annunaki | oO | 00:16 |
annunaki | someone in the us ? | 00:17 |
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horus | ello | 00:20 |
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sagaci | natty lite | 00:20 |
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fox-mulder | try alt+F2 | 00:21 |
fox-mulder | how secure is ubuntu against hackers these days? | 00:25 |
fox-mulder | any one? | 00:26 |
fox-mulder | how secure is ubuntu against hackers these days? | 00:26 |
penguin42 | depends really; it has apparmor for some stuff, but not much | 00:28 |
penguin42 | it has various other stuff enabled, so yeh it has some defences | 00:29 |
charlie-tca | hm, as installed it has no ports open, it should be safe until you launch the browser or updates? | 00:33 |
^Mike | How can I see what version of Perl will be in the upcoming release? | 00:41 |
Daekdroom | !find perl | 00:41 |
ubottu | Found: eperl, libalgorithm-c3-perl, libalgorithm-diff-perl, libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl, libalgorithm-merge-perl, libapache2-mod-perl2, libapache2-mod-perl2-dev, libapache2-mod-perl2-doc, libapache2-reload-perl, libapparmor-perl (and 2350 others)§ion=all | 00:41 |
Daekdroom | !info eperl | 00:42 |
ubottu | eperl (source: eperl): Embedded Perl 5 Language. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.14-16 (natty), package size 130 kB, installed size 464 kB | 00:42 |
rww | !info perl | 00:42 |
ubottu | perl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is standard. Version 5.10.1-17ubuntu1 (natty), package size 3661 kB, installed size 13280 kB | 00:42 |
^Mike | bah | 00:42 |
^Mike | that'll be EOL :( | 00:42 |
penguin42 | ^Mike: You can also check | 00:42 |
^Mike | thanks all the same | 00:42 |
Daekdroom | , he means | 00:42 |
penguin42 | I do | 00:43 |
dupondje | sad :( | 00:52 |
dupondje | | 00:52 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 290177 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[huawei/option] NM 0.7: GSM connections won't work with PIN code protected modems - despite having supplied the correct PIN for the connection in nm-connection-editor" [Medium,Triaged] | 00:52 |
dupondje | this bug still exist :( | 00:52 |
BUGabundo | can someone pastebin theirs: $ dpkg -l | grep libnotif | 01:05 |
cpatrick08 | kubuntu 11.04 alpha 2 install problems | 01:11 |
Daekdroom | BUGabundo | 01:12 |
sebsebseb | Hi | 01:12 |
sebsebseb | Who's here? | 01:13 |
gunndawg | I am | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | thanks Daekdroom | 01:14 |
sebsebseb | right so | 01:14 |
sebsebseb | the alpha 2 page | 01:14 |
BUGabundo | your package match mine | 01:14 |
BUGabundo | but mine don't work as expected | 01:14 |
BUGabundo | I've got the old ones, | 01:15 |
gunndawg | BUGabundo, well it is "ALPHA" so things are expected to not work | 01:15 |
BUGabundo | duh | 01:15 |
sebsebseb | seems to say that Unity won't work with Nivida or ATI drivers at the moment, what about in Virtualbox if normally a host distro would need the propritary driver? | 01:15 |
sebsebseb | also how would it be set up in Virtualbox anyway, just install like normal, and change the vm settings or? | 01:15 |
sebsebseb | and I know need Virtualbox 4.0 or later for it in a vm | 01:16 |
=== noel is now known as Guest75084 | ||
=== Guest75084 is now known as NoelJB | ||
NoelJB | Does anyone have the Desktop Cube still working with Natty? Classic, not Unity. For me it has ceased working. | 01:21 |
NoelJB | I've reinstalled compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, disabled and renabled the necessary plugins (in case something had gone awry during updates), but still no. | 01:22 |
Daekdroom | !info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | 01:24 |
ubottu | compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version (natty), package size 2300 kB, installed size 5856 kB | 01:24 |
=== annunaki is now known as fox-mulder | ||
fox-mulder | hi all | 01:29 |
fox-mulder | still got xfiles for sale | 01:29 |
alex_mayorga | Does "Power Management Preferences" work for you? The window it's invisible here :( | 01:30 |
NoelJB | yes, alex_mayorga, I just checked. | 01:30 |
alex_mayorga | NoelJB: yes it works, or yes is invisible? | 01:31 |
NoelJB | yes it works | 01:32 |
fox-mulder | is there a way to save the irc server and channels so i dont loose it after reboot? | 01:32 |
fox-mulder | is there a way to save the irc server and channels so i dont loose it after reboot? | 01:33 |
yofel | depending on the client you can set what to auto join on start | 01:33 |
yofel | or quassel for example will just restore the previous session | 01:33 |
alex_mayorga | NoelJB: what's the command for it power management? | 01:33 |
NoelJB | alex_mayorga, I ran it off the menu, but I can check ... | 01:34 |
alex_mayorga | I also got an "Untitled window" | 01:34 |
NoelJB | alex_mayorga, gnome-power-preferences | 01:34 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, you here? | 01:35 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: ? | 01:36 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, do I recall correctly that you work on compiz? | 01:36 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: Yeah | 01:36 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, just checking ... but with natty (Lucid and Mav are fine), the desktop cube appears to no longer function. I am *not* using Unity, with which I know it is not supposed to work. | 01:37 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, is this expected, or should I file a bug report? | 01:37 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: I dunno, I thought I already deleted cube gears | 01:38 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: You can certainly file a bug but unless someone else fixes it soon by 11.10 it just won't be there anymore | 01:38 |
NoelJB | when I open CCSM, I see Desktop Cube, Rotate Cube, and 3d Windows enabled. I see Cube Gears, but it is disabled. | 01:39 |
NoelJB | Desktop cube is going away entirely? From the bug report on Unity, it seemed to be an open question. | 01:40 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: No, cube isn't going away, cube gears | 01:43 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, I don't care about cube gears. I care about the cube not rotating for me at all in Natty. :-) | 01:43 |
NoelJB | Not sure why you thought I meant cube gears. | 01:44 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: Probably because I've been drinking | 01:44 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, :-) | 01:44 |
alex_mayorga | any idea how to kill that "Untitled window"? | 01:45 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, any thoughts on where I should look, or just file a bug report? | 01:45 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: Definitely file a bug report | 01:45 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: I'll poke smspillaz about it | 01:45 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, against compiz or compiz-fusion-plugins-extra? | 01:45 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: compiz | 01:46 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: cube and rotate are both in compiz itself | 01:46 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, OK. Another data point. When I hit CTRL-ALT-[LEFT|RIGHT] I get a narrow strip pop-up, not even rotating there. Does that tell us anything? | 01:47 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: That sounds like wall is still enabled | 01:47 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: smspillaz says to disable cube and rotate and enable them again | 01:47 |
Amaranth | and make sure wall is disabled | 01:47 |
NoelJB | wall is disabled according to CCSM | 01:48 |
NoelJB | And I did what he suggested. | 01:48 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, as noted way above in the scroll, "I've reinstalled compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, disabled and renabled the necessary plugins (in case something had gone awry during updates), but still no" | 01:49 |
NoelJB | I enabled Wall, which disabled Cube and the others, then Enabled Cube, which said it disabled Wall, and then enabled the other plugins. | 01:49 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: Make sure you include all of that info (and try to get a screenshot of the popup) in the bug report | 01:51 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, bug 713892 | 01:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 713892 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[natty] Desktop Cube no longer working" [Undecided,New] | 01:56 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: Thanks, hopefully sam can figure it out | 01:57 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, just post whatever follow-up you need from me. :-0 | 01:59 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, where is the compiz config stored? I don't see that in the list of attached files. Would you want to added? | 01:59 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: It's the GconfCompiz.txt | 02:01 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, does this look odd to you? | 02:01 |
NoelJB | $ ls -ld .gconf/apps/compiz* | 02:01 |
NoelJB | drwx------ 3 noel noel 4096 2010-06-16 18:14 .gconf/apps/compiz | 02:01 |
NoelJB | drwx------ 3 noel noel 4096 2011-02-05 18:55 .gconf/apps/compiz-1 | 02:01 |
NoelJB | drwx------ 3 noel noel 4096 2011-02-05 18:55 .gconf/apps/compizconfig-1 | 02:01 |
Amaranth | No, it looks like you upgraded from maverick | 02:01 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, yes | 02:01 |
Amaranth | compiz 0.8 used /apps/compiz, 0.9 uses /apps/compiz-1 | 02:02 |
Amaranth | I have no idea why, they aren't parallel installable | 02:02 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, should I delete apps/compiz? | 02:02 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: It doesn't hurt anything | 02:02 |
=== Mark_M is now known as Mark_M|Away | ||
NoelJB | Amaranth, ok. just checking in case that could cause a problem, e.g., ccsm and compiz looking at different sets of settings. | 02:03 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: They both use libcompizconfig to look at the settings so if one was wrong they both would be | 02:04 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, GconfCompiz.txt is not an attached file on the bug report. | 02:05 |
Amaranth | weird | 02:05 |
NoelJB | ubuntu-bug compiz was how I filed it. | 02:05 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, how can I generate it for you manually? | 02:06 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: gconftool --dump /apps/compiz-1 > GconfCompiz.xml | 02:07 |
Amaranth | That doesn't do the same output as apport gets but I forget how it does it | 02:07 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, what is the compizconfig-1, if compiz-1 is the config? | 02:08 |
Amaranth | NoelJB: config about the config | 02:08 |
Amaranth | It's very meta | 02:08 |
NoelJB | Amaranth, done and attached to the report. | 02:09 |
YankeesFan | !ops | 03:43 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 03:43 |
YankeesFan | !staff | 03:43 |
ubottu | hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :) | 03:43 |
sebsebseb | Amaranth: Well I guess that's one way to get banned | 03:47 |
Amaranth | sebsebseb: He is doing that everywhere :/ | 03:47 |
sebsebseb | oh | 03:47 |
sebsebseb | Amaranth: a high light troll I guess then | 03:48 |
Amaranth | Pretty much, spewing crap about windows 7 | 03:48 |
Amaranth | Making my Yankees look bad too | 03:48 |
sebsebseb | oh I guess you mean in #ubuntu or something, I am not in there right now | 03:49 |
bjsnider | Amaranth, what's wrong with spewing crap about windows 7? | 04:37 |
bjsnider | someone has to spew something about it | 04:38 |
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_M | ||
frewsxcv | i think i found the problem. /dev/sda3: end: 59586 --- /dev/sda4 start: 59586 | 05:45 |
frewsxcv | s/the/a/ | 05:45 |
frewsxcv | would this be a problem? i'm getting the error: "FATAL ERROR: bad primary partition 3: partition ends in the final partial cylinder | 05:46 |
=== Mark_M is now known as Mark_M|Away | ||
galamar | hey i get this error while trying to upgrade Error authenticating some packages | 06:21 |
galamar | It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages. how can i authenticate these | 06:21 |
galamar | thats update not upgrade my bad | 06:22 |
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=== Mark_M is now known as Mark_M|Away | ||
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_M | ||
=== Mark_M is now known as Mark_M|Away | ||
akshat | does unity work with nouveau drivers? | 07:28 |
akshat | the blob is not working :( | 07:28 |
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penguin42 | hmph exaile seems to have broken | 12:35 |
=== evilvish is now known as vish | ||
scotty^ | Is anybody else unable to boot Natty alpha 2? | 13:34 |
scotty^ | I'm using the 32 bit version, but that probably doesn't matter? | 13:35 |
penguin42 | scotty^: In what way does it fail to boot? | 13:41 |
=== sriram is now known as Hardin | ||
=== Hardin is now known as Sriram | ||
lamefun | is Unity based on Compiz 0.8 or 0.9? | 13:44 |
Daekdroom | lamefun, 0.9 | 13:44 |
scotty^ | My monitor has bad EDID. It's always been a bit hit and miss booting or logging in on both Lucid and Maverick. Booting with the monitor powered off helps but is still not 100% reliable. And changing to a different resolution after logging in is a bit hit and miss too, particularly on Maverick. Often causes a crash. But I don't think that is what is happening here as the crash occurs much earlier in the boot process. | 13:51 |
scotty^ | And I caught some rapidly scrolling msg about sys\devices\pci......\usb....... on repeated boot attempts | 13:52 |
scotty^ | Removing my USB flash drive and then booting Natty with the monitor powered off and waiting for a long time and then powering on the monitor showed a different set of kernel messages, with the last one being about kernel thread helper. Then it was just stuck - I couldn't even CTRL-ALT-DEL, which did work on during the rapidly scrolling msg about sys\devices\pci......\usb....... | 13:52 |
scotty^ | Someone in #ubuntu-au has said that it is probably bug 712082 - I'm checking that now. | 13:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 712082 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Random kernel panic during boot on a Dell Inspiron 1520" [High,Confirmed] | 13:54 |
penguin42 | looks vaguely SATA related | 14:12 |
penguin42 | (s)ata that is | 14:14 |
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88 | ||
lamefun | will window resize border fix backported to Maverick? | 14:40 |
penguin42 | anyone else seeing strangely 0 length /var/log/messages? | 15:06 |
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coz_ | hey all | 15:45 |
penguin42 | hey | 16:00 |
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_M | ||
penguin42 | cana nyone else install xserver-xorg-video-qxl? | 16:24 |
Pici | Hrm. anyone having issues where it seems like gnome-terminal stops accepting input? | 17:10 |
penguin42 | no, fine for me | 17:13 |
greenIT | hi, i have a problem with unity in natty.... it doesn't work anymore :S | 17:44 |
greenIT | can anyone help me? | 17:46 |
penguin42 | greenIT: out of slight interest which way doesn't it work? | 17:47 |
greenIT | well, it doesn't even start when i boot natty.... | 17:48 |
greenIT | there is the normal, old menu, but no unity | 17:48 |
greenIT | can i activate it anyhow? | 17:48 |
penguin42 | do you have Ubuntu Desktop selected or Classic Desktop? | 17:49 |
greenIT | erm... where can i select this? | 17:49 |
greenIT | change this* | 17:49 |
penguin42 | when you select your name on the login screen, before typing your password, at the bottom is a selection | 17:51 |
greenIT | ah, k | 17:51 |
greenIT | probably not that good that i have autologin^^ | 17:52 |
greenIT | ok, i have selected "Ubuntu-Desktop-Edition", but still no unity... | 17:53 |
penguin42 | what graphics card? | 17:53 |
greenIT | ati, but i have natty installed in a vbox with vboxtools installed | 17:54 |
penguin42 | I wonder if it's not picking up the 3d acceleration; I don't know what the story with vbox is on that | 17:55 |
trinikrono | beware the ati card :D | 17:57 |
greenIT | ^^ | 17:57 |
* penguin42 pats his tame ATI card | 17:57 | |
greenIT | where are the preferences for 3d acceleration in natty? | 17:57 |
gpc | I saw someone mention you needed Vbox 4.0 for 3d | 17:59 |
gpc | I could be completely wrong | 17:59 |
greenIT | i have vbox 4.0.2^^ | 17:59 |
gpc | hmm. | 17:59 |
greenIT | unity alrdy worked, but it doesnt anymore^^ | 17:59 |
gpc | really have no idea sorry | 17:59 |
greenIT | np, thx 4 trying to help :) | 18:00 |
greenIT | lol, i know why unity doesn't work anymore: | 18:04 |
greenIT | Warning: unsupported pre-release version of X.Org Server installed. Not installing the X.Org drivers. | 18:04 |
BUGabundo | yo | 18:07 |
lazarus_ | hmm import a downloaded backup but i would need the script to interact with ubuntu one | 18:08 |
lazarus_ | any help | 18:08 |
kancerman | on natty: my window manager completely stopped -- reboot and on any desktop option it doesn't work anymore ... within the last hour or so it completely stopped ... is there a way to restart it while the desktop is running ... ?? | 18:25 |
mikerhinos | hi all , just installed alpha2 this morning , and i can't have the Unity desktop :s tried several options when at login window (normal desktop, netbook desktop etc...) but i always end with gnome , unity packets are installed so i don't understand , is it a command like "unity -replace" ? | 18:53 |
charlie-tca | no, it is a matter of waiting for the correct drivers to become compatible with Xserver | 18:56 |
nit-wit | Do you get any notice of not able to run in 3d? | 18:56 |
mikerhinos | when i go to the proprietary driver search , i have the choice between "Nvidia Binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library" and "Experimental 3D support for Nvidia cards" | 18:59 |
mikerhinos | i upgraded from my maverick installation , i was on Nouveau driver | 18:59 |
Daekdroom | You're on noveau driver as well. | 19:00 |
Daekdroom | The thing is, if you install nvidia binary driver, you're gonna end up with a broken system, mostly likely | 19:00 |
mikerhinos | so i have to do a "clean" install from a cd ? I have a separate /home so i don't think i'll have problems doing that | 19:02 |
Daekdroom | mikerhinos, the best you can do is wait for the nvidia driver to be update and stick with classic gnome for now | 19:04 |
mikerhinos | ok thanks for the advice , i'll stick with that solution as i don't want to end up with a broken desktop manager lol | 19:06 |
=== douglasawh_ is now known as douglasawh | ||
BreetaiZentradi | When I run natty-alpha-2 from a USB stick, instead of 1 large "desktop" on my screen, I have a band of 3 rows of screens and on each row, I have a complete screen and a partial screen. I am running on an acer laptop with an nvidia card. Any idea on how to boot around this problem? | 21:16 |
Severian | Howdy. I installed using the alternate installer of Alpha-2. After booting, I get a grub menu, and then get dumped to an initramfs prompt. I have been looking for some info on what to do next, but have not found anything. Can someone suggest something? | 21:28 |
hk4l | Hello | 21:48 |
ActionParsnip | hi guys | 22:18 |
ActionParsnip | am I alone with the Unity flakiness? | 22:19 |
Severian | I guess so. I can't even get Natty to install, so I see no Unity problems. | 22:20 |
Daekdroom | ActionParsnip, Flakiness? | 22:20 |
ActionParsnip | Daekdroom: just randomly crashes, also keyboard/mouse input stops randomly otherwise we're perfect | 22:21 |
ActionParsnip | its a super fresh install, I'm gonna give it a little while | 22:21 |
Daekdroom | The random crashes aren't that random here. They only happen when I mess up with compiz configuration. | 22:21 |
ActionParsnip | Daekdroom: yeah saw, also try launching libreoffice. Makesmy input stop | 22:22 |
Daekdroom | I'm not using Unity as of right now. | 22:22 |
ActionParsnip | no worries, still digging around some | 22:24 |
Daekdroom | It's worth noting that using unity --replace in a gnome session mix up stuff | 22:24 |
Daekdroom | and no, libreoffice didnt freeze input in here. | 22:24 |
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios |
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