[09:30] Hello, $NAME! Happy $DAY_OF_WEEK! [10:11] good morninf! [12:16] morning all [12:17] morning! [12:17] Nessita, want a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/download-ro-share-content/+merge/48666 [12:17] ? [12:17] hello duanedesign, ralsina [12:17] ralsina: yes please! [12:17] nessita: ok [12:18] I think I will ask Dobey to take the nautilus bug. Ihave enough with the bug queue triage for the day [12:18] ralsina: ok [12:18] And probably for the week but someone's gotta do it :-) [12:20] nessita: Silly question very early: The server side of contacts sync is not ours, right? [12:22] ralsina: what server side? 'our' contacts sync is evolution and uses desktopcouch [12:22] I meant whatever is on /contacts on the web servers [12:23] Just checking the OOPSes [12:23] ralsina: oh! nopes, that is beuno's [12:23] nessita: ok [12:23] I think, now I'm doubting [12:23] nessita: of course the one piece that is ours (notes) looks more broken every day :-( [12:23] ralsina: I'm worried about bug #709378 (that is ours) [12:23] Launchpad bug 709378 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Tomboy fails to sync after editing note via web: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." (affects: 9) (dups: 1) (heat: 58)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/709378 [12:24] ugh [12:24] That sounds like the web side is storing something wrong, since Tomboy has not changed [12:34] ralsina: right, and tomboy server side is ours, like I mentioned in the email from the week before last week [12:34] nessita: ugh. Since the client has not changed and the server has not changed, how can we have a new bug? Damn quantum mechanics! [12:35] But yes, I knew about the notes oopses being ours. I was just wondering if I had to feel guilty about the contact ones, too ;-) === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero [12:40] nessita: code looks good on that branch, I will approve if/when tests pass (could be 30 minutes) [12:40] ralsina: awesome! [12:52] anybody else seeing constantly crashing syncdaemon on natty? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563836/ [12:52] hello amitk [12:57] duanedesign: hi [13:09] rodrigo_: ping [13:09] nessita, pong [13:09] rodrigo_: hey there! would you have some minutes to help me with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/63627125/tomboy_debug.log ? [13:10] rodrigo_: is puzzling me why that log shows the plugin accessing https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/user/. Why edge? [13:10] nessita, hmm, was there any changes in the way u1 returns dates to tomboy? [13:10] nessita, I guess the user entered the url himself? [13:12] nessita: +1 on download-ro-share-content [13:12] rodrigo_: there have been no changes, as far as we know. We have no people working on tomboy due to lack of resources [13:12] :( [13:13] then the server is returning bad date, not sure why though [13:13] rodrigo_: in which line do you see that? [13:13] [ERROR 19:29:57.915] Synchronization failed with the following exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. [13:14] rodrigo_: do we know what invalid string was sent? [13:15] no, nothing on the log unfortunately [13:15] it could be just a corrupted note, without the date or something [13:15] Can we know what note was being edited? [13:15] rodrigo_: not at the moment, I can ask the reporter [13:15] bug #713757 [13:15] nessita: please ask [13:15] Launchpad bug 713757 in ubuntuone-servers "tomboy fails to sync notes : Synchronization failed with the following exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. (affects: 1) (heat: 315)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/713757 [13:15] no, neither, but the user can open https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/op/?include_notes=true on a server and see what it returns [13:16] he has to log in to u1 web first [13:16] ack [13:16] rodrigo_: about the .edge. in the url, the user had to put that manually? [13:17] yes [13:17] if he uses the u1 plugin in tomboy, the url is setup automatically, not using edge at all [13:17] so he probably used the Tomboy Online plugin and entered that manually [13:19] rodrigo_: what is tomboy online plugin? :-) the notes/ url in our web ui? [13:19] no, the Tomboy online stuff in Tomboy preferences [13:20] go to Preferences/Synchornization [13:20] ralsina: can I assign this to you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/couchdb/+bug/709332 [13:20] Launchpad bug 709332 in couchdb (Ubuntu) "CouchDB sould be upgraded to 1.0.2 (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Low,Triaged] [13:20] nessita: AFAIK, that is uploaded and awaiting sponsor [13:20] ralsina: to maverick?!?! [13:20] oh, no, to natty [13:22] nessita: I'll take it [13:24] Anyway, I seriously doubt we can get couchdb 1.0.2 into maverick [13:27] I do too, but the statement is really convincing :-) [13:29] nessita: well... we can always propose. Backports is a better chance. [13:52] nessita dobey mandel thisfred standup in 9' [13:52] akc [13:52] CardinalFang: ServerError: (500, ('json_encode', '{bad_term,<0.1382.0>}')) (with ~cm2) [13:53] Chipaca, liar! [13:53] ralsina: ok [13:53] CardinalFang: :'( [13:54] Chipaca, Okay, well I'm sure that's patched correctly. Do you mind making sure that backtrace is the same, before I go to upstream? [13:55] Chipaca, Better, just paste it again. [13:55] Redacting, still. [13:56] * Chipaca waits for the redacting to finish [13:58] Chipaca, er, waiting? I mean your credential secrets in your log file. [13:58] ah [13:58] https://pastebin.canonical.com/42926/ [13:59] I don't think this flavor of output has it [13:59] CardinalFang: but I can grab the logfile and munge that again, no problem [13:59] Chipaca, right, the couchdb log file. desktopcouch doesn't receive the error, just "HTTP 500". [13:59] me [13:59] me [13:59] me [13:59] thisfred, you awake? [14:00] CardinalFang: ok [14:00] CardinalFang: aye [14:00] me [14:00] ok, mandel, please [14:00] DONE: Rested last week. Re-triagged ALL bugs of ubuntuone-windows. Updated my status with HR. Remerged windows sd code with trunk. Fixed merge issues. [14:00] TODO: push windows changes for ralsina to test. Update IPC branch and push it. [14:00] BLOCKED: no, but slowed down :P [14:00] ralsina, please [14:00] DONE: reviews, did my canonicaladmin work, triaged a ton of bugs, several calls. [14:00] TODO: reviews, management stuff, sprint planning, triage another 8 tons of bugs someday actual coding ;-) [14:00] BLOCKED: no [14:00] thisfred! [14:01] DONE: I forget, friday was kind of fragmented [14:01] TODO: API work, and now that all the infrastructure is in place, Bug #702055, Bug #702075, Bug #702128, Bug #702138, Bug #702144, Bug #702172, Bug #702176, Bug #702183 [14:01] BLOCKED: no [14:01] Launchpad bug 702055 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a new UDF is available for subscription (affects: 1) (heat: 175)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702055 [14:01] Launchpad bug 702075 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to add an entry to the messaging menu when a new UDF is available for subscription (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702075 [14:01] Launchpad bug 702128 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send aggregated notifications about completed operations (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702128 [14:01] Launchpad bug 702138 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to send a notification when a new share offer comes in (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702138 [14:01] Launchpad bug 702144 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to add an entry to the messaging menu when a new share offer comes in (affects: 1) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702144 [14:01] nessita: you! [14:01] DONE: finished syncdaemon-side of share subscription feature, last branch proposed for bug #712528 is still awaiting a review. CoP call. Some reviews. [14:01] TODO: start (and finish?) control panel side of share subscription (bug #714583). [14:01] BLOCKED: nopes [14:01] NEXT: [14:01] Launchpad bug 712528 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Subscribing to a RO share with me will not download the content (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/712528 [14:01] Launchpad bug 714583 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Support share subscription in Folders tab (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714583 [14:01] CardinalFang or dobey? [14:01] CardinalFang is now on mobile [14:01] so dobey [14:02] Of course dobey is fashionably late as usual... [14:02] add to my TODO: ping people in ISD about bug #709496 [14:02] Launchpad bug 709496 in canonical-identity-provider "Need a way to set the 'name' property for newly created accounts using REST API (affects: 1) (heat: 19)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/709496 [14:02] CardinalFang: so the patch does not solve the issue? Or do we need the patch on server and client both? [14:02] * CardinalFang *tries* to get on Mobile. [14:02] CardinalFang: we're hard to leave ;-) [14:03] We put horseheads in people's beds [14:03] thisfred, I patched couchdb 1.0.1, by adding a missino (?) (!) " ->" in the second function clause, and Chip-ca still has an error. [14:03] and brake arms :) [14:03] Just when CardinalFang thought he was out... we pull him back in! [14:03] thisfred, so, the patch is wrong. Either in failing to apply, or in waht it does. [14:04] ok, comments? [14:04] CardinalFang: or it solves one issue and there was more than one [14:04] thisfred, right. I'm getting C's log now. [14:04] CardinalFang: failing to apply you should be able to see when building right? [14:04] thisfred, ye [14:04] tes [14:04] * CardinalFang thrashes Bluetooth keyboard. [14:04] CardinalFang: cool, let me know when we have logs, I can stuff them in the bug tracker [14:04] I want to say something bout bug triaging: I will go over the whole New/Unassigned queue and move them along. I may bother everyone all week with questions. [14:05] ralsina: awesome. I am the bug botheree for desktopcouch [14:05] I managed to kill a cluster of ~40 pre-release lucid bugs that I moved to incomplete and I expect none will come back from there. [14:05] ralsina: bring them all! [14:06] I haven't checked today, but friday it went from 260 to 220, hopefully this week will be enough. [14:06] However, I am afraid there may be a pile of bugs somewhere that are not even assigned to ubuntuone-client, so those will be harder to find. [14:07] ralsina: most of the windows ones are in progess since we are changing from u1sync to sd, feel free to set them like that if you find any I missed [14:07] mandel: cool [14:07] thisfred: ack [14:07] so, eom? [14:10] eom! [14:10] thisfred, http://sandbox.chad.org/erlang-13.b.3-dfsg-debian/patches/r13-ssl-badinfo.patch https://gist.github.com/603808 [14:10] thisfred, line 51 of gist (AFAIK) lacks " -> " [14:11] thisfred, that doesn't install a great deal of confidence in that patch. [14:11] "instill." [14:11] CardinalFang: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~john/couchdb_logs_20110207.tgz [14:13] hola [14:13] CardinalFang: eh, I'm thick, but what doesn't? [14:15] thisfred, a patch that couldn't compile. [14:17] λ DONE: bug 713130, fixed nightlies packaging, [14:17] λ TODO: shotwell plug-in research, finish bug 673012, evaluate SRUs for maverick [14:17] Launchpad bug 713130 in ubuntuone-client "VAPI build fails on older versions of valac in 10.04 and 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/713130 [14:17] Launchpad bug 673012 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Async monitoring of _changes (affects: 1) (heat: 39)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/673012 [14:17] λ BLCK: None. [14:18] oh and the CoP call [14:19] ralsina: ah! I forgot to add a NOTE: I'll be leaving at 5pm ART today since I have a dentist appointment [14:20] CardinalFang: I'm still not sure how to deduce the fact that the patch won't compile from those two links? [14:21] nessita: no problem [14:23] thisfred, I'm telling you I had to change the patch to get it to compile. sandbox version has "->" in third function clause now. [14:25] ah ok === didrocks1 is now known as didrocks [14:35] mandel: are you back to being able to work more actively yet? [14:36] dobey: i'm back, just typing with the left hand, but back :) [14:37] * nessita brbs [14:38] ok [14:38] dobey: let me know if you need reviews for the shotwell extension etc.. [14:40] mandel: i haven't written any code on that side yet. just the libsyncdaemon vapi (so it's easier to use from there), and reading the existing shotwell code to try and figure out what plug-ins look like [14:45] dobey: makes sense, are you generating the vapi files from a gi file for libsyncdaemon? [14:46] mandel: from the .gir we were already building, yes. though had to break api with the gir, since we were doing it a bit wrong, to make it work right on lucid/maverick :) [14:47] dobey: cool, that sounds awesome, i'; glad you are the one taking care of that, im sure you will do it better than i could :) [14:47] s/;/m [14:47] stupid hand [14:47] heh [14:48] i've been doing a bit of spare-time vala stuff already. need to make vapis for our other C libs too; at least for couchdb-glib, so I can use it :) [14:50] dobey: it seems to me that ubuntuone-control-panel verion number in nightlies is off? [14:51] As in "it's lower in nightlies than on the PPA" [14:51] i guess someone made a release [14:51] dobey: looks like it [15:05] * amitk disables ubuntuone-syncdaemon [15:06] Chipaca, I don't know if this is relevant, but "SSL WARNING: Ignoring CA cert ... Due to decoding error" is in your stdout file. [15:07] CardinalFang: I don't know either [15:07] CardinalFang: but yes, noticed that [15:07] It sounds spooky. I'll send it along. [15:09] dobey, what are you using vala/couchdb-glib for? === ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch [15:10] rodrigo_: rewriting encompass in vala. will want to use couchdb-glib for the desktopcouch bookmarks extension :) [15:14] dobey, ah, cool [15:15] rodrigo_: btw, why did you use SyncDaemon as the name instead of Syncdaemon, for the libsd gir? [15:16] dobey, hmm, not sure why [15:16] rodrigo_: do you know if anyone was actually using it? [15:17] dobey, rye, I think, for some scripts he was writing, iirc [15:17] ah, hrmm [15:18] rye: ^^ is that true? did i break your stuff? :) [15:22] dobey, erm, short answer - no, long answer - searching for the bug report [15:22] ok [15:23] dobey, bug #620735 [15:23] Launchpad bug 620735 in ubuntuone-client "connect method of SyncdaemonDaemon object conflicts with connect from GObject (affects: 2) (heat: 5)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/620735 [15:24] oh, hmm [15:24] rye: ah, so that was already broken [15:24] not something that happened in the last week :) [15:30] rye, about that bug, it should be easy to fix, just provide stuff to make the .connect method be called something different for the gir [15:31] rodrigo_, it could have been fixed using gtk-doc-like comments, but.. bug #631058 [15:31] Launchpad bug 631058 in ubuntuone-client "libsyncdaemon source uses tabs and breaks gtk-doc and gobject-introspection (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/631058 [15:32] again, easy to fix if that's the real issue, so I can review patches :-) [15:33] rodrigo_: making the .gir have different method names than the actual code makes things a bit odd :( [15:34] dobey, that's done in some other places, iirc [15:34] rodrigo_: in libsyncdaemon or in other projects? [15:35] in other projects, can' t reember which though [15:35] rodrigo_: the SyncDaemon thing was causing problems after i added the vapi, for older versions of gobject-introspection [15:35] because of the studlyCaps? [15:35] because the older gir doesn't have the argument to specify proper class name [15:35] yeah [15:36] so it was trying to call sync_daemon_foo in the generated code [15:36] instead of syncdaemon_foo [15:36] oh [15:36] so i renamed it to Syncdaemon [15:36] and everything is happy now [15:37] well, aside from maybe the .connect() issue i guess [15:39] hm, is that a correct wording "File Sync is up to date"? [15:39] looks like we are checking the version of something called "File Sync", not the files. nessita ^ ? [15:40] rye: that wording is cparrino's call [15:40] rye: you can file a bug and I'll have him thinking about that :-) [15:41] that wording is horrible [15:41] "Files are synchronized" is simpler and more correct [15:42] dobey: same answer, file a bug and talk it over with cparrino [15:56] hrmm, i wonder if any of the current u1-client branches up for review need to land to make a release [15:57] good day everyone [16:03] (repeating since there are more people on the channel now) anybody else seeing constantly crashing syncdaemon on natty? http://paste.ubuntu.com/563836/ [16:06] dobey: yes [16:06] nessita: which? [16:07] dobey: mine about ro-shares (being reviewed by facundobatista right now) and at least one from facundobatista [16:07] dobey: and maybe one from verterok, I need to confirm. verterok, shall we wait your metadata fixer branch before releasing? [16:07] one just landed from facundo [16:07] but i see another one just popped up [16:08] dobey: in any case, seek ralsina_lunch and lucio's approve to make a release [16:08] alecu's branch probably needs to land, but he's on holiday today, and it crashes python [16:08] dobey: why crashes python? [16:09] amitk: hrmm, if you uninstall zeitgeist-core, does it behave better? [16:09] nessita: hrmm, i don't know exctly. gdb says "?? ()" which isn't helpful :( [16:09] nessita: but it causes u1trial to crash during make test [16:10] nessita: maybe something that works on 2.6, but changed in 2.7? [16:10] dobey: I see :-(. Anyways, please get roberto's and lucio's +1 to make a release, they should be fully aware of pending tasks. I personally think we need alecu's branch landed, otherwise we'll flood with notifications to users [16:11] yeah i wish alecu was here [16:11] dobey: he will be here tomorrow, so you can drop him an email === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch [16:11] right but was hoping to release today :) [16:13] dobey: so far so good; atleast it isn't acting like a memory-sucking blackhole that was forcing me to kill it all the time [16:14] nessita: Im running some errands, not going to propose/land a fix until a few hours from now [16:14] amitk: ok, that's good then [16:15] verterok: will it be landed for tomorrow our noon? [16:15] dobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563927/ seeing this on the terminal where I launched syncdaemon from [16:16] nessita: No idea, I don't have a working test case yet [16:16] nessita: Probably for tomorrow [16:16] verterok: ack [16:20] amitk: can you file a bug please? === ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina [16:23] dobey: alecu's branch at least on our side before a release [16:23] dobey: so, I suppose not until late tomorrow at least [16:23] :-/ [16:24] dobey: BTW: there is somethign really wrong with that branch. attempted merges are failing with GtkWarning failing because it has no DISPLAY [16:25] no, it's failing because python is segfaulting [16:25] I am watching the comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/smarter-notifications/+merge/48569 [16:25] yes [16:26] look at the last line of the comment [16:26] Ok then [16:26] Yes, I saw that [16:26] I just find the previous line weird [16:26] stdout and stderr are output as separate blocks, not merged like they would be if run on terminal [16:26] so it's a bit confusing to read sometimes [16:27] ralsina: the Gtk-WARNING are ok and expected [16:27] dobey: maybe your computer is running out of mem? [16:27] nessita: no [16:27] dobey: ok then, I'll take your word for it [16:27] dobey: is it failing on any other natty box? [16:27] nessita: i fixed the mem usage issue in those tests, it is python crashing and i can see it happen reliably [16:28] not always at the same point, but it does happen [16:28] dobey: is it failing on any other natty box? [16:28] i don't know [16:28] hum [16:28] my laptop doesn't have enough ram to run the tests on [16:28] so i only have 1 to try on [16:29] dobey: can you please try removing all you .pyc files in the one that runs tarmac? [16:30] nessita: remove them from where? all the other branches have been landing fine. it's only alecu's with the problem [16:30] i can try his again [16:31] dobey: remove from the dir where you branch for tarmac and from /usr/share/pyshared [16:32] there are no pyc in pyshared, and the tarmac test rule does make clean, and tarmac itself removes any files not handled by bzr when it finishes each branch [16:32] and i watched it happen in a separate checkout [16:36] I am about to start a mumble with platform/desktop people. If anyone has a question for them, I'll rely [16:39] ralsina: ping [16:39] mandel: poing! [16:40] ralsina: do you mind running the tets on windows for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_runner/+merge/46275 [16:40] I don't mind [16:40] I can't for the next hour or so (if I do much with my notebook mumble sucks) [16:40] there is a bash that will run them, lots of them will fail, the basic tes is that they run :) [16:41] ralsina: no worries, take your time [16:41] mandel: I'll ping you when I'm done [16:41] ok [16:41] ralsina: maybe you can talk about backporting couch 1.0.2 to maverick? (not sure how that issues are handled) [16:42] to maverick? [16:42] didn't we decide we're not going to put it in narwhal? [16:43] dobey: it's already waiting for a sponsor in narwhal, IIRC [16:43] dobey: but there are supposed to be Very Important Fixes in 1.0.2 so someone has asked for it on maverick [16:43] oh [16:44] I don't see how it could be done, but there's still backports. [16:44] if Very Important means "security" then it shouldn't be hard to get it into an SRU, unless the changes are insane. but it's not a huge major version change like with lucid [16:44] sadly, not security just "make replication work" [16:44] well the problem with lucid was going from 0.10 to 1.0, which is a huge change, and backward incompatible [16:44] i thought replication was working on maverick? [16:44] or it doesn't work in nightlies? [16:44] I will check the changelog to see if there's any security fix we can use [16:45] dobey: it works, but it breaks in some cases that are fixed in 1.0.2 [16:45] ah [16:45] hrmm, alecu's branch seems to be going ok so far [16:45] huh, it passed [16:45] wtf [16:46] weird [16:47] i guess maybe it was hitting the bad spot in my bad ram, which i had put back in to test changing timing settings in the bios, since the rma support person asked me to check that. worked ok for a while then stuff went crashy. but other branches didn't hit it. very odd [16:48] ralsina: also running this will also help https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/implement_windows_os_helper/+merge/46630 [16:49] ralsina: sory but you are one of the few with windows :P [16:49] mandel: don't worry, that's why I am the boss ;-) [16:50] ralsina: and an expert [16:50] oh, yes. Totally a windows expert [16:52] yay, if someone starts using unity trunk, he can test notifications API :-D [16:52] ok, lunchtime! [16:54] yeah time for lunch === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno [17:21] mandel ping [17:22] ralsina: pong [17:22] mandel: my windows are ready :-) [17:23] ralsina: ok, did you get teh fix_runner branch? [17:24] Ok, bzr is failing :-( [17:24] I get the ssh key error. I had fixed that! [17:25] argh, pageant lost my key [17:25] ralsina: if you rebooted you need to restart pagent and load the key again [17:25] on every reboot??? [17:25] yes [17:25] oh, nice. [17:25] well, unless you find away, i have not bodered, i use a vm :) [17:26] Ok, fixed it [17:26] I will fetch the branch now [17:30] mandel: almost there... [17:31] mandel: got the branch, it merged successfully with trunk [17:32] ralsina: then, use the run tests batch and see teh tests failing [17:32] that is all :) [17:32] run-tests tells me python 2.6 and 2.7 are not in the registry [17:32] 2.7 is in the pathm though [17:32] ralsina: oh my, are you in 64? [17:32] mandel: yup [17:32] ralsina: and did not install the 64 pythin, right? [17:33] python [17:33] mandel: I think I did! [17:33] Nope, the 32 [17:33] I will install the 64 now then [17:33] ralsina: hmm you can use 32 if you want, just edit the registry [17:33] that would be better ;-) [17:33] lokk at the batch to see which key [17:34] i wanna chew of my left arm…. [17:34] mandel: don't! Chew the right one! It's dead anyway! ;-) [17:35] ralsina: i so clos to get rid of the cast by myself.... [17:36] mandel, I have nothing at all like the keys in the script [17:36] Oh, found it! [17:37] So, I should repeat what I have on Wow6432node , outside of it? [17:37] Doesn't it make more sense to add another set of key paths to the script? [17:37] ralsina: well, in theory you should use the correct version ;) [17:38] ralsina: but i could, it would be another goto :( [17:38] mandel: well, theory sure is a nice thing ;-) [17:38] I think I will just install the right python [17:38] Shouldn't be more than 5 minutes [17:39] ralsina: that would be better since it would be nice to tests thongs on 64, and i use 32 :) [17:39] mandel: ok, let's do the right thing then [17:39] The "Windows installer" link in python.org goes directly to the 32-bit one. That's why I have "the wrong python" [17:40] ralsina: we shall tell python about it then [17:41] mandel: well... I don't know how windows people handle these things. Maybe they don't mind about 32/64 bit things. [17:41] ralsina: they should, i mean, if they do not, what would be the point of having 2? [17:41] of course this means I will have nothing installed for this new python, but what the heck, it had to be done eventually. [17:44] ralsina: hum.. there will be issues with sme of the libs that are installed usinb msi [17:45] mandel: then I will reinstall them :-( [17:45] Or you add that extra GOTO, you know ;-) [17:45] And I will do all the rest tomorroe [17:46] ralsina: i'll add the goto… but just because you are the boss ;) [17:47] mandel: it's good to be the boss (sometimes ;-) [17:51] new notifications from alecu ROCK! [17:52] nessita: the branch merged? [17:52] yes [17:52] oh, cool, I need to update :-) [17:52] nessita: expect the whole unity notification things by this weekend, too [17:52] ralsina: anyways, please talk to lucio for his +1 before approving a release. I know that facundobatista is landing branches "como loca" [17:52] YEY [17:53] nessita: of course [17:53] thanks! :-) [17:54] Ugh, X is wonky. Reboot and lunch. BRB. [18:03] ok, now alecu's branch landed [18:04] dobey: any guesses what the problem was? [18:05] ralsina: somehow, it was the only branch hitting the bad ram [18:05] dobey: must have been a bit heavier than others [18:05] dobey: or just bad luck [18:06] At least that makes the weird segfaults less weird. [18:06] probably bad luck [18:17] mattgriffin, where should i file music store bugs now? since the rb plugin isn't the default place to buy in natty [18:17] maybe libubuntuone [18:19] kenvandine: depends on the bug. if it's a banshee integration issue, probably file against banshee. if it's an issue with the site itself, file against ubuntuone-servers. if libu1 crashes or something, file against libu1. :) [18:20] more about a way to get stuck in the store without a way to navigate out [18:20] so the site [18:21] it appears there are now video tracks in 7d, so if you click on one you get a page that only has a reload button [18:21] ubuntuone-servers then i think is probably the best place [18:21] no back or home or anything [18:21] will do [18:57] man, where do the yorba guys hang out [18:58] do they not use irc? [19:08] kenvandine: i've been filing banshee issue bugs at https://launchpad.net/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store [19:09] kenvandine: there are random videos for sale in the u1ms. 7d cannot remove them so we're stuck with them until we move to an API solution where we have complete control over the UI. no timeline on that. [19:09] mattgriffin, i filed it under ubuntuone-servers [19:09] dobey, look for yorba-jim [19:09] he isn't online right now [19:09] but he frequently is [19:10] mattgriffin, if your interested: bug 714760 [19:10] Launchpad bug 714760 in ubuntuone-servers "music store: selecting a video track doesn't let you navigate out (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714760 [19:10] not sure how many videos there are in the store [19:11] but i was a little annoyed when i lost the hand full of songs i had in my basket because i had to quit and restart [19:11] kenvandine: but where does he hang out? #yorba and #shotwell were totally dead, save chanserv coming in to set some channel modes [19:11] dobey, i think he sometimes goes into ubuntu-desktop [19:11] dobey, but often he isn't in any channel [19:11] i just have him on my notify list [19:11] and i pounce on him when he comes online if i need him [19:12] oh, ok [19:13] shotwell's NIH is making my brain hurt :( [19:14] kenvandine: thanks [20:06] * nessita -> dentist appointment [20:41] Ok,gotta EOD. Have a nice evening! [20:49] cheers ralsina [23:10] beuno: many of the components are stubs (such as local or server rescan), but it gives a picture where we're heading http://paste.ubuntu.com/564114/ [23:11] karni, nice! [23:11] starting to look like a full-fledged client! [23:11] beuno: you know - I too was worried when there's little changes visible, so I've put that together yesterday and I'm happy to share just that snippet of logs. [23:12] beuno: exactly, that's what we're aiming for :) [23:12] beuno: plus, I have the last exam the day after tomorrow, so I'll be going full time for U1F very soon. [23:13] karni, awesome, we could have a call later in the week and sync up [23:14] beuno: sure, whatever you need! [23:15] now [23:15] afk! [23:20] later all [23:21] bye dobey === tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz