
damdi can't push because there is a lock caused by me C-c'ing out of an earlier push00:17
damdbzr break-lock does nothing00:17
damdany ideas?00:17
mwhudsondamd: try bzr break-lock :push00:18
spivmwhudson: beat me to it :)00:18
damdah, thanks00:19
inada-nmathrick: bzr-git can use dulwich from plugins/git/_lib/dulwich01:20
pooliehi inada-n, spiv01:34
mathrickinada-n: ah, that's useful02:08
mathrickdoes it hold true for other plugins too?02:08
spivHmm, 'perf top' during a parallel selftest run claims ~10% of the time is spent during deque_ass_item.03:12
spivPerhaps just a measurement artefact?03:13
spivgrep doesn't show any obvious places that do 'some_deque[foo] = ...'03:16
mwhudsoncould be in subunit?03:17
spivmwhudson: I grepped, bzrlib, subunit and testtools03:20
spivI'm assuming that python only invokes the sq_ass_item slot in the obvious case of sq[item] = value03:21
spivAnyway, it's probably nothing I can quickly improve while getting actual work done... :)03:22
pbouf77Trying to setup the bzr_access script. When I try to do a test bzr co bzr+ssh://bzr@server/trunk, it asks me for a password..04:19
spivpbouf77: but you expected publickey auth?04:33
spivpbouf77: I'd try 'ssh -v -l bzr server' to double-check how the SSH client is trying to auth (assuming you are using OpenSSH as the SSH client)04:34
spivpbouf77: and also check that the permissions on ~/.ssh and its contents are sufficiently restricted, sshd will probably ignore them if not, although it will hopefully log about it somewhere if that's the case04:35
pbouf77spiv: yeah publickey. Ok I tried your command, I'm not sure how to interpret the output though04:38
spivpbouf77: basically look for lines about 'publickey' or 'trying key ...' and see if what's it's doing (or not doing) matches what you expect04:38
spivpbouf77: e.g. if the client is never trying any key, that's a clue :)04:39
* spiv -> late lunch04:39
pbouf77the bzr user's .ssh dir has perms drwx------04:39
pbouf77It does seem to be trying keys, "Offering public key: ..." shows up a couple of times, then "Trying private key: ..." then it tries password04:40
pbouf77also the authorized_keys file has perms -rw-------04:41
pooliepbouf77, have a look in auth.log04:45
pbouf77nothing gets added to that log when I try the ssh -v -l bzr server command..04:48
pooliethat's /var/log/auth.log04:52
pooliethat'd be on the server, not on the client04:53
pbouf77checked client too for good measure though ;)04:54
pbouf77arrgh. Ok, I think I see what happened. Serves me right for using pico instead of vim.05:14
pbouf77somehow my publickey got linebreaks added when I pasted it in05:14
pbouf77so now I can get as far as "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: ...". I'm just happy to see a different error message though. :)05:15
pbouf77... and that one was much easier to overcome. Looks like I'm on my way.05:17
pbouf77Thx all for the help.05:17
vilahi all !07:23
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | 2.2.4 and 2.3.0 are frozen. Release plugins ! Build installers ! (rm vila)
pooliehi vila, how are you07:24
vilafine ! the package importer had some troubles this night ?07:24
poolieover the weekend07:30
pooliejames shut it down; i sent a mail07:30
pooliewe should get it up again07:31
vila"we" == losas, is "when" known ?07:32
* fullermd waves at vila.07:39
pooliespiv, i just noticed https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/401646 which seems a lot like the other things you did07:45
vilafullermd: so, did you test bookmarks with 2.3 ?07:50
fullermdInsofar as "it doesn't crash anymore, and one of 'em seemed to resolve correctly.07:50
fullermdSo, is 2.3 expected to be all peachy with py2.7?08:00
vilapeachy ?08:04
fullermdHappy.  Solid and unproblematic.08:04
vilapython 2.7 is the default in natty, 2.3 is targeted at natty, if they don't fit, they will be fixed :)08:06
fullermdPlan apparently is to move to 2.7 default on FreeBSD in ~March.08:08
vilathe full test suite has been passing for quite some time and the betas were deployed there, so I'm pretty confident we'll know soon enough if anything *new* breaks08:09
vilaDebian releasing, FreeBSD using python2.7 before Ubuntu, what's next ?08:10
fullermdYou know Duke Nukem Forever is coming out, right?   ;)08:11
vilaThat's it, I can relax now, just a bad dream...08:12
fullermd"[...] on May 3, 2011 in North America and May 6, 2011 internationally!"08:13
vilaSeeing is believing08:13
fullermdThat means we're running out of time to port bzr to perl 6...08:13
vilabah, you always say that and then you actually stop sleeping at night and get things done...08:15
poolieok i might call it a night08:15
vila. o O (how timely ;)08:15
pooliesee you later guys08:15
vilapoolie: see you08:15
poolievila can you try to work out about getting the package-importer going?08:15
vilapoolie: it's quite unclear to me at the moment *when* this should be restarted08:16
vilapoolie: did the packaging branches got re-stacked yet ?08:16
vilapoolie: should we restart on jubany ?08:17
fullermdSadly, work leaves me no sleep to stop taking...08:20
vilaI think you're on the right track... 1) stop working .... 4) profit... err wait08:22
spivpoolie: (even though you're not here) it is!  I'll queue it up, may as well fix that class of things thoroughly.08:40
jelmerhey spiv, vila, fullermd08:51
vilaheya jelmer !08:51
spivjelmer: hey :)08:52
spivjelmer: I made https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/vim/trunk today (they seem to have switched from svn to hg), should I go ahead and make it the dev focus?  (I'm guessing you're more up-to-date on the code import stuff than me...)08:53
jelmerspiv: Yeah, please do :)08:54
spivjelmer: done, thanks :)08:56
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
wgrantUnstacking can be achieved just by opening the branch and calling set_stacked_on_url(None), right?09:05
wgrantIt seems to work, but I am probably missing something crucial.09:05
vilawgrant: some revisions may need to copied from one repository to the other ?09:06
vilas/to copied/to be copied/09:06
wgrantvila: Doesn't that method do that?09:06
wgrantAt least it takes forever over HPSS.09:06
wgrantYeah, it populates the repository.09:06
vilaoh, if it takes forever, there are good changes it does it indeed :-/09:07
wgrantBut I have a script we can run on crowberry to do it all quickly for sid.09:07
wgrantSince hpss unstacking is far too slow, even from the DC.09:08
vilawgrant: ha, great, I wasn't sure you were working in that, yes, that's what should be done09:08
vilas!in that!in/on that!09:08
wgrantWell, it was going to be tiny, so I thought I might as well try.09:09
vilawgrant: sounds correct, but I don't know lp internals :-/09:11
vilawgrant: I'm a bit surprised you need to set 'stacked_on' on both objects though...09:12
wgrantvila: Right, but I was wondering about bzr internals.09:12
wgrantset_stacked_on_url seems to handle the locking stuff itself.09:12
vilawgrant: yes, it has a @needs_write_lock09:12
vilawgrant: I think you should add some comments in that scripts (at least explaining the overall intent) and fire a mp against lp:udd09:16
vilawgrant: even if we don't use it until the next debian release, that will still keep track of the packaging branches layout09:16
vilawgrant: and keep us informed about how this script is going on and when it ends so we can restart the package importer ?09:17
vilawgrant: but first of all: thanks for your help here (my god, where are my manners...)09:18
wgrantvila: It probably belongs in the LP tree, given that it needs to be run on crowberry.09:20
vilawgrant: right, it needs to be run on crowberry, but how a newcomer (on lp or udd) will know that ?09:22
vilawgrant: i.e. won't it  be lost in the lp tree ?09:23
lifelessif its going to run on crowberry, it should be in the project that has the code fro running on crowberry :)09:24
vilaOh, I thought that was what dependencies were about...09:25
lifelessvila: this is an lp script, using internal lp modules09:26
lifelesswe don't publish that as an API - and won't for the forseeable future09:27
vilafair enough, I'm just trying to track important bits regarding package importer sanity09:28
vilawgrant: any news ?10:38
wgrantvila: Apparently we are going to turn the importer back on, let it push up 22000 new branches, and clean up afterwards.10:45
wgrantHopefully neither jubany nor crowberry will explode :)10:45
jelmerhmm, stacked branches don't support directory service lookups?11:03
jelmerI can't stack onto "lp:gedit"11:03
=== Tak|Work is now known as Tak
maxbjelmer: no, and even more annoying, LP doesn't support stacking on bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/... either11:56
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jelmersorry, wrong mouse button16:46
jelmervila: LarstiQ sends his regards16:48
vilajelmer: \o/16:48
vilajelmer: please proxy my best regards too ;)16:48
jelmerwill do :)16:49
jelmervila: is there a 2.3.1 planned yet?16:56
jelmerfor when?16:56
vilabut, like in a month16:56
vilaha, just a sec16:56
vila2011-03-03 so far, err, no wait, I'll be in vacations :-.16:57
vilajelmer: well, dunno how we'll do it, but around this date anyway16:59
jelmervila: that gives me a good enough idea, thanks :)17:00
jelmervila: I found out there were quite a few bzr-gtk MPs that had been sitting there for more than half a year :-/17:02
vilajelmer: yeah, I saw the mails :-/17:02
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maxbjelmer: Oh, speaking of bzr-gtk, we should make sure that the missing-credits.pickle-in-tarball bug doesn't recur this release.17:57
jelmeryeah :/17:57
maxbPersonally I was thinking of just checking a copy into the branch, disabling all the automatic updating, and putting it on a release checklist to update it manually18:01
jelmerI think it might make sense to require it being run upon commits in trunk18:06
jelmerbut yeah, checking it in seems reasonable18:06
maxbThe problem with requiring it run upon commits to trunk is then every normal commit to trunk has to be followed by a credits.pickle update.18:12
jelmerthe merge commit can include it18:13
Buttons840i have a .../level_a/level_b/...   the files/folders in level_b are revisioned, but i would now like to revision level_a while maintaining the changes to level_b?19:56
GaryvdMButtons840: create branch at a, bzr join; commit, add a, commit20:03
GaryvdMjelmer: ping20:03
GaryvdMButtons840: bzr join being the key...20:04
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
jelmerGaryvdM: hi20:17
GaryvdMHi jelmer20:18
GaryvdMI want to ask, what version of bzr-svn should I use for bzr 2.3.0 windows installer.20:18
GaryvdMLatest from trunk (r3515) or r3475, as used in debian?20:19
GaryvdMjelmer ^20:19
jelmerGaryvdM: that's a good question20:24
jelmerI guess current trunk20:24
GaryvdMAnd I'll do another build if you do a release. :-)20:25
maxbI wonder when we should push 2.3.0 out to the Ubuntu PPA.20:27
GaryvdMHi maxb20:29
GaryvdMWhat plugins in the ppa are not compatible with 2.3 yet?20:30
maxbThey're all compatible, but for some of them that's by being snapshots20:30
GaryvdMBy snapshots, do you mean revision from trunk, rather than release version?20:31
maxbbzr-fastimport (and python-fastimport)20:32
maxbare the snapshot versions20:32
GaryvdMThen IMO, I'm sure it ok.20:32
bbutzI think I'm using reverse cherrypicking wrong20:46
bbutzI'll reverse merge a feature branch out of my trunk, and then I won't ever be able to merge that branch back in20:47
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awilkinsbbutz, If you've already merged the branch, it's not going to do it again (automatically)21:15
awilkinsbbutz, You could cherry-pick it back in again :-)21:15
bbutzawilkins: was thinking about doing that, but now sad that all the branches I've made off trunk since are having some sense of the reverse merge and causing trouble21:16
cbzdoes bzr have an equivalent to svn:externals?21:53
jelmercbz: not in the core, but there are some plugins that provide similar functionality21:53
jelmere.g. the bzr-externals plugin21:54
cbzOkay, i'll take a look.21:54
cbzAlso, is there some documentation on bzr internals? (I'm thinking similiar to the internals discussions in the mercurial and progit books)21:54
cbzJust t rying to understand the bzr conceptual model a little bit better21:54
jelmercbz: there are some in the developers docs, in doc/developer in the source distribution22:00
jelmerg'morning poolie22:01
jelmerhi jam22:02
jamhi jelmerr, not around for a lot longer. but good to say hi :)22:02
cbzThanks. I just wondered why none of the bazaar documentation doesn't include it (whereas in hg, you get a fairly detailed discussion of revlogs and filelogs)22:02
jamhave a feverish son sitting in my lap while I type. Apparently I'm the go-to guy for fever. He won't sit with my wife right now22:03
cbzSimiliarly git, where the progit book talks about object packs22:03
jamcbz: git is built around its data format. bzr tries to abstract it away22:03
LeoNerdbzr's had about 4 different data formats over the years, no? :)22:03
jamfor example, you can use .git as your storage back end (for some levels of fidelity)22:04
cbzOkay, but even if it abstracts it away, isn't the abstract 'format' itself worth knowing, to understand how bzr works in a bit more detail?22:04
jelmerjam: :)22:04
jamcbz: pydoc bzrlib.repository.Repository ?22:04
cbzI'll take a look thanks.22:04
pooliehi jam22:05
pooliesorry k is ill22:05
jampoolie: yeah.22:06
* jelmer frees his hands of plates22:07
jelmerjam: That came out wrong, I was smiling to your greeting. I'm sorry to hear he's sick too :-/22:08
jamjelmer: I thought you were smiling about using .git as the back end. so no hard feelings here :)22:08
jelmerjam: heh, ok. Just making sure :)22:09
jelmerAnyway, I'd better be off too22:11
jelmerjam: See you later, and I hope he gets well soon22:11
jamhave a good night, jelmer22:11
spivcbz: I just landed a little bit more about that in the dev docs yesterday, it's in http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/overview.html22:12
spivcbz: that doc is pretty abstract, and still pretty rough, but hopefully it helps22:14
pooliejam i feel i must be missing the point about hook naming22:27
pooliei agree about saving memory at load time, but surely this is a tiny microoptimization compared to just loading less code22:27
cbzspiv: thanks, that might be better. it appears to me that by the time i've hit the Repository code, the abstraction itself has been 'lost' in favour of translating into the underlying storage model23:11
spivcbz: it depends on which operations you want to do, but generally speaking yes :/23:27
pooliehi spv23:30
pooliespiv, so bug 401646 looks feasible?23:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 401646 in Bazaar "bzr reconfigure --unstacked should try to copy data referenced by tags" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40164623:30
spivpoolie: I haven't looked at the code yet, but I expect it'll be able to use the infrastructure I landed yesterday23:31
spivSo, probably straightforward23:32
kkrevdo the nested branches demonstrated in the centralized workflow tutorial contain complete copies of the source?  In our case that would be a ton of disk space.23:42

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