
hopelesshi. anybody an idea how to install lubuntu on harddisk ?00:56
jmarsdenhopeless: Boot from the CD, and select the Install item from the menu... then click through a few GUI screens of the installer... are you having a specific issue?00:57
hopelessi installed it from cdrom to an usb stick. now i have lost the cd but still have the stick00:57
hopelessnow i want it on my harddisk but this item "install" is gone.00:58
jmarsdenHow hard would it be to download the ISO and burn a new CD?  Do you have bandwidth issues that make that difficult?00:58
hopelesswell its 2am here, no stores open, no free usb stick, and tomorrow i have to show it :)00:59
hopelessi know i am an idiot for looking the last cdrom *sogh*01:00
hopelessso theres no package or so that i can just install to get the "installer" back?01:01
jmarsdenI don't know, I'll try to find out...01:02
jmarsdenI'm booting Lubuntu in a virtual machine right now to see...01:02
hopelessthats very kind . thanks01:02
jmarsdenTaking longer than it should, virtualbox is giving me fits... trying on a real machine instead.  I think that shortcut is just to a way of running ubiquity, the Ubutnu installer... if I can find out exactly what it does, you might be able to just type in that command to start the install process...01:08
jmarsdenThat incon is not there on an already installed version of Lubuntu, so people do not accidentally install over the top of an already working copy... at least, I think that's why.01:10
hopelessmakes sense to me :)01:11
hopelessbut the tip with "ubiquity" was good. its not even installed. so that what i do now.01:11
jmarsdenRight.  The icon in the live CD is a .desktop file... I think you can just run   ubiquity gtk_ui      once you have ubiquity installed.01:16
hopelessyup thats the plan. but everything painfull slow01:19
hopeless92%wait ... load 6 ...01:20
hopelessi will report if it worked01:20
jmarsdenOK :)01:20
hopelesshmm running for 5 mins but just giving a white screen. i'l wait01:30
jmarsdenSeems long... but OK.01:30
hopelessthis is an old p4 with 3ghz and 1gig ram...01:32
hopeless...but the usb stick seems to be very slow01:32
hopelessyup now i got something on the screen.01:32
hopelessok. i think from here i can go allone.01:33
hopelessthanks  a lot for the tip "ubiquity"... if you know what u are searching for things are a lot easyer :)01:33
hopelessgood night01:34
jmarsdenNo problem!  Have fun with Lubuntu, ask again in here if you get stuck :)01:34
hopelessi will and again thanks. (u saved me :) )01:34
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=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
CibergloCould someone answer some doubts mine, about lubuntu? like, is it possible to run gedit on it ?06:34
CibergloIs it possible to run gedit on lubuntu just doing "sudo apt-get install gedit" ?06:36
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=== wol is now known as wolfpack
CibergloCould anyone tell me if lubuntu supports Gedit ?06:49
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: you can install gedit. yes.06:49
JoeMaverickSetti tried it just now. :D06:49
Ciberglojust doing "sudo apt-get install gedit"?06:49
Ciberglonice to hear it06:50
Cibergloi'm very excited to try out lubuntu06:50
Cibergloat this moment, I'm using ubuntu06:50
Ciberglobut I'm sad with the ram used06:50
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: yeah, it's a great one. it's on my Vbox though.06:50
Cibergloand I use really often virtual machines on virtualbox06:50
CibergloSo, I realized I need a "light ram" distro06:51
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: lubuntu is pretty light.06:51
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: Have you always used Lubuntu? If not, what was your previous distro and why you changed?06:51
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: i'm using vanilla Ubuntu, but i test Lubuntu on Vbox every now and then06:52
JoeMaverickSetti was using Windows previously06:52
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: Nice to hear you swap to linux. But , what is vanilla Ubuntu ?06:52
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: it's the normal Ubuntu, using GNOME06:53
Ciberglooh, ok06:53
CibergloHave you heard vbox released the 4. version?06:53
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: i'm using it. :D06:53
CibergloJoeMaverickSett nice one06:53
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: thank you to pay attention on my doubt. I was looking on google, but every result I found was teaching another thing and asking to open some text on gedit06:54
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: you could use leafpad instead.06:54
JoeMaverickSettit's the default text editor in lubuntu06:55
JoeMaverickSetti forgot to mention. :|06:55
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: nice to hear, but I'm looking for gedit because of it's plugins. That I use to program (develop)06:56
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: ah, okie. :)06:57
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: Because of it's plugins, gedit becomes almost like TextMate (Mac text editor, nice one to develop)06:57
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: any other support questions you might want to ask? otherwise we could hang out in #Lubuntu-offtopic. :)06:57
JoeMaverickSettCiberglo: ah, i've that plugin on my gedit. :D06:57
CibergloJoeMaverickSett: Sorry, I forgot that. I'm going there06:57
KutakizukariJust installed Lubuntu, like how it runs on my Compaq Presario V2000. I did have Ubuntu on it but it was a ram hog. Can Lubuntu get the software manager like Ubuntu has to pick from categories?07:21
jmarsdenKutakizukari: Synaptic doesn't work for you??07:30
jmarsdenKutakizukari: click on the bird button (lower left) then Preferences -> Synaptic Package Manager07:31
Kutakizukarijmarsden, yeah its working just wondering if the other could be installed.07:32
jmarsdenYou can install anything you want... but Synaptic can see the packages in sections too... Click on the Sections buton.07:32
jmarsdenKutakizukari: I think the one you are thinking of is called software-center   ... but installing it may pull in other GNOME libraries etc...07:34
Kutakizukarijmarsden, thank you, is there a website that is like the software-center for looking through software?07:35
jmarsdenKutakizukari: Not exactly, but maybe http://packages.ubuntu.com is close?07:36
Kutakizukarijmarsden, based on different categories07:36
Kutakizukarijmarsden, will check it out, thanks.07:36
jmarsdenYou're welcome.07:36
CibergloHi all again.09:17
CibergloIs there a tutorial to build lxde from source on ubuntu ?09:17
bioterror hi gilir18:25
gilirhi bioterror18:27
bioterrorgot your computer fixed? ;)18:27
gilirnot yet :/18:28
UndiFineDgilir: what is broken ?18:53
KutakizukariI accidentally deleted the icon that turns the computer on and off, how do I get it back?21:19
MrChrisDruifOn the bar below?21:24
KutakizukariMrChrisDruif, yeah.21:25
MrChrisDruifI would think (not sure and can't test it) but right click on the bar and go to properties (or "add to panel" if that's available) and search for it there...otherwise I wouldn't know...21:26
* kristian-aalborg puts lubuntu on the "new" T40 now21:28
kristian-aalborgThinkpad anno 200321:28
kristian-aalborgit had XP on when I got it, and actually ran well... I take it it should fly with Lubuntu21:29
kristian-aalborgI took 5 gb "aside" from another livecd21:31
kristian-aalborghi hajour21:33
kristian-aalborgso, this is embarrasing.... can't remember how to auto-partition the remaining space21:38
hajouro/ kristian-aalborg21:48
kristian-aalborgthe installer got lean21:50
kristian-aalborgfixing partitions when you pick username and such... that's rad21:52
MrChrisDruifWhich USB installer would you recommend to create a bootable USB?21:52
kristian-aalborgusing it right now, as a matter of fact21:52
MrChrisDruifWant to put XBMC on a ION330...but the disk drive hasn't arrived yet :P21:52
kristian-aalborgthis is for lubuntu, right?21:52
MrChrisDruifOn (L)ubuntu?21:52
kristian-aalborgI mean, it is lubuntu you want to install?21:52
bioterrorunetbootin failed me last week many times21:53
MrChrisDruifNo, I want to install XBMC21:53
bioterrorI tried it with linux and windows21:53
bioterrorI had to use Universal Usb Installer21:53
MrChrisDruifAnd I've gotten similar experiences with unetbootin on ubuntu21:53
kristian-aalborgbioterror: was the pen/device formatted to fat32 first?21:53
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, ofcourse21:53
bioterrorand ext2 and ext321:53
MrChrisDruifAnd startup disk creator?21:54
kristian-aalborghmm... I've had mostly good experiences21:54
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, I used to have21:54
bioterrorbut not this time21:54
bioterrorI got "Missing operating system"21:54
kristian-aalborgwhat was the iso? not all things work, I hear21:54
kristian-aalborghmm... lubuntu said my machine was a T41 when it is a T40... should not matter much, I suppose?21:56
MrChrisDruifkristian-aalborg: You've been upgraded with Lubuntu ;)21:57
kristian-aalborgprobably ;)21:58
MrChrisDruifBut Universal USB Installer it is?21:58
bioterrorthat would be my choice21:58
kristian-aalborgnever tried anything but unetbootin and dd21:59
kristian-aalborgthe latter seems tricky to me, though21:59
bioterrorI cant figure out why only Arch supports dd21:59
kristian-aalborgit's in *untu by default as well?21:59
kristian-aalborgit's in mint22:00
MrChrisDruifIs it also for Ubuntu?22:00
bioterrorgood for them22:00
kristian-aalborgI'll check when I have the lubuntu install running... pretty sure I used it in ubuntu22:01
jmarsdendd is in coreutils in Ubuntu, should be in Lubuntu also.  /bin/dd22:01
bioterrorbut still dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb wont boot up22:02
bioterrorbut I'm off to bed22:04
bioterrorgotta be up in ̃~5hours22:04
jmarsdenbioterror: Ah, so that's not "Ubuntu doesn't support dd", that's the ISO for Ubuntu not being bootable directly from USB.  Not an issue with dd at all.22:05
kristian-aalborgok, so this is novel... when lubuntu starts, it has the ugliest halo ever around the logo22:06
bioterroryeah, well. Arch might be the only distribution which let's users to dd iso to usb stick22:06
bioterrorand even bootup :D22:07
kristian-aalborgdebian does as well, at least for some versions22:07
kristian-aalborgI actually thought unetbooting was more or less a GUI for dd22:07
bioterrorno its not22:07
bioterrorit does some bootloader changes22:07
bioterrorand it uses 7zip for extracting22:08
kristian-aalborgI thought it uzed lzha22:08
kristian-aalborgnever researched much into those dark arts, though ;)22:09
kristian-aalborgis aptitude not in lubuntu by default?!22:24
bioterrorno it's not22:24
kristian-aalborgwhy, if I may ask?22:24
bioterrorI cant find why it's better than apt22:25
kristian-aalborgI don't know... some people say so, but I don't think I got an explanation22:26
bioterrorexactly :)22:26
bioterrortomato, tomeito22:26
kristian-aalborgKadaffi ;)22:27
MrChrisDruifMeh...tried unetbootin....it failed miserably :P22:31
bioterrorMrChrisDruif, suprised are:22:33
bioterrorMrChrisDruif, and:22:33
bioterrorMrChrisDruif, and even:22:33
MrChrisDruifbioterror: No, not really :D22:33
MrChrisDruifI hoped against hope :P22:34
kristian-aalborghurm... which services should I lose on startup?22:34
MrChrisDruifkristian-aalborg: All?22:34
kristian-aalborgcryptdisks? ntp?22:34
kristian-aalborgMrChrisDruif: that would probably speed things up, yes ;)22:34
MrChrisDruifYeah, you'd think :D22:35
MrChrisDruifWho needs the kernel anyway? ;)22:35
kristian-aalborgthe new grub has commands for the HURD, I think22:37
MrChrisDruifYeah, grub has some kind of support for the HURD...22:38
MrChrisDruifBut you know what I mend, right? :P22:38
kristian-aalborgwhat you mend? A broken jar, perhaps? :P22:41
MrChrisDruifkristian-aalborg: Spell-checker says that ment isn't good <_<"22:42
MrChrisDruifJust like atleast <_<"22:42
MrChrisDruifGod :(22:43
MrChrisDruifYou've made my day :D22:43
MrChrisDruifAnd "atleast"?22:44
kristian-aalborgat least22:44
MrChrisDruifAlright, always thought it was one word :P22:46
kristian-aalborgbioterror: got any tweaks for the T40?22:49
MrChrisDruifHmmmm...Start up disk creator made an Lubuntu start up instead of XBMC :P22:50
MrChrisDruifI know you like it....but it's going to be a Media Center PC for my parents...I just want XMBC on it....maybe with OpenSSH etc :P22:53
bioterrorinstall arch22:53
bioterrorand put xbmc into .xinitrc22:53
MrChrisDruifI was trying to use XBMC's live cd thing :P22:57
kristian-aalborgTromboon.ogg is kind of a mean file to get22:57
kristian-aalborgit's among the first files google list for "ogg sample"22:58
kristian-aalborgit makes a hideous sound... I dl'd it to test and had full volume by accident22:59
kristian-aalborgsounds like a psychotic elephant in your room ;)22:59
MrChrisDruifBut I like psychotic elephant's :D They calm my soul O:-)23:00
kristian-aalborgonly when you smoke them ;)23:04
MrChrisDruifNo, it's the sound for me :P23:05

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