
MarkDudpleia2, I am going to se about finding the recipe they used01:28
MarkDudgeeknics could be a bit more fun when we trade recipes01:28
* MarkDud is trying to get some ideas from a geeknic person from Romania01:29
kdub_hellos, did i miss the meeting?02:45
akkThe topic says there's one a week from now.02:48
akkIf there was one today, I missed it too.02:48
kdub_ah, darn. most sundays i have to miss the meeting, superbowl switched things up a bit this week02:49
akkProbably some folks are busy partying.02:51
MarkDudWelcome to Terranova03:02
MarkDudawesome name for a TV show03:02
frewsxcvanyone here from slo?04:05
=== mike is now known as Ar71K
frewsxcvhey Ar71K04:39
Ar71KI just heard about Ubuntu California from reddit04:40
=== mike is now known as Guest38258
rwwwhere on reddit?04:42
=== Guest38258 is now known as Ar71K
Ar71Kon the mainpage leme see what subreddit04:43
frewsxcvAr71K: me too04:44
Ar71Kthats the one04:46
frewsxcvAr71K: where you from?04:47
jdeslipWow... someone took the source to one of my apps, modified it slightly to look uglier and published it as a new app on the market.  They even plagiarized word for word part of my app description.17:01
jdeslip(and didn't release their code as mandated by the GPL)17:02
jamiedmattinglywow thats got to suck jdeslip17:04
jamiedmattinglywhat kind of app was it?17:04
jamiedmattinglyhi pleia217:04
pleia2jamiedmattingly: can you add your vallejo ubuntu hour to our events on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california17:05
pleia2click "log in" at the top right, it'll log you in with your launchpad.net id17:05
pleia2then "Add new event"17:06
jamiedmattinglyalready did pleia2 its on the list of events for march 7th17:06
pleia2oh! so you did17:06
jdeslipIt was my arXiv app17:06
pleia2I didn't realize the directory only showed 5 events17:06
pleia2cool, thanks :)17:06
jdeslipIt is hard to prove they stole the source.  But there are parts that have identical behavior and messages. :/17:07
pleia2jamiedmattingly: mind if I add some details? (it doesn't have locatoin or anything)17:07
jamiedmattinglyim gonna go to yours wednesday so i can get an idea how it works if that is ok17:07
pleia2great :)17:07
jamiedmattinglysure what ever you think is best pleia217:07
jamiedmattinglyi appreciate the help17:07
jamiedmattinglyim sorry jdeslip is there anyway of doing anything?17:10
jamiedmattinglyalso pleia2 will be bringing the california ubuntu shirts i made 3 l 2 xl17:19
jamiedmattinglyit was 3 and 3 but i kept one for me17:19
jamiedmattinglyif you want when we meet wednesday for your ubuntu hour we can figure out pattern and colors and suchand then ill be able to get a decent quote from my boss17:23
pleia2sounds great, I'll bring down one of the current shirts we have left over from the last run17:24
jamiedmattinglycool do you have the images also? one of the things that will bring down the cost is the image already designed so i dont have to get the art guys to do it for me17:27
pleia2yeah we've got all the logos in SVG17:28
jamiedmattinglypleia2,  the art guy said (and youll have to forgive me here i know nothing of this area so i will probably sound really stupid)17:29
jamiedmattinglybut it has to have vectors or something like an AI file17:29
pleia2some of the templates are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Shirts17:30
pleia2SVG is vector17:30
jamiedmattinglyok cool at least somebody knows this stuff lol17:30
pleia2^^ has link to our svg17:31
jamiedmattinglyvery cool pleia2 i like the one with the flag17:32
pleia2that was just one of the proposed ones, we only use the top one with the bear17:33
pleia2the flag one is cute though :)17:33
jamiedmattinglyyeah the one with the bear in the logo is the one i used for the shirts i made. its not like the black one though. with pattern on both sides. just one large logo on front17:34
grantbowpleia2: I don't have a travel budget for any upcoming events to caravan any supplies.17:45
jamiedmattinglypleia2,  i dont see a svg for the flag logo do you have one or know how to convert it?17:46
grantbowerr, carpool17:46
pleia2jamiedmattingly: you can't really convert it to SVG, you'd have to start from scratch with the elements (and I'd generally advise against using it, since it's not our official branding)17:46
grantbowjamiedmattingly: hey, great work, I am looking forward to March 7th.17:46
pleia2grantbow: are you coming to scale?17:47
grantbowunfortunately no17:47
jamiedmattinglywhedre do you live grantbow?17:47
jamiedmattinglypleia2,  ok sorry about the flag thing just thought it was a cool pattern17:48
grantbowjamiedmattingly: near Walnut Creek - join us any Friday at 6:00 if you can for www.dvlug.org17:48
pleia2grantbow: so you need to me to come out to you to pick up my plastic table boards and things?17:48
grantbowpleia2: no I can get them to you, maybe this Wed for my usual SF visits17:48
jamiedmattinglyfridays are bad for me. wife has class at srjc so i have to watch kids17:49
pleia2grantbow: ok cool, sorry you can't make it down to scale (it's a bit of a strain on our budget too, the hotel is the killer)17:49
grantbowyeah, costs add up17:49
jamiedmattinglypleia2,  scale is so cal linux expo right?17:50
pleia2jamiedmattingly: yep17:50
jamiedmattinglypleia2,  is there a ncale?17:50
jamiedmattinglyor something like that?17:50
pleia2no, but the bay area has all kinds of events17:51
jamiedmattinglyi signed up for that one you told me bout in april still waiting for my invite approval17:51
pleia2I think they send out an email whether you're approved or put on the waiting list17:53
pleia2but it can take a couple weeks17:54
jamiedmattinglyim not worried we'll see what happens if i dont for whatever reason then there are plenty more to go to17:55
pleia2that's just the linux foundation though, we have tons of LUGs and other events: http://linuxmafia.com/bale/17:55
pleia2and a lot of other conferences come through here for individual projects17:56
pleia2drupal, mysql, etc17:56
grantbowjdeslip: good luck dealing with that other app18:03
grantbowjamiedmattingly: this list is state wide and sorted by region then day of the month for regular meetings: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts/Groups18:09
jamiedmattinglycool thanks grantbow18:10
jdeslip@grantbow: They also plagiarized word for word part of my app description... That is somewhat of a smoking gun, I think.18:10
jdeslipDoes anyone know what to do in a situation like this?18:11
grantbowwell, each app can be reported for copyright violations with a click, that's a start18:12
jdeslipBasically I want to demand that they release their changes under GPL in compliance with my license.  I'd also like them to send them wherever you send people who steal/hijack open-source projects to try to promote some new app-developing company they are starting.18:14
jdeslipI think I will send them an email before doing anything "official"18:14
grantbowI would carefully phrase a complaint and try to contact them directly before getting more involved in fighting. They may back down.18:14
grantbowif they don't respond kindly a blog post at berkeleylug.com might add some pressure when you choose to turn the screws on them.18:15
grantbowyou will want to move carefully though in case they don't want to play ball18:22
grantbowMuch will depend on how they respond. Hope for the best and prepapre for the worst I think.18:27
grantbowworst case Christian might be able to help, lol.18:27
grantbowor know someone for advice18:29
pleia2well, there is always the eff :)18:29
grantbowright there in the city too, yup18:29
jdeslipgrantbow@ I got a response from them.18:35
jdeslipThey are changing the plagiarized app description and are sending me the source of their app to look over...  They said they used my app as a model but did not use the source.18:36
pleia2hooray for positive responses \o/18:37
jdeslipI still think creating an imitation of someone else's free/open-source app and publishing it is a somewhat idiotic thing to do, but whatever...18:38
grantbowthey might even be telling the truth, lol18:42
grantbowdealing with people that don't grok open source is tiring18:45
=== kdub_ is now known as kdub
* kdub just rediscovered nicserv ghost cmd18:59
jamiedmattinglydoes anyone here know of a program for linux that either creates or converts to a dst19:26
kdubdaylight savings time19:39
jamiedmattingly.dst its a file type used for embroidery19:39
jamiedmattinglyif you want to get a design embroidered you submit a .dst file to the embroidere to have the image put on you garment19:42
jtatumjamiedmattingly: did you happen to see this thread? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/conversion-to-dst-format-embroidery-227789/ there's a couple of sourceforge projects… not real common apparently19:46
jamiedmattinglythanks jtatum ill take a look19:46
jamiedmattinglyare you still here pleia2?21:32
pleia2jamiedmattingly: in and out, at work right now21:36
jamiedmattinglysorry to bother you21:37
pleia2no worries, what's up?21:38
jamiedmattinglyi got in trouble for those shirts today was asking about what info was needed for other shirts and then they found out shirts werent just for me so they said if i wanted to keep them i had to pay $10 a piece21:39
jamiedmattinglywhich i dont have right now so i prolly wont be able to bring those ones wednesday21:39
jamiedmattinglyapparently if it is something that just i wear is ok but if i print for someone else even if i am included in that group then they make me pay21:40
pleia2can I buy the 3 larges for $10/eac?21:41
jamiedmattinglysure sorry bout that it would be less if i printed more prolly21:42
pleia2no problem21:42
pleia2sorry to hear you got in trouble!21:42
pleia2maybe we can see if anyone at the Hour wants to buy some too? I just can't afford more than $30 right now21:42
jamiedmattinglyok they gave me the larges back plus my xl ill bring what i can wed21:44
pleia2ok :)21:44
kdubbuy what, ubuntu shirts?22:28
MarkDudejedahan, what are you doing tomorrow night?22:31
MarkDudeSuper NerdNight SF22:32
MarkDude= awesome22:32
pleia2kdub: yeah, jamiedmattingly printed up a few basic shirts (on white?) from the shop he works at22:32
kdubah, cool22:33
kdubi have a debian t-shirt and an ubuntu hoodie22:33
kdubi get a kick from wearing the t shirt under the hoodie22:33
pleia2I've never managed to get a debian tshirt22:34
kdubthese weren't really shirts that were 'earned' somehow :P22:34
akkNice to have the hoodie -- I keep going to geek gatherings where it's too cold to wear my ubuntu t-shirt with too many layers over it for anyone to see.22:34
akkI have one debian shirt but I bought it, it wasn't "earned".22:34
jamiedmattinglywell how would you earn a shirt????22:35
akkjamiedmattingly: e.g. go to a conference, participate in an event, get a free t-shirt.22:35
jamiedmattinglyoh cool need to do one of those then much better than what i tried to do :)22:36
jamiedmattinglyspeaking of geek gatherings anyone know who does the eeknic thing? the only event they have scheduled was last year?22:37
pleia2MarkDude tends to be the lead on those22:38
pleia2our last one was in november22:38
jamiedmattinglyi think thats the one i saw walnut creek or something?22:38
pleia2yeah, we've had a couple in walnut creek22:38
jamiedmattinglyMarkDude,  anything coming soon from geeknic???22:39
MarkDudeDeciding on date22:40
MarkDudeYou are invited to meeting on it in #gidgetkitchen tonight22:40
MarkDudemaybe 7- it should just take a few minutes22:41
MarkDudeFeb 19th maybe22:41
jamiedmattinglycool ill be there22:42
* MarkDude is doing CFP for OSCON now22:42
MarkDudepondering how best to include the Penguin suit22:42
kdubDarkwingDuck tossed the idea of doing a geeknic down ole san diego way22:42
akkWasn't the OSCON deadline last night? Did they extend it at the last minute?22:42
jamiedmattinglyjust out of curiosity is it just us or are kids allowed?22:43
pleia2jamiedmattingly: kids encourage d:)22:43
pleia2it's meant to be a more family-ish event than our usual things22:43
jedahanMarkDude, lemme check that out. I might be doing a acrobatics class22:44
jamiedmattinglynice i have a 9 year old and a 1 year old they ought to have fun too22:44
MarkDudefb only I guess22:45
pleia2and while we don't forbid alcohol, it's never been a popular thing at these events (and certainly never been a problem)22:45
akkMarkDude: Oh, wow, I have one more day to make excuses for why I haven't submitted anything. :) Everybody was saying it was last night.22:46
MarkDudebeer is a very important part of socializing, people behave tho :)22:46
jamiedmattinglyi am a very big supporter of beer consumption :)22:46
MarkDudewell beer is part of geek culture22:47
jamiedmattinglythats why i like linux so much i kept seeing free beer in all the docs lol22:47
MarkDudeand bbq culture22:47
* MarkDude is nt really a drinker, yet always makes sure we have some :D22:47
* MarkDude prepares his CFP, and gets ready to parenthetically say in a Penguin suit a few times- lol22:49
MarkDudesry, say parenthe....22:49
jamiedmattinglywe just printed a job last week for a local brewer called moylans. whenever he picks up his shirts he brings samples. very nice stuff22:52
kdubjamiedmattingly: printing question though, i have an SVG i want to post around town, about loco san diego23:09
kdubhow would you find a decent printing shop? i was about to just go kinko it23:09
kdubbut kinko's is generally a terrible experience all around :P23:09
pleia2I wish local print shops could standardize their submission forms like kinko's, I prefer to go to local shops but kinko's is so easy23:10
kdubi like to scout out the local shops too, but with me being uprooted from michigan, its taken a bit of time for the more obscure shops to be found23:12
pleia2yeah, same23:13
pleia2except s/michigan/pennsylvania23:13
crashsystems1Btw does anyone have advice on buying a bike?23:15
crashsystems1I'm looking for a decent but not expensive bike for my daily commute23:17
akkWhere are you? Any hills on that commute?23:17
rwwbuy something used that isn't covered in rust23:17
rwwcheaper and less likely to get stolen23:17
* rww is assuming bicycle23:18
crashsystems1Sunnyvale, no hills23:18
jamiedmattinglysorry kdub was away from desk23:18
jamiedmattinglydont know anyprint shops other than this one i just lucked out finding this one23:19
pleia2local bike shops tend to rock, super friendly people and if you tell them what you need and how much you have to spend they can usually hook you up23:19
pleia2I find they don't tend to rip your off because they want you to come back for tune-ups and accessories23:19
akkcrashsystems1: There's a place called Fast Bicycle in San Jose (Alum Rock, not sure how close lightrail goes) that used to have fantastic prices on surprisingly good bikes.23:19
kdubjamiedmattingly: ah, i thought with all the print shop talk you were in the printing business23:19
pleia2s/your off/you off23:19
akkMy commute bike came from there (mine's a Giant but cost me not much more than Huffy/Murray types were going for at places like Target).23:20
pleia2mine's a Giant too23:20
* pleia2 pets Nessy23:20
jamiedmattinglykdub i do work at a printer have for like 6 months now bu ti got referred here by an employment service23:20
pleia2unfortunately when I bought it I was riding on dirt trails, it's not the awesomest for the city23:21
jamiedmattinglywe are in sonoma we do work for all kind of places and ship to them23:21
jtatumpleia2: gonna bring it down to the trails again? :)23:21
akkI agree with not buying something cool looking and expensive ... hurts too much when it gets stolen. :(23:21
pleia2jtatum: I hope so, trying to get into better shape under controlled conditions first so I don't kill myself after 20 minutes of riding ;)23:22
crashsystems1Do stolen bikes happen often?23:22
akkIf it'll be locked outside a lot, and it's something expensive and cool, yeah, better assume so.23:22
jamiedmattinglyi got my bike at walmart for $7523:23
* akk had a beloved Cannondale MTB stolen and has been very paranoid about leaving its replacement unattended anywhere, ever23:23
pleia2aw :(23:23
akkIt was in Palo Alto, locked to the bike rack in a restaurant parking lot ... they hacksawed through the lock shackle (not a u-lock, heavy cable with heavy padlock).23:24
akklocked to the bike rack on the back of my car, I meant to say23:25
pleia2I got a super ulock and a also wire lock for the front wheel, but I still don't like leaving it alone23:25
akkpalo alto is probably more evil for bike theft than other local cities (university and lots of bikes).23:26
jtatumlocks are a huge pain :( ulocks seem moreso to me23:26
jtatumit's like, man i already took the time to bike, now i have to fiddle with this stupid lock for an hour?23:26
pleia2and they're heavy!23:27
akkulocks are great except some of them can be easily picked, and they can't go around wheels unless you remove the wheels.23:27
akkI keep thinking about painting the Giant with rust-colored paint, or some of that paint that looks like rocks, to make it even less attractive23:28
jtatumi saw that bic pen lock hack. that was pretty sad. especially for anyone who got their bike stolen because of it23:28
akkbut I guess it's unattractive enough now, hasn't been bothered locked with only a light cable and combo padlock.23:28
akkThat Bic hack was especially amazing because until then. everybody thought those locks were nearly unpickable!23:29
pleia2I just hope having a half mountain bike in a city + 2 locks adds up to enough deterrent :)23:29
pleia2and it's "only" a $400 bike23:29
akkjtatum: Nice! I've also considered silver duct tape. :)23:29
akkMine was more like $150, so I don't have to worry too much.23:30
akkI'd still be bummed if somebody stole it ... you can't get that Terry seat or overbar shifters any more.23:31
jedahanhttp://boingboing.net/2009/05/16/uglified-theft-resis.html :D23:34
akkNice job!23:35
akkThough I almost always hold the camera to my eye and use the viewfinder when shooting digital, so I didn't get that part.23:35
akk(I know a lot of new crappy cameras don't have viewfinders, but good ones have them.)23:36
akk(*) no offense intended to owners of otherwise good cameras so new that they lack viewfinders, a few of which do exist23:37
MarkDudeakk, your reasonableness tires me sometimes23:38
* kdub has a gps module on its way, and is good with microcontrollers. i want to put a gps tracker in my bike23:39
jtatumthere are some kits to do that with APRS, kdub23:39
kdubkits are no fun23:39
kduband actually, i'll probably put prototype #1 in my car23:40
akkThere are some nice Arduino+GPS setups.23:40
jtatumaprs is good glue in any case23:40
akkI need to find a decent offline mapping android app so I can use my Archos as a GPS.23:41

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