
canthus13Cheri703: Sucks to hear about your dog... I just found out my dog has breast cancer... But she's 13 years old.04:17
Cheri703yeah, I just walked out to where they're buried. it's snowing like crazy here, and if I waited til morning I probably wouldn't be able to see where it was :/04:28
canthus13Cheri703: We got a ton of snow today.  mora than the 'blizzard'.04:28
Cheri703yeah? husband said 2 or 3 inches this morning, haven't gotten the day's total yet04:29
canthus13Cheri703: Toledo got the brunt of it.04:29
canthus13Which is odd, because stuff usually goes around Toledo.04:29
Cheri703it's your turn!04:29
Cheri703bleh, I have to drive 6 hours home tomorrow :/05:38
Cheri703and my phone is being ridiculous05:38
seidospaultag: is this fem in this LoCo:  http://www.dreamscape21.com/Pictures/Wallpaper/linux.jpg17:29
paultagseidos: naw :)17:30
seidospaultag: the way you were talking about it... ;)17:31
canthus13seidos: 'twould be nice... she could come to OLF dressed like that. :)17:32
seidoscanthus13: OLF?17:33
canthus13Ohio Linux Fest. :)17:33
seidoscanthus13: there's a Linux Fest?17:34
canthus13seidos: Well, yeah.17:34
canthus13seidos: every year. :)17:34
seidosthis is an outrage!17:34
seidosthe closest thing to a linux fest here is SCaLE17:35
seidosand it is no fest :(17:35
canthus13seidos: http://www.ohiolinux.org/17:36
seidoscanthus13: ack17:40
canthus13Networking joke.17:41
seidosreligion joke17:41
paultagcanthus13: haha I caught it17:43
paultagSYN  ACK  SYN/ACK17:43
paultagright? It's been so long17:43
canthus13Think so. :)17:44
seidosah, i'm in on the joke.  i use ack as in acknowledge, which was the intention17:45
seidoswhat about NACK?17:45
seidosjargon file :)17:45
paultagseidos: that's how we are using ack :)17:46
paultagseidos: but it's from network protocols -- SYN packet to handshake, ACK from server to client, SYN-ACK from client17:46
paultagI think17:46
paultagI'm not a networking guy17:47
seidospaultag: me neither, i learned it from the jargon file17:48
seidostoo bad there isn't a jargon file for my family17:49
paultaghahaha, or my house17:50
paultagthat'd be absurd to read17:50
paultagchee dog, you tryen to yee with the guy?17:51
canthus13paultag: That's the basic 3-way handshake.17:51
paultagThat means, "Hey, would you like to get some food?"17:51
paultagcanthus13: :)17:51
paultagto which you reply with "CHO DOG MAKABRO RIPPP"17:51
paultagWe also name our paries17:52
paultagtwo days ago was "Jimberbingle 11"17:52
seidospaultag: your family sounds cool17:54
seidosmost of what goes on in the kitchen is spanish, and i don't understand a lick of it17:54
seidosand religion...17:55
seidoswell, i understand enough to know it's an utter waste of time17:55
canthus13Spanish is an utter waste of time?17:56
seidosno, the stuff they talk about it17:56
seidosthe religion...and it oftentimes because DSW in terms of religion17:57
seidoslike "my understanding of God is superior to yours"...not directly, i think it's subtle17:57
canthus13that's just silly. :P17:58
seidoshaha, you're right!  \o/18:00
seidosat it's worse it's annoying18:00
seidosat it's best it's funny18:00
canthus13seidos: Point out that christ never liked people competing over who was the more religious... :)18:03
canthus13then they can compete over who is the least religious. :)18:04
seidoscanthus13: it isn't obvious enough for such a blatant rebuke18:05
seidoscanthus13: but, yeah, i throw their religion back at them as often as possible18:05
robho-neogreetings Ohio Ubuntulings :D22:00
robho-neoor maybe it should be Ubuntu Ohiolings.. I can't decide22:00
robho-neoHow is everyone?22:02
* canthus13 workin'. :P22:02
robho-neoUbuhiolings? lol22:02
robho-neome too22:02
robho-neoif you call this work.22:02
robho-neoI've been browsing the Ohio LoCo site since yesterday and hitting up some IRC channels, decided to register a nick and check out the LoCo IRC22:03
robho-neoso what happens at these <City> Ubuntu Hours?22:05
robho-neoI may potentially be at the Akron Ubuntu Hour, is there usually a fair turn out?22:16
paultagrobho-neo: not so much anymore :(22:25
paultagrobho-neo: I'm over in Cleveland, everything's a bit mild right now22:26
paultagrobho-neo: if you want to get something started, I can help :)22:26
robho-neoI'm in Medina, work in strongsville22:26
paultagand we have a pretty strong network of buddies22:26
paultagrobho-neo: sweet22:26
robho-neoat least one of my coworkers here might interested22:26
robho-neowe're chatting about it22:26
paultagrobho-neo: thafreak here is in akron22:26
paultagrobho-neo: nice! :)22:26
paultagrobho-neo: send mail to the list and we can get something going :)22:26
robho-neocool, will do22:26
paultagrobho-neo: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio  <-- ML is on that page22:27
canthus13I have a lucid machine that is suddenly refusing to bring up eth0.  If you try to manually bring it up, you get 'ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0'  Any ideas?22:42
robho-neoany recent updates?22:44
robho-neoThe first thing that comes to mind when a NIC stops being recognized is a driver issue (Windows hurts my brain some days)22:45
canthus13Bah. Nic was disabled in NM.22:47
robho-neohah, been there, done that, wasn't my first guess though.22:47
robho-neoI'm required to sit in front of Windows Vista every day at work, it takes me a minute to get into the Linux troubleshooting mode22:48
canthus13Heh. I use XP at work. :P22:49
canthus13IS doesn't trust Vista.22:49
Unit193They looking at 7?22:49
canthus13Not that I blame them... Vista drove me to ban Windows from my house.22:49
robho-neogah, was away too long, timed out23:20
robho-neohere's a topic I enjoy discussing: Why do average users think FLOSS is illegal?23:21
robho-neoI think it's the idea of FREE that scares people away, how can it be free AND legal? I've been asked that before, people I've talked to about open source don't see the idea behind people making things for free and distributing them for all. It's quite intriguing23:24
=== paultag is now known as crabbytag

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