
hobbesHi frotz00:00
H3r0DasEi - read that I am writing .I am using PPA ! Therefore, I use development version00:00
H3r0can someone help me?I don't know why the ppa of wine isn't update to the newest version of development00:00
StepNjumpmkanyicy: did you get my latest paste?00:00
Jordan_U!backtrack | root__00:01
ubotturoot__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:01
thorbj0rnH3r0: ask in #winehq00:01
mkanyicyStepNjump, there is something wrong with your source, or your system00:01
mkanyicyStepNjump, have you developed this qt software yourself or downloaded it?00:01
H3r0thorbj0rn - I asked and they tell me to ask here00:01
DasEiH3r0: I read that, ppa here, to , dev is version 1.3 dev, but haven't crosschecked with wine's homepage00:01
LcawteI'm running ntp.d to manage my time... but it keeps falling 10 minutes out of sync.. (I've ntpdated to check it a few times).... my config... http://pastebin.com/c7Bb6832 (etc/ntp.conf) Any ideas how I can get it to stay in sync by like 30 seconds00:01
StepNjumpmkanyicy: I downloaded it00:02
StepNjumpIt's a checkers game for my daughter00:02
dimmortalUltimate Edition??00:02
mkanyicyStepNjump, have you installed all the qt sofware?00:02
StepNjumpmkanyicy: Maverick 10.10 for netbook00:02
amaurymedeirosWhat is the current ubuntu's stable version?00:03
StepNjumpmkanyicy what is the qt software? lol sorry I'm new to linux  (grin)00:03
hobbesHow do I disable all those joining and leaving messages?00:03
Jordan_Udimmortal: It's a derivitive distribution that is anything but "ultimate".00:03
=== juice- is now known as I
StepNjumpmkanyicy: I downloaded the software in a tar.gz package which I extracted to a folder00:03
mkanyicyStepNjump, but you need all libraries and compilers to be in place00:03
lexvegasamaurymedeiros: 10.10 or 10.10 for LTS00:04
botcityhobbes: unetbootin is the root app for putting iso's on usb00:04
sontekAnyone know what the best app for streaming movies/music to the 360 is?  I've found ushare and fuppes but both seem to have been discontinued00:04
lexvegasamaurymedeiros: 10.04 for LTS Sorry00:04
mkanyicyStepNjump, if your system is not properly configured then you are bound to get errors00:04
UmeaboyCan I search for users with a command somehow to see if he/she is online?00:04
bullgard4Jordan_U: The ncurses window »Configure grub-pc« states now (in my translation from German): "You have decided to not install GRUB on any device. If you proceed the boot loader might not be configured properly. ... Continue without installing Grub? Yes/No" and defaults to "No". I am perplexed. Should I continue by pressing "No"?00:04
StepNjumpmkanyicy: the instructions were http://paste.ubuntu.com/563230/00:04
UmeaboyIt takes a lot of time to look thru the whole list.00:04
hobbesBotcity: So you don't know of a way to put the ISO directly on the USB drive and have it bootable? I lack HDD space00:05
StepNjumpmkanyicy! ahhhh ok... Well I thought all those libraries were included in the edition of Linux I downloaded00:05
mkanyicyStepNjump, I understand that00:05
Jordan_Ubullgard4: debconf dialogs are a bit odd. You need to press space bar to select an install device, then hit enter to continue. Select "No" now and you will be brought back to the list.00:05
LcawteI'm running ntp.d to manage my time... but it keeps falling 10 minutes out of sync.. (I've ntpdated to check it a few times).... my config... http://pastebin.com/c7Bb6832 (etc/ntp.conf) Any ideas how I can get it to stay in sync by like 30 seconds00:05
botcity!usb hobbes00:06
mkanyicyStepNjump, why do you want to install from source?00:06
StepNjumpmkanyicy: so I need to download the compiler? Like I said, in /usr/bin there is no : gcc subdirectory found00:06
botcity!usb | hobbes00:06
ubottuhobbes: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:06
mkanyicymkanyicy, if you claim you are still new to linux?00:06
adam_need a tad of help. x crashed, and i dont know the command to manually edit xorg. im on ubuntu 9.1000:06
mkanyicyStepNjump,  if you claim you are still new to linux?00:06
tgywacan I run both php5.2 and php5.3 on Ubuntu 10.0400:06
stevomanuim trying to mount n90 on ubuntu10.10 but cant find it any idea how please00:06
stevomanument n90000:07
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adam_command line edit xorg?00:07
adam_please assist me00:07
botcityhobbes: you can do it from a live cd!00:07
StepNjumpmkanyicy: Because 1-I'd like to know how it's done to broaden my knowledge and 2- I looked in the repository and couldn't find any checkers game that my daughter could play off-line00:07
hobbesBotcity: I can't make a live CD, this PC lacks a burner00:08
chris_osxStepNjump: gnuchess00:08
mkanyicyStepNjump, try 'sudo apt-get install build-essential qt3-dev-tools qt4-dev-tools' on terminal00:08
stevomanuim trying to make flashable image but can only do it on linux system00:08
chris_osxStepNjump: ah checkers sorry00:08
hobbesAnyone, how do I disable all these joining and leaving messages in chat? They flood my screen making it hard to keep track of messages00:08
StepNjumpchris_osx: Thanks for the chess game. I'm looking for checkers.. yes! I will download the gnuchess though. Thanks00:08
speciescan somebody please tell me what the <redacted> all this is, http://pastebin.com/XmJKeAET00:09
chris_osxStepNjump: kcheckers00:09
lexvegashobbes: Do you use xchat?00:09
StepNjumpOk mkanyicy. Thanks I will try that00:09
rwwhobbes: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages00:09
StepNjumpThanks Chris_osx00:09
ActionParsniphobbes: what client?00:09
chris_osxStepNjump: no problem00:10
hobbesI am using the browser webchat00:10
david_brenthi can anyobody tell me, how can i record master audio output ? or just audio output from the browser?00:10
rwwhobbes: oh. never mind that link then. Click the blue box in the top left, then options, then "Hide JOINS/PARTS/QUITS", then Save00:10
crackheadjunkyneed help with xorg00:10
botcityhobbes: you need to download the iso first to do a check sum of the image  (make sure the image is ok!)00:11
lexvegashobbes: oh, sorty, i dont know then.  BUT to attempt to answer your question, you can download the .ISO to the jump drive and then run unetbootin assuming you have a big enough jump drive00:11
crackheadjunkyx crashed,how do i edit the conf file?00:11
hobbesAh, thats better00:11
codichulomkanyicy: compiz-check gave me a message "no rendering method in use" ??? any idea?00:12
mkanyicycodichulo, pastebin everything not just that '00:12
crackheadjunkycan someone tell me how to edit my xorg.conf file in command line?00:12
bullgard4Jordan_U: "Creating config file /etc/default/grub with new version. Installation finished. No error reported. Generating grub.cfg. Found linuy image, initrd image, linux image, initrd image, memtest86+ image, Windows XP Media Center Edition on dev/sda1. done"00:13
Gneacrackheadjunky: how do you know that you need to edit that file if X was working fine prior?00:13
frotzedcrackheadjunky: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:13
hobbesSo can unibootin make a ISO thats already on the flash drive, bootable?00:13
codichuloGathering information about your system...00:13
crackheadjunkythank you00:13
codichulo Distribution:          Ubuntu 10.1000:13
codichulo Desktop environment:   GNOME00:13
codichulo Graphics chip:         Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)00:13
codichulo Driver in use:         intel00:13
FloodBot3codichulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
crackheadjunkyyes xcrashed00:13
crackheadjunkyand i have to recover it and reconfigure it00:13
crackheadjunkycannot open display00:13
crackheadjunkyis the error i am getting00:13
UberNewbierww:  do you know how to do the same thing in xchat?00:14
StepNjumpChris_osx thank you very much. I installed both the chess and the checkers! my daughter will love it00:14
Gnearight, gedit is an X editor00:14
rwwUberNewbie: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages00:14
Gneacrackheadjunky: you'll need to use a terminal-based editor00:14
chris_osxStepNjump: great00:14
hobbesLexvegas: Can unetbootin transfer a ISO on a flash drive, into a bootable one?00:14
crackheadjunkyGnea, im rebooting the system and it may let me fix it00:15
hobbesLexvegas: It doesn't have to output  a second copy or something?00:15
ldz420crackheadjunky: use nano or emacs00:15
Gneacrackheadjunky: okay00:15
codichulomkanyicy : http://paste.ubuntu.com/563232/00:15
Jordan_Ubullgard4: OK. Reboot and everything should work.00:15
lexvegashobbes: as far as i know it can, but the original file will still be there. the jump drive will just have to be big enough. I can test if you need me to00:15
crackheadjunkyGnea, it comes up to reconfigure the display, but nothing i choose works00:16
UberNewbienice rww, thanks alot!00:16
UberNewbienow I can actually watch the conversations00:16
hobbesDoes unetbootin need enough space on the OS drive to process the transfer?00:16
Gneacrackheadjunky: hm, is the reconfigure dialog in X or terminal?00:17
frotzedcrackheadjunky: http://tinyurl.com/68n6v6o00:17
crackheadjunkyGnea, terminal00:17
lexvegashobbes: are you on windows?00:17
crackheadjunkyGnea, x is crashing on boot00:17
frotzedcrackheadjunky: you use nano instead of gedit00:17
crackheadjunkyGnea, i used nano but also used gedit00:17
Gneacrackheadjunky: right, but you can't use gedit in the console00:18
crackheadjunkyGnea, i used sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:18
crackheadjunkyGnea, and i get a file, but nothing in it00:18
hobbesThe situation is, I have a very very old crappy borrowed PC, and a new PC with almost all the parts I need. I need a OS for my new PC.00:18
Gneacrackheadjunky: okay, then it doesn't exist, you'll need to generate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75930900:18
stevomanuanybody use n900 ??00:18
javahello, anyone know java?00:19
crackheadjunkyGnea, thats weird, it was just up and running00:19
hobbesThis ancient PC lacks a burning drive, and has very crowded tiny hard drives00:19
ActionParsniphobbes: XUbuntu or Lubuntu are great on low end systems (as well as new ones if you like light and snappy)00:19
crackheadjunkyGnea, i made no changes but adding drivers, in the update and now its crashing00:19
Gneacrackheadjunky: what drivers did you add?00:19
lexvegashobbes: what I would do would be to download the ISO using your browser, and save it on the jump drive. Then from unetbootin, use the install ISO option and select the ISO you just downloaded. that should circumvent a full hard drive00:19
crackheadjunkyGnea, the ones on the update list00:19
crackheadjunkyfresh 9.10 install00:19
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hobbesWell, the linux is for the new PC, not the old one, I just need to get it to the new one00:19
Gneacrackheadjunky: yes, but which drivers?00:19
crackheadjunkyGnea, how do i tell?00:19
mkanyicycodichulo, seems like you hardware isnt supported00:20
=== horus is now known as Guest60380
Gneacrackheadjunky: good question. :) did you install them implicitly or were they part of an automatic update?00:20
crackheadjunkyGnea, part of auto update00:20
hobbesSo unetbootin doesn't turn the flash drive into a phantom DVD image where the rest of the space disappears then, right?00:21
binary001Hi all, im trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my pc and install seems to have completed successfully but when I reboot I just see a blinking cursor. I never even get to the splash screen. Can anyone help me please?00:21
Gneacrackheadjunky: ah, alright. try this then before trying to edit the xorg.conf:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   see if you have any error messages or other installations00:21
=== Guest60380 is now known as fox-mulder
crackheadjunkybinary001, did you run the checksum on the image?00:21
binary001Yes, image is fine00:21
Gneabinary001: are you able to interrupt boot and get to the grub menu?00:22
crackheadjunkyno errors00:22
crackheadjunkyGnea, no errors, and all good00:22
Gneacrackheadjunky: good, did it install anything?00:22
crackheadjunkyGnea, nope00:22
lexvegashobbes: correct. you can use it as a normal jump drive after installing onto it00:22
binary001It doesn't seem to load at all00:22
Gneabinary001: at the end of POST, hold down the left shift key, it should bring the menu up, then tell it to boot without 'quiet splash'00:23
binary001I did a default install with no other os00:23
Gneabinary001: is this your first time installing?00:23
binary001I don't think it posts00:23
hobbesLexvegas: and the unitbootin process doesn't delete any data or require a empty USB flash, right?00:23
crackheadjunkybinary001, please check the md5 sum on the disk and let us know if they match00:23
binary001Not my first time but im no expert obviously00:23
binary001I did. They do.00:24
Gneabinary001: POST == Power-On Self Test, it's when the computer turns on and makes sure everything is connected.00:24
crackheadjunkyGnea, any ideas?00:24
Gneabinary001: every computer POSTs before booting the OS00:24
binary001Alright. I'll try that.00:24
lexvegashobbes: not that I know of00:25
Gneacrackheadjunky: okay, give the method in that URL I pasted you earlier a whirl00:25
hobbesPOST beeps (if PC speakers are plugged in) are the primary way to diagnose major system problems00:25
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lexvegashobbes: would you like me to run a test?00:25
=== WeeDawg is now known as Wankerkind
hobbesLexvegas: Well if your not positive00:25
hobbesAnother issue though, doesn't the OS drive need X amount of temporary space to process the unetbootin conversion process?00:26
bullgard4Jordan_U: "I have got back my old GNOME desktop. --  Thank you very much for your enduring and patient help.00:26
ApacheOmegahi everybody00:26
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.00:27
fox-mulderis it secure?00:27
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank you again.00:27
ApacheOmegaI was wondering if it's possible to install CS3 through Wine on my UBUNTU OS00:27
crackheadjunkyGnea, i did that command in that url, and i get nothing00:27
crackheadjunkyGnea, it does nothing but doesnt give me an error either00:27
kheerwhat is this?00:27
kheerhelp me please00:28
kheeri'm not resolved00:28
Gneacrackheadjunky: if it doesn't give an error, then it probably worked - try to edit the xorg.conf file now00:28
kheerthe query00:28
Jordan_Uhobbes: GRUB2 can allow you to boot from an iso that's already on the flash drive.00:28
tzaerudamn it's hard to find a good C++ IDE >_>00:29
fox-mulderi got some xfiles i need too dump, any one?00:29
hobbeskheer: Thats bad, one should always be resolved in their goals to reach them00:29
ApacheOmegaONE MORE TIME: Is it possible to install CS3 In UBUNTU THROUGH WINE???00:29
crackheadjunkyGnea, nothing in it00:29
Gnea!ot | fox-mulder00:29
ubottufox-mulder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:29
hobbesJordan: I don't understand what you mean00:29
psusitzaeru, emacs ;)00:30
hobbeskheer: You said your not resolved00:30
[wito]tzaeru: Try writing one (in C++, natch), and you'll soon see why.00:30
Gneacrackheadjunky: this is what you ran?  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:30
hobbesJordan_U: I didn't fully understand what you mean00:30
tzaerupsusi, I keep forgetting file names and commands and so forth :300:30
Jordan_Ufox-mulder: This channel is for technical support for the Ubuntu Linux Distribution.00:30
crackheadjunkyGnea,  yep00:31
[wito]tzaeru: It must be said that I've had *some* success with Code::Blocks, mind you.00:31
kheerhelp me00:31
tzaeru[wito], uh-huh, I know plenty of good ones, just none gnome suitable.00:31
binary001Gnea, I hold shift and nothing happens00:31
botcity!ask | kheer00:31
ubottukheer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:31
tzaeru[wito], I spent some time trying to figure out how to keep all crap Code::Blocks created files out and how to set my own custom makefiles and so forth.00:32
crackheadjunkyGnea, i just ran it again, and now i get package xserver.xorg is not installed and no info is available00:32
tzaerudidn't success..00:32
Jordan_Uhobbes: GRUB2 is a bootloader. You can install GRUB2 to a flash drive and manually configure it to boot from an Ubuntu iso file on that same flash drive (without needing to extract or do anything else to the iso).00:32
lexvegashobbes: i ran unetbooting with ISO on drive, and it uses a total of 1.5 GB and my system drive did not appear to increace in usage at all, but i am on linux. it should work fine for you00:32
Gneabinary001: try ESC00:32
lexvegashobbes: on the jump drive*00:32
StepNjumpmkanyicy: sorry for the delay. I'm now installing the qt3 & 4 sorry.. My daughter freaked when she saw the checkers00:32
Gneacrackheadjunky: right, it's xserver-xorg, not xserver.xorg00:32
tzaeru[wito], so I settled with geany and use the terminal pluging extensively, but then, it's project management is from hell.00:32
fox-mulderanyone on yakuake?00:32
Gneacrackheadjunky: this is weird...00:32
Jordan_Uhobbes: It is much more work than tools like unetbootin, but it doesn't require copying / modification of the contents of the iso itself.00:33
mkanyicyfox-mulder, me00:33
Gnea!ubuntu | fox-mulder00:33
ubottufox-mulder: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:33
hobbesJordan_U: How is it more work? Any other catches?00:33
fox-mulderdo you u use irssi on it?00:33
crackheadjunkyGnea, i get nothin00:33
binary001No luck00:33
Gneabinary001: might have to press it repeatedly00:33
binary001I did00:33
mkanyicyfox-mulder, what is irssi?00:33
crackheadjunkyreinstall x?00:33
LinuxNoobwhats goin on guys :D00:33
Gneabinary001: like, start pressing it as soon as the computer turns on00:33
crackheadjunkyGnea, reinstall x?00:34
binary001I did00:34
fox-mulderi think its a irc client if im not wrong00:34
Gneacrackheadjunky: don't think that's gonna solve it - are you intending on upgrading to 10.04?00:34
LinuxNoobbinary whats the problem?00:34
crackheadjunkyi can00:34
hobbeslexvegas: Yes but how much ram do you have? I have about 500mb, the chance of page files being used increases with less ram00:34
crackheadjunkybut i have to enable that repo00:34
GneaLinuxNoob: he can't get into grub on a fresh 10.10 install00:34
Jordan_Uhobbes: It's more work because it's not a nice GUI designed specifically for the purpose. You need to use terminal commands and text configuration files to set it up.00:34
crackheadjunkyGnea, i have to enable that repo00:34
mkanyicyfox-mulder, no i never used that00:34
Gneacrackheadjunky: yeah, you can do that from the terminal00:34
=== Shaun___ is now known as Shaun
crackheadjunkyGnea, i dont know how to do that in term00:34
LinuxNoobbinary001: ur graphics card?00:34
tsoutryin gto get a mic to work with a laptop, I've edited /etc/modeprobe.d/alsa-base.conf.  I am supposed to restart the computer for the changes to take place, but I'm using a live CD.  What's the command to re-probe / reload the conf?00:34
Gnea!upgrade | crackheadjunky00:35
ubottucrackheadjunky: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:35
binary001Nvidia gtx 26000:35
fox-muldertry it on yakuake :P mind blowing, just like xfiles00:35
lexvegashobbes: good point, i have 3gb so more than enough. are you in a situation where just giving it a shot is out of the question?00:35
hobbesJordan_U: Hmm, I have never ever used linux before though, that sounds a bit scary.00:35
Gneacrackheadjunky: there are indstructions at that first url to do it in ubuntu server - just follow the same directions and you'll be home-free00:35
LinuxNoobbinary i know whatsw wrong00:35
LinuxNoobim asuming u guys already tried the nomodeset?00:35
Jordan_Uhobbes: Indeed, it's probably not something you want to do as a beginner.00:35
fox-mulderlinuxnoob no> what is that?00:35
hobbeslexvegas: I suppose I could just try it, I just want to find out as much as I can first.00:35
StepNjumpchris_osx we just had a try at the checkers. My daughter loves it. Thank you very much again. I will install also the edubuntu on a separate partition for her00:36
GneaLinuxNoob: not yet, he still hasn't gotten to grub. I suggested pressing shift and esc, but it's not working.00:36
Gnea!guidelines > fox-mulder00:36
ubottufox-mulder, please see my private message00:36
LinuxNoobbinary whats the name of the file ur trying to install ubuntu as?00:36
LinuxNoobis it desktop or alternate?00:36
fox-mulderhow can i see it?00:36
chris_osxStepNjump: that's good to hear :-) I wish your daughter a lot of fun.00:36
lexvegashobbes: I cant see it hurting.00:36
binary001Just FYI, I did a default install and selected use entire disk00:36
LinuxNoobis it the only thing on the hdd?00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
Jordan_Ubinary001: Do you have more than one hard drive?00:37
Gneafox-mulder: it would be to your advantage to stop playing dumb at this time.00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
FloodBot3kheer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
binary001I think it might have something to do with that00:37
hobbeslexvegas: you mean using the option that requires more work, you mean?00:37
Jordan_Ubinary001: Try changing the boot order in your BIOS.00:37
Gnea!repeat | kheer00:37
ubottukheer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:37
binary001I did00:37
LinuxNoobbinary, how many os's do you have on the comp ur trying to put linux on?00:37
binary001I made sure the ubuntu install is first00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
crackheadjunkyGnea, upgrading to 10.04 lts00:37
fox-mulderhow come00:37
binary001Just ubuntu00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:37
Gneacrackheadjunky: awesome.00:37
kheerin time because some results have to separate the ". " and the other ":"?00:38
FloodBot3kheer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
Jordan_Ubinary001: The Ubuntu installer may have installed GRUB to a different drive than it did the rest of Ubuntu.00:38
lexvegashobbes: i think the GRUB option wont work for you, seeing as you have no linux OS installed, so no GRUB bootloader. i think you should just give unetbootin a shot. just make sure you are using a flash drive over 1.5 GB00:38
kheerCiao a TuTtI su #ubuntu da kheer00:38
kheerhelp me00:39
binary001Jordan_U: How can i check?00:39
fox-mulderi asked you a legit question, and you responded me porely00:39
rwwkheer: #ubuntu-it for Italian.00:39
Gnea!it | kheer00:39
ubottukheer: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:39
fox-mulderhow can i check my private msg?00:39
Gneafox-mulder: by using irssi00:39
Jordan_Ubinary001: Run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt00:39
fox-mulderany command to it?00:40
fox-mulderi am using the irssi in the terminal00:40
gpcfox-mulder: depends on your client00:40
Gneafox-mulder: can you switch between channels?00:40
fox-mulderif i may00:40
Gneafox-mulder: what is yakuake?00:40
gpcfox-mulder: /win # (replace # with the last number you see at the bottom of your channel list)00:41
gidaskaip yra?00:41
fox-mulderyeah ctrl-x switched the channels, yakuake is a drop down terminal for linux, its tasteful00:41
StepNjumpmkanyicy: If you are still here, it gives me the same error message whenever I do make or make install00:41
Gneafox-mulder: okay, do you know how to switch between tty1, tty2, tty3, etc in console?00:42
rcmaehldpkg: error processing man-db (--configure):00:42
rcmaehl subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100:42
rcmaehlErrors were encountered while processing:00:42
rcmaehl man-db00:42
FloodBot3rcmaehl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:42
rcmaehlem: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:42
Gnea!pastebin | rcmaehl00:42
ubotturcmaehl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:42
fox-mulderalt-f2 maybe00:42
Gneafox-mulder: yes, use the same thing, but with 2 instead of f200:42
rcmaehl>< It should of auto stripped the formatting00:43
Gnearcmaehl: doesn't matter, please use the pastebin site00:43
sopraitaliani dove siete00:43
mkanyicyStepNjump, give me the link where you downloaded this file00:43
Gnea!it | sopra00:43
ubottusopra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:43
fox-muldernothing happens, im on a hp mini and when i hit alt-f2 f3 i only change the screen light x)00:43
Gneafox-mulder: no, alt-1, alt-2, alt-3, etc00:43
Gneafox-mulder:  NOT alt-f1, alt-f2, alt-f3...00:44
fox-mulderno on used irssi before?00:44
Gneahow about alt-<left arrow> and alt-<right arrow> ?00:44
hobbesOk which linux should I pick, from a unbiased point of view, is ubuntu really the best? And why? How about regarding compatability with a specific DVD burner, so that it can burn too, does it vary according to linux versions?00:44
rcmaehlI can't install, remove, or update ANY packages00:44
Gneafox-mulder: I'm on irssi right now.00:44
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rcmaehlSame error message00:44
Tophi'm running ubuntu 10.10. on a dual core. My System Monitor shows one CPU at 100% use all the time. Is this normal?00:45
fox-mulderused the tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi00:45
rcmaehlToph: no00:45
Gnearcmaehl: why do you want to remove grub?00:45
fox-mulderbut not in a terminal?00:45
rcmaehlGnea: to install grub200:45
Gnearcmaehl: no, sudo apt-get install grub200:45
rcmaehlGnea: same error00:45
Gnearcmaehl: yeah, see, you can't not have a bootloader not exist at all00:46
Tophrcmaehl,,, what could be the issue?  there seems to be mo process hogging the memory00:46
Gnearcmaehl: try this:  sudo apt-get -f install00:46
Tophmo = no00:46
rcmaehlToph: sudo apt-get install htop00:46
StepNjumpmkanyicy: Well, now I have the checkers so my goal now is more to be able to compile anything I want in case I find ham radio stuff that is not contained in the synaptic manager or whatever other software. It just seems to be fun plus I have done a little bit of ANSI C years ago, so I might want to get back at it00:46
rcmaehlthen run from a tty as sudo00:46
Tophrcmaehl,,, ok00:46
lexvegashobbes: I would pick Ubuntu because it is new user friendly, but still allows you to do whatever. It has good support. And has the automatic restricted drivers manager, which i miss in other distros.00:46
rcmaehlToph: and sort by cpu usage00:46
StepNjumpmkanyicy: http://wibix.de/infusions/pro_download_panel/download.php?did=1500:46
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/aPMYma0R00:47
ApacheOmegaI just need an answer some bory - anybody - Is it possible to install CS3 in UBUNTU through WINE?00:47
hobbesLexvegas: what is a "automatic restricted drivers"? Why would I want my drivers restricted?(I figure that is not what it means exactly, just clarifying my not understanding)00:47
fox-mulderhow do you join a channel ?00:48
rcmaehlhobbes: the drivers aren't restricted as in limited00:48
rcmaehlthey're restricted as in not normally in the repos or something00:48
nixjrwhat does it mean if the symlink i made has a green background in the command line?00:49
hobbesrcmaehl: Still not fully understanding00:49
lexvegashobbes: for example, my dell laptop had a broadcom wireless card. there are no open source drivers for it, and the propriatary drivers are difficult to install properly. the restricted drivers manager installs the driver for you, thus making life easier.00:50
LinuxNoobapacheomega yes :D00:50
lexvegashobbes: another popular one is video drivers00:50
rcmaehlhobbes: it's where ubuntu's packages or 'programs' come from00:50
ApacheOmegaLinuxNoob: How do I do this00:50
sopraciao a tutti00:50
LinuxNoobapacheomega: u the iso?00:50
ActionParsniplexvegas: all those apps do is install specified packages, if you know the packages (or can find out) you don't need those things00:50
hobbesUbuntu has drivers not available on other distros?00:51
Tophrcmaehl,,, user root is using most of the memory,,, i'm not sure why00:51
rcmaehlToph: O_o00:51
rcmaehlsay what?00:51
brunnerIf I switch computers, is there *anything* outside of my home directory that I should worry about saving?00:51
ActionParsnipToph: because root launches a lot of the apps that make the desktop appear and the background services00:51
Gnearcmaehl: okay, did you run:  sudo apt-get -f install  ?00:51
ActionParsnip!it | sopra00:51
ubottusopra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:51
Tophrcmaehl,,, the first entry on htop is root using memory,, like 100%00:51
ApacheOmegaLinuxNoob:  could I look it up in a tutorial some where Cause I'm  Nubie to UBUNTU00:51
rcmaehlGnea: yep I tried00:51
binary001Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/zH1Yf3xD00:51
Gnearcmaehl: can you pastebin that please?00:52
lexvegasActionParsnip: I didnt know that. I guess the only other place i have installed drivers manually (or attempted to) is debian and ARCH00:52
LinuxNoobapache i sent u a message00:52
nixjrwhat does it mean if the symlink i made has a green background in the command line?00:52
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/4P5Lgsn200:52
ActionParsniplexvegas: if you buy mega compatible hardware it will all work out of the box like all my systems do :)00:52
TophActionParsnip,,, so taking up 100% of a CPU is acceptable?00:52
nodestep_nixjr: i think it means it symbolic00:52
Gneanixjr: it means it's a symlink00:52
ApacheOmegaLinuxNoob - Where did you send it too00:52
ActionParsnipToph: depends what's happening, if you are compiling a kernel then it will happen00:52
LinuxNoobshould be next to where it says ur in the #ubuntu channel00:53
Gnearcmaehl: no no no, do not append grub200:53
LinuxNoobshould say my name next to that00:53
nixjrnodestep_, Gnea, i have two different symlinks in this directory, one is just a normla blue, and one is blue with this bright green background00:53
TophActionParsnip,,, i'm just ircing at the moment and have firefox open and idle00:53
Gnearcmaehl: type ONLY what I say to type00:53
Jordan_Ubinary001: Indeed. GRUB is installed to /dev/sdd, and the rest of Ubuntu is on /dev/sda.00:53
stevomanuyo all newbi here need some help00:53
ActionParsnipGnea: I have symlinks to folders which show in cyan00:53
ApacheOmegaLinuxNoob: OK thanks00:53
GneaActionParsnip: could be different ownership00:53
ActionParsnipToph: top will show whats chewing your cpu over00:53
stevomanuwhen running this command tar xf 20110201-0838-rootfs.tar -C ./rootfs/00:53
hobbesrcmaehl:  Ubuntu has drivers not available on other distros?00:53
binary001So how can i fix that?00:53
lexvegasActionParsnip: if only I knew when i bought. Im still fairly young, so when i bought i didnt know much about linux at all, other than i could barely install it on my old VPR matrix00:53
nodestep_nixjr: did you try `ls -l`00:54
exutuxnixjr: gree= executable00:54
ActionParsnipGnea: its a link to the same folder  ./downloads -> ./Downloads00:54
rcmaehlGnea: so only sudo apt-get -f install?00:54
TophActionParsnip,,, can you give me a hint at what info on top is useful?00:54
Gnearcmaehl: correct.00:54
ActionParsnipToph: the top 5 processes listed, read the cpu colomn00:54
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/WvVF7Kck00:54
TophActionParsnip,,, yes, the top one is the user root and takes 100%00:54
ActionParsnipToph: what is the process name though00:55
Gnearcmaehl: okay, can you pastebin the output of this command please:  ps axf00:55
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ActionParsnipToph: the righmost colomn is the process00:55
stevomanuim runing this command tar xf 20110201-0838-rootfs.tar -C ./rootfs/ an result is tar: rootfs: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory00:55
stevomanuits defo in right place00:55
ActionParsnipstevomanu: did you make ./rootfs00:56
binary001Jordan_U: ?00:56
J_Cstevomanu: do you have a directory called rootfs?00:56
rcmaehlGnea: should I run that as sudo?00:56
ActionParsnipstevomanu: if the folder you want to extract to doesn't exist you will get that error. It is not tar's job to make the folder00:57
Gnearcmaehl: nah00:57
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/1U99F2uZ00:57
Jordan_Ubinary001: The easiset way to fix it is to make /dev/sdd first in the boot order. Once you're booted into Ubuntu you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to change where the grub-pc packaging installs grub.00:57
Gneastevomanu: also, 'x' extracts, 'c' creates00:57
TophActionParsnip,,, the top right column is 'Command'. Is that what is look for?  If it is, it is 'apt-get -qq -y -update'00:58
binary001But how do I know which driver that is?00:58
stevomanuok cool , sure folder is there00:58
nixjrnodestep_, here is what i see when i do a ls -l http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4300/symlink.jpg00:58
Gnearcmaehl: alright, looks like you've got a runaway process, I recommend rebooting before continuing00:59
rcmaehlGnea: which one?00:59
ActionParsnipToph: then the updates are what is doing it00:59
aliendude5300Hi, long time Ubuntu user here -- trying to help a friend dual-boot Ubuntu with Win XP... they left their computer with me. Ubuntu is installed, but every time I activate the proprietary Nvidia driver, the system boots up without the gdm login screen, and shows a console login screen. After logging in and typing startx it works, but that shouldn't be necessary. Any ideas?01:00
exutuxnixjr: i said you that green means executable is this a script?01:00
Gnearcmaehl: it can't be seen on the screen normally at this point01:00
TophActionParsnip,,, any idea what i could do to solve that?01:00
rcmaehlGnea: I'll sigterm it01:00
nixjrexutux, no, sotht he symlinks in there are to folders01:00
Gnea2683 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true 2684 ?        S      0:00  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt01:00
nixjrboth the*01:00
hobbesDoes Ububutu offer drivers not usable in other linux versions?01:00
Gnearcmaehl: you can try...01:00
BajKstupid lg monitor :(01:01
aliendude5300hobbes: all of the Ubuntu driver packages should work with other debian based distros01:01
BajKi dont understand why they took the superior W2452 out of their products.. the 2453 is okay, but so buggy01:01
hobbesOh, then that restricted file thing, It just comes with more drivers then?01:01
binary001Jordan_U: How can I find out which drive needs to be first?01:01
GneaBajK: because buggy == $$$01:02
rcmaehlGnea: terminated successfully01:02
mkanyicyStepNjump: ok I see, that source code of yours depended on Qt4 libraries, and 'qt4-dev-tools' & 'build-essential' were what were needed01:02
Gnearcmaehl: alright, try the -f install again01:02
aliendude5300hobbes: restricted-extras is just a set of other packages, I think it includes libdvdcss, LAME, and some gstreamer plugins01:02
BajKGnea: hm.. I bought the 2453 because I wanted to equal screens (i have two of them now) but I already knewthat secondary screen setup with this is a mess.. now I have one connected as primary to DVI and the other using a DVI-to-VGA adapter via VGA -.- but at least it works now01:02
rcmaehlGnea: Building database of manual pages ..01:03
BajKthe 2452 was 16:10 instead of stupid 16:9 and didnt have those bugs01:03
Jordan_Ubinary001: Do you know which drive corrosponds to the device "/dev/sdd"?01:03
rwwubuntu-restricted-extras doesn't contain libdvdcss.01:03
Gnearcmaehl: :D01:03
binary001That's my question01:03
GneaBajK: interesting..01:03
aliendude5300rww: really? It probably should...01:03
aliendude5300thought it did...01:03
rwwaliendude5300: It can't for legal reasons.01:03
stevomanunow imgetting01:03
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:03
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/0u8auHai01:04
stevomanutar: ./rootfs/: Is a directory01:04
rcmaehlGnea: what should the linux line be?01:04
BajKGnea: :D because it doesnt "wake up" when connected to secondary dvi.. it says in standby. and those guys at the local market said "just go to settings and do this and that" and I explicitly stated i dont have windows^^ vbut well :D01:04
Jordan_Ubinary001: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/" Should list all of your drives by serial number, and which /dev/sdX they refer to.01:04
crackheadjunkyGnea, i figured it out. i ran out of disk space, and it didnt save my updated drivers. i manually setup my hard drive allocation, and didnt give enough space for it all... thanks for your help!01:04
rcmaehllinux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic root=/dev/sda1 ?01:04
StepNjumpmkanyicy: oh ok01:04
hobbesaliendude5300: I simply don't understand. Not a good enough understanding of the lingue. Let me try this, is there any differences between the linux distros in how compatible they are with X hardware?01:04
Gnearcmaehl: I would just keep it as-is01:04
binary001Thank you for your help01:05
Jordan_Ubinary001: You're welcome.01:05
GneaBajK: then you have to figure out the equivelant for ubuntu :)01:05
StepNjumpmkanyicy how could i download all the c++ libraries needed for most source files written in C++ to be compiled?01:05
BajKGnea: :P hm maybe I'll just give it back and say it doesnt work01:05
aliendude5300hobbes: Yes, certain distros only use free firmwares, and they remove binary-blobs that are needed to use certain hardware from the linux kernel. An example would be Trisquel.01:05
rcmaehlGnea: http://pastebin.com/6nDepFjH01:05
StepNjumpSorry I will be away from the computer a little bit. I am requested here01:06
GneaBajK: haha I suppose01:06
aliendude5300hobbes: http://trisquel.info/01:06
BajKthe weird thing is, I can make it "wake up" when I swap cables but then the other one instantly goes to standby. today when I replaced 2452 to 2453 today, I did it while the system was rtunning and then it worked, now I came back and started my pc and well01:06
BajKand I couldnt even get to the settings beacuse all the windows were opened on the other offline screen and I couldnt move them over. Neither using those snapping feature nor Alt+drag blindly01:06
Gnearcmaehl: you're set, grub2 is installed.01:06
hobbesaliendude5300: So most of the main stream linux distros all use "binary-blobs" and are equally hard ware compatible?01:07
rcmaehlGnea: what about the warnings and that stuff about missing something on line soemthing01:07
LinuxNoobno matter what i change my damn screen dims after 5 seconds of inactivity >.>01:07
mkanyicyStepNjump: I think build-essential have all those01:07
UmeaboyWhere's that dict-guy I talked with before?01:08
UmeaboyThe userlist is so long.01:08
Gnearcmaehl: ah, you should make sure it's installed to the mbr and not to a partition. so it should be /dev/sda or (hd0) instead of /dev/sda1 or (hd0,0)01:08
mkanyicyStepNjump: remember that Qt is not standard c++ but based on c++ (or is c++ extension)01:08
aliendude5300hobbes: Debian is trying to reduce dependencies on binary blobs, by replacing them with free equivalents, but hardware support of most distros is, in general, very close.01:08
rcmaehlGnea: how do I install it now?01:08
binary001Jordan_U: I tried booting with all drives as first and nothing works. On the other drive I get an error that says 'no bootable device...'. But not all my drives show up on the boot list01:09
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Gnea!grub2 | rcmaehl Instructions to do it correctly are here:01:09
ubotturcmaehl Instructions to do it correctly are here:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:09
rcmaehlGnea: sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?01:09
Jordan_Ubinary001: Then it's likely that your BIOS simply can't read sdd for some reason. Boot a LiveCD and follow this guide to install grub to sda: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide01:09
Gnearcmaehl: pretty much01:10
rcmaehlokay gonna restart01:10
hobbesaliendude5300: with debian, are these free equivalents sometimes less reliable? and what your talking about normally costs money somehow?01:10
Nicolas_Leonidasis there a command line utility to convert mwv files to mp4?01:11
BajKso, brb, setting up the "spare" monitor and an old pc with mythbuntu for multimedia center pc in my living room :) yay^^01:11
Jordan_Ubinary001: ***Do not forget***, once you're booted into Ubuntu you'll need to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and change which drive grub will be installed to on upgrades.01:11
BajKbtw: anybody of the plasma/kwin developers need a second monitor for testing multiscreen/multihead setups? :P01:11
Jordan_Ubinary001: You're welcome.01:12
aliendude5300hobbes: the free equivalents may or may not be as reliable, but they should work decently if they're being included in a distribution. "binary blobs" don't cost money, they just don't have source code available.01:12
exutuxnixjr: dircolors --print-database show you how "ls" set color for file extension http://linux.die.net/man/5/dir_colors01:13
hobbesaliendude5300: Is there variation in the distros of emulation ability?01:13
hobbesFor win programs and such, especially games01:14
exutuxnixjr: by default ls --color is set on your ~/.bashrc01:14
DasEihobbes: more a question of used wineversion01:15
aliendude5300hobbes: emulation ability? First of all, Wine (the library used for running windows programs) isn't an emulator, it's a compatibility layer. The only difference in ability of running programs would be caused by drivers, especially graphics drivers. As for NES, SNES, etc. Those should run relatively evenly, although emulation of newer systems will require relatively modern graphics drivers.01:15
hobbesYou can't run a windows environment in a virtual machine under linux?01:16
rcmaehlMY tty text is too large01:16
aliendude5300hobbes: Yes, you can. See virtualbox.01:16
aliendude5300hobbes: I prefer Wine, when possible though, it's much more lightweight, and it loads faster.01:17
LoganHoupCan you run Ubuntu inside Windows 7?01:17
aliendude5300with wine, there's no need to emulate an entire windows environment to open a program or two01:17
hobbesOk on a separate topic, if I choose ubuntu, why is the 32bit listed as recommended over the 64bit?01:18
aliendude5300LoganHoup: Within a virtual machine, yes.01:18
hobbesAnd which one should I choose, the latest, or the earlier, theoretically more stable version?01:18
LoganHoupSo you can't use Wubi for that? I could've swore you used to be able to.01:18
LoganHoupGuess I'm just crazy :P01:19
aliendude5300hobbes: Certain software doesn't work as well in 64-bit yet. As a 64-bit user, the only software that this really applies to in my case is Java and Flash, and the 32-bit version is easier to get these working from an end-user's perspective.01:19
aliendude5300LoganHoup: You can use Wubi, I thought you meant, literally, inside of Windows. Wubi should work fine.01:19
LoganHouplol. Yes, that's what I meant.01:19
hobbesaliendude5300: But if I choose 32bit, only 3-4gb of my ram out of 8gb will be recognized right? And limitations to HDD size too, right?01:21
rcmaehlhobbes: correct01:22
paq7512how can i merge pdfs?01:22
aliendude5300it's been 20 minutes... it looks like nobody's going to answer my question, so I'll reiterate. Basically, a friend of mine left his XP computer with me, asking to set up dual-booting for him. I have everything working, but when I install proprietary nvidia graphics, the system boots to a console-based login. startx works to get into GNOME, but I would like to have it boot to gdm.01:22
hobbesWhat is the HDD size limitation with 32bit?01:22
rcmaehlaliendude5300: add it to the startupapplications01:22
aliendude5300hobbes: It's up to 3.5GB of RAM. HDD size limitations shouldn't apply to you. 32-bit can recognize my 1.5TB drive.01:23
hobbesI got a 2TB drive on the new system01:23
zenbuntuuse pae01:23
aliendude5300rcmaehl: just installing the nvidia driver shouldn't be removing the graphical login from the startup applications. I think there is a bigger issue here.01:23
gidaspae sucks01:23
rcmaehlaliendude5300: pastebin me your startup applications list01:24
zenbuntuworks 4 me01:25
aliendude5300hobbes: I believe 2TB is the limit in HDD size on 32-bit, but I'm not sure.01:25
lexvegasAnyone have any ideas as to why plymouth would not show the boot splash on either of my dell computers? One is an Inspiron 1545 and the other is an Inspiron 530s Desktop. Two different years, one is 32 bit, the other is 64, but neither show the boot splash. Both are integrated intel graphics. The shutdown splash works fine on both. Any ideas?01:25
rcmaehlDo I need ubuntu-docs?01:25
aliendude5300rcmaehl: hold on, I'm on my computer right now, not the affected machine, and I have the nvidia driver disabled atm, as it was causing problems, I'll get that to you ASAP.01:25
aliendude5300meant to pm that to someone, sorry01:26
hobbesaliendude5300: So besides 32bit/64bit, Should I use 10.10, or 10.4?01:26
rcmaehlhobbes: are you going to be using wifi?01:26
hobbesProbably not, why?01:27
LinuxNoobHDD size is nothing affected by processor bit size01:27
rcmaehlthen 10.1001:27
hobbesWhy wifi include cordless mice etc?01:27
LinuxNoob32bit can have 4gb max ram01:27
rcmaehlhobbes: wifi as in wireless internet01:27
nejodelexvegas, 1)  sudo echo FRAMEBUFFER=y > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash01:27
LinuxNoobthats the only thing u have to have for a higher bit01:27
aliendude5300hobbes: I'd use 10.10.01:27
nejode2) sudo update-initramfs -u01:28
LinuxNoobhobbes: what was ur original location?01:28
lexvegasnejode: will try. thanks01:28
hobbesIf I pick a version of linux, how easy is it to change to something else latter?01:28
LinuxNooboh ur just asking questions got ya01:28
LinuxNoobits easy to change, once u get used to it.01:28
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aliendude5300switching from 32-bit to 64-bit wasn't too hard for me... I just backed up my /home directory, wiped 32-bit, installed 64-bit, and then copied my files back and reinstalled my programs01:29
LinuxNoobim adapting quite nicely cause i formated my hdd and put fresh install of linux on here.01:29
zenbuntu10.04 is stable used it a year now01:29
hobbesLinuxNoob: I've asked alot of questions, my original one was trying to set up ububtu on a USB flash drive on a system with severally limited HDD space01:29
LinuxNoobhave access to a windows comp?01:29
LinuxNooband how big is ur flash drive?01:30
hobbesThe one I am using right now, a ancient and severally limited XP machine01:30
LinuxNoobi can help ya out with that then01:30
LinuxNooblets not flood, ill take ya to my office :D01:30
hobbeslinuxnoob: I think I got those early questions answered though01:30
aliendude5300hobbes: how big is the usb flash drive you want linux on?01:31
brandon420how you stop a torrent on rtorrent?01:31
hobbesI got a 4gb, and a 8gb01:31
LinuxNoobbrandon hit the pause button01:31
LinuxNoobor right click pause all downloads01:31
aliendude53004GB is more than enough to run a linux distro from a flash drive.01:31
LinuxNoobput it on ur 4gb one01:32
brandon420linux_probe, its cli....01:32
LinuxNooblook up universal usb tool01:32
LinuxNoobu can make it boot of ur usb drive and it will see the hdd's01:32
aliendude5300If you're creating a linux flash drive, it's really easy to do with the program usb-creator-gtk from within Linux01:32
lighta4gb is like putin it into a real hdd..01:32
hobbesThe issue was getting it on the USB flash drive though as a bootable01:32
aliendude5300probably just as easy with unetbootin on windows01:32
LinuxNoobuniversal usb tool01:32
lightahobbes, use usb creator01:32
LinuxNoobor usb creator01:32
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LinuxNoobeither will work01:33
lightaI prefer usb creator personnaly01:33
LinuxNoobi use them for my usb's01:33
lightafound it faster01:33
hobbes"it's really easy to do with the program usb-creator-gtk from within Linux" what is?01:33
LinuxNoobi use universal usb tool, its really nifty01:33
aliendude5300hobbes: making a bootable linux flash drive01:33
lightanormally on ubuntu distro no ?01:33
LinuxNoobi have my 1gb flashdrive that can get into any computer, diagnose it, and treat it :D01:33
lightawhen you go on preference system usb ?01:33
lexvegasnejode: I love you. that works. although for your reference I had to do sudo su and then run the command for some reason. sudo wouldnt work01:34
gidasdebian 6.0 is out, woot woot01:34
aliendude5300I've used usb-creator gtk many times, I like it01:34
StepNjumpmkanyicy: Thank you very much for your help. I will be doing some reading on QT. I have to log off for now but thanks a million for all you have taught me today. take care my friend.01:34
ActionParsnipgidas: debian is offtopic here01:34
ActionParsnipgidas: this is ubuntu support only01:34
gidasoh, shit ...01:34
gidassorry guys01:35
hobbesaliendude5300: I am to, but what are you talking about with the rest of that stuff with the usb creater, and that thing from within linux?01:35
lightawhat are you talking about hobbes  ?01:35
nejodelexvegas, true, forgaot that!01:35
lightathe thing coming with ubuntu is usb creator as I remenber01:36
hobbesaliendude said "it's really easy to do with the program usb-creator-gtk from within Linux" what is?01:36
LinuxNoobthats for you hobbes01:36
aliendude5300hobbes: usb-creator-gtk is a program that makes it easy to make a bootable linux usb flash drive, you were talking about doing that...01:36
aliendude5300hobbes: you just have to download the iso, choose which ISO it is, and select the flash drive as the destination.01:36
hobbeswouldn't unetbootin be better?01:36
enyawixi only want to setup a LAMP do I want ubuntu or ubuntu-server?01:36
enyawixi am comming from debian and gentoo01:37
LinuxNoobuse the link i gave you, the program has ALOT of usefull files, and u can boot linux from it very eassiy   http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/01:37
lightahad issus with unetbootin last time :(01:37
gpcenyawix: server01:37
aliendude5300hobbes: They're both about the same, unetbootin would be better if you're in windows right now, as it's easier to set up01:37
enyawixgpc: will server force cloud computing. i am a old linux user and hove no idea how to manage a cloud01:38
hobbesThe issue I spoke of was lack of space to download ubuntu in the first place01:38
gpcenyawix: no01:38
enyawixgpc: thanks01:38
aliendude5300hobbes: do you have 600MB left on your HDD?01:38
lightahobbes, you don't have 600mb disk free ?01:39
hobbesBut we figured it out, I can download ububtu onto the flash drive, then convert it to the flash drive, and it won't take any real page space with 3g memory, too bad I got more like 50001:39
nejodehobbes, you can make a complete install to your flash too01:39
hobbeslighta: not really01:39
aliendude5300hobbes: If I recall correctly, you said you had a 2TB hdd, surely there's something you can delete...01:39
LinuxNoobdelete a program..01:40
lightahmm can you use a cdrom ? I think you can choose cd as source, or another usb01:40
aliendude5300LinuxNoob: programs don't take up much space, deleting temp files should free up > 100MB01:40
LinuxNoobor u can put 8 gigs of crap on ur flash drive, then install linux and nuke the other partitions01:40
nejodehobbes, download the minimal install cd, and build your system on the flash from there... it's only 13MB01:40
hobbesI explained this much earlier, I have a ancient PC that can't do crap, can't burn with it, can't open it up, I have a brand new PC I am putting together, it has the 2tb drive, its a internal one I can't use with this PC though01:40
hobbesBut the issue was resolved I think, so I am not sure why we are still talking about it01:41
aliendude5300oh, ok01:41
hobbesIt was suggested I can download the ISO to the USB flash drive, then convert it to the same USB flash drive01:42
LinuxNoobwont work i dont think01:42
StevenSXHelp!  I just entered: sudo chmod -R 700 /  I was just testing out permissions. Now when I do ls -l it states bash: /bin/ls: Permission denied. I get something similar for sudo.  Any way to fix?01:42
LinuxNoobu have to format the drive before u can make it auto bootable01:42
lightabut hobbes I don't get it. You only "need" space on your new pc for the iso, the time you put it on your usb right ? then your old pc can boot with this everytime if you want, just have to set it permanent01:43
LinuxNoobi might be wrong01:43
LinuxNoobyeah u can have it always boot from ur usb01:43
hobbesWhy not linuxnoob? Someone else said they tested it, apparently with unetbootin you don't need to format.  I just hope with my measily 500mb system ram, too much page space isn't necessary for the conversion01:43
hobbeslighta: space is not the issue on the new PC, lack of a OS is01:43
rcmaehlStevenR: I think that's the system protecting itself01:44
StevenSXWhat can I do about it?01:44
lightaI did it with unetbootin recently you need your usb to be on fat32 to boot in01:44
rcmaehlStevenR: Don't screw with / permissions01:45
=== misterbitchx is now known as thereheis
lightahobbes, where are you now ? on old or recent ?01:45
StevenSXWhy not?01:45
hobbeseven if the usb drive is fat32, I can still format with the linux on the new system to NTSF (or what ever the name is), right?01:45
rcmaehlStevenR: you can render your install unusable01:45
hobbeslighta: I said the new system lacks a OS, what do you think?01:45
StevenSXIs it possible to fix or not?01:45
StevenSXGood thing it is a VM heh01:46
lexvegashobbes: Just noticed you are still here. anything you still need?01:46
LinuxNoobso your just trying to put a copy of windows on it?01:46
hobbeslighta: OS=Operating system01:46
LinuxNoobi mean linux***01:46
LinuxNoobsorry, im high :D01:46
ActionParsnipStevenSX: you could boot to livecd and chmod there01:46
hobbeslexvegas:even if the usb drive is fat32, I can still format with the linux on the new system to NTSF (or what ever the name is), right?01:46
lightahere what I'll do if you really don't have any space anywhere, plug 2 usb, take an iso from net on usb1, use a usb creator program to set it permanent on usb2 and boot your pc permanntly with usb2 or if you have enought space (can be like 300mb mini) install it01:46
LinuxNoobhobbes: so ur just trying to put a copy of ubunto on ur new comp that has no OS?01:46
StevenSXActionParsnip: Does that work with VirtualBox? heh01:47
hobbeslinuxnoob: among other things, yes01:47
lexvegashobbes: why do you need NTFS?01:47
LinuxNoobwithout using up all ur hdd on the computer ur on01:47
ActionParsnipStevenSX: yes, you booted to the CD to install the OS, so why no?01:47
StevenSXI don't know, I guess it seems too convenient01:47
hobbeslexvegas: better format from what I understand01:47
StevenSXI am used to OS that are a pain in the ass01:47
ActionParsnipStevenSX: the OS is very flexible so you can do stuff like this01:48
StevenSXI guess Linux is too good to be true01:48
LinuxNoobstevensx: what was ur problem?01:48
lightayes hobbes installation software let you format your target partition on system you want, ext4, ext3, ext2, ntfs? e I dont remenber, swap01:48
ActionParsnipStevenSX: its just able to meld, if youhave physical access to a system you can dig yourself out of most holes with a livecd01:48
hobbesWhat format type would you recommend?01:48
StevenSXLinuxNoob: I typed Sudo chmod -R 700 / like an idiot.01:48
far_help with locale01:49
LinuxNoobso what happened?01:49
lexvegashobbes: so you want the filesystem of your linux box to be NTFS? because ubuntu uses a different filesystem by default called EXT4 also the format of the jump drive does not matter for installing fat32 is good01:49
lightafor OS01:49
hobbesWill I have any trouble duelbooting with win7 if part of the HDD is partitioned this ext4?01:49
MrPink1I know I am probably in the wrong channel, but don't know where else to go and have always been helped here... so here it goes:01:50
MrPink1I have a "ECS A780GM-A" Motherboard. It says it is AM2+... but can I also put a "Phenom X4 955" on that mainboard ?01:50
LinuxNoobif ur going to dual boot01:50
LinuxNoobid say install windows 7 first, thenn install linux using wubi.01:50
lightawell really depend on your use I'd say hobbes, I don't think i'm wrong saying you could install it on all, but ext4 isn't easy readable for windows, I think ext2 is the most supported from windows01:50
LinuxNoobthat would be the easiest thing you could do01:50
ActionParsnipMrPink1: you need an AM2+ socket CPU. If the Phenom whatever is socket AM2+ then ye01:50
hobbeslighta: but if its just on the linux partition, windows won'01:51
MrPink1Its AM301:51
ActionParsnipMrPink1: you should ask in ##hardware01:51
hobbeswon't need to read it, right?01:51
lexvegashobbes: the installer will assign proper formats to the partitions if you use the guided partitioner. and in relation to win7, no. although it is generally better to install windows first so GRUB can be the bootloader. its no big deal though. there is just an added step after installing windows01:51
ActionParsnipMrPink1: then no, its a different socket01:51
MrPink1But I have read they are compatible somehow01:51
lightayes install windows before linux is recommmanded just because of grub, if you doit on other way, dosgrub do usually something bad with your linux grub and you can't boot on linux again :(01:51
far_any one available01:51
ActionParsnipMrPink1: i'd ask in ##hardware to clarify01:51
MrPink1when I try to join #hardware it says I need an invitation for that server o.O01:51
LinuxNoobi would install windows 7 first, it is great for making your system full of good drivers :D01:51
MrPink1oh ##hardware01:51
MrPink1let me try with two # :D01:51
ActionParsnipMrPink1: if you register and identify, you can join it01:51
LinuxNooband then ubuntu 10.10 using www.wubi.com01:52
ActionParsnip!ask | far_01:52
ubottufar_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:52
hobbeslinuxnoob: Said drivers are of no use to linux though, right?01:52
RushI need help installing the network driver for TRENDNET te100-PCIWIN, can anyone help?01:52
lexvegasLinuxNoob: i would avoid WUBI. it uses virtual partitions and things can be slower01:52
lightahobbes, I don't get windows won't ? as I know I didn't found good programme who could read ext4 on windows, from linux to windows there no issues01:52
ActionParsnipRush: what sort of device is it?01:52
LinuxNoobrush: im a specialist at solving this one :D01:53
MrPink1Action ok I will try and see if I can get into Hardware, thx01:53
ActionParsniplighta: microsoft are ignorant and havent coded in anything access except FAT and NTFS based filesystems01:53
hobbeslighta: I did not understand that.01:53
hobbeswindows won't need to be able to read the linux partition though right?01:54
moesHow can I delete a Linux file from my windows system01:54
lightaxd ActionParsnip that what I say, but ext2 is supported right, from ext2read or something like that, ext3, and 4 are more difficult01:54
ActionParsniplighta: the definitions of the data structure is freely available too so they don't even need to exert too much effort01:54
ActionParsnipmoes: you can't01:54
ActionParsniplighta: with a 3rd party app you can read ext2 and ext301:55
lexvegasLinuxNoob: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_wubi_1010&num=1 thats about the performance of WUBI01:55
lightawell hobbes  that depend on you for some time I had some work on ext3 adn was working on windows env and I was really pissed of to not be able to get it01:55
moesActionParsnip, can I keep it from trying to boot from grub01:55
lightaso I had to use a VM yes !!01:55
ActionParsnipmoes: how do you mean?01:55
hobbesWell, I could boot from a live disk or the USB flash drive to accomplish that01:55
lightaActionParsnip, do you have some for ext4, the one I had for ext3 wasn't working right01:56
hobbesIs ext4 really much better for linux then ntsf?01:56
moesActionParsnip, When grub tried to boot windows it tried to boot this linux save file01:56
lightaext4 i'd say01:56
Rush have ubuntu 10.04 lite, so 2.6.x kernel... i have no network connection from a ethernet cord i know that works, so i assumed drivers didn't download [17:55] <Osiris_> it was an old network card so i bought this trendnet te100-pciwin thinking the latest drivers might be on the install cd [17:56] <Osiris_> 2.2 and 2.4 are but not 2.6 ++ i don't know how to install.... so yeah01:56
ActionParsniplighta: not as far as I know, i believe the guys at fs-driver.org are in progress but I don't use a dual boot01:56
ActionParsnip!grub2 | moes01:56
ubottumoes: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:56
ActionParsnipmoes: i know little of grub01:56
lexvegashobbes: yes and windows will have to have its own partition anyways, so it really dosent matter what you format your linux file system as01:56
ActionParsnipRush: ulite isn't supported here01:57
trentgHow do I tell what version of proprietary nvidia drivers are "current" in 10.10?01:57
moesActionParsnip, I have already reinstalled and updated grub01:57
skutr3i was banned from #debian01:57
debianmikeis there a way to edit the "start" menu defaults (applications/places/system) in ubuntu/gnome?01:57
hobbesFor general storage, I should just use NTSF then though right?01:57
skutr3right after the new release tto01:57
speciesskutr3: what did you do01:57
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current | trentg01:57
lightayeah lucky you my teacher still give me excel macro or other only miscrofot only based works to do so ... I hate this01:57
ubottutrentg: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)01:57
debianmikei want to shorten the names, not add/remove items01:57
skutr3species: idk i didnt do anything badd01:58
speciesthats what they all say01:58
lexvegashobbes: just to clarify, do you have a working knowledge of disk partitions?01:58
specieswhen you are banned from a channel you are given a reason01:58
speciesif not you should contact an op01:58
rwwskutr3: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not complaining about bans in other channels.01:58
ActionParsnipskutr3: you can appeal it in #freenode01:58
skutr3species: thats just it i was never given a reason01:58
speciesthen appeal it in #freenode01:58
hobbeslexvegas: Depends on how you define "working knowledge" I know a number of things about them, probably not everything though01:59
hobbesI don't really understand why that is pertinant to whether I should put the storage partition of the hard drive as NTSF in a duel boot though02:00
lightabecause windows can't read other format well02:01
lightathat all02:01
lexvegashobbes: basically what you need to know is that each OS needs to have its own partition (windows actually uses two) and each partition has its own file system (FS) windows needs NTFS and linux can use almost anything, but EXT4 is ideal. if you wanted, you could have a common partition formatted as NTFS that could be accessed by both OSes, much like an external HDD02:01
Radicalsouthernhey guys i tried to edit my xconfig file i then rebooted and its hung on the splash screen02:02
Radicalsouthernhow can i get a shell02:02
lexvegashobbes: sorry, i misinterpreted your q. if you wanted to do a partition to be shared between the two OSes, then I would use NTFS02:02
lightaRadicalsouthern, xterm ?02:02
hobbesLexvegas: thankyou02:02
Radicalsouthernis thier a hotkey/02:02
lexvegashobbes: sorry i mangled your question02:03
lightaRadicalsouthern, alt+f2 xterm02:03
hobbesWith 8gb ram, why should I let win7 have any page file space though?02:03
ActionParsniphobbes: because win7 will chew your ram02:05
lexvegashobbes: if you want to hibernate, i believe you need enough pagefile space to encompass your ram, but you can probably safely cut down on the amount that you have if you disable hibernation, although thats a windows thing02:05
rwwWindows uses a separate file for hibernation, not the swapfile.02:05
spow_hey guys, is there a way to limit the CD drive speed ? I'm watching a movie and it's really really noisy !02:05
lexvegasoops, sorry. I guess thats why i help on #ubuntu not #windows haha02:05
WXZhow do I move a user's home directory?02:06
hobbesSo is it very hard to switch from ubuntu 10.10 to 10.4 or visa versa? Or to convert to a different linux distro altogether?02:06
WXZnot all of home, just the user's directory... to another partition02:07
bastidrazorRenfield: in response to your question 5 hours ago. No, an update to the service will not rename it.02:07
debianmikeWXA:  edit /etc/password  for that user02:07
WXZhobbes: not in my experience, I did it02:07
jribWXZ: or just symlink02:07
jribWXZ: is there anything else in the other partition or will it solely be used for the user's home?02:08
hobbesSo ubuntu is the best distro for a linux newbie?02:08
lexvegasspow_: i believe the program you want to look into is hdpram, although i have no experience with it personally02:08
WXZjrib: soley for user's home02:08
jribhobbes: it's a good distro (for beginners and experts), try it out02:08
juniourspow_ you wanna to decrease the speed of ur cd-rom02:08
Radicalsouthernis there anyway to kill the splash screen?02:08
WXZdebianmike: there is no etc/password02:08
spow_lexvegas : will look into it ty02:08
lightaI can't define best02:08
jribWXZ: you could just mount the partition to /home/whatever then (and move the data over)02:08
spow_juniour : yep02:08
Radicalsouthernanyway to stop the splash screen02:09
hobbesjrib: is it the best for linux newbies though?02:09
juniourspow_ youcna use eject -x 402:09
Radicalsouthernthe only way i did it was alt control delete then f202:09
jribhobbes: "best" is subjective.  I think it's a great distro for beginners.  Give it a try and see if you like it02:09
WXZjrib: ok, I'll try that02:09
lightathe splash screen ? you mean when login to ubuntu ?02:09
bastidrazorRadicalsouthern: in /etc/default/grub you remove "splash" from #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"02:09
Radicalsouthernbut it reboot02:09
juniourspow_ or02:09
junioureject -x 1602:09
junioureject -x 3202:09
Radicalsouthernyes lighta02:09
WXZjrib: it has to automatically mount when I turn the computer on though right02:09
hobbesAnd its among the most secure?02:09
lexvegasRadicalsouthern: startup-manager should do it. there should be a tick box to disable boot splash02:09
ActionParsniphobbes: its aimed at them, doesn't make it the best02:10
juniourthis all will decrease ur cd-rom speed02:10
hobbesFor making purchases etc?02:10
jribWXZ: yeah, just set it up in /etc/fstab02:10
jrib!fstab > WXZ02:10
spow_juniour : that made it, thank you so much !02:10
ubottuWXZ, please see my private message02:10
lightacheck bastidrazor anwser Radicalsouthern02:10
Radicalsoutherni jacked my xorg02:10
bastidrazorRadicalsouthern: you will also need to: sudo update-grub :afterwards02:10
WXZjrib: can't get private messages02:10
Radicalsouthernit boots to splash screen and hangs02:10
ActionParsniphobbes: the design is quite secure if you use it properly, however other distros implement security differently, it's not the most or least secure02:10
jrib!fstab | WXZ02:10
ubottuWXZ: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:10
ActionParsnipRadicalsouthern: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html - Cached02:11
researcher1My Ubuntu stopped booting so I formated drive C installed XP.Now trying to install Ubuntu from Live CD but it takes infinite time to proceed02:12
juniourspow_ use eject -X to see the current speed of ur cd-rom02:12
aeon-ltdresearcher1: md5 the iso02:12
aeon-ltd!md5 | researcher102:12
ubotturesearcher1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:12
hobbesActionParsnip: Compared to other newbie friendly distros higher in the security department?02:12
coneehey, linux noob here.  i have a question regarding the ps3 eye.  the video works fine, mic works fine, BUT....in order for the mic to work (after resuming from suspend, cold boot, or reboot) i need to unplug it and replug it back in.  anyone have any idea what would do this?02:12
GM3Dyep, iso seems corrupt02:12
Athenonsoooo how does one go about pulling up a gui session on a linux server?  i mean, i could use vnc, but i was hoping for something a bit more.....native02:12
researcher1aeon-ltd: what do i do02:12
GM3Dcompare the md5 has researcher02:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:13
spow_juniour : yep, that's it, it works great ty :D02:13
Radicalsoutherni don't think i have a start up manager lex02:13
lightaAthenon, ? a gui on a server ?02:13
Radicalsouthernit only asks what bootloader02:14
researcher1GM3D : what do I do02:14
Radicalsoutherni don't see a manager02:14
lightahmmm let me think I remenber anwsering this, even I don't see why02:14
Stimoanybody works with ubuntu on a mac here by any chance? pm me pls02:14
GM3Dok researcher follow whats in this text02:14
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:14
Athenonlighta:  for example, if i want a centralized server and dummy terminals02:15
GM3Dif the md5 is different from the actual file, its corrupt02:15
Athenonkeeps client costs down.02:15
ActionParsnip!mac | Stimo02:16
ubottuStimo: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:16
blacklabHey whats up,  is this a good place to ask questions i take it?02:16
ActionParsnipblacklab: regarding Ubuntu only, yes02:16
hobbesWhat are some of the other linux distros targeted for newbies?02:16
edbianhobbes, linux mint02:16
schnufflehobbes: mint, opensuse I would say02:17
ActionParsniphobbes: check www.dictrowatch.com02:17
edbianhobbes, What's wrong with Ubuntu?02:17
hobbesI didn't say there was, I am just trying to decide02:17
edbianActionParsnip,  I wouldn't advice people to go to DICtrowatch.com02:17
ActionParsnipwww.distrowatch.com  sorry02:17
edbianActionParsnip, haha02:17
ActionParsnipedbian: typo02:17
hobbesYou guys figure ubunto is more or less secure then mint?02:18
schnufflehobbes: ubuntu for gnome is a good choice, for KDE suse is better02:18
edbianhobbes, They're the same level of security: excellent02:19
schnufflehobbes: security is much more user dependend than distro dependend02:19
* edbian agrees with schnuffle 02:19
blacklabok this is weird,  I don't know what just happened but my main menu is not on the panel (where it should have an ubuntu logo and "applications" "system" etc02:19
hobbesI don't know the difference between gnome and KDE though, can one convert one to the other?02:19
edbianblacklab, so add it02:19
aerofly5I need advice. I used to write Visual Basic running windows, but because I switched to linux, I can't do that any more. So, should I learn C++ or Python? Those were the two I was considering, but if you have better suggestions, please let me know. I am looking for something quick to learn and easy to use02:20
LinuxNoobthats how u can see if your computer is secure, we use this site all the time :D02:20
schnufflehobbes: you can even run both02:20
lightaAthenon, you said you didn't want xvnc ?02:20
edbianhobbes, you run one or the other.  It's basically the entire GUI your'e using.  Just google image search to see the difference02:20
blacklablearn Python... to the guy who asked02:20
aeon-ltdaerofly5: that belongs in #programming02:20
edbianschnuffle, You cannot run both at once can you?02:20
aerofly5aeon-ltd: thanks, I'll check that out02:20
schnuffleaerofly5: python with pyQt is the way to go02:21
hobbesSo its relatively easy to switch between them?02:21
Athenonlighta:  yeah, i'm looking for something a little more native...the idea is i turn the computer on, then on the remote clients, they can just put in their username and password and they have a gui session02:21
edbianhobbes, It's very easy to install both.  Then when you log in you can choose which one to boot02:21
lexvegasblacklab: right click on the panel and click add to panel and then drag menu bar to where you want the launcher to be02:21
schnuffleedbian: not at the same time but onthe same PC02:21
ActionParsnipedbian: one will be the one running, you can use the libs from the other DEs if they are installed (allowing you to run KDE apps in Gnome etc)02:21
edbianschnuffle, aaa, yes02:21
edbianActionParsnip, yes I knew that :)02:21
hobbesSo if its just a GUI, then how can one distro be better with one, and another distro being better with the other?02:22
ActionParsniphobbes: if you look at what apps are in both desktops to see which suit you, then use which you prefer. Or just try both for a time and evaluate that way02:22
blacklabOk i have a question,  I want to create a custom ISO,  as I have done before,  but is there a way to have my customized menu items appear on root AND as regular user?02:22
juniouris there any command to remove the installed software02:22
ActionParsniphobbes: because the distro is a LOT more than just which DE is used02:22
schnufflehobbes: because the integration into the whole system is different. ubuntu has more focus on gnome, suse more on KDE02:22
ActionParsnipjuniour: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename02:22
edbianhobbes, minor tweaks and changes.  It's a minimal difference really02:23
juniour thanks02:23
ActionParsniphobbes: DE == desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, LXDE, XFCE etc)02:23
blacklabfor example,  when i customize my menu as a regular user,  it will not look the same under root... and vice versa... is there a way to have static menus for all users?02:23
edbianjuniour, sudo apt-get remove <package>02:23
lightaah I see Athenon well idk, maybe check for X11 tuneling, that you'll preconfigure on your client machine ?02:24
ActionParsniphobbes: Mandriva also uses KDE like KUbuntu but the underlying OS is different and configured different to KUbuntu, it also uses RPM instead of DEB (for example)02:24
Athenonlighta:  any suggestions for windows x servers?02:24
schnuffleAthenon: cygwinX02:24
Radicalsouthernok i got it into safe kernel mode finally02:24
Radicalsoutherni typed update grub02:25
Radicalsouthernselected rather02:25
ActionParsnipAthenon: you can use putty + xming too02:25
Radicalsoutherndoes it default my xorg file?02:25
hobbesI know the distros is alot more then which DE is used, in which case, why should distro matter at all for what amounts to a bit more then a gui02:25
ActionParsnipRadicalsouthern: grub is nothing to do with xorg.conf02:25
schnuffleAthenon: Xming is just the X server, CygwinX is a whole unix env02:25
blacklabwhen i create a customized ISO of Ubuntu...  is it best to install all my files... create all my menus as root? or should i do them all under regular priviledges?02:25
AthenonActionParsnip:  yeah ive used xming before and it was annoying.  although, i really don't know how to configure this stuff anymore.  i havent done it in ages02:25
edbianhobbes, there is waaaaaay more going on than the gui :)  The package manager in any distro is a huge deal02:26
ActionParsniphobbes: because each distro has different aims02:26
Radicalsouthernhow can i default it?02:26
Radicalsouthernim in a term as root02:26
ActionParsnipRadicalsouthern: boot to root recovery mode and run:  Xorg -configure02:26
Radicalsouthernthanks action02:26
ActionParsnipRadicalsouthern: you can't run it with X running, hence root recovery02:27
schnuffleM-sprite: hi02:27
DaViDieLhello i need some help with isntaling some modem driver can any1 help me?02:27
Radicalsouthernthanks action02:27
schnuffle!ask M-sprite02:27
blacklabhmmmm a lil too congested here to expect a response i suppose,  that's what i get for coming in here on a saturday night at this time ;)02:28
schnuffle!ask | M-sprite02:28
ubottuM-sprite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:28
LinuxNoobwhat was the question?02:28
DaViDieLwho knows how instal zte mze30 modem on ubuntu 10.10? plz give some drivers02:29
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: is it a usb modem or an internal PCI one?02:29
DaViDieLzte mze30 is a usb mdoem02:29
LinuxNoobdoesnt matter02:29
LinuxNoobi can help ya02:29
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: ok then run:  lsusb   1 line will have an 8 character hex ID which will identify the device02:29
hobbesHmm, pictures don't help me much, I sure could use a good way to pick between options02:29
ActionParsnipLinuxNoob: it does matter02:29
chachinim new to ubuntu and want to know what are some cool things to do :)02:30
ActionParsnipchachin: what interests you02:30
schnuffleblacklab: http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html02:30
hobbesDo linux distros get along well on the same partition?02:30
ActionParsnipdevhell: you can use that ID to find guides02:30
edbianchachin, learn to log in remotely02:30
edbianhobbes, yes02:30
schnufflehobbes:  each distro should use its own partition02:30
chachinActionParsnip,  i wanted to run an eggbot on windows. but it keeps puking errors. so i installed ubuntu :)02:30
edbianhobbes, some people have more than 3 different linuxes installed on one computer!02:31
schnufflehobbes: but you can build a multi distro live usb to test all of them without installing02:31
hobbesLinux allows changing partitions on the fly?02:31
ActionParsnipchachin: looks fancy, pretty02:31
edbianhobbes, if you use a live CD yes02:31
ActionParsnipdevhell: boot to liveCD and you can run the command02:31
chachinUbuntu 10.10 looks awsome02:31
edbianhobbes, you can't edit partitions that are mounted, but with a live CD none of them are mounted02:31
ActionParsnipchachin: its fully themable so you can change it as you like02:32
blacklabty shnuffle,  i managed to get it back already ,  at least partially lol.   I'm afraid to set it back to default cuz i've customized so much of the menu.   that's why I was asking about the custom ISO creation and static menus for all users02:32
edbianchachin, it's pretty nice :)02:32
DaViDieLactionparsnip i dont have yet instaled ubuntu i cant understand what you meen with raning isusb - i dont know what is this , can i have simple link wich contains usb modem drivers? im in place where i cant get any help with some network so i cant isntal ubuntu till i not get driver to get connect network after i instal ubunt ( hope you understand my english )02:32
mrmcpownedhey :D02:32
hobbesSo I should put different linux distros on their own partitions and try them till I find one I like?02:32
blacklabi was just curious on how/if it can be done02:32
mrmcpownedDoes anyone know if it is possible to change the iptables via FTP?02:32
blacklabHobbes,  you should try VMware02:32
wurlwhere are programs like "cd" stored on a linux system02:33
blacklabyou can load different Linux Distributions into VMware,  run them as live CDs and see what you think02:33
Piciwurl: cd is a shell built-in.02:33
hobbesVMare is free?02:33
edbianhobbes, That's a ton of work.  I suggest you download and burn live CD's until you find one you like.  Honestly though you won't know what you like for a quite a while.02:33
mrmcpownedhobbes: Nope02:33
aeon-ltdmrmcpowned: no, buts its definitely possible via ssh02:33
blacklabVmware player is free yes,  there is a bit of a learning curve02:33
quazimodohay hay02:33
lightahobbes, I think he mean virtualisation02:33
edbianwurl, /bin02:33
lightayou can use virtual box02:33
edbianhobbes, virtualbox is free02:33
mrmcpownedaeon-ltd: more like impossible if you just changed teh port but forgot to add it in the iptables >.<02:33
hobbesLink please02:34
blacklabyoumight be better off putting burning Live CDs or learning how to put live distributions on a thumb drive if you have one02:34
aeon-ltdmrmcpowned: this a server?02:34
edbianhobbes, just google it02:34
mrmcpownedaeon-ltd: Yup.02:34
aeon-ltdmrmcpowned: oh boy .......02:34
DaViDieLi need driver for my usb modem - zte mze30 - i dont have ubuntu yet on my computer im runing windows vista and i cant instal ubuntu until i dont have driver - any1 knwo where i can download it? (zte company site not contains drivers for my modem )02:34
ActionParsniphobbes: instead of asking for links, why not research a little yourself, you will learn more02:34
mrmcpownedi dont look forward to reinstalling ubuntu server :|02:34
quazimodoi am running 10.04 xubuntu; i need to run some scripts when i log in and i want these run regardless of my window manager. I cant seem to find a .xsession or .xinit file, i am curious what happens here?02:35
hobbesBut for my first one, you guys think I should try ubuntu? Those who have tried others only please.02:35
nit-witDaViDieL, are you sure you need one?02:35
DaViDieLwhere to search? i have try but cant find nothing02:35
schnufflehobbes: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/sardu-multiboot-usb-creator-windows/02:35
ActionParsniphobbes: sure, give it a go02:35
edbianhobbes, def start with Ubuntu :)02:35
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: what is the ID?02:35
DaViDieLthank you02:35
mrmcpownedUbuntu via vmware is awesome02:35
blacklabyeah thats what i was thinking Schnuffle... i've used that a ton02:35
lightaquazimodo, aren't they in etc/init.d or something like that instead ?02:36
blacklablove it02:36
lightalet me check02:36
schnufflehobbes: yes ubuntu is the best choice for beginners. my opinion02:36
mrmcpownedEspecially how I can fullscreen my vm :D02:36
DaViDieLactionparsnip id of my modem?02:36
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: yes02:36
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: that the lsusb command gave02:36
schnuffleblacklab: me to, have always a stick with all I need02:36
blacklabto the guy looking for a ZTE driver for a modem... http://list.driverguide.com/list/company3282/LINUX/02:36
nit-witDaViDieL, just boot a live Ubuntu cd and see if it works as is.02:36
DaViDieL1 second i look in device manager - im runing vista02:36
christopherFor beginners I would suggest ubuntu or ZoronOS402:36
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: that won't say02:36
quazimodolighta: previously i used to run startx and i knew what was up, atm gdm takes care of login and x is already up so im not sure which home file gets read whin i log in02:36
aeon-ltdchristopher: ubuntu02:36
juniour mrmcpowned set the screen resolution02:36
DaViDieLnit-wit i know they not work with ubuntu02:37
hobbesWell I don't think a live disk is a good way to test out the others, I will need to actually try them on their own terms02:37
hobbesFor awhile02:37
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: boot to ubuntu and run the lsusb command and you will find the ID, Device manager is too abstracted to be of any use at all02:37
DaViDieLactionparsnip then how i can look on vista id of my modem?02:37
mrmcpownedjuniour: Why? It automatically changes it when i set the machine to fullscreen02:37
kthakoreafter an upgrade my ubuntu 10.04 won't recognize the iphone02:37
hobbesBut I can/should just put each on their own partition, then delete when I no longer want them?02:37
DaViDieLokey im downloading atm ubuntu02:37
DaViDieLthank you guys02:37
lightahmm I see quazimodo, well I'd give a try on /etc/init.d just put a dummy sh there and you'll know. I can't help more sorry02:37
ActionParsnipDaViDieL: you can't as far as I know, its too retarded. You can do it in a liveCD though. The link given earlier may help02:38
juniour mrmcpowned i dient get you?02:38
DaViDieLim going to look in that link atm - thank you02:38
mrmcpownedExactly, you didnt get me :D02:38
edbianhobbes, if you virtualize or use the live cd you don't have to make partitions at all02:38
blacklabHobbes,  if you have plenty of DVD-Rs floating around,  I would go that method... and if you have a Thumb Drive,  you might want ot look into that02:38
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blacklabsomeone posted a link to a great utility for thumb drive live distributions02:39
blacklabit will DL them for you,  and put them on a flash drive if you have one02:39
blacklabit doesnt get much easier02:39
mrmcpownedblacklab: I'd say to stickwith the dvd. Thumb drive is only if the mobo supports it.02:39
blacklabthank you anon02:39
lightayeah look like unetbootin02:39
blacklabyeah it's the easiest method too MRM02:39
hobbesWell, if I am using live disks, it will be limited in what I can do02:39
blacklabhobbes,  you are just wanting to test to see what you like ... correct?02:39
lightahobbes, why didn't you took virtual box ?02:40
lightavery easy to set02:40
hobbesI bet I will need to use each for some time in detail to really know02:40
lightaas easy as burning cd02:40
mrmcpownedlighta: Doesnt virtualbox use java?02:40
edbianhobbes, You're not very limited in a live CD at all actually (it's awesome)02:40
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: no, its just made by the same folks02:40
lightawell maybe what the point ?02:40
hobbesAnd speed is also a issue, and running off a CD, a USB flash, or in a virual environment will definitely slow things down02:40
mrmcpownedAlso, virtualbox is limited to some systems i believe02:40
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: define "limited"02:41
mrmcpownedlemme see02:41
lightado you mean by speed or cpu usage ?02:41
WXZjrib: what options do I set on fstab if I'm trying to mount the user's directory02:41
mrmcpownedadn i dont mean featurewise though02:41
blacklabwell Hobbes,   then I would recommend 3 methods...  VMware,  Thumbdrive,  or Hard Drive persistent installation02:41
mrmcpownedlighta: I mean by certain computers02:41
mrmcpownedits an x86 only product02:41
lightaof course virtualisation is always less good then original but for a try i'd beok02:41
mrmcpownedx64 systems cant run it02:41
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: it can make low end systems struggle if yuo assign too much resource to the virtual system02:42
blacklabvirtualization would be the way i'd go,  but thats just me02:42
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: my 32bit dualcore intel can, it is x8602:42
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: you can run a 64bit virtualbox and if your CPU has special features you can run 64bit guest OSes02:42
mrmcpownedI dont see why a simple 64 bit drive cant run it. A single 64 bit chip has more power than a single 32 bit chip02:42
lightahmmm but since it 'd run this on a old bet I don't think it's gonna be a x64 system02:42
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: depends what you run on it02:43
lightaotherwise he could take a lot of parralele of wmware yeah02:43
WXZhow do I move a user's home directory to another partition, I set the partition to mount to /home/username and copied all the files over to that partition, but I don't know if I set the options right02:43
lightaparrallele or* wmare sorry02:43
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: i remember trying to dl it on a 64 bit system i had02:43
edbianmrmcpowned, Just so you're aware it's x86 -> 32 bit (traditional x86) or amd64 (which is 64 bit OS) but they're both technically x8602:43
blacklabI'm looking for a good Custom Ubunut Live CD tutorial,   not as far as CREATING the image,   but as far as getting it ready for creation.... customizing menus etc... if anyone has something... that would be great02:43
edbianWXZ, edit the /etc/passwd file02:43
mrmcpownedIt wouldnt let me install it saying it wasnt a 32 bit system02:43
ActionParsnip!remaster | blacklab02:44
ubottublacklab: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:44
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: then the cpu wasnt 64bit02:44
WXZedbian: edit it how?02:44
hobbesblacklab: I spoke of how best to do itn with HDD persistant instillation so that its still easy to add and remove them02:44
blacklabi know remastersys,  what i'm talking about is BEFORE you do the remastersys...  the customization of Ubuntu in general02:44
edbianWXZ, gksudo gedit /etc/passwd   :)02:44
hobbesI was asking how to do that.02:44
mrmcpownededbian: I know tehy are both x86, thast why i can run 32 bit windows on an amd drive :P02:44
ActionParsnipblacklab: how is it different?02:44
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: that didnt make sense :\02:44
Snowman1is there anyway possible to fix the error 132 in world of warcraft at the start up?02:44
lightahobbes, how to do what ?02:45
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: if the installer doesnt see a 64bit CPU and you are using the 64bit installer, it will tell you and stop the install02:45
WXZedbian: nvm, it's editted correctly02:45
blacklabagain,  when I customized ubuntu before,   I did everything under root... i created menus and they didnt show up on a regular user after the installation of the ISO02:45
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leapy0yois there a good program to download newsgroup binaries for ubuntu?02:45
edbianWXZ, hahah, ok :)02:45
WXZedbian: the last line is username:x:1001:1001:vlad,,,,:/home/username:/bin/bash02:45
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: But i was runing a 64 bit os on a 64 bit cpy02:45
WXZand I set my partition to mount at that location02:45
ActionParsnipblacklab: then chown the files and such02:45
hobbeslighta: Install different linux versions on a hard drive so they get along, yet so they are easy to add and remove.02:45
edbianWXZ, Is that the correct path to their home folder?  now that you moved it?02:45
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: oh are you talking about a GUEST OS in virtualbox??02:46
blacklabwhich files would i Chown for the menu?02:46
topoHey, How can I share a folder thats in a different partition using samba???02:46
WXZyes edbian02:46
edbianWXZ, then is there any problem ? :)02:46
WXZyes edbian02:46
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: i was speaking of actually installing virtualbox02:46
edbianWXZ, what is the problem?02:46
leapy0yois there a good program to download newsgroup binaries for ubuntu?02:46
ActionParsniptopo: as long as the partition is mounted, it doesn't matter where the folder is02:46
WXZwhen I try to login to that user, I get a blank screen02:46
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ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: virtualbox will install from the repos and match the arch of the installed host OS02:46
WXZI just see the wallpaper and that's it, then I get a couple of errors... let me try again and I'll tell you exactly what they are02:46
edbianWXZ, that would be very helpful.  It's probably a read / write issue02:47
lightawell you wont really install them, you don't need to install a linux distro to use it, well you could but live cd is fine..02:47
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: Ah, well i guess it doesnt matter now since I use VmWare :)02:47
mrmcpownedWay better than virtualbox imo :D02:47
ActionParsnipmrmcpowned: iyho, maybe02:47
mrmcpownedActionParsnip: Exacty ;)02:47
hobbeslighta You can't install programs on a live CD, and live CD won't tell me how fast it will run off the hard drive. And if I am running a OS off a live CD on a regular bases, that is unnecessary wear on the DVD player, and I cant use the DVD player for other things if I am running a OS off it02:48
Aikari just moved my hdds to a completely new hardware (new cpu mobo ram) and ubuntu booted fine (minus mount errors due to hdd being in diff order), but got this, any ideas? "The panel encountered a problem while loading 'OAFIID:GNOME_MultiLoadApplet'"02:48
mrmcpownedanyways, i gotta go and manage my host :P Hopefully that server i screwed up was a small test server with soem bots and stuff on it. See ya guys!02:48
WXZedbian: I get "there is a problem with ICEauthority"02:48
topoActionParsnip: The thing is that if a share a folder thats in the home directory I have no problem but with a partition the xp machines can see the folder but they cant access it02:48
hobbeslighta: all those are reasons to actually install on the HDD, and why shouldn't I actually install on the HDD?02:49
edbianWXZ, sudo chown -R <userName>:<userName> /home/<userName>02:49
edbianWXZ, Make them the owner of everything in there.02:49
topoActionParsnip: the partition is mounted automatically on boot and I do have permissions02:49
WXZafter logging into their account right02:49
edbianhobbes, It takes about 30 - 40 minutes02:49
ActionParsniptopo: you may need to run:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER   so users can authenticate as the user who's home data you are sharing  and get access02:50
edbianWXZ, no, logging in to some account that works02:50
hobbesedbian: what does?02:50
WXZoh, alright02:50
evilvishis it possible to make a live USB of a fedora iso from Ubuntu? (i was planning on testing the shell alpha live usb and was hoping to make the usb from Ubuntu using startup disk creator)02:50
capslordhello all. I have a question :) I have League of Legends installed on a hard drive and I have been playing it on Windows boot. Is it possible to play it on Ubuntu without installing again. Can use the already installed game??02:50
lightahmm can sure can hobbes, you're totally free hehe but there alot of distro, it'll take lof of space if you want to try them and time if you want to install02:50
edbianhobbes, installing to the hdd02:51
edbianWXZ, lemme know if it still isn't fixed02:51
WXZedbian: should I restart, or just log off their account and then log back in?02:51
ActionParsnipevilvish: you can use unetbootin02:51
hobbesIt takes time to burn them to CD too02:51
edbianWXZ, log off, log back in02:51
edbianhobbes, yes02:51
lightait just a question of time and space, but you can manage all that, when I mean live cd it wasn't dvd or cd but just a non persitent os sorry for mistexplaining02:51
Snowman1Why is it that whenever i do [sudo wine WoW.exe --opengl] i get wine is not owned by you? how do i change that?02:51
edbianhobbes, but to install to the hdd you first have to burn to cd, then install02:51
evilvishActionParsnip: OK, cool! thanks.02:51
hobbesAnyway, I won't install them all at once, I will install maybe two at a time, that is why I was inquiring about making it easy to add and remove them02:51
ActionParsnipSnowman1: you should NOT run wine with root02:52
edbianhobbes, If you load the live CD you'll see, it is totally unnecessary to install if you're going to try other distros02:52
cleatuswow brand new to irc here02:52
hobbesI understand there are ways to install from the hard drive02:52
ActionParsnipevilvish: users have their own wine apps in staled in their homes, so sudo is not needed02:52
edbiancleatus, you like it?02:52
cleatusdont know that was like my hello world irc02:52
lightawell edbian in a way he's right full distro power would be reach when it's read from hdd istead usb or whatever02:52
topoActionParsnip: two n00b questions. $USER is my user name right? and Will that technique require xp users to enter a password to access the share?02:52
WXZedbian: wouldn't happen to know how to log out of an account using the keyboard alone?... there's no GUI on that account02:53
cleatuslol first time and all (blushis')02:53
YankeesFanFuck you ubuntu02:53
mikelissAnybody know a trick for keeping an SSH session open after it's already started and running a LONG script?02:53
YankeesFanwindows 7 is better02:53
capslordcan I run a game with wine even if it is installed to a hard dirve on windows?02:53
lightabut even here I don't know if you'll see the diff well, since the hardware can influe, hope you have good testbench set02:53
YankeesFanFuck you ubuntu02:53
Snowman1im new to this os. so do i need to stop wine or change root or something?02:53
evilvish!ops | YankeesFan02:53
ubottuYankeesFan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:53
YankeesFanSnowman1, dont use ubuntu it sucks02:53
edbianlighta, yeah, I suppose.02:53
cleatusany people here familiar with xampp worpress and proftpd?02:54
edbianWXZ, ctrl + alt + backspace?02:54
edbianWXZ, alt + sysrq + k02:54
lightacleatus, use lampp on linux02:54
Snowman1YankeesFan, but windows sucks even harder02:54
cleatusdoin it cant auto update wordpress02:54
hobbesSo, what is the best way to put on different linux versions so one can easily add and remove them?02:54
hobbesOn HDD02:55
edbianWXZ, sys request, it's on there just look for it usually about home / end / page up / page down02:55
lightalampp very easy to use, I was just little upset I had to take off my other sql, and ftp to let it run entirely but it was ok02:55
Snowman1chown [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE...      <<<<is this the command needed to change owners? or is the internet dicking me around again?02:55
cleatusworks fine in my vbox windoze install02:55
edbianhobbes, just tell each installer not to overright.  Try it out, it's easy and straight forward when you get to that point02:55
hobbesAnd easily to remove each when your done, without having too much removed?(like part of another distro)02:56
mikelissAnybody know how to keep ssh open?02:56
WXZalt + sysrq + k = no02:56
edbianhobbes, what?  Having to much remove?  part of another distro?02:56
tonsofpcsmikeliss: don't disconnect?02:56
edbianWXZ, switch to tty1 and restart02:56
mikelissI need to like, send the shift key every five minutes or something.02:56
WXZw/e, I'll just restart it'll be faster02:56
edbianWXZ, yeah02:56
mikelissSo it thinks I'm around.02:56
cleatusand xampp for linux is lampp they just renamed it to xampp02:57
mikelisstonsofpcs, it'll boot me when it goes idle for too long.02:57
tonsofpcsmikeliss: (1) what's wrong with your ssh session closing? (2) I doubt the sshd is doing that.  Probably a connection thing.02:57
hobbesedbian: Since linux programs might share some files, won't removing one potenitally remove part of another?02:57
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cleatusany xampp users here?02:57
tonsofpcscleatus: plenty.02:57
lightacleatus, isn't what I said ?02:57
cleatusfamiliar with word press?02:57
mikelisstonsofpcs, I have a script running in it that I can't stop. SSH gives the boot eventually when idle.02:57
edbianhobbes, no, since they're on separate partitions they won't share any files at all.02:58
tonsofpcsmikeliss: why not run it inside screen?02:58
mikelissToo late for that...I forgot...again.02:58
mikelisstonsofpcs, ^^^02:58
edbianhobbes, You could tell them to share some things, that would be needlessly complicated and would only save minimal amounts of space.  Especially because the distros do not expect this to happen02:58
tonsofpcsmikeliss: ever see the simpsons episode where homer gets to work from home?02:58
cleatuslighta: ?02:58
lightano it's ok02:59
mikelisstonsofpcs, ummm...maybe?02:59
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tonsofpcs(alternatively, do you need data going both ways to keep it active, or can you just have a changing set of data returning to your client?)02:59
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hobbesedbian: Ah, so the only way to properly do it, is to give each their own partition, right? So just delete a partition when I am done with a distro?02:59
mikelisstonsofpcs, wait...actually no. Now that I re-read your question.02:59
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mikelisstonsofpcs, Wait, YES!02:59
tonsofpcs(homer uses one of those little birds that 'drinks' from a water glass and keeps bouncing to poke a key repeatedly :) )02:59
mikelisstonsofpcs, I need the shift key presser.02:59
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mikelisstonsofpcs, I just need to send data to it from time to time, ideally.03:00
edbianhobbes, yep, and you can even install a distro in the same partition and it will erase what's there then install itself.  So you don't have to waste time erasing manually03:00
hobbesWhat about linux programs like wine, reinstall it anew for each distro?03:00
edbianhobbes, yep03:00
edbianmikeliss, There is a keep-alive option03:00
WXZedbian: how do I find the partition of a directory?03:01
edbianmikeliss, sends packets for you that keep the connection alive even though you're not there.03:01
WXZbut I think it's working03:01
edbianWXZ, sudo fdisk -l  (or look in gparted)03:01
mikelissedbian, too late for that, I'm afraid. Unless I can enable it after a session is set up.03:01
edbianWXZ, hurray! :)03:01
* tonsofpcs has never had this problem with ssh... my larger problem is cable modems dropping enough packets for a connection to give up03:01
topoActionParsnip: two n00b questions. $USER is my user name right? and Will that technique require xp users to enter a password to access the share?03:01
edbianmikeliss, Ooo, not that I know of :(03:01
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ubuntulinuxhey- linux and ubuntu are same? if i find drivers for linux will they work on ubuntu 10.10?03:01
tonsofpcsmikeliss: what client?03:01
WXZno, I mean the "partition that the directory is on"03:01
hobbesedbian: Could I put programs like wine on a general storage NTSF partition so it doesn't need to be reinstalled each time?03:02
edbianubuntulinux, Ubuntu is a distribution of linux.  The driver might work.  Probably only if it is labeled as the Ubuntu driver.03:02
WXZlike "fakecommandhere /home/username" would return /dev/sda or /dev/sdb or something03:02
mikelisstonsofpcs, gnome-terminal03:02
tonsofpcsalternatively, can you background the process and reattach it inside screen?03:02
brunnerI just installed Ubuntu on a new laptop (a Sony Vaio), using the alternate install CD, and the screen is garbled when it boots beyond the BIOS.  Are there any fail-proof xorg.conf settings I can use until I figure out why?03:02
tonsofpcsgnome-terminal is not an ssh client.03:02
edbianWXZ, df -h  shows where each root is mounted03:02
edbianWXZ, haha, fake command :)03:02
ubuntulinuxthank you03:02
WXZok, I'm 95% sure it's working... it's impossible to have two partitions using the same folder right?03:03
ubuntulinuxif i use MIRC how i can connect this chanel?03:03
mikelisstonsofpcs, hrmm...then it's just ssh, I'd guess?03:03
edbianWXZ, totally impossible03:03
WXZ100% then03:03
ubuntulinuxwich server i must connect ? dalnet? efnet? ... ?03:03
mikelisstonsofpcs, I could background it, and reattach in screen...if I knew how.03:03
edbianWXZ, yay! :)03:03
=== blackchook is now known as Juz
rwwubuntulinux: freenode03:04
ubuntulinuxthank you03:04
tonsofpcshmm... i wonder if you can set tcpkeepalive on the server end and rehash the config... (not sure if it will worrk with active connections)03:04
hobbesedbian: Could I put programs like wine on a general storage NTSF partition so it doesn't need to be reinstalled each time?03:04
tonsofpcsmikeliss: well, you can't do that with a lot of things, so probably not03:05
jazzhi, my sound working in ubuntu, but sound bnot working in xubuntu. anybody can help?03:05
mikelisstonsofpcs, got me, but looks like I have to run. Hopefully the script will keep going until I get back.03:05
tonsofpcsif not, restart it in screen03:05
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edbianhobbes, you could if you used an ext3 or ext4 partition.  It might be kinda tricky.  Many programs take less than a minute to install though.03:05
hobbesWhy couldn't I use the NTSF general storage partition?03:06
seanlaptophello all03:06
tonsofpcs#1) you don't even know how to spell NTFS03:06
tonsofpcshi sean03:06
edbianhobbes, linux can read NTSF partitions but ext3 or ext4 is the native fs :)  I suppose you could you NTFS03:06
hobbesLinux running on ext4, can still read NTFS, right?03:06
edbianhobbes, It can, but ext4 is a better filesystem03:07
edbianhobbes, fs - filesystem03:07
hobbesRight, but I don't want to deal with too many partitions03:07
acct1hi all... my issue is with using vnc with netbook 10.10  I can connect, I can even operate applications but I just can't launch applications from the launch pad thing....anyone know a work around for this?03:07
hobbesBesides the clutter of partitions, theres the dividing of programs between them03:08
seanlaptopanyone out there wanna help me solve a filesharing issue03:08
jazzhi, my sound working in ubuntu, but sound bnot working in xubuntu. anybody can help?03:08
Rushhi, i believe i am having an issue with my network drivers as i have just installed a new trendnet te100-pciwin card and cannot access the internet03:08
hobbesIs ext4 Considerably better then NTFS?03:08
edbianhobbes, dividing the shared programs is going to be a pain because of the package managers of different distributions03:08
hemisphereMy sound card could not be detected by Ubuntu. What should I do ?03:08
edbianhobbes, yeah03:09
edbianhobbes, It does not fragment the way ntfs does03:09
jazzseem ubuntu user got many sound problem03:09
ActionParsnipRush: is it a USB device or a PCI device?03:09
jazzmy sound card detected, but no sound. mixer setting check ok. still no sound03:10
hobbesedbian: I didn't understand that edbian, but will what ever you said, be more of a pain then reinstalling a bunch of programs each time? Are you saying I should do that for things like the rare linux game and so on?03:10
hemispherejazz, did you try to turn up the volume ?03:10
ActionParsnipRush: ok then run:  sudo lshw -C network     you will see the CHIP used which is what you need, you can then websearch for guides03:10
acct1jazz ... are you sure "mute" isn't on?03:11
jazzhemisphere: yes. already turn up to maximum03:11
HowardTheDuckdoes anyone have a 4k sector hdd?03:11
jazzacct1: yes mute is not on03:11
edbianhobbes, I'm suggesting you shouldn't bother trying to share programs between distros installed on the same machine.  It's going to be more trouble than it is worth because of the package managers and the file structure of linux03:11
ActionParsniphobbes: plus the apps are very small, sharing a common swap partition is wise though03:11
hemispherejazz, did the sound card problem just occured after an update ?03:12
jazzhemisphere: a fresh intall not working, after full update also not working03:12
* edbian agrees with ActionParsnip sharing swap is a good idea03:12
topoActionParsnip: two n00b questions. $USER is my user name right? and Will that technique require xp users to enter a password to access the share?03:12
mikelisstonsofpcs, Who needs a woodpecker when you can HOLD DOWN backspace!03:13
hobbesIf its a 2gb game with saves, that will be more then a minor inconveniance having to delete and reinstall each time03:13
hemispherejazz, seems like a search for ubuntu 10.10 sound problems did bring up lots of issues03:13
mikelisstonsofpcs, I missed my last train btw...but now I really have to go.03:13
edbianhobbes, good luck finding a game like that on linux03:13
ActionParsniptopo: yes, it will change for yuo as it is a Linux variable03:13
Jordan_U!anyone | HowardTheDuck03:14
ubottuHowardTheDuck: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:14
hobbesActionParsnip: Please elaborate on "Common swap partition:03:14
Rush@ActionParsnip: i see what chip it is, in fact i have a set of drivers on cd, however, i have ubuntu 10.04 which i believe has the 2.6.x kernel, and the drivers are 2.2 and 2.4x03:14
jazzhemisphere: yesterday someone link me to ubuntu wiki, i follow whatever guide to troubleshoot, its still now working and im getting frustrated03:14
ActionParsniptopo: they will require the password ONCE, the OS can remember the credentials for you03:14
edbianhobbes, you should install linux instead of having people on IRC explain every element of it to you.  This will clear up many of these questions03:14
ActionParsniphobbes: linux benefits from a swap partition, are you aware of swap partitions?03:14
hemispherejazz, mine couldn't even detect a single sound card all of a sudden03:14
HowardTheDucki plan on buying a 2tb 4k sector hard dive to use as a media/storage drive on my win7/ubuntu 10.04 dual boot system.  do i need to worry about these alignment issues if i'm only using it for data, no os?03:14
HowardTheDuckim a bit confused03:14
AnanasMy firefox, google chrome cannot connect to the internet although I'm talking from xchat now  and transmission torrent program is working too. Can anyone help me pls?03:15
hobbesActionParsnip: You mean what is otherwise known as virtual memory on windows?03:15
jazzhemisphere: my lspci = Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value03:15
edbianhobbes, yeah03:15
vychunecan i get a little help03:15
hemispherejazz, there's a test button in the sound preferences right ?03:16
Encry8what's the command to add a word or something to a file without having to open it with text editor?03:16
hemispherejazz, the Test Speaker button in Hardware tab03:16
edbianvychune, just ask the question!03:16
edbianEncry8, 'word'>>file.txt03:16
hobbesBut I understand with enough RAM, there is no point to such a thing, that swap is only for when you run out of RAM03:16
ActionParsniphobbes: yes, linux has a partition for that, it is wise in windows to have a partition for virtual memory in windows too, it reduces fragmentation03:16
jazzhemisphere: im using xubuntu DE03:16
Jordan_UHowardTheDuck: You will have at the very least performance problems if things aren't aligned to 4k boundries, but [G]Parted is verygood at making sure that alignment is optimal.03:16
edbianhobbes, yeah, it's also used to hibernate and such03:16
Encry8edbian: thanks!03:16
hemispherejazz, oh... xubuntu03:17
edbianhobbes, my system never touches my swap and I only have 1Gb of ram03:17
edbianEncry8, no problem03:17
AnanasMy firefox, google chrome cannot connect to the internet although I'm talking from xchat now  and transmission torrent program is working too. Can anyone help me pls?03:17
HowardTheDuckJordan_U okay thanks...now i'm going to be formatting this drive as ntfs of course, so my windows partition can read it too.03:17
hobbesSomeone said earlier that swap isn't used for hibernation, but a separate file03:17
ActionParsniphobbes: if you have multiple Linux OSes installed. It makes no sense to have multiple swap partitions. All the Linuxes can simply use the same swap space so you only need one03:17
HowardTheDucki'd use gparted to align it, then boot into windows to format it03:17
hemispherejazz, does the xubuntu come with some sort of sound preference control panel ?03:17
Jordan_UAnanas: Can you ping google.com? If not can you ping
edbianhobbes, oh really?  Perhaps I'm wrong lately!03:17
AnanasJordan_U no03:18
Encry8edbian: im getting command not found with 'word'>>test03:18
hobbes1gb and you never use swap you say? My new system has 8gb on it03:18
jazzhemisphere: yes, and it selected Audigy 2 Value (Alsa mixer), same like ubuntu03:18
Encry8tried without the quotes03:18
brunnerHow do I boot into a console from the alternate install CD?03:18
edbianEncry8, what do you want to go into the file?03:18
Encry8just some text03:18
jazzhemisphere: the best part it working in ubuntu.03:18
Encry8nothing fancy03:18
edbianEncry8, echo 'word'>>file.txt  will put word int he file03:18
Jordan_Uedbian: hobbes: Swap is used for hybernation. You can use a swap file in linux though instead of a swap partition.03:18
edbianJordan_U, thanks03:19
Encry8oh ok03:19
Jordan_Uedbian: You're welcome.03:19
ActionParsniphobbes: then you will only need swap if you want hibernate, 8Gb is plenty for Ubuntu. Most of my systems have 2Gb and I don't use swap as I only webbrowse and chat03:19
rwwbrunner: under the assumption that the alternate CD is very like the Debian install CD... try alt-f203:19
hemispherejazz, besides alsa, what other options are there ?03:19
AnanasJordan_U Network tools got frozen03:20
edbianrww, alt+F2 is like the most ubiquitous thing ever!03:20
hobbesHow much swap would I need for hybernation?03:20
ActionParsniphobbes: 8Gb, 1xRAM03:20
hobbesMaybe the person earlier meant windows 703:20
Encry8ok the echo worked :)03:20
Encry8thx again03:20
ActionParsniphobbes: if you had less than 2Gb RAM you would use 2xRAM amount03:20
edbianhobbes, ActionParsnip I suggest that 1Gb of swap is enough03:20
hobbesActionParsnip: I don't understand03:20
jazzhemisphere: Sigmatel STAC9750.51 (OSS mixer). Already try that too, not working.03:20
edbianEncry8, no problem03:20
brunnerrww, thanks. that makes sense.03:21
ActionParsniphobbes: its simple, if you have 2Gb RAM or less, you will use double the amount of RAM you have for swap03:21
Jordan_UAnanas: Can you pastebin the output of "ping -c 10 google.com; ping -c 10"?03:21
edbianhobbes, ActionParsnip It's an older rule of thumb.  I think today it's outdated.03:21
ActionParsniphobbes: if you have more than 2Gb RAM then you use an equal amount for swap03:21
ActionParsnipedbian: hibernate needs the same amount as RAM to store the RAM contents in03:22
hemispherejazz, what devices available ? do you have 'Internal Audio Analog Stereo' ?03:22
edbianActionParsnip, but it's rare that anybody has 8Gb of ram filled.03:22
hobbesActionParsnip: What does that have to do with hybernation? Ram isn't used at all in hybernation03:22
AnanasJordan_U I have a ping success for
jazzhemisphere: yes i have, but i disable it in bios.03:22
edbianhobbes, ActionParsnip, when you hibernate the contents of ram are dumped into the hibernation file so they're not lost03:22
Jordan_UAnanas: Then it's probably just a DNS problem. Try using as your DNS server.03:23
ActionParsnipedbian: I'm just informing of the rule of thumb, thats all. A little education03:23
hobbesedbian: So how much swap drive space would I need for proper hybernation? Or does it not use swap?03:23
edbianActionParsnip, :)03:23
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
ActionParsniphobbes: you will need to copy the RAM to swap when you hibernate03:23
AnanasJordan_U I'll try now thanks03:23
edbianhobbes, it uses swap.  just make your swap 8Gb03:23
hemispherejazz, could you try to somehow update ALSA ?03:23
ActionParsnipedbian: and in retort to 'older rule of thumb': https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq  was last updated 26th November 201003:24
hobbesAnd this swap can be shared between linux distros?03:24
edbianhobbes, it's one of the things that it makes sense to share03:24
transhello guys03:24
jazzhemisphere: yesterday already update, i follow the trobleshooting guide at ubuntu wiki, still sound a no go03:24
ActionParsniphobbes: yes as the filesystem is standardized, so if you install a few distros you don't need a seperate swap for each03:24
transcan I get any help about how to boot gnome3 image obtained from gnome3.org03:25
edbianhobbes, plus nothing critical is stored on it03:25
jazzhemisphere: my sound working it other xfce DE distro, only in xubuntu and mint (xfce), it never work.03:25
hobbesedbian: You don't think I can share games between distros? I mean if windows XP and win98 can share programs, then surely linux versions which have alot more in common can share a few programs03:25
hemispherejazz, it sounds like it's distro based problems ?03:25
edbianhobbes, You can share them, it's just a big pain in the butt03:25
ActionParsniphobbes: i very much doubt it without a tonne of issues03:26
jazzhemisphere: i just can't figure it out whats the problem03:26
hobbesWhat are the pains? What are the issues?03:26
ActionParsniphobbes: unless the games in windows are very portable, they will not be able to be shared03:26
hemispherejazz, same for mine03:26
hobbesAnd, interestinf spelling of "ton" there03:26
hemispherejazz, mine couldn't detect the hardware at all03:26
ActionParsniphobbes: setting environment variables and path variables, basically it's not worth it03:26
jazzhemisphere: i install xubuntu yesterday cause i want a light DE, but sound problem.03:27
edbianhobbes, well for one, the program files are not all placed together, they're spread around the linux filesystem, you'd have to collect them up and put them all on this shared partition, then you'd have to make symlinks in the filesystem.  Then you'd have to make symlinks to them in the other distro03:27
ActionParsniphobbes: windows games instaled in wine will be installable as long as you have suitable access to the .wine folder holding the windows app03:27
hobbesI shared programs that were compatible with both win98 and XP just fine back when I had them duel booted03:27
hilarieIs there a way to autohide the top and bottom menu thingymabobbers?03:27
edbianhobbes, then you'd have to make sure you never install that program with the package manager from either system anymore cause it'll change everything you did03:27
RushI'm thinking I should install WINE, and then install the windows drivers, comments?03:27
ActionParsniphobbes: windows apps write files to SYSTEM32 and the registry, these would be missing in the OS you didn't instal under03:28
edbianhilarie, yes, right click them, select properties -> select auto-hide03:28
jazzhemisphere: xubuntu ver. 9 working without any problem03:28
Jordan_URush: Wine does not allow you to use windows drivers.03:28
ActionParsniphilarie: right click panel -> properties  you can set autohide there03:28
hobbesNot all programs need registry entries to run03:28
hemispherejazz, did you check if the software for alsa, gstreamer and so on are there ?03:28
hilarie@edbian @actionparsnip You are both pretty ladies03:28
edbianhobbes, there is no registry in wlinux03:28
edbianhilarie, ?03:28
linux_is_my_heroActionParsnip: I've talked to you before, you seem smart. what does it mean when I try to do a fresh install to a newer version on my amd64 desktop and it gives me a bunch of black and green lines after it loads03:28
hobbesI am not talking about windows games in wine, I am talking about linux native games etc.03:28
ActionParsniphobbes: like I said, unless they are very portable, they won't. Yours obviously were03:28
transcan I get any help about how to boot gnome3 image obtained from gnome3.org03:28
hemispherejazz, probably is missing stuff03:28
jazzhemisphere: yes already checked. from the troubleshooting guide03:28
hilarie@edbian  :P03:29
edbianhobbes, Did you read what I said about the package managers?03:29
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: try: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html - Cached03:29
edbianhilarie, thanks :)03:29
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: did you MD5 test the ISO you are installing with?03:29
Enuniohi all :)03:29
jazzhemisphere: i suspected that too. cause when i load my song, it playing, just no sound03:29
linux_is_my_heroive used it on god knows how many computers with successful isntalls, but ill try that just in case03:29
ActionParsniptrans: did you read: http://gnome3.org/tryit.html03:30
Loshkihobbes: just how much disk do you have, and how many distros do you want to install?03:30
linux_is_my_heroaction parsnip: ive used it on multiple successful installs except for my dell latitude d521 with an amd64 dualcore03:30
hobbesedbian: reading and understanding are very different03:30
edbianhobbes, haha, true that03:30
RushI have drivers 2.4.x, might that work on the 2.6.x kernel?03:30
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: ok then try the nomodeset bootoption like the link I gave says03:30
hobbesMy HDD will be 2TB, and maybe 2 at a time, which may be switched here in that for new ones03:30
transActionParsnip: yep, that image writer needs .img files,its not working with .iso. i tried unibootin and virtual machine both failed03:31
hobbesWith 2tb, space will not be a issue03:31
edbianhobbes, yeah, you're point is?03:31
Loshkihobbes: a ubuntu distro takes about 7 to 10G. Any time you spend trying to economize on space for applications doesn't seem like time well spent...03:32
edbianhobbes, A linux install takes about 3-4 Gb (not counting user files) 80Gb would be plenty03:32
hobbesI want to be able to not have to reinstall everything each time I try a new distro is my point03:32
edbianLoshki, does it really?  I thought they only took like 2!03:32
edbianhobbes, just use the live CDs03:32
ActionParsniptrans: use unetbootin03:33
hobbesLike if I have the linux version of battle for wesnoth, with mods and saves expanding its size, I want those to remain03:33
transActionParsnip: unibootin failed,03:33
Loshkiedbian: It mostly depends how much stuff you install. My current root is about 7G...03:34
hobbesedbian: I guess you missed earlier when I explained the various reasons that live CD is not sufficient for my purposes03:34
rwwhobbes: assuming that you're installing programs from the distribution repositories (which you should), their files are not portable between different distributions. You'll just horribly confuse the package managers.03:34
hobbesedbian: Anyway, won't I still have the same issues with installed programs with live CD as I would with actual HDD installs?03:34
linux_is_my_heroactionparsnip: i don't ever get to the "install screen" so i dont know how to use the nomo-whatever03:34
ActionParsniplinux_is_my_hero: when the installer starts to boot, press SPACE and you will see the old skool boot menu, you can set boot options, check the CD for defects and memory test there03:35
linux_is_my_herohas anyone ever gotten a funky screen on nvidea graphics while doing a ubuntu install from the livecd?03:35
ActionParsniptrans: did you MD5 test the image you downloaded?03:35
RushActionParsnip can i install the drivers thru the terminal?03:35
ActionParsnipRush: depends what drivers03:35
edbianhobbes, Trust me, I'm speaking from experience.  When you wanna try out distros you use live CDs.  It's the easiest way and you still get a very good feel for that distro.  Then if you like it you can install it.  installing multiple OS's just to try them is not necessary now03:35
transActionParsnip: nope, how o test?03:36
edbianhobbes, It's not so slow it's unusable and you can still do almost anything you'd do on a real install03:36
MindControlHi guys! Im Lookin for STATIC TV screensaver for linux ??? Have you seen anything like this?03:36
hobbesrww: "assuming that you're installing programs from the distribution repositories (which you should)," But that doesn't mean much to me. Why should I do that?03:36
linux_is_my_heroactionparsnip: trying now, seems to be working03:36
RushActionParsnip i have the 2.4.x linux drivers, that probably won't work for the 2.6.x driver correct?03:36
transActionParsnip: 2 images of opensuse failed03:36
hobbesedbian: It won't be as slow as to be unusuable, but it will be slower, right? So it won03:37
edbianhobbes, because the install procedure is fast and easy.  You don't have to worry about security of the code, or malicious code, you don't have to compile, and it's easy to remove later.  Also it's easier to update the entire system03:37
hobbesit won't tell me if X distro is faster then Y distro03:37
transActionParsnip: both showed the same error while booting up03:37
edbianhobbes, It will take longer to load some things.  It will be just as responsive when the program is loaded / mouse movements /etc /etc03:37
hobbesAnd I can't install programs onto a live CD03:37
edbianhobbes, They won't be faster than each other. not noticable to the naked eye anyway03:38
edbianhobbes, you can install programs03:38
edbianhobbes, They just don't stay after a reboot03:38
hobbesThat matters03:38
edbianhobbes, alright then.  Start installing my friend!03:38
hobbesIn order to properly test a distro, I will need to use it long term I am sure03:38
edbianhobbes, if that floats you're boat.  (for the record I think you're crazy)03:38
hobbesedbian: No reason to get defensive, Just explaining what I am trying to do and why03:39
edbianhobbes, :)03:39
ActionParsniphobbes: sure, acid testing is fine03:39
bazhanghobbes, what version do you have installed03:39
myk_robinsonEvening, all. Looking for information on how to enable multitouch on my Sony Vaio VPCEB24FX03:39
bazhang!manual | hobbes please have a read03:39
ubottuhobbes please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:39
hobbesAnother reason I mentioned earlier was regular use of my DVD drive will wear it out, and will use extra electricity03:39
ActionParsnipRush: true, different kernel, you may need to cmopile03:40
hobbesbazhang: None right now03:40
* edbian wonders if using the CD drive spends more energy than using the hdd03:40
ActionParsnip!md5 | trans03:40
ubottutrans: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:40
bazhanghobbes, then have a look at the manual03:40
leapy0yowhat is a good program for ubuntu to download newsgroup binaries?03:40
ActionParsniptrans: without testing the images, how did you know they were complete and consistent???03:40
RushActionParsnip Is that something I could get help doing as I don't know how to do that.... any other fesible solutions03:41
Loshkihobbes: there's no reason you shouldn't keep multiple partitions with different distros on each, if you want. And you can have them share swap and home. If you do that, and you can install the games you're interested in into home, then you *may* be able to 'share' them across distros, but there's no guarantee...03:41
hobbesCD drives use a lazer, and its not either or, if I am installing a program, or running one of my programs, it will be off of my HDD03:41
kgarbuttHi everyone03:41
ActionParsnipRush: see the link ubottu gave03:41
transActionParsnip: I have never experienced any trouble like this03:41
leapy0yowhat is a newsgroup program that downloads nzb files and automatically decomrpresses the files of binary?03:41
ActionParsniptrans: must've got lucky03:41
edbianhobbes, the live CD would not touch the hdd, but that's beside the point.  sharing /home is another common scenario but that isn't friendly from e.g. fedora to ubuntu03:42
hobbesLoshki:Ok, any recommendations for best easy way to accomplish this?03:42
transActionParsnip: now i'll check n get back to u in a moment03:42
edbiancause the permissions change03:42
jozenirbom dia03:42
hobbesedbian How do you install anything onto a write only CD?03:42
edbianhobbes, It installs it into ram (it's tricky :) )03:43
jozeniralguém do brasil?03:43
edbianIt appears to be going to the cd drive.  Obviously it is not burning the CD on the fly03:43
ActionParsniphobbes: use custom partitioning at each step, create a new partition for the OS and set it as the / partition, you can then add more and more partitions with OSes (remember to tell the OS to use the centralized swap partition to save space), you can then build up and up. You could even have a centralized /home partition so all the ditros use the same user data :)03:43
hobbesYou mean like ramdisk? Well, I wouldn't want to have to keep on reinstalling my stuff every time I boot my computer, that would be absurd.03:43
edbianhobbes, It would get annoying.  People typically boot the live CD mess with the distro for maybe an hour, then either install it or move on03:44
jozenirAlguém pode me dizer como faço para permitir a execução de programas instalados no wine por outros usuários03:44
edbianhobbes, do what ActionParsnip said to share partitions03:44
rwwubottu: br | jozenir03:45
ubottujozenir: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:45
hobbesI don't understand it all, but I am saving the conversation into a text file, I can review more when I get into it directly. Then ask more when I understand more03:45
ActionParsniphobbes: if you use what we've said and just play and try, you will find it quite simple. You will need to use custom partitioning each time, if you use the default option you will use 100% of the disk space03:45
edbianhobbes, good plan.  The best way to learn is to get linux and mess with it03:46
edbianhobbes, irc is better for asking specific questions, not general concepts03:46
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hobbesSince on the forum, people tend to drift off topic, and old posts tend to not be read, where as in chat its easier to correct misunderstandings and keep the conversation OT03:47
edbianhobbes, yeah, reading is good too :) like websites03:47
zy3g0whoa re you Doing03:48
hobbesI do that, but I want a life other then headaches and hours of random surfing hoping to find what I am looking for03:48
NoUseForANameYo guys03:48
NoUseForANameThis channel appears to be on twitter03:48
hobbesSo if I can simply ask those who know, and safe a ton of time and headache, that is good I think03:48
bazhang!ot | NoUseForAName03:49
ubottuNoUseForAName: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:49
transActionParsnip: md5sum is correct03:49
edbianhobbes, if people ask questions that are documented online it may save their time but it wastes ours03:49
bazhanghobbes, we're getting offtopic here. please take the general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic03:49
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hobbesWell I am done anyway, thanks again for all your help03:50
bazhangtrans, burn slowly and do the disk integrity check03:50
transbazhang: I'm trying to boot up with usb03:51
hobbesWhat is a good way of saving all of chat for latter?03:51
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bazhang!1984 > hobbes03:51
ubottuhobbes, please see my private message03:51
edbian!1984 > edbian03:52
ubottuedbian, please see my private message03:52
aademwhat is fi used for in bash scripts, am i correct to assume its an appropriate end to an if statement?  also...the abs-guide from apt-get is great! however im still on the lookout for somewhat of a library of bash scripts and with the unix following ive seen i would think there would be a standard place users go to when theyre looking for a bash script online...can someone point me in that direction03:52
sacarlsonRush: it seems your pci device has been supported at least back in 2008 in ubuntu and I also saw 10.04 support so you should already have drivers for it http://www.pricespider.com/compare-reviews-ethernet-adapters/trendnet/32-bit-pci-10-100mbps-n-way-fast-ethernet-card-te100-pciwn--181824.html03:52
bazhangaadem, try #bash03:52
aademthank you baz :)03:52
rwwaadem: yes03:52
ynkhey ladies and gents. i'm looking for a shell scripting channel. could anyone point me in the right direction?03:52
rww(re: fi)03:53
pure_hateaadem, yes fi closes a if statement in bash03:53
rwwynk: #bash03:53
hobbesHow can I save all of chat for latter? Highlighting all of this is time consuming and difficult03:53
aademawesome thats what i gathered from context just needed to make sure hehe, and sorry for the mischan im new here03:53
zy3g0how are you doing...??:D03:53
ynkrww: thank you!03:53
skutr3hey i know this is ubuntu channel but i need help installing the new debian and i cant get into #debian?03:53
Jordan_U!ot | zy3g003:53
ubottuzy3g0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:53
rwwskutr3: touch03:54
rwwskutr3: tough.03:54
skutr3rww: what?03:54
zy3g0thats crazy03:54
rwwskutr3: As we told you last time you brought this up, go talk to a #debian op. Your ban problems have nothing to do with this channel, and #ubuntu doesn't support Debian installations.03:55
bazhanghobbes, I just sent you a link03:55
bazhang!1984 | hobbes here it is again03:55
ubottuhobbes here it is again: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:55
hobbesI just want this chat log, I don't want a ton of chat log to have to sift through03:56
bazhanghobbes, then check the link03:56
Jordan_Uzy3g0: This is your last warning.03:56
bazhangzy3g0, take it elsewhere03:56
rwwhobbes: it's pretty much a choice between highlighting things in your webchat window and highlighting things in irclogs.ubuntu.com. qwebirc has no logging functionality.03:57
hobbesrww: But how do I highlight all?03:57
rwwhobbes: ctrl-a, generally03:57
ApacheOmegaI made a mistake and put my XAMPP icon in the trash and now I'm having to reinstall the whole thing03:58
hobbesHmm, that wants to highlight too much03:58
bazhangApacheOmega, xampp is not supported use lamp03:58
bazhang!lamp | ApacheOmega03:58
ubottuApacheOmega: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:58
ActionParsniphobbes: then select with the mouse03:58
usuariosomeone speaks Spanish?03:58
bazhang!xampp > ApacheOmega03:58
ubottuApacheOmega, please see my private message03:58
ActionParsnip!es | usuario03:58
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:58
bazhangusuario, in #ubuntu-es03:58
hobbesActionParsnip: I can't really do it, the best I can do is start at a point, then move the curser slightly below the chat at just the right point, then wait for the scroll to slowly go down till it reaches the bottom04:00
ActionParsniphobbes: do that then04:00
hobbesIt works, sort of, Unless I move the cursor slightly off, then it gets messed up and I have to restart, but its also really time consuming04:01
ActionParsniphobbes: or you could just make notes while the chat is still fresh using pen and paper04:01
bazhanghobbes, or use a real irc client04:01
DonjrBeen fighting to get this broadcom 4311 wirless card to work in my laptop.  I now have finally got it to be able to scan and see my router, but still no net connection.  I"m not sure what else to try now.04:01
ActionParsniphobbes: you can select the text from the chat logs, much easier04:01
ActionParsnipbazhang: s/he is04:01
ApacheOmegabazhang: so i have to erase everything i just did04:01
bazhangApacheOmega, yep04:02
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rcmaehlhttp://cid-5f5e3cbbea45ae52.office.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Espeak.sh I made a espeak file!04:05
jccorreai'm trying to execute a BR app  and got04:05
bazhangrcmaehl, connected to ubuntu support somehow?04:05
rcmaehlbazhang: how do I change the voice though?04:05
jccorrea'localhost' port 152704:05
jccorreaconnection refused04:06
bazhangrcmaehl, using what software04:06
jccorreais possible that a port is blocked in  my Ubuntu 10.10?but i Donjr t have a firewall04:06
jccorreaGovernement - NFe04:06
bazhanghttp://espeak.sourceforge.net/languages.html rcmaehl04:07
jccorrea'localhost' port 1527 connection refused.how to check it?04:07
Donjr Okay, so I create a new connection, I scan and find my home network and click okay, now how do I tell it to connect?  It still says "Last Used: Never"04:07
jccorreaubuntu 10.10..i look in network tools to find a open port04:08
bazhangDonjr, wired? wireless? what encryption if any? associated with the ap?04:08
Donjrwireless, no encryption, no ap, should be straight from the router.04:08
Donjrthe wireless scan does bring up the available wireless networks, I select my home network, it shows properly that it is unprotected, I click okay04:09
bazhangDonjr, no ap? that means there is not a wifi spot to connect to04:09
Donjrand still nothing.04:09
Donjrthen yes, there IS a wifi spot to connect to, my wireless router04:09
bazhangDonjr, what does ifconfig show it as ? wlan0 ?04:09
DonjrI'm not sure which one it is under ifconfig, but under iwconfig it's eth104:10
sacarlsonjccorrea: try sudo netstat -pant  see if you have anything listen on that port 152704:11
bazhangDonjr, whats the wireless chipset04:11
Donjrbroadcom 4311 I'm using the STA drivers, they finally allowed me to see network ap's when I clicked the 'scan' button04:11
bazhangDonjr, sudo dhclient eth1    yields what04:11
Athenoni decided to go with vnc for simplicity....i enabled ubuntu to be controlled remotely, but it's not letting me in.  i can ssh into ubuntu, but vnc just says connection failed (were on the same lan)04:12
jccorreasacarlson : nothing for port 1527 on localhost or
nixjris there anyway to do an "ls > filename" and to add a "<br/>" at the end of every newline?04:12
jccorreasacarlson it's a java app (run o jre)04:13
sacarlsonjccorrea: this is on your server?  ok then what application is it that you thought was listening on that port?04:13
Donjrshows listening on LPF/eth1macaddresss, sending on , same line as listening, sending on Socket/fallback, dhcpdiscover on eth1 to port 67 and interval 6 twice, 12 twice, 18 and then 7, no dhcpoffers recieved04:13
rwwnixjr: ls | sed 's#$#<br/>#' > filename04:13
jccorreasacarlson : is in my desktop.04:13
bazhangDonjr, then associate with the ap and try again04:13
bazhang!wifi | Donjr please have a read04:14
ubottuDonjr please have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:14
ActionParsnip!vnc | Athenon04:14
ubottuAthenon: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:14
nixjrrww, fantastic, thanks04:14
ActionParsnipAthenon: if you have ssh, you can launch X based apps using x forwarding04:14
sacarlsonjccorrea: well that tells me very little,  you should see if that app is seen in ps -A04:14
jccorreasacarlson,when i run this app i got this error..i take a look and only has package for rpm based..not for deb i think..but i'm  trying to execute04:15
ActionParsnipAthenon: also, many apps have web interfaces (like torrent clients) which are more graceful04:15
AthenonActionParsnip:  i figured it out.  it's a bug in ubuntu where when you first enable....blah, heres the link: http://blackmarketserver.com/blog/2010/10/17/get-remote-desktop-working-in-ubuntu-10-1004:15
Donjrbazhang how do I associate with the ap?04:16
ActionParsnipAthenon: i use pure ssh, the link may help others though. I find vnc to be vulgar04:16
sacarlsonjccorrea: rpm are not executable,  but you might be  able to use alien to convert it to deb04:16
DonjrI'm looking over the howto now and the troubleshooting steps04:16
AthenonActionParsnip:  yeah.  freenx looks like it would be a better solution, but im really not sure what it is or how it works04:16
jccorreasacarlson  yes,i did it04:16
bazhangDonjr, did you check the specific steps in the link I gave you on exactly how to do that?04:16
DonjrI"m looking for the steps on how to do that right now04:16
sacarlsonjccorrea: well with more info about the application and what it should do I'm not sure what I can tell you04:17
jccorreaCaused by: org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException: java.net.ConnectException : Erro ao conectar no servidor 'localhost' porta '1527'. Recebida a mensagem: 'Conexão recusada'.04:17
bazhangjccorrea, whats the app04:17
jccorreabazhang http://www.emissornfe.fazenda.sp.gov.br/04:18
bazhangjccorrea, the name of the software please04:18
sacarlsonjccorrea: wow now i need to translate also,  so maybe it has some dependency of something you don't have like appache?04:18
Donjreither ap is named soemthing else in this or I still have not found exactly how to associate in this how to.04:18
bazhangDonjr, or its hidden04:19
Donjrwhat is hidden? I"m looking through this wireless howto to find the command to associate with my ap04:19
jccorreabazhang "Emissor de NF-e" ...it's a software to send and control tributes04:19
hossSo, I havent used Ubuntu in like 3 years and alot has changed.  Specifically, what is this dock bar application on the far left side?  Im running netbook 10.1004:20
hossAlso, I want the eye candy back and it says Mutter is running.  what is that?04:20
jccorreasacarlson the software run on java jre 1.6 or later.it's execute a jnlp04:20
sacarlsonjccorrea: what is the list of dependancy?04:21
bazhanghoss, what does lsb_release -a say04:21
jccorreasacarlson i don't know java very much    <description>Emissor de Nota Fiscal Eletronica (NF-e)</description>04:21
jccorrea    <description kind="short">Emissor NF-e</description>04:21
jccorrea    <icon href="http://www.emissornfe.fazenda.sp.gov.br/logo_nfe.jpg" kind="default"/>04:21
jccorrea    <icon href="http://www.emissornfe.fazenda.sp.gov.br/logo_nfe.jpg" kind="splash"/>04:21
jccorrea    <shortcut online="true">04:21
FloodBot1jccorrea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
rwwbazhang: that's 10.10.04:21
rwwhoss: Mutter is the Metacity window manager (GNOME's default) + clutter, which is a toolkit for displaying things like that dock bar. The Ubuntu Netbook user interface is called Unity.04:21
hossbazhang, Ubuntu 10.10 maverick.04:22
Jordan_Uhoss: The netbook interface is signifigantly different from the normal "Desktop" interface, though in 11.04 the "unity" interface will be used for Desktop by default as well.04:22
jccorreasacarson http://pastebin.com/8wvsz3Tq04:22
Jordan_Uhoss: Currenly unity doesn't work with compiz, though that also will change in 11.04 (where it will *only* work with compiz :)04:22
Doonzhow can i check my hdd temps through smart through the cli04:22
hossIs there anyway to get the default bars back and get rid of the dock bar?04:23
hossJordan_U, when is 11.04 expected to release?04:23
bazhanghoss, April04:23
Jordan_Uhoss: 11 is the year, 04 is the month, so 11.04 will be released April 2011.04:24
hossSo, I am stuck with this bloated unintunitive dockbar style?04:24
Jordan_Uhoss: No, you can use the standard Desktop interface.04:25
hossvia login manager?04:25
Donjrbazhang I'm sorry but nothing here tells me how to add or associate an ap with my network that I can find.  It tells me to check with my ap and see if it see's my card or not, but not how to associate04:25
hossJordan_U, still cant use compiz with standard desktop interface though right?04:26
psyklownhey. i would like to know if i installed to desktop environments beside one another. if that would significantly slow my system starting and/or while its running?04:26
Jordan_Uhoss: Compiz is the default with the standard desktop interface.04:26
daniel5i need some help on configuring my sage notebook04:26
hossJordan_U, excellent.04:26
psyklownlike if i had gnome and installed kde with it..04:27
hossJordan_U, you know if conky has recieved a face lift, or is itt pretty much still the same?04:27
daniel5i need some help on configuring my sage notebook: every time i start the nb logs in as 'admin'04:28
daniel5and i'm tired of logging of to my 'user' acount04:28
Jordan_Uhoss: Don't know.04:28
hossJordan_U, kk.04:28
nov503what is "kk" stand for?04:29
sacarlsonjccorrea: well if you would tell me the name of the application it would be easy to help but without knowing I have to guess maybe it has dependancy on http://db.apache.org/derby/  derby?04:29
EmuAlertnov503, pretty sure it's just "ok"04:29
violetbbydoes anyone know how to install flash 1004:29
hossJordan_U, finally is there a good place for documentation so I can catch up with all the changes and new applications?04:29
nov503violetbby & EmuAlert, thanks04:30
bazhangiwconfig wlan0 essid networkname   Donjr from the wiki04:30
Jordan_U!manual | hoss04:30
ubottuhoss: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:30
jccorreasacarson i solve now using this post04:30
hossJordan_U: Thanks boss.04:31
Jordan_Uhoss: You're welcome.04:31
jccorreasacarlson I solve the problem using this post http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php?topic=55400.004:31
daniel5anyone can help me? i need some help on configuring my sage notebook04:31
jccorreathe problem was when the application try to create a database for it04:31
EmuAlertvioletbby, if you get Medibuntu ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu ), you can install flash just from the Ubuntu Software Center under "Canonical Partners"04:32
jccorreasacarlson i create a directory on "/" called /database and give 777 permission using chmod04:32
jccorreascarlson thanls a lot04:33
EmuAlertHow do you get root permission from the terminal?04:34
psyklowni also have another question. i download the dev release of gnome 3, does that mean it would install on my system and when the new release comes out it updates to that?04:34
bazhangEmuAlert, use sudo04:34
EmuAlertbazhang, *feels stupid* thanks04:34
DonjrAlright, can't figure out how to get this to associate, I'm lost.04:35
bazhangDonjr, I just gave you the command04:35
DonjrAhh, I missed that, sorry, I have ran that command more than once with no response unfortunately04:36
bazhangDonjr, what was the exact command you gave and the exact error message04:37
DonjrI don't get an error, it just does nothing04:37
bazhangDonjr, and the command you gave?04:37
Donjrsudo iwconfig eth1 essid "HomeNow"04:37
Donjrtried with " " around HomeNow and without04:38
bazhangDonjr, please pastebin the out put of ifconfig, lspci04:38
AthenonActionParsnip:  im using freenx.  so far i really like it :)04:38
kayzarghola necesito instalar una tarjeta grafica en mi sistema04:41
kayzargy me sale un error04:41
kayzargalguien que me ayude04:41
rwwubottu: es | kayzarg04:41
ubottukayzarg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:41
Donjrbazhang  http://pastebin.com/C23TJSMH   I threw in the iwconfig at the end as well04:41
kayzargahi no hay nadie04:42
zookaliciousDoes anyone happen to know how to change the color of the menu bars in all applications? A theme I installed has a slightly of color on the menu bars and I'd like to tweak it, but changing the gtkrc doesnt seem to work04:42
rwwkayzarg: then be patient. This channel is English-language only.04:43
ActionParsnipAthenon: coolio04:44
ActionParsniphi kofte04:46
kofteI've come across some information on the Ubuntu forum without much explanation, and I just wanted to clarify04:46
koftehi ActionParsnip04:46
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest34342
kofteIs it true that unsigned repositories won't work on AMD64?04:46
rwwkofte: can you link to the forums post that says that, please?04:47
bazhangbcmwl-kernel-source  Donjr was that installed04:47
kofterww: sure, just a sec04:47
Donjryes, that was part of what I did to enable or get the STA drivers04:47
Donjrthe network manager now shows my home wireless ap, but it doesn't appear to pass that along to the device it's self.04:47
=== Hunterm is now known as brbHunterm
Guest34342how did i change awn-notifcation-deamon setting04:48
koftesearch for "if you're on amd64" for the relevant part (it's a long page)04:48
bazhangDonjr, and you followed all of the steps in the broadcom wiki, extracting firmware or using from additional drivers04:48
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
ActionParsnipkofte: you don't need the key to sign repos in any arch and they will work, the OS wil just moan a little, they are easy to import04:48
DonjrI followed this to get to where I am now.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:49
ApacheOmegaI'm in the process of installing LAMPP and I'm right at the end and I keep getting this message____ jasonsthomas@ubuntu:~$ mysql -u root04:49
ApacheOmegaERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)04:49
ApacheOmega --------- what am I doing wrong?04:49
hilarieAlrighty... According to http://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki.html?do=show&id=building_in_linux I need to install a list of dependancies... do I just do sudo apt-get <Dependancy Name>?04:49
bazhangDonjr, because it showing up as eth1 leads me believe the device is not recognized properly04:49
Guest34342i want to change my awn notification setting to deaflut any help04:49
bazhanghilarie, for what software04:49
rwwkofte: I read that as the Skype repository being 32-bit only. AMD64 systems can install unauthenticated packages just fine.04:49
Donjrit was showing up at wlan0 before I followed the steps on that sight04:49
Donjrand dissabled my b44 hardwire with modprobe -r b43 b44 ssb wl04:50
kofteActionParsnip: I'm asking because for some reason Skype will install fine on one of my PCs but not the other04:50
Donjrthen modprobe wl04:50
bazhangDonjr, then try the modprobe steps again04:50
hilarie@Bazhang I am trying to get the powder toy04:50
kofteusing the same steps04:50
bazhanghilarie, what is the powder toy, what does it do04:50
kofteand I thought this might be a clue to why04:51
hilarieIt's an awesomesauce little game, I already have it, I just need to update it and it wont, so I am trying to compile it04:51
bazhanghilarie, from the repos? or some 3rd party / PPA04:51
rwwkofte: and indeed, it appears that the repository is 32-bit only. Skype's website is being silly and not showing me directory listing, but the amd64 repository files appear to not be there.04:52
ApacheOmegaOK I'll ask again -- what does this mean and what could I possibly be doing wrong cause I'm entering it in word per word-------------------  jasonsthomas@ubuntu:~$ mysql -u root04:52
ApacheOmegaERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)04:52
hilarie@bazhang I found an un-updated copy from a 3rd party repo,04:52
kofterww: what would be the consequences of that?04:52
DonjrWhen I try to run the modprobe steps again it is telling me that ssb is in use04:53
wiseguyxpApache, do you have a password for your root user?04:53
bazhanghilarie, its a dungeon crawling game?04:53
rwwkofte: that you can't use the repository method if you're on a 64-bit system, as the help.ubuntu.com page says.04:53
ApacheOmegawiseguy:  yes OHHHHHHH!!!! thats what it is thankyou04:53
Guest34342I want help regarding my awn notification deamon how i change there palces04:53
hilarie@Bazhang it's a physic's game04:54
wiseguyxpremember the -p at the end04:54
Donjrbazhang the sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl  line gives me a Module ssb is in use. error04:55
RolotonyDoes anyone know a good chan for Wireless networking?04:55
ApacheOmegaWiseguy: Ok mabey that wasnt it caust I put my password in for root and its saying the same thig04:55
bazhanghilarie, looks like a 3rdparty getdeb game04:55
bazhangRolotony, ##networking ?04:55
hilarie@bazhang There is no up to date .deb available04:55
Donjrand the darn thing changed to eth0 now instead of eth104:56
Rolotonybazhang: thanks04:56
ApacheOmegai just did all this this morning but I cant remember what I di here04:56
LaibschI tried to upgrade my vserver from hardy to lucid and ran into bug 701961.  Anybody have an idea how to get out of the catch22? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/62115344/update.log04:56
atulHi I have Ubuntu 10.10, wireless Intern ate very very slow.. can any one suggest remedies..please04:56
sacarlsonApacheOmega: I think your mysqld is not running,  try ps -A see if the process is active04:56
bazhanghilarie, well neither are supported here, perhaps contact them04:56
kofterww: I'm still confused about what's going on with my PCs.  Both of them have 64 bit processors.  However, on one of them, I accidentally installed Ubuntu 32-bit.  The one that has a problem with the Skype repository is the 32-bit OS one.04:56
Donjrprobably going to have to reinstall and start over...04:56
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rwwkofte: How did you install Skype on the 64-bit one?04:56
ApacheOmegascarlson: how do I do that04:56
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wiseguyxpApache: In terminal, type "ps -ef | grep mysql"04:57
sacarlsonApacheOmega: type in a terminal ps -A | grep my04:57
hilarie@bazhang Where could I get help compiling something?04:57
rwwkofte: also, why are you asking about unsigned repositories and 64-bit systems if you're having issues with a 32-bit system :|04:57
kofteI added the repository in /etc/apt and then did "aptitude install skype"04:57
ApacheOmegaWiseguy: Thanks will do04:57
bazhangDonjr, that seems extreme, not sure how to fix as you seem to have backtracked / ie used one method then another. perhaps reverse steps and start fresh04:57
bazhang!compile | hilarie04:57
ubottuhilarie: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:57
bazhanghilarie, install build-essential04:57
kofterww: because of what I read on the forum, it seems to be part of the puzzle.  I'm asking to figure out the rest of it!04:58
hilarie@bazhang I have that04:58
Donjrjust apt-get remove everything I've done and try again?04:58
edbianhilarie, Ask a more specific question.  What isn't working?04:59
bazhangDonjr, I'd try anything before reinstalling, that truly is a last resort04:59
rwwkofte: There is no amd64 component to that skype repository, so I am skeptical that you installed skype on an amd64 system using it. You may want to run "uname -a" and check that the machine you think is 64-bit says x86_64 on it.04:59
hilarie@edbian I will try the link Bazang provided05:00
edbianhilarie, :)05:00
bazhangedbian, compiling the powder toy05:00
ApacheOmegaWiseGuy: I typed that in and it just went to the next line05:00
edbianbazhang, neat05:01
wiseguyxpApache: Try 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start'05:01
kofterww: the machine with working Skype says: Linux 2.6.31-22-generic #70-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:51:13 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:01
Athenonim using freenx and my keyboard layout isnt right even though i set it to be usa.  for example, the ] is produced by hitting the key that normally produces |05:01
rwwkofte: that's 32-bit.05:01
wiseguyxpApache: It might just be mysql instead of mysqld, but I can't remember05:01
edbianbazhang, hilarie YOu don't  have to compile.  They're pre-compiled.  Just download extract and run05:01
bazhangkofte, not 64bit05:01
edbianhilarie, it took me about 1 minute05:02
kofterww: is that the machine or the OS?05:02
rwwkofte: the OS. Whether your CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit is irrelevant to this.05:03
hilarie@edbian :) could you tell me what you put into terminal :)05:03
edbianhilarie, You downloaded the files right?05:03
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hilarieAye, and then I put them in my home folder05:03
edbianhilarie, did you extract it?05:03
edbianhilarie, It should come as one zip file, then you extract it into 3 files.05:03
edbianhilarie, just double click those files05:04
ApacheOmegaWiseGuy: I must be entering something wrong cause it doesnt recognize the command05:04
hilarie@edbian heheheheheh05:04
sacarlsonApacheOmega: try sudo restart mysql  or sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart05:04
edbianhilarie, how do you feel?05:04
hilarie@edbian I am especially retarded today05:04
ApacheOmegaIjust wish I didnt exedently erease it today05:04
edbianhilarie, Feel good, you're learning!  haha05:04
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: are you sure you have the mysql server installed?05:04
ApacheOmegaSsacarlson: Will do05:04
edbianhilarie, I knew you could do that cause they looked like gears which means they're binaries (executable code)05:04
kofterww: the other machine says: Linux 2.6.31-22-generic #70-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:48:17 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:05
rwwkofte: that's 64-bit05:05
xormorhow do I install dosbox on my Ubuntu 1.04 LTS system?05:06
kofterww: OK, then I got them mixed up.  I accidentally installed a 32-bit OS on the machine with working Skype.  So I guess that solves the riddle.05:06
ActionParsnipxormor: sudo apt-get install dosbox05:06
* rww nods05:06
ActionParsnip!info linux-image 2.6.3105:06
ubottu'2.6.31' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable05:07
ApacheOmegasacarlson: ok it restarted - do I try to enter - mysql -u root again? and should I put my password where it says root?05:07
xormorActionParsnip: it doesn't have it.05:07
ActionParsnip!info dosbox lucid05:07
ubottudosbox (source: dosbox): A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.73+dfsg1-1 (lucid), package size 795 kB, installed size 2424 kB05:07
ActionParsnipxormor: enable the universe repo in software centre05:07
xormorActionParsnip: Synaptic?05:08
sacarlsonApacheOmega: give it a try,  seem I recall at install you are asked to enter a user name and password for admin05:08
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wiseguyxpApacheOmega: The command should be 'mysql -u root -p'.  It will ask for your password on the next line.05:09
VustomQuestion - I'm thinking about getting rid of Windows Vista and moving to Ubuntu, I've always wanted to do it but I never have because I wouldn't be able to play half of my games, so my question is05:09
ApacheOmegasacarlson you know what I dont think i did the admin pasrt this time around05:09
Vustomwhats the best way to use Windows XP and Ubuntu together, on the same hard drive?05:09
ApacheOmegaWiseguyxp:  alright05:10
kofteAnother question: It says on the forum that since Lucid Lynx, Skype has been added to the official partner repositories.  Would it work if I added that to Xubuntu 10.04 (on a third PC)?05:10
bobmarleyVustom: dual boot or virtual machine05:10
AbhijiTVustom, insall xp then insall ubuntu05:10
edbianVustom, by dual booting.  Just install Ubuntu and choose 'install side by side' it does it all for you.  Then when you turn your computer on there is a menu to choose which OS to boot05:10
VustomAre.. you serious edbian?05:10
VustomThat's so coool!!05:10
ActionParsnipxormor: whatever, just get that repo enabled and it will come down05:10
bobmarleyany good tut on backuping ?05:11
edbianVustom, 100%  It is basically one of the biggest goals of the Ubuntu desktop05:11
VustomDoes it work with Vista too?05:11
xormorActionParsnip: ok. I edited sources.list with the text editor but it didn't come down.05:11
bobmarleyVustom: yes05:11
edbianVustom, I did it and I bet 90% of the people here have dual-booted with XP at some point05:11
ActionParsnipVustom: install XP to a portion of the drive instead of the default 100%, leave unpartitioned space. Then install ubuntu to the free space05:11
edbianVustom, it works with vista, xp, and windows 7 (and probably 98 / 95 and 3.1)05:11
ActionParsnipxormor: did you run: sudo apt-get update after editting the file05:11
VustomActionParsnip: I don't know how to do that.. im new to this OS changing stuff05:12
kofteVustom: I have Ubuntu, XP and Win7 on the same machine05:12
edbianVustom, that's another way to do it.  assuming you don't already have xp installed05:12
xormorActionParsnip: no05:12
bobmarleyany good tut on backuping ?05:12
VustomAlso I have another question05:12
edbianVustom, what05:12
VustomMy computer came pre-installed so I don't have any of the sound drivers etc05:12
VustomHow do I go about doing that on Ubuntu05:12
VustomOr won't i need too05:13
edbianVustom, Are you looking for drivers for windows or Ubuntu?05:13
Vustomso i can listen to stuff05:13
Jordan_UVustom: If you're lucky you won't need to. It depends on how well your particular hardware is supported.05:13
ActionParsnipxormor: that'd be why, you updated the file but didn't tell the OS to scan the repos you enabled05:13
edbianVustom, there is a very solid chance that Ubuntu will simply work out of the box.  the 'drivers' for many generic devices are built into the kernel05:13
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: I think i skipped a step cause it's not taking my password05:13
edbianVustom, It really is a much better system05:13
ActionParsnipVustom: you can get XP drivers from manufacturers site05:13
VustomIs Ubuntu the best Linux out there?05:14
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:14
bobmarleyVustom: yes05:14
AbhijiTVustom, no05:14
edbianVustom, there is no best05:14
ActionParsnipVustom: no, as the best linux distro doesn't exist05:14
AbhijiTVustom, every distro has target audience. choose as per your requirment05:14
Vustomlet me change that to05:14
Vustomleading linux software05:14
ActionParsnipVustom: how do you mean?05:14
Vustomwait thats the same05:14
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Do you remember setting the root password when you installed the mysql server?05:14
AbhijiTVustom, nope. and offtopic discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic05:14
edbianVustom, no, that's probably arch (it's newest)05:14
sacarlsonVustom: by default ubuntu won't have some codec to play like mp3 and other video format for that you might want to install restricted extras https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:15
ActionParsnipVustom: think of it as the same as "what is the BEST colour?"05:15
xormorActionParsnip: I did sudo apt-get update but it complained about a duplicate entry, and still it doesn't find dosbox.05:15
edbiansacarlson, He doesn't even have it installed yet05:15
kofteVustom: I had a lot of trouble setting up my sound card to work with Ubuntu.  The more common your hardware is, the easier it will probably be to find support.05:15
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: this morning I did but not this recent time05:15
bobmarleyVustom: install gstreamer05:15
ActionParsnipxormor: i'd check the duplicate out, it's in the repos dude, try enabling it in software centre05:15
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Do you have anything in the database yet?05:15
VustomSo, once i reformat my Windows Vista and install Windows Vista, I can download Ubuntu and when installing Ubuntu I can select Side-by-side and on startup I can select to use Windows Vista or Ubuntu?05:15
ActionParsnipkofte: do you use a creative audigy something?05:16
kofteActionParsnip: what's that?05:16
edbianVustom, what do you mean reformat windows vista and install windows vista?  Is it not already installed?  I thought we were talking about xp and Ubuntu here?05:16
ActionParsnipVustom: yes, Grub2 can boot both, installing Ubuntu last means that wil all be handled for you05:16
ActionParsnipkofte: a sound card05:16
sacarlsonVustom: yup, if you hold shirt at boot you could select what you want to boot05:16
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: no i just installed it and everything else today and while i was organizing all my icons i accidently ereased it in the trash bin05:16
Vustomdoes it have a sexy interface05:17
Vustomor does it look like cmd05:17
Vustomthe boot selection05:17
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: What did you put in the trash?05:17
bobmarleyhey i have my backups how can re back my old box ?05:17
sacarlsonVustom: default is text they have fancy ones05:17
ActionParsnipVustom: it can, you can give it a background and stuff, if you want you can use BURG which is more graphical but isn't supported here05:17
edbianVustom, it's 'sexy' please try and keep things on one line05:17
ApacheOmegathe actual folder i extracted to the desktop05:17
ActionParsnipVustom: considering the boot selection is on the screen for mere seconds, why do you care?05:17
VustomI don't i guess05:18
edbianVustom, Literally mine is up for 5 seconds (and I'm gonna shorten it today)05:18
Vustom1 more questions05:18
kofteActionParsnip: it's an integrated sound card in an Acer Aspire.05:18
edbianVustom, You can ask as many questions as you like05:18
bobmarleyany body have any answer ? of my question hum ?05:18
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: the actual folder i extracted to the desktop05:18
VustomIf i have a file on the Windows Vista (same hd) and want to move it on the Ubuntu desktop05:18
Vustomis it easy?05:18
ActionParsnipVustom: you can make grub2 nice if you like. Like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=grub2.theme.bennett.png05:18
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Did you install the mysql server from the repositories or from source?05:18
AbhijiT!backup | bobmarley05:18
ubottubobmarley: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:18
edbianVustom, It's very easy to use Ubuntu to read the windows partition.  It is slightly more difficult to read the Ubuntu partition from within windows05:19
AbhijiT!burg | Vustom05:19
ActionParsnipVustom: ubuntu can read and write NTFS. Windows cannot access Ext4 at all which is what ubuntu uses05:19
bobmarleythanks AbhijiT05:19
* Vustom scratches head05:19
sacarlsonVustom: you don't have to move it will auto mount and you can read and edit most files05:19
edbianActionParsnip, There is some program that lets windows read ext2 (but I don't think it's very stable)05:19
bezaoi'm getting "failed to bring up eth0" on "/etc/init.d/networking restart" this happens everytime i format my seven, ubuntu runs on virtualbox, the vbox is already on bridge connection! can someone help?05:19
ActionParsnipedbian: default fs in Lucid and Maverick is Ext405:19
VustomI have a 700MB cd that I can put Ubuntu on05:20
Vustomis that big enough?05:20
edbianVustom, Ubuntu can edit the windows files, windows cannot edit the ubuntu files05:20
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edbianActionParsnip, that's just ext2 with more features05:20
AbhijiTVustom, yes05:20
ActionParsnipVustom: yes, be sure to MD5 test the ISO you use05:20
Vustomhow do i MD5 test the cd?05:20
ActionParsnipedbian: true but its not accessible from windows with the app from fs-driver.org05:20
sacarlsonVustom: yup that's big enuf, but you can also install with a usb flash disk05:20
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: i dont know i just downloaded then went through Apache-php and now mysql installation and i'm now stuck05:20
ActionParsnip!md5 | Vustom05:20
ubottuVustom: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:20
edbianActionParsnip, ah, thanks05:20
kofteVustom: Yes you can, but I recommend the following: make a separate partition (other than the partition with XP and Ubuntu) that will be used for storing files, and that both OS can access.05:21
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Did you go to a website and download it?05:21
VustomAre there any other apps like grub2?05:21
AbhijiTVustom, burg05:21
ActionParsnipedbian: I believe its being worked on but I personally think microsoft should get their ass in gear05:21
AbhijiTand lilo05:21
edbianVustom, burg, lilo, grub1  but who cares?05:21
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: yeah the apache friends site05:21
edbianActionParsnip, who cares what they do05:21
bezaoi'm getting "failed to bring up eth0" on "/etc/init.d/networking restart" this happens everytime i format my seven, ubuntu runs on virtualbox, the vbox is already on bridge connection! can someone help?05:21
ActionParsnipedbian: folks who dualboot05:21
edbianActionParsnip, haha, not me :)05:22
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Are you trying to get a LAMP (Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP) server running?05:22
VustomI noticed that Ubuntu has a music store and it says you can stream music05:22
edbianVustom, yep05:22
Vustomcan i stream full sound tracks? just like grooveshark05:22
avisany audiobooks ?05:22
AbhijiT!manual | Vustom you first read this05:22
Assidanyoe here use gnucash? or can recommend any other decent form of account management05:22
ubottuVustom you first read this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:22
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: yeah - I'm looking at my root folder right now that says LAMP05:22
AbhijiTAssid, homebank05:22
Vustomthanks.. ill go read it05:23
edbianVustom, have fun05:23
koftethanks for the help everyone05:23
* Vustom hates reading05:23
AbhijiTVustom, this is linux. you must read...05:23
edbianVustom, That's like saying you hate learning05:23
AssidAbhijiT: im guessing it supports import from qif?05:24
shcherbakVustom: install festival, it reads for you.05:24
AbhijiTAssid, i should. you check their site05:24
thejokerI need help my download is horribly slow05:24
thejokerany help willb e appreciated05:24
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: You'll be surprised at how much easier it is to do with the package manager.  Try 'sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server' in terminal.05:24
AbhijiTthejoker, try axe05:25
ActionParsnipthejoker: from all sites? Have you tried torrents05:25
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: During the installation, it will ask you for a root password for the mysql server.  Remember the password you enter there, because that will be the password you will use to connect as the root user to the mysql server in the future.05:26
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: do I put that all in one line?05:26
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Yes05:26
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: Everything after the install command will be installed.05:26
xormorActionParsnip: I checked out the Program Sources, I enabled the CD-ROM. Should I enable backports?05:26
bezaoi'm getting "failed to bring up eth0" on "/etc/init.d/networking restart" this happens everytime i format my seven, ubuntu runs on virtualbox, the vbox is already on bridge connection! can someone help?05:26
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ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: ok I'm gonna try it out now05:27
ActionParsnipxormor: CDROM isn't needed as you have a web access05:27
EmuAlertIs there any way to paste a file location into the terminal without the "file://"?05:27
xormorActionParsnip: ok. I will try to enable it all in the Program Sources.05:27
AbhijiTEmuAlert, ctrl shift v05:27
VustomIf i download Ubuntu and run it off my desktop, just to use the "Try Ubuntu" feature, will that be ok?05:27
ActionParsnipEmuAlert: you'll need to mount the location, you should find it in ~/.gvfs05:27
Vustomor will i need to burn to disc and restart comp?05:28
wiseguyxpbezao: Run the 'ifconfig' command in terminal and see if you have an eth0 interface defined.05:28
thejokerIm connected on my wireless network and it takes about a 5 hours to download 30Mb of updates05:28
ActionParsnipVustom: to test it, yes. The install ability is there too05:28
thejokerany ideas05:28
diegoaguilarI need some help with ubunut05:28
edbianVustom, I suggest you burn the CD and restart.  But you can install using wubi (which makes installing even simpler) but is a bit of a hack and usually has bugs05:28
diegoaguilarexactly, I need to see my windows files05:29
rtdoshow can i uninstall the default gnome / ubuntu games without uninstalling the gnome / ubuntu desktop ?05:29
AbhijiT!details | diegoaguilar05:29
ubottudiegoaguilar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:29
edbiandiegoaguilar, go to computer -> double click your windows drive -> edit away my friend05:29
ActionParsnipthejoker: try a different server05:29
rockcolttumtumi'm having trouble getting win7 to boot from grub (ubuntu 10.10) if anyone can lend a hand let me know or send me an IM. i don't want to trouble the chat room with my noobness05:29
bezaowiseguyxp nop, only got 'lo'05:29
ActionParsnipVustom: you'll find the answers to all your questions if you just use the OS05:29
edbianVustom, yes, bite the bullet.  Burn the cd, boot it :)05:30
Vustomok :)05:30
wiseguyxpthejoker: Try going to System > Administration > Update Manager.  Click Settings at the bottom.  Go to the Ubuntu Software tab and click the dropdown for 'download from'.  Click 'other'.  Click 'select best server' and let it do its thing.05:30
Vustom1 more thing05:30
thejokerdifferent server ???05:30
edbianVustom, what05:30
Vustomdoes Ubuntu run faster then XP/Vista etc?05:30
edbianVustom, I think so05:30
EmuAlertrtdos, go to Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center, click on Installed Software and uninstall anything you don't want05:30
rockcolttumtumyes. impo05:30
Vustomk :D05:31
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: Ok this is what it says now---------------- Reading package lists... Done05:31
edbianVustom, it doesn't get bogged down with a bunch of spyware and junk05:31
ApacheOmegaBuilding dependency tree05:31
ApacheOmegaReading state information... Done05:31
ApacheOmegaapache2 is already the newest version.05:31
ApacheOmegalibapache2-mod-php5 is already the newest version.05:31
FloodBot1ApacheOmega: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
ApacheOmegamysql-server is already the newest version.05:31
Vustom.. thanks for reminding me05:31
Vustomwhat security programs can i use05:31
edbianVustom, you don't need any :)05:32
ApacheOmegasorry about the floodage people05:32
Vustomwhy not05:32
ActionParsnipVustom: depends on config. I can make XP stupidly fast but it won't do much useful stuff05:32
AbhijiT!virus | Vustom05:32
ubottuVustom: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:32
edbianVustom, arguably the best part of linux.  It's much more secure.  You don't need anti-virus, anti-spyware, or a firewall really05:32
AbhijiTVustom, please read that manual. it has all your answeres.05:32
ActionParsnipVustom: there is a firewall built in and you can configure that, if you use a router it's not really needed05:32
wiseguyxpbezao: It's probably an issue with VirtualBox not bridging the interface correctly.  Did you make sure that you have the network interface enabled?05:33
ActionParsnip!manual | Vustom05:33
ubottuVustom: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:33
rockcolttumtumi'm having trouble getting win7 to boot from grub (ubuntu 10.10) if anyone can lend a hand let me know or send me an IM. i don't want to trouble the chat room with my noobness05:33
ActionParsnipVustom: read the manual, then ask questions05:33
bezaowiseguyxp sure it's enabled, i got this problem last time i formated windows, but i did not remember what i've did, but i got help from here05:33
AssidAbhijiT: what format does the date have to be to work with homebank ?? its not letting me import correctly05:33
DingGGuwhat dpkg in "iomanip.h" ?05:33
ActionParsniprockcolttumtum: try:  sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub05:34
Vustomwhats the size of ubuntu?05:34
HobbesWindows should be first when duel booting with linux because if its second, it will destroy linuxs boot system or something, right? Could I install ubuntu, win7, then ubuntu a second time to restore that boot file?05:34
DingGGuhello guys, what dpkg in "iomanip.h" ?05:34
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rockcolttumtumokay action. so just in that order?05:34
Guest11871never been to this thing. what is it?05:34
AbhijiTAssid, no idea. check their docs/wiki05:34
ActionParsnipVustom: about 3Gb with all the useful stuff05:34
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: It looks like you have everything installed already.  Take a look at this link to reset the password: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-generic05:34
rockcolttumtumor all at once?05:34
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/05:34
Guest11871does anyone know how to format stuff using awk? i got stuck doing something trying to work through some tomcat access logs05:34
ActionParsnipVustom: installed, it includes a full office suite, full CD / DVD burning software and other nicenesses05:34
diegoaguilarhello i run ubuntu 10 10, i installed it from windows05:34
wiseguyxpbezao: I know I've done this before too, but I can't remember what I did either :)05:34
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: thanks a lot buddy05:35
Vustomthats nice05:35
Vustomand the music store?05:35
bezaowiseguyxp when i run 'dhclient' ubuntu brings up eth1, with a network ip(192...) but i cant ping it by windows, or check for updated on ubuntu05:35
edbianVustom, It's got that too05:35
edbiandiegoaguilar, so what?05:35
Guest11871hey bezao why dont you watch your /var/log/messages05:36
Guest11871ifconfig ethx up & tail -f /var/log/messages05:36
diegoaguilarso I need to see my windows files05:36
Guest11871it will show you whats fucked up05:36
wiseguyxpbezao: You need to modify your /etc/network/interfaces file to use eth1 instead of eth005:36
HobbesWindows should be first when duel booting with linux because if its second, it will destroy linuxs boot system or something, right? Could I install ubuntu, win7, then ubuntu a second time to restore that boot file?05:36
ActionParsnipVustom: yes thats installed05:36
edbiandiegoaguilar, go to places -> computer.  What is listed there?05:37
rtdos@emualert, when i do it appears to be uninstalling gnome-desktop05:37
bezaoGuest11871 got a lot of erros, lol05:37
edbianHobbes, why don't you install win7 then Ubuntu and only have to install ubuntu once?  (yes you are correct about windows destroying grub)05:37
ActionParsnipHobbes: yes, windows will nuke the MBR with its own05:37
Guest11871if you see too many errors then pipe to grep for your dhcp stuff assuming thats what you commented about05:37
bezaowiseguyxp nah, last time someone helped me to change eth1 to eth0, then it worked, but i doint remember how05:37
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: this is the last question - when I want to type some PHP code noe I can just go to bluefish I know but how do I get my code to compile in php?05:37
Vustomyou know how on windows the startup screen before the login screen always is stretched ? is this the same on ubuntu05:37
Guest11871anybody use sed awk, grep etc here?05:38
Hobbesedbian: Because it would be easier to get windows once I have a working PC with linux05:38
ActionParsnipHobbes: if you do it the other way, you will need to boot to live CD and reinstate the bootloader, if you just do it the other way you will have no problems05:38
edbianVustom, I don't know what you're talking about.  Nothing on windows will affect Ubuntu and vica-versa.  There is a good chance Ubuntu will not have that problem.05:38
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: You don't compile PHP.  You put it in your web directory (usually /var/www) and navigate to it with a web browser.05:38
Guest11871stuck on somethin05:38
Vustomk :)05:38
edbianHobbes, Is it easy to get linux without a working PC?  I'm confused05:38
ActionParsnipGuest11871: ask away (you will benefit from asking in #bash too)05:38
HobbesJust trust me edbian05:39
Vustomdoes anybody know if Ubuntu supports Adobe Photoshop CS5?05:39
diegoaguilaredbian, I see systemfiles, cd/dvd and system, but not my windows partition05:39
ApacheOmegawiseguyxp: OK cool I think I'll get some rest and get back at it tomorrow - thanks for everything05:39
wiseguyxpbezao: Last time you installed Ubuntu?05:39
Guest11871trying to use prinft, but the first two columns are in an array05:39
edbianHobbes, haha, ok  Are you the same hobbes from before?05:39
wiseguyxpApacheOmega: No problem05:39
=== DingGGu is now known as LyukO
ActionParsnipVustom: you may be able to install it in wine. chaeck the appdb for compatibility05:39
ActionParsnip!appdb | Vustom05:39
ubottuVustom: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:39
bezaowiseguyxp last time i formated windows, i had this same issue, with ubuntu network on vbox,05:39
edbiandiegoaguilar, what is in system?, what is in systemfiles?05:39
Guest11871so it tells me not enough crap provided for formatting05:39
HobbesI'm that hobbes evil digital bot twin05:39
Vustomima go read all these links05:39
EmuAlertrtdos, I think you're uninstalling the wrong thing. If you're trying to uninstall a game, you should only be able to see its logo and read more about it/see a screen shot in the description. If its icon is just a box with some stuff in it, you probably shouldn't be uninstalling it05:39
Vustomif i get stuck ill be back on ltr05:39
edbianHobbes, curious05:39
ActionParsnipVustom: there are many opensource graphic packages out there you can use instead05:39
edbianVustom, have fun05:39
Guest11871my objective is to work through tomcat localhost_access_logs, i already grabbed date and did stiff, then up and basically used associative arry to mimic group by two columns then count05:40
sacarlsonVustom: I used to use photoshop but now gimp on linux does about the same things05:40
Guest11871but the formatting is screwed up05:40
edbiansacarlson, Vustom gimp is great :)05:40
dragonkeeperis there any way i can make my desktop screen capture and broadcast as a webcam...live   ???05:40
Guest11871and i dont know how to give 2 format args to an arry and thenn cnt05:40
HobbesActionParsnip: I didn't quit follow you, so I could install linux, then windows, then linux again to restore the MBR?05:41
edbianHobbes, then will work.05:41
edbianHobbes, but installing windows first is easier.  That's all he's saying (you already know that)05:41
wiseguyxpbezao: Can you copy your /etc/networking/interfaces file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give me the link?05:41
HobbesDoes unetbootin format the flash drive to fat32?05:41
diegoaguilaredbian, in system only the boot and system volume formation of windows05:42
=== Guest11871 is now known as cleric
diegoaguilaredbian,  and system files, the ubuntu files05:42
edbiandiegoaguilar, are you sure it's not somewhere in system?  It must be! :)05:42
edbiandiegoaguilar, Look deepr05:42
diegoaguilarits not :S05:43
diegoaguilaredbian, its not05:43
edbiandiegoaguilar, what is the output sudo fdisk -l?  pastebin it for me05:43
bezaowiseguyxp has the default, "auto lo" "iface lo inet loopback" "auto eth0" "iface eth0 inet dhcp"05:43
jethrotPHP was recently updated on my server, and now when I turn display_errors on it puts out pages upon pages of errors.  However, when I change things in php.ini, it display_error makes changes but error_reporting doesn't modify that.. what could be overriding it?05:43
jethrotsomeone in #php said my copy is broken05:44
wiseguyxpbezao: If dhclient worked for eth1, it show an entry in 'ifconfig'05:44
HobbesHow does unitbootin decide what format to use? Or does it just use what ever format is already existing?05:44
ActionParsnipHobbes: you don't install ubuntu a 2nd time, you can use the live CD to put the bootloader back on the disk. Why not make your life EASIER by simply installing Windows first as you have been advised by nearly every active user?05:45
bezaowiseguyxp sure! it shows eth1
edbianHobbes, formate of what?05:45
thejokerany idea why wireless connection is so slow05:45
bezaobut i cant ping my router or my windows local ip wiseguyxp05:45
diegoaguilaredbian,  Dispositivo Inicio    Comienzo      Fin      Bloques  Id  Sistema05:45
diegoaguilar/dev/sda1   *           1          26      203776    7  HPFS/NTFS05:45
diegoaguilarLa partición 1 no termina en un límite de cilindro.05:45
diegoaguilar/dev/sda2              26       58597   470470656    7  HPFS/NTFS05:45
diegoaguilar/dev/sda3           58597       60789    17604608    7  HPFS/NTFS05:45
diegoaguilar/dev/sda4           60789       60802      105496    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)05:45
FloodBot1diegoaguilar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:45
wiseguyxpbezao: Are you pinging by IP address?05:46
edbian!pasetbin | diegoaguilar,05:46
bezaowiseguyxp yes05:46
HobbesOf the flash drive, like Fat32, ext 4 etc05:46
edbian!pastebin | diegoaguilar,05:46
ubottudiegoaguilar,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:46
ActionParsnipthejoker: run:   sudo lshw -C network    and use http://pastie.org05:46
ActionParsnipthejoker: to give the output05:46
_skplemualert haha05:46
edbianHobbes, I don't think it changes it.05:46
dragonkeeperis there any way i can capture a desktop screen and make it a video device so i can broadcast it as a webcam ?05:46
Hobbesedbian so it would be fine to use whatever you want?05:46
wiseguyxpbezao: Try the 'route' command.  What does the default destination line say?05:47
ActionParsnipdragonkeeper: recordmydesktop05:47
edbianHobbes, Are you installing Ubuntu onto it?  If you are it will change the format to ext405:47
edbiandiegoaguilar, sudo mkdir /mnt/windows05:47
dragonkeeperActionParsnip   that just records   i want to broadcast it live  ...05:47
edbiandiegoaguilar, sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows05:47
rockcolttumtumAction I tried your script and it didn't do anything. I'm not sure what I did wrong but trying to start win7 from grub brings me back to grub05:47
Hobbesedbian not installing ubuntu onto it, but making it a bootable for using it to install onto HDD05:48
edbianWhat do you guys think?  Is diegoaguilar's windows files on /dev/sda2 ?05:48
edbianHobbes, What OS then?  windows?05:48
HobbesId be creating it under XP05:48
onekenthomasusing simple backup,  is it possible to be emailed if backup fails?05:48
thejokerok done05:48
wiseguyxpbezao: That's what the gateway says?  The mask is and the Iface is eth1, correct?05:48
edbianHobbes, Making a usb drive boot-able is pointless if there is no OS on it05:49
bezaowiseguyxp yes, it's like that05:49
HobbesId be turning it into a "live CD"05:49
HobbesBut I wouldn't be running off it except to install05:49
edbianHobbes, then you're putting the ubuntu ISO onto it?  It will become ext405:49
HobbesTo install ubunto onto a HDD05:49
edbianHobbes, yeah I get it.  The drive will become ext405:50
HobbesIf it does that, then I won't be able to do anything with it from XP though, right?05:50
edbianHobbes, umm yeah.  What do you want to do with it from xp anyway though?  (I thought you didn't have xp installed in the first place) ?05:50
HobbesHow can I create a format that isn't recognized by the  OS that its being created it from?05:50
avisi had run across a script which i believe i still have which is a nautilus actions script and allows you to share any file on your hard drive to gvfs web or some such a web address that would like to the file shared.  my port 80 is blocked so if it does indeed work i'm wondering if it would be any trouble to move it over to port 8080 ?  script is here:  http://pastebin.com/rGJMzS3R05:51
edbianHobbes, unetbootin knows it05:51
wiseguyxpbezao: And you're saying you can't ping
HobbesBut what if I need to make a correction or want to add more onto the USB flash drive?05:52
edbianHobbes, Follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStickQuick05:52
edbianHobbes, you wanna correct the Ubuntu image?05:52
IanWizardOk, so I've got this brand new usb cdrom drive, and I'm trying to dd it to get an iso, but after 5MB (exactly), it just stops.  Wha?05:52
bezaowiseguyxp yes, i cant ping, and my win box(, ubuntu is
edbianHobbes, the Ubuntu image is the only thing that will be on the usb stick05:52
edbianHobbes, when you're done you can erase it.  You just can't read/write the ext4 filesystem that's on there from in windows05:52
thejokerok i went to that site05:53
HobbesThat link should be unnecessary with unetbootin I would think05:53
edbianHobbes, unetbootin can be used to achieve the same thing but the guide help walks you through it more05:53
HobbesThis guide says nothing about unetbootin, and talks as though your not using it.05:54
EmuAlertIs there a way to have multiple desktop rows but still have them all arranged side-by-side on the panel? Or have only one row but have them arranged in a grid when you do expo?05:54
HobbesLike this guide speaks of downloading the ISO, unetbootin does that for you05:54
wiseguyxpbezao: It seems like everything is set correctly.  Do you remember at all what you did last time to fix it?05:55
edbianHobbes, I know.  It uses a different app instead.  It's a similar idea though once you get past those details05:55
naptasticIs Ubiquity the name of the Ubuntu installer?05:55
bezaowiseguyxp nop, thats the problem :/05:55
HobbesWell I can't really use the guide if its that different05:55
edbiannaptastic, yes05:55
bezaothis time i'll write so i wont forget it wiseguyxp05:55
edbianHobbes, You can when you're running the installer05:55
ZiberIf I have a CD of ubuntu 8.04, can I just apt-get dist-upgrade to get to 10?05:55
bezaothx anyway wiseguyxp i need to sleep i'll ask later, maybe someone knows :)05:55
naptasticedbian, thanks. :-)05:56
wiseguyxpbezao: No problem.  Sorry I couldn't get it fixed for ya.05:56
HobbesSo why can't one install ubuntu twice?05:56
HobbesHow difficult/complicated/technical is it to restore that file windows instillation destroys?05:56
bezaonp wiseguyxp gnite05:57
edbianHobbes, it's technical, it's not hard05:57
edbiannaptastic, no problem05:57
ZiberAlso, when running it live, why wont it detect both monitors? I have an external monitor attached to my laptop and its only using that one, not my laptop screen.05:57
edbianHobbes, you can install Ubuntu twice.  It's just silly05:57
FuddledumpyHello everyon05:57
Hobbesedbian: unless restoring that file is too complicated for me05:57
Luvz2drvhow do i install the KDE desktop on 10.1005:58
edbianHobbes, In the event that it is too complicated for you then yes it will be difficult / complicated / technical for you.05:58
AbhijiTLuvz2drv, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:58
edbianAbhijiT, Beat me too it!05:58
thejoker420It is taking for ever to update ubuntu any ideas05:58
Fuddledumpysudo make me a sandwich05:58
AbhijiTedbian, amm??????05:58
HobbesThat link, does that include instructions in restoring that file?05:58
edbianAbhijiT, I was gonna say that to Luvz2drv05:59
AbhijiTedbian, ok05:59
AbhijiT!dualhead | Ziber05:59
ubottuZiber: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:59
edbianHobbes, It does not.  But here is one that does05:59
HobbesThats not a link...05:59
edbianWhat is it somebody?  !restore-grub?06:00
edbianHobbes, I'm trying to get the bot to say it06:00
HobbesSomeone changed the code?06:00
Jordan_UHobbes: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide06:00
edbian!grub | Hobbes06:00
ubottuHobbes: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:00
edbianthere it is06:00
HobbesOK, which of those links should I use? Or do I need them all?06:01
edbianHobbes, well I'm going to bed. Good luck with your linux install!06:01
avisany way to trace the cause of my last system halt/lockup ?06:01
edbianHobbes, Follow any one of them you want.  There is more than one way to fix grub.  Many of them problem are the exact same process06:01
HobbesEdbian if you wait a moment, I can explain why I may need to install linux, then windows06:02
avisaren't there 2 gui packages useful in grub2 things ?06:02
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:02
Jordan_UHobbes: I personally prefer http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide . It's more steps than some other guides, but there is less room for error.06:02
HobbesIf your interested06:02
edbianHobbes, sure, lay it on me06:02
HobbesDang links load on the same page so one replaces the next06:03
thejoker420i need help06:03
AbhijiTedbian, :D06:03
avisi do believe Jordan is correct especially in cases where windows has been installed and wiped out the MBR06:03
edbianHobbes, are terrible06:03
AbhijiTthejoker420, ask06:03
edbianAbhijiT, :)06:03
thejoker420i need help with my wireless connection06:03
_CommandeR_how do I extend an extended partition ?06:03
thejoker420its taking forever to update06:03
AbhijiT!gparted | _CommandeR_06:03
ubottu_CommandeR_: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:03
edbianHobbes, Please tell me!  I'm on the edge of my seat here06:04
_CommandeR_AbhijiT, Already got it06:04
HobbesI got a ancient old computer, got a brand new computer from parts (still need a case though, coming shortly)  I don't have the HDD space for directly downloading win7, but if I can get linux onto the new computer, I can download win7 there.06:04
thejoker420270MB estimated at 13 hours06:04
_CommandeR_got ~50GiB unused space and want to make a partition however all logical are used and already got an extended06:04
avisi use windows xp pro under virtualbox its extremely light06:05
AbhijiTHobbes, install linux first then install windows and then just restore grub. it takes only 2 minutes06:05
HobbesWith 2tb on the new drive, space is not a issue, and I can burn win7 there even06:05
edbianHobbes, Why not use the live CD to download windows 7?06:05
edbianHobbes, and burn it?06:05
edbianHobbes, anywho, I'm going to bed.  Have fun with that! :)06:06
HobbesOh, eh, maybe, but It might take awhile06:06
avisif you have an operating system it isn't too much trouble to put win 7 on a usb drive, totally offtopic, full responsiblity taken, however, everyone is offtopic ;)06:06
edbianHobbes, It won't be any slower06:06
HobbesI mean the win7 download might take awhile, and it would be nice to be able to do other things in the mean time, but you have a point06:07
HobbesAvis: it also has to be bootable, and I don't have my instructions for makign a bootable win7 flash drive yet, but it may be difficult, anyway win7 is huge06:08
HobbesI may have to download it twice06:08
avisHobbes, i dont mind copying and pasting into a message for you if that'll help06:08
avismay i PM you Hobbes ?06:09
Hobbesavis: I don't know what your talking about, go ahead06:09
avisthey hang people for much less than this ;)  in here06:09
HobbesNo need to ask permission to PM me06:09
HobbesIf I don't like your PM, I can tell you to get lost or ignore you there :p06:09
ZiberI've followed the Xinerama tutorial, how do I 'reload' X?06:10
Assidanyone here uses gnucash?06:10
Assidhomebank has a few bugs with the date going off06:10
AbhijiTAssid, whts wrong with gnucash?06:11
AssidAbhijiT: it converts all my categories to seperate ledgers06:11
Assidand theres no way to set an opening balance.. so i had to create a new ledger .. to set my opening balance06:12
AbhijiTAssid, http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/4940006:13
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:14
Ten-EightAssid: I've been using Homebank 3.6 for a couple of years and have never experienced any problem with the date. Are you referring to the latest version?06:15
HobbesHeh, avis disappeared on me06:16
Assidthe latest in ubuntu... im in india..so my system date format is probably causing it06:16
Ten-EightAssid: okay...was just checking.06:16
Ten-EightAssid: I've not used the latest version. I'm still on 8.04 on the system where I use Homebank.06:16
nixjrif "ls | sed 's#$#<br>#'" appends <br> to the end of each line, what command would be used to place it at the start of each line instead?06:18
arthurhSo, I blacklisted iwlagn on my 6300 to see if I could get ndiswrapper to work with N (I know there's an issue with the ucode on the intel 6300s and 2.4 or 5ghz N which I was experiencing) and came to the conclusion that ndiswrapper is not going to work -- so I unblacklisted iwlagn, blacklisted ndiswrapper, and now the iwlagn module doesn't autoload at boot anymore! -- I have to modprobe it after every boot to get wireless working -- anyone have an idea wha06:21
arthurht's going on?06:21
TpyoKnigis there a way to reset my current password if im logged in? without booting from a live cd, i changed it and now its not taking my new pass or old pass..06:30
macoTpyoKnig: type "passwd"06:31
TpyoKnigi've done that and it asks for current password06:31
TpyoKnigthen i enter what i typed and it says incorrect06:31
erik71usaaajust wish 10.10 would work with my video card06:31
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: you can boot in recover or single user mode and change passwords06:31
erik71usaaai wud even buy a new video card06:31
ActionParsnipTpyoKnig: run: passwd   and you can reset your own pass06:31
TpyoKnigwhen I try the passwd route06:32
TpyoKnigit says06:32
TpyoKnig"passwd: Authentication token manipulation error"06:32
erik71usaaai get blank screen on start up06:32
ActionParsnipTpyoKnig: try: sudo -i   then run:  passwd route06:33
galamarwould it be ok to ask a question here even though i asked in #ubuntu+106:33
erik71usaaai hav nvidia pci express video card06:33
TpyoKnigActionParsnip: [sudo] password for user:06:34
TpyoKnigno go :-/06:34
erik71usaaa\if anyone has any suggestions06:34
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: sorry I misread your first statement , I thought you couldn't login, ignore my last suggestion06:34
erik71usaaaim still running 9.0406:34
ActionParsnipTpyoKnig: ok then reboot and hold shift, select recovery mode, then select root, you can now run: passwd route06:35
rwwerik71usaaa: 9.04 isn't supported here, since it reached End of Life in October.06:35
TpyoKnigwell... cant do that either... this is on a CR48...06:35
erik71usaaaim aware of that06:35
erik71usaaaim trying to find a videom card that will work06:35
ActionParsnipTpyoKnig: what's a CR48?06:36
erik71usaaasorry rww whats the best video card to buy06:37
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: it doesn't exist06:37
rwwerik71usaaa: I have a Radeon HD 3450 that works fine for me. Your taste and experience may vary.06:37
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: nvidia support linux very well06:37
erik71usaaai mean that does not give me blank06:37
Blue1ati or nvidia is well supported.  and intel support is growing.06:38
TpyoKnigActionParsnip:  the google laptop that comes with "ChromiumOS" and I've replaced with Ubuntu 10.10 BUT it doesnt use a standard bootloader06:38
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: looks like a type there?  man passwd06:38
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: if you get black screen at boot use: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html - Cached06:38
erik71usaaawas it just the intel onbaord06:38
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: typo06:38
ActionParsnipTpyoKnig: if you install 10.10 then it will have grub2 installed06:38
erik71usaaado i hav to use grub 206:39
=== DBO is now known as CodeArmada
galamari get this error while trying to update          "Error authenticating some packages It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages."                     how can i authenticate these?06:40
erik71usaaaim not good at editing06:40
avismy computer is randomly crashing and i'd like to be able to track down what is causing it.  its worked all day without any issues.06:40
AbhijiTcan i have lifereado sit on panel and alert me when new feed update? like yarssr?06:40
erik71usaaabut if i new list of video cards06:40
erik71usaaathat work06:40
erik71usaaai would buy one06:40
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:40
ActionParsnipgalamar: can you use http://pastie.org and give the output of: sudo apt-get update06:41
ActionParsnip!hcl | erik71usaaa06:41
ubottuerik71usaaa: please see above06:41
TpyoKnigI think this is my problem:06:41
=== Prodego is now known as elapse
=== Guest28196 is now known as Prodego
nit-witerik71usaaa, are you sure it is a card failure, and are you dual booted?06:42
erik71usaaaok ill try it06:42
=== Prodego is now known as Guest14722
erik71usaaaits 64mb nvidia pci express06:42
AbhijiTanone knows any rss reader which sits on panel?06:43
erik71usaaai  got this server board from a friend06:43
galamarActionParsnip: how do i use pastie.org?06:43
StarminnMy WINE menu (under Applications->Wine->Programs->*) isn't refreshing. I've reinstalled it but it still shows old programs as well as not displaying something I just installed through it (it worked before on my original install but not now). How might I force WINE to refresh, or where might I locate help for this?06:43
nit-witerik71usaaa, have you edited the kernel at boot to nomodeset to get in yet.06:43
=== Guest14722 is now known as Prodego
newer_than_youHow do I get tlc?06:44
erik71usaaaim not good at editing06:44
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: sounds posible if you created your users manualy by manipulated /etc/password and /etc/shadow files06:44
nit-witerik71usaaa, that works in grub2 to turn off the driver for the card.06:44
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: you could sudo -s ; more /etc/shadow06:45
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: and verify that the shadow entry exists06:45
nit-witerik71usaaa, this is easy and does not stay beyond the edit, it is a persession edit.06:46
erik71usaaai figured if i bought right video06:46
erik71usaaai noy need to edit06:46
erik71usaaaim lucky my system does not hav onboard video06:47
Blue1mine does works fine06:48
TpyoKnigsacarlson: it is there, so I booted into Chrome (which is Linux) and chrooted into it and set the password that way06:48
nit-witerik71usaaa, bot to the grub menu hit e for edit use the arrow keys to navigate to the end of the kernel or where there are other commands in the first kernel end. Remove any nvidia notation and replace it with nomodeset, hit crtl-x to boot.06:48
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: Your card probably will work with Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10.06:48
erik71usaaawats the command06:48
newer_than_you!help tlc06:48
nit-witJordan_U, you are probably correct.06:48
erik71usaaain terminal06:48
erik71usaaato say wat video i hav06:48
Jordan_Unit-wit: I don't think 9.04 had KMS for nvidia, so nomodeset would do nothing.06:49
erik71usaaahey 9.04 works great06:49
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: aren't they in different partitions?06:49
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: sudo lshw -C display06:49
nit-witJordan_U, I wondered about that I saw indications it would work with grub-legacy.06:49
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: support for Jaunty is no more dude06:49
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: It is no longer getting security updates and is not supported (that includes not getting support from us in #ubuntu).06:50
galamarActionparsnip: do you want me to post the apt-get output here?06:50
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: Why don't you want to use 10.04 or 10.10?06:50
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: or at least different directory so if you change password there the file will still not be changed in ubuntu06:50
ActionParsnipgalamar: use the pastie site, then paste the url the page changes to06:50
erik71usaaaproduct: NV44 [GeForce 6200 LE]06:51
CuberootI have a laptop running 10.10. x11 just started (worked before last apt-get dist-upgrade)  barfing w/ rm_init_adapter(0) failed & VM: nv_vm_malloc_pages: failed to allocate contiguous memory in dmesg.  not seeing any useful searches.  any suggestions?06:51
erik71usaaadoes that help06:51
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: Please install or upgrade to a supported version of Ubuntu.06:52
sacarlsonTpyoKnig: oh you chroot into ubuntu from chromeos,  I'm not sure that will work eather, not sure the kernel is involved in passwd06:52
amitwhat is .trash-1000?06:52
erik71usaaai asked question06:52
ActionParsnipgalamar: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 3B22AB97AF1CDFA906:52
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: And you have recieved an answer, even if it's not one you like.06:53
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: i use one of those in my Asus P1-AH2 Pundit, Works great06:53
erik71usaaadid u hav to edit06:53
ActionParsnipgalamar: you may want to remove the defunct repos just to tidy up06:53
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: edit what!?06:53
erik71usaaayur boot menu06:53
galamarActionParsnip: how do i know the bad ones?06:54
ActionParsnipgalamar: also natty is supported in #ubuntu+106:54
Jordan_Uerik71usaaa: No, and I use a supported version of Ubuntu.06:54
ActionParsnipgalamar: read the output, your release isn't supported here06:54
erik71usaaai understand06:54
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: to achieve what?06:54
erik71usaaai neant so i wont have the monitor going blank isue06:55
erik71usaaai will install an see wat happens06:55
ActionParsniperik71usaaa: no, worked fine with nouveau without the nomodeset and I always force the fb driver for bootup06:55
galamarActionParsnip: i asked there and no one answered. there is alot more people here.... thank you for your help!06:55
erik71usaaahopefully 9.04 will be forked06:56
ActionParsnipgalamar: be patient then, your release is offtopic here06:56
ActionParsnipgalamar: if you can't resolve issues like GPG keys, you shouldn't be using natty06:56
ActionParsnipgalamar: natty is NOT ready and NOT stable06:56
erik71usaaadoes 10.10 work well raid setup06:57
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:57
Jordan_Ugalamar: That there are more people here does not change the fact that this channel only supports current stable releases of Ubuntu.06:58
erik71usaaasince i can put 4 sata hard drives on06:58
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galamarActionParsnip: i tried installing like 10 different versions of linux (suse, fedora, linspire....) and for some reason natty is the only one the the video would work on through the whole install???06:59
sacarlsonwhat does the s in the permisions of passwd mean? -rwsr-xr-x 1 root      root        37140 2010-01-27 00:09 passwd ? like sticky?06:59
Jordan_Usacarlson: setuid06:59
rwwsacarlson: setuid. basically, when you run passwd, it runs under the user that owns it (root) rather than your user.06:59
sacarlsonJordan_U: setuid?  I'll have to look that up06:59
Cuberootsacarlson:  man 2 chmod07:00
ActionParsnipgalamar: your support isn't here dude07:00
ActionParsnipgalamar: when natty is released, it will be07:00
StarminnActionParsnip, And I assume support for Ubuntu 10.10 will be dropped at that time? (By the way, just out of curiosity, how might the support then go? Ubuntu (Unity) on this then Ubuntu with GNOME on a separate channel? Just curious)07:02
rwwStarminn: no. non-LTS releases like 10.10 are supported for 18 months after release. So April 2012 in 10.10's case.07:02
Jordan_UStarminn: I misspoke slightly when I said only "current" stable releases are supported here.07:03
galamarActionParsnip: why is it like that just cause im natty but my question still falls well within the range of a released version... point being if i could have installed a released version my question would still have existed.07:03
ActionParsnipgalamar: because it's not released, so there is a channel for the prerelease07:04
StarminnJordan_U, rww: Ah, alright. So 18 months is the support term for non-LTS? :) Gotcha.07:04
dragonkeeperis there any way i can capture a desktop screen and make it a video device so i can broadcast it as a webcam ?07:05
nixjrive created a symlink but its all red liek theres an error, is there a log that wil show what the symlink is borken?07:05
ActionParsnipnixjr: red links are broken07:05
ActionParsnipnixjr: if you run@:  file /path/to/linkfilename07:05
nixjrActionParsnip, is there a way to tlel why its borken?07:06
ActionParsnipnixjr: see above07:06
nixjrActionParsnip, it just says "broken symbolic link to" and the locations of the file and link07:07
nixjrany more detailed errors?07:07
rwwnixjr: it's a pretty straightforward error. You made a link to a destination that doesn't exist.07:08
nixjrthe destination exists07:08
rwwnixjr: your filesystem disagrees.07:08
ActionParsnipnixjr: yes, that file or folder doesn't exist07:09
ActionParsnipnixjr: i'd delete the link, then recreate it (use tab to autocomplete the folders and filenames)07:09
Cuberootln -sf /path/to/file/that/exists /path/to/brokenlink07:11
nixjrdo the permissions on the parent directories of the one your trying to link to matter, or onyl the permissions of the specific one youre linking to?07:11
ActionParsnipnixjr: or: cd /path/to/where/you/want/; ln -s /path/to/thing/to/link/to07:11
Cuberootln(1) doesn't even bother checking the permissions of existence (as you found out) of the thing that's linked /to/07:12
ActionParsnipnixjr: the thing linked to permissions are moot, as long as you have or can get write access to where you are creating the link you are fine07:12
rwwnixjr: ah. If your user can't read the directory that the link destination is in, it would show as broken.07:13
Cuberootln(1) must be able to write to the directory in which you are creating the symlink itself.  (the from part)07:13
coconutz what is the gems thing i see it all the time07:13
ActionParsnipnixjr: if you use tab to complete the folders and such you will have fewer issues, remember, case is important07:13
nixjryeah when i tried to create it with tab, i noticed it wasnt auto completing a directory i know exists, knew it had to be permissions07:14
voshhi, i need some help on ubuntu07:14
voshis this the right channel?07:15
StarminnYou know the little speaker icon in the panel that you can control your currently playing music from? How do I remove Rhythmbox from that? (10.10)07:15
Starminnvosh, yep. Go ahead and ask.07:15
sacarlsoncoconutz: well it could be what you should have got your girl friend when you proposed to mary her or could also be the ruby package manager similar to synaptic or apt-get in ubuntu07:16
nixjrill need ot set the permissions of another user's home directory to 755 i think, is it dangerous to have a home directory with those permissions?07:16
ActionParsnipcoconutz: could be emerald too, the Window manager07:16
voshIm new to linux, im trying to install qt on ubuntu, i have the .bin file on a cd. i tried ./ to execute it07:16
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voshbut says don't have permission07:17
ActionParsnipnixjr: yes as it allows anyone with any sort of access to get at the data07:17
voshtried to copy bin file ti /mnt07:17
ActionParsnipvosh: is the file marked executable?07:17
voshi ran chmod +xwr07:17
voshbut says change to read only07:17
ActionParsnipvosh: why +w ?07:18
voshdunno hehe07:18
voshbecause, oh shouldnt have done that07:18
voshanyway chmod fails only per mode or totally07:19
ActionParsnipvosh: yes I know it's write but why set it on an installer?07:19
voshyes shouldn't have done that07:20
ActionParsnipvosh: try: chod 500 ./filename.bin; ./filename.bin07:20
nixjrActionParsnip, would 740 be safer?07:20
ActionParsnipnixjr: how is it safer, the owner needs execute rights and thts it. Fewer access rights is safer than more07:20
dfnvQuick question: With schroot what do I need to do to ensure that I can delete the chroot without blasting my /home also?07:20
ActionParsnipnixjr: so how do you get safer from more users having access?07:20
voshchod u  mean chmod?07:20
ActionParsnipvosh: typo07:21
voshjust making sure07:21
Error404NotFoundmost of my ram is wasted in cache: http://pastebin.com/SzcjkmUZ while no swap is used, this makes CPU to be in waiting state for 99% of the time and load goes above 2. vm.swapiness is set to 60 right now.07:21
voshbecause linux commands are combination of all alphabet07:21
kthakoreWhen I plugin my iphone to my ubuntu 10.04 I don't see it pop up.07:21
ActionParsnipvosh: just give the owner read and execute access then read the install instructions, you may need to just run the program with sudo07:21
voshwhats the number 500, u know i want also learn linux07:22
nixjrActionParsnip, well there are only 5 users on this box, and i know them all in real life, im trying to give them access to each others documents directory, but i dont want ot open the flood gates either07:22
ActionParsnipvosh: its user read + execute and everyone else, no access07:22
kthakorelsusb shows the device pluged in07:22
Starminnvosh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:22
genosishelp needed. some question about adding custom .desktop file for xsessions.07:23
ActionParsnipvosh: I suggest you read the link Starminn gave, you should know about permissions before you start throwing chmod around the place07:23
voshim trying to open link, heh, i have local net problem07:23
sacarlsonvosh: you originaly said you want to install qt,  what is qt app?  sure we don't have a copy in the repository to be installed with synaptic or apt-get ?07:24
voshsure u have07:24
voshbut im low on net bandwidth, and i already have the bin, so going to avoid downloading again07:25
jtannenbaumdo changes to /etc/hosts take effect immediately?07:26
genosissome one can answer my question? : join #abctalk07:26
sacarlsonvosh: well installing this that way have a tendancy to break other apps that might depend on them07:26
ActionParsnipvosh: thats fine, just mark it as executable, then run it with sudo. It should do its thing07:26
ActionParsnipjtannenbaum: yes07:27
ActionParsnipjtannenbaum: you can test with dig07:27
ActionParsnipjtannenbaum: dig hostname    run that and the lookup time should be 0ms07:27
jtannenbaumdidn't work07:28
genosiserr. anyone? help me abit07:28
voshI have been told that dl from repo is better, but im using linux because I want more flexibility07:28
jtannenbaumActionParsnip: my /etc/hosts http://pastebin.com/28CEQkF507:28
=== Temar1 is now known as Temar
Temari been trying to setup my server for raid 1 (live running server)07:29
jtannenbaumdig reddit.com gives results07:29
Temardo i require a seperate partition for /boot/ ?07:29
AbhijiTTemar, not compulsory. but it improves security.07:29
Temari was following instruction best as i can and when i tried reboot i got an error07:30
_numbersi need to resize my swap space from 333mb to 1gb. whats the easiest way to do that?07:30
ActionParsnipjtannenbaum: thats empty07:30
Temarsomit like GrUB: Selected Disk Does not Exist07:30
jtannenbaumdon't really understand07:31
Dr_Willis_numbers:  use a live cd and gparted. (or the gparted live cd) and resize the partitions.07:31
Temarwould he only need to if he has to resize main partition for it07:32
red2kicjtannenbaum: Why is there and and you wish to block reddit, right?07:33
jtannenbaumthose first two lines where there to start wtih07:33
jtannenbaumand yes I'd like to try that07:34
red2kicjtannenbaum: An example... (newline)
voshi should complain here that its too anoying when ubuntu goes online to download packages, I want to work with my PC completely offline07:34
red2kicjtannenbaum: You should have two, one for www, one for none.07:34
Dr_Willisvosh:  then you are going to have a hard time keeping things up to date and secure.07:35
Dr_Willisvosh:  windows has gotten to where it does the same thing for a great many programs to install.07:35
=== vishal is now known as vishaltelangre
_numbersthx Dr_Willis07:35
zarusI was wondering, how do I install Matlab from an ISO? I broke my disc, but I still have its image on a drive.07:35
zarusAre there any good image mounting utilities?07:36
red2kicjtannenbaum: It might be a good idea to install local webserver such as lighttpd or whatever. Make a nice little static index.html so you know it's null. (it just looks cleaner than blank page). :)07:36
zarusLike Daemontools?07:36
Dr_Williszarus:  you can mount an iso with the mount command07:36
Dr_Williszarus:  no need for  gimmicky tools like deamontools07:36
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:36
zarusThank you.07:36
Dr_WillisTheres some tool in the repos that gives you a front end/context menu item  for isos to mount them. but i dont recall its name07:37
voshDr_Willis: I mean i want to work offline when i want and go online when i want07:38
Dr_Willisvosh:  turn off networking then I guess.07:38
dragonkeeperis there any way i can capture a desktop screen and make it a video device so i can broadcast it as a webcam ?07:39
Cuberootpeace, y'all.07:39
StarminnIn 10.10, there's the little speaker icon where you can control your sound/music and such from. I have uninstalled Rhythmbox and am using something else, although how might I make Rhythmbox disappear from that menu as well?07:39
Starminndragonkeeper: You mean take a live feed of your desktop?07:40
Dr_WillisStarminn:  you sure rythmbox is closed? it should only appear there when its running07:40
dragonkeeperStarminn  yes07:40
sometuxI wrote a shell script that accept text strings as input. what I need now is how to redirect a file to the script without modifying the script I need to figure out a solution?07:41
Starminndragonkeeper, I don't know of any applications (I'd be the last person to ask), but just trying to clarify that. Next time just ask your question in plain English. :) Someone may be able to help, just not me. Sorry.07:41
StarminnDr_Willis, Yep. It's removed from my system so I assure you it's closed. :)07:41
sometuxIt seems using "<" to redirect the file doesn't work07:43
red2kicsometux: Backup the script. Modify the script to accept files. That's the way.07:44
red2kicUse $107:44
sometuxred2kic: the question is "Is there a way to redirect the input from a file using for example <"?07:45
Dr_WillisStarminn:  thats not always the case. :) but Ive not ran the app in ages. it seems like theres a lauincher item in the volume control for it. never noticed it befor.07:45
Jordan_Usometux: What happens when you try to use '<'? Can you pastebin the script?07:46
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Dr_WillisStarminn:  i was thinking theres a setting IN rythmbox to make it not show.  but if you removed it.. that may be hard to set now.07:46
StarminnDr_Willis, Yeah, I'm running Banshee now and have been for awhile, just neglected to remove Rhythmbox. In Banshee I know there's an option for it (I know what you're talking about) so it looks like I'll just have to reinstall Rhythmbox. :) Fair enough, haha. Great idea, never would have thought of it without you. I'll let you know how it goes.07:46
Dr_WillisStarminn:  i dont see the setting in Rythmbox.. I seem to recall some bug report on   this ages ago.07:47
vickieI keep getting a error when I try and update my system07:47
Dr_WillisStarminn:  supposuibly all apps are supposed to ahve such a setting.. but the default ubuntu one dosent :)07:47
civixierHi. I am learning C++ and I have all my files on a USB-stick formatted with NTFS. When I am trying to execute a.out on it it wont let me. When I am trying to chmod 777 the h€ll out of it it wont do the changes. Is it something I should know?07:47
Dr_Williscivixier:  theres ways to mount ntfs with specific options where EVERY file on the drive would be 'executable'07:48
Dr_Williscivixier:  thats one work around07:48
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | civixier07:48
ubottucivixier: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:48
civixierDr_Willis: Thanks, I will look into that :)07:48
Dr_Williscivixier:  havuing everyhing executable is often MORE annoying then having everything not be executable.. so its the lesser of 2 evils.07:48
civixierDr_Willis: Is it? How come?07:49
Dr_Williscivixier:  every text file, every icon, every jpg. all would be 'executable'07:50
sacarlsoncivixier: I don't think ntfs has nix permision settings,  they can be set at mount time but not changed later07:50
Dr_Williscopy them to your home dir.. the permissions stay the same.. you end up with executable junk all over the place. thats not really executable07:50
sacarlsoncivixier: sorry don't have nix perms07:51
StarminnDr_Willis: Ah, what a pest... Yeah I tried messing with it and there seems no (easy) method for removing it from that menu. Ah, what a shame. Oh well, I can live with it I suppose. :) Thanks for trying though.07:51
Dr_Willisyou 'must' set  the oproper options with ntfs/vfat when mounting them. for the permissions you want.07:51
civixierDr_Willis: Ah, I can see the problem with that :)07:51
Dr_WillisStarminn:  i tried disabling the status icon plugin. that dident remove it either. ;) cant even figureout how to close Rythmbox now07:51
StarminnDr_Willis, That's what I tried too. (Go to" Music->Quit")07:52
civixiersacarlson: Ah. Well, the simplest thing would be to copy a.out to somewhere other than the USB and then execute it I suppose.07:52
Dr_WillisStarminn:  personally i find that whole 'embed player controls in the speaker menu' to be a bit.. unintuitive and annoying.07:52
Dr_WillisStarminn:  id much rather have a widgit in the panel showing the controls.07:52
sacarlsoncivixier: that should work07:52
civixiersacarlson: Thanks for the new word 'nix'. I'm learning something new every day ;)07:53
voshDr_Willis: I didn't understand what u said about windows, but i want to understand07:54
StarminnDr_Willis: Yeah, I agree, much like Windows Media Player does in, well, Windows. I know that in Banshee there's a plugin (perhaps enabled by default I believe?) that places an icon next to your network icon that when you hover over it you see the song name and can fast forward/playback but you can't Play/Pause/Skip... :( Oh well.07:54
Dr_Willisvosh:  windows often requires network connections these days. same as Ubuntu does..07:54
voshDr_Willis: Windows always asks and explains07:55
Dr_Willisvosh:  yea.. sure it does...07:55
telegraphsI am not able to send my gpg key to the ubuntu keyserver07:56
telegraphsI do gpg --gen-key then I do gpg --send-key 'My Name' --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com07:56
telegraphsI get07:56
telegraphsgpg: 'My Name' not a key ID: skipping07:57
telegraphsI read two different guides07:57
telegraphsI tried using My Name (my comment) <my.email@email.com>07:57
telegraphsand every possible omission and permutation07:57
telegraphsdoes anyone have a clue, what is going on?07:57
AbhijiT!enter | telegraphs07:57
ubottutelegraphs: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:02
Dr_Willistelegraphs:  you tried a name without spaces in it?08:02
telegraphsDr_Willis: is that how it should be/08:02
Dr_Willistelegraphs:  no idea. it could be the shell is sucking out the quotes. you are using.08:03
telegraphsit's not08:03
Dr_Willisive seen enough issues in the past wth 'this that' or "this that" to have it send up a red flag.08:03
telegraphsyeah, i tested that theory08:03
telegraphsthis is so weird08:04
telegraphsi might try doing it on my vps08:04
UbuntuNubhey guys, i don't know if this is the right place for this question, but I got help here before and the folks were nice, so08:04
Jordan_Utelegraphs: Not a real solution, but I just did it using the launchpad web interface.08:04
UbuntuNubis there a way to get my windows 7 to boot before my Ubuntu08:04
telegraphsJordan_U: yeah.. I'm not even going there.08:04
telegraphsBut thanks!!08:05
UbuntuNubi have a toshiba qosmio - f6008:05
telegraphsI need to learn how to use the stupid gpg tool so I can be a real 31337 linux uer08:05
Error404NotFoundI can't get my wireless card working on ubuntu. outputs lshw. lsusb and lspci: http://pastebin.com/xbdKi3bG08:05
Jordan_Utelegraphs: You're supposed to use the key ID, not your name.08:07
telegraphsJordan_U: and the key id is?08:07
telegraphsJordan_U: http://www.madboa.com/geek/gpg-quickstart/not08:08
telegraphsIn this guide, it says to use the name I enter08:08
Niglopwhenever i try to open this file, i need to have root access, even if i log in as root and move it and then logout of root, i still need root access after that. is there a way i can remove it so i dont need root access to view it/edit it?08:08
bc81UbuntuNub: you mean you want windows to be the default OS in your grub menu?  see StartUpManager https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager08:08
telegraphsit says that in this guide: http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html too08:08
_jesse_Niglop: chown it08:08
Niglop_jesse_: be more specific please08:09
_jesse_Niglop: change the owner of the file, you can use the chown command08:09
UbuntuNubthanks bc81, that's what I meant yes08:09
Niglop_jesse_: whats the exact command?08:09
Dr_WillisI hope 11.04 comes with some better tools for manageing grub2. that area is a bit rough still.08:09
_jesse_Niglop: chown ?08:09
Niglop_jesse_: so if i just type chown, it will chown all my files?08:09
_jesse_Niglop: chown your_username:your_username file08:09
chalcedonyis there some better way to kill an application on ubuntu 10.04 than using top and k > kill the process?08:10
Starminnchalcedony: I always just use "xkill" personally08:10
_jesse_Niglop: no, you should specify the file which you wish to change the owner of08:10
chalcedonystarcoder, xkill opera ?08:10
bc81chalcedony: yea, xkill or killall <process>08:10
voshthanks for the help, i will give feedbask after I tried again08:10
telegraphschalcedony: xkill then you click08:10
telegraphstry it08:10
Jordan_Utelegraphs: http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Submitting_your_GPG_key_to_a_keyserver08:11
shazzrchalcedony: pidof instead of top08:11
StarminnNiglop:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions A little above the bottom is, "Changing the file owner and group"08:11
telegraphsJordan_U: =O08:11
StarminnNiglop: Alternatively you could type, "man chown" to get the manual for it which would get you this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/chown.1.html08:11
telegraphsJordan_U: all my docs are wrong! :(08:11
Niglopcan somebody just give me the specific command please08:12
telegraphsJordan_U: thanks :) :-)08:12
_jesse_Niglop: I already did08:12
_jesse_Niglop: `chown your_username:your_username file_name`08:12
StarminnNiglop, Read the links I gave you. The first one spells it out for you.08:12
Jordan_Utelegraphs: I think there are multiple things that can be used as an "ID". The primary key ID seems to just be simple to find and use.08:12
chalcedony~$ pidof opera - 16933 / ~$ killall 16933 - 16933: no process found08:12
Jordan_Utelegraphs: You're welcome.08:12
|ntegra|do you guys have a tv show in the states about computers?08:13
Starminnchalcedony: Open up (I guess in this case Opera) the program. Now open Terminal and type, "xkill" then just click on the window of the program you wish to kill.08:13
Jordan_U!ot | |ntegra|08:13
ubottu|ntegra|: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:13
telegraphsJordan_U: finally, what a relief.08:14
telegraphsthanks so much08:14
|ntegra|sorry about that08:14
chalcedonytelegraphs, that worked, thank you .. i thought it would never die08:14
chalcedonyer Starminn :)08:14
telegraphschalcedony: thank the other guy :)08:14
Starminnchalcedony: Ah, we both told you. No big deal. The credit should be split evenly. :)08:15
telegraphschalcedony: also try out ps, pidof, pgrep, kill, and killall08:15
=== sn1wflake is now known as sn0wflake
chalcedonyi used killall and kill9 for years.. and then top k ..08:15
_jesse_chalcedony: pkill can be useful too08:16
juk_server with only admin account means root and admin, or just root?08:16
drizthi. can i get help with ppa?08:16
_jesse_ah I suppose that is pretty much the same as killall :P08:16
Dr_Willisdrizt:  depends on the prolem.08:16
Dr_Willisjuk_:  i would imagine they mean just 'root'  - since theres no default account called 'admin'  Unless they made one.08:17
chalcedony_jesse_, i see that, thanks :)08:18
drizthost not find.08:18
=== AbhijiT_ is now known as AbhijiT
driztwhen i build the same package with pbuilder it is work08:18
juk_Dr_Willis: ah, im in doubt if i need to enable ptrace operation for bug buddy for more verbose bug reports08:18
Dr_Willisjuk_:  even the ubuntu server installs - i belive have at least a single user account. and not just a 'root' account.08:20
macoDr_Willis: yes08:20
Dr_Willis'server with only admin account' is a little vague.. it could mean he just has his 'sudo enabled user'08:20
=== red2kic is now known as red2kic_xchat
chalcedonyit would seem that Opera is not dead. "It appears another Opera instance is using the same configuration directory because it's lock file is active: /home/llhull/.opera/lock .. eep!08:21
_jesse_chalcedony: that's different, the process is dead08:21
_jesse_chalcedony: delete the lock file08:21
_jesse_obviously since you killed opera it didn't clean it up itself :)08:22
chalcedony_jesse_, so now what?08:22
Tohuwif I've added an ldif like so: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f name_of_file, how would I back out every change that file made?08:22
Dr_Willisremove the lock file chalcedony08:22
_jesse_chalcedony: just delete the lock file it references08:22
onebitxajaxhi to all i need help08:27
Tohuw!help | onebitxajax08:27
ubottuonebitxajax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:27
Niglophow can I make a button on my taskbar so when i click it, it opens a list of my directories like home videos etc that i can click from there?08:27
onebitxajaxafter reboot my screen run with 640x480 resolution and i can't change it can someone help me?08:27
Dr_WillisNiglop:  you want to open a file manager to a specfic directory? or some sort of 'shortcut listing' ?08:28
TohuwNiglop: right click on panel, add a launcher, nautilus /foo (where /foo is the path you want to open08:28
NiglopDr_Willis: shortcut listing08:28
Dr_WillisNiglop:  make a directory with links to the other dirs.. and have file manager open that shortcut-dir is one way i guess.08:28
Dr_Willisnigelb:  you can put your own bookmarks in the places menu item.08:29
Niglopsorry accidently closed irc08:31
Niglopi want it to be like a little popup08:31
Niglopwith a few directories08:31
Dr_Willisnigelb:  you can put your own bookmarks in the places menu item. which is proberly easier.08:31
TohuwNiglop: consider leveraging the Bookmarks feature. Or, try topshelf (sudo apt-get topshelf)08:31
TohuwDr_Willis: You're highlighting the wrong user :)08:32
Dr_Willisor make some 'Shortcuts' directory with links to the other locations you li08:32
Dr_WillisTohuw:  now  you are making me feel old.. going to have to enlarge the font to 30 points now..08:32
Nigloptohuw, i dont think i need any programs, i had it before it came with the system. its just a button u click in the taskbar that pops up a tiny meanu with like videos music home etc08:32
TohuwNiglop: are you thinking of the "places" menu?08:32
TohuwNiglop: if you don't have the Places menu at top, right click, add to panel "custom menu bar" or so08:33
NiglopTohuw: theres no "custom menu bar" in the list08:34
macoNiglop: i dont think "custom" is correct. but something about menu bar?08:34
TohuwNiglop: what marco said08:34
macoNiglop: should be able to search for menu08:34
TohuwI'm not on a GNOME system atm, so I'm going off memory08:35
noonianNiglop, click on the menus then edit menues08:35
noonianright click i mean08:35
Niglopall i can see is window list, launcher, and the start menu08:35
nooniando you mean the applications menu? if so right click that and edit menus08:35
TohuwNiglop: please run cat /etc/issue and post the output here08:36
JohnDoe234Hello. I want to install a antivirus software in my ubuntu machine, but I want this so I can scan windows executables. Is this possibile? If so, can you recomend me a good antivirus ?08:36
Tohuw(In terminal)08:36
Niglopi think i got it08:36
Niglopone sec08:36
TohuwJohnDoe234: why are you scanning windows executables in a non-windows environment? to test them before you transfer them to a windows machine?08:37
Niglopgot it.08:37
Dr_WillisJohnDoe234:  all the av  software ive seen for linux.. is designed to scan windows files for windows viruses... thats their main feature.08:38
JohnDoe234Yes, something like that08:38
Dr_WillisClamav,  and AVG exist for linux. and a few others.08:38
JohnDoe234Thank you very much08:38
Dr_Willisthey dont normally work like windows av apps do. they dont normally scan 'in real time'  - You tell them to scan a set of files and they do so.08:39
Dr_Willisclamav is in the repos.. avg you have to go get the deb.08:39
TohuwJohnDoe234: A much more practical solution would be either A) a Windows-based antivirus solution capable of sandboxing (see http://anti-virus-rants.blogspot.com/2008/02/what-is-sandbox.html or B) A virtual machine running Windows with some AV software installed. This gives you a higher assurance of its verity in a Windows environment. keep in mind an AV may not detect anything in an installer, that doesn't mean the installer doesn't in08:39
Dr_WillisI think theres 2 other AV companies out with software for linux.08:41
JohnDoe234@Dr_Willis: I don't mind if it doesn't scan in real time. More, I don't want an antivirus software that is permanently in my computer's memory08:41
onebitxajaxcan someone help?08:41
ApacheOmegais it even worth installing net beans in UBUNTU?08:42
noonianApacheOmega, i have it installed because i had to work on a project set up with netbeans08:42
ApacheOmegawell how come whaen I install it i cant extract08:43
TohuwApacheOmega: that's a subjective question.08:43
nooniancant extract what?08:43
TohuwApacheOmega: (your first question, that is. your second question is better, but completely undetailed. a lack of details makes it hard to help you :) )08:44
ApacheOmegaOK well I geuss what I'm getting at is the compiler already in UBUNTU just as good as net beans08:44
=== sen^awayo is now known as senx
TohuwApacheOmega: that is a subjective judgement. "just as good" is often case-specific.08:44
noonianyou can get whichever java compiler you want08:45
ApacheOmegacause i already went around robins been with LAMPP08:45
Dr_Willisonebitxajax:  state the problem to the channel and see who can help.08:48
shentinoHow do I make my text mode consoles 640x400?08:49
Dr_Willisshentino:  you could enable the framebuffer support. and use the fbset command to change the console res on the fly.08:49
* shentino has already given up the "KMS hates text mode" fight after intel mandated KMS in the X server08:49
shentinoI want to set what it boots up as08:50
Dr_WillisThen you set the stuff in the grub options.. and hope it works.08:50
shentinowhere are the grub options? O-O08:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:50
Dr_Willissomewhere in the grub2 docs/wiki/forum pages ive seen it mentioned. I dont fioght with the framebuffer any more08:50
Dr_Willisive alsays found the fremabuffer enabled console - to be more problems then its worth.08:51
shentinoWell I preferred vga text mode, it was faster08:52
shentinoI had to give it up once intel hard deprecated it by mandating KMS in the x server08:52
* shentino grumbles08:52
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest16462
Guest16462how to change awn-notification-daemon area and cloor08:53
Guest16462under ubuntu 10.1008:53
Dr_Willisthats not very clear to me.. but I just often use the 'text' option, or disable plymouth. to have a normal 'text' console. like in the old days08:53
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  check the awn- config tool and settings?  proberly somthing in there.08:54
Dr_Willisawn has so many settings it gets.. overwhelming.08:54
zeta-_I've been trying to get a write-combining mtrr for X to play with. Found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/314928 but my problem is different. All 8 mtrr's are used by kernel (like /comments/9) -- none left for X :-( Anyone know which driver/bios/? decides it needs all the mtrr's?08:55
Guest16462DR_Willis i tried there but i got nothing08:56
Guest16462help me regarding this08:56
sometuxhi guys, what is the OpenSolaris IRC channel?08:58
Slixxorhey guys08:58
Helbomsometux: try the ¨name08:59
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  i dont use the app. so really cant help.08:59
Slixxorim having an awful lot of trouble following any and all instructions on getting my webcam image the right way up. it's upside down and there are alot of posts on this, i'm surprised no ones made a GUI V4L app.08:59
sometuxHelbom: I'm too lazy08:59
KB1JWQsometux: #opensolaris if memory serves.08:59
KB1JWQsometux: Failing that, /msg alis list *topic*08:59
Dr_WillisSlixxor:  i recall some webcam tool for linux that works as a 'front end' to the webcam that lets you do all sorts of effects.09:00
SlixxorDr_Willis, i think it's dov4l09:00
Dr_Willis I used it to turn my webcam Upside down. :)09:00
macoDr_Willis: cheese09:00
Dr_WillisI dont recall the name. but that wasent it.. i got it bookmarked at my http://delicious.com/dr_willis page somewhere.09:01
Slixxori've got it installed as command line but it doesnt seem to support image flipping, even though the v4l library does.09:01
shentinodidn't work09:01
Guest16462any one help me regarding my awn setting of notification09:01
shentinoHow do I change the default resolution of vt1-vt6?09:01
Dr_Willismaco:  this was  an app that sort of 'faked' a webcam.  webcam -> theapp -> the program using the cam. it let you show a video as a webcam, or change audio. or have overlays and other neat tricks.09:01
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  you have checked the AWN homepage and forums and docs?09:02
macoDr_Willis: oh09:02
Dr_WillisHere it is  - 'webcam studio' --> http://www.ws4gl.org/09:02
Dr_WillisI played withit for like a week. :)09:02
Guest16462i check the home page ... but i didn't get there anything my one ferinds is edit it configuration but he is not telling me how he do tat .... anyone i wil be very help full09:03
Slixxori will give it all a miss for now.09:03
Slixxormaybe the development team will add support for inverting webcam images.09:04
ApacheOmegaOK I'm trying to install net beans and I know I need to install the JDK first but it keeps saying it cant finr the file09:04
pubseedpublicseed.net/thisisatestfile.torrent can you guys seed that? Im trying to test my transmission runscript after the torrent completes. if you can do that, thanks... Im having trouble connecting from my computer to the server at but its not connecting. if you guys can seed that that would be nice.09:04
ApacheOmegait wont load the file in archive09:04
ApacheOmegawhat am I doing wrong09:05
Slixxoroh and another question what is the dir path for apache? when i access it says "It works" but im not sure where i can load files to.09:06
pubseedslixxor /var/www09:06
Slixxorpubseed, nice :D09:06
ApacheOmegadoes anybody out there know how to install net beans on UBUNTU09:07
Ambienthey fellas i want to share media to my xbox. I've installed ushare  and configured it as the instructions say, but it's not working.. i'm on a wireless net work any ideas?09:07
SlixxorApacheOmega, i had no dramas using synaptic09:08
Slixxormake sure you have all repositories selected i think its in universe.09:08
slimshady@Apache, it's sh on offsite, just download, allow to run and run09:08
HobbesCould I install antivirus and torrant software while running off a USB flash "live CD"09:08
ApacheOmegaSlixxor: i can use synoptics? then How come net beans does pop up when I look for it there?09:09
shentinoI'm still trying to change the default virtual console resolution to 640x400 (80x25), can someone help me?09:09
Slixxoryou need to select all available sources from the repositories menu.09:09
Slixxorwhich distro?09:09
* shentino is using ubuntu09:09
* shentino is using 10.1009:09
Guest16462how to install file through terminal09:10
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  install what file exactly?09:11
Guest16462sh file09:11
Dr_Willissh foo.sh09:11
Guest16462file have name install -sh09:11
Dr_Willisor chmod +x foo.sh   then ./foo.sh09:11
pedrocrI'm trying to connect my HTC wildfire android phone to my ubuntu laptop through USB to use the internet09:12
pedrocrAll that I've read says it should just show up as an extra interface in nm09:12
pedrocrbut it never does09:12
SlixxorApacheOmega, did you open sysnaptic and go to settings, respositories then tick all boxes worked for me :P09:13
Dr_Willispedrocr:  when you plug in the usb cable (on my phone at least) it has a menu that asks how to use the connection. Perhaps you need to select the right option, or in the settings enable the feature.09:13
Slixxorthen search for netbeans09:13
Dr_Willispedrocr:  i just use mine over wireless as an access point. :)09:13
pedrocrDr_Willis, I've done the setting on the phone side09:13
Slixxorsyanptic is awesome because it satisfies all dependencies.09:13
pedrocrDr_Willis, the wi-fi tethering works fine but is power hungry, that's why I was looking at making the usb one work09:13
ApacheOmegaSlixxor: Do I have to save the JDK and THE IDE again b4 I do this?09:14
Ambientokay got to try something, Quick question i know eth0 is for like an ethernet if i'm using wireless would linux still use that or would it be something else?, and what part of the file system do i find these things in again09:14
Ambientwould it be /dev09:14
SlixxorApacheOmega, it will satisfy all dependencies automatically.09:14
Dr_Willispedrocr:  i use wifi teathering.. but keep the usb plugged in. for power. but ive had issues with teathering being slow.09:15
pedrocrDr_Willis, you mean USB is slow or tethering in general?09:15
ApacheOmegaSlixxor: when you say check all boxes you mean even in all the tabs?09:16
Slixxorall items in the lists, sourcode and other, multiverse, universe etc.09:16
Slixxori just ticked them all.09:16
Slixxorso i had choice :P09:16
ApacheOmegaSlixxor: OK thanks I'm Trying it now - oh yeah whars choice p?09:17
Dr_Willispedrocr:  where im at when im teatherng - the network is just slow. :) In a factory.. in the countryside..09:17
Slixxorim a .NET developer by profession and now my lappys ASUS recovery disk for some reason fails, so I installed Ubuntu :) i used back in version 5 for 6 months. Its come a long way but still a few niggling issues like my webcam.. come on Willis lol09:18
Dr_Willispedrocr:  im not using usb for the connection to the pc. just for power.09:18
HobbesCould I install antivirus and torrant software while running off a USB flash "live CD"09:18
Dr_WillisHobbes:  you can. if you have a persistant save file.09:18
SlixxorApacheOmega, choice as in.. i ticked all software sources so i had alot of software to choose from.09:18
Dr_WillisHobbes:  that wouldkeep the changes. but youmay fill up your usb real fast.09:18
SlixxorHobbes, no.09:18
ApacheOmegaok thanks09:18
Guest16462while installing file i type sh configure its show error at last"configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.34 or later."09:19
SlixxorHobbes, you're from Brisbane arent you?09:19
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  what are you truing to install exactly?09:19
Guest16462a applet of awn09:19
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  you sure its not wanting you do to a ./configure09:20
Dr_Willis!find intltool09:20
SlixxorApacheOmega, how did you get on?09:20
ubottuFound: intltool, intltool-debian09:20
Dr_Willis!info intltool09:20
ubottuintltool (source: intltool): Utility scripts for internationalizing XML. In component main, is optional. Version 0.41.1-1 (maverick), package size 100 kB, installed size 288 kB09:20
Guest16462thanks i didn't do tat09:20
Guest16462Dr_willis can i have ur email id for furhter help if u don't mind09:21
pksadiqGuest16462: he minds09:21
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  you do not need my email.. i live here on irc..09:21
pubseed@Guest16462 Its true! dr_willis is cool :)09:22
* Dr_Willis can even IRC from his cell phone now.09:22
Guest16462i do it again with ./configure it shows me shame error09:22
Guest16462ya i agree09:22
HobbesDr_Willis persistant save file? Are you saying it would be easier to just install ubuntu, then get win7, install, then fix the linux boot directory thing?09:22
Ambientushare sucks balls09:22
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  and what version of ubuntu are you using?09:22
HobbesSlixxor: brisbane, that sounds british, am I right?09:22
Dr_WillisHobbes:  you can do a 'full' install to a flash drive. or set up a 'live' cd setup with a 'save' file..09:22
Guest16462ubuntu 10.1009:23
Slixxoraussie mate.09:23
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if you are using just a live cd setup with no 'save file' then  your changes will not be saved across reboots.09:23
Slixxorshrimp, barbies and all that jazz.09:23
ApacheOmegaSlixxor: I keep getting this same message when I try to down load --- The application you chose ("") could not be found.  Check the file name or choose another application. ---- and then it will only let me save the program and then its know where to be found09:23
HobbesSave file? it would have to be on a usb flash drive?09:23
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  then somthing is very weird.. the version of intltool is 0.41 in 10.1009:23
Slixxorthat seems od.09:23
Guest16462so any thing can i do09:23
Dr_WillisHobbes:  yes. thats normally where its at.. the ubuntu usb-disk creator tool lets you generate a save file when youy put the iso on the flash drive09:24
HobbesSlixxor: well not that far off then, I mean I'm sure your aware of astralias roots and all09:24
Slixxorsynaptic has always worked for me09:24
Guest16462how i update it09:24
Mason_hello i need help09:24
Machtinso, would it be possible, that something in (k)ubuntu is screwed, so that i witness system freezes randomly? (about two to five times a week)09:24
Dr_WillisGuest16462:  verify your version of that tool. if its correct. file a bug with the AWN plugin guy i guess.09:24
SlixxorHobbes, indeed hehe09:24
HobbesDr_Willis: I couldn't put this on the hard drive?09:24
=== sskyles_ is now known as sskyles
Guest16462how i check version for tat09:25
Mason_i need to conect a desktop 10.10 ubuntu to a mac os x 10.6 desktop but when i try the internet gos out on both09:25
Dr_WillisHobbes:  a usb flash drive 'live cd' setup wont look for a save file on the hd.09:25
pksadiqGuest16462: might be dpkg-query -l | grep intltool09:26
SlixxorApacheOmega, not sure how to help matey i'm a GUI developer.. no idea about command line epecially in linux :P i'll leave that to the experts like Dr-Willis09:26
Guest80998can anyone help me on how to get acquainted with the bash terminal?09:26
zenbuntuhey Sysi u there09:27
HobbesIf I put a torrant program on a USB flash drive, running off a 'live CD' usb flashdrive, would it be able to see and manage the download onto a actual HDD?09:27
ApacheOmegaSLixxor - Thanks I'll try to figure this one out09:27
Guest164620.35.0+20060710.1  it shwoing me this version09:27
Dr_Willis!bash | Guest8099809:27
ubottuGuest80998: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:27
pksadiqDr_Willis: what does acquainted means?09:27
zenbuntujus install xubuntu09:27
Dr_Willispksadiq:  'become friends with'09:27
pksadiqDr_Willis: ok, thanks09:27
Dr_WillisHobbes:  proberly - if you tell the torrent app to do uit.09:28
Dr_WillisHobbes:  but if you reboot. saves not to the HD will get lost.09:28
HobbesWhy would it get lost on the HDD?09:29
Mason_can any1 help.... i need to conect my ubuntu desktop via ethernet cable to my mac but when i do it takes the internet away from my mac... please help :(09:29
SlixxorMason_, IP conflict?09:30
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
Dr_WillisHobbes:  saves NOT to the hd will get lost.. is what i daid..09:30
Mason_a tut would be nice09:30
Dr_WillisMason_:  and how are you connecting exactly?09:31
HobbesThreaten the computers to split the ethernet cable in half, the true owner will not want to see harm come to the ethernet cable and will offer to give it to the other one09:31
zenbuntuwhat version are evry1 runnin?09:31
_Rix10.04  here09:31
RishavTMason_: Try doing this: right click network manager>>edit connections>>Auto eth0>>IPv4>>set it to automatic (DHCP)09:31
HobbesMason_ that is my wise advise to you09:31
hrosgood day - I have problems installing ubunto. I downloaded  10.10, put it on an USB stick with unetbootin, but after the "preparing to install"-screen, I only get the ever-rotating dial and nothing will happen.09:31
zenbuntuubuntu or xu?09:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:31
_Rixubuntu, zenbuntu09:31
hrosin /var/log/messages, I'll see the following lines: Feb  6 13:48:08 ubuntu ubiquity: Backtrace has 14 calls on stack:09:31
hrosFeb  6 13:48:08 ubuntu ubiquity:   14: /lib/libparted.so.0(ped_assert+0x2a) [0xb09:31
Mason_Hobbes: already did that09:32
hros... and so on until09:32
hrosFeb  6 13:48:08 ubuntu ubiquity:   2: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe7) [0x126ce7]09:32
hrosFeb  6 13:48:08 ubuntu ubiquity:   1: parted_server() [0x8049de1]09:32
HobbesMason_ So what happened?09:32
hrosdoes that mean that the "parted_server" crashed?09:32
SlixxorMason_, the problem is on the macsend if an IP has been assigned to the bunt box09:32
HobbesDr_Willis why would the data on the HDD be lost?09:32
SlixxorMacs end*09:32
Mason_i have no idea if ip has been assinged09:33
zenbuntuok thats what i have on my desktop, however my latop with ubuntu drains batt quick so im debating to install xubuntu or lubuntu any ideas?09:33
Slixxori would suggest checking your mac has been configured to share network capabilities or is configured to be the default gateway in the routing table.09:33
=== `jeff` is now known as JeffCourriel
Dr_WillisHobbes:  i said it would NOT be lost if its on the HD..09:33
hrosI've read thru the forums, they give the advice to remove the USB stick - which is impossible, as I'm installing from USB stick09:33
Slixxorwhat version of bunt Mason_09:33
hros(or at least, try to...)09:33
Dr_WillisHobbes:  your torrent client may save its cache and .torrent stuff in places not  on the hd however.09:33
zenbuntuill be back need to reboot srry09:34
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
Slixxorgo to System at the top then network tools09:34
Mason_just got on there less than 30 min ago09:34
Slixxorcheck the IP for your ethernet connection from the drop down, not the local loopback09:34
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hrosalso, I wonder why "partition editing" (parted) would need a server (parted_server) ...09:35
Mason_were is "network tools"09:35
BelkinUSBhello, I'm running ubuntu 10.10 on an old box. It runs fine but sometimes I find it unresponsive and have to reset. I'm looking through the logs and i get this file /etc/ddclient.conf, line 8: Invalid Value for keyword 'login' over and over again. What does this mean?09:35
HobbesDr_Willis: so in short, install linux, then just fix the boot manager latter when I install windows?09:35
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SlixxorHobbes, works best to install windows first then bunt that way grub installs both09:37
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Mason_wait foundit09:37
Slixxortheres a tool for editing OSs in grub called startup manager ithink it's find them then updates grub.conf09:37
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Hobbesslixxor: I need linux to get windows first though09:38
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SlixxorHobbes, negative09:38
Mason_wait ip conflic letme change09:38
Slixxoryou need windows on there first.09:38
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Mason_my mac told me :D09:38
LinSteveHI forget what booting structure is running on ubuntu 10.4.  I know that they no longer use GRUB.  Any help?09:38
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pksadiqjeff_mar: keep quiet09:39
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Slixxorit used to be easy to edit grub in the past but now they have wrapper classes that seem to edit the grub files.09:39
AbhijiTLinSteveH, grub209:39
Hobbesslixxor: I won't have a windows to install without linux09:39
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Dr_WillisHobbes:  im not even sure what your origianl problem is/was any more..you were asking about torrents from a flash drive install..09:39
SlixxorHobbes, not sure mate. you need to edit the grub.conf file to include windows in it.09:39
LinSteveHHrmmm, where do I find the boot images then?  (i.e. where is the directory?)09:40
Slixxorit's changed file names now.09:40
Slixxori wanted to modify my grub list to be a bit neater.09:40
Slixxori couldnt do it :P09:40
AbhijiT!grub2 | LinSteveH09:41
ubottuLinSteveH: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:41
Hobbesslixxor or I could just reinstall linux again eh?09:41
LinSteveHAbhijit: ... and thanks09:41
Slixxorthats my fix when i break stuff and end up in a command line... mind you 10.10 has a wicked tool for fixing X server now that usually lets you back into GUI09:42
HobbesSlixxor, thats at me right?09:42
Slixxorsadly if you want to install/change things that dont come from synaptic you tend to break things, which is why they made it.09:42
SlixxorHobbes, yes09:43
Tuxisti have problem with proftpd and tls09:43
Chillancehey, do you guys got tips on how I can autodelete a file played in vlc?09:43
Hobbeswhat do you guys think of xbuntu compared to ubuntu? Some people were just saying how much better it is in another chat09:43
bazhangHobbes, please dont poll here09:43
bazhang!best | Hobbes09:44
ubottuHobbes: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:44
SlixxorChillance, just watch tube porn sites instead :P that way when you close the browser you dont have D/Ld files on your desktop.09:44
Tuxisti have configure proftpd with tls and created the crt and key but in can't auth with tls09:44
hroswhat's the deal with that parted_server crashing in 10.10 and 10.4 when installing from USB?09:44
ChillanceSlixxor, funny :)09:44
bazhangSlixxor, keep it family friendly09:44
Slixxorof course. sorry09:44
Tuxisti have build proftpd 3.0 without change09:44
Chillancething is, I love that I can set vlc to quit after playing a file09:44
shentinoCan someone help me with this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10432528#post1043252809:45
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Chillancewould be cool to let it delete it too09:45
Tuxistso i think the problem is the openssl lib09:45
SlixxorChillance, couldnt that also work against you?09:45
HobbesXbuntu is more stable, smoother and faster then ubuntu because of  Xfce09:45
bazhangHobbes, I asked you not to poll here09:45
shentinoHobbes:  You were already instructed not to poll here09:46
Slixxorthe X display is very stable from way back in freeBSD days09:46
ChillanceSlixxor, sure, but it should be smart and just delete after its finished..09:46
HumanBladehi all... best chan for noob q's?09:46
bazhangHobbes, #ubuntu-bots or #ubuntu-offtopic09:46
r_a_venany gurus here for fixing sound issues on ubuntu laptop?09:47
Dr_WillisHobbes:  i dont find xfce that much faster/stable.09:47
r_a_venhelping me fix, i.e.09:47
SlixxorHumanBlade, Dr_Willis has a site. it got common faqs on it etc.09:47
KB1JWQ!sound | r_a_ven09:47
ubottur_a_ven: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:47
SlixxorDr_Willis, ....09:47
r_a_venthanks !!09:47
HumanBlade@Slixxor, actually have a specific problem, hoped to get some hand holding in a chan09:47
SlixxorHumanBlade, try searching google with "ubuntu" at the start of the problem.09:48
r_a_veni have actually spent 5 months trying to fix sound09:48
HobbesDr_Willis: Much more? So you find it slightly more so? Please break down the comparison09:48
Slixxorthats what i do, but when people make file references without file paths i get frustrated,'09:48
bazhangHobbes, please stop09:48
r_a_venit has not been working after 9.0409:48
HumanBlade@Slixxor, tried 45 mins of that, and came here :)09:48
r_a_veni will go thru these links too09:48
bazhangSlixxor, please dont recommend google first here09:48
Slixxori.e it took me 30 minutes to find the path of uvc_video.c09:48
Slixxorbazhang, sorry mate. it works for me :)09:49
Hobbesbazhang:stop what?09:49
SlixxorHobbes, hes saying dont ask for comparisons on stuff.. or ask peples opinions09:49
bazhangHobbes, this is not the channel for polling. I have asked you three times now.09:49
eichihello. I get an ubuntu live cd running on an laptop. but install allways crashed with reading errors. can i install ubuntu on the harddisc via usb from other system (usb-sata converter) from another linux system? (not ubuntu)09:50
shentinoHobbes:  Comparisons between different versions of ubuntu are off topic here, please stop09:50
HobbesI am not polling for curiousity, I am trying to determine which one to use09:50
HumanBladeyeah, i have a really weird problem. can mount network shares on gui but mount says: "mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system"09:50
HobbesFrom people who have experience09:50
bazhangHobbes, then do as I suggest. This is not the channel for it09:50
Slixxoreichi, i had similar errors installing ubuntu when i selected "do updates" at initial install.09:50
HumanBladeso kinda wondering if there was a general help channel09:50
hrosechi, I'm afraid that installing from usb doesn work...09:51
hroseichi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146027809:51
eichihros: this laptop is to old. cant boot from usb :(09:51
Slixxorbazhang, feel like helping with with my UVC video upside webcam issue?? i'll send you an E-Cookie09:51
hrosechi, ah.09:51
pksadiqeichi: try plop boot manager , http://plop.at I think09:51
hrosin our company, I've stopped attempting to install ubuntu and installed gentoo instead.09:53
eichipksadiq: thanks, i will try09:53
droopalI have a problem with my netbook. For some reason, I am not able to plug and play usb sticks or my external dvd player. It says unable to mount, not authorised. I have tried going into Systen, Administration, Users and Groups. It wont allow me to click on the Advanced Settings, it does nothing. Plus I have tried opening it via the terminal using sudo users-admin that opens the box, but it just hangs and does nothing. I am tryin g to do a fresh insta09:53
droopalll and am running out of options. Can somebody help please?09:53
Slixxordroopal, i'd do that too :) OS issues.09:54
psycho_oreosfresh installs of which distro and version?09:54
droopalUbuntu 10.1009:54
eichipksadiq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Alternative%20methods why is requirement, that windows run on this system?09:55
Slixxordroopal, i was aware of issues long ago with storage devices being NTFS locked i.e not safely removed from windows not working properly, but im sure the bunt team has fixed this since.09:55
psycho_oreossounds unusual to me, either it could be something wrong with gnome-keyring or by you not being under sudoers?09:56
scipyhow can I see my Win7 partition content from Ubuntu?09:56
Slixxorscipy, it should automount from install.09:56
Slixxoror you'll have to mount the partition.09:56
scipythe other partition is automounted09:57
droopalhow can I get around it. I cant even watch videos anymore. If I09:57
Slixxorthen you should be able to browse it.09:57
psycho_oreosdroopal, its been like this ever since from the fresh install?09:58
pksadiqeichi: could you please say what is in the link, sorry I don't have access to a full browser09:58
scipyfrom win7, I knew that I have two ntfs partitions: the one with win7 and another named Data. From Ubuntu I can access only Data partition content09:58
Slixxorif you know what device it is in /dev then you can use the command umount -a /dev/whatever09:58
Slixxori think it's -a09:58
Slixxorscipy is grub installed on the MBR?09:58
hrosumount -a?09:59
nabdaich suche den ubuntu-offtopic kanal09:59
Slixxornabda, i dont speak german mate this is an Australian channel :P09:59
Slixxorno worries whats the drama?10:00
scipySlixxor: I don;t know the answer to your question. When I boot I have 2 options: win7 and Ubuntu. If I choose ubuntu i get another 6 options to choose from in order to boot into ubuntu10:00
jonsainthi all. im trying to run some software which came on my phone which allows me to connect my phone to the pc but wine has blocked it and says something about the 'executable bit'. im a new user to ubuntu and i dont know what to do next!10:00
Slixxorscipy, that means by default grub has picked up bunt, the bunt recovery partition and your windows partition.10:00
scipyhow can i see what /dev i have?10:00
Slixxoryou shouldnt have more.10:00
Slixxorwhen you boot look at your windows partition.10:01
Slixxorin the grub list.10:01
FluxDscipy, ls /dev ?10:01
redAny idea why I can't see any filenames on the desktop?10:01
Slixxorit will say /SDA110:01
Slixxoror something along those lines10:01
redThe actual file icons are there, but they are missing text from underneath.10:01
droopalpsycho_oreos: hi I updated to 10.10 via update manager, and its since then I've been locked out. Which is why I wanted to do a fresh install. On my laptop I had same problem, I was able to access the sudo user-admin even though I was locked out, I managed to get in there, with the netbook, I cant.10:01
hrosare there any options which are accepted by parted_server? it doesn't even come w/ a man-page :-/10:01
FluxDred, try making a new file/folder and see ?10:02
hrosand "parted_server -h" or "parted_server --help" puts itself in the background10:02
redthe files have names, but they are not displayed10:02
psycho_oreosdroopal, and how do you define as fresh install? wiped partition clean before installing ubuntu on it?10:02
Slixxor*sigh* well i've decided to take apart my laptop and rotate my webcam instead and remount it to the top of the LCD to fix my inverted webcam issue, thats an easier fix for me then install subversions and updating drivers etc.10:03
droopalbut I can do anything, because it wont let me use a usb stick or the dvd rewriter10:03
FluxDred, the icons are the ones on the left?10:03
droopalbefore the upgrade both worked10:04
psycho_oreosdroopal, are you able to gain root via sudo under terminal?10:04
redfluxd: I remember my GF's ubuntu laptop having the same bug in 9.04, but I couldnt be arsed to fix it for her. Now on this 64bit 10.10 on my main machine and it drives me crazy :D10:04
FluxDred,what happens if you make a new folder on desktop?10:05
jonsaintanyone about to help?@10:05
redfluxd: look at the top left corner10:05
ysisHi, I'm on Xubuntu 10.10 and have a floppy related issue: I have a line "/dev/fd0 /media/floppy vfat utf8,nosuid,user,noauto 0 0" in my /etc/fstab and the floppy is nicely mounted when I click on the desktop icon and the permissions of /media/floppy change to that of the mounting user. Now I also have a floppy disk entry in Thunar's sidebar and the Places menu in the panel. But the desktop icon and the other two options seems to be unrelated s10:06
allehi everyone10:08
allei have a prob10:08
droopalNobody have any ideas?10:08
redfluxd: I know what causes it now10:08
redthink i can sort it out by changing nautilus desktop icon text size from smallest to anything else10:09
FluxDred, nice what was it?10:09
allei m usiing ubuntu 10.04 and my network is disconnected by itself.10:09
redwith gconf editor that is10:09
redthat did it heh10:09
Villalinuxanybody know a channel like this in spanish, my english is no very good, thanks10:09
alleits working in windows but10:09
hrosah, okay, here is the answer to my question: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/55170710:10
FluxDred, the problem was ?10:10
pksadiq!spanish | Villalinux10:10
ubottuVillalinux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:10
redfluxd: Nautilus Icon View default setting as "smallest" makes desktop text disappear.10:10
alleanybody know how i can fix it?10:10
FluxDred, ah who knew10:10
hrosit has been reported in march 2010.... now, in february 2011, the problem still is there10:10
redChecked my girlfriends laptop and now text is showing there as well10:10
hros"lucid installer hangs after parted_server crashes"10:11
Villalinuxthank ubottu10:11
FluxDalle, what kind of network?10:11
ysisVillalux: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage#spanish10:11
hrosthere's a follow'up on month later: lopst wrote on 2010-04-15: When installing from USB, the installer does not work. This happens with the desktop vesion, alternative and minimal.10:12
hrosI wonder if this will ever get fixed ...10:12
allei can't access net now, it has a red mark on its icon in notification area10:12
acidflashi have a program, which one startup cannot get assigned to it more then 1024 file descriptors, but when i do service whatever restart after the startup, it gets assigned the 1M that its supposed to, how can i make it so that it gets assigned the 1M at startup, using ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10, same on both10:12
Villalinuxthanks ysis10:12
droopalphsycho_oreos:I did answer your post, think it got lost, I can access root via the terminal, is there any way I can get to do a fresh install?10:13
hrosoctober 2010 (still several month later): Thag wrote on 2010-10-15: Yes, definitely still a problem. The 10.04.1 ISO still has the same problem.10:13
FluxDalle, it just disconnects from cable?10:13
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alleno its working in windows but in ubuntu it says disconnected10:14
eichican i change passwort later, if i encrypt my userdata from ubuntu automatically?10:14
gracekellyWEEEOH|| Xd10:15
FluxDalle, 10.10 ?10:15
allei tried stoping and restarting network service but it didn't helped10:15
FluxDI am not too sure tbh, you could upgrade and see10:16
droopalDo you think there might be a fix with this problem sometime? Its very frustrating not being able to use uSB's or my dvd player.10:16
alleupgrade to 10.10?10:17
scipyit worked10:17
scipymany thanks10:17
droopalIf nobody knows on here, can somebody point me in the direction of somewhere that might be able to help?10:17
gracekellyalguien entiende de AMAYA?? please!!10:17
FluxD!spanish | gracekelly10:18
ubottugracekelly: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:18
gracekellyyes, im spanish10:18
droopalok, thanks.10:18
allefluxd, i don't like 10.10. you know how can i reconfigure it?10:19
FluxDalle, I would help if I knew but I dont, as a last resort try making a new account and see if it works10:20
allei tried that thanx10:20
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gracekellyFluxD, could i resolve one cuestion?? please...    how i can show fixed text withouth the fixed propierty in Amaya?10:20
gracekellywith using position:fixed10:20
tomanhello there. I'm kinda new to ubuntu and i can't install my video drivers. I'm using ubuntu 10.10 x64 and the video is ati x55010:21
tomancan anyone help me ?10:21
alleanybody else know how can i reconfigure network10:21
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FluxDgracekelly, I dont use amaya so I dont know10:21
gracekellyhow i can show fixed text in Amaya using position:static??10:22
FluxDtoman, system > preferences > adminstration > additional drivers ?10:22
gracekellyhow i can show fixed text in Amaya using position:static ?? UBUNTU10:23
FluxDgracekelly, ask the amaya help channel10:24
gracekellyok, where is these chanel, please??10:24
miho_akahello world !10:24
sveinseDo you know of a good book which talks about the debian package system?10:24
Dr_Willissveinse:  theres numerous apt docs/manuals/guides online10:25
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)10:25
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FluxDgracekelly, http://www.w3.org/Amaya/User/Mailing.html10:25
gracekellydo you kown anybody who uses amaya??10:25
* Dr_Willis dosent even know what Amaya is.10:26
FluxDgracekelly, A public irc channel #amaya is available on irc.w3.org (port 6665).10:26
tomanfluid, "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"10:26
tomanFluxD , "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"10:26
FluxDtoman, What driver do you need?10:26
RaymondHi All, I'm trying to install drivers for my Epson CX3900 printer/scanner, but can't find one. The Avasys site states that they do, but they don't. The closest is a CX3810 which lets me print, but not scan. Any ideas?10:27
gracekellythanks you FluxD   :)!!10:27
Dr_WillisRaymond:  check the  'sane.org' site to see if it mentions the scanner part of the device. t may have some info.10:27
tomanwell i need a driver for my video (ati radeon x550)10:27
ubottuScanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR10:27
RaymondDr_Willis: Ok..10:27
hroswhat's that parted_server supposed to do anyway? If I manually partition & format my disk, how can I skip the "parted_server" step in the installation?10:28
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Dr_WillisRaymond:  the combos ive had. always basically work as 2 seperate devices10:28
tomanFluxD,  i found a driver on the official website, but it's *.run format and i have no idea how to install it :D10:28
Dr_Willishros:  i thought the parted_server thing was a backend to the parted front end.10:28
RaymondDr_Willis: That does not surprise me, thanks.10:29
alleanybody know how can i reconfigure network10:29
FluxDtoman, download the driver, goto terminal, chmod +x filename.run, then ./filename.run10:29
Dr_Willistoman:  using the .run drivers from the ati site.. often.. causes issues. its best to use the package manager drivers. if they support your card.10:29
Dr_Willistoman:  so dont be too suprised if that .run dosent work properly10:29
tomanDr_Willis, i cant download the drivers from package manager ...10:30
RaymondDr_Willis: sane.org is a mental illness website and !sane.org does not exist10:30
argyleRunning Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6000D. After testing WEp cracking with aircrack-ng, my wireless card is no longer detected from within the network manager dropdown menu, which would usually show available wireless networks. I ran lspci, which shows Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] is present. Thinking it's disabled, I ran rfkill list, but it outputs nothing. Any help?10:31
Dr_Willissane = scanner access made easy10:32
Dr_Willisgoogle is handy :)10:33
RaymondDr_Willis: I just found it the same way LOL10:33
jonsainthi all. anyone about to help?????10:33
Dr_Willisjonsaint:  state the problem. see who can help10:33
hrosdr_willis, I think it's a bit strange to use a seperate server-process for that.10:33
hrosanyway, that wont help me.10:34
drt42982934Hi, i have a bunch of files ending with .flv.mp3 , which i need to rename so they end in just .mp3 , what is the command i should use?10:34
jonsaintim trying to install software which came built in to my phone which is an exe file so i can link my phone to my pc but wine has blocked it and something popped up about the 'executable bit'. i dont know what to do next as im a new ubuntu user.10:34
hrosfor i in *.flv; do j=`basename $i .flv"; mv $i $j; done10:35
pksadiqjonsaint: right click on the file and check wether it is marked as executable10:35
tomanFluxD,  http://www.pasteall.org/1886110:35
tomanthat's what i get when i try to install it ...10:35
hrosups, sorry, that's wrong10:35
minimecjonsaint: chmod +x yourfile.exe10:35
Dr_Willishros:  im not even sure what your orignal problem is...10:35
FluxDtoman, your install is 32 or 64 bit?10:35
argyleAnyone able to offer assistance with my above wireless problem?10:35
hrosfor i in *.flv.mp3; do j=`basename *.flv.mp3`; mv $i $j.mp3; done10:36
hrosbut try the "mv" first with "echo mv $i $j.mp3" to check if there's an error in that line10:36
FluxDjonsaint, chmod +x filename10:36
toman64 buts10:36
toman64 bits&10:36
jonsainti got no such directory10:36
tomanFluxD, 64 bits10:36
Guest36120Hi. Where can I find gnome-shell's ppa?10:36
FluxDjonsaint, right click file permissions make file executable10:37
minimecjonsaint: Right click on the exe file in the filemanager. under <properties<permissions ->'allow execution'10:37
FluxDGuest36120, try launchpad10:37
DoctorWHO Eleison10:37
sindksHi, I tried installing ubuntu on an external drive (computer also runs windows off the main drive) and now goes right to grub rescue when I start my computer - anyone around that can help me fix this?10:37
hrosdr_willis, I cannot install 10.10 (and 10.04) from the USB-stick, because parted_server seems to crash. in /var/log/syslog, I find10:37
Guest36120FluxD, Looking at it right now.10:37
=== Doctor is now known as Guest64036
hrosdr_willis, Feb  6 14:17:46 ubuntu ubiquity: Backtrace has 14 calls on stack:10:37
hrosdr_willis, Feb  6 14:17:46 ubuntu ubiquity:   14: /lib/libparted.so.0(ped_assert+0x2a) [0x810:37
argyleRunning Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6000D. After testing WEp cracking with aircrack-ng, my wireless card is no longer detected from within the network manager dropdown menu, which would usually show available wireless networks. I ran lspci, which shows Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] is present. Thinking it's disabled, I ran rfkill list, but it outputs nothing. Any help?10:37
hrosdr_willis, .... until Feb  6 14:17:46 ubuntu ubiquity:   1: parted_server() [0x8049de1]10:38
jonsaintSorry, could not change the permissions of "setup.exe": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system10:38
FluxDargyle, maybe its in/out of monitor mode ?10:38
hrosdr_willis, the installer will display an ever-rotating dial in the "preparing to install" window/screen10:38
Guest36120FluxD, there is https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/gnome-shell but I don't knew if it's "OK". Can you tell?10:38
droopalHi can I ask the question again, I am trying to do a fresh install, I am running Ubuntu nut am having problems with usb's and my external dvd player/rewriter.....getting an error saying cant mount dont have authorisation. I want to do a complete clean install, but cant. Can any body either help, or possibly point me in another direction to get help. Thank you.10:38
pksadiqjonsaint: copy that file to Desktop and then change the permission10:38
Dr_Willisjonsaint:  you can use wine from the command line. and run a exe that way.. 'wine /media/CDROM/setup.exe'   and  get around that quirk.10:39
Dr_Willisjonsaint:  or under applications -> wine -> Uninstall wine software -  Theres a 'install' button.10:39
argyleFluxD: How can I verify and/or change that?10:39
FluxDjonsaint, to run exe files you need wine goto winehq.org and read10:39
FluxDargyle, I forget but wep cracking turns on monitor or turns off monitor, google your card and see10:40
pksadiqDr_Willis: how to rename a bulk of *.html files to *.htm file?10:40
jonsainti dragged it to desktop and checked box but when i double click all it does is hang for a few seconds and then nothing happens10:40
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hrosfor i in *.html; j=`basename $i .html`; mv $i $j.htm; done10:41
Dr_Willispksadiq:  theres dozens of ways to do that.  a google search will find proberly 10+ bash examples of doing it.10:41
Dr_Willispksadiq:  you could also use find, or i think the 'rename' command.10:41
pksadiqjonsaint: in Terminal (CTRL +ALT + T) and type wine ~/Desktop/setup.exe10:41
pksadiqDr_Willis: does rename can rename many files at a time?10:42
jonsainttried that. again hung for a few seconds before bringing back up the prompt10:42
pksadiqDr_Willis: let me check  the man page10:43
serializedHi all, is it normal for a nvidia pcie card to jump to different pages -> NVRM: Xid (0001:00)10:43
Dr_Willispksadiq:  good idea. I tend to just use 'qmv' for my fancy renameing needs10:43
iratechhello room10:44
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argyleFluxD: Soapparently you can change the wireless iterface to monitor mode with iwconfig. However, only lo and eth0 and shown in iwconfig. It appears like, despite my wireless card being in the lspci output, it's not being actually being detected?10:45
HobbesIf I install torrant program under live CD ubuntu, then download something with the torrant onto the HDD, what would happen with that download if I restart?10:46
FluxDargyle, maybe the module is not loaded or blacklisted? tried restarting?10:46
argyleFluxD: Tried restarting multiple times hoping it would somehow work again.10:47
rac_anyone heard if there's an ubuntu installer to install (another version) of ubuntu to another partition while running ubuntu ?10:47
FluxDargyle, try asking the aircrack channel10:48
HobbesSo the download would still be there?10:48
RaymondDr_Willis: Looks like the driver I've installed before is working, thanks for your help...10:48
pksadiqDr_Willis: rename worked well, Thanks10:49
sacarlsonrac_:  you can setup another grub2 entry to boot an iso to install a version of something from within a ubuntu sesion10:49
FluxDHobbes, I dont think so10:49
rac_sac: Thanks. That would need booting again. Is there any way to just apt-get install ubuntu installer and let it install everything?10:49
HobbesYou don't think the program would still be there fluxD? Why wouldn't it be?10:50
argyleFluxD: will do, thanks!10:50
FluxDBecause livecd runs from RAM10:50
FluxDHobbes, ^10:50
bindiHobbes: if you download to a HDD it will stay there10:51
Dr_WillisHobbes:  your torrent app would not have its settings saved.. and it would not rember what it had done in the past.. the stuff it DID download to the hdd would still be there..10:51
rac_oh, I could propably download the iso and virtualbox and let the VBox  use partition to install to10:51
rac_maybe even qemu?10:51
Dr_WillisHobbes:  thats the whole point of having a 'save file' on a livecd-flash setup.10:51
FluxDDr_Willis, what about something downloaded to desktop in livecd . What happens after reboot?10:52
sacarlsonrac_: just add a grub2 custom40 entry with something like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860410:52
pksadiqHobbes: probably hopefully I think , your download continue from the stopped position if you show the torrent software , the same path you saved before10:52
HobbesIf the torrent program is on a usb flash drive, why couldn't it save its settings?10:53
Dr_WillisFluxD:  desktop is not on a HD.. it would be gone10:53
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if he Installed the torrent apt via package manager.. it installed to RAM...10:53
Dr_WillisHobbes:  IF you dont have a 'save file' then NO permenet settings or files get saved to the 'system'10:53
Dr_WillisANything Not saved specifically to a HD.. is gone.10:54
HobbesCan't I tell it to install the torrant program to flash drive or HDD?10:54
Dr_Willisso Make a 'save' file on your usb setup10:54
Dr_WillisHobbes:  depends on what torrent app.10:54
pksadiqHobbes: the files if saved to USB of HD  will be there untill you delete10:54
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if you Installed the torrent apt via package manager.. it installed to RAM...10:54
sacarlsonrac_:  just point the isofile to the iso boot image you want to install in menuentry "Ubuntu" {     set isofile="/boot/isos/ubuntu.iso"10:55
HobbesSo how do I install it to the flash drive or the HDD?10:55
Dr_WillisHobbes:  you find some torrent app that you install some way OTHER then the pacakge manager..10:56
Dr_WillisHobbes:  what are you trying to acomplish exactly anyway?10:56
FluxDHobbes, when in livecd mode it mounts the hdd and/or usb devices, you can save to them and file will be there10:56
diskinhi all, is it a known problem, then when I find any text in chromium, it get's highlited, and then if I switch to another tab, select something with mouse, then switch back to the tab with highlited word, it replaces my Linux selection buffer automatically?10:57
argyleOK, #aircrack told me it's not something they can help with, so let's try a different angle. Why would I see my wireless card when I run lspci, but no wireless interfaces when I run iwconfig?10:58
TanvirHello, where I can recover the chat log of pidgin in ubuntu? Pidgin is keeping all the logs, but I don't know where it's keeping all those logs.10:58
Dr_WillisTanvir:  i would look in .pidgin perhasps or in .config/pidgin or use find/grep to searh throuigh the files in your Home. for somthing that seems related to pidgin10:59
HobbesI want to make a USB flash drive boot from a ancient old PC to have a OS like ubuntu on a new PC to download win7 to install so that the new PC has ubuntu and win7 in duel boot, I know I will need to repair  grub if I install ubuntu rather then run it from a live version10:59
psycho_oreosargyle, check via lspci -nnk and also check dmesg as to the possible reasons why10:59
ysisIs there a better way than dd to make an (mountable) .iso image from a partition on a hdd?11:00
Dr_WillisHobbes:  make a usb setup with a persistant 'save' file . and  have it save the torrents to the hard drive somewhere. then you can do whatever you want to the files. if your flash drive is big enough - you could put a large save file on it.. and keep the torrent downloads there also.11:00
HobbesDr_willis: but repairing grub might be easier then trying to set up a torrant download under a live11:00
MindSparkcan someone help me set up twinview ?11:00
Dr_WillisHobbes:  it pays to learn how to repair grub.. yes.11:00
MindSparkit feel like the dfp is not working at all11:01
Dr_WillisMindSpark:  all ive ever done for twinview.. install the nvidia drivers.. reboot. run nvidia-settings, check enable twinvieqw.. restart X server.. done.11:01
MindSparkDr_Willis, how do I test if the DFP is actually connected ? It is seen by nvidia-settings, but it's as if it's not even on11:02
HobbesDr_willis: is it really very much work or very complicated to repair grub after a windows install?11:02
Dr_WillisHobbes:  takes me about 40 sec to fix...11:02
argylepsycho_oreos: lspci -nnk shows me detailed information about the card, but nothing else that I can tell would help me. As for dmesg, is there a way to better filter the output to look for something related to wlan?11:02
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if you gto a working system and a spare flash drive. you can install grub to the flash drive and use that as a 'backup' to boot the system to linux after you install windows also.11:03
TanvirDr_Willis, I see nothing named .pidgin or in .config/pidgin11:03
Daghdha'lo .. how can i see if i have 32 or 64 bit ubuntu installed?11:03
Dr_WillisHobbes:  plug in flash drive do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and be sure to tell it to isntall to the flash.11:03
HobbesTo do a what?11:03
Dr_WillisTanvir:  use the find command perhaps and search  your home for log files. or the other file search features of gnome. I dont use pidgin at all.11:03
psycho_oreosargyle, normally, for almost each of the listed devices it would show the relevant kernel modules that are loaded (which will be shown as in use) and what other modules are available under lspci -nnk (hence the -k switch). As for dmesg, not really, you could probably just grep out ipw2200 but might even be a good idea to pastebin the entire log so that I or someone else might be able to help11:04
HobbesAre you talking about something that a regular live CD usb flash drive could do?11:04
Dr_WillisHobbes:  to make a 'grub boot' flash drive.. to boot the system back to luinux after wndows trashes the grub menu.11:04
TanvirDr_Willis, how to do tha?11:04
psycho_oreosDaghdha, uname -a, look at the last few words at the end11:04
psycho_oreosDaghdha, better yet iirc its uname -m11:04
TanvirDr_Willis, I mean use the search.. How can I do that?11:04
Dr_WillisTanvir:  perhaps 'find  | grep pidgin'11:04
HobbesYou mean every time I want to boot to linux?11:04
Dr_WillisTanvir:  or places -> search for files11:05
HobbesOr something that will fix the grub?11:05
eichipksadiq: i try it now with plop bootmanager and usb driver. cd driver allways couses read write errors11:05
Dr_WillisHobbes:  No... its a RESCUE flash drive i made.. that lets me get back to linux IF windows trashes the MBR.11:05
Dr_Willishandy use for old small flash drives.11:05
Dr_Williswindows trashes my mbr.. i pup in the flash drive.. boot it.. it boots grub and loads my installed ubuntu os.. i then use the proper command to reinstall grub to the mbr.. windows damage is then fixed.11:06
eichiDr_Willis: what is "windows"? ;)11:06
argylepsycho_oreos: http://pastebin.com/N8RPHj6111:06
Daghdhax86 6411:06
Dr_Williseichi:  what does 'what' mean.. :)11:06
Daghdhaso that'll be 64bit i take it11:06
psycho_oreosDaghdha, that's definitely 64bit11:06
HobbesOh, I reinstall grub from within the linux boot?11:07
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DaghdhaI tried installling grub2 several times yesterday on my restored backup disk. I tried several methods, none worked. grub2 is realy a crime to get working. Is there an alternative to booting into my linux?11:07
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if you can boot to your original system you  just rerun 'sudo update-grub' to have it reinstall grub.11:08
shoooodhi, i have a toshipa lap top and the wireless didn't work ?? does it need any configuration ?????11:08
karlo94when I start downloading torrent on transmission it's ask me what I want to download, I check thing that I wanna download, and it ignore me.. it download all, any suggestion?11:08
psycho_oreosargyle, there's an issue with the firmware according to the dmesg output, check lines 727-72911:09
HobbesDr_Willis: original system=within linux?11:09
Dr_WillisHobbes:  my original system = the linux i allready had installed.. so yes.11:10
psycho_oreosDaghdha, normally its possible via liveCD/liveDVD/liveUSB boot, mount and chroot into your linux setup and resetup grub or grub2 from there11:10
TanvirDr_Willis, I found the answer in #pidgin. --> ~/.purple/logs !11:10
Dr_Williskarlo94:  transmissions is a rather basic client. You may want to try others.11:10
TanvirDr_Willis, thanks for your effort!11:10
Dr_WillisTanvir:  it pays to learn how to search for files. :) good to have google skills also.. heh11:10
karlo94Dr_Willis, is deluge good? ..what do you recommend?11:11
HobbesSo how do I turn a Bootable live! Ubuntun created my unetbootin usb flash drive, into one that has the grub necessary to load back into the original linux install? It wouldn't already come with that?11:11
Daghdhapsycho_oreos: I tried several ways of doing just that yesterday.11:12
DaghdhaAnd none of them worked.11:12
Dr_Williskarlo94:  depends on your needs. ive been using qbittorrent lately. Ktorrent is also a fave..11:12
Daghdhai tried the chroot thing and the grub2-install --rootdirectory thing11:12
n20I'm guiding my mom to get network running on a 7.04 live-cd, what's the DHCP-client in use there and how do I get an ip? `sudo dhclient`?11:13
karlo94Dr_Willis, tnx, I gonna try  qbittorrent :)11:13
psycho_oreosDaghdha, that should be the universal way, albeit ancient, normally when chroot is setup right you basically have the setup of your own linux machine apart from running the kernel and initrd from your machine11:13
Dr_WillisHobbes:  unetbootin uses 'syslinux' not grub last i checked.. if you have your linux system booted to. You can use any flash drive and that 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' command to put a 'grub' restore type setup on it..  it dosent even have to be a big flash drive.. 128mb is enough even..11:13
voshis ur mom a computer operator?11:13
n20vosh: Soon to be lol. :-)11:13
Dr_Willisn20:  7.04 is very very old.. you may want to find a newer cd.11:14
psycho_oreosn20, that sounds ancient, 7.04, might not even be supported11:14
voshit always need a guru to configure linux11:14
n20Well, I don't have a newer at their place.11:14
vosheven for trivial things11:14
n207.04 should be working, via wired11:14
Dr_Willisvosh:  dont spread rumors please...11:14
pksadiqDr_Willis: how to repartition a pendrive messed up with cat /dev/null         parted and fdisk doesn't work well11:14
DaghdhaIs it correct that when you copy the MBR and then restore it on a relpaced disk that it does not work?11:14
Dr_Willispksadiq:  gparted should ask to make a 'partition layout' (or somthing liek that) on it.. you would select 'dos' then it should let you make partitions.11:15
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  depends on how you copied it. The partition mayout may be differnt. that can cojfuse things11:15
psycho_oreosDaghdha, it depends on how you saved MBR initially, normally the stuff is not easily accessible and requires dd11:15
HobbesDr_Willis: So I can use unetbootin live to install linux, then use that command to put the grub restore thing on that same USB flash drive?11:16
Daghdhai used dd and did 1st 512 bytes of the device11:16
pksadiqDr_Willis: I don't have access to GUI11:16
Dr_WillisHobbes:  not from a unetbootin live system.. if you had an installed system.. you could.11:16
Dr_WillisHobbes:  and not on the 'same' flash drive as your unetbootin system.. a differnt flash drive11:16
Daghdhai will try tha chroot once mare later.11:16
sacarlsonDaghdha: what problems do you see at boot time, what problem are you having?  what command did you use to install the mbr to your boot disk?11:17
Dr_Willispksadiq:  fdisk should work or parted.. or i would suggest a 'gparted live cd' also.11:17
xannaxI have a bash script here that is driving me crazy, I wonder if someone will have a look at it...Here it is:_uamq="${mysql} -u '${_madminuser}' -h '${_mhost}' -p'${_madminpwd}' -e \"CREATE DATABASE ${_db};\""11:17
Dr_Willispksadiq:  ive had to use dd to 'zero' out flash drives in the past..11:17
psycho_oreosDaghdha, you need to follow a proper guide, such as the need to also mount /dev, /proc and what not11:17
DaghdhaI did11:17
xannaxit works; I mean, if on the next line I echo $_uamq, and copy-paste it, it works as intended11:18
andrelindgrenHello! When I run update-grub it can't find my Win7-partition, even though it's browseable in Nautilus. Any suggestions? :)11:18
xannaxbut if I just ouput the line in the script, then I get mysql's help, as if I had no arguments11:18
xannaxany suggestion?11:18
HobbesDr_willis: If I used the unetbootin live system to install ubuntu I said. I could then use that install to make that grub restore system?11:18
DaghdhaOk, where can i find an ubuntu CD that goes to shell and not to X?11:18
Dr_WillisHobbes:  the command i gave 'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' needzs to be ran from a 'working' ubuntu install11:19
DaghdhaBecause the Live CD only lets me go to X and that doesn't work because it needs some kernel params i don't know currently.11:19
sacarlsonDaghdha: problem some people do is the install the mbr to the wrong disk , this can happen if you boot from a usb that becomes /dev/sda  and your boot disk becomes /dev/sdb  later when usb is not installed your boot disk becomes /dev/sda with no mbr11:19
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  alternative installer cd can do that.   you could also try the 'nomodeset' or 'text' options to the live cd you have.11:19
shoooodwhat does " Wrong architecture 'amd64'  " mean ????11:20
HobbesDr_willis: which can be made by the unitbootin live, right?!?11:20
DaghdhaDr_Willis" ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent  <- that?11:20
red2kicshooood: It mean you need to use 32bit, I suppose.11:20
shoooodred2kic : it appears when i tried to install skype11:21
HobbesDr_Willis: Unitbootin live can be used to install ubuntu???11:21
Dr_WillisHobbes:  yes..11:22
red2kicshooood: Run "uname -m" -- It'll tell you what machine you have. If you're on amd64, you may have to install lib32.11:22
Dr_WillisHobbes:  theres other tools like lili, and others at pendrivelinux web site that can  do what unetbootin does.. and make a persistant save file.. unetbootin dosent have that feature last i checked11:22
serializeddoes any one have nvrm xid paging errors?  ive looked all over on the net but no one has seem to come up with an answer?  im using nvidia fx 350m11:23
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  the alt-cd uses a text based installer yes..  depending ion what you want to do.11:23
HobbesDr_Willis: and then when it does install ubuntu, that install can be used to make that grub restoring program?11:23
Daghdhai wanna chroot it and grub-update it11:23
serializedNVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0000 07f4 0012aa04 00000000 7e33f000 0000000011:24
Dr_WillisHobbes:  if you have ubuntu intalled.. yes.. that install can be used to generaate a  flash drive that can boot THAT install if windows trashes it..11:24
* Daghdha cringes11:25
Dr_Willisfor every ubuntu box i 'make' i keep a flash drive handy for a grub 'rescue' (a little flash,) and then i got a flash drive setup that i used to install from.11:25
HobbesDr_Willis Why can't the same USB flash drive be used for a grub rescue?11:26
Dr_WillisHobbes:  because you can only have ONE thing installed to the MBR of the flash drive11:26
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  i tend to use a command like --> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint  /dev/sda --recheck11:26
HobbesIt could be burned to a CD though?11:27
icedteawhats the name of the command when you can pipe something and for each argument it will ran the command x for you?11:27
Dr_WillisHobbes:  burn what to a cd?11:27
pawanI have just installed ubuntu and then tried to boot into windows 7 but it fails to boot.11:27
HobbesDr_Willis grub rescue program11:27
icedteaahh xargs11:27
Dr_WillisHobbes:  its not a 'program' its installing the GRUB to the MBR of the flash drive...11:27
Dr_WillisHobbes:  it takes no space on the flash drive. (its in the mbr),11:28
Dr_Willisthats why even a litlte 128mb flash drive can do it.11:28
HobbesDr_Willis: could that be burned onto a CD?11:28
Dr_WillisHobbes:  No.11:28
HobbesCould I store what ever I like on the rest of the usb flash drive?11:28
Dr_WillisHobbes:  yes.11:28
Dr_Willisit would be a fat32 or whatever fs.11:28
HobbesDr_Willis it has to be fat32?11:29
Dr_Willisit would be a fat32 >>>>>>>> or whatever fs. <<<<<<<<<11:29
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shoooodred2kic : does this lib 32 support skype ???11:29
HobbesDr_Willis: So NTFS or anything I like?11:30
Dr_WillisHobbes:  using ntfs on  a usb flash drive is a little overkill.11:30
Dr_WillisHobbes:  try it and see11:30
HobbesHow is that?11:30
red2kicshooood: Afaik, there are no amd64 binary for skype, only i386.11:30
DaghdhaDr_Willis: I tried that SEVERAL times. Always with the same result. It appears the bootloader starts looping or loop crashing with the screen blinking every second or so11:30
DaghdhaOh not with --recheck though11:30
HobbesHow is it overkill?11:30
Dr_WillisDaghdha:   thats weird..  My little grub reinstall notes -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/563376/11:31
DaghdhaAlso, i used grub211:31
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  ntfs on anything under 4gb is overkill.11:31
Hobbes*can't recall what FS stands for anyway*11:31
shoooodit told me so11:31
shoooodred2kic: it told me so11:31
shoooodred2kic: i38611:31
voshFS = file system11:32
HobbesDr_Willis: I assume that was directed at me even though you said daghdha, Well some of my USB flash drives are 8gb11:32
shoooodred2kic: sorry i68611:32
HobbesDr_Willis: anyway, even if it is overkill, what does it matter as long as it works?11:32
pawanI have just installed ubuntu and then tried to boot into windows 7 but it fails to boot.  \11:32
Dr_WillisHobbes:  go do what you want then.11:32
HobbesDr_Willis is there a disdvantage to overkill?11:32
red2kicshooood: Okay. Fast question. How did you get Skype? From the website?11:33
shoooodred2kic: yes11:33
red2kicshooood: You want 32-bit, not 64-bit. Did you get 64-bit?11:33
Anubis1i just upgraded some packages on my 1004LTS machine(kubuntu) and now i can see only some colored rectangles on my screen.11:33
HobbesDr_Willis Does NTFS use more space or something?11:33
shoooodred2kic: how can i know11:33
Dr_WillisHobbes:  it can. and its not supported  as well.11:33
Anubis1i cant access any console11:33
Anubis1what should i do ?11:33
red2kicshooood: What does the file say?11:33
Dr_WillisHobbes:  and if you notice  - unetbootin and other usb-disk creator tools almost always use fat3211:34
ysisAnubis1: So you cannot get to tty1 with Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?11:34
HobbesDr_Willis supported by what?11:34
shoooodred2kic: skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd6411:34
andrelindgrenHello! When I run update-grub it can't find my Win7-partition, even though it's browseable in Nautilus. Any suggestions? :)11:34
Dr_WillisHobbes:  usb disk creator tools for starters..11:34
Anubis1ysis: i tried already11:34
red2kicshooood: Wrong file. Go and grab 32-bit.11:34
HobbesDr_Willis I was told unetbootin uses what ever format is on the disk, that unetbootin supports all the FS, am I wrong?11:34
shoooodred2kic : thanks i'll try it11:35
HobbesI mean was I told wrong?11:35
shoooodred2kic: how can i sreach for a pregram using terminal11:35
Dr_WillisHobbes:  i always see it use fat32, Most flash drives come fat3211:35
llutz apt-cache search pattern1 pattern2 program11:35
red2kicshooood: "apt-cache search pidgin"11:35
skurakaiHi. I'am looking for game like rLines (glines with showing next turn - colours and place for showing new bubbles)11:36
DaghdhaUSB Installer doesn't know; ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso  should i just rename it to a desktop 10.10 version it does know?11:36
shoooodred2kic: thanks11:36
Anubis1so, any idea ?11:36
HobbesDr_Willis: Does unetbootin support FS other then fat32 or not?11:36
Dr_WillisHobbes:  ive never noticed or tried or needed it to support anything else.11:36
ysisAnubis1: So you're stuck in a unusable X11 session? You could try Alt+SysRq+R to get the keybord to raw mode. Then try Alt+F1 again.11:37
Daghdhawhy isn't there a boot iso that just lets you pick a boot partition? Or am i askings omething stupid now?11:37
skurakairlines under wine doesn't work correctly11:37
kyboshhi guys, i just installed ubuntu for netbook and i encountered one small problem - i cant connect to wifi. I got all needed drivers and updates, but i cant switch my wifi adapter ON - there is hardware switch (ON) and keybord switch (unactive). Seems like i have accidentaly switched my adapter OFF in windows before installing ubuntu and now i  cant switch it ON, because I deleted windows already...Is there some way how to switch my wif11:37
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  because to boot specific os's often requires specific arguments/options.11:37
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  there as some 'super grub' type disks out that may try to be smarter about it.11:37
Temari broke my server :'(11:38
ysisAnubis1: Alt+SysRq+K should kill X, but maybe it will just restart and give the same situation. I would disable autostarting X11 and try with startx first.11:38
Temari broke my server :'(11:38
HobbesDr_Willis: What do you mean the other FS can use up more space, they either do or don't I would think11:38
Temarcant get it too boot up now11:39
bazhanghttp://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#requirements  Hobbes have a read11:39
Dr_WillisHobbes:  You dont understand the internals of differnt filesystems then.11:39
bazhangHobbes, please do some reading on this. this is getting offtopic11:39
Daghdhahehe super grub2 disk is what i want i think.. will try that l;ater too11:39
Dr_WillisHobbes:  a 1tb hard drive formated to fat32, vs one with ntfs.. will have differnt amounts of useable space.11:39
Anubis1ysis: i'm stucked in something. i don't know where. is there a way to restart in some interactive way and tell which services to start and which not >11:39
Dr_WillisHobbes:  and ext2/ext3/ext4 will also differ11:39
HobbesDr_Willis: With more advanced systems having less usable space?11:40
bazhang!ot | Hobbes11:40
ubottuHobbes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:40
bazhangHobbes, please get back on topic.11:40
Dr_WillisHobbes:  check the wikipedia on filesytems it explanis it i think.11:40
HobbesBazhang: I've looked that page before11:40
ysisAnubis1: So switching to raw mode didn't work?11:41
Anubis1ysis: it didnt work at all11:41
bazhangHobbes, this is not the place to discuss file system advantages/disadvantages. Please do some reading up on it.11:41
Hobbesbazhang: This relates to installing ubuntin from a flash drive11:41
Anubis1it like being dead somehow11:41
bazhangHobbes, it requires fat32. lets move on11:41
HobbesDr_Willis, PM me please?11:42
Dr_WillisHobbes:  i could of had ubuntu installed 5 times in the time this converstation has been going on....11:42
ysisAnubis1: Hmm, do you have ssh access to the machine? I don't know how to enable/disable services in ubuntu at boot time... In Gentoo I can use press "i" to get into interactive boot mode. Don't know if this works for ubuntu or kubuntu11:42
Temarhow can i fix m disk so it boots again?11:42
piper69how can i sniff packet between two router in my lan using tcpdump please?11:43
llutz!details | Temar11:43
ubottuTemar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:43
HobbesDr_Willis so no PM?11:44
Anubis1ysis: i know that "i" is entering in interactive mode (redhat) but i'm not sure if it's working on ubuntu/kukbuntu11:44
llutzTemar: "cant get it too boot " is no error description11:44
Temari got ubuntu 9.04 i was trying to setup raid, but due to not having seperate boot partitions i had problems, i can cant even get it to load it said system not found11:44
Dr_WillisHobbes:  I got other things going on.  you may want to read up on filsystems and stuff to learn fundamentals..11:44
Dr_WillisHobbes:  stick to the actual ubuntu probolems you are having in here.. (what IS the actual problem anyway?()11:45
pooltablehow to update maps on a gps tomtom?11:45
vinodkumarI cannot mount a specific ntfs partition11:45
vinodkumarI want to mount 3 partitions at boottime11:45
vinziehello peeps11:45
ysisAnubis1: So did you try or google for ubuntu interactive boot mode? Sorry that I can't help more, but I never booted ubuntu interactively.11:46
Temarvinodkumar i think u need /etc/fstab11:46
vinodkumarI edited fstab11:46
vinodkumarBut the sda5 is not mounting..11:46
vinziei m tryin to use my webcam...but its sayin video ot found..11:46
ysisAnubis1: You could also use a live cd to change the startup behavior I guess. But this is maybe a little fiddly.11:46
Dr_Willisvinodkumar:  the other 2 are working?11:47
jacktheripperI'm trying to compile a ruby extension. It can't find -lruby-static and libruby-static.a isn't there in any package on the ubuntu repos.11:47
HobbesDr_Willis: Not sure if I am allowed to say or not11:47
sacarlsonTemar: did you use the alternate adition to install your raid system,  it seems to guide you through what can and can't do11:47
Temari was just doing wat some webpage said to do11:48
icedteahow can I tell what version of ubuntu I'm on? Can't remember if I'm 10.10 or something else11:48
Temari dont care about getting raid setup now, just want it bk online :p11:48
sacarlsonTemar: so setup using the desktop edition?11:48
bazhangicedtea, lsb_release -a  in terminal11:48
vinodkumarAfter adding this, If I click on the partition in nautilus it says not privileged11:48
Temari was doing comands and file edits11:49
Dr_Willisvinodkumar:  you need to use proper options to allow users to fully access the ntfs filesystems11:49
icedteacool thanks bazhang11:49
Dr_Willisvinodkumar:  you may want to install and run the 'ntfs-config' tool.11:49
awesomenicknamehey hey, tried to use Blueman. "Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue." Googled a bit, but nothing useful. When I start `bluetoothd -u`, it, well, starts. How can I trace the problem?11:49
Temari been undoing the file edits already using a recovering console11:49
ysisicedtea: Try Google first. ;-)11:49
Temartried doing a grub reinstall also11:50
th_awesomenickname, do you have a bluetooth service running?11:50
sacarlsonTemar: if not much to loose sometimes easier just to reinstall11:50
Temaralot to lose11:50
Temarwebsite, bots all sorts11:50
Temaraltho i can transfer over onto a new install11:51
Temarbut i wana get it all online asap11:51
Temarnew install is alot of work11:51
bazhang!enter | Temar11:51
ubottuTemar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:51
sacarlsonTemar: trial and error is alot of work,  install is about 30 min11:51
awesomenicknameth_ I'm not sure what is bluetooth service exactly.    $ ps aux | grep blue       gives me:            root  3252  0.0  0.1  27472  2016 ?  Ss   14:47   0:00 bluetoothd -u11:52
Temarinstall yes, setup everything not so quick :/11:52
awesomenicknameth_ I also use wifi keyboard, but I had to pair it via cron through this:     hidd --connect E8:06:88:40:4F:2E11:52
Temari dont mind install cuz it will be nice having a cleaned up system and latest version cuz im stuck/bugged at 9.04, its just time11:52
sacarlsonTemar: ok so what does sudo fdisk -l look like now then11:53
Temarand server get used alot at certain times11:53
Temarhold on let me load up console11:53
th_awesomenickname, service called "bluetooth".11:53
rsvi am a broadcom wifi on my laptop it works on windows. how do i make it to work on ubuntu11:55
awesomenicknameth_ no, there is only "bluetoothd". Also, when I start ubuntu's default bluetooth config, it says "Bluetooth disabled", with huge "Turn on" button. If I press it, nothing happens. If I reopen this setting, it still says "disabled"11:56
vinodkumarntfs-config tool is not running11:57
vinodkumarIt is crashing11:57
Dr_Willisi was hopeing they had fixed that...11:58
awesomenicknameth_  `sudo service bluetooth start` does the same thing - it starts bluetoothd (successfully, as I can tell by syslog)11:58
sacarlsonrsv: slight more info on the broadcom would help like is it usb or pci,  if usb I can't help you, otherwise lshw | pastebinit11:58
Temarok done the command, i got 2 drives listed, top (the 1 i want) has 3 partitians sda1 has * under Boot11:58
rsvi think it is pci or built into the motherboard11:59
awesomenicknameth_    /etc/init.d/bluetooth status    ->    * bluetooth is running11:59
th_awesomenickname, good11:59
rsvi am not sure11:59
th_awesomenickname, so what was the problem?11:59
sacarlsonrsv: if there no stick sticking out then it's pci11:59
awesomenicknameth_ problem is, default manager says bluetooth is disabled, and blueman says "Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue."12:00
th_awesomenickname, theres a daemon called bluez. do you have that one running?12:01
awesomenicknameth_ no. How can I start it manually?12:01
nettezzaumanahi there12:02
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
th_awesomenickname, command line?12:02
pooltablehow to update maps on a gps tomtom?12:02
nettezzaumanawould any of you gimme list of packages related to default vnc stack in Ubuntu ... i think that "dpkg -S `which Xvnc`" will cover that12:03
vinodkumarwow.. partition at boot time fixed.. thanks12:03
KrupteinHey I get this error after doing gksudo dpkg -i file.deb   http://dpaste.com/391260/12:04
Krupteinany ideas?12:04
awesomenicknameth_ bluez package contains /etc/init.d/bluetooth, which I started earlier. There is no separate 'bluez' utility12:04
th_awesomenickname, aaah true. its just package containing everything needed12:04
rsvsacarlson: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/103013512:05
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: I'm not sure I understand but I think veno-server is one side and the client starts with vina??12:05
sacarlsonrsv: ok reading12:05
nettezzaumanasacarlson: o.O12:05
nettezzaumanasacarlson: i'm doing vnc package for opensuse and now i'm snooping how it's about with competitiors .. i expected that you're using one of tightvnc or tigervnc12:06
piper69IP ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com > my-srvr.local: ICMP echo reply, id 15910, seq 15928, length 6412:06
Temarsacarlson: done the command, i got 2 drives listed, top (the 1 i want) has 3 partitians sda1 has * under Boot12:06
piper69^^ what could be using this ?12:07
red2kic_piper69: Run "lsof -i" -- You might get something useful.12:08
Seveasnettezzaumana, the default vpn client in ubuntu isn't xvnc but vinagre12:08
rsvsacarlson: both wifi and ethernet use broadcom. i can use the ethernet but not thw wifi12:08
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:09
piper69red2kic waht is lsof -i please12:10
sacarlsonrsv: I can't seem to  see a wifi device in there12:10
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
nettezzaumanaSeveas: vpn != vnc .. i'm interested about vnc12:10
red2kic_piper69: ls (list) of (open files)12:10
sacarlsonrsv: I wonder if you have it disabled in bios or if rfkill will bring it back to life12:11
nettezzaumanaSeveas: sorry .. not clue what's *vinagre12:11
Seveasnettezzaumana, vinagre is a vnc client, "vpn" was a typo :)12:11
Seveas!info vinagre12:11
ubottuvinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 492 kB, installed size 1740 kB12:11
Temarno idea then sacarlson?12:11
nettezzaumanaSeveas: thanks .. i need to investigate what's it .. i'm actually considering to switch tightvnc -> tigervnc12:11
Seveasthough I prefer remmina myself12:11
rsvokay let me check12:12
rsvcan i check in windows?12:12
rsvhow do i?12:12
sacarlsonTemar: try install rfkill and see what it see's12:12
Temaruseing apt?12:13
DaghdhaDr_Willis: I tried super grub, it sees my grub on a partition and i tell it to boot. It then starts behaving exactly as when i try to boot from HDD. So i guess my grub2 installs to the MBR where correct. And something else is wrong.12:13
piper69red2kicwhy i got vino12:13
sacarlsonTemar: also look in bios boot see if wifi is visable there12:13
Temarerm wifi?12:13
Temarthink ur mixing up people12:14
DaghdhaScreen just flashes every 4 seconds or so.12:14
Temarapt-get cant find rfkill12:14
nettezzaumanaSeveas: would you pastebin for me or PM me a list of packages including that stack .. eg something like: dpkg -S `which Xvnc`; dpkg -S `which vncviewer`12:15
DaghdhaCould it be because there is no swap partition?12:15
piper69red2kic so why vino pinging yahoo12:15
Daghdha(partimage didn't let m emake a backup for that)12:15
red2kicpiper69: I have no idea.12:15
piper69red2kic i bet 'apt-get remove <pkg> --purge' will know better12:16
Temarok so when i installed ubuntu i got the server version, but i also installed stuff like ubuntu-desktop and KDE12:18
piper69ok so i removed vino but lsof -i still shows its running12:18
jribpiper69: so stop it12:18
piper69jrib kill it you mean12:18
Temarif i wanted to install new for same, should i get server version or just go for desktop (this is for a Server i just like a desktop on it)12:19
jribpiper69: I mean stop it.  Go to the gui and turn off desktop sharing.  That would be the first thing to try12:19
esmirlinhello! a question... i have a netbook and regular unity is sooooooo slow... so i want to know if someone has tryed the 2d version and if the performance really get better...12:19
Incarus6esmirlin, can you paste < glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" > ?12:20
piper69hahahahahahaha i can't beleive my self sometimes ....i have a terminal open on the server that is pinging yahoo12:20
jribpiper69: yahoo is going to be mad!12:21
esmirlinIncarus6, i'm not in ubuntu right now... i'm in bodhi (e17 ubuntu 10.04)12:21
piper69jrib hahah last time i was working on my server was Wed and it is Sun now...so that thing was pinging yahooo since Wed :D12:22
aLeSDhi all12:22
Incarus6esmirlin, Enlightenment? that command should work here too12:22
DaghdhaWhat would cause a ubuntu install to flash every four seconds at boot? (Like it's in some loop crashing)12:23
DaghdhaNo text output at all12:23
aLeSDhow can I check if my audio card EMU10k1 plays midi files ?12:23
Temarany 1 else able to help get my server book12:23
esmirlinok i'll try12:24
=== julie_ is now known as antoine[zen]
Temarboot*, i dont wana have to reinstall right now, i wana go bed and people wana use it in like 3 hours (like 50 people :/ )12:24
Incarus6Temar, whats the exact problem?12:25
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity12:25
Temarafter trying to setup raid1 which i dont care about now, it wont boot at all12:25
esmirlinIncarus6, direct rendering: Yes12:26
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  X server crashing/restarting could do that..12:26
pylixMy Windows 7 OS has failed to boot up ever since i installed Ubuntu 10.10 . when i ran the diagnostic CD,(windows 7 install disk) it detected the installation and reported there were no problems with the startup12:27
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  you have the system installed, or is this the live cd?12:27
Temarfdisk -l =  <Temar> ok done the command, i got 2 drives listed, top (the 1 i want) has 3 partitians sda1 has * under Boot12:27
Incarus6pylix, windows have to be allways the first partition on your hard drive, is that the case?12:27
DaghdhaDr_Willis: This is the backup i was grubbing. Turns out it was grubbed properly all the time and just doing something else wrong. It is IMMEDIATELY after boot.12:27
DaghdhaSo it'snot X.12:27
Daghdhaboot of the device, not linux12:28
pylixit's /dev/sda1 if that what you mean12:28
Dr_WillisDaghdha:   it could be plymouth goofing up.. have you tried the 'text' or 'nomode' set options?12:28
Daghdhai am guessing it's m issing swap?12:28
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  swap partitions shouldent be making it crash.12:28
Temarisnt swap memory extension?12:29
DaghdhaDr_Willis: there is NOTHING to nomode or text on. Ok..12:29
pylixcan i remove the boot altogether so windows can fix it's boot?12:29
Benkinoobyif i understood correctly, unity is an gnome-shell. so it's "somehow like a theme" for the gnome desktop?12:29
Benkinoobysom1 can verify that?12:29
LjLBenkinooby: it's much more than a theme12:29
johnnHi, I need some help12:29
Incarus6pylix, you mean the mbr?12:29
LjLBenkinooby: a "theme" is merely graphics for an existing program12:29
DaghdhaDr_Willis: I turn it on.. it boots from had and starts flashing every 4 seconds. (I see the 'analogue' my monitor put up when there's no VGA when it flashes. So something is wrong.12:29
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  if you dont see the grub menu. you hit the shift (or space?) key to get to the grub menu. and then can try some options.12:29
BenkinoobyLjL, yes i understood. i just wanted the get the relationship right12:29
esmirlinIncarus6, so?12:29
LjLBenkinooby: unity is the whole graphical environment from which you start programs12:29
Daghdhapretty much about to give up tbh.12:29
DaghdhaI don't see a grub menu12:30
Dr_Williscan you even get to the bios screen?  that almost sounds like somthing at the hardware issue if its crashing befor grub  even gets going.12:30
johnnAfter a clean up I did, everytime I reboot I have no window manager and I have to manualy enable the desktop effects.. What's going wrong?12:30
Incarus6esmirlin, interesting. can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:30
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  tap the shift key as it boots.. if grubs hidden it should show..12:30
BenkinoobyLjL, but what i want to know is that is is on top of gnome... just not using the gnome-shell12:30
=== hermidaprada is now known as dip
sacarlsonTemar: yes got you confused with rsv when you didn't  add anything about the subject sorry12:31
DaghdhaI see no grub12:31
LjLBenkinooby: that is correct12:31
=== dip is now known as hermidaprada
DaghdhaIf i boot CD or USB it works.12:31
Daghdhathe booting i mean, not my system.12:31
jukBenkinooby: on top of compiz also12:31
Dr_Willisif grub menu is set to be hidden.. you need to tap the shift key as it starts up. to get it to show. Or eidt the grub configs to make it always shopw.12:31
* Dr_Willis hates how the defaults are often to hide grub.12:31
Daghdhai tabbed the hell out o fit, see nothing12:32
johnnAfter a clean up I did, everytime I reboot I have no window manager and I have to manualy enable the desktop effects.. What's going wrong?12:33
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  sounds like its crashing befor grub even starts then.12:33
Incarus6johnn, but the problem is fixed yet?12:33
johnnany help, please?12:33
sacarlsonTemar: well I don't see any info about a raid install,  what you gave me just says you have 3 partitions12:33
pylixi've ran 3 OS's(1 Ubuntu, windows xp and 7) before with no boot issues so i'm not sure what it is when i ever i try to boot windows it's just a black screen with a _ in the upper right corner. i've waited like 5 mins but it never moves12:33
DaghdhaBow before super grub disk!12:33
esmirlinIncarus6, http://pastebin.com/tapXvMYz12:34
DaghdhaIt is booting my backup12:34
Dr_Willisjohnn:  perhaps install and run 'fusion-icon' that will let you select compiz or metacity as the default window manager.12:34
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  :) there ya go.12:34
johnnWhen I enable desktop effects is fixed, but after each reboot I loose the settings..12:34
sacarlsonTemar: what file format are they?  can you mount them from a live cd boot?12:34
Daghdhafor godsake. The guy that made taht disk is a GOD12:34
Incarus6pylix, with dual boot?12:34
Temaryer it says stuff about raid on the other hdd, i didnt change that to raid yet12:34
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  if you got a spare flash drive. you can put a extra copy of grub on its mbr. for booting  rescue12:34
Temarwasnt a complete setup12:34
Dr_Willisactually even a floppy can work for that job.12:34
pylixyeah i'm running a dual atm except my windows 7 refused to load12:35
sacarlsonTemar: hard to peace this altogether12:35
Temarand yes i can mount but seems to be read online12:35
* Daghdha will now run grub-update12:35
DaghdhaAnd see if it will boot then12:35
johnnI am using Lucid Lynx, which is the default window manager on it?12:35
sacarlsonTemar: from a live cd you can't mount read write?12:36
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  once i had to do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and made SURE it was installing to the proper mbr on the proper hd..12:36
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  that can also put a grub on the mbr of a flash drive. (thats how i make a backup flash rescue grub thing)12:36
Temarwell it did its self12:36
DaghdhaDr_Willis: With all due respect... i think i will just keep a copy of the godlike super grub disk at hand instead :)12:36
esmirlinIncarus6, did you read?12:36
pylixi'm gonna try it again12:37
DaghdhaDr_Willis .. is ubuntu 10.10 grub2?12:37
johnnWhich is the default window manager on 10.0412:37
karlo94how I can connect to windows computer on same network?12:38
Incarus6esmirlin, i'm not sure about the last part of the file (line 394) but i can't find any abnormality here12:38
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  yes12:38
Dr_Willisjohnn:  compiz for effects. metacity for no effexcts12:38
DaghdhaThere are no grub2 commands though, they all grub-xxxxxxx commands12:38
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  they are the same..12:39
sacarlsonTemar: so what is your plan?  mount the raid disk partitions,  move them to a none raid partitions setup grub2 to point to the new disks and be done with it?12:39
Dr_Willisupdate-grub = update-grub212:39
Dr_Willisones a script that calls the other i think12:39
Dr_Willisjohnn:  if ya got an issue ask in the channel.12:39
johnnHow could I enable compiz?12:39
Dr_Willisjohnn:  use fusion icon, is one way. or 'compiz --replace' is another.12:39
Dr_Willis!info fusion-icon12:40
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-2 (maverick), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB12:40
johnncompiz replace is permanent?12:40
DaghdhaDr_Willis : I am rebooting now.. fingers crossed12:40
Dr_Willisjohnn:  try it and see.12:40
johnnor I have to do it after each reboot..12:40
Temarright now i just wana get it so load 1 way or another i dont care, i decided to reinstall but when i have time to sort it all, and its only grub not 212:40
DaghdhaWorks. So basically my work of approcimately 1.5 days can be summarized in: (1) Get super grub disk (2) Let it detect OS (3) update-grub2 .. done in 3 minutes.12:41
Temarok i loaded up live, now how do i tell this to mount writeable12:41
esmirlinIncarus6, my computer shut down sorry did you read what you asked me?12:41
Incarus6[13:38:17] <Incarus6> esmirlin, i'm not sure about the last part of the file (line 394) but i can't find any abnormality here12:42
sacarlsonTemar: oh I don't think grub-legacy will boot from a raid device but grub2 will, so that may have been where some of your problems started12:42
Temaryer i only had linux 9.04 due to upgrade issues12:43
frimendHow do I download music from myspace? O_o12:43
KB1JWQTemar: That's a Ubuntu version number, not a Linux version. :-)12:43
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  my use of a rescue flash drive saves even more time.12:43
Temaryer thats wat i ment :p12:43
frimendI have found music that I like, and it says it's free and for downloading, but I don't know how to do it.12:43
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  that dosent explain why booting a live cd, and chrooting in - dident fix it however..12:43
frimendI have found some third party programs, but they are for windows... :(12:43
Dr_WillisDaghdha:   or a command like this from a ubuntu live cd --> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint  /dev/sda --recheck12:44
frimendthis is the song I am looking to download: http://www.myspace.com/yademusic/music/songs/hunter-688371512:44
Temarcan i like change it bk and not use grub12:44
DaghdhaDr_Willis: That is correct. It's a mystery.12:44
sacarlsontemar: to mount a partition should be as easy as:  sudo mkdir /mnt; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt  and so on12:44
Incarus6frimend, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/ "For instance, if you go to a YouTube page, you'll be able to download the video directly on your file system. It also works with MySpace [...] and others."12:44
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  Unless some how the drives where getting 'reordered' depending on what you were booting from. Ive seen some odd bioos's that do that.12:44
DaghdhaI was thinking for a minute maybe ubu was grub1 and i was putting up grub2 all the time12:45
DaghdhaBut that'snot it12:45
shoooodEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)12:45
shooood        Subsystem: Askey Computer Corp. Device 712812:45
shooood        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1712:45
shooood        Memory at 94600000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]12:45
shooood        Capabilities: <access denied>12:45
shooood        Kernel driver in use: ath5k12:45
FloodBot2shooood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:45
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  grub1 is basically dead.  :) its called 'grub-legacy' now.12:45
sacarlsonTemar: opps forgot the sudo in mount also12:45
DaghdhaI liked LiLo12:45
DaghdhaIt had a cute name.12:45
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  lilo had issues.. :)12:45
DaghdhaObjective achieved though. i now have 2 HDD's12:45
DaghdhaYes, grub2 worked fine for me o_O12:45
shoooodany help12:46
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  you could even isntall grub to both hd's and boot either one to get to the same OS.. as a 'rescue' method.12:46
DaghdhaWell, God may know what it was.12:46
Daghdhano they are not in the machien at the same time Dr_Willis. One is a backup.12:46
DaghdhaI made a backup and this was the test to see if i could get it to restore and work on a new HDD12:46
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  backups? we dont need no stinking backups! :)12:46
Dr_Williscompare the 2 disks drive layut and uuid's perhaps.. that might also be an issue.12:47
DaghdhaI prefer not to spend days setting up simple things12:47
Dr_Willisive rarely transfered a system from one hd to another..12:47
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:47
DaghdhaI will just rely on super grub12:47
Dr_Willisif the UUID;s were differnt btween backup and original - that could explain a lot.12:47
Daghdharegrubbing won't fix that?12:48
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:48
DaghdhaThey were diff drives so probably uuid is diff.. that's kind of the point of a uuid12:48
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Dr_WillisDaghdha:   depends on how you clone the hd.  UUID is also listed/used in fstab..12:49
shoooodhi, any help with this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/563390/plain/12:49
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:49
Daghdhai made an image of the partition. Not the disk12:49
Daghdhai also did sfdisk for the partision info and wrote the MBR back using dd12:49
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Dr_Willisin that case the uuid's would be differnt i belive12:49
Incarus6shooood, can you send a valid URL?12:50
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:50
pylixmy boot failed again12:50
Dr_Willisin the past - i would dd  hd#1 to hd #2 - THEN use gparted to resize the  clone to use the rest of the space.12:50
shoooodincarus6 : i'll try12:50
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:50
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  if you were not carefull with the mbr/dd command - you could have put the wrong partition information on the hd. but ive rarely used dd to backup.restore the mbr.12:51
gerber    how to add video to ipod touch12:51
DaghdhaI copied it all of a webpage describing each step (iirc it was the partimage website)12:51
shoooodincarus6: i'll tell u what is going on12:51
Incarus6gerber, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone12:51
Incarus6shooood, http://pastebin.com/12:52
shoooodinacrus6: my wireless connection need to be configured and i don't know how12:52
accelis there a linux app that can take remap the right channel to both left & right channels ? i.e. i'm on ubuntu, playing a flash video, but only the right channel has sound12:53
Daghdha/media/data are temp mountpoints or persistent?12:53
shoooodincarus6: my wireless card is atheros12:53
pylixthis is the info for my windows OS on grub12:53
pylixit's not booting :(12:53
pylixthat's the grub entry anyway12:54
sacarlsonshooood: as far as I know atheros works out of the box so try the command iwconfig12:54
sacarlsonshooood: so what does iwconfig show us?12:55
TTY9is amanda is gui client for linux ?12:55
vlrk1i have ubuntu Ubuntu 10.10 “Maverick Meerkat” For i386 DVD with me...12:55
shoooodsacarlson:  http://pastebin.com/pyFJ83jn12:55
vlrk1is this a server / desktop version wherer a normal user can operate12:56
sacarlsonshooood: ok and what about the command ifconfig12:56
vlrk1iam looking out for the desktop based ubuntu where startx would be running ,12:56
shoooodsacarlson: http://pastebin.com/2bwFtxxz12:57
vlrk1i know feodra but not ubuntu this is my first attempt of knowing it .. can any body share some info with me regarding this12:57
sacarlsonshooood: apears to be working you sure you didn't try the network-manager icon on the top pannel?12:58
shoooodsacarlson: i did but i didn't know what to type in the empty items12:58
th_argh. how do i stop ubuntu starting the ssh server at boot? i want to launch i manually when needed12:58
Dr_Willisth_:  rename the /etc/init/ssh.conf file to be somthing like ssh.DONTRUN12:59
sacarlsonshooood: well lets try the command sudo iwlist scanning12:59
shoooodsacarlson: ssid , bssid, device mac address, cloned mac address ??12:59
Dr_Willisth_:  or edit the contents of the file12:59
th_Dr_Willis, then it uses default conf?12:59
Temarwats best way to setup raid 1 (before install)13:00
Dr_Willisth_:  the ssh.conf is for when it runs the service and when it dosent..13:00
Dr_Willisth_:  its not a ssh setting file.. its a upstart config file13:00
th_Dr_Willis, aah sorry. you are right13:00
nickGGGHi. i need to extract a tar.gz in /opt but it says no such directory. can some1 help me ?13:01
th_Dr_Willis, "init". what does this mean? "start on filesystem"13:01
Dr_WillisnickGGG:  make the directory first.13:01
Dr_Willis!upstart | th_13:01
ubottuth_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:01
th_it starts when the filesystem is mounted?13:01
shoooodsacarlson: http://pastebin.com/mTWq9yZG13:01
jribnickGGG: tar.gz of what?13:01
nickGGGDr_Willis, but its made. there is opt in the home folder13:01
Dr_Willisth_:  all i ever do is disable services or enable them. i rarely edit the upstart configs13:01
AbhijiT!ask | Anmol13:02
ubottuAnmol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:02
Dr_WillisnickGGG:  /opt is NOT the same as /home/yourusername/opt13:02
th_Dr_Willis, yes but something forces the server up13:02
nickGGGDr_Willis, i mean its in "file system"13:02
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression13:02
Dr_WillisnickGGG:  you are using sudo as needed to get root rights to put things in /opt/ ?13:02
jribDr_Willis: the issue with renaming instead of editing the file is that you can't start it later if you want13:02
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nickGGGDr_Willis, yes13:03
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sacarlsonshooood: ok so witch of those 2 networks do you want to connect and know the passcodes for?  ESSID:"EchoLife_BM626_80462b"  or   ESSID:"mmmm"13:03
Dr_WillisnickGGG:  so you  'cd /opt' and you are in opt.. then you extract the archive? and get an error?13:03
th_Dr_Willis, you sure the server works as usual if wihtout that conf?13:04
rsvsacarlson: i checked it. for some reason the acer laptop is not displaying when i do lshw13:04
shoooodsacarlson : hold on i don't understand13:04
Dr_Willisth_:   that conf being renamed would make sthe server not start..13:04
rsvsacarlson: is there a way to find out?13:04
sacarlsonrsv: did you try bios and rfkill ?13:04
Dr_Willismake the service not start. :)13:04
nickGGGDr_Willis, no. the archive is on the desktop and i need to extract it in /opt13:04
shoooodsacarlson: ah echolife13:04
rsvsacarlson: i dont understand what you are saying13:05
th_Dr_Willis, i meant if i launch it manually13:05
sacarlsonshooood: ok find the codes for that and fill it the boxes13:05
jribth_: for ssh just do « sudo touch /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run » and ssh will not be started at boot13:05
Dr_Willisth_:  i never do it that way. You will have to try it and see.13:05
shoooodsacarlson: how ???13:05
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sacarlsonrsv: install apt-get install rfkill13:05
th_jrib, hmm don't think thats going to work. i want to launch it manually13:06
nickGGGjrib, im trying to install xampp for linux13:06
jribth_: although note from reading /etc/init/ssh.conf that won't let you start ssh through the script anyway :)  So try and make sure.  And if that's the case then just add "never" as a starting condition (i.e. change "start on filesystem" to "start on never and filesystem"13:07
jrib!lamp | nickGGG13:07
ubottunickGGG: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:07
sacarlsonshooood: I don't know I don't use encyption or network-manager, but you should just fill in the essid with the full name and the passcode hex number if you know them,  if you don't know the codes forget it13:07
rsvsacarlson: i installed it. and when i run lshw. i dont see my wifi card details13:07
shoooodsacarlson : of course i know the password cause it's my router13:08
sacarlsonrsv: ok run rfkill list13:08
th_jrib, just renamed /etc/init/ssh.conf13:08
jribth_: this won't allow you to use the upstart job to start ssh later though :/13:08
sacarlsonrsv: yes I understand you don't see your card in lshw I got that already13:09
shoooodsacarlson : just tell me what to do in the device mac address and cloned mac address  i didn't find them in the router page13:09
sacarlsonshooood: well there should be those two boxes to fill out then hit the connect13:09
rsvsacarlson: i see only bluetooth list and it says hard blocked: no and soft blocked:no13:09
sacarlsonshooood: forget the mac address that's auto13:09
droopalJust wondered, if anybody could tell me what causes error message 'unable to mount, not authorised' when mounting usb stick or external dvd rewriter. Since upgrading to ubuntu 10.10 on netbook, cant use usb or dvd rewritter. can somebody help, or point me in the direction of somebody that can. Thanks.13:09
shoooodsacarlson: what about bssid ??13:10
th_jrib, i renamed it back and added that never. think thats going ot work?13:10
jribth_: should work13:10
sacarlsonrsv: do you understand what boot into bios means?13:10
th_jrib, thanks13:10
JunkyJameshey i have ubuntu server 10.10 and i need to run 2 things on boot that never stop, any help?13:10
rsvsacarlson: i dont know13:10
nimrod10JunkyJames, what do you mean that never stop ?13:11
sacarlsonrsv: well look at this http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000192.htm  and when you figure that out then look for the device with wifi make sure it's active13:11
JunkyJamesnimrod10: one is minecraft server java file13:12
menewbeIsomebody gave me a dell poweredge 1850 server, it contains an intel 2.8GHz 800fsb xeon processor L2 2mb. I was wondering if this processor supports 64bit ubuntu server edition?13:12
menewbehow to find out?13:12
JunkyJamesnimron10: the other is a php file that loops and does stuff13:12
jribth_: might need parentheses after "start on" actually13:12
nimrod10JunkyJames, and you want them to start automatically ?13:13
nimrod10at boot ? JunkyJames13:13
JunkyJamesnimrod10: yeah exactly13:13
sacarlsonrsv: oh maybe there is an external switch near your keyboard for the wifi?  try pulse that also if you can,  see if an led indicator changes13:13
m3asmihow can I execute python script from apache13:14
splashote1hi, how can i free space on "/" ? I can't log in and df -h showed that / is 100% used13:14
nodestep_how do i reboot to root shell13:14
nimrod10JunkyJames, check out the documentation for   upstart scripts , create two upstart scripts for each of them and that is it13:14
jribnodestep_: why?13:14
nodestep_jrib: i forgot my password on an old box13:14
JunkyJamesnimrod10: ok thanks13:14
jribsplashote1: log in at a tty and do « sudo apt-get clean » to free up some space so you can log in (and then free up more space)13:15
jribnodestep_: choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu13:15
nodestep_m3asmi: that is an apache question, there are very high quality python webservers and frameworks. Apache mod_wsgi13:15
nodestep_jrib: yes how do i get to grub? I didn't know it was installed if you just installed one distro13:16
sacarlsonnodestep_: I think it's like hold shift at boot until you get grub menu pic rescue or single user mode boot,  I forget the entry name13:16
nodestep_like with memtest13:16
Dr_Willishold shift.. or tap shift like a tapdancer as it boots13:16
TemarITS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!13:16
sacarlsonnodestep_: not memtest but another entry13:17
nodestep_himik:  sunil13:17
menewbethere is nothing on the server and I'd like to know before installing anything13:17
sacarlsonTemar: good for you13:17
m3asminodestep_: can you give me a web site13:17
Temaru disabled raid support on mother board13:17
sacarlsonTemar: oh hardware raid13:18
Temari was doing software13:18
nodestep_m3asmi: depends what you want to do with the script? Are you trying to make a website in Python?13:18
rsvsacarlson: i booted into bios. i see only a network boot option and it is disabled. i dont think it is bios thing since when it boots into windows wifi works13:18
Temarbut disableing it there seems to have fixed it13:18
splashote1jrib: i did clean, autoclean and autoremove.. still can't log in13:18
jribsplashote1: well how much space do you have?13:18
splashote1jrib / is 13 GB13:18
sacarlsonrsv: look for build in devices13:19
jribsacarlson: I mean free space13:19
rsvsacarlson:  i didnt see that option13:19
rsvsacarlson:  i use a acer 4740 laptop13:19
splashote1jrib 0, 100% used13:19
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sacarlsonrsv: browse around in the windows you should see something like built in stuf13:20
splashote1jrib can i delete the staff in /var/backup ?13:20
Temarnow sleep !! wats left of it (4 hours)13:20
rsvi didnt see that. i did see only the boot options and it had network boot, sata boot and so on13:20
sacarlsonrsv: like onboard devices13:20
rsvsacarlson: i didnt see that i will check again13:21
jribsplashote1: I don't know.  But if I were you, I'd either start uninstalling things or removing stuff I don't need from my /home13:21
rsvsacarlson: it doesnt have a onboard devices options13:21
vlrk1which one will give me ubuntu desktop is it ubuntu server or ubuntu enterprise cloud13:21
sacarlsonrsv: each bios is different so can't help you here13:21
wingnut2626hey i want to install the pulseaudio equalizer.  How do i do this?13:21
splashote1jrib home is seperated (encrypted) so it doesn't help me to free space there13:21
sacarlsonrsv: well what does it have?13:21
rsvsacarlson: i dont think bios is turning off wifi. since it works on wifi13:21
vlrk1iam installing ubuntu first time in my system using virtuabl box host is windows13:21
rsvi mean wifi on windows works13:22
vlrk1can any body help me here13:22
Dr_Willisvlrk1:  theres the ubuntu desktop iso file....13:22
ranjanvlrk1, start installing13:22
vlrk1which one..13:22
rsvsacarlson: ill check13:22
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors13:22
vlrk1i have currently 6 options in my screen13:22
sacarlsonrsv: ya I don't understand that,13:22
vlrk1like 1. Install ubuntu server13:23
ranjanvlrk1, you will get Ubuntu Desktop Edition from http://www.ubuntu.com13:23
Dr_Willisvlrk1:  what are you even booting up exactly?13:23
vlrk1let me explain a bit more on my requirement ... iam having windows xp and virtualbox in it and i have bootable ubuntu 10.10 dvd13:24
vlrk1now trying get a ubuntu on to my system..13:24
ranjanvlrk1, then you can use it for installation13:25
jribsplashote1: well other than uninstalling things, you can try to find if there is a main cause for the lack of space (like an out of control log file for example)13:25
vlrk1ranjan: iam new bie for this .. ubuntu13:25
vlrk1this is my first attempt to do that13:25
vlrk1please help ..13:25
ranjanvlrk1, dont worry we are here for helo13:25
vlrk1which option do i need to choose13:25
splashote1jrib i tried to find out and removed the stuff in /var/log13:25
ranjanare you new to virtual box too?13:25
vlrk1like ubuntu server or13:25
m3asmiDr_Willis:have you any Idea to execute python script in apache13:25
Dr_Willisvlrk1:  there was no need to use the dvd.. the ubuntu-desktop.iso would been a smaller download.13:25
wingnut2626does anyone know any audio equilizers for ubuntu and how to install them?13:25
Dr_Willism3asmi:  nope.13:26
ranjanvlrk1, open up Oracle Virtual Box13:26
bc81hi ⥏❨◉.◉❩⥑13:26
m3asmiDr_Willis:thinks ;)13:26
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:26
vlrk1i have created ubuntu guest13:26
ranjanvlrk1, did you start it?13:26
Dr_Williswingnut2626:  ive seen some mentioned at the webupd8 and omgubuntu blog sites (not in the repos)  I dont know of any that are in the repos13:26
DarkStar1Is there an equivalent to MS paint for Mac?13:26
vlrk1and now ..i started it by using dvd i have13:26
DarkStar1oops wrong channel13:26
ranjanvlrk1, ok now what do you see?13:26
ExTrUsiOnwhich is the channel for kubuntu guys13:27
vlrk1it started booting with that13:27
Dr_WillisExTrUsiOn:  #kubuntu13:27
ranjanvlrk1, are you on the live desktop now?13:27
vlrk1no i guess..13:27
ranjanvlrk1, i mean did the DVD take you to the desktop instance of Ubuntu?13:27
johnnOn which file I have to write an entry for compiz to be the default window manager on 10.04?13:27
ranjanvlrk1, or its still in the boot process/13:27
vlrk1it shows me 6 options like13:27
ExTrUsiOnwill be get ubuntu help here or any other ubuntu channel as in case of mint13:27
vlrk1install ubuntu server13:27
vlrk12. ubuntu enterprise cloud13:28
vlrk13.check disk for details13:28
vlrk14.test memory13:28
ranjanvlrk1, that means you are using a server edition disk13:28
dnivra!mint | ExTrUsiOn13:28
ubottuExTrUsiOn: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:28
vlrk1boot from hard disk13:28
ranjanvlrk1, its not meant for desktop use,13:28
vlrk1so this does not work for me..13:28
vlrk1ok thanks ranjan..13:28
ExTrUsiOnbut can u tell me where will i get ubuntu help13:28
ExTrUsiOnas i want to install macbuntu13:28
vlrk1i  need to download desktop .iso13:28
ExTrUsiOnin it13:28
ranjanvlrk1, it will work for you but you wont get a graphical desktop13:28
dnivraExTrUsiOn, this is ubuntu support.13:29
ExTrUsiOnranjan r u from india13:29
ranjanvlrk1, yes exactly13:29
ExTrUsiOnme too13:29
ranjanExTrUsiOn, where are you from?13:29
johnnHi, on Lucid Lynx which is the file for specifying the default window manager?13:29
ExTrUsiOnare u moderator here??13:29
mcl0vinwhat is userspace command line program please?13:29
vlrk1would picking server option works for me..13:29
vlrk1i.e no desktop13:30
vlrk1but i would get terminal13:30
vlrk1i mean shell where i can run linux programs and13:30
scotty^johnn - I think you choose it at the bottom of the screen before you login13:30
ranjanExTrUsiOn, i am from kerala13:30
Dr_Willisvlrk1:  if you just want a terminal/servery type install.. yes13:30
ranjanvlrk1, yes you will get a terminal13:30
vlrk1see some of opensources is it works in that..13:30
ExTrUsiOnare you moderator here13:30
johnnI have no such an option anymore..13:30
dnivrajohnn, System -> Administration -> Login Screen. You can select default session there.13:31
ranjanvlrk1, if you are comfortable with terminal then you can continue with the installation13:31
dnivraranjan, may I PM you?13:31
ranjandnivra, ok13:31
vlrk1last time when i tried with vmware13:31
vlrk1i did not got standard packages13:31
vlrk1like glib13:31
vlrk1or gcc13:31
johnnThere is selected gnome13:31
vlrk1where i cannot compile a c program13:31
vlrk1and run it13:31
johnnbut when I reboot I have no option on login screen13:31
vlrk1will this time will also be same..13:32
johnnand it uses metacity as default window manager13:32
johnnI have to turn on the visual effects manually in order to use compiz13:32
johnnevery time I logon13:32
FidelixIs it possible to install VMware on Ubuntu 10.10 ?13:33
johnnand I cannot save this settings anyway13:33
scotty^john - maybe try what dnivra said then.  That's probably closer to your original question, too.13:33
dnivra!vmware | Fidelix13:33
ubottuFidelix: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:33
Fidelixdnivra, these instructions do not work.13:34
johnnI tried that and gnome is selected13:34
luca__buon pomeriggio ho un problema  con ubuntu 10.10 dopo aver effettuato gli ultimi aggiornamente una settimana fa13:34
dnivraFidelix, then I have no clue. sorry.13:34
LjL!it | luca__13:34
ubottuluca__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:34
johnnI have to enetr an entry "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/compiz" in a file13:34
johnnwhich is that file?13:34
johnnThat configures the logon session on 10.04?13:35
splashote1jrib in /media were 4GB lying around... now it's alright again13:36
splashote1jrib thanks for your hints!13:36
bibic682Hello, Has anyone ever tried and was successful in setting up an All in Wonder 9000 video card with the tv tuner WORKING ??13:37
timecohi all any1 here got experience on getting babachess run on unbuntu 10 . 4 lts ?13:37
onebitxajaxhi to all13:37
onebitxajaxI have a fresh 10.10 install i macke sudo apt-get dist-upgrade OR sudto apt-get upgrade the 2 give me a lot of updates13:38
johnnanyone please?13:38
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bc81johnn: no idea, maybe create a startup application of compiz --replace?13:41
johnnIs there any configuration file in 10.04?13:41
johnnfor the login sesion?13:41
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lamefunis Unity based on compiz 0.8 or 0.9?13:42
xiq0.9 i think13:42
bibic682Radeon 9000 TV Tuner in Ubuntu.....anyone successful ?13:43
xiqi hate it when theres like 100 idle people13:43
AbhijiTlamefun, #ubuntu+113:43
AbhijiTxiq, then you quit? it will become 99 then?13:44
xiqbut.. i'm not an idler o.O13:44
devkorcvincehelp cant access ubuntu forums I'm installing samsung mfp 560 laser printer... i cant print it says the scheduler could not execute a filter13:45
dnivraAbhijiT, isn't #ubuntu+1 for natty and not unity?13:45
icedteais there a ubuntu "unstable" tree, like debian?13:46
AbhijiTdnivra, is unity in lucid or before maverik? no? is unity in natty? yes? then by using <anycomplexscientific> law we can easily state that in taht channel the chanses are more the get info on unity13:46
AbhijiTwhat do you think?13:46
xiqi bet13:46
dnivraAbhijiT, unity is there in the repositories. and you go ask a support question in #ubuntu+1, sounds kind of odd.13:47
AbhijiTdnivra, then you dont go? so simple13:47
xiqhey i only have one partition, it's 2Terabyte. 500gig is full and i don't wanna loose it, is there some way to still install a distro?13:47
xiq*without the ont top of windows installation13:48
dnivraAbhijiT, then where do I ask about unity if I want to? ahh forget it. that question's been answered anyway.13:49
ApacheOmegagood morning everybody13:49
AbhijiTdnivra, ask here first13:49
ApacheOmegaI think I made a foolish mistake13:49
ApacheOmegaDoes anybody know what prewikka is???13:49
johnnWhich is the appropriate file for this entry "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/compiz"?13:50
vishjohnn: why are you trying that?13:50
bc81!anyone | ApacheOmega13:50
ubottuApacheOmega: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:50
johnnBecause starts with metacity and I want compiz13:50
vishjohnn: have you tried removing your saved session? and logging in?13:51
johnnI can set it but every time I reboot falls back on metacity13:51
johnnHow to remove?13:51
ApacheOmegaI wasnt paying attention and this prewikka program was trying to link to mysql i wasnt paying attention but can some body tell me what this is?13:51
johnnHow could I remove the saved session?13:52
vishjohnn: remove from  ~/.gnome2/session13:52
johnnthere is no session folder on .gnome213:53
ApacheOmegaOk what is Gforge13:53
vishjohnn: make you you have turned off the automatic session save and after you have removed that folder, login and check13:53
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Helbomi enabled my second monitor, but when i click "Save to X configuration file" i get an error "Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!"13:54
johnnWhere I can turn on or off the automatic session?13:55
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icedteadoes ubuntu have an "unstable" or experimental distro later than 10.10?13:56
ApacheOmegaOk should I be using MySql with prewikka and can sombody help me with the configuration13:56
=== Zuzak is now known as BrianT
AbhijiT!11.04 | icedtea13:56
ubottuicedtea: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.13:56
ApacheOmegaor should I by using pg sql13:57
ApacheOmegaI meant pgsql13:57
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ranjanvlrk1, hey what about the installation?>13:59
ranjandid you complete the installation?13:59
stanman246if i run chdsk i get: segementation fault. What's that?14:00
bc81stanman246: what is chdsk14:03
Kre10shey! I need to know the make/model of my dvd player... how can I find this out?14:03
debdopen up ur cd\dvd player14:03
bc81stanman246: man fsck14:04
stanman246yeah, i'm downing a livecd now to boot from. This all happened after a power failure :)14:05
erus_I'm having trouble using my tenda w322p card on maverick14:05
stanman246i mean...14:05
stanman246i get red dots all over the desktop as well now...14:05
bc81stanman246: that sounds really bad14:05
stanman246bc81, it feels bad as well :(14:06
Kre10slshw !14:06
stanman246hope i can get my data from /home back....14:06
Kre10slol. are you homeless?14:06
bc81stanman246: you got your computer plugged straight into the wall outlet, or into a surge protector?14:06
stanman246wall outlet14:06
TTY9i want to create a iso file of my system backup14:07
stanman246i'm glad it's not a 'mission critical'  machine...14:07
bc81stanman246: that's not good at all..get a good surge protector man14:07
stanman246well, i'm gonna......14:08
stanman246some guy drilled a hole in an electrical line...14:08
brvergmy flash player crashes whenever i'm on youtube with more than three (3) tabs opened. i have updated my system.14:10
kblinhi folks14:10
kexcaliber380864how to register nickname14:11
bc81howdy kblin14:11
brvergcan anyone please assist me... it's very annoying to have the flash player crash when you r watching your fav videos in youtube14:11
SomelauwI can't get bluetooth to work. (It used to work before)14:11
kexcaliber380864how to register nickname14:12
kblinI'm trying to install ubuntu-server on an old laptop. unfortunately the cd drive is shot and the bios won't boot from USB. I was considering using debootstrap from my PC to the laptop's hdd via USB, but the manpage seems to imply that's arch-dependent14:12
kblinkexcaliber380864: /msg nickserv help14:12
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AbhijiT!register | kexcaliber38086414:13
ubottukexcaliber380864: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:13
bc81brverg: what do you have installed in the way of flash?14:13
kblinanyway, I seem to recall that using debootstrap to set up 32bit chroots from a 64bit host did work14:13
TTY9how can i see the ban list of the channel14:14
bc81kblin: can your BIOS do PXE boot?14:14
serve[35378.573368] php4[3403]: segfault at 18 ip 000000000056326a sp 00007fff0518e2c0 error 4 in php4[400000+2e6000]14:15
servedoes any body know about aobut that error ?14:15
kblinbc81: possibly, haven't tried14:15
bc81kblin: check this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto14:16
kblingood point, though14:16
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kblinbc81: hm, then again my DHCP is served by the wireless AP, which doesn't do bootp14:17
* kblin goes to grab his new laptop14:17
bc81kblin: actually, this might be more appropriate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer14:19
bc81kblin: of even this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot lol14:19
Kre10sIs there a software for reading device firmware?14:21
Kre10sand flashing it back?14:21
stanislavпривет всем! как скомпилировать программу из исходников?14:21
kblinbc81: ah, I looked at the NetbootInternet tutorial, which assumes you already have a running GRUB install14:21
bc81!ru | stanislav14:22
ubottustanislav: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:22
siavashserverhi. can someone please mirror this theme for me, deviantart is filtered here :( http://ebupof.deviantart.com/art/Fundamental-Round-2-2-17896480814:22
sacarlsonkblin: there is also this bootloader called plop that can enable you to boot from a usb14:22
cousin_mariomy desktop is going nuts!14:23
janethi there. not too knowledgable about apt-get and need to get libimobiledevice 1.0.4 onto ubuntu 10.04 to be able to talk to my iphone - synaptics tells me i am up to date with version 1.0.1. best way to get this package upgraded beyond simply over-copying the binary?14:23
cousin_marioit acts like the left mousebutton was always kept pressed14:23
sacarlsonkblin: I'm not sure what you already have installed on it but it might work http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html14:23
fedekunHello, can someone help me with a webcam issue?14:24
georgie_bcan some one help me with gvim14:24
georgie_bhow to paste into gvim with text copied from firefox?14:24
georgie_bne body there?14:25
georgie_bhow to paste into gvim with text copied from firefox?14:25
dirtyqwerty!ask | georgie_b fedekun14:25
ubottugeorgie_b fedekun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:25
bc81siavashserver: see my pm14:25
d4n1sI need some help14:25
georgie_bhow to paste into gvim with text copied from firefox?14:25
snowrichardgeorgie_b, type o or i to get into insert mode, then select paste from terminal edit menu14:25
cousin_mariouh oh, it looks like it's a hardware problem14:26
fedekunI have an integrated webcam on this netbook, but cheese doent recognize it, and i do lsusb but it doesnt show the cam...14:26
georgie_bwhat does the keymapping "+gP mean in gvim?14:26
d4n1show can I install a file with name libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.314:27
georgie_bmr.snow richard how to paste into gvim with text copied from firefox?14:27
BlueEaglejanet: You may need to !compile the package if you cannot find suitable !packages14:27
snowrichardi told you14:27
georgie_bdidnt work14:27
d4n1sanyone know?14:27
d4n1sI have a file name libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 its a strange extension how can I install it?14:27
georgie_bwhat does the keymapping "+gP mean in gvim?14:28
janetBlueEagle: tell u wot, i'm going to try adding this site to my sources:  https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/ppa; there appears to be a pre-compiled version there14:28
d4n1sIs this is the ubuntu's help channel?14:28
BlueEaglejanet: If you find a .deb there then you can install that with any package manager.14:28
rigvedd4n1s: yes. do you have a question?14:29
far_need help with locale cannot find charmap /usr/share/i18n14:29
d4n1srigved yes, I have a file named libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 and I am supposed to install it on my ubuntu, but I dont know how14:29
rigvedd4n1s: ok. just saw you question posted earlier. no you cannot install this file14:29
rigvedd4n1s: you need to copy and paste this file in the proper place14:30
d4n1sBut in the read me of a source code I am trying to compile says I need to install it14:30
BlueEagled4n1s: Files named *.so* in linux are "Shared Object" files. They are akin to the .dll files found in Windows. You would most likely want to search for a .deb that provides the relevant .so-file.14:30
chouchouhello, I have been told ubuntu does not support webmim,14:31
rigvedd4n1s: did you get a make file (Makefile) with the source code?14:31
chouchouis there any accepted alternative ?14:31
d4n1sI know that I have to do cd  and make but I am getting compile errors14:31
charasCan anyone help me with this problem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913561/how-to-reset-virtualenv-and-pep14:31
piotreklibstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 is in libstdc++2.10-glibc2.214:31
rigved!webmin | chouchou14:31
ubottuchouchou: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.14:31
sacarlsond4n1s: what app are you compiling that needs it?14:32
georgie_bwhat does the keymapping "+gP mean in gvim?14:32
d4n1slinksys wag200g firmware14:32
far_need help with locale cannot find charmap dir - /usr/share/i18n14:32
chouchourigveg, what alternative do we have?14:32
rigvedd4n1s: can you pastebin the compile errors?14:32
BluesKajHey folks14:32
jribgeorgie_b: "+ refers to your clipboard, gP pastes14:32
Kre10swouldn't compiling linksys firmware mean cross compiling...14:33
d4n1srigved I guess they are more than the errors on the last line of my terminal, how can I log while I "make"14:33
georgie_bjrib does " mean quote or some other key like ctrl of shift..14:33
jribgeorgie_b: " means the " button (quote)14:34
georgie_bi tried holding all the four keys ",+,g and P together to paste ,, nothin  happened14:34
rigved!info zentyal | chouchou14:34
ubottuchouchou: Package zentyal does not exist in maverick14:34
jribgeorgie_b: press one at a time...14:35
jribgeorgie_b: why are you using vim?14:35
rigved!info ebox | chouchou14:35
georgie_bbut if i go to the gvim menu by alt+e and press p then the contents gets pasted14:35
ubottuchouchou: ebox (source: ebox): common library used by eBox platform modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 529 kB, installed size 3528 kB14:35
rigvedchouchou: check out this page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebMin14:35
jribgeorgie_b: why are you using vim and not some other editor you are familiar with?14:36
fedekunhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10433086#post10433086 can someone help me out with that please?14:36
georgie_bits nice for editin using regular expressions14:36
rigvedchouchou: it says that ebox is the replacement, which has been rename to zentyal14:36
jribgeorgie_b: you should run « vimtutor » to get some of the basics down14:36
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88
mattcodesfinally transitioned to fluxbox, do you think ill have a problem sticking with ubuntu in longterm (i.e. will fluxbox packages be maintained) when they switch attention to unity?14:37
georgie_bwell i've no problem with yankin nd pastin within vim but  from clipboard cant get the pastin right14:37
rigvedd4n1s: run make in the terminal. after you get the errors, just use your mouse to copy the errors and paste it into http://goo.gl/ixcN914:37
georgie_bwith keyboard shortcuts14:37
mattcodesi ask not to make a premature shift, but because ill be provisioning a new laptop tomorrow and if 10.10 is end-of-line for other WMs on the ubuntu platform i'll bail now and take a dent to productivity whilst i learn/struggle with archlinux etc..14:38
botcityhi guys my xchat client will not save my favourite channels! anyone shed light on this ?14:38
jribgeorgie_b: "* is the X clipboard (the one you usually use by highlighting and middle clicking) and "+ is the other clipboard (the one you usually use by ctrl-c and ctrl-v)14:39
georgie_bgot it jrib14:39
thiebaude10.10 is supported for 3 yrs, just saying14:39
botcitygeorgie_b: have you used vimtutor!14:39
georgie_bit workd now14:39
jribthiebaude: 10.10 is supported for 18 months, isn't it?14:39
rigved!maverick | thiebaude14:39
ubottuthiebaude: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101014:39
rigvedthiebaude: yes, only 18 months14:39
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georgie_bya.. but 10.04  is on LTS14:40
rigvedthiebaude: lucid is supported for 3 yrs14:40
thiebaudeok thanks i stand corrected guys14:40
j-invariantwhy can't ubuntu do japanese filenames in zip files?14:41
j-invariantI have to unzip it in the terminal to get the thing open at all, and even then it just gives <?><?><?>.mp314:41
mattcodesfinally transitioned to fluxbox, do you think ill have a problem sticking with ubuntu in longterm (i.e. will fluxbox packages be maintained) when they switch attention to unity?14:41
d4n1srigved here is the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/563434/14:42
mattcodes i ask not to make a premature shift, but because ill be provisioning a new laptop tomorrow and if 10.10 is end-of-line for other WMs on the ubuntu platform i'll bail now and take a dent to productivity whilst i learn/struggle with archlinux etc..14:42
=== rp3 is now known as Rp3
Gneasomeone once said that non-LTS released are supported for 1.5 years, but I haven't found a website that backs that up yet - anyone happen to know it?14:42
mattcodes(if this is dup i apologise, xchat is playing up)14:42
jribmattcodes: fluxbox has never been the main WM so I don't see why it would be treated any differently than it is now (of course it will be maintained)14:42
xanguaGnea: 18 months = 1.5 years, yes14:42
d4n1srigved the last 2 lines not appearing in the paste are here http://paste.ubuntu.com/563435/14:43
jribGnea: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases14:44
thiebaudeso non LTS support for the desktop is 3 yrs?14:44
irenicus09hi guys I've been having some problem can someone help?14:44
botcitymy xchat client will not save my favourite channels! anyone ?14:44
jribthiebaude: no.  18 months.14:44
jribirenicus09: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)14:44
Gneathiebaude: no, 1.5 years for non-LTS. LTS is 3 years on the desktop, 5 years for server.14:44
thiebaudegnea, i got it now thanks :)14:44
mattcodesjrib: excellent there seems to be a lot of hype around ubuntu direction, unity is great for the facebook fuckers, but it would nice if they stated full gnome/fluxbox support as to not alienate the dev users14:44
Gneathiebaude: cheers14:45
thiebaudeyou too :)14:45
mattcodesheard the other day i wont be able to run gnome with next ubuntu but obviously PR shite - right?14:45
mattcodesi wont be running gnome anyway but over unity..14:45
irenicus09I installed ninja &  it's giving some error while installing/uninstalling something14:46
iljohello, i have a question14:47
crucialhoaxWhy cant I connect to my AP with only 3 bars of reception by my Ipod touch can connect with 2?14:47
rigvedd4n1s: ok. i'm looking over it now14:47
crucialhoax!ask iljo14:47
crucialhoaxiljo: !ask14:47
iljowhat packagage should i install on my ubuntu 10.10 so i can create mysql databases?14:48
Gneamattcodes: well, the nice thing is that Ubuntu is quite modular, so you can set it up to be anything you want it to be on the desktop. As far as pre-packaging goes, certain things are put into place for actual releases, but there's always an alternative and server release which allows you to customize how you want.14:48
yeats!mysql | iljo14:48
ubottuiljo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:48
yeatsiljo: mysql-server14:48
jorickmy / was getting full so created a new partition and cp'd /usr to it. then i added a line to fstab to use that partition as /usr. everything works but i forgot to rm /usr from my / and now i can't seem to reach it... what do?14:48
iljothank you guys very much14:48
irenicus09can  someone help me fix this? http://pastebin.com/gqT9w0n014:49
Gneamattcodes: the regular Ubuntu desktop is just the flagship release simply for the fact that it's familiar.14:49
mattcodesthe regular now being gnome14:50
mattcodestomorrow being unity14:50
mattcodeswhy is the media (to be more precise tech media) being so anal about it then, gnome will get all the updates as will fluxbox etc.. facebook fuckers can have unity and everyone is happy. the annoucement by mark s seems to have relugated ubuntu to newb land by media accounts.14:51
vish!language | mattcodes14:51
ubottumattcodes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:51
mattcodessorry.. facebook fackers14:52
mattcodesanyway, major PR disaster for an distro that has done so well at prompting linux to the masses14:52
rigvedd4n1s: has your problem been solved?14:52
mattcodesan --> a14:52
mattcodesprompting --> promoting14:52
vish!offtopic | mattcodes14:53
ubottumattcodes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:53
d4n1srigved not really, I dont see the image that was supposed to be compiled14:53
chouchourigved, zentyal seems not working on ubuntu as many reported, what alternative do you suggest bein stable in ubuntu?14:53
d4n1slook at the other link with the 3 errors I am getting for no reason14:53
rigvedd4n1s: just before running the make command, did you run ./configure ?14:53
d4n1srigved nope...14:53
botcitycrucialhoax: the question you ask is a hardward specific question! to understand more you should look into radio hardware/signals14:53
d4n1srigved says no such file or directory14:54
AbhijiTcan we configure free yahoo mail account in evolution? or only paid one?14:54
mattcodesonly paid yahoo have pop3/imap afaik14:54
mattcodesgoogle mail you can..14:54
bibic682Hello,  How would I install xawtv-3.95.tar.gz from desktop?14:54
vishAbhijiT: if you have yahoo set to india you can activate pop3 ;)14:55
AbhijiTvish, that for free?14:55
rigvedd4n1s: ok. so this a driver that you are compiling from source?14:55
vishAbhijiT: yup, its in the locale selection,14:55
bastidrazor!compile > bibic68214:55
ubottubibic682, please see my private message14:55
mattcodesalt+f2. type terminal. enter. then cd Desktop. then tar xvzf xawtv-x.x.x..tar.zg, cd xawt-, then ./configure, then make, then make install - a guess14:55
j-invariantHey I can't click on the bit to resize a window in ubuntu any ideas?14:56
j-invariantits too hrad14:56
AbhijiTvish, thanks14:56
rigvedchouchou: i don't see any free alternative. there's a paid one - cpanel14:56
d4n1srigved short of... its a firmware that controls my router14:56
madshi all14:56
bastidrazormattcodes: checkinstall may be a better route than make install14:56
v0lksmanso inkscape is busted and un-usable in Maverick, it has been fixed for natty according to the package changelog but I can't install natty's package due to deps...any suggestions?14:56
bibic682Thanks ubottu  I will check it out14:57
rigvedd4n1s: can you give me the link from where you are reading the instructions for installing?14:57
madscan any body help me, i've dual booted win. 7 and xubuntu 10.10 but i cant get acces to my e:\ drive can any help plz14:58
irenicus09thnx guys, I helped myself out xD14:58
d4n1srigved its a readme in the source code folder here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/563439/14:58
Incarus6Firefox needs 3 times more ram then running virtualbox with windows 7 enterprise, is that normal?14:58
botcityj-invariant: its in the ubuntu bugs i think using a different theme may help not sure though!14:58
j-invariantbotcity: ooh I see thanks14:59
j-invariantI will just suffer until an update I guess?14:59
bastidrazorj-invariant: or hold alt and middle click15:00
madscan any body help me, i've dual booted win. 7 and xubuntu 10.10 but i cant get acces to my c:\ drive but not my e:\ drive can any help plz15:00
v0lksmancan't even use lucids version....argg....15:00
botcityj-invariant: you can use the bottom-right corner!15:00
Irwelldoes anyone know how to stop the window manager from closing until all the open windows have closed so you don't get borderless windows on shutdown/restart?15:00
j-invariantbotcity: it's too hard to click it15:01
GneaIncarus6: this is what google chrome is for.15:01
DaghdhaHi, i renamed a folder. but i also have shared this folder. Where can i find the file that contains the share info so i can change the name there too?15:01
rigvedv0lksman: you can install inkscape from the web - http://inkscape.org/download/15:02
yeats!windows | mads15:02
ubottumads: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents15:02
bibic682ubottu:  Way more trouble than its worth.....I'm trying to get my radeon 9000 TV tuner to work...any suggestions15:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:02
rigvedd4n1s: is there a readme file in the source directory?15:02
[wito]On a more serious note; will a standard ubuntu install automatically detect an SSD drive and adjust its disk writing patterns appropriately?15:02
v0lksmanrigved, compile it myself?15:02
[wito]ubottu: Looks like you just passed the Turing test. :P15:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:02
d4n1srigved no there isn't15:03
rigvedv0lksman: yes15:03
rigvedd4n1s: ok. so you are missing some pre-requisites...they should have been mentioned in the README file, but i'll just give you a list which I got off the net15:04
SkaperenIs there an "Ubuntu way" to get Xorg to start listening on TCP port 6000 for remote X clients?15:04
Gneabibic682: in order to compile software, you need to setup the compile environment in ubuntu. if you consider that to be too much work, then compiling software isn't for you.15:04
Gnea!info xawtv15:04
ubottuxawtv (source: xawtv): television viewer - X11 application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 247 kB, installed size 724 kB15:04
Gneabibic682: besides, all you need to type is:  sudo apt-get install xawtv   to have it installed instantly15:05
B0o-supermario!info toilet15:05
ubottutoilet (source: toilet): display large colourful characters in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB15:05
rigvedd4n1s: wait...the file in which the instructions are mentioned, does it have a list of pre-requisites?15:05
SkaperenGnea: install all the toolchains and all the *-dev packages ... seems simple enough to me15:05
madscan any body help me, i've dual booted win. 7 and xubuntu 10.10 but i cant get acces to my c:\ drive but not my e:\ drive can any help plz15:05
v0lksmanrigved, not to be rude or anything but I want to draw, not compile software...I would just go with Arch if that was the case...I'm in Ubuntu cause I want the massive repo...but so far Maverick has a lot of dead packages...not cool...15:05
B0o-supermario!info 4215:05
ubottuPackage 42 does not exist in maverick15:05
v0lksmanplus if the package maintainer compiled it with this bug I doubt I'll do much better... :)15:06
GneaSkaperen: me too, but some people refuse to grasp the concepts that most linux users have had to embrace just to get something working in the past, most of the time in the 90's15:06
botcitymads: are you sure you did not install ubuntu to e: if so then you are using it15:06
crucialhoaxbotcity: As in what? The laptop should connect with 1 bar should it not?15:07
d4n1srigved it is named toolchain its outside the source code folder named code, and it has some rpm files which I turned into deb files and than installed them, the libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 file some files with no extensions and some includes15:07
rigvedv0lksman: why not go with 10.04 (lucid)...it's an LTS so it'll have support for 3 yrs. as compared to the 18 months for maverick15:07
rigvedd4n1s: rpm? how did you convert it to .deb files?15:07
SkaperenGnea: oh, you mean back when we had to hunt down, down load, configure, compile, and install, a boat load of projects from all over the net, often hidden away in legacy FTP servers, just to get a working compile?15:08
DaghdhaWhy are my samba shares not in my samba config progam?15:08
d4n1srigved I think with a software called alien or something, I dont really remember I just googled it.15:08
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)15:08
v0lksmanrigved, I just upgraded from 10.04 thanks to a bunch of kernel issues with my hardware (that weren't resolved by upgrading unfortunately)...but a roll back isn't possible so I'm stuck here in Maverick...15:08
GneaSkaperen: and that was *IF* they would compile with whatever version of libc we had installed!15:08
SkaperenGnea: ah, yes, version combination hell that rivals RPM15:09
SkaperenGnea: that and dozens of patch files to make other stuff work right15:09
MrMadsRthomsenhi all15:10
GneaSkaperen: I actually found that RPM only complicated the matter, but they were setting the precedent for package maintenance and streamlining.15:10
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:10
rigvedv0lksman: hmmm...then i suggest you go with Debian 6.0 (just released today)...you will have comparative lesser hardware problems with it, i think15:10
MrMadsRthomsencan any hear me15:10
[wito]MrMadsRthomsen: No, we can't15:10
GneaMrMadsRthomsen: no, but I can read what you type.15:10
bibic682Gnea:  Thanks15:10
SkaperenGnea: they tried ... but I still find at times that RPM systems get into a "no way out" package hell pit15:11
Gneabibic682: cheers15:11
MrMadsRthomsenk it was because i was in grey15:11
v0lksmanrigved, yeah...I'm tempted...not very impressed with Ubuntu of late.15:11
GneaSkaperen: indeed, particularly on enterprise systems where getting the latest software updates is nearly impossible, save for those that have become deep-sea experts in the subject over the years.15:12
rigvedv0lksman: ubuntu has never caused me any problems...everything just works15:12
Skaperenso anyone know enough about Xorg, or how Xorg gets launched, to configure it so it listens on TCP port 6000 ?15:12
v0lksmanrigved, in the past this was the case...7 - 8 years now...but lately it just seems messy/rushed/buggy15:13
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MrMadsRthomsencan any help me i dual booted win.7 and xubuntu, the problem is i can't get aces to my e drive. but i can get aces to my c drive, and when i reboot to win.7 i can get aces to both drivers15:14
GneaSkaperen: Ah, another casualty of the evolution of pre-packaged distribution. GDM was recently "upgraded" to GDM2 about a year or two ago in Ubuntu and much of the intricate configuration directives got thrown under the bus.15:14
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: can you run gparted and see if it sees the partition15:14
SkaperenGnea: that's what I was afraid of15:14
GneaSkaperen: however, I believe there's still a way, since it's still built into the basic protocol....15:15
MrMadsRthomsenwhere can i get gparted15:15
trinikronosudo apt-get install gparted15:15
codemagicianIs it possible to have keyboard shortcuts to toggle workspaces?15:15
GneaSkaperen: ah yes, you can use ssh -X to do it securely now15:15
SkaperenGnea: yea, the protocols still have it, but getting things to do it with the minimum of hacks is my goal15:15
trinikronoctrl + alt + arrows codemagician15:15
codemagiciantrinikrono, sure but I mean a hot key like 1, 2,3,4,5 on the numberpad?15:16
SkaperenGnea: yeah, ssh would work ... but this is a case I need to get the ssh connection to "pull out"15:16
SkaperenGnea: e.g. the X app will be running under screen15:16
GneaSkaperen: understood, unfortunately they were inconsiderate of private networks with their own security15:16
botcitycrucialhoax: the signals cant be directly compared because they are different devices also radio is a tunable medium i,e all devices have different range frequency etc any its off topic15:16
sachaelI was messing with aircract and uninstalled the drivers for my broadcom wireless card. Which package contains the drivers? (I think driver "wl"?)15:17
GneaSkaperen: nohup?15:17
trinikronocodemagician: did you try the keyboard shortcuts menu15:17
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> what do you mean with: sudo apt-get install gparted.15:17
SkaperenGnea: no, just screen ... easy to disconnect on screen15:17
rigvedv0lksman: well, ubuntu does have more newer software than debian, but it is always tested properly15:17
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: i mean run it in a terminal15:17
SkaperenGnea: but the ssh connection stays while it's still forwarding15:17
trinikronothats how you install things in ubuntu15:17
codemagiciantrinikrono, im new to ubuntu... where do I find this? I'm using 10.10 desktop edition.. thanks15:17
cachedis there a way to make a certain folder so that some certain set of users have complete (read/write/execute) access to all files in that folder, regardless of who put it there?15:18
rigvedd4n1s: sorry, wandered off...ok, so the thing is that installing rpm software in ubuntu is not supported here15:18
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> so you mean i need to copy sudo apt-get install gparted?15:18
trinikronocodemagician: should be preferences keyboard shortcuts15:18
SkaperenGnea: I need to get the ssh connection to drop ... I'm going to start another ssh session to another machine to start another X app ... repeat 46 more times15:18
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: yes15:18
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> thx15:19
GneaSkaperen: and the X app will display where?15:19
codemagiciantrinikrono, works perfectly thanks!15:19
SkaperenGnea: on the desktop I identify in the DISPLAY environment variable I pass to the X app15:19
GneaSkaperen: but, ultimately, on the desktop local to the target machine?15:20
d4n1srigved so you tell me that the problem is with the instantiation of deb items?15:20
VilinyHello! i have a ubuntu box acting as a server. i noticed it's running it's harddrive alot novadays, any way to see what is doing the disk usage?15:20
cachedi feel like having a python script that just recursively chgrp the files in the folder appropriately would be silly :\15:20
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> what do i do when it is finish?15:20
SkaperenGnea: no ... the target machines have no X server ... just a few X apps and enough libs to run them15:20
thejoker420I  am having problems with update through update manager as well as apt-get downloading takes for ever15:21
thejoker420i am connected to a wireless network15:21
trinikronogo under system / Administration and partition editor MrMadsRthomsen15:21
trinikronoand you will see the partitions on the drive15:21
SkaperenGnea: it's a cluster of server and I'm opening little monitor windows for each one onto a bank of displays15:21
mekosHi all: strange thing happens: dolphin and konqueor keep installing on my gnome machine all the time - removed them two times ??? what's happening ??15:21
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> thx15:21
trinikronoViliny: did you run the gnome-system-monitor15:22
SkaperenGnea: ultimately I want to start them w/o having to make the ssh connection in the first place15:22
rigvedd4n1s: installing rpm software in a debian-based system is not the traditional way to do things...you need to find the .deb version of the firmware that you want15:22
GneaSkaperen: then there just needs to be a clear path to the target X server15:22
GneaSkaperen: right.15:22
Vilinytrinikrono: yes, but didn't find what i needed... installing IOtop at the moment :)15:22
GneaSkaperen: cron should be able to win that15:22
SkaperenGnea: the clear path exists ... but Xorg is not listening on a TCP port under Ubuntu Desktop default config15:23
thejoker420any ideas15:23
SkaperenGnea: I've been looking around to find how to configure it to start listening ... the standard port to do that on is 600015:23
d4n1srigved ok thanks15:23
d4n1srigved see ya15:23
GneaSkaperen: could you not use ssh-keys to secure the transmission from each system?15:23
SkaperenGnea: of course, it's nice to have it not do so by default for security reasons ... but there should be a way for it to be turned back on15:24
rigvedd4n1s: ok. sorry i couldn't help much15:24
thejoker420has any had this issues with ubuntu15:24
thejoker420wireless connection with atheros chip15:24
Viper92Z-LinuxWhat kind of problems ?15:24
thejoker420slown downloading15:24
mekosthejoker420: mine is slow only going thru a router15:25
SkaperenGnea: there are a number of reasons here that I am trying to get ssh out of this ... that's why I'm looking for how to make X do this via TCP directly15:25
Viper92Z-LinuxAre you sure it's not your connection issue, thejoker420 ?15:25
cachedis there a good way to make a certain folder so that some certain set of users have complete (read/write/execute) access to all files in that folder, regardless of who put it there? i feel like having a python script that just recursively chgrp the files in the folder appropriately would be silly :\ (sorry for re-ask, but no one answered. i don't want to flood the channel, so i'll assume no if no one responds)15:25
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> it can see it but i can still not get aces to the drive15:25
sachaelhow can I install the broadcom-wl driver?15:26
thejoker420yes pretty sure i have ubuntu on my desktop connected via the ethernet and it works fine15:26
erUSULcached: that's what groups where created for15:26
GneaSkaperen: understood.15:26
jribcached: use ACLs.  Alternatively, you can also change the umask of users so that they give group write access and setgid a directory but that won't apply to subdirectories15:26
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: can you right click on it there and see if it says mount15:27
SkaperenGnea: given the right DISPLAY string, X clients are trying to make the correct X protocol connection ... it's just that Xorg isn't listening15:27
GneaSkaperen: exactly, and that would use less networking resources15:27
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> it says unmount15:28
SkaperenGnea: that, too15:28
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: well that means its mounted somewhere15:28
trinikronosee if you can see where it is mounted15:28
thejoker420so im not sure what is going on15:28
GneaSkaperen: I wonder sometimes at the actual amount of experience that's been gathered into the current Ubuntu development team15:28
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: go on properties it should say where its mounted15:28
SkaperenGnea: I tried doing "xauth +" to drop security ... that didn't help15:29
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> ok thx trying15:29
SkaperenGnea: experience in actual software, I believe they have a lot ... experience making sure legacy features THEY have never used still work, not so sure about15:30
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> when i go to  properties it says its not mounted15:30
GneaSkaperen: Okay, check out /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc15:30
cachederUSUL: ACLs work for all subdirectories as well?15:30
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the_dark_warrio1Is there a package for Linux man pages?15:31
the_dark_warrio1for linux kernel man pages*15:31
SkaperenGnea: I've run a cross a few other issues ... one of which involves an IPv{4,6} dual stack in a LAN that has both IPv4 and IPv6, but which has no IPv6 to the internet ... it assumes that if an IPv6 global scope address exists, then IPv6 can reach the internet15:31
SkaperenGnea: the resolver is the issue ... it looks for AAAA first in such cases ... because they set the default to do so internally to the source code ... the resolver only has a config option to turn IPv6 on, not to turn it off, and they didn't add one to turn it off15:32
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> when i go to  properties it says its not mounted15:33
trinikronohmm MrMadsRthomsen is ntfs or anything15:33
rigvedthe_dark_warrio1: search for 'Linux Kernel in a Nutshell' on google. there's a html version as well as .pdf and dpcbook versions15:33
SkaperenGnea: in part it's the fault of the resolver team for not realizing someone could patch their code and break it ... they should have had a way to disable IPv6 in resolv.conf15:33
rigvedthe_dark_warrio1: *docbook15:33
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> its ntfs15:33
the_dark_warrio1rigved: nice, thanks!15:34
SkaperenGnea: but in part it's the fault of the Ubuntu or Debian packager that patched the code to make IPv6 on by default, instead of just installing a resolv.conf file to do it (that could be changed easily for the few cases that it causes breakage)15:34
trinikronodid you try the mount command yet MrMadsRthomsen15:34
Skaperenanyway ... I'm still looking for how to make Xorg be invoked to enable TCP listening15:35
rigvedthe_dark_warrio1: you are welcome. after you finish with it, then head over to http://tldp.org. it has the complete documentation of the linux kernel15:35
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> in the therminal ?15:35
trinikronoyes MrMadsRthomsen15:35
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:35
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> dont know the command15:35
codemagicianis it possible to remote control my friends Ubuntu desktop to help her out?15:36
AdmV0rl0nbummer, my ESXI box doesnt do VT15:36
* AdmV0rl0n grumbles15:36
abstrakthi, every time I log in, my nice theme disappears and the junky stupid GTK+ theme appears instead15:36
AdmV0rl0nso ubuntu cloud crashes on install15:36
abstraktwell actually no sorry, every time I boot up my computer... the *first* time I log in15:37
abstraktthis happens15:37
trinikronocodemagician: remote desktop :D15:37
abstraktto "fix" it, all I have to do is log out and log back in again15:37
trinikronounder administration15:37
abstrakthas anyone seen this happen?15:37
codemagiciantrinikrono, is that a standard pre-installed component?15:37
the_dark_warrio1rigved: thats very helpful. I've also found the git repository for linux kernel man pages at http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/download.html15:37
rigvedthe_dark_warrio1: yep, that too. that's the website where the linux code is hosted15:38
MrMadsRthomsendo i need another command than just !mount?15:38
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: yes thats why you went into gparted15:38
trinikronoso you can see which partition it was /dev/sdb1 for example15:39
the_dark_warrio1rigved: thanks ;-) Let the study begin! Cya15:39
rigvedthe_dark_warrio1: all the best! :)15:39
trinikronocodemagician: yes i use it all the time, well trough the network15:39
codemagiciantrinikrono, ok thanks15:39
cachederUSUL: i followed instructions online for setting up the appropriate ACL ( http://brunogirin.blogspot.com/2010/03/shared-folders-in-ubuntu-with-setgid.html ) but when i copy a file into the folder, it maintains its old privileges, preventing others from deleting it. is there a way around this limitation?15:40
trinikronocached: did you chmod the files after you copied them15:40
cachedtrinikrono: no, but that's the point. i was wondering if there's a way to have it work without having to chmod each time15:40
trinikronowell you should only have to chmod once15:41
cachedtrinikrono: think of it as a sandbox folder15:41
cachedtrinikrono: once per file. i'd prefer for it to be an open folder for a certain set of people to mess around with however they wish (well, for the purposes of a certain project), including deleting files other placed there15:42
erUSULcached: the setgid changes the group not the permission bits;15:42
cachederUSUL: is there a way to force the permission bits to change when a file is copied?15:43
trinikronocached: wow15:43
trinikronothat is a hard way of doing15:43
MrMadsRthomsenis the driver need a flag?15:43
erUSULcached: no. you will have to use acl's for that15:43
erUSUL!info eiciel | cached15:43
ubottucached: eiciel (source: eiciel): graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1 (maverick), package size 451 kB, installed size 1048 kB15:43
erUSULcached: you have to modify default umasks for thw usres etc. to get the complete solution15:44
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> do the driver need a flag15:44
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: i dont understand you there :s15:44
cachederUSUL: how do i set the acl then? just "setfacl -d -m u::rwx,g::rwx,o::r-x foldername" didn't work. this is on a server so i can't really use graphical tools15:45
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> in gparted you can manage flags do one of those need to bee marked?15:45
erUSULcached: you see the bit about enabling acl's in the filesystem? you have to remount it changing options in fstab15:45
erUSULcached: you can use setfacl and getfacl in command line15:46
cachederUSUL: i did that. i changed the appropriate value in fstab and restarted15:46
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: you should just run something like sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk15:46
erUSULcached: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions <<< this page has also usefull info15:46
trinikronoand you will see the files15:46
pylixplease help me i have no bootable OS. how to i get grub back?15:47
trinikronopylix: you cant use a cd and setup grub from there?15:48
pylixmy xubuntu cd doesn't have recovery15:48
g_0_0!grub | pylix15:48
ubottupylix: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:48
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> ok if i understanding right (my drive is /dev/sda5) i need to write sudo mount /dev/sda5  /mnt/disk?15:48
mkanyicypylix: are you using grub2 or the old grub?15:48
cachederUSUL: there's nothing on that page that helps with files that have been copied over15:49
pylixgrub the old legacy15:49
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: almost you need to make sure the folder /mnt/disk exists15:49
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> ok cheking15:49
bibic682hello, is there an easy way to download and install AVVIEW15:49
erUSULcached: with seguid and proper umask should be possible to acvompish what you want afaics ... if umasks is 002 for team/group members and whatever file you create in it inherits the group you are all set. peroblem is what jrib mentioned. subfolders do not inherit the setguid bit so you may want to have a icron job or similar that does it automatically15:49
pylixI'm using try without installing lol and i installed wireless drivers from my flash drive15:50
Dr_Willis!info avview15:50
ubottuPackage avview does not exist in maverick15:50
mkanyicypylix: follow that link shown above15:50
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> i have a folder named mnt is it enough15:50
bibic682trying to get my all in wonder 9000 tv working15:50
StavaWhen I edit /etc/hosts to point "local" at "" it works fine. But the "local" entry is removed once I restart the computer. Why is that?15:50
Dr_Willisbibic682:  and what is that exactly?15:50
th_hello. im making a bash script to start things. what is the correct line to start command line programs so it starts a gnome-terminal15:50
bibic682Dr-Willis: It is a tv viewer for ati tv cards15:50
th_*runs them in gnome-terminal15:50
mkanyicyth_: you are not clear15:51
Dr_Willisbibic682:  is there even a linux port of the thing?15:51
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: make the folder disk if you need too15:51
Dr_Willisth_:  gnome-terminal someoptions scriptname    :)15:51
Dr_Willisth_:  for xterm  its 'xterm -e commandtorun'  gnome-terminal has somthing similer.15:51
th_mkanyicy, somebody got me :P15:52
bibic682Dr_Willis: It is a video capture for ati cards from GATOS15:52
cachederUSUL: i think acl isn't working even though it's enabled in fstab and i restarted?15:52
mkanyicyth_: good luck15:52
th_Dr_Willis, thanks again15:52
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> only a seperat folder named disk or a folder named /mnt/disk15:52
Dr_Willisth_:   -e, --command                   Execute the argument to this option inside the terminal15:52
cachederUSUL: is there something wrong with "/dev/sda1       /           ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime,acl    0 1" ?15:53
Dr_Willisth_:  from the gnome-terminal --help-all   info :)15:53
GneaSkaperen: Interesting, I wasn't aware of the issue with IPv6.  At some point, it will become a moot point, so I think they were just ahead of themselves on that one.15:53
th_Dr_Willis, wow. you should get paid for this :D15:53
trinikronoa folder named disk in /mnt MrMadsRthomsen15:53
jribcached: "isn't working" is too vague15:53
Dr_Willisth_:  yes i should...15:53
th_Dr_Willis, btw confing /etc/init/ssh was the correct way to stop ssh server for running at boot15:54
Dr_Willisth_:  whats the point of instlling it.. if you are not running it. :)15:54
th_Dr_Willis, so i can scp stuff15:55
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> i cant make a folder15:55
cachederUSUL: jrib: actually, something weird is going on. if i just do nano testfile inside the folder, i get a permissions denied? I own the folder which, for now, has 777 permissions and getfacl on the directory gives user::rwx group::rwx among other thigns ?15:55
jribcached: just pastebin the full output of getfacl15:56
erUSULcached: no the fstab line looks ok15:56
mkanyicyth_: you cant scp to your local machine if ssh server is not running15:56
Dr_Willisth_:  so why do you want it off then?15:56
bibic682Can ati tv tuners run in wine??15:56
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: sudo md /mnt/disk15:56
Dr_Willisbibic682:  doubtfull15:56
cachedjrib: gah, i somehow don't have permissions to my own home directory now :<15:56
th_mkanyicy, yes that is why i start it when needed15:57
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk15:57
Dr_Willisth_:  and theres some reason to not have it always running?15:57
mkanyicyth_: ok15:57
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> done now what15:58
th_Dr_Willis, i dont want to run unnecessary services15:58
trinikronothe other one MrMadsRthomsen sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/disk15:58
th_Dr_Willis, and its more safe this way15:58
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> trying and thx again15:58
Dr_Willisth_:  you are running a 486 or somthing? :) i doubt if ssh is that big a security risk15:58
mkanyicyth_: but you can't enable ssh server on  that machine while you are on another machine wanting to 'push' files into it by scp15:58
cachedjrib: http://pastebin.com/s7TnHs9w15:59
th_Dr_Willis, noo 64bit actually.15:59
th_mkanyicy, true. but my needs are very limited. i mostly download stuff from the schools network15:59
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> thanks alot found out15:59
mkanyicyth_: I think scp doesnt need an ssh server in that mode, when you run it from your own machine to pull/download files from remote machines16:00
th_mkanyicy, but for sending?16:01
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: you might want to look at !fstab16:01
jribcached: not that it would stop you from creating files, but why do you have setuid, setgid, and sticky bit enabled?  Anyway, what does « touch ~/test » do?16:01
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:01
mkanyicyth_: yes for sending it is needed16:01
cachedjrib: it seems to work. i think the problem with the home directory was fixed16:01
sky__any body here?16:02
jribcached: ok16:02
cachedjrib: it just creates the blank file ~/test16:02
th_mkanyicy, i tought so16:02
mkanyicysky__: everybody is here16:02
jribcached: so is everything working now?16:02
hsa2why there is a sound latency on flash games?16:02
cachedjrib: still not deleting files copied over16:02
sky__is there any one who comes from china?16:02
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> why do i need to do it16:03
jribcached: what do you mean?16:03
mkanyicy!ot| sky__16:03
ubottusky__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:03
th_is there a list of linux friendly tv cards?16:03
cachedjrib: say a file was created in a different directory / different computer, and is copied into the folder in question. users other than the copier can't modify/delete it16:03
mkanyicyth_: dont buy any Compro cards16:03
BluesKaj!cn | sky__16:04
ubottusky__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:04
mkanyicyth_: Hauppaugge cards are great16:04
jribcached: well wouldn't you want to create a group and set the default ACL to give that group rwx?16:04
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: so it will mount it eveytime you turn the pc on16:04
th_mkanyicy, yes i know there are many not recommended cards. so want to be sure before shopping16:04
cachedjrib: isn't that what the acl in the pastebin is doing?16:04
jribcached: no16:04
th_mkanyicy, any hauppauge? native drivers?16:04
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> so the command is fstab?16:04
hsa2any idea for me?16:04
cachedjrib: why not?16:04
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: no its a config file read the wikipage16:05
th_is there a list of linux friendly tv cards?16:05
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> where do i find the file16:06
jribcached: you want it to say default:group:WHATEVER_GROUP:rwx16:06
cachedjrib: oh16:06
mkanyicyth_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaHauppauge16:06
cachedjrib: it now says "default:group:mm:rwx", but a user in the group mm is still getting permission denied on newly copied files16:07
th_mkanyicy, thanks! thats hauppauge only. is it only brand to be considered?16:07
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> where do i find the file16:07
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen:  read this first https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab16:08
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 times and again downloads a certain podcast item and does not stop. What's going wrong here?16:08
jribcached: well what does getfacl say about the files?16:09
cachedjrib: group:mm:rwx#effective:r-x16:09
jribcached: there you go16:09
cachedjrib: why is the thing for the file not the effective one?16:10
mkanyicyth_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimedia16:10
=== PS is now known as GFW
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researcher1my Ubuntu suddenly stopped booting so I formatted drive C & installed XP. Now how to install Ubuntu again? The liveCD takes infinite to proceed16:10
jribcached: you have to change the mask16:11
th_mkanyicy, i really need googling lessons16:11
cachedjrib: of what?16:11
jribcached: change default mask for the directory you're doing this in16:11
GFWwhich channel is for chinese16:13
GFWdo you know?16:13
bhagatsri dont know where to put this question but Can anyone tellme why i m seeing red and blue images in an anylgraphic 3d movie even after wearing red-blue glasses16:13
vish!cn | GFW16:13
ubottuGFW: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:13
GFWthanks you very much.16:13
vishyou are welcome..16:14
WierdAARI think I have a problem with my video card. I can't run some application properly (boxee, xmbc) and have no access to visual effects at all. I have no idea how to fix it, or what the problem is..16:14
bhagatsri dont know where to put this question but Can anyone tellme why i m seeing red and blue images in an anylgraphic 3d movie even after wearing red-blue glasses16:14
battlehandsIs there a channel that can help with troubleshooting hardware?16:14
trinikronoWierdAAR: you should start with what type of video card it is16:14
erUSULbattlehands: #hardware ?16:14
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> how do i know about the fstab file is right?16:15
vish!offtopic | bhagatsr16:15
ubottubhagatsr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:15
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Jakhello, I have a issue with shutdown - it restarts the pc everytime. Any ideas how I can get this fixed16:15
WierdAARtrinikrono, lspci | grep VGA gives " VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)"16:15
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> how do i know about the fstab file is right?16:16
battlehandserUSUL, thanks16:16
battlehandserUSUL,  channel is invite only... I cant join16:16
eddyquezdhello everyone there16:17
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: you only use the fstab if you want the disk to be mounted all the time16:17
erUSULbattlehands: try with two dashes ##hardware16:17
eddyquezddo have some issue with ubuntu16:18
cachederUSUL: i thought i set the mask to rwx (getfacl agrees) but same problem :<16:18
MrMadsRthomsen<trinikrono> is what i want16:18
breadcrumbbattlehands, its not invite-only, but you need to be registered and auth'd to nickserv16:18
battlehandsbreadcrumb, geez... Its been years since Ive used an IRC service.  How do I auth?16:18
trinikronoMrMadsRthomsen: read the link i sent you it has everything you need in there16:19
WierdAARtrinikrono, If i have the name from lspci | grep VGA, what should I do next? I've tried using google, and searching the ubuntu forums for some information, but havn't been able to find anything useful. (eg. I'm not really sure what to search for)16:19
erUSULcached: no acl's involved http://pastebin.com/W5swiv5n16:19
MrMadsRthomsenok thx16:19
cachederUSUL: oh, it was the sticky bit16:19
breadcrumbbattlehands http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup16:19
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_CommandeR_how do I make grub2 to use uuid ?16:20
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jribcached: erm, you don't want to mask rwx...16:20
trinikronoWierdAAR: it does not give you hardware drivers?16:20
erUSULcached: as i said for subfolders and copied files you can have an icron job or a script that uses inotifywait to "fix" permissions as files appear in the folder ?16:20
WierdAARtrinikrono, I not sure what you mean?16:20
cachedjrib: how should i mask it?16:20
jribcached: mask is like "take away"16:20
trinikronoWierdAAR: i meant did you check the hardware drivers menu in administration16:21
cachedjrib: uh. crap16:21
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WierdAARtrinikrono, Yes, nothing comes up16:21
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cachederUSUL: that was my original suggestion, but i was wondering if there's something more elegant. anyway, whatever i have set up here seems to work, so i'll use that for now and figure out why it's actually working in due time. thanks for the help!16:23
cachedjrib: thank you for the help as well!16:23
=== shaun__ is now known as shaunhowe
jribcached: no problem, acl is the elegant solution :)16:23
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erUSULcached: acl's may be a more elegant solution but they make my head spin :P i can not hel with them much16:24
MrMintanetI have a folder loaded with .zip files.  Is there an easy and organized way to batch unzip them all at once?16:24
jribMrMintanet: for loop16:24
mkanyicyMrMintanet: unzip file.zip16:24
jribMrMintanet: in the directory:  for file in *.zip; do unzip "$file"; done16:25
mkanyicyMrMintanet: for f in *.zip ; do unzip "$f" ; done16:25
MrMintanetCan you just write the command out without any extra text?  I am confused as to what the CLI input should be.16:25
MrMintanet<-  NOOB!16:25
jribMrMintanet: mkanyicy wrote it without any extra text16:26
jayson_hi guys i got a problem with my menu bar every icon under the "places" menu such as home or whatever starts VLC16:26
MrMintanetSo, just browse to the directory, and then past that in terminal?16:26
jribjayson_: right click on a directory -> open with -> other application -> nautilus (and check the option to make it default)16:26
jribMrMintanet: browse to the directory in a terminal, yes16:26
jayson_jrib, i can right clicking also results in vlc opening automaticly16:27
jribjayson_: all you do is right click?  Nothing else?  And vlc opens?16:28
MrMintanetWorks, thanks very much!16:28
jayson_jrib that right16:28
jribjayson_: that's pretty strange.16:28
xanguajayson_: create a folder>right clic>open with other>open folder16:28
jayson_jrib that's what i thought also16:28
jribjayson_: does right click behave like left click in other places?16:28
WierdAARDo you need to get a special driver for VIA video cards ?16:29
jayson_jrib, xangua it only seems to do that under the Places menu16:30
trinikronoWierdAAR: you can look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome16:30
jayson_jrib, i just created a folder on the desktop and it works fine16:30
jribjayson_: ah yes sorry, that's what I meant16:31
mkanyicyMrMintanet: by the way, this works too, 'unzip \*.zip' instead of the loop.16:31
jribmkanyicy: are you sure?16:31
KeithChesterDoes anyone have a suggestion for a graphical ftp client that isn't gftp? Gftp just isnt.... up to par for what i want.16:31
erUSULKeithChester: filezilla16:31
jribKeithChester: nautilus?16:31
trinikronofilezilla o/16:31
erUSULKeithChester: Places>Connect to Server16:31
DogWaterIs there a safe way to have an older version and a newer version of g++ on the same system?16:31
mkanyicyjrib: just tried it out, it's in the man page example for unzip16:32
KeithChesterok, ill give em all a try. thanks people.16:32
KeithChesterespecially on the quick reply haha16:32
staquixtry firefox plugin fireftp16:32
KeithChesterstaquix - i'm a chrome user :-p but ill keep that in mind if the others arent what i want16:32
jayson_jrib, ok after doing that on the desktop now right click behaves like the left click in that menu16:32
jribmkanyicy: k, thanks16:32
DogWaterI can't get this source to compile under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64 http://www.vlfeat.org/~vedaldi/assets/siftpp/versions/siftpp-0.8.1.tar.gz, does it compile for anyone else? It works fine on CentOS16:32
erUSULjrib: mkanyicy maybe unzip understands globs ....16:32
KeithChesteroh erUSUL - one question on the places- > connect to server16:32
KeithChesterthe port set is actually ftp and not a number  - but it wont let me type a non # into the port section. how do i do that?16:33
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KeithChesternm it just defaulted to the right port16:33
jribmkanyicy, erUSUL: yes indeed, my eyes ignored the escaped *16:33
jayson_jrib, when you right click on the home link is it so post to open of give more options16:33
DogWaterAnyone have a sec to try and compile that pkg and tell me if it works?16:34
DogWaterit's very small16:34
jribjayson_: I don't know16:34
abstrakthi, does anyone here know much about the innards of GNOME and GNOME themes?16:34
abstraktspecifically gnome initialization?16:34
jribabstrakt: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:34
jayson_jrib, could you tell me what your's does16:34
abstraktjrib, I did16:34
mellohi could anybody explain what squashing means in NFS?16:34
jribjayson_: mine doesn't exist :)16:34
jayson_jrib, doh!!!!16:34
jribabstrakt: no, just assume the answer to the question you asked is "yes" and ask your next one16:35
abstraktthis problem has (apparently) been happening for months now16:35
Rishav_TDogWater: Whats the package?16:35
edbianmello, squashing typically  means erasing everything on a filesystem16:35
abstraktjrib, every single time I reboot my computer, on first login, I get an ugly theme16:35
edbianmello, not sure if there is some context in NFS or not16:35
jribabstrakt: ask the channel16:35
abstraktjrib, then if I log out and log back in, I get the normal "good looking" theme16:35
DogWaterI try to compile it under 10.04 LTS and it gives me a bunch of errors16:35
abstrakthey everyone16:36
melloi read it has something to do with preventing root from accesing export files but i dont get it16:36
abstraktevery time I boot (or reboot) my computer, on first login, I get an ugly theme16:36
abstraktwhattup with that?16:36
edbianmello, I have no idea.16:36
jribabstrakt: try to keep it on one line in the future, thanks!16:36
g_0_0DogWater, can you pastebin the errors?16:36
melloedbian: ok thanx anyway :)16:36
abstraktjrib, do you even have a remote clue as to the answer?16:36
jribabstrakt: yes16:37
erUSULDogWater: fails for me too16:37
abstraktjrib, great, sooo... how can I fix it?16:37
pylix/usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly.16:37
milamberDogWater: me also16:37
abstraktjrib, I've already tried A) removing ~/.gconfd ~/.gnome2 and friends16:37
yeatsDogWater: have you tried just downloading the binary?: http://www.vlfeat.org/~vedaldi/assets/siftpp/binaries/16:37
abstraktB) removing proprietary drivers (like nvidia and broadcom)16:38
jribabstrakt: create fresh new user, see if issue exists there16:38
abstraktnothing fixes this16:38
DogWateryeats: I can't use the binary I am trying to build a python binding that requires the source.16:38
yeatsDogWater: ah.. ok16:38
yeatsDogWater: it doesn't compile for me either - without a ./configure script, I can understand why ;-)16:39
DogWateryeats: newer version of gcc requires #include <stdint.h> to be defined16:39
DogWaterit compiled =)16:39
Rishav_TDogWater: yea, even I'm on 10.04 and its givin lot of errors. in sift-driver.cpp I'm not that good in c++ so I guess thats all I can help.16:39
Rishav_TDogWater: nice :)16:39
milamberDogWater: are you going to send that upstream?16:40
gribouillehow can I get a list of all packages providing ftp-server ?16:40
DogWateri may try and contact the person who wrote the source16:40
milamberDogWater: that's what makes oss beautiful :)16:41
DogWateralthough in the version file it says he fixed the issue in the current version, =)16:41
DogWatereven though he didnt =)16:41
Rishav_Tgribouille: typt in "sudo apt-get install ftp-server" in a terminal. enter ur password. apt-get should give an error saying "ftp-server has no installatino candidate" and list all the packages providing it.16:42
edbianDogWater, maybe you don't have the current version16:42
g_0_0gribouille, try -  apt-cache search ftp server - in the terminal16:42
milamberDogWater: doesn't say *which* version of ubuntu 6416:43
gribouilleok, thanks16:44
zambais it possible to manually deactivate an usb port?16:45
milambergribouille: i don't think ftp-server is a meta package?16:46
aeon-ltdzamba: don't think so, but dmesg will tell you if anything got detected though16:47
gribouillemilamber, it is a virtual package16:47
sagata ro16:47
sagattem alguem na rinha16:47
Kazeninsagat, como é ?16:47
milambergribouille: correct, so you have to pick which ftp server you want. most people have good luck w/ vsftpd16:48
gribouillemilamber, ok16:48
sagate ai16:48
sagatso novo por aqui16:48
sagatmecho com linux a algum tempo16:48
sagatmas aqui sou novo16:48
FloodBot2sagat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
gpc!pt | sagat16:49
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:49
=== Justin____ is now known as Jeezy_is_BACK
Natsirtjoin #spip16:50
aeon-ltdzamba: wait sorry i misread, usb ports (some) can be controlled by the bios, but the only ones i know of are the ones that supply power when the laptop/desktop is off16:51
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Rishav_Tzamba: You can do it through Grub I guess. I found a link. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-disable-modprobe-loading-of-usb-storage-driver/16:53
bezaohi, i'm running ubuntu server on vbox under windows 7, everytime i format windows, i need to reconfigure my vbox, and everytime i loose my eth0 at ubuntu, atm i only have 'lo' on ifconfig, when i run 'dhclient' i got eth1 with correct local ip, but i cant ping nothing from or to ubuntu, i already have configured vbox with bridge mode! anyone can help?16:53
zambaaeon-ltd: well, i want to turn it on and off while running16:53
zambaaeon-ltd: it's for controlling a fan16:53
keystr0kHey all. I just updated git by building the src. I did this as root and the binary is located in /usr/local/bin/git   running git --version gives me 1.7.4 (good).  When I run this command as a different user it's version 1.5.x (old = bad).  The thing is, running 'which git' under both users returns the same path... /usr/local/bin/git16:54
keystr0kWhy is a non-root user seeing the old version if 'which' is showing the same path16:54
ptknighti'm trying to compile xnee 3.08 but i'm getting an error and I don't know much about this stuff. Can you help me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563033/16:54
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest43647
Rishav_Tzamba: Oh since you want it to control a fan, those methods might not work. Since even on disabling USBs they usually still provide power.16:55
g_0_0ptknight, is there a configure script and did you run it?16:56
ptknightyes. I ran ./configure first: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563032/16:56
aeon-ltdzamba: homemade fan?16:58
xkucf03i am using apache and nginx and i want them to listen on specific ip addreses,16:59
xkucf03on boot starting this daemons fails -- it seems like that daemon is started before network if fully ready, which leads to error:16:59
xkucf03"Cannot assign requested address"16:59
FloodBot2xkucf03: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
ptknighttesti ?16:59
g_0_0ptknight, did you install libgtk2.0-dev ?16:59
xkucf03when i start them manually, it works17:00
aeon-ltdzamba: if it is why not just wire a switch in?17:00
Jordan_Ukeystr0k: If you open a new (non-root) shell do you get the newer git?17:00
keystr0kJordan_U: great question. one sec17:00
ptknightg_0_0: probably not… let me check17:00
xkucf03in init scripts there is:17:00
xkucf03# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog17:00
xkucf03but it does not wait for ready network17:00
bezaohi, i'm running ubuntu server on vbox under windows 7, everytime i format windows, i need to reconfigure my vbox, and everytime i loose my eth0 at ubuntu, atm i only have 'lo' on ifconfig, when i run 'dhclient' i got eth1 with correct local ip, but i cant ping nothing from or to ubuntu, i already have configured vbox with bridge mode! anyone can help?17:01
EvilPhoenixbezao:  stop reformatting your system, then? :/17:02
Luvz2drvits windows you cannot help but to have to format :)17:02
EvilPhoenixLuvz2drv:  yeah, format and replace it with Linux :P17:02
EvilPhoenixUbuntu, preferably17:02
xkucf03i have found workaround: add to init.d script "sleep 5", but it is ugly17:02
bezaoEvilPhoenix someone here at #ubuntu helped me before, but i dont remember what he told me to do17:02
Luvz2drvput windows in a vm in ubuntu17:03
ptknightg_0_0: ubunto sc says it's installed17:03
keystr0kJordan_U:  you got it :) thanks! So, why did I have to log out and log back in to see the new version?17:03
EvilPhoenixLuvz2drv:  that would definitely work :P17:03
=== JayCee is now known as Jay-Cee
compdocbezao, you have only one network card in the system?17:03
bezaocompdoc yes17:03
Jordan_Ukeystr0k: You didn't need to log out, just clear bash's path hash: http://bradconte.com/bash-path-hashing.html17:03
compdocmight want to try a 2nd one17:03
g_0_0ptknight, it looks like you may want to install imagemagick too17:03
keystr0kJordan_U:  thanks!17:04
bezaocompdoc i only have one!17:04
compdocleave the system's network card alone17:04
tgywaWhich tool can I use to compare installed packages on two different Ubuntu machines ?17:04
Jordan_Ukeystr0k: You're welcome.17:04
DanielHi, I'm a new user of Ubuntu17:04
g_0_0ptknight, the dev package is installed?17:04
DanielI have a problem with the internet conection, can anybody help me please? (sorry my english is not pretty good yet)17:05
ptknightg_0_0: http://imgur.com/8pGre I'm not very good at this...17:05
karanmenonwhats is the probablem?17:05
bezaohi, i'm running ubuntu server on vbox under windows 7, everytime i format windows, i need to reconfigure my vbox, and everytime i loose my eth0 at ubuntu, atm i only have 'lo' on ifconfig, when i run 'dhclient' i got eth1 with correct local ip, but i cant ping nothing from or to ubuntu, i already have configured vbox with bridge mode! anyone can help?17:05
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erUSULDaniel: maybe you prefer to go to the ubuntu channel in your language17:05
erUSULwhich is?17:06
Danielhow can i change the language17:06
erUSULDaniel: what is your native language17:06
g_0_0ptknight, install imagemagick too17:06
erUSUL!es | Daniel17:06
ubottuDaniel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:06
ptknightg_0_0: how do I do that? Can't find it on Ubuntu SC…17:07
Danielok, muchas gracias ubottu17:07
Danielpero dònde tengo que escribir eso?17:07
g_0_0ptknight, in the terminal type - sudo apt-get install imagemagick17:07
karanmenonStarcraft dont work on Ubuntu17:07
erUSULDaniel: in the same place you writte anything else17:08
erUSUL!appdb | karanmenon17:08
ubottukaranmenon: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:08
ptknightg_0_0: it installed successfully17:08
JT13is anyone familiar with virtualbox? I have it setup, created the virtual partition for installation but when initializing installation of the os "win 7" inside the vbox, i get an erroe that "windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computers hardware maynot support booting to this disc. Ensure that the disks controller is enabled using the computers BIOS menu. by the way I am installing via virtual cd/dvd drive with an iso saved on the desktop.17:08
karanmenonI tried using wine17:08
karanmenonit installed but SC2 crashes after I start a game17:09
karanmenonI logged in I changed all the settings17:09
karanmenonbut its not the settings that affect it.. I think wine cant read StarCraft 2 well17:09
trinikronokaranmenon:  http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20882 check this out17:10
arashi256Just got my new Google Nexus S phone with Android 2.3 - nice :)17:10
ptknightg_0_0: should I do again the make install command?17:10
karanmenonthanks trinikrono17:11
g_0_0ptknight, yeah try again and see what happens17:12
g_0_0ptknight, how did you unpack the source?17:12
karanmenonhow do i learn the basics of "Terminal" as a newbe17:13
karanmenonI love Ubuntu and how just by programming i can make my own apps17:13
cfeddeit's a simple matter of programmign.17:14
karanmenonI know.. but i want to customize my comp17:14
karanmenonwith terminal17:14
karanmenoni want to learn the basics17:14
SomelauwHow to import anything from bluetooth?17:14
g_0_0!terminal | karanmenon17:14
ubottukaranmenon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:14
ptknightg_0_0: used ubuntu's "extract here"... It wasn't via term. It failed again, btw. http://paste.ubuntu.com/563475/17:15
karanmenonThanks ubottu17:15
SomelauwI am used to Fspot, but it doesn't work anymore, since it can't find my phone.17:15
g_0_0ptknight, in the terminal create a new folder, copy source there then unpack as with tar -xzf Xnee-2.00.tar.gz - or what ever file you have, run configure again then try make17:17
bezaohow can i reset my ubuntu eth ?17:17
ptknightg_0_0: I'm on it17:17
ginosalhi! i'm still having problems on my wireless connection on ubuntu 10.10. i've noticed that it is very unstable when i disconnect AC power and work only with battery power. it works fine when wall powered. what should i do to fix this issue? is there anything I can do?17:17
g_0_0bezao, in terminal type - sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:17
NAJIis it possible to share internet through cellular phone via wifi??17:19
voozeNAJI, with android 2.3 yes17:20
voozeor 2.2 i think17:20
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
NAJIvooze: what is android??17:20
voozegoogle > android17:21
chaos2358can anyone help me with virtualbox? I have it setup, have created the virtual partition on which the os "win 7" will be installed on, I am running the install as a virtual cd/rom drive pointed to the iso on desktop. When i initialize installation it comes up fine, select language and locale, but  when i am attempting to select the disc to install on i get an error that windows cannot install on the disc. my computers hardware may not be configured t17:21
chaos2358o support booting from the disc. please make sure the discs controllers are in abled in the BIOS of my machine.17:21
Rishav_TNAJI: depends on your phone. If you have an Android, iPhone, Nokia N series, it should work. Other phones, I dont know.17:21
NAJIvooze: i will get an lg smartphone with wifi and 3g internet.17:21
christoph_it is the system produced by google17:21
h-deehi...i have an issue here. I'm on a laptop having SD card slot, but when i insert the card...nothing happens. Ubuntu don't detect it. Using v10.10 64-bit by the way. However, I check on my XP that both the card and card-reader is working fine. And also, if I insert my card into an external card-reader, and then connect it to my laptop via USB. Ubuntu detects it. Any ideas why it isn't detecting the SD card when I insert it into my SD card slot inbuilt in my lap17:21
NAJIRishav_T thank you17:22
NAJIvooze thanks17:22
chaos2358 can anyone help me with virtualbox? I have it setup, have created the virtual partition on which the os "win 7" will be installed on, I am running the install as a virtual cd/rom drive pointed to the iso on desktop. When i initialize installation it comes up fine, select language and locale, but  when i am attempting to select the disc to install on i get an error that windows cannot install on the disc. my computers hardware may not be configured t17:22
chaos2358 o support booting from the disc. please make sure the discs controllers are in abled in the BIOS of my machine.17:22
voozeNAJI, np :) just learn to google somthing, before 2-3 people having to explain simple things17:23
ptknightg_0_0: It still sys the libgtk2.0-dev is missing #113 http://paste.ubuntu.com/563478/17:24
ginosalhi! i'm still having problems on my wireless connection on ubuntu 10.10. i've noticed that it is very unstable when i disconnect AC power and work only with battery power. it works fine when wall powered. what should i do to fix this issue? is there anything I can do?17:24
StavaCan i block certain directories from being "remembered" in file use history?17:25
BluesKajI'm looking at an Aver media hdmi pcie video capture card for our media server pc , to serve as a extension to hdtv progs  due to the HiDef limitations of my older hd pvr HDD....anybody have exprience with Aver media on Linux?17:27
viktor133i need to get a scanned pdf to workable text, ocrfeeder doesn't work. any recommendations?17:28
g_0_0ptknight, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev17:29
milamberg_0_0: i gtk_config isn't in that package i don't think.17:29
g_0_0ptknight, also- sudo apt-get install texi2html17:29
milamberg_0_0: let me see . . .17:29
|Long|have anyone here used remote desktop? i used realvnc client so lagging17:29
faziletanyone there17:30
compdoc|Long|, you using tigervnc?17:30
torqueuse rteamviewer17:30
fazilet'M FROM TURKEY17:30
ptknightg_0_0: the first one was already there (http://paste.ubuntu.com/563481/) but the second installed correctly. I'll do the ./configure again17:30
fazilethow  r u17:30
LjLfazilet: try #ubuntu-tr if you want to speak turkish17:31
torque|Long|, use teamviewer17:31
nickGGGhi, can someone help me configure postfix ?17:31
|Long|torque, thanks17:31
faziletI wanna meet new17:31
torqueits the best remote desktop soft17:31
viktor133could anybody pls recommend a ocr program for working with scanned pdf, or another way of getting scanned pdf to workable text? pretty pls17:31
FloodBot2fazilet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
nickGGGhi, can someone help me configure postfix ?17:31
viktor133fazilet: maybe look for a social chatroom?17:32
g_0_0ptknight, you may also want to install imagemagick - sudo apt-get install imagemagick17:32
nickGGGanyone here used postfix ?? i need help17:32
faziletcan't it be here17:32
SungSamhi all!17:33
ptknightg_0_0: done. Running ./configure17:34
trokernick_h, #postfix17:34
faziletI'm looking for male and female friens17:34
g_0_0ptknight, try make and see what you get17:34
newbie123hi what do you guys think of fedora???17:34
greppy!ot | newbie12317:34
ubottunewbie123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
faziletI'm a female17:34
greppy!ot | fazilet17:34
ubottufazilet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
torquehey guys is there any other soft like xchat which is GPL17:35
SungSamI'm getting imminent hard disk failure from SMART. I could only log into my second account of my ubuntu 10.4. The reallocated sector count value is almost 1000. I read somewhere that it might be Smart issue not my ATA hdd (which is like 3 months old!!). What can I do, guys?17:36
torquehey any1help plzz17:36
Luvz2drvHey all i just noticed from my install last night i am not getting any sound output to my headphones. any pointers17:37
g_0_0Luvz2drv, in the terminal try typing - alsactl init17:38
ptknightg_0_0: same Scheiße… Keeps complaining about gtk even thogh it is installed. Make fails also with the same erros17:38
SungSamLuvz - make sure all the settings are fine and devices.17:39
nickGGGanyone here used postfix ?? i need help17:39
ubottutorque: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:39
bbordwellSungSam, drives most often fail when new so it is not that unlikely that the drive is failing. If you dont trust the smart readings your getting try looking at them from a different operating system of computer17:39
greenIThi, i need help with ubuntu 11.04 alpha: unity doesn't start anymore... how can i make it work again?17:40
Luvz2drvg_0_0 : Hardware is initialized using a generic method17:40
torqueubottu, thx man17:40
g_0_0ptknight, there may be a fault in the makefile can you paste it17:40
g_0_0Luvz2drv, do you have sound in your headphones now?17:40
per_need some help can only run ubuntu 10.10 in recovery mode. have no display when running in normal modus17:41
Luvz2drvg_0_0 : No17:41
SungSambborwell, I did from live CD, it looked like smart is right, but who knows... But can I fix it?17:41
g_0_0Luvz2drv, if not in the terminal type alsamixer and check that the channel isn't muted navigate the channels with the left and right arrows, up and down arrows to change the volume17:41
mythidcan anyone help me... how to I put a program icon on the top bar on xubuntu?17:41
bindiIs it possible to have icons only in the window switcher?17:42
SungSammythid click on it with right mouse button.17:42
bbordwellSungSam, reallocated sectors is from a bad drive, it must be returned for replacement under warranty17:42
g_0_0ptknight, I think the problem is cd ../src/.libs there is an extra . before libs17:42
mythidit doesnt do anything when i do17:42
ptknightg_0_0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563492/ I took the source from here: goo.gl/t3Isf17:42
g_0_0ptknight, so it can't find the directory17:42
KBentley57does anyone have experience with DynDNS?17:42
greenITi need help with unity, it doesn't work anymore (ubuntu 11.04)17:43
SungSamI see... So formating won't help?17:43
KBentley57sam, a bad sector is a physical defect in the drive17:43
lazaruspchi, I installed Xubuntu to one partition, and set the home folder on another - if I reinstall Xubuntu, will it keep my home folder where it is?17:43
gpc!11.04 | greenIT17:43
ubottugreenIT: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.17:44
KBentley57be it a very tiny one17:44
greenITgpc, thx17:44
|Long|have anyone here installed glftpd on ubuntu 10.10?17:44
Announcementdoes ubuntu support dual screens17:44
torquehey guys can anyone tell me what is M2317:44
greppyAnnouncement: yes.17:44
SungSamok. Guys, I'm also getting DRDY ERR in dmesg and failed to read DMA, is it because of those sectors?17:45
llutztorque: http://m23.sourceforge.net17:45
compdocSungSam, you have bad sectors?17:45
SungSamlooks like it.17:46
Announcementyou guys should really make the gui nicer17:46
Announcementthen itd be ftw17:46
torquellutz,  know its link but i want to know what it does17:46
trinikronolazaruspc: when you reinstall you need to tell it during the installer in the properties17:46
Announcementpolish it and make it shiny like a mac17:46
greppy!ot | Announcement17:46
ubottuAnnouncement: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:46
Announcementand have animations when you do stuff17:46
greenITcan i use unity with maverick too?17:46
Announcementcan i have ubuntu free17:46
compdocSungSam, open system>administration, disk utility17:46
FloodBot2Announcement: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
lazaruspctrinikrono: thanks17:46
llutztorque: why don't you just read "what is m23?"17:47
SungSami have it opened.17:47
rmiHi, is this the place i can get help on Transmission?17:47
rmiI started a torrent but it doesn't start the download17:47
compdocselect your drive from the list, and click the Smart Data butoon17:47
bbordwellrmi, you can get help with transmission here (assuming you mean the bit torrent client ;))17:47
compdoclook for reallocated sector count17:48
rmiso it doesn't start downloading17:48
gpc!fr | Citron Bonjour17:48
ubottuCitron Bonjour: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:48
bbordwellrmi, when you open a torrent it will ask you which files in the torrent you would like to download (usualy you leave them all selected) did this happen?17:49
Citrondoes anybody knows how wrong it is to have erased 'env'17:49
KBentley57rmi,what is the torrent? link?17:49
niteowlcan anyone help me with some questions about setting up a production web server?17:49
rmibbordwell, yes17:49
g_0_0ptknight, do you need version 3.08 - could you try a different version from here http://gnu.spinellicreations.com/gnu/xnee/ just to see if you can get it to compile17:49
SungSamI have two red warnings, compdoc: Reallocated sector count with value of 954 and current pending sect.c. Normalized 98 and worst of 97.17:49
bbordwellrmi, does it just say 0 connected peers now or what?17:50
compdocSungSam, anything greater than zero bad sectors is bad17:50
KBentley57+1 comp17:50
rmibbordwell, where do I check that17:50
SungSamI know. In dmesg I get DRDY ERR, is it because of this?17:50
KBentley57your drive will probably be fine for few months, but I wouldn't trust it for anything usefull17:50
compdocvery liekly17:50
bbordwellwell the torrent you opened is listed correct?17:50
* M3de is back (gone 00:00:12)17:51
* M3de is away: Estoy ocupado17:51
trinikronoSungSam you should return the drive17:51
compdocbut cabling could be bad. or other things17:51
rmibbordwell, It reads "donwloading from 0 of 0 connected peers"17:51
sudiptais there any GUI front end to change system sound in ubuntu 10.10?17:51
compdocSungSam, is it a sata drive?17:51
rmibbordwell, it seems to be listed correctly17:51
SungSamwhat is it that DRDY and failed to read DMA?17:51
SungSamI think I will trinikrono.17:51
trinikronosudipta: its done in the themes alone now17:51
MC8Is there a version of XAMPP for ubuntu/an easy way to run a localhost server?17:51
niteowlanyone running an ubuntu webserver?17:52
santiHello! I have a problem. Today I created a CUPS-server which is locally reachable via (it's running on Debian). Here I use Ubuntu and want to connect to the CUPS-server. Everything is OK till this point but after I connected to the server and installed the printer, the printer doesn't appear in the printing dialog?17:52
compdocI would have to guess thats a communication error17:52
trinikronoMC8:  yes17:52
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bbordwellrmi, yes 0 connected peers mean there is no one connected at the time seeding or leeching. this does not happen with all torrent does it?17:52
SungSamok. Thanks guys!17:52
ptknightg_0_0: I don't have .libs anywhere, neither libs. I ran make (without the install) and a lot happened but .libs was not created http://paste.ubuntu.com/563499/ After that the make install still failed.17:52
rmibbordwell, I'm doning my first attempt now17:52
sudipta<trinikrono>but cant it be manually changed?....like it used to be in 8.04.17:52
rmibbrordwell, both files have the same17:53
trinikronosudipta: exactly17:53
Citronnobody knows what does the ex  usr/bin/env17:53
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ptknightg_0_0: the prob is that only 3.08 works with 11.0417:53
sudipta<trinikrono>how then?17:53
g_0_0ptknight, arf17:53
bbordwellrmi, it seems to me that transmition is working fine just the torrent you downloaded is not very active17:53
trinikronolook at bug 32470017:54
Gwar_TrolleHi all. I have a script I have written here. Is there any way to force it to run through a terminal, even if the user selects "run"? (or alternatively, some way to give an error telling them to run it via terminal?)17:54
g_0_0ptknight, I'm not sure then sorry17:54
rmibbordwel, any active torrents i could use to test17:54
ptknightg_0_0: cool! thanks for your help!17:54
rumpe1Citron, man env:  env - run a program in a modified environment17:54
trinikronosudipta:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/324700 here17:55
trinikronoyou can click this affects me17:55
bbordwellrmi, try 10.10 amd6417:55
sudipta<trinikrono>how then?17:55
coz_Gwar_Trolle,  I may be wrong..however..can't you right click the script  go to Properties   Openwith  tab and set it as gnome-terminal17:55
trinikronocome in #ubuntu-bugs sudipta17:55
rmibbordwell, trying now, tks17:55
bbordwellI have over 40 connected peers after about 1 min17:55
wookiehangoverhey gang, anyone else having problems with Xorg 1.9 + Nvidia17:55
Announcementwhats diff between laptop and desktop version17:56
wookiehangoverand if so, is there a workable solution to that yet17:56
Gwar_Trollecoz_: that would be a iuser setting. :( I need something in the script so it will open a terminal and then pipe the script though it. I know how to open the terminal, but not how to make it run through that opened terminal17:56
teageHow do I uninstall zsnes? Had to install it manually on my 64 bit lucid. Now i cant undo it.17:56
frxstremdoes the Moonlight plugin for Chromium (moonlight-plugin-chromium in the repos) work with Google Chrome too, and if so, is there a way to install it without having to install Chromium?17:56
Gwar_Trolleteage: use synaptic17:56
Citronrumpe1: ok, so it doesn't really matter?17:56
Gwar_Trolleif it's not there, manually delete the files by hand17:56
ChaosrattNeed some quick help on setting a simple script to start at boot, there is some conflict on google on how it should be done. I have a simlpe script (/home/me/myscript.sh), how do I make this run boot?17:57
Announcementwhats moonlight17:57
rumpe1Citron, depends what you are trying to do17:57
Announcementdoes ubuntu support bluetooth17:57
teageGwar_Trolle, I didnt think of that, I was trying with the software center, will give it a shot17:57
rmibbordwell, tks! that is probably the problem the torrents are not very active. The ubuntu one started in 2 secs. I'll wait the others to become active as well17:57
AbhijiT!bluetooth | Announcement17:57
ubottuAnnouncement: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:57
adminarAnnouncement, yes17:57
xangua !info moonlight | Announcement17:57
ubottuAnnouncement: Package moonlight does not exist in maverick17:57
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: does this script need sudo privs?17:57
sudipta<trinikrono>ok ...i've got that one....thanx17:57
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle: No, should run as me17:57
adminarubottu, moonlight installs in maverick also17:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:58
xangua!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla  | Announcement adminar17:58
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: then run "gnome-session-properties" and add the script to the list of things to run at startup ;)17:58
ubottuAnnouncement: moonlight-plugin-mozilla (source: moon): Free Software clone of Silverlight 2.0 - Xulrunner 1.9 plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3-0ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 51 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 lpia kfreebsd-i386 powerpc amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 ia64 arm armeb armel sparc s390 all)17:58
teageGwar_Trolle, Just as i feared, It does not show up in my search, like its not even there, but it is17:58
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: just make sure to allow the script to run as an executable17:58
adminarAnnouncement, http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/17:58
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle: Its a headless server (VM actually), no X or gnome17:58
FloodBot2adminar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
rumpe1Citron, look at the output of "env" ... if you want to change some of the entries for the execution of a command, you could use env for a modified environment.17:59
bbordwellrmi, If you are using a torrent search engine it should show torrent 'health' you always want to look for torrent with lots of 'seeders'17:59
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: ah, use the init.d method then (if you found it via google)17:59
adminarFloodBot2, what are u saying17:59
sudiptahow to make a script residing in a folder(other than ~) executable?17:59
adminarAnnouncement, http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/17:59
Citronrumpe1:  i don't think i need it, but can you tell me how to get it back?17:59
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle: to be specific, this is the script that starts the Minecraft server, just want it to be started at boot17:59
sarthorHI, i am not able to see this fonts, how can i install , I am using 10.10 , http://img820.imageshack.us/f/screenshotwk.png/17:59
Gwar_Trolleteage: either go and manually delete the files then, or don't worry about it since zsens is small17:59
rumpe1Citron, get back what?18:00
sarthorsame fonts, http://daisperdais.com/?p=481718:00
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle: Is that the rc.local method? just add "sh /home/me/myscript.sh" to the end of it?18:00
Citronrumpe1: env18:00
viktor133can anybody help me with a ocr problem?18:00
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: not exactly.18:00
teageGwar_Trolle, i will be leaving it i think, thanks18:00
rumpe1Citron, it's included in the package "coreutils" ...18:01
sudiptahow to make a script residing in a folder(other than ~) executable?18:01
MC8trinikrono: care to elaborate?18:01
llutzCitron: sudo apt-get install --reinstall coreutils18:01
MC8oh,  ne'er mind18:01
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle: I'm really new to scripting and I havnt the faintest idea how to write a "proper" init.d startup script18:01
rumpe1sudipta, insert shebang and use command "chmod +x script.sh"18:02
Rishav_Tsudipta: right click the script>>properties>>Permissions>>Allow executing (tick that check box)18:02
trinikronoMC8: it is on the xammp website :D18:02
rumpe1sudipta, exactly like in ~... there's no difference18:02
drbanzaiWhat's a good inexpensive NAS device that supports rsync?  Or, what would be a better option do make a backup of a file server on the local network?18:03
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: as root (obv) go to /etc/init.d and copy the script there. then run "update-rc.d <scriptname> defaults"18:03
sudipta<rumpe1>i've tried that one but does not seem to work in 10.10:(18:03
Gwar_Trollethat will cause it to run on startup for all runlevels Chaosratt18:03
rumpe1sudipta, what have you tried or why do you think it doesn't work?18:03
viktor133OCRfeeder doesn't work and i need to get scanned pdf to workable text, can anybody give me some advice/recommends?18:03
Gwar_TrolleChaosratt: run "update-rc.d <name> defaults" in init.d of course18:03
milambersudipta: how are you going about it. (you probably just need to add sudo)18:04
Announcement<Announcement> what doesnt it have that you guys think it should/are working on18:04
Gwar_TrolleAnyway, good luck chaosratt, i am off :D18:04
sarthorHI, i am not able to see this fonts, how can i install , I am using 10.10 , http://img820.imageshack.us/f/screenshotwk.png/18:04
lazarus_where is the ubuntu one irc18:04
sudipta<rumpe1>tried it myself.....18:04
Citronrumpe1:   llutz thanks, proceeding18:04
ChaosrattGwar_Trolle:  Thank you18:04
lazarus_channel ?18:04
milamberlazarus_: ubuntu+118:04
Rishav_Tsudipta: does it say "file not found"? then you have to give the complete path. as in chmod +x complete_path_to_file.sh. Thats why files in the home folder (~) work.18:05
sudipta<milamber>yeah...tried that one too18:05
sarthorcan any one tell me, what font is this, http://daisperdais.com/?p=481718:05
milambersudipta: then you have to be more specific. as in i try this: <whatever you type> i get this <whatever the output is> and i expected this <what you thought would happen>18:06
Announcement* ChanServ sets mode: +o FloodBot218:06
Announcement* ChanServ sets mode: +o FloodBot318:06
Announcement* ChanServ sets mode: +o FloodBot118:06
Citronnot going to bother you more, thanks sweeties18:06
Announcementbye guys18:07
Rishav_Tbye Announcement18:07
Announcementwrong chan18:07
sudiptaactuallyn i was triyng to run a script from my mounted hdd......but it does not seem to work18:08
viktor133OCRfeeder doesn't work and i need to get scanned pdf to workable text, can anybody give me some advice/recommends?18:08
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: you are trying to auto mount?18:08
drbanzaiWhat's a good inexpensive NAS device that supports rsync?  Or, what would be a better option to make a backup of a file server on the local network?  Is there an older low power device that I could install FreeNAS onto?18:08
abhijaincan any body suggest me how can i remove header from 2nd page in open office.18:08
Rishav_Tsudipta: Is the HDD formatted in NTFS? then I dont think you can make scripts executable there. Otherwise just cd into /media/<volume_name> and chmod +x file.sh18:08
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>no ....hdd is manually mounted18:09
sudipta<Rishav_T> yeah...it is NTFS....but seems to work in 10.0418:09
abhijainAbhijiT, i have created a doc file and the header on first page is similary appearing on all pages . i want to delete it from 2 and 3rd page but dnt have idea how to18:10
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: i got here late...lol...i just caught "trying to make a script for the hdd", what is the actual issue?18:10
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>from /media/_volume18:10
AbhijiTabhijain, i dont think you can do that. header will apear on all pages. you get header on first page in text box18:10
Rishav_Tsudipta: okayy, just try running it with bash. as in type in "bash script.sh". No need to chmod then.18:11
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: i'm still lost.18:11
abhijainAbhijiT, not getting ??18:11
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: you have something mounted there.  what's the question18:11
AbhijiTabhijain, i mean remove the header thingy. and then on first page just insert a text box and in that write your desired header. so it will not appear on following pages18:12
Rishav_TUs3r_Unfriendly: I think sudipta wants to make a script executable in an NTFS partition mounted at /media/whatever. Its not working with "chmod +x file.sh".18:12
lazarus_milamber: thanks :)18:12
abhijainAbhijiT, no,18:13
AbhijiTabhijain, why?18:13
abhijainAbhijiT, same problem18:13
ptknightis bored18:13
AbhijiTptknight, #ubuntu-offtopic18:13
milamberabhijain: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Writer/FormattingPagesAndDocuments/How_do_I_make_a_header_appear_on_only_the_first_page_of_my_document%3F18:13
AbhijiTabhijain, see what milamber is saying18:13
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>my hard disk is partitioned in 2....one for linux itself and another one for storing everything else....i cant make any script or binary executable in this 2nd partition18:13
milamberlazarus_: np18:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyRishav_T: like make a script executible in a windows partition from a linux partition?18:13
th_what is this? ** (gnome-mplayer:12888): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal: assertion `!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy)' failed18:13
Rishav_TUs3r_Unfriendly: yea, thats what I think.18:14
th_that happens when trying to play stream with gnome-mplayer18:14
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
sudipta<Rishav_T>exactly....but it used to work with 10.0418:15
Rishav_Tsudipta: yea. I'm on 10.04, and its working :P when I was using maverick It didn't.18:16
Rishav_Tsudipta, Us3r_Unfriendly: I'm sry, g2g now. Have an imp exam tomorrow. as far as running the script is concerned, try "bash path_to_file.sh". If that doesn't work, just copy the script to home folder and run it.18:16
ruben_hoodhi, somebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder //servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!18:16
th_what is this? ** (gnome-mplayer:12888): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal: assertion `!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy)' failed. just installed gnome mplayer thingy. it doesnt play v stream that works perfectly in browser18:16
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: why not "sudo mv -f /media/_volume/FILE ~/ && chmod +x ~/FILE && mv -f ~/FILE /media/_volume18:16
milamber!automount | ruben_hood18:17
ubotturuben_hood: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs18:17
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>yeah...but can't it be other way around18:17
The-Compilerheya, wanna backup my data before reinstalling. I saved /home, /etc and a list of all packages, anything else important I forgot?18:17
detrix42Hi, how do I determine the "VGA=" my boot up?  I want my tty1 through tty6 to have a better resolution.18:17
JT13whats the terminal command to find out what version of a specfic application i have installed?18:17
llutzJT13:  apt-cache policy <package>18:18
detrix42I have HP wide scree with 1600x900 resolution.18:18
JT13llutz, thank you18:18
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: i don't understand why you can't make it executible from just in the ntfs partition.  i've never ran into this issue.18:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyJT13: such as what app though?18:18
ruben_hoodthanks! ubottu, could i use parameters like "%(DOMAIN_NAME)" or "%(DOMAIN_USER)" to determine the path?18:18
JT13Us3r_Unfriendly,  virtualbox18:19
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>well...i can't understand that either...18:19
Vilinyis there anything i can do in ubuntu to really make the desktop look overly cluttered and shiny? besides normal theme changes?18:19
rigved!brain | ruben_hood18:19
ubotturuben_hood: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:19
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>it used to work in 10.04....but i'm in 10.10 now18:19
ruben_hoodthanks ubottu for the explanation about the modern way!18:19
ilwrhow to install cheese 2.32.0 on Ubuntu karmic?18:19
JT13Viliny,  cairo dock18:19
=== wookiehangover is now known as wookiehangover|a
rigvedruben_hood: ubottu is a bot18:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyJT13: you could just start v-box and go to help>about virtualbox to determin what version you have18:20
lazarus_is there a way to make an sh script interact with U118:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: something is wrong then.  you should be able to that task no problem18:21
AbhijiTlazarus_, #ubuntuone18:21
milambersudipta: several people have asked, but i still can't tell what the actual problem is. we get you are trying to run a program. what are you typing, what is the error?18:21
nijaboCan't get my wifi to work properly. Anyone had the problem of you being able to see the network but you can't login? I use the correct password and everything. (wired works)18:21
ruben_hoodrigved i would thank you ! but what if you are a bot too? :D18:21
lazarus_AbhijiT: thanks18:21
rigvedruben_hood: no need to thank me!18:22
sudipta<milamber>in /media/volume i tried "chmod +x script" and after that ./script but it says "no such file or directory"18:22
milamberlazarus_: are you talking about creating an irc bot w/ bash?18:22
lazarus_milamber: no18:23
=== Phoebus_ is now known as Phoebus
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta:   what happens when you do it by gui?  say if you open a nautilus window in that directory, and right click the file and go to properties.  Then go to the permissions tab and tic the "allow executing file as program"?18:23
JT13ok dumb question. how do i upgrade it if i'm like three versions behind current Us3r_Unfriendly?? I installed it today through software center and its only 3.2.8 not 4.0.218:23
milambersudipta: 64 or 32 bit ubuntu?18:23
sudipta<milamber>can u help?18:24
=== wookiehangover|a is now known as wookiehangover
sudipta<milamber>32 bit18:24
JT13Us3r_Unfriendly,  i ran "sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade" and they didnt upgrade it18:24
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>tried that one too....but :(18:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyJT13: i don't use the one from the software center due to not being able to use flashdrives in the vbox.  I go to sun's website and download their version from there18:25
JT13ok thanx18:25
th_what is this? ** (gnome-mplayer:12888): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_disconnect_signal: assertion `!DBUS_G_PROXY_DESTROYED (proxy)' failed. just installed gnome mplayer thingy. it doesnt play v stream that works perfectly in browser18:25
wookiehangoveranyone been having nvidia problems?18:25
milambersudipta: pastebin the output of ls -al <filename>18:25
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly> whenever i checks the box...it automatically gets unchecked18:25
rigved!ask | wookiehangover18:26
ubottuwookiehangover: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:26
Us3r_Unfriendlyvery weird, why do you have to have the script located on the ntfs partition?18:26
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: what's the script for if you don't mind me asking?18:27
wookiehangoverrigved nvidia proprietary drivers are broken with Xorg 1.918:27
wookiehangover(that means it's a question)18:27
sudipta<Us3r_Unfriendly>nothing secret i guess... any normal script or binary file18:28
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: sudo chmod 755 FILE && chmod +x FILE18:28
milambersudipta: those file permissions are not right, not even a little bit18:28
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: yes, it don't look like you have permission to change them18:29
rigvedwookiehangover: which ubuntu version do you have?18:29
sudipta<milamber>what....but that's the output18:29
oCeanUs3r_Unfriendly: the 755 equals +x18:29
wookiehangoverand I've tried the 260 and the 270 drivers18:30
Dr_WillisYou cant chmod a file on a ntfs filesystem.18:30
wookiehangover260 is more stable, but has color issues and tends to crash or hang18:30
milambersudipta: ls -al tells us what the file permissions are. the r and w stand for Read and Write. where they are indicate that the user (sudipta) has these.18:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: that's lame18:30
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  no its not.. how CAN you change them . when ntfs dosent support the permissions feature..18:30
wookiehangovernomodeset doens't fix the problem18:30
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  you cant change them on vfat/fat/fat32 either.. same reason.18:31
sudipta<milamber>yeah...then what's the problem?18:31
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i imagine the same limit is on other nonlinux filesystems also. :)18:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: how was sudipta able to in a previous version of ubuntu?18:31
sudipta<Dr_Willis>but it used to work in 10.0418:31
oCeansudipta: is it an ntfs partition?18:32
Dr_Willissudipta:  you set the permissions for a NTFS when you mount it. or the system does.18:32
Dr_Willissudipta:  the ntfs-config tool can tweak the defaults. Or you can mount it yourself and set them how you want.18:32
milambersudipta: several people have told you already. ntfs doesn't support changing the file permissions and the file doesn't have an executable bit set. try copying it to an ext3 or 4 fs18:32
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:32
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: thanks18:32
rigvedwookiehangover: no do not use the drivers available on the nvidia website. use the ones available in the ubuntu repos. is your 10.10 OS updated to the latest?18:32
Dr_WillisYou an set it where ntfs/vfat have EVERYTHING marked as executable.. but that can be even more annoying.18:33
viktor133can anybody pls tell me a good ocr program?18:33
wookiehangoverrigved: yes, everything is up to date18:33
ubottuOCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.18:33
voozeHey, i have a problem with apache2.. happend without me doing anything.. just stopped and cant restart.. Log is here.. http://pastebin.com/Rdu709W418:33
sudipta<milamber>but it used to work in 10.04....by default18:33
viktor133ubottu, thnks18:34
sudipta<Dr_Willis>how about the second option18:34
Us3r_Unfriendlysudipta: it might be a new feature in 10.10 of not having it on by default...weird huh?18:34
erUSULvooze: something else or another instance of apache is using port 8018:34
Announcementubuntu.com is chinese!!!18:34
Dr_Willissudipta:  how about it?  ntfs-3g docs show how to make a proper fstab 3ntry or do it from the command line.18:34
erUSULvooze: this should tell what--> sudo lsof -i :8018:34
sudipta<Dr_Willis>ok then....:(18:35
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Dr_WillisNight all.. bed time for the Dr.18:35
Announcementwhat should  i use to burn iso to cd18:36
KB1JWQAnnouncement: I usually use dd.18:37
KB1JWQ!iso | Announcement18:37
ubottuAnnouncement: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:37
mongyAnnouncement, right click it, write to disc.18:37
Us3r_UnfriendlyAnnouncement: i love k3b18:37
KB1JWQ!burning | Announcement18:37
ubottuAnnouncement: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:37
Announcementfrom windows18:37
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder //servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i need %(DOMAIN_NAME) and %(DOMAIN_USER) to be assigned depending of who log in. and i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!18:37
viktor133ubottu: where do i find gocr-gtk?18:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
sudipta<Dr_Willis>i read the manual of ntfs-3g and it says "" By  default,  files and directories are owned by the effective user and18:37
sudipta       group of the mounting process, and everybody has full read, write, execution and directory browsing permissions."18:37
KB1JWQAnnouncement: Off topic, but I like isorecorder.18:37
Announcementomgz that was so spammy18:38
rigvedwookiehangover: hmmm...have you tried booting into failsafex mode?18:38
Us3r_UnfriendlyAnnouncement: k3b also downloads some kde dependencies though18:38
j_ayen_greenis it possible to execute a smbmount command when booting rather than create a fstab entry? I have a nas device, and know the format of the mount command, and smbmount command, but when I tried creating a fstab entry I ended up having to boot from a livecd18:38
viktor133can anybody tell me where to find gocr-gtk or any other good ocr program for gnome?18:38
Us3r_UnfriendlyAnnouncement: also are you on windows burning a iso or are you on linux burning an iso?18:38
craigbass1976I've got a neighbor on a pretty slow connection.  The openjdk update is stalling and dying.  Can I jsut grab a package off of my already updated computer and run over with a thumb drive to do the update that way?18:38
yeats!ocr | viktor13318:39
ubottuviktor133: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.18:39
erUSUL!offline | craigbass197618:39
ubottucraigbass1976: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD18:39
milambersudipta: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5069/cant-set-permissions-for-files-on-an-ntfs-partition18:39
viktor133yeats: yeah i got that, but i can't download it, so is in a repo i don't have?...18:39
Piciviktor133: hrm, looks like that factoid is out of date, gocr hasn't been  in the repositories since hardy.18:40
craigbass1976erUSUL, then what about on the target box?18:40
=== eXistZ|Away is now known as eXistZ
viktor133pici: that explains, you know any good ocr program? ocrfeeder doesn't work18:40
erUSULcraigbass1976: run the script; it will use wget to dl the packages then you copy over the debs and install them18:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyfind is a awesome command, it just saved me18:41
Piciviktor133: I'd be guessing, there are a few other graphical ocr programs in the output of 'apt-cache search ocr'.  Such as gocr-tk, or ocropus18:41
yeats!find ocr18:42
ubottuFound: fuzzyocr, fuzzyocr3, gocr, gocr-tk, hocr-gtk, libhocr-dev, libhocr-perl, libhocr-python, libhocr0, libpococrypto9 (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ocr&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all18:42
viktor133pici: i just downloaded ocropus, but i can't get it open, it doesn't even show on find or locate18:42
milamberviktor133: dpkg -l | grep ocropus18:43
Piciviktor133: Looks like the executable it ships is ocroscript18:43
wookiehangoverrigved: ya, I can get into failsafe mode18:43
magn3tsAnyone ever play with their DPI settings? I lowered my DPI and increased my font size and my Ubuntu just got about 100x sexier.18:43
milen8204Hello everyone, can anyone tell me how to move my Docky doks to a randomly places at my desktop?18:44
ActionParsnipviktor133: if you type ocro in a terminal and press TAB you will get suggestions18:44
magn3tsIs it pardoning time?18:44
ActionParsnipmillertimek1a2m3: in the docky settings you can set the side as well as the position18:44
* jrib nods at magn3ts18:45
milen8204Hello everyone, can anyone tell me how to move my Docky doks to a randomly places at my desktop?18:45
ActionParsnipmagnet_: post a how to on the ubuntuforums to share, i'll check it out (just about to install natty but will be back after install)18:45
craigbass1976erUSUL, I keep getting an empty file. Is there a walkthrough?18:45
rigvedwookiehangover: now execute this command: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:45
Announcementisorecorder fail18:45
vikasplease can anyone tell me, that  how to register the nick? i want to register my nick in #fedora.18:45
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyvikas: /msg nickserv help18:46
rigvedwookiehangover: this will allow you to boot normally.18:46
magn3tsActionParsnip, not much a tutorial, lower the dpi and increase the font size, done.18:46
Announcementhow big should ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 be18:46
Announcementon win18:46
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: where is DPI lowered?18:46
magn3tsI guess I could post side-by-side screenshots or something.18:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyfedora eew18:46
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: yeah that'd be cool :)18:46
vikasUs3r_Unfriendly, thank you let me try18:46
milamber!md5 | Announcement18:46
ubottuAnnouncement: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:46
magn3tsActionParsnip, gnome-appearance-preferences where you change the font, but in the advanced page.18:46
ActionParsnipAnnouncement: use MD5 testing to check if your image is complete and consistent18:47
erUSULcraigbass1976: you go to synaptic. search the jdk ( or the package you want to install ) mark it for instalation ( accept yto mark  the dependencies too if any ). instead of clicking in the aply button go to File>generate dl script18:47
claudio_server irc.openjoke.org18:47
craigbass1976erUSUL, you mean mark for REinstallation?18:47
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: what DPI do you suggest?18:48
erUSULcraigbass1976: the script have to be generated in the machine that you want to install the package to ( your neighbours? ) and the script run in the one that have the internet connection ( yours ? )18:49
erUSULcraigbass1976: or maybe use aptoncd18:49
erUSUL!aptoncd | craigbass197618:49
ubottucraigbass1976: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline18:49
erUSULcraigbass1976: in rhe case of aptondcd you run it in your computer and move the cd to your neighbours ...18:50
craigbass1976erUSUL, ahhh,  I thought it was the other way around.  I was hoping to just run next door with a .deb or something.18:50
Vilinyany reason one would want to use ubuntu server edition as a desktop installation?18:50
Vilinylike, kernel priority on certain things or summat18:50
erUSULcraigbass1976: see aptoncd then18:51
craigbass1976Viliny, it might come with less stuff that you don't need18:51
Gwar_TrolleHi all. I have a script I have written here. Is there any way to force it to run through a terminal, even if the user selects "run"? (or alternatively, some way to give an error telling them to run it via terminal?)18:51
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline18:51
ActionParsnipjrib: can you recommend a DPI to set? Sounds like you do the lower DPI thig like magn3ts states18:51
magn3tsI used 86.18:51
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD18:51
milamberViliny: ubuntu server uses the same repos as the desktop. the server edition makes it easier to install server meta-packages.18:51
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: cheers, lets see how this flys18:51
magn3tssome apps prefer to be restarted.18:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: #!/bin/bash  (nextline)   gnome-terminal -x YOUR_COMMAND18:52
jribActionParsnip: I leave it at default, I guess it depends on the size of your monitor vs its resolution18:52
Gwar_TrolleUs3r_Unfriendly: Thank you. :) Gotta love *nix. 4 hours of trouble for a 3 second solution ;)18:52
magn3tsInconsolata looks a lot better and the "Ubuntu" font is reasonably sized without being too narrow or tall now. :)18:52
bastidrazorActionParsnip: i think 96 is default.. i've lowered mine to 9218:52
Vilinygotcha milamber, thanks :)18:52
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: what's *nix?18:52
kompHi , I delated this smal picture  ( speaker ) from left side of clock in right top corner , can enybody help me to return his back ?:)18:52
craigbass1976erUSUL, the aptoncd pretty much is running over there with some .deb files, yes?18:53
Gwar_TrolleUs3r_Unfriendly: {wildcard}Nix, a common nickname for Unix Like Operating Systems :P18:53
erUSULcraigbass1976: yes18:53
ActionParsnipViliny: its not a good idea as the server kernel will make your desktop apps run slow compared to the desktop. if you need a desktop OS, use the desktop18:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyi never heard that before, i learn something as well, so thank you too Gwar_Trolle18:53
Gwar_Trolleyay for Communism! I mean FOSS! :P18:54
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: whoa, not in this room18:54
milamberViliny: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What%27s%20the%20difference%20between%20desktop%20and%20server?18:55
VilinyActionParsnip: thanks, thats exactly what i wanted to know18:55
Vilinyany reason not to get 64 bit desktop edition? why is the 32bit recommended?18:55
Gwar_TrolleVillalinux: 64 bit sometimes has issues with 32 bit programs not working right18:55
Blue1Viliny: i run 64 bit desktop.  seems okay except for ff18:55
Blue1Viliny: firefox18:56
gamolasfire fox18:56
ActionParsnipViliny: servers run background process most time is given to them rather than foreground apps like web browsers18:56
Vilinyouch, thats a major problem for me18:56
Gwar_TrolleVillalinux: also, if you dont have a dual core or better or 4GB+ ram, it doesn't make a performance difference18:56
Vilinyi have a quad i7 with 6gb of ram :/18:56
Us3r_UnfriendlyViliny: in my opinion 32 is better with apps...such as flash and notify-osd w/ xwinwrap...for example18:56
Gwar_TrolleViliny: FF = Firefox18:56
Blue1Viliny: ff worked fine in 10.04 for me, but locks up my system in 10.10 -- 64 bit.  nope not a flash issue.18:56
Gwar_TrolleViliny: then get 64 bit :D18:56
Blue1chrome/opera work fine18:56
ActionParsnipViliny: use 64bit, some manufacturers like Canon only make 32bit drivers18:56
Announcementchrome ftw18:56
craigbass1976erUSUL, and these that I'm getting are new?  I can just dpkg -i blahjdkblah.deb and int will install the new one over the old one?18:56
Gwar_TrolleAnd stay =on 10.04. 10.10 is too fubar in my experience18:56
Vilinywell, i can try 64 then18:57
Gwar_Trolle10.04 is also an LTS18:57
Vilinyany way to flip to 32?18:57
ActionParsnipViliny: there is a 64bit native flash if you add an extra PPA ;)18:57
magn3ts ActionParsnip what did you think?18:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyViliny: Gwar_Trolle: there's a way to use 4 + gigs of ram on a 32 bit already18:57
Blue110.04 is lets and that is prolly best way to go, I am eval. debian squeeze atm18:57
craigbass1976Gwar_Trolle, too fubar.  hehe.  Never tried it, but I'll take your word for it18:57
Announcementflash will never be above 3218:57
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: and increase font size you say18:57
Gwar_TrolleUs3r_Unfriendly: PAE kernals are useless18:57
magn3tsActionParsnip, yup yup18:57
Blue1Announcement: the 64 bit alpha flash worked great with 10.0418:57
erUSULcraigbass1976: yes; the cd that apt-oncd generates should be detected as a repositorie in the other machine and use to upgrade or you can use dpkg and the debs18:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: how so?18:57
ActionParsnipAnnouncement: how VERY wrong you are: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/18:57
Gwar_TrolleUs3r_Unfriendly: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=1 an extensive benchmark of PAE vs 32 bit vs 64 bit kernals18:58
craigbass1976erUSUL, Ok, well I'm out of cd's, so I've got it on a thumb drive and am about to head over.18:58
craigbass1976erUSUL, thanks a bunch18:58
erUSULcraigbass1976: no problem18:58
ActionParsnipAnnouncement: please dont spread incorrect information18:58
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: the DPI seems to have made my touchpad smoother, just gonne do the font thing18:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: i wouldn't say it's worthless in my opionion18:59
Gwar_TrolleUs3r_Unfriendly: -shrug- Each to his own ;)18:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: that i can agree with18:59
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: if there is a piece of hardware with only 32bit drivers then 32bit may be needed19:00
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: yeah not bad at all, the DPI thing is a definate hit though :)19:01
Gwar_TrolleActionParsnip: I did mention that :P19:01
ActionParsnipGwar_Trolle: cool :D19:01
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 times and again downloads a certain podcast item and does not stop. What's going wrong here?19:01
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder //servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i need %(DOMAIN_NAME) and %(DOMAIN_USER) to be assigned depending of who log in. and i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!19:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyGwar_Trolle: but i run a 64 so i can't say anything.  I'll be running a 32 when i buy my netbook19:01
Blue1ruben_hood: use uuid19:01
ActionParsnipright kids, see you on the natty side19:01
Blue1ruben_hood: http://pkill-9.com/?p=29719:02
AnnouncementSTEALERS FTW19:02
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
Us3r_Unfriendlyi personally like "ls -Ralh /dev/disk"19:03
=== nodestep_ is now known as nodestool
Us3r_Unfriendlymuch like tree -ash but tree isn't installed by default19:03
Vilinyso i heard that i should install 64bits19:03
Vilinyill do that :P19:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyViliny: i mean it isn't bad.  Great for servers, but you'll have troubles with flash19:04
ruben_hoodthanks! i can't see nothing about network and users, but thanks for help19:04
th_argh. what for is mplayer -vo switch? manual page is awful!19:04
Vilinycan i get around the flash problems?19:04
Vilinydoesn't ubuntu allow running 32 bit programs inside of it?19:05
Vilinyi mean, losing half my ram is unappealing19:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyViliny: i just force installed the 32 bit flash-installer and echo'ed a command to my /etc/ to get it to work okay19:05
=== Nanhoa is now known as Nanoha
Chouchouhello world!19:05
erUSULViliny: flasd works ok in 64 bits ubuntu19:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyerUSUL: not for me it didn't19:05
jribth_: "Specify a priority list of video output drivers to be used." from man page19:06
ChouchouI say "Hello World"!19:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyerUSUL: lots of crashes on a intergrated chipset19:06
th_jrib, thanks. did you use grep?19:06
KBentley57hey guys, this is probably in the wrong section, but does anyone know of a freeNAS channel?  I couldn't seem to find one on freenode19:06
erUSULUs3r_Unfriendly: ok; flasd works ok in 64 bits ubuntu nvidia privative drivers19:06
Us3r_Unfriendlylol right19:06
llutzKBentley57: #freenas19:06
jribth_: nope, just: /  -vo<enter>             (n and N to cycle)19:06
KBentley57hmm, chatzilla wouldn't find that one earlier..lol19:07
llutzKBentley57: /msg alis list *freenas*19:07
detrix42Hi, how do I determine the "VGA=" my boot up?  I want my tty1 through tty6 to have a better resolution. I have a hp with 1600x900 resolution. Whats the command to display vga modes?19:07
v0lksmanmy upgrade woes continue....upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10.  now it appears that certain directories crash nautilus when viewed or access via nautilus...cli access is fine but gui access crashes...I've tried making a copy of the directory on a different physical drive and same behavior...any ideas what to look for?19:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyKBentley57: sudo find /freenode -iname "*freenas*" -exec irssi "{}" ";"19:08
Gwar_Trollev0lksman: you need to find Ubuntu10.04.iso That will fix all your problems!19:09
jribv0lksman: what directories?19:09
Blue1v0lksman: it's precisely for things like that, that I never ubgrade - I backup and then do a fresh install19:09
v0lksmanjrib, seems pretty arbitrary...in the two I've found one is a directory with about 30 images in it...the other has a bunch of .svg files that I think are the cause (no thumbnail on them)19:10
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MoreliiniHi. Is there a script in Ubuntu that is run prior to going into sleep mode in which I could check for a condition and cancel it19:10
jribv0lksman: does moving the files to a new directory cause the issue with the new directory?  (can you try moving files in batches and narrow down the cause to a single file or eliminate some files?)19:11
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder //servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i need %(DOMAIN_NAME) and %(DOMAIN_USER) to be assigned depending of who log in. and i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!19:11
milamber!automount | rubenhood19:11
ubotturubenhood: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs19:11
JuJuBeeHow can I control the order of the entries in my grub boot menu? I have 2 partitions one with 2.6.32 (Ubuntu) and one with 2.6.35 (ubuntu also) along with a windows partition. How can I make the 2.6.35 entry be on top as the default?19:11
mrcreativityi need some help please19:11
v0lksmanjrib, maybe by cli, but as soon as I select any file in either directory nautilus hangs...19:12
mrcreativityi was using a 64but version of ubuntu,19:12
MoreliiniJuJuBee: edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:12
v0lksmanjrib, I can open all the files in their respective apps from the cli too...19:12
mrcreativityi did a fresh 32 bit install, but grub still shows the old enteries19:12
jribv0lksman: oh.  So viewing the directory is not the issue, just selecting a file?19:12
v0lksmanjrib, yeah...19:12
mrcreativitycan someone please help me out19:12
Us3r_Unfriendlywhat's up mrcreativity19:12
jribv0lksman: with each and every one of those svg and images?19:13
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mrcreativityi was running x64 ubuntu, and decided to swtich to x32, so i did a clean install,19:13
Moreliinimrcreativity: grub-mkconfig /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:13
v0lksmanjrib, opening?  yep...I'm able to open them  all in inkscape no problems19:13
Us3r_Unfriendlymrcreativity: what happens when you run "sudo update-grub2" without quotations19:13
v0lksmanfrom cli19:13
JuJuBeeMoreliini: you mean move those entries up the list?19:13
MoreliiniJuJuBee: You should be able to see the menu entries you can manually move them up and down in the text file19:14
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jribv0lksman: right, just selecting a file is the issue, but it's with all of the files you mentioned (some images and some 30 svg), not a select few?19:14
mrcreativityit updates grub, but the entries are still there19:14
v0lksmanjrib, rsync copied them to a different drive too...although I know rsync looks at files a little differently19:14
JuJuBeeMoreliini: but won't it get overwritten if I ever run update-grub again?19:14
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v0lksmanjrib, yeah...any file in the affected dir crashes nautilus19:14
Nisstyre!ask | mrcreativity19:14
ubottumrcreativity: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:14
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jribv0lksman: and if you move the files somewhere else?19:14
MoreliiniJuJuBee: yes19:14
v0lksmanjrib, same behavior in the copied location19:15
mrcreativityany suggestions19:15
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jribv0lksman: are there svg or image files that do *not* cause nautilus to crash?19:15
Moreliinido you still have the old kernels in the /boot volume?19:15
JuJuBeeMoreliini: its weird, looking in the file,  the 2.6.35 entries are before all the other entries, but when I boot, they are at the bottom...19:15
v0lksmanin other directories yes...it seems to only affect two directories so far19:15
jribv0lksman: kill nautilus, start it from a terminal, make it crash, pastebin output19:16
mrcreativityUs3r_Unfriendly, any suggestions?19:16
MoreliiniJuJuBee: I personally write my own grub.cfg and set update-grub, grub-mkconfig to just return 0 so aptitude doesn't get upset when updating the kernel19:16
Us3r_Unfriendlymrcreativity: you might have to manually erase the entries in your grub selection.  I have not done this so i have no experience in this but maybe someone else here knows19:17
v0lksmanjrib, how do you stop nautilus from autospawning?19:17
mrcreativitybut when i select those entries, it boots into ubuntu19:17
ActionParsnipmrcreativity: if you uninstall the kernel you don't want in software centre it will clean up /boot as well as grub19:17
Moreliinimrcreativity: do you still ahve the old kernels in your /boot?19:17
JuJuBeeMoreliini: but still, doesn't make sense that the 2.6.35 is first in grub.cfg but last when I boot19:17
Us3r_Unfriendlymrcreativity: i'd seriously reinstall grub 2 and then update it to fix it19:17
mrcreativityMoreliini, yes19:17
jribv0lksman: I thought kill took care of that19:18
Us3r_Unfriendlymrcreativity: like as if you just installed windows and you want grub back19:18
milamberv0lksman: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14290/nautilus-crash-when-merging-overwriting-files19:18
v0lksmanjrib, no it re-spawns...but uhm...I was wrong about all files...19:18
jribv0lksman: oh?19:18
MoreliiniJuJuBee: did you try erasing grub.cfg entirely and then execuding grub-mkconfig /boot/grub/grub.cfg?19:18
v0lksmanjrib, seems that a couple of the files in this dir will not crash nautilus when selected...others do...19:19
JuJuBeeMoreliini: no, I can though19:19
craigbass1976erUSUL, it seems to have taken.  I installed the packages, but they still showed up in the update manager, so I rebooted.  Then I got a message about a couple of broken packages, updated everything else and rebooted again.  How do I know whether or not I've still got broken packages?19:19
Moreliiniwell backup the old one first19:19
MoreliiniJuJuBee: just in case ;)19:19
JuJuBeeI know, thanks19:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo ps -eF | grep -i mplayer19:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry wrong room19:20
v0lksmangoing to try milamber's trick.. :)19:20
MoreliiniWell room, my problem is I don't want my computer to sleep when it has open smb connections, is this an easy fix?19:20
BluesKajcraigbass1976, run sudo apt-get install -f  , paste the output if any19:20
erUSULcraigbass1976: synaptic has a filter for broken packages .. in the left side choose at the bottom filters. one should be broken packages19:21
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wildfire100hey guys ive forgotten my keyring default password and it keeps on bugging me for it. How do i reset it please?19:21
GlowballIf I put Ubuntu on a USB stick with System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator, will it act like a full Ubuntu install (saving extra software/settings) or will it behave like a live cd?19:21
BluesKajcraigbass1976, or look in the edit tab19:21
BluesKajin syanaptic19:22
JuJuBeeMoreliini: it did not make a new grub.cfg file?  grub-mkconfig /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:22
milamberGlowball: not exactly sure what you are asking, but it should act just like a live cd19:22
craigbass1976erUSUL, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded19:22
JuJuBeeI did use sudo also19:22
MoreliiniJuJuBee: what did it say?19:22
milamberGlowball: particularly if you are creating the desktop19:22
erUSULcraigbass1976: all ok then19:23
JuJuBeeIt displayed the contents of what I expected on the screen not put in file.19:23
DogWaterIs there any easier (than recompiling all of PHP) way to get mysqlnd in Ubuntu 10.04?19:23
Glowballmilamber: Damn, then I have to go through the whole installation process. Was afraid so. Hmm, does Ubuntu really *need* 4GB space?19:23
wildfire100anyone anser my question?19:23
MoreliiniJuJuBee: sorry grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:23
v0lksmanjrib, milamber so in one dir it's all the svg's and one tif that crash it...a couple of pngs and pdfs are fine...in another dir only one file in the dir that is a jpg and it crashes it...using the SIGUSR1 kill switch doesn't dump a log...19:23
milamberGlowball: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:24
KE7VYVHi I'm trying to move a document to a different directory but says, "file permission denied"19:24
nsdOkay so I installed chkrootkit and ran it and it told me that I had the suckit rootkit, which after some reasearch seems to be very old and only affects Linux 2.2 and 2.4 kernels. I ran it on other machines and one other showed up as infected, and this did not. After performing an update, now it says it's also infected.19:24
nsdIs this a false positive or what?19:24
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder //servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i need %(DOMAIN_NAME) and %(DOMAIN_USER) to be assigned depending of who log in. and i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!19:24
JuJuBeeMoreliini: ok, it finised and the file looks like the old one.  I will reboot and see if the boot menu changes...19:24
MoreliiniJuJuBee: okay, good luck, hope you have a live-cd just in case; should be fine though :)19:25
milamberv0lksman: anything in the debug log?19:25
v0lksmanmilamber, it doesn't output one...19:25
milamberruben_hood: have you tried the automount?19:25
milamberv0lksman: the link i gave you will tell you how to force it to19:26
ruben_hoodmilamber: i am using autofs but i can get it working19:26
KE7VYVCan some1 help me with moving a file19:26
v0lksmanmilamber, kill -SIGUSR1 `pidof nautilus` ?  nothing...19:26
milamberruben_hood: what have you tried, what is happening, and what did you expect to happen?19:27
geegeegeeI need a UPS that will keep an Intel atom + Nvidia ION running at 100% up for ~30 mins full load, what should i look for?19:27
DaGeek247KE7VYV whats the problem?19:28
milamberv0lksman: then i would say try running it from the terminal19:28
Picigeegeegee: I'd start looking in ##hardware, since this isn't at all Ubuntu related :)19:28
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jribv0lksman: you'll have to do research on how to properly kill nautilus and not have it respawn.  You could just tell session-manager to stop restarting nautilus.  Or kludgy way: remove the executable bit on nautilus, kill it, make it executable again, start it in a terminal19:28
ruben_hoodi installed auto fs and i edited the /etc/auto.nfs file with this:19:28
ruben_hoodserver   servidor:/linux19:29
Us3r_Unfriendlymilamber: sudo top    or    sudo ps -eF | grep -i nautilus      to see nautilus id19:29
KE7VYVI can't move a file from one dir to another. It says something about permissions denied.19:29
jribKE7VYV: where are you trying to move it exactly?19:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: run it with "sudo"19:29
milamberUs3r_Unfriendly: good call19:29
ruben_hoodservidor is the servername of the win2003 server and linux is the folder19:29
milamberv0lksman: when you ran the kill command did you replace the 'pid' part w/ the nautilus pid?19:29
v0lksmanmilamber, hehehe..yeah19:30
ruben_hoodit creates a folder on nfs/server but it's empty19:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: be careful moving stuff too.  like don't move stuff from certain directories like /etc/ exp.19:30
KE7VYVI'm not good with terminal. I'm trying to move it to /etc/udev/rules.d19:30
milamberv0lksman: hokay19:30
ruben_hoodi expect nfs/server to contain the folder of smb://servidor/linux19:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: what are you trying to move there?19:31
v0lksmanmilamber, can't hurt to ask right.. :)19:31
KE7VYVWell I created the file in the wrong dir19:31
milamberv0lksman: correct19:31
jribKE7VYV: use « gksudo nautilus », make sure you know what you are doing (don't overwrite stuff), and close this special nautilus window when you are done19:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: okay use this then:   gksudo nautilus19:31
nsdAnyone know the syntax for creating a hardlink with ln? It's just "ln target_file dest_flie" right?19:32
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: be careful when moving stuff again19:32
jribnsd: yes19:32
v0lksmanmilamber, any idea how to run it from cli to see the output in a shell?19:32
incomSo, i recently installed the b43 drivers, should the be showing up as availalbe drivers for use in system>administration>hardware drivers?19:32
nsdjrib: thanks19:32
milamberv0lksman: you should be able to just run nautilus19:32
th_hello. im recording stream with the mplayer: mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile dsgad.avi URL. is this the best way?19:32
KE7VYVHow can I make a new copy of the file in that dir?19:32
th_KE7VYV, cp?19:33
th_cp file file19:33
DaGeek247KE7VYsV by using 'cp' instead of 'mv'19:33
KE7VYVOK I'll try that.19:34
marmadeoliHi! I try to configure a module but I get the following errors: "make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-28-generic'"   "make[1]: *** No rule to make target `de'.  Stop."   "make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-28-generic'" What can I do for eliminate this?19:34
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: there's so many ways.  i'd just type in a terminal:   sudo cp -r FILE /etc/udev/rules.d19:34
Mason_I need help connecting to a mac via ethernet cable , the mac connects via wifi to internet19:34
=== Guest81366 is now known as snap
snaprega' avrei19:34
snapun quesito da porvi19:34
th_hello. im recording stream with the mplayer: mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile dsgad.avi URL. is this the best way?19:35
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: but the easiest way is pressing the alt and F2 key together and typing in the box that pops up:   gksudo nautilus19:35
snapho un hd da 1 tera19:35
jribth_: sure, I use that all the time...19:35
DaGeek247!patience <th_19:35
th_jrib, ??19:35
DaGeek247!patience < th_19:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:36
snapche ha 2 sistemi operativi che purtroppo occupano 4 partizioni primarie, vorrei metterci un 3 sistema operativo. Si puo' fare?19:36
Mason_I need help connecting to a mac via ethernet cable , the mac connects via wifi to internet19:36
th_DaGeek247, i dont have any :(19:36
jribth_: what does "??" mean?19:36
th_jrib, was that sarcasm or something?19:36
KE7VYVI got it copied. Thx for your help.19:36
jribth_: not sarcasm19:36
DaGeek247th_ lol19:36
imachineI've installed the 2.6.28 backport on maverick meerkat19:36
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: no problem.  which way did you use?19:36
incomHow can i use the b43 drivers? do I just load them as modules with modprobe?19:36
imachinebut I can't build the virtualbox modules19:36
KE7VYVsudo cp -r FILE /etc/udev/rules.d19:36
imachinewhere can I read exact errors from dkms builds ?19:37
Mason_I need help connecting to a mac via ethernet cable , the mac connects via wifi to internet19:37
incomalso, after i get the firmware with b43-fwcutter, is there anything else i need to do?19:37
imachine / /var/log/dkms doesn't provide much info19:37
Mason_please help19:37
th_jrib, good. but that command doesnt give me any info. when the recording is going to end.19:37
JuJuBeeMoreliini: well, it turns out that the menu I see was one on /dev/sda5 in /boot/grub but the one I was editing was on /dev/sda4 ....19:37
BluesKajimachine,  /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?19:37
nsdAnyone know what files in /dev/shm might be? rkhunter is giving me warnings over them19:37
imachineBluesKaj, huh?19:37
jribth_: try #mplayer19:37
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: cool.  the gksudo nautilus would open a nautilus window in sudo permission allowing you to move files to where ever you want.  that's why i say it's easier...no commands :)19:37
th_is this bad? vo: x11 uninit called but X11 not initialized19:37
th_jrib, oh19:38
JuJuBeeI booted into 10.04 (2.6.32) on /dev/sda5 and changed it and it worked.19:38
MoreliiniJuJuBee: cool :)19:38
Us3r_Unfriendlynsd: what?!19:38
imachineBluesKaj, why would I have logs about dkms builds in xorg.log ?19:38
BluesKajoops  imachine , sry19:38
JuJuBeeWhy does it choose the one from /dev/sda5 vs /dev/sda4 ?19:38
imachineBluesKaj, but if you know where to look, sure, lemme know19:38
ruben_hoodsomebody could help me to configure the /etc/auto.smb file to automount a samba share at every login?i am really lost19:38
t-raskI'm running the unstable PPA of Banshee, and wondering if you can hide the menubar at the top? (If anyone knows the banshee support channel, that could be helpful as well)19:38
BluesKajimachine, didn't see the dkms19:38
MoreliiniJuJuBee: depends on which hdd grub was installed on19:39
Snowmancan anyone please tell me how to fix this?19:39
SnowmanERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception19:39
SnowmanProgram:C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe19:39
SnowmanException:0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0073:6827308A19:39
nsdUs3r_Unfriendly: idk, I ran rkhunter and it gave me two warnings, so I looked at the logs and it's warning me about a few files in /dev/shm19:39
FloodBot3Snowman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
Us3r_Unfriendlynsd: what's the problem again, i missed the question19:39
KE7VYVUs3r_Friendly: How do I open nautilus?19:39
v0lksmanjust tried a different machine running 10.04 x64 and it borks on the same dir...fuuuuuug19:39
imachineBluesKaj, any ideas tho ?19:39
nsdKE7VYV: that's the file browser; just open a folder19:39
Mason_I need help connecting to a mac via ethernet cable , the mac connects via wifi to internet. The computer im trying to connect is a hp Compaq  running 10.10 ubuntu.. please help :s19:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: run a terminal or press alt and19:39
imachineBluesKaj, I'd like to check it out maybe it's some dependency rubbish19:39
imachineBluesKaj, I'd just install something and have it over with19:39
JuJuBeeMoreliini: so if I deleted the /dev/sda5 partition, would it find the /dev/sda4 version and still book ok?19:39
imachineor build them manually :)19:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyKE7VYV: run a terminal or press alt and F2 and type in:  gksudo nautilus19:39
greppySnowman: you may want to check in #winehq19:40
Us3r_Unfriendlynsd: what's rkhunter?19:40
DaGeek247Mason_  samba might be what you need. i know it does windows neworking, not sure bout mac though.19:40
KE7VYVOK. Well I'll try that next time.19:40
Snowmangreppy:  im sorry im new to this do i just go to terminal and type that in?19:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyno problem19:41
MoreliiniI would do grub-install /dev/sda419:41
t-raskSnowman, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Exception%3A+0xC000005+wow+ubuntu&l=119:41
greppySnowman: type in /join #winehq19:41
nsdUs3r_Unfriendly: it's a rootkit detection program, like chkroot. I did some googling and found that the files in /dev/shm are shared memory; in this case, they were fore PulseAudio (apparently) so it's not a problem19:41
Mason_DaGeek247 i'll look it up19:41
t-raskSnowman, it links to an old post, but it could still be relevant.19:41
ruben_hoodsomebody could help me to configure the /etc/auto.smb file to automount a samba share at every login?i am really lost19:41
Us3r_Unfriendlynsd: i use bitdefender so i couldn't help you, sorry19:41
edakirihow can the subpixel order of a display be discovered?  (without a magnifying glass)19:42
MoreliiniJuJuBee: grub-install /dev/sda19:42
MoreliiniJuJuBee: not sda4 sorry19:42
ubuntu__can anyone please help me unmounting my hard drive and removing bad sectors? im using live cd now but fsck says its mounted but umount says its not...19:42
socommWhat firewall does ubuntu use out the box?19:42
JuJuBeeMoreliini: where will it install then on sda?19:42
jribsocomm: yes, but no rules defined by default19:43
jmknsdWhat do I do if I install the 3D drivers from ATI and then it seems like they have no effect on reboot?19:43
MoreliiniJuJuBee: or better, grub-install --root-directory=[whereever your sda4 partition is mounted] /dev/sda19:43
rewteverything uses iptables, usually with a gui front-end for configuration19:43
socommjrib: k thx19:43
JuJuBeeMoreliini: so grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sda4 /dev/sda ?19:44
socommso wait, there is no init script for iptables?19:44
Moreliinithe last arg tells it to install the boot sector on the hdd sda pointing to the boot volume on --root-directory19:44
jribsocomm: no19:44
Mason_DaGeek247 umm on there website it says mac comes with it so is there a step by step giude for me?19:44
MoreliiniJuJuBee: not /dev/sda4, but where you've mounted it19:44
jmknsdalso, I thought AMD had good open source linux drivers, it seems I can't even watch a dvd quality video without the proprietary drivers.19:44
MoreliiniJuJuBee: i.e. mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/19:45
JuJuBeeMoreliini: so then --root-directory=/ /dev/sda since sda4 = /19:45
MoreliiniJuJuBee: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ sda19:45
socommk guess time for some research19:45
nsdUs3r_Unfriendly: and that's for linux...?19:45
MoreliiniJuJuBee: sorry not 'sda' but the whole '/dev/sda'19:45
jribsocomm: you can just ask here, tell us what you want to accomplish19:45
* Moreliini tired19:45
DaGeek247Mason_ try google, if that fails, post it on ubuntuforums.org. i cant help cuz i have no mac experiance.19:45
MoreliiniJuJuBee: so in conclusion 'sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt && sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda19:46
ubuntu__how can i unmount my /dev/sda? umount and gparted can't do it19:46
Mason_ok, but i'll stay connected here if someone else knows19:46
greppyMason_: you probably just need a crossover ethernet cable and static your IP address on the mac and the linux box.19:46
jribubuntu__: is it mounted?19:46
FaffelI've installed a program (ioquake3) in linux, I installed as regular user using sh ioquake.run19:47
JuJuBeeMoreliini: why /mnt if /dev/sda4 is currently my / ?19:47
FaffelIt installs fine, runs fine, and I can view the folder in the terminal fine19:47
Mason_greppy : ok ill try that one sec19:47
ubuntu__jrib: according to gparted and fsck yes, according to umount no19:47
nijaboAny word on how to install XFCE 4.8 on Ubuntu 10.1019:47
FaffelBut Nautilus insists it does not exist unless I'm using a nautilus run as Root19:47
jribubuntu__: pastebin the output of: mount; swapon -s19:47
Moreliiniif sda4 is already your / then you don't need --root-directory19:47
FaffelAny idea why a folder installed by a non-root user and accessable via  non-root terminal would only be viewable in Nautilus via a root nautilus?19:47
jribFaffel: press "reload" in nautilus19:47
DaGeek247greppy, from what i understand, he is trying to access the internet through his mac, so he would need to configure his mac to allow that.19:48
clb_I just installed Ubuntu 10.10, and it sets my display (CRT) to wrong resolution and refresh rate (something like 900x560/60Hz), and half of the display is not visible. The display configuration UI does not allow me to change the resolution.19:48
Faffeloh jeez, jrib19:48
FaffelThank you19:48
JuJuBeeMoreliini: so then just sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?19:48
genii-aroundFaffel: Likely you did something like: sudo nautilus    instead of:gksudo nautilus19:48
* jrib nods19:48
MoreliiniJuJuBee: that will not hurt anything19:48
Faffelgenii-around: Jrib solved it for me :)19:48
JuJuBeeMoreliini: ok, thanks19:48
FaffelDo I have to do that every time I install a program from a .run file?19:48
MoreliiniJuJuBee: I'm trying to figure out why you have two boot volumes on two partitions and one /19:48
ubuntu__jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563533/19:48
psauxhello ppl. i just bought a Samsung Netbook (NP-N15) and installed Ubuntu 10.10, but I can't control the screen bright19:48
MoreliiniJuJuBee: but i need to get some rest, so best of luck19:49
psauxany clue to that?19:49
greppyDaGeek247: ah, yeah, it's doable, i've done it, but it's been a while.19:49
jribubuntu__: you're using sda5 as swap19:49
clb_I tried adjusting modelines in xorg.conf (I've got an old Nokia 447ZaPlus) and used a windows computer to read the refresh rates etc. for the display, but can't still get it changed to 1024x768x80Hz. Do you know of any tools that might be able to detect/configure the display for X?19:49
JuJuBeeMoreliini: thanks, FYI I keep 2 partitions and always use the other for new installs.  I don't upgrade anymore19:49
JuJuBeeAlways do fresh on other partition19:49
MoreliiniJuJuBee: that makes sense, then that command should fix it for you ;)19:50
jribubuntu__: do you understand what to do?19:50
Moreliininite nite19:50
ubuntu__jrib: no, sorry19:50
anvoHow do I disable Brasero so does not open when I insert an empty DVD...?19:51
jribubuntu__: well if you want to stop using sda5 as swap, you can run: swapoff /dev/sda519:51
ubuntu__jrib: thx19:51
rumpe1anvo, uninstall brasero :>19:51
anvorumpe1, Bliah!19:51
ThomasB2kMy keyboard recently broke and I was wondering if I could bind it to a different key in gnome. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?19:52
AlwaysastudentI want to install 30 same pcs with individual hdds ubuntu from a ready ubuntu pc thru lan only19:53
Jayrodoes anyone know if msn groups work with pidgin?19:53
chombeeHey, I'm using Ubuntu's encrypted home option and I made a backup of my .Private directory to an external hard drive. Now I'm trying to mount the backup to recover something. I'm trying to follow these instructions: <http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/03/mounting-your-encrypted-home-from.html> but I don't think they apply to my situation exactly (they're for a live cd) and I don't understand them. Can anyone help?19:53
Alwaysastudentnetinstall how19:54
WeThePeoplejatro, i believe so19:54
Jayroi have been invited to an msn group, but nothing is happening19:54
BluesKaj!pidgin | Jayro19:56
ubottuJayro: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:56
ubuntu__jrib: can you explain this to me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563540/ I need to remove bad sectors from hard disk because after using the disk a while the fonts disappear and stuff so something is wrong..19:56
Alwaysastudenthow to install full ubuntu on remote machines using lan19:56
Jayrothat in way helped me19:56
foozHi, how can i find out what is eating up all of my inodes?19:57
jribubuntu__: you want to run it on a partition (like /dev/sdaX) where X is a number19:57
beilbyI have an HP 6120 with a 15" screen which is capable of 1400x1050 resolution under Windows, under Ubuntu I get only 1024 x 768. How can I get full resolution under Ubuntu 10.1019:58
DaGeek247hai botcity!19:58
ruben_hoodhi. somebody knows how to configure the etc/auto.smb file to automount a samba share? thanks!19:58
DaGeek247Alwaysastudent there should be tutorials online.19:59
AscavasaionIf I have an older machine... should I use ext2, ext3 or ext4?  It is an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 20Gb HDD with 384Mb RAM.19:59
AlwaysastudentSorry they have confused!19:59
Alwaysastudentthey 've confused me :(20:00
DeddlyI have an unusual computer, a Dell XPS M2010. It has a bluetooth keyboard/mousepad combo that are paired by the BIOS. However, at some point when loading into Ubuntu, the keyboard stops being recognised, although the mousepad continues working. Does anyone have any ideas?20:00
Alwaysastudentproblem of plenty20:00
ubuntu__jrib: thanks so much for the help, have a good evening20:00
DaGeek247oh, ok. what parts?20:00
Mary-JaneHow do I access my USB port connection to my phone20:00
Mary-JaneI need to get a picture off it and can't find it anywhere20:00
Mary-JaneI don't think I have a driver for it and that might be the reason20:01
beilbyI have an HP 6120 with a 15" screen which is capable of 1400x1050 resolution under Windows, under Ubuntu I get only 1024 x 768. How can I get full resolution under Ubuntu 10.1020:01
Alwaysastudentnet boot+install, onthe fly install, local boot+install mirror blah blah!20:01
BluesKajyup, Mary-Jane , that's it20:01
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DaGeek247Alwaysastudent what has you confused?20:01
DeddlyMary-Jane: Are you connecting the Phone directly into the USB?20:01
foozHow can i find out what is eating up all of my inodes?20:01
WeThePeoplejayro, there are alot of plugins for pidgin in the soft. center20:02
Mary-Janedamn ty blueskaj20:02
AscavasaionIf I have an older machine... should I use ext2, ext3 or ext4?  It is an AMD Duron 1300MHz, 20Gb HDD with 384Mb RAM.20:02
waperboyLittle sound problem in 10.04: Have a USB sound card, sound preferences show input level properly, but the sound cannot be heard. Recording software can record the sound properly. Everything is unmuted in alsamixer. Anything else I might have missed?20:03
Alwaysastudentthe different tutorials, diff methods, diffrent software .. e.g. clonezilla, ubuntu netbootin, FAI project etc.20:03
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greppyAscavasaion: I would use ext3.20:03
WeThePeopleext 3^^20:03
Ascavasaiongreenbit_: Thank you... I was thinking the same :)20:03
AscavasaionTa WeThePeople20:03
BluesKajAscavasaion, dunno if gnome will run with only 384mb ram20:04
DaGeek247WaperBoy try the output tab.20:04
WeThePeoplebluekaj, yes it will20:04
javahaterhey y'all! i've spent the better part of the afternoon cursing to get tomcat6 up and running to work with java 1.5 on my mac, and at the failure of that i gave up and booted up a fresh ubuntu. now i've got sun-java5-jdk installed due to my addition of jaunty repos in sources.list, but when i try to install tomcat6 it wants to install openjdk-6-jre-headless and openjdk-6-jre-lib . I want NO TRACE of java 1.6 on this system. how do i20:04
AscavasaionBluesKaj: I am going to do an apt-get install xubuntu-desktop :)20:04
sanjienhello, jockey-common is crashing while installing drivers.Is this a bug?20:05
BluesKajAscavasaion, ok good choice20:05
waperboyDaGeek247, output is set to internal sound card, maybe it can't transfer input from one card to output of another?20:05
BluesKajWeThePeople, have you done so ?20:05
WeThePeopleblueskaj, 320mbs20:06
beilbyI have an HP 6120 with a 15" screen which is capable of 1400x1050 resolution under Windows, under Ubuntu I get only 1024 x 768. How can I get full resolution under Ubuntu 10.1020:06
DaGeek247Alwaysastudent research them, see which oneyou want. if all else fails there are ubunforrums.org20:06
BluesKajWeThePeople, gotta be slow tho20:06
WeThePeopleblueskaj, grrrrr.20:06
javahateranybody? blocking packages on ubuntu?20:06
BluesKajWeThePeople, :)20:07
DaGeek247waperboy maybe. is only one device listed there?20:07
aerofly5beilby: any proprietry drivers?20:07
UNDERGROUNDHi, all!20:07
DeddlyI have an unusual computer, a Dell XPS M2010. It has a bluetooth keyboard/mousepad combo that are paired by the BIOS. However, at some point when loading into Ubuntu, the keyboard stops being recognised, although the mousepad continues working. Does anyone have any ideas?20:07
waperboyDaGeek247, yes since I set my USB sound card to "Analog stereo input" only20:07
aerofly5beilby: can you enable high visual effects?20:07
AlwaysastudentSorry. I don't want to waste time which others already have done. Rather I like to give resource for the things I have already learnt/wasted time to them who need it.20:08
BluesKajbeilby, check your admin/ hadware drivers and choose the recommended graphics driver and install20:08
waperboyso, USB sound capture device input will not transfer to internal sound card output...20:08
waperboy...unless I use software to record then playback20:08
DaGeek247waperboy probly not20:09
beilbyyes high visual effects enabled20:09
DaGeek247waperboy sure20:09
AlwaysastudentI came here with lot of expectation. Anyway bye.20:09
waperboyWhich leaves me having to start Jack and connect it through there20:09
g_0_0!fixres | beilby20:10
ubottubeilby: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:10
ruben_hoodsomebody could help me to configure the /etc/auto.smb file to automount a samba share at every login?i am really lost20:10
aerofly5beilby: I think you might have to look on the ubuntu forums if BluesKaj's comment wasn't helpful20:10
DaGeek247Alwaysastudent hang around and sr if someone can help you20:11
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AlwaysastudentThanks a lot DaGeek247 for your response to me at least. :)20:11
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LinuxNooblol whats the best way to put irc on my desktop so i dont have to open firefox, then open chatzilla20:12
LinuxNoobwhats the best one u guys think?20:12
DaGeek247Alwaysastudent i hate seeing people being ignored in ubuntu irc.20:13
macoLinuxNoob: most gnome or xfce users go for xchat20:13
foozHow can i find out what is eating up all of my inodes on the disk?20:13
DaGeek247LinuxNoob XCht20:13
LinuxNoobdageek247: me too, i always try to help even if i can just help point in right direction20:13
LinuxNoobim assuming thats in software center?20:13
macoLinuxNoob: yes20:13
Alwaysastudent:) Bye all Ubuntians!20:14
DaGeek247LinuxNoob it can be set to have desktop notifications too.20:14
LinuxNoobsweet :D20:14
LinuxNoobone thing i like..and dont like about linux20:14
LinuxNoobis how much power i have to fuck my shit up20:15
LinuxNoobon accident to be exact20:15
macoLinuxNoob: watch your language20:15
DaGeek247yes, watch the language20:15
DaGeek247it is indeed easy to mess ubuntu up. :p20:15
LinuxNoobalright brb20:15
iGeorgeare you also using xchat as irc client?20:16
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DaGeek247i once managed to delete half of ubuntu files before i realised what happened.20:16
LinuxNoobdid it work :D20:16
c_nickI am searching for a package manager which could package for windows linux and mac.. with me just providing files and folders for it20:17
c_nicksomething like NSIS on windows20:17
magicianlordc_nick: 7zip20:17
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c_nick7zip works on windows linux and mac ?20:17
SlimGvirt-manager can't manage my interfaces on the KVM server although I've setup bridging properly20:18
th_c_nick, of course20:18
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SlimGanyone know how to make virt-manager able to manage the interfaces on the KVM server?20:18
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mrhello all20:18
c_nickmy requirements are : i provide three folders one containing windows files one linux and one mac.. it should package and give me 3 executables one for linux, one for mac and one for windows can 7zip do hat20:19
DeddlyI have an unusual computer, a Dell XPS M2010. It has a bluetooth keyboard/mousepad combo that are paired by the BIOS. However, at some point when loading into Ubuntu, the keyboard stops being recognised, although the mousepad continues working. Does anyone have any ideas?20:19
LinuxNoobdeddly: interference, have u tried moving the keyboard? reseting the signals, moving the transever?20:19
c_nickmagicianlord:  th_: my requirements are : i provide three folders one containing windows files one linux and one mac.. it should package and give me 3 executables one for linux, one for mac and one for windows can 7zip do that20:20
CryonicCoreDeddly, yea its called go get a better PC. Dell blows lol20:20
LinuxNoobdell dont matter20:20
DeddlyLinuxNoob: Thanks for the suggestions but it's definitely not interference.20:20
LinuxNoobu can get some good dells20:20
mri'm new to ubuntu server, i want to install server 10.10 and wanted to knw if i should use the automated install of apache, php, mysql, etc or should I try the manual install?20:20
DeddlyCryonicCore: hey! The M2010 rocks!20:20
LinuxNoobdeddly: drivers updated?20:20
LinuxNoobdoes the mouse and keyboard work on different computer?20:21
CryonicCoreDeddly, lol I was just busting ur balls ;P20:21
DaGeek247mr there is an automated install for those?20:21
iGeorge_ubuntu is just so much better than win20:21
Picimr: You should use the package manager to install apache & friends.  Only then can you be sure that you will get security updates.20:21
genii-aroundmr: The automatic install will set much of the configuration to safe generic values. You can also enquire in the #ubuntu-server channel20:21
DeddlyLinuxNoob: The drivers are  in the BIOS - keyboard works fine when the bootloader comes up, just not when ubuntu loads20:22
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DeddlyCryonicCore: ;)20:22
DaGeek247i spent a whole afternoon setting up a 10.04 server manualy!20:22
mryeah when u first start the install it gives you the option to select web server, email etc20:22
LinuxNoobwhat are u booting 1010 from?20:22
ubuntu__can anyone tell me if sudo fsck -pcfv /dev/sda120:22
mrok, i tried a previous version with manual install and couldn't get anything to work20:22
Picimr: Are you referring to installing using tar.gzs when you mean manual?20:23
mrno, using sudo apt get install20:23
DeddlySo is there anyone here who knows how Ununbtu handles bluetooth and why it would stop the keyboard working but the mousepad built into the kb is fine?20:23
Picimr: That should work the same way as using the cd installer.20:24
ruben_hoodsomebod here knows how to configure pam_mount to automount network folders of a domain? thanks20:24
ubuntu__jrib: sorry to bother you again, is fsck -pcfv the proper command to mark bad sectors? it seems to still be executing with no result..20:24
sysdef0_returnsprokyon: Hi.20:24
prokyonare some of you programmers?20:25
mrok, my problem then, i could never get everything to work like it supose to. apache would work, but proftpd would let me ftp into the default apache folder for the website20:25
vish!ask | prokyon20:25
ubottuprokyon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:25
sysdef0_returnsprokyon: Try #friendly-coders20:25
DaGeek247prokyon i kow php and basic, but everyone hates those.20:25
prokyonDaGeek247: I dont know why. I know a little bit of C++, but still not much20:26
CryonicCoreDaGeek247, how far on PHP do u know?20:26
botcityDeddly: so is it a laptop ?20:27
Piciprokyon: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?  If you're just looking to chat, we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that :)20:27
vish!offtopic | prokyon20:27
ubottuprokyon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:27
DaGeek247how to mak a working website with it.20:27
* vish not as fast as Pici :(20:27
Deddlybotcity: Yes it's a laptop with a removable keyboard/mousepad combo20:27
LinuxNoobquick question guys, how do u alt tab outa a game your running in playonlinux/wine/etc..20:28
botcityha! got it on google !20:28
CryonicCoreDaGeek247, ok. I am using mysql and apache and finally got appache to accept php but I dont know how to configure the rest20:28
trinikronoLinuxNoob: try ctrl + alt + d20:28
* M3de is away: No toy! favor dejar mensaje despues si quiero lo leo!20:28
DaGeek247i used a long online tutorial. i dont really rember any of it.20:29
DeddlyAnother Q, then: Can I connect two Ubuntu machines and transfer files from one to the other as if it was an external HD?20:30
DaGeek247Deddly yes20:30
jafahi guys, try to get ubuntu running on an Atom board + USB stick... ubuntu installs ok but the system won't boot - I just get a flashing cursor (no grub prompt)20:31
LinuxNoobokay this t20:31
DeddlyDaGeek247: Sounds good...how?20:31
LinuxNoobhow do i end process fast20:31
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DaGeek247Deddly networking them togther.20:32
tembcan anyone help me with my hdd and fsck, this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/563553/20:32
DaGeek247Deddly i can walk you through that.20:32
WinCamXPanybody know how to dev a window system???20:33
ikoniatemb: there is no device20:33
LinuxNoobis there a shortcut to stop all processes? cause i had playonlinux, contact list, steam(running through playonlinux, garrys mod opened, and froze like hell., how do i stop that from freezing my computer right then and there and not being able to do anything except for every 3 seconds or so, when it trys to do something.20:33
botcity!ubottu > botcity20:33
ikoniatemb: /dev/sda1 doesn't exist on your system, that's the problem20:33
ubottubotcity, please see my private message20:33
DeddlyDaGeek247: DaGeek247 that would be very much appreciated20:33
DeddlyDaGeek247: First I'll need to know what cables I need or whether I can do it over wireless20:33
tembikonia: it does exist according to gparted20:34
ikoniatemb: ls -la /dev/sda120:34
DaGeek247Dddly, what to computers are ou trying to network?20:34
WinCamXPive had some ideas for some form of window system...anybody want the ideas?20:34
ikoniaWinCamXP: no thanks20:34
LinuxNoobill listen20:34
ikonianot in here20:34
psykatogE: Malformed line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)20:34
psykatog   how do I fix that?20:34
ikoniaWinCamXP: this is an ubuntu support channel20:34
LinuxNoobWinCamXP: ill listen :D20:35
ikoniapsykatog: look at line 5520:35
genii-aroundWinCamXP: You can throw them out for discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like :)20:35
tembikonia: sorry, seems its suddenly renamed to /dec/sdc2? how did that happen? before the command i pastebinned it was sda120:35
WinCamXPwhats the offtopic xD20:35
psykatogikonia, how?20:35
ikoniaWinCamXP: you're already in it20:35
ikoniaWinCamXP: please don't play dumb20:35
DaGeek247Deddly they are both ubuntu right?20:36
psykatogikonia, where's the file I need to look at in a text editor?20:36
DeddlyDaGeek247: yes20:37
DaGeek247Deddly, what version?20:37
nattyI've got a problem with my cmedia usb headphones, they work fine on windoze but cannot find them in sound prefs20:37
foozHow can i find out what is eating up all of my inodes on the disk?20:38
g_0_0!ot | WinCamXP20:38
ubottuWinCamXP: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:38
DeddlyDaGeek247: Sorry, missed your text up there. Both are Ubuntu. One is a Dell XPS M2010, the other is an EEE Box b202. XPS is running 10.10 and I think I have 9.something on the EEE20:39
ATDPRHSI need help20:39
gnewbnatty: Have you enabled Proprietary  or such in the Sources section?20:39
ATDPRHSanyone here can help me in something related to Ubuntu?20:39
DaGeek247Deddly you should be fine with minor differences. they need too be connected.20:39
nattyas in my ati driver?20:39
ATDPRHShello giulio20:39
g_0_0!ask ATDPRHS20:40
gnewbnatty: Yes20:40
g_0_0!ask | ATDPRHS20:40
ubottuATDPRHS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:40
giulioi'm italian20:40
ATDPRHSi need help in installing ubuntu manually on a specific hard drive without causing any changes to the other partitions specially windows partition? (I'm new at this, so please someone help me)20:40
nattyyes, but thats all there was in there20:40
genii-aroundATDPRHS: Best to ask a question which has specific things in it like how do I do <something>   or so on20:40
ATDPRHSplease use private chat to help me...20:40
gnewbnatty: Have you looked at the Hardware Section on the Wiki?20:40
giuliohello tiziana20:40
nattyyer :$20:41
guntbertgiulio:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:41
DeddlyDaGeek247: Is it as simple as firing them both up and clicking on the wireless icon?20:41
psykatogikonia, okay, I found the source list - it appears line 55 (and 54) are from attempts to install libreoffice, it reads : deb http://download.tuxfamily.com/gericom/libreoffice/20:41
preludelinux_Maihello everyone20:41
tiziananon c'è nessuno che parli italiano20:41
ATDPRHSanyone wants to help me20:41
ATDPRHSplease PM me20:41
psykatogikonia, can I just delete lines 54 and 55?20:41
guntbert!it | giulio, tiziana20:41
ubottugiulio, tiziana: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:41
nattyI've tried the update alsa trick and also removed and re-installed20:41
giulioi have installated ubuntu on pen drive20:41
ikoniapsykatog: what are they20:41
tizianathank you20:42
DaGeek247Deddly no, its close. the two computrs need to be connected to the same router. are they?20:42
psykatogthey're both "deb http://download.tuxfamily.com/gericom/libreoffice/" , from unsuccessful attempts to install libreoffice20:42
sysdef0_returnsATDPRHS: Make another partition.20:42
psykatogikonia, they're both "deb http://download.tuxfamily.com/gericom/libreoffice/" , from unsuccessful attempts to install libreoffice20:42
sysdef0_returnsATDPRHS: Use Gparted or Shake.20:42
gnewbnatty: Here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <maybe20:43
ikoniapsykatog: I'd remove them both20:43
Leifhmm I'm installing the ubuntu server edition, and I accidentally pressed return when I was supposed to select which packets I wanted to install as part of the installation. will there be any difference if I install these packs manually after the isntallation is complete? or should I reinstall it? it took about an hour to get to that packed selection dialog =/20:43
DeddlyDaGeek247: Not exactly... I'm tethering through a mobile phone, but I can tether both through one mobile20:43
nattythnx I'll have a look20:43
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DaGeek247Deddly well, see if this will work.20:44
guntbertLeif: you can use tasksel after installation to get the same dialog20:44
Leifah nice! :)20:44
LinuxNoobis there a shortcut to stop all processes? cause i had playonlinux, contact list, steam(running through playonlinux, garrys mod opened, and froze like hell., how do i stop that from freezing my computer right then and there and not being able to do anything except for every 3 seconds or so, when it trys to do something.20:44
DaGeek247Deddly first ssign each pc a ststic ip address.20:44
Anon7-2521Hello all. I'm getting an error when I try to play any kind of media both with rhythmbox or MPlayer20:44
gpcLinuxNoob: try disabling the 3d effects if you have them running20:45
psykatogikonia, okay, that let me run autoremove, but I'm still having a problem with my trash being 'full' whenever I want to delete anything.  I'm using KDEbuntu though, do you think it's a dolphin problem?20:45
DeddlyDaGeek247: OK, how do I do that?20:45
LinuxNoobgpc: how?20:45
DiamondciteLinuxNoob: That sounded like you ran out of ram and swap at the same time...20:45
ikoniapsykatog: don't run a tool, just remove those linues20:45
Anon7-2521It says: "Error Failed to connect stream: Too large"20:45
LinuxNoobi have them all running now fine20:45
gpcLinuxNoob: in System > Preferences > Appearances20:45
sysdef0_returnsAnon7-2521: Do you have installed all needed libraries and decoders?20:45
LinuxNoobbut, when i loaded a server in gmod and started the game, i lagged really bad.20:45
DaGeek247Deddly modify auto eth0 in ach system from automatic dhcp to manual20:45
psykatogikonia, I did remove those lines.  I got the original error message from trying to run the autoremove command20:45
Priceygiulio: Nope you need to type '/join #ubuntu-it'20:45
Anon7-2521I should. This is a brand new problem and I've been running Ubuntu for months20:45
ikoniapsykatog: remove the lines, then do "sudo apt-get update"20:46
ikoniapsykatog: see if it errros20:46
DiamondciteAnon7-2521: Is that a file or streaming?20:46
giuliojoin #ubuntu-it20:46
vilinyso i got 64 bit ubuntu running now, any tips to that 64 bit flash?20:46
gpcgiulio: scrivi /join #ubuntu-it20:46
psykatogikonia, no, it works.20:46
ikoniagiulio: "/join #ubuntu-it"20:46
earthmeLonUbuntu's default clipboard is tempting me to throw my laptop out of the window.  Anybody have any suggestions to help improve this!? >_<20:46
ikoniapsykatog: you should be fine then20:46
LinuxNoobgpc: i have visual effects set to none.20:46
Priceygiulio: you need the slash20:46
gpcLinuxNoob: and it still freezes?20:46
sysdef0_returnsAnon7-2521: Install gstreamer.20:46
ikoniaviliny: just install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" the rest will be done for you20:46
psykatogikonia, alright, thanks20:46
LinuxNoobthe desktop is froze up, kinda..programs i move on the desktop leave a trace when moved20:47
guntbertearthmeLon: whats wrong with it?20:47
Anon7-2521do I apt-get it or download it?20:47
gpcLinuxNoob: don't know, sorry.20:47
sysdef0_returnsAnon7-2521: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/20:47
g_0_0Anon7-2521, try - sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:48
LinuxNoobthats okay20:48
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DeddlyDaGeek247: Where do i find those settings please?20:48
Anon7-2521Okay, installing20:48
Anon7-2521Do I have to compile this gstreamer thing20:49
sysdef0_returnsWell, gotta go people. Take care and have a nice day. ;)20:49
Anon7-2521okay the ubuntu-restrcted-extras are instlled20:49
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DaGeek247Deddly i gtg, sorry :/ try google.20:49
g_0_0Anon7-2521, then you're good to go20:49
Anon7-2521Still getting the same error20:50
earthmeLonguntbert,  It doesn't like to actually copy stuff.  I'm quite confused about it sometimes removing my 'copied' stuff with something when I highlight text AND the "LEFT+RIGHT" mouse-click paste isn't working after about 10 minutes, but that's probably an xorg issue.20:50
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: could you please tell me what is your problem, again?20:50
g_0_0Anon7-2521, ok the problem wasn't the missing codecs then what is the error you're getting can you pastebinit?20:50
Anon7-2521It's a small error20:50
macoolI need help doing a bridge.. I have eth1:1 and a virtual machine on virtualbox20:51
guntbertearthmeLon: have a look at glipper20:51
Anon7-2521"Cannot connect Stream: Too large"20:51
semitonesHey, since usb drives can be unmounted from the GUI without needing administrator privelileges, can that also be accomplished from the command line?20:51
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: what are you trying to do?20:51
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: what are you trying to do, with what, how?20:51
Anon7-2521Play music or videos from file20:51
Anon7-2521using rhythmbox or MPlayer20:51
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: you cannot play videos with rhythmbox20:52
Anon7-2521No shit20:52
Anon7-2521I'm using MPlayer for the videos20:52
LinuxNoobis there a shortcut to stop all processes? cause i had playonlinux, contact list, steam(running through playonlinux, garrys mod opened, and froze like hell., how do i stop that from freezing my computer right then and there and not being able to do anything except for every 3 seconds or so, when it trys to do something. but, when i loaded a server in gmod and started the game, i lagged...20:52
LinuxNoob...really bad.  im looking at system monitor right now, <cpu1-20%><2-13%><3-12%><4-8%>, my memory swap is 1.2GiB(24.1%) of 3.4GiB, Swap 0% of 6.7GiB20:52
gpc!language | Anon7-252120:52
ubottuAnon7-2521: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:52
Anon7-2521and rhythmbox for MP3s20:52
ikoniaAnon7-2521: easy on the language please.20:52
mongysemitones, umount /media/whatever20:52
macoolHELP: I need help doing a bridge.. I have eth1:1 and a virtual machine on virtualbox20:53
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: so both rhythmbox and mplayer give you identical message?20:53
StarminnLinuxNoob, Such as this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-send-signal-to-all-processes.html perhaps?20:53
icerootmacool: virtualbox is doing that automaticly. see #vbox20:53
LinuxNoobmacool: what kind of bridge?20:53
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: can you paste everything that is being printed out?20:53
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: pastebin20:54
Anon7-2521That's all I'm getting20:54
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: mplayer does not just print that20:54
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Anon7-2521I'll take a screenshot for you20:54
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: no20:54
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macoolIt's a dedicated server, and it has several public IP addresses.. I want to give public eth1:1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) to mi vbox VM20:54
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: wait20:54
LinuxNoobstarminn: kindof, but how would i set that to like a shortcut?20:54
LinuxNoobcause i could type a letter about every 8 seconds when this happened.20:55
icerootmacool: just tell vbox that is should use eth1:1 instead of eth0. see #vbox and the manual from vbox20:55
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: do this, open terminal and then type, rhythmbox, and then do whatever you did with rhythmbox20:55
guntbertmacool: virtual box support in #vbox20:55
LinuxNoobi waited for it to unfreeze20:55
Anon7-2521I'm not getting any output in temrinal./20:55
LinuxNoobi went and got a soda20:55
foozHow can i find out what is eating up all of my inodes on the disk?20:55
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: after you the message have shown, copy everything on terminal and pastebin it20:55
macoolNo answer in #vbox :S..20:55
semitonesmongy, that requires sudo though, and it's messy since you didn't use sudo mount to mount the drive20:55
DeddlyCan anyone help?  I have a bluetooth keyboard that is automatically registered by the BIOS - why will it not work with Ubuntu?20:56
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semitonesmongy, I want to do it the same way the gui does it, but from the terminal, so I don't have to use sudo20:56
macooliface eth1:1 not showed in VirtualBox20:56
lexvegasLinuxNoob, you can just enable the CTRL ALT BKSPACE shortcut to kill x and restart20:56
mongysemitones, if you didnt mount it with sudo, you dont can use umount without sudo also.20:56
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: so the message is only shown by a window?20:56
ikoniaDeddly: I doubt very much your bluetooth keyboard is paried in the bios20:56
LinuxNoobhow do you do that?20:56
earthmeLonDeddly, that's really hot.  Never heard of bluetooth bios20:56
semitonesmongy, interesting, I'll try it20:56
ikoniaearthmeLon: because it doesn't exist ?20:56
icerootmacool: ifconfig is showing eth1:1?20:56
LinuxNooblexvegas: how do you do that?20:56
macoolyes it is20:56
StarminnLinuxNoob: Yeah I was actually wondering how ot set keyboard shortcuts to execute Terminal commands. This might help though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81095720:56
earthmeLonWell, Just because I am not aware of it doesn't make it non-existant :P ikonia20:56
macooliceroot Yes, it shows20:56
Anon7-2521And now I'm not getting an error message. Just a little red circle20:56
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: this is a bit funny, now use mplayer to play a file in terminal, like 'mplayer filename.avi'20:56
icerootmacool: restartet vbox after adding eth1:1?20:57
Anon7-2521okay whoa20:57
Anon7-2521I just got a huge output20:57
macooliceroot Yes i did..20:57
Anon7-2521when trying to start rhytmbox20:57
Anon7-2521brb pastebin20:57
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: ok20:57
icerootmacool: then i think #vbox may help you20:57
Starminn!enter | Anon7-252120:57
ubottuAnon7-2521: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:57
lexvegasLinuxNoob, under the keyboard configuration menu. it is under layout>options>kill x server20:57
Deddlyikonia: It really is20:57
icerootmacool: on ubuntu side its all ok if ifconfig is showing it20:57
macooliceroot Thank u20:57
DeddlyearthmeLon: It's the Dell XPS M201020:58
ikoniaDeddly: I can't see how that is possible, but either way, what your bios does, has no relevence to what the OS can do , as it's the OS that controls the computer20:58
earthmeLonDeddly, I would suggest unpairing it from your bios and allowing Ubuntu to do it?20:59
LinuxNooblexvegas: i have no option for keyboard config20:59
mongysemitones, what about adding the 'mount user space filesystems' priviledge to your account?  in users/groups20:59
LinuxNooblexvegas: but i found keyboard shortcuts, but no option for killing programs20:59
bays_thr1eexcept if you are running windows 95, in which case all keyboard access is through the BIOS20:59
StarminnLinuxNoob, System->Preferences->Keyboard then "Layouts" tab then hit "Options..."20:59
ffrtanyone that can help with 10.04 lts server install? i keep getting same errors in burned boot cds21:00
LinuxNoobi see nothing for kill x21:00
LinuxNooboh nvm21:00
LinuxNoobctrl alt backspace :D21:00
gnewbLinuxNoob: There is a widget that you can add to a panel and Force Quit.21:00
YankDownUnderffrt, #ubuntu-server21:00
bays_thr1effrt: it sounds like your kernel is broken, you should try rebooting21:00
LinuxNoobtrying now :D21:00
bays_thr1ehakimsheriff: HELLO21:00
LinuxNoobnothing happened21:00
botcityDeddly: there are lots of threads out there about your problem !   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49227521:01
Deddlyikonia: This computer is the Dell XPS M2010 and the keyboard is detachable. The keyboard works fine in Grub so Ubuntu does something to it21:01
LinuxNooboh didnt have it checked off.  :D21:01
macoolhakimsheriff wazzup21:01
ferret_Was that a joke?21:01
grkbloodever since i updated ubuntu totem no longer arranges songs in numerical order. how do i fix that?21:01
DeddlyearthmeLon: Hmm, not a bad suggestion, might try that, just afraid of losing the mouse, too21:01
StarminnLinuxNoob: Neither did I. I believe it's un-chacked by default. :) Didn't know it existed, actually, but handy to know now.21:01
earthmeLonYou can always set it  back up pretty easily in the bios, right Deddly ?21:02
bays_thr1egrkblood: you need to change your localization, that's what affects the use of alphabetical/numerical ordering21:02
Deddlybotcity: Oh, I did search but didn't find anything, thanks!21:02
bays_thr1eyou probably have it set to one where the alphabet goes from right to left21:02
dhiaeldeendo linux eat less battery life of a netbook than windows?21:02
LinuxNoobyup that worked pretty good.21:02
LinuxNoobdbiaeideen: yes21:02
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: Did you see my pastebin?21:02
grkbloodbays_thr1e, how do i do that?21:03
LinuxNoobdoesnt have as many running connections to internet...programs..spyware..21:03
bays_thr1edhiaeldeen: it depends. linux has a darker screen, but windows uses fewer for loops in searching for files. so it all varies based on your usage21:03
ruben_hoodsomebody knows how i could automount in every login the network folder smb://servidor/linux/%(DOMAIN_USER) on the path /home/local/%(DOMAIN_NAME)/%(DOMAIN_USER)/server ? i need %(DOMAIN_NAME) and %(DOMAIN_USER) to be assigned depending of who log in. and i would need this to be default on every user. thanks!21:03
Starminndhiaeldeen: Yeah. Not by a whole heck fo a lot, but it is easier on it.21:03
gnewbdhieldeen: Depends on the distro, but yes, it can.21:03
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: yes21:03
grkbloodbays_thr1e, i dont see anything under preferences in totem for that21:03
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: I was expecting more than that21:04
botcityDeddly:  i think maybe this one  is better https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/3728821:04
bays_thr1egrkblood: first you need to press Ctrl-Alt-2 and log in as the root user21:04
bays_thr1egrkblood: don't bother trying to use sudo for this21:04
guntbert!noroot | bays_thr1e21:04
ubottubays_thr1e: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:04
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: Did you copy this after you got the error message on rhythmbox?21:04
Anon7-2521I don't get any output from the error, I don't even see the popup anumore21:04
Anon7-2521just a little red circle with a white line through it21:05
C1iFFCan anyone help plz? My Ubuntu screws up startup by changing icons and folders to a old-looking theme and an X error msg appears stating 'could not configure stored settings' cause of the monitor size. PLS HELP ME!21:05
DeddlyearthmeLon: Well hopefully...21:05
mkanyicybut does the music play or not??21:05
Deddlybotcity: I'll check that link, thanks21:05
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: ^^^21:05
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: No. It does not.21:05
Mhaddogwhats the synaptic commnad for update all? similar to yum update?21:05
user82how do i find out hte current kernel in terminal?21:05
bays_thr1eC1iFF: it sounds like it's time to reload all your drivers21:05
bays_thr1eC1iFF: make sure you use the same disk you originally installed from21:06
lexvegasMhaddog, aot-get update then apt-get upgrade21:06
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: can you play now any video with mplayer on terminal?21:06
Anon7-2521let me try21:06
guntbertuser82: uname -a21:06
user82thx guntbert21:06
lexvegasMhaddog, apt*21:06
Mhaddogthanks lexvegas21:06
Anon7-2521It's Movie Player, Excuse me. Let me tru21:06
gnewb!dpkg | Mhaddog21:06
ubottuMhaddog: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.21:06
greenITis it possible to use unity with ubuntu 10.10 and if its possible, is it easy to install / use?21:07
user82the kernel si also updated with the normal update isnt it?21:07
guntbertuser82: yes21:07
C1iFF<bays_thr1e> what type of drivers? I reinstalled NVIDIA several times when newer versions came out, but none helped. What kind of X config files should I renew?21:07
Anon7-2521I'm not sure how to open Movie Player with terminal21:07
azlonwhat is a good light ftp server with lots of options? i only need cli. right now i am using proftpd. is there anything else i should use instead or do they all pretty much work the same?21:07
user82one more question i got two linux partitions and the /boot/grub/ is on the one id like to delete, how can i tell the bootloader to use the other config?21:08
user82its up2date as well and working21:08
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guntbertazlon: "light ftp server with lots of options" seem a bit contradictory :-)21:08
SlimGazlon: Tip: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie21:08
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity21:09
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: oh, 'Movie Player' is totem, not mplayer21:09
Anon7-2521ah ok21:09
q0zi have a question. Windows seven widgets tell me that my processors are working at about 5% each, while ubuntu shows them working at 12-35% Are the windows widgets just plain wrong or is ubuntu more power hungry than windows seven when it comes to cpu?21:09
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: just type 'totem'21:09
bays_thr1eazlon: /part21:09
Anon7-2521Okay. one sec.21:10
StarminngreenIT, You see videos on YouTube of people using it, but I couldn't exactly tell you how to do it. I'm looking now. But it is possible (apparently)21:10
azlonguntbert: it is, but the system running the ftp server is a 1.6ghz atom 270 with 1 gig of ram... so it doesnt have much power21:10
C1iFF<Anon7-2521> it should be called totem. When in doubt of commands for programs, add them to the panel and click properties. It s the fastest way to find out.21:10
grkbloodbays_thr1e, its probably best that you tell people thats going to kick them in single user mode before you tell people to do that21:10
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: ^^21:10
greenITStraminn, thx21:10
guntbertazlon: :-)  - but I have no answer for you - sorry21:11
mkanyicydid you open a video file and played it before copying the message, Anon7-2521?21:11
StarminngreenIT, Ah, nevermind. These were all of Netbook. Okay, easiest thing to do would be grab a LiveCD of the netbook I guess. I misspoke. >.< Sorry.21:11
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: yes21:11
grkbloodis a terminal window not good enough?21:11
gnewbq0z: Kinda depends on how it is set up, not kinda, it actually does. One system setup may eat %79 while one may use %.0221:11
greenITStraminn, ok^^ well, seems like i have to w8 till 11.04 to get unity on normal ubuntu^^21:11
macoolCan I tell Ubuntu to create an iface? I want to make eth1:1 to be eth3 for example21:11
guntbertazlon: try to ask in #ubuntu-server21:12
StarminngreenIT, You could grab the Ubuntu 11.04 Beta or Alpha or whatever it is. The support channel for it is #ubuntu+1 I believe.21:12
lexvegasgreenIT, i once installed unity on my laptop running normal Ubuntu Desktop21:12
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azlonguntbert: thanks. i suppose i don't even want FTP... i would like to use SFTP to keep things secure21:13
grkbloodhow do i make totem diplay playlists in numerical order?21:13
grkbloodafter i upgraded it changed21:13
genii-aroundmacool: The particular thing you're asking ( how to make a virtual interface attached to eth1 for instance behave as if it's actually a physical device like eth3 ) ...no21:13
ktosiekHow to turn off sounds when changing tabs/closing dialogs etc?21:13
greenITlexvegas, don't u have it anymore on your laptop?21:13
guntbertazlon: you will get that via ssh as well21:13
azlonguntbert: but SFTP requires SSH and will also allow the users to connect to SSH and stuff... i only want them to be able to download files, nothing else21:13
greenITStraminn, i am currently "testing" 11.04 alpha in a vbox^^21:13
q0zgnewb, true, but since i'm comparing windows seven and ubuntu i have all ze eyecandy turned on, not that i necessarily use it though...21:14
Irwelldoes anyone know how to stop the window manager closing before open windows when shutting down? i know its only a minor cosmetic thing but it doesn't look very polished when it does that.21:14
lamefunq0z, try to look in gnome-system-monitor, to know what exacly consumes CPU21:14
ActionParsnipgreenIT: i just went for a full install, no half measure :)21:14
Starminnktosiek: System->Preferences->Sound and just play around there maybe? I have my alert volume all the way down.21:14
guntbertazlon: as I see it you will definitely get better answrs in #ubuntu-server21:14
botcitymacool: check out  man  ifconfig   can do that  set an alias !  i think !21:14
azlonguntbert: is there a way to lock down users to only SFTP, SCP or any file copying protocols and not allow them shell access? (i know it is contradictory, but you get what i mean)21:14
azlonguntbert: ok, thanks21:14
lexvegasgreenIT, I tend to reinstall a lot due to my nature of poking too much. i believe I just ran apt-get install unity, then ran "unity" from the command line21:14
ktosiekStarminn: I'm not using gnome, what command gives me those preferences?21:14
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: this seem to be a known problem with frostwire'21:14
Eduardoalguem fala portugues aqui?21:15
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: do you have frostwire?21:15
StarminnWhat are you using?21:15
Starminnktosiek: What are you using? (forgot to put your name)21:15
grkbloodafter i upgraded totem no longer puts playlists in numerical order, how do i change it back?21:15
ktosiekStarminn: WMII + Kupfer or dmenu as app launcher21:15
macoolgenii-around And what can I do instead?21:15
roy_1hi! i'm unable to update the system (ubuntu 10.10) because apparently there is not enough free space on /. Is it possible to increase the size without affecting the system... in a bad way?21:15
gnewbq0z: Then you understand, I run a very 'light-weight' setup, I did notice the same thing after I bought this PC from a flea market with Win7 installed. Is all better now.21:16
genii-aroundmacool: It depends upon what exactly are you trying to do firstly21:16
Deddlybotcity: I have seen that bug report before and it doesn't help me, unfortunately21:17
Irwellso nobody knows how to fix the window manager thing then?21:17
macoolgenii-around I'm having problems bridging an interface21:17
Starminnktosiek: No idea then. Sorry. Someone else might.21:17
genii-aroundmacool: That's still very vague21:17
guntbert!br | Eduardo21:17
ubottuEduardo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:17
* pastubbs sends guntbert a cold beer21:17
gnewbIrwell: Which WM are you using?21:17
q0zlamefun, thnx, opera 28%, gnome-sys-moniter 8%.. the rest are sleeping. to sum that all up thats 36%cpu. strange21:17
Irwellgnewb, it's just a basic ubuntu installation21:18
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: I don't have any thing like Frostwire installed.21:18
lamefunq0z, it might depend on what websites you opened, have you any heavy flash sites or applications opened?21:18
ktosiekAnybody knows what binary is run by System->Prefrences->Sound?21:18
Eduardovaleu amigão mais onde coloco estes comando21:18
gnewbIrwell: I guess it is Gnome then, have you added any EyeCandy?21:19
Starminnq0z: Just as a side, you can "Add to Panel..." the "System Monitor" to actively monitor it if you wish. (Just to make life easier on you perhaps)21:19
roy_1hello! somebody please tell me how to increase the size of /.... i do have enough unallocated space on the hdd21:19
Irwellgnewb: nope, and i had the same issue when using KDE too. if windows are open at shutdown the window manager closes before they do so their borders disappear.21:19
guntbertktosiek: gnome-volume-control21:19
ktosiekguntbert: thanks!21:20
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Starminn!es | Eduardo21:20
ubottuEduardo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:20
LinuxNoobktosiek: gnome-volume-control21:20
guntbertktosiek: you're welcome :-)21:20
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lexvegasroy_1, you can boot to the live CD and use gparted on there to increase the size of any partition21:20
Guest61602ns identify 123421:20
LinuxNoobnvm :D21:20
gnewbIrwell: How much RAM and CPU on that box?21:20
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: can you do in terminal 'pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start' and then start rhythmbox and try playing music?21:20
Anon7-2521in one line or no21:21
roy_1lexvegas: will it affect the existing OSes?21:21
nfearnleyI'm trying to write an upstart conf file, but I don't understand what happens when I tell a service to stop. When I tell it to start, it runs the pre-start script, then runs exec line, then runs the post-start script. When I tell it to stop, it runs the pre-stop script, does ???? to halt the service, then runs the post-stop script. Can someone fill in the blank?21:21
SlimGazlon: disable the users shell (the user you don't want to have shell access)21:21
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ktosiekI have no sound theme set, but I still hear sounds when closing windows or switching tabs in guake21:22
lexvegasroy_1, it shouldnt, but it is ALWAYS a good idea to back up any data you want before touching partitions21:22
q0zStarminn, thanks21:22
ktosiekwhat can cause that?21:22
Irwellgnewb: dual core turion with 4gb ram21:22
q0zlamefun, 8 static pages and one using flash playing music.21:22
gnewbIrwell: That is odd, are you certain that .xorg is configured correctly?21:23
roy_1lexvegas: I just want my boot menu and updates to remain intact21:23
ruben_hoodsomebod here knows how to configure pam_mount to automount network folders of a domain? thanks21:23
Irwellgnewb: i don't know to be honest, i've not changed anything... it's a normal ubuntu installation running the open source drivers21:23
lamefunq0z, have you measured CPU consumption in Windows with exacly same sites opened?21:23
q0zgnewb, what kind of setup? lxde with ubuntu, or just no window affects and compiz stuff?21:23
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: that worked for rhythmbox21:23
grkbloodafter i upgraded totem no longer puts playlists in numerical order, how do i change it back?21:24
Anom01yanyone knw anoything about EEEbuntu ?21:24
botcityDeddly: ho well feel free to ask again! meanwhile i will look into it21:24
gnewbIrwell: That may be it then.21:24
lexvegasroy_1, then you shouldnt have a problem. just make sure you dont have the option to format the partition selected.21:24
Anon7-2521And Totem21:24
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: and for Movie Player?21:24
Anon7-2521Thank you!21:24
Anom01yI screwed up the sources I think not sure how to fix it21:24
azlonSlimG: when i create the user i use "-d /home/FTP-Shared -s /bin/false". will this stop them from accessing the shell?21:24
q0zlamefun, yes, i believe so21:24
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: that seem to be a problem with pulseaudio, is your computer up to date?21:24
Anon7-2521mkanyicy: Nope21:24
Irwellgnewb: well i'd rather have the border problem than use the proprietary drivers as they completely break plymouth!21:24
gnewbq0z: Lubuntu, yes and LXDE DEbian and GhostBSD with some tweaks.21:24
roy_1lexvegas: I"ll try that. thanks a lot :)21:24
Anon7-2521I have like, OVER9000 upgrades that I never do.21:25
lexvegasroy_1, no problem21:25
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: you can update it anytime you are ready by doing 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and/or 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'21:25
q0zlamefun, not entirely sure though.. i'll check later on again..21:25
gnewbIrwell: I can understand that, just seems to me that is an issue that should have been resolved by now.21:25
Anon7-2521Is it really necessary to update?21:25
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: sometimes there are problems, like these, that are fixed by updates21:26
Gear0I am dual booting with Ubuntu and Windows. When I look at my partitioning scheme there is apparently an "Extended" partition.. what would this contain?  I see the bootable partition (ntfs), another NTFS partition (I think this is windows), a Linux parition (think this is Ubuntu), and a Linux/Swap partition... but in addition there is this "Extended" partition... what is it for?21:26
Anon7-2521Ah ok21:26
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: so it is wise to stay updated, i think.21:26
Anon7-2521I don't want to upgrade to Maverick yet.21:26
lamefunq0z, what are these sites?21:26
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: no, I don't mean that21:26
=== LinuxNoob is now known as UbuntuNoob
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: I don't mean changing the whole distribution21:27
Anon7-2521Ah ok good21:27
mkanyicyAnon7-2521: that is not necessary21:27
lamefunq0z, BTW, it might be not objective, since there may be dynamically changed flash ad on some of the sites, so it could give you static ad in Windows 7 and dynamic ad in Ubuntu21:27
=== UbuntuNoob is now known as Ubuntu_Noob
q0zsteremood.com, yahoomail, the rest don't use any flash or ajax or whatnot that could load the system21:27
q0zlamefun, true21:28
Ubuntu_Noobguys what should i make my nickname be, i can never come up with something good :(21:28
ActionParsnipUbuntu_Noob: why not keep what you got21:29
Ubuntu_Noobcause..i cant register it, its already taken21:29
ActionParsnipUbuntu_Noob: i see21:29
Ubuntu_NoobLinuxNoob, taken, UbuntuNoob taken.21:29
q0zlamefun, still it's strange. i'll give it some notice when i'm switching systems from now on, thanks21:29
gpcchoice of nickname really has nothing to do with Ubuntu support21:29
cfeddepick something that calls to you.21:29
ActionParsnipUbuntu_Noob: do you have names elsewhere, like online game nicks?21:29
Ubuntu_Noobthatguy called to me :D21:29
guntbert!ot | Ubuntu_Noob21:29
ubottuUbuntu_Noob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:29
kingcheese26i would suggest not including 'noob' in your nick :D21:30
gnewbwalden ponders the conversation,,,,21:31
Ubuntu_Noobi guess ill use my sc2 name :D21:31
=== Ubuntu_Noob is now known as CrackBaby
Andyman555do you have to use a separate ping utility for ipv6?21:31
CrackBabydarnit, already taken :D21:32
lazarus_how would one stop ppa's being added more than once?21:32
hdtdiam.. kinda stupid question but how can i understand which version of ubuntu i have on my computer currently installed?21:32
acid_speek anybody here czech ?21:32
CrackBabyandyman555 we use ipv6 dont we?21:32
CrackBabyor do we still use 4?21:32
gpcCrackBaby: That nick woouldn't be acceptable in Ubuntu channels21:32
Andyman555I use 421:32
ActionParsnipAndyman555: ping621:32
CrackBabygpc: its a military thing lol21:32
Andyman555much appreciated21:32
DJones!version | hdtdi21:32
gpcConsider a more family friendly nick please.21:32
ubottuhdtdi: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:32
lexvegasCrackBaby, also, I would suggest something more family friendly if you plan on frequenting the ubuntu support channel21:32
CrackBabythey call non-sgts crackbabys alot cause they are retarded21:32
lazarus_how would one stop ppa's being added more than oncein an sh script?21:33
CrackBabyroger that:d21:33
paszo2008hallo how to chmod recursively ?21:33
=== CrackBaby is now known as anononnn
user82hdtdi  http://www.mythbuntu.org/files/images/about_ubuntu.png21:33
hdtdithanks DJones21:33
anononnnintill i think of good name21:33
paszo2008i need to add all privileges21:33
mkanyicypaszo2008: -R21:33
SlimGazlon: yes21:33
cfeddepaszo2008:  chmod -R directory21:33
ActionParsnippaszo2008: chomr -R acccess folder21:33
genii-aroundlazarus_: Use only the add-apt-repository method instead of editing the sources.list. The files it adds under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  get overwritten, hence no duplicates21:33
cfeddepaszo2008: er... chmod -R perm files...21:34
anononnnhow does that wrok21:35
lazarus_genii-around: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa && ppa:tiheum/equinox && ppa:chogydan/ppa ?21:35
Starminnanononnn: How does what work?21:35
ActionParsnipanononnn: do you want the ubuntu offtopic channel?21:35
anononnnokay /exit closes irc. ill remember that x_X21:35
ActionParsniplazarus_: you need the command before each repo to add21:35
Starminnanononnn: /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:35
ActionParsnipanononnn: /wc closes the channel window21:35
Craig_DemIf you need irc command help. Try /help21:36
mkanyicyanononnn: don't offtopic even on that channel, lol21:36
genii-aroundlazarus_: The && part means to start a new command after that, so it will try to run ppa:tiheum/equinox     in this case21:36
anononnnactionparsnip: thanks, ive only used irc for as long as ive had ubuntu21:37
nazzzux_hi. does anyone know how to use on of the "surround ports" for regular sound out on ubuntu?21:37
mkanyicygenii-around: only if the first command finished without error21:37
ActionParsnipanononnn: you will learn ;)21:37
genii-aroundlazarus_: add-apt-repository does not seem to have multiple-entry capability so you will need to put it every time21:37
brunnerI just did a fresh install on a Sony Vaio laptop.  When I try to boot into single user mode, it always stops here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisbrunner/5422430759/ What could be causing this?21:37
genii-aroundmkanyicy: Yes, but the name of a repo is not a command which executable :)21:37
=== anononnn is now known as anonn
=== anonn is now known as Anonnn
Gear0I am dual booting with Ubuntu and Windows. When I look at my partitioning scheme there is apparently an "Extended" partition.. what would this contain?  I see the bootable partition (ntfs), another NTFS partition (I think this is windows), a Linux parition (think this is Ubuntu), and a Linux/Swap partition... but in addition there is this "Extended" partition... what is it for?21:38
=== ogra is now known as Guest14562
rwwGear0: msdos-style partition tables can only have four primary partitions. An "Extended" partition is a primary partition that can contain logical partitions, allowing you to have more than four partitions.21:39
brunnerCan anyone tell me why my system would always halt here when I try to boot into single user mode? http://tinyurl.com/63vrrvb21:39
lazarus_genii-around: so http://paste.ubuntu.com/563578/21:39
mkanyicybrunner: are you able to log in normally?21:40
nazzzux_so no one knows how to use on of the "surround ports" for regular sound out on ubuntu? (So that I can have both speakers and headset in on the same time)21:40
TomV-415I recently tried to install ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell D800, and after the install, I'm (this used to be a dual boot machine..) I get 'error: out of disk." , and the "grub rescue>" prompt.21:40
brunnermkanyicy, no. It's having graphics issues.  So, I was going to alter the xorg.conf after using the alternate install CD.21:41
Gear0rww: yes, but do you know what it would contain if I just let Ubuntu do it automatically.. I didn't specify anything, after installing windows I just told ubuntu to install to the remaining space. So I am assuming that what I have is pretty standard for dual booters. and I am asking exactly what that extended partition has in it.21:41
Encry8how do you paste something in terminal without it running the pasted text? seems if it's over one line, it automatically runs whatever gets pasted21:41
mkanyicybrunner: does xorg.conf still exist?21:41
StarminnGear0: Yep, what rww said. Typically depending on how your system's current setup is, when you installed something like Ubuntu it will automatically do that for you. So for me, I have a Dell and they put Windows + 2 Dell partitions on my computer. Because of this, Ubuntu 10.10 put root "/" and swap in an extended partition.21:41
Bopanyone using vsftp with option check_shell=NO ?21:41
brunnermkanyicy, I can't even get into single user mode to find out.21:41
Bopanyone using vsftpd with option check_shell=NO ?21:41
rwwGear0: probably your / and swap partitions.21:41
StarminnGear0: Install a tool called, "GParted" and it will show you very nicely what all's there.21:42
mkanyicybrunner: good luck21:42
Anonnnyay :D21:42
genii-aroundlazarus_: Well, you'll need sudo in front of all the add-apt lines. But how is this meant to be called? By the user or a script21:42
brunnermkanyicy, thanks21:42
Gear0rww: Starminn: thanks. Well I'm actually planing on reinstalling so I just want to know which partitions can be overwritten. Do you think it is a safe bet that there are no windows files on the extended partition?21:43
lazarus_genii-around: a script21:43
almoxarifewhy does 10.10 have such a lousy record of suspending without a glitch? is there some secret fix I am unaware of?21:43
rwwGear0: Which tool are you using to look at your partitioning scheme? Does it have the /dev/sdXY identifiers for each partition?21:43
StarminnGear0: There are Terminal commands I'm sure others could tell you to  look at, but I would suggest installing "GParted" from the Software Center to be sure. It's on the LiveCD if you have it already; just not on the full system. It will show you everything so no guess-work.21:44
Gear0rww: yes, I just did fdisk -l /dev/sda21:44
Encry8how do you paste something in terminal without it running the pasted text? seems if it's over one line, it automatically runs whatever gets pasted21:44
yeatsEncry8: that's because the terminal considers "Enter" or "newline" to mean "run what I've typed"21:45
rwwGear0: can you copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the page it creates here, please?21:45
Encry8yeats: anyway around that?21:45
Gear0rww: extended is /dev/sda3  Linux is /dev/sda4  Linux/Swap is /dev/sda521:45
yeatsEncry8: copy into a text editor and remove the newlines ("enters")21:45
=== davidt is now known as dekita
Gear0rww: /dev/sda1 is bootable (with a * sign) and is ntfs21:46
Gear0rww: /dev/sda2 is ntfs21:46
yeatsEncry8: also, adding a \ to the end of each line will keep the shell from running it21:46
rwwGear0: sda1 and sda2 definitely aren't extended. sda5 definitely is. I'm not sure about sda4.21:46
Encry8yeats: ok thanks21:46
Gear0rww: sorry, I'd do the pastebin thing but it would be a pain to do right now. I'm not near the computer in question21:46
=== francisco is now known as Guest74228
onelinerwhat directory should i use to put new programs that arent packages? for example i just downloaded eclipse, where should i place the eclipse folder?21:47
Gear0rww: well... is it normal for the bootable partition (which is small) to be ntfs?21:47
Kazilladoes anyone know how to setup an internal network hostname using the ubuntu dns server?21:47
yeatsoneliner: traditionally /opt is for "non-repostory" packages21:48
murielgodoihy guys, has anyone also facing problems when connecting msn using empathy?21:48
rwwGear0: That's not Ubuntu's boot partition, it's Windows'.21:48
Gear0rww: I see... I thought that would be where grub was installed.21:48
pvl1hey all, running a headless server. my mysql is junk and needs to have a fresh install, and apt-get doesnt fix it.21:48
StarminnGear0: NTFS=Windows.21:49
rwwGear0: GRUB will be installed in the MBR and in the /boot directory in your / partition.21:49
cfeddepvl1: are you looking for a scrape off solution?21:49
lazarus_http://paste.ubuntu.com/563578/ surely i dont need to sudo that much21:49
* rww goes afk21:50
=== ez is now known as Guest23078
Guest74228hi, I want to buy some laptop within troubles with ubuntu21:50
Guest74228what of thes is better for that?21:50
col0urThis is slightly non-Ubuntu, but im dual booting Ubuntu and Windows on a netbook. Ubuntu is alreqady installed, and i have 116GB free on my hard drive. My question is, how big should i make the Windows partition?21:50
FloodBot3Guest74228: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
pvl1cfedde, scrape off?21:50
ruben_hoodsomebod here knows how to configure pam_mount to automount network folders of a domain? thanks21:51
felonhow come i cant burn mp3 format with brasero.21:51
PhoenixSTF_Hi guys21:51
cfeddepvl1: do you want to completely remove mysql then re-install?21:51
folklorecol0ur it depends on how much you plan on using the windows21:51
pvl1cfedde, yes please21:51
PhoenixSTF_anyone knows about SBLIVE emu10k how to put 5.1?21:51
folkloredownloading dvds, etc?21:51
folkloreonly using alil21:51
hk4lAnyone here can help me with restoring grub?21:51
folkloreI wouldn't do the bare minimum though you need space for programs and files21:51
Starminncol0ur: That might be better answered in #windows, and I'd imagine you should provide such things as usage details (how much tobe used) and what model of Windows.21:51
cfeddepvl1: sudo apt-get purge  mysql # for example21:52
col0urfolklore, i plan to get an external HDD for any downloads. i plan to use it for gaming pretty much exclusively21:52
hk4lOr atleast point me towards a good guide?21:52
pvl1h4z|da, fix it froma  live cd21:52
yeats!grub2 | hk4l21:52
ubottuhk4l: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:52
folklorecol0ur well for gaming add an additional 7/8 gigs additional21:52
col0uri was thinking 30-5021:52
hk4lYeats thanks21:52
pvl1cfedde, tried that, but then when i go to install, i cant ever log in as root, and things just dont seem right21:52
folklorewell I mean 7/8 in addition to the minimum21:52
felonwhat is a good burning program for ubuntu that will let me burn mp3format so i can fit 5 or 6 albums on a disc.21:53
Starminncol0ur: I know a lot of people who use Windows exclusively for gaming just throw it in a VM. I don't know much about them, but it's worth a shot I guess.21:53
folklorewin7 is min 16gigs for instance21:53
=== LawNasK is now known as Wisdonsim
folklorebtw external harddrives are usually very slow so you want games on your main harddrive21:53
col0urStarminn, on a netbook though that'd be slow as hell21:53
cfeddepvl1: after the install you cannot log into mysql as user root?21:53
TomV-415Can't seem to boot a new install of Ubuntu 10.10.  Get '21:53
col0uralso want it for photoshop21:53
Starminncol0ur: True, didn't think about that. :)21:53
col0uri wasn't gonna keep games on the external HDD, just videos, music, etc.21:53
mkanyicyfelon: brasero21:53
ActionParsnipcol0ur: that installs in $HOME in wine so you will need space in that folder for that. Check the appdb for compatibility21:53
folklorecol0ur how much space do you need for ubuntu, use the rest for windows if you want21:54
col0uri want the most space to be given to ubuntu21:54
ActionParsnipcol0ur: if you are dual booting, you will probably get a smoother ride for photoshop in Windows21:54
cfeddepvl1: does this sound like your issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58730221:55
TomV-415Can't seem to boot a new install of Ubuntu 10.10.  I get 'Error end of disk.' followed by a 'grub rescue>' prompt.  Now when i boot from CD, I get "No init foun' and a (initramfs) prompt.  What next??21:55
col0urActionParsnip, exactly my thoughts21:55
KazillaTomV-415: thought that would be rather obvious, try again.21:55
ActionParsnipTomV-415: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162280421:56
TomV-415Kazilla:  I did try again... a few times.  I think I'm missing something.21:56
TomV-415ActionParsnip: I'll check that out.  Thanks!21:56
rtdosi have gnome, fluxbox, and blackbox desktops installed: since i am not using the gdm to login to my system how do i use startx or xinit specify which desktop i want to use?21:57
deddlyDoes anyone know where the "wireless network connection" button is on 10.04?21:57
PhoenixSTFProblem with SBlive! only 4.1, 5.1 not working21:57
j-invariantdeddly: it should be in the top right21:58
col0ur45GB it is21:58
j-invariantdeddly: at least it is for me21:58
TomV-415My ubuntu install experience is not for the feint of heart... gads this is going to take a while to sort out...21:58
mkanyicyrtdos: why arent you using gdm?21:59
pvl1cfedde, lemme install and try21:59
* YankDownUnder finds it funny that a completely inexperienced blonde can install Ubuntu in 20 minutes, but everyone else has issues21:59
rtdosmkanyicy: i want to use a text only login.22:01
ActionParsnipYankDownUnder: experiences vary wildly22:01
YankDownUnderActionParsnip, True.22:01
botcityYankDownUnder: that long wow :-P22:02
lolcat_How can I see all partitions on a drive?22:02
Kazillaguys if i wanted to give one of my internal network computers a hostname, where my dns server is ubuntu, how could i do it?22:03
TomV-415given I'm now deep into figuring out what the heck  initramfs is... Like most software installs, when it goes right it's trivial... but other wise..22:03
tonsofpcsset it on the machine....22:03
jribrtdos: most people setup a ~/.xinitrc22:03
tonsofpcsTomV-415: it builds a ram filesystem22:03
bill_who can help me to install video driver?22:03
pvl1cfedde, i cant start mysqld22:03
rtdosjrib: that file is not in my home directory. where do i copy it from?22:03
jribrtdos: you just create it22:03
TomV-415tonsofpcs: yes, now how can I get from that to a reinstall of grub2?22:04
bill_who can help me to install video driver?22:04
tonsofpcsTomV-415: huh?22:04
=== Hunterm is now known as brbHunterm
TomV-415tonsofpcs: I'm currently unable to boot my newly installed 10.10, and when I try to boot via CD, I fall out to the intiramfs prompt.. lovely22:04
Rooflewhat could be causing my ubuntu server instance to restart each time I attempt to transfer over a large file (4 GB)22:05
rtdosjrib: from scratch? don't i need to put in defaults?22:05
TomV-415I'm going to try booting from usb, I think my CD drive is suspect so LiveCD is not working.22:05
tonsofpcsinitramfs prompt?22:05
jribrtdos: defaults of what?  A basic one is just "#!/bin/sh; startfluxbox"22:06
tonsofpcscan you bot grub off the CD and chainload your hdd?22:06
lolcat_How can I read partitions on a hdd?22:06
botcitylolcat_:     sudo df -h /dev/sd1   or  whatever22:06
jribrtdos: here: http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=.xinitrc22:07
rtdosthanks jrib22:07
Roofleit happens when transferring via both SCP and AFP22:07
TomV-415tonsofpcs: LiveCD is what drops me into this little boot kernel thing.. I'll try to find a usb that's empty and make it a boot source.. so I'll be back if that is failing too..22:07
juanefrenI was updating frmo 8.04 to 10.04 and accidentally disconnected energy cable in the process, Now I just get a initramfs prompt how can I restore my system ? :(22:08
botcitylolcat_:     sudo fdisk -l22:08
lolcat_Bah, seams ubuntu can't find my hdd22:08
hk4lyeats: thanks man it worked22:08
lolcat_sudo fdisk -l takes forever22:09
KazillaRoofle: how do you know its not a hardware problem?22:09
RoofleI'm not sure it's not22:10
Rooflethey're brand new drives though :(22:10
Rooflethey pass a SMART check...if that means anything here22:10
icerootRoofle: looked at the syslog?22:11
=== annunaki is now known as krycek
krycekanyone on torrentflux?22:13
Kazillanot since utorrent went linux22:13
Rooflethat's another issue... /var/log/messages hasn't been updated in 4 hours22:13
onelinerright, so got that running,.. now who could recomend a cvs server? for installing and creating my own project repositories?22:13
Roofleever since I installed syslog-ng, I think22:13
krycekim using torrentflux on a webserver22:14
apocalyptiqRadar: thanks, works22:14
krycekand i forgot the inloggin pw ><22:14
Niglopvlc is only playing audio but not showing video, but they work on my other media players?22:14
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
krycekis there a file where i can check /edit the pw on torrentflux?22:14
Encry8Hi, some reason my webcam stopped working, was working fine earlier, I know a restart of the computer would fix it, but is there a way to "restart" the webcam w/out rebooting PC?22:15
Goliathwhere are kde login themes saved at?22:15
felonwhat is a good burning program for ubuntu that will let me burn mp3format so i can fit 5 or 6 albums on a disc?22:15
NiglopGoliath:  try /usr/share/themes/22:15
icerootRoofle: /var/log/syslog22:15
silviohow to use for dowload22:16
RoofleFeb  6 12:25:30 server kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.22:16
RoofleFeb  6 12:25:30 server kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.22:16
RoofleFeb  6 12:25:30 server kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.22:16
FloodBot3Roofle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
kryceki dont know my password on torrentflux login, how can i fix this easy?22:16
Rooflelogging stopped around 4 hours ago for some reason22:17
Niglopvlc is only playing audio but not showing video, but they work on my other media players?22:17
botcityNiglop:   have you tried  In VLC Tools>Preferences>Show settings-All>Video Uncheck 'Overlay video output'22:20
Roofleit seems like right after I installed syslog-ng is when the logging stopped22:20
azertyuanyone there ?22:21
Niglopbotcity: i cant see that option22:21
lolcat_Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table22:21
lolcat_Does that mean I can formate it to be usefull again?22:21
lolcat_gparted is taking forever22:22
azertyui need to find one words on file where i don't the path22:22
azertyuhow to search it ?22:22
lolcat_Can I dd dev/sda to an img og a usb drive?22:22
Kazillapress tab azertyu22:22
Niglopok botcity i just did it, still not working22:22
azertyutab for what ? Kazi22:22
shaggyoafHi, everybody. Strange problem. When I start gnome-terminal, it starts me off in the root directory (/) instead of my home directory. $HOME is defined and it *is* reading my $HOME/.bashrc file when it starts up22:23
Kazillawhere are you searching?22:23
azertyudo you get my question ?22:23
shaggyoafAnybody know what's not getting started correctly?22:23
ActionParsnipshaggyoaf: what it the output of:  whoami22:24
user_is there any software for ubuntu that helps people with dyslexia?22:24
azertyui need to search a word on a particular folder where that folder i got lots of sub folder i need to find that word on a file, how to do it ?22:24
wootershaggyoaf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146924022:24
user_i can't seem to find any plug ins for open office for technical writing or anything22:25
ActionParsnipazertyu: grep -Rword folder22:25
jribActionParsnip is a liar22:25
botcityNiglop:  what codec are you trying to watch !22:25
ActionParsnipjrib: its that or EXTREMELY close22:25
jribazertyu: what ActionParsnip said with a space after the -R22:25
ActionParsnipazertyu: grep -R word folder22:25
mkanyicyazertyu: find folder -type f -print 0 | xargs -0 grep word22:26
Antonishow do I mount an .iso file in ubuntu 10.10?22:26
ActionParsnipjrib: hence the oop, but i had to take time to rply to you instead of correcting:)22:26
felonnm ill figure it out my-self as alwayz.22:26
ActionParsnipAntonis: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/filename.iso /media/iso22:26
Antonisthank you ActionParsnip22:27
ActionParsnipAntonis: just change the /path/to/filename.iso   and it will work22:27
Antonisthanks =)22:27
dzup2azertyu: find ./ -name "*.php" -type f -exec sed -i 's/GNU General Public License//g' {} \;   <---for example, that will search any php file and chage gnu by nothing22:27
ActionParsnipAntonis: theres a gui app too, but i cant remember it's name22:27
azertyui agree ppl22:27
TomV-415Just tried booting from a usb "liveCD" and I get a prompt "boot:" and a message Could not find kernel image: linux22:27
azertyuyou are very skilled ppl22:27
azertyuthanks a lot22:27
ActionParsnipTomV-415: did you MD5 test the ISO?22:28
TomV-415ActionParsnip: nope...22:28
Encry8How come I cant get this working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563595/   I get errors like: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'22:28
ActionParsnipTomV-415: then how do you know the ISO was complete and consistent?22:28
AntonisActionParsnip, I would love to get it if you remember it!! also, do I always have to create the folder /media/iso or is it enough with creating it right now22:28
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:28
gidashi guys, how to install M2Crypto on ubuntu?22:29
ActionParsnip!info gmountiso | Antonis22:29
ubottuAntonis: gmountiso (source: gmountiso): This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 176 kB22:29
Antoniswow thanks!22:29
ActionParsnipAntonis: the CLI is childishly simple so I use that, I haven't used the app myself22:29
djjonexhow i test postfix?22:30
ActionParsnipAntonis: There are also nautilus scripts so you can do it with a right click in the file manager22:30
TomV-415ActionParsnip: I don't never had that problem before.  When i created the USB, I just followed the prompts from the StartupDisk creator in Ubuntu 10.04.  I gather that does not check the MD5 before writing the ISO to the drive.  I'll try again, using a 10.04 image.22:30
=== brbHunterm is now known as Hunterm
AntonisActionParsnip, I have tried that but they seem unstable.. I prefer the command line or a GUI22:31
Kazillaanyone know how to use dns for internal networks? about to give up.. *cry*22:31
ActionParsnipTomV-415: well you are having issues and you have no idea if the ISO was error free. Errors in the image will create you issue22:31
ActionParsnipAntonis: well now you have options ;)22:31
TomV-415ActionParsnip: makes sense.  I'll check and confirm, or download a new one..22:32
jribKazilla: I just set it up on my router and then have my computers use the router for dns.  Are you using an ubuntu box as a router?22:32
Kazillayeah my ubuntu box is my dns and dhcp server22:32
Kazillabut i want to name one of my internal computers a dns name22:32
ActionParsnipTomV-415: TCP does a good job of rejecting bad data but it isn't perfect, using torrents adds extra error checking but MD5 is an integral part of a smooth install22:33
Encry8How come I cant get this working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563595/   I get errors like: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'22:33
=== miguel is now known as Guest40994
ActionParsnipEncry8: change line 6 from <html> to </html>22:34
Encry8i tried that too22:34
Encry8same error though22:34
ActionParsnipEncry8: and add a carridge return to the end of the last line22:34
Erikahi, it´s me again, please help me to change irc into spanish language22:36
Encry8ActionParsnip: how to do carriage return?22:36
jribKazilla: http://askubuntu.com/questions/20313/name-resolution-on-home-lan has some hints.  You can probably scour the docs for whatever dns server you use and get more info too22:36
Erikais there anybody speak spanish in this channel?22:36
genii-around!es | Erika22:37
ubottuErika: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:37
ecinx3I know spanish, but I don't know ubuntu22:37
Kazillathanks jrib , i found http://serverfault.com/questions/220974/bind9-dns-ubuntu-names-pingible-on-server-but-not-on-windows-machines too.. will try tomorrow morning..22:37
ActionParsnipEncry8: use the big enter key on your keyboard22:37
jribKazilla: I think if you search your dns server's docs for dhcp and vice versa, it may be helpful.  Maybe also ask the channel for your particular dns server22:38
Encry8still get error22:38
Encry8ill just use emacs LOL, i dont get how cat works yet22:38
buckyKazilla, how big a network is this?22:38
Guest40994yo hablo español22:38
ApacheOmegahello everybody and happy superbowl sunday22:39
felonK3B is my answer with all extra codecs will let you burn mp3 just fine. Thanks.22:39
ApacheOmegaI just wanted to know what the best rescource for learning all the UBUNTU codes and terminal tricks - just some commands I can use as a reference book22:40
canthus13I have a lucid machine that is suddenly refusing to bring up eth0.  If you try to manually bring it up, you get 'ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0'22:40
ActionParsnip!manual | ApacheOmega22:41
ubottuApacheOmega: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:41
ActionParsnipApacheOmega: try to think (how can I achieve what I need) rather than (what can I do)22:41
Guest40994join #ubuntu-es22:41
ActionParsnipGuest40994: prefix with a '/' character22:42
Roofleanyone know why my system has stopped logging since installing syslog-ng?22:43
UbuntuNewbnewb here...looking for something better than the written documentation (videos?) for learning to use the terminal. any suggestions? the written stuff is seriously tedious22:44
ApacheOmegaActionParnship: OK so where can I find a reference book or you tell me whats the fastest more efficient way to learn all this22:44
jribbucky: I'm curious about what you know about kazilla's question (local dns) if you don't mind.  Suppose it's a small home network22:44
ActionParsnipApacheOmega: I'd say: just use the OS,  you will learn just like you learned the other OSes you have used22:45
maciej_Jestem tutaj 1. raz22:46
ApacheOmegaActionParsnip: Thanks will do - now time for some SuperBowl Goodness- enjoy the game22:46
ActionParsnipApacheOmega: watching it later as my friends are working tomorrow, UK here so it'll finish at 4/5am22:46
jrib!pl | maciej_22:46
ubottumaciej_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:46
UbuntuNewbis there anyway to block all this "user entering and exiting" text?22:46
elder_algun latino??22:47
jrib!es | elder_22:47
ubottuelder_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:47
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: which client?22:47
elder_jaj ok22:47
UbuntuNewbi am using Xchat22:47
buckyjrib, i just wondered if he was trying to run bind or just put entries in /etc/hosts22:47
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewb: not one I use but others may be able to help now you have added the detail we needed22:47
jribbucky: ah ok.  Google turned up some avahi and zeroconf hits I wasn't too familiar with.  Thanks :D22:48
maciej_Im first visit irc22:48
ActionParsnipvery short first irc at that22:48
* jrib refuses to make joke22:49
Anonnni want to write a hotkey phrase, i guess thats what it would be called..  that will auto type my password into the "needs admin password" thing, but its going to be a really weird key phrase.  like ctrl+alt+something22:51
Anonnncause my password is really long :D22:51
Anonnnand i mess up a few times..22:51
jribAnonnn: that's silly22:52
Anonnnjrib: why so?22:52
tzaeruwell, this is just perfect. update-manager crashed while updating whole distro. right now nothing works. whole filesystem on boot was set to read-only: 'dpkg: unable to access status area: Read-only file system'22:52
jribAnonnn: what's the point of a password if it's hotkeyed?22:52
ActionParsniptzaeru: boot to livecd and fsck the partition22:52
Anonnnbecause i want to make it easier on me :)22:53
tzaeruActionParsnip, prolly would if I had one..22:53
justTryinganybody know how to make a script that searches excel data displays certain cells?22:53
ActionParsniptzaeru: well you need a seperate boot as your disk is screwy22:53
Anonnnive got enough passwords just to get to ubuntu, i dont need it askin me every 5 seconds i try to change something, but i do like it when it asks me in terminal and such.22:53
tzaeruActionParsnip, how come it suddenly went screwy due to that crash? :322:54
ActionParsnipAnonnn: use:  sudo -i   then you won't be bothered22:54
tzaeruI boot it about every day anyway22:54
ActionParsniptzaeru: most likely22:54
Anonnnwhats sudo -i22:54
EasyRidergeia sas ... pws mporw na mpw sto pathfinder me ti entoli...?? eyxaristw22:54
ActionParsnipAnonnn: interactive sudo22:54
Anonnnjust says root@cameron22:55
Anonnnnow what o_o22:55
Anonnni have no idea how to use this :D22:55
Anonnnoh..help is very helpful :D22:55
jribAnonnn: well first off, I don't see what you would be doing so often that requires admin access that entering the password became tedious.  Secondly, the password is stored for 15 minutes.  And lastly, just disable the password (not recommended) instead22:56
Anonnni want it to stay secure22:56
ActionParsnipAnonnn: it means you don't have a grace period for sudo, it will go until you type: exit22:56
Anonnnbut i always mess up my password casue its alot of numbers and letters22:57
jribAnonnn: hotkeyed password is NOT SECURE22:57
Anonnnjrib: how so?22:57
botcity Anonnn pick a new one!22:57
Anonnni wouldnt make the program say "insert password"22:57
martijn_dekkerHey all, I can't get Rosegarden to start up properly.. It's not shutting down, but it's also not opening any window after the splash screen vanishes. Can someone help me, please?22:57
Anonnnthe hotkey would be named like.. .open steam22:58
botcity!password | Anonnn22:58
ubottuAnonnn: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:58
Anonnnbut it actually just pastes my password instead :D22:58
=== william is now known as Guest36383
justTryinghow can i read excel file in shell?23:00
aeon-ltdjustTrying: you can't if its in a microsoft office formatted file23:01
aeon-ltdjustTrying: you need a csv23:01
justTryingaeson-ltd: then what file formats can the shell read? I'm trying to script a program so I can easily search multiple excel docs23:02
=== taransvar is now known as franzce
justTryingaeon-ltd: Ah, ok. What do I have to convert word files (.doc) to?23:03
franzcewhere can i download a ubuntu software that is not a wubi?23:03
VCooliojustTrying: to txt using antiword?23:04
ActionParsnipfranzce: how do you mean?23:04
Caveman1234Off topic question, I repair and setup computers (just in my local area) and was wondering how do you (legally) install windows multiple times without buying new boxes. In other words, how can i buy multiple keys?23:05
macoCaveman1234: when you're reinstalling on a system that had a virus infestaton, that system should have a key on a sticker attached to it already23:05
ActionParsnipfranzce: normally ubuntu isn't install with wubi, Wubi is just a cheap nasty way for Windows user to try before they buy because (as far as I can see) they find it too hard to resize partitions and install a reall install23:05
franzceActionParsnip: what i mean is i want to install ubuntu but not using a wubi23:06
gbear14275hey I23:06
ActionParsnipfranzce: then use the windows7 partition resizer or the one in the Ubuntu CD and create unpartitioned space,then install to the free space23:06
gbear14275Hey I'm having a problem with a USB stick of mine coming up as a SIM card reader, anyone able to help me manually mount this thing.  The howto's I find online seem to be outdated23:07
franzceActionParsnip: buy? i thought ubuntu is free?23:07
ActionParsnipgbear14275: mount hasn't changed much in years23:07
Caveman1234maco: I know that, but I'm talking for people who are upgrading to windows 7 from XP23:07
ActionParsnipfranzce: its a saying23:07
ActionParsnipfranzce: like "trial by fire" rarely involves any sort of heat23:07
gbear14275ActionParsnip, Yes but the directories they say to look in don23:08
macoCaveman1234: oh. i would guess youd need to talk to microsoft23:08
ActionParsnipfranzce: or a boxer "kicking someones ass" when they don't use their feet23:08
gbear14275ActionParsnip, Yes but the directories they say to look in don't apppear to match up... e.g.  I don't have a /proc/bus/usb23:08
soreauI am wondering if there's a way to share a connection with ubuntu NetworkManager network connections + nm-applet. So far I've found 'share this connection' in the ipv4 settings but it just makes nm-applet report 'auto eth0' as connected and then disconnected every other second23:08
Caveman1234maco: Yeah I guess, just hate sitting on the phone :P23:08
ActionParsnipgbear14275: mount can use ANY folder you like to mount to (except in /proc)23:08
martijn_dekkerStill got Rosegarden problems. Could someone please help me?23:08
franzceActionParsnip: ahhh, i see23:09
l1nuxmanI get a weird 'operation not supported' when I try copying and pasting from my webserver to machine23:09
andaiwhich of the following can I do with freely available video editing software: (1) Curves tool   (2) Stabilize [ shaky camera ] ?23:09
franzceActionParsnip: where did you get your installer?23:09
gbear14275ActionParsnip, so if I use lsusb to see the device, what would the mount command look like?23:09
ActionParsnipgbear14275: you mount the devices from /dev  you can see the device name in the output of:  sudo fdisk -l23:09
soreauI usually do it with iwconfig+dhclient cli stuff but it wont connect this way, it seems to only connect when using nm-applet23:09
martijn_dekkerLots of "BadDrawable" errors23:09
ActionParsnipfranzce: i booted to the liveCD and installed23:09
cgannonI'm having an issue. I'm running an older mac mini with xubuntu and it won't display on my 22in monitor from boot... right after the mac splash it goes to black. Any ideas?23:09
franzceActionParsnip: is it a wubi?23:09
ActionParsnipgbear14275: lsusb is nothing to do with mounting23:09
m_fulder my OS doesn't find libz.so.1 file why is that? :(23:09
ActionParsnipfranzce: no, i use proper installs. I don't use windows23:10
franzceActionParsnip: can i download it in the net?23:10
gbear14275Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table23:10
l1nuxmanI get a weird 'operation not supported' when I try copying and pasting from my webserver to machine. Anyone know what's wrong?23:10
franzceActionParsnip: the same as the installer you have23:10
ActionParsnipm_fulder: it's in zlib1g23:10
gbear14275ActionParsnip, Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table23:10
gbear14275ActionParsnip, that's a bad sign right?  Is there still a way I can recover files off it?23:11
ActionParsnipfranzce: yes download the iso, md5 test it then burn it slowly23:11
ActionParsnipgbear14275: sdb is the disk, you don't mount disks,you mount partitions23:11
m_fulderActionParsnip,  so just reinstalling zliblg would do the job?23:12
franzceActionParsnip: do you mena the ubuntu desktop cd?23:12
ActionParsnip!download | franzce23:12
ubottufranzce: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:12
ActionParsnipm_fulder: according to: dpkg -S libz.so     it is, run it to see23:12
gbear14275ActionParsnip, there are no partitions listed (http://pastebin.com/5EnEcdCC)  what are my options now?23:13
botcitysoreau: i had the sane problem using sudo service network-manager stop still did not solve my connection  maybe it will for you  !23:13
ActionParsnipgbear14275: the device is 8Mb in size?23:13
gbear14275ActionParsnip, should be 256mb... but it doesn't appear correctly... it should be a USB drive its listed under lsusb as "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0420:1307 Chips and Technologies Celly SIM Card Reader"23:14
cutchyacokovDoes KMS work on 10.10 with nouveau?23:14
ActionParsnipgbear14275: when you want to take the device out of a PC, what do you do?23:14
gbear14275ActionParsnip, ...remove it?23:14
botcitysoreau: i had to remove nm altogether now i use wcid !23:14
m_fulderActionParsnip,  dpkg -S libz.so   gives me zliblg:   /lib/libz.so. //  zlib1g:  /lib/libz.so.123:15
ActionParsnipgbear14275: so you don't stop the device,or safetly eject it?23:15
ActionParsnipm_fulder: then you know what to install :)23:15
gbear14275ActionParsnip, but this is the first time I've looked at it.  My gf handed it to me and said "I need stuff off this and it won't work in windows... can you help?"  Enter my current situation23:15
ActionParsnipgbear14275: does she use the safetly remove functionality?23:16
gbear14275ActionParsnip, most likely not23:16
ActionParsnipgbear14275: then you are BOTH mistreating the hardware, I'm not suprised it's damaged23:16
_skpldont mistreat the hardware.23:16
martijn_dekkerJust poking around again for people who could possibly help me with Rosegarden: It's not starting, but not quitting either.. just shows the splash screen and keeps running without doing anything..23:16
cgannonin soviet russia, hardware mistreats you.23:16
ActionParsnipgbear14275: you NEED to use the safetly remove device in ANY OS so that the system can flush caches and drop the device so it can be safetly removed from the system without damaging it23:17
gbear14275ActionParsnip, I would agree with you completely...23:17
m_fulderActionParsnip,  I just installed lib32z1-dev  and it solved my problem23:17
ActionParsnipgbear14275: then why are YOU just pulling the device out, without safetly removing it?23:17
martijn_dekkerAh, cgannon.. so russians would be right to fear the robot uprising?23:17
cgannonindeed, dekker. indeed.23:17
cgannonanyone have an idea on how i can get my xubuntu mac mini to run on my big fancy monitor?23:18
martijn_dekkerI'm just happy I treat my pc well. Even when it's being a little bitch that doesn't like Rosegarden >_>23:18
gbear14275ActionParsnip, no excuse sir.23:18
ActionParsnipgbear14275: if you mistreat hardware it WILL break.23:18
martijn_dekkercgannon, maybe you need some restricted drivers for it?23:18
gbear14275ActionParsnip, So this is broken and unrecoverable?23:18
martijn_dekkerWhat brand is the video card?23:18
shruggarunder "monitor preferences", various resolutions are listed such as "1024x768" and "1360x768".  I would like to add to this list the option of "1280x768" (my monitor's actual native resolution). How can I do this? (preferably through means other than editing xorg.conf or the like)23:19
cgannonmartijn_dekker, it won't even display the bootloader with the live CD.23:19
gbear14275ActionParsnip, or is there a way to actually mount this manually?  something with dd perhaps?  manual fstab entries?23:19
ActionParsnipgbear14275: you may be able to use foremost on the device but if its physically damaged then it may take professional services, your backups will save you easily23:19
martijn_dekkerThat's out of my league, cgannon. Sorry.23:19
silviobeginner how can download files23:19
cgannonnp, dekker.23:19
cgannonlikewise. usually i can fix my own stuff.23:20
Anonnni get an error when i try to install sc2 using wine23:20
gbear14275ActionParsnip, foremost?  there a good google search term to use?23:20
l1nuxmanhow can I connect to an ftp server while using it as root? I get 'operation not permitted' or something23:20
l1nuxmanthats through GUI I mean23:20
cgannonruns fine on a crappy old 15in monitor...23:20
Anonnnsudo unmount /media/cdrom23:20
Anonnnsays i dont have anything mounted there23:20
gbear14275ActionParsnip, http://foremost.sourceforge.net/  <-- this the one?23:21
ActionParsnipgbear14275: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJysfUhs2tqnmKD0D2plclEbmeO7AsH2vZWlpUZncIXnpKr49V&t=1   if you's used this in Ubuntu and this in Windows you will have no issues: http://kbserver.netgear.com/images/safely_remove_1.gif23:21
ActionParsnipgbear14275: foremost is in the repos23:21
cgannonActionParsnip: good with fixing graphics issues?23:21
gbear14275ActionParsnip, thank you, I'll try to spread the word and practice of safe USB insertion and removal.23:21
ActionParsnipcgannon: in what way?23:21
martijn_dekkerLol, gbear14275.23:21
barMy system froze - what's good practice? I have 4 hard drives... I think I need to run fsck or something with certain flags to make sure things are cleaned up, but not too sure- any thoughts/tips? tahnks23:21
ActionParsnipgbear14275: please do, saves data / device damage23:22
martijn_dekkerParsnip is right. Also, don't trust Vista or Win7 to "repair" your USB drives.23:22
cgannonActionParsnip: Trying to get my mac mini box to display on a 22in monitor. i can't even see the bootloader with the live CD. works fine with an old 15in monitor. and its not the hardware. osx works fine.23:22
Anonnnquick question when it has && in the directions for a command, does that mean u type that or do you hit enter?23:22
sindakusif there is someone that can help me, I installed ubuntu on an external device and now when I start my computer it goes into "grub rescue" mode (windows installed on the main disk), I don't know what to do :(23:23
jribAnonnn: type it23:23
cgannonAnonnn you type it23:23
Anonnnlike 01 && sudo mkdir23:23
ActionParsnipcgannon: thats because the OSX is configured correctly, what OSX does is of no value as it is a different OS altogther23:23
Anonnnahh okay23:23
Anonnnit does the codes one after the other?23:23
jribAnonnn: command1 && command2   will run command2 after command1 but only if command1 is successful23:23
cgannonActionParsnip: I realize this much. I'm telling you its not my hardware causing an issue and it is indeed Ubuntu/Grub thats causing an issue.23:23
ActionParsnipcgannon: can you give a pastebin of: lsb_release -a; sudo lshw -C display23:23
cgannoncoming right up.23:24
martijn_dekkerActionParsnip, can I borrow you after you're done helping cgannon?23:24
l1nuxmanhow can I connect to an ftp server while using it as root? I get 'operation not permitted' or something23:24
ActionParsnipcgannon: I have hardware that doesn't work in windows as it is too old, does that mean its faulty?23:24
ActionParsnipmartijn_dekker: wassup?23:24
martijn_dekkerAnd I think his rationale for that logic is "if it works at all, it should work in Linux"23:24
Anonnnjrib: gotcha23:25
martijn_dekkerActionParsnip, can't start Rosegarden. Was hoping you could help me :)23:25
ActionParsnipmartijn_dekker: never used it dude, sorry23:25
Anonnni typed the code and it said23:25
martijn_dekkerWell, maybe you could still extract more useful info from the console output than I can? *shrug*23:25
Anonnnmount: mount point /media/PlayOnLinux/ does not exit23:26
ActionParsnipcgannon: you can use:  http://pastie.org  to host the text so you don't spam the channel23:26
ActionParsnipAnonnn: sudo mkdir /media/PlayOnLinux23:26
cgannonActionParsnip: I'm aware. http://pastebin.com/94ghfP0J23:26
brandon420anyone know how to use a nvidia 8600gts, in combination with a ati onboard, for a total of 3 monitors? i have done it on windows, but kind of at a loss as to where to start here.23:26
martijn_dekkerAh well. Just found out there's a #rosegarden on Freenode. I'll go poke them for a bit23:27
douglbrandon420, your xorg.conf file23:27
* M3de is away: No toy! favor dejar mensaje despues si quiero lo leo!23:28
Anonnnactionparsnip: what exactly is mkdir?23:28
ActionParsnipcgannon: i have the same video chip in my crappylappy, you may need an xorg.conf file if your monitor isn't reporting EDID when asked.23:28
ActionParsnipAnonnn: have a guess23:28
=== Wankerkind is now known as joeCorps
brandon420dougl, care to be a little more specific?23:28
AnonnnMount kernal directory i guesss :D23:28
cgannonActionParsnip: Shouldn't the bootloader be displaying a default screen resolution on boot though?23:29
martijn_dekkerAnonnn, it makes a dir. MaKeDIR23:29
ActionParsnipAnonnn: its "(m)a(k)e (dir)ectory.   the mount point must exist to mount to it, it is not mount's job to make the mount point23:29
Anonnnahhh gotcha so i have to mount play on linux first23:29
ActionParsnipcgannon: depends if the driver loads in time, nvidia drivers usually show a black screen at boot if they are using propreietary drivers23:30
Bill|iPadSplash screen is fubar until changes can be made to dbus last I heard23:31
shaggyoafHi, all. I asked a question about an hour ago but had connection problems, sorry for the re-post, but I didn't see an answer.23:31
shaggyoafWhen I start gnome-terminal, it starts me out in the / directory. It's like it's the same difference between using sudo su with a dash and without one. Anybody know what's not getting initialized?23:31
Bill|iPadFor nvidia cards23:31
AnonnnActioParsnip: i typed the sudo mkdir, and i got. cannot creat directory '/media/PlayOnLinux' : File exists23:31
ActionParsnipBill|iPad: you can tweak your OS to use fb driver during the boot process23:31
martijn_dekkerSeems like your directory already exists, Anonnn :P23:31
martijn_dekkerOr you have a file with that name.23:31
Anonnnso now what :D23:31
Bill|iPadYeah that's Hackery though23:32
martijn_dekkerJust act as if your mkdir succeeded23:32
ActionParsnipAnonnn: ok then the mount point exists,  use tab to complete the mount point folder23:32
martijn_dekkerSo uhm..23:32
ActionParsnipBill|iPad: true but proprietary drivers don't load in time to make plymouth work23:32
martijn_dekker#rosegarden is pretty much dead23:32
Bill|iPadWon't be perfect till 100% novena support I bet23:32
martijn_dekkerAnd not so much "it's not doing much" dead, but almost doornail level dead.23:33
ActionParsnipBill|iPad: yes, if nouveau works ok then it will be flawless, just like any other open driver in most cases23:33
Bill|iPadSorry spelling :D23:34
Anonnnahhh directions were wrong the directory named it Playonlinux not PlayOnLinux23:34
Bill|iPadAnon: yeah case sensitive23:35
GringoStarI'm trying to find a streaming link for the superbowl23:36
semitonesI'm looking for an application to open a pdf, draw on it, and save it. Can anything do that simply?23:36
semitones(GIMP had to open it as multiple images -- couldnt' save it back as one pdf)23:36
GringoStarGimp can23:36
StarminnI had a game installed through WINE on my last Ubuntu 10.10 install. Now that I've reinstalled Ubuntu, the game no longer works through WINE (I realize this is WINE and not Ubuntu). Any tips or any ideas for where to go with this question?23:36
brunnerI installed Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio using the alternate install CD, and it was having graphics issues. I'm trying to boot into single user mode, but it keeps halting either here (http://tinyurl.com/63vrrvb) or here(http://tinyurl.com/4zxgcsq).  What could be going wrong?23:37
pcluserHello, I moved my mythbuntu to a larger drive, and mythbuntu can't find the swap on a different partition, can I tell it where to find and use it?23:38
Anonnnwhere is my cdrom mounted?23:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Leif
ActionParsnipStarminn: the wine config is held exclusively in ~/.wine23:38
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ActionParsnipStarminn: same wine version23:38
semitonesi basically want to remove text from a pdf23:39
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Albatross_GHey all, I got a problem. I have Xubuntu and Ubuntu installed on the same system. When I switch to Xubuntu/Xfce on login, Nautilus will open itself. If I kill Nautilus with a command, it will just pop-back up. How do I change this?23:39
mikvaStarminn, I would try to "force version" from within synaptic so that it uses the previous wine version23:39
shruggarunder "monitor preferences", various resolutions are listed such as "1024x768" and "1360x768".  I would like to add to this list the option of "1280x768" (my monitor's actual native resolution). How can I do this? (preferably through means other than editing xorg.conf or the like)23:39
Anonnncdrom, PlayOnLinux, or SC2-L100-D1     where is my CD-ROM mounted23:39
aeon-ltdpcluser: unless you moved the swap aswell there won't be one23:39
pcluserI made a swap part23:39
VustomHey guys, preparing to install Ubuntu and I'm new to Linux type OS and have a few questions23:40
pcluserit is now sda5, was sda623:40
far_need help with locale Cannot set LC_ALL to default no such file or Directory23:40
StarminnActionParsnip: Ah, okay. Well it's there but... Alright, everything in WINE (in ~/.wine) is fine but in Applications->Wine->Programs it's not refreshing. Things I've deleted still exist and things I've added (i.e. that game) are not appearing. How can I force it to refresh?23:40
brandon420shruggar, please let me know if someone answers that, im trying to get mine at 1280x1024       and editing the xorg.conf isnt that hard.23:41
Albatross_GHey all, I got a problem. I have Xubuntu and Ubuntu installed on the same system. When I switch to Xubuntu/Xfce on login, Nautilus will open itself. If I kill Nautilus with a command, it will just pop-back up. How do I change this?23:41
VustomHow to find out what sound drivers I have? So i can download the linux version of them?23:41
ActionParsnipStarminn: the menu items were stored in ~/.config23:41
shruggarbrandon420, it's not that it's "hard", it's that currently the whole system is pretty much autoconfigured, and I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible23:41
semitonespdfedit keeps crashing23:41
shruggarbrandon420, I am trying a solution now23:42
ActionParsnipVustom: you can see the current driver with:  sudo lshw -C sound23:42
Vustomim on windows23:42
Vustomand english would be good :p23:42
LeifI installed ubuntu server 32bit using one single ext4 partition onto my usb memorystick, but it refuses to boot. I just get a bland screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner.23:42
Vustomi am new to this23:42
brandon420shruggar, ok, please let me know how it turns out. =)23:42
aeon-ltdpcluser: it involves edit fstab ( /etc/fstab ), to find it using its uuid, in a terminal type 'blkid' that will find your swap partition then use the uuid in the fstab file23:42
pcluser$ cat /etc/fstab23:42
pcluser# /etc/fstab: static file system information.23:42
pcluser# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier23:42
pcluser# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name23:42
Leifthe partition is bootable and so is the settings in bios (I mananged to boot a live version using unetbootin)23:42
FloodBot3pcluser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
pcluser# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).23:42
sindakusanyone that can help me fix my broken grub? (going to grub rescue when I start my computer, currently on LiveCD)23:43
pcluseraeon-ltd, is it possible to get it running without reboot? I'm recording super bowl :)23:44
VustomHow to i find out what my sound driver is on windows? so I can download the linux version23:44
martijn_dekkerVustom, go to your device manager..23:44
martijn_dekkerThen find your sound card in there.23:45
martijn_dekkerOn Windows, obviously23:45
Vustomand click on sound?23:45
Vustomtheres a bunch of NVIDIA High Definition Audio and 1 called23:45
martijn_dekkerYou should be able to right-click your sound card and find out the current drivers for it in the properties menu23:46
VustomHauppauge WinTV HVR-1200 (Model 71xxx, Hyprid DVB-T, No FP)23:46
Vustomis that it?23:46
martijn_dekkerI can't really help you with that..23:46
martijn_dekkerBut I doubt something named "WinTV" is your regular sound card.23:46
VustomTheres also RealTek High Definition Audio23:46
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Vustomand USB Camera23:47
semitonesOk I found out a solution: online pdfescape did exactly what I wanted it to in 5 seconds. FTW23:47
far_need help with locale Cannot set LC_ALL to default no such file or Directory23:47
linuxienne93is someone speaking french here???23:47
Leif   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:48
Leif/dev/sda1   *           1        1184     7782400   83  Linux23:48
Leifwhy wont it boot?23:48
col0urIs it possible to resize a partition?23:48
Leifyes col0ur23:48
Oscuro87french rescue herre23:48
Leifin geparted23:48
col0uroh ya23:48
col0urbasically i partitioned my HDD23:48
col0urbut i need to make my new partition bigger, taking space off my old one23:49
col0urthat's possible @ Leif23:49
Leonalinuxienne93: there's your french dude23:49
Leifthat will involve shrinking aswell, dunno about that23:49
orgthingyhello, i use ubuntu 10.10  --- whenever i raise the volume - i check at ALSAmixer @ terminal23:49
orgthingyit raises the pcm up23:49
orgthingyto 100%23:49
orgthingywhich i do not want23:49
Leifit's probably possible but I don't know23:49
FloodBot3orgthingy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:49
orgthingyhow can i make pcm go 70% as max?23:50
q0zcol0ur, yea, gparted knows how to shrink, grow and do w/e, except copy data from partion to partion, for that u need other soft23:50
VustomCan anybody help me find what sound card i have..?23:50
aeon-ltdpcluser: swapon -a23:50
col0urq0z, cool thanks23:50
Leifbut anyone good with GRUB?23:50
aeon-ltdpcluser: that command will swap on all swap partitions available23:50
pclusercan someone point me to quick way to re-designate swap file in fstab?23:51
jrib!swap | pcluser23:51
ubottupcluser: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:51
Leifas I said I only get a blinking cursor at boot, seems grub wont load properly23:51
pcluseraeon-ltd, i thought i tried that, will try now...23:51
Leifbut I have no idea what to try next23:51
q0zLeif, do you get the grub shell?23:52
Leifinstallation takes several hours, so I can't just try some other setting quick23:52
dragonkeeperi have like 4 zombie processes so i cant start a program while they are running     have do i kill them .               killall -9 "program name"   doesnt work23:52
Leifno I just get a blinking cursor23:52
q0zthan grubs not installed, imho23:52
VustomI had a look in my dxdiag file and it says my Driver provider is Realtek Semiconductor Corp.and the driver name is RTKVHDA.sys23:52
Leifif nothing is installed I'd get 'nothing to boot' or similar from my bios23:52
birdinatuxHello, I am currently running Xubuntu, and would like to install backtrack as a dual boot.  My question is, what program is the best for backing up my current system to a set of dvd's so I can restore it later, in case something goes wrong during the partition resizing?23:53
Vustomso is my sound card a Realtek High Definition Audio23:53
Leifthere is a grub folder23:53
q0zLeif, also true... but if grub IS installed, but not configured you'd get the grub shell23:53
Leifand a grub.fg23:53
q0zLeif, a..23:53
pcluseraeon-ltd, swapon -a says it can't find the device. I think it must be because the fstab has to be right to start with?23:53
Leifbut I chose to install grub in the installation23:53
Leifand it seems to be on the drive when I look in the directories23:53
q0zLeif, did you install it to /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1 ?23:54
Leifshould I have choose sda1?23:54
q0zLeif, no23:54
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Leifok =/23:54
q0zLeif, just checking, heh23:54
Leifis there something I can check is correct in the grub.cfg or similar?23:55
LeifI dont rellay know how to interpret whats there23:55
dragonkeeperi have like 4 zombie processes so i cant start a program while they are running     how do i kill them .               killall -9 "program name"   doesnt work23:56
delamanI can not for the life of me get mysql to show up with <? phpinfo(); ?>  i reinstalled everything it just doesnt show up.  any ideas?  im running ubuntu 10.1023:56
Starminndragonkeeper, Does this help? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-send-signal-to-all-processes.html23:57
Anonnnsays "click on "next" ONLY when the game installation is finished", nothing is happening it said file not found.23:57
Anonnnwhoops :D23:57
badger32ddragonkeeper: kill -9 "pid"23:57
Anonnnbut maybe u guys could help, playonlinux irc is dead, no one helped =/23:57
q0zLeif, well i believe the problems above me.. i've run dry of ideas other than try some commands at the prompt you get i.e. tab, kernel, who... you can also check menu.lst or grub.conf (whichever you have) so that it points to the write kernel, initrd23:57
dragonkeeperill try badgers  if fails ill try starminn23:57
q0zLeif, *right23:58
LeifI guess you mean fstab?23:59
Leifwhich I forgot where it was located =/23:59
Leifand I have no idea how to run those other commands either q0z23:59
Leifwho, isn't that just for seeing who's logged in? :)23:59

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