
cjohnstonmhall119: Ronnie thanks for your help with the lp stuff01:24
Ronniecjohnston: i even have local the images of the users (also the default ones)01:25
Ronniewith a few modifications of your code01:25
Ronniethe problem atm is that i have no openid links, else i could fix that too01:26
cjohnstonmaybe mhall119 can take a look at it01:35
cjohnstonfamily just got here so i gotta visit with them for a few minutes before we get a call01:35
Ronniemorning nigelb01:40
Ronnieshort night01:41
Ronnienigelb: if you have some time, the gmaps css bug is still open for you ;)01:47
Ronnieim going to sleep now. its late here01:47
nigelbI'm heading to church, etc01:49
nigelbmayby in the evening when I get back01:49
YoBoYgood morning10:06
Ronniehey all11:21
pita_Is anyone around:11:53
YoBoYwhy they don't stay enought time to have an answer... :D12:05
Gotinienscjohnston, can I send you an PM?14:10
mhall119good morning14:11
nigelbMorning mhall119 14:14
mhall119YoBoY: I'm in agreement with you that we should have all team members listed in LD, whether they've logged in before or not17:14
mhall119but it's a lot of data, and we're going to have to decide how best to keep it up to date without slamming LP every night17:15
mhall119LP devs are working on a new push model where we'll be able to get notified up updates in LP when they happen, so we won't have to do full nightly imports17:15
YoBoYmhall119: great :)17:24
cjohnstonGotiniens: sure18:03
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cjohnstonmhall119: is LD going to pick up on users that are not members of the LoCo Team, as in the -fr situation? The team has no actual members, only other teams, with members belonging to the other teams.. 18:21
cjohnstonI am guessing that is what is causing his problem, since that isnt how the majority of teams are created18:22
YoBoYcjohnston: like he said, the problem is I can only see members we already log in the LD18:27
cjohnstonok.. so it does see members of subteams18:30
YoBoYand these members are not on the same sub teams if you ask :)18:32
cjohnstonok.. cool18:34
cjohnstonmhall119: after the initial hit, how big of a hit would it be each day to get the new people18:35
cjohnstonYoBoY: you cant make a tutorial on how to sign up for LP in French so that they can sign up and use LD?18:51
cjohnstonmaybe even a video tutorial18:51
cjohnstonsince they would really only need to use LP once18:52
YoBoYcjohnston: we already have tutorials to explain that, we also explain and help people to register on the global jams. But I don't understand why an Ubuntu user who don't read english, who just want to find other users, register to an event... have to be helped to create an account on Launchpad software project platform.19:13
cjohnstonThen get the french team to design the code to move teams away from having to use LP19:20
czajkowskiYoBoY: wel most members do as we;d like them to sign the CoC that's why 19:20
YoBoY"members" yes, i'm talking about users ;)19:21
czajkowskiYoBoY: yes users also 19:21
czajkowskiin most cases many are the same thing 19:21
YoBoYcjohnston: easier to make a LD like only for us ¬_¬19:23
YoBoYby the way, we already have a website for that... since 2 years (more like a blog), i'm already adding a plugin to have a calendar of the french events19:25
cjohnstonyou cant complain but not offer to help fix19:25
YoBoYnext step, interface it to the LD ;)19:25
mhall119cjohnston: the problem would be knowing which people are new19:27
mhall119once LP implements the publishing model they were talking about yesterday,  that'll be easy19:27
mhall119right now, we have no way of saying "just give me new people"19:27
YoBoYit's not fair to say that, if i can't fix it i can't report it as a bug ?19:27
cjohnstonYoBoY: why not send an email to all members who are on LP, and ask them to login to LD once.. if there are only 48, that shouldnt be too hard to get that few people to do it19:28
mhall119YoBoY: unfortunately we're committed to using LP for user accounts, teams and membership for now19:28
cjohnstonunless the code proposed19:28
mhall119right, but then we'd have duplicate sets of "membership", which isn't ideal19:29
mhall119if we move membership tracking into LD, we're going to have to convince people to stop using LP for it19:29
nigelbAt some point we should work on summit right? Y'know before UDS starts or so :-P19:29
cjohnstonthe fr team seems to be(that im aware of) that has alot of these issues19:30
cjohnstonnigelb: we have done some19:31
nigelbcjohnston: right, right ;)19:31
YoBoYcjohnston: like I said in my bug report "It's not really important now" I don't care not having all the members in the user list, I was just surprised not finding them19:32
mhall119YoBoY: for now we can look at pulling in all members of loco teams19:33
cjohnstonYoBoY: my comment was meant for your using LP at all comment19:33
mhall119but requiring LP profiles and SSO membership is something that will take a lot of work to move off of19:33
mhall119I know a lot of people use launchpad's data and openid provider for their own website19:34
mhall119ubuntu-fl.org does19:34
cjohnstonWhy not though, send an email to all members of the team and ask them to login to LD once19:34
mhall119so we'd have to be able to provide all the same functionality19:34
cjohnstonthatll be the quickest and easiest fix19:34
cjohnstonmhall119: and then either LP would have to be able to use the LD openid or you would have to have yet another account19:35
mhall119cjohnston: true, but evidently there are plans for LP to accept other OpenID providers too, so we're going to be faced with this sooner or later19:36
mhall119I'd agree, though, that the fastest way to get the user data in LD is to encourage your members to log in and use it19:36
cjohnstonbut still for all people that are currently LP members, either LD would have to support both, or they would have to create a new LD account19:36
mhall119like I said, it's a big undertaking, and not likely to happen any time soon19:37
YoBoYczajkowski: how was the FOSDEM ? :)19:38
YoBoYthere is pictures of the booth ? ^^"19:39
Ronnienigelb: ping21:27
Ronniei created a map for the loco teams. who wants to give feedback on it: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/loco-map-list21:28
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston ^21:28
cjohnstonill try to remember to do it after i finish my homework if i havent broken my computer prior to that21:30
Ronniea screenshot as europe looks like: http://img17.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1xy.png/21:35
cjohnstonRonnie: is that supposed to be for each loco team?23:41
Ronniecjohnston: you mean the google map with markers?23:42
Ronnieeach loco which has at least one country attached is shown on the map. if there are multiple country, the marker is shown multiple times23:44
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cjohnstonI guess im just not a fan of that idea23:45
cjohnstonif loco teams were cities i would agree23:45
cjohnston(nothing against you)23:45
cjohnstoni just disagre23:45
cjohnstoncause if i look at it, and see a pin on top of a city, im going to think its that city, not the country23:46
Ronniecjohnston: thats true, altough the map is a nice feature if you want to look for a loco nearby23:47
cjohnstoni see both sides.. not a fan tho23:47
YoBoYperhaps a map showing the next events ?23:47
cjohnstonYoBoY: thats also something thats been discussed23:48
RonnieYoBoY: yes, there is already a branch for that23:48
UndiFineDwhat is LD ?23:50
cjohnstonLoCo Directory23:50
UndiFineDand how is that different than LP sso ?23:50
RonnieLD uses LP sso for login (openid)23:51
cjohnstonLoCo Directory is a directory for organizing loco team stuff23:52
UndiFineDoh .. i thought i had to get yet another account :P23:52

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