
ScottKkubuntu.org congratulations for Debian is up.00:57
DaskreechScottK: had to read that twice01:43
Daskreechnixternal: http://swns.com/car-ends-up-on-its-nose-following-snow-crash-031200.html01:43
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
c2tarunQuintasan: ping02:07
valorielooks good, ScottK02:43
highvoltagehttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/debian-releases-debian-60-squeeze - nice :)03:02
shadeslayerScottK: a screenshot from their site would have been nice :)06:07
macoshadeslayer: he did it while at a party at my place in as short time as possible so as not to be anti-social06:07
shadeslayerah 06:08
ScottKshadeslayer: If you'd saved the password you could fix that.06:14
CIA-40[summit] ilic * 1219090 * trunk/ (33 files in 16 dirs) Summit gather.08:32
shadeslayerScottK: yeah ...10:29
c2taruncan anyone help me in changing the packaging format from 1.0(quilt) to 3.0(quilt)10:33
Quintasanc2tarun: go to debian/10:39
Quintasanmkdir sourc10:39
Quintasanmkdir source*10:39
Quintasancd source10:39
c2tarunQuintasan: ya i did all that. 10:39
Quintasancat "3.0 (quilt) > format10:39
Quintasanand you're done10:39
c2tarunQuintasan: did, the problem is while editing rules10:39
Quintasanwhat is the problem?10:41
c2tarunQuintasan: manual says that we should remove all the lines related to quilt from rules file. 10:41
Quintasanyeah, and?10:41
c2tarunthen i removed the last line and got errors let me show u the files10:41
c2tarunQuintasan: here is the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/563358/10:42
QuintasanWhy did you remove last line?10:42
c2tarunQuintasan: here is the error, I read the tutorial and asked on #ubuntu-motu then and a motu member told me to remove the last line10:43
c2tarunQuintasan: what happened? :(10:44
Quintasanthis line is building the package10:44
Quintasanif you remove it debhelper will think there is nothing to do with the source at all10:44
Quintasandon't remove it10:44
c2tarunQuintasan: actually I don't know anything about writing the rules file.10:44
tsimpsonrules files are just Makefiles10:45
c2taruntsimpson: so what we write in rules file is simply executed on the terminal like in makefile10:46
Quintasanc2tarun: yes10:46
tsimpsonit's executed as a makefile, yes10:46
Quintasanc2tarun: man debhelper10:46
tsimpson(it's not a shell script though)10:46
c2tarunthen what about removing the quilt line from rules file? and is it worth it to convert the package format from 1.0 to 3.010:47
tsimpsonthat line isn't a "quilt line" in that instance10:48
c2tarunok sorry, i gotta go, i'll be right back :( very sorry10:48
tsimpsonthat just tells debhelper to use the rules provided by the "quilt" extension to build the package10:48
yofelc2tarun: you should remove the '--with quilt' - nothing more10:55
c2tarunu guys there ?10:58
=== fosdemlogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - The Friendliest Community on Earth | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
shadeslayerfosdemlogger: if you happen to meet Jelmer, give him a beer from our side11:10
fosdemloggerno idea what he looks like though11:10
Quintasangood idea11:11
yofelc2tarun: hm?11:13
=== tarun is now known as Guest97746
tazzping shadeslayer 11:23
shadeslayertazz: pongly11:27
fosdemloggerwhy does my silly widget have a frame11:38
tazzwoha! fosdemlogger talkes. I thought it must be some fosdem logger bot.11:40
valoriehow's the hangover, fosdemlogger?11:43
tazzvalorie, the taglib problem while compiling amarok has gone away!11:45
valoriethey upgraded taglib I believe11:46
valoriebut OMG it is almost 4am11:46
valorieI should go to bed11:46
tazzvalorie, yes and i am facing a new problem with a package that does not exist in kubuntu.11:47
tazzvalorie, goodnight!11:47
yofeltazz: what kind?11:48
tazzyofel, qtscriptgenerator11:48
tazzyofel, the package does not list its dependencies and does not compile in kubuntu 10.1011:49
yofeloh, that one... wich version are you doing?11:49
yofelwell, run sudo apt-get build-dep qtscript-tools first, that'll give you the build-deps of the package we have11:50
tazzyofel, the latest one available at http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/11:50
yofelhm.. that's still 1.011:50
yofelQuintasan: ping11:50
tazzyofel, i already have all the build-deps for qtscript-tools.11:51
yofelah, just wondering since we already have qtscriptgenerator 1.011:51
Quintasanyofel: pong11:52
yofelQuintasan: do you need a snapshot or what?11:52
Quintasanimplying it works11:52
yofelwell, the qtscriptgenerator source package we have claims it's from http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/11:53
tazzyofel, qtscriptgenerator-src-0.1.0.tar.gz 11:54
tazzits 0.1.011:54
yofelyeah, and we have 0.1.0-3ubuntu311:54
yofelsee apt-cache showsrc qtscriptgenerator11:55
yofelor rather rmadison qtscriptgenerator11:55
tazzyofel, ok11:55
yofelQuintasan: soo, what was the issue again?11:56
tazzoh yay that means i can compile amarok here... :D11:57
Quintasanyofel: The issue was that it wasnt detected by amarok build process11:58
Quintasandunno why11:58
* yofel tries11:58
fosdemloggervalorie: better :)12:28
fosdemloggershadeslayer, Quintasan: if you could tell him to find me that would work :P12:28
c2tarunare there any packages in KDE up for adoption?12:32
fosdemlogger!find sudo dd bs=4096 if=<raw_image> of=/dev/sdX12:57
ubottudd is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable12:57
fosdemloggerdarn you klipper!12:58
fosdemlogger!find polkit.h12:58
ubottuFile polkit.h found in libgksu-polkit-dev, libpolkit-gobject-1-dev12:58
shadeslayeryofel: so jelmer says that the bug should be fixed13:02
shadeslayerthe out of memory one13:03
yofelwell, it is, you're probably just having a too large branch13:04
yofelas all other ones work fine13:04
fosdemloggershadeslayer: when do I get beer from him?13:05
c2tarunthis error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563393/ It means that there is something wrong with the source code rigth?13:05
shadeslayerfosdemlogger: he is on #launchpad13:06
shadeslayerfosdemlogger: you get beer for him13:07
shadeslayeryou don't get beer from him :P13:07
fosdemloggerare you insane????13:07
c2tarunfosdemlogger: so what should I do? send this pastebin to upstream and request for some fix?13:07
shadeslayeryofel: hmm ... requested more info from him....13:08
fosdemloggershadeslayer: tell him to find me and we shall get beer for both of us :P13:08
shadeslayerhahah :P13:08
fosdemloggermeego done13:08
* fosdemlogger reboots fon13:08
shadeslayerfosdemlogger: does it work?13:09
fosdemloggerhow would I know13:09
fosdemloggerI am fedora developer, not meego13:09
fosdemloggergreat my dd was b0rked13:11
=== tarun is now known as Guest92560
shadeslayertazz: how is the ruby packaging going?13:13
tazzshadeslayer, paused.. the .deb package is ready but gpg key is messing up...13:14
tazzshadeslayer, so appart from the key i thing, i think the packaging was done.13:17
fosdemloggerdd if=/dev/null of=/dev/shadeslayer13:17
shadeslayerfosdemlogger: Permission Denied13:18
fosdemloggerdd is scaryapp(tm)13:18
* fosdemlogger whether not his dding was screwed up but the meego snapshot is the broken13:18
fosdemloggerthe meego snapshot is busted13:24
fosdemloggerscrew it13:24
* fosdemlogger conducts a search for beer13:25
nigelbhello fosdemlogger 13:26
c2tarunhi folks, is there any pacakging task pending today? I was looking for them here: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html  but most of them don't compile :(13:31
fosdemloggershadeslayer: I think jelmer does not want any beer...13:54
fosdemloggernigelb: ahoy ahoy13:54
nigelbfosdemlogger: how goes fosdem?13:54
fosdemloggernigelb: loads and loads of people13:56
fosdemloggeralso I am falling asleep while typing as I was hacking on vlc stuff all night ^^13:56
fosdemloggerNightrose has a talk about fishing coming up13:56
fosdemloggerI did not know she was into fishing actually13:57
fosdemloggershould proof interesting13:57
freeflyingkdepim in natty alpha2 works?14:13
freeflyingI meant kmail's imap support14:13
shadeslayerfreeflying: you mean the PIM from experimental?14:15
shadeslayerthe one with akonadi goodness14:15
shadeslayermaemologger: find a mike and tell people about Neon14:17
shadeslayertell them we have b0rkage for them to test14:17
freeflyingshadeslayer: from natty14:19
shadeslayerfreeflying: 4.5.10 i guess ... should work14:20
freeflying  Candidate: 4:4.4.10-0ubuntu114:20
shadeslayerPIM and their Versioning14:23
shadeslayerfreeflying: that should work, yes14:23
freeflyingshadeslayer: you mean the one still in experimental ppa works?14:25
shadeslayerfreeflying:  nope ... it might/might not work14:25
shadeslayer4.4.10 should work 14:25
freeflyingshadeslayer: it doesn't here :)14:25
shadeslayerwhat's the problem? :)14:26
freeflyingshadeslayer: didn't dig in, after set up account, it can't get any info from server, like folders14:27
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shadeslayeroh .. hmm14:27
shadeslayerfreeflying: possibly it needs time to cache stuff, maybe imap server's are wrong?14:28
freeflyingshadeslayer: and wireless can't be used after resume from hibernate/suspend in natty alpha214:28
shadeslayerno idea on that, probably a kernel bug that14:28
shadeslayeryofel: ^^14:28
freeflyingshadeslayer: imap server works fine with evolution/alpine/thunderbird14:28
freeflyingshadeslayer: not a kernel's 14:29
freeflyingshadeslayer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/71404414:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 714044 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "wlan failed to be re-active after resume from suspend/hibernate" [Undecided,New]14:29
Quintasanshadeslayer: do you use activities?14:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: no :S14:31
shadeslayeri hear they're quite awesome14:31
Quintasanwell, I like them14:31
shadeslayermust use them sometime14:31
Quintasanbut not switching because lol plasmoid14:31
shadeslayeroh yeah :S14:31
shadeslayerthat plasmoid SUCKS14:31
shadeslayerneeds usability <314:31
shadeslayerkubotu: np14:32
kubotushadeslayer hasn't played anything recently14:32
kubotuQuintasan listened to "Isku Pitkästä Ilosta" by Korpiklaani [Karkelo [myspace rip]] 19 hours ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/1QH9zwzgcpSghTNrIIAKD2] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Quintasan for more14:32
shadeslayer~np shadeslayer14:32
kubotushadeslayer hasn't played anything recently14:32
shadeslayer~np shadeslayer_14:33
kubotushadeslayer_ is listening to "Kanye West All Of The Lights Remix" by Pretty Lights -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more14:33
QuintasanJontheEchidna: piing15:02
yofelQuintasan: yeah, I've seen all other people that use it put it onto a second panel15:02
yofel(the activity switcher)15:02
Quintasanyofel: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Activity+Manager+Plasmoid?content=13627815:03
yofelnow *that* looks good15:03
shadeslayerthat plasmoid installs and what not15:08
shadeslayerbut you cannot add it 15:08
shadeslayeri don't see it15:08
Quintasankbuildsycoca4 --noincremental15:08
shadeslayerbeen there, done that15:08
shadeslayereven logged out and tried15:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: amd64?15:08
shadeslayernope mav15:09
Quintasanherpes derpes15:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/plasma-widget-activitymanager/15:10
Quintasanchange to maverick and build it15:10
* Quintasan is going to play HoN then15:10
shadeslayershows up now15:20
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong15:57
QuintasanJontheEchidna: care to review plasmoid before I upload?16:28
JontheEchidnaI can do that16:28
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/plasma-widget-activitymanager/16:28
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: s/plasmoid/Plasma widget as per upstream branding16:30
Quintasanoh u KDE16:31
QuintasanJontheEchidna: anything else?16:31
c2tarunneed help with bug 68665016:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686650 in kdeedu (Ubuntu) "newer libindi needed for kdeedu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68665016:31
JontheEchidnaif you switch "dh --with kde $@" to"dh $@ --with kde" you can bump debhelper/compat support to 816:32
QuintasanWhy would they switch the order?16:32
tsimpsonseems to be the order used in 7 too16:34
JontheEchidna* In v8 mode, dh expects the sequence to run is always its first parameter.16:34
JontheEchidna+    (Ie, use "dh $@ --foo", not "dh --foo $@")16:34
JontheEchidna+    This avoids ambiguities when parsing options to be passed on to debhelper16:34
JontheEchidna+    commands. (See #570039)16:34
Quintasanoh awesome16:35
QuintasanJontheEchidna: thanks16:35
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: you're welcome. looks good otherwise16:35
Quintasantestbuilding and uploading16:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: How did u get gpg-agent fixed?16:36
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: a kdebase-workspace update fixed that16:36
QuintasanI wonder16:36
Quintasanit still doesnt work here16:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: y u no upload kdegames?16:37
Quintasany u no send me diff etc?16:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 688393 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Natty) "Global "X11/Xsession" script is not sourced in "kdm/Xsession" script" [High,Fix released]16:37
JontheEchidnathat was the issue, the gpg-agent scripts weren't being invoked16:37
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/63553290/kdegames_4%3A4.6.0-0ubuntu1_4%3A4.6.0-0ubuntu2.diff.gz16:38
QuintasanJontheEchidna: how do I control to which pocket a package goes?16:39
Quintasanwe sure don't want plamoids in main, do we?16:39
shadeslayererr .. the control file?16:39
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: by default it will go to new queue, and an archive admin will place it in universe16:39
shadeslayerQuintasan: wait lemme upload to bzr as well16:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: branch from bzr 16:53
shadeslayeri just pushed the modifications16:53
Quintasanfosdemlogger: find Jelmer and fund him a beer with greetings from Project Neon16:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: don't upload16:55
shadeslayerbzr didnt add a file16:55
Quintasanand who do you think I am to upload without checking what you did first?16:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: we are both affected by apachelogger madness so why do you want me to upload something right away? :P16:56
QuintasanJontheEchidna: when i upload a bug wit Closes LP: #bugno, will the bug be closed automatically or I have to mark it as fixed myself?16:58
debfxQuintasan: please don't upload bugs :P17:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: automatic closure of bugs17:00
Quintasandebfx: oh right XD17:00
=== tarun is now known as Guest98138
Quintasanshadeslayer: 17:05
Quintasannot uploading this17:05
Quintasanit's impossible with my connection17:05
Quintasanat least not today17:05
QuintasanI think we can do no-source uploads17:05
Quintasanbut I forgot how17:05
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^17:05
JontheEchidnadebuild -S -sd17:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: debuild -S -sd i think17:06
JontheEchidnabut if this is the first upload you can't17:06
Quintasanstill getting the source will be a pita17:06
JontheEchidnabecause otherwise what is it going to use?17:06
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: it's 0ubuntu2 ... so just a diff will suffice i think17:06
QuintasanJontheEchidna: isnt kdegames already in natty?17:06
JontheEchidnaoh, I thought you were talking about your plasma widget17:07
* JontheEchidna reads backlog17:07
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: kdegames :D17:07
Quintasanuploading source wouldnt be a problem, its only 500kb then :P17:07
Quintasanbut kdegames is 55mb17:07
Quintasanuploading this would be like trying to fit a tank trough your front door shadeslayer17:08
Quintasanwithout destroying the walls :P17:09
* JontheEchidna applies for UDS-O sponsorship17:27
QuintasanJontheEchidna: gimmie the links :P17:27
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/sponsorship/17:28
QuintasanJontheEchidna: The legal age over there is 18?17:28
JontheEchidnalegal for what?17:29
Quintasanlike, drinking beer or buying it17:29
JontheEchidnaoh, in hungary?17:29
JontheEchidnaiDunno. In Belgium it was like 1617:30
Quintasan>The age of consent in Hungary is 1417:30
JontheEchidnathere is no age for drinking17:30
JontheEchidnaaccording to wikipedia17:30
JontheEchidnaI am a teetotaler though17:31
Quintasanbut buying age is 18 :P17:31
* Quintasan thinks everything apart from drugs is alright when not overused17:34
* nigelb ^5 JontheEchidna 17:34
DaskreechQuintasan: arsenic?17:38
Quintasanoh u Daskreech, I mean normal stuff17:39
shadeslayeri've tried out some drinks ... nothing too fancy ... :P17:41
DaskreechArsenic is fairly natural :)17:41
* Daskreech stops being an arse now17:41
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
DaskreechJontheEchidna:  :)17:45
JontheEchidnagdebi replacement in the works: http://i.imgur.com/jMNIW.png19:36
JontheEchidnadoes everything except check if all dependencies are satisfied. (Installing with it is like doing a dpkg -i in that regard)19:38
nigelbJontheEchidna: wow, nice19:38
nigelbJontheEchidna: your work? :)19:38
nigelbI downloaded Kubuntu last night19:38
nigelbI just realized I don't have a cd or my pendrive handy19:38
nigelbSo I'll probably install tomorrow xD19:39
JontheEchidnaI added it last night to the LibQApt utilities collection19:39
nigelbthis should be fun19:39
nigelbUbuntu and Kubuntu moving away from gedbi19:39
JontheEchidnaUbuntu already has via the software center19:41
JontheEchidnaI'm glad with the resource usage improvements that qapt-deb-installer has: http://i.imgur.com/rS4zv.png (on the right)19:42
nigelbYeah, but I'm not running Maverick19:42
JontheEchidna26% less RAM :)19:43
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
fosdemloggerQuintasan, shadeslayer, yofel: beer he got20:05
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Quintasanfosdemlogger: Thanks!21:34
Quintasanfosdemlogger: beer for you at UDS if I get sponsorship21:34
QuintasanGood night, school tomorrow :S21:36
=== sheytan__ is now known as sheytan
sheytanagateau hey dude. Is that you who is working on the plasma menu bar plasmoid?22:07
fosdemloggersheytan: yes he is22:19
claydohwhee i can haz blur now :) less-old laptops are way better than more-old laptops 22:19
sheytanfosdemlogger tell him please, when he come back, to implement text color changer in this plasmoid. Will be usefull for me :D22:20
sheytanwhen you have white icons and black text it doesnt look right. and the readability would be better in some cases :)22:20
fosdemloggerI can already tell you that this is not gonna happen :P22:21
sheytanfosdemlogger why22:21
fosdemloggeraseigo would be not amused22:22
fosdemloggerplus if it is not readable that is a general problem of the plasma theme and needs to be resolved as such22:22
fosdemloggerclaydoh: groovy  :D22:22
sheytanfosdemlogger You can't always modify plasma theme to mach the text on it. Even if you do, you need other icons. White icons on white panel doesn't look nice22:23
claydohfosdemlogger: and flash/skype won't kill the cpu/ramz either22:24
sheytanfrom both bad things, its better to modify the text color :D22:24

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