
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
AlanBellhi all19:03
AlanBellI am creating #ubuntu-for-all which is a channel to support this project https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuForAll which is in the process of being reinvigorated19:04
AlanBellI am following this procedure https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels19:04
AlanBellwould like a logbot19:04
AlanBellis a logbot an RT request still?19:40
m4vAlanBell: you need to mail rt@ubuntu.com for request ubuntulog20:36
AlanBellthanks m4v20:36
r00t4rd3dAlanBell, do you have a problem with me in your new channel ?21:29
AlanBellshould I?21:32
AlanBellI am led to understand you have caused concern in a number of other channels21:32
r00t4rd3dive never broken any channel guidelines21:32
r00t4rd3dor channel code of conducts21:33
AlanBellglad to hear it, carry on not breaking guidelines21:33
r00t4rd3dpeople dont like what i say in private messages21:33
AlanBellwhy do you say things that people don't like?21:34
r00t4rd3dpeople say things i dont like21:34
gpcThe thing is you say very scary things in PM21:35
r00t4rd3dbut ive never had an issue in any channels21:35
gpcthings that lead some people to believe you are unstable21:35
nikoper courtesy, you must ask them first if they agree to continue in pm21:35
r00t4rd3dgpc i dont believe this is the place or time for this disscussion21:35
r00t4rd3dcalling me crazy in a public channel certainly is not following the code of conduct21:37
r00t4rd3dthe whole respect thing hmm ?21:37
gpcI didn't call you crazy21:37
r00t4rd3dwell what exactly did you mean by unstable then ?21:37
r00t4rd3dplz do tell21:38
gpcI said " lead some people to believe you are unstable"21:38
r00t4rd3dthats what i thought21:38
r00t4rd3dby unstable you meant ?21:39
gpcI do appreciate that you are being civil with me now21:39
pleia2r00t4rd3d: you have been terribly cruel and hurtful to members of the ubuntu community, I think it would be best if you left until you can follow the rules21:39
r00t4rd3dpleia2, people have been terribly cruel to me also21:39
r00t4rd3dlike gpc calling me a fucking idiot21:39
r00t4rd3dand crazy21:39
pleia2that's no reason to send the horrible emails that ended up in my inbox, I have done nothing to you21:39
r00t4rd3dlike just now21:39
nikor00t4rd3d: could you stop that now ?21:39
pleia2please go21:39
AlanBellr00t4rd3d: I don't know a lot about you, but what I do know does not lead me to believe that you joined the channel to make a constructive contribution21:39
r00t4rd3dAlanBell, i truly do like to help other people21:40
r00t4rd3dif someone could show you my history in #ubuntu you will notice that21:40
r00t4rd3dpleia2, you volunteered to be on the irc council no ? You asked to deal with issues , I didnt sign you up21:43
rwwand this conversation is done now.21:43
r00t4rd3dhey i didnt start it21:43
gpcin any case the name space ban that was set by the IRCC also allows ubuntu LoCo channels and other Ubuntu project channels to set similar ban. Unless I don't understand the decision.21:43
r00t4rd3dgpc did so ask him to stop21:43
r00t4rd3dim not gonna sit by idle while people refer to me as crazy21:44
r00t4rd3das i would expect you wouldnt either21:44
AlanBellin channel is fine21:44
AlanBellr00t4rd3d: personally I think your nick is poorly chosen, but really I don't care much21:45
AlanBellwhat worries me is that people I trust are disturbed by you21:45
r00t4rd3dokay cool , so can i join your channel and be an active , helpful member ?21:45
rwwno, because you're banned, and you're a flagrant troll.21:46
r00t4rd3drww name calling is not part of the code of conduct and i take offense to being called a troll21:46

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