restricted) for it and it still does not show as picking up anything.07:55
jetpackDoes anyone know anything about Gnomenu?  I changed a couple configuration settings, it had to restart, and now I can't see it at all, and neither can I add another one.  How could I re-set the settings?07:55
arundraculathank you07:55
=== HeilNewDawn is now known as Voa
hakermaniaHey, anybody willing to help with MIME types?07:56
gunndawgnot familiar with MIME types07:56
gunndawgsorry :(07:56
smackboxis anyone using putty?07:56
ActionParsniparundracula: if the command is no good, reinstall and restore user data from backup07:56
smackboxi'm stuck in fullscreen mode.07:56
ActionParsnipSmackbox: i do07:57
hakermaniagunndawg: No, problem. I have make a new mime type and a new icon for this mime type, but I cannot associate it with a specific application, and xdg-mime default desktop_file mime_type doesn't work at all.07:57
* Voa anyone had sucess using ipod touch 3g on ubuntu ?07:57
smackboxactionparsnip: any idea how to exit fullscreen?07:57
gunndawgI dont even know what a mime is07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinit came up with this07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinii  erlang-base                          1:13.b.3-dfsg-2ubuntu3                          Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinii  gvfs                                 1.6.4-0ubuntu1                                  userspace virtual filesystem - server07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinii  gvfs-backends                        1.6.4-0ubuntu1                                  userspace virtual filesystem - backends07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinii  gvfs-fuse                            1.6.4-0ubuntu1                                  userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server07:58
FloodBot3I-Am-A-Penguin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
I-Am-A-Penguinii  libgnomevfs2-0                       1:2.24.3-1ubuntu1                               GNOME Virtual File System (runtime libraries)07:58
gunndawgI-Am-A-Penguin, use pastebin07:58
ActionParsnipSmackbox: I've never used fullscreen in putty as i have about 5 instances of it open at a time07:58
gunndawgActionParsnip, what for ?07:59
smackboxactionparsnip: i just figured it out, i had to alt-tab to the desktop then right click on the status bar.07:59
skilzhey guys, how can I share my internet from eth0 over wifi?08:00
ActionParsnipgunndawg: its how the OS knows what to do with files when users open them with doubleclick and such08:00
smackboxactionparsnip: i really didn't want to kill the process just to get back to the desktop lol08:00
gunndawgActionParsnip, putty ? what? pretty sure putty isnt a file type handler08:00
ActionParsnipgunndawg: we use unix and redhat based esx at work = lots of putty08:01
skilzI have pc1 sharing internet 'ppp0' via 'eth0' to pc2 and I want to share the internet from 'eth0' on pc2 over wifi to my phone and macbook08:01
gunndawgActionParsnip, hmm alright, I though putty was a form of connecting to a computer or server08:01
kaushalChecking in again for the query ?08:02
ActionParsnipgunndawg: putty is a terminal client for ssh, telnet and such08:02
windparadisehelllo, which script do we run or how do we run application which will start as soon as ubuntu start running08:02
gunndawgActionParsnip, right, so what does that have to do with it telling you how to handle icons when you double click on them? i am confused, lol08:02
RishavTwindparadise: you want to add a command to autostart?08:03
ActionParsnipwindparadise: before the login screen or when the user has logged in?08:03
windparadisebefore a user has logged in08:03
extra11whens the next ubuntu scheduled to come out?08:04
m4rtinhi, does anyone know if gparted can resize an encrypted (luks) partition?08:04
m4rtinextra11: April08:04
rwwextra11: April08:04
ActionParsnip!boot | windparadise08:04
ubottuwindparadise: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:04
hakermaniaI have make a new mime type and a new icon for this mime type, but I cannot associate it with a specific application, and xdg-mime default desktop_file mime_type doesn't work at all.08:04
m4rtinhmmm, answered my own q, seems not: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php08:05
windparadiseubottu: wat about after the user logged in?08:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:05
rww!startup | windparadise08:05
ubottuwindparadise: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:05
ActionParsnipgunndawg: i explained to you what mimetypes as you said you weren't familiar. I may have mistargetted you in the putty forray as i'm very tired08:06
yourwhiteshadowanyone happen to know the source server console command to get the server to shut down?08:07
gunndawgActionParsnip, ah ok, yeah that makes more sense, lol I was  like "ummm that doesnt sound like putty" lol08:07
gunndawgI <3 Python, just finished up my first GUI app. Its an Apt- Front-End Panel :)08:08
RishavTyourwhiteshadow: "sudo shutdown -P now"? that should shutdown the server (after ssh-ing into it)08:08
jetpackDoes anyone know anything about Gnomenu?  I changed a couple configuration settings, it had to restart, and now I can't see it at all, and neither can I add another one.  How could I re-set the settings?08:08
ActionParsnipyourwhiteshadow: do you mean shutdown the system at commandline?08:08
yourwhiteshadowRishavT: well, every command i throw at it doesn't go through linux cmd line, its the source server console08:08
ActionParsnipJetpack: try: cd; la   if nothing looks obvious ru08:09
RishavTyourwhiteshadow: ohk missed that :P08:09
ActionParsnipRun: cd ~/.co08:09
ActionParsnipcd ~/.config; la08:10
jetpackjust got it, found the config settings manager, thanks :D08:11
ActionParsnipJetpack: those 2 folders are common places, or check in gconf-editor08:11
jetpackif you're curious, I just ran 'python /usr/lib/gnomenu/GnoMenu-Settings.py '08:11
ActionParsnipJetpack: i've moved on from gnome :-)08:12
jetpackI've just barely moved on from Windows. :P08:13
hakermania!mime | windparadise08:13
ActionParsnipSwing and a miss08:13
hakermaniaHey guys.....Anybody played with mime-types before?08:14
windparadisehakermania: what is te mime for ?08:14
skilzhey guys, how can I share my internet from eth0 over wifi?08:15
skilzI have pc1 sharing internet 'ppp0' via 'eth0' to pc2 and I want to share the internet from 'eth0' on pc2 over wifi to my phone and macbook08:15
hakermaniawindparadise: For an application I am developing. The last step is to associate the mime-type with the application. All other things have been done08:15
ActionParsniphakermania: you can set default apps by rightclicking then selecting 'other app' if you tell the OS to it ca08:15
ActionParsnipCan remember your wishes08:15
hakermaniaActionParsnip: I am developing an app for including it to the Ubuntu. By installing the DEB file, user should be ready to run the files and open by default with my app.08:16
c0ldfront!panel coldfront08:17
hakermaniaActionParsnip: So, there should not be user action. These new mime-types should be opened by default with my app.08:17
fromwubi2partitiIs anyone there?08:17
ActionParsniphakermania: why not remaster the ubuntu iso so the app is installed on any machine you setup with it08:17
fromwubi2partitiHello, I just reinstalled Ubuntu on a new partition and I'm trying to replace its root.disk with wubi root.disk I had before. How can I do this?08:19
hakermaniaActionParsnip: I wasn't probably understood. I am developing an app. It is currently reviewed by the MOTUS, in order to be included to ubuntu. This app has some project files. These files have to be opened with my application by default, once my application's deb file is installed. Imagine that you're downloading a DEB file from Ubuntu Software Center e.g. audacity, it does have .aup project files, that open by default with Audacity. I wan08:20
hakermaniaI have created the new mime type, I've added an icon for this mime-type, and all work, except the association application-mime type, i mean, to open this mime-type with my application.08:21
ActionParsniphakermania: there is a textfile in the user folder to set associations per user so the file may be in /usr/skel08:21
ActionParsnipOr is it /etc/skel08:22
phonex01guys i need help08:23
phonex01how to install tor proxy in ubuntu ?08:23
phonex01ubuntu 10.1008:23
rwwubottu: tor | phonex0108:23
ubottuphonex01: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl08:23
acrylineis there anybody ?08:24
phonex01thank you08:24
ejvyes, there's over 1000 users in here acryline08:24
phonex01thank you08:25
acrylineI have a probleme I can't configure user language on my Ubuntu system08:25
hakermaniaActionParsnip: I don't get you. What /etc/skel stands for? it's an empty directory, only containing a file, example.desktop08:25
acrylinecan I have help but I'm not a good english speacker :)08:25
ActionParsnip!tor-sasl > actionparsnip08:25
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message08:25
ejvI have written a bunch of rules in crontab -e then did a `service restart cron` but the rules aren't being run at the specified times, what could be wrong?08:26
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zickhi i have problem whit samba08:27
zicki try to connect from linux to windows but i get this errot : Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:27
zicksomeone have any idea?08:28
greppyejv: use http://paste.ubuntu.com and put your crontab in there so we can see what you are trying to do?08:28
phonex01i'm trying to install tor and i have this error "  Got a single header line over 360 chars "08:28
skilzI have pc1 sharing internet 'ppp0' via 'eth0' to pc2 and I want to share the internet from 'eth0' on pc2 over wifi to my phone and macbook08:28
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greppy!ics | skilz08:29
ubottuskilz: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:29
ejvgreppy: http://dpaste.com/387555/08:29
zicksomeone have any idea for my problem whit samba: Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:29
phonex01what is this error ? W: Failed to fetch http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Got a single header line over 360 chars08:29
ejveverybody familiar with cron: http://dpaste.com/387555/ why isn't this running...08:29
ejvthanks in advance ;)08:29
skilzthats no help08:30
ryan-cejv: is that the system crontab or a user crontab?08:30
ejvso you're saying that it's written correctly?08:30
ejvi did crontab -e as root08:30
ejvand started writing08:30
ejvif i do crontab -l it lists it just as i had written it08:31
ryan-cjust use one line08:31
ejvi should have logs from several days, i wrote it days ago, just realized nothing is running...08:31
ryan-c21 3 * * 1,3,5,6 rsync -av /var /mnt/backup/ > /root/logs/var-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%a_%T).log08:31
greppyejv: also, you don't have to restart cron if you edit a crontab, it should pick it up automatically.08:32
acrylineperl: warning: Setting locale failed.08:32
acrylineperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:08:32
acryline    LANGUAGE = (unset),08:32
acryline    LC_ALL = (unset),08:32
acryline    LANG = "fr_FR.utf8"08:32
FloodBot3acryline: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
acryline    are supported and installed on your system.08:32
ejvgreppy: i used service cron restart08:32
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ejvit's almost 3:40 am right now08:32
greppyejv: you don't have to do that after editing a crontab.08:33
ejvi'll adjust the rules, make it run at 3:40am and restart it, then watch08:33
phonex01help plz08:34
phonex01 i'm trying to install tor-proxy and i have this error ? W: Failed to fetch http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Got a single header line over 360 chars08:34
jimlovell777I have a directory full of folders, each of which contains an iteration of a development web site I've been working on. Is there an automated way to create a diff/git/? version of each file with the same name assembled by modified date?08:34
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ejvgreppy: yea i didn't think so08:34
barillottohelp for stampante, lexmark x250008:34
ejvif my rules are syntactically correct, why aren't logs being generated...08:34
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greppyejv: you may need to give the full path to date08:35
ejvgreppy: if i run the command manually, it works08:36
greppyejv: I say again, you may have to give the full path to date.  the environment in cron is not the same as in your interactive shell.08:36
zicksomeone for me: errore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFU using samba08:37
ejvgreppy: could you give an example of the full path to date08:37
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ejvgreppy: oh you mean like /usr/bin ?08:37
greppyejv: yes.08:37
ejvgreppy: /usr/bin/date i imagine08:38
ejvgreppy: gotcha, it's nearly 4am forgive me :)08:38
greppy'which date' will give you the full path.08:38
greppyejv: you may also need to do that for rsync08:38
greppy(I just woke up, meh)08:38
PaulyHello, would anybody know how I can replace my root.disk from a new ubuntu partition install with my previous wubi root.disk?08:39
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zickmy problem: errore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:39
ejvgreppy: testing :)08:40
jimlovell777I have a directory full of folders, each of which contains an iteration of a development web site I've been working on. Is there an automated way to create a diff/git/? version of each file with the same name assembled by modified date?08:40
ejvgreppy: i just got this idea where i could call a .sh and in the .sh i could have the rsync rules instead, to avoid this nonsense :)08:40
greppyejv: you would still need to either specify a full path to the executables or set the PATH env variable.08:41
zickmy problem: errore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:41
PaulyDoes anybody know how to replace a new installed partitioned ubuntu root.disk with an older wubi root.disk within the new ubuntu?08:41
PaulyDo you know ejv?08:42
TurboEggwatch this hilarious moron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAN4EfIPpkQ08:42
ejvgreppy: still nothing :(08:42
Paulygreppy do you know?08:43
ejvpauly don't go around asking everybody if they know something, if someone does they will speak up!08:43
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Paulysorry ejv08:44
jeniahello, I have Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) on the lenovo notebook, Ubuntu 10.04. Gnome loads, fine. I just can't start 3d acceleration. People suggested to check /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but it's missing, is it possible? I did locate xorg.conf, it can't find it anywhere except for a folder, called: /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/08:44
m4rtinPauly: I'm not an expert on Wubi, but you probably can't do the replace from inside the running OS, it will be mounted already08:45
greppyejv: take a look in /var/log/auth.log, did it show that it went to do anything?08:45
IchGuckLivehi all if i am in Group admin i do not need "su" is this korrekt?08:45
PaulyCan I replace it through running the Ubuntu demo on the CD?08:45
zickmy problem: errore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:46
ejvgreppy: lots of CRON[14979]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)08:46
ejvgreppy: and then immediately after a session closed statement08:46
techlobyte1KDE hurt my feelings08:47
zickerrore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:47
zickerrore Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)08:47
greppy!patience | zick08:48
ubottuzick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:48
IvisI need help with VPN, how can i get it work? I configure vpn with settings and vpn wont work08:48
techlobyte1Ivis: same here08:48
acrylinehello I have a probleme with local language, when I use commande reconfigure I have this result08:48
PaulyIf I can replace it with the previous wubi root.disk I'm gonna have to reinstall my whole git and ruby on rails setup :(08:48
Ivistechhelper1,  oh it is so difficult to get it work ?08:48
hakermaniaAnybody else willing to help me with a mime-type problem?08:49
Ivisi was thinking that i am completley noob08:49
Ivisbut i see this is global08:49
acrylineThis problem come after my last update08:49
ejvIvis: to actually get real help, you should in great detail, describe what you did, what guide you used, what documentation you've read, and most importantly what error messages you are receiving.08:49
acrylineon Ubuntu08:49
techlobyte1Ivis: in general it's better to use ssh08:49
Ivishmm no guide just straight to configure vpn and put information in and save08:49
nickoanyone using webservices in here ?08:49
nickohi everybody08:49
acrylineI can't change language08:50
djjonexi need to configure my postfix to use with php mail function08:50
nickogot a question on webservice deployement08:50
greppyPauly: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20migrate%20to%20a%20real%20partition,%20and/or%20get%20rid%20of%20Windows%20entirely?08:50
djjonexwhats up nicko08:50
nickoif someone could help I would enjoy08:50
nickohi djjonex08:50
greppy!ask | nicko08:51
ubottunicko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
djjonexill try nicko08:51
minimecacryline: How would you reconfigure your locales? command? I would start by reconfiguring the locale package itself. 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'08:51
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acrylineok I try mimimec :)08:51
nickoactually I got two webservices, one writen in java the other in php and I would like to call the WS in PHP using the one I wrote in java08:51
djjonexi never work ith java and php 2gether08:52
nickobut I got errors when generating the wsdl from the JAVA webservice08:52
djjonexi do everythign in php08:52
nickoI come back later08:52
nickothankx anyway08:52
acrylineBut I had do that ! and I had http://paste.ubuntu.com/562966/08:52
djjonexmake sure ur java serve ris up08:53
djjonexhow i configure postfix to use mail function in php08:53
PaulyI already uninstalled the old wubi though but saved the root.disk file. Do I have to reinstall wubi on windows again before I migrate it to the newly partitioned ubuntu?08:53
techlobyte1keep you wubi from going out the window08:54
greppyPauly: I don't know.  All I did was go to the wubi page and scroll down to something that looked like it would answer your question.08:54
minimecacryline: Ok. It looks that your french language packages are not installed completely. Could you nce open the 'UN-Flag' in the <system <administration menu? 'Language support' You might have to complete some downloads08:55
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nit-witPauly, how big is that root disc08:56
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sudo_zoelhelo.. doen anybody can help me?09:05
sudo_zoeli have a problem witth my ubuntu09:06
ejv!ask | sudo_zoel09:06
ubottusudo_zoel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:06
sudo_zoelwindow border is disappear in any application. so i cann't find where is minimize, maximize & close button. somebody help me please, i use ubuntu 10.1009:08
RishavTsudo_zoel: always gone? or just sometimes?09:08
nooniansudo_zoel, i believe if you hold alt you can grab the window anywhere with the mouse09:08
suprengrsudo_zoel: download Compiz Fusion Icon - use it to restart window manager09:09
sudo_zoelalways gone. alt+tab does not work09:09
RishavTsudo_zoel: if it goes away sometimes, press alt+f2 and type in "compiz --replace" and see if it comes back.09:09
Schmoove /join #lug-bremen09:09
minimecsudo_zoel: I guess you use compiz and got the wrong windows decoration. If you have 'ccsm', go to windows ddecoration and change the 'command' to '/usr/bin/compiz-decorator'09:10
sudo_zoelsuperengr: i already have compiz09:10
suprengrsudo_zoel: yup - fusion icon is separate - and does what you want done :)09:11
sudo_zoelminimec: yes, i use compiz, can you explain more detail how to..09:11
suprengr[I had the same problem & took the advice on this channel I just offered... works every time for me]09:12
minimecsudo_zoel: Do you have 'ccsm' installed? 'CompizConfigSettingsManager'09:12
sudo_zoelminimec: i think, i have it09:13
onceltucahi, im having problem starting x, when i try to start i get this message: “The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator.” somebody here who has seen this before and thinks he/she can help me?09:13
cgtaurinoLOAD -e GlobalFind.mrc09:13
minimecsudo_zoel: So open it and go to 'window decoration'. There you find a line with 'command'. Change what's written there to '/usr/bin/compiz-decorator'09:14
sudo_zoelminimec: i try..09:14
researcher1why Im unable to install Ubuntu after Windows?09:15
rigvedresearcher1: are you able to load the Ubuntu LiveCD?09:15
researcher1rigved: yes09:16
rigvedresearcher1: then, what happens if you try to click on install after loading the Ubuntu LiveCD?09:16
firiandoes the new version of ubuntu support ati graphics cards?09:16
minimecfirian: Wich one do you use?09:17
firian200m express09:17
firianminimec: 200m express09:18
minimecfirian: Just a moment... ;)09:18
Tm_Tfirian: it's supported as far as I can tell09:18
firianTm_T: ok thanks09:19
Firartixis there some command i can use to suspend/restart/etc ?09:19
Firartixi changed WM and this one lacks of such features in the default menus09:19
minimecfirian: Ok. Your card is R400 series card. It is supported quiet well with the OpenSource Driver in 10.10 Maverick. Support will even be better in 11.04. See http://wiki.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xpress_20009:20
firianminimec: ok thanks alot.09:21
lio_013in what package can i find the header files to prevent thsi error "11/extensions/shape.h: No such file or directory"09:21
lio_013X11/extensions/shape.h: No such file or directory09:22
lio_013i use ubuntu 10.1009:22
lio_013libx11-dev installed09:22
RicoSwaveWhere can I find the root.disk file in my newly installed Ubuntu?09:22
Tm_Tlio_013: libxext-dev apparently, packages.ubuntu.com is great way to search for these (:09:23
resonateanyone have experience setting up a wacom cintique in ubuntu?  cause its a pain in the arse...09:23
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onceltucasome body who knows what it is about?09:24
resonateor has done it09:24
onceltuca“The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator.”09:24
Firartixnubudy knows ? :|09:24
resonatenot too many graphics nerds using ubuntu eh?09:25
resonateah well... on my own for this one09:25
tsimpsonresonate: someone in #ubuntu-artwork may know, but it's not a very active channel09:26
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resonateahh thanks09:26
tsimpsonresonate: the mailing list may be better http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art09:26
RicoSwaveWhere can I find the root.disk file in my newly installed Ubuntu?09:26
resonatethanks again09:27
GThoth:) post your questions here09:27
Crovax-31hi, can we still use the web interface of lanchpad to report bug on ubuntu or we must use  "ubuntu-bug" ? I have a bug with my keyboard on 11.0409:28
gajendrahey buddy09:28
jukhey all09:28
gajendraplz tell me  how to access linux mint from win09:28
minimecresonate: Well... well some time ago you had to change your xorg.conf to use some wacom tablets. But that changed, I guess with the new Xserver and udev.09:28
RicoSwaveWhere can I find my root.disk file in a partitioned Ubuntu?09:29
minimecresonate: Have a look at google with 'wacom udev ubuntu' or something09:29
Crovax-31(it can't launch any keymap, the visual keyboard have "?" on each key and ctrl+alt+F1 don't works except I use alt+scrennshot+r)09:29
resonateI have gone through a few guides but nothing has worked09:29
tsimpsonCrovax-31: you can use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect09:30
minimecresonate: Here is a forum thread about the HAL -> udev change in combination with Wacom09:30
minimecresonate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146745709:30
RicoSwave------> Where Can I Find My root.disk File in a Newly Partitioned Ubuntu Drive?09:30
Crovax-31tsimpson: thanx09:30
greppyRicoSwave: A Wubi install?09:31
sarthorHi, Can some one tell me, what language is this, and can i get same howto in English ? http://manajung.blogspot.com/2010/12/coova-124-ubuntu-1010.html09:32
onceltucashould it be any problem running a stationary computer without gnome-power-manager?09:32
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RicoSwaveNo I uninstalled Wubi, saved a backup of the root.disk file, now I'm running Ubuntu CD with umounted newly partitioned Ubuntu install, I'm trying to look for the new root.disk so I can copy the old wubi root.disk over it09:32
greppyRicoSwave: so you are converting from Wubi to a native install?09:33
ravionrailsi want to distribute network connection from my ubuntu pc to my lan systems, where should i start from , help me09:33
resonatethanks minimec, lead me to what looks like an answer09:33
greppy!ics | ravionrails09:33
ubotturavionrails: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php09:33
minimecresonate: NO problem ;)09:34
Ivisin vpn configuration where it ask "Gateway" i need to provride my gateway ? from ifconfig ?09:34
firianminimec: i am running 8.10 can i update straight to 10.10? the autoupdater wants me to do 9.04.09:34
RicoSwaveI already natively installed a new ubuntu to a new partition. I just want to copy the old wubi root.disk over this new partition root.disk, but I can't find where the root.disk is on it09:34
nixjrhow would i do an "ls /example > filename" and then an "ls /example2 > filename" with the 2nd being appended to the first?09:34
ravionrailsthanks greppy for responding and pointing me to this link09:35
greppyRicoSwave: there is no root.disk in a new ubuntu install.09:35
minimecfirian: You cannot update directly to 10.10. I would consider a fresh install, as there were also changes in the filesystem and other changes.09:35
RicoSwavereally? dam....09:35
ravenwhere to insert the username in sudo mount -t smbfs 192.168.x.x/www windows?09:35
firianminimec: will it delete all my data?09:35
gajendraany one can help me for linux mint09:36
RicoSwaveso how can I get all my old files back from the old wubi to this new partition?09:36
greppy!mint | gajendra09:36
ubottugajendra: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:36
minimecfirian: If you have a seperate /home partition, just don't touch that partition and your personal data is fine. Otherwise your data is gone!09:36
ravenwhere to insert the username in sudo mount -t smbfs 192.168.x.x/www windows?09:37
fdsaseemslegit!patience | raven09:37
ubotturaven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:37
RicoSwavedammit, does that mean I'm gonna have to reinstall my git, ruby, and rails setup again?09:38
firianMinimec: i know it will probably be time consuming but if i just go through the 9.04 and 9.10 updates will my data be saved?09:38
rumpe1raven, e.g. mount -t smbfs //$server/share /local/mount -o rw,username=$USER09:39
researcher1My Ubuntu took infinite time to boot,hence I formatted C drive & installed XP.Now trying to install Ubuntu freshly but cant succeed09:39
ravenrumpe1, tnx09:39
ravionrailsdo i need two wireless cards for internet connection sharing, because i have one wireless card and all my lan systems have also one wireless card09:39
minimecfirian: Well normally yes, but even then I would backup most important personal data.09:39
rumpe1raven, pasted it from commandlinefu.com ... don't know, if it works09:39
firianminimec: ok thanks.09:40
RicoSwavedammit ubuntu, why is wubi still having this grub glitch. this is horrible09:41
anygivennamedoes anyone know how to configure Privoxy ?09:41
jukRicoSwave: calm down09:42
RicoSwavemy whole dev setup is gone since I can't reinstall my old wubi root.disk to my new ubuntu partition....i'm fucked09:42
rumpe1RicoSwave, wubi /is/ horrible...09:43
fdsaseemslegitRicoSwave, please stop surcing.09:43
juk!recovery | RicoSwave09:43
ubottuRicoSwave: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"09:43
RicoSwaveNothings broken ubottu, its just I can't transfer my wubi root.disk to a new ubuntu partition09:44
greppyRicoSwave: It looks like you might be able to mount it in linux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103787409:44
sudo_zoelminimec: ccsm window decoration already '/usr/bin/compiz-decorator' but my window border still gone09:44
minimecjuk: That won't fix a wubi install...09:44
ejvanygivenname: http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/index.html09:45
greppyhe's not trying to fix a wubi install, he's trying to get the contents of his root.disk into his new regular ubuntu install.09:45
minimecsudo_zoel: Hmm... And you still got no window decorations at all?09:45
anygivennameejv: I read the manual but could not help myself09:45
RicoSwaveexactly greppy, can't seem to find anything on how to do taht09:45
rumpe1RicoSwave, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100781609:45
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jukminimec: i wouldn't know09:45
greppyRicoSwave: save your root.disk to your new home directory, and look at the link I sent you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103787409:46
ejvanygivenname: then i suggest instead of asking very ambiguous and vague questions, to instead provide detailed errors and information regarding your configuration problems.09:46
sudo_zoelyes window border is still gone. i'm using 'mutter' right now to show window border09:47
minimecjuk: I cannot imagine the recovery system messing around on a win ntfs- partition...09:47
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anygivennameejv: I installed Privoxy & have not done anything yet with the configuration...I have only read the manual & did not know what to do...so I am seeking help here09:47
jukminimec: lack of imagination09:47
minimecsudo_zoel: OK! Mutter is another story. Are you on 11.04 alpha? Then you might want to /join #ubuntu+109:48
sarthorHi, Can some one tell me, what language is this, and can i get same howto in English ? http://manajung.blogspot.com/2010/12/coova-124-ubuntu-1010.html09:48
RicoSwaveHow can I see which partition each OS is installed on?09:48
minimecjuk: No. Just years of experience... ;)09:48
MagicJI have picked up a not bad laptop in a pawn shop - the only issue appears to be that the wifo does not work - can I use pretty much any ISB wifi adapter09:48
jukminimec: ah09:49
sudo_zoelminimec: using mutter, ccsm doesnt work.09:49
RishavTsarthor: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://manajung.blogspot.com/2010/12/coova-124-ubuntu-1010.html09:49
juksarthor: #linguistics ?09:49
ejvso you haven't touched the configuration file which is very detailed, therefore you're having problems configuring it.... seems kind of circular doesn't it ;)09:49
sarthorRishavT, this page is banned here, can please save as a pdf and upload to net.09:49
sarthorRishavT, i will be really thankfull to you.09:49
RishavTsarthor: oh okay. sure, I'll do that.09:50
Crovax-31tsimpson: I reported my bug, thanx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/71355409:50
minimecsudo_zoel: That's it. Mutter isn't compiz.09:50
sarthorif i open that link. so i will see this page,
sarthorthanks RishavT09:50
anygivennameejv: I do not know what to do in the configuration file....I was hoping to find someone who has done it before or is aware of how to do it09:50
ejvanygivenname: how about this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy09:51
suprengrsudo_zoel: do you know how to use Ubuntu Sotware Centre?  If so, why not try my earlier advice?09:51
sudo_zoelminimec: so, what shuold i do to make ccsm work?09:52
sudo_zoelsuperengr: i'm sorry, can you repeat it?09:52
anygivennameejv: seems good link09:53
ejvthe power of google09:53
minimecsudo_zoel: With mutter you cannot. Mutter is an seperate compositing window manager tool. It will be the base of the Gnome 3.0 desktop, while Ubuntu will stay with a compiz/Unity combination.09:53
suprengrsudo_zoel: download Compiz Fusion Icon - use it to restart window manager09:53
ejvmore people here should use it09:53
RicoSwavegrebby don't I have to edit that script based on where I placed my root.disk file on the windows partition?09:54
greppyRicoSwave: yes.09:54
greppyRicoSwave: I was just linking it as a way of showing how you could mount it once you are in ubuntu to get to your files.09:55
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sudo_zoelsuperengr: i already install comfiz icon, and then?09:56
rafaaHi, I have a Bash script which updates a text file. When I run it by hand it works, but if it's executed by cron it doesn't work09:58
rafaacan anybody help me? [BASH] [CRON]09:58
suprengrsudo_zoel: is it showing in your panel yet? If not fire it up from menu & then...right click on the icon and select "Restart Window Manager".09:58
greppy!paste | rafaa post your bash script so we can see it.09:59
ubotturafaa post your bash script so we can see it.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:59
ejvhmm sounds similar to my issue09:59
sudo_zoeleveryone, how to save this chat log to file??09:59
RicoSwavearrghh forget it, i'm just gonna reinstall wubi and copy the old wubi root.disk file over it09:59
ejvgreppy: i solved my issue by calling /bin/sh/ <script> then having the rsync operation in the .sh :)09:59
rafaahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/562990/    greppy10:00
tsimpsonsudo_zoel: you don't have to: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/05/%23ubuntu.html10:00
MagicJI removed, using apt-get remove, the FastUserSwitcherApplet because it was confusing my staff.  Now when I log in I get the message that there is a problem loading it.  What do I need to do to stop the attempted load?10:00
rafaaubottu also, if you are not a bot ^^10:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:01
greppyrafaa: specify the full path to iwconfig, grep, cut and cat, or specify a PATH environment variable that includes the paths to those programs.10:01
RicoSwavethanks greppy but i'm gonna just go back to wubi and replace the root.disk until ubuntu figures out a more elegant fix to this10:02
rafaagreppy, why am I supposed to do like this? These are standard executables. Doesn't cron set the defaut $PATH?10:02
greppyrafaa: no.10:03
q_a_z_stevedoes anyone know whether mailman inherently has issues with underscores in an address when sending? Maybe multiple underscores???10:03
minimecsudo_zoel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562992/10:03
rafaagreppy, but if I set PATH in the script, then cron will use it, right?10:03
greppyrafaa: the script will use it, cron won't care :)10:03
rafaagreppy ok :D10:03
rafaagreppy, do you know how can I plot the results with gnuplot?10:04
greppyrafaa: nope10:04
rafaaok :D thx anyway10:04
n3rV3rafaa, what do you want to plot?10:04
rafaan3rv3 it's a text file10:04
rafaaeach line contains a number in [0:99]10:05
rafaait's the wifi signal measure during day, n3rv310:05
rafaaif I do something like gnuplot> plot "wifi.dat" I don't get the right plot10:05
greppyrafaa: to plot it, wouldn't you also need a timestamp?10:06
rafaagreppy, I don't know gnuplot :D I think that if you have a single column you should interpret it like a historical series10:06
greppyrafaa: I don't know gnuplot either, so good luck :)10:07
rafaa(I don't know how you call it, in Italy we say "serie storica"10:07
rafaagreppy ok :D10:07
n3rV3does this work ? > gnuplot plot "wifi.dat" using 110:07
schnuffle1rafaa: what about using rrdtool?10:07
gunndawgWhere does RecordMyDesktop install to? I cant find it under applications, admin, or pref10:08
jukgunndawg: just run in terminal10:08
rafaan3rv3 I'm trying . schnuffle1 let me documenting :D10:09
jukgunndawg: there is gui version also10:09
gunndawgjuk, thx10:10
rafaan3rv3 thx it works :D now I'm looking for drawing line between points10:10
jukgunndawg: you are wellcome :)10:10
n3rV3rafaa glad it worked :)10:10
rafaaschnuffle1 rrdtool seems a fantastic tool! I'm looking at its doc10:11
rafaan3rv3 thx for your help :D10:11
n3rV3rafaa, no problem10:12
schnuffle1rafaa: it's the perfect tool for the visualization of performance data, used by nagios grapher munin ....10:12
sudo_zoelminimec: where you can find that address?10:12
rafaaschnuffle1, I'd have never found it, thx a lot!!! can you please tell me how to plot this simple matter?10:14
sudo_zoelguys, i'm using xchat, but it's no sound at all in every chat window. how to enabled sound in xchat10:14
schnuffle1rafaa: show me your data. apparently you have a time-value pair?10:15
n3rV3rafaa, gnuplot> plot "./anyplot" using 1 with linespoints10:15
n3rV3change anyplot to your filena,e10:15
rafaan3rv3 thx, I'm saving it10:16
rafaaschnuffle1, http://paste.ubuntu.com/562995/  here it is10:16
minimecsudo_zoel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/562992/10:17
minimecsudo_zoel: That adress?10:17
schnuffle1rafaa: :) so you have a cron job running, writing a value to your file? wouldn't it be better to store the time as well? Using rrdtool you would fill a rrd database instead of writing to a file10:18
onceltucathink i have spotted my problem now.. I can only start x as root. is there any simple solution to this? i.e i want to be able to start as any user.10:19
rafaaschnuffle1, of course, I can do it :D but how??? is it simple enough? with cron and gnuplot I accomplish it soon.. I don't know rrdtool, can you link me the right (simple) documentation for writing to database and plotting it?10:21
FirartixHey guyz! Is there some text command i can use to do stuff like the Suspend or Restart commands?10:21
schnuffle1rafaa: have a look at http://www.mrtg.org/rrdtool/tut/rrdtutorial.en.html10:21
erUSULFirartix: to suspend to ram a laptop ?10:21
Firartixi changed WM10:22
Firartixand the new one don't have those features in menus10:22
Firartixso i was wonderring if i can still use them through command line10:22
minimeconceltuca: YOu should be able to start the xserver as normal user, but not the gdm (gnome-display-manager)10:23
Firartixno clue about it :( ?10:23
erUSULFirartix: echo "mem" > sudo tee /sys/power/state10:24
erUSUL!find s2ram10:24
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ubottuFile s2ram found in linux-doc, linux-ec2-doc, uswsusp10:24
FirartixerUSUL: but if i run that from a normal user, will it work?10:25
Firartixsudo blocks and ask for the root pass right :| ?10:25
erUSULFirartix: yes10:25
onceltucaminimec: ok, because now the startup hangs when the ubuntu logo is visible10:26
erUSULFirartix: what are you trying to do ?10:26
FirartixerUSUL: which yes :P ?10:26
Firartixwell i wanted to add some command to suspend in my WM's custom menu thingy10:26
erUSULFirartix: it needs sudo and sudo will ask for password ( it can be configured not to )10:26
nemetoswhy is the lan connection called "auto eth0"? as in automatic connection, ethernet.. slot 0?10:26
onceltucaminimec: but when i start in recovery mode and drop to root prompt i can run startx to start x as root10:27
FirartixerUSUL: just modifying the permissions on /sys/power/state would be ok?10:27
erUSULnemetos: eth0 is the name of the interface of the first ethernet card10:27
minimeconceltuca: That is strange...10:27
erUSULFirartix: sys is a virtual fs the change even if possible ( i dunno ) wont stick10:27
erUSULFirartix: yu should use gnome-power-daemon or something similar10:27
onceltucaminimec: i recenly ininstalled gnome-power-manager since it said the it was bad configured. I thought it was not needed since im not on a laptop10:28
minimeconceltuca: Just as a test. start in recovery, do 'su youraccount' in the root-terminal to startx as user youraccount ;)10:28
schnuffle1rafaa: your cron job would do something like rrdtool update test.rrd $(date -u +%s):<your actual value>10:28
FirartixerUSUL: i got gnome-power-manager but no daemon10:29
onceltucaminimec: that what im doing now.. doesnt work..10:29
onceltucaminimec: screen is black10:29
erUSULFirartix: something that lets the user loged in the main machine display to suspend and/or power off the machine10:29
minimeconceltuca: Hmmm... That's really strange. Don't know what to say...10:29
rafaaschnuffle1, thx :D I'm looking throught the tutorial.. It is a bit too long, but I feel curious :D10:29
andihi all10:30
Firartixno clue what it could be :|...10:30
jukandi: hey10:30
Firartixwhat's the name of the sudo graphical interface thingy ?10:30
Firartixi can just enter the password every time..10:30
schnuffle1rafaa: it's a bit confusing a the beginning but as soon you got into it it makes life very easy10:30
minimeconceltuca: If you added a new user in that console 'adduser xservertest', then si xservertest and then 'startx' as user xservertest?10:30
jukFirartix: gksu(do)10:30
llutzFirartix: gksudo10:30
onceltucaminimec: thts too sad.. it started with saying that i hade problem with gnome power management.. then i uninstalled it..10:30
Firartixokay, tyvm :D !10:31
onceltucaminimec: ok ill try..10:31
andianyone knew how to uninstall ubuntu server 10.10 from dual boot pc (win 7 & ubuntu)?10:31
minimeconceltuca: So install it again. apt-get install gnome-power-manager10:31
llutzandi: restore MBR and delete ubuntu-partition then10:31
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807610:32
rafaaschnuffle1, I can figure it out :D I study Economics so I think I could leverage this knowledge .. thx for the tip10:32
andillutz...how to restore MBR?10:32
onceltucaminimec: no i see one thing. when i do su myusername and startx and then ctrl+alt f1 it says No protocol specified10:32
Firartixaaaw i got a syntax problem here10:32
erUSULFirartix: gksudo10:33
shazzrI have a couple of ubuntu machines in a DHCP-run Windows network. Is there any way to update the /etc/hosts file with the Ubuntu machines current IP?10:33
Firartixyes but it won't work that way then10:33
Firartixbecause uh10:33
onceltucaminimec: then xinit: Permission denied (errno 13): unable to connect to X server10:33
llutzandi: http://www.ehow.com/how_4836283_repair-mbr-windows.html10:33
Firartixecho "mem" > gksudo tee /sys/power/state10:33
minimeconceltuca: Have you tried to reinstall the gnome-power-manager?10:33
Firartixi guess gksudo takes "mem" as the password or something10:33
andillutz....bunch of thanks lluts10:33
Firartixand if i do it the other way around10:33
Firartixgksudo echo "mem" > tee /sys/power/state10:34
Firartixit just won't work because it's wrong10:34
sudo_zoelminimec: yes, http://paste.ubuntu.com/562992/10:34
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Firartixcan i pass the "mem" as an argument to tee or something?10:34
llutzandi: if you delete the partition earlier, you won't be able to boot again10:34
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rafaaschnuffle1, also you can use the literal N for current time10:34
onceltucaminimec: yep.. then the error message becomes visible again10:35
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onceltucaminimec: xinit Server error10:35
minimecsudo_zoel: That is a feature of my chat-software 'irssi'. I just did '/lastlog -file sudo_zoel.log sudo_zoel' and pasted it on the net for you.10:35
andiluttz: i'll try to restore the MBR first as u recommend....:)10:35
rbk17<Firartix> you problem is that gtksudo only sudo's "echo" that is no use...10:35
onceltucaminimec: xauth: error in locking authoroty file /home/felix/.Xauthority10:36
Firartixso is there anyway i can write it for it to work properly? tried with tee -a but it won't work10:36
rbk17 <Firartix>  try to encap et in ', as in gksudo 'echo "mem" > tee /sys/power/state'10:36
minimeconceltuca: That's why I would like you to start the xserver as user xservertest. If that would work, you would have a problem with your user 'felix'10:37
Firartixoh kk10:37
Firartixgonna try, thansk ^^10:37
onceltucaminimec: ok ill try10:37
sudo_zoelminimec: i'm using xchat10:37
rbk17<Firartix> or echo "mem" | sudo tee /sys/power/state10:38
minimecsudo_zoel: I do not know, if xchat has the same funtion.10:38
rbk17<Firartix> OH - and use | NOT  > !10:38
nixjrhow would i do an "ls /example > filename" and then an "ls /example2 > filename" with the 2nd being appended to the first?10:38
minimecsudo_zoel: http://mokura.wikispaces.com/Using+XChat10:38
onceltucaminimec: -d /home/testuser -m testuser10:38
rbk17nixjr use >> (two >  = append)10:39
drt33932nixjr: ls /example2 >> filename10:39
llutz"ls /example2 >> filename"  nixjr10:39
onceltucaminimec: oops wrong promtp :)10:39
nemetoshey all, where are "stand alone" applications ususally installed in linux?10:39
nixjrrbk17, drt33932, llutz, thnaks for the fast responce all :)10:39
rbk17nixjr (or better ls /example  /example2 > filename :-)10:39
erUSULnemetos: /opt/10:39
nixjrsorry caps10:40
bibic682hello, Can firefox 3.6.11 be updated to 3.6.13 in 9.04 ? And if so ....the easiest way10:40
onceltucaminimec: it seems to work..10:40
nemetoserUSUL, what does /opt/ stand for?10:40
erUSULnemetos: optional10:41
erUSUL!fhs | nemetos10:41
ubottunemetos: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier10:41
Firartixtyping gksudo 'echo "mem" > tee /sys/power/state' opens some kind of prompt with > in front10:41
nemetosok, thanks10:41
erUSULFirartix: the sudo has to be after the >10:41
Firartixbut it won't work that way :|10:41
erUSULFirartix: use this « gksudo sh -c 'echo "mem" > tee /sys/power/state' »10:41
rbk17Firartix: yes well sorry , use |, not > ... as in : echo mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state10:42
minimeconceltuca: That means that your system is ok, but some error in a gnome-config file of user 'felix' prevents your Desktop from starting.10:42
erUSULFirartix: sorry with this the tee is not needed10:42
Firartixrbk17: tried that way too10:42
erUSULFirartix:  « gksudo sh -c 'echo "mem" > /sys/power/state' »10:42
Firartixsame result10:42
dellhello,can u help me with my desktop appearance??i cannot change the appearance to normal and better..plz help10:43
Firartixgksudo takes that -c as an option10:43
Firartixdo i need to encapsulate the whole input with 's too or will it choke with the other ones?10:44
erUSULFirartix: did you forget the sh ?10:44
researcher1I had ubuntu installed once.Then it stopped booting so I formatted drive c installed XP on it.Not cant install Ubuntu from LiveCD10:44
andihave a nice day guys....c ya around. bye n out.10:44
Firartixuh nope10:44
jukdell: the question is if you can let us help you10:44
dellhello,can u help me with my desktop appearance??i cannot change the appearance to normal and better..plz help10:44
sprungHi, I'm looking for a book recommendation, something about IPv6 for somebody with a background in IPv410:45
delljuk: what do u mean?10:45
erUSULsprung: #networkin may be a better place to ask10:45
erUSULsprung: #networking may be a better place to ask10:45
jukdell: i meant what i said10:46
sprungerUSUL, thats the first place i asked, i'm hedging my bets and asking in several channels.10:46
Firartixdon't multipost :P !10:46
rbk17Firartix: is using sudo (not gksudo) an option?10:46
bibic682Can firefox 3.6.11 be upgraded to 3.6.13 in 9.04 ? If yes what is the easiest way10:46
delljuk: so do it has sumting to do with my xorg??10:46
Firartixrbk17: well no since that wouldn't be run in a terminal :|10:46
sagacibibic682, add a ppa10:47
sagacibibic682, or backports repo10:47
erUSULbibic682: use the mozilla-daily ppa? but dunno if they support 9.0410:47
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:47
jukdell: i dont read do you?10:47
sagacibibic682, consider upgrading ubuntu10:47
erUSULsprung: you've heard ipv4 has ru out of ip's; don't you? XXDD10:48
dellhello,can u help me with my desktop appearance??i cannot change the appearance to normal and better..plz help10:48
chiiiiiizis there a dedicated chen for conky?10:49
chiiiiiizchan, not bchen10:49
sprungerUSUL, i do!10:49
bibic682Ive tried ppa wont update....my system is older and runs well with 9.0410:49
drt33932dell: u need to give more info, like why u cant change it, what the issue is10:49
erUSULchiiiiiiz: /msg alis list *conky*10:49
erUSULdell: what graphic card do you use would help too10:50
delldrt33932: i have a fresh install on my netbook n maybe the graphic card driver problem i think.i use intel graphic10:50
sprungerUSUL, i need to start thinking in ipv610:50
minimecbibic682: 9.04 is not supported anymore. Easiest way is to upgrade to 9.10. (8.04 was LTS, that's why it is still supported until 11.04 I think.10:51
delldrt33932 n erUSUL: i have a fresh install on my netbook n maybe the graphic card driver problem i think.i use intel graphic10:51
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bibic682ok, guess I will upgrade   Thanks10:51
rafaairc test10:51
=== Guest92268 is now known as chiiiiiz
erUSULdell: do "sudo apt-get install pastebinit " when that finishes do « pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com /var/log/Xorg.0.log »10:52
chiiiiizregarding conky, I must has misunderstood quite a lot of things10:52
erUSULdell: tell us the url it returns10:53
rbk17Firartix: still thinking...10:53
researcher1I had ubuntu installed once.Then it stopped booting so I formatted drive c installed XP on it.Now cant install Ubuntu from LiveCD.It takes too long to start installation and hangs in the middle10:53
chiiiiizmy .conkyrc is made from examples, and I always have "no such configuration" when starting conky in a console10:53
Firartixrbk17: me too :p10:54
chiiiiizcan any one help me on that? I would like to see the temp, top processes, the state of my discs...10:54
Firartixrbk17: erUSUL: thanks alot for your help btw10:54
rbk17Firartix: right, One way is to make a short "script" - it that is an option ?10:55
Reapuis it possible to download all tagged photos from mine or someone elses facebook?10:55
jukchiiiiiz: again you let us, pastebin exact command you giving and error output, your concyrc10:55
rbk17Firartix: ( no longer a simple one-liner )10:55
erUSULFirartix: still not fixed though :S10:55
Firartixrbk17: well i guess10:56
dellerUSUL: this is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/563013/10:56
Reapuis it possible to download all tagged photos from mine or someone elses facebook?10:56
rbk17echo "echo mem > /proc..." > /tmp/sleepnow.sh10:56
Firartixthe WM configuration is in LUA, and you can add menu entries that launch commands10:56
Firartixso i guess it can be done eas10:56
rbk17Firartix: echo "echo mem > /proc..." > /tmp/sleepnow.sh10:56
jukReapu: what hell is it got to do with ubuntu support?10:56
rbk17Firartix: chmod +x /tmp/sleepnow.sh10:57
Firartixthen execute said script?10:57
chiiiiizjuk: http://pastebin.com/24Jr4bMd10:57
rbk17Firartix: gksudo -S /tmp/sleepnow.sh10:57
Firartixrbk17: i guess i gotta replace the /proc by /sys/power/state ?10:57
rbk17Firartix: yes10:58
Firartixk, trying now10:58
Firartixsilly question btw rbk1710:58
Firartix> appends to stuff? don't i need to clear the file after executing?10:59
chiiiiizjuk: can't get anything in a log file using "conky > mylog" though I have a lot of errors in a console10:59
jukchiiiiiz: you choosed pastebin poorly10:59
chiiiiizjuk: what do you mean?10:59
Firartixoo nvm that i just fail XD11:00
rbk17Firartix: no, unless you can't spare one block of free space in tmp...11:00
jukchiiiiiz: i can't see your paste for 2min staring at ad11:00
erUSULdell: do « compiz --replace » ina terminal and see if that works. if it prints anything or errors paste them11:00
nixjrhow can i do "echo 'Generated at' ; date" but without creating newline between the two?11:00
bibic682wow, upgrading to 9.10....hope my system can handle it   :)11:00
q_a_z_stevedoes anyone know whether mailman inherently has issues with underscores in an address when sending? Maybe multiple underscores???11:01
rbk17Firartix: There IS a (very small) security risk: if someone changes sleepnow.sh before gksudo...11:01
llutznixjr: echo -n 'Generated at' ; date11:01
jukchiiiiiz: ok, it came now11:01
=== SirNeo is now known as sirneo
Firartixw00t, does work, tyvm rbk17 :) !11:01
nixjrllutz, perfect, thanks11:02
Firartixrbk17: isn't the execution synchronous or something?11:02
dellerUSUL: done and still not working  i got this.. compiz --replace11:02
delllibccs: dlopen: /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/libgconf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:02
dellCouldn't find a perfect decorator match; trying all decorators11:02
dellFound no decorator to start11:02
FloodBot3dell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
llutznixjr: or        echo 'Generated at ' $(date)11:02
jukchiiiiiz: is it French?11:02
Firartixanyway i don't think anyone would go around looking in that thing so bah >.>11:02
Firartixtyvm :) !11:02
chiiiiizjuk: sorry, I do not understand... is there a problem with the link? It works by me!11:02
erUSULdell: what version of ubuntu ?11:02
eleniHi guys, how do I increase the size of ubuntu's host space (running on NTFS, windows host) - usual partition way doesn't apply, thanks.11:02
chiiiiizow, OK11:03
rbk17Firartix: I guess you mean "atomic"? no11:03
erUSUL!wubi | eleni11:03
ubottueleni: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:03
jukchiiiiiz: link works, i said is it French?11:03
Firartixrbk17: what do you mean?11:03
erUSULeleni: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide11:03
dellerUSUL:ubuntu netbook 10.1011:03
chiiiiizjuk: I am indeed11:03
erUSULdell: ok; maybe netbook edition does not use compiz nor complete gnome desktop ...11:03
jukchiiiiiz: ah11:04
chiiiiizI followed a french howto11:04
jukchiiiiiz: so what was the command again?11:04
chiiiiizjuk: nobody's perfect....11:04
dellerUSUL: what do u mean??11:04
rbk17Firartix: you might want to make sleepnow.sh "permanent" by moving it to /usr/bin (or /usr/local/bin), setting the right permissions11:04
rbk17Firartix: chmod 755 , and owner root.11:05
chiiiiizI try to have the output of this command in a txt file... but it is always empty...11:05
Firartixgood point11:05
jukchiiiiiz: did i mention word perfect?11:05
Firartixthat way you can't change it iwthout root permission11:05
rbk17Firartix: right.11:05
pedrovazhi guys! I'm new to ubuntu (using 11.04) and I'm looking for an app that I can use to record macros. Can you help me?11:06
jukchiiiiiz: im waiting11:06
chiiiiizjuk: http://pastebin.com/xXsYRTRY11:06
chiiiiizhere is the log11:06
erUSULdell: that the netbook edition uses unity a new interface. i've never used it so i dunno how to troubleshoot your issue11:07
erUSULdell: it does not use compiz to provide desktop effects ...11:07
rbk17Firartix: best of luck, need to logoff now11:07
Firartixthanks lot :)11:07
DanielParkerhi, I have a question... I'm upgrading from 9.10 to 10.10... and want to save my printer settings (was a real hassle, and still not alot better in 10.10 I saw), which directories should I backup to save both settings and drivers?11:07
dellerUSUL: oic..thanks dude for your time n effort..much appreciated11:08
chiiiiizjuk: I did not expect it to work perfectly at first shot... but I expecetd at least something to display, that I could work from...11:08
erUSULdell: no problem. FYI you intel graphic drivers are correctly installed and work ok.11:08
devkorcvinceIm planning on installing nvidia driver from nvidia site? cause ubuntu repo nvidia driver is not the latest one? is it safe to install the driver?11:09
dvrcoderhi. question: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PamCcredsHowto why would i want to have auth [default=done] pam_ccreds.so action=validate?11:09
jukchiiiiiz: sigh, i meant that pastebin.com is slower, than paste.ubuntu.com11:09
=== pedrovaz is now known as ptknight
chiiiiizok, I'll do that11:09
eliei have a question11:10
Reapuis there a way to download all tagged photos from someone's profile on facebook in bulk?11:10
jukchiiiiiz: well fresh installed conky, works just fine11:11
chiiiiizjuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563015/11:11
VCooliodevkorcvince: sure, just uninstall the packages from the repos first and remember you did this, so you can remove when you want11:11
jukchiiiiiz: on top of compiz though it's pervertic11:12
chiiiiizOK, so I must remove my desktop effects?11:12
chiiiiizI did remove them and no change....11:13
* devco3 is away: ==> je revient11:13
VCooliochiiiiiz: border_margin is deprecated I think, and instead of ${font11:13
VCoolio it must read ${font}11:13
VCooliochiiiiiz: and ${color} needs a number for predefined colors, or html tag, like ${color2} or ${color 123abc}11:14
jukchiiiiiz: i didn't say to remove anything yet, dont harm yourself11:14
chiiiiizVCoolio: thanks for your help. Do you mean I shall add a figure after ${color} (ex: ${color1}) for testing?11:15
ibrahimhi, i have a problem in installing the "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" evry time i install it there is an error then when i reboot the ubuntu gives me s black screen and stops my laptop is hp G62-a44EE i need help11:16
ptknightI'm looking for an app to record macros with ubuntu 11.04. Could you recommend 1?11:16
VCooliochiiiiiz: yes, but then also a line in which you specify color1, like: color1 orange   or: color1 00000011:16
DanielParkerptknight, imacros ?11:17
jukchiiiiiz: well it looks like you copied malformed conkyrc11:17
Firartixowwwwwwwwwww what thy hell11:17
chiiiiizjuk: lucky me... the links come from the ubuntu-fr docs!!!11:18
jukchiiiiiz: is default one works which is in /etc/conky/11:18
DanielParkerhow can I backup my printer-settings+drivers?11:18
Firartixit worked fine from term, but when putting it in /usr/bin it got all messed up11:18
Firartixeven tho it's same contents11:18
VCooliochiiiiiz: wait, the most important thing misses11:19
VCoolioadd a line with just TEXT at line 104, then try again :)11:19
VCooliochiiiiiz: line 87 I mean, just after #info ordi11:20
Firartixattempting to execute the script doing echo mem > /sys/power/state now tells me that /sys/power/state is a directory...11:20
* VCoolio kicks himself11:20
chiiiiizjuk: the default one works11:20
Firartixand trying to cd in it tells me it fails because it's not a dir11:21
* Firartix kills himself11:21
VCooliochiiiiiz: a conky config has two parts: settings above line TEXT and contents below, you miss TEXT11:21
jukchiiiiiz: so my suggestion is to do research on syntax or look for verifyed conkyrc11:21
eleniI ran lpvm and set the new size, but it's taking a whiiile without any versbose responses, is that ordinary? Usual eta?11:22
dvrcoderfor pam_ccreds, the wiki says to set auth [default=done] pam_ccreds.so action=validate, but why not [default=die success=done] ?11:23
chiiiiizVcoolio: so I must add "TEXT" below line 87?11:23
ptknightmember:spow when?11:23
tgywahow can I remove all php 5 related packages at once ?11:23
VCooliochiiiiiz: yes just before or after #info ordi11:23
VCooliochiiiiiz: but with only TEXT on that line11:24
DanielParkerhow can I backup my printer-settings+drivers?11:24
chiiiiizdoen, testing11:24
jukrock and roll11:25
tgywa# apt-get remove |dpkg -l | grep php511:25
chiiiiizVcoolio: looks better, but still does not work. Only a few error messages though11:25
Firartixcopied the file again, and it finally works :) ! tyvm everyone11:26
shoooodi have a creative usb webcam and i want to use it on ubuntu11:26
gunndawgFirartix, what were you having issues with?11:26
shoooodany help11:26
gunndawgout of curiosity11:26
VCooliotgywa: dpkg -l | grep php5   if that returns what you need then do: for i in $(dpkg -l | grep php5); do sudo apt-get remove $i; done11:26
chiiiiizVcoolio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563020/11:26
Firartixgunndawg: getting the comp in suspend mode using gksudo11:26
gunndawgFirartix, oh ok11:27
Firartixbecause sudo won't work good outside of a terminal...11:27
shoooodany help11:27
VCooliochiiiiiz: freq_dyn_g doesn't seem to exist anymore, delete where it is mentioned in the config; also you'll need hwmon package for some lines to work, figure that out or find alternatives to show this output; error destroying thread I don't know11:28
VCooliochiiiiiz: man conky for all available options11:28
shoooodcreative usb webcam i want to use it on ubuntu  any help , plz ?????????11:28
DanielParkershooood, which model/version?11:29
ibrahim__hi, i have a problem in installing the "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" evry time i install it there is an error then when i reboot the ubuntu gives me s black screen and stops my laptop is hp G62-a44EE i need help11:29
juk!cheese | shooood11:29
shoooodlive !cam11:29
jukshooood: what the problem?11:29
minimecshooood: Stay calm ;) plug it in and start gstreamer-properties. Look in the video section under v4l or v4l2, if you find the cam.11:29
shoooodmodel no.  vf033011:30
juktry mplayer tv://11:30
shoooodu know when u connect it to windows it ask u for its driver11:30
shoooodi need its driver for linux ubuntu11:30
jukhere we go11:31
jukold habits die hard11:31
DanielParkershooood, have you tried the webcam prog cheese first? see if it works?11:31
shoooodwhere can i find it11:31
shoooodi used to use ubuntu long time ago11:31
minimecshooood: That's the beauty of Linux. IF there is a linux driver, it is already installed ;)11:31
shoooodbut i forget everything11:31
DanielParkershooood, in program menu under sound&video... if it isnt there you should install it11:32
tgywaVCoolio, Thank you very much !11:32
tgywaIt just worked fine.11:32
shoooodthe name again ???11:32
fdsaseemslegitshooood, open a terminal and type cheese,  if you don't have it installed,  type sudo apt-get install cheese11:32
DanielParkeror install it via the ubuntu software center11:33
VCooliotgywa: you needed to pipe to awk too, but if it's done, then ok, np11:33
shooooddaniel thank u so much11:33
shoooodi'm trying via terminal11:33
shoooodso what does this cheese do ???11:33
minimecshooood: Stay calm ;) plug it in and start gstreamer-properties. Look in the video section under v4l or v4l2, if you find the cam.11:33
shoooodi setup skype and try to use the webcam but it doesn't work11:34
jukVCoolio: did he fixed his conky?11:35
vandrarwassup mates11:35
DanielParkeranyone: how can I backup my printer-settings+drivers?11:36
VCooliojuk: pretty much, line TEXT was missing, and some packages used in this config; it's better now, he'll get there11:36
mkanyicyDanielParker: why would you want to do that?11:37
shoooodit's supposed to setup chesse but there is nothing11:37
shoooodi typed chesse after the installation finished but it didn't work11:38
sacarlsonDanielParker: most of the stuf if not all can be found and backed up at /etc/cups/ dir11:38
DanielParkermkanyicy, I want to because it was a real hassle installing it... I'm upgrading from 9.10 to 10.10 and it doesn't seem to be a lot better there... so just in case I want to save the printer-settings/drivers11:38
juk!webcam | shooood11:38
ubottushooood: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:38
jukread and try again11:38
minimecshooood: Did you check gstreamer-properties (Multimedia System Selector)? If your cam is v4l-cam, then skype and cheese will not work, because they only work with 4vl2-devices imho.11:39
shoooodi don't understand11:40
nixjrive made a .sh script, and i want it to run automatically every 10mins, how do i achive that?11:40
jukshooood: what?11:41
shoooodi don't know11:41
jukshooood: wanna say you can't read?11:41
shoooodit's not that11:41
mkanyicyDanielParker: just note down the steps you took to install them and proceed11:41
minimecshooood: Pease check gstreamer-properties... v4l is the first gegenratio of linux-webcam-dirvers. v4l2 is the 2nd generation... ;)11:41
shoooodbut i can't understand what does it mean v4l-cam11:41
shoooodi do install chesse but it doesn't work11:42
mkanyicynixjr: use cron11:42
jukshooood: i'm sorry i didn't know11:43
dirtyhabanerohey, any Wget wizards here?11:44
cmartin0dirtyhabanero, ask in #wget11:44
dirtyhabaneroi have11:44
cmartin0meh worth a shot11:45
shoooodminimec : Couldn't find package gstreamer11:45
nixjrmkanyicy, thanks11:45
shoooodjunk : shooood@ubuntu:~$ chesse11:45
shoooodbash: chesse: command not found11:45
cmartin0kernel boots to halt with something about nouveau. this is a clean install of 10.04. I cant get to graphics mode11:46
cmartin0is there a way to prevent that driver from loading?11:46
minimecshooood: gstreamer is your default multimedia framework. If you have rhythmbox or totem player on your system you have gstreamer running. It's default on a ubuntu install. I would be surprised, if you don't have gstreamer installed on your ubuntu system...11:46
dirtyhabanerocmartin0: do you know the apache chan?11:46
shoooodminimec : sorry11:46
cmartin0dirtyhabanero, is this related to 4chan?11:47
cmartin0(ie no)11:47
Ad0sometimes I get "ALERT! /dev/mapper/Main-linux does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"11:47
dirtyhabanero no, don't worry11:47
shoooodminimec : how can i use this gstreamer11:47
Ad0on my mdadm lvm setup11:47
minimecshooood: <Alt>F2 key on your keyboard, then gstreamer-properties --> You will have a window that pops up. go to the video section and check the v4l and v4l2 devices.11:48
Ad0what's up with that11:48
sacarlsonDanielParker: I found more links in the printer drivers spread all over in /usr/lib/cups/ /usr/bin /usr/sbin  as partly seen in the package properties of cups visible in synaptic11:49
ibrahim__hi, i have a problem in installing the "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" evry time i install it there is an error then when i reboot the ubuntu gives me s black screen and stops........my laptop is hp G62-a44EE i need help11:49
shoooodminimec : default input plugin is video for  linux 2 (v4l2)11:49
shoooodminimec : it works11:49
shoooodit works11:49
nixjrmkanyicy, will telling my script to run evrey 10mins with cron, add a lot of load to the server?11:50
rigvedibrahim__: try booting into recovery mode. does the problem persist?11:50
mattc__errors starting mysql (looking for mysqld.sock) how can i find out where this file is to change my config11:50
shoooodminimec : sorry again but it doesn't work for skype11:50
minimecshooood: So if your camera iis detected as v4l2 cam, also check the device /dev/videoX11:50
minimecshooood: It's also written in that video section...11:51
shoooodminimec: ok awit11:51
minimecshooood: YOu might have to start cheese with something like 'cheese -d /dev/video1'11:51
=== zfe is now known as noobarak
andreylosevis there a way to make get a working ftp server without root access?11:52
shoooodminimec : shooood@ubuntu:~$ chesse -d/dev/video111:53
shoooodbash: chesse: command not found11:53
mkanyicynixjr: i don't know, maybe11:53
mattc__http://pastesite.com/21579 this is the error when i try to start mysqld, what type of error is it11:53
mattc__or how can i fix this11:53
* juk god truly does protects children and fools11:53
minimecshooood: sodo apt-get install cheese?11:53
ibrahim__rigved:how i didnt install it yet cause it's give same error and i must reinstall ubuntu11:53
shoooodminimec  : i did that11:53
sacarlsonmattc__: you still stuck on this?  you did full purge of mysql and reinstall?11:54
SoftarPaulI can't start mysql. http://pastebin.com/sR3RSpsN here's my daemon.log11:54
mattc__sacarlson,  yes several times11:54
rigvedibrahim__: when the PC just starts to boot, but before Ubuntu has started to load, press and hold the Shift button. it'll give you the Grub menu. there, select recovery mode11:54
shoooodminimec : something wrong happened11:55
mattc__sacarlson, i can get it to start sometimes but the command is long and i think it has something to do with mysql_safe or something11:55
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family11:55
sacarlsonmattc__: to start that's not the normal way to start mysql  it's normaly done with sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart11:56
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!11:56
DanielParkerthanks sacarlson and mkanyicy11:56
shoooodminimec : when i pressed test in the first time it worked properly the now when i press test i works very bad11:56
andreylosevnobody knows then?11:56
mattc__sacarlson, 'Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)'11:56
ptknighti'm trying to compile xnee-3.08 but i'm getting an error. After running ./configure, make install produces this log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563033/ can you help me?11:56
minimecshooood: I see that you don't need the -d option. Just do cheese /dev/videoX (while X is a number >=0)11:57
mkanyicySoftarPaul: try 'sudo service mysql stop' followed by 'sudo service mysql start'11:58
sacarlsonmattc__: that's find it still starts even with that mesage11:58
mkanyicySoftarPaul: note the error messages11:58
shoooodminimec : bash: chesse : command not found11:58
SoftarPaulmkanyicy: It says "stop: Unknown instance: " when I'm trying to stop it11:59
mattc__sacarlson, nope same socket error11:59
minimecshooood: So cheese is not installed! Open that UbuntuSoftwareCenter in the applications menu and install it! sudo apt-get install in a console is the easier way. Both ways work.12:00
DaghdhaHi, i am gonna make an image with partimage of my system disk, is there any thing i have to do before i do that to clear space or something?12:00
sudo_zoelminimec: window border still got problem, i'm using compizfusion icon to reload window manager, it work. but when i reboot my PC, window border still gone.12:00
sacarlsonmattc__: this also should work sudo restart mysql , if those fail then lets see what your file /etc/mysql/my.cfg  looks like paistbin that12:00
minimecsudo_zoel: I am not using mutter, so I cannot help you further...12:01
shoooodminimec : look it seems that it's installed but i can't get it work12:01
mkanyicySoftarPaul: try the old school way: 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop12:01
mattc__my etc/mysql consists of only: conf.d  debian.cnf  debian-start12:01
shoooodminimec : chesse webcam booth12:01
minimecshooood: It's cheese, not chesse. If it is installed you don't get the command not found thing.12:01
mkanyicySoftarPaul: followed by 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start'12:01
sacarlsonmattc__: pastebin the contents of /etc/mysql/my.cnf12:02
shoooodminimec : it work  i wrote the spelling of cheese wrong12:02
mattc__sacarlson, i cant, i dont have that file12:02
sacarlsonmattc__: cool problem solved12:02
sudo_zoeli already uninstall mutter. i'm using config. to show window border, i must reload window manager using confizfusion icon everytime i boot my PC12:03
SoftarPaulmkanyimkanyicy: Didn't work12:03
sacarlsonmattc__: purge mysql and reload it and verify that file exists12:03
shoooodminimec : it has a proplem12:03
shoooodminimec : the piucture is green12:03
minimecshooood: So we both agree that you have a v4l2 cam running with the webcam software cheese. Is that correct?12:04
minimecshooood: Don't care about the green.12:04
shoooodhow is that12:04
sacarlsonmattc__: sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql12:04
shoooodminimec : how is that ???12:04
minimecshooood: Your cam should also be recognized by skype, if it is recognized in cheese.12:04
mattc__sacarlson, just to confirm, mysql doesnt exist as a package12:04
shoooodminimec : no it's not recognized12:04
mattc__i have the server, client and core files12:05
SoftarPaulmkanyicy: I wasn't able to run the old12:05
=== root is now known as Guest59223
sacarlsonmattc__: ok that's your secound problem,  delete whatever you installed that created mysql12:05
pagoreHi, all, could one person visit my website and say me if it works? (unfortunately, all persons from my ICQ list are offline) :)12:05
VCooliopagore: Finally this server works!!! :D Here is a cool number: 443512:06
minimecshooood: v4l2 devices are recognized by skype, that's all I can say.12:06
sacarlsonmattc__: what did you do compile it?12:06
pagorei fought 2 days12:06
FloodBot3pagore: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:06
hsa2how can i check if a file is owned by a package?12:06
mattc__sacarlson, no originally i got the lamp package12:06
VCoolio!yay | pagore12:06
ubottupagore: Glad you made it! :-)12:06
mattc__then i did mysql-server mysql-client12:07
shoooodminimec : thank u so much but the problem is i can't find my webacam in the list of supported webcam12:07
mattc__apt-get that is12:07
pagorewith apache ! :D12:07
amin_howto for creating l2tp vpn connection fast please?!!12:07
PiGreco26hello, how here the gnome-vfs-obexftp package in the Ubuntu 10.10????12:07
minimecshooood: Try again. I tshould be there.12:08
sacarlsonmattc__: well if you only used packages then just apt-get install mysql ,  see if the my.cnf file exists , if not --purge it and reinstall it again12:08
hsa2apt-file find is what i want12:08
shoooodminimec : i'll try but thank u any way thank u so much12:08
sacarlsonmattc__: sudo apt-get install mysql12:09
mattc__no package found12:09
sacarlsonmattc__: oh so it's not found in synaptic?12:09
evildemonlucashey, i need to request some help12:10
amin_help about creating l2tp connection vpn type plz!!!12:10
sacarlsonmattc__: what version of ubuntu is this?12:10
minimecshooood: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams12:10
* devco3 is back (gone 00:57:32)12:10
shoooodminimec : i'll check it thanks12:10
mattc__10.10 sacarlson12:11
=== amin_ is now known as kraxi
jrib!away > devco312:11
ubottudevco3, please see my private message12:11
sacarlsonmattc__: try change mirror sites in synaptic to japan12:11
alter-egohey i got a quick question... dunno if its much of a linux questions but here goes... my girl needs my computers power but shes scared of linux... is there a way to boot her windows drive thru the network onto my comp?12:11
minimecshooood: I see that you may have to do some configuration for Creative-Cams12:11
shoooodminimec : can i ask u a question ????12:12
tgywaHow can I fix that error ?12:12
sacarlsonmattc__: sorry my fault wrong package name12:12
shoooodminimec : how can i do this configuration ????12:12
shoooodminimec : can i do it through the terminal12:13
evildemonlucasi have a question about executable bits, my ubuntu wont let me execute anything on my external hard drive. i try to set it to allow executing but it wont allow me to select it12:13
sacarlsonmattc__:  sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common12:13
evildemonlucascan anyone help me with this?12:14
pagoreevildemonlucas: if you copy it to an other HD, does it work?12:14
LinuxNoobhdd cloning. whats oin on here12:14
commander_can anyone tell me how can i run sound through my subwoofer under ubuntu 10.4 (left and right speaker on laptop msi ex620x work but not the subwoofer)12:15
sacarlsonmattc__: also install sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin12:15
evildemonlucasyes, but space limitations mean i cant use that as a long term solution#12:15
LinuxNoobcommander_: prob a dif audio player12:15
pagoreevildemonlucas:some common problems are, that maybe your HD or the direction doesnt have read permissions12:16
PiGreco26hello, here the gnome-vfs-obexftp package in the Ubuntu 10.10????12:16
LinuxNoobone that has support for center speakers12:16
LinuxNoobcenter speaker = sub12:16
blapmathey how do i stop postgres and apache from spawning at bootup.12:16
LinuxNoobayyy, i got to answer a question :D12:16
evildemonlucassays it has read and write , but i cant edit executing12:17
LinuxNooband ive seen apache somewhere when i was messing around, so im not even swinging12:17
blapmatcongrats LinuxNoob12:17
pagoreevildemonlucas: and you are absolutely sure, that you used "sudo chmod a+rwx <filename>" on that file?12:17
ghabithello. I have i5-760 intel processor. Should I download 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?12:18
LinuxNoobevildemon u havin problems with a game?12:18
evildemonlucasno, i believe i did it through nautilus, let me try your method12:18
blapmatghabit: if you want compatibility choose 32bit12:18
kraxihow to create l2tp vpn connection12:19
blapmatghabit: although you have a 64 bit processor so anyone will do, but few apps even use the capabilities of a 64bit processor.12:20
pagorehi :P12:22
shoooodminimec : the picture appeared is splitted into 2 parts and green and occupy the upper half of the cheese window12:22
evildemonlucaspagore, is ,filename. where i put the path to the directory12:23
shoooodjunk : u still there ???12:24
cmartin0dirtyhabanero, apache chan has to do with nouvea?12:24
debdwell am too new here12:24
dirtyhabanerocmartin0: negative, I just thought you knew12:25
kaddihi i'm looking for a decent offline dictionary for ubuntu12:25
pagoreevildemonlucas: after you opened your terminal you have to change your "Terminal directory" called the current working directory. You do this with the command "cd <directorypath>"12:25
pagoreevildemonlucas: and when you are in the directory of your executable your next command is: "sudo chmod a+rwx <executableFile>"12:25
debdsome one tell me ...wat ppl really do here? :)12:25
minimecshooood: Man I cannot help you with anything. I don't own a Creative Webcam. If you want good and linux compatible webcams, buy Logitech ;)12:25
kaddidebd: this is the ubuntu support channel. They help with ubuntu related questions12:26
cor_rwhen I try to watch flash fullscreen, it keeps stucking, any idea how to solve that? I did already install flash nonfree12:26
shoooodminimec : thank u so much12:26
debdwhy is ur name in yello?12:26
minimecshooood: No problem ;)12:26
kaddidebd: probably because i said your name. This will be highlighted because I am talking to you12:26
evildemonlucasok, is there a way of doing this to all files in a directory? thanks for the help btw12:26
pagoreevildemonlucas: yes: "sudo chmod a+rwx *"12:27
zoraelbauble seems completely broken in 10.10 and spews a pyton traceback on start (bug #680214). Could any python wiz see if this is something obvious and easy to fix?12:27
ghabitso what to choose with i5-760 - 32 bit or 64?12:27
zoraelfull link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bauble/+bug/68021412:27
civixierHi. I want to be able to execute shell scripts from my own directory located at /home/civixier/bin without having to type /home/civixier/bin/ before the script, how do I do that?12:27
ambackstromI'm trying to reinstall snmpd. The process recreates /etc/snmp, but doesn't place any files there. Can I force this step?12:27
debdis there a word auto-completion  soft available for ubu?12:27
paradigmflowHi, what is the best slideshow generation program?12:28
cmartin0the install of 10.04 i have defaults to  nouvea but the kernel halts when loading the driver so i cant get to a shell. how do i fix this?12:28
ambackstromcivixier: modify your ~/.bash_profile, add "export PATH=$PATH:/home/civixier/bin"12:28
root_cmartin0: Try another .iso?12:29
civixierambackstrom > thanks man :)12:29
=== root_ is now known as xParliament
orgthingyhello, ive bought a new laptop today..but the sound hurts my ears a bit - for whatever reason - and lowering the PCM helped..YET, whenever i raise the volume: the PCM gets raised12:30
orgthingyand i dont want that12:30
civixierambackstrom > I dont have a .bash_profile, is .bashrc the same thing?12:30
orgthingyand i dont want that/12:30
bert_Is there a touchscreen calibration application in ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition, cause I can't seem able to find it ?12:30
paradigmflowI would like a program that puts the slideshow in dvd format as well.12:30
sacarlsonambackstrom: I have it installed and seems I created a custom simple config with only 3 lines12:30
ambackstromcivixier: there are some rules i always forget regarding which file is used for what (i think .bash_profile is for interactive logins)12:31
van7huhi all,What is the default mail client in ubuntu?12:31
pagoreorgthingy: you dont want the hotkeys for raising the sound?12:31
ambackstromcivixier: add to .bashrc, logout, and login. that's a good starting point12:31
orgthingyi do, pagore, but why does the PCM gets automatically raised?12:31
orgthingythats what alsamixer tells me at least in terminal12:31
civixierambackstrom > thanks :) I think I can manage from here :)12:32
ravenpartimage: what means "image reading error bitmap block 0"?12:32
orgthingyand when i lower the volume, pagore , pcm stays 100%12:32
pagoreorgthingy: you dont want the hotkeys for raising the sound?ah ok, so only one hotkey works12:32
debdmy pppoeconf prepares the conf file in /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider                  but using sudo pon -dsl provider      tries to load the conf file from /etc/ppp/peers/provider which is non existant       what argument to add ?12:32
evildemonlucasPagore: doesnt work im afraid12:33
cor_rwhen I try to watch flash fullscreen, it keeps stucking, any idea how to solve that? I did already install flash nonfree12:33
sidewalkwhen running gparted, why is the filesystem xfs grayed out?12:33
Ddordahey guys. i'm willing to load a user to his gnome interface using ssh. is that possible?12:33
kaddiDdorda: it might be possible, but it's gonna be horribly slow.. To forward gui applications over ssh use the switch -X when logging in12:34
nemetosIs OpenJDK the best java implementation for Ubuntu?12:34
shazzrI have 3 ubuntu-machines that get their IP via DHCP. They are in a Windows network. Is there any way to make these three machines aware of eachother? Updating the /etc/hosts file by checking the MAC-address or something?12:34
Ddordakaddi: i mean, to control gnome connection via the ssh. not to run the whole gnome via ssh12:35
kaddiI'm looking for an offline dictionary which will help me translate stuff between english, french, german and spanish (or a subgroup of those languages). Anything available?12:35
debd my pppoeconf prepares the conf file in /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider                  but using sudo pon -dsl provider      tries to load the conf file from /etc/ppp/peers/provider which is non existant       what argument to add ?12:36
kaddiDdorda: oh, not sure I know what a gnome connection is. But I wouldn't be able to tell you if it's possible or not anyways.. Theoretically anything you can do with a command line you can do through ssh, so i would think it's possible12:36
radu_google traslate for kaddi12:36
kaddiradu_: is there an offline version of that?12:36
debdits not ofline@radu12:36
Ddordakaddi: to connect a user to gnome via ssh...12:37
evildemonlucaspagore: command goes through but it doesnt change anything12:37
radu_no, sorry12:37
radu_only online version12:37
kaddiDdorda: sorry for being so dense. How do you connect a user to gnome? And what happens once he is connected?12:37
mkanyicykaddi: yes there is12:38
mkanyicykaddi: open sysnaptic and install, dictd12:38
Ddordakaddi: when you load Ubuntu you can see a login session, i'm willing to enter uname & pass via the ssh12:38
mkanyicykaddi: and then search for 'dict-freedict' and you will see many translation dictionaries, install the ones you want12:38
sacarlsonshazzr: you could have dhcpd if running on one of your ubuntu systems (up all the time) it could keep the same ip for the 3 systems as you say by keeping a matched ip for each mac, then have a /etc/hosts file that matches the ip numbers to names of each12:39
mkanyicykaddi: this is for offline use12:39
mkanyicykaddi: also install 'dict', 'dict-gcide'12:40
kaddiDdorda: oh, that's an interesting way of doing stuff12:40
jjrodriguezHi there, does any body know how to connect the Belkin usb network hub using 10.1012:40
kaddiDdorda: can't help you with that. Sorry. But I would be surprised if it works, tbh12:41
Ddordakaddi: you're going to be surprised. i'm 100% sure it is possible12:41
mkanyicyDdorda: what do you want to achieve?12:41
shazzrsacarlson: The DHCP-server is run by system admins. I can't put up another DHCP-server in the network.12:41
Ddordamkanyicy: to login a user to his gnome desktop using ssh12:42
kaddimkanyicy: i've tried the freedict ones, but they're horribly small english-french has a total of 800 words in it12:42
* devco3 is away: ==> bon ben je vais faire un peu sql..... a+12:43
sacarlsonshazzr: oh ok, maybe another solution like winbind?12:43
erUSUL!away > devco312:43
ubottudevco3, please see my private message12:43
mkanyicykaddi: sorry then12:43
mkanyicyDdorda: you want to open terminal and ssh to a machine and then a window pops up that you can click files on?12:43
debd_well..am really new to irc.12:44
mkanyicyDdorda: rather try 'remote desktop' option12:44
debd_how to change channels?12:44
kaddidebd_: type /join #channelofyourchoice12:44
mkanyicyDdorda: you can also do 'ssh -Y username@remote-computer' and then type 'gnome-pannel'12:45
mkanyicyDdorda: the remote pannel will 'replace' your local one12:46
Niglophow do i mount my flash stick?12:46
erUSULNiglop: should happen automatically when you plug it12:46
mkanyicyDdorda: in that way you have an access to files & apps in that machine, in a mouse click way12:46
NigloperUSUL› it's not anymore12:46
debd_ya kaddi..thanks12:46
Ddordamkanyicy: but that is not what i'm trying to do12:47
kaddiglad to be off help :)12:47
Ddordai'm willing to run some kind of control command12:47
mkanyicyDdorda: what are you trying to do, once again?12:47
erUSULNiglop: do « tailf /var/log/messages » ina  terminal window and plug the flash drive. paste the new messages you get in the terminal12:47
erUSUL!paste | Niglop12:47
ubottuNiglop: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:47
mkanyicyDdorda: like?12:47
Ddordamkanyicy: to connect a user to his gnome account12:47
Ddordasomething like gdm-command --conect="user"12:48
kaddiDdorda: you're trying to remotely log in for someone else that is currently in front of the machine?12:48
Ddordathat will make the user to login12:48
blue112Hi here.12:48
Ddordakaddi: indeed :)12:48
kaddiwhy not just give him the password?12:48
kaddi!hi | blue11212:48
Ddordakaddi: because it disturb him doing his homework ;)12:48
gratz|homehi all, i have a python script which should open a usb device to read from, it works as root but not as standard user (permissions problem) in the past it used to be a case of adding the user to the usb group in /etc/group but it seems this has changed, how should i go about doing this now? Ubuntu 10.1012:48
mkanyicyDdorda: now I realise what you want to do12:49
mkanyicyDdorda: i misunderstood you completely12:49
mkanyicyDdorda: sorry then12:49
Ddordamkanyicy: okay :) so you have an idea?12:49
blue112I have a problem regarding my audio driver. I'm on a laptop. When I boot the computer with a jack in the headphone pin, everything goes right. If I don't, I need to restart the sound (alsabase restart + modprobe), which takes time and I boring. How can I fix that ?12:49
schnuffle1gratz|home: you can use sudo to execute the command as root12:49
erUSULgratz|home: what usb device? check the permissions of the device node12:49
mkanyicyDdorda: nope12:49
mkanyicyDdorda: :/912:50
mkanyicyDdorda: :(12:50
jriberUSUL: probably some polkit mess12:50
kaddiDdorda: if the person is not in front of the PC, why log him in? If you have an admin account you have full access to his files anywyas12:50
jribgratz|home: probably some polkit mess12:50
gratz|homei can use sudo yeah obviously that works but want it to run as the user12:50
erUSULjrib: maybe,12:50
gratz|homeerUSUL, rs232 converter12:50
NigloperUSUL› http://pastebin.com/0qPt5MHR12:50
gratz|homeshould i create a udev rule?12:50
debd_most other channels seem dead12:50
NigloperUSUL› http://pastebin.com/n2NtJ9Tm sorry12:50
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erUSULgratz|home: maybe the group changed? serial  dialup ?12:50
Ddordakaddi: ... i'm willing to "do the password" to the person remotely12:51
sedekihow can i install fonts? (i'm running xfce) am i supposed to place them in a directory? i know gnome has some VFS thing12:51
jribgratz|home: what exactly do you need to access?  The files on a mounted usb?  I never recall the usb group having ownership of that12:51
erUSULgratz|home: "dialout" i mean12:51
Ddordasedeki: put the fonts on ~/.fonts or use apt-get12:51
kaddiDdorda: but what for? So that he can use the PC? Or do you want to check something in his account?12:51
NigloperUSUL› http://pastebin.com/n2NtJ9Tm sorry12:51
gratz|homeuser is part of dialout and tty which i figured might have done it but no joy12:52
Ddordakaddi: so he can use the computer12:52
erUSULNiglop: is that all?12:52
gratz|homejrib, there's no files on the usb, it's just a converter (USB -> RS232) but using pyusb to read usb device configuration stuff and it needs to open the device for this12:52
NigloperUSUL› i think i accidently stopped it early12:52
minimecsedeki: Put them in the folder /usr/share/fonts for all users or create a .fonts folder in /home/yourname and put them in there.12:52
anygivennamehow do I configure proxy server so I am able to route through it from any outside connection ?12:52
jribgratz|home: can't you just check the permissions on the device?12:52
erUSULgratz|home: "ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0"12:52
sedekiminimec: thx12:52
NigloperUSUL› ill rerun it12:53
erUSULNiglop: ok12:53
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gratz|homeowner is root, group is dialout, group seems to have rw as well...12:53
gratz|homeand my user is part of dialout12:53
gratz|homeso it should work right?12:53
gratz|homeunless i've misunderstood12:53
erUSULgratz|home: so being in dialout should suffice just like before ....12:54
LinuxNoobany of u guise know exactly how secure linux is?12:54
LinuxNoobgrc.com if u wanna test ur system12:54
jribLinuxNoob: 97.3% secure12:54
kaddiDdorda: only thing I can think of now is that you could add a new user which has no password or remove the password from your account and reboot to automatically login?12:54
erUSULgratz|home: works here in a simple test with ttyS012:54
LinuxNoobyeah pretty damn secure12:54
schnuffle1LinuxNoob: As secure as any other OS12:54
blue112jrib, +112:55
sacarlsonanygivenname: is this just for a browser like firefox?  they have cool plugins to change proxy and there a web sites that list free proxy services12:55
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llutz_LinuxNoob: define "secure"12:55
kaddiLinuxNoob: as secure as the person sitting in front of it12:55
Ddordakaddi: erm.. it's too hacky...12:55
LinuxNoobno open ports12:55
LinuxNoobif the port is open12:55
LinuxNoobits stealth, doesnt respond to anything12:55
kaddiI use a router, how does that make ubuntu securer?12:55
llutz_LinuxNoob: you don't know what you're talking about.12:55
kaddihehe or that :p12:55
anygivennamesacarlson: I have installed Privoxy on Ubuntu & it should do the same as the free proxy services if configured....I just dont know how to configure it12:56
LinuxNoobkaddi: and no12:56
sacarlsonanygivenname: oh do you want to become the proxy server side?12:57
LinuxNooba more expencive router just knows how to direct bandwith faster, and more accurately less lost bits12:57
anygivennamesacarlson: yes12:57
llutz_!ot | LinuxNoob12:57
ubottuLinuxNoob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:57
LinuxNoobhuh o_o12:57
NigloperUSUL› how long does this take12:57
erUSULNiglop: you stop it when you stop seing messages from usb/scsi12:58
erUSULNiglop: crtl + C12:58
NigloperUSUL› all the messages now are like 'Feb  5 23:56:48 tux kernel: [  765.494594] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions12:58
Niglop', do i keep it running12:58
NigloperUSUL› http://pastebin.com/pHRnvExt12:59
anygivennamesacarlson: can you help ?13:00
erUSULNiglop: something is not ok with the flash drive. you should something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/563058/13:01
sacarlsonanygivenname: no I don't have time sorry,  it doesn't look hard and it's well documented http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/index.html13:01
NigloperUSUL› so what do i do13:01
erUSULNiglop: does the flash drive work in other OS's or machines? different usb ports in the same machine ?13:02
NigloperUSUL› not sure havnt tried13:02
erUSULNiglop: i suspect hardware failure ... :/13:02
anygivennamesacarlson: already looked that shitty manual....it doesnt help13:02
[bean]does anyone know of an ncurses based jabber client with muc profile support?13:03
erUSULNiglop: it does not appear in « sudo fdisk -l » output either; does it?13:03
sacarlsonanygivenname: did you even view the current configuration files13:03
anygivennamesacarlson: yes & changed it as per the manual13:04
Ubuntu_1104When my ubuntu start up it starts into ubuntu, I want to see the grub menu first. How do I get ubuntu 11.04 to show the grub menu at start up?13:04
sacarlsonanygivenname: did you configure your router to redirect the port used to your server running the listiner port13:05
anygivennamesacarlson: the manual does not state what settings need to be on the client connecting remotely....so I used the IP address given by the ISP13:05
anygivennamesacarlson: yes done that13:05
erUSULUbuntu_1104: edit /etc/default/grub and comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 putting a # in front of it13:05
erUSULUbuntu_1104: run « sudo update-grub »13:05
Ubuntu_1104Thank you13:06
sacarlsonanygivenname: your ip provided on wan will probly change you do know that don't you unless you have static ip from you service13:06
anygivennamesacarlson: I have static IP13:06
sacarlsonanygivenname: ok what's your ip13:07
sacarlsonanygivenname: feel free to pm it to me if privacy needed13:07
sacarlsonanygivenname: do you have wireshark installed?13:07
anygivennamesacarlson: no....what's wireshark ?13:08
sacarlsonanygivenname: it's a networking tool13:08
sacarlsonanygivenname: see if you see the trafic from your client come in13:08
Othi`hey - so i recently upgraded from lucid to maverick and when i login via ssh i still get "a new release is available, do-release-upgrade blah blah"...13:09
sacarlsonanygivenname: check sudo iptables -L to verify you have all ports open13:09
anygivennamesacarlson: I have ping & it is coming great13:09
Othi`any idea what that might be?13:09
SnowmanX11Hi Guys,13:09
SnowmanX11I have an MSI GX720 laptop with an integrated Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) Realtek ALC120013:10
SnowmanX11Does someboedy have a same?13:10
Travis-42How do I set the default program for opening a file?13:10
sacarlsonanygivenname: ok try your clients browser on the port you use and see with wireshark if that's also visable or whatever port you use13:10
Dr_WillisTravis-42:  right click on a file with the extension you want., then either under properties. or use the open with.. menu item13:11
SnowmanX11Travis-42: right click, properties, select what to open it.13:11
Travis-42Dr_Willis, SnowmanX11 -- that only works that time. it doesn't make it the default13:11
sacarlsonanygivenname: ok got to go,  good luck13:11
Dr_WillisTravis-42:  theres a check box you are overlooking then.13:11
korsakoff-hello everybody13:11
korsakoff-someone could suggest me a good program for irc chat for bash?13:11
Dr_WillisTravis-42:  under  or you are not using the items under the PROPERTIES dialog box.13:12
gman_korsakoff- irssi13:12
Dr_Williskorsakoff-:  weechat or irssi - i perfer weechat13:12
rbk17korsakoff-: tinyirc13:12
korsakoff-and rbk1713:12
Goliathhey i have a problem with grub2. when i enable the framebuffer, ttys get off the screen (appear at 2 bottom lines). Also this seems to happen only after x serve starts.13:13
Dr_WillisGoliath:  ive seen the framebuffer drivers 'fight' with various X video drivers over the years.  ive had machines in the past i could not use Framebufers and X on at the same times13:15
korsakoff-and does one of those clients support xdcc?13:15
DeepThoughtsHi, I'm having some issues getting a NFS-server up and running on Ubuntu Server 10.04. When I try to interact with the service (start/stop/restart) it just starts spitting out a lot of "Y" (all on new lines). Anyone have a clue on what might be wrong?13:16
GoliathDr_Willis: this didnt happen on grub1, when i used vga= on kernel line13:16
Dr_Williskorsakoff-:  i think most do.13:16
Firartixyohey :) ! is there a simple command to get the resolution of your screen?13:16
Dr_WillisGoliath:  grub2 is a total rewrite.  I dont use framebuffers in the consoles any more either.13:17
Dr_WillisFirartix:  xrandr perhaps.13:17
GoliathDr_Willis: maybe it has to do with the "keep" option and not the resolution set?13:17
Firartixtyvm Dr_Willis13:17
SnowmanX11Anybody good at sound configuration?13:18
Dr_WillisGoliath:  i would have to suggest checking the grub2 wiki page/ and starter guide in the forums. they cover most every aspect of grub213:18
RishavTHey guys. I've been using Ubuntu since quite a while now, and I've always had a slight lag in the compiz animations. I thought it was because of my configuration (3 yr old laptop, core2duo 1.5GHz, 2gb ram, nvidia GeForce 8400M GS). However, recently my mom bought a Dell Inspiron Mini (Atom 1.6GHz processor, 1gb ram, Intel inegrated graphics). And it works perfectly on hers (better than mine). So It shouldn't be due to low configuration (since even window13:21
RishavTs seven works fast), and on researching on the internet I've found out its due to nvidia. But I never found a solution. Anyone knows how I can get rid of this? (Lag increases a lot when using docky)13:21
OinsAfter some (wrong) changes at the sudoers file, i get "/etc/sudoers: syntax error near line..." for a the "sudo -i" command. How can i login as root again?13:21
rumpe1Oins, hmm.... i guess you can't13:22
m4rtinOins: is it only -i that fails?13:22
schnuffle1Oins: Reboot with live cd chroot to your partition and edit the file13:22
Oinsno all sudo's fails now13:22
m4rtinOins: do as schnuffle1 suggests (or reboot into recovery mode)13:22
rbk17RishavT: a u using the closed source Nvidia drivers?13:22
rumpe1Oins, edit it via live-cd13:22
Oinshmm... nice. the system has no GPU :D13:23
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RishavTrbk17: yea. the restricted ones. I even added the x-swats ppa for the latest version (256).13:23
m4rtinOins: you are saying this is a headless box?13:23
Oinsyes. only the mainboard and the HDDs.. it's my fileserver13:23
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schnuffle1Oins: if your root account has a password you can become root with su -13:24
llutz_Oins: hint for the next time: always keep a root-session open, when fiddling with sudo/ssh13:24
Oinsschnuffle1: no, ubuntu root accounts have no password :)13:24
schnuffle1Oins: on my headless servers they have :)13:24
Oinsok thank you guys, so i have to plugoff the hdd .13:24
Oinsschnuffle1: Good for you... next time i have this too :)13:25
schnuffle1Oins: but please set AllowRootLogin to no on sshd config13:25
schnuffle1Oins: and next time use visudo which prefents syntax errors13:26
Oinsschnuffle1: i have AllowGroups... and AllowRootLogin no13:26
m4rtinOins: you might be able to fix this by modifying grub to boot with init=/bin/bash13:26
Oinsschnuffle1: ah is visudo a sudo editor?13:26
rbk17RishavT: last thing I can think of: I guess glxinfo | grep vendor13:27
m4rtinOins: actually, cancel that, it won't give your ssh session root13:27
Dr_Willisvisudo double checkes the sudoers file i belive.13:27
rbk17RishavT: gives you: OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation13:27
RishavTrbk17: okay, I'll just do that. one moment.13:27
Oinsi think the fastest way is to plugoff the hdd and put it on my usb adapter...13:27
Oinsthanks for your fast help!13:27
MojoJojohi how much swap need for ubuntu installation13:27
m4rtinOins: afraid so13:28
m4rtin"The default sudo configuration in Ubuntu is pretty basic and can be found in the /etc/sudoers file. Note that you must never edit this file using a standard text editor. You must use the visudo tool. visudo is required because it will perform extra validation on the sudoers file before you close it to make sure there aren't any syntax errors. This is crucial because a syntax error in a sudoers file could lock out all of the users on you13:28
m4rtinr system."13:28
FloodBot3m4rtin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
Oinsnew stuff learned (checked)13:28
RishavTrbk17: this is what I got (the boxes are newline characters)  server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation13:28
RishavTclient glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation13:28
RishavTOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation13:28
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MojoJojohi how much swap need for ubuntu installation13:29
RishavTrbk17: i guess the boxes were only in the input box :| forget abt them.13:29
sveinseHow can I from a shell script determine a package version being newer than others? I first planned on doing string compare, but in that case "1.0.3" is newer/higher than "1.0.23"13:29
brobinsoni am having trouble recovering files from a failed disk, i am using ubuntu live cd in my efforts, it boots fine i just cant find my files.13:29
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Dr_Willisbrobinson:  you are able to mount the filesystem with the problems?13:30
kaddibrobinson: if you have the space I'd suggest that you start by making an image of the failed disk13:30
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rbk17RishavT: ok your GL libs are ok - I have no more ideers13:30
SnowmanX11brobinson: I agree. Make image first.13:30
brobinsonDr_willis: I think so, i mount /dev/sda1 but the only folders in there are "grub" and "lost+found"13:30
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SnowmanX11brobinson: what type of files are you hunting for?13:31
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  you  sure you are mounbting the rught filesstem?13:31
RishavTrbk17: okay, thanks anyways. I'm anyways thinking of buying a new laptop. I'll go for ATI this time. My friend uses ATI + linux and works like a charm :)13:31
brobinsonDr_Willis: I am not sure, I was using Ubuntu 10.10 server13:31
brobinsonSnowmanX11: I am looking for system and config file apache/mysql13:32
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  sounds like sda1 maybe your /boot/ partition. try mounting other partitions13:32
m4rtinbrobinson: to get a list of partitions, try  sudo blkid13:32
kaddibrobinson: sudo fdisk -l will show you what partitions are on the disks in your system.13:32
Dr_WillisRishavT:  ati+linux working like a charm.. is a rareity from wha ti see in this channel13:32
SnowmanX11brobinson: 1.) Image  2.) Correct mounting  3.) Recover tools like photorec13:32
rbk17RishavT: I think the best (most open) are the Intel ones,,, but they are most likely too slow to play action games...13:32
kaddior what m4rtin said13:33
SnowmanX11OK, the last one is for image/picture files13:33
brobinsonkaddi: fdisk -l does not return anything on my system13:33
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  use sudo fdisk -l13:33
kaddiyou need to use sudo13:33
anymoushello, what's the equivalent of /etc/X11/Xsetup in gnome?13:33
gman_brobinson: you have to be root (or using sudo)13:33
kadditestdisk is good to recover files from command line.. but I would really encourage you to make an image first13:34
RishavTDr_Willis: yea? Well it did work fine with him. Getting the drivers was a pain, but after that it worked nicely. Anyways, I'll look into it some more. And rbk17: I might go into intel too. I dont game much so shouldn't be a prob.13:34
kaddihi phillllipp13:34
Dr_WillisRishavT:  i basically dont get a new laptop these days that are not nvidia (first choice) (or intel) if its ati.. i dont buy.13:35
Dr_WillisRishavT:  and definatly avoide 's3' :)13:35
RishavTDr_Wills: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)13:35
ardianHi I am doing 2 partitions / and /home which one should be primary ?13:35
Dr_Willisardian:  they boh can be primary partitions13:36
llutz_ardian: doesnt matter13:36
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* BluesKaj wonders about a netbook , now that the laptop is with daughter13:36
Dr_Willisardian:  you can have 4 priimary paritions on a hd/. one can be a extended that holds logicals.13:36
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Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  tablets are due out soon. :)  been saving my $$ for one.13:36
ardianaha thanks a lot Dr_Willis llutz_13:37
BluesKajtablets bah, I just want something reliable that'll run linux , Dr_Willis13:37
brobinsongman_: thanks, i became root and did fdisk -l, how do i tell which partition to mount now?13:37
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  that describes the ubuntu tablets :)13:37
bc81hi.  does anyone know where i can get some more emblems for nautilus?  i know how to add them one by one, but i/m hoping there might come in packs13:38
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  try mounting them all and looking at whats on them13:38
Dr_Willisbc81:  never seen an expansion pack of them. they are a neat idea. that just gets overlooked.13:38
BluesKajDr_Willis, what's the fascination with fingerprints all over the scrn :)13:38
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  i rarely notice them on my phone.  if a tablets the same sort of screen. proberly not an issue.13:39
bc81Dr_Willis: yea, they are quite handy :-)  i use them all the time, but only having 20 or so is very limited13:39
wisevoyagerbc81: feel free to see thi site, http://www.webupd8.net/13:39
Dr_Willisbc81:  they are the sort of thing i could see just vanish as a feature some day13:39
brobinsonDr_Willis: I get the following message when attempting mount /dev/sda2 "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"13:39
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  so specify the filesystem type...13:40
bc81Dr_Willis: yea, hehe either that or blow up and go viral13:40
Dr_Willis -t whatever13:40
bc81wisevoyager: can you check the link you gave me, it's 40413:40
Dr_Willisbc81:  the big trend is dumbing things down. so i doubt if they get used more.13:40
gman_brobinson: you can see the fs type in the output from fdisk13:40
alchimersalve a tutti13:40
bc81Dr_Willis: true, the mori use ubuntu, the more i want features that aren't there13:41
bc81wisevoyager: were you being a smartass with that link??13:42
Dr_Williswebupd8 is a ubuntu blog/news/theme/eyecandy site last i checked13:42
Dr_Willisso is omgubuntu web site.13:42
wisevoyagerbc81: sorry, try this link instead http://www.webupd8.org/13:43
bazhangwisevoyager, dont paste that here please.13:43
bc81wisevoyager: ;-) got it, thanks13:44
roothi! whats the command to see all the harddrives in ubuntu server?13:44
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wisevoyagerbc81: no prob bro.. :D13:44
easlanovanybody know soft for iphone on ubuntu?13:45
Dr_Williseaslanov:  'soft13:45
Dr_Willisto do what exactly13:45
brobinsonDr_Willis:fdisk -l yields "/dev/sda2              32        2481    19674113    5  Extended"  does this mean that my filesystem type is "Extended"13:45
kaddiroot sudo fdisk -l will list all partitions on all disks on your server13:46
llutz_brobinson: its no filesystem, its an extended partition13:46
Guest10652how do i see my harddrives in ubuntu server?13:46
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  a extended partion holds Logicals.. sda5+ in you rcase.. yu mount those.. not sda213:46
Dr_WillisGuest10652:  sudo fdisk -l, to see a list of seen fileysstmes13:46
amin_what is my network interface name I want a terminal command for that13:46
Guest10652Dr_Willis: ty13:47
brobinsonDr_Willis: "/dev/sda5              32        2481    19674112   8e  Linux LVM"  does this mean my filesystem type is Linux LVM?13:47
m4rtinAmaranth: ifconfig13:47
Dr_WillisI dont use LVM's but tha seems the case.13:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:47
BluesKajamin_, depends what kind of connection13:48
Dr_Willisamin_:  see what ifconfig shows.13:48
Atlantic777Any ideas how to set image preview on folder icons?13:51
qebabHi, does anyone know why my tcp connections (Like ssh or streams) would randomly start lagging while I'm on battery power, but never while I'm using a charger? I can't see anything in power management that reduces the power output to my wireless, could there also be somewhere else to look?13:52
CoGoHey gang. I'm trying to get a 1920x1080 resolution, using an nVidia Quadro 3400 (current restricted driver) on Ubuntu 10.10 with a 22" screen.13:52
Dr_WillisCoGo:  you ran the nvidia-settings tool? what sort of connection to the monito rare you using?13:53
CoGoProblem is it maxes out at 1360x768. Without the restricted driver, I'm limited to 1024x768. Editing xorg.conf doesn't seem to add anything, and xrandr doesn't show any additional modes.13:53
amin_Dr_Willis: how can I Find My Main dsl connection I have eth0 that is my lan and eth1 and lo and ppp0 and ppp1 I have to say I creat 3 vpn connection13:53
CoGoDr_Willis, I did. The connection is VGA cable, and this resolution works under Windows.13:53
CoGoDr_Willis, I suspect it doesn't recognize the monitor's ability to handle it. Interestingly, when I ran a game under Linux, it DID recognize and set that resolution.13:54
onceltucaminimec: hmm ok..13:54
Dr_WillisCoGo:  personally.. i would dump the vga.. and go dvi. the picture will look a lot bette. and your res issues will proberly go away also.13:54
CoGoDr_Willis, I can give it a try. I believe I have a DVI cable here somewhere..13:54
Dr_WillisCoGo:  ive had to convince a dozen guys at work in the past to start using dvi.. they all came back amazed at how much beter dvi looked.13:54
brobinsonDr_Willis: it appears the only mountable partition is sda1, it has files inside but does not contain my old system (files to be recovered)?13:55
Dr_WillisIm not sure how good an idea it is to hotswap out vga to hdmi cables. :) You may want to poweroff to switch13:55
Dr_Willisbrobinson:  if they are not in lost+found, then im not sure how else you can revcover them13:55
CoGoDr_Willis, I checked first, don't have them.13:56
CoGoDr_Willis, but I did find out I'm converting the DVI signal to VGA.13:56
Dr_WillisCoGo:  that can cause even more problems.13:56
Dr_WillisCoGo:  and going through a KVM type switch - even more issues.13:56
CoGoDr_Willis, still, shouldn't it be possible to force higher resolutions on Ubuntu by editing the xorg.conf?13:56
CoGoDr_Willis, I mean, obviously, it works if it's set.13:57
Dr_WillisCoGo:  proberly. but ive not had to mess with it  in years. :)13:57
Dr_Willisreplaced all my desk hogging/backbreaking CRTs with lcd's and not looked back.13:57
CoGoBut the options I add in don't show up on the nVidia control panel. Same with regular Monitors screen if I use OS drivers.13:57
nickGGGhi, when I try to install an app it says not enough disk space. Im with win7 and ubuntu. can any1 help me ?13:58
CoGoIt does recognize the screen as CRT. I recall previous versions of Ubuntu with the same issue having a dialog to manually configure a screen, which solved the problem. Since it's gone now, is there any way to achieve that?13:58
schnuffle1nickGGG: what says a df -h in ubuntu?13:59
nickGGGschnuffle1, Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on14:00
nickGGG/dev/sda5             2.3G  2.2G   64M  98% /14:00
nickGGGtmpfs                1007M     0 1007M   0% /lib/init/rw14:00
nickGGGvarrun               1007M  108K 1007M   1% /var/run14:00
nickGGGvarlock              1007M     0 1007M   0% /var/lock14:00
FloodBot3nickGGG: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:00
nickGGGudev                 1007M  164K 1007M   1% /dev14:00
llutz_brobinson: you need LVM-support to mount /dev/mapper/something (which is inside your sda5)14:00
llutz_!lvm | brobinson14:00
ubottubrobinson: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:00
schnuffle1!paste | nickGGG14:00
ubottunickGGG: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:00
nickGGGschnuffle1, !paste14:00
schnuffle1nickGGG: that means your linux partition if full, so you'll need to provide some extra space14:01
llutz_brobinson: use google to find out, how you can use ubuntu live-cd to access lvm. it doesn't support it ootb14:01
nickGGGschnuffle1, how do i do this ?14:01
CoGoDr_Willis, maybe you can see something wrong with this http://pastebin.com/ypEGXR0x14:01
schnuffle1nickGGG: use a partition tool like gparted or ghost to resize your partitions14:02
brobinsonthanks for all your help guys, bye bye14:03
nickGGGschnuffle1, what partition i need to expand ?14:03
paradigmflowI'm trying to to get a couple of libraries; libxvid and libx264, tried apt-get but says unknown command :$14:03
schnuffle1nickGGG: te linux partition /dev/sda514:03
AbhijiTmy terminal bell is not working14:04
schnuffle1paradigmflow: use sudo14:04
Dr_Willisparadigmflow:  whats the exact command you are using.14:04
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  clarify what you mean.14:04
paradigmflowI did; sudo apt-get libxvid14:04
llutz_paradigmflow: read "man apt-get"14:04
schnuffle1paradigmflow: sudo apt-get install libxvid14:04
AbhijiTDr_Willis, in clamscan i give the option --belll that it will make sound when it got an infected file. but it dont make any sound14:05
Dr_Willisparadigmflow:  Thats not correct sysntax.. apt-get install pacxkagename14:05
Deccoi need help14:05
AbhijiTDecco, ak14:05
Goliathwhat options does GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX= in  /etc/default/grub accept? (grub2)14:05
incurhi . i just fresh install, but i got no sound. my sound card Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value. Already run alsamixer and check master volume, adjust to maximum. help pls.14:05
xanguaparadigmflow: apt-get -h14:05
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  the use of the ctrl-a pc-spkr type bell. i belive is disabled because the pcspkr module is blackisted. perhaps load it.14:05
Deccowhats that=14:05
paradigmflowI knew there was something I'd missed :(14:05
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion
Deccoim new ubuntu user and im trying to run my bluetooth stick14:06
nickGGGschnuffle1, i open gparted and i click the partition but I cant resize it. when i click partition >resize its not clickable14:06
AbhijiTDr_Willis, why is it blacklisted?14:06
Deccobut ubuntu cant find that stick14:06
Deccocan someone help me out plz14:06
AbhijiTDr_Willis, how to load it?14:06
AbhijiT!bluetooth | Decco14:06
ubottuDecco: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:06
AbhijiT!manual | Decco14:06
ubottuDecco: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:06
schnuffle1nickGGG: you cn't resize mounted partitions: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html14:07
rshhey guys my firefox upgrade failed and it says i don't have firefox at all.14:07
bc81nickGGG: you can boot from the ubuntu livecd and use gparted14:07
schnuffle1rsh: how did you upgrade14:07
Goliathwhich is better to use, grub2 framebuffer or UVESAFB?14:07
Dr_Willisrsh: normally you just let the package manager handle upgrades14:08
rshschnuffle1, i used synaptic14:08
Intersecret334<Yugo@unknown-net> -14:08
nickGGGbc81, is the cd i used to install ubu the lice cd ?14:08
snimavatHow can I import das public key created in cpanel ?14:08
rshand it snapped it14:08
incurhi . i just fresh install, but i got no sound. my sound card Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value. Already run alsamixer and check master volume, adjust to maximum. help pls.14:08
snimavatI need to connect to ssh server14:08
bc81nickGGG: yes14:09
nickGGGbc81, ok i will try it14:09
snimavatthey i could download the dsa public key from cpanel, but how do i import it?14:09
bc81nickGGG: remember to back up your critical data first14:09
jolly_xenanyone know the name of the ide driver in ubuntu?14:09
AbhijiTDr_Willis, ??hepl14:09
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  and the issue is?14:09
paradigmflowit just says couldn't find package libxvid?14:09
AbhijiTDr_Willis, the bell!14:10
schnuffle1rsh: open a console and do a sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and tell me what it says14:10
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  you loaded the pcskpr module?14:10
llutz_snimavat: cat key.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys14:10
AbhijiTDr_Willis, how to load that module? why is it blacklisted? how to enable bell?14:10
Goliathwhich is better to use, grub2 framebuffer or UVESAFB?14:10
AbhijiTDr_Willis, how to look into that moduloe? what to look for?14:10
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  its blacklisted because people HATE the system beeps14:10
AbhijiToh ko14:10
Deccook i do the installation14:10
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  sudo modprobe pcspkr14:10
snimavatllutz: thts it? the key name is id_dsa it doesnt have .pub extension14:10
Deccobut he cant realize my stick14:11
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  also check if it beeps in the console.. vs in X.14:11
llutz_snimavat: names doesn't matter14:11
AbhijiTDr_Willis, okay14:11
Deccoi got kbluetooth14:11
snimavatlemme try14:11
Deccorestarted the bluetooth14:11
Deccoand i cant see any icon14:11
paradigmflowI'm trying to videoporama and it gives me two errors about the xvid and x284 libraries not installed14:11
AbhijiTDr_Willis, i done sudo modprobe pcskr and it does nothing14:11
Deccohow can i use my bluetooth stick14:12
alter-egohey has anyone used the photoshop 3d texturing thing in wine?14:12
alter-egoi was wonderin how it ran14:12
Deccocan someone querry me plz14:12
bc81Decco: what model # of stick?14:12
Deccoi need to run that bluetooth stick14:12
nickGGGbc81, how do i boot from the live cd?14:12
Deccousb bluetooth stick14:12
Deccothink its a standard one14:13
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  you tried the progrem after you loaded the module?14:13
nickGGGbc81, i inserted the cd and rebooted but there is only options to install ubu or try it14:13
snimavatllutz_: ~/.ssh directory doesnt exist14:13
AbhijiTDr_Willis, nope. i dont kow how to load it14:13
bc81nickGGG: try it14:13
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  sudo modprobe pcspkr     then rerun your app...14:13
bc81nickGGG: this will boot you into a live desktop environment14:13
snimavatllutz_: ??14:13
nickGGGbc81, so it will give me root access ?14:13
AbhijiToh yah okay14:13
bc81nickGGG: yes, you can then resize your partitions14:14
AbhijiTDr_Willis, will do it. thank you.14:14
llutz_snimavat: you have to do that on the server-account, where you want to login to14:14
nickGGGbc81, ok ty14:14
snimavatllutz_: what?14:14
iuriI installed php5 and mysql-5.1 on my ubuntu 10.04 but somehow phpinfo() does not recognizes mysql. I installed php5-mysql mysql-client mysql-server mysql-common and phpmyadmin. What am i missing?14:14
snimavatI have a sharedhost that supports ssh access14:14
snimavatllutz_: the key already exist on server14:14
snimavatllutz_: now i want to import the key to my local computer, so that i can connect using ssh command14:15
snimavatllutz_: u got it?14:15
paradigmfloware these dead now? "Failed to fetch http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found14:15
llutz_snimavat: do it other way round. create the key locally, "ssh-copy-id user@server" then14:15
llutz_snimavat: use ssh-keygen14:16
snimavatllutz_: i want to import a private dsa key to my local computer14:16
anttihey, need a help with energyxt 2.5.4 losing all previous settings when started14:16
incurhi . i just fresh install, but i got no sound. my sound card Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value. Already run alsamixer and check master volume, adjust to maximum. help pls.14:16
snimavatllutz_: private key already exist, i have downloaded it from cpanel. i just need to import it14:16
alter-egohey has anyone used the photoshop 3d texturing thing in wine... i was wondering how it ran??14:16
AbhijiT!sound | incur14:16
ubottuincur: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:16
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llutz_snimavat: then just copy that key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa14:17
VCoolioincur: do you also have onboard sound? disable that in bios, see if it helps14:17
llutz_snimavat: create .ssh if it doesn't exist14:17
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:17
snimavatllutz_: on my local computer ryt? just create a .ssh directory and copy the id_dsa there?14:18
llutz_snimavat: yes14:18
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:19
snimavatllutz_: after compying too. it says connection refused14:20
alter-egohey has anyone used the photoshop 3d texturing thing in wine... i was wondering how it ran??14:20
shomonhi, I've been really stupid and went to /var/cache and ran rm (without the -r) in ubuntu 10.0414:20
llutz_snimavat: sshd is up and running on server?14:20
shomonhave I destroyed my system?14:21
ubottuThe only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious to you -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.14:21
llutz_snimavat: no iptables-rules blocking port 2214:21
Dr_Willisshomon:  you may have confused apt a lot.14:21
* AbhijiT ddnt knew that factoid exists!!!14:21
Dr_Willis /var/cache/ has a lot of differnt things..14:21
shomonwell when I saw I wasn't in /var/www/cache as I thought I was, I did a control c14:22
shomonso it's just anything that would have been in the base /var/cache14:22
snimavatllutz_: on my desktop?14:22
llutz_snimavat: server14:22
snimavatllutz_: no such rules14:22
shomonthanks Dr_Willis14:22
Dr_Willis i dont see any actual files in /var/cache/ just a lot of dirs.14:22
snimavatllutz_: no, i can connect from putty14:22
shomoncool... I hope then I didn't destroy something.14:22
llutz_snimavat: "ssh -vvv user@server" and check output for errors14:22
shomonis there a way to find out what is in a standard var/cache?14:23
Dr_Willisshomon:  with out the  -r  - i dont think it would remove anything. except perhaps empty dirs14:23
snimavatllutz_: connection to host port 22 refused14:23
shomonor is it always empty.. I did an LS so it would only have been hidden files?14:23
Dr_Willisshomon:  it would depend on what you got installed14:23
llutz_shomon: there are no files going to be deleted by "rm /var/cache"14:23
shomoncool! thanks14:23
Dr_Willisshomon:  /var/cache has about 20 dirs in it here.14:23
antonelloqualche italiano????14:23
shomonok. I didn't descend14:24
Dr_Willisand some links..14:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:24
shomonthanks Dr_Willis14:24
snimavatdebug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config14:24
snimavatdebug1: Applying options for *14:24
snimavatdebug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 014:24
snimavatdebug1: Connecting to xxx port 22.14:24
snimavatdebug1: connect to address xxx port 22: Connection refused14:24
snimavatssh: connect to host xxx port 22: Connection refused14:24
FloodBot3snimavat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
antonellocanale italiano?14:25
NickGGGbc81, when i click on resize it says max size is 2.3gb14:25
shomonnon hai visto che te l'ho mostrato prima antonello?14:25
antonelloexcuse mie14:25
shomonnessun problema/no problem!14:25
snimavatllutz_: connection refused14:25
ibrahimi have backuped things since i was using widows 7 and i need to use them on ubuntu ??14:26
snimavatno specific error14:26
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
bc81NickGGG: you must shrink the ntfs (windows) partition firs14:26
Dr_Willisibrahim:  clarify what you are wanting to do exactly.14:26
llutz_snimavat: you are sure to use correct ip/servername + username?14:26
bc81!it | antonello14:26
ubottuantonello: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:26
snimavati am using my domain name,14:27
snimavattry jsptube.com14:27
snimavatllutz_: jsptube.com14:27
llutz_snimavat: 22/tcp closed ssh14:27
snimavatllutz_: what is tht?14:28
llutz_snimavat: nmap reports port 22 as closed, check your server14:28
epoxhi everybody, just switched over from xp, first time ubuntu user, was wondering if anybody can help me troubleshoot a few things.. first off i can't seem to get decent download speeds.. nothing over 200-300Kb/sec (when im normally used to 1000+Kb/s)14:28
ibrahimi made backup cds cince i was using windows 7 now i need to extract them on ubuntu in order to use them14:28
snimavatllutz_: ohh14:28
snimavatlemme contact my host14:28
Dr_Willisibrahim:  if you made normal data 'disks' linux should be able to aces the files on them.  im not sure how you made a 'backup' cd. since that could mean a lot of things.14:29
Dr_Willisibrahim:  if you put the cd in the driver and look at it.. what files are on it?14:29
=== noobuntu is now known as dreamtraveler
ibrahimDr_willis:the cd came out like a UDF volume14:31
rshhey schnuffle1 , i tried sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, it says Could not open lock file permission denied14:31
schnuffle1rsh: have you some updater running in the panel?14:32
Dr_Willisibrahim:  try mounting it by hand with the -t udf fileysstem option perhaps.14:32
llutz_snimavat: check port sshd is listening to (grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config), check sshd running (lsof -i :<ssh-port>)14:32
=== Nertil2 is now known as Nertil
Dr_Willisi dont recall ubuntu having issues with udf disks. but windows maybe doing some weirdness with them14:32
snimavatllutz_: until i can connect using ssh, i cant run those commands on my server ;) its a shared host14:33
llutz_snimavat: you said you can connect using putty14:33
schnuffle1rsh: okay close it and retry14:33
snimavatllutz_: dint try today, i usually do it from another windows machine, and it always works.14:33
Dr_Willisibrahim:  check of the forums finds --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158147114:34
snimavatllutz_: sorry for confusion14:34
=== airtonix is now known as Guest72339
epox<--- New Ubuntu User Here... Help me share files between my windoze XP machine and my Ubuntu Machine please?14:34
llutz_snimavat: anyway, those are the things you have to check. your problems seems server-related to me14:34
Dr_Willisepox:  right click on a folder to share. and select share yet?14:35
snimavatllutz_: yep, seems like, will contact my host. thanks for ur time14:35
Dr_Willisepox:  it should then install some extra packages.14:35
schnuffle1epox: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html14:35
Dr_Willisepox:  you may also eant to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to set the proper default workgroup.14:35
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Dr_Willisepox:  and give the linux users a proper samba password via 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'14:35
epoxDr_Willis: installing extra packages now...14:36
AbhiJiti removed previous kernel from synaptic. i updated grub. but still it is showing two kenrel in grub menu14:37
AbhiJithow to remove that previoe kernel completely?14:37
Dr_WillisAbhiJit:  you are worying way too much about it.14:37
ikoniaAbhiJit: in synaptic, how many kernels are showing as installed14:38
AbhiJitDr_Willis, i just wanted to free space14:38
Dr_WillisAbhiJit:  you are not seeing the same kernel twice. once for normal, once for recovery?14:38
AbhiJitikonia, checking..14:38
AbhiJitDr_Willis, latest kernel,latestkernlrecovery,old kernel,old kernel recovery14:38
Dr_WillisAbhiJit:  if you are so short of space that removeing a kernel helps.. you need to be gettting a bigger hd.. :)14:38
Dr_WillisAbhiJit:  its always a good idea to keep at least 1 spare/older kenrnel.14:38
AbhiJitikonia, is installed but its not being show in grub menu and is installed which is being shows in menu and is not installed (i removed) but its still being shown in menu Dr_Willis14:40
ikoniaAbhiJit: show me the output of "uname -a" please.14:40
AbhiJitikonia, Linux abhi-laptop 2.6.32-28-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 10 23:42:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:41
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ikoniaAbhiJit: can you pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep -i linux-image" please14:41
anttihello, any clue how about EnergyXT 2.5 software so it saves the settings i make?14:41
DaghdhaHi, i restored a system partition but when i reboot all i get is the cursor blinking in the top left corner. What does that signify?14:42
AbhiJitikonia, http://pastebin.com/UrHDDUDs14:42
Daghdhainstall grub2?14:42
ikoniaAbhiJit: and you're still seeing .27 in your grub menu  ?14:43
ikonia!grub2> Daghdha14:43
ubottuDaghdha, please see my private message14:43
AbhiJitikonia, yes14:43
ikoniaAbhiJit: Hmmmm have you run update-grub ?14:43
AbhiJitikonia, yes 3 times14:43
ikoniaand it's not changing it, how odd14:43
AbhiJitikonia, while installing the latest updates it installed the latest kernel it asked me that i dont have menu.lst do i want to generate then i said yes14:44
ikoniaAbhiJit: why did you say yes to that ?14:44
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=== lehel is now known as lehel_
AbhiJitikonia, i thought that menu.lst is imp file i should have it?14:44
ikoniaAbhiJit: no, you're using grub2  aren't you ?14:44
AbhiJitikonia, yes grub214:45
ikoniaAbhiJit: ok, so that doesn't use menu.lst14:45
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ikoniaAbhiJit: do you have /boot/grub/menu.lst ?14:45
ibrahimDr_willis:i mounted it but aactually it was windows backuped files i need to extract them as they were in thier previous form in windows14:45
lehel_why i cannot copy in file system it says access denied14:45
AbhiJitikonia, yes14:46
llutz_lehel_: check permissions14:46
ikoniaAbhiJit: ok, so if you look in there, does that match the menu you see on your grub boot screne ?14:46
lehel_i have permission when i logged in it asked the password and gave it14:46
xgt001i am having issues with bluetooth on 10.0414:47
xgt001can anybody help??14:47
minimeclehel_: ONly folders where you have permissions to write as normal user is /home/yourname and /tmp14:47
AbhiJitikonia, nope. because in menu.lst it is showing right kernels that is .29 first and then .28. but in real i see .28 and then .27 in grub menu screen14:47
epoxI'm trying to edit sysctl.conf but it's coming up read only, i SHOULD know how to change permissions but i can't seem to figure it out..14:47
alter-egois there a way to boot ubuntu over a network14:47
suprengrikonia: just a thought... time for AbhiJit to do an install grub with sudo?14:47
llutz_AbhiJit: "grep  menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg"14:47
ikoniasuprengr: why would re-installing grub help ?14:48
lehel_and how can i set so i can copy is usr14:48
suprengrikonia: imho.. yes14:48
gpcjust need to update-grub14:48
ikoniasuprengr: why ?14:48
AbhiJitllutz, http://pastebin.com/jDidSuYr14:48
ray_epox - type -> sudo nautilus14:48
ikoniasuprengr: why would re-installing grub help ?14:48
ray_super user for the file manager14:48
bastidrazor!gksudo > ray_14:49
ubotturay_, please see my private message14:49
llutz_AbhiJit: so thats what the boot-menu shows you?14:49
minimeclehel_: You would have to start nautilus with sudo like 'gksudo natilus' (filemanager) or 'sudo cp yourfile /usr/bin' in a console14:49
suprengrikonia: it would attempt a 'proper' / complete install of grub2 ignoring g1 error14:49
AbhiJitllutz, right14:49
minimeclehel_: nautilus not natilus ;)14:49
ikoniasuprengr: there already is a proper install of grub214:49
lehel_i want to copy azureus2.jar in /usr/share/java14:50
suprengrikonia: ok... came in late on this one, sorry to have disturbed14:50
AbhiJitikonia, llutz how to clear this mess? i just wanted to coonfirm that this mess occured due to my saying yes to that create menu.lst?14:50
Goliathhey i use the grub2 framebuffer with "keep" resolution option. Will i gain anything by also usying uvesafb?14:51
minimeclehel_: 'sudo cp azureus2.jar /usr/share/java'14:51
xgt001hey guys14:51
llutz_ikonia: i doubt that grub2 install is "proper"14:51
xgt001can u tell hw to triple boot with ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 and win 714:51
ikoniallutz_: why ?14:52
AbhiJitxgt001, first install windows 7 then 10.04 and then 10.1014:52
ikoniaxgt001: multiple ubuntu install's is not a good setup with grub 214:52
lehel_minimec i'm relatively new to ubuntu, i wrote in terminal and it says no such file14:52
xgt001ok nw the problm is twistd14:52
llutz_ikonia: AbhiJit sees grub2 menu which isn't actually updated, the menu.lst is updated but shouldn't be used at all14:52
ikoniaxgt001: grub2 is not a good tool for allowing multiple linux distros to be managed14:52
lehel_the file is on desktop14:52
xgt001i have 11.04 and win7 dual boot14:52
xgt001i would like to add LTS also14:52
anttianyone got propellerhead's Reason 5 working with wine?14:52
AbhiJitllutz, so how to correct it now?14:52
ikoniallutz_: I agree with that, however I don't think there is anything wrong with the grub install, unless there is something I'm missig14:53
xgt001can i install 10.04 along with 11.04??14:53
epoxWhen I type "sudo nautilus" i get this error: ** (nautilus:2738): WARNING **: Failed to get the current CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '2738'14:53
AbhiJitikonia, no you are not missing anything. i told you everything. this time i take care to use only synaptic to do this.14:53
xgt001i have downloaded many softwares for 11.04 so ... i don wan2 lose it14:53
ikoniaxgt001: I'd strongly advise you not to do that14:53
ikoniaepox: gksudo14:54
epoxthanks ;)14:54
minimeclehel_: Well first, you have to cd into the directory, where the file is located. like 'cd Downloads'14:54
frimendWhat is the best version of ubuntu at the moment?14:54
frimendI don't like when they are unstabile. :|14:54
epox** (nautilus:2738): WARNING **: Failed to get the current CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '2738'14:54
epox(nautilus:2757): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed14:55
xgt001only the reason i am using 11.04 is it supports the gprs in my old cellphone14:55
ikoniafrimend: 10.10 is the current stable, 10.04 is the current stable LTS release, both are acceptable14:55
xgt001no special reason14:55
bc81does anyone else have this folder ~/.fr-irqJdq ??  i don't know where it came from and google isn't helping14:55
AbhiJitllutz, ikonia help please14:55
bullgard4 /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave includes the line: '. "${PM_FUNCTIONS}" .' Where is defined PM_FUNCTIONS ?14:55
frimendikonia: Thank you for your feedback!14:55
ikoniabullgard4: you'll need to follow the include's up the scripts14:56
ikoniaAbhiJit: not sure what's causing that behviour, never seen it before, never seen grub2 offer to generate a menu.lst either14:56
anttimodprobe error on boot here. it says something about a missing module.dep14:56
erUSUL_bc81: seems random genrated so searching for it wont help14:56
AbhiJitikonia, ok. then should i try reinstalling grrub and then new kernel?14:57
lehel_minimec could you please guide me step by step14:57
AbhiJitikonia, or instead ask on forums?14:57
xgt001my basic problem is14:57
ikoniaAbhiJit: I don't think so, I wouldn't re-install unless I had reason to believe grub2 was broke, but it's your call14:57
xgt001i cant pair up my cell in ubuntu 10.04 or even 10.1014:57
bc81erUSUL_: ok, inside the folder looks like this:  ~/.fr-irqJdq/configfolders/.icons/ a bunch of my icons14:57
xgt001it wont even allow to transfer files... let alone use gprs14:57
AbhiJitikonia, llutz_ llutz ok btw thanks your for time.i first ask on forum now14:58
ikoniaxgt001: why are you telling us this /14:58
AbhiJitthanks for your*14:58
ikoniaAbhiJit: very odd behaviour from grub14:58
xgt001ikonia: can u help me fix it???14:58
AbhiJitikonia, yeah14:58
dub54hi, downloaded the .iso from the ubuntu site, burned it as an image and booted from cd but it's been stuck on a black screen for a while now?14:58
erUSUL_bc81: may be a caching dir for used icons ... but i do not really know14:58
dub54haven't gone through any options yet14:58
llutz_AbhiJit: sry could not help, but reinstalling grub2 sounds not too stupid to me (jm2c)14:58
bullgard4ikonia: This task is difficult to accomplish here as I cannot recognize a file (or script) hierarchy.14:58
mkanyicyAbhiJit: grub2 or old grub?14:58
frimendLast time I istalled ubuntu, I recall having troubles with burning the disc. I tried to burn several DVDs, but they did not boot. But when I burned it on a CD, it booted up nicely.14:59
frimendWhat could be the trouble, if one experiences these symthoms?14:59
ikoniabullgard4: why do you want to know then ?14:59
bc81erUSUL_: k, i'm going to rename it and reboot later..hopefully nothing breaks :-)14:59
j1ttershas anyone successfully gotten a net-to-net ipsec vpn running? stuck with..  000 #1: "net-to-net":500 STATE_MAIN_I1 (sent MI1, expecting MR1); EVENT_RETRANSMIT in 10s; nodpd; idle; import:admin initiate14:59
dub54hmm, it's a dvd I burnt to14:59
xgt001frimend: i have had no issues burning bootable dvds14:59
j1ttersboth sides ubuntu 10.10...  openswan.15:00
frimendSo I have heard.15:00
erUSUL_bc81: good luck15:00
frimendPerhaps it could be a issue with my dvd-rom?15:00
ardianHi I did an fresh install of Ubuntu and I used /boot to install grub but it isn't giving me the options to boot15:00
minimeclehel_: in what folder did you put the azureus2 file first.15:00
AbhiJitmkanyicy, grub215:00
AbhiJitllutz_, ok15:00
Goliathhey i use the grub2 framebuffer with "keep" resolution option. Will i gain anything by also using uvesafb?15:00
gratz|homeStill having this problem if anyone has any ideas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168208415:00
AbhiJitllutz_, what is jm2c?15:00
ikoniagratz|home: don't think so15:00
ikoniagratz|home: sorry, not you15:00
llutz_AbhiJit: sry, just my 2 cents15:01
ikoniaGoliath: nope, don't see why you would15:01
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
AbhiJitllutz_, ok :)15:01
bullgard4ikonia: Someone asked how he could determine how his Ubuntu computer was put back to work after sleeping.15:01
ikoniabullgard4: ok, so if you are unable to follow the script tree backwards as it is too hard, you won't be able to do this task15:01
bullgard4ikonia: ok.15:02
AbhiJithey guys just found new horrible thing15:02
lehel_this is what i want to do http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134958, i downloaded thetar.bz2 file on desktop15:02
dub54restarted and seems to be on a purple screen with a keyboard and person icon at the bottom, sound normal?15:02
Goliathikonia: from what i know grub2 framebuffer sets a resolution on boot and then passes it to the kernel with "keep" option. Would also using uvesafb make switching between ttys and x server faster?15:02
AbhiJitikonia, llutz_ mkanyicy i just chekced synaptic for insatlling grub and i found that grub2 is not installed at all. there is only old grub installed. i think grub2 got remjoved while i was removing old kerrnel15:02
minimeclehel_: ... and why would you want to install azureus manually. sudo apt-get install azureus?15:02
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lehel_the file i want to copy is in folder vuze, on desktop15:03
ikoniaGoliath: I don't think so15:03
thauriswulfaQUESTION: just installed xfce4.8 by ppa:koshi/xfce-4.8 on xubuntu but still its xfce 4.6 anybody can help?15:03
ikoniaAbhiJit: intersting, then menu.lst should be used, but you say that is different to what you see on screen15:03
llutz_AbhiJit: but it is still written into MBR15:03
minimeclehel_: Your link is a thread dating 2006 ;)15:03
multiplatinumthauriswulfa,  log out and back in15:03
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: logged out and in?15:03
AbhiJitikonia, llutz_ yeah now i am removing old grub and now installing grub215:03
lehel_cause i cannot set the port in vuze that is on ubuntu repository higher then 49000 ,15:03
thauriswulfamultiplatinum: done reboot many times15:04
multiplatinumschnuffle1,  i'll hand it over to you then :P15:04
lehel_and if i set under 49000 is blocked15:04
Cheeryupdating nvidia drivers to get my new graphics card to work.15:04
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=== Guest31632 is now known as chiiiiiz
eXpLoDhow can i make my own linux distro and make it as an .iso(like thre is backtrack and such so i will have all the stuff already installed and so)?15:05
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: when you do sudo dpkg -l | grep xfce what shows up?15:05
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ikoniaeXpLoD: that's not an ubuntu issue, sorry. We don't support that here15:05
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:05
Cheeryubuntu's hardware drivers menu has old drivers so I wonder how do I activate the drivers I download myself15:05
BluesKajlehel_, try deluge , one set port ranges as high as possible15:05
minimeclehel_: what would that have to do with azureus? This would rather be a firewall thing I guess.15:05
AbhiJitdone. now i restart and check.15:05
ikoniaCheery: you shouldn't do that15:05
LuciusMareschnuffle1: google "linux from scratch"15:05
lehel_sorry this is what i want http://forum.vuze.com/thread.jspa?messageID=23035615:05
botcitydub54: what  graphics card do you have?15:05
schnuffle1LuciusMare: ?15:05
hrossalve ... I try to install 10.10, but it seems to hang. "pss xf" shows activate-dmraid -> /bin/partman -> 30parted being the last processes ... I have the impression that it hangs because of RAID. but I dont even have RAID in bios ... :-(15:05
ikoniaCheery: the drivers in the ubuntu menu are tried and tested with the kernel15:05
lehel_i messed the links earlier15:06
minimeclehel_: BluesKaj: I would also consider deluge. It's a good tool.15:06
dub54botcity: not 100%, just got given the pc today15:06
Cheeryikonia: yea, though what do I do if there's not new drivers in that menu?15:06
LuciusMareschnuffle1: oops, I mislooked, that should have went to eXpLoD15:06
BluesKajcorrection , lehel_ one can set port ranges as high as possible15:06
ikoniaCheery: nothing15:06
LuciusMareeXpLoD: google "linux from scratch"15:06
chiiiiizstill struggling with conky15:06
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: heres the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/563087/15:06
Cheeryikonia: I assume you're wrong15:06
botcitydub54: is it a blank screen ?15:06
schnuffle1LuciusMare: you can use the tab to complete names15:06
ikoniaLuciusMare: please stop, linux from scratch won't do what he wants, and we do not support custom distros in here15:06
chiiiiizNo more error messages left, but still nothing displays15:07
ikoniaCheery: I'm not15:07
dub54botcity: nope, purple, keyboard icon and a man in a circle icon at the bottom15:07
LuciusMareschnuffle1: I know, and I did, I just thought you asked for the custom distro15:07
LuciusMareikonia: It is, for what I remember, a howto for making your own linux distro, including a live cd, but sorry then15:07
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: so are the installed xfce versions the one you want to have?15:07
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dub54(keyboard icon) = (stick man in circle icon)15:07
hrosall I get is an ever-rotating dial ... quite similar to windows.15:07
ikoniaLuciusMare: no it's not15:07
ardianHi I did an fresh install of Ubuntu and I used /boot to install grub but it isn't giving me the options to boot15:08
ardianto ubuntu or windows15:08
glidrCheery: ikonia is correct.15:08
AbhiJitheyyyyyyy ikonia llutz_ llutz Problem solved!!!!!!!!! :)15:08
Dr_Willisardian:  you did install grub to the HD, and not a partition  ie: sda vs sda115:08
ikoniaAbhiJit: do tell15:08
hroscan I somehow tell the installer "dont you use RAID!"15:08
chiiiiizhere is what it says when I try to launch conky in a console15:08
AbhiJitnow it is showing the right kernels! :)15:08
ikoniahros: are you installing from the desktop CD ?15:08
dub54ahh got it now15:09
ardianDr_Willis: I installed it to sda615:09
hrosikonia: I'm installing via USB-stick15:09
ardianBut it's just going to windows15:09
Dr_Willisardian:  grub installs the the MBR of thehd.. sda  not sda615:09
ikoniahros: ok, but is it the desktop CD image ?15:09
BluesKajlehel_, altho  prefer ktorrent sinxe I'm a kde user ..ktorrent also uses less bandwidth than deluge , due deluges' non dynamic auto bandwidth allocation set by the ser15:09
bastidrazorchiiiiiz: you need to give it a .conkyrc file to read.15:09
Cheeryglidr: if so, then that list is lagging badly behind and I need to still install drivers myself.15:09
ardianDr_Willis: Yes but I changed that :(15:09
AbhiJitikonia, llutz_ now i have the latest kernel .29 and .28 and i wanted to remove the .28. so please tell me whats the safest thing to remove from syaptic? there are two things generic,image i think15:09
hrosikonia: I think so15:09
chombee_I'm wondering what the best option is for creating an encrypted external hard drive to backup my home dir: truecrypt, ecryptfs, dmcrypt... TrueCrypt looks probably easiest, but it has a dodgy license15:09
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | ardian15:10
Cheeryglidr: no 260.19.36 drivers that provide opengl4 support.15:10
ubottuardian: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:10
ikoniaCheery: no you don't, you need to trust the ubuntu developers that they are the best/compatible drivers available15:10
glidrCheery. Than I guess thats what you will do15:10
dub54botcity: just got to the install screen but now getting live file not found when i enter on install15:10
chiiiiizbastidrazor: http://pastebin.com/4jrxJGSg15:10
jolly_xenis there something better than apt-get, yum like?15:10
ikoniahros: then it won't give you the option to use raid disks15:10
BluesKajsorry lehel_ my KB is acting up again15:10
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: no15:10
glidrI have learned the hard way15:10
lehel_the repository-version in Ubuntu is a modified Vuze with additional restrictions and prevents using high ports so i downloaded one from soundforge and would like to copy it manually in file system15:10
jolly_xenor do i just need to know how to use apt-get better15:10
glidrwe are just trying to warn you15:10
glidrand help15:10
Cheeryikonia: I think my next install is debian15:10
chiiiiizI commented all lines that do not work with me (like things related to temp sensors)15:10
lehel_Blueskaj i will try ktorrent as well15:10
ikoniaCheery: ok, install debian15:10
DaGeek247jolly_xen you can use 'aptitude'15:11
glidrCheery: gnome uses debian15:11
bastidrazorchiiiiiz: okay, but just typing conky will not tell it to use that .conkyrc file. you need conky -c /path/to/file.conkyrc15:11
hrosikonia: I guessed "RAID" because the last processes show the script "activate-dmraid"15:11
hrosanyway ...15:11
BluesKajlehel_, correctin : I prefer ktorrent since I'm a kde user ..ktorrent also uses less bandwidth than deluge , due to deluges' non dynamic auto bandwidth allocation set by the user15:11
lehel_but for now i'm interested why i cannot copy in filesystem, why is my acces denied15:11
user_hi! does this command sett the rights for only the group namne test sudo chmod 2770 test15:11
ikoniahros: no, that's not15:11
ginosalhi guys. i'm having some problems with my wireless router. i can surf without problems on window 7, but, on the same laptop, i've got a very unstable connection on ubuntu. what may the issue be?15:11
retrofit!ops I've just cut off my penis and i need a needle and thread to sew it back on15:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!15:11
erUSUL_!permissions > user_15:12
ubottuuser_, please see my private message15:12
hrosikonia, I started "ubiquoty -d" and in the log-file, it shows "<--- GET partman/alignment" , then "--> 1 optimal"15:12
chiiiiizbastidrazor: it is the /home/fred/.conkyrc... but I will give it a try!!15:12
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: how did you add te ppa?15:12
jolly_xenDaGeek247: thnx15:12
hrosikonia, that's the last message in /var/log/installer/debug  ...15:12
hrosikonia, then the installer hangs15:12
ikoniahros: are you using hardware or fakeraid on your system ?15:12
glidrgreat job moderating here ikonia. Have a wonderful day everyone15:13
chiiiiizbastidrazor: exactly the same output and no display15:13
AbhiJitikonia, i told installing grub2 and removing old gurb solved my problem. now i wanted to know the safe way to remove old kernel. which thing to remove ? generic or image?15:13
hrosikonia, I dont have raid at all15:13
ikoniaAbhiJit: synaptic is a safe way15:13
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:koshi/xfce-4.815:13
AbhiJitanyway i removed the generic becaus it was the only thihg there15:13
AbhiJitikonia, yeah i removed it. thanks for you all15:13
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: and then you did a sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade?15:14
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: no i did, sudo apt-get update15:14
minimecAbhiJit: It always makes sense to have two running kernels. you can savely remove the other images via the synaptic package manager.15:14
Sandra--Any ideas how to re-add the volume control to the top bar?15:14
hrosikonia, and since I have no raid (I dont even have a bios-option for that), I'm puzzled as why ubiquty would like to call "activate-dmraid"15:15
lehel_how do i check permision?15:15
wolfpackhey guys I am getting this eror while clicking on show desktop icon -"   Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager...". Also I am not able to minize the windows and opent new window. Iam running ubuntu  10.1015:15
ikoniahros: it's a process that will run with or without raid15:15
hrosikonia, aha. misleading name then :-)15:15
chiiiiizSandra--: is it not included in the notification-applet?15:15
ikoniahros: no, it's just a bit miss-leading in that it needs raid,15:16
Sandra--chiiiiiz, nope.15:16
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: then do a sudo apt-get upgrade to see if your xfce get upgraded15:16
AbhijiTM back!!!15:16
AbhijiTwithought any issues that is!!! :D15:16
ardianI am typing at the grub promt find/boot/grub/stage115:16
chiiiiizwhich sound server do you use?15:16
ardianAnd it's giving me this Error 15: File not found15:16
botcity!panel | Sandra--15:17
erUSUL_Sandra--: make sure indicator-sound is installed; and that you panel has the indicator applet(s)15:17
botcity!panels | Sandra--15:17
ubottuSandra--: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:17
schnuffle1ardian: don't wat you want to do but find syntax is find /path/were/to/start -name nameoffiletofind15:17
hrosikonia, if it needs raid, but I dont have raid, is that the reason why my installation hangs?15:18
ardianschnuffle1: I don't understand ?15:18
Sandra--Thanks... resetting was exactly hat I wanted, I just didn't know it existed.15:18
schnuffle1ardian: you said that you did find /boot/grub/stage1 which will search for any file under the directory and find is not available under grub I think15:20
wolfpackhey guys I am getting this eror while clicking on show desktop icon -"   Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager...". Also I am not able to minize the windows and opent new window. Iam running ubuntu  10.1015:20
Dr_Williswolfpack:  you have normal title bar/min/max/close buttons on your windows?15:21
wolfpackDr_Willis: yes15:21
Dr_Williswolfpack:  you are just using the normal Gnme desktop? or somthing else?15:22
dvrcoderis there a way to access files "hidden" by a mountpoint? say i have mounted /remotedirectory to /home and want to write something to the actual local /home?15:22
Dr_Willisdvrcoder:  ive never notced a way to do that.15:22
wolfpackDr_Willis: normal one15:23
Goliathikonia: so to use uvesafb framebuffer do i have to disable grub2 framebuffer or force the use of uvesafb in the /etc/default/grub ?15:23
wolfpackDr_Willis: it was working properly but suddenly this thing happened15:23
Dr_Willisdvrcoder:  accidently lost stuff befir by mounting things over a directory. :)  but never seen a way to get to the stuf without unmountng the fs15:23
llutz_dvrcoder: maybe unionfs/aufs could do that.15:23
Dr_Williswolfpack:  odd. try from a terminal 'compiz --replace' or 'metacity --replace' and see if it starts working15:23
dvrcoderk, thx, i'll try15:24
Sandra--Now I'm running Skype and Empathy and they don't appear anywhere on the panel, any ieas what am I missing?15:25
precubcr7join #yarolinuxx15:25
precubcr7join #yarolinux15:25
FloodBot3precubcr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
AbhijiTSandra--, did you just installed them? in that case log out and log in15:25
wolfpackDr_Willis: not able to run any command in terminal :(15:25
bc81Sandra--: try killall gnome-panel15:25
Sandra--AbhijiT, no, I haven't. They are not missing, from the menu, they are missing from the tray bar while running.15:25
kexcaliber380864wat kind of distros r u guys using15:26
lehel_ok thanx for the help15:26
AbhijiToh okay15:26
Sandra--bc81, no change.15:26
minimecSandra--: The windowlist in the panel is an applet, so if it was deleted accidently by you, you can just add it again 'right click' mouse.15:26
AbhijiTkexcaliber380864, what kind you want?15:26
BluesKajkexcaliber380864, read the topic!15:26
gpckexcaliber380864: This is #ubuntu we use and Support Ubuntu here15:26
OerHeks!poll | kexcaliber38086415:26
ubottukexcaliber380864: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:26
kexcaliber380864well i'm new 2 backtrack15:26
Dr_Williswolfpack:  err.. cant eveb run somthnbg like 'gedit' from a termina;l? what sort of errors does it give?15:26
gpckexcaliber380864: #backtrack-linux15:27
chouchouhello, pls I am trying to install python and thi sis what I have15:27
Sandra--minimec, I just reseted the panel, so nothing was deleted. I'm not missing the window list, that's in the bottom panel. I'm missing the icon tray bar.15:27
GoliathDr_Willis:to use uvesafb framebuffer do i have to disable grub2 framebuffer or force the use of uvesafb in the /etc/default/grub ?15:27
kexcaliber380864well it pretty good15:27
BluesKaj!backtrack | kexcaliber38086415:27
ubottukexcaliber380864: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:27
Dr_Williskexcaliber380864:  backtracxk is not Ubuntu >:) and i dont recocomend backtrack for beginners either./15:27
kexcaliber380864i'm running it on usb boot15:27
AbhijiTSandra--, delete .gnome and .gnome2 that will lost saved password, theme etc but may solve the issue.15:27
schnuffle1chouchou: python should be installed by default15:27
chouchouReading state information... Done15:27
chouchoupython-gtk2 is already the newest version.15:27
chouchoupython-glade2 is already the newest version.15:27
wolfpackDr_Willis: I am not able to type anything in termianl15:27
kexcaliber380864well i'm good at linux15:27
chouchoubut I can't see python being installed15:27
Dr_WillisGoliath:  i tend to disable the framebuffer  whenever possiuble. its a neat idea. that just causes way to many issues for its minimal benifits.15:27
chouchouor glad15:27
minimecSandra--: yo mean the systry? And it is not there after the reset? strange15:27
chouchouhow do I fix it pls ?15:28
wolfpackDr_Willis: Also Alt + Tab doesnot wok15:28
minimecSandra--: systray...15:28
Dr_Williswolfpack:  so if you start a termal from the menus, does it work?15:28
Sandra--minimec, it might be ther, but empty.15:28
schnuffle1chouchou: open a terminal and enter python15:28
GoliathDr_Willis: which framebuffer? grub or uvesafb15:28
ZacLnxNewbHello, I'm having trouble setting up mysql on my guiless server15:28
wolfpackDr_Willis: I opened the terminal from accessories15:28
kexcaliber380864wow there r like 100 guys here dont u get confused15:28
schnuffle1chouchou: what happens, do you get a python prompt?15:28
chouchouPython 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)15:28
chouchou[GCC 4.4.3] on linux215:28
chouchouType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.15:28
ZacLnxNewbI've been trying multiple tutorials, and I've followed everything intuitive15:28
Ddordahey. how do i change the gdm autologin option from cli?15:28
Viper92Z-LinuxWhat's the best FTP server method to use ?15:29
schnuffle1chouchou: so you have python installed15:29
Dr_WillisGoliath:  grub dosent really do much then tell the kernel to default to some frambuffer i think. I dont use the feature so not looked into its ussage with grub215:29
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  for what?15:29
gpc!ot > kexcaliber38086415:29
chouchoubut I cant see glade there,15:29
ubottukexcaliber380864, please see my private message15:29
Dr_WillisViper92Z-Linux:  its best to use ssh and forget ftp ever existed..15:29
mkanyicywolfpack: what are you trying to do?15:29
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, files, pictues and music.15:29
=== fsdlkwe is now known as memyselfandItoo
chouchouwnat to develop a GUI program using python15:29
wolfpackmkanyicy:  I am getting this eror while clicking on show desktop icon -"   Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager...". Also I am not able to minize the windows and opent new window. Iam running ubuntu  10.1015:29
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  TCP.  ssh is MUCH better, and more secure, but FTP is a standard that can be useful to have15:29
kexcaliber380864how do i do tat????15:29
schnuffle1chouchou: so you wrote a script importing the gtk and it said not available?15:30
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, which program is the most popular ?15:30
Dr_Williskexcaliber380864:  ubottu  is a bot. not a person15:30
gpckexcaliber380864: you should have a new tab named ubottu. click on it15:30
schnuffle1chouchou: I prefer much more the Qt bindings but thats personal preference15:30
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: SSH is by default already installed on linux, and takes no extra software on the computer serving, and is easy to connect to with other computers15:31
gpc!cn | systemf115:31
ubottusystemf1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:31
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: everything screwed now, there is no title bar in any application and moreover , after log in there was no cursor,15:31
mkanyicywolfpack: did you install or uninstall something? was your system ever worked right before?15:31
ZacLnxNewbZacLnxNewb:  as for FTP, I'm not certain, I don't use FTP on my server15:31
chouchouschnuffle1, please have a look at this . you might have a better understanding15:31
kexcaliber380864ya ya got it15:31
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  read what I sent to myself >.>15:31
kexcaliber380864wat about dr_willis bot too???15:31
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, Thanks I got your message. I'll try to share my files using SSH15:31
Intersecret938*** N3rdH3rd@unknown-net is now known as Intersecret@unknown-net15:31
Dr_Williskexcaliber380864:  do you have an actual ubuntu support question?15:32
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: to be exact.15:32
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, I read it already, we all do mistakes :P15:32
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, Thanks!15:32
wolfpackmkanyicy: I was chatiing on chromium browser then suddenly this thing happened15:32
DaGeek247What is the 'ICE.Authority' file?15:32
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  I use a program called "putty" to manage my server from my windows netbook15:32
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: what happend after the apt-get upgrade?15:32
kexcaliber380864well i want to know implementation of java programming in linux15:32
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  basically, you can login remotely using SSH, you basically do the same thing with the client15:32
mkanyicywolfpack: have you restarted you computer, at least?15:32
Dr_Willis!java | kexcaliber38086415:32
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  I use Mozilla's "FileZilla"15:32
ubottukexcaliber380864: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:32
wolfpackmkanyicy: nope15:33
schnuffle1chouchou: oay you have a project to do but I still cn't figure where your problem is15:33
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, btw, is it possible to use a programs like filezilla client to mange the SSH protocol or the server15:33
bastidrazorZacLnxNewb: Viper92Z-Linux on the ubuntu side you'll need openssh-server installed in order to connect to the ubuntu machine via ssh15:33
ZacLnxNewbHello, I'm trying to install mysql on my server, but I can't seem to connect to it remotely.15:33
mkanyicywolfpack: maybe you should try that first15:33
kbrosnan ZacLnxNewb mozilla does not make filezilla15:33
wolfpackmkanyicy: I have some files opened and not able to save it15:33
chouchouI have been told I have to create an application that will do that15:33
ZacLnxNewbbastidrazor:  Viper92Z-Linux  Um,. No?15:33
thauriswulfaschnuffle1: It installed some of new packages from that repo. and removed old xfce now i have xfce4.8 but there is no title bar in applications15:33
chouchouthat is the one called fxconsult15:33
botcitydub54: hows the install ?15:33
Dr_WillisZacLnxNewb:  check the mysql configs. it might be set to only allow localhost connections by default15:33
schnuffle1ZacLnxNewb: open /etc/mysql/my.cnf and look for the listen directive15:33
mkanyicywolfpack: ok, then, try: ALT+F2 then type 'metacity --replace'15:34
minimeckexcaliber380864: In Ubuntu you will only find the opensource version of JAVA. The closed source version is in the 'partner' repository now. You will have to activate that in the package manager.15:34
ZacLnxNewbschnuffle1:  Dr_Willis   It's set to for all interfaces15:34
schnuffle1thauriswulfa: rerun sudo apt-get upgrade to see if everything got updated15:34
wolfpackmkanyicy: No shortcuts are working15:34
bastidrazorZacLnxNewb: if you're on a server it is already installed. the desktop version it is not.15:34
mkanyicywolfpack: what is working then?15:34
mkanyicywolfpack: how are you then chatting now?15:34
kexcaliber380864well i'm using backtrack15:35
thauriswulfaschnuffle1 , ok15:35
wolfpackjustable to chat ion chromium15:35
hellguard64ubuntu 10.10 can't connect to wi-fi15:35
ZacLnxNewbbastidrazor:  Viper92Z-Linux  Ah, good point, I have the server version, it's already installed,  on the desktop you have to install ssh15:35
chouchouschnuffle1, I first thought I will create a cron job as well as a programm start up option setting15:35
chouchoubut it seems I am told to create an applicaton that will allow users to registrer and so on15:35
mkanyicyim afraid you might have to sacrifice your unsaved files15:35
ZacLnxNewbschnuffle1:  I'm using to bind my listening port to all interfaces, local host and the network, still no dice in connecting15:36
bastidrazorkexcaliber380864: you should join #backtrack-linux then15:36
Dr_Williskexcaliber380864:  then you should be seeking support in the BackTrack channes.15:36
schnuffle1chouchou: what means you installed mini server to your desktop15:36
ZacLnxNewbDr_Willis:  I'm using to bind my listening port to all interfaces, local host and the network, still no dice in connecting.15:36
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, so I can't access my SFTP from anywhere without installing the server version or whatever that is.15:37
schnuffle1ZacLnxNewb: restarted mysql after changing mysql, check for iptables with iptables -L15:37
Dr_WillisZacLnxNewb:  means little to me really. I just recall seeing that security setting in thge mysql book i read/used a few years back. try setting up specific rules to allow the exact ips perhaps.15:37
Omen_20Hi. I installed Windows 7 to a partition on my drive and now GRUB wont show. What should I do with the live cd to get GRUB to become the boot loader again?15:37
chouchouschnuffle1, currently I have ubuntu running on vmware, I am trying to test what I am doing. what do you mean by a mini server?15:37
bastidrazorViper92Z-Linux: install openssh-server and you'll be fine using sftp15:37
Dr_Willis!fixgrub > Omen_2015:37
ubottuOmen_20, please see my private message15:37
chouchou  schnuffle1  which application will serve that? do I need to build a new one or ther is already one availble I can download15:37
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  I use a linux server for my sharing, thus SSH  server is already installed by default, however the DESKTOP version requires you install it.  once you have the SSH server software running, it's very easy to connect to it with any SFTP software15:37
schnuffle1chouchou: I want to be able to login to the unix mini server on my unbuntu free software (server)15:38
brandoneywhy would my /opt directory be owned by user # 1007 group bin when there is no 1007 in passwd ?  And what is a world permission t instead of x?15:38
mkanyicy!fixgrub > mkanyicy15:38
ubottumkanyicy, please see my private message15:38
Daghdhaso my MBR/Brub2 is still toast15:38
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  and SFTP is supremely safer compared to FTP15:38
Viper92Z-Linuxbastidrazor, I want to setup that server and access it from my college when I'm there, but my question is, do I have to install anything on the college's PCs ?15:38
Dr_Willisbrandoney:  whats in /opt/ ? could be some silly installer script did it.15:38
DaghdhaIs there anyway to NOT do it with a GUI based boot DVD/CD?15:38
hellguard64ubuntu 10.10 can't connect to wi-fi15:38
schnuffle1chouchou: there are tools like webmin to administer your server15:38
kexcaliber380864y is it telling i'm banned15:38
DaghdhaBecause it won't boot into X15:38
jribbrandoney: 1) because someone/something made it that way (it's owned by root by default) and 2) t is sticky bit (man chmod)15:38
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  if you know the right command line tools.. you can reinstall grub from the cli.15:39
Viper92Z-Linuxbastidrazor, or just access the SFTP simply ?15:39
schnuffle1chouchou: fxconsults is a web app?15:39
Dr_Willisbrandoney:  sounds like avg installer stuff was a liuttle silly. or it tried tomake some avg user.15:39
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: Yes, you would have to at least have a client15:39
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  in the case of SSH, I suggest FileZilla, personally. :p15:39
chouchouno, they are calling the applicationo which will be created fxconsults15:39
brandoneyavg like the windows antivirus?15:39
DaghdhaDoes it have to be Ubuntu cli? Because i have a recuecd but it's gentoo based15:40
chouchouschnuffle1, I learnt webmin is like cpanel right?15:40
Dr_WillisAVG (the anti virus companby) has a linux client yes.15:40
Viper92Z-LinuxThanks ZacLnxNewb, I'm working on it atm.15:40
bastidrazorViper92Z-Linux: on the ubuntu machine, type in a terminal: sudo apt-get install openssh-server  ,that is all that needs to be done to the ubuntu machine.15:40
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  it would be best if its a ubuntu distro15:40
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: Feel free to ask me. :p15:40
kexcaliber380864y is it telling i'm banned15:40
bastidrazorkexcaliber380864: ask in #freenode15:40
Dr_Williskexcaliber380864:  we have no controll of other channels.. its proberly saying you need tobe registered.15:40
schnuffle1chouchou: yes a bit like that, so you want people to login to your server, which protocoll should they use? SSH, telnet ....15:40
OerHekskexcaliber380864,  join #freenode for questions about ban15:41
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  In FileZilla, you would connect with SFTP by going to "FILE" - > "SITE MANAGER" and you would connect in there with SFTP15:41
chouchouhmm, the guy wasn't' clear15:41
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, I already used FileZilla a lot of my Windows machine, I'm familiar with it15:41
chouchouI believe it will be either SSH or web interfacee15:41
schnuffle1Viper92Z-Linux: be aware that with ssh not only file transfer is activated but login as well15:41
Ddordadoes anyone use TP-Link TL-WN321G on ubuntu and can confirm it works?15:41
brandoneyhmmm, I guess I might have installed that a long time ago and don't remember.  Thanks, I will read man sticky bit now.  As always, the most well supported OS ever!!!!!!!!15:41
chouchouschnuffle1, probably, SSH or web interface, because he said it will be installed on his ubuntu PC15:42
schnuffle1chouchou: You should sort out a more precise plan of what you want to achieve15:42
wiiguyis there a way a user can only write 777 files ?15:42
=== paissad_ is now known as paissad
erUSUL!permissions | wiiguy15:43
ubottuwiiguy: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:43
ZacLnxNewbDr_Willis:  Ip tables shows nothing, I'm not familar with this program15:43
Daghdhaubuntu rescue remix?15:43
schnuffle1wiiguy: no or you use acl and give special acls to that user15:43
ZacLnxNewbschnuffle1: I'm not familar with ip tables, but it doesn't show anything useful it seems. >.>15:43
jribwiiguy: why would you do such a silly thing?15:43
BigGreenCanoeGood morning.  I seem to have lost my wireless capability.15:43
epoxMy download speeds are about 1/10th of what they should be on Ubuntu.. my upload speeds are great. Anybody experienced with this can help me?15:43
chouchouschnuffle1, I think webmin will do the job15:43
chouchoulet me try it15:43
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, but I used to access my FTP from the college just by typing my IP or when I wanted authenticated access I just typed User@myIPgoeshere..that's it then type the user's password15:43
llutz_!wembmin > chouchou15:44
bastidrazorepox: torrents will vary, nothing is constant.15:44
BigGreenCanoeI am using a Broadcom wireless.  I was cleaning up unneeded files and it went away.15:44
erUSULepox: slow wifi ?15:44
llutz_!webmin > chouchou15:44
ubottuchouchou, please see my private message15:44
schnuffle1ZacLnxNewb: does your mysql log shows anything when you try to connect15:44
Dr_Willischouchou:  webmin is not really supported under ubuntu. thers alternatives15:44
Dr_Willischouchou:  best to learn to do tings via ssh. :_)15:44
BigGreenCanoecould someone tell me what I need to install/reinstall please.15:44
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  FTP is very insecure, most people here hate it, SSH is very easy to install and get going, and just as easy to connect to.15:44
meteorhi i need help to install broadcom wireless drivers on my laptop with ubuntu someone please help me15:44
schnuffle1chouchou: I second that, if youll in charge learn your way around the console15:44
erUSULBigGreenCanoe: system>admin...>hardware drivers?15:44
epoxbastidrazor: not using torrents, using dslreports and speedtest.net, i am sitting next to a windows machine getting way better download speeds.15:45
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  and honestly, FTP servers have been a pain in my ass to try and setup15:45
Dr_WillisBigGreenCanoe:  perhaps the sta driver, or the bcm driver packages. they may be listed in  system -> admin >> adational drivers15:45
erUSUL!broadcom | meteor BigGreenCanoe15:45
ubottumeteor BigGreenCanoe: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:45
epoxerUSUL: i'm on wired15:45
chouchouwell,I am not the one.15:45
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  SSH is honestly my best suggestionl.15:45
chouchouit's someone who wanted something like that15:45
wiiguyjrib : because else i cant auth the files from samba15:45
erUSULepox: hw have you checked your speed?15:45
Dr_WillisViper92Z-Linux:  i can only thnk of a few reasons to use ftp these days15:45
chouchouschatan, in taht case, what admin tool is available in ubuntu?15:45
jribwiiguy: "auth the files from samba" means?15:45
m_fulderwhile starting up terminal with the gnome-terminal command can I somehow make it not close while I press CTRL+C ??15:45
wiiguyjrib can i pm ?15:46
Dr_Willism_fulder:  use 'command &15:46
jribwiiguy: no, better to stay here so others can help15:46
meteorerUSUL, i dont have any type of internet connection and this link keeps saying apt-get, what to do in this case ?15:46
Daghdhathe standard ubuntu cd has no way to go to CLI?15:46
schnuffle1m_fulder: gnome-terminal & will run it in the background15:46
Dr_Willism_fulder:  and dont use the close button :) that can kill background apps.15:46
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, Dr_Willis : alright I'm trying to get SSH working15:46
wiiguythsi is not rly ubuntu releated but since ubuntu is linux i thought i couldo ask here15:46
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  alt-ctrl-f1 gets to the consoles.15:46
smiley7why does ubuntu have spyware?15:46
jussiDaghdha: of course - applications - accessories - terminal15:46
ruefferis there a software program i can download for the ipod touch15:46
wiiguybut i have a nas with a mod so that i have ssh access15:47
jribsmiley7: it doesn't?15:47
epoxerUSUL: i've been checking it with speedtest.net15:47
amiti want to make a NFS  server,plz give some good advice related link to study for this.15:47
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: just install it, and then you should be done15:47
jussiIf I have an 32bit package in a repo, how do I install that on a 64 bit system?15:47
wiiguymeh nm i hate explaining :(15:47
Daghdhajussi: live cd doesn't go to X. It fails.15:47
Dr_Willis!nfs | amit15:47
m_fulderaha will try that on Dr_Willis & schnuffle115:47
ubottuamit: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:47
epoxI have to restart15:47
jribjussi: what package?15:47
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: connect to the computer's address with the sftp client, and login with your username and password that you would login to the linux machine with as if you were there.15:47
g_0_0epox, you are doing the speed test with the same server ?15:47
jussijrib: just one with a ninary in a ppa ;)15:47
BigGreenCanoeI'm rather new to the wireless portion, what do I need to do to find out the info to fix the problem?15:48
jribjussi: hmm?15:48
smiley7everytime i close my browser,my dsl modem lights flash alot,the longer i have the browser open the more thay flash15:48
g_0_0epox, and you're not doing the speed test at the same time on both machines?15:48
erUSULmeteor: offline method here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access15:48
epoxyep, and my latency is only 20!15:48
BigGreenCanoeiw -debug returns nl80211 not found15:48
epoxg_0_0: no different times of course, although i do have wireless on and my brother is on facebook on wireless laptop15:48
jribamit: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/network-file-system.html15:48
m_fulderDr_Willis, schnuffle1 .. while running: "gnome-terminal -t "myTitle" -e "sh mySHFile.sh &&" and pressing CTRL+C in the opened terminal windows they are still closed :(15:49
smiley7it cant be downloading anything...15:50
g_0_0epox, if someone else is using the connection at the same time that may explain it, although it's possible it's a configuration issue15:50
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, I'm getting "unable to locate package SSH" when I'm trying that command15:50
bastidrazorm_fulder: you have an extra &.. use only 115:50
bastidrazorViper92Z-Linux: openssh-server is the packagename15:50
amitjrib, Dr_willis:thanx i want to make NFS for my college project.can u suggest me more,plzzzzzzz15:50
epoxg_0_0: im going to try to disable ipv6 for now15:50
brandoneythere isn't a package called "Avg85flx" in your sources.  Does anyone know where I got this package?  some other repo?  .deb?15:50
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  one moment, I'll look it up15:50
schnuffle1m_fulder: gnome-terminal -t "myTitle" -e "sh mySHFile.sh " &15:50
epoxnot sure why that would help...15:50
jribamit: those two links should be enough (they have links to the official documentation at the bottom too)15:50
smiley7ths is the only computer hooked up to the modem15:50
Viper92Z-Linuxbastidrazor, I've done that, but I thought I have to use them both15:50
bindig_0_0: fixed the issue lol15:51
epoxdslreports recommends augmenting my rwin window15:51
Intersecret935<Yugo@unknown-net> hgfhf -15:51
bindig_0_0: found a volume knob ;)15:51
bastidrazorViper92Z-Linux: ssh is installed already.15:51
g_0_0bindi, ah :)15:51
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  sudo apt-get install openssh-server15:51
nemetosoh the joy of installing a printer without any avaiable drivers..15:51
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, done!15:51
smiley7and it dont do it with windows15:51
Viper92Z-LinuxZacLnxNewb, I want to make the server home and certain shared folders that's my question15:52
smiley7so it must be uploading or downloading somthing15:52
schnuffle1!samba | Viper92Z-Linux15:52
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux:  You can do that by assigning sharing permission to the folders/directories you wish15:52
ubottuViper92Z-Linux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:52
smiley7any ideas ?15:53
ZacLnxNewbViper92Z-Linux: On the machine itself, you can dictate users and permissions, and you can login remotely and view/download/upload to the file tree with the client15:53
brandoneyI also get avg85flx isn't available for this type of computer, but it listed it as installed before clicking uninstall.15:54
smiley7i wish ubuntu had a netstat command15:54
schnuffle1smiley7: it has15:54
llutz_smiley7: apt-get install netstat15:54
llutz_smiley7: apt-cache search <pattern>15:55
m_fulderaha will try that on schnuffle1 & bastidrazor15:55
smiley7whats that last command?15:55
wolfpackDr_Willis: After hard restart .. thinks are working properly.15:55
llutz_smiley7: to search for stuff15:55
llutz_smiley7: apt-cache search netstat                instead of "i wish ubuntu had netstat" :)15:56
m_fulder schnuffle1 & bastidrazor, still closed :S15:56
schnuffle1m_fulder: not realy shure what you want to do but you can use nohup to ignore signals15:57
smiley7i have had the browser open all morning...so when i close it,its really going to start uploading,or downloading.15:57
erUSULisn't netstat installed by default ?15:58
jriberUSUL: that's what I thought15:58
g_0_0erUSUL, yes it's installed by default15:59
schnuffle1m_fulder: where do you press crtl-c ? when te gnome-terminal has the focus?15:59
erUSULwas more of a retoric question but thanks g_0_016:00
WierdAARhey guys. I can't seem to get any fullscreen to work. It's a fresh install, so nothing should be messed up.16:03
edbianI have 2 CD drives, what should my /etc/fstab look like and what should my media folder look like?16:04
smiley7well the netstat command is just showing nonsense16:05
Elgar1Hi, I'm jolicloud and would like some help with wine, please?16:05
m_fulderschnuffle1,  yes when the gnome-terminal has the focus I precc ctr+c16:05
smiley7its not showing any websites or ip addresses16:06
schnuffle1m_fulder: okay, let me test something16:06
llutz_smiley7: read " man netstat " for options16:06
m_fulderschnuffle1,  oki :16:06
jribElgar1: jolicloud isn't supported here, try their channel/forums.  For wine-specific help, there is #winehq16:06
matteo646548CIAO A TUTTI16:07
jrib!it | matteo64654816:07
rufsketch1Hello everyon, I tried to install grub from live-cd using grub-install16:07
ubottumatteo646548: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:07
matteo646548 !lista16:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:07
Elgar1they dont have one,ok?16:07
jribElgar1: ok, but we don't support it here16:07
jribElgar1: here: http://www.jolicloud.com/support16:07
Elgar1I'm sure its essentially the same just with a GUI16:07
Elgar1different GUI16:08
rufsketch1Hello everyone. I tried to install grub from livecd using grub install. It sort of worked, in that I now have a grub terminal when I boot, but it doesn't give me any systems to boot into. what did I miss?16:08
gpcElgar1: We are sure we don't support jolicloud. use the support options provided at the link jrib gave you.16:08
WierdAARDoes anybody have any idea why nothing work in fullscreen on my computer?16:09
smiley7anyone know how to remove the envelope icon beside the clock?16:09
gpcsmiley7: right click and remove it16:09
jribElgar1: and there is a #jolicloud...16:09
Elgar1dude, do you know what jolicloud support is like? I dont use that and never will cause I'll never get ar reply.16:09
hellguard64ubuntu 10.10 can't connect to wi-fi16:09
Dr_Willissmiley7:  that will remove the notification icon tray - you will lose the volme icon also16:09
rufsketch1can anyone help?16:10
rufsketch1I'm really at a loss16:10
Dr_WillisElgar1:  Jolicloud has 'issues' :) ive tried it..16:10
smiley7damn,i just did...well i guess i will put it back...16:10
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  you folloded the grub reinstall guides?16:10
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:10
Elgar1@willis hmmm?16:11
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I tried that one but it wasn't working for me at all16:11
rufsketch1grub-install doesn't take two mountpoints as a valid argument16:12
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  the guides ive seen have about 5 differnt ways to reinstall grub - depening on th eexacxt issue.16:12
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I'm going to try that once more in case I made a mistake, and let you know16:12
Dr_Willisit pays to read up and learn grub2-kungfu skills :)16:13
smiley7linux mint dont have the envelope icon...but still does have the volume icon16:13
Elgar1wow, no replies at #jolicloud, can someone please get over their self and help?16:13
Dr_Willissmiley7:  thers some pacakge you can remove to totally remove it.. but  i dont bother16:13
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: haha. I wish I had the time. I'm taking 9 classes this semester. And I'm not exagerating -_-16:13
Dr_WillisElgar1:  Jolicloud has forums also. but last i checked their fiorums were not that heavly populated either.16:14
gpcElgar1: if jolicloud can't support their OS what makes you think we can. We do not support it. Please stop asking.16:14
kaddiis ubuntu using the ntfs fuse driver or the native kernel module for ntfs by default? For example when i do a sudo mount -t ntfsd /dev/sda2 /media/win16:14
Dr_Williskaddi:  its using ntfs-3g16:14
kaddiah, k16:14
tehbautDVD Movie Backup isn't picking up my optical drive... any ideas why?16:14
bazhangtehbaut, what s the software16:14
Elgar1forget I managed jolicloud, please walk me through steps as if I was using ubuntu, Please.16:14
schnuffle1m_fulder: what does your script do?16:15
rufsketch1tehbaut: does k3b pick it up?16:15
bazhangElgar1, for wine?16:15
Dr_WillisElgar1:  fire up the package manager, install wine.. there ya go.16:15
bazhangElgar1, #winehq after checking the appdb16:15
bazhang!appdb > Elgar116:15
ubottuElgar1, please see my private message16:15
m_fulderschnuffle1,  it starts up a dedicated server16:15
tehbautbazhang: DVD Movie Backup is the software16:15
Elgar1@ubottu sure16:15
bazhangtehbaut, what is the package name16:16
tehbautrufsketch1: is that something else I have to install?16:16
bazhangtehbaut, this is from the ubuntu repos?16:16
tehbautbazhang: no idea, I got it from the software installer16:16
schnuffle1m_fulder: wouldn't it be better to write a upstart script to start the daemon?16:16
rufsketch1tehbaut: k3b is program that can create backups of discs. I just wanted to know if it recognized your optical drive.16:16
tehbautbazhang: Ubuntu Software Center16:16
rufsketch1if it does, then it might be a bug in the program you mentioned16:16
smiley7im just running out of room on the tray16:16
bazhangtehbaut, then try something else, I personally find ogmrip to be very good16:16
tehbautrufsketch1: I never instealled it, is it built in?16:16
m_fulderschnuffle1,  upstart script? ... the thing is I already have an upstart script ... but I get like 20 of them and its not that cool to open up al 20 by myself .. so instead Im looping throught all my scripts and starting them up automaticly16:17
Intersecret935<Yugo@unknown-net> hgfhf -16:18
schnuffle1m_fulder: okay so your tool to use should be trap16:18
TophI'm running ubuntu 10.10 and my System Monitor always shows one of my dual CPU's running at 100%. Why is that?16:18
smiley7oh and i wake up sometimes in the night and there is hard drive activity...16:19
edbianCan someone here that has 2 cdrom drives please tell me what their /media folder contains?16:19
Elgar1@bazhang, I want to use winetricks in order to install the rift beta its on the list, right here-http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1248216:19
smiley7i can see the hard drive light going...16:19
smiley7and no programes are open..16:19
bazhangElgar1, thats an issue for #winehq not here16:19
smiley7i wonder what ubuntu is doing....16:20
Elgar1wine is a linux program, is it not? Does wine even have irc?16:20
bazhangElgar1, yes, as I have told you #winehq16:20
compdocwine lets you run some windows programs in linux16:20
llutz_smiley7: syncing, writingn logs etc.pp16:20
smiley7whats that command ?16:21
llutz_smiley7: thats no command, just stuff running in background16:21
Intersecret935<Yugo@unknown-net> hgfhf -16:21
smiley7i basicly use ubuntu for youtube..and online gameing.16:22
bazhangIntersecret935, please stop that16:22
edbianCan someone here that has 2 cdrom drives please tell me the content of their /media drive?16:22
ikoniaedbian: it will be different for each user16:22
mmanim trying to install a program, but when i make "make" i get this error: make: *** [all] Error 2 how can i fix it?16:23
ikoniamman: what are you trying to install16:23
edbianikonia, I just need to see how the cd-rom drives are set up.  Do you have 2 cd-rom drives?16:23
Darius_Xubuntuok anyone here using xubuntu?16:23
ikoniaedbian: yes16:23
mmanikonia, microdc, while compiling i get that error16:24
ikoniaDarius_Xubuntu: lots of guys in #xubuntu16:24
smiley7i would delete windows xp if i new how to install stuff in ubuntu..16:24
edbianikonia, can you please tell me what is in your /media?16:24
llutz_!manual  | smiley716:24
ubottusmiley7: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:24
ikoniaedbian: no, as it will be different for each user, as I've said16:24
edbiansmiley7, sudo apt-get install <stuff>16:24
edbianikonia, How will it be different?  Can you post yours so I can see the differences?16:24
smiley7i ment  install from "source"16:25
ikoniaedbian: no, it will be different as the contents are generated from the CD's int he drives16:25
ikonia!info microdc216:25
ubottumicrodc2 (source: microdc2): A command-line based Direct Connect client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15.6-1 (maverick), package size 149 kB, installed size 392 kB16:25
edbianikonia, what if you have nothing in the drives?  What should the folder look like?16:25
ikoniasmiley7: you don't need to build it from source16:25
ikoniasmiley7: just install it from the package manager, the package name is microdc216:25
ikoniaedbian: then the CD drives won't be mounted16:25
edbianikonia, I ask because if I put a e.g. ubuntu live CD in one of my drives I cannot open / mount it16:25
edbianikonia, If the drives are empty then the /media folder should be empty?  I believe there is a cdrom symlink or something16:26
mmanikonia, forgot to update the repo16:26
smiley7this is what i want to install... http://www.secretmaryo.org/16:26
ikoniaedbian: if the drives are empty, /media won't have a cd point bellow it16:26
edbianikonia, So I can safely remove all of the cdrom folders in /media?16:27
ikoniaedbian: yes, they should be created at mount time16:27
=== marcos_ is now known as Daekdroom
ganjinlinIt's my first time use linux16:27
mkanyicysmiley7: have you downloaded the source?16:27
leoncutzhi. i need help. i am very new to ubuntu. just install it 2 days back, when u update my ati/amd graphic driver, my laptop screen keeps flickering until i hv to remove it. tks16:27
edbianikonia, and i don't need anything in /etc/fstab.  I can just double click the icons in 'computer' and it'll mount things in the drives for me?16:27
mkanyicyganjinlin: welcome to linux!16:27
ikoniaedbian: the icons on the computer should be created at mount time16:28
ganjinlinThank you16:28
schnuffle1m_fulder: add this to your script: stty intr =16:28
edbianikonia, Well I have 'cd/dvd Drive' that are there if nothing is in the drive16:28
edbianikonia, drive(s)16:28
smiley7i dont know witch one to download16:29
schnuffle1m_fulder: even better: stty intr undef16:29
m_fulderhm to which script schnuffle116:29
m_fulderschnuffle1,  the startup script? or the one starting gnome-terminal?16:29
Dr_Willisedbian:  no disk  in drive -= no dir in /media/16:29
schnuffle1m_fulder: the one you call in your -e "...."16:29
mkanyicysmiley7: im not a game expert. so I wont be able to know too.16:29
leoncutzhi. i need help. i am very new to ubuntu. just install it 2 days back, when u update my ati/amd graphic driver, my laptop screen keeps flickering until i hv to remove it. tks16:30
edbianDr_Willis, thank you.  What about in 'computer' in gnome?16:30
m_fulderschnuffle1,  ah right ... but where should I place it? :P  just write stty intr undef  in the beginning of my script?16:30
Dr_Willisedbian:  look and see?16:30
jimlovell777I have a directory full of other directories, each one containing a different iteration of a web site I run. I'm trying to streamline and make my life easier. Is there an automated way to save one copy of each file and then a history of the changes?16:30
edbianDr_Willis, Well my system has 2 drives there at all times both named16:30
edbianDr_Willis, sorry, both named, 'CD/DVD Drive'  If I put media in one of my drives (the black one) it works perfectly. It's automatically mounted and the icon in computer changes, and I can double click it to open it again.  The other drive though, (the white one) doesn't work at all.16:31
jimlovell777*on the files that already exist too,  not just new changes from today forward.16:31
schnuffle1m_fulder: yes16:32
Darius_Xubuntuikonia but its possible to ask the xubuntu question in here?16:32
Dr_Willisedbian:  see if theres an incorrect entry in /etc/fstab for the 2nd drive.16:32
Dr_Willisedbian:  a optical drive shouldent need an entry in fstab. ive seen the installer get confused and add one however16:32
edbianDr_Willis, Do I need entries in /etc/fstab at all?  I have them commented out16:32
josei need help over the installation de opendldap in ubuntu server 10.0416:33
schnuffle1m_fulder: wrote a small test script wich called top afterwards and ctrl+c doesn't work as you want16:33
m_fulderschnuffle1,  right .. but adding that line doesn't elp either :(16:33
schnuffle1m_fulder: can you paste your script? for me it works16:34
NixGeekDarius_Xubuntu: yep, it's an ubuntu16:34
Kathcan someone help me I got a problem when i start my computer I get grub rescue)16:34
LeadfootGood Morning16:35
NixGeekKath: that's my specialty, fire!16:35
Darius_Xubuntuhello guys i need help with resolution after installing xubuntu desktop 4.8.1 now im stuck on 1024.768 how to adjust it more than that like 1280.1024?16:35
edbianDr_Willis, does commenting something out in /etc/fstab make it as if it was never there?16:35
KathNixGeek, how do i fix that...16:35
KathNixGeek, I removed ubuntu totally16:35
schnuffle1edbian: yes16:36
edbianschnuffle1, I was afraid of that....16:36
KathNixGeek, I cant restore windows 7 because I have no cds.. either16:36
amitDr_willis: i want to configure my kernel plz suggest me some good links to do this,also can i subbmit it as my project to my college.m engg student ,help me16:36
josethere are someone that help in the installation of openldap in ubuntu server 10.04 LTS16:36
NixGeekKath: okay, lets go into pm really fast16:36
Dr_Willisamit:  ibve not needed to mess with the kernel in 5+ years.. so i have to suggest 'google' :)16:36
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:36
Leadfootspeaking of kernels16:37
Leadfootare the i386 kernels required if you are running x64?16:37
selfq всем16:37
alen_sorry guys but how can i found "device manager" on Ubuntu :(16:37
schnuffle1Leadfoot: i386 is 32bit on 64bit you can run both16:37
amitthanx Dr_willis16:38
Darius_Xubuntuany ideas?16:38
Leadfootright, but I've my machine is 64bit and it's running the 64bit kernel, do I need the 32bit kernels be to installed?16:38
Dr_WillisLeadfoot:  i never noticed you being able to have them installed...16:38
mkanyicyDarius_Xubuntu: what's the problem?16:38
Dr_Willisi would think the package manager would warn you.16:39
amitDr_willis: can u plz suggest me some good topic for my minor project ,plz m confused what to make for my project16:39
Darius_Xubuntui need help with resolution after installing xubuntu desktop 4.8.1 now im stuck on 1024.768 how to adjust it more than that like 1280.1024?16:39
Line_hello i used sudo modprobe ppp-compress-18 and now after a restart i have lost internet, how can i disable ppp-compress-18?16:39
Dr_Willisamit:  i have no idea what your project is or about.. im not doing your homework16:39
schnuffle1Leadfoot: If your system works, why should you need it?16:39
mkanyicyalen_: what do you want to see?16:39
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I tried the instructions given in the link and I still get a grub shell instead of a grub menu16:40
erUSULLine_: modprobe is not permanent16:40
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: the link says this happens when you use the Grub2 Install where the Grub legacy install would have been appropriate. But my Grub version is 1.98. So I assume that quite clearly makes it Grub216:40
Leadfootperhaps it safer to keep them, in case of any 32bit software packages I may need to install later16:40
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  theres like 5 differnt ways to install grub. try one of the other ways.   or you are doing somthing wrong like having grub files on a raid partition.16:40
erUSULLine_: do « lsmod | grep compress »16:40
mkanyicyDarius_Xubuntu: i dont know xubuntu 'man xrandr'16:40
alen_i attached my sony video camera, but there is no reaction here16:40
sacarlsonamit: if you want a project build me a texas holdem poker site run with java with money accounting in mysql in 3 currency16:41
alen_i m using usb cabel16:41
Line_erUSUL: oh really? i performed that command, did a restart and now i cannot ssh to the machine and the machine cannot ping google.com or anything16:41
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I have tried two of the ways so far. Can you give me more information about what I might be doing wrong?16:41
Darius_Xubuntumkanyicy thanks even for that :)16:41
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  i would have to say check the trouble shooting parts of  the grub2 wiki and the forumn 'grub starters guide' post16:41
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: alternatively, is there any way to boot into one of the OSs installed using just the Grub shell?16:42
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  type in the proper commands and it will boot the os. if you knew the proper commands.16:42
josesomeone know a munual over installation openldap in ubuntu server 10.04 lts16:42
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: where can I find the proper commands?16:42
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  look for grub.cfg examples. and the grub2 docs.16:42
erUSULLine_: if the module does no laod automatically and you have to use modprobe then the module wont load in the next boot either16:42
Line_erUSUL: would enabling ppp-compress have anything to do with this lack of internet connectivity upon reboot?16:43
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: *sigh*. Well, there goes my afternoon -_-16:43
schnuffle1jose: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html16:43
Line_erUSUL: so it must be some other issue entirely?16:43
m_fulderschnuffle1,  sure sec :)16:43
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  it pays to learn grub. ive spend many an hr reading its docs and learning how it works.16:44
pestvogelIs there a way to stop network-manager stop managing a nic but run and manage other nic's?16:44
alen_pls some1 help me :(16:44
m_fulderschnuffle1, http://pastebin.com/8ZJU10Z116:44
=== twig is now known as twig`
llutz_pestvogel: add that specific nic to /etc/network/interfaces, nm will ignore it then16:45
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  ive learned how to make it boot iso files. and how to 'install' to a flash drive so i can boot mysystem even if grub on the hd gets trashed.16:45
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: while it certainly seems interesting to learn about, it seems like the chances for using the knowledge will be few and far between16:45
pestvogelllutz_: Tanks, i'll try that.16:45
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  it pays to learn  how the os works.16:45
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: in any case. I'll read up.16:45
* ahimza_ .16:45
erUSULLine_: dunno; do you usee ppp for connecting ? if you do the modules needed shoulb be loaded by pppd without intervention...16:45
ahimza_hello guys16:46
erUSULLine_: i do not see the connection at all but weirdest things happen sometimes ,...16:46
erUSULpestvogel: easiest is probably configure the nick in /etc/network/interfaces ( but never bringin it up )16:47
Line_erUSUL: nope i just installed pptpd for a vpn connection which worked fine, so i decided i would try to enable encryption so i tried sudo modprobe ppp-compress-18 and then a reboot16:48
erUSULLine_: as i said; the effects of "sudo modprobe ppp-compress-18" will not survive a reboot16:49
alen_i have problem with video camera,i attach with usb,but nothing seems to happen, pls help me someone :(16:49
Line_erUSUL: yea, understood16:49
Dr_Willisalen_:  you mean a Web-cam? or a camcorder-type cam?16:49
EmuAlertIs there any way to turn off the keyboard shortcuts on the calculator, so I can just type "tan" instead of remembering that the shortcut's w?16:49
Line_erUSUL: i will try to investigate /etc/network/interfaces and to a /etc/init.d/networking restart16:49
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alen_camcorder, sony DVX90016:50
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Matty75hello... i have a question re: xubuntu. is this the right place?16:50
dragonkeeperi try mounting my HDD  and i get the error  .     Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6,      missing codepage or helper program, or other error     In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try     dmesg | tail  or so  ....   so i look on the terminal    i  get    [ 1080.135052] EXT4-fs (sda6): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (63931!=46431)[ 1080.1316:50
dragonkeeper5065] EXT4-fs (sda6): group descriptors corrupted![ 1092.317362] EXT4-fs (sda6): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (63931!=46431)[ 1092.317374] EXT4-fs (sda6): group descriptors corrupted!   ....  how do i recover from this error  ??16:50
Dr_Willisdragonkeeper:  sounds like it has Fileystem issues. You have fscked the fileysstem?16:51
EmuAlertMatty75, if it's specific to xubuntu, then you probably should connect to #xubuntu16:51
dragonkeepernope ... just logged in16:51
Matty75emuAlert: ok, thanks16:51
alen_<Dr_Willis> pls help me about this16:53
erUSULdragonkeeper: pass a fsck to the filesystem. gparted can do it or you can use e2fsck from command line16:53
erUSULalen_: is usb or firewire?16:53
alen_usb is16:53
dragonkeepererUSUL   just running a check now16:54
Dr_Willisalen_:  my camcorder i just plug it in.. and it shows up as a usb hard drive..16:54
DaekdroomWhat's the name of the bin ALT+F2 executes?16:54
alen_my dont16:54
alen_probably there is no drivers16:54
schnuffle1m_fulder: set the stty intr undef in the script ypu call from /home/delta/Desktop/servrar/*16:54
alen_and on linux i dont know how to add them16:54
Dr_Willisalen_:  other ones may need other drivers, i got an old one htat has firewire, or usb. I alwyas used the firewire port on it.16:54
m_fulderschnuffle1,  right will try that on :)16:55
alen_i have only usb16:55
Dr_Willisalen_:  i would suggest checking the forums. It may be theres some dv module/drivers you need to load.16:55
schnuffle1m_fulder: meaning you add the command in each script at te top16:55
GeekMandoes ubuntu netbook editon support networking with windows networks16:55
GeekManlike flie serves16:55
Dr_Willisthe one cam that was usb/fw i had.. sucked with usb - even under windows16:55
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  its all the same at the heart. so yes16:55
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  to get/shre files - thats 'samba' :) on most all disrtos.16:56
m_fulderschnuffle1,  yes I got that .. but no while pressing CTRL+C I only get the ^C in terminal but nothing happends :(16:56
dragonkeepererUSUL   Dr_Willis    ty recovered all data  :)16:56
m_fulderschnuffle1,  or I don't event get the ^C .. just while pressing it nothing happends16:57
erUSULdragonkeeper: no problem16:57
Dr_Willisdragonkeeper:  its weird the ext4 gets messed up like that. You dident power off  while it was running or somthing else odd?16:57
dragonkeeperi mounted it on my windows OS16:57
schnuffle1m_fulder: that i what stty intr undef does, it disables the ctrl+c signal, isn'T that what you wanted?16:57
m_fulderschnuffle1,  hehe no not exaclty .. I wanted to break the script from the terminal window without closing the window16:58
Dr_Willisdragonkeeper:  if you use windows to access your ext2/3/4 - be sure to 'safely remove' the thing under windows. befor you exit windows.16:58
PerserverI have similar problems as this https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62698416:58
Dr_Willisdragonkeeper:  i dont reccomend any of the tools under windows to access ext2/3/416:58
erUSULdragonkeeper: ¬.¬ never let windows play with grown ups stuff XXDD16:59
r\wWorldit's sad that MS doesn't get with the program and support other FS's16:59
gigasoftis there easy way to auto change desktop background16:59
Dr_Willisgigasoft:  theres proberly a dozen 'wallpaper' changer tools in the repos.17:00
dragonkeeperDr_Willis   i did the saftey remove .... but windows hates anything superior to it.    lol    erUSUL17:00
Dr_Willisgigasoft:  gnome has its own wallpaper-change-feature also. based on the time of day.17:00
orgthingyhello, 10.10 doesnt detect my webcam on my new laptop..how can i make my laptop detect the built-in laptop?17:01
gigasoftDr_Willis, thanks17:01
DaekdroomWhat's the default command that ALT+f2 is set to run?17:01
Dr_Willisorgthingy:  how did you 'test' the webcam?17:01
orgthingyfired up 'Cheese', Dr_Willis17:01
schnuffle1Daekdroom: opens a launcher17:02
Dr_Willisorgthingy:  is it a very new laptop? its possible its not supported (yet)17:02
Daekdroomschnuffle1, yeah. I want to know the command.17:02
Encry8Hi, is there a way to use Subversion without a webhost? I want to use it on my local pc, i tried putting localhost for the URL17:02
orgthingyDr_Willis: at all? is there a way I can look around for drivers or so?17:02
the100BiLLhi I have a Dell D600 Laptop and ubuntu 10.10 I turned the laptop off over the shut down button in the panel. Today I turned it back on and all the sudden I had no sound and when I try to shut the laptop down over the panel, it thorws me back  to the login screen. When I look in the sound setting it tells me that I only have  a "dummy output" but lspci tells me I have a sound device. Can any body tell me the solution for this problem17:03
the100BiLL or at least give me a link, because I couldn't find any solution that work for me. Some how i think it has to do somthing with the network manager  because it just disabled the network its self yesterday and I had to enable it again17:03
wildc4rdis there a simple (mspaint) equivalent in synaptic? just need it for quick/easy image size changing17:03
Dr_Willisorgthingy:  thers always the forums. and stuff.17:03
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  theres tools specificially for size changeing.. no need for painting features17:04
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  imagemagick (i think is one)17:04
dragonkeeperwildc4rd   kolourpaint   ?17:04
Dr_Williswildc4rd:  if its somthing you do a Lot - you could make a nautilus script to handle it also.17:04
orgthingyDr_Willis: i already googled, and will keep on googling17:04
orgthingybut was checking if people know how to help me here17:04
orgthingythanks anyways17:04
Dr_Willisorgthingy:  almost ALL the webcam drivers are made by a very few people :)  You could try 11.04 and see if it works in that.17:05
libaofengi install ylmf.com 's os ,kernel is ubuntu 10.017:05
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:05
dvrcoderany idea where to place user-specific config files that can't be in home?17:05
bazhanglibaofeng, thats not supported here check the ylmfos support forums17:05
Dr_Willislibaofeng:  if ylmf has their own ubuntu variant. you need to go to their support channels.17:05
Dr_Williswhateer ylmf is...17:06
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bazhangits a derivate made to look like XP17:06
Dr_Willisbazhang:  please.. this is a faimly channel... :)17:06
bazhangDr_Willis, :)17:06
libaofengthank you ,17:06
Dr_WillisLike Lubuntu isent close enough to that. well.. more win95ish i guess.17:07
puppyhow to install packages from APTonCD17:07
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:07
Dr_WillisHmm.. see the !offline factoid?17:07
schnuffle1Daekdroom: there's a tool called gmrun that could do the trick17:08
puppywhen I try to restore it does not detect the cd but the cd is already mounted17:08
Daekdroomschnuffle1, No. You don't get it. I need the specific command that opens that same launcher.17:08
schnuffle1Daekdroom: I get it, but that was the best solution I could propose, Alt+F2 calls some dbus stuff17:09
mezzerI want to know how i can add items to the Shortcuts manu17:10
AbhijiTmezzer, which menu? right clck on desktop or the menu on gnome panel - applicatioon,plcaes etc?17:10
Encry8Hi, is there a way to use Subversion without a webhost? I want to use it on my local pc, i tried putting localhost for the URL17:11
rtdosis it possible to install ubuntu-server on a machine that is currently an ubuntu-desktop without reformatting and reinsalling ?17:11
mezzerin the gnome panel17:11
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: in fdisk -l has an asterisk under the boot option for one of my paritions. I assume that asterisk shows where it expects the boot partition to be?17:11
mezzerin the top of the screen17:11
puppymezzer: yes and select edit menu17:11
AbhijiTmezzer, right click to the 'very' left of the word application and select edit menu17:11
bazhangrtdos, sure just install lamp17:12
bazhang!lamp > rtdos17:12
ubotturtdos, please see my private message17:12
compdocrtdos, ubuntu-server is almost the same, except it has no gui17:12
Dr_Willisrtdos:  the 'server' edition just has some differnt packages and default kenel. and no gui.17:12
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  i think the * is showing the boot flag17:12
compdocif the versions are the same, just stay with ubuntu desktop17:12
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: how can I change the boot flag"?17:12
mezzerAbhijiT, no i can't modify this like this17:13
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  why do you think you need to?17:13
AbhijiTmezzer, why?17:13
mezzerthere is only Applications and System17:13
mezzerI cant modify the SHorcuts menu like this17:13
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: it's on dev/sda1, which is my windows parition. And I want it on /dev/sda2 which is the linux parition with the /boot directory17:13
mezzer"Shortcuts" menu17:13
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  it shouldnt matter.17:13
AbhijiTmezzer, i dont know what you are talking about17:13
AbhijiTwhere is shortcut menu?17:13
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  i dont think grub cares about the boot flag.17:13
PerserverScanner doesn't work anymore, someone dare to help?17:14
mezzerAbhijiT, 1second17:14
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I see. I'll keep probing then17:14
AbhijiTno idea. cant help mezzer17:14
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  gparted lets you set the flag if you really want to change it.17:15
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I'm using kubuntu unfortunately. The only reason I'm mucking about with this at all is because the GRUB install portion of the kubuntu install failed17:15
mezzerph sorry17:16
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  you can install gparted on kubuntu17:16
mezzernot Shortcuts but Places17:16
BluesKajwell time to go17:16
mezzermy ubuntu is in french17:16
AbhijiT!fr | mezzer17:16
ubottumezzer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:16
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: no internet connection on the machine. I'm still figuring out how to get IP masquerading working on my laptop so that I can get connection to its eth0 via mi laptop's wlan017:17
van7huhi all,anyone here live in england and see football ?17:17
mezzerAbhijiT, i know yep but, you can't help me?17:17
bazhangvan7hu, thats offtopic here17:17
rtdosthanks, dr. willis / bazhang17:17
bazhangvan7hu, try #ubuntu-offtopic17:17
AbhijiTmezzer, no i cant help i dunno where is shortcut menu17:17
maxohey, does anyone here use sbackup?17:17
bazhangmaxo, what is your question17:17
maxoevery time sbackup does an incremental backup, it's a huge size17:17
maxomy full backup is is 12GB. Now it's doing an incremental backup, and that's over 11GB17:18
mezzerAbhijiT, Places menu17:18
maxosurely it shouldn't be so large?17:18
AbhijiTohhh i see17:18
AbhijiTmezzer, you cant edit that menu. but you can add bookmarks to it17:18
AbhijiTand if you really want to edit then you have to use some docky or something. i dunno how. mezzer17:19
AbhijiTmezzer, brb17:19
mezzerAbhijiT, thank you ;)17:19
ganjinlin大家好 这里有中国人不?17:19
bazhangganjinlin, english here chinese in #ubuntu-cn17:20
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: I just managed to run update grub and after finding linux image, initrd image, and memtest image it says "cannot find list of partitions"17:20
rufsketch1and then "done"17:20
rufsketch1should I be worried?17:20
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m2rtHelp needed about FFmpeg :(  http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/DYgvcv9417:22
Diamondciteganjinlin:不,这是唯一和英吉利海峡的尝试#Ubuntu的- cn的 (ganjinlin: No this is only and english channel try #ubuntu-cn)17:22
puppyI dont know how to restore packages with APTonCD17:22
bazhangm2rt, what are you trying to do, please explain17:23
nobodybkanyone know how to put a folder in home folder to Place Toolbar ?17:23
bazhangpuppy, put the aptoncd as part of your sources?17:23
m2rtbazhang, I'm trying to create ctypes wrappers. See: http://www.thefoundation.de/david/2008/sep/11/using-ffmpeg-python/17:23
puppybazhang: ok I will try17:24
bazhangpuppy, you read the aptoncd guide, correct?17:24
Dr_Willis rufsketch1  never seen that error message befor. You could check the forums/grub docs for mention of it.17:24
Diamondcitenobodybk: I think such an option might exist in the gnome file dialog?17:24
matt444Hi, how can I tell what type of ram my computer takes?  I think it might be DDR1 but I'm not sure.17:24
LadyNikonmatt444: search forthe specs of your motherboard17:24
LadyNikonthat will tell you17:25
nobodybkDiamondcite, show me how to find that ^^17:25
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: sweet! I have it working sort of. It's booting into kubuntu and supposedly checking my drives for errors.17:25
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matt444LadyNikon: thanks, how can I tell what type of motherboard I have?17:25
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: it says check forced, but, unfortunately isn't giving me any information about the progress of the check17:25
Intersecret920*** Yugo@unknown-net (Yugo@non.aux.cornichons.dans.les.Hamburgers) has left #ubuntu (++)17:25
Intersecret920*** Yugo@unknown-net (Yugo@non.aux.cornichons.dans.les.Hamburgers) has joined #ubuntu17:25
Intersecret920*** Intersecret@unknown-net (N3rdH3rd@AT-3DA89467.kimsufi.com) has left #ubuntu17:25
Intersecret920*** Intersecret@unknown-net (N3rdH3rd@AT-3DA89467.kimsufi.com) has joined #ubuntu17:25
FloodBot3Intersecret920: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
LadyNikonmatt444: look up your computer names for the mac and model number17:26
Dr_Willispuppy:  seems tobe a user manual/docs at its homepage -> http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/17:26
SimisuHello, i just bought a new 1TB HD and i would like to finally try ubuntu, but before partitioning the drive i would like to know if i need to make any special partitions or if what i'm thinking (which is to be able to boot into ubuntu on my external drive from two different machines) is possible... any thoughts or help is warmly welcome, thanks in advance!17:26
Dr_Willisrufsketch1:  thats chcking the filesystem for errors.. that may take some time17:26
Diamondcitematt444: sudo dmidecode --type 17 | more17:26
LjL!ops | Intersecret920 is a bot or something, lastlog "intetsecret"17:26
ubottuIntersecret920 is a bot or something, lastlog "intetsecret": Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!17:26
puppybazhang: when I put the APTon Cd in drive it does not open with the application17:27
rufsketch1Dr_Willis: yeah I figured. It's weird though. fsck usually gives a status indicator17:27
Dr_WillisSimisu:  you can install to a external usb hd. You need to make sure you tell grub to install to the proper hd as the last step. (it can accidentl install to the first hd if you are not carefull)17:27
alen_guys where is software center on ubuntu,i m using version Linux 2.6.35-2517:27
alen_i cant find software center17:27
dragonkeepercan ubuntu detect the ram speed ?    if so  whats the command or program ?17:27
alzamabarHi. How do I edit the content of /etc/resolv.conf with the entries I want?17:27
alen_im newbie on ubuntu17:27
puppywhen I try to install package from it,then opens in SC and downloads from net.17:27
LjLalzamabar: you don't, because your edits will be reverted by the "resolvconf" daemon17:28
H3r0does someone know why the ppa of wine doesn't work with the last wine version?17:28
Dr_Willispuppy:  it could be its finding newer versions on the net.17:28
juhaonDo you know any screen recorder that doesn't record as .ogg? I want to upload my video to youtube but it doesn't accept .ogg files17:28
alzamabarLjL, I tried to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf but again the /etc/resolv.conf gets recreated17:28
LjLalzamabar: you need to specify your DNS in some dhcp-related file i forget the name of, instead. or get rid of resolvconf.17:28
SimisuDr_willies: what is grub? i will probably be using windows to partition the drive...17:28
Dr_WillisSimisu:  grub is the bootloader that gives you the menus.17:28
alzamabarLjL, how do I get rid of resolveconf?17:28
Dr_WillisSimisu:  theres no need to use windows to partition the hd. if its to be all linux.17:29
LjLalzamabar, sudo apt-get remove resolvconf, but note that's not supported or anything and could cause trouble. i personally have removed it and network-manager because they get on my nerves, but it's really not recommended17:29
puppyDr-willies; but I dont want to use net17:29
schnuffle1Daekdroom: http://darkness.codefu.org/wordpress/2004/07/popping-up-the-gnome-run-application-dialog-from-a-script/17:29
dragonkeeperSimisu if you install windows after linux you will need to restore the bootloader17:29
Dr_Willispuppy:  unplug the nic i gues.. or check the pograms docs.. it may hae an option.17:29
puppyI want this cd to be used in a computer without net17:30
m2rtAnyone knows an FFmpeg alternative? I need to make snapshots of a video after some interval in seconds. The library should work with python... Or very easy to use in c++17:30
Simisudr willies: nope not all linux... i'm hoping to be able to dual boot each computer with windows and the extrnal HD containing linux17:30
KrankHow do I unmount an extra internal hard drive?17:30
Dr_WillisSimisu:  but he external HD is all linux or not?17:30
alzamabarLjL, the DNS name resolution now doesn't work in my server because it has the wrong entries in /etc/resolv.conf. Any ideas on how to edit the entries manually so that these don't get overwritten (except from removing resolvconf)?17:30
Dr_WillisKrank:  sudo umount /media/MOUNTPOINT is one way17:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:31
amalgamai would like to add windows 7 to my ubuntu-only laptop (damn gaming industry).. i decided that the best way to go is format with windows and then ubuntu.. is there a way to install the programs i already have, again, without doing it one by one?17:31
LjLalzamabar: you could always try making /etc/resolv.conf -w for everybody (chmod a-w /etc/resolv.conf) after editing it17:31
SimisuDr_willies: i guess so... i won't put windows on it, and i might make two partitions for the possibility to play with two different linux...17:31
alzamabarLjL, this seems a great idea. I'm going to try straight away!17:31
Gneapuppy: have you read the aptoncd documentation?17:32
Dr_WillisSimisu:  You proberly want to make a / paittion and a /home partition, and a swap partition.17:32
Simisuand that's using linux? are these different then the "normal" windows partitions?17:33
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Dr_WillisSimisu:  linux dosent USE windows partitions...17:33
Simisuit can't read them,?17:34
Dr_WillisSimisu:  linux can read/write to wndows partitions :)17:34
Dr_Willisbut it dosent Use them..17:34
raykidhello everyone! Can someone give me a hint about xorg.conf and fglrx? the documentary says i should edit it but the file doesnt exist.17:34
Simisuso if my HD was already partitioned adding linux would ADD another partition to reside in?17:34
puppyGnea: I read it but does not happening anything that said on it.17:35
Dr_Willisraykid:  the documets may be outdated..  x auto configures for the most part these days17:35
Dr_WillisSimisu:  you resize  the existing partitions to make linux partitions17:35
Dr_WillisSimisu:  the installer can do that17:35
Gnearaykid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67064517:35
Gneapuppy: which url did you read?17:35
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puppyGnea: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/17:36
LinuxNoobgood day all :D17:36
Chris01Hello, Does anyone know an external 2.5",USB 2.0/3.0 hard drive that can be formated with XFS?17:36
pietr101LinuxNoob: good day to you too!17:36
raykidDr_Willis, i know but my card is fairly new and not detected properly. The documentary mentions my card and says i should edit xorg.conf. Can i apply manual settings elsewhere?17:36
LinuxNoobwhats xfs17:36
SimisuDr_Willies: now i'm starting to get it... good... so basically the installation will take care of it for me... so how much space should i dedicate for linux? are 30GB ok?17:36
ikoniaChris01: same way as any other disk, use the disk tool gparted, select xfs and select the disk17:36
pragma_Why would any drive not be able to be formatted with a filesystem?17:36
ikoniaLinuxNoob: a file system17:37
puppygnea: this also: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/doc-manual.html17:37
LinuxNoobextension file system?17:37
ikoniaLinuxNoob: no, a file system17:37
Gneapuppy: try this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/APTonCD17:37
LinuxNoobim not familiar with xfs x_x17:37
Chris01XFS file system17:37
LinuxNoobthats why im askin :D17:37
ikoniaLinuxNoob: then don't worry about it17:37
amalgamai would like to add windows 7 to my ubuntu-only laptop (damn gaming industry).. i decided that the best way to go is format with windows and then ubuntu.. is there a way to install the programs i already have, again, without doing it one by one?17:37
Dr_WillisIm not sure you would want xfs on a usbvhd.17:37
Dr_Willis!clone | amalgama17:38
ubottuamalgama: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:38
Chris01I have an A DATA 16GB flash drive that can't be formated with XFS17:38
LinuxNoobwhat are u tryinto use the flash drive for?17:38
Dr_WillisChris01:  why do you want to use XFS on a flash drive anyway?17:38
Chris01so this is the reason I am asking17:38
SimisuDr_Willies: now i'm starting to get it... good... so basically the installation will take care of it for me... so how much space should i dedicate for linux? are 30GB ok?17:38
vlrk1iam trying use ubuntu in my windows with help of vmware .. iam having problems can any body help here17:39
raykidI found a post on the ubuntu forums that says i can just reconfigure xorg via "sudo Xorg -configure" while gdm is disabled. Does this work on 10.10?17:39
Gnea!vmware | vlrk117:39
Dr_WillisChris01: mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1 or whatver gives some error?17:39
ubottuvlrk1: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:39
LinuxNoobvlrk1: ask away17:39
Chris01I want to use with a PVR that uses this type of file system17:39
LinuxNoobvirk1: im noob at linux by i know my vmware for the most part17:39
pragma_Gnea: he's using Windows as the host and wishes to install Ubuntu as the guest.  qemu is shit on Windows.17:39
GneaChris01: did you make sure that you set the partition type correctly?17:39
frimendHow do I use this "use custom command" feature?17:40
Dr_WillisChris01:  xfs with  somthiung like mythbuntu is so it can be faster at deleting Lots of little files (i rcall) not really going to be an issue with 16gb flash drives.17:40
Chris01master boot record17:40
Gneapragma_: no need for that kind of language, thanks.17:40
zuasiveGreetings folks17:40
frimendI have a bunch of rar.files, and I can open them with 7z x.17:40
Gneapragma_: and virtualbox works great in windows.17:40
zuasiveI'm sure this is a busy channel so maybe someone can direct me to a better place to ask17:40
frimendI would like ubuntu to do this automatically for me though, if I doubleclick them.17:40
amalgamathanx a lot dr_willis17:40
aroman!ask | zuasive17:40
Gneazuasive: about?17:40
ubottuzuasive: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:40
zuasiveI want to use ubuntu to build an internet content filter Squid+Dansguardian with NTLM17:40
Dr_Willisfrimend:  install the proper rar/unrar tools and the default file archiver tool can handle them17:40
frimendI see this "use command" feature, I tried "7z x" there, but that did not do the trick.17:40
LinuxNoobfrimend do what automaticly?17:41
vlrk1Gnea:i will get virtualbox and try again ..17:41
Chris01what I should do to format it?17:41
zuasiveI've not had much luch joining to an ad domain using samba and winbind and squid and likwise open don't play well17:41
LinuxNoobi like runonlinux17:41
zuasiveAny ideas?17:41
LinuxNoobtry that aswell17:41
Dr_WillisChris01:  i doubt if you will notice any differnance if you use ext3 vs xfs.17:41
frimendDr_Willis: I can do this, what is the "proper rar/unrar tools"? However, I am still interested in how I can use this "use command" feature!17:41
zuasiveGot it17:41
zuasiveThanks ubottu17:41
Dr_Willis!rar | frimend17:41
ubottufrimend: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:41
frimendDo I have to include the file name as a paramter to the command in some way?17:41
Dr_Willisfrimend:  i got an 'extract here' menu item some how.. that extracts rars for me.17:41
LinuxNoobu cant use rarlab onlinux?17:41
Chris01it can be formated with ext 3 and ext 417:41
Gnea!ad | zuasive17:42
ubottuzuasive: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto17:42
Dr_WillisChris01:  or ext2 if yoiu wanted.. proberly dont want to use ext417:42
LinuxNoobleapy0yo: whats goin on17:42
leapy0yowhen shutting down ubuntu stays stuck on checking for unattended upgrades... how can i fix that?17:42
Announcementhi guys17:42
LinuxNoobu on 10.10?17:42
Announcementnot currently17:42
Announcementbut i have it in vm17:42
Gnealeapy0yo: let it finish17:43
LinuxNoobahh gotcha17:43
LinuxNoobyeah let it update17:43
Announcementwhats the *BEST* build of linux17:43
LinuxNooblinux needs a view dif drivers than windows17:43
Announcementi want to put it on my laptop17:43
Chris01one moment please to copy exactly the error message it appears when I want to format it with XFS17:43
LinuxNoobthere is no "best" build17:43
ikoniaAnnouncement: there isn't a "best"17:43
LinuxNoobits to what you want it for17:43
Gnea!best | Announcement17:43
ubottuAnnouncement: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:43
Announcementthe laptop runs winxp17:43
bazhangAnnouncement, try in ##linux17:43
zuasiveWow what a busy place, nice to see the enthusiasm.17:43
LinuxNoobfor winxp17:43
Gnea!pm | pragma_17:43
LinuxNoobid say..17:43
ubottupragma_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:43
zuasiveThanx for the link I'll see if I can get it going17:44
LinuxNoobboot from external flashdrive17:44
zuasive*fingers crossed*17:44
schnuffle1bazhang: linux mint and ubuntu are good choices for the beginning17:44
pragma_Gnea: Stop abusing the bot.17:44
LinuxNoobthat would be pretty fast, and take up barely any resourses17:44
schnuffle1bazhang: sorry wrong name17:44
ikoniapragma_: he's not17:44
bazhangschnuffle1, lets not answer polling questions please17:44
Gnea!language | pragma_17:44
ubottupragma_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:44
bazhangLinuxNoob, please dont use the enter key every two words17:45
pragma_ikonia: Yes, he is.  I sent that moron an unrelated /msg and he wishes to bring to the channel.17:45
LinuxNoobsorry, ive always typed that way, im tryin to stop :D17:45
raykidCan I force ubuntu 10.10 to use a Xorg.conf ?17:45
bazhangraykid, sure17:45
LinuxNoobis it just me, or do downloads go quicker in ubuntu over win7?17:46
raykidbazhang, how would i do that? I already tried "sudo Xorg -configure" which doesnt appear to work17:46
Simisui want to install ubuntu on an external HD and i'm wondering if it would be possible to use this drive with two different computers or not (two laptops, each laptop boots into windows right now) is this possible or would it only work with one laptop? is it just a questions of configuring the computers to dual boot or it's more complicated then that?  thanks in advance!!!17:46
bazhangLinuxNoob, lets keep chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please , here is support only17:46
LinuxNoobsimisu: very possible17:46
LinuxNoobsimisu: look into universal usb tool17:47
r\wWorld.j #ubuntu-offtopic17:47
DiamondciteSimisu: Linux can be installed onto a USB HDD (Full install) and it should work, especially if they are intel graphics.17:47
LinuxNoobwill let u make a bootable copy of ubuntu or any other program u like, and u just restart and boot from usb. or wubi to run an instance from windows desktop.17:47
bazhangraykid, you'd have to manually fashion one, or use the nvidia config tool if you have nividia17:47
Gnea!caps | ALPOCR17:48
ubottuALPOCR: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:48
LinuxNoobalpocr: ask and we can help maybe17:48
Chris01When I want to format the flash drive with XFS file format a message appears: Error creating file system: Cannot run mkfs: cannot spawn 'mkfs.xfs -L "New Volume" /dev/sdb': Failed to execute child process "mkfs.xfs" (No such file or directory)17:48
Dr_WillisALPOCR:  you talked a lot.. but said very little..  claify the ubuntu issue.17:48
KrankAfter I umount my extra internal hard drive, shutdown, remove it and restart, i have to press "S" to skill the remount. How do I stop this?17:48
Simisuthanks a lot... this is very exciting :O)17:48
DiamondciteSimisu: The reason I say Intel Graphics because if you need the closed source ATI or Nvidia drivers, X might be configured to only handle that one.17:48
raykidbazhang, well i dont have nvidia currently, but my problem is not that i dont know how to make one, i need ubuntu to use one first17:48
Dr_WillisKrank:  edit the /etc/fstab and tell it to not mount the hd in the first place.17:48
GneaChris01: what is the exact thing you typed out in the terminal?17:48
LinuxNoobyeah my laptop has nvidea drivers, it was a pain to run ubuntu as its primary os.17:48
alzamabarLjL, found how to fix it.17:48
Simisudiamondicite: i have a Lacie 1TB17:49
BravewolfIs there anyone using Personal File Sharing included Gnome, which in turn is based upon Apache and WebDAV? I have a couple of problem with access, TCP port, and MDNS announcement. In particolar Windows clients does not show the shared resource in Networks, Windows client does not support password authentication (even though the should be), and I don't know how to create an iptables rule if the TCP port always changes.17:49
Krankthanks Dr_Willis17:49
Chris01I use the graphic interface17:49
alzamabarFirst, even by using chmod -w the network manager recreates it17:49
Dr_WillisLinuxNoob:  Ive had very fes issues with nvidia drivers. :)17:49
puppybazhang: I left the APTonCD ....please tell me how to install a .deb package which downloaded17:49
Chris01I don't know terminal comands17:49
delinquentmeso im trying to figure out why my ubuntu 10.04 doesnt have a ~/.ssh folder .. any ideas ? i've installed open shh server as well ....17:49
DiamondciteSimisu: I can say nothing of your USB drive itself since I have had no experience, I just used a USB Dock with a HDD attached...17:49
Dr_Willisdelinquentme:  it should make one the first tim eyour user runs ssh17:49
LinuxNoobdr_willis: lucky, i dod formated my hdd, and tried to put 10.10 onmy hdd. took forever to figure out how to get past the driver issue17:49
ikoniadelinquentme: once you ssh to something it will get created17:49
Helbomhello eveyone :)17:50
alzamabarLjL, I right clicked on the network icon on the status bar, edited the entries for IPv4 and executed /etc/init.d/network-manager. /etc/resolv.conf was written correctly then17:50
Dr_WillisLinuxNoob:  other then needing 'nomodeset' initially. ive had very few issues with the actual droivers.. and the nomodeset is not really a 'driver'  issue.. its a  kernel type issue17:50
Dr_WillisHopefully an issue that gets fixed in 11.0417:50
DiamondciteALPOCR: Have you tried connecting your projector with the Blue head and then enabling it in System - Preferences -> Monitor ?17:51
SimisuOK THANKS A LOT EVERYONE :O) !!!! (i will probably be back when i actually start my path into linux (hopefully today) thanks again!!!17:51
malloc_hi, is it anyway possible to test unity on a natty alpha-2 live-cd with a nvidia card?17:51
m15kAny ideas, what could be the reason for read only NFS-shares?17:51
tzaeruI wonder what my chances are to break developing environment and loads of libraries by updating 9.04 to 9.11.. :317:51
Dr_WillisSimisu:  you could always install virtualbox on your windows pc and play with linux in there.17:51
m15kgot 777 on shared folder17:51
=== Guest8090 is now known as Freeaqingme
m15kgot rw in exports17:51
Chris01Can anyone help me to format the flash drive with XFS file system?17:51
Gneatzaeru: since there is no 9.11, the chances would be null17:51
Dr_WillisChris01:  how have you  tried to format it?17:52
tzaeruyeah, whatever did suggested to update to17:52
LinuxNoobdr: thats what i had to do, but im a first time linux user so it took me awhile :D17:52
Chris01by using Disk utility17:52
Dr_WillisChris01:  try gparted.. and be sure you got the xfs packages installed.17:52
Dr_WillisChris01:  or try via he command line17:52
Simisudr_Willis: ture but my computer is so old and tired i don't want to put anything on it... either way i know that with a 1TB drive i don't need to worry for dedicating a whole partition for that no? :O) wish me luck17:53
Chris01one moment17:53
delinquentmeikonia, FTW!17:53
Dr_WillisSimisu:  my  wallpaper collection is like 1tb :)17:53
Simisuhaha... well... i'm oldschool... "poor" also...17:53
Dr_WillisSimisu:   I wouldent even bother with a 1tb hd these days. :) been getting 2+TB usb hds lately17:53
Simisui'm using a very old laptop inherited from my girlfriend...17:54
zookaliciousDr_Willis-  1.5 is currently the best price performance ratio.17:54
DiamondciteSimisu: Err in that case, please make sure it's USB 2.0 capable atleast ^_^17:54
Simisuyes yes... usb two indeed... but bueno...17:54
raykidHow can I force Maverick to use a xorg.conf?17:54
Gnea!laptop | Simisu Great resource for using Ubuntu and Linux on laptops17:55
ubottuSimisu Great resource for using Ubuntu and Linux on laptops: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org17:55
Dr_Williszookalicious:  when i find them on sale. a 2tb is normally like $10 more then the 1.5's17:55
Simisuthanks Gnea!17:55
zookaliciousDr_Willis-  External or Internal?17:55
Dr_Williszookalicious:  only time i get them :) when i find sales.17:55
Dr_Williszookalicious:  external usb's what i been getting lately17:55
Dr_Williszookalicious:  ive seen exernal usb and inernals the same prices on sale also.17:56
zookaliciousDr_Willis-  Ahhhhh that'd be why. Sorry I thought you ment internal drives and I find the 2 TB internals are a tad overpriced right now :)17:56
delinquentmeand when im trying to copy a id_rsa.pub file from a machine im sshed into ... and " cp " it from the machine im connected to .. to the machine im using ... the command would be " cp id_rsa.pub XXXX17:56
zookaliciousDr_Willis-  Clearly I need to look harder then17:56
Dr_Williszookalicious:  it pays to watch the sale papers.  Right now my big issue is if i upgrade to a bigger hd.. copying 1+TB over usb to a 2tb usbhd.. that takes like.. all day. :)17:57
Dr_WillisUSB3 come on! :)17:57
john___Hi, I'd like to know if there is any way to change the trash icon with a custom one17:57
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
zookaliciousDr_Willis -  Year I was about to say, too bad most dont support USB 3.0 yet17:57
john___without changing the whole iconset17:57
Dr_Williszookalicious:  Ive had issues with the external sata also. never can seem to get it working right.17:58
zookaliciousDr_Willis -  Could always remove the drive from inside the casing and just plug it directly into the mobo :P17:58
zookaliciousDr_Willis -  Save yourself a few hours17:58
john___Hi, I'd like to know if there is any way to change the trash icon with a custom one without changing the whole iconset17:59
DiamondciteDr_Willis: Won't 2 computers over gigabit ethernet be faster then?18:00
zookaliciousDiamondcite -  He's using external drives18:00
bonjoyeeDiamondcite: but still.. the speed of the hdd is the bottleneck!18:01
Diamondcitezookalicious: That's why I mentioned it.. 1 system would read only, the other write only.18:01
zookaliciousjohn___ what icon set are you using?18:01
=== xander is now known as xandercrewe
john___Not a specific one18:01
john___I just want to change only the trash icon18:01
SimisuSo looking now at the link Gnea gave me i can see that i can't find the make of my laptop on the list... should a worry?18:02
john___and keep the others untouched18:02
Simisushould I worry that is...18:02
zookaliciousjohn___ navigate to your icon folder "/usr/share/icons/[themename]" and change the icon there18:02
zookaliciousyou just have to put in a new icon with the same name as the old one18:02
an0keyDoes anyone know of a PPA for Evolution unstable, i.e. 2.9+?18:02
zookaliciousand same file type I beleive18:02
DiamondciteSimisu: If you try to boot a LiveCD or LiveUSB first, it'll give you a good idea how well it would work18:02
john___I;d also like to leave the iconset untouched18:02
zookaliciousjohn___ Just be sure to change it in all the folders. There are several different folders for the different sizes of icon (32x32 48x48 scaleable)18:03
john___for future use..18:03
zookaliciousjohn___ just rename the old trash icon, so it wont be deleted18:03
SimisuDiamondcite: thanks, i guess it makes sense to try that first!18:03
zookaliciousjohn___ if you ever need to change it back, you still have the icon. Just fix the name to get the old one back18:03
DiamondciteSimisu: Just.. it's going to be quite a bit slower.18:03
john___Then I have to do it again to go back18:03
puffandstuffI'd like to install gcc 4.5 on on my 10.10 64, il there any repositories available ?18:04
AbhijiT!info gcc18:04
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.4-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB18:04
Diamondcitejohn__: How about making a copy of the whole icon set to a new custom name? That way you only mess with the custom name one..18:04
john___Is there configuration file that changes when I change the iconset?18:04
angieannihi all....j'd like to use vuze or gnunet..but nothing run.....someone can help me ?18:04
zookaliciousDiamondcite -  just about to say that :P18:04
john___I could change the entry for the trash in there18:04
puffandstuffAbhijiT: there are some float bug in this version of gcc on 64bit platforms :(18:05
Helbomim proud to say im joining the ubuntu community :)18:05
Diamondciteangieanni: Try to install it from the official repositories?18:05
AbhijiTpuffandstuff, plusplus.com18:05
AbhijiTpuffandstuff, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.518:05
lenWould this be the place to try to get questions answered about things such as package installs and such?18:05
namyhell yeah me too:P18:05
AbhijiTHelbom, welcome18:05
zookaliciouslen - yup whats up18:05
Helbomthanks AbhijiT :)18:05
bonjoyeelen:sure..on ubuntu!!18:05
angieanni Diamondcite: from ubuntu software center18:06
namyhey what is the average age around here?18:06
zookaliciousjohn___ to the extent of my knowledge the icon system does not use configuration files, but rather just directly grabs the icon from their name and location in the folder18:06
AbhijiT!ot | namy18:06
lenI can see in my package manager that it appears that gnupg2 is installed, but I can't find it to run it, so I marked it for reinstall. How can I tell if it's there?18:06
ubottunamy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:06
namyi think i might be a bit too old18:06
Diamondciteangieanni: If you open up a terminal and type vuze  what happens?18:06
zookaliciousjohn___ so unless you want to write something like that you just have to change icons18:06
namyoh sorry ubottu18:06
lenI'm using Ubuntu 10.1018:06
zookaliciouslen - are you using synaptic, software-center, or apt-get?18:07
bonjoyeelen: sudo aptitude show gnupg218:07
m15kany ideas concerning the NFSproblem?18:07
eMyllermy laptop got washed by a rain, and the only problem with it now is that my Alt Gr key doesn't work. i don't need it much, but it annoys me so much that i bought another keyboard. anyway, it's not being that comfortable. So, is there a way to map Alt Gr to another key, like Menu or Right Ctrl? thanks in advance.18:07
Helbomi borrowed a disk with ubuntu 10.04 from a friend. installing it now18:07
lensynaptic.  I tried downloading and installing myself from the gnupg.org site, but I guess I don't know what I'm doing.18:07
angieanniDiamondcite:  gian@nico1-laptop:~$ vuze18:08
angieannifile:/usr/lib/jni/ ; file:/usr/lib/java/ ; file:/usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar ; file:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2-1.2.15.jar ; file:/usr/share/java/commons-cli-1.2.jar ; file:/usr/lib/java/swt-gtk-3.5.1.jar ; file:/home/gian/18:08
angieanniStartServer ERROR: unable to bind to a local port listening for passed torrent info: Other instance detected18:08
binary001Hi everyone, im trying to dual boot win7 and ubuntu 10.10. I installed ubuntu after my win install and im trying to use the windows bootloader. Now I can see both entries on the menu and windows boots fine but when i click the ubuntu option i get an error. can anyone help me with this?18:08
pietr101hello, each time after kernel update (Maverick) my X server stops to work. I have NVIDIA Ion graphics card. To fix it i have to manually download and install the driver from nvidia.com website? how can I solve this problem?18:08
Helbomcan i just update from my version to 10.10? or do i have to install it all over?18:08
namyok guys i am new to linux and i need to learn fast . what is the best way to go about it?18:08
zookaliciouseMyller - System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts > Options has a few different choices for Alt, Super, Control key mappings18:08
bazhang!manual | namy have a read18:08
ubottunamy have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:08
=== max_ is now known as maxo
AbhijiTHelbom, 11.04 is not release and its not stable. be with 10.1018:08
bonjoyeeHelbom: why not install 10.10 to begin with?18:08
Diamondciteangieanni: Standby... checking something..18:08
john___I have recently discovered "conky"18:09
john___And I want to customize the desktop18:09
bazhangHelbom, sure you can upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 without a reinstall18:09
ionutnamy: just... surfing trough whole his functions applications and everything... you will learn18:09
Helbomi got the disk from a friend18:09
Helbomthat's why18:09
lenaptitude: command not found.18:09
john___And I am stucked with the trash..18:09
bazhang!upgrade | Helbom please have a read18:09
ubottuHelbom please have a read: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:09
namythanks ionut18:09
zookaliciouslen - try typing what bonjoyee said into the terminal application (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)18:09
eMyllerzookalicious: i didn't find any that match my needs, unfortunately. :(18:09
piorunsnamy, read this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick18:09
Helbomthanks for the links18:09
Diamondciteangieanni: Your startup looks significantly different from mine...18:09
ionutnamy: get yourself in trouble, that's the best way to learn18:09
pietr101Hello, each time after kernel update (Maverick) my X server stops to work. I have NVIDIA Ion graphics card. To fix it i have to manually download and install the driver from nvidia.com website? how can I solve this problem?18:10
bonjoyeeHelbom: but still upgrading need to download as much data as an iso would..18:10
namypioruns i will look at it18:10
lenI did, and got "aptitude: command not found"18:10
len(wow, this stuff moves fast!)18:10
namylol ionut i already have one time too many18:10
bazhanglen, use apt-get aptitude is not installed18:10
ionutnamy: hurray :))18:10
namyhurray long live ubuntu :-)18:11
bonjoyeelen: install aptitude or else check in the synaptic package manager..18:11
lenTyped in sudo apt-get show gnupg2 and got "E: Invalid operation show"18:11
zookaliciouseMyller - Yeah that happens, I had a similar issue earlier. I'm not too sure how to remap keyboards sorry. Try looking up "Keyboard remap ubuntu"18:11
Diamondciteangieanni: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563142/    <--- this is what my startup looks like for Vuze...18:11
zookaliciouslen - sudo apt-get install gnupg2 -s18:11
zookaliciouslen - the -s will simulate downloading without actually doing it. It should tell you if it's already installed18:11
leninstalling aptitude . . .18:11
lenOk, zook Will try that. Hol don18:12
john___I am using awn. The icons on it change by changing the system theme. But I want to have diferent icons on awn and diferrent on the filesystem. I found out that by drag and drop an icon an an awn app I can change that specific icon only. But I cannot do that with trash (maybe because it uses two icons)18:12
eMyllerzookalicious: thanks anyway. :)18:12
john___Any advice?18:12
zookaliciouseMyller - no problem, good luck!18:12
m15kDiamondcite look like your port is already been used18:12
Diamondcitem15k: The problem is with angieanni not mine.18:12
lenzook, says it's already the newest version18:12
Diamondcitem15k: Though it should not STOP vuze from working.18:12
m15ksorry :D18:12
ZaffzaffI have a few programs I'm running with wine, but I have to open them inside their folders, and making links wont work. What can I do to make shortcuts that work?18:12
zookaliciouslen - then it should be installed already. what is gnupg2?18:13
LinuxNoobsend to desktop18:13
lenIt's an encryption program, replacement for PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)18:13
namyguys how different is wamp from l(ubuntu)amp18:13
LinuxNoobsend the .exe to ur desktop and make sure its marked as executable18:13
lenUses public Key infrastruction18:13
leapy0yowhen shutting down ubuntu stays stuck on checking for unattended upgrades... how can i fix that?18:13
mattmattI am trying to force the reinstall of the upstart package but it won't write over my locally-changed /etc/init/tty*.conf files. I think the root problem is file permissions. Is there a way to reset the file permissions inside /etc or to instruct apt-get or dpkg to actually overwrite all local files?18:13
LinuxNoobleapy0yo: it doesnt download any updates?18:14
Zaffzaffdoesn't want to work18:14
angieanniDiamondcite: so what can j do ?..remove vuse and reinstall ?18:14
jribmattmatt: why are you reinstalling it?18:14
LinuxNoobzaffzaff:  i dont like wine, try playonlinux  u can get it in the ubuntu software center18:14
Diamondciteangieanni: Do you have java installed?18:14
lenIs there a particular folder or directory where most packages are installed? Maybe I could look there.18:14
Diamondciteangieanni: Also did it used to work?18:14
LinuxNoobzaffzaff: i couldnt get wine to run properly, playonlinux was easy as cake18:14
angieannihow can j controll it ?18:14
leapy0yolinux, it downloads, i am talking about specificly at shutdown, it hangs if i ever did an update during that session18:15
Diamondciteangieanni: vuze is a java application...18:15
Zaffzaffwine is working, even on my vista it wouldn't work to drag the programs out of their folders, I had to great a shortcut to the program while the program was still in the folder. Trying to figure out how to do that here18:15
m15kangieanni Diamondcite : maybe he uses openjdk which might have some imcompatibility18:15
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mattmattjrib: I made edits to the tty*conf files and I want to revert to a more pristine state18:15
Diamondciteroot, please use /nick to pick a new name before you become guest18:15
angieanniDiamondcite: sorry j'm novice18:16
m15k angieanni : type "java- version" in command line18:16
Zaffzaffonly been on linux for a day an a half as well18:16
zookaliciouslen - are you sure you are launching it correctly? I'm not familiar with the application so I can't say if it should be launched, or if its something that is used by another application and does not need to be launched independantly18:16
LinuxNoobzaffzaff: like i said, playonlinux18:16
Helbomuhm wth :o the installation finished and i clicked Restart Now18:16
LinuxNoobit makes everything super easy18:16
lenWell, I'm guessing not LOL! I thought I was.18:16
Zaffzaffalright, I'll give it a try18:16
milambereMyller: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys18:17
lenI'll fish around for it, now that I've been able to confirm it's here.18:17
LinuxNoobzaffzaff: ive only been onlinux for like a day and a half too, i got playonlinux working fast18:17
m15kangieanni : which java version is printed?18:17
leapy0yoif i ever download updates during a session, then for that session when i shutdown it says checking for any unattended upgrades... but upgrades are finished and it just hangs there without shutting down18:17
angieannim15k: no command found18:17
lenThanks for your help. I wouldn't have been able to do that on my own.18:17
Helbomit spit out the cd and my screen reads "end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 47726018:17
LinuxNoobleapy0yo: have u tried the driver update manager?18:17
m15k angieanni : check synaptics if you've installed java18:18
jribmattmatt: delete the conf files in question and run «  sudo apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install PACKAGE ».  Or if you don't want to delete them, I think you can use force-confnew instead (see man dpkg)18:18
Helbomoh now it looks like it's doing something new...18:18
mattmattjrib: sweet i'll look into that18:19
LinuxNoobalright, now i have a question for you guys, :) why does it seem that ubuntu cant handle as many processes at once ?18:19
LinuxNoobif im running like 3 things of firefox, it just seems slow, real laggish like18:20
jribmattmatt: you can also use confask, which maybe is easier18:20
bonjoyeeLinuxNoob: that also depends on your pc config..18:22
LinuxNoobi feel like even though im complete noob at ubuntu, 2nd day, im helping alot though,18:22
milamberLinuxNoob: not to start too  much of a controversy, but i'm reasonably sure most people would agree that is a firefox problem. google firefox eats memory.18:22
LinuxNoobbonjoyee: i dont see how. i can run sc2, bfbc2, a few things of firefox and music goin on same labtop in win718:22
mattmattjrib: nice, that worked well. thanks!18:23
jribmattmatt: no problem18:23
LinuxNoobmilamber: watch your tongue :D ff is the greatestetts :D18:23
bobbydHey, I have a lexmark z2420 that I would like it use with Ubuntu 10.10. But I'm not sure where to get the drivers. Any suggestions?18:24
LinuxNoobbobbyd: i can help with that18:24
zookaliciouslen - no problem :) glad to help18:25
bobbydLinuxNoob - please do. :D18:25
bazhangbobbyd, what does linxuxprinting.org database say about that printer, please check18:25
DespHi all18:26
DespI am trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 but I am getting Error: pkgproblemresolver::resolvegeneratedbreacks, this may be caused by held packages18:26
Desplogs : http://pastbin.com/EEjrQDQY18:27
* philip__ NEVER upgrades stuff, always backsup and does a clean install.18:27
pollerihello I have a weird problem the router in my appartment works fine until my ubuntu computer conects to the network and the internet conection freezes on all other cmputer how can I solve this?18:29
pollerihello I have a weird problem the router in my appartment works fine until my ubuntu computer conects to the network and the internet conection freezes on all other computers how can I solve this?18:30
zanthirI'm trying to use Arduino IDE with an Arduino UNO board, but the Arduino IDE in universe is out dated (version 19, not versioni 22). I'm looking for some help on installing version 22 from the tgz file.18:30
zanthirAnd the version 19 doesn't work with the UNO board.18:31
zanthirThe tgz file doesn't have a shell script or anything.18:31
zanthirOr a READ ME.18:31
Assidanyone here use any account /expense managing apps?18:32
gobbezanthir: well, what it contains?18:32
Seveaszanthir, there's a .deb package with version 22, might be easier for you18:32
bonjoyee!anyone > Assid18:32
ubottuAssid, please see my private message18:32
pollerican anyone help me please!18:33
Assidokay how about suggesting a decent/good account expense managing app18:33
Diamondcitepolleri: And how is this connected? Wireless? Wired?18:34
Encry8Hi, is there a way to use Subversion without a webhost? I want to use it on my local pc, i tried putting localhost for the URL18:34
=== sekanS is now known as Mojak
andy120880polleri: possible mac address conflict18:34
polleriDiamondcite, when I connect thorugh wire is all fine but connecting thorugh wireless messes up the internet18:34
SeveasEncry8, though this does not answer your question, I'd suggest using git or bzr, they work just fine without a webserver.18:35
polleriandy120880, how can I check?18:35
pietr101Encry8: yes, but you need to have it configured18:35
Diamondcitepolleri: And when all others are locked out of the net, can ubuntu still use it?18:35
pietr101Encry8: http://www.tonyspencer.com/2007/03/02/setup-a-subversion-server-in-4-minutes/18:36
Encry8pietr101: oh ok thanks18:36
zanthirHow do you send private messages?18:36
gordonjcpEncry8: does it have to be subversion?  Git doesn't really need a server at all ;-)18:36
Seveaszanthir, /msg some_nick a message here18:36
polleriDiamondcite, no it actually doesn't disconect anyone but the internet freezes or gets really slow like 5KiB/s18:36
Encry8gordonjcp: is there a GUI for that?18:36
Assidno suggestions on a recommended app?18:36
Diamondcitepolleri: I wonder if it's becase of intereference from proximity...18:37
SeveasEncry8, there's gitg18:37
polleriDiamondcite, what does that mean?18:37
gordonjcpEncry8: gitg18:37
Seveasgordonjcp, or gource ;)18:38
Diamondcitepolleri: Is the ubuntu box the closest to the wireless router?18:38
polleriDiamondcite, i was using the 32bit edition before and this didn't happen it started when i switch to 64bit18:38
gordonjcpSeveas: not tried that, but then I don't use a GUI for git18:38
Diamondcitepolleri: In that case.. I'm clueless sorry x.x18:38
polleriDiamondcite, mmm there is a windows computer closer but the ubuntu one is the second closest18:38
Seveasgordonjcp, gource is something ... different, try it :)18:38
ActionParsnippolleri: run, ifconfig ,to see the hardware address of the interfaces. Then see if the other systems or even the routers inter18:38
ActionParsnipInternal interface have the same mac18:39
Encry8trying gource and gitg thanks both of you :)18:39
polleriActionParsnip, should i try changing my mac address?18:39
ActionParsnipPolleri: if it worked i18:40
ActionParsnipIn 32bit, its not mac related as the address is set in hardware when the device is made18:41
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:41
polleriActionParsnip, what about 64bit18:41
bindiehm.. how do i get unity for 10.04?18:41
evanescentmy computer froze and after I restarted it, the look and feel of the UI is all wrong (e.g. the icons in the tray are different)18:41
ActionParsnipPolleri: sounds like a bug with the 64bit version of the driver18:42
a12345678901565monkey_wolf.rabbit_tiger must be concern 3-5=3-4 wash rabbit return lunar year clander wan.18:42
Random832a1234567890: what?18:42
evanescentI'm using ubuntu 10.1018:42
FloodBot3miki165: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:42
miki165puta bruja18:43
LjL!ops | miki16518:43
ubottumiki165: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:43
FloodBot3miki165: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
a1234567890cause1 is lunar two three for is beguise debian_siigiilanda1567   2e-160  91    474    48     466   892      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
a12345678901562   7e-160  93    443    48     148   540      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
a12345678901550   1e-158  91    474    48     882  1308      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
a12345678901550   1e-158  91    476    48     952  1380      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
a12345678901545   5e-158  90    474    48     570   996      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
a12345678901535   6e-157  90    474    48     826  1252      722   6478  pjv85e08.b1 c009300732.Contig118:43
FloodBot3a1234567890: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
Random832a1234567890: i do not understand what you are saying18:43
jrib!es > miki16518:44
ubottumiki165, please see my private message18:44
zookaliciouswhat on earth was just going on18:44
gordonjcpzookalicious: idiots18:45
MikeMike1Does anyone know anything about JACK?18:45
zookaliciousgordonjcp-  apparently18:45
bindianyone? how do you install unity on top of 10.0418:45
bindigoogle didnt bring up anything that works18:46
gordonjcpMikeMike1: yes18:46
gordonjcpMikeMike1: lots of people do18:46
ActionParsnipBindi: are you serious? There are hundreds of howto guides for this18:46
Simisuhey guys, is a 30 GB partition enough for ubuntu and misc programs?18:46
zookaliciousMikeMike1-  http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/18:46
Jordan_USimisu: Yes.18:46
bindiActionParsnip: doesnt work18:46
ActionParsnipSimisu: sure i use 10gb18:46
zookaliciouswoops sorry not for you MikeMike118:46
LinuxNoobsimisu: ive been downloadin shit all day, and ive used up like 2gb of my ubuntu part lol18:46
bindipackage unity not found, ActionParsnip18:47
zookaliciousbindi - http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/18:47
dualMoonI have a VPS running Ubuntu 10.04. I've inadvertantly lost my ssh daemon and so the only access I have is to the Parallels power panel, which gives me access to the filesystem but not to any sort of console. Is there a way to inject an apt-get install to reinstall the SSH daemon into a startup script somewhere?18:47
LinuxNoobi also dont know why i have so many partitions, but they dont bug me..18:47
Simisuso should i make it smaller then? like 20?18:47
v0lksmanwhy would my mic sometimes work and sometimes not?  just using the Sound option in Preferences...18:47
gordonjcpMikeMike1: what do you need to know?18:47
LinuxNoobdualmoon: do you have a usb stick?18:47
bindiyeah zookalicious i did that18:47
evanescenthow do I reset the appearance on ubuntu 10.10 to the default. my computer froze and after the reboot the icons, etc. are all different.18:47
bindino go18:47
Encry8How do you rebuild the locate db?18:47
Jordan_USimisu: What do you lose by making it larger?18:48
a1234567890# SuriaFM# 988 sedonbugaart18:48
MikeMike1gordonjcp: a lot of my jack programs crash upon opening18:48
dualMoonLinuxNoob, I don't have physical access to the machine. It's a VPS18:48
schnuffle1Simisu: Depends on your ue case, about 5GB are enough for the system, the rest is for you to use18:48
v0lksmanEncry8, updatedb I think18:48
Encry8thats it thanks18:48
LinuxNoobdualmoon: so what are u running the vm in? winxp?18:48
gordonjcpMikeMike1: have you tried running them from a terminal, so you can see if they produce an error?18:48
MikeMike1gordonjcp: as well as lmms18:48
gordonjcpMikeMike1: chances are it's throwing an xrun and dying18:48
magowizHi everyone, some days ago tomboy sync with ubuntu one stopped working, I opened this bug report : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/713757 , what should I try?18:48
zookaliciousbindi - when you log in, choose Unity as your Session (right before you enter your password  on the bottom of the creen)18:48
dualMoonLinuxNoob, no, a VPS. a virtual private server, a container in virtuozzo hosted by a company that sells them.18:48
bindidid you not read18:48
LinuxNoobyou should be able to treat a vm, the same as a stand alone desktop18:49
=== _iron is now known as i_ron
bindi"package unity not found"18:49
dualMoonLinuxNoob, it's not a /VM/ :/18:49
LinuxNooboh :D18:49
zookaliciousbindi - then you did't add the repository properly. Also there is no reason to be rude, you're not going to get any help that way.18:49
MikeMike1gordonjcp: how do i find out the command to run the programs in terminal18:49
Simisuwell.... i don't know... making choices is complicated these days :O/18:49
dub54if I just installed some stuff in the package manager, can I undo all the changes I just did ?18:49
bindizookalicious: i am not being rude18:49
gordonjcpMikeMike1: open a terminal, type the name of the program you want to run18:49
LinuxNoobmikemmike1: go to terminal and type man man18:49
bindizookalicious: i did add it, and it fetched the key or whatever18:50
gordonjcpMikeMike1: what in particular is crashing?18:50
gpcbindi: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity18:50
bindii did.18:50
bindipackage unity not found18:50
schnuffle1dub54: history ows you the commands just executed,  check for the installs and uninstall them18:50
zookaliciousbindi - did you update the software list after adding the key?18:50
a1234567890paast hi.-story.asp?file=?-18:51
bindizookalicious: yes18:51
gordonjcpMikeMike1: also, what have you got the Frames/Period set to?18:51
zookaliciousbindi - with "sudo apt-get update"18:51
bindizookalicious: yes <.<18:51
LinuxNoobwhats an easy way in terminal to find the path of a file ur trying to execute?18:51
polleriActionParsnip, Diamondcite, I changed my mac address using macchange to a random address and the problem seems to be solved18:51
MikeMike1gordonjcp: This is the error message I get when trying to run jack-rack18:51
MikeMike1gordonjcp: Not sending deprecated LASH_Client_Name event18:51
MikeMike1Status update: jack_rack_1295218:51
MikeMike1jack_client_new: deprecated18:51
MikeMike1Cannot connect to server socket err = Connection refused18:51
MikeMike1Cannot connect to server socket18:51
MikeMike1jack server is not running or cannot be started18:51
FloodBot3MikeMike1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
zookaliciousbind - sorry I'm not going to help you further if your going to act like that. Good luck and I hope you find out how to solve your problem18:51
gpcbindi: what version of ubuntu are you running?18:52
bindigpc: still, 10.0418:52
MikeMike1gordonjcp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563158/18:52
bindizookalicious: i thought i made it clear that ive done exactly those 3 commands and it says package unity not found18:52
bindiso, nnngghhhh.18:53
polleriActionParsnip, Diamondcite, thank you for the help18:53
a1234567890chien, clébard froid info' IRO tamy--18:53
Assidhrmm anyoe here tried mint.com?18:53
Jordan_Ua1234567890: Stop that.18:54
MikeMike1gordonjcp: did you read it?18:55
zookaliciousbindi - im assuming you want the 11.04 alpha of unity, not the old netbook version. http://techie-buzz.com/foss/ubuntu-unity-2d-install.html18:55
dualMoonbindi, don't feel bad. once upon a time #ubuntu was a magical place where people would help and knew lots, nowadays it's mostly people whose only response will be "google it you noob". no offense to the people here who still follow the old #ubuntu way ofc18:55
gpcbindi: unless I am mistaken unity is not available in 10.0418:55
a12345678902132-3313false config2 tty113113214654- -.-18:55
zookaliciousbindi - and I'm on other channels to. If you said earlier that you had already done those I didn't see18:55
gpcdualMoon: we don't tell people to google it or call them noobs. Please keep your misinformation to yourself18:56
dub54how do I install lamp-server on 10.10 ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP says up to 10.04 you can do sudo taskel install lamp-server18:56
dualMoongpc, oh come now, I've been around long enough to see it happen ;)18:56
erUSULdub54: and the same does not work in 10.10 ?18:57
zookaliciousdualMoon - I never told him to google it. Nor did I ever call him a "noob"18:57
dub54erUSUL: taskel command not found18:57
bindizookalicious: whats this 2D about18:57
dub54erUSUL: sorry, misread18:57
erUSULdub54: install it18:57
bindiim sure i want the prettier version18:57
dualMoonzookalicious, I didn't say you did. didn't actually say anything about you ;)18:57
v0lksmancan anyone point me to docs for troubleshooting mic issues?18:57
zookaliciousdualMoon - alrighty18:57
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:57
bazhangdualMoon, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:57
J_Cdualmoon: sometimes we do and sometimes we don't, it depends on the qestion and wether the asker bothered to do things like read the README.1st file18:57
dualMoonwow, people got defensive quick x:18:58
J_Cnot really18:58
dualMoonanyways, anyone know of a way to inject an apt-get into a startup script?18:58
J_Cexec apt-get18:59
bindizookalicious: i take it this 2D is a wrecked version18:59
J_Cif it's bash18:59
bindican't i get the full one? <.<18:59
gordonjcpMikeMike1: right, looks like you can't start jack for some reason18:59
J_Cdepends on the script18:59
gordonjcpMikeMike1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration18:59
c3lI got a dvd with drm (I assume), ubuntu doesnt seam to recognize it at all. is there some way to play drm video from dvd in ubuntu?18:59
dub54erUSUL: sudo apt-get install tasksel says could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock ?18:59
zookaliciousbindi - I'm not sure where I read it, but I seem to recall that the 3D version wasn't availible yet for Maverick or Karmic18:59
erUSULdub54: do you have synaptic or the ubuntu software center running?18:59
gordonjcpMikeMike1: read this -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation#Real-Time%20Support18:59
dub54erUSUL: synaptic19:00
gordonjcpMikeMike1: you do not need a realtime kernel, you just need to allow your user realtime capabilities19:00
dualMoonwell, like i was saying earlier, i only really have access to the filesystem at this point. i can create or edit a file, but where would i need to put it so that it ran automatically if i restart the container?19:00
J_CerUSUL: that means that apt is already running, maybe you have synaptic opened or update opened?19:00
zookaliciousbindi - im double checking19:00
bindizookalicious: sure :p whats with all those guides about unity for 10.04 then19:00
MikeMike1gordonjcpgordonfcp- thanks! I guess i forgot to mention i run ubuntu studio haha19:00
schnuffle1c3l: you need  libdvdcss219:01
zookaliciousbindi - those refer to the old netbook edition of unity19:01
zookaliciousbindi - it used mutter instead of compiz and was not that great19:01
erUSULdub54: you can use synaptic to install the lamp server. go to Edit>Mar packages by task19:01
bindii see19:01
gordonjcpMikeMike1: okay, that shouldn't make a big difference ;-)19:01
erUSULdub54: i thought you were in a server with no gui19:01
zookaliciousbindi - yeah, I just double checked. 3D unity is not backported. So you can only get it on the 11.04 alpha19:01
schnuffle1c3l: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html19:02
bindizookalicious: meh, i'll leave it to be then19:02
MikeMike1gordonjcp: also, somtimes my lmms crashes because of "segmentation failure"19:02
zookaliciousbindi - ok. If you want to try the 2D version though, its two commands located on this page. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/unity-2d-gets-a-ppa/19:02
zookaliciousbindi - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily && sudo apt-get update19:02
zookaliciousbindi - and sudo apt-get install unity-qt-default-settings19:02
LinuxNoobhow do you ping in terminal?19:03
daniel__does chromium have got WebGL support?19:03
bindizookalicious: yeah i saw that :p but cba19:03
zookaliciousbindi - but thats only the 2D so you'll probably just want to wait19:03
bindii will19:03
zookaliciousbindi - alrighty19:03
dub54erUSUL: i don't see mark packages by task19:03
gordonjcpMikeMike1: lmms does that a bit19:03
gordonjcpMikeMike1: frankly lmms is a bit crap19:03
erUSULdub54: well my version of synaptic is in spanish... but it has to be something similar19:03
MikeMike1gordonjcp: is there a better DAW that I can use a midi with?19:04
gordonjcpMikeMike1: no idea, I use Ardour for recording but I don't use a PC-based sequencer19:04
erUSULdub54: it is Edit>Mark Packages by Task...19:04
MikeMike1gordonjcp: whats a PC based sequencer?19:05
gordonjcpMikeMike1: a MIDI sequencer that runs on a PC19:05
gordonjcpor other computer19:05
gordonjcpas opposed to a hardware standalone sequencer like an Alesis MMT-819:05
MikeMike1gordonjcp: ohhh yeah i forgot lmms can run on pc19:05
MikeMike1gordonjcp; would you know how to configure midi devices?19:06
c3lschnuffle1: oh, thanks19:06
MikeMike1gordonjcp: i have a great keyboard I would love to start using with linux19:06
dualMoonalright how about this: is there a place that linux will read and automatically execute bash files at startup?19:06
schnuffle1MikeMike1: have a look at http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/start19:06
jribdualMoon: what do you want to accomplish exactly?19:06
gordonjcpMikeMike1: you might also want to try #ubuntustudio and possibly #lad ;-)19:06
v0lksmanSo I have an HDA ATI SB Realtek ALC892, and can only get the mic to work once in a blue moon...I've tried everything including upgrading to Maverick from Lucid cause there was a known issue with the older kernel.  Still no reliable mic...I really need a mic on this machine...any ideas how to work around this?19:06
dub54erUSUL: think I got it working but I don't have permission to write to var/www ?19:06
MikeMike1i didint know those existed hahah19:06
eXpLoDhow can i make a shortcut or something like this so it would run a command in a terminal but in background?19:06
dualMoonjrib, i want to reinstall SSH when I only have access to the filesystem of my VPS container.19:07
schnuffle1dualMoon: at boot there is /etc/rc.local, at login threre's your .bashrc19:07
MikeMike1whats #lad19:07
gordonjcpMikeMike1: the latter is the Linux Audio Developer IRC channel, but most of the devs will help out users19:07
erUSULdualMoon: call them from /etc/rc.local19:07
gordonjcpMikeMike1: you pretty much just connect up MIDI and it works19:07
MikeMike1i herard its a process i have to do some coding with19:07
LinuxNoobokay guys ive gotten to this, if i want to ping google.com19:07
gordonjcpMikeMike1: if you're using USB MIDI adaptors there is some clever tweaking you can to to ensure they always stay in the same "slot"19:07
Luvz2drvI need help with installing 10.10 with my setup19:07
jribdualMoon: reinstalling ssh is unlikely to change anything really; why would you want to reinstall ssh?19:08
LinuxNoobsudo ping -c 5 www.google.com19:08
MikeMike1gordonjcp: yup its usb19:08
LinuxNoobluvz2drv: whats goin on19:08
daniel__How can I enable WebGL for chromium?19:08
dualMoonjrib, because when i was doing cleanup it got uninstalled D:19:08
jazeeryhi all19:08
LinuxNoobluvz2drv: whats the problem ur havin with 10.1019:08
jazeeryall of theme t19:08
jribdualMoon: I see.  I guess you can try rc.local, should work...19:08
LinuxNoobhi jazerry19:08
dualMoonjrib, my stupid eyes were glazed over. never aptitude purge at 4AM :x19:09
schnuffle1dualMoon: another way is to boot from live and then chroot into yout partition to install19:09
Luvz2drvmy drive i have installed win7 on (boot drive) is not seen by the ubuntu install disk.  I have a entiry different drive for ubunto set aside that is seen but it will not boot just get a _19:09
Seven_Six_Twodaniel__, you have to do it from the command line19:09
jazeeryhi linuxnoob19:09
dualMoonschnuffle1, no physical access :P19:09
gordonjcpMikeMike1: what kind of keyboard do you have?19:09
jazeeryhow is things19:09
v0lksmandualMoon, does your VPS provider not give you a browser based console to your slice?19:09
schnuffle1dualMoon: No rescue system?19:09
MikeMike1gordonjcp: akai mpk4919:09
gordonjcpMikeMike1: cool19:10
dualMoonv0lksman, yes and no. it's a java version of an SSH client, which of course doesn't help, haha19:10
jazeerywhere can i get the java for ubinto19:10
gordonjcpMikeMike1: as far as I know, if you plug that in it should just appear as a MIDI device19:10
xangua!java | jazeery19:10
ubottujazeery: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:10
Seven_Six_Twojazeery, it's in synaptic19:10
v0lksmanhahhaa...and they don't give you a special boot partition in case you pooch your machine? (like finnix?)19:10
v0lksmandualMoon, ^19:10
dualMoonv0lksman, no that i've found yet.19:10
v0lksmandualMoon, can I ask who the provider is?>19:11
MikeMike1gordonjcp: yeah but it wont work with some applications like lmms, virtual keyboard, or drum machine19:11
dualMoonv0lksman, just the browser access to the filesystem. there's a way to install apps, like an apt-get web frontend, but there's an error with it ofc19:11
dualMoonv0lksman, it's VPSland19:11
MrMintanetCan someone tell me how to install X3: Reunion?  I have downloaded it from Demonoid, and want to install it.  I have no idea how to get the setup file to run.  Can someone help?19:12
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MrMintanetI have tried chmod +x setup.sh but that did not work.19:12
daniel__hm, it doesn't work for me19:12
ActionParsnip!piracy | MrMintanet19:12
ubottuMrMintanet: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:12
v0lksmandualMoon, bummer...not that it will help much now but Linode is the king of VPS hosts...you wouldn't be in this mess with them...of course that doesn't help you at all and I'm a dick for saying so... :P19:12
MrMintanetI purchased the game already.19:12
MrMintanetI just don't know how to install it.19:12
dualMoonv0lksman, no, it's fine, i'll look into them in the future for sure :D19:13
Seven_Six_TwoMrMintanet, what error do you get when you run setup.sh?19:13
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: ask in #winehq19:13
MrMintanetThis game is for Linux19:13
MrMintanetIt doesn't require Wine.19:13
daniel__are you root by installing this?19:14
MrMintanetHow do I run an "executable" file?19:14
MrMintanetIt isn't .exe19:14
MrMintanetI had to right click, and change it's permissions to "run as an executable"19:14
Seven_Six_TwoMrMintanet, precede the file with a   ./19:14
theSoundEngineersh ./19:14
theSoundEngineeror just ./19:15
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: as you have purchased the game, the ideal support will be from the game support chan19:15
Seven_Six_TwoActionParsnip, unless it's giving an ubuntu related error19:15
MrMintanetI prefer to ask the IRC, if that is ok, ActionParsnip.  I don't mean to cause any trouble by asking how to install a video game...19:15
dualMoonMrMintanet, it's fine. what files do you have available in that package? is there a setup.sh or some such?19:16
ActionParsnipChannels and helplines. You also pay for support and updates when you buy software19:16
MrMintanetThere is a setup.sh19:16
schnuffle1MrMintanet: just answer the questions :) what happens when when you execute sh /path/to/setup.sh?19:16
ScislaCI can't pull some magic to dist-upgrade to 64-bit from 32, can I?19:16
eXpLoDhow can i run somethinf through terminal so it runs in background,so i can close the terminal emulator after then without closing the app?19:17
dualMooneXpLoD, often you can add a space then a "&" after the command19:18
ActionParsnipSeven_Six_Two: still supported by the makers19:18
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: its19:18
schnuffle1eXpLoD: just add a & to the end of the command like dhcpd &19:18
dualMooneXpLoD, sometimes it won't always work and apps bind to that terminal anyway, but for the most part it should19:19
dualMooneXpLoD, you can also use the run box if you use Gnome19:19
MrMintanetschnuffle1,  It launches some installer for an "Update" program.19:19
MrMintanetIt seems like it is skipping the installation of the actual game.19:19
schnuffle1eXpLoD: if you don't wnat to bother with output from your app ou need to redirect stdout and tderr19:20
dualMoonsince I don't have a linux box right in front of me, would someone be so kind as to give me the exact name of the default ssh daemon package? x:19:20
eXpLoDhow can i make a script(say i want to run codeblocks by that alt+f2 dialog).How can i make a script like that and add it to mah panel?19:20
tzaeruhm. updating ubuntu staid at "Getting new packages" and has been there for past 30 minutes, even tho all packages have been fetched.19:20
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: its not the game its how you got it which screams piracy which is not endorsed. You should have gone to the developer site and requested a redownload which is absolutely fine19:20
tzaeruis it actually doing something or shouldn't this happen? >_>19:20
dualMooneXpLoD, just right click your panel and do "add launcher" iirc19:20
GambitHello everyone. I'm looking for some help with Ubuntu One. It constantly shows disconnected as my status, but when I hit connect for this machine on the devices tab it does nothing, and just comes right back.19:20
Jordan_UGambit: Try asking in #ubuntuone19:21
dougldoes anyone know how to use an ipod touch with ubuntu?19:21
lexvegasdualMoon, as in to install a ssh server?19:21
GambitI have fully reinstalled the entirety of ubuntuone twice following these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8146023&postcount=219:21
dualMoonaye, lexvegas19:21
GambitJordan_U: Oh thanks. I didn't realize it had its own channel.19:21
Jordan_UGambit: You're welcome.19:21
schnuffle1dualMoon: openssh-server19:21
lexvegasdualMoon, it is just ssh that installs the server and the client is already installed19:21
dualMoonahh, thanks doll19:21
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: the terminal is the parent process so killing the parent kills the processes it spawns19:22
eXpLoDyeah but i dont like having a terminal always opened19:22
lexvegasdualMoon, and apparently openssh-server haha19:22
schnuffle1eXpLoD: could screen be an option19:22
dualMoonlexvegas, no worries hon, package names can been, well, insane19:22
bonjoyeedoes dropbox have a file sharing link?19:23
ActionParsnipeXpLoD: create a launcher to run the command or a script and it will run. The parent will be the desktop19:24
ActionParsnipbonjoyee: yes19:24
LinuxNoobmy friend was telling me that i need to learn how to make force application stoppers, any truth in this?19:24
DarsVaedahi, i have file permission issues, i setup a apache webserver and can access the "it works" file via browser, but if i create a directory in the same location as that file i always get access denied19:25
lexvegasLinuxNoob, as in how to stop a non responsive application?19:25
DarsVaedaaka 403 forbidden19:25
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: for what reason?19:25
maxyjjhi all19:25
LinuxNooblexvegas: correct19:25
LinuxNooblike ctrl alt delete for win19:25
bonjoyeeActionParsnip: where i can send a link to a friend..and the friend can download the file off the internet without logging in/any extra setup?19:25
LinuxNoobright click the dl link and copy link as19:25
ActionParsnipbonjoyee: yes19:26
safetynetHi Is there a way to set the "Update Manager" to run at a scheduled date or time instead of doing a manual check ? ?19:26
bonjoyeeActionParsnip: alright..thanks!! i wonder if adrive is good..it offers 50GB!!19:26
ActionParsnipsafetynet: create a script to run updates unattended19:26
maxyjji got a problem with dns cache want to clean it, but its not having non of it every time i typr the commnd its say ok but everey thing still the same any one have an idia what it could be19:26
RishavTDarsVaeda: try right-clicking the files in the folder, properties, permissions, and set the "others" (or everyone else) part to "read". That should let apache read the files.19:26
paradigmflowAnyone running natty19:27
paradigmflowAnyone running natty?19:27
lexvegasLinuxNoob, its not hard http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-different-ways-to-end-unresponsive-programs-in-linux/ here is an article showing 6 different ways. I use killall the most probably, and then kill in combination with "ps Aaux" for more precise actions19:27
minimecparadigmflow: /join #ubuntu+119:27
LinuxNoobwhen i hear natty i think natural light :D19:27
DarsVaedai did a "sudo chown -R root:www-data cms/" cms is the folder i created19:27
ActionParsnipsafetynet: you can then cron the script to run as root and updates will happen magically19:27
DarsVaedaalso a "sudo chmod -R 775 cms/"19:28
LinuxNoobu can go to update manager19:28
LinuxNoobclick on settings, and look at updates lol19:28
DarsVaedathe cms folder actually has "more" rights than the index file, still i get the 40319:28
DarsVaedai dont get it19:28
safetynetActionParsnip, Ah sorry not that good at doing that yet - is there possibly another easier alternative doing it with a script?19:28
kobhi all, anyone running TOR ? I'd need a running bridge to connect to the network ....19:28
LinuxNoobset to "install updates without conformation, and download all updates in background, check for updates  daily19:28
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: lucid comes from light. Natty means a bit crazy or messy19:28
bullgard4'~$ locale; ...; LC_MESSAGES="de_DE.UTF-8; ...' Why does '~$ echo $LC_MESSAGES' not produce any output?19:28
chaos2358is there a way to change the "computer name" that was set when ubuntu 10.10 was installed?19:29
LinuxNoobchaos2358: yeah19:29
LinuxNoobgo to system/admin19:29
bullgard4chaos2358: Yes.19:29
LinuxNoobusers and groups, and advanced settings19:29
ActionParsnipsafetynet: if you can hang 5 i can give you mine. If you can use terminal you can script19:30
minimecchaos2358: That is easy. Open /etc/hostname --> sudo nano /etc/hostname19:30
jribbullgard4: that environment variable is only a way to override the MESSAGES format chosen by LANG (I THINK; not sure)19:30
LinuxNoobsafteynet what was ur question again?19:30
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:30
chaos2358LinuxNoob ok thank you. I just did a reinstall to fix some corruption and i made some typos19:30
LinuxNoobdid it work:)?19:30
ActionParsnipchaos2358: open both files first, the19:31
ActionParsnipThen change19:31
LinuxNoobi love linux now :) people are so nice, and even though i have no idea what im doin in ubuntu, i get all the help i need, and  i can still give help :D19:32
chaos2358ActionParsnip, LinuxNoob, minimec, thanks guys. I got it now.19:32
MikeMike1I need some help!19:32
LinuxNoobchaos2358: glad to hear it19:32
MikeMike1my browsers volume is significantly lower than the master19:33
LinuxNoobmikemike1: dont say you need help, ask question, if someone knows they will help :)19:33
safetynetActionParsnip, that would be very cool - will wait thanks19:33
RishavTDarsVaeda: try "sudo chmod -R 755 cms/*", It worked for me (just tested it right now. I 1st changed the permissions so that I get the forbidden error and then executed that command. It worked) If it still doesn't work, I really dont know why its not. :(19:33
daniel__i can't regulate the volume by scrolling over the sound menu, how can I fix it?19:33
DarsVaedasymbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/lib/typo3-dummy/index.php19:33
LinuxNoobclick on the sound thing19:33
DarsVaedatry to install typo3...something is up with that dummy19:33
LinuxNooband click on sound preferences19:33
dimmortalwhy oh why is the me menu dependent on gwibber?? :(19:34
bullgard4jrib: Hm. And what is the proper way to change '~$ locale; ...; LC_MESSAGES="de_DE.UTF-8; ...' to '~$ locale; ...; LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8; ...'?19:34
safetynetActionParsnip, I can get around in Terminal ok for a neub19:34
LinuxNoobsafetynet: what was ur question again, i found the answer for ya, but i dont remember what the question is haha19:34
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MikeMike1does anyone know how to fix a browsers volume?19:35
daniel__LinuxNoob: I mean to regulate the volume with the scroll whell, since unity 2d it doesnt work19:35
LinuxNoobnext to the time on the top, see the volume mixer?19:36
jribbullgard4: well you can set LANG in /etc/environment if you want to change your locale.  If you just want to change a specific LC_ then set that in /etc/environment (see « man locale »).  Also, the default locale seems to come from /etc/default/locale.  Might be worthwhile to search for a locale page on help.ubuntu.com as I do not know much about this19:36
root_wahts up?19:36
LinuxNoobthe thing next to the mail19:36
LinuxNooblooks like a speaker19:36
Raydiationhi where is the channel for developing for ubuntu? packaging debs etc19:37
safetynetLinuxNoob, Would like to have the "Update Manager" run  automatically to remind me to do updates - instead of having to remember to do it manually.19:37
LinuxNoobsafetynet: alright go to system/admin19:37
LinuxNooband then update manager19:37
safetynetLinuxNoob, Sometimes in general it will come up an remind me but not all the time.19:37
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safetynetok hang on19:37
MrMintanetCan someone tell me how I can mount a folder to behave as a Disk?19:37
LinuxNoobsafetynet: system/admin/updatemanager click on settings19:38
LinuxNoobmrmintanet, ur talking about an ISO file?19:38
MrMintanetNo, actually, it is a folder with an "autorun" file19:38
MrMintanetI need this folder to be the root of a disk image19:38
LinuxNoobhmm, so when u open the file or unzip it it auto runs?19:38
eXpLoDwhat is the best terminal web browser?19:38
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StevenXHello all. I'm looking for a very lightweight way to run a linux distro inside windows, but only the shell. (I still need to be able to use apt-get to install stuff). Any ideas?19:38
LinuxNoobstevenx: wubi.com19:39
erUSULStevenX: Vbox19:39
daniel__eXpLod: maybe w3m, i dont know anyone else19:39
MrMintanetSo, does anyone know how to create a disk image based on a folder?19:39
StevenXthanks for the suggestion LinuxNoob & erUSUL. I'll check it out.19:39
dimmortalMrMintanet: archive it and mount the archive19:39
eXpLoDi know w3m,i was hoping for something else,maybe more advanced19:39
LinuxNoobstevenx or u can always run from a 1gb flashdrive19:39
LinuxNoobi do that from my school computers19:40
kob hi all, anyone running TOR ? I'd need a running bridge to connect to the network19:40
kunwon0 /!\  BREAKING NEWS  /!\  All freenoders should be made aware that ##politics is the channel to be at. Don't be stupid, be a smarty. Come and join the politics party!19:40
LinuxNooblets me access all their locked down c drive files too :D19:40
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safetynetLinuxNoob, Thanks - good to go - ubuntu chat support is great!19:40
bullgard4jrib: I will bravely go your way. --  Thank you very much for your advice and help.19:41
LinuxNoobkob: whats TOR? ive never heard of that19:41
NixGeek!spam | kunwon019:41
LinuxNoobsafteynet: no problem man19:41
MrMintanetdimmortal, trying that now.  Hopefully this works.  :)19:41
safetynetlater on19:41
schnuffle1LinuxNoob: its a proxy network for anonymous web surfing19:42
daniel__LinuxNoob: its for anonymous browsing19:42
StevenXerUSUL: which would be more lightweight. Running wubi or running a virtual box?19:42
jribbullgard4: note if you login through gdm, you can just pick your locale at the login screen19:42
LinuxNooboh okay19:42
amitcan i use my  PC as server if i configure a NFS server on it?19:42
LinuxNoobso its browser based proxy?19:42
LinuxNoobor are u port forwarding through that server19:42
kobi'm located in cn and i need such a tool to access the entire network19:42
bullgard4jrib: I know that. This is not my present problem at hand.19:42
schnuffle1StevenX: Wubi will be more liht weight bot there seems to be alot of problems with it19:42
erUSULStevenX: with wubi you can not run them side by side; you have to dual boot19:42
LinuxNoobschnuffle1: what are the problems with it, i never noticed anything o_o19:43
erUSULStevenX: i dunno if that's ok or not19:43
schnuffle1StevenX: theres colinux and andLinux as well19:43
kobport forwarding19:43
jribbullgard4: ok and /etc/environment is system wide, so for just one user probably ~/.profile is more appropriate19:43
schnuffle1LinuxNoob: kernel updates and grub updates seem to corrupt it19:43
LinuxNoobdidnt know that :D19:44
RishavTStevenX: since you want just command-line, why dont you try cygwin? Its for running linux programs in windows.19:44
LinuxNoobi only have ubuntu on this laptop. so alot of stuff doesnt apply :D19:44
jribbullgard4: anyway, good luck (I'm off)19:44
bonjoyeeActionParsnip: using dropbox...if i  put files in the public folder..are they accessible to all people..like from google searches..or just to ones i send the link?19:44
MrMintanetWhy don't you use Putty?????19:44
jcasexI jsut dropped in an nvidia gtx460, and I am at a loss to setup twinview. Only refrences I can find are years out of date. Can anyone assist me?19:44
ActionParsnipbonjoyee: just the ones you give the links to19:44
bullgard4jrib: ty19:44
LinuxNoobjcasex: by drop u mean installed right :D?19:45
bonjoyeeActionParsnip: thanks19:45
StevenXschnuffle1: thanks. I'll look into those. Any preference on your part? I'll look into the pros and cons of each myself.19:45
MrMintanetHow do you mount a folder as a drive?19:45
dimmortalright cclick and select mount19:45
dimmortalafter you archived it19:45
MrMintanetUgh, this archive is taking FOREVER19:46
MrMintanetSad sad19:46
kobLinuxNoob: if you have time to kill and want to help me, i can help you to set it up ...19:46
LinuxNoobkob: the network x_x?19:46
jcasexLinuxNoob: yes19:46
LinuxNoobjcasex: so ur trying to view through 2 screens at once? or slide screen?19:47
Wipsterhey all. I am trying to make virtual machine using virtualbox OSE, however when I go to make a new harddrive the progress hangs at 0%, the thread goes to 100% cpu and is futex_wait_queue_me and doesn't respond, I have removed OSE and reinstalled clearing the folder but nothing19:48
jcasexside to side i think i got it19:48
Jayrohi, i have a sound problem. After my computer has been on for a while the sound gets fuzzy and robotic. But when i reboot it goes back to normal. Is there a way i can fix this so i am not always rebooting?19:48
jcasexyeo got it19:48
jcasexive heard horror stories of doing it on linux, heh whoops19:49
jcasexmy bad, 1 click and done19:49
ActionParsnipWipster: is the partition healthy which you are making the drive on?19:49
zookaliciousJayro - have you tried the speakers on another computer / operating system19:49
Jayroyes, the speakers are fine19:49
LinuxNoobyeah linux is really similar to windows its easy19:49
WipsterActionParsnip, I believe is it, its my / partition19:49
zookaliciousJayro - and the audio is affected on all applications?19:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:50
LinuxNoobi thought it was going to be hella hard for the switch, but alot of things are almost the same.19:50
daniel__How can i enable the alt+f2 dialog?19:50
daniel__I'm using Unity 2D19:50
ActionParsnipWipster: i suggest you fsck it to be sure, you may also want to test your RAM. You could also add the virtualbox repo and install the 4.0 non-open version19:50
Jayroyes it is in all aplications19:50
morphleswhat hell.. how i dissable frickin nouveaou driver in 10.04.... rmmod does not let me remove that, since it is in use, by god knows what, i blacklisted it, and some other modules that people suggested in forums, rebuild initramfs, even booted to recovery mode, its still there... what a f....19:50
LinuxNoobwheres the driver located?19:51
zookaliciousJayro - hmm im not quite sure sorry19:51
RishavTMrMintanet: just fyi, if archiving is still taking time, creating just a .tar will be faster since it doesn't compresses much.19:51
ActionParsnipmorphles: you can run:  echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tell /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf   and it wil blacklist the driver19:51
dimmortalJayro: I had that problem in pidgin.. I changed its default sound output from default to alsa and that fixed it19:51
hdtdiwhere ubuntu usually installs a programs? you know like in windows C:\program files. Cause i have a .sh program that wants me to say the path where the program to be installed.19:51
WipsterActionParsnip, can I fsck a mounted partition or do I need to live cd it?19:51
ActionParsnipmorphles: or you can uninstall the package which provides it in apt-get / software centre / whatever19:51
morphlesso it uses personal blacklist conf?19:52
jcasexLinuxNoob: linux is far easier than windows, windows now adays is confusing, havent used it in so long19:52
morphleswhy simple blacklist.conf isint enough for it?19:52
linxehis there a way to download a package and all its dependencies to copy to another machine for offline install? ideally from a different version than is installed (I'd like to get all the packages for meld for 10.04, but I'm running 10.10)19:52
genii-aroundhdtdi: /usr/bin is probably best19:52
ActionParsnipmorphles: no, but the command won't impact on any other of the conf files ;)19:52
ActionParsnip!fsck | Wipster19:52
ubottuWipster: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:52
hdtdigenii-around, isnt that just for the executable files? i have a whole dir with files..19:52
LinuxNoobjcasex: eh, ive only been on for 2 days i know windows in and out, but linux...its mars to me still19:53
zookaliciouslinxeh - its not advisable to use files for one system on another system19:53
WipsterActionParsnip, thanks!19:53
zookaliciouslinxeh - your best option would be to download the binaries for the system you want to install it on or use the source code19:53
WipsterActionParsnip, will be back with results and if that helped19:53
genii-aroundhdtdi: Even in Windows, the C:\program files is not where everything goes to. The same here. But mostly user binaries in /usr/bin system binaries in /bin and so on.19:54
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:54
linxehzookalicious: you didnt read what I was asking19:54
genii-aroundoops wrong factoid19:55
dimmortallinxeh you can look up all the dependencies and dl the .deb files via web browser19:55
linxehdimmortal: I'm not going to waste hours doing that19:55
robberduckyquit #ubuntu19:55
guntbert!offline | linxeh19:55
ubottulinxeh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:55
LinuxNooblinxeh: ur trying to copy files from one hdd to put on another hdd to run them like they were installed on that hdd?19:55
linxehI cant be the first person that wants to do this, without mirroring the entire repo19:55
asacould anybody help me out plz19:55
linxehLinuxNoob: no19:55
guntbert!ask | asa19:56
ubottuasa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:56
LinuxNoobasa: ask19:56
dimmortalor you can add thr repo in synaptic and when you click apply.. select the box that says dl the files only19:56
linxehLinuxNoob: I wish to download all the deb files for a particular package (and all dependencies) so that I can copy them to another machine that doesnt have internet access and install on there. the only issue is that the offline machine is 10.04, and I run 10.1019:56
asai am having problems connecting to a wireless network19:56
RishavTlinxeh: try this: first, type in "sudo apt-get install <packagename>". Before it asks for confirmation, it'll list all the packages to install. copy them, and then kill the apt process (ctrl+c). then type in "sudo aptitude download <paste here". Should work.19:56
asaubuntu 10.0419:56
guntbertlinxeh: did you see the hint from ubottu ?19:56
LinuxNoobasa: alright u have the hardware to connect? bluetooth addapters?19:57
linxehguntbert: yes, will try that, thankyou19:57
genii-aroundhdtdi: For a comprehensive but tedious document on the directory structure standard see http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy.html19:57
linxehRishavT: thanks, will try that too19:57
magogjoin #lisp19:57
MrMintanetHow do you mount an archived tar.gz file?19:57
hdtdigenii-around, thanks19:57
kob hi all, anyone running TOR ? I'd need a running bridge to connect to the network19:57
dimmortalright click and select "mount"19:58
MrMintanetdimmortal,  That isn't an option from the context19:58
Hilikusdoes anyone know of a program in ubuntu to plot trees? huge trees, ~500k nodes19:58
briahn10does apt-cache update itself for ubuntu? seems like a particular version of libmysqlclient-dev is missing from ubuntu's ftp19:58
LinuxNoobasa: i sent u a message19:59
LinuxNoobsee towards the bottom19:59
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:59
MrMintanetHow do you mount an archived tar.gz file?19:59
RishavTMrMintanet: right click, open with archive mounter.19:59
asai am new here19:59
=== denny- is now known as denny
MrMintanetThis is a 6GB Archive.... Taking forever to open...20:00
StevenXschnuffle1: Thanks for pointing me to andLinux. I think its exactly what I'm looking for.20:01
OerHeks6 gb can take some time, true MrMintanet20:01
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MrMintanetRishavT, Ok, it's open now.  Now what?20:01
StevenXI downloaded the "minimalist" version running XCFE instead of KDE.20:01
briahn10( command that's failing for me... apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev )20:01
lolmac34hi, which is better ntfs or ext4?20:02
lolmac34i was thinking of which one choosing20:02
RishavTMrMintanet: you selected archive mouter, eh? Then you should see a volume mounted (which contains ur archive).20:02
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
MrMintanetI opened "Archive Manager".  I do not have Archive Mounter.20:02
h-deelolmac34: I'd go for ext4...bt its nt compatible with WINDOWS based system...so if you need a drive for common data for both Linux and Windows...go for NTFS20:03
MrMintanetRishavT, Ok, I think I'm seeing it.  One sec.20:03
RishavTMeMintaned: You should have it in "open with other application"20:03
MrMintanetNow, how can I launch the "setup" executable?20:03
RishavT*MrMintanet: you should see it in open with other application20:03
MrMintanetRishavT,  It is mounted now.  But can you tell me how to open up a setup file that is located within it?20:04
fedehi, how can I add read and write permission to all the files of a folder using chmod?20:04
RishavTMrMintanet: Uh I dont know :P is it a .sh file? then just run it from the terminal. (you shouldn't need to mount it to run a .sh file btw)20:04
MrMintanetHow do I get to this mounted file now?20:05
eXpLoDwhat is the best terminal web browser?20:05
MrMintanetIt isn't listed in my /media/ folder20:05
potatois there a ##ubuntu?20:05
genii-aroundeXpLoD: lynx/links is most widely used20:05
potatoor any other linux channels?20:05
fedeI need to change the permissions of a folder and it's contents under /opt20:05
RishavTMrMintanet: yea. it'll be there. cd /media/blahblah20:05
FuZion755Hi there, I'm having trouble getting a dot matrix printer to work with fedora, the printer is connected a usb-parallel cable, and it is only found/recognized sometimes.  Has anyone had any experience with this printers and parallel to usb cables?20:05
WipsterActionParsnip, no error where reported on the drive it just cant make a fixed size harddrive.... also the -F flag in shutdown is gone, might wana ammend the bot :)20:05
RishavTMrMintanet: then run the setup file.20:05
RishavTMrMintanet: just 1 question. why did u need to mount it to run the setup file? you could have just cd into the folder and run it from there.20:06
MrMintanetIt won't launch because it is giving me this error:  "cd: 6: can't cd to ./.data"20:07
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eXpLoDare thre any good termianl web browser except w3p and links20:07
rumpe1eXpLoD, lynx20:08
guntberteXpLoD: w3m20:08
RishavTMrMintanet: Uhm I dont know what that's happening. perhaps there's a folder ".data" in the mounted archive. try editing the setup file and replacing ./.data to .data20:08
magicianlordis the new openoffice suite worthupgrading, or better to remove it and put in gnumeric?20:09
genii-aroundrumpe1: lynx package is just symbolic to links20:09
BurzmaliHi all, Does anyone know if Canonical has published their plan to make the "For Purchase" section of the Ubuntu Software Center not suck?20:10
guntbert!ot | Burzmali20:10
ubottuBurzmali: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:10
=== xyclo_ is now known as help
rumpe1genii-around, "Links is a text mode WWW browser, similar to Lynx." ... hm... don't think so20:10
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: if you only use the spreadsheet part of openoffice, you can save a lot of space by installing gnumeric20:11
=== help is now known as Guest82810
ActionParsnip!info links20:11
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3~pre1-1 (maverick), package size 500 kB, installed size 1144 kB20:11
ActionParsniprumpe1: i'd say it was20:11
magicianlordActionParsnip: what about the future20:11
magicianlordin the future, there may be a need20:11
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: the OS is flexible, so you can add abiword if you need word processing, or you can reinstall openoffice if you like20:12
magicianlordreally. abiword is an odd name20:12
genii-aroundrumpe1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/lynx/filelist does not show files like /usr/bin/lynx because it actually just installs links instead20:12
=== onekenthomas_2 is now known as kthomas
Bill|iPadOpen office is no longer the official ubuntu office app20:12
Burzmaliguntbert: hmm, I'd consider the dismal condition of the store as one of the biggest bugs in 10.10, but have it your way...20:12
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: it's what I use as well as gnumeric as its lighter and smaller than openoffice and I never use the presentation part or the database bit of openoffice20:13
MrMintanetIf I am installing on Ubuntu 10.10, shoudl I install FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, or OpenBSD?20:13
Bill|iPadOracle =mega fail20:13
macoBill|iPad: thts not effective until 11.0420:13
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: The name "AbiWord" (pronounced "Abby Word") is derived from the root of the Spanish word "abierto", meaning "open"20:13
macoBill|iPad: in all currently supported releases, OpenOffice.org is still it20:14
Guest7513Hi all. I am currently logged in as a user who's got encrypted ~/. I didn't wrote down the mount phrase but I remeber the password. How/can I recover mount phrase? Sorry for spelling - I've got problem with Xchat also...20:14
magicianlordabi is a girl's name20:14
Bill|iPadMaco: Time to start switching :)20:14
arvind_khadriMrMintanet: You will be installing Ubuntu 10.10 then, not anything else20:14
macomagicianlord: that's spelled Abby usually20:14
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: ubuntu is a distro of linux20:14
rumpe1genii-around, lynx is a transitional package... lynx-cur is the right one. I would be interested in some proof, that links and lynx are the same.20:14
kob hi all, anyone running TOR ? I'd need a running bridge to connect to the network20:14
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl20:15
mkl hi,i've got a problem: i've installed sdl & sdl-dev on ubuntu and have an app that builds something using it and opengl but it fails to do so beacuse of "undefined reference to `glXSwapIntervalSGI'"20:15
Bill|iPadKob: in eygpt?20:15
magicianlordwhat is apparmor for20:15
MrMintanetWhen I run "sudo sh setup", I get this error in return.  "setup: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected20:15
mklcould anyone help me please?20:15
dimmortalany one know how might I go about removing the window deco from just 1 specific  window(pidgin buddy list)20:15
evulhotdogBill|iPad hahahahaha love you20:16
kobBill|iPad: cn20:16
arvind_khadrimkl: how are you compiling your program?20:16
delinquentmeim having to run a program from my CLI .. and id like to detatch the running of the program .. from the cli .. so when i close the command line .. it doesnt kill the program .. is there a flag for this?20:16
Bill|iPadShrug if you were I'd help20:16
arvind_khadridelinquentme: put a & at the end of the command20:17
MrMintanetWhen I run "sudo sh setup", I get this error in return.  "setup: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected20:17
delinquentmearvind_khadri, so id input " sudo ./arduino & "20:17
Bill|iPadDelinquentime: alt-f220:17
Bill|iPadType program name20:17
arvind_khadridelinquentme: ya, try that20:18
dimmortaloh. nm figured it out20:18
rumpe1delinquentme,  command & disown20:18
genii-aroundrumpe1: I am corrected, the lynx-cur is in fact the real package. Apologies. Previously it would install elinks for me20:18
kobBill|iPad: ?20:18
guntbertdelinquentme: thats not enough. use nohup too20:18
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: i'd contact the vendor. You have paid for support20:19
dimmortaloh wait no I didn't20:19
guntbertdelinquentme: or what rumpe1 said20:19
Bill|iPadEh gtg back to work :D20:19
delinquentmelooks like " sudo & ./arduino doesnt work20:19
delinquentmeguntbert, how does nohup work  "  sudo nohup ./arduino "?20:19
mklarvind_khadri: i don't, i've got a program that has a script that creates executable by generating cpp code and compiling it20:20
rumpe1delinquentme, nohup <command> &20:20
guntbertdelinquentme: hmm..  I'm not sure at the moment...20:20
magicianlordi upgraded openoffice and it's still at version 3.2.120:20
magicianlordwhat was the upgrade for the20:21
rumpe1delinquentme, or learn to use screen ... very useful tool20:21
macomagicianlord: probably a bugfix. new upstream versions dont go into stable ubuntu releases20:21
mklarvind_khadri: wrapper_main.cpp:(.text+0x3bb): undefined reference to `glXSwapIntervalSGI'20:21
magicianlorda bugfix 68mb in download size?20:22
delinquentmerumpe1, AWESOME    " nohup ./arduino & " works phenomenally :D20:22
ActionParsnipMrMintanet: the fact you downloaded it from daemonoid puts the consistency of the data in question. You should get a good one from the site you paid as well as MD5 test the data so you know its good20:22
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: what's it a fix for?20:24
=== Bige_ is now known as Guest33123
dub54how can I share a folder over a network?20:24
l1nuxmanis evolution the best email client ?20:25
ActionParsnipdub54: you can use samba or sshfs or ftp20:25
ActionParsnipl1nuxman: there is no best email client20:25
ActionParsnipl1nuxman: so in answer to your question, no it isn't20:25
WipsterActionParsnip, just a follow-up it seems if I select a dynamically resizing drive rather then fixed it makes it just fine with no hanging20:26
shadaloodpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic:20:26
Abhinav1how to install glade3 dependencies using terminal20:26
magicianlordbut you cannot uninstall evolution without breaking ubuntu20:26
shadaloowhat i the fix?20:26
ActionParsnipWipster: go with that then ;)20:26
WipsterActionParsnip, yep going with that now. Worth a bug report?20:26
shadaloodpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic:20:27
l1nuxmanActionParsnip, which do you use?20:27
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: sure you can, you just need to keep evolution-data-server-common20:27
ActionParsnipl1nuxman: webmail20:27
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: as it is a dep of gnome-panle, the other packages can be removed20:27
NickGGGhi, how can I resize my partition with gparted ??20:28
=== marcos is now known as Guest43282
Welshy-Robdose anyone know of a decent keyloger for educational purposes? as i would like to know how they work and operate?20:29
ActionParsnipNickGGG: you can do it in a liveCD, the partitions must be unmounted which will happen in the livecd20:30
loculinuxhola ,tengo 20 años y soy rubia,tengo ganas de follar20:30
kob hi all, anyone running TOR ? I'd need a running bridge to connect to the network20:30
ActionParsnip!tor | kob20:31
ubottukob: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl20:31
antonellothe list of torrent???20:31
loculinuxkien kiere follar?20:31
Welshy-Robkob,  i use tor20:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:31
kobActionParsnip: yes, you use it ?20:32
evulhotdog...so why doesnt xcursor selector work, straight from ubuntu software center?20:32
NickGGGActionParsnip: Im in the live environment, but when I click on resize it says the max size is 2gb and i need more20:32
ActionParsnipkob: no, i dont see the point20:33
dimmortallol ok I got it now.....the order was getting me.... had to put it before any as in     !(role=buddy_list) & any20:33
ActionParsnipNickGGG: then you may b20:33
ActionParsnipNickGGG: need to free up space20:33
ActionParsnipi really cant type today20:33
NickGGGActionParsnip: I shrinked another partition but its still the same20:34
westmi49319how do i find out which grub i have?20:34
NickGGGActionParsnip: on the ubuntu partition i got nothing but ubu20:34
EmuAlertWhat's the command to mount a drive or mount all drives?20:35
bullgard4'~$ sudo e2fsck -c /dev/dsa7' asks me: "Clone multiply-claimed blocks<y>?" What should I answer?20:35
Fuchsmount -a for all (in fstab), mount <options> for a specific one, EmuAlert20:35
kobActionParsnip: ok, you mean the point to use it !?20:35
Fuchsbullgard4: the default (yes) is probably sane20:35
ActionParsnipNickGGG: reduce installed apps or clear of userdata you can afford to lose20:35
kobActionParsnip: for just, it's just because it need to jump over the great firewall and that's a way to do it20:36
bullgard4Fuchs: Right.20:36
NickGGGActionParsnip: you mean in the partition im trying to resize?20:36
kobActionParsnip: me*20:36
ActionParsnipkob: i see, makes sense20:36
ActionParsnipNickGGG: yes, if you want to resize, you need to make free space to resize into20:36
nemoif my processor is spiking at like 70% CPU usage on file operations20:37
nemobut no processes seem to be involved20:37
nemothat would be kernel?20:37
magicianlorddoes pulseaudio increase audio quality or volume over the standard alsa?20:37
ActionParsnipnemo: run: top   and you can see what is using the cpu20:37
nemoActionParsnip: right. been doing that20:38
nemoand nothing shows20:38
nemothus my asking about kernel20:38
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PulseAudio20:38
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: it adds a few extra features20:38
dimmortalnow if I can figure out how to make it dockable(reserve space like panels do) I can put it on its own desktop and have 1 deskspace for pidgin.... anyone know if/how that might be done??20:39
ActionParsnipha, nokia N900 uses pulse20:39
NickGGGif i want to uninstall ubu can i just delete the ubu partitions from the live cd ?20:39
ActionParsnipNickGGG: sure but you will need to reinstate the windows boot loader if you dualboot, you will LOSE the data on the partitions you delete20:39
BlueBomber7ActionParsnip, magicianlord:  From what someone over in #ardour was teaching me, PulseAudio doesn't really replace ALSA, but interfaces with it.  JACK is another alternative to Pulse aimed at professionals.20:40
ActionParsnipBlueBomber7: ive never dug into sound in linux, mine always just works and does what its supopsed to do :)20:40
BlueBomber7ActionParsnip: Same with mine, and I use a professional external sound card (Edirol UA25).20:41
evulhotdogis there an app to change cursors in ubuntu?20:41
ActionParsnipevulhotdog: its in the display properties, customise the theme and you change the cursor20:42
NickGGGActionParsnip: so if i delete only ubu partitions will I lose windows data ?20:42
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, You can install heaps of different cursors throught Synaptic (Software Centre)20:42
evulhotdognvm -_-20:42
evulhotdogYankDownUnder I selected Cursor Selection20:42
evulhotdogand it didnt work at all YankDownUnder :(20:42
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, Log out, login.20:43
ActionParsnipNickGGG: no, its a different partition20:43
evulhotdoglol i looked it up online, apparently it hasnt been updated since aug of 2004... YankDownUnder20:43
dimmortalI think he ment each cursor event like in windows20:43
NickGGGActionParsnip: so when I delete the ubu partitions I will be able to boot under windows ?20:43
dimmortalNickGGG:  is grub on one of the windows partition??20:45
IrcUser55Is there a way for me to share settings and emails of the Evolution email client both on Windows and Ubuntu? And is there Evolution for Windows anywhere, or is it only available in Gnome of Ubuntu?20:45
macoIrcUser55: gnome only20:45
NickGGGdimmortal: how can I check ?20:45
magicianlordi couldnt compire the broadcom driver on kernel 2.6.37, until i took out a line from on of the files20:45
macoIrcUser55: well....could use it with kde.... so i should say free-software-operating-systems-only20:46
YankDownUnderIrcUser55, Yes, there IS a version of Evolution for MS Windows. http://www.dipconsultants.com/evolution/20:46
IrcUser55maco: ok, thanks :)20:46
chaos2358is there anyway i can setup to not have to enter passwords at all?? It's a private laptop with a "power on " password set in my bios so there is no need for it. I'm running ubuntu 10.1020:48
dimmortalwell when you installed ubuntu... the windows partition was the first one on the drive...right??20:48
IrcUser55YankDownUnder: thanks. That is what I was also told by a friend, but he also told me it was outdated? (or a dead project anyway)20:49
dimmortalthen grub "should" be on that partition20:49
Arch97ubuntu is so bad20:49
Arch97its well20:49
dimmortalas it's the one with the boot sector20:49
Arch97its fucking bad20:49
evulhotdogYankDownUnder even when i try to change the cursor through 'appearance' it doesnt change, i select it, press close, and it just doesnt change...????20:49
Arch97its for bitches20:49
YankDownUnderIrcUser55, It's a point of showing that it can be compiled under Win32, and I've used it for clients to import their email from Outlook, then copy it into Evolution under Ubuntu.20:49
chaos2358!language | Arch9720:50
ubottuArch97: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:50
NickGGGdimmortal: so if I delete the ubu partitions can I boot into windows?20:50
Guest43282Does any body here has some problems with emesene ? i just cant connect !20:50
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, Install some different cursor themes through the Software Centre, try again, also, log out  and login.20:50
bullgard4'~$ sudo e2fsck -c /dev/sda7; home: 36753/1802240 files /(12.8% non-contiguous), 2438714/3602568 blocks'. Why is "(12.8% non-contiguous)" important?20:50
evulhotdogYankDownUnder i just rebooted, and it didnt work :O but will try with some 3rd party20:50
dimmortalyou should be able to.. I think... but I haven't really tried it my self20:51
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, If you're trying with 3d party stuff, and it already doesn't work, don't expect a miracle.20:51
evulhotdoglol im using ubuntu :O20:51
evulhotdogin the appearance settings20:51
dimmortalwhy would you want to get rid of ubuntu??20:51
evulhotdogokay explain this, it chnaged the text cursor icon, and the link button icon, but not the main cursor YankDownUnder :P20:52
MikeMike1can anybody recommend me a good program to convert files?20:52
dimmortalMikeMike1:  depends on what kinda files you're converting...lol20:53
genii-aroundMikeMike1: From what to what?20:53
MikeMike1flv to mp420:53
MikeMike1i want to put youtube videos on my ipod lol20:54
IrcUser55YankDownUnder: ok. I don't want to bother anyone, so just a last question (because you said you used Evolution on Windows). Is it possible to share their settings somehow (for both the win and Ubuntu versions of Evolution)?20:54
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, I can only explain based on what I know, which is only that you wanted to change the cursor theme. What window manager are you using? Have you installed any GTK themes?20:54
evulhotdogno themes20:54
dimmortaleww... apple pod20:54
evulhotdogpure default ubuntu20:54
evulhotdogother than compiz settings changes.20:54
YankDownUnderIrcUser55, In all reality, the way that I do it for clients is I setup postfix+dovecot+imap and setup each individually.20:54
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, If you can't change a cursor theme, can you change an icon theme?20:55
evulhotdoglet me try20:55
root_cycqll network20:55
evulhotdogicons worked20:56
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as CrazyAnimalActiv
evulhotdogchanged in the 'places'20:56
=== CrazyAnimalActiv is now known as Lenin_Cat
evulhotdogLike I said, its odd that the cursor when hovering over text, changed, and the link hand changed, but the main cursor did not. I just want a black cursor!! haha20:56
IrcUser55YankDownUnder: ok, thank you very much :D (althougt I admit I didn't understand what you last said). Anyway, thanks a lot :) bye20:57
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, Being that cursors and icons are basically the same, then I'd suggest installing like "Oxygen-cursor-theme" through Synaptic (Software Centre), change to an Oxygen cursor, see if that changes at all - eliminate things in order to troubleshoot.20:57
=== kthomas is now known as onekenthomas
evulhotdogbtw installed a custom theme, still didnt change the main cursor. ( i have oxygen, haha, it changes the 'loading' icon, link icon, and text icon (icon==cursor) but doesnt change the main plain cursor20:58
thorbj0rnevulhotdog: there is a whole other selection dialog for cursors20:58
dimmortaltry the comix theme.. its more obvious when it changes20:59
evulhotdogdimmortal, i can tell what the changes are lol20:59
thorbj0rnevulhotdog: Appearance > Themes > Customize > Pointer20:59
evulhotdogand thorbj0rn thats where im changing it...20:59
thorbj0rnthe cursor should change immediately upon clicking the new style in the list21:00
thorbj0rneven before you choose Close21:00
=== someone is now known as Guest13650
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/reset-system-wide-cursor-theme.html21:01
th_can anybody play this stream with the vlc? http://www.ruutu.fi/video?vt=video_episode&vid=28313021:02
th_it doesnt work for me21:02
=== dude is now known as spetrea
thorbj0rnth_: can't play outside of finland, apparently.21:03
th_thorbj0rn, :( let me find another one21:04
thorbj0rnth_: that doesn't look much like a video stream address anyway, it is a fully formed webpage.21:04
malebogiaI've got a problem with sound on my 10.1021:05
th_thorbj0rn, true. i would like to play that without browser21:05
thorbj0rngreetings malebogia; how can the channel help you today?21:05
malebogiaBasically - no sound at all21:05
malebogiaI started to fiddle with pulseaudio because i had some problerms with sound in wine and now i don't get any sound at all21:06
th_thorbj0rn, how about this: http://katsomo.fi/?progId=5990821:06
bullgard4'~$ sudo e2fsck -c /dev/sda7; home: 36753/1802240 files /(12.8% non-contiguous), 2438714/3602568 blocks'. Why is "(12.8% non-contiguous)" important?21:07
evulhotdogthat didnt work either YankDownUnder :O21:08
malebogiaIs there any way of getting back to default setup??21:08
malebogiaI mean right after installation?21:08
bullgard4malebogia: Probably not.21:09
MikeMike1Having trouble with ffmpeg!21:09
YankDownUnderevulhotdog, Did you check out the link I posted to ya?21:09
bullgard4!sound | malebogia21:09
ubottumalebogia: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:09
magicianlordwhat is the name of the codecs to isntall so that Pitivi can properly modify video files?21:09
evulhotdogthats what didnt work hah a21:09
malebogiaI get no hardware at all21:10
=== h0ax|Linux is now known as Helbom
bullgard4malebogia: I beg your pardon? Say it in other words, please.21:10
minimecmalebogia: pulseaudio --kill, then open your /home/yourname directory and delete/rename the .pulse folder.21:10
Helbomdamn this is gonna take some time getting used to21:11
malebogiaminimer: and then what?21:12
=== RobotCow is now known as RobotCow|Gaming
steinexi have a problem installing phonon-backend-gstreamer on 10.10. i get the following error: phonon-backend-gstreamer : Depends: libphonon4 (= 4:4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.7.0really4.4.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 is to be installed21:12
minimecmalebogia: logout/login. Pulseaudio will think that you use it the first time and make a new .pulse folder with default settings.21:12
steinexcan someone confirm this?21:13
=== jesus is now known as Guest57738
Helbomjust a question... what's the first things i should get into with linux? i feel lost lol :P21:13
minimecmalebogia: You may backup the old .pulse folder...21:13
malebogiaminimer: ok, write you in a sec21:13
arbiterHelbom: just try and familiarise yourself with the OS, try and find the alternatives to the previous OS you used and get yourself set up comfortably :)21:14
magicianlordwhat is your issue21:14
Helbomthanks arbiter :)21:14
magicianlordwhat do you need, Helbom21:15
Helbomwell i want to use it as a web dev enviorment21:15
bastidrazorubottu: tell Helbom about manual21:15
ubottuHelbom, please see my private message21:15
kermiton a recent dell laptop, is it possible to use touchpad scrollwheel emulation?21:15
Helbomthanks for the link :) gone reading21:16
malebogiaminimer: still no hardware in the prefs21:18
malebogia-.still no sound21:18
minimecmalebogia: but you had them before. Did alsa crash? Did you reboot your machine once?21:19
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malebogiaminimer: Actually I did mess around with the drivers in order to get wine to play sound all the time instead of from timete to time21:20
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malebogiaand now aplay says : no soundcard found21:21
minimecmalebogia: So you don't have a pulseaudio problem actually...21:21
malebogiaminimer: but?21:21
malebogiaminimer: sudo lshw -c sound sees my card21:22
elvhi how can i copy a package from ubuntu primary archive to my ppa? i just saw some packages marked as " thanks21:22
elvmarked as Copied from ubuntu natty in Primary Archive for Ubuntu21:23
mister2is there a direct client to client chat interface for ubuntu? p2p would be the same thing. thanks21:23
minimecmalebogia: did you compile a new kernel module or a special alsa version? what did you do exactly?21:23
malebogiaminimer: basically I tried to get rid of pulse and install all new alsa21:24
izinucsmister2: ekiga with video too. uses a relay server but I think you can also connect directly. teamviewer for remote chat & control21:24
mister2izinucs: thanks, but i need it to be serverless, is ekiga?21:24
elvlook at this for example is copied directly from natty. how is it possible? https://launchpad.net/~guido-iodice/+archive/guiodic-testing/+sourcepub/1485246/+listing-archive-extra21:24
malebogiaminimer: it didn't go quite well so I've tried this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules21:25
izinucsmister2: no..21:25
maninthemiddleI accidentally whole root directory21:25
mister2izinucs: i mean like doesn't go through a third party...21:26
maninthemiddleactually, I did   sudo rm /*   on ubuntu 10.1021:26
maninthemiddleis there a way to quick fix it?21:26
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Silivrenioni just made a really bad mistake, and I need some help21:26
guntbertmaninthemiddle: reinstall21:26
SilivrenionI just overwrote my /usr/lib32 directory with a file21:26
izinucsmister2: it's initially setup that way because it's also a voip client.. ie computer to pots line.. or computer to computer.. you may be able to get it to connect directly if you know the IP of the other machine.21:26
minimecmalebogia: So if it doesn't work, udo it. I see that there is hte possibility...21:26
mister2izinucs: i do know the ip, but i don't have a second machine for testing purposes and need to have one implementation...21:27
maninthemiddlemaninthemiddle I've lost only files from root, not whole directory structure21:27
Silivrenioni have NO idea what to do at this point21:27
elvno one know how copy packages from primary archive?21:27
edbianSilivrenion, what's the problem?21:28
SilivrenionI have another ubuntu system operational, but i dunno if you can just copy the folder back?21:28
SilivrenionI just overwrote my /usr/lib32 directory with a file21:28
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malebogiaminimer: The problem is - I don't know how21:28
Silivrenionedbian, is there anything i can do/21:29
edbianSilivrenion, I don't know what the problem is21:29
SilivrenionI just overwrote my /usr/lib32 directory with a file21:29
Silivrenionthat's the problem21:29
minimecmalebogia: --> Uninstalling https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules21:29
avashi1how do i install a .tgz file ? I am trying to install anroid sdk to tether my smarthphone21:30
mister2anybody know of a quick to set up chat protocol server?21:30
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Silivrenionedbian, I just overwrote my /usr/lib32 directory with a file21:30
smwHow can I make grub find windows 7 even if it does not want to? sudo update-grub found only linux.21:30
malebogiaminimer: I've already tried and it didn't work21:30
edbianSilivrenion, Why?  on accident?21:30
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Silivrenionyes, on accident21:30
izinucsmister2: maybe this thread will help you.. http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/newbie/12842-lan-chat-messenger-p2p-cross-platform-windows-linu.html21:30
avashi1how do i install a .tgz file ? I am trying to install anroid sdk to tether my smarthphone21:30
Silivrenionedbian, I was trying to copy something to /usr/lib32/, but i accidentally copied over lib3221:31
mister2avashil .tgz is from source, extract it run ./config and make or something. lookup installing from the source on google21:31
lolmac404what is the best search mecanism i could use in ubuntu? i wanted to index 430.000 files that have 3tb21:31
lolmac404could i search for a file and the search results come up fast?21:31
edbianSilivrenion, I'm not sure that's fixable easily.  Does the system boot?21:31
malebogiaminimec: Can I PM You? That would be easier...21:31
guntbert!compile | avashi121:31
ubottuavashi1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:31
Silivrenionedbian, i just did it on this computer i'm talking to you on now21:31
uitrixHey everybody. Have a problem, googled, but haven't find how to solve. Directly to problem: ___I've added panel to the left of the screen and then turned on autohide. So, now, I can't call the panel, see only it's border, and can't delete it; How could I call it, or delete?)21:31
minimecmalebogia: Definitly no private messages.21:31
itaylor57avashi1: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html21:31
guntbert!pm | malebogia21:31
ubottumalebogia: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:31
Silivrenionedbian, system is still running, but probably won't boot if i restart21:32
BuMpIci have two computers in my wifi newtork.How could  i connect from my a computer to my b computer to see its directories?21:32
edbianSilivrenion, I'm looking up what those files are used for.  Looking at my /usr/lib they appear to be very specific to my use21:32
malebogiaminimec: OK21:32
Silivrenionedbian, i have another ubuntu machine lying around.. would copying things from /usr/lib32/ on that machine to this machine work?21:32
avashi1so do i just extract the .tgz folder to desktop.. no need to install it ??? I am lost21:32
edbianSilivrenion, Lemme research a little21:32
mister2avashil no, you have to install it. look up installing from the source.21:33
guntbertavashi1: read, what ubottu sent you21:33
minimecmalebogia: I don't know what you did exactly, but that tutorial gives you an uninstalling option... So just unistall it. Afterwards you might do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa'. That's all I can tell you.21:33
edbianSilivrenion, Perhaps you can get lucky: do this sudo apt-get install -reinstall ubuntu-desktop21:34
edbianSilivrenion, I'm hoping that the package manager replaces everything that is missing from /usr/lib21:34
malebogiaminimec: OK, I'll try. Thanks21:34
Silivrenionedbian, should i try copying stuff from another ubuntu installation before doing that?21:34
paradigmflownoobie question; where would I find installed programs?21:35
ray_is there a program that will extract and install tar.gz with ease?21:35
edbianSilivrenion, it's worth a shot.  How similar are the packages on these two systems?21:35
edbianparadigmflow, /usr/bin/21:35
Silivrenionedbian, fairly similar21:35
avashi1I checked what ubottu sent me.. Thanks but it has millions of steps.. i just need to know how to install a .tgz file21:35
Fuchsparadigmflow: the files are distributed over /usr/bin, /usr/share, /usr/lib and so on. But for you as a user: the app should be in the menu, the binary (the file "launching it") will be in $PATH, which is probably /usr/bin/21:35
smwAnyone know what to do if update-grub2 does not find windows?21:35
newpuppyuser5if installed gnome based Mint 10, can i switch to xfce after install=21:36
edbianSilivrenion, Then it's worth a shot.  /usr/lib are libraries (bunches of code) that are used by more than one program.  It's likely that many programs will not run if it's missing but you do something like sudo apt-get install -reinstall ubuntu-desktop it'll get just about everything for you. (hopefully 100% of the shared files)21:36
edbianSilivrenion, then from there you can just sudo apt-get install -reinstall <programName> whenever some specific app doesn't work.21:36
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nimrod10what's the best tool to encrypt a partition after install ?21:36
Silivrenionedbian, i'm going to try the manual copy first incase the reinstall breaks21:37
edbianSilivrenion, go for it21:37
edbianSilivrenion, I kinda predict that the entire thing might sort of be weird for a while21:37
maninthemiddleallright, I executed `sudo rm /*`, which removed only files in /, not directories . After this I used boot cd to restore two links usually sitting in /:  initrd.img  and  vmlinuz. But on boot system gives me "run-init: /sbin/init: No such file or directory"21:37
Antonisis it possible to change the username in ubuntu?21:38
guntbert!mint | newpuppyuser521:38
ubottunewpuppyuser5: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:38
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maninthemiddleany ideas on my stupid move?21:38
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lolmac404what is the best search mecanism i could use in ubuntu? i wanted to index 430.000 files that have 3tb21:38
lolmac404could i search for a file and the search results come up fast?21:38
guntbertAntonis: yes, but why?21:38
brandon420how can i make the terminal auto complete file names? (in rtorrent)21:39
Antonisguntbert, I have a friend of mine who installed ubuntu yesterday and want to change his username today :P21:39
edbianlolmac404, look at locate21:39
edbianlolmac404, It's a great package21:39
edbianAntonis, System -> admin -> users and groups21:39
edbianbrandon420, using the tab key21:39
brandon420edbian, that doesnt work.21:40
brandon420it should, but it doesnt21:40
edbianbrandon420, then the app doesn't support it21:40
brandon420edbian, it dosnt even work when i try and do it to anyfile, in any terminal21:40
Antonisedbian, oh that easy huh? never thought of that :P thank you21:40
malebogiaminimec: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa" returned:  alsa not installed21:40
edbianbrandon420, what about with program names?21:41
edbianbrandon420, try pressing tab more than once21:41
edbianAntonis, that easy21:41
minimecmalebogia: oh it's alsa-base probalby21:41
malebogiaminimec: but when I've tried to install it it says that alsa-base is in the newest version21:41
Silivrenionedbian, there's no lib32 directory on my ubuntu 10.4 laptop :P21:41
diskinhi all, is it a known problem, then when I find any text in chromium, it get's highlited, and then if I switch to another tab, select something with mouse, then switch back to the tab with highlited word, it replaces my Linux selection buffer automatically?21:41
Silivrenionedbian, i see lib, lib6421:42
edbianSilivrenion, I didn't have one either.  Just lib and lib6421:42
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edbianSilivrenion, yeah, lib must be 3221:42
Silivrenionedbian, may be that this is a non issue :)21:42
edbianSilivrenion, perhaps... :)21:42
Silivrenionedbian, good to find out. well, thanks anyway!21:42
edbianSilivrenion, Are you able to start many different programs?  Did you notice that any will not start since you deleted this folder?21:42
Silivrenionedbian, no, the system seems stable21:43
edbianSilivrenion, Then I think you're actually fine :)21:43
minimecmalebogia: just reconfigure it to be sure. Probably we don't need that, but who cares.21:43
minimecmalebogia: Then simply reboot.21:43
malebogiaminimec: And by "reconfigure" you mean?21:43
Silivrenionedbian, what i was trying to do before i panicked was install the libstdc++.so.5 library21:44
Silivrenionedbian, i found it in the debian repos, and was going to just manually put it in, but the guide i'm using must be dated21:44
edbianSilivrenion, typically you (as the user) never have to mess with .so files directly, the package manager does that21:44
brokendatapointhi, with multiple Ubuntu machines at home, what would be the best setup for system maintenance? apt-cache-ng or a full offline Debmirror?21:44
brandon420edbian, it seems that you were right, rtorrent doesnt support it. its weird cause when i use rtorrent from ssh, it does work...21:44
edbianSilivrenion, You should NOT be using Debian repos21:45
edbianbrandon420, very odd indeed...21:45
brokendatapointboozee: hi21:45
edbianboozee, heloo!21:45
smwAnyone know what to do if update-grub2 does not find windows?21:45
Silivrenionedbian, heh, the guide i'm using is really bad then :/21:45
edbianSilivrenion, extremely bad, I suggest you don't use it21:46
boozeeI have an Ubuntu Server on EC2, and I need to have a user which will have sftp access with a password (instead of the currently certificate-only option)21:46
maninthemiddleholy luck, I linked lib64 to /lib and it booted flawlessly21:46
boozeeI only want that user to have a password (and I've set his bash as /bin/false)21:46
boozeeit will have only access to his home directory and nothing else.21:46
boozeehow can I do that ?21:46
boozeeI currently get "Permission denied (publickey).21:47
boozeeConnection closed"21:47
minimecmalebogia: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base21:47
malebogiaminimec:Hmmm, and reebot?21:47
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minimecmalebogia: or restart the alsa deamon.21:48
arbitersmw: I think I might be able to help21:48
SankyHelo. A recent Ubuntu pdate sems to have done something to my keyboard.  It randomly drops two same leters presed after each other :(21:48
smwarbiter, that would be great. :-)21:48
malebogiaminimec: keep in mind that I'm a noob :(21:48
arbitersmw: trying to figure out how to pm you ..<21:48
kg4rxshay i am trying to do a dist upgrade  but i get this E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages can anyone help me21:48
smwarbiter, there is no reason to do that21:48
minimecmalebogia: So why do you manually change your sound configuration? ;)21:49
arbitersmw: you need to manually add the entry into your grub.cfg21:49
coz_kg4rxs,  in terminal are you doing   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  or  are you going from one version of ubuntu to another?21:49
smwarbiter, do you have a link?21:49
coz_kg4rxs,  which one :)21:50
arbiterI can walk you through it21:50
malebogiaminimec: I've tried to follow how-to's but it turned out there were a little bit outdated ( aka. no alsaconf for example:( )21:50
kg4rxs10.04 to 10.10 sory i am new @ this21:51
coz_kg4rxs,  no problem21:51
smwarbiter, ok, please make sure to say my name before every line :-)21:51
ActionParsnip!upgrade | kg4rxs21:51
coz_kg4rxs,  mm  what command did you use for the upgrade?21:51
ubottukg4rxs: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:51
malebogiaminimec: And, as I've mentioned before, the sound was working on and off with Wine21:51
minimecmalebogia: There is a lot of change, that's true. Also the whole xserver is in permanent change...21:51
coz_ActionParsnip,  thanks  I keep forgetting about  these things :)21:51
minimecmalebogia: Wouldn't there be some wine optimisation options?21:51
minimecmalebogia: .. whitout touching the alsa?21:52
SankyAlso, a recent Ubuntu update has enabled my touchpad (it never worked before).  But i want to turn it off again.  I can turn it of in the GPointing Device Setigns, but it turns itself on again after a few minutes ._.21:52
ActionParsnipcoz_: np dude, theres a lot to remember21:52
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smwarbiter, I am going to try a forum post I just found. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=813628#421:52
malebogiaminimec: maybe.. I haven't found any so far21:53
arbitersmw: okay no problem21:53
arbitersmw: good luck :)21:53
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smwboozee, that is a very specific post :-)21:54
minimecmalebogia: So do you have that 'hardware' tab again in your pulseaudio session?21:54
boozeesmw: that's because I have a very specific problem ;-)21:54
malebogiaminimec: That's interesting:  /etc/init.d/alsa: no file or catalogue21:54
kg4rxsi will try that21:54
minimecmalebogia: reboot that machine and see i fit works.21:55
Luvz2drvhow can i install KDE on 10.1021:55
uitrix1Hi) Please, help me with advise, how to delete a panel, if I can't click options for it (autohide setted, and it's hiden); thx21:55
malebogiaminimec: see you in a while21:55
RenfieldHow do I disable a service, and prevent it from starting again?21:56
bastidrazoruitrix1: from my understanding you can only delete one of the panels.21:56
edbianRenfield, remove that service, or turn it off in System -> admin -21:56
edbianbastidrazor, uitrix1 It forces you to always have at least one while it is running21:56
bastidrazorRenfield: in /etc/init.d/servicename rename it to /etc/init.d/servicename.DISABLE21:56
Renfieldedbian: This is a server, and I am at the terminal. Are there commands I can use?21:56
edbianRenfield, sudo service <serviceName> stop21:57
edbianRenfield, what service is this?21:57
Helbomi have some serious problems with ubuntu :/21:57
Renfieldedbian: Among the services I wish to stop is avahi.21:57
edbianHelbom, what is it?21:57
uitrixHi) Please, help me with advise, how to delete a panel, if I can't click options for it (autohide setted, and it's hiden); thx21:57
edbianRenfield, sudo service avahi stop21:57
Helbommy keyboard suddenly dies21:57
Renfieldedbian: Does that survive a reboot?21:58
metallicohi guys, i dont really know what happened but ubuntu does not accept my password and i cant login21:58
Helbomand i have to reboot for it to work again21:58
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edbianRenfield, sudo apt-get remove avahi-daemon will get rid of it permanently21:58
bastidrazorRenfield: rename it and it will not start.21:58
Renfieldedbian: Ok, but say I don't want to get rid of it just yet.21:58
metallicoeven in CLI21:58
malebogiaminimec: If you meant hardware tab in sound prefs then it was never gone but still there's no card in it21:58
edbianRenfield, rename it as suggested by bastidrazor21:58
minimecmalebogia: after reboot?21:59
edbianmetallico, I suggest you boot a live CD and look at /etc/passwd21:59
RenfieldWell, I don't want to nitpick, but wouldn't say an upgrade of that package restore it?21:59
malebogiaminimec: ye, unfortunately21:59
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malebogiaminimec: yes21:59
minimecmalebogia: Well I cannot help you further.22:00
jolarenHow do I kill repeating pulseaudio sound?22:00
Helbomit's starting to become very anoying having to reboot all the time22:00
jolarenHow do I restart pspda?22:01
thorbj0rnjolaren: killall pulseaudio ?22:01
mkanyicyHelbom: why do you reboot all the time?22:01
jolarenthanks thorbj0rn22:01
malebogiaminimec: then who can?22:01
bullgard4GParted moved to the left and enlarged my home partition successfully. When booting I obtain: "GRUB Loading stage 1.5. GRUB loading, please wait. Error 15.' How to fix this?22:01
coz_bullgard4,  if no one can help with this here at this time you can also try the #grub channel22:02
mkanyicybullgard4: insert a livecd and recover grub, it is broken now22:02
BurzmaliHello, is there a way to force an eject command against the loopback device?22:02
bullgard4coz_: Thank you very much for your information.22:03
metallicoso is there any way i could change the password of an ubuntu (wubi) installation?22:03
edbianmetallico, it's much harder with wubi22:03
bullgard4mkanyicy: After having inserted the Lve CD how to start recovering Grub?22:04
mkanyicyBurzmali: what do you want to do?22:04
minimecmalebogia: You could delete/rename the alsa folders in the /etc folder of your system. Could be that the module changed some alsa config file located there.22:04
bastidrazorRenfield: you may need to  add .DISABLED with a d on the end.22:04
Helbomhave anyone here experienced dying keyboard/mouse?22:05
mkanyicybullgard4: ALT+F2, gnome-terminal, 'mkdir this && sudo mount /dev/sdaX this && sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory=this /dev/sda'22:05
Nach0z'lo all. Um, if i've got a sudoer that I want to remove one specific command ability from, or a set of them (Specifically halt and reboot and such) how would I go about this?22:05
Renfieldbastidrazor: Oh, so if I rename it just that way, and say the package is upgraded, Ubuntu will notice that and not just create a new file with the .DISABLED?22:05
Burzmalimkanyicy: I'm trying to install a game through Wine and it requires that the disks be switched.  Wine is clinging to the files on the iso, and won't allow and umount. I'm trying to force the issue22:05
minimecmalebogia: After that you should again dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base22:05
malebogiaminmec: I've tried this: sudo alsa force-reload22:06
malebogialsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/malebogia/.gvfs22:06
malebogia      Output information may be incomplete.22:06
malebogialsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/malebogia/.gvfs22:06
malebogia      Output information may be incomplete.22:06
malebogiaUnloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded).22:06
FloodBot3malebogia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
chaos2358Can anyone help me setup an all in one printer? it won't detect drivers automatically22:06
mkanyicybullgard4: you have to mount the appropriate partition with ubuntu, replace sdaX with correct one22:06
metallicoso in theaory, if i load the live cd and change the password file in etc with another password file (same ubuntu version) for which i definetly know tha password, will that work?22:06
Prometheshi, i use lucid and i cannot boot windows xp from grub. It says "no such device:" and gives uuid of this device. Anyone know how to solve this problem?22:07
mkanyicyBurzmali: wine is not standard ubuntu app, nevertheless, why dont you mount all your iso's at once22:07
|Long|anyone here run glftpd on 10.10 ubuntu?22:07
Promethesin previous versions of ubuntu dualboot works perfectly22:07
chaos2358?join #linux22:07
mkanyicyBurzmali: say one as D: another as E: another as F: drives and so forth22:07
bullgard4mkanyicy: Is "this" a valid syntactical construct on the command line? I have never heard about it.22:07
greppymetallico: it would have to be the /etc/shadow file, not /etc/passwd.22:08
RenfieldI know that in Solaris if you rename a link in /etc/rc*.d from say S01foo to s01foo, it won't start it.22:08
RenfieldDoes Ubuntu do the same?22:08
mkanyicybullgard4: it's just a folder name, you can use another name22:08
Burzmalimkanyicy: I would, but the game is pretty stubborn about insisting it be in the same drive22:08
Promethesor is there a way to install older not buggy version on grub in lucid?22:08
mkanyicyBurzmali: then it's not ubuntu's fault22:09
RenfieldOr maybe it was from S01foo to X01foo.22:09
bindiAny idea why I have to close my laptop lid TWICE in order for it to sleep?22:09
bindiOh, 10.04 and the laptop is a Toshiba satellite pro A10022:09
kg4rxscoz i tryd  all of them u side any other suggestions22:09
jribRenfield: well sort of.22:09
jrib!upstart | Renfield22:09
ubottuRenfield: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:09
Burzmalimkanyicy: Never said it was, I was just looking for a way to force an eject to the loopback22:10
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Renfieldjrib: Yea, I looked at upstart, and it didn't really say how to permanently disable a service.22:10
malebogiaminimec: The thing Is I can't see a folder named "alsa" in my /etc22:10
mkanyicyBurzmali: sounds fancy they way you state it22:11
mkanyicyBurzmali: you mean unmounting a mounted iso?22:11
malebogiaminimec: there is alsasound in /etc/init.d/ but that's it22:11
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Burzmalimkanyicy: Can't umount, the iso has open file, hence the forcing part. The game is designed to eject an eject command to the disk drive22:12
jribRenfield: basically ubuntu now uses upstart but upstart runs sysv init jobs (so old things won't break).  What this means is there are now two possible ways a package may be starting.  1) it's the old sysv init way and you should use sysv-rc-conf, not manually edit files in that case (one day all these will be converted to upstart... one day...).  2) On the other hand, you can have a job started through22:12
jribupstart (/etc/init).  In that case, some scripts provide nice ways to disable it (read the particular script for hints).  If there is no nice way, then just edit the script in /etc/init directly and change when it starts (for example you can add "never" as a starting condition)22:12
Nach0zIs there a way to prevent a sudoer from using a specific command?22:12
mkanyicyBurzmali: why dont you just mount another iso on top of the first one?22:12
FuchsNach0z: yes. You can specify programs via the sudoers file, but blacklisting is a bit more complicated than withelisting22:13
ActionParsnipNach0z: no as it has the same access as root22:13
Jordan_UNach0z: blacklisting commands is futile, whitelisting is easy and reasonable though.22:13
felicityhow do i apply cycle.c to dwm?22:13
Burzmalimkanyicy: The open files prevent it22:13
ActionParsnipFuchs: I think s/he wants to make a sudo user not be able to launch certain commands22:13
Renfieldjrib: Ok, thanks. I'll look at sysv-rc-conf.22:13
FuchsActionParsnip: aware of it, and this is possible, but not really simple22:13
jribRenfield: what specifically are you trying to control?22:14
Burzmalimkanyicy: Or at the very least, it appears that way, it silently fails to work22:14
edbianjrib, shutdown22:14
jribedbian: 0_o22:14
minimecmalebogia: YOu see. That's where I have to learn again in Ubuntu. I only habe alsa-mixer-save in /etc/init.d Again I am outdated when it comes to sound in Ubuntu. I definitly cannot help you help you .I have to learn myself ;)22:14
FuchsActionParsnip: you can either create a specific command list for this user in the sudoers file and not put him in the regular sudoers group, or make an own group for this22:14
ActionParsnipFuchs: yeah sounds finikity22:14
edbianjrib, he's trying to control the shutdown command ;)22:14
mkanyicyBurzmali: so the 'ejecting of loopback' you are refering to, are you doing that under wine?22:14
metallicoi just went into root shell prompt from the recovery console option and changed the password via 'passwd'. the system said it has been changed sucesfully, rebooting now to see if i will manage to login..22:14
Renfieldjrib: A few things. mailman, avahi, openbsd-inetd, and courier-authdaemon.22:14
Nach0zJordan_U: i'm not trying to TOTALLY blacklist the command, I just want it so that the user can't sudo halt as easily.22:14
ActionParsnipFuchs: yeah thas what I thought it'd take, a LONG list of ok commands22:14
edbianmetallico, that's the proper way to do it.  Should work22:14
Renfieldjrib: It appears from the output of /etc/init.d/foo stop that only avahi-daemon has been converted to upstart on this system (9.10).22:15
Burzmalimkanyicy: Nope, Wine can't help it's the one holding the files22:15
jribRenfield: I see.  Well first you need to determine if each of those is an upstart job or not (you can just look at /etc/init)22:15
Fuchsoh, in fact it is easy22:15
Jordan_UBurzmali: "umount -l" does a lazy unmount, which will probably accomplish what you need.22:15
Fuchsthe sudoers file knows the ! syntax22:15
malebogiaminimec: OK, Thank You for Your time anyway.22:15
Zaffzafftrying to get ts3 to work, with or without wine. any suggestions?22:15
FuchsNach0z: http://onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/12/Big_Scary_Daemons.html?page=2  << there you go, be careful when editing the sudoers file22:16
BurzmaliJordan_U: Thanks, I think I might have tricked it into working another way, but I'll let you know.22:16
mkanyicyIm not a wine expert, Burzmali, but I think you should try using another wine application, like alcholol 120% to insert&eject your iso's instead of using linux22:16
Jordan_UBurzmali: You're welcome.22:16
Nach0zFuchs: How would I go about blacklisting the command then? It's not thjat i need it TOTALLY disabled, i just need it so that "sudo shutdown" doesn't work for a specific user.22:16
FuchsNach0z: I recommend creating a new group for that, excluding a list of comamnds you specify. Then take the specific user out of the regular sudoers group and put it in the new one22:16
bindiSo.. anyone? My laptop lid needs to be closed twice so it hibernates. Ubuntu 10.0422:16
minimecmalebogia: no problem.22:16
jribRenfield: so reading through /etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf, it doesn't seem like it checks for a file to disable it, so I would just add "never" as a condition to start.  So it would "start on (never and filesystem and started dbus)"22:16
mkanyicyBurzmali: s/alcholol/alcohol/22:17
Burzmalimkanyicy: Looks like I can rename drives on the fly and trick the application into accepting two different locations22:17
FuchsNach0z: no problem. Create a new group, add the list of blacklisted commands to the sudoers file as explained in the article I linked to22:17
FuchsNach0z: then give this group the rights to execute everything with sudo execpt the commands you blacklisted. Remove the specific user from the regular sudoers group, but add it to the one you created22:17
Nach0zoh sorry. i didn't see the link xD22:17
Burzmalimkanyicy: The funny part is that I have the disks, but some sort of latency issue if screwing installer.22:17
Nach0zthanks Fuchs22:18
FuchsNach0z: as said, be careful when editing the sudoers file  (use visudo) and don't mess with the regular sudo group22:18
Fuchsno problem22:18
jribNach0z, Fuchs: although honestly if you give a user the ability to run everything except one command it would be pretty easy to still run that command22:19
bullgard4mkanyicy: I obtain: "Installation finished. No error reported."22:19
edbianjrib, Nach0z They could simply sudo nano /etc/sudoers and change it back ;)22:19
* jrib nods22:19
Fuchsjrib: that's why I recommended a list, especially since there are lot of alternatives. But yes, you would need to disable shells as well, and probably everything that creates links and aliases22:19
shadow66142000I'm installing the 10.10 server and it's not auto configuring my internet connection. I always seem to have this issues with internet on Ubuntu but not with CentOS.22:20
metallicoit fixed it guys, thank you very much!22:20
Fuchsjrib: however, it is probably bad, but still the best probability22:20
shadow66142000I can ping my router but not outside. Anyone mind giving me a little help?22:20
Nach0zjrib i don't want this command TOTALLY disabled for the user. But, the user has multiple servers that he likes to keep SSH's open to at once, and accidentally rebooted my server earlier. i just want to prevent that from happening.22:20
edbianshadow66142000, Something is wrong with the router22:21
Fuchsanother possibility would be to use ACLs on the filesystem, and removing +x for that user22:21
Fuchsbut I prefer the sudoers solution22:21
malebogiano soundcard in prefs , no sound at all, any help?22:21
ActionParsnipmalebogia: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh    say yes to upload to the site, what is the URL generated please22:22
haakon_Anyone ever hade som problems with some insane memory consumption with vlc?22:22
jribNach0z: this is probably good enough for that then, but if he's malicious he would be able to workaround it22:22
Nach0zjrib he's not malicious. Just careless.22:23
ibrahimb6any one  knw how to connect mysql to netbean22:23
ActionParsnipmalebogia: also, run:   alsamixer   and make sure all levels are cranked and not muted. Also make sure the speakers are on and cranked too22:23
greppyNach0z: why not just rename it "halt.really" :)22:23
ActionParsniphaakon_: what version?22:23
haakon_ubuntu lucid22:23
jribNach0z: you should drop a "reboot" in his math that echoes a friendly message to him then22:23
ActionParsniphaakon_: no, vlc version?22:23
jribNach0z: s/math/path22:23
RenfieldOkay, here is another question. I did apt-get remove dovecot-common. I see /etc/init.d/dovecot. apt-file search /etc/init.d/dovecot says that this file is owned by dovecot-common. What's going on here?22:23
Nach0zjrib what does that mean? o_022:24
haakon_never experienced it before, but today I on my TV via HDMI22:24
haakon_I played it trough22:24
ActionParsniphaakon_: http://www.unixmen.com/software/1304-vlc-115-is-released-ppa-ubuntu-a-linuxmint    try a newer version22:24
RenfieldI would have expected that apt-get remove would remove all of the files associated with a package.22:24
ActionParsnipRenfield: it does, but not the config unless you add --purge22:24
jribNach0z: you could put a file in his PATH, so that when he runs "reboot" it runs the file you created instead of the real reboot.  And the file you created could yell at him or something.  More of a joke suggestion22:24
haakon_thanks Action22:25
=== eXistZ is now known as eXistZ|Away
haakon_I'll check it out22:25
Nach0zlol ok. Dunno how to do that but it sounds funny.22:25
lamefunwhat is the size of ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso in bytes?22:25
ibrahimb6pls any one  knw how to connect mysql to netbean???22:25
ActionParsniphaakon_: that ppa only seems to accommodate maverick22:26
RenfieldActionParsnip: And if I've already done a remove without the --purge, do I need to install it again to remove it with --purge?22:26
edbianlamefun, 2 * 1024 * 102422:26
bindiUbuntu 10.04, laptop lid needs to be closed twice in order for it to hibernate22:26
edbianlamefun, oh wait, the live CD22:26
YankDownUnderibrahimb6, Hmmm...sounds like a good question for #mysql22:26
edbianlamefun, 699 megabytes = 732 954 624 bytes22:26
guest458713Hi there! I need a network topology maker, I looked for linux, no succes, if it's only for windows I can make it run with wine, any idea?22:26
edbianguest458713, A topology manger?  I just use my head and a white-board22:27
guest458713no, a topology drawer22:27
ibrahimb6thnk you <YankDownUnder>22:27
jriblooks like you should install an edbian22:28
gordonjcphm, the download link on http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download is a bit broken22:28
ActionParsnipRenfield: no you can use:  sudo dpkg -P packagename22:28
YankDownUnderNetwork topology discussion: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/graphing-a-network-topology-software-236631/22:28
ActionParsniphaakon_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vlc-1-1-4-in-ubuntu-10-04-new-ppa.html22:28
haakon_thank you again22:28
ActionParsniphaakon_: has vlc 1.1.7 :)22:28
jribguest458713: apt-cache search network topology  turns up some hits, explore those?22:28
guest458713like this one: http://www.checkpointworks.com/images/UTM-Edge-Network-Topology.gif22:29
haakon_another question, anyone know how I can scroll in irssi?22:29
gordonjcphaakon_: page up and page down22:29
gordonjcphaakon_: or, <ESC> p and <ESC> n22:29
ActionParsniphaakon_: pgup/pgdn22:29
gordonjcpanybody here know how to get the download link for the normal 10.10 iso?22:29
guest458713jrib: I checked with ubuntu apps, no succes22:30
jribgordonjcp: ubuntu.com -_-  releases.ubuntu.com if you like less pictures22:30
gordonjcpjrib: why isn't there a more obvious link to that, instead of a broken javascript-only button?22:30
jribgordonjcp: web 2.0?22:31
gordonjcpjrib: never mind that there's still no easy way to install22:31
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso  MD5 = 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a822:31
jribgordonjcp: ubuntu.com works ok here.  What do you mean?22:31
nikinhy. i am trying to use pcmanfm. but the version ubuntu has is two years old. Not to mention it has features like samba access removed. Can i somehow get a newer version around 0.9.x on 10.4LTS?22:31
guest458713thanks guys22:31
chaos2358cN nyone help me get my Canon Pixma Mp250 all-in-one printer up and running?22:31
ActionParsnipnikin: i believe if you add the Lubuntu ppa there is a newer one22:31
ActionParsnipchaos2358: the canon site makes drivers for linux in most cases22:32
nikinActionParsnip: thank you.. i check22:32
gordonjcpjrib: if you click the big orange "Download Now" button, it starts displaying the contents of the ISO as a rather strange-looking web page22:32
jribgordonjcp: works ok here :/22:32
gordonjcpjrib: typical Ubuntu, form over function ;-)22:32
malebogiaActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c114715451530bae6fa80467ff3d27420a67519822:32
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: I gave the link to the iso file, what more can you need?22:32
gordonjcpActionParsnip: yes thanks, I got that22:32
gordonjcpActionParsnip: what more?  Well, an image that can be written to a USB stick without having to faff about with unetbootin...?22:33
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  if i go to the US canon site they dont even support Linux on this model but in uk Canon i have downlloaded a tar.gz package and just cant get everything going.22:33
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: the ubuntu shop can sell you one ;)22:33
gordonjcpActionParsnip: on a USB key?22:33
Strykergordonjcp, save the weird page as the file22:33
Strykerfile>save page as22:33
ActionParsnipmalebogia: use this: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/   to get the driver, utils and lib to 1.0.23  as you currently have no alsa driver and a beta version of the utils22:34
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: yes22:34
gordonjcpStryker: can you imagine the kind of state that firefox would get itself into if it tried to display all 700-odd meg of the iso?22:34
Strykeror right click the button and say save target as22:34
gordonjcpActionParsnip: so why no download of a USB image?22:34
gordonjcpStryker: you can't do that22:34
Strykergordon, you could use a torrent22:34
Strykerthere are torrent files of the iso22:34
malebogiaActionParsnip: On my way :) BTW: Great multitasking22:34
ActionParsnipchaos2358: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010752.asp22:34
gordonjcpStryker: the "Download Now" button isn't actually a link, it fires off a weird javascripty thing22:34
ActionParsnipchaos2358: they make linux drivers for it22:34
Strykerah gordonjcp, just use the torrent though22:35
gordonjcpStryker: I can't really be bothered installing and configuring a bittorrent client for one thing22:35
ActionParsnipchaos2358: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/14186522:35
gordonjcpStryker: and then having random other machines DDoSing my rather crappy ADSL connection trying to connect22:35
nikinActionParsnip: you where right... upgrade is running.22:35
Strykergordonjcp, are you gonna download it in 5 minutes or in 2 hours22:35
gordonjcpStryker: 48 hours22:35
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chaos2358ActionParsnip,  Oh i know they make them. I have already downloaded the package. and the scanner works with simple scan i just cant get the printer function working22:36
ActionParsnipchaos2358: I helped someone there, you can copy and paste the command to terminal in any pwd and it will install the driver22:36
gordonjcpStryker: judging by the rate it's coming down at, at the moment22:36
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807622:36
nikinchaos2358: what printer are you using?22:36
MoroniHello everyone22:36
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  ok i will try that. think you.22:36
ActionParsnipnikin: lubuntu is da bom22:36
Strykergordonjcp, http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent22:36
gordonjcpStryker: and for once it's not my ADSL connection22:36
chaos2358nikin Canon Pixma Mp250all in one22:36
gordonjcpStryker: that's a torrent, that's no good22:37
Strykergordonjcp, i know that22:37
metallicoguys, i've been hacked last nite! that guy changed my password! Some romanian IP!22:37
gordonjcpmetallico: bummer22:37
metallicoi cant belive it..22:37
gordonjcpthis is why you need strong passwords22:37
ActionParsnipmetallico: boot to rot recovery mode and change it back22:37
[wito]now what did I miss?22:37
metallicoi did change it, now i am looking into the logs22:37
ActionParsnipmetallico: cool22:37
nikinActionParsnip: to bad openbox is a bit hard to tune... i mean in oposition to fluxbox. But i will get some time to learn the config files22:37
[wito]I have a feeling it was a good one. ;)22:37
jribmetallico: reinstall22:37
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metallicoi am just woried about all my data22:38
smwAnyone know what to do if update-grub2 does not find windows?22:38
ActionParsnipnikin: depends what you are tuning. I find it simple personally but one person's hard is another easy22:38
Strykersmw, your boot.cfg might be missing from the windows partition22:38
ActionParsnipsmw: try:  sudo apt-get install os-probe; sudo os-probe; sudo update-grub22:38
ActionParsnip!info os-probe22:38
ubottuPackage os-probe does not exist in maverick22:38
nikinmetallico: :S i had the same before... go for sure .. reinstall from skartch.22:39
smwActionParsnip, ty22:39
boozeeso can anyone help with enabling a password login for an sftp-only user, but keeping the certificate without password login for normal ssh users ? http://serverfault.com/questions/231579/how-do-i-set-up-an-sftp-user-to-login-with-a-password-to-an-ec2-ubuntu-server22:39
ActionParsnipsmw: sudo sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub22:39
Strykergordonjcp, go here : http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.10/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso22:39
gordonjcpStryker: it's okay, I've got one coming down now22:40
tahnokso I just installed cairo-dock to play with it and it enabled something and now I have compositing on my desktop, what on earth did it do?22:40
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: remember to MD5 test22:40
nikinActionParsnip: key combos for a lot of things... like Meta+Mouse1 drag for move, and Meta+ Mouse2 for resize. I like a titlebar of 4 pixels :) desktop change on screen edge... etc.22:40
smwActionParsnip, no good. I already had it installed, and update did not find windows22:40
Strykeri agree with ActionParsnip, gordonjcp22:40
gordonjcpStryker: I won't be able to install it for a couple of days anyway22:40
gordonjcpunless unetbootin has magically started working, I'll need to go and find somewhere to get a CD-ROM22:41
ActionParsnipnikin: i see, can always ask in #openbox for specific help, i don't mess with stuff like that much tbh22:41
r\wWorldwhich is the VM with better performance, VMware or VirtualBox ?22:41
smwActionParsnip, all it finds is linux and memtest22:41
JNEKhey i need help with booting from usb on my macbook22:41
ActionParsnipsmw: thats the extent of my grub knowledge except for adding boot options22:41
ActionParsnipsmw: maybe others can help22:41
smwActionParsnip, np, thanks for trying :-)22:41
metallicohow do i disable sshd and remote logins?22:42
smwActionParsnip, I have been asking in here for awhile22:42
nikinActionParsnip: i will dump my current installation after i finish my current projects.. and go for lubuntu, and see :)22:42
boozeeJNEK: just hold the ALT key pressed while booting, until you see the boot devices menu (ofcoursce your usb hd needs to be connected)22:42
rumpe1metallico, deinstall sshd22:42
Strykerlol i have 40 kb free space22:42
dub54where is the file that you define NFS access in? something-hosts is it ?22:42
metallicois it just sshd that could be used for remote connects?22:43
metallico(by default)22:43
nikinActionParsnip: just one more question... does lxdm-s language changer work on a plain lubuntu installation?22:43
[wito]metallico: AFAIR; not even SSHD is enabled by default.22:43
[wito]and you rarely see rsh nowayadays, so probably, yeah.\22:44
MoroniCan anyone point me in the right direction?  I have Windows 7 64 bit installed as a host OS and am using VirtualBox to guest Ubuntu 64 bit.  I can get windows to see my usb drives all the time.  But only SOMETIMES in Ubuntu, and that rarely.22:44
mkanyicy[wito], you're right22:44
metallicowell, than the best idea really is reinstall everything22:45
[wito]metallico: But I would suggest you not uninstall SSH; that shit gets handy sometimes.22:45
bullgard4I did "sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory= this /dev/sda". Now I obtain: GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu5. Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. And a prompt "grub> _" appears. Before I had the old Grub. How to proceed?22:45
mkanyicyMoroni, that's a VirtualBox problem22:45
kermiton a recent dell laptop, is it possible to use touchpad scrollwheel emulation?22:45
ActionParsnipnikin: not something i've explored, i set EN-GB language and leave it, you could try locale-purge maybe...22:46
[wito]In fact; I've saved a system more than once by ssh-ing in from a different computer22:46
[wito]on the same desk...22:46
mkanyicy!VirtualBox | Moroni22:46
ubottuMoroni: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:46
JNEKi need some very specific help and i'm not very dextrous with the language of terminal at all, but i'm trying to boot linux from a usb and have installed rEFIt on my macbook. it still says "Non-System Disk" when i boot from Legacy OS or the actual USB drive by holding down the alt key22:46
Bushmanweird... when the BT dongle dies my GIMP quits without saving for some reason when i doubleclick with touchpad (cause BT mouse is down at the time)22:46
Moronimkanyic:  thanks!22:46
hairydanglerI am having trouble with wicd I can't obtain an IP address. It is the same situation in konsole.22:46
Bushmangot some errors when run from terminal http://bushman.pastebin.com/7vZa9xEA22:46
bullgard4mkanyicy: I did "sudo grub-install --recheck --root-directory= this /dev/sda". Now I obtain: "GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu5. Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. And a prompt "grub> _" appears. Before I had the old Grub. How to proceed?22:46
ActionParsnipJNEK: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the USB?22:46
[wito]ActionParsnip: Wait, what?22:47
[wito]People actually do that? ;)22:47
ActionParsnip[wito]: Yes or they may get issues caused by bad image22:47
JNEKno i did not. if i were to try and do that i would need some sort of guidance as well. maybe i shouldnt be trying any of this but i'm not very good at it and have primarily been relying on official documentation from ubuntu sight22:47
polarisHello guys, Question, has anybody had a problem on randomly disconnecting from the wireless connection ?22:47
polarisi got a d-link wireless usb pen, and ubuntu 922:48
ActionParsnipJNEK: then how did you know the image was healthy and complete!?22:48
mkanyicybullgard4, i didn't know you had an old grub22:48
JNEKwell i assumed it would be by following the directions very precisely22:48
[wito]ActionParsnip: His spidey sense didn't tingle when he made the USB stick. :p22:48
nikinbullgard4: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub.html maybe here you can find a solution22:48
JNEKit was on a Sandisk cruzer 8 GB btw22:48
[wito]JNEK: That really kind of doesn't matter22:49
[wito]what might be more interesting is: What model MacBook is it?22:49
ActionParsnip[wito]: its just smart to do, so you know it is good, bad iso will make a bad install22:49
nikinbullgard4: Super Grub Disk looks like a sollution22:50
JNEKI know it's Mactel, i got it in the summer, 13 inch 4 gb ram22:50
[wito]ActionParsnip: I know, I know. I'm just poking fun at JNEK over here.22:50
nit-witbullgard4, so you have intalled grub2 when you had grub-legaccy correct?22:50
[wito]JNEK: What you might want to do is keep Mac OS X on there and run Ubuntu in a virtual machine.22:50
bullgard4nit-wit: Yes, that is my problem.22:50
nit-witbullgard4, your still in the OS?22:50
JNEKi'm trying to dual boot anyway, i've set up a new partition with boot camp22:51
bullgard4nit-wit: Yes, I think so.22:51
[wito]*Technically* installing Linux on the machine directly should work find, but in practice; ...22:51
ActionParsnip!MD5 | JNEK22:51
ubottuJNEK: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:51
bindiUbuntu 10.04, laptop lid needs to be closed twice in order for it to hibernate.... Anyone?!22:51
nit-witbullgard4, your booted into a Ubuntu what grub do you want?22:51
bullgard4nit-wit: I'd prefer grub-legacy.22:52
YankDownUnderbindi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146916722:52
nit-witbullgard4, your in a installed Ubuntu or on a live cd?22:52
surtHello! I am having trouble mounting an external NTFS hard drive. It's a basic issue. When I use USB the device automounts and works flawlessly. When I use eSATA I receive the error: You are not privileged to mount the volume XXX. When I have thunar open as ROOT, it automounts. Can someone tell me how to get this working for all users please?22:52
bullgard4nit-wit: At this moment I am in the installed Maverick.22:53
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  Thank you sir. That was greatly appreciated. I just got the printer setup about a week ago and a guy in here just sent me the commands to enter not the link to the documentation so i had no way to save it and when i had to do a clean reinstall I saved the actual packages but couldnt get them all to install. Everything is Working famously now and the link has been saved for future reference. Thank you again.22:53
bindiYankDownUnder: uh those people seem to have it not working at all22:53
YankDownUnderbindi, Have you read the entire thread?22:53
bindion it22:53
nit-witbullgard4, in the terminal run sudo apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common the run sudo apt-get install grub   to get the legacy grub back22:54
kheerCiao a TuTtI su #ubuntu da kheer22:54
kheerin mysql in time is 1.00:45:1222:54
bindiYankDownUnder: ehm.. i dont have problems like those people do22:54
kheer1.00 <---what is this?22:54
bindiYankDownUnder: everything works fine, just that you need to close the lid twice so it hibernates..22:55
YankDownUnderbindi, The idea is to search the forums - there ARE answers there. Just a matter of reading carefully.22:55
brandon420who uses rtorrent alot?!22:55
ActionParsnipchaos2358: NP BRO, I like those Canon drivers (when they exist) as you can give huge commands like that and let them rip :)22:55
bindiYankDownUnder: well clearly i'm not good at this, surely you can give me a hand22:55
smwbrandon420, me22:55
kheeri'm not understand22:55
smwbrandon420, is there a good reason to pm me?22:55
ActionParsnipkheer: 1 day as far as I can tell22:56
kheerTIME 1.00:45:1322:56
JNEKActionParsnip, what do I look for when/after i do MD522:56
bullgard4nit-wit: It responds: "error: unknown command 'sudo'.22:56
brandon420smw, i dont wanna spam this, i just need to ask you a question, lol.22:56
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  what i dont understand is why the US canon website doesnt have linux drivers22:56
ActionParsnipJNEK: is the MD5 the same?22:56
smwbrandon420, spam away, this is a support channel22:56
kheerActionParsnip: 1 day?22:56
YankDownUnderbindi, I've never had your issues, however, when I *do* have issues, I start with the forums first and foremost - then everywhere else if I can't resolve the issue.22:56
ActionParsnipchaos2358: i just search for 'canon' then click support, then search...22:56
kheerand 45 what is this?22:56
bindiYankDownUnder: i did try google :-)22:56
nit-witbullgard4, are you in root already, sudo is the standard super user prompt22:56
smwbrandon420, if you have a good reason not to speak here, pm me ;-)22:56
ActionParsnipkheer: 45 mins maybe, i'm not 100% sure22:57
chaos2358ActionParsnip,  Ok thats probably where i screwed up. I went to the Cannon website and then searched drivers22:57
kheerActionParsnip but the hour ?22:57
brandon420smw, to make rtorrent watch a directory, i would change chedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=./watch/*.torrent to      chedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start= ~/Downloads/*.torrent          right?22:57
brandon420o/ ActionParsnip22:57
JNEKActionParsnip, do you mean the ISO md5 and the .img md5?22:57
bullgard4nit-wit: I don't know. How to test this? (I am on the 'grub> _' prompt.22:57
ActionParsnipbrandon420: howdy22:58
kheer45 are the minuts but the hour ?22:58
nit-witbullgard4, so your not at a booted desktop =the install22:58
smwbrandon420, not sure ~ will work22:58
ActionParsnipkheer: 45 mnutes is just under 2 days, think about it....22:58
brandon420smw, just use /Downloads/22:58
surtHello! I am having trouble mounting an external NTFS hard drive. It's a basic issue. When I use USB the device automounts and works flawlessly. When I use eSATA I receive the error: You are not privileged to mount the volume XXX. When I have thunar open as ROOT, it automounts. Can someone tell me how to get this working for all users please?22:58
smwbrandon420, I would put the full path if that does not work22:58
smwbrandon420, no22:58
brandon420smw, gotcha   =)22:58
ActionParsnipsurt: you mount the partition, not the drive22:58
smwbrandon420, /home/youruser/Downloads22:58
mkanyicynit-wit, bullgard4 had grub legacy and after trying to recover, he ended up with grub2 which still doesnt work22:59
bullgard4nit-wit: I am in a virtuel console.22:59
nit-witbullgard4, I didn't look back far enough to see the grub prompt thanks mkanyicy22:59
smwbrandon420, ~ may work, but I do not think so.22:59
surtActionParsnip: Yeah, OK, the grammar is wrong but the problem is still there.22:59
smwActionParsnip, I think I found the problem. fdisk -l "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary"23:00
roger21yo, smbody knows a repository having intrepid again ?23:00
nit-witbullgard4, the supergrub may be the easiest fix, if you can boot the install you can run the commands I posted, otherwise you will have to chroot in to do it.23:00
nit-witbullgard4, chroot from a live cd23:01
mkanyicybullgard4, i dont think going back to grub legacy at this stage is trivial, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129893223:01
genii-aroundroger21: Change url beginning to old-releases in sources.list23:01
brandon420smw, (18:01:33) Could not read resource file: ~/.rtorrent.rc23:01
brandon420       ideas?23:01
roger21ok i'll try that23:02
bullgard4nit-wit: What do you mean by "supergrub"? Do you refer to a Live CD having Grub2 on it? I do not have such a CD.23:02
smwbrandon420, maybe there is an error in it?23:02
kheerCiao a TuTtI su #ubuntu da kheer23:02
smwbrandon420, I don't know, I have never gotten that.23:02
nit-witmkanyicy, I like grub2 better myself. Problem here is removing all the grub and putting the wanted one back in.23:02
r000t_laptopHello, I can't connect to, and other computers in my house can.23:02
brandon420smw, can i have a copy of your config? lolol23:02
genii-aroundroger21: eg: archive.ubuntu.com  becomes old-releases.ubuntu.com23:03
r000t_laptopIt responds to ping but won't open in any browser23:03
kheerActionParsnip pardon, i'm not udnerstand23:03
kheerrepeat please23:03
metallicothat hacker has been trying more than 5 user/password combination per second, so that must be some kind of bot23:03
smwbrandon420, no, I don't have a watch dir setup anymore23:03
bullgard4nit-wit: I cannot run the commands you posted because I get the error message: "Unknown command sudo."23:03
smwbrandon420, I have since moved on to usenet :-P23:03
nit-witbullgard4, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/   supergrub2 in the middle.23:03
smwbrandon420, you can get the example one from /usr/share/doc/rtorrent23:04
nit-witbullgard4, those commands wont work at the grub prompt they are to be run from a terminal in the ;live desktop23:04
JNEKActionParsnip, the hashes match so that wasn't the problem. what should i do now?23:04
bullgard4nit-wit: So I will boot from a live CD.23:04
nit-witbullgard4, installed desktop terminal is where the commands work.23:05
ActionParsnipJNEK: not sure, i don't use Apple's garbage, the ISO is good so bad data is not causing the issue. Please remember to MD5 test in future23:05
Shards_of_Narsilany reason ubuntu.com is in chineese?23:05
nit-witbullgard4, the super grub can be run to boot the Ubuntu hopefully in the virtual is it vbox=Oracle23:05
roger21genii-around, hmmm doesn't work23:06
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r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, only the top part is23:06
r000t_laptopAnd it's intentional23:06
bullgard4nit-wit: I do not have a super grub CD.23:06
genii-aroundroger21: Did you issue: sudo apt-get update                   ?23:06
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: the image also has chineese23:07
Shards_of_Narsillike when i boot it up23:07
* Guest8494 slaps FloodBot3 around a bit with a large trout23:07
mkanyicyShards_of_Narsil, Chinese New Year?23:07
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, Does it say Happy new year?23:07
r000t_laptopAlso guys, any reasons why I can't seem to point a browser at
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: the img? i dont have a clue its chineese and i dont speak it23:07
r000t_laptopeven though there is obviously something there?23:07
r000t_laptopIt failsinstantly23:07
surtI am having trouble mounting an external hard drive's NTFS partition. It's a basic issue. When I use USB the device automounts and works flawlessly. When I use eSATA I receive the error: You are not privileged to mount the volume XXX. When I have thunar open as ROOT, it automounts. Can someone tell me how to get this working for all users please?23:07
nit-witbullgard4, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:08
ActionParsnipsurt: what is the output of:  groups23:08
surtActionParsnip:  My username is included in that group.23:09
surtActionParsnip: Do you want the whole list?23:09
ActionParsnipsurt: thats normal, what groups are you in23:09
roger21genii-around, yep i didn't :p thx works fine (you saved a system)23:09
bullgard4nit-wit: I do not have a super grub disk. Do you understand this?23:09
MikeMike1Does anyone know how to get gtkpod mp4v2 on ubuntu studio?23:09
tensorpuddingShards_of_Narsil: where is it that ubuntu.com is in chinese...i don't see it23:09
ActionParsnipsurt: yes, thats why i asked...23:09
noondsf kds;fk23:09
surtActionParsnip: surt adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare23:09
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, Does it look like the image at http://db.tt/vr2Xxe9 ?23:09
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: indeed23:09
Shards_of_Narsilbut im talking about the ISO i dl'd23:10
ActionParsnipMikeMike1: maybe a ppa has it23:10
ActionParsnip!ppa | MikeMike123:10
genii-aroundroger21: Yer welcome! Might want to consider upgrading though...\23:10
ubottuMikeMike1: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.23:10
r000t_laptopDid you click on the image to download it?23:10
nit-witbullgard4, yes can you down load a ISO and use it to boot.23:10
killownhow I do to kill a process that doesn't be killed with kill -9 pid or killall -9 name?23:10
r000t_laptopIf so, you downloaded the china version of ubuntu, just like the image said23:10
nit-witbullgard4, All my virtuals in vbox started with a iso23:10
bullgard4nit-wit: An iso of what?23:10
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ActionParsnipsurt: looks fine, are there any bugs logged?23:10
kheerboy in mysql sql time 1.00:45:13 <-----what is 1.00?23:10
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: my question is, why do i get that page23:11
mkanyicynit-wit, bullgard4, how is that supergrub2 iso different from a livecd?23:11
r000t_laptopWhat do you mean?23:11
jesterI'm trying to boot into single user mode.  When I choose the "recover" entry in the menu, it seems to just ignore my choice and boot as usual and mount everything (including root).  Does the same if I edit the kernel line myself (adding "single") and booting with b.  Anyone knows what's going on there?23:11
ActionParsnipkheer: have you asked in an sql channel?23:11
surtActionParsnip: Not sure what logs to check, or what they'd look like if there was one.23:11
nit-witbullgard4, on this page. grub2 or 1 http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:11
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, They put that up there because it's chineese new year. They are advertising that they have a china version of the OS23:11
mkanyicykheer, how did you get that?23:11
nit-witmkanyicy, same as a cd23:11
kheerin mysql23:11
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: thats some bullshit23:11
kheerSELECT timediff(now(), table.mydate) FROM table23:12
mkanyicynit-wit, bullgard4 has a livecd, i think23:12
ActionParsnipsurt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ - Cached - Similar23:12
tensorpuddingChinese New Year was two days ago23:12
nit-witmkanyicy, as far as booting a virtual.23:12
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, Well it's what they wanted to do. They've had it up there since then. Complain to the webmaster.23:12
ActionParsniptensorpudding: great but its offtopic here23:12
kheerresult 1.00:45:1323:12
Jordan_Ubullgard4: To fully install grub2 from a liveCD (you currently have it installed but have no grub.cfg for a menu) follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide23:12
kheer1.00 <---what is this?23:12
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: luckally the iso has english on it as well23:12
nit-witmkanyicy, can you help them chroot in and run the purge all and reinstall.23:12
r000t_laptopActionParsnip, It's on topic because somebody is having an issue with the Ubuntu website23:12
ActionParsnipkheer: please don't post so frequently, you are asking the same users23:13
tensorpuddingoh hey, i see it now23:13
ActionParsnipr000t_laptop: i see23:13
ActionParsnipmy bad :(23:13
bullgard4mkanyicy: As far as I know on the super grub 2 live CD the grub is ready-made (configured) for installing grub2.23:13
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, What is the name of the ISO you downloaded?23:13
nit-witmkanyicy, I hanen't chrooted much.:)23:13
surtActionParsnip: This isn't a bug. Whatever program is responsible for automounting via eSATA works, it's just restricting which users can do so. I need that changed.23:13
mkanyicynit-wit, me too23:13
kheermkanyicy help23:13
bullgard4Jordan_U: I will try.23:13
r000t_laptopAnybody know why I can't seem to get any browser to look at on this computer?23:13
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: normal... just ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso23:14
nit-witmkanyicy, I have a great link from the Ubuntu forums if you want it.23:14
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, And everything was english until when?23:14
ActionParsnipsurt: then its a bug, if someting isn't working as it should then it is a bug23:14
Shards_of_Narsilno, grub was in chineese et cetera23:14
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, If you got it from http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download-zh You got the china ISO.23:15
dimmortalkheer: 1.00 <---what is this? <<< it's a one.. followed by a decimal and two zeros23:15
ActionParsnip!cookie | dimmortal23:15
ubottudimmortal: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:15
ActionParsnipdimmortal: ;)23:15
kheerbut in the hour why .23:15
nit-witbullgard4, here is a way using gthe chroot that you can purge all the grub and reinstall grub-legacy using a booted Ubuntu cd mkanyicy23:15
nit-witbullgard4, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109923:15
surtActionParsnip: I don't they'll take it seriously. It automounts like it should, but only as root. Which means whoever is responsible for maintaining the software probably won't know where to direct me because it's not their software at fault.23:16
r000t_laptopIs there a command that bot does not have?23:16
ActionParsnipkheer: it might not even be time, that was just my guess23:16
r000t_laptop!100dollarsoverpaypal | r000t_laptop23:16
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: i clicked the download ubuntu image on the front page. it was in english.23:16
surtActionParsnip: If you don't know how to fix it, then just say so.23:16
ActionParsnipsurt: your users should be able to mount partitions23:16
Kyle__With dpkg-reconfigure, how can you get it to use a particular kernel?  In my case i'm trying to recompile a dkms module, but I don't want to the compile the one for the current kernel.23:16
ActionParsnipsurt: i don't know but it is a bug23:16
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, You clicked the big banner or the little button that said Download Ubuntu?23:16
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: the little button23:17
Shards_of_Narsili got this page http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download23:17
ActionParsnipr000t_laptop: you can search at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi23:17
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, And when did it stop being english?23:17
benccdoes the image viewer deliberately blur images?23:17
Shards_of_Narsilwhen i booted the iso23:17
Vampyre_Dudelol whats up23:17
surtActionParsnip: Yes but they can mount partitions, it works as USB. Doesn't that sound like there's probably a configuration file somewhere that just need a quick edit?23:18
Shards_of_Narsilr000t_laptop: ^23:18
ActionParsnipsurt: then there is an issue of permissionss when mounting partitions on the eSATA23:18
Vampyre_Dudeany one here smoke pot23:18
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, I really don't know what's wrong then... seems like you did everything right23:18
thorbj0rnShards_of_Narsil: there is a language prompt that comes up immediately upon booting to the CD.23:18
tensorpudding!ot | Vampyre_Dude23:18
ubottuVampyre_Dude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:18
ActionParsnipsurt: the bug will flow like a forum and you can get fixed, it may be a genuine bug23:18
Shards_of_Narsilthorbj0rn: right, but its weird/retarted23:18
StepNjumpHi guys, I installed Maverick on my Netbook. It's awsome! great job23:18
ActionParsnipsurt: or it may be a config thing as you say23:18
Shards_of_Narsiland grub was in chineese23:19
Vampyre_Dudeohh i c23:19
r000t_laptopShards_of_Narsil, Try getting it from BitTorrent. If it downloads fast it's probably the english version, and if you still have problems, I'll Priority Mail you a working CD23:19
ActionParsnipsurt: it may already be a known bug and yuors will be marked as a duplicate but this is fine too23:19
StepNjumpIs anyone familiar with the make command in bash?23:19
surtActionParsnip: Alright then, I'll lodge a bug. Thanks mate.23:19
r000t_laptopStepNjump, Under normal circumstances all you need to do is type make and then maybe sudo make install23:19
StepNjumpOh hi ActionParsnip23:19
StepNjumplong time no see23:19
StepNjumpyes well I tried this for the first time and I get error messages23:20
MrFrickscan anyone tell me how to turn the passwords in ubuntu?!23:20
MrFricksi hate them!23:20
mkanyicykheer, figured it out?23:20
StepNjumpIn users & groups MrFricks23:21
botcity!ot > botcity23:21
mkanyicyMrFricks, what passwords?23:21
ubottubotcity, please see my private message23:21
MrFricksdoes that turn them off completely for everything?23:21
Jordan_Umkanyicy: Super GRUB2 Disk is only 1.5 meg and the idea is that it allows you to recover your system by letting you actually boot into your installed system, rather than a separate live environment.23:21
r000t_laptopIs there any way I can 1) find the MAC address of my router and 2) point a web browser at the MAC address?23:21
thorbj0rnMrFricks: you want to remove passwords for all users? or are you troubled that you are continually asked to enter a password when you make system changes?23:22
StepNjumpr000t_laptop: if you are looking at your public address, go to whatismyip.com23:22
MrFricksmkanyicy: everytime i wnt to install or deinstall or change anything i have to enter a pssword23:22
StepNjumpThe private IP is usually 192.168.0123:23
StepNjumpMrFricks, that's a good thing23:23
r000t_laptopStepNjump, That's the problem. All the other computers can connect to it's IP but I can't23:23
MrFricksthorbj0rn: i don't want to type in any at all23:23
StepNjumpIt protects you from hackers23:23
mkanyicyMrFricks, what are you using to install, terminal?23:23
rumpe1MrFricks, then use windows :P23:23
StepNjumpIt's a nuisance but it's great against viruses23:23
thorbj0rnMrFricks: it's called security; it is the same thing that stops you from being infected with nasty virii.23:23
kheermkanyicy no i'm not resolved23:23
mkanyicykheer, that should be an hour23:24
StepNjumpIs it set for DHCP or static?23:24
MrFricksthorbj0rn:  i'm not bothered about viruses23:24
StepNjumpMrFricks, just remove the password then23:24
_jayhow do I change my default directory for nautilus? Google is bringing up nada23:24
r000t_laptopStepNjump, All computers are set for DHCP and I've tried with my wireless that has DMZ and I'm currently on ethernet23:24
jrib_jay: default in what sense?23:24
_jayas in, the default for my apps to check first23:25
thorbj0rnMrFricks: from the menu--- System >> Adminstrator >> Users and Groups23:25
StepNjumpr000t_laptop so if you ping your router, do you get a reply?23:25
MrFricksStepNjump: you can't /... it won't let you.. that's what i'm asking for23:25
r000t_laptopStepNjump, It fails instantly on all browsers. I get a "cannot connect" message from the browser before I even let go of the enter key23:25
r000t_laptopStepNjump, Yes I always get a very fast ping reply23:25
_jaylike, file open then the directory23:25
StepNjumpMrFricks, oh sorry. I was under the impression you could. sorry23:25
[wito]Turning off password dialogs is a great idea23:25
[wito]Assuming you are on a whole-disk encrypted machine, not connected to the internet.23:25
slash0megahow can i get ubuntu to recognize plug and play hardware.23:25
StepNjumpYou know some routers are weird23:26
MrFricksStepNjump: i tried but it insists on a pass.. mine's now frickin x23:26
MrFrickshate it23:26
StepNjumpI know I had that problem at one point and never figured it out, even on DMZ23:26
r000t_laptopStepNjump, This computer has been able to to it before for years.... and other computers can still do it23:26
r000t_laptopAll I know is that at one point I set up IPv6 tunneling23:26
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Vampyre_Dudeyo supp23:27
thorbj0rnMrFricks: install windows xp, it is your only hope.23:27
Guest8494How many programs, in general, is incompatible when selinux is enabled?23:27
StepNjumpIs it a dlink per chance?23:27
r000t_laptopStepNjump, Linksys WRT310N23:27
noahhey, anyone on?23:27
slash0megadose anybody here know how to get ubuntu to install plug and play devices23:27
StepNjumpWhat about if you ping a website?23:27
StepNjumpdo you get a reply?23:27
mkanyicyMrFricks, what do you want to disable software on?23:27
Kyle__dpkg-reconfigure help?  Anyone?  Anyone?23:28
StepNjumpor the equivalent of tracert for linux?23:28
mkanyicyMrFricks, i mean password?23:28
josheee12are there any equivalent utilities to visualsvn?  it's been hell to set up svn on ubuntu.23:28
thorbj0rnmkanyicy: he's looking to remove the SUDO password prompt / dialog23:28
r000t_laptopStepNjump, All websites I ping reply quickly. I can also access them23:29
MrFricksmkanyicy: everything.. i don't want to have to enter a password for anything... not to logon not to install not to anything23:29
StepNjumpr000t_laptop maybe you could try to update your firmware but I doubt this will change anything23:29
r000t_laptopMrFricks, Log in as root23:29
noahhey, i just installed some update to ubuntu and when i start it it just shows the ubuntu 10.10 loading screen then jsut goes to a screen with a blinking underscore, any ideas on a fix?23:29
StepNjumpSo what's the problem? Sorry23:29
MrFricksbut my permissions are set to root i thin23:29
r000t_laptopStepNjump, How do I update the firmware if I can't get at the web interface?23:29
cryptodanusing your computer logged in as root is a bad idea23:29
r000t_laptopMrFricks, Just set your password to the space bar23:29
mkanyicyMrFricks, if you login automatically, you might get keyring prompts23:29
r000t_laptopCryonicCore, he wants to not use passwords for anything... I think him running as root isn't a giant security leap for him23:30
StepNjumpOh! you mean you cannot get to your gateway interface?23:30
mkanyicyMrFricks, you can disable password prompts when using 'sudo'23:30
guest__hey i'm having problems with my ubuntu software centre can anyone help me?23:30
r000t_laptopStepNjump, Yeah. Browsers won't load it so I can't get at it. Other computers do, however23:30
MrFricksrOOOt_laptop: how do i do that? and do i always have to do it?23:30
botcityslash0mega: ubuntu supports plug an play anyway! if you have a problem then ask.23:30
mkanyicyMrFricks, open terminal23:30
StepNjumpr000t_laptop well, why don't u just use another computer to do your administrative work ?23:31
MrFricksr000t_laptop: but i still have to press space!23:31
StepNjumpIt's weird though23:31
r000t_laptopMrFricks, You are obviously trolling.23:31
tzaerumh, any random suggestions for a C++ IDE? Eclipse is a bit slowish, whilest CodeLite would need updated ubuntu (something I don't feel to do quite yet) and Geany has useless project management.23:31
StepNjumptrolling.. you must be uk23:31
r000t_laptopSerious... you want no passwords for anything.... and there really isn't any reason why23:31
mkanyicyMrFricks, then run 'sudo visudo' and search for the line that starts with '%admin' and then make sure it is now like '%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'23:31
StepNjumpHere is my error I get when I do a make r000t_laptop23:31
StepNjump/home/meadow/Downloads/kcheckers-0.8.1$ sudo make install kcheckers.pro23:31
StepNjumpg++ -c -pipe -g -Wall -W -O2 -D_REENTRANT  -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I/usr/include/qt3 -o pdn.o pdn.cc23:31
StepNjumppdn.cc:22: fatal error: QFile: No such file or directory23:31
StepNjumpcompilation terminated.23:31
FloodBot3StepNjump: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
StepNjumpmake: *** [pdn.o] Error 123:31
r000t_laptopStepNjump, uk = ?23:31
mkanyicyMrFricks, save and quit23:31
r000t_laptopStepNjump, Did you ./configure?23:32
MrFricksr000t_laptop: i like when using a comp for it to just flow.. not be stopped at every corner23:32
StepNjumpr000t_aptop what is ./configure23:32
StepNjumpI'm afraid I'm new to linux23:32
r000t_laptopMrFricks, Do this to log in as root, open a terminal, type in sudo passwd root23:32
guest__My Ubuntu Software Centre is having dependency issues that i have no idea how to fix it just keeps saying click repair and then it fails any help?23:32
r000t_laptopthen set a very small password23:32
r000t_laptopthen log into it when you logon23:32
r000t_laptopyou only have to enter the password to log on. I'm not sure about keyrings though23:33
mkanyicyStepNjump, look at line 22 of pdn.cc, paste it here23:33
r000t_laptopThough it MIGHT be possible to set an empty password23:33
MrFricksr000t_laptop: ok i'll try23:33
MrFricksr000t_laptop: `i tried to set an empty one23:33
thorbj0rnMrDudle: try mkanyicy's method first, it might get you better results than simply logging in as root.23:33
slash0megabotcity: strange, it wont detect my blue-tooth dongle...23:33
StepNjumpmkanyicy where is the pdn.cc file located?23:33
MikeMike1does anyone know how to put videos on your ipod using linux?23:34
StepNjumpSorry for being so green23:34
thorbj0rnMrFricks: ^^ was accidentally tagged to MrDudle23:34
guest__My Ubuntu Software Centre is having dependency issues that i have no idea how to fix it just keeps saying click repair and then it fails any help?23:34
Jordan_Uguest__: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install?23:34
guest__yeah jordan_U one sec23:35
StepNjumpmkanyicy even whereis pdn.cc doesn't work23:35
mkanyicyStepNjump, what are you trying to do?23:36
[wito]so I'm looking at this program called wipe23:36
botcityslash0mega: bluetooth dongle what make?23:36
mkanyicyStepNjump, try this first 'qmake'23:36
[wito]if you're bored, have a look at it's man page; it's a right laugh.23:36
guest__ok i did it on paste bin now just copy and paste in here?23:36
mkanyicyStepNjump, and then 'make' and then 'sudo make install'23:36
slash0megabotcity: dont know, it was a 1.50$ one off ebay, but i did get it to work in windows23:36
[wito]guest__: just the URL, mind you23:37
bullgard4Jordan_U: '~$ sudo mount -bind /dev /mnt/dev' obtains: "mount: invalid option -- 'b'." What is the correct command?23:37
guest__ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/563216/23:37
MrFricksmkanyicy: admin is all but don't see the password thing. do i need to add that?23:37
Jordan_Ubullgard4: --bind (two '-'s).23:37
Guest8494Will my dick grow noticeable if i install ubuntu?23:37
r000t_laptopWTF?! Other Ubuntu machines are also having problems connecting to
mkanyicyMrFricks, yes of course23:37
StepNjumpmkanyicy I don't even have a directory under usr/bin23:37
StepNjumpI did the make23:38
Nach0zr000t_laptop: My computer connects to perfectly well23:38
StepNjumpThat seems to have completed without error23:38
mkanyicyStepNjump, did you do 'qmake' before 'make'23:38
r000t_laptopThen I'm going to try bouncing the power on the router23:38
bullgard4Jordan_U: Two of '-' were accepted.23:38
[wito]Guest8494: I'm guessing that for you, any growth would be quite noticeable, so yeah, probably.23:38
mkanyicyStepNjump, ok then23:38
mkanyicyStepNjump, everything ok?23:38
MrFricksmkanyicy: then what?23:39
mkanyicyMrFricks, save and close23:39
StepNjumpmkanyicy: /home/meadow/Downloads/kcheckers-0.8.1$ sudo make install kcheckers.pro23:40
StepNjumpg++ -c -pipe -g -Wall -W -O2 -D_REENTRANT  -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I/usr/include/qt3 -o pdn.o pdn.cc23:40
StepNjumppdn.cc:22: fatal error: QFile: No such file or directory23:40
StepNjumpcompilation terminated.23:40
StepNjumpmake: *** [pdn.o] Error 123:40
FloodBot3StepNjump: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
MrFricksmkanyicy: how do you save?23:40
mkanyicyMrDudle, are you on 'vim' or 'nano'?23:40
mkanyicyMrFricks, ^^^23:40
slash0megais there any way to change wubi duel boot settings, like the time limit and which boot is default23:40
MrFricksmkanyicy: nano23:41
mkanyicyStepNjump, this is a Qt project23:41
mkanyicyStepNjump, you should not do that23:41
mkanyicyMrFricks, ok, its Ctrl+O  and then ENTER and then Ctrl+X23:41
thorbj0rnMrFricks: CTRL-X to close, will prompt to save23:42
=== Moroni is now known as UberNewbie
guest__any luck finding my problem?23:42
mkanyicyStepNjump, you first run 'qmake'23:42
StepNjumpmkanyicy: sorry I thought I was just posting one line ooops.. The copy didn't work. http://paste.ubuntu.com/563218/23:43
codichuloanyone know how to fix the "desktop effects could not be enabled" on 10.10 with builtin Intel graphics?23:43
MrFricksmkanyicy: i'll go now and see if to works.... thankyou :)23:43
jcollierdavisI'm trying to connect to several irc from my lan. Always get a"banned" message23:43
mkanyicyMrFricks, no prob23:44
mkanyicyStepNjump, your Makefile has can be only written by root, i assume,23:44
StepNjumpr000t_laptop: any success?23:44
StepNjumpI think I'm root23:44
mkanyicyStepNjump, since you ran sudo make install, now stick to the sudo, so, try 'sudo qmake'23:44
guest__can someone help me find my problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563216/23:44
StepNjumpmkanyicy this sudo qmake didn't work either. let me try again23:45
hilarie!curserhelp me23:45
mkanyicyStepNjump, not you aren't root23:45
codichuloanyone know how to fix the "desktop effects could not be enabled" on 10.10 with builtin Intel graphics?23:46
StepNjumpmkanyicy oops might have worked23:46
hilarieOkay, Halp, my curser just turned into a straight line,23:46
dewwguest__: did you see this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/broken-apt-get-227042/23:46
thorbj0rncodichulo: have you checked the " System > Administrator > Additional Drivers " to see if there are 3D drivers available for your chipset?\23:46
StepNjumpMkanyicy it asked for my root password and then it went back to the prompt $23:46
mkanyicyStepNjump, now proceed, 'sudo make' and then 'sudo make install'23:46
hilarieMouse preferences reveals nothing to me23:46
guest__no i didn't but i'll check it out thank you23:46
StepNjumpOk let me check my friend. tnx23:46
codichulothorbj0rn: nothing shows in the list23:46
thorbj0rncodichulo: compiz ( desktop effects ) requires a hardware 3D acceleration.23:47
StepNjumpmkanyicy: here's now what it echos back after I do sudo make install: make: Nothing to be done for `kcheckers.pro'23:47
hilarielets see if reboot fixes it, brb23:47
codichulothorbj0rn: newb here. laymens terms23:48
mkanyicyStepNjump, paste here the exact command that you ran23:49
leapy0yoxchat does not have ident built in like mirc does, have any of you configured ident for ubuntu?23:49
leapy0yois it automatic or can it be23:49
leapy0yoand secured too23:49
bullgard4Jordan_U: I did 'sudo apt-get install grub-pc'. I am now in a light-blue ncurses window called 'Package configuration'. and the headline »Configure grub-pc«. It shows a 'Linux command line' which is empty. What should I put in this 'Linux command line'?23:49
botcityslash0mega:  (Wubi) allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu from within Microsoft Windows . you will have to look into dual booting for any other configuration23:49
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Leave it empty.23:49
lexvegasAnyone have any ideas as to why plymouth would not show the boot splash on either of my dell computers? One is an Inspiron 1545 and the other is an Inspiron 530s Desktop. Two different years, one is 32 bit, the other is 64, but neither show the boot splash. Both are integrated intel graphics. The shutdown splash works fine on both. Any ideas?23:49
=== haku is now known as Guest13537
thorbj0rncodichulo: your onboard graphics chip can't handle the 3D.23:50
malebogiaActionParsnip:No it goes like this :http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=17ae60160895871ecec1401e922deb731e5ff18e although the driver vompiles normally. You can't see it in the report. What's more, after unning alsaconf I get: No supported PnP or PCI card found.   Would you like to probe legacy ISA sound cards/chips?23:50
psusileapy0yo, no... ident is a pointless relic from the age of mainframes... I'm surprised there are still irc servers trying to use it23:50
StepNjumpmkanyicy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563225/23:50
codichulothorbj0rn: so i'm SOL ?23:50
mkanyicycodichulo, try compiz-check script, http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check23:51
Guest13537тут кто-то по-русски говорит?23:51
thorbj0rncodichulo: with your current hardware, yes. that doesn't stop you from adding a proper graphics card.23:51
slash0megabotcity: i am talking about the duel boot thing that came with wubi, so i dont know how to set up any other duel boot software23:51
UberNewbieCan anyone tell me how to make a dual boot configuration without trashing my host OS?  I want to install ubuntu in another partition or a USB device23:51
Helbomi just installed a fresh copy of 10.10 and check install updates while installing23:52
botcityslash0mega: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi23:52
Helbomis there any need for me to do anything in the terminal then?23:52
mkanyicyStepNjump, just like i thought23:52
mkanyicyStepNjump, don't put the .pro file with make23:52
Helbomsomeone told me i should use update then upgrade23:52
StepNjumpmkanyicy: what does it mean?\23:52
psusiUberNewbie, then chose the side by side option when installing23:52
mkanyicyStepNjump, 'sudo make'23:52
mkanyicyStepNjump, exactly like that23:52
StepNjumpsudo make and that's it? or it has to be followed by the file name?23:53
mkanyicyStepNjump, and then 'sudo make install'23:53
StepNjumpwithout the extension?23:53
mkanyicyStepNjump, exactly like that23:53
Jordan_UUberNewbie: It's fairly straightforward if you just follow the directions during install.23:53
StepNjumplet me see23:53
guest__ok that link helped thanks alot guys23:53
BlueBomber7!enter | StepNjump23:53
ubottuStepNjump: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:53
UberNewbiepsusi:  and Jordan_U:  I didn't see that option when I was installing it in a VB23:54
Jordan_UUberNewbie: VB?23:54
psusiUberNewbie, probably because you didn't have anything to install beside.23:54
botcityslash0mega: also this may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:54
yahooruhi all23:54
UberNewbieJordan_U:  VirtualBox23:54
Jordan_UUberNewbie: If you don't have an already installed OS then you won't see any option to install beside your already installed OS :)23:54
codichulocool. thanx thorbj0rn & mkanyicy23:55
StepNjumpguys I don't use the enter as a punctuation. Sorry if all my ideas don't come to me right away. I will try to be less naughty in the future23:55
StepNjumpmkanyicy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563227/23:55
slash0megabotcity: about the duel boot. so if i want to change the setting, i have to change the windows boot loader right?23:55
H3r0can someone help me?I don't know why the ppa of wine isn't update to the newest version23:56
LcawteI'm running ntp.d to manage my time... but it keeps falling 10 minutes out of sync.. (I've ntpdated to check it a few times).... my config... http://pastebin.com/c7Bb6832 (etc/ntp.conf23:56
UberNewbieI see.  So can I force the side by side install somehow if I boot into Ubuntu from a DVD23:56
Jordan_UUberNewbie: What do you mean by "force"?23:56
UberNewbieJordan_U:  are there any special instructions that I don't know about that would allow me to do what I want?23:57
[wito]So I have full-disk encryption set up on my rig; no biggie, installer does it for me.23:57
bullgard4Jordan_U: The ncurses window »Configure grub-pc« asks me now: "Select which devices you'd like grub-install to be automatically run for." I do not understand the English verb "to run for". It offers to select as »GRUB install devices« i.) /dev/sda and/or /dev/sda6 (my Linux root partition). Which one(s) should I select?23:57
H3r0can someone help me?I don't know why the ppa of wine isn't update to the newest version23:58
LcawteAny ideas?23:58
[wito]question is: I have a couple of companion USB sticks for this box; how would I go about setting them up with a similar scheme?23:58
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Only /dev/sda23:58
root__how ican remove erorr 132 on backtrack4 r223:58
botcityslash0mega:  i have never used wubi but that appears to be the case from the text in the doc i sent you ..23:58
[wito]As in, they are encrypted, but as I go to mount; they are automatically decrypted on the fly as extensions of the full disk encryption thing I've got going.23:59
slash0megabotcity: i see. anyhow, i am off to trouble shoot. thank you so much for the links and help23:59
DasEiH3r0: wine 1.2.2 I've got here23:59
root__about backtrack 423:59
hobbesIs there a way with unetbootin or other methods of making bootable flash drives, where I can download the ISO directly to the flash drive?23:59
Jordan_Ubullgard4: The english phrase effectively means that the grub-pc packaging will do: for device in $selected_install_devices; do grub-install $device; done23:59
frotzedhello all23:59

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