grunthus | Hi, I've been working on my first patch, LP: #706271. | 00:33 |
grunthus | Reading about the sponsorship process, I think that I should now send email to ubuntu-sponsors? | 00:33 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: on IRC would be nice to use bug 706271 | 00:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 706271 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "synaptic network proxy preferences doesn't capitalize "internet"" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:33 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: nope, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to bug | 00:34 |
grunthus | ah. Hi ari-tczew, you helped with this last week. I have added a patch for Natty. Took me a while, between work commitments! | 00:34 |
ari-tczew | or set ubuntu-sponsors as branch merge reviewer if you use bzr instead debdiff | 00:34 |
grunthus | I used debdiff | 00:34 |
ari-tczew | then subscribe to bu | 00:35 |
ari-tczew | g | 00:35 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: Thank you very much, your work is appreciated! ;-) | 00:36 |
grunthus | Great! | 00:37 |
grunthus | ari-tczew: The says to sponsor a debdiff, subscribe the ubuntu-sponsors to the bug, which I think is what you are saying. Erm, not sure how to do that. | 00:41 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: log in to launchpad, go to bug 706271 and on the right side you have field Subscribers, do you see? | 00:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 706271 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "synaptic network proxy preferences doesn't capitalize "internet"" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:43 |
grunthus | Ah yes, so it is already subscribed by Ubuntu Review Team and I don't have to do anything. | 00:50 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: You have to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. | 00:50 |
grunthus | Right! Done. | 00:52 |
ari-tczew | grunthus: OK. now you have to wait patiently for response. | 00:59 |
c2tarun | chrisccoulson: ping | 02:11 |
c2tarun | chrisccoulson: whenever you get time, please look at bug 713023 I fixed all the errors you commented. Thank you. | 02:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 713023 in bibshelf (Ubuntu) "Newer Version Available" [Undecided,In progress] | 02:13 |
micahg | c2tarun: when you believe you're done, you should set it back to confirmed and (re)subscribe ubuntu-sponsors unless someone explicitly said they'd look at it for you | 02:19 |
micahg | c2tarun: oh, and unassign yourself as well | 02:19 |
c2tarun | micahg: how to subscribe to ubuntu-sponsors? | 02:20 |
micahg | c2tarun: subscribe someone else, search for ubuntu-sponsors | 02:20 |
c2tarun | micahg: there are three team for ubuntu-sponsors | 02:21 |
c2tarun | micahg: one is ubuntu-sponsors team | 02:21 |
c2tarun | micahg: second is ubuntu security sponsors team | 02:21 |
micahg | c2tarun: Ubuntu Sponsors Team | 02:21 |
c2tarun | micahg: ok thanks :) | 02:22 |
c2tarun | micahg: by debian.tar.gz file how do ubuntu-sponsors member check that packing is proper or not? I mean is there any tool for that? | 02:25 |
micahg | c2tarun: they compare it against the last version that was in the archive and verify the changes you made were proper | 02:27 |
c2tarun | micahg: how do they do that? by diff? | 02:28 |
micahg | c2tarun: debdiff | 02:28 |
c2tarun | micahg: debdiff between both debian.tar.gz files? | 02:31 |
micahg | c2tarun: no, between the .dsc files or source.changes files | 02:31 |
c2tarun | micahg: then why do we upload debian.tar.gz and not the .dsc files? | 02:32 |
micahg | c2tarun: well, you could upload a debdiff, which is actually what the wiki suggests, it's just huge for new versions usually | 02:32 |
c2tarun | micahg: so what do you do of debian.tar.gz? do you build it again? | 02:34 |
micahg | c2tarun: I generally use it to pull the latest upstream, build a source package, and compare | 02:34 |
c2tarun | micahg: I was trying to work on this bug 713492. I made changes to the changelog and was trying to build it, but I didn't got the debian.tar.gz, why so? | 02:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 713492 in ccscript (Ubuntu) "Newer Version Available" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:36 |
micahg | c2tarun: you shouldn't subscribe sponsors until there's something to sponsor | 02:37 |
c2tarun | micahg: I didn't | 02:37 |
micahg | it says you did | 02:37 |
micahg | c2tarun: there's probably a diff.tar.gz since it's source format 1.0 | 02:38 |
c2tarun | micahg: I am extremely sorry, I have to do that for bibshelf bug and I did it for ccscript one :( | 02:38 |
micahg | c2tarun: no worries | 02:38 |
c2tarun | micahg: how can i unsubscribe them? | 02:38 |
micahg | c2tarun: you can't, I took care of it, if you subscribe accidentally, you can just ask here for it to be removed if it's going to be a while before you attach something | 02:39 |
micahg | only team members can unsubscribe a team | 02:40 |
c2tarun | micahg: sure, one more thing, in control file the standard version is 3.8 | 02:40 |
c2tarun | micahg: sure, one more thing, in control file the standard version is 3.8.3 | 02:40 |
c2tarun | micahg: should I change it to 3.9.1? | 02:40 |
micahg | c2tarun: you have to verify that it's compliant with standards version 3.9.1 (assuming this is an Ubuntu only package) | 02:40 |
c2tarun | micahg: ya this as well, how can i check whether a package is in debian or not? | 02:41 |
micahg | c2tarun: rmadison -uqa PKGNAME | 02:41 |
micahg | c2tarun: if it's in Debian, we generally won't touch the standards version as it's an unnecessary diff | 02:42 |
c2tarun | micahg: I don't think this package is in debian as I am not getting anything on running 'rmadison -uqa ccsript-doc' | 02:43 |
micahg | c2tarun: no, it's not | 02:44 |
c2tarun | micahg: ok, I didn't got diff.tar.gz but I got diff.gz, should I attach this with the bug? | 02:44 |
micahg | c2tarun: if you want to check if it's up to the new standards version, you can install the debian-policy package and check this file /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz | 02:44 |
micahg | c2tarun: well, a tar'd version of the debian dir or a debdiff is preferable | 02:45 |
c2tarun | I didn't have that package installed, what is the name of that debian-policy package? | 02:45 |
micahg | c2tarun: debian-policy | 02:46 |
c2tarun | micahg: ok, and i'll take the debdiff of both the .dsc files and attach that. will it be fine? | 02:46 |
micahg | c2tarun: also, attaching a debian dir to a bug is assuming that you make no changes outside of the debian dir to the source | 02:46 |
micahg | c2tarun: yes, that will be fine | 02:47 |
c2tarun | thanks :) | 02:47 |
micahg | c2tarun: thank you | 02:47 |
c2tarun | micahg: wow... debdiff is huge. I uploaded the debdiff file, can you please take a look. | 02:51 |
micahg | c2tarun: in a bit | 02:53 |
c2tarun | micahg: thanks :) | 02:53 |
YankeesFan | !ops | 03:45 |
ubottu | Help! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds! | 03:45 |
micahg | YankeesFan: is there a problem? | 03:45 |
YankeesFan | BAN ME | 03:46 |
jmarsden | micahg: He's doing that on multiple channels... | 03:46 |
paultag | fucking yankees | 03:53 |
paultag | Oh jesus, this is -motu | 03:53 |
paultag | I totally thought this was -us-ma | 03:53 |
paultag | sorry everyone | 03:53 |
YankeesFan | !ops | 05:17 |
ubottu | Help! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds! | 05:17 |
YankeesFan | !staff | 05:17 |
ubottu | hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :) | 05:17 |
c2tarun | micahg: I am trying to work packages in list should we pack only those applications of which we know about the source code? | 06:02 |
micahg | c2tarun: what do you mean know about the source code? | 06:03 |
c2tarun | micahg: I mean know how the application is programmed, its logic, algorithms and all. | 06:05 |
micahg | c2tarun: not required | 06:06 |
maco | generally an interest in the package is a good thing | 06:06 |
maco | as we dont want to just have people package things then disappear and not take care of them down the line | 06:06 |
maco | but there's lots of devs who arent programmers. just being ready & willing to talk to upstream authors to get things resolved is enough | 06:07 |
c2tarun | maco: we can communicate with upstream if required? | 06:07 |
maco | can and SHOULD | 06:08 |
maco | maintaining a good relationship with upstream is important | 06:08 |
c2tarun | maco: ya :) | 06:08 |
sagaci | if you don't communicate with upstream, you're creating an unnecessary barrier which is usually to the detriment of the package | 06:47 |
c2tarun | micahg: u there? sorry I got disconnected. | 07:41 |
c2tarun | there is a package of name freeimage in debian. That package is not in ubuntu + the version in debian is also old, upstream has a newer version. what should i do? | 10:38 |
DktrKranz | c2tarun: package is orphaned in Debian, that means you can pick it up and maintain it | 10:39 |
DktrKranz | otherwise, you can arrange for a one-shot QA upload to package new upstream release | 10:40 |
c2tarun | DktrKranz: what is a one-shot QA upload? | 10:59 |
c2tarun | DktrKranz: and how can i pick it for maintainance? | 11:02 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: a QA upload is an upload to an orphaned package, without any intent to maintain it into the future | 11:05 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: anyone can adopt orphaned packages | 11:05 |
c2tarun | tumbleweed: how? | 11:11 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: | 11:11 |
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udienz | tumbleweed, if i want to maintain a packages i must sending emails to debian-mentors? | 11:37 |
tumbleweed | udienz: mail debian-mentors if you want review / sponsorship. Is this a new package? orphaned package? | 11:40 |
udienz | tumbleweed, orphaned packages named pdnsd | 11:41 |
udienz | this packages usually sync from debian | 11:42 |
udienz | but it's orphaned and upstream released new version | 11:42 |
grunthus | Bug 692879. If I install ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu in a Natty vm, how do I run it to confirm the bug? | 11:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 692879 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Refers to Open Office, not LibreOffice" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:44 |
tumbleweed | udienz: aah I see you've already announced intention to adopt and have it in collab-maint. Great. Yeah, go through debian-mentors for sponsorship | 11:46 |
tumbleweed | grunthus: there's a README that shows how to test it | 11:50 |
udienz | tumbleweed,;package=pdnsd i will send an emails to debian-mentors | 11:52 |
udienz | tumbleweed, if old patches files need updated, Author field must be changed or not? | 11:59 |
tumbleweed | udienz: no. Although you can add yourself if you made significant updates | 12:00 |
Raydiation | according to FHS where would you store databases? | 12:22 |
Raydiation | for a webapp | 12:22 |
tumbleweed | /var/lib/$package | 12:22 |
Raydiation | tumbleweed: ty | 12:23 |
c2tarun | I was working on packaging of schedio bug 710347. There was an issue that the source tarball doesn't include the COPYING file for license. I mailed them to update a tarball almost a week ago, but I didn't got any response from the upstream. What should I do? | 12:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 710347 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] schedio" [Wishlist,In progress] | 12:23 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: I guess you could repack it including COPYING. However, many files don't have any copyright / licence statement at all. | 12:36 |
c2tarun | tumbleweed: ok, where can I get the copying file for GPL version 3? | 12:39 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: it's one of the ones you'd find in common-licences | 12:39 |
c2tarun | tumbleweed: ok, and regarding adoption of any package, this package is up for adoption. In order to adopt it I should mail the one who reported this bug? | 12:41 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: take ownership of the bug, retitle it to be an ITA, and state your attempt to adopt | 12:44 |
c2tarun | tumbleweed: how to take the ownership? there is no button or link for that. | 12:45 |
tumbleweed | c2tarun: the debian BTS is entirely e-mail driven. | 12:46 |
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c2tarun | what kind of version number is this: (1.1.8-2build1) | 13:53 |
Rhonda | Is this a trick question? | 13:54 |
Rhonda | build means that it got rebuilt, potential because of some library linking or similar | 13:55 |
c2tarun | Rhonda: nope I found this in spyder's debian changelog | 13:55 |
Rhonda | Can you describe better what puzzles you about it? | 13:55 |
c2tarun | Rhonda: I was working on bug 645138 | 13:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 645138 in spyder (Ubuntu) "update Spyder to Version 2" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:56 |
Rhonda | c2tarun: The changelog gives the hint. | 13:56 |
Rhonda | c2tarun: | 13:56 |
Rhonda | * Rebuild with python 2.7 as the python default. | 13:57 |
c2tarun | Rhonda: actually never saw this 2build1 always packed only 2ubuntu1 or similar to that. | 13:57 |
Rhonda | ubuntu means there are changes involved. build means no changes to source. | 13:57 |
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c2tarun | Rhonda: ok, so numbers preceding and following 'build' have the same meaning as they have in <no>ubuntu<no>? | 13:58 |
Rhonda | Yes. | 13:58 |
Rhonda | The 2 is the Debian-Revision, and the 1 is the number of the rebuild. | 13:58 |
c2tarun | Rhonda: thanks :) | 14:00 |
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hakermania1 | What's the most right way to call lintian in order to display even the most little error/warning about your package? | 17:08 |
paultag | hakermania1: -iIE --pedantic | 17:10 |
paultag | hakermania1: at least, that's how I use it | 17:10 |
hakermania1 | paultag: Thanks, anybody else? | 17:11 |
iulian | hakermania1: The manual page. | 17:11 |
paultag | hakermania1: `man lintian' might help | 17:11 |
paultag | iulian++ | 17:11 |
hakermania1 | Ok, thanks, I know, but I though that some experienced guys should know better. | 17:12 |
paultag | hakermania1: what I gave you is correct | 17:12 |
paultag | hakermania1: I just suggesting that others might use other flags, but that shows X, I, W, E, and P tags | 17:12 |
hakermania1 | paultag: OK, I am happy to see that still my package has no errors. | 17:12 |
paultag | hakermania1: --show-overrides is nice, too | 17:13 |
hakermania1 | paultag: Hehe, nice, still nothing :) | 17:13 |
paultag | hakermania1: then it looks good from lintian's perspective :) | 17:13 |
paultag | hakermania1: remember to build it an run it on the .changes file | 17:14 |
paultag | hakermania1: or do both the deb and the .dsc by hand | 17:14 |
hakermania1 | paultag: I place *deb *changes *dsc after setting the flags.. | 17:14 |
paultag | OK | 17:15 |
Raydiation | as for the copyright file: i use oxygen icons (bsd i guess), jquery and soundmanager (bsd) in my softwarepackage. do i have to add anything to the copyrights file and if where? | 17:25 |
paultag | Raydiation: you should consider DEP3 | 17:26 |
Raydiation | dep3? | 17:26 |
tumbleweed | he means dep5 | 17:26 |
grunthus | tumbleweed> grunthus: there's a README that shows how to test it | 17:26 |
Raydiation | ty | 17:27 |
grunthus | ^thanks (Re: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu bug 692879) | 17:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 692879 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Refers to Open Office, not LibreOffice" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:27 |
Raydiation | hm is that copyright file fine: | 19:27 |
Raydiation | i didnt get any error while running lintian | 19:27 |
Raydiation | can i ignore: executable-not-elf-or-script | 19:39 |
Raydiation | i mean: W: laudio: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/laudio/src/ | 19:40 |
Raydiation | dh_fixperms doesnt correct the problem | 20:03 |
Elbrus | Raydiation: you should fill in <VERSIONED_FORMAT_URL> | 20:05 |
Elbrus | license of first part should be GPL-3+ | 20:06 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: what is version_format_url? | 20:07 |
Elbrus | e.g. : | 20:07 |
Elbrus | or | 20:08 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: aah | 20:08 |
Elbrus | not sure, but I think you should also join paragraphs in your license text with a single dot | 20:08 |
Elbrus | I think the statement "All rights reserved." on line 26 is not located right and probably doesn't match the license (BSD) | 20:10 |
Elbrus | line 57 should also mention the second license | 20:10 |
Elbrus | (MIT) | 20:11 |
Elbrus | consider adding a stand alone section for the GPL-3 or MIT license (you then don't need to repeat it) | 20:11 |
Elbrus | line 105 should not mention GPL without version | 20:12 |
Raydiation | like On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License 3 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'. | 20:13 |
Raydiation | ? | 20:13 |
Raydiation | ah ok :D | 20:15 |
Raydiation | found another paragraph above | 20:15 |
Elbrus | exact: it should be a versioned GPL link | 20:16 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: | 20:17 |
Raydiation | dapal: ive found a way to restart apache without killing requests: | 20:23 |
Raydiation | /usr/sbin/apachectl graceful | 20:23 |
Raydiation | is that ok for me to run in the postint script? | 20:23 |
Elbrus | Raydiation: line 7: GPL-3+ | 20:23 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: ty | 20:23 |
Elbrus | between line 11-12 add one space, a dot and a newline | 20:24 |
Elbrus | idem between line 15-16 | 20:24 |
Elbrus | add a space and dot on line 18 | 20:24 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: like | 20:25 |
Raydiation | ? | 20:25 |
dapal | Raydiation: no | 20:25 |
dapal | Raydiation: use the same snippet I gave you yesterday, and use "reload" instead of "restart" | 20:26 |
dapal | that should be the same | 20:26 |
Raydiation | dapal: ty | 20:26 |
Raydiation | dapal: | 20:27 |
Elbrus | Raydiation: something like that, but it is better readable if you align the dot with the text (so add multiple spaces) | 20:27 |
dapal | Raydiation: err.. line 41? dbus? :D | 20:27 |
Raydiation | dapal: i copied it 1:1 from the chan :) | 20:27 |
dapal | Raydiation: heh, probably I forgot to edit it :D | 20:28 |
Raydiation | dapal: hehe i guess i have to replace it with apache2 | 20:28 |
dapal | yup | 20:28 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: ah k | 20:28 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: like | 20:31 |
Elbrus | line 22 and 23 must be indented (I suggest the same amount as the paragraph above it) | 20:32 |
Elbrus | line 30 to 53 must be indented | 20:33 |
Elbrus | skip the second "Copyright" in all your "Copyright: Copyright " lines | 20:34 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: | 20:36 |
Raydiation | do i have to fix the executable-not-elf-or-script outputs from lintian? | 20:38 |
Raydiation | and how? a-x or in general every user -x | 20:38 |
Elbrus | Raydiation: line 59: License: GPL-3 or other | 20:40 |
Elbrus | don't indent line 79 and don't use MIT as license name | 20:41 |
Elbrus | from the dep5 page: There are many versions of the MIT license. Please use Expat instead, when it matches. | 20:42 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: just GPL-3? | 20:42 |
Elbrus | no | 20:42 |
Elbrus | GPL-3 or other | 20:43 |
Elbrus | don't forget the word "or" | 20:43 |
Elbrus | line 111 to 115 should also be converted to the proper style | 20:43 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: inserting a .? | 20:44 |
Raydiation | ah k | 20:44 |
Elbrus | line 94 should mention the Qt exception | 20:45 |
Elbrus | the copyright statement in lines 95 to 99 don't mention a version of the GPL. please help upstream to clarify this issue. (it must be clear AFAICT) | 20:47 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: i copied it from the newest package in debian unstable | 20:48 |
Raydiation | ill see if i can get an older version | 20:48 |
Raydiation | Elbrus: hm, thats also the file in squeeze | 20:48 |
Raydiation | oops wrong package :P | 20:49 |
Raydiation | thats the correct one | 20:49 |
jmarsden | Raydiation: Getting technical issues wrong just causes bugs; getting legal info wrong can cause... lawsuits! So be careful, go slowly, and get the copyright stuff 100% correct. | 20:51 |
Elbrus | Raydiation: maybe I am wrong, or the issue was overlooked before (which doesn't make it right) | 20:52 |
* Elbrus leaves | 20:52 | |
Raydiation | Elbrus: ty for your help | 20:56 |
Raydiation | jmarsden: yeah, i just double checked all files and found 2 tiny files which ive forgotten | 21:04 |
Raydiation | how do i get my package into ubuntu? | 21:11 |
Raydiation | should i first get a repo on launchpad? | 21:11 |
Raydiation | ppa* | 21:12 |
jmarsden | Raydiation: | 21:14 |
Raydiation | jmarsden: ty | 21:14 |
jmarsden | Raydiation: You're welcome | 21:14 |
Raydiation | how long does it take until uploaded packages show up in a ppa? | 23:17 |
RAOF | It depends. It should be ≤ 15 minutes for the source packages to show up, then it depends on how busy the buildds are. | 23:25 |
Raydiation | hm i got mixed uploads are not allowed error | 23:28 |
Raydiation | maybe it complains about a flash player | 23:28 |
Raydiation | whose source is already included though | 23:28 |
Raydiation | if anyone is interested, heres the deb: | 23:29 |
Raydiation | ah, debuild -S | 23:37 |
RAOF | Right. No binary uploads allowed to Ubuntu :) | 23:38 |
Raydiation | im new to debian packaging :) | 23:39 |
Raydiation | woohoo, accepted :) | 23:41 |
=== paultag is now known as crabbytag |
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