
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
RAOFIs there a bug somewhere for the invisible input-catching window on the left side of the screen?  My launchpad-fu seems to be failing me.04:26
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smspillazRAOF: I think so, can't remember the bug #05:25
smspillazRAOF: Although for all I think I added a system to hide those windows when we don't need them05:25
smspillaz*for wall05:25
RAOFWhen *do* you need a 320px wide invisible window awkwardly on-top on the left most sid?05:26
smspillazthat's something else05:27
smspillazRAOF: actually05:27
smspillazmight be the invisible window bug I've been trying to track down05:27
smspillazxwininfo -all it05:27
RAOFEat hot pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563699/ !05:30
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RAOFsmspillaz: ^^^ if you missed it.05:48
DBORAOF, write me a recommendation!05:51
DBOits about time I got me an Ubuntu Membership :05:51
DBORAOF, also I want you to know, I got xdnd going good and stable now :)05:51
DBOso happy days are here again05:51
RAOFDBO: Yay!  Awesome!05:51
DBORAOF, I am not ashamed to admit I literally did a dance around the house the first time I was able to retrieve the dropped drag data05:55
DBOI also have a website now :)05:55
RAOFI hope there was an appropriate soundtrack!05:55
DBOthe one thing that surprised me was that nobody had registered it05:59
smspillazRAOF: hmm, 320x100006:03
RAOFYup.  That's the height of the monitor-24px, incidentally.06:03
smspillazRAOF: the window seems to have not set the WM_NAME hint though06:03
smspillazDBO: ahh, that explains codearmada06:04
smspillazyeah, you changed your nick06:04
DBOoh that was just for kicks06:04
* smspillaz should really host his own site06:04
DBOI have hosting now :)06:04
* smspillaz can get free hosting from ucc.asn.au, but I'm not sure how happy they'll be if the side gets redditted06:05
smspillazmaybe I'll just pay wordpress for a custom domain name06:05
smspillazDBO: oh, also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqExRbb6xVc06:06
smspillazgiant inflatible ball crowd surfing person!06:06
RAOFsmspillaz: Any debugging you'd like from me before I restart compiz and that window goes away?06:10
DBORAOF, the invisible window?06:14
RAOFDBO: Yes.06:14
RAOFThe invisible window of great annoyance.06:14
RAOFI *like* the left-most 320px of my display.  It contains all sorts of useful things.06:15
DBOso here is a bit of fun information I learned from mutter06:15
DBO1) there are all sorts of fun X Windows that are stacked below you desktop window06:15
DBOthese are all invisible windows used for weird things by applications06:15
DBO2) they sit at 0,006:16
DBO3) compiz was having trouble stacking this properl06:16
RAOFThis one doesn't.06:16
RAOFThis one sits at 0,2406:16
DBOreparenting will do that...06:16
DBOthe change I put into the glib branch of compiz has fixed it for me06:16
smspillazDBO: in compiz those unmapped windows sit on top06:21
smspillazwhich is kind of annoying, but apparantly that's the way you're supposed to do it06:21
DBOthe i = 0 fix fixes it06:21
smspillazI know that06:21
smspillazI told you that :p06:21
DBOi have not had a stacking issue all day06:21
smspillazit was a typo I didn't really get around to fixing though I noticed it a week ago :p06:22
smspillazDBO: out of curiousity, how big is the dash window?06:22
smspillazah well, nah, it would sit by the launcher offset in that case06:23
DBOyeah its not the dash window :)06:23
smspillazRAOF: the bug is that it gets managed and then unmanged very quickly (hence the parent is the root window) but I've not been able to track this one down because it happens really rarely06:23
smspillazso I'm working on other things like making the switcher faster06:24
smspillazwhich was a lot more work than I expected really06:24
smspillazthe goal is to still have a nice switcher with no X window behind it06:25
smspillazso that it appears instantly06:25
RAOFAs in not use a protocol window?  Funky.06:25
RAOFYeah.  You're the compositor.  The framebuffer is your bitch.06:25
smspillazRAOF: :)06:26
smspillazRAOF: you know about the insanity of how the switcher currently works right?06:26
RAOFNo, I don't.06:26
smspillazok, here goes06:26
smspillazRAOF: so the nice background (curved edges + text)06:26
smspillazthat is actually painted by the decorator06:26
RAOFExcept that the decorator is meant to draw... yeah.06:27
smspillazbut also06:27
smspillazthere's an X window we create with a solid color as the "main" background06:27
smspillazwhich is a "splash" type window06:27
smspillazbut has the decoration hint set06:27
smspillazso the decorator sees it06:27
smspillazand then goes "yay a window to decorate!"06:27
smspillazexcept that it sees a special thing saying "oh, I'm a switcher selecting a window"06:27
smspillazso it goes "ok, lets use a special decoration for you"06:28
smspillazso it is just a normal window, with a hack to have a special decoration06:28
smspillazbut it gets worse06:28
RAOFI'm shuddering.06:28
smspillazsince now that we are reparenting, the decoration manager requires the switcher to have a parent frame window in order to actually paint the rounded edges and text06:29
smspillazbut in order to display and hide the switcher we map and unmap the window06:29
smspillazbut in order to do that, the ICCCM says that you also need to unreparent on unmap and reparent on map06:30
smspillazso every time you want to display the switcher, you have like 10 extremely expensive blocking X requests06:30
smspillazcreate, create, reparent, configure, configure, map, map06:30
smspillaz+ a few others like save set management and stuff06:31
smspillazjust to display an nice background!06:31
smspillazso I'm going to rip all of this out and allow the decorator to still paint the switcher without having this window madness06:31
RAOFThat seems like an excessive use of X :)06:34
smspillazwell the old design was just insane anyways06:35
smspillazRAOF: also, in the gdk decorator we were massively abusing gdk06:36
smspillazRAOF: gdk_add_filter (NULL, func, NULL);06:36
smspillazgdk_window_add_filter (NULL, func, NULL);06:36
RAOFAh, and the reason you're using the decorator *at all* is because that's a per-toolkit thing, so you don't need different switchers for different DEs.06:37
smspillazbut the design was still insane06:37
smspillazRAOF: also, I believe the main reason was because we had to use some gtk stuff and that required glib, and we couldn't put it in the compiz process since that would make it tied to gnome (this is back when kde did not support glib)06:38
smspillazDBO: can I steal your wiki page setup ?06:46
smspillazI'm wondering how long we can make this chain of reference :p06:46
DBOconsidering I stole it myself06:46
smspillazDBO: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/smspillaz :)06:48
DBOwill add review06:48
smspillazyou don't need to add any review yet :)06:48
DBOsmspillaz, xdnd seems to generate random leave events06:55
DBOany thoughts on that?06:55
smspillazDBO: that's expected07:01
smspillazDBO: when you do an active grab (eg xdnd) you'll get leave events on any windows that had focus07:02
smspillazthere's a field though to tell you that it was because of a grab07:03
smspillazDBO: yeah, xevent->xcrossing.leave.mode == NotifyGrab07:03
smspillazDBO: yeah, xevent->xcrossing.mode == NotifyGrab07:04
smspillazDBO: I had to deal with this problem a while back07:04
smspillazDBO: you'll also get FocusOut events with a similar mode07:04
smspillazDBO: remember that bug where gtk links don't work if you reparent ?07:04
smspillazits because gtk is stupid and /does not/ check that xevent->xcrossing.mode field on LeaveEvents07:05
smspillazso it thinks you actually moved the mouse out of the window -_-07:05
smspillazDBO: question for you07:08
smspillazDBO: say I have a child window Y inside of X07:08
smspillazand I do XSelectInput (dpy, Y, ButtonPressMask);07:08
smspillazwhy do I not get button events on it?07:08
smspillazI was thinking that maybe you need to do a passive grab on it but that makes zero sense07:08
DBOyou really should07:10
smspillazI'll keep looking into it then07:12
smspillazah right I see what's going on07:21
smspillazwe're creating the window, getting a create notify for it and then changing the event mask to something that doesn't contain button events07:22
smspillazok, not even that helps :/07:28
MacSlowhey everybody!08:05
MacSlowhi spikeb08:06
didrocksgood morning08:11
kvaloMacSlow, didrocks: good morning08:12
smspillazhi @ all08:12
didrocksgood morning MacSlow, smspillaz08:12
didrocksand kvalo :)08:12
MacSlowhey didrocks08:15
MacSlowhey kvalo smspillaz, dbarth, oSoMoN08:15
MacSlowdidrocks, how was fosdem?08:15
didrocksMacSlow: fosdem was great (and tiring ;)). Lot of people, lot of interesting discussions. Enjoying Brussels once more  ;)08:16
didrocksnice to be back to a quiet place though :)08:17
MacSlowdidrocks, :)08:17
oSoMoNhey MacSlow08:17
MacSlowdidrocks, did they record much of the talks again?08:17
didrocksMacSlow: not a lot unfortunatly. The main track was recoreded but that's about it08:17
MacSlowdidrocks, ah... too bad08:18
didrocksbut I didn't find a really stricking conference like "OMG…" TBH08:18
oSoMoNdidrocks: a shame I didn’t know you were going, I was there too, would have been cool to meet08:18
didrocksoSoMoN: oh rihght, I missed sladen too. Well, there was the wiki page and I was at the ubuntu booth a lot (and the GNOME one)… Next time!08:19
didrocksI met our know LibreOffice maintainer btw :)08:19
didrockssmspillaz: seems that the invisible window bug also appears in the standard session, without unity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/70946109:02
smspillazdidrocks: yeah I just saw it then09:04
smspillazcouldn't debug it though; wasn't ready09:05
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kamstrup|hackfeswhy do I always get doxygen errors if I compile nux, pull in some changes, and then compile nux again?10:52
kamstrup|hackfesis it just me?10:52
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iktheya, I don't know if my question goes here, I'm just wondering about the boot up process12:06
iktand if there are any plans to further streamline it12:06
sladendidrocks: missed you... somebody told me you were around the Debian/Ubuntu stand, just not at the same time!12:10
didrockssladen: yeah, vx did it, I was at the GNOME booth at this time :/12:11
didrockssladen: and so, 10 minutes later, when vx told he sent you at the Debian/Ubuntu stand, it was too late :)12:11
didrockskamstrup: you mean, when you configure?12:12
kamstrupautogen && make && sleep 1000000000 && bzr pull && make => error12:13
kamstrupdidrocks: ^^12:14
didrockskamstrup: hum, it's not AM_CONDITIONAL() DOC… blablabla issue then?12:14
kamstrupdidrocks: yes, that's the one!12:15
didrockskamstrup: so, I made some research last Friday about it (I'm hitting that since the start), I wasn't able to find why automake is complaining…12:16
didrockskamstrup: people just tell "doxygen isn't installed" in your system, which is a lie12:16
didrockskamstrup: that's the reason why I always compiles nux in a pbuilder, where I don't have the issue :/12:16
kamstrupdidrocks: hehe, mighty odd12:16
kamstrupdidrocks: but nice to know it isn't just me12:17
didrocksyeah, I'm quite reassured I'm not the only one12:17
didrocksahah :)12:17
didrockskamstrup: njpatel never had that, we discussed it a little during the Rally… I was really thinking it was a local issue, but no… Maybe there is another including from another package making this…12:17
kamstrupdidrocks: so it's a conspiracy...12:20
didrocksexactly, against non english people, again!12:21
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DJKorbitcan i discuss unity development here?15:05
DJKorbitfirst thing...15:06
DJKorbiti opened a bug related to unity which i'd like you to have a look please15:07
DJKorbitbecause it looks like a bug to me, but not for the person that marked my bug as invalid15:07
DJKorbiti have screenshots attached to the bug15:08
spikebseems to be it should have been marked duplicate, not invalid.15:08
DJKorbitthe person that marked my bug as invalid thought that the bug that i was reporting was a design decision15:10
DJKorbitthat's why he marked it as invalid15:10
DJKorbitsecond thing...15:10
DJKorbiti have two icons in my dock that have two question marks, one for a systems reserved partition and another one for the windows partition15:11
DJKorbiti want to remove those icons but i can't15:11
DJKorbitright click only shows "open"15:11
DJKorbiti've reported that bug and today i was going to try to fix it myself15:11
DJKorbiti've downloaded unity code but i'd like some tips on where to start since i'm really not familiar with the code15:11
DJKorbitanyone familiar with the code?15:17
didrocksDJKorbit: DBO is the one familar with that part of code, he's not there right now but will be a little bit later15:19
DJKorbiti'll try to get a little familiar with the code while i can15:19
didrocksDJKorbit: yeah, start src/Launcher* I think (I don't think bamf play with this)15:20
DJKorbitthere is TrashLauncherIcon which inherits from SimpleLauncher15:20
DJKorbiti'm trying to find what class represents the other icons, in particular app icons because they have a "Keep in launcher" option15:21
DJKorbitwhich is the one i need to add to both icons that i don't want present15:21
cando_DJKorbit, BAMFLauncherIcon represents the app icons15:22
DJKorbitperfect, i'll look into that15:22
cando_and DeviceLauncherIcon represents as the name says, the partition and so on..15:23
cando_DJKorbit, btw if you want to understand how these "icons" works you should check out BAMF: https://launchpad.net/bamf15:25
DJKorbitthanks very much15:25
DJKorbiti'm working at the moment but once i have some spare moments i'll look into that15:26
DJKorbiti would be very happy to fix a bug for ubuntu15:26
cando_DJKorbit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Bitesize15:26
cando_i've started here...15:26
DJKorbiti'll definitely look into that ;)15:27
DJKorbitthanks very much15:27
cando_jcastro is your man if you want to fix bitesize bug...:)15:27
jcastroDJKorbit: feel free to ask questions!15:28
cando_jcastro, now he's working but asap will look into some bugs..:)15:29
DJKorbiti'm developing for a linux distro also15:30
DJKorbitwhich will be based in ubuntu in our next release15:30
DJKorbitour last release is mandriva based15:30
cando_ah jcastro, i've proposed a merge for the "multiple click on trash icon" bug15:32
jcastroI saw it this morning15:32
jcastrohigh five15:32
jcastroDJKorbit: DBO's out this morning, so feel free to just hang out or you can ask on the mailing list.15:33
DJKorbitthanks :)15:33
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m_conleychrisccoulson: ping15:47
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley. did you have a good weekend?15:47
m_conleychrisccoulson: I did - very relaxing.  :)  Yourself?15:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, it wasn't too bad thanks15:47
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm curious - have there been recent reports of being unable to use VirtualBox guest additions with the latest kernel?15:48
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, the latest kernel headers break it.15:49
m_conleychrisccoulson: alright, cool.  Glad I'm not the only one.  :D15:49
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/814315:49
chrisccoulsonit happens quite frequently ;)15:49
m_conleychrisccoulson: alright, cool15:51
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i figured out why the "Send a Copy To" menu wasn't working in thunderbird15:51
m_conleychrisccoulson: what was it?15:52
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/globalmenu-extension/trunk/revision/8815:54
m_conleyah, I see15:55
m_conleychrisccoulson: glad to see it fixed.  :)15:56
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it seems the same type of issue existed for the Mac too: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36540515:57
chrisccoulsoni borrowed some code from that solution ;)15:57
m_conleychrisccoulson: right on.  :)15:57
DBODJKorbit, hey dude15:58
DBOhow can I help you?15:58
DJKorbiti was trying to fix a bug in unity that is really annoying to me15:59
DBOwhat bug is that?15:59
DJKorbiti want to insert the "keep in launcher" in my "system reserved" and windows partitions icon's in the dock15:59
DJKorbitso that i can remove both icons15:59
DJKorbitthey only have the "open" option16:00
DBOwould it be fair to say the real bug here is that unmounted partitions on fixed media (non-removable) show up in the launcher?16:00
DJKorbitmore than fair ;)16:01
DBOalright then, lets work on fixing that :)16:02
DBOI have one of those partitions myself16:02
DBOand I find it annoying as well16:02
DJKorbiti think enough c++ to be able to fix the problem, but i'm not familiar with all gtk, gnome and dbus systems16:04
DJKorbit*i think i know16:04
DJKorbiti suppose when unity starts it checks for fixed media and puts it in the dock16:05
DBODJKorbit, well the problem file is in DeviceLauncherSection.cpp16:05
DBOif you look we can see it pretty much blindly adds any device to the launcher16:06
DBOand further it has not yet hooked the removal stuff16:06
DBOignore that last sentence16:06
DBOthe class it creates does that16:06
DJKorbiti suppose there is a function in the volume monitor that tells me if the volume is/isn't mounted right?16:08
DJKorbitit should be a matter of putting PopulateEntries' for loop code with a if to skip unmounted volumes16:10
tedgklattimer, Did you see this merge?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-datetime/no-double-appointments/+merge/4867216:11
DJKorbitDBO, i think i know how to fix the bug16:19
DBODJKorbit, awesome :)16:19
DJKorbiti've checked GVolume API16:19
DJKorbitg_volume_get_mount () returns NULL if the volume is not mounted16:20
DBOare you sure we want to skip unmounted volumes?16:20
DJKorbitpersonally, i would prefer a context menu with 3 options16:21
DJKorbitmount, unmount and keep in launcher16:21
DJKorbitbecause i definitely don't want the system reserved volume there16:21
DJKorbitbut sometimes (rarely) i might want to access my windows partition16:22
DJKorbitbut, for now, i'll just try to see if i can fix this and just skip unmounted volumes16:22
DJKorbitjust to get a little familiar with the code16:22
DBOthe problem with "keep in launcher" is how do you get it back?16:23
DJKorbitgood poing16:23
DJKorbituse case:16:24
DJKorbitUser wants to access its windows partition which doesn't appear in the dock16:24
DJKorbit1. opens nautilus16:25
DJKorbit2. goes to the computer windows and double clicks the windows partition16:25
klattimertedg, nope missed that thanks16:25
DJKorbit3. since volume is now mounted is should appear in the dock16:25
DJKorbit4. user clicks "keep in launcher" so that he can easily mount it from the dock16:26
DJKorbitthat should do it16:26
DBODJKorbit, just so you know, if I dont respond immediately I probably switched tabs, you can ping me to get my attention back :)16:27
DJKorbiti'm also at work, so don't worry :)16:27
DBODJKorbit, okay so lets break this into 2 bugs16:27
DBODJKorbit, bug 1) by default unmounted volumes should not appear in launcher16:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116:27
DBODJKorbit, bug two) volumes in the launcher should have a "pin to launcher" option16:28
DBObug 1 is much easier to fix than bug 216:28
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 2 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/2)16:28
DBOubot5, shut your pie hole, we're working here16:28
ubot5Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:28
DJKorbitDBO, i'll try to work on both later16:29
DJKorbitit would be my first code contribution to ubuntu16:29
DJKorbiti would be really happy16:30
DBODJKorbit, awesome, you will need some help with the second part because I am not sure we have a method of doing that yet :)16:30
DBOthe first part is straightforward however16:30
DJKorbitbtw, if i compile unity how can i override my current dock?16:30
DJKorbitis there a special workflow for testing this?16:30
DJKorbiti suppose i can't have two docks16:31
DJKorbiti'll try to compile the code now just to see if i can simply run it16:31
DBOits a compiz plugin16:32
DBOso you just compile the plugin16:32
DBOinstall it into your home dir (compiz knows where to find it) and then restart compiz16:32
DJKorbiti'm doing an apt-get build-dep now16:33
DJKorbitshould i use cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/unity for example?16:36
DJKorbiti'm not familiar with this cmake utility for building this16:39
DJKorbiti can't compile unity16:41
DJKorbitnow i'm trying to get the code through bzr but i get a public key error i don't know why16:42
DJKorbitDBO, do you have any idea why i can't get the code from bazar?16:59
DJKorbithrocha@hrocha-laptop:~/projects$ bzr branch lp:unity16:59
DJKorbitPermission denied (publickey).16:59
DJKorbitbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.16:59
DBODJKorbit, not really :/16:59
DBOask in #launchpad16:59
cando_DJKorbit, you should add a SSH key to your launchpad account16:59
DJKorbitcando_, ok, i'll try that16:59
tareth_I don't think that should be causing that problem though...I still don't have an SSH key added on my laptop but I can still branch/checkout from bzr.. :/17:00
DJKorbitdidn't work17:01
nmarqueskenvandine, ping17:05
kenvandinenmarques, pong17:05
nmarqueskenvandine, let me know when you have a minute :)17:05
kenvandinenow is good17:05
nmarqueskenvandine, GTK menu proxy, can I speak with you ?17:06
kenvandinesure, i'll do my best to help17:06
nmarqueskenvandine, are you aware if there is any patching required besides the ones on GTK ? Should it work on GNOME2 ? And are you aware if those patches are upstreamed ?17:07
kenvandinejust the gtk patch17:07
kenvandineit should work17:07
kenvandinehaving problems?17:07
nmarqueskenvandine, yeah, I only get the indicator, but it only shows 'File' with a close option17:08
kenvandinefor what application?17:08
nmarqueskenvandine, it does work ;) but the menu isn't actually there17:08
kenvandinefor any of them?17:08
nmarquesnautilus, gnome-terminal, etc17:08
kenvandinedo the applications have their menus in the window then?17:08
kenvandineor not at all?17:08
nmarquesI'm not going into the XUL nightmares ;)17:08
nmarquesall have the menus on the window17:08
kenvandineok, is this in unity or gnome2?17:09
kenvandineecho $UBUNTU_MENUPROXY17:09
DJKorbitcando_, i've fixed the problem17:09
kenvandinewhat does that say?17:09
nmarqueskenvandine, I don't have that stack running on this machine17:10
nmarqueskenvandine, :(17:10
kenvandineok, does your appmenu-gtk install a Xsession.d file?17:10
nmarqueskenvandine, a minute, I'm going to rebuild GTK with the patches in a minute and replace17:10
kenvandine /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu17:10
nmarqueskenvandine, yes it does17:10
kenvandineand does opensuse source those?17:10
nmarquesnope it doesn't17:11
kenvandineok, then that is the problem17:11
kenvandinein unity you don't need that set17:11
DJKorbitDBO, i've deleted .bazaar in my home directory, it's working now17:11
nmarqueskenvandine, are those patches upstreamed ?17:11
kenvandineto verify that though, you can source that file then run something17:11
DBOawesome :)17:11
nmarqueskenvandine, the ones on GTK17:11
nmarqueskenvandine, do you have plans for it ?17:12
kenvandinenot sure what the plan is for that17:12
kenvandinebratsche, ^^17:12
nmarqueskenvandine, if you upstream them, I would like to take that subject to Federico17:12
kenvandinebratsche, what is the plan for the menu proxy patch for gtk, for upstream?17:12
nmarqueskenvandine, and see if he can help on upstreaming them17:12
bratschekenvandine: None.17:12
bratscheI talked to upstream, and they had no interest in it.17:12
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DJKorbitDBO, it didn't build, i guess i need nux also17:13
kenvandinenmarques, maybe federico would have different thoughts... :)17:13
DBODJKorbit, indeed17:13
bratschekenvandine: I've talked to federico about the patch more recently.. he had pinged me to ask about my gtk patches.17:13
DJKorbiti did a apt-get build-dep but i suppose the versions are not updated with current bzr code17:13
nmarqueskenvandine, I hope so, so we get a feature rich upstream and don't have to run several stacks of GTK ;)17:13
nmarquesbratsche, the one from ido ?17:14
bratschenmarques, kenvandine: The problem with the menuproxy patch is that there is basically zero functionality in it, it doesn't give any value to upstream.  All the functionality is in a separate module which is totally dependent upon our whole dbusmenu stack.17:14
nmarquesbratsche, I asked him to review the patches required to enable your software on openSUSE, Vincent as well17:14
kenvandinebratsche, agreed, but if other distros want to start utilizing that maybe it would be worth it... no strong opinions from me17:15
bratschenmarques, kenvandine: And when I talked to them about it, I think I was told "We don't want to enable you guys to play in your own playground", meaning they don't want to just create features as hooks for us to implement independent of them so they don't get any of the features we develop.17:16
nmarquesbratsche, kenvandine : if I want this software on Factory, the patches are required on our end, so probably that makes some sense to get them upstreamed, specially now that even Fedora seems to want to make Unity available17:18
kenvandineoh, i hadn't heard that17:18
bratschenmarques: You're welcome to try to upstream them.  I'm just relaying my experience to you.17:18
nmarquesbratsche, kenvandine : unless they want to keep a 'crippled' version, either way, I'll make notes and pass them to Federico17:18
nmarqueskenvandine, http://happyassassin.net17:19
cando__DJKorbit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/InstallationGuideFromSource17:19
bratschenmarques: I think it will be rejected again, and I don't completely disagree with upstream for doing so.17:19
nmarqueskenvandine, there's several post from Adam Williamson regarding it17:19
cando__DBO, when you've time https://code.launchpad.net/~cando/unity/fix_69244417:20
nmarquesbratsche, I will try to appeal people some good sense, I've already made one submission to factory with the atch required for factory, I'll include the others, document and send Vincent and Federico for review17:20
hyperairronoc: ping17:43
ronochyperair, hi17:43
hyperairronoc: i was wondering.. does indicator-sound start up the media player when the user presses the play/pause button?17:43
ronochyperair, it should start the player when the title of the player is pressed, buttons are only shown if the said player is running17:44
hyperairronoc: if not, i'd like to propose it, because having the media player shutdown automatically upon closing when paused/stopped breaks the play button17:44
hyperairronoc: i mean the media key17:44
hyperairon the keyboard17:44
ronochyperair, sounds good, can you file a bug about it17:45
ronocwill ask mpt to have a look17:45
hyperairi've recently been getting rather annoyed at banshee quitting when i pause and close the window, and then find that i can't press play to start it back up17:45
hyperairronoc: okay17:45
hyperairagainst indicator-sound, i suppose?17:45
ronocupstream on the sound menu if you can17:45
hyperairer what's the project name?17:45
hyperairoh nevermind, i see it17:46
hyperairronoc: where can i find the specification for the sound menu again?17:47
hyperairi recall there being one that said that the media player should quit when the window is closed17:48
ronochyperair, wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu17:48
hyperairronoc: i don't seem to see that section there =\17:48
ronochyperair, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#compliance scroll down the section titled Banshee17:50
ronocits mentioned somewhere else in there also17:50
hyperairronoc: ^^17:58
ronochyperair, thx17:59
DJKorbiti can't compile unity :(18:18
DJKorbitDBO, i'm getting an error while compiling unity18:23
DJKorbit/home/hrocha/projects/unity/src/PanelMenuView.cpp:277:37: error: ‘class nux::GpuRenderStates’ has no member named ‘SetPremultipliedBlend’18:23
DJKorbiti've compiled/installed nux but i still get the error18:23
DBOyeah you must not be using the right nux :)18:24
DBOthat function is quite new18:24
DJKorbiti installed nux to $HOME/unity18:24
DJKorbitand compiled unity agains nux using $HOME/unity as the installation prefix18:25
DBOah that wont get it to compile against that nux18:25
DBOyou have to set the pkgconfig prefix :)18:26
DJKorbithow can i do that?18:26
DJKorbiti'm not familiar with this build systems18:26
DBOexport PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/unity/lib/pkgconfig/"18:26
DBOits my lunch break... I stay here with you while I play deadspace18:27
DBOthis game make me poop my pants18:27
DJKorbiti'm trying to compile again18:29
DJKorbitDBO, never heard of deadspace18:33
DJKorbiti stopped playing world of warcraft and i'm not playing any game at the moment18:34
DBOits the story of 4 brain dead engineers who figure "I am going to go fix that spaceship full of mutant zombie aliens, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?"18:34
DJKorbitsomething like half-life then18:36
DBOyes with the minor change of they willingly approach what is obviously a very dangerous situation18:36
DBOmost of half-life is spent running the other way18:36
iondbo: I haven‘t tried Dead Space, but i loved Amnesia: The Dark Descent.18:37
ionDoes Dead Space work in Linux?18:37
DBOworks on xbox 36018:37
DBOamnesia man... that game was too much for me18:38
DBOvery linear18:38
DBOvery scripted18:38
DJKorbitunity compiled! =)18:39
DJKorbitmake install exited with 1 error but i'll ignore it18:40
DBOthe fact that it exited with an error should be modestly concerning18:41
jcastrohyperair: so I got a response18:41
jcastrohyperair: currently the CA is either accept it or nothing, there doesn't appear to be a middle ground18:41
hyperairjcastro: ooh, and what is the response?18:41
hyperairjcastro: meh.18:41
hyperairwell, unless the CA is amended, i'm not accepting it.18:42
hyperairthe scope's too wide.18:42
jcastrotedg: ^18:42
DJKorbitDBO, the error is that it is trying to copy to /usr/share instead of  my defined $HOME/unity directory18:42
DJKorbiti don't know why18:42
DJKorbiti suppose the install script has a bug18:42
artirwhat's cooking in unity atm? :(18:42
artir* :)18:42
hyperairjcastro: can one disown a patch? =p18:43
DJKorbitfile INSTALL cannot copy file18:43
DJKorbit  "/home/hrocha/projects/unity/com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml" to18:43
DJKorbit  "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity.gschema.xml".18:43
spikebartir, bugs18:43
DJKorbiti defined the PREFIX to be $HOME/unity18:43
DJKorbitso it shouldn't install to /usr/share18:43
jcastrohyperair: well, it'll just have to sit there and unaccepted18:43
DBODJKorbit, ah yeah, dont worry about that18:43
artirbugsquashing, of course. I meant if there are advances in the dash stuff18:43
DBOhyperair, whats up buddy?18:43
tedghyperair, Understand.  We respect that decision, we'll see if we can't fix some stuff on the CA side, no promises though. :-/18:43
DJKorbitDBO, how can i run unity now?18:44
DBODJKorbit, you need to someone place the unityshell.so file where compiz can find it18:45
jcastrohyperair: if you want to write up your specific concerns in an email I can forward that on to the right people18:45
DBODJKorbit, either temporarily replace you system one, or have a local compiz installed next to your unity install18:45
DJKorbiti'll try18:46
DJKorbitDBO, doesn't work18:49
DBOwhat happens?18:49
DJKorbitsince make install failed, i don't have anything in unity/bin directory18:49
DJKorbiti'll perform a sudo make install instead18:51
DJKorbitbut anyway, the install script is broken since it should install everything take PREFIX into account18:51
DBOyep I agree18:52
DJKorbiti'll install everything against /opt/unity like in the install instructions18:52
DJKorbiti'm going to the gym now, when i arrive home after dinner i'll continue with this18:53
DBOokie dokie18:54
DJKorbitbye, thanks very much for the help18:54
DJKorbiti'm going to fix those bugs =)18:54
spikebooh, i should install natty on my netbook19:16
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nmarqueskenvandine, fixed it mate, it's working, awesome job ;)20:48
nmarqueskenvandine, the problem was actually on the libexec/current-menu-dump, which had a wrong entry (at least for me)20:49
nmarqueskenvandine, DBUSDUMP wrapper was actuadlly on libexec/dbusmenu-dumper and not on libexec/dbusmenu/dbusmenu-dumper. That fixed, it works flawlessly ;)20:50
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - so I'm trying to downgrade my kernel...what's the easiest way to go about that?  I'm not seeing any older kernel images in the packages...where should I be looking?21:34
chrisccoulsonm_conley, if you press and hold shift whilst it's booting, you should see the grub menu21:34
chrisccoulsonand then you should have an option to boot an old kernel21:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: hm.  I don't think I had the old kernel installed.  I'm running on a VM I just got up and running today.21:35
m_conleySo no grub menu for me21:35
chrisccoulsonah, yes. then you probably won't :/21:35
chrisccoulsonyou can still boot can't you? you just don't get 3D support in the guest do you?21:36
m_conleyso it's not a huge deal21:36
m_conleyIt just means I don't have the Unity panels until a fix is released.21:36
* spikeb didn't feel like waiting for unity and virtualbox to play nice again and upgraded his netbook to natty21:37
chrisccoulsonm_conley, ah, you should also get a global menu in the classic session now21:38
chrisccoulsonalthough, it's not as nice ;)21:38
chrisccoulsoni've been using the classic session today because unity is being a pain21:38
m_conleychrisccoulson: yeah, I noticed that.  :)  It's alright, but I was getting used to that cool sidebar21:38
m_conleychrisccoulson: I suppose I should just wait it out then?21:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's pretty nice :)21:38
chrisccoulsonbut, too many stacking issues and invisible windows, making it difficult for me to do any work ;)21:39
m_conleyyes, that is an issue21:39
spikebyeah, i am excited about finding out first hand what a buggy mess unity is right now. :)21:39
chrisccoulsonit is still alpha21:41
chrisccoulsonbut i can't use it atm :/21:41
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