scorp007 | lifeless, which command would I need to look at? rebase doesn't seem to have this feature. | 00:42 |
gthorslund | scorp007: I think lifeless was referring to | 01:00 |
* gthorslund zZz afk | 01:01 | |
scorp007 | yes but that plugin essentially provides the rebase command. And as I said earlier, rebase doesn't seem to support reordering. | 01:17 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-zzz | ||
AfC | Is there a reason why "bzr-builddeb 2.6" in only in the Bazaar PPA for juanty,karmic,lucid? | 09:11 |
AfC | as far as I can tell, 2.2.0 is what's in Maverick. Should I be [trying to] use something newer? | 09:11 |
taylanub | undocumented features FTL. on the haunt for the bug that causes bzr to hang in the case the log file is a symlink, i found out that a BZR_LOG env var is supported. no mention of that in the manpage even though there's a section mentioning other BZR_* environment variables | 10:31 |
taylanub | hrmm, really weird; the bug seems fixed, even though i'm still on the same bzr version. same python version too... | 10:47 |
taylanub | anyway, /me exports BZR_LOG=/dev/null in etc/sh/profile | 10:50 |
fullermd | I've got .bzr.log symlinked to /dev/null in one or two places... | 10:51 |
maxb | AfC: bzr-builddeb 2.6 is in maverick itself. there's no need for a newer version in the PPA | 11:32 |
AfC | maxb: uh | 11:32 |
AfC | maxb: $ bzr plugins | 11:33 |
AfC | builddeb 2.2.0 | 11:33 |
AfC | ? | 11:33 |
AfC | ah | 11:33 |
AfC | $ dpkg -l | grep builddeb | 11:33 |
AfC | 2.6ubuntu0.1 | 11:33 |
AfC | ok | 11:33 |
AfC | I get it now | 11:33 |
AfC | (someone needs a kick) | 11:33 |
* AfC goes away happy in the certain knowledge that he has a properly up to date version | 11:34 | |
AfC | maxb: thanks | 11:38 |
sobersabre | hi. | 12:24 |
sobersabre | Is it possible to branch a subdir of branch root ? | 12:25 |
sobersabre | i.e. I have a dir /proj, which has .bzr dir. I Want to branch its subdir, /proj/module1 | 12:25 |
inada-n_ | | 16:17 |
inada-n_ | I can't recieve this mail by gmail. | 16:18 |
inada-n_ | IWATA-san too. | 16:18 |
inada-n_ | Anyone can recieve it? | 16:19 |
mgz | didn't go to <> so I wouldn't be getting it anyway, sorry. | 16:21 |
=== Ursinha-zzz is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
mathrick | hiya, is there any way to use the python bundled with standalone Windows installer as python? | 17:07 |
mathrick | that is, I need to install dulwich to be able to use bzr-git, and for that I need python to invoke | 17:08 |
treaves | Would someone point me to where I can find options for the bazaar.conf file? | 17:11 |
treaves | Specifically, I'm trying to find the setting to keep Bazaar from creating backup copies. | 17:13 |
mathrick | treaves: | 17:13 |
mathrick | tpp | 17:13 |
mathrick | *too | 17:13 |
mathrick | treaves: backup copies of what? | 17:14 |
treaves | Of anything. | 17:14 |
mathrick | you'll have to elaborate with some examples | 17:14 |
treaves | It creates files & directories that are backup copies. And it tells you it is doing it too. | 17:15 |
treaves | These have tilda's in the name. | 17:15 |
treaves | SomeDeletedFile.~1~ | 17:15 |
mgz | mathrick: if you want to do clever things, you're better off installing python seperately and then using the windows installer for bazaar-on-your-python-version not the all-in-one bundle | 17:20 |
mathrick | mgz: yeah, I might need to do that | 17:25 |
moebiuspersona | Hey, I have a quick question. | 18:34 |
moebiuspersona | Can I set a different private key file for Bazaar? | 18:34 |
lifeless | ssh key? | 18:35 |
moebiuspersona | Aye. | 18:35 |
lifeless | it just calls into ssh | 18:35 |
moebiuspersona | So it has to be my default SSH key? | 18:35 |
lifeless | so if you put the public key you want on the server you're connecting to, and add the private key file to your ssh agent, you should be set. | 18:35 |
moebiuspersona | I just use openssh and specify different keys for different servers with -i. | 18:36 |
moebiuspersona | I'll just do the easy thing and make my Bazaar key my default key, then use the other key explicitly. | 18:38 |
lifeless | its generally controlled by the server | 18:49 |
lifeless | all you need to do is add all the keys you want to your agent | 18:49 |
lifeless | I wonder if openssh has an environment variable equivalent to -i | 18:49 |
mathrick | moebiuspersona: that's odd, it should just ask for the proper key | 18:59 |
moebiuspersona | It's probably because I'm not using ssh-agent or anything. | 19:00 |
moebiuspersona | It's not a major thing, anyway. I just renamed my private key files. | 19:00 |
lifeless | you could cat them together | 19:04 |
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