
Q-FUNKRAOF: actually, the fix for geode's ZTV module is a lot simpler than that: we simply need to stop including "linux/videodev.h" and that's it.  our driver is already V4L2. :)00:21
RAOFQ-FUNK: Heh, ok.00:21
RAOFI admit, I didn't look any further than “ooh, V4L1.  No-one will miss it if I just disable it” :)00:22
RAOFAnyone feel like sponsoring a final round of rebuilds for the X server?07:36
tjaaltonRAOF: sure07:41
RAOFtjaalton: http://cooperteam.net/Packages07:42
tjaaltonRAOF: yeah, uploaded07:50
apwif one has nvidia h/w one does not get 3c in nouveau, is there a recipe for getting the gallium drivers for that ?  (and do they indeed sort that out)12:08
tjaalton3d, yes, install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (or such, don't have the package name handy)12:18
tjaaltonapw: ^12:24
apwtjaalton, thanks12:53
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apwtjaalton, actually jockey offered that to me, and installed it, but it doesn't seem to work at all13:10
tjaaltonapw: breaks stuff? which card do you have?13:11
apwtjaalton, no breakage, just classic desktop and unity saying 'software renderer in use'13:12
apw05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GF100 [GeForce GTX 480] (rev a3)13:12
tjaaltonhmm, wonder if it's too new13:12
apwtjaalton, could well be ... such is life13:12
tjaaltonXorg.0.log should tell13:13
tjaaltonkms works though?13:13
apwyeah it switches into high res i recon13:13
apwnouveau is kms only right ?13:13
apw[    27.543] (--) NOUVEAU(0): Chipset: "NVIDIA NVc0"13:14
tjaaltonok, but does it load the DRI2 driver?13:14
tjaaltonor even attempt that13:14
apw[    27.426] (II) Loading extension DRI213:14
apwnothing to say if it worked or not13:14
tjaaltonput the full log on pastebin13:15
* apw should warn that this is a very new machine and quite possibly has stupidly new h/w13:15
apwthe kernel won't even boot the secondary cpus, not that that should matter13:16
apwpastebinit Xorg.0.log13:16
tjaalton[    28.528] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error initialising acceleration.  Falling back to NoAccel13:16
tjaaltonguess that's it then13:16
tjaaltonand the line above13:19
tjaaltonapw: the gallium driver for nvc0 was merged upstream on nov 12th, dunno if it's in 7.10 or not13:24
apwah ... very very fresh then13:24
jcristautjaalton: afaict it's not13:24
tjaaltonjcristau: yep, latest commit from october13:25
* apw will have to purchase an older one then and ram that in instead13:25
tjaaltonapw: xorg-edgers might have a newer mesa for you :)13:26
apwhow well does X cope with two cards inserted, different manufactueres,  i'd be happy selecting one or other in some way; making a dual card test setup13:57
jcristauit sometimes work.13:58
apwjcristau, sounds like something to avoid then13:58
marjoapw, bryceh: FYI, I just submitted # 69309315:05
marjoapw: thx15:06
apwbug #69309315:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 693093 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i945gme] 2.6.37-10.24: Black Screen on Boot (affects: 10) (heat: 136)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69309315:06
apwmarjo, thats an old bug ...15:07
marjoapw: sorry15:07
marjoapw, bryceh: # 71463515:08
marjoapw, bryceh: #71463515:09
tjaaltonbug 71463515:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 714635 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i945gme] 2.6.38-2: Black screen on boot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71463515:10
apwmarjo, did you get the intel_reg_dumper outptu ?15:14
marjoapw: yes, attached it already15:14
apwmarjo, to the right bug ?15:15
apwmarjo, oh its mixed in with the apport stuff, didn't know you could do that15:16
apwmarjo, we probally should get the Xorg.log.0 onto that bug as well15:29
marjoapw: done15:33
apwtjaalton, i'd say that that X startup has gotten stuck, HW cursor is not the last thing one sees on my boxes15:39
tjaaltonapw: yeah15:41
apwmarjo, i wonder if you are able to try an strace on the Xorg process once it is stuck15:43
apwto find out whether it thinks it is in the kernel15:43
marjoapw: sure, can you please give me specific directions?15:44
apwps -ef | grep /X15:44
apwtake the pid from that ... second column15:44
tjaaltoncould also try with 'Option "HWCursor" "off"'15:46
marjoapw: next?15:49
apwyou wait while i recover the machine i tried the command out on (stupidly) from within X, no no no, supid15:49
apwyeah i know, /me takes the dunce of the day hat and puts it on15:50
tjaaltonneed to run, back in 3,5h15:51
apwok ... back.  15:52
apwmarjo, ok this should do the trick: sudo strace -p `pidof X`15:52
apwand see what that says15:52
apwnot something one should run in an xterm, no not a good idea15:52
marjoapw: "attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...): No such process"15:54
marjoapw: i'm doing this through ssh15:55
apwps -ef  | grep X15:55
apwwhats the output of that look like15:55
apwmarjo, ^^15:57
marjo1000      1298  1181  0 10:57 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto X15:57
apwso you have no X running at all then15:57
marjoapw: ack15:58
apwadd that info to the bug, i would not not expect X to exit without telling us why it did so15:59
apwbryceh, ever heard of that ^^15:59
jcristaucan happen if it aborts e.g. because of a missing symbol16:00
jcristauwould show up in gdm log16:00
marjoapw: what's weird is I can go into recovery mode/low graphics mode16:01
apwmarjo, could we have the gdm log as well please16:01
marjoapw: will do in a few minutest, ok?16:01
marjominutes, ok?16:01
apwno rush16:02
marjoapw: thx16:02
marjoapw: i see a few *.log and -slave.log files16:06
marjoapw: any specific one to upload to bug report?16:06
apwmarjo, probabally :0.log16:06
marjoapw:ok, will do16:07
marjoapw: :0.log attached to bug #71463517:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 714635 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i945gme] 2.6.38-2: Black screen on boot _after_ visible splash (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71463517:21
jcristau/usr/bin/X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so: undefined symbol: intel_batch_wait_last17:50
jcristaumarjo: sounds like you have an obsolete version of the driver17:54
marjojcristau: which driver?17:56
jcristauthe one that's missing a symbol17:57
jcristauthe xserver-xorg-video-intel package17:57
marjojcristau: when you say obsolete, do you mean that i don't have an updated one? or is there a new one that i did NOT pick up?18:03
jcristaui mean that bug was fixed in 2:2.14.0-1ubuntu218:05
marjojcristau: installed  xserver-xorg-video-intel and now things are working!18:05
marjojcristau, apw: thx much!18:07
apwmarjo, yay ...18:07
apwjcristau, thanks for the help getting to the right log :)18:08
marjojcristau: was there a previous bug I can refer to in my bug report?18:08
jcristaunone mentioned in the changelog afaict, so no idea18:08
marjojcristau: that's too bad18:09
marjoso i'll just say fixed with  xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.14.0-1ubuntu2, right?18:09
marjoso i'll just say fixed with  xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.14.0-1ubuntu6, right?18:13
brycehmarjo, yes fixed with  xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.14.0-1ubuntu218:24
brycehmarjo, that was an obvious issue we caught right away; we simply hadn't caught it before uploading due to insufficient testing18:25
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RAOFMornin all.21:49
jcristauheya RAOF 21:52
RAOFjcristau: Good $TIME_OF_DAY :)21:53
RAOFHm.  apw has an nvc0 card?  Congratulations for volunteering to test the acceleration we may or may not merge in for those cards!21:54
jcristauit's a wheezy evening.21:55
RAOFI presume wheezy is currently in a mad state of flux?21:55
jcristausid got libreoffice today21:57
jcristauprobably new compiler and libc soon..21:58
RAOFAny coordination with our libreoffice maintainer?21:58
jcristauaiui your libreoffice packages were based on the ones in experimental21:59
RAOFHeh.  Now sid's unfrozen I'll need an actual sid chroot for testing rather than everything going through the experimental one.  Let's see if it's debootstrappable!21:59
apwRAOF, seems so ... its scheduled for an unscrewing and shoving in a box shortly for replacement with something supported, but happy to test22:04
RAOFapw: How well did it work (3D excepted) while it was in there?22:05
RAOFDid you notice that there was no 2D acceleration, for example :)22:05
apwRAOF, its still in there, runs in 2D well enough22:05
apwheh no, but the machine has a lot of CPU :)22:05
RAOFI suspect that correlates well with brand new GPUs :)22:06
apwRAOF, but if you have some test bits in a bucket somewhere please point me at it22:07
RAOFxorg-edgers has the test bits.22:07
LLStarksdoes ubuntu-x have a dedicated triage team like the the ubuntu mozilla squad?22:10
apwRAOF, ahh ok will try and get those one it, when i've bought something that it can drive other than the 37in tv in the front room22:11
RAOFNo.  We've got bryceh and his amazing band of arsenal scripts, though.22:11
RAOFapw: Yeah, no hurry.  I'm not in a great rush to grab new libdrm, nouveau packages to speed up but possibly break new cards.22:12
LLStarksbecause i've been thinking about joining the ubuntu-x-swat team and i'm not sure if i have enough credentials22:12
tjaaltonor quota for your inbox ;)22:17
tjaaltonmeh, wanted to try alpha2 & nouveau, but the dvd-drive seems broken22:18
RAOFLLStarks: You're welcome to start triaging, although we're actually pretty on top of it at the moment.22:18
RAOFWhat do you want to do in the swat team?22:20
LLStarksbe mindful of my hardware and continue giving good reports regarding how stable and unstable bits affect said hardware22:25
LLStarksi know a little c, but i am not well-versed in the graphics stack to do any coding22:26
RAOFThat can change :)22:28
RAOFA good way to learn how to give good reports is to look at what happens when bugs get upstreamed - what questions get asked, etc.22:30
RAOFAlso, if you want to invest a little time then bisecting regressions is an excellent way to help get them fixed, and can get you a little familiarity with the build process.22:30
LLStarksi've been bisecting -intel as needed, getting proper kernel drm bits is more of a pain for me22:31
RAOFYeah, that's quite awkward.22:32
LLStarksi've been looking for a good jumping in point for learning about the stack. drm, glx, xserver, etc22:34
jcristauusually a jumping in point is a bug that annoys you so much that you fix it.22:35
LLStarkshad that the other day with libswscale. feels good man.22:37
RAOFThe stack is actually a lot less complex than it looks from the outside.22:37
brycehheya RAOF22:43
RAOFbryceh: Good evening.  Or afternoon.22:44
RAOFOr whenever!22:44
tjaaltonok, alpha2 boots fine with a working media, but compiz fails after installing the nouveau gallium driver22:50
tjaaltoncompiz: nv50_pc_emit.c:863: emit_flop: Assertion `STYPE(i, 0) == 0x09' failed.22:50
tjaaltoncrashes there22:50
tjaaltonand the livecd still offers to install the blob22:51
tjaaltonthought it was disabled for now22:51
RAOFYeah, so did I.22:51
RAOFOh, actually - Jockey doesn't know about server ABIs.22:51
RAOFBut I thought we *were* disabling it on the livecd.22:51
tjaaltonand actually, talked with pitti about it and he22:51
tjaaltondamn us layout22:52
tjaaltonanyway pitti said he would add that support once the drivers itself had all the deps/breaks in place22:52
tjaaltonthe blobs, that is22:53
RAOFAh, good.22:53
tjaaltonRAOF: is mesa 7.10+git possible for natty?22:54
tjaaltonwill try edgers tomorrow to see if compiz works with it22:54
RAOFWe can certainly try.  We'll pull in
tjaaltonsure, and this crasher is something that should be .1 material anyway22:56
jcristauassuming you trust the nouveau people to care about stable branches22:56
tjaaltonanyway, 2D is very snappy on my 8600GT22:56
RAOFWell, if we can identify the fix, applying it hopefully won't be *too* hard.22:57
RAOFYeah.  Nouveau's 2D is excellent.22:57
tjaaltonmaybe ill just upgrade it lucid->natty anyway, compiz aint _that_ important22:59
tjaaltonbut tomorrow22:59
RAOFI think you might find that compiz will work as long as you're not loading unity.22:59
tjaaltonoh, hmm23:00
tjaaltonk, will play with it in the morning23:01
tjaaltonnight! ->23:01

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