
rufsketch1Hello everyone00:16
rufsketch1I was trying to install nvidia drivers. I ran nvidia-xconfig and restarted, and now I'm stuck in terminal00:16
rufsketch1I replaced xorg with its backup, but to no avail00:17
rufsketch1help please?00:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:19
Goliathwhere is kde splash screen located?01:01
valorieyou mean changing it?01:04
valorieit's in systemsettings01:04
Goliathvalorie: yes01:04
Goliathwhere exactly?01:04
valoriestartup and shutdown, i think, in System Administration01:05
Mase_wkLogin Screen01:05
valoriemmm, well, login screen is the KDM01:05
valoriewhich isn't the splash01:06
Mase_wki thought it was a property of the kdm theme01:06
Mase_wkbut i could be wrong01:06
valoriecan't find it, and yet I know I have set it01:07
ubottuTo change your KDE splash screen go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Splash Screen01:07
valoriejust ask ubottu!01:07
valorieWorkspace Appearance, to be specific01:08
Goliathvalorie: ok and where is the default splash theme saved at?01:10
valoriehmm, I have no clue01:11
Goliathi need to find it so i can modify the splash theme01:11
valoriehowever, if you Get Hot New Stuff, it should say where things are being saved01:11
valorieor look in KDE-Looks.org01:11
valoriewhich is what that links to01:11
valorienew splashes and themes are always welcome01:12
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Goliathvalorie: is there a way to remove the button on the upper-right for unlocking widgets?01:26
valoriemmm, there must be01:29
valoriebecause I don't have one01:29
valoriejust the one on the lower right01:29
valorieoops, lying -- it's still there01:29
valorieyou might ask in #plasma01:30
Goliathi somehow removed mine01:30
Goliathwhile using panels01:30
valorieit's barely visible, which is why I thought it was gone01:30
Goliathmaybe a bug01:30
Goliath splash screens: /usr/share/apps/ksplash01:46
diego_p2p program? like ares for linux?02:12
=== mren is now known as mren|off
ecinxi updated my laptop today and mybluetooth isn't wroking05:37
ecinxit says no bt adapters found, please attatch one05:38
ecinxplease connnect one*05:38
ecinxthe BT light on my notebook is also OFF,05:39
=== max is now known as makuseru
makuseruIm having some problems with Ktorrent. Sometime last week KTorrent started acting odd, and now when ever i open it my computer slows to a crawl, almost making it crash. Anyone know why this would happen and how I could fix it?05:40
valoriemakuseru: how about starting ktorrent from the console, so you can see some output?05:51
valorieand also run top or system monitor, etc.05:51
valoriesee what's going on05:51
makuseruvalorie: i wouldnt know what to look for in the console, but the system monitor reports 2% cpu usage.05:54
elcid_Does system monitor report root processes05:55
elcid_cause top doesnt unless you sudo?05:55
makuseruelcid_: it says if something is running as root.05:56
valorie2% sounds very low05:59
elcid_Yeah mines running 17-33%06:00
elcid_and top reports a lot more processes than system monitor06:01
makuseruThe only thing taking up significant % is xorg.06:05
elcid_try at terminal `sudo gnome-system-monitor' that will give you more "truth"06:08
elcid_i get ~64 processes invoking it as regular user and ~100 as superuser06:09
elcid_I just ran into this problem with another app, and i thought that I was looking at all processes in top, but I wasn't.06:11
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epimethahoy!  where is the option to install kubuntu alongside windows using wubi?07:11
valorieyou can't install kubuntu directly using wubi?07:23
valoriesucks a bit07:23
FloodBotK3valorie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:23
valorieso helpful you are, floodie07:23
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe07:24
valorieso it is;, which explains why I've not heard much about it07:25
macoi thought you could07:26
macobut i think it involves downloading wubi separately and handing it the kubuntu iso07:26
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valorieinteresting, so I wonder if we offer it at kub. org?07:48
valoriecool, there it is07:49
valoriemmmm, but then I don't see it on that page07:50
valorienot even the alternate install stuff07:50
macowubi doesnt work with alt cds does it?07:51
valorieI've never tried it07:51
* nlsthzn sees WUBI and runs away... it is scary07:53
Coossasuch sadness.08:03
Coossawhy must it be this way KDE08:03
Coossahow do you tint my reality till i die, because of my quality of life08:03
Coossaand ownership which will not be broken when i wake up after the death08:03
Coossaand in the reality , the lie fades to such huge08:03
Coossawhy KDE08:04
FloodBotK3Coossa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:04
Coossaoh floodbot.08:04
Coossahow much i wish you could feel as i do08:04
Coossato place a lantern beneath those nails08:04
Coossabone vortexes at the gaps on both sides of our finger nails08:05
Coossai could pull it out and show you what i mean. This KDE08:05
Coossaggaaaha. i can't take it08:06
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=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino
ct529hi guys .... if I install lxdm, can I run kde off lxdm instead of kdm?09:05
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ct529Tm_T: do you "loose" anything (configurations and so on)?09:07
Tm_Tct529: shouldn't, other than possibly session switching gets trickier09:17
nlsthznkubuntu 10.10, running KDE 4.6... windows not always refresshing as they should when I min/max them or scroll (firefox etc)... any ideas why?09:22
ct529Tm_T: not worried about it! Thanks a lot ....09:22
Tm_Tnlsthzn: hmm, which graphics card you have?09:25
nlsthznTm_T: intel... on a laptop... will be back soon ... sorry09:26
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nlsthznTm_T: Back.... it is Intel 945GME Express Integrated Graphics10:19
Tm_Tnlsthzn: do you encounter the same problem if you disable the desktop effects10:30
nlsthznTm_T: Unfortunatly not10:30
* nlsthzn needs his bling10:30
Tm_Tnlsthzn: I mean, could you try if it makes any difference so we have some idea what it might be?10:31
nlsthznto be honest I haven't had desktop effects off long enough but the few times I have it seems not to happen when it is off10:31
nlsthznwill turn it off now10:32
Tm_Tnlsthzn: if there's no issues when effects are off, try increasing the mem given to the graphics card from bios and see if that makes difference when effects are on10:33
nlsthznTm_T: Hmmm... not sure I can set that... (cause if I could I surely would have already :p)10:34
nlsthznwill have a look... thanks10:34
nlsthznHmmm I see there is still a lot of eye candy in KDE even without dektop effects (and the whole desktop isn't so sluggish anylonger)... I may need to keep it off regardless :)10:35
valorieTm_T: how on earth does one do THAT trick?10:37
valorieI've often wished for more graphics memory10:37
valorieof course, messing with the bios sounds a bit dangerous10:38
Tm_Tvalorie: messing with bios is always the first thing I do, and often there's an option to adjust the reserved memory for the integrated graphics in the bios10:39
nlsthznvalorie: if the bios gives the option to increase/decrease video memory it isn't "dangerous" per say :)10:39
Tm_TI think in some cases it can be adjusted from Linux too10:39
nlsthznTm_T: I will check it out if and when I reboot again... for now I am happy without the effects... (may also get resolved later in a an update etc.)10:40
Tm_Tnlsthzn: yup, could be driver issue too10:41
nlsthznTm_T: that is 99% of the time the problem10:41
Tm_Tnlsthzn: not enough mem has been the most frequent issue in my use10:43
nlsthznWill keep it mind, thanks :)10:43
ct529is it possible to update 1004 to 1010 automatically?10:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:56
Tm_Tct529: ^10:57
ct529Tm_T: thanks a lot11:20
Tm_Tct529: np11:21
=== wanja is now known as watschu1
amichairis there a iptables rules script that runs on startup? (by default, or with a default location, that is)12:33
Tsunami1Sveiki idioti13:01
=== johan is now known as Guest47346
jhohnamichair: easiest is to put it in /etc/network/interfaces or add scripts to /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-post-down.d/13:03
amichairjhohn: is inteface only for fixed networks? I don't see the wireless stuff there13:04
Tsunami1plz i need help, fast13:05
jhohnamichair: Do you use networkmanager?13:06
jhohnTsunami: if you need help you should not title us idiots. Help yourself!13:06
amichairjhohn: I think so, if that's what the standard applet in the system tray uses13:06
jhohnamichair: ok, thats networkmanager. Moment pls.13:07
amichairI saw in centos there's just a standard iptables init.d script, with a standard location for the rules file, I take it there's no equivalent in ubuntu?13:07
jhohnamichair: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration%20on%20Startup%20for%20NetworkManager13:08
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Tsunami1Me eat potatoes fast13:10
amichairjhohn: that looks ok, thanks. Too bad it's not there by default (what's there to lose?)13:11
jhohnamichair: A firewall needs to be run on an extra system. It makes no sense to run it on the system I want to secure with it. Just close all ports you do not need. Thats it.13:14
jhohnamichair: no open port == nothing to get in13:15
Tsunami1Me eat potatoes fast very13:15
amichairjhohn: my scenario is a netbook/laptop with some dev stuff on it (e.g. web server), but even without it, I see there's a cups port open by default... so it's not too secure when connecting to random wireless networks13:15
amichairI'd like to keep the ports open locally, but closed to the world13:16
jhohnamichair: For this using a seperate system as firewall will be best13:17
amichairjhohn: but it's a portable system... won't be carrying an extra one as a firewall anytime soon :-)13:18
jhohnamichair: configure the services to only listen to
amichairjhohn: I think that's more work and less secure than just using iptables, no?13:20
cordonnierhello!  someone who had trouibles with 3dsp @KUbuntu 10.04.1 - 2.6.32-24   driver already installed13:21
jhohnamichair: its more work but more secure but you do not get that much information about attackers in syslog13:21
jhohn!someone | cordonnier13:22
ubottucordonnier: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:22
amichairjhohn: true... but I'm not sure I need it. It's just a dev box, not a honeypot :-)13:22
Tsunami1Kas teu tolet nau, ka tu beninjos kakaa?13:22
jhohnTsunami1: Kindergarten finished already?13:24
Tsunami1Me eat potatoes fast very good13:25
jhohnamichair: so what daemons do you run?13:26
Tsunami1Yes, armchair13:27
amichairapache, sometimes tomcat, and apparently cups. also found exim running even though I never set it up... must be a dependency of something (I think apt-listchanges installed it at one point, oddly enough)13:27
jhohnamichair: apache -> edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf, change "Listen 80" to "Listen"13:31
Tsunami1Me eat potatoes fast very good tomatoes13:31
cordonnier3dsp (wifi and blueth) troubles.  driver already installed. netbook kubuntu 10.04.1-  2.6.32-2413:31
jhohnchange "Listen 443" to "" if you are using https13:31
amichairjhohn: thanks, but I think I'll stick to setting up the firewall. it's future-proof too.13:31
amichairjhohn: the link u sent me seems to do the trick13:32
jhohnits up to you13:32
jhohnif the FW do not start for any reason you have open ports to the net13:32
amichairjhohn: true, that's why I'm looking for the proper way to do it in a startup script13:34
* Tsunami1 ir izcilas anglju valodas zinaashanas13:36
amichairare the /etc/network/if-pre-up.d and similar scripts used also by networkmanager, or are there two separate script mechanisms unknown to each other?13:38
Tsunami1echo buutu precizaak13:39
jhohndo not know exactly but I think networkmanager do not use scripts in /etc/network13:39
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jhohnthere is a networkmanager wiki at http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager13:41
JuJuBeeCan someone help me with banshee? IT wont start up http://pastie.org/153674814:02
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FloodBotK3ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
ubuntutu ris14:13
ubuntualler je me barre14:13
ubuntu___a pluis dans le bus14:14
pliszkahas anyone had kubuntu on Mobile Intel® HM55 Express Chipset?14:21
BluesKajHiyas all14:31
markitkde 4.6, dolphin seems no more able to find files based upon i.e. creation or modification data... is that feature hidden somewhere? can't find it14:48
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=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
cortex|skmarkit: in dolphin menu -> views -> panels -> filter or press F1215:14
eternalhey everyone, could someone help me out with something real quick?15:14
bluesceadadont ask to ask, just ask ;-)15:15
bluesceadathen we know if we can help15:15
eternalhaha ok, thank you :)15:15
eternali just downloaded kubuntu, and i wanted to install through wubi, but i am not getting the option.15:16
eternali am just running wubi.exe from inside the iso15:16
eternalam i doing something wrong?15:16
bluesceadai don't know, never did that15:16
bluesceadawait a while, maybe someone else can answer your question15:16
eternalalright, thank you15:16
bluesceadabut it's quite silent here somehow, ..15:17
bluesceadaeternal: maybe the wubi.exe is not compiled for either 32 or 64bit, depending on what windows version you have15:17
eternalis it normally pretty active?15:17
cortex|sketernal: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer15:17
bluesceadaa bit more active i think15:18
bluesceadadepends also on the time probably15:18
eternalhmm, alright i will read up on that15:18
eternalhowever, i downloaded the 64bit version of kubunto, i would have assumed it would have it work on 64 bit lol15:19
bluesceadaeternal: maybe you have a 32bit windows?15:20
eternali have 64bit15:20
bluesceadabut this is just guessing, i dont really know anything about it15:20
eternalno, i appreciate any help i can get. i did it before with 10.04 i think it was15:20
eternalbut i wanted the newer one15:20
bluesceadamabye also ask in some forum, where your question stands for a longer time15:21
bluesceadaah ok15:21
eternali may, if it isnt answered here15:21
eternalhowever, if i am the only one getting this, the problem is certainly somewhere between the keyboard and the chair :-p15:21
JuJuBeeWhy would my arrows not work on my laptop but the numbers on number pad do (ie #8 = up etc...)?15:22
JuJuBeeI have separate arrow keys from my numberpad and they have always worked before 10.1015:22
eternalsorry JuJuBee, i dont know :(15:24
markitcortex|sk: filter is disabled, I've been told works only with nepomuck, that I've disabled because don't want features like M$oscrap "background indexing"15:26
markitwith 4.5 the files were searched "on the fly", probably through the find command15:26
markitand was very nice :)15:26
eternaldoes anyone know how to install kubuntu 10.10 through wubi?15:27
cortex|sketernal: what exactly doesn't work ?15:27
* nlsthzn runs from WUBI because it is EVIL (IMO of course)15:27
eternali run wubi.exe from the iso file and it just gives me the normal options.15:27
eternalno option to install from within windows15:28
cortex|skmarkit: have you tried kfind?15:28
markitcortex|sk: a separate program?15:29
markit(I've 4.6 on the laptop, now I'm on 4.5 here)15:29
eternalnlsthzn: why do you think wubi is evil? lol15:29
markitcortex|sk: oh, great, kfind is what was run by dophin 4.515:29
markitcortex|sk: thanks a LOT. is it possible to have it back to 4.615:30
markitI mean, run directly from dolphin15:30
nlsthzneternal: the amount of issues and problems on ubuntu forums related to wubi and the lack of user understanding is terrible15:30
cortex|ski don't know15:30
markitcortex|sk: wondering why developers decided to reduce so much search capabilities... maybe they call it "improvements", I disagree a lot15:30
eternalif i install normally, and partition my HD, it is much more of a hassle to remove it. especially since the last time i did that, i had to fix the bootloader15:31
Snowhogeternal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi15:31
eternalthank you Snowhog, however i have used Wubi before.15:32
eternalthis time, the option for "Install inside Windows" doesnt appear15:32
bluesceadaeternal: did something change within windows?15:36
eternalwell the only thing i can think of is that last time i had 32 bit windows 7, now i have 64 bit. i know you said about it not being compiled for 64 bit, but why would they package 32bit with a 64 bit install...15:37
jimmy51_i'm trying to use wine.  never got it to do anything in the past and it's doing nothing now.  i've installed the 'wine' package and just clicked on the setup.exe for the app i want to run.15:37
bluesceadamaybe it is more complicated to compile it for 64bit windows15:37
bluesceadai dont know15:37
eternalthat's ok, i may just do a normal install15:37
bluesceadatry to run it in some sort of compatibility mode maybe15:37
jimmy51_i get a 'wine windows pro..' working taskbar item but then it disappears15:37
eternalif i cant figure it out, that's kinda all im left with15:37
bluesceadajimmy51_: maybe try "playonlinux"15:38
jimmy51_!info playonlinux15:38
eternalthanks, i will try compatibility modes15:38
ubottuplayonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.7.6-1 (maverick), package size 753 kB, installed size 2020 kB15:38
jimmy51_bluesceada: i'll do that.  thanks!15:38
bluesceadait can also install some compatibility stuff or basic stuff you need like directx and .NET .. afaik15:38
bluesceadaand have a separate wine prefix for each app, so you can ideally setup wine for that app15:39
bluesceadaand... another hint ... try to run wine from shell and see the errors like open a shell in the directory where the .exe is and enter "wine xyz.exe" .. it might also show the missing .dll files on the shell then15:40
bluesceadawhich you only need to collect somewhere online and put in the app folder15:40
eternalthank you all who helped, my class is over, so i will have to try to figure this out later.15:40
eternalhopefully next time im on here will be from kubuntu!15:40
bluesceadaeternal: lol, you should listen and not do something else ;-)15:40
eternalintro to programming in C15:40
eternalnot all too new ;)15:41
eternalgood day everyone15:41
Snowhog!ru | crazyzubr15:55
ubottucrazyzubr: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:55
jimmy51_bluesceada: thanks... this has potential.  i can't believe i've never heard of it!16:04
jimmy51_bluesceada: the app i'm running is a CAD viewer and it seems to be working ok.  the only thing is it days it doesn't see an opengl driver and is doing software rendering.16:04
bluesceadayeh i also just have heard of it two days ago ;D16:04
jimmy51_bluesceada: i'm glad i asked today and not friday! :)16:04
bluesceadamaybe try installing directx with playonlinux then16:05
bluesceadaor ask in #wine #playonlinux (if they exist..)16:05
rorkhi pickabuntu16:07
pickabuntuoh, sorry, wrong irc channel in the history.---- sorry once again16:08
FlashDeluxehi, i am using a notebook with intel mobile 4 series chipset and i use the drivers which were automatically installed (i setted up a new kubuntu 10.10 from scratch), but they do not work properly :( Does somebody got a tip for me which is the best driver to use?16:10
AlexZionhi guys, I have some strange problem with Kubuntu Maverick and kde 4.6, stability problem ,can I ask some support here !?!16:11
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, what are you referring to , graphics or ?16:11
FlashDeluxeBluesKaj: Yes16:12
BluesKajAlexZion, yes, by all means ask your w=question16:12
FlashDeluxemy graphic hangs at some points :(16:12
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, which graphics card ?16:12
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, lspci | grep VGA in the konsole16:13
FlashDeluxeintel i91516:13
SnowhogFlashDeluxe: Read through http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=91663&hilit=.drirc - it might apply to your issue.16:15
=== balogun is now known as jordie9
AlexZionok, sometime, i don't know exactly why,the system keep going (for example a video keep playng like any running process), but the mouse start to be unusable , end the mouse click , seems to be disabled ......, and after few minutes , everything comes back as normal ....16:16
BluesKaj!intel | FlashDeluxe16:16
BluesKajwow the bot is becoming hopeless16:16
AlexZionso I don't know if the reason could be some my configuration or not....16:17
FlashDeluxeShnowhog: Thanks, i will test it when i am at home, cause i do not have my notebook at my working place, BluesKaj thanks for help, too :)16:19
FlashDeluxeI have another question, if i want to run a flashvideo in fullscreen mode, it doesn`t seem to happen anything, but if i minimize my firefox i see that the fullscreen runs in the background (?!). Does anybody know this issue (and know how to fix it?)16:21
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, I'm not sure about jockey , whether it applies to intel graphics , but check kmenu/applications/system/hardware drivers16:21
elcid_firefox douchebaggery16:21
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:22
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FlashDeluxeBluesKaj: ok16:23
BluesKajFlashDeluxe, also check out medibuntu16:25
BluesKaj!medibuntu | FlashDeluxe16:25
ubottuFlashDeluxe: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:25
FlashDeluxeBluesKaj: sounds good, didn`t know it before, thank you =)16:27
Goliathhey i create some panels with auto-hide option, and when i reboot they are set to always-visible again.16:30
fritz_Hi everybody! Anyone here familiar in xine issues? I've got a strange xine prob. It seems as if it resamples everything to 48 khz unregarded which sample rate the original has. I've tested it with 44.1 kHz flac and 96 kHz wav files. Always the result :(16:34
fritz_the same result, sorry16:34
Loresanhi all, im looking to move from ubuntu to kubuntu prior to their 11.04 unity release. i was going to install kubuntu first but i was put off by some issues with KDE that were advertised. Are there any current major issues with kubuntu? or should it be stable and easy on the eye?16:39
Peace-Loresan:  kernels are the same16:39
Peace-so hardware should work in the same way16:39
Peace-kde 4.6 is a pretty stable release16:40
Loresanbasically what im hoping for is to NOT have to spend time post installation ironing out bugs16:40
Loresanok cool. thanks for the help :) im downloading the iso now16:40
Peace-Loresan: anyway...16:40
Loresani think it was 4.5 that had issues? or something like that16:40
Peace-welll kde 4.5.1 had issues16:41
Peace-kde 4.5.5 should not16:41
Peace-i am right now on natty kde 4.616:41
Peace-that is UNSTABLE16:41
Peace-on the kernel side16:42
Peace-kde is pretty stable16:42
Loresanyeah, that was part of my next question... how unstable is the alpha? is it worth installing into a virtual machine?16:42
BluesKajLoresan, there are some 11.04 issues with the new X1.10 stack , it can break X on your system by removing and "upgrading " some important xorg files ...I reverted to 10.10 which is much more stable and runs kde 4.6 without any problems for my setup so far16:43
Loresanok cool16:43
Peace-Loresan: it's not safe install an alpha expecially for noobs16:43
Peace-Loresan: i had problems with 10.10 kernel so ...16:43
Peace-i am on natty and lucid16:44
Peace-Loresan: http://blip.tv/file/4697114?filename=Nowardev-Kubuntu1104PreviewWithKde46882.m4v16:44
Loresanim a noob to kubuntu, i usually use fedora (due to the link between that and CentOS which i use for servers) but to be honest im falling out of love with fedora as a desktop16:44
Peace-Loresan: well... when fedora will remove your desktop with strange dependeces or freeze16:45
Peace-Loresan: i guess... you will change distro16:45
BluesKajPeace-, the kernel wouldn't boot into X on my other pc on 10.10, so i had to remove in favour of the
Peace-a lots of time it can depend from the hardware btw16:45
Peace-BluesKaj: well xx.10 for me is never a good release16:46
Peace-XX.04  is always better on my hardware16:46
BluesKajon older pcs the text based alternate install cd is best16:46
Peace-BluesKaj: yea16:46
Peace-used a lots of time16:46
genii-aroundI always have 2 installs going... the last LTS on one partition, latest dev on another. This way you have some recourse when things fail horribly16:46
Peace-genii-around: mee too16:47
Peace-lucid and natty right now16:47
Peace-home shared16:47
Peace-different user btw16:47
rorkLoresan: do you remember which issues you worried about?16:47
Peace-Loresan: anyway take a look at this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/what-you-should-want-to-do-on-kubuntu-10-04/16:47
Peace-Loresan: to set better dolphin16:48
Peace-Loresan: of course that is my point of view16:48
Peace-nothing more16:48
Loresanmainly it was KDEs stability but i have been assured that Kubuntu as a release is stable enough16:48
Peace-BluesKaj: xd http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/nonepomucknoserachstuff.png16:50
Peace-BluesKaj: ram usage16:50
BluesKajI hope the the X1.10 is fixed by the time it's official..I'm a bit worried because it was unfixable on my setup ... the clean 10.10 install was easy enuff with a /home partiton that saved my stuff16:51
Peace-BluesKaj: ??16:52
genii-aroundBluesKaj: So far I'm only having major probs with my big old laptop which has nvidia onboard. The netbook which is running identical setup otherwise has an intel and hehaves perfectly16:53
Peace-BluesKaj: i have added on natty xedegers ppa...16:53
BluesKajon 11.04 Peace-16:53
Peace-BluesKaj: that repository is not safe ... but of course it's safe if oyu know how to downgrade your driver..16:53
Loresanoh, i have another question.. would any of you happen to be using a sandy bridge processor by any remote chance?16:54
BluesKajgenii-around, aha , both my pcs have nvidia pcie cards , that's probly the focus of the prblem16:54
Peace-BluesKaj: intel here16:54
bug_can any help with installing Adobe AIR in Kubuntu 10.10?16:54
Peace-adobe air?16:55
Peace-what is it ?16:55
bug_yeh adobe air16:55
Peace-bug_: exe?16:55
bug_oops sorry about that16:55
bug_nope i download ed it as a bin file16:55
bug_the options were .bin .deb .rpm or YUM16:55
Peace-bug_: so .. if there is a deb...16:56
Peace-i would test the deb...16:56
bug_is deb the best choice16:56
Peace-maybe just chmod +x filebin16:56
Peace-should work16:56
Peace-running it like16:56
bug_i'll the chmod16:56
Peace- /path/.filebin16:56
Peace- /path/./filebin16:57
genii-aroundbug_: When there is a .deb package available, it is always the first choice16:57
bug_ok tried the chmod and i get the Nosuch File or Dircetory i'll try the deb file, can it run from ksoftware manger16:58
BluesKajsudo ./binfile16:58
Peace-BluesKaj: mm why sudo16:58
bug_sorr a bit of a newbiw16:58
BluesKajbug make sure the file in /home16:58
bug_the file is in /home16:58
BluesKajPeace-, probly just a habit16:59
Peace-BluesKaj: mm dangerous :P16:59
bug_the file name is AdobeAIRInstaller.bin16:59
BluesKajI'm the onl;y user so it doesn't really matter16:59
Peace-BluesKaj: :)16:59
BluesKajnot dangerous in my case Peace-16:59
Peace-bug_: where is the file17:00
Peace-bug_: give me the path17:00
BluesKajok time for my daily constitution /walk ..bbl17:00
frank_anyone here who can help me with cairo dock?17:00
Peace-BluesKaj: bye17:00
Peace-frank_: cairo :S17:00
bug_should i ope the file from the download optin as a Gdebi installer or just save the file17:00
Peace-frank_: there is a plasmoid17:00
Peace-frank_: look on kde apps17:01
Peace-frank_: there is a nice plasmoid like cairo17:01
bug_should i ope the file from the download optin as a Gdebi installer or just save the file??17:01
Peace-bug_: open with gdebi17:02
bug_ok , took the punt and am doing that17:02
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bug_i hate slow connections17:04
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bug_is there a program that be used as an idnetity cloaker, I am currently in the middle east and can't do my lottery tickets in Australia17:05
bug_thanks Peace, it seems to be working17:10
JuJuBeeAnybody able to help me get banshee to run?  Won't start... http://pastie.org/153674817:12
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Peace-JuJuBee: bashee?17:28
Peace-JuJuBee: ask to #ubuntu17:28
Peace-JuJuBee: this is kubuntu channel17:28
JuJuBeeI know but I run it in kubuntu and they tell me ask in kubuntu then...17:29
Peace-JuJuBee: i guess here nobody uses bashee.., kubuntu is a part of ubuntu17:30
Peace-JuJuBee: anyway ...17:30
Peace-JuJuBee: seems a bashee bug...17:31
Peace-JuJuBee: http://www.google.it/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=The+program+'Banshee'+received+an+X+Window+System+error.This+probably+reflects+a+bug+in+the+program.The+error+was+'BadMatch+(invalid+parameter+attributes)'.17:31
FloodBotK3Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
Peace-FloodBotK3: yes sir xD17:31
JuJuBeePeace-:  thanks  there is a workaround that seems to work17:33
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nlsthznhey, I want to use openVPN in Kubuntu (but don't want to touch anything Gnome related)... how do I go about doing that?18:11
genii-around!info network-manager-openvpn-kde18:18
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn-kde (source: plasma-widget-networkmanagement): KDE NetworkManagement infrastructure (OpenVPN plugin). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9~svn1176084-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 144 kB18:18
corinthHello room. I just installed Kubuntu, and the sound coming out of my speakers is static-y. Almost as if it were clipping...but it shouldn't be. Help?18:23
Peace-corinth: hi18:23
Peace-corinth: system 10.10 ?18:23
corinthPeace-: Hello there18:23
corinth10.10 is the most recent, yes?18:23
corinthYes, it's 10.1018:23
Peace-corinth: pulse is your problem probabilly18:24
nlsthzngenii-around: Thank you very much!18:24
corinthHow do I fix that, Peace-?18:24
genii-aroundnlsthzn: You're welcome18:24
Peace-corinth:  search this on google nowardev pulse sound problem kubuntu 10.1018:24
nlsthzngenii-around: how you get your info... experience or google (cause I tried)18:24
Peace-corinth: should give you my blog18:24
Peace-corinth: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/audio-problem-with-kubuntu-10-10/18:25
genii-aroundnlsthzn: By: apt-cache search openvpn | grep kde18:25
nlsthzngenii-around: even more valuable... thank you times 100018:26
rtdoshow can i find out how much memory my system has?18:34
BluesKajrtdos, free in the terminal18:36
gerlosgmrtdos: or you can use KInfoCenter or ksysguard, if installed18:37
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radi5__hi, I need some help with Kontact. As far as I remember Kontact was continued after closing it wiht the X button18:50
radi5__after the last upgrade it is closed completly18:50
radi5__so new mails are not recogniced (of course)18:51
radi5__where can I configure the old behavior?18:51
radi5__Cold anybody help me please?18:51
areichmanradi5__: go to Configure Kontact, Mail > Appearance, System Tray18:56
areichmanand enable the system tray icon18:56
areichmanset it to always show icon and it should do what you want18:57
radi5__thanks a lot18:57
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FloridaGuyhow do i find out my ip adress19:24
DarthFrogFloridaGuy: use the "ifconfig" command.19:25
FloridaGuyDarthFrog: thanks19:25
nathanaelhow do i register a nick on irc?19:27
nathanaelbefore i start?19:27
the_Otype /ns REGISTER <password> <email>19:28
the_Oso does anyone here know of a good irc client for linux other then xchat19:28
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the_Ois anyone in here19:30
DarthFrogthe_O: I like konversation.19:31
areichmanthe_O: I'm using quassel19:31
DarthFrogOthers use quassel.19:31
NathanaelGkonversation, over here19:31
NathanaelGbut first time since very long19:32
NathanaelGanyone knows a graphical boot frontend for 10.10 and how to install it?19:32
DarthFrog!grub | NathanaelG19:33
ubottuNathanaelG: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:33
the_Oyeah I tried those but need script support19:33
NathanaelGi use 10.10 so still grub?19:34
the_OI need to have two clients running with different scripts19:34
NathanaelGwell I do think that it was after a windows installation, will try19:34
DarthFrogNathanaelG: No, grub2.19:34
NathanaelGnow it starts with bright blue and kubuntu as ascii art19:35
DarthFrog!grub 2| NathanaelG19:35
NathanaelGbut ehm19:37
NathanaelGbut grub is working, only no graphic19:38
woodzywhat is a good text mode file manager? (one that color codes files based on type / extension) ?19:38
NathanaelGls ;-)19:39
NathanaelGsry, was a joke19:39
genii-aroundwoodzy: ls -l --color                  for instance :)19:40
DarthFrogNathanaelG: In /etc/grub.d/00header, there is a varialble GRUB_GFXMODE that you might want to play around with.19:40
NathanaelGi once used sthg like midnight commander @ woodzy .. like etherneties past19:40
woodzyi'll check it out.19:41
NathanaelGat tarthfrog19:41
woodzyah, gnu mc19:41
woodzywait. there is actually a menstrual calendar in the repositories? WOW! Maybe I can get my wife to use Linux after all!!! :-P19:43
woodzy...sorry couldn't resist.19:43
NathanaelGwhat would i have to change there while having a screen with full hd resolution?19:45
genii-aroundNathanaelG: I have a screen which does 1920x1080 and put in /etc/default/grub GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080             it works fine19:54
NathanaelGpropritary nvidia drivers no prob?19:54
genii-aroundNathanaelG: You have to do the update-grub19:54
NathanaelGok so step one would be:19:55
genii-aroundwork, back soon19:56
genii-aroundNathanaelG: Before the nvidia drivers broke it worked fine for me then, now that I'm temporarily on the nouveau drivers it also works fine19:57
genii-aroundNathanaelG: eg: echo "GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/grub && sudo update-grub19:59
NathanaelGpress thumbs, booting through20:01
Loresanhi hi... is Peace- online by any chance?20:01
Peace-Loresan: ?20:03
Loresanhi Peace- sorry to disturb you but could you send me that link again about setting dolphin up and the programs list?20:03
Peace-Loresan: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/what-you-should-want-to-do-on-kubuntu-10-04/20:04
NathanaelGhi again20:04
Peace-Loresan: save the link...20:04
Peace-Loresan: there are *a lots* of stuff in my blog20:04
NathanaelGMy grub splash is still a bright blue and kubuntu 10.10 in Ascii20:04
NathanaelGthe five dots are also in ascii20:05
NathanaelGonly thing that improved now is that the selection screen for my os's is in full hd20:05
NathanaelGExtreme eye-candy, ascii on blacck in full hd!!!20:05
Loresanthank you very much Peace20:06
Peace-Loresan: kindom?20:06
Peace-Loresan: i mean uk20:06
NathanaelGgenii-around: well i don't think i can co to nouveau20:06
NathanaelGI m playing starcraft2 over crossover-office20:07
NathanaelGor is nouveau good enough for that?20:07
Peace-Loresan: well i am not an english guy so...don't die reading the blog (grammar)20:07
Loresani'm sure i will be fine :)20:07
genii-aroundNathanaelG: I don't know. I don't do anything that would really stress-test it. But my compositing works great in regular usage20:08
NathanaelGso how to change back? just disabling the proprietary driver, genii-around20:08
* Peace- rebooting to lucid20:09
jschalli can't see the samba shares on my desktop from my netbook... dolphin can't find anything.20:09
genii-aroundNathanaelG: I usually uninstall or reinstall the nvidia-current when I need to toggle between nouveau and nvidia20:10
genii-aroundNathanaelG: I should note I'm currently using 11.04 where nvidia is horribly broken though20:11
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NathanaelG11.04 is due for end of month, not?20:12
genii-aroundNathanaelG: It's usually the very last day of the month it is named for20:13
genii-aroundSo likely April 3020:13
genii-aroundNumbered after, rather, not named after :)20:13
kusaHi all20:14
NathanaelGthx, didnt know that20:14
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NathanaelGbooting through20:15
NathanaelGit worked, genii-around20:19
NathanaelGhtx a lot20:19
genii-aroundNathanaelG: You're welcome20:19
NathanaelGis there a possibility for a kubuntu-skinned os selection screen as well?20:19
genii-aroundPossibly, but i haven't looked into that much20:20
NathanaelGbtw, sry for getting on your nerves20:20
NathanaelGwell, it works for what i want now20:20
NathanaelGyou all on kde 4.6?20:20
genii-aroundNathanaelG: I find the fonts in cli at that res to be eye-wrenching though20:20
NathanaelGlol, no prob for me20:21
NathanaelG1 know i need the first or the last20:21
NathanaelGwill have to suppress the messages for the embedded partitions sometime20:22
NathanaelGbut that s easy20:22
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NathanaelGhi all21:12
NathanaelGhi genii-around21:12
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NathanaelGhad to switch back to proprietary driver, as many effects like window stack didn't work21:12
NathanaelGso now i have a text boot again21:12
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NathanaelGany hints on how to get the graphical bootsplash back?21:13
NathanaelGwith the nvidia drivers?21:13
genii-aroundNathanaelG: Apologies, but my work is too busy right now for me to help21:17
NathanaelGgenii-around:  no probs, thx anyway, cu later21:21
NathanaelGand off21:21
mandlaHey guys, where can i find student data sample spreadsheet files, im working on an Academic Records Management System, so i need to test it with sample data.21:40
Snowhogmandla: Do you have a question? Just ask it.21:48
mandlaSnowhog: Hey guys, where can i find student data sample spreadsheet files, im working on an Academic Records Management System, so i need to test it with sample data21:48
Snowhogmandla: What Kubuntu application are you using?21:49
mandlaSnowhog: Im using a localhost server so i need sample data to test the module of the System that i recently completed.21:50
Snowhogmandla: That still doesn't answer the question: What application (software) are you using/running?21:51
mandlaSnowhog: What exactly do yo mean? I need a spreadsheet file with student records. openOffice calc21:52
genii-aroundmandla: That is not a Kubuntu support issue :)21:53
Snowhogmandla: OpenOffice Calc. That's the answer to the question.21:53
mandlagenii-around: I know, i just thought you might know smwhere i can download the file.21:53
genii-aroundeg: Your openOffice Calc is not experiencing a problem, you just need some test database to look at21:54
genii-aroundmandla: Is it http://www.vastech.co.ug/products/academic-registrar-information-management-systems-arims that is the ARMS thing you are using? Just curious21:54
mandlagenii-around: Yah something like that but better.21:56
genii-aroundmandla: Because I would ask the guys who make your version to point you at some test data, etc21:57
BluesKajhow does one alias one's password in ~/.bashrc,  so that it works after 'password for user : ' prompt in the cli ?21:58
mandlagenii-around: Thats exactly what i need. I just want a spreadsheet file with students details.21:58
mandlagenii-around: There should be sample data smwhere on the net. I really need it. Friday um presenting this system.22:00
Snowhogdaltin: Please just ask your question.22:12
SDemonUAВива кубунтеры!!! Ж)22:24
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:24
SDemonUAViva kubunters!22:25
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shane4ubuntuok, I need some help, Chromium completely locked up, killall chromium && killall chromium-browser does nothing, launching firefox via commnadline also does nothing23:57
shane4ubuntuno errors, nothing23:57
shane4ubuntuwow, nobody around?23:58

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