
m4vrww: I suppose somebody that knows nothing about hacking but have enough bandwidth for DoS you.01:12
ubot2YankeesFan called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()03:44
lubotu3YankeesFan called the ops in #ubuntu-fi ()03:45
rwwoh great, they moved on to LoCo channels.03:45
ubot2YankeesFan called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()03:47
r00t4rd3di joined kernel cause of this messages ^^04:24
r00t4rd3dincase you really want to know idleone04:24
r00t4rd3di dont want to miss out on any fun :D04:24
r00t4rd3di have no idea who yankeesfan is though04:26
r00t4rd3dso rww was right , coincidence04:26
r00t4rd3di guess04:26
r00t4rd3dcurious is a better term maybe04:27
rww(wrong person)04:27
r00t4rd3dwhat you mean ?04:27
r00t4rd3doh right it wasnt you04:28
r00t4rd3dsometimes i match colors with nicks in the ops log04:28
rwwyou're green/blue colorblind ;P?04:29
rwwor was I green at some point? I have no idea how it picks colors.04:29
r00t4rd3di have really bad color blindness and i have blurry vision cause of diabetes04:30
r00t4rd3di wish the colors would stay the same in the log04:31
r00t4rd3dit really screws with me :/04:31
gpcperhaps I am being a little to judgemental.04:41
gpcor paranoid04:41
gpcwho knows04:41
gpcif it isn't you then I apologize04:41
rwwopping is destroying both your sanity and your ability to choose between 'to' and 'too'.04:42
gpcthat also04:42
r00t4rd3di hate baseball so ....04:43
gpcsomething we have in common04:43
r00t4rd3dand that would be too obvious with you knowing im in new york04:43
gpcI did wonder about that04:44
lubotu3YankeesFan called the ops in #ubuntu-fi ()05:17
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
=== evilvish is now known as vish
=== evilvish is now known as vish
=== TheJudger is now known as mcfloci
mcflocianyone online ?15:53
m4vmany, but depends on what you need.15:54
mcflociI need to configure supybot to greet joining users with a notice15:58
m4vmcfloci: you might ask in #supybot then, this is not the right channel.15:59
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
yangIs there a description about the process how ubuntulog logs the channel talk ?18:40
tsimpsonyang: not sure what you mean exactly?18:43
yangI mean what is the process of transcoding the irc logs into html view....and what is the client-bot using, version reply says irssi18:47
yangI tried to use irclog2html18:47
m4vyang: is a python script afaik18:47
yangbut I just dont get the same output18:47
nhandleryang: http://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/ is how they convert the raw irssi logs to html18:48
yangI get error that DD-MM-YYYY dont match I think my irssi logs are pre-pended with only time18:49
yangand I just cannot get a daily output, my log is being transcoded into a big html log and I would like to sort it by days18:50
tsimpsonI think you would need to split the plain text log into days, then run the script on each days output18:50
m4vyang: you'll need to fix your logs then.18:50

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!