
* spikeb likes how the dock has intellihide, yet the window manager has stupidplacement00:26
Omegaspikeb: What is "stupidplacement"?00:32
spikebOmega, so far, compiz has tried to place every single window i've opened under the dock (which then hides) heh00:33
Omegaspikeb: Same problem here, sometimes mine even come under the top panel :<00:40
spikebhaha, nice.00:40
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
MacSlowhey folks08:02
didrocksgood morning08:11
oSoMoNgood morning08:47
MacSlowloicm, ping09:14
MacSlowloicm, GetInputWindowId() does not work on a quicklist09:33
MacSlowloicm, I verified it's opened so should have m_input_window set... but still returns NULL09:34
MacSlowloicm, not sure what I might be missing, which obviously causes m_input_window not to be set on the BaseWindow of the quicklist-view09:35
loicmMacSlow: let me check09:36
kamstrupdidrocks: dbus-daemon stays at a constant 5% cpu usage because indicator-datetime keeps crashing, coming back up, crashing, ad nauseum... known problem? It seems like something needing an urgent fix09:41
didrockskamstrup: do you have a stack of the crash?09:41
didrockskamstrup: geoclue has been added recently and I saw some crash with it09:41
kamstrupdidrocks: i'm not really sure how to get that...09:41
didrockskamstrup: activate apport is the easiest way to get it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How to enable apport09:42
didrockskamstrup: ensure to clean /var/crash/ in case you already got something09:42
didrockskamstrup: I'll even dup it if it's a dup09:42
didrockskamstrup: I'll let ken knows if you can have something (I'm not upgrading because of nvidia/xorg)09:43
kamstrupdidrocks: ok, so the bug in i-d is https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/71476309:44
kamstrupdidrocks:  and the geoclue-master crash is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geoclue/+bug/71508609:44
didrockskamstrup: I'll let ken knows about it, thanks!09:45
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|swap
loicmMacSlow: are you sure the input window of the QuickListView is enabled?09:49
loicmusing EnableInputWindow()09:49
MacSlowloicm, yes... for testing I called it after Quicklist::Show() which does EnableInputWindow (true, 1)09:50
loicmMacSlow: did you try with non-override-redirect window?09:51
loicmMacSlow: removing the second argument or setting it to 009:51
* MacSlow checks09:51
MacSlowloicm, no that's not fixing it09:54
kamstrupdidrocks: eeek, not only do I have dbus-damon at 5%, but unity-panel-service sits at 50% constant churn!09:54
didrockskamstrup: yeah, this one is known09:55
didrockskamstrup: tedg was pinged about it, I didn't follow then :)09:55
didrockskamstrup: kill + respawn works though09:55
loicmMacSlow: weird, do you have a specific branch to test that?09:56
loicmor maybe trunk is ok09:57
MacSlowloicm, one sec09:58
loicmMacSlow: btw GetInputWindowId must be called once the InputWindow is enabled10:00
loicmMacSlow: the code destroys and creates a new X11 window each time EnableInputWindow is called (I think it should be cached somehow once created though)10:01
loicmMacSlow: you can make sure it's enabled by calling InputWindowEnabled()10:02
MacSlowloicm, before calling GetInputWindowId() ?!10:03
loicmMacSlow: yes, just to test, not for production10:03
kamstrupdidrocks: sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/indicator-datetime works better10:06
didrockskamstrup: ahah, you are mean :-)10:07
kamstrupdidrocks: i don't take no crap ;-)10:07
MacSlowloicm, btw lp:~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.fix-70154310:07
didrocksheh ;)10:07
APIdbarth, ping10:07
DJKorbitgood morning10:12
loicmMacSlow: I didn't try, but I see you're testing that the InputWindow is enabled in unityshell.cpp when you handle the compiz keyboard shortcut, what's the result of that test?10:14
MacSlowloicm, this one fails compWin = self->screen->findWindow (xWin);10:15
MacSlowxWin is valid but compWin remains NULL after the call to findWindow() which is on the compiz-side then I'd say10:16
MacSlowloicm, I've to poke smspillaz about this too10:17
loicmMacSlow: maybe you can try with findTopLevelWindow(id, true)10:23
MacSlowloicm, tried that... no difference10:27
MacSlowloicm, the only difference I see atm between the launcher-window and a quicklist is the way they are created... the launcher-window is kept, since it's always there... whereas the quicklists are created and destroyed as they are needed.10:32
loicmMacSlow: isn't there always only one quicklist displayed at a time?10:33
loicmMacSlow: (or none)10:33
loicmMacSlow: cause if it's the case, maybe you can try to keep that one around, showing/hiding/movig/resizing it when needed?10:34
MacSlowloicm, sure only one at a time... but it gets destroyed if not needed / visible10:35
MacSlowloicm, to save memory we decided against that iirc10:35
MacSlowloicm, never mind... just looked... this was changed... they're now kept around10:38
loicmdidrocks: hey11:30
loicmdidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/nux/trunk/revision/207 breaks my build!11:30
didrocksloicm: how? I'm just disting additional files!11:30
loicmdidrocks: no it's not just for the dist, it's for the compilation too11:32
didrocksloicm: ok, and those are Win only? shouldn't be compiled?11:33
loicmdidrocks: exactly, it's full of windowseries :)11:33
didrocksloicm: argh, ok, adding to extra dist then, one sec :)11:33
didrocksWin can be a window or windows, I was wondering :)11:33
didrocksloicm: rev 208 pushed, sorry for this :)11:35
loicmdidrocks: np, thanks11:35
dbarthapw: pong11:41
dbarthdoh, I didn't see you ping earlier11:42
apwdbarth, erm, did i ping, i forget11:42
dbarthagateau: there's something still broken with konversation11:42
dbarthagateau: i don't get msg menu alerts anymore11:42
dbarthapw: oops, sorry, i meant API11:42
dbarthbut hi anyway ;)11:42
agateaudbarth: I don't think the new libindicate-qt has reached main yet11:42
apwheh phew, thought i was loosing my mind11:42
dbarthnah, you're fine, let me know if you find mine however11:43
dbarthagateau: that would explain why11:43
dbarthagateau: what's blocking it?11:43
agateaudbarth: nothing afaik, Riddell told me he would do it yesterday11:44
agateaudbarth: let me check with him11:44
dbarthagateau: thanks, keep me psoted11:44
didrockscando_: this time, it's a real bitesize :)11:51
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
cando_didrocks, finally...:):)..on it now...12:16
* spikeb upgraded his netbook to natty yesterday12:17
didrockscando_: great!12:17
cando_didrocks, could you review my previous mp?or it's a DBO's work?12:17
didrockscando_: this one will be DBO12:17
didrockscando_: the bitesize, I know that code quite well, so I can :)12:18
spikebaside from compiz trying to place windows under things, natty works pretty well right now for me.12:18
cando_didrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~cando/unity/fix_692444/+merge/4876712:19
didrockscando_: I know about that one, I was anwsering on it12:20
cando_ah ok:)12:20
didrocksspikeb: upgrade to today's compiz, it should fix it12:20
didrockscando_: no worry :)12:20
spikebcool didrocks12:20
=== Akshat_ is now known as akshatj
DJKorbitgood afternoon12:29
DJKorbithas anyone fixed the bug that shows unmounted volumes in launcher?12:34
DJKorbitbecause i'm running the bzr version and volumes don't appears12:34
evfoolhi all12:59
evfooldoes anyone know how can one put icons in an application indicator?13:01
cando_didrocks, got it! fixed..:) (the mouse middleclick one..)13:11
didrockscando_: nice!13:11
=== artir is now known as afk|artir
mptDanRabbit, a tongue-biting moment: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/02/06/plasma-desktopPm5066.jpg13:21
DanRabbitmpt: OH. MY. GODS.13:22
nerochiaronjpatel: do you know of any way to run unity compiz in a VM ?13:22
njpatelnerochiaro, kenvandine has it running in virtualbox apparently, but I'm not sure how, sorry13:23
njpatelmpt, my eyes just exploded13:23
nerochiaronjpatel: i'll ask him then13:23
nerochiarokenvandine: when you have time, if you can explain how did you manage to run unity in virtualbox, that would be helpful13:24
=== afk|artir is now known as artir
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_
kenvandinenerochiaro, hey13:45
kenvandinenerochiaro, yeah... just need to install the guest additions in the VM13:45
kenvandineand enable 3d in the settings for the VM13:45
kenvandinewhich i think might be the default13:45
agateaudbarth: follow up on indicate-qt: it was blocked by plasma-widget-message-indicator and kopete-message-indicator which FTBFS13:50
agateaudbarth: both fixed by new releases13:51
evfooldoes anyone know how can one put icons in an application indicator?14:03
vishevfool: what do you mean by "put icons" ? like add launchers?14:05
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
evfoolvish: no, I would like to add icons before the menu items in a custom application indicator, like the icons in the Sound menu before the media players or like the icons before the statuses in the me menu14:06
evfooland I haven't found any examples on it14:07
vishevfool: iirc there are examples on the wiki, aernt there?14:08
evfoolvish: yep, but only on how to add text items, and I've tried with ImageMenuItems, and they don't really work14:08
vishevfool: hmm, no clue then.. maybe ted-g might know.. ;)14:09
evfoolok, then I'll ask tedg14:11
evfoolthanks vish14:11
tedgevfool, do you mean just using GtkImageMenuItem's?14:21
DJKorbiti was going to start hacking into unity but i'm having some trouble14:22
DJKorbitwhen i log in, i have unmounted volumes in the dock14:23
DJKorbitwhen i type "compiz --replace" they disappear14:23
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tedggord, Do you know anything about mounted volumes in the launcher? ^14:25
DJKorbitwhat i'm going to fix (try to) is hide the icons until the volume is mounted14:26
DJKorbitand if the volume is mounted, show it (it doesn't show now)14:26
DJKorbit...and, allow it to "keep in launcher" in case a user want to mount it quickly just by pressing the icon14:27
gordtedg, njpatel is your man for that14:29
DJKorbitwhat i'll try now is just show the icon if i mount the windows partition14:29
DJKorbiti'm looking at DeviceLauncherSection.cpp now14:30
DJKorbiti'll open the bugs for what i want to do14:32
tedgDJKorbit, Cool, that'd be a good idea.14:35
tedgDJKorbit, Bugs are a good way to track discussions as everyone's not around all the time :)14:35
tedgDJKorbit, If you post the bug numbers here that'd also be helpful.14:35
gordDJKorbit, i think the point is that the partitions show up and you can click to mount them, so its not a bug that they are on the launcher14:40
evfooltedg: any suggestions on how to show icons of ImageMenuItems in the indicator?14:41
jcastrocando_: any tidbits for the report today?14:43
cando_yeah, i've fixed #70341114:43
cando_proposed an mp14:43
DJKorbitgord, i can't mount them, so i suppose not being able to mount is a bug too14:43
cando_but DBO is not here..14:43
DJKorbitgord, anyway, i should be able to remove them if i want to, and i can't14:44
nigelbvish: Hey, want to nominate someone to talk about papercuts at udw?14:44
tedgevfool, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkImageMenuItem.html#gtk-image-menu-item-set-always-show-image14:44
jcastrocando_: oh god, that's been bugging the heck out of me14:44
evfooltedg: thanks, I'll look for its python version14:44
desrtdbarth: word.14:44
jcastroDBO: good morning!14:45
cando_yeah DBO!14:45
jcastroDBO: https://code.launchpad.net/~cando/unity/fix_703411/+merge/4892114:45
DBOmorning gents14:45
jcastroDBO: here's your breakfast present!14:45
DJKorbiti've opened bug 71518514:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 715185 in unity (Ubuntu) "Non-removable volume doesn't show up in Unity dock after mount." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71518514:45
DBODJKorbit, morning14:45
DJKorbiti'll assign it to me14:45
DBOthe onslaught begins :)14:46
cando_DBO and also https://code.launchpad.net/~cando/unity/fix_692444/+merge/4876714:46
desrtDBO: *jump*14:46
desrtyou pinged earlier? :)14:46
nigelbtedg: aha, the person I was looking for14:46
nigelbtedg: who would be ideal for a udw session about papercuts?14:46
cando_all we need is..DBO! :)14:46
* tedg *waves hand* this is not the irc nick you're looking for14:46
tedgnigelb, vish ?14:47
nigelbtedg: well, vish is generally hesistant to do session :D14:47
nigelbtedg: wanna do one yourself? ;)14:47
vishtedg: not this cycle.. as we dont pull anything from upstream.. ;) ,  (/me already getting flamed for that :( )14:48
DJKorbitDBO, hi!14:48
tedgnigelb, Well, I haven't kept up that much with the project.... I'm not sure I could answer all the questions.  jcastro, any ideas?14:48
DJKorbitDBO, i'll begin working on unity now14:48
DBOdesrt, how does one pack a pointer into gvariant?14:48
jcastronigelb: vish14:48
desrtit's not possible14:48
desrtGVariant is a serialisation format.  pointers are not generally able to be serialised14:48
nigelbvish: popular opinion nominates you to take a session at UDW14:48
vishjcastro: i'v been directing more folks to the bitesize project, instead.. ;)14:48
nigelbvish: shall I put you down for a session?14:49
vishnigelb: but there is not much point in doing a session for a project which cant be active..14:49
nigelbvish: ok, about bitesize bugs then?14:50
vishthat would be jcastro :D14:50
desrtDBO: of course you have the option of storing a pointer into a uint64...14:50
DBOdesrt, yes but thats a hack14:50
nigelbvish: I wanna jcastro for something else already *twinkle*14:50
desrtDBO: yup.14:51
jcastronigelb: put me down for one, pencil DBO with me just like last time, depending on his workload.14:51
DBOdesrt, so the idea here is mostly "you dont"?14:51
desrtDBO: ya....14:51
desrtGVariant was never really intended for shuffling of data around within your program14:51
DBOjcastro, im with ya14:51
nigelbjcastro: Yessir :)14:51
desrtbut rather to be used as a way to get data between programs or on disk14:51
nigelbvish: thanks :D14:51
DBOdesrt, its quite handy for that though14:51
m_conleychrisccoulson: ping14:52
desrtDBO: i think the fact that people are finding GVariant to be so damn useful at things it wasn't designed to do is more of a statement about the poor state of GValue :p14:52
nigelbjcastro: monday 28th at 1900 UTC14:52
desrtDBO: i'd recommend you use it, if it wasn't so difficult :/14:53
DBOdesrt, you gave us the BFG 9000 when before we only had a pea shooter, what did you expect?14:53
didrocksDBO: you see, not able to abuse GVariant this time (the other trick was still awesome though :p)14:53
desrtDBO: i expect you to use the pea-shooter, REALLY HARD14:53
DBOI am now about to get into easily googled territory, but we can write our own marshallers for gvariant right?14:54
njpateltedg, how may I help?14:54
desrtDBO: O_o14:54
DBOoh, no? okay14:54
desrtyou mean your own functions to serialise it into other formats?14:54
desrtyou just use the normal API...14:55
desrtiterate over the structure of the value and do what you want to with it...14:55
njpatelDBO, what _are_ you up to with GVariant?14:55
njpatelhey dereks14:55
DBOnjpatel, evil14:55
njpatelhey desrt14:55
desrtsee GDBus as an example of how that's done14:55
desrtnjpatel: hey :)14:55
DBObasically passing around the entire launchers set of data14:55
tedgnjpatel, DJKorbit was asking some questions about mounted volumes above.14:56
* njpatel scrolls up14:56
DBOtedg, yeah I was helping him with that earlier14:56
DBOdid I miss something before I logged in?14:56
desrtDBO: at one point we were discussing the possibility of adding a GObject API to allow arbitrary objects to specify ways to encode/decode themselves to/from GVariant14:56
njpatelwhat gord said14:56
DBOdesrt, I like that, do it14:56
desrti think we decided that it was less useful than i originally thought it was14:57
DBOboo you suck :P14:57
desrtbut the idea wasn't entirely rejected -- just really deprioritised14:57
desrtif you have some compelling use cases we could probably think about picking it up again14:57
njpatelMake it work for C++ and we'll have tons ;)14:57
desrtC APIs are perfectly usable from C++ ;)14:58
desrtbut actually, since you mention it, i guess it wouldn't be too hard14:58
njpatelheh, it just looks horrible, unfortunately14:58
desrtcreate an interface-only c++ class that you can tie into existing classes with some serialise vfuncs14:58
desrtproblem with c++ is that you can't really get the same sort of access to the type system that GType allows you14:59
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley14:59
desrtie: our static pseudo-factory pattern doesn't work so good...14:59
DBOnjpatel, btw nux has dnd in trunk now, so if you want it elsewhere, you are good to go15:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - I have a newbie C++ question for ya.  So I'm working on my extension that integrates Thunderbird with the Messaging Menu, and that means I'm using the libindicate library...things compile to .o files just fine, but during linking, I'm seeing things like "hidden symbol `[function within libindicate]` isn't defined".  Any idea what I might be doing wrong?15:01
njpatelDBO, awesome, and the unity side your working on?15:01
DBOas we speak15:01
DBOI have launcher adding .desktop files from menus right now15:01
chrisccoulsonm_conley, you're not using the thunderbird build system by any chance are you?15:02
m_conleychrisccoulson: er, I am indeed.  I basically used the globalmenu-extension build system as a template.15:02
m_conleychrisccoulson: not a good idea?15:02
chrisccoulsonm_conley, did you add the headers to config/system-headers?15:02
didrocksDBO: excellent! ;)15:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: ah, no I didn't (and you mean system_wrappers, right?)15:03
njpatelDBO, excellent15:03
m_conleycd ..15:03
* desrt hates on his internet connection15:03
* m_conley sighs, and switches to the right window15:03
DBOdesrt, teach you to live in bizarro australia15:04
* desrt is stuck on 3G until friday15:04
desrtDBO: i think you're confused15:04
chrisccoulsonm_conley, there should be a system-headers file in config/15:04
DBOdesrt, you certainly do live in canada15:04
m_conleychrisccoulson: ah, yes, there it is15:04
didrocksbut you share the same bad internet connexion rules :)15:04
desrtnot anymore15:04
desrtour conservative(of all parties) government stepped in15:05
m_conleychrisccoulson: cool, thanks.  :)15:05
desrtand said to the regulator "fix it, or we'll fix it for you"15:05
nerochiarokenvandine: the guest additions don't seem to be able to build in natty. how did you install them ?15:05
chrisccoulsonm_conley, you'll probably need to do a make distclean after changing it (and make sure that dist/system_wrappers gets cleaned too)15:05
desrtwith the "we'll fix it for you" shaded by undertones of the same industry minister musing aloud to the media that this particular regulatory body may have just about outlived its usefulness15:06
m_conleychrisccoulson: alright, awesome - I'll give that a shot.15:06
didrocksdesrt: waow, quite drastic advice… :)15:08
desrtcan someone confirm for me that 8pm CET is 2pm EST?15:13
* desrt thinks so, but doesn't want to miss a meeting :)15:14
cyphermoxdesrt, sounds right to me15:15
desrtkamstrup: hey?15:16
DJKorbitjust a question...15:19
DJKorbitwhen i mount my windows partition, "mount-added" signal is emitted right?15:19
DJKorbitthe signal is not connected so i suppose connecting it would solve the problem15:20
spikebsounds logical to me15:20
spikebnot a programmer though15:20
DJKorbiti'll hack the code a little, just to get familiar with it15:21
DJKorbiti'm not familiar with all this gnome APIs15:21
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i found an issue with the tbird menu this morning. thankfully, nobody noticed it though, because of another packaging bug which meant the extension wasn't loaded ;)15:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: what's the issue?15:21
chrisccoulsonm_conley, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~extension-hackers/globalmenu-extension/trunk/revision/9815:22
chrisccoulsonthe compose window wasn't getting a menu if you opened it a second time ;)15:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: nice catch!15:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: ok, so adding those headers to system-headers has changed the error message to something more recognizable:  "undefined reference to `[libindicate function]`".  Is there a place in this build system where I'm supposed to specify included libraries?  I did it manually within the Makefile in the code folder, but there's probably a more correct way...right?15:24
chrisccoulsonm_conley, did you add the checks to configure.in too?15:24
DJKorbiti'm compiling my code now, lets see what happens15:24
m_conleychrisccoulson: er, no15:25
chrisccoulsonm_conley, that might be why :)15:25
m_conleychrisccoulson: Did you add checks to configure.in for dbusmenu?15:26
m_conleychrisccoulson: or is there an example I should be looking at?15:26
chrisccoulsonm_conley, if you diff configure.in between globalmenu-extension and the one in mozilla-central (from FIREFOX_4_0b11_BUILD2), you'll see what i added to it15:26
m_conleycool, thanks15:26
dbarthdesrt: 1 sec.15:26
dbartheasytz is your friend here15:26
dbarthdesrt: 1pm EST15:27
kamstrupdesrt: hey15:27
dbarth2pm EST, that was15:27
desrtright.  2pm. :)15:28
desrtdid you guys want to chat on IRC or with voice?15:28
* desrt has always had really bad luck with voice when the atlantic ocean becomes involved15:28
dbarthdesrt: see http://easytz.com/?t=2011-2-8-19-0&d=30&l=1c64-5803-5980-16bf-af8-e3a-3aaa-3eb15:28
kamstrupdesrt: skype usually works ok'ish if you are not too many on the call15:28
DJKorbithow can i switch to my freshly compiled unity?15:28
DJKorbitcompiz --replace ?15:29
desrtskype is bad for me at the moment because my internet connection sucks :/15:29
dbarthDJKorbit: ^^15:29
kamstrupdesrt: ah, ok15:29
dbarthdesrt: tell bregma about it15:29
* desrt is stuck on 3G until friday15:29
DJKorbitdbarth: unity-panel-service crashed15:30
desrthopefully the installers succeed on that day.  this is the 3rd attempt :(15:30
DJKorbitdbarth, i can't report the bug because i have an old libcups2, i'll update my system15:30
DJKorbitdbarth, i don't have a window manager now, i'll try running unity from a text console15:31
kamstrupdesrt: ok, maybe IRC is the safe bett then15:31
dbarthDJKorbit: from a VT you can also use the 'unity' command to restart things propelry15:32
dbarthDJKorbit: or do DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace15:33
DJKorbitdbarth, it's working now, but the bugfix didn't work15:33
dbarthDJKorbit: if you're really stuck in a GL issue that prevents unity/compiz from getting out of it15:33
DJKorbitadding a "mount-added" signal is not enough15:34
dbarthAPI, rodrigo_: ping? you guys there?15:34
APIdbarth, hi15:34
APII made you a ping in the morning, did you see that?15:34
dbarthAPI: yes, saw it, but late15:34
dbarthkonversation fails to either highlight tabs or trigger the menu; that's becoming insane15:35
rodrigo_hi dbarth15:35
dbarthat least it's staying quite with connman now15:35
dbarthrodrigo_: hi15:35
APIdbarth, ok, sorry15:35
dbarthcan we do a quick skype call15:35
rodrigo_fine for me15:35
APIok, a mon, moving to other room15:36
APIdbarth, rodrigo_ ready15:38
dbarthAPI: c.g. right?15:38
APIdbarth, c.g ?15:38
dbarthnah, wrong nick15:38
kenvandinetedg, looking at bug 714763 , clearly we shouldn't crash with no providers15:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 714763 in Indicator Date and Time "indicator-datetime-service crashed with SIGSEGV in geoclue_master_client_set_requirements_async()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71476315:46
kenvandinebut should we add a hard depends on geoclue and one provider?15:46
tedgkenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-datetime/bug714763/+merge/4883715:46
kenvandineseems like a problem any other consumers of geoclue will hage15:46
kenvandinetedg, i saw that15:46
tedgkenvandine, Yes, I think it's kinda a bad geoclue thing. :(15:46
kenvandinethe problem is those recommends don't get installed on upgrade15:47
tedgReally?  That seems broken.15:47
kenvandineso i think we should at least change the recommends for geoclue to a depends15:47
kenvandineyes really15:47
DJKorbitstrange, i've just connected a usb drive and it doesn't show up in the launcher15:47
tedgCan we require a "geoclue-provider" and then make every provider "provides geoclue-provider" so they just have to have one?15:47
DJKorbitbut this was working before15:47
kenvandinetedg, great idea15:48
DJKorbitdoes your unity dock show usb devices?15:48
kenvandineDJKorbit, it did for me yesterday15:48
DJKorbitreally strange15:48
kenvandinethere could be bugs there15:48
tedgkenvandine, Probably should be "Requires: ubuntu-geoip | geoclue-provider" just to seed the one we want first.15:49
kenvandineseb128, what do you think? ^^15:49
DJKorbitkenvandine, how can i change to my ubuntu's unity dock instead of the one i'm hacking?15:49
kenvandineDJKorbit, what do you mean?15:49
seb128kenvandine, what?15:49
DJKorbitkenvandine, ubuntu by default uses unity, i want to change to that unity version instead of the one i'm using now that i installed in /opt/unity15:50
kenvandineit really needs at least one provider installed15:50
kenvandineDJKorbit, ah... do you have different session files?15:50
kenvandinei never run it from local installs...15:50
DJKorbithmm, ok15:51
DJKorbiti don't have different session files15:51
kenvandineseb128, so perhaps adding "Requires: ubuntu-geoip | geoclue-provider" to indicator-datetime15:51
DJKorbiti'm using my regular session15:51
kenvandineand then make each provider provide geoclue-provider15:51
kenvandineseb128, i am about to upload that other new source package, geoclue-providers15:51
seb128kenvandine, "Requires"?15:52
seb128what's that? fancy name for Depends?15:52
kenvandinecopy and paste from tedg :)15:52
seb128kenvandine, seems fine yes15:52
* kenvandine does so15:52
kenvandinetedg, i'll go ahead and distro patch your fix too15:52
DJKorbitkenvandine, should i create an account just to hack into unity?15:54
kenvandinedidrocks, ^^15:54
kenvandinedidrocks, suggestions for DJKorbit?15:54
tedgkenvandine, Cool, I'll clean it up for kamstrump as well, but that should be fine to stop it from happening.  Just changing the message.15:55
didrocksDJKorbit: an account on what?15:55
didrocks(I've been disconect for a minute, not sure if I missed messages)15:56
DJKorbitdidrocks, i've just connected a usb pen drive and it doesn't show up in the dock15:57
DJKorbitbut it was working before15:57
didrocksDJKorbit: try first in a guest session15:57
didrocksat least, you are sure to have a resetted environment to test15:58
didrocksthen, this part is really under refactoring, so I would say wait on next release first15:58
DJKorbitdidrocks, guest sessions doesn't work, it only shows the wallpaper15:59
DJKorbitno unity, no gnome-panel15:59
didrocksDJKorbit: hum, it was last time I checked, are you in the unity session when trying to switch to it?15:59
DJKorbityes, i'm in unity now16:00
DJKorbiti should really get a development environment instead of screwing my desktop16:01
didrocksDJKorbit: ok, weird, look if compiz crashed in apport or something like that :)16:02
DJKorbitdidrocks, how can i do that?16:02
didrocksDJKorbit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How to enable apport16:02
didrocksDJKorbit: before, ensure you have /var/crash/ empty16:03
DJKorbitdidrocks, i already have apport enabled16:08
didrocksDJKorbit: ok, look at /var/crash/ if you have a compiz file16:09
didrocksand if you have, check it's recent16:09
DJKorbiti've just deleted /var/crash so i guess i can't do that16:09
DJKorbitLOL, i'm so noob16:09
DJKorbiti'll logout and login again to get back to the default unity version and not my changed one16:10
DJKorbitgreat, i'm back to the default unity16:12
DJKorbitnow i have 2 unmounted volumes displaying in the dock16:12
didrocksthat's normal with the current version16:13
bcurtiswxdidrocks, if i reset unity the volumes don't show, seems odd, but im assuming normal16:15
didrocksbcurtiswx: the umounted volume should. I don't really know for the rest. In any case, this part is refactored, so better to wait for next release16:15
bcurtiswxdidrocks, OK :)16:17
vishheh, i wonder if "Unity" bugs are the new "Ubuntu(no package)" bugs. any bug with the appindicator/appmenu/whatever remotely unity uses, gets filed in unity ;p16:19
dbarthrodrigo_: API ^^16:27
* API looking16:28
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DJKorbitdamn, i crashed my system when switching off the wireless button16:45
aruiztedg, thanks for the pointer to mmeeks16:46
rodrigo_API, dbarth: so, just proposed my branch -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/unity/indicators-a11y/+merge/4894316:47
tedgaruiz, NP16:47
APIrodrigo_, ok, I will review it now16:48
mptklattimer, replied16:48
klattimermpt I think I can code an intermediate solution here17:01
jcastrocando_: did your mp's get reviewed?17:01
klattimerworking on it now17:01
cando_jcastro, nope :(17:01
nerochiaronjpatel: when you have a second can you please quickly explain what's the purpose of the "backlight" in the launcher ?17:03
njpatelnerochiaro, it's what draws the coloured background. We have different settings but normally it's on always (the option is to have it only on when the app is running)17:05
nerochiaronjpatel: you mean the background of the whole launcher, behind the tiles ?17:06
njpatelnerochiaro, sorry, the background of the tiles17:06
njpatelWe need some terminology for these things17:07
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nerochiaronjpatel: oh, ok. i see the code that paint the tile differently according to the backlight setting now. thanks17:07
spikebhey is the launcher going to get a background like the top panel has (like in 10.10)?17:08
rodrigo_dbarth, tedg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+bug/71529117:16
tedgrodrigo_, https://code.launchpad.net/~themuso/libindicator/accessible-name/+merge/4669917:18
rodrigo_tedg, oh, that fix was quick! :)17:19
tedgrodrigo_, It's not me, it's TheMuso :)17:19
rodrigo_yeah, I know :)17:19
rodrigo_tedg, so, only missing the 'const' of return values?17:20
tedgrodrigo_, TheMuso didn't want to merge it until he had some of the other pieces working though.17:20
tedgrodrigo_, Yea17:20
rodrigo_oh, ok17:21
rodrigo_I'll ask him what's missing, I really need this to finish the panel a11y work17:21
rodrigo_tedg, just added a comment to the branch proposal17:25
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DJKorbiti've been very busy today, didn't have much time to code today :(17:42
DJKorbiti'm running the default unity and it works fine with usb drives and shows unmounted volumes17:43
DJKorbitwhat i want to try now is to restart the default unity dock to see the icons show up again17:43
DJKorbithow can i do that?17:43
DJKorbitre-run unity-window-decorator?17:44
DJKorbiti just want to restart the dock17:44
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desrtdbarth: ping?19:03
dbarthdesrt: ping?19:03
dbarthyou beat me to that;)19:03
dbarthcalling you19:03
dbarthmikkel will join in a bit19:04
desrthm.  okay.19:04
desrtmight we use IRC?19:04
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dbarthdesrt: see the channel i just opened19:07
dbarthdesrt: can you also give me your skype nick again, in case your 3g link still has room for that19:07
desrtbut i think the latency will be really terrible19:07
kamstrupdbarth, desrt: I hope I am online now :-) Seems connman dislikes me today :-)19:09
m_conleytedg: ping19:11
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jcastrohi nmarques19:22
nmarquesjcastro, hello Jorge19:23
tedgm_conley, pong19:32
m_conleytedg: hey - sorry about that, answered my own question.  Thanks.  :)19:32
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ionDoes the geoclue master work for anyone or is it broken just here?19:58
artircli: Haven't tried it yet. It is implemented somewhere or command line for now?20:00
cando_jcastro, you here?20:04
cando_jcastro, they have approved one of the two mp...20:04
cando_the last one...20:04
cando_bug #70341120:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 703411 in Unity "Middle clicking top panel should push maximized window to background" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70341120:05
jcastroI'm watching it (I poked them since DBO left you hanging)20:05
jcastroI mean .... uhhh ...20:05
cando_don't know about the first and more difficult one..20:05
* DBO pokes jcastro in the ribs20:05
cando_but i guess it will need fixing..20:06
DBOI'll get to it when I can :P20:06
cando_thanks DBO :)20:06
artirwhat was that? xD20:13
ionkenvandine: geoclue-master doesn’t seem to manage to get any information from geoclue providers. Is that a known issue?20:33
kenvandineion, do you have any providers installed?20:37
kenvandinei fixed up some depends to make sure the right stuff got installed just a little bit ago20:37
ionkenvandine: ubuntu-geoip. I also tried to install yahoo, skyhook and geonames in addition to it, no luck. geoclue-test-gui shows the right information from the ubuntu-geoip provider but nothing from the master.20:39
kenvandineion, so you mean in the geoclue-test-gui, Master() doesn't have any info right?20:41
ionI’ll file a bug with the precise information, a moment…20:41
kenvandineion, note that master isn't actually a provider afaik20:42
kenvandineit is the service that you use to create a client on20:42
kenvandinetedg, ^^ right?20:42
tedgkenvandine, Yeah, it's kinda the router for clients.20:43
tedgion, ^20:43
ionWell, the datetime indicator didn’t seem to get the information either. I tried to set the wrong timezone and the indicator didn’t suggest the right one (even after restarting the datetime indicator service and the geoclue master).20:43
* kenvandine thinks that it shouldn't be displayed in the geoclue-test-gui as a provider20:44
tedgion, Did you install ubuntu-geoip ?20:44
kenvandinetedg, yes he has that20:44
tedgDid you restart everything geoclue after installing it?20:44
tedg(perhaps the package should do that)20:44
ionI killed I killed geoclue-master and indicator-datetime-service. Both were restarted automatically. The indicator still didn’t suggest the right time zone, nor did geoclue-test-gui show the information from Master ().20:45
kenvandineit should show anything from Master ()20:46
kenvandinebut you should see a menu entry to change your timezone20:46
ionEvery time i kill indicator-datetime-service and have it restarted, geoclue-master prints the following: http://pastebin.com/zKUjGaDU20:49
kenvandineok, i just confirmed it worked for me20:49
kenvandinei changed my timezone to PST20:49
kenvandinekillall geoclue-master indicator-datetime-service ;/usr/lib/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service20:50
kenvandineand got the menu entry under the calendar to change it20:50
ionOutput from indicator-datetime-service: http://pastebin.com/TztVBEKF20:51
kenvandineion, that was what i was about to ask for :)20:51
kenvandinetedg, could it be that there was a client created before he killed the service?20:53
kenvandinekillall geoclue-master indicator-datetime-service ;/usr/lib/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service20:53
kenvandineion, try that20:53
ionThe same: http://pastebin.com/FaTzbXMK20:53
kenvandine(process:11523): Indicator-Datetime-DEBUG: Timezones in sync20:54
kenvandinethat means it thinks your timezone matches what geoclue finds20:54
ionhttp://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup says TimeZone: Europe/Helsinki (correctly).20:55
kenvandineion, yeah, so the question is why does it think it matches20:56
tedgion, cat /etc/timezone20:58
tedgOh, wait.  It won't get the address provider at all.20:59
tedgIs ubuntu-geoip running?20:59
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tedgkillall geoclue-master20:59
ion/etc/timezone is Europe/Oslo21:00
ionubuntu-geoip-provider is not running, but it seems to start and quit immediately when geoclue-master starts.21:01
kenvandineion, run that21:04
kenvandinedoes it crash or anything?21:04
ionSeems to work fine: http://pastebin.com/4VRSK5ch21:05
ionOoh, if i start ubuntu-geoip-provider manually and kill indicator-datetime-service, i get the Change timezone menu item.21:06
kenvandineso the problem seems to be with the master starting it21:07
kenvandineion, so i guess file a bug against ubuntu-geoip21:07
tedgion, If you start the master manually you might get a better error.21:08
ionHaving started ubuntu-geoip-provider manually, the output from indicator-datetime-service: http://pastebin.com/aqbHGiqQ21:08
tedg(ie, kill master, u-geoip then start master)21:08
ionhttp://pastebin.com/PNTMYabC http://pastebin.com/TfMPTess21:10
ionAfter the first command there’s no Change timezone menu item. After the second one the menu item is there, but ubuntu-geoip-provider is not left running.21:11
DJKorbitgood evening21:18
DBOanyone here with a good X understanding want to listen to some crazy?21:27
m_conleytedg: ping (for real this time)21:28
tedgm_conley, What's up?21:42
m_conleytedg:  hey - so I'm working on integrating Thunderbird with various bits of Unity - and right now, I'm focusing on the messaging menu.21:43
tedgm_conley, Cool.21:44
m_conleytedg:  I'm looking at some example code that's been written to integrate Evolution with the messaging menu, and I've noticed that for adding submenu items (like "Compose a new message"), DbusmenuMenuitem's are inserted manually into a Dbusmenu that is then attached to the indicate server21:44
m_conleytedg:  but I'm also seeing code that adds these submenu items by creating new indicator messages, and just having those be the submenu items...21:45
m_conleytedg: which is the preferred method?21:45
m_conleytedg: I suspect the first - but I'm noticing a slight alignment issue with the text - my submenu items are slightly out of line with the Thunderbird entry in the messaging menu.  Not a huge amount, but still noticable.21:46
tedgm_conley, So they're different things.  The dbusmenu items are for actions.  Like "compose new message", the indicators are for message sources.21:46
tedgm_conley, So, for instance if you had a mail box you'd want that to be an indicator.21:46
tedgm_conley, The dbusmenu items couldn't really have counts or call attention in a reasonable way.21:47
tedgm_conley, The spacing is a bug :)21:47
m_conleyI see - they're actions.21:47
m_conleytedg: ok, cool.  thanks for the help!21:47
tedgExactly.  And when you're offline, they'll be pulled from your .desktop file.21:47
tedgm_conley, ^21:47
m_conleytedg: by "offline", do you mean when Thunderbird is closed?21:48
tedgm_conley, Correct21:48
m_conleytedg: I see, I see21:48
m_conleytedg: cool.  I'm digging the messaging menu, btw.  Good work.  :D21:48
tedgm_conley, So you could have a "compose new message" that started the process and opened the new message window.21:49
tedgm_conley, Cool, glad you like it!21:49
m_conleyand when TB starts, it takes over by injecting dbusmenu items?21:49
m_conleytedg: ^21:49
m_conleytedg:  or do the entries from .desktop persist?21:49
tedgm_conley, Correct.  They're all replaced, so in most cases you probably want to have the same ones, but we felt that we couldn't make that a policy.21:49
m_conleytedg: ok, gotcha.  Thanks.  :)21:50
Amaranthhrm, I think the unityshell plugin should kill unity-panel-service on unload21:50
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ionkenvandine, tedg: Reported http://launchpad.net/bugs/71544521:55
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cando_jcastro, going to bed...22:32
cando_lets see tomorrow...22:33
jcastrodon't worry, I'll keep whining22:33
cando_ahaha awesome22:33
cando_(well..here is night....)22:33

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