
thumperwgrant or StevenK should though00:00
wgrantRaydiation: Yes, it does.00:00
wgrantRaydiation: There is no feedback. But it should be generated before the first packages are published, so there's probably not much point notifying users about it.00:01
Raydiationhm, i get: Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint00:02
Raydiationwhen trying to do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bernhard-posselt/laudio-ppa00:02
lifelesswgrant: is it trigger on create, or on upoad ?00:03
Raydiationive uploaded a gpg key a year ago00:03
wgrantlifeless: On upload.00:03
wgrantSince many people create PPAs and then never upload anything.00:03
Raydiationmy package was signed by it00:04
wgrantThat key should have been created 20 minutes ago. Let me check the log.00:04
Raydiationon debuild -S00:04
wgrantRaydiation: This is a different key.00:04
wgrantOne that only Launchpad possesses00:04
Raydiationwgrant: so it gets double signed?00:04
wgrantRaydiation: You sign the source upload. Launchpad signs the full repository, including the binaries and source.00:04
Raydiationah k00:05
wgrantThe key is there now.00:06
wgrantNot quite sure why it took so long.00:06
Raydiationwgrant: ty :)00:07
Raydiationhehe error handling request: http://bit.ly/hJyJiy00:08
wgrantKeyserver replication lag :(00:09
Raydiationwgrant: does apt-add-key get the stuff from somewhere else? keys are up but im still getting sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bernhard-posselt/laudio-ppa00:14
RaydiationError: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~bernhard-posselt/+archive/laudio-ppa00:14
Raydiationisnt the fingerprint already on the bottom?00:14
wgrantRaydiation: You may be running into a caching issue. Anonymous views are cached, authenticated ones are not. I guess your browser is authenticated.00:15
Raydiationah k :)00:17
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benjioh, its in the topic13:43
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Raydiationi just discovered a tiny error for my debian prerm script and uploaded the new build under the same version to my ppa, will this work?14:10
Raydiationor do i have to set a new version?14:11
Raydiationbigjools: ty14:12
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
Raydiationbtw launchpad is great, publishing packages for ubuntu has become ease (once youve fought your way through debian packaging)14:28
bigjoolsRaydiation: glad to hear it, hope you enjoy using it14:30
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DJKorbiti can't get unity from bzr17:02
DJKorbithrocha@hrocha-laptop:~/projects$ bzr branch lp:unity17:03
DJKorbitPermission denied (publickey).17:03
DJKorbitbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.17:03
DJKorbiti'm getting that error17:03
DJKorbitand i've just added my public key to launchpad as a guy in #ayatana told me17:03
DJKorbitany ideas?17:03
DJKorbiti've fixed the problem, thanks17:09
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effie-jayxhello all18:12
effie-jayxwhat is the best way to package as a daily deb via a source in a git repository?18:13
effie-jayxshould I do a bzr branch that regurlarly import from that git branch?18:14
jelmereffie-jayx: you can have launchpad do an import regularly18:16
maxbeffie-jayx: Launchpad can regularly import from git into bzr for you. https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new18:16
effie-jayxI would import the code to a new bzr branch then create the ppa recipe...18:18
effie-jayxsounds cool18:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
effie-jayxis there a way to import code from branches other than HEAD - Main in GIT?18:57
maxbeffie-jayx: Unfortunately, not yet. It's waiting on bzr-git implementing an URL scheme for addressing branches within a git repository19:23
maxbjelmer: What is the current status on that? ^19:23
jelmermaxb: finishing colocated branches is on my todo list19:49
jelmerthe relatively short term one19:49
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doctormoAre there any vala or c bindings for the launchpad api?23:30
StevenKdoctormo: Not that I'm aware of .23:31
doctormoStevenK: Bummer, stuck with python or junking launchpad support...23:33
lifelessdoctormo: theres java and .net23:33
StevenKCPython? :-)23:33
lifelessdoctormo: should be pretty straight forward with liboauth and libjson & libcurl to write a client23:33
doctormolifeless: Two of the worst languages even to come out of the human soul. great ;-)23:34
StevenKdoctormo: Sadly, lifeless has a soft spot for Java.23:34
lifelessyou could write a wadl compiler for C if you liked, that might be pretty nice.23:34
lifelessthis has nothing to do with my soft spots, and everything to do with what already exists23:35
* StevenK smirks.23:35
doctormoStevenK: It's amazing that you can go from c to python/java/C#/vala and not the other way round... bit sad.23:36
lifelessdoctormo: huh, you can call python from C trivially23:42
lifelessdoctormo: I assumed you had some aesthetic reason for not doing that.23:42
doctormoNo, just ignorance.23:43
lifelessoh, well - you embed an interpreter23:43
lifelessgenerally you'd give it a thread of its own23:43
wgrantdoctormo: How much of the LP API do you use?23:44
lifelessand when you need to call into it you grab the GIL, then ask it to evaluate stuff etc23:44
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz
lifelessplenty of docs on python.org23:44
doctormowgrant: auth, bugs, projects, users, groups, code23:44
wgrantMany applications just need a couple of method calls, which are probably better done without something like launchpadlib.23:44
doctormowgrant: nice guess23:44
lifelessdoctormo: so why are you moving to C? [and how are you solving the equal compatibility bzr integration question]23:45
doctormolifeless: I'm not moving to C, I'm testing vala support for various functionalities I might need.23:46
lifelessah, ok23:46
doctormoPython is a pain in the backside and slow. it would be helpful to use threading in vala.23:46
lifelessyou should be able to pass a python callback in as a gclosure an have that work.23:46
lifelessdoctormo: I'm surprised that gc is running into /python/ performance limits23:47
StevenKOh no, doctormo said the magic words ...23:47
lifelessit seems like an ideal use case for python23:47
doctormolifeless: I'm not sure it is python's fault. I get the feeling that gtk+bzr+http+crappy threading is asking for trouble.23:47

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