
CIA-40[messages] yurchor * 1219208 * trunk/l10n-kde4/uk/messages/ (12 files in 9 dirs) SVN_SILENT Ukrainian translation update05:51
CIA-40[summit] pelcak * 1219212 * trunk/l10n-support/cs/ (61 files in 22 dirs) Update of Summit09:04
CIA-40[summit] ilic * 1219214 * (44 files in 23 dirs) Summit gather.09:09
bambeehi, I'm student in computer sciences and I would like get involved in kubuntu development and help you in the process (especially programming)09:29
bambeewhat I need to do ?  (sorry my english is not perfect)09:29
bambeeIt could be a good experience for a student, imho :)09:30
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bambeeno one there ?09:53
tsimpsonbambee: just hang around for a while09:54
tsimpsonbambee: there's some info here too: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved09:55
bambeeI already read this page ;)09:57
jussibambee: feel free to grab something on this page: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo10:11
bambeejussi: ok10:12
jussibambee: documentation is a great way to start - its easy to pick up and you learn about things also. 10:13
NCommanderRiddell: ping, you about?10:27
NCommanderanyone awake who can answer a Qt packaging question?10:35
RiddellNCommander: what's up?11:03
Riddellbambee: you wake up too early for us :)11:03
NCommanderRiddell: what's your feelings w.r.t to changing Qt to build with GCC 4.4? (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/705689 for context)11:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 705689 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Natty) "QT applications crash with segfault error on armel (natty only)" [High,Confirmed]11:04
RiddellNCommander: I've no immediate objection if that fixes it11:06
Riddellbut I guess I'd also want to talk to upstream and try their latest version to see if it's still a problem11:07
NCommanderRiddell: well, considering we're looking at a toolchain regression that is triggered with 4.7.0/4.7.1, I'm doubtful 4.7.2 will fix it except by fluke11:22
NCommanderRiddell: do we have a branch for qt4-x11, or is it just fire and forget? (I'm going to get the necessary signoffs from the toolchain team and would like to upload ASAP once we get those, then get to work towards fixing KDE)11:23
bambeeRiddell: oh sorry I'm in france , I forgot jetlag :)11:23
RiddellNCommander: ah, blame the tools then :)11:25
RiddellNCommander: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/11:25
Riddellbambee: we'd love for you to help of course11:25
bambeecool :)11:25
Riddelldo you know how to programme Qt, C++, Python?11:25
bambeeyup, I prefer C++ but python is not a problem11:26
NCommanderRiddell: thanks, I 'll upload 0ubuntu9 today if I get the necessary signoffs11:27
bambeeRiddell: don't worry I'm better in programming than in english :P11:30
Riddellbambee: do you have natty installed?11:39
bambeenot yet, actually I use maverick (with kubuntu-ppa/backports)11:40
Riddellbambee: does userconfig run?  kcmshell4 userconfig11:41
RiddellScottK: kubuntu/daily-live: natty-desktop-powerpc.iso oversized by 2342912 bytes (736346112)  more changes needed11:57
Tm_Twhat have changed since alpha2?11:57
Tm_Thmm, I suppose there's no easy answer, so should dig it up myself or so11:58
RiddellTm_T: see natty-changes :)12:01
bambeeRiddell: yes it does12:09
bambeeon natty it does not ?12:09
Riddellbambee: no it fails to load the .ui file12:10
CIA-40[messages] zepires * 1219234 * trunk/l10n-kde4/pt/messages/ (12 files in 9 dirs) Finished HEAD for now12:14
RiddellCIA-40: huh?  12:15
Riddellwhy do we care about that12:15
bambeeRiddell: I'll upgrade to natty and test it12:15
debfxTm_T: the powerpc kernel images have become larger12:27
debfxRiddell: I'm applying for kubuntu-dev :)12:43
debfxRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FelixGeyer/KubuntuDevApplication12:44
Riddelldebfx: the black belt of the ninjas!12:52
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shadeslayereveryone is applying for dev13:04
shadeslayermaybe i should too13:04
Riddellthe more the merrier (as long as you're know your stuff and can take the grilling)13:05
Tm_Tdebfx: interesting, thanks13:05
shadeslayeroh also13:06
shadeslayerRiddell: what's the new thing that uses authentication in kdm called?13:06
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't know of any new thing in KDM13:09
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shadeslayerRiddell: the part where you auth kdm to change theme's etc13:09
Riddellwell it's policykit13:10
shadeslayerah .. ok 13:10
shadeslayerbecause the user management KCM does not have it13:11
Riddellshadeslayer: no it needs to be ported to policykit13:12
Riddellas does system-config-printer-kde and language-selector13:12
shadeslayeryeah .... alright ... i might work on it, just after i finish removing some redundant code from rekonq13:12
shadeslayerit's in kdelibs right?13:13
RiddellI've never used policykit but I think it involves writing small scripts to do the privilaged changes and calling them from polkit-kde13:13
RiddellI think the kdelibs API is KAuth13:13
Riddellshadeslayer: of course the user management KCM has more immediate issues such as not running at all currently13:14
shadeslayererr... it doesn't?13:14
shadeslayerit works for me13:14
Riddellshadeslayer: on natty?13:14
shadeslayererm ... maverick :)13:14
Riddellthere you go :)13:15
shadeslayerX is all sorts of broken on natty .. so will upgrade when in beta13:15
Riddellnew sip and pyqt causing problems I think13:15
shadeslayerstupid SIP13:15
shadeslayerand stupid pyth0rn13:16
Riddellplan for userconfig should be, fix bugs, port to policykit, get it upstream13:16
Riddellbut that will take someone with some dedication, it hasn't happened yet13:16
shadeslayeralrighty .... i can have a looksie today :)13:16
shadeslayerfigure out a POA13:16
Riddellbambee said he would check the ui loading problem (the natty issue) so coordinate with him/her13:17
shadeslayer#kde-devel? or some sekret channel? :P13:17
Riddellbambee: you also have message indicator support for kmess?  anything we need to care about or will that just go upstream?13:17
shadeslayerah ^^13:17
Riddellshadeslayer: here, an hour ago13:17
bambeeRiddell: I prefer a review first and then send it to upstream13:19
Riddellbambee: if agateau has a moment he's be the best person to review, he's done most of the message indicator work for us13:21
bambeemhhhh... I don't know... I wrote a patch to integrate support directly in kmess code source... (no plugin manager yet) so probably upstream would be better...13:21
bambeeRiddell: ok :)13:22
shadeslayerrebooting : something i haven't done in 2 days13:36
bambeeRiddell: as you said on natty userconfig crashes13:43
bambee(with a nice backtrace)13:43
Riddellbambee: yeah :(13:46
Riddellbambee: since the same code works in maverick I presume it's due to updated sip and pyqt13:46
Riddellbambee: so I guess debugging would be to check if any ,ui loads in pyqt now and then start to narrow it down to the part that is a problem with this .ui file13:47
Riddellassuming that interests you at all13:47
Riddellbambee: how was upgrading to natty?13:47
bambeefine except I lost kwin effects :(13:50
bambee(due to nouveau probably)13:50
bambeeRiddell: I'll try to find a solution for userconfig :)13:51
bambeeRiddell: this is a bug in PyQt4 ui/uiparser.py line 231 =>  bg_i18n is an instance of type QString, so bg_i18n.string is wrong :)14:24
bambeeand apparently it's fixed on upstream in nightly build14:24
bambeebut just for test  replace line 231 by "bg_name = bg_i18n" , and then try kcmshell4 userconfig14:25
Riddellbambee: you tested upstream nightly pyqt?  or you read somewhere the bug is fixed?14:36
Riddellbambee: 'replace line 231 by "bg_name = bg_i18n"' is that the upstream fix?14:38
bambeeI just read somewhere (on upstream) that a very similar bug was fixed in nightly pyqt14:39
bambee" is that the upstream fix?" => no it's mine14:40
Riddellbambee: so we need to track down that 278054fd857c ideally14:41
RiddellI wonder if pyqt has public git these days14:41
Riddellbambee: looks promising ^^14:43
Riddellyay, fixes it14:43
Riddellbambee: so we need to add that patch to our python-qt package, do you know how, are you interested in learning how? (else I can just do it)14:44
bambeeyes I'm :)14:45
ari-tczewRiddell: could you sponsor something for me?14:45
Riddellari-tczew: sure14:46
ari-tczewRiddell: bug 71379014:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 713790 in libktorrent (Ubuntu) "Merge libktorrent 1.0.5-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71379014:46
Riddellbambee: install devscripts, apt-get source python-qt4, put the patch with -p1 level in debian/patches, add to debian/patches/sources, dch -i to add a changelog, debuild -S to build a source package, debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc to make a debdiff to give to someone who can upload (me)14:47
bambeeok ;)14:48
tazzRiddell, do you have any small kubuntu sitckers ?14:48
Riddellari-tczew: patch on comment #1 is for the wrong package I think14:49
Riddelltazz: you should have come to FOSDEM, I had some there, all gone now 14:49
Riddellmaybe I should get more for conf.kde.in, they're not cheap though14:49
tazzRiddell, a small problem of funding XD14:50
ari-tczewRiddell: yea, it's occur often while merging a few packages14:50
tazznp, Riddell we'll print some in BLR itself.14:50
Riddelltazz: I don't think I have the design I used but it was the KDE 4.6 wallpaper with kubuntu logo on top and "Friendly Computing" underneith14:52
ari-tczewRiddell: updated 14:52
tazzRiddell, ok...14:52
Riddellari-tczew: since libboost-dev depends on libboost1.42-dev I wonder if we need to keep that change14:53
Riddellari-tczew: and since we have kdelibs5-dev >= 4:4.5.2 everywhere that's not vital either14:54
RiddellScottK: what's the crack with boost build-depends?14:54
Riddellari-tczew: I'd say we can sync this unless ScottK think we really need explicit versioning on boost build-deps14:55
ari-tczewRiddell: +1 for sync if these changes are deprecated14:56
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Riddellari-tczew: change the bug into a sync bug and if ScottK doesn't object by tomorrow I'll do it with my archive day14:58
shadeslayerflipping rekonq won't save LP comments14:59
Riddellshadeslayer: won't save them?  that's worse than normal when it has saved but hasn't done the ajax update thing15:00
ari-tczewRiddell: done15:00
Riddellshadeslayer: it's still losing my login to websites when I log out of KDE15:00
shadeslayerRiddell: doesn't save them as in ... doesn't show that it has saved them15:01
shadeslayeri've even disabled all the fooey code that was causing a issue15:01
shadeslayerRiddell: that might be because of the cache etc ... maybe kde cleans out the cache and thus you can't login ?15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: my cookie cache?  why would it do that?15:04
Riddellalthough .kde/share/apps/kcookiejar/cookies is empty15:05
Riddellwhich is weird15:05
Riddellshadeslayer: I'd say rekonq isn't using kcookiejar properly15:05
Riddellhmm, better than konqueror which just crashes when loading any web page :(15:06
bambeeRiddell: http://pastebin.com/J3dwS1K115:07
Riddellbambee: lovely, thanks very much15:09
bambeeyou're welcome :)15:09
RiddellI think the only thing I'd change is naming the patch kubuntu_01_...  to make it clear the patch is from us and not from debian (makes merging easier), I can do that easily enough15:09
Riddelloh also it should close the launchpad bug15:10
bambeeohhh so I should add "(LP:  #XXXX)" in the changelog...15:10
Riddellexcept I don't think there is a bug15:11
Riddellcan't see one on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/userconfig15:11
Riddellso we'll just leave that out15:11
bambeeok 15:13
Riddellbambee: uploaded!  thanks for helping Kubuntu15:14
Riddellbambee: so for coding userconfig can do with more love.  there's also language-selector which needs various things done.  our installer usually needs fixes.  In c++ rbelem is working on file sharing with samba, he might well need some help there15:23
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Riddelland of course we do packaging and bugfixing (kconf upgrade script for the wallpaper change would be good)15:25
QuintasanIt's time to fill out UDS O sponsorship form15:28
RiddellQuintasan: has it been announced yet?15:28
Riddellbambee: plus there's the todo list and bug fix list needing done https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo http://goo.gl/yGhJd15:28
bambeeRiddell: what do you mean by language-selector ? I mean language-selector from systemsettings ?15:28
Riddellbambee: yes, System Settings -> Locale -> Languages -> Install more Languages15:29
macoRiddell: where do changes get made to the slideshow in the installer? i spotted a typo when installing my system at work15:29
Riddellbambee: or just run  kdesudo "qt-language-selector --mode install"15:29
Riddellmaco: ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu15:30
Riddellbambee: I think we'd like that changed to a kcontrol module rather than standalone app15:30
Riddellbambee: it should have feature parity with the gtk frontend15:30
Riddellbambee: and ideally should be ported to policykit15:30
Riddellwell porting it to policykit might be a requirement for it being a kcontrol module15:31
QuintasanRiddell: It wasn't but the form is open15:31
Riddellbambee: or for a project we'd like, implement the sound menu for KDE15:32
Riddellbambee: so lots to do :)15:32
bambeeindeed :)15:32
Riddellin return, fame, glory and free trips to Ubuntu Summits!15:32
bambeew00t :D15:33
Riddellthat kdesudo command reminds me it could do with having its syntax fixed, should be any need for quotes in kdesudo "qt-language-selector --mode install"15:34
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Riddelllanguage-selector should use kpackagekit really rather than its own polictkit stuff15:43
Riddelldoing that would probably get rid of a load of code15:43
debfxRiddell: you don't need quotes, this works fine: kdesudo -- qt-language-selector --mode install15:46
bambeemhhh I don't know because language-selector and sound menu in KDE are both very interesting :)15:48
debfxRiddell: so how does the application process work? we need to set up a meeting?16:01
Quintasanc2tarun: Hi there16:03
c2tarunQuintasan: hi :)16:03
c2tarunQuintasan: I got an error while building a package, it was that build dependencies are missing. There was an application for installing build-depends automatically, can you please tell me that?16:05
Quintasanc2tarun: sudo apt-get build-dep <name of the package you want build depends of>16:05
c2tarunQuintasan: do we have to install all the build-deps I mean can't we use pbuilder-dist for this.16:06
macoRiddell: merge request sent16:07
Quintasanc2tarun: I don't get what you want to do now16:08
c2tarunQuintasan: I want to build the package, but I dont want to bloat my system by installing all the build-dep for a application. Can we install all the build-dep in pbuilder-dist env and build application there.16:09
Quintasanc2tarun: The pbuilder does that automatically16:09
Quintasanc2tarun: you just add the dependencies to debian/control file16:09
c2tarunQuintasan: but still the biggest problem is how to copy the folder from my home folder to pbuilder-dist home folder?16:10
debfxc2tarun: you can build the source package on your system (debuild -S) and then run pbuilder on the resulting .dsc file16:10
c2tarundebfx: but I am getting error while debuild -S and someone on #ubuntu-motu told me that it was due to missing build-dep16:11
QuintasanYou can ignore it16:11
debfxsome build-deps might be needed when running the clean target (which debuild does by default)16:12
c2tarunI just installed all the build deps but still getting that error. check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/563925/16:13
c2tarunany idea about the error ^^16:14
debfxlooks like spyder_2.0.6.orig.tar.gz is not a valid tar.gz file16:15
c2tarundebfx: hmm..... It was on the website. but on debian site there is a version 2.0.3 do you think that I should pack that one as an upgrade and leave this one?16:17
Quintasanc2tarun: and that error is certainly not missing build depend but a wrong source file16:17
Quintasandebfx: if there is a version in Debian then ask the Debian maintainer to update it16:17
Quintasandebfx: sorry, meant to c2tarun16:18
c2tarunQuintasan: got it :) can a debian maintainer update in ubuntu archives as well?16:18
Quintasanc2tarun: unless you are both debian developer and motu or core-dev then no16:18
Quintasanc2tarun: usually you would ask Debian developer to upgrade the package in Debian and then request a sync in Ubuntu16:19
c2tarunQuintasan: Can i request the sync, I thought only MOTU's can do that.16:19
QuintasanYou can REQUEST a sync16:19
Quintasanbut only archive admins can do them16:19
c2tarunQuintasan: request as posting a bug on LP?16:20
c2tarunQuintasan: god I hate doing this :( when will I be ready for MOTU :((16:20
Quintasanyou need at least two months of fairly constant contributions to get a membership16:21
c2tarunQuintasan: hmm.... thats cool I thought may be years ;)16:21
Quintasanc2tarun: I mean Kubuntu Membership16:22
Quintasanc2tarun: You can apply straight for MOTU16:22
c2tarunQuintasan: what is the point in applying when they'll reject me STRAIGHT :(16:22
Quintasanc2tarun: well, you need someone to endore your application16:23
Quintasanc2tarun: like, you work around here helping us and learn packaging that way, then after sometime, if you think you are ready, you create a MOTU application, attend a meeting on IRC where they ask you questions16:24
c2tarunQuintasan: there will be an interview session?16:24
Quintasanc2tarun: there is no special time for that, you just add your application to next DMB agenda and join the irc channel when the meeting stats16:25
c2tarunQuintasan: question like what?16:25
Quintasanit will be faster to supply logs than reply16:26
c2tarunQuintasan: where can i get the logs? can u please tell.16:28
Quintasanlooking for them16:29
c2tarunQuintasan: thanks me too :)16:29
Quintasanhmm on 17th December I got accepted16:32
c2tarun2009? 16:32
c2tarunQuintasan: ^^16:33
Quintasanc2tarun: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/12/11/%23ubuntu-meeting.html16:35
QuintasanThat would be this one16:35
ari-tczewc2tarun: if you want request a sync from Debian, you can use script "requestsync" from package ubuntu-dev-tools16:35
Riddelldebfx: well kdesudo shouldn't need the -- either, sudo doesn't16:35
Riddelldebfx: yes a meeting of kubuntu-dev, feel free to use doodle.com to set one up16:35
ari-tczewc2tarun: MOTU can ACK syncs.16:36
Riddellmaco: URL to merge request?16:36
ari-tczewQuintasan: We have a script syncpackage which developer can use for upload sync directly to archive via dput.16:36
Quintasanari-tczew: awesome16:37
Riddellbambee: I guess agateau isn't around today, best e-mail him the patch to kmess16:38
Quintasanc2tarun: The meeting looks like this, you sure will want some of us to show up for your meeting so we can support your contributions16:39
Quintasanman, that sure brings memories :O16:39
agateauRiddell: I am there :)16:39
agateauActually I suggested bambee to submit the patch on LP16:40
Riddellah, lovely16:40
agateaubambee: and subscribe me to the bug16:40
agateaubambee: or do as Riddell suggested, mail the patch, bug at some point it will need to go in LP16:40
agateauRiddell: btw, did you get to package this new libindicate-qt?16:41
c2tarunQuintasan: sure :) thanks as soon as i'll think that I can be a motu i'll request you all.16:41
Riddellagateau: it's next on my todo list16:41
agateauRiddell: great16:42
ari-tczewc2tarun: I encourage you to work on merges and fix some FTBFS with binutils-gold.16:42
c2tarunari-tczew: FTBFS?16:42
Quintasanfails to build from source16:42
c2tarunfor that do I have to make changes in the original source code?16:43
Quintasanwith patches16:43
ari-tczewit depends16:43
ari-tczewuse command "what-patch" to make sure whether and which patch system package uses16:43
c2tarunari-tczew: ok, then16:44
ari-tczewQuintasan: oh, you were handled by MOTU Council yet, not DMB16:44
Quintasanthe meeting will look most likely the same :P16:44
ari-tczewQuintasan: but DMB is exapnded than MC16:45
QuintasanI know16:45
QuintasanBut I do not think they will grill him more than necessary16:46
* Quintasan wonders if Mark ever uses his irc client16:46
ari-tczewQuintasan: which Mark?16:47
sabdfli do16:47
QuintasanAwesome :)16:47
sabdflback to natty, then16:47
* Quintasan should start working too16:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: Did I upload your kdegames stuff or not?16:48
ari-tczewsabdfl: I see you on IRC first time, as well. Nice.16:48
sabdfli'm around just about every day16:48
ari-tczewsabdfl: your nickname is pretty exotic16:49
QuintasanI think sabdfl get things done instead of talking about them :D16:49
sabdflit's more declarative than exotic16:49
sabdflgtg, see you later16:49
ulyssesDo we have a time machine? The alpha 2 announcement says the Narwhal will be released in 2010 April:\16:57
Riddellulysses: that'll be my fault, please fix16:57
Riddell(assuming you're looking at the Kubuntu wiki page)16:57
ulyssesAnyway it would be good to have a time machne16:58
* ulysses fixing16:58
QuintasanYeah, time machine16:58
Quintasanlike uploading KDE 4.6 as 4.016:58
Quintasanand making kde devs go like "WTF? DID WE HIT BALLMER'S PEAK?!"16:59
RiddellRiddell_: hi17:05
Riddelljr_: hi17:05
Riddellagateau: hmm, message indicator doesn't seem to know that quassel or konversation are being run17:06
QuintasanWAAAAAAH THREE Riddells17:06
RiddellI get around17:06
QuintasanRiddell: You sure know how to multi-task17:07
ulyssesQuintasan: it's better than having three apachelogger17:07
QuintasanOh god17:07
ulyssesimagine that17:07
QuintasanI even don't want to imagine this17:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^17:07
Quintasanyofel: ^^17:08
agateauRiddell: mmm weird17:08
yofelQuintasan: as long as they're not around 24/7 it might be tolerable17:09
Quintasanyofel: at least one of them will be around17:09
ulyssesand all of them will be drunk 0/2417:09
Quintasanit's like, MADNESS ROUND TH ECLOCK17:09
RiddellRiddell_: ping17:10
Riddellagateau: ah hah, I need to restart plasma-desktop17:10
agateauRiddell: ah, could be17:10
macoRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~maco.m/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/kubuntu-fix-714668/+merge/4880217:26
RiddellI uploaded libindicate-qt with libindicate-qt0 renamed to libindicate-qt1 so transition will be needed, I'll do that once it's through New17:30
Riddellagateau: I also added a .symbols file so if you break binary compatibility, we'll know about it!17:30
debfxRiddell: ok, I've set up a doodle poll: http://doodle.com/sbufw9rpaq7vh9i317:34
Riddellmaco: lovely, merged17:36
macoRiddell: thanks dear17:36
Riddelldebfx: updated, do post to kubuntu-devel@17:38
bambeeagateau: ok as you said I'll submit the patch on LP:kmess17:40
Riddellbambee: out of interest why do you use kmess rather than kopete? (or finishing kde-telepathy :)17:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: lol17:42
shadeslayermy interwebz was washed out17:42
shadeslayerbambee: so ... i'd like to work on KAuth from tomorrow .... for User Management17:43
Quintasanbambee: yeah, Riddell's right, if you can I think guys over at #kde-telepathy could use your help17:44
Riddellshadeslayer: that probably needs some Policykit scripts to run the privilaged bits, I expect those can be taken from the gnome equivalent, then rewrite the bits of userconfig to use them17:45
RiddellQuintasan: sssh, he's got enough programming things to do in Kubuntu :)17:45
bambeebecause kmess works better than kopete for msn (I've severals problems with kopete, unable to send or download files, unable to see some contacts and so on)17:46
bambeekmess works just fine17:46
bambeeI use kopete for jabber ;)17:46
QuintasanRiddell: yeah, but if we get rid of kopete then we will have less stuff to work on17:46
shadeslayerRiddell: oh btw rekonq will probably have a alpha release in till this weekend, before that hopefullt17:46
bambeeand graphically I prefer kmess too :)17:46
shadeslayerand lemme test your cookies issue17:46
bambeehowever kopete is a very good IM 17:47
Riddellshadeslayer: an alpha release that is certain to have a final release before Kubuntu has a final release?17:47
Quintasanbambee: well, telepathy is future, if you feel like it then guys at #kde-telepathy are your friends :)17:47
bambeeyou're right17:47
Quintasanbambee: if you ever pop in there just tell em that Riddell or me sent you so you will get cookies ;)17:48
bambee"so ... i'd like to work on KAuth from tomorrow .... for User Management" => I missed something ?17:52
bambeearrff disconnected :\17:52
bambeeaah reconnected :P17:53
shadeslayerRiddell: <quote>I think we are delaying it too much, considering the extreme need we have for a long bugfixing period and the necessity to release for the mid of March.<end quote>17:54
shadeslayerso .. yep :)17:54
shadeslayerwe get 1 month to test out rekonq on our system's as well17:54
shadeslayerlemme see our release schedule17:54
shadeslayeroh my17:55
shadeslayerjust in time for user interface freeze17:55
shadeslayer( sorry for the pinginng out, the quasselcore has alot of db queries right now )17:56
shadeslayerRiddell: i dont find anything related to kcookiejar in rekonq @_@18:11
shadeslayerwell ... there's just a small piece of code that clear's cookies based on your settings18:12
shadeslayerbut that's about it18:12
macoanyone who thinks they submitted a sponsor request for UDS-O:   you did it during testing time and so it doesn't count. do-over some time later when it actually opens18:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^^18:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: say that to JonTheEchidna if he gets here18:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: im leaving in another 30 mins18:28
CIA-40[messages] asserhal * 1219275 * trunk/l10n-kde4/sv/messages/ (13 files in 10 dirs) SVN_SILENT updated translations18:55
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
bambeeguys I'm not there tomorrow nor wednesday, however I'm back thursday ;)19:25
bambeeand I'll give some help to shadeslayer for user management and Kauth :)19:26
shadeslayeroh and btw : http://wstaw.org/m/2011/02/07/plasma-desktopYD8524.jpg19:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: Riddell ^^19:26
shadeslayerwe ripped off Firefox :P19:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: you mean you ripped off memleaks?19:27
shadeslayerhah 19:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: rekonq doesn't leak alot of mem tho19:27
shadeslayeri ran it for 3 days ... and it's still idling at 200 megs19:28
shadeslayerit started at 180-185 19:28
shadeslayeri agree ... 200 megs looks like alot ... but still19:28
shadeslayerbambee: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebase/kde-workspace/repository/revisions/master/entry/kdm/kcm/kdm-users.cpp#L6919:31
shadeslayerwe will need a dbus entry .. :S19:31
shadeslayerlooks trivial to create one tho ...19:32
shadeslayerok time to sleep19:32
shadeslayernight all19:33
ulyssesAre the desktop effects broken in Natty for anyone?19:50
Riddellsheytan: how did you rip off firefox?19:51
sheytanRiddell did you mean shadeslayer? :D19:52
Riddellulysses: working better than ever on my laptop, really slow and crap on my netbook, so just the usual lottery, see mgraesslin's blog on planet today19:52
Riddellsheytan: yes sorry19:52
Riddellshadeslayer: how did you rip off firefox?19:52
sheytanno problem19:52
ulyssesI can't resume the desktop effects19:52
ulysseswhen it worked, it was good, but now it doesn't work19:52
Riddellsheytan: I think I should ask the ubuntu-website mailing list if anyone can turn your design into a wiki theme20:00
sheytanRiddell you know what sucks?20:00
sheytanThat we always need to ask ubuntu ppl to make any step forward20:01
sheytansame thing with the hosting20:01
sheytanwe need our own stuff20:01
sheytanown wiki20:01
sheytanwith own information20:01
mgraesslinulysses: which graphics card?20:09
ulyssesmgraesslin: Intel GMA450020:09
mgraesslinis graphicssystem raster still enabled by default on natty?20:10
fosdemloggershould be20:14
fosdemloggerulysses: echo $QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM20:14
mgraesslinstill at fosdem?20:14
=== fosdemlogger is now known as austrialogger
=== austrialogger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerat home for 3 hrs :D20:15
apacheloggeranyone knows where my favorite kpackagekit/apper hacker is?20:17
apacheloggerdebfx: did you have beer with Nightrose yet?20:18
Riddellmgraesslin: qt raster is not longer set with up to date kubuntu-default-settings in natty20:30
mgraesslinso that's then not the reason for ulysses problems20:31
Riddellsheytan: well we could do it, but I have idea about making Moin themes so it seems sensible to find someone who does20:31
Riddellmgraesslin: unless he has an old version20:31
Riddellulysses: got /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80qtgraphicssystem ?20:31
sheytanRiddell what's Moin?20:32
Riddellsheytan: the wiki software we use20:32
mgraesslinit's written in apachelogger's most favorite programming language20:32
sheytanRiddell first of all, when we will have info about development tools, and others on the new web page, do we need the wiki ?20:33
apacheloggermgraesslin: one gets to notice that a lot20:33
apacheloggersheytan: yes20:34
ulyssesapachelogger: raster20:35
apacheloggerulysses: you are out of date it seems or you have used the graphicssystem kcm to switch to raster...20:35
ulyssesRiddell: I have20:35
apacheloggermgraesslin: ^20:35
mgraesslinulysses: switch back to native if you want desktop effects20:36
mgraesslinapachelogger: given our bug reports users who use the 4.6 PPA and have an Intel GPU love your kcm20:37
apacheloggermgraesslin: sorry :)20:37
mgraesslinapachelogger: no need - it was useful as it helped to identify the issue20:37
sheytanapachelogger can't we just put all the stuff into one page?20:40
sheytanimho wikis suck20:40
apacheloggerIMHO they do not20:40
sheytanand it's hard to find stuff on them20:40
apacheloggerexcept for ours20:40
apacheloggerbut that is another story20:40
sheytanapachelogger well, so tell me please what info you can't put into the new kubuntu website which you can on the wiki?20:41
apacheloggerlet me throw another question in return... do you want everyone with a launchpad account to be able to edit the kubuntu website?20:42
sheytanapachelogger edit for what? To add new stuff? Can't we choose like 2-3 person for do that?20:43
sheytanAnd even if, we can make just a sepcyfic part of the page editable for them20:43
apacheloggersheytan: to answer your question then: we cannot put information there that needs or should be editable by everyone20:43
ulyssesapachelogger: how can I switch back?20:43
apacheloggersuch as a meeting agenda20:44
apacheloggerulysses: open the kcm and swich back to native20:44
sheytanapachelogger as i said, cant we make just a specyfic part of the page editable?20:44
apacheloggerthat requires someone doing that20:44
apacheloggerworkflows that depend on a small team == ultimate super shit and management nightmare20:45
sheytanapachelogger you mean to write code for this feature?20:45
apacheloggersheytan: no, creating new pages as the community requires it20:45
apacheloggerthen assigning permissions accordingly20:45
apacheloggerthen the community needs to mess with html stuff flip flup20:45
apacheloggerthe website and the wiki address different needs20:46
ulyssesmeh, I can't find20:46
apacheloggeras you were asking in a very specific context anyway20:46
apacheloggersheytan: the theming should go away20:46
apacheloggerkubuntu wiki should be ubuntu wiki20:46
apacheloggeras we are part of the ubuntu community but form a dedicated team for the kubuntu distribution20:47
sheytanapachelogger i might agree. Wiki: ubuntu stuff, the new web page: kubuntu stuff20:47
apacheloggermaking it appear as if the wiki were made for kubuntu is a wrong thing20:47
apacheloggeras it is confusing20:47
apacheloggerbecause it is a wiki filled with foobar from all sorts of ubuntu teams20:47
sheytanwiki: a technical side, for devs and stuff, the page: users related stuff20:47
apacheloggerwhen do we send users to the wiki now?20:48
apacheloggerAFAIK we do not have user relevant content on the wiki20:48
apacheloggernever had20:48
sheytanapachelogger: we don't need to. We can put all user related stuff on the page. When there's a meeting or something, we can post a news on the page and link to wiki with the agenda20:49
* apachelogger notes that he does not think meetings should get a news20:49
sheytanwhy not?20:49
apacheloggerbecause those are community meetings and if someone does not feel invovled enough to actually subscribe to the low frequency dev mailing list then I do not care much for their opinion20:50
apacheloggerbasically: if things get put into too public places people will show up that have actually no sensible input to give but disrupt discussion20:50
apacheloggerlike say we discuss making gstreamer our god, people might show up and flood the meeting with claims how shitty gstreamer is and that actually mplayer should be our god20:51
sheytanapachelogger well, so there's no need to link users to the wiki20:52
apacheloggersheytan: isn't that what I said anyway? :P20:52
sheytanapachelogger yeah, and i do agree with that :D20:52
* apachelogger fails to see the point of the discussion as the wiki has valid use cases and all of them lay outside the scope of the average user and thus the website itself too20:52
Riddellsheytan: how do you mean info about development tools?20:56
apacheloggerRiddell: I think there was a bit of confusion as to what the wiki is used for20:57
apacheloggeralso the new website includes a list and description of dev tools on kubuntu and whatnot20:57
apacheloggerRiddell: have you been hiding on sunday? ^^20:58
sheytanRiddell we have general info about how to start development for Kubuntu/KDE on the new page20:59
sheytanRiddell and as we both, me and apachelogger agree, the wiki should be developers related, not users20:59
sheytanusers shouldn't look for information about their OS on the wiki20:59
sheytanthat's what Support page is for21:00
apacheloggers/developers/community ;)21:00
sheytanyeah :D21:00
Riddellapachelogger: on Sunday I was on a train (don't you start, already had hassle from my gf for that!)21:00
apacheloggeruh uh uh21:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I shall hug you twice at UDS then :P21:01
ulyssesapachelogger: I kde-config-qt-graphicssystem, switched to OpenGL, and now after the splash screen nothing happens21:01
apacheloggeryou should not use opengl :P21:01
apacheloggernot on intel anyway21:01
CIA-40[docmessages] ecuadra * 1219283 * trunk/ (35 files in 18 dirs) SVN_SILENT Spanish translation update by Kira J. Fern?\195?\161ndez & Roc?\195?\173o Gallego CC_MAIL: kirajfdez@gmail.com,traducciones@rociogallego.com21:02
Riddellsheytan: I'm not sure what change you are proposing21:02
apacheloggerif raster already falls apart there...21:02
sheytanRiddell first of all, that we should marge the Kubuntu wiki with the Ubuntu one, couse the information are almost the same. Then, we shouldn't add users related info on the wiki. They should go to the new web site.21:04
apacheloggersheytan: they are *exactly* the same21:05
apacheloggerwiki.kubuntu.org is just wiki.ubuntu.com with a different theme21:05
sheytanapachelogger and what about a todo lists? They are different :)21:05
apacheloggerand no one is adding user content to the wiki21:05
apacheloggersheytan: no21:05
apacheloggerthey are different pages21:05
sheytanwell, right21:06
sheytanapachelogger so the Kubuntu wiki should die? :D21:06
apacheloggerwoohooo, lover returned with cigs \o/21:06
apacheloggersheytan: well, if no one cares to keep the theme in line with the website theme it should just use the ubuntu theme21:07
apacheloggerit cannot simply die for consistency reasons and whatnot21:07
apacheloggeralso it being there does not particularly cause problems21:07
sheytanapachelogger But i'm on the way with the theme, the problem is, that the ubuntu team needs to implement it21:08
Riddellsheytan: anyone can implement it who knows how to make moin themes21:08
sheytanRiddell do we have anyone in the Kubuntu team21:08
Riddellnot that I know of21:08
RiddellKubuntu is part of Ubuntu, we should be happy to ask for help from other parts, not be isolated21:09
sheytanand that's the thing. When i create the theme, it will take ages to implement :)21:09
sheytansame problem is for ofir, that he has no access to the server, to work on the page21:09
sheytandid something change in this case?21:10
Riddellit's unfortunate that it's not easy to make a wiki theme, but that's the fault of the wiki software, not the fault of any part of ubuntu21:10
apacheloggeralso I would like to remind you that the wiki software is written in pyth0rn ;)21:10
Riddellit's a pain that we rely on canonical sysadmin to update the website theme but they say they will respond within a day next time we ask them to update it21:11
sheytanRiddell so i don't understand why ofir needs access to the server to keep the development21:12
sheytani'm lost21:12
ryanakcaAye, they're still running moinmoin 1.6.3, which was severely outdated when I did the current theme. I think the current moinmoin version is 1.9.x21:14
apacheloggersheytan: well, he does more than just theming :P21:14
apacheloggerthemes are considerable easy to deploy (as the security review will be rather quick and stuff)21:15
sheytanapachelogger sure he does, but as you know, he doesn't have access to the server, so he cannot continue the development which sucks, cause we loose time ;(21:15
apacheloggerthough I absolutely understand why he does not get access21:16
apacheloggersecurity reasons21:17
Riddellsheytan: ooh we could always try and convince ryanakca to make us a new wiki theme21:17
apacheloggeralso liability21:17
* ryanakca chokes21:18
sheytanapachelogger well, so tell me please how do we release the new page then?21:18
apacheloggersheytan: different server or very slowly21:18
sheytanapachelogger that's the thing. Riddell had to ask KDE to host our page, but i don't know where are we now with it :(21:19
apacheloggeror you convince a sysadmin to fall madly in love with the kubuntu community and help you work on the website in your sparetime and stuff21:19
apacheloggerthen when he is at work he is more dedicated to get things moved more quickly and also has more insight in the code already etc. etc.21:20
apacheloggerI call it this the creeping community benefit21:21
ryanakcaapachelogger: regarding a quick security review: our last wiki theme review took three months.21:21
sheytanapachelogger the code stuff is made by ofir. Anyway, he might don't have freetime when ubuntu guy has. Wouldn't it be way better to have access to it when we need it?21:21
apacheloggerryanakca: quick WRT time that it actually takes to conduct the review21:21
sheytanmaybe we should like buy  a new server :D21:21
apacheloggerryanakca: if you take a look at open security bugs I consider 3 months rather fast processing for security team standards ^^21:21
apacheloggersheytan: sure it would21:22
apacheloggerbut it is not possible21:22
apacheloggerfor good and sane reasons21:22
sheytanand they are?21:22
apacheloggersecurity and liability21:22
apacheloggeranyhow, discussion won't help21:22
apacheloggerthey are canonical servers and canonical decides who gets access21:23
sheytanso in that case, we will never release the new page :)21:23
apacheloggerso other options must be evaluated or deal with the situation or try to get creeping community benefit going21:23
* apachelogger notes that we do way to little with regards to creeping community benefit anyway21:23
apacheloggerNightrose: you could do a talk on CCB some day ;)21:24
ryanakcaAs for me making the new wiki theme, I've had my fill of running after sysadmins, I'll pass for now.21:24
apacheloggersheytan: the rainbow has many colors... you just have to notice them and enjoy them21:25
apacheloggerbf returned with cigarettes \o/21:25
sheytanapachelogger well, the artwork is almost done, text just needs to be reviewd from some native english dude and  that's it. The technical side is not my thing anyway.21:26
sheytanBut it would suck, that we have everything to make a really great page for everyone, and not have the possibility to publish it 21:26
apacheloggersheytan: you just have to look for other options21:34
apacheloggeror in the worst case scenario hope for quick processing by sysadmins and security team21:35
bambeesee you thursday21:37
CIA-40[messages] alvarenga * 1219291 * (14 files in 9 dirs) [KDE-pt_BR]22:33
Riddellapachelogger, JontheEchidna: who knows about CIA bot and why it's notifying us of translations?22:34
apacheloggerhere I was, not reading the notification thinking it was about either things that make me famous or at least make me look like 18 again22:35
apacheloggeryet it was just cia22:35
JontheEchidnait's announcing muon/libqapt commits. I thought we were filtering out l10n though22:35
apacheloggerRiddell: supposedly the qapt/muon filters are too fuzzy22:35
JontheEchidnagit seems to have broken the qapt/muon filters anyways22:35
apacheloggerso whenver someone touches something like that it matches our bot rules22:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should be using module stuff sort things22:36
apacheloggerprobably requires some playing22:36
apacheloggeralso I am drunk22:36
apacheloggerdont listen to me22:36
* apachelogger blames it on Riddell22:36
apacheloggerwe went home too early on saturday and yesterday I did not get no drink at all22:37
apacheloggerexcept for the 5 beers @fosdem22:37
Riddellwe were up until midnight drinking on saturday!  that's quite late enough for anyone with a conference starting at 9 the next day22:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: I mentioned that beer deployment was successful?22:38
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think I've fixed it22:38
Riddellthanks JontheEchidna 22:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: also jelmer is a very nice guy, you should throw more beer at him at uds-o ;)22:39
apacheloggerRiddell: I was hacking till 4 ;)22:39
* apachelogger made some pretty nice improvements to qt vlc mobile22:39
apacheloggeralso the qt mobile ui is getting more defaultism as Qt is becoming available on so many platforms, which means more fame for me :D22:40
apacheloggerRiddell: it actually was working on sunday ;)22:40
apacheloggerkinda broke it doay22:41
apacheloggeralso I would like to get hold of dantti22:42
Riddellapachelogger: something we should consider for future Kubuntu Mobile?22:50
apacheloggerRiddell: possibly22:51
apacheloggerunless I get something mobile going with phonon22:51
apacheloggerI mean, I really really want to make a good looking video player using qgraphisscene, so doing that with a more mobile ui wouldn't be too difficult22:52
apacheloggerbut who knows if I ever actually get to do it :)22:52

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