
=== Dykam` is now known as Dykam
MichealHMuscovy: The site was down yesterday?19:59
MuscovyWas it?19:59
MichealHIt still is20:00
MuscovyI've been meaning to switch host. Stuff keeps blacking out randomly. :|20:00
MuscovyI can see it fine, oddly.20:00
MichealHOops! Google Chrome could not find ubuntutour.org20:00
MichealHThere seems to be a issue client-side20:01
MichealHBut MadnessRed found a issue yesteday with it20:01
MuscovyMy friend says pinging it from just about any non-NA server fails.20:02
MuscovyWorst case scenario it'll be like this until the en of the month.20:03
MichealHThats, bad20:04
MichealHHi Jason20:10
UndiFineDdid you guys see my message ?20:11
MuscovyI don't think I did, sorry.20:11
UndiFineD<UndiFineD> <mattgriffin> Billynkid: ubuntu-tour ... one of the executions of the education campaign could promote what they're doing at Ubuntu Tour ... so perhaps some overlap but i think we would take the role of publicizing their work to a large audience * mattgriffin checks ossg.bcs.org20:11
UndiFineD<UndiFineD> on #ubuntu-adverts20:11
UndiFineD<UndiFineD> matt works for canonical20:11
UndiFineDthat may mean people from canonical are willing to support this20:12
UndiFineDremember: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/canonical-to-spend-on-advertising-ubuntu-one-sdk-coming-more-from-udd/20:13
TourBotTitle: Canonical to spend on advertising, Ubuntu One SDK coming, more from #udd (at www.omgubuntu.co.uk)20:14
UndiFineDthe adverts are related to inform new users, and new users need to be explained ubuntu20:15
OmegaUndiFineD: You're in a lot of channels :P20:15
UndiFineDso this coming from matt may be a hint of what is to come20:16
UndiFineDI explained that you guys are basically waiting for alpha 320:16
UndiFineDso I would not be suprised by then help may enter20:16
UndiFineDit would be cool if we could do another promo near that time20:17
UndiFineDand be ready for natty on release20:17
UndiFineDin some languages at least20:17
OmegaIt's easier now that we've got the infrastructure in place.20:21
OmegaGreat work UndiFineD :>20:22
UndiFineDOmega: I have a broad interest20:23
UndiFineDSomeday I hope to open up my own it shop that can depend on governments using linux20:24
OmegaSo do I, but I can't stand being in a lot of IRC channels20:24
UndiFineDthus having a fixed income based upon support20:24
OmegaHah, that's where our interests differ my friend :)20:24
OmegaI can't bring myself to support governments20:24
UndiFineDI am only in some 60 orso20:25
OmegaMaybe we could hang out sometime though, I'm moving to .nl soon.20:26
UndiFineDreally ? cool20:26
UndiFineDbut I must say I live in friesland, far away from civilisation20:27
OmegaLeuk :)20:28
OmegaI'm moving to Utrecht20:29
MuscovyI've whined at the webhost about what's going on just in case they can fix it.21:29
=== Muscovy changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | Sorry, the site may be up and down for a while. Poke Muscovy to make it better faster.
MichealH!no status is s/[Website] Up/[Website] Down21:34
TourBotI'll remember that MichealH21:34
TourBotstatus is s/[Website] Up/[Website] Down21:34
MichealH!no status is <reply>[Website] Down [Launchpad] Up [Wiki] Seems Up [Bot] Up21:35
TourBotI'll remember that MichealH21:35

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