
lifelesswgrant: which missing revs00:04
lifelesswgrant: if you want todo that btw, its easy.00:05
lifelessafter unstacking00:05
lifelessdo sidbranch.repository.fetch(oldbasis.repository)00:05
pooliewgrant, i think we should leave it off just for the sake of being careful00:06
pooliei'd be happy to look at your script too00:06
StevenKwallyworld_: O hai?00:06
wallyworld_StevenK: yo00:06
StevenKwallyworld_: With your RM hat on, when do you expect PQM to re-open for srs bzns?00:07
wgrantlifeless: The revs containing versions that entered squeeze through testing-proposed-updates instead of sid.00:08
wallyworld_StevenK: i'm waiting on a branch in db-devel to make it into devel - another rc db patch occured00:08
wallyworld_StevenK: i'd say a bit after eod our time today00:08
lifelesswgrant: that one liner will ensure that any such revs are copied00:08
lifelesswgrant: and because the stack is transitive, its complete.00:08
wgrantlifeless: Perhaps we should revert the dev focus to squeeze, push up wheezy branches, then unstack sid and restack everything on top of sid next week. Otherwise we have to fetch on every child before we can unstack sid.00:10
lifelesswgrant: huh?00:11
lifelesswgrant: I think you're underestimated bzr00:11
lifelesswgrant: add that one liner I gave you above to the script; fin.00:11
wgrantlifeless: wheezy branches will reference revs that sid does not reference, but they will get them through sid's stacked-on branch.00:12
lifelessthats fine00:12
lifelessthe fetch line above will copy said revisions00:12
wgrantSo we cannot just unstack sid using my usual script. We first have to go through every branch stacked *on* sid, and fetch into them.00:12
wgrantThis seems a lot more risky than just unstacking sid ASAP.00:14
lifelessno we don't00:15
lifelessI think we need voice00:15
wgrantOh, you want to pull the entire contents of the squeeze repo into sid?00:15
wgrantThat would work, but is a bit dirty.00:15
wgrantIf it ever connects.00:17
wgrantOh good, it works.00:18
wgrantReady when you are.00:18
lifelesspoolie: the wheezy config changes to the pkg importer are being done by the bzr team ?00:31
lifelesspoolie: wgrant and I agree that the importer should be started up now; we'll deal with the mechanics of changing stacking for sid next week.00:31
pooliei can do them now; i don't know of anyone doing them at the moment00:32
pooliethanks for working that out00:32
thumperwallyworld_: I'm back now00:32
wallyworld_thumper: ok. all pumped and toned i assume00:33
lifelessthe current plan for unstacking is to use the bzrlib api to unstack & fetch all revs from squeeze into sid; this will increase the size of sids repositories but its a one time hit.00:33
thumperwallyworld_: actually shaking and trying not to die00:33
lifelesswe need to check there is enough space on crowberry to do that.00:33
wallyworld_thumper: mumble?00:34
lifelessjam: btw00:37
lifelesshttps://code.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk-rich/+reviewer - has loggerhead-team as reviewer already00:38
lifelessthe reason you get that annoying mail is that launchpad is in loggerhead-team00:38
pooliehttps://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpadlib/bug-714043/+merge/48842 really reminds me of the glock safety design00:38
lifelessso we could change that to be canonical-launchpad-reviewers, though that would stop considering the folk who are individually involved in loggerhead already00:40
wallyworld_thumper: https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/request-build-popup/+merge/4886400:45
lifelessflacoste: btw01:06
_mup_Bug #712698: No way to expire existing sessions <Apache OpenID:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/712698 >01:06
lifelesssinzui: around ?01:19
sinzuiI am01:19
lifelessperhaps you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/showtimes/+merge/4875401:19
lifelessfor gotchas01:19
lifelessits a developer only thing01:19
sinzuilifeless: the Mp's description does not mention changes to bug task. Are those changes unintended?01:24
lifelessit has a separate branch conflated with it accidentally01:25
lifelessthat branch is reviewed and approved01:25
lifelessignore the bugs/* changes01:26
sinzuilifeless: okay. This look great. I have no remarks. I will update the MP01:28
wgrantlifeless: Why is the <script> element done like that?01:45
wgrantCan't it be a real element in the TAL, with a <tal:blah replace="render_time" /> inside it?01:45
lifelesswgrant: tal evaluates as it goes.01:46
mwhudsoni think it's because zpt is terrible about <script>01:46
wgrantCould you put the JS in the normal place, and just set the variable there?01:47
thumperscript tags are special for TAL01:47
thumpernothing inside a script tag is executed by TAL01:47
thumperif you need expansion01:47
wgrantKeeping code XML-quoted in an attribute seems... suboptimal.01:47
thumperyou do a replace="string: lots of rubbish..."01:47
* wgrant lunches.01:47
mwhudsonis chameleon less unhelpful abou this?01:48
thumperwgrant: look at lib/lp/app/templates/text-area-editor.pt01:48
thumperwgrant: that seems to be how we do it now01:48
lifelessso, it could be a little better. Meh, next time its touched.01:49
lifelesswgrant: so checkwatches01:52
thumperwallyworld_: mumble now?01:55
lifeless  Hard / Soft  Page ID02:01
lifeless     341 / 6404  Archive:+index02:01
lifeless     273 /  468  BugTask:+index02:01
lifeless     134 /  304  Distribution:+bugs02:01
wgrantlifeless: Hi.02:32
lifelesswgrant: so02:39
wgrantlifeless: Sorry, Unity decided to wander away for a while.02:42
wgrantSeems happy now.02:42
wgrantWhat do you know about the CCW-spam?02:43
lifelessfirst I'm going to point you at a bug02:43
_mup_Bug #623199: scripts do not establish valid zope partiticipations <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/623199 >02:43
wgrantAh, right, that one.02:44
lifelessmany backend scripts do not create participations/run in different security model02:44
lifelesswebapp.adapter therefore *duplicates* this infrastructure02:44
lifelessso we have two different 'request' concepts02:44
lifelessthe interaction context manager02:44
lifeless*that* gets called around each watch02:45
lifelessits buggy, per bug 62319902:45
_mup_Bug #623199: scripts do not establish valid zope partiticipations <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/623199 >02:45
lifelessfixing the CCW issue won't fix bug 623199; I just wanted to paint the larger picture02:45
_mup_Bug #623199: scripts do not establish valid zope partiticipations <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/623199 >02:45
wgrantlifeless: Interestingly, checkwatches is running with --jobs=1 at the moment...02:49
lifelesswgrant: so basically I suspect its as easy as adding, after setupInteraction02:49
lifelesseither an adapter.set_request_start or lp.services.timeline.requesttimeline.set_request_timeline call02:51
lifelessand similar before the end interaction02:51
lifelesswgrant: possible, on the transaction property instead of the interaction one; I'm ambivalent there. But one or tother should do it.02:52
wgrantlifeless: I'm currently waiting for a big OOPS to load to see why it's trying to do more than one job in a single script execution.02:53
wgrantBut lp-oops is very slow.02:53
pooliewgrant, it's working out if the import of wheezy works that may be harder02:54
lifelesswgrant: jobs is concurrency not length02:55
wgrantlifeless: Ah, I confused it and --batch-size.02:57
wgrantsinzui: Still around?03:18
wgrantlifeless: So, I'm not exactly sure what we want to do here, because a lot of the OOPSes happen in the batch retrieval code, which is outside the per-watch code.03:55
lifelesswhats batch retrieval all about03:55
wgrantlifeless: For some tracker types it will retrieve lots of bugs in a single request.03:56
wgranthttps://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1864CCW2202 for example.03:56
lifelessI think we want a context no smaller than that needed to make sense of the oops03:56
wgrantWe could possibly wrap the batch code in one timeline.03:57
wgrantAnd then each watch update in another.03:57
lifelessseems larger than needed.03:57
wgrantYes, slightly.03:57
lifelesswgrant: that sounds like a reasonable first approximation03:57
wgrantWe may end up with massive timelines wrapping them, though.03:58
wgrantBut I wonder how many exception happen outside there.03:58
wgrantMy guess is "not many"03:58
lifelesswgrant: we can iterate03:58
wgrantSo I might make a context manager than switches in a new timeline.03:59
wgrantIt'll leave big gaps in the overall one, though. Hmm.03:59
huwshimiA js fix for bug #457856 if someone is available sometime to review. Thanks! https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/tag-dialogue-457856/+merge/4886803:59
_mup_Bug #457856: Tag dialog never closes <bug-page> <bugtag> <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/457856 >03:59
huwshimiNevermind, lifeless is one step ahead of me.04:00
huwshimilifeless: Thank you :)04:01
lifelesshuwshimi: anytime04:01
wgrantlifeless: Does it sound reasonable to have a catch-all timeline handle things when none of the finer-grained ones do?04:01
wgrantIt's bad, but I'm not sure what else we can do.04:01
lifelesswgrant: sounds like it needs restructuring04:01
lifelesswgrant: the finer grained things do commits04:01
lifelesswgrant: generally speaking a timeline across commits is rather pointles04:01
wgrantAh, true.04:02
wgrantI guess.04:02
wgrantI wanted to ideally keep more state around, but with differing transactions it's probably pointless.04:02
wgrantWell, the previous behaviour is still potentially handy.04:03
lifelessI think there should always be a timeline when there is a participation | db queries04:04
lifelessbut it should be fresh when the transaction is reset (and we shouldn't be carrying objects across transactions)04:04
huwshimiAnyone know what I need to get this branch to not fail its tests? http://paste.ubuntu.com/564218/04:33
huwshimiI think the important bit might be: Failed to create database or load sampledata.04:33
huwshimiThis is with ec2 land04:33
StevenKpsycopg2.ProgrammingError: type "debversion" does not exist04:33
StevenKThat's the error04:33
StevenKAnd *awesome*, we need a new AMI04:34
lifelessI thought bigjools made one04:34
lifelessah... probably hasn't made it public yet04:34
StevenKYes, I just remembered04:34
StevenKI thought he did, but bin/ec2 didn't know about his ID?04:34
* StevenK checks04:35
StevenKhuwshimi: Which revno of devel is that branch based on?04:36
lifelessah yes, merging in trunk should fix, if its an old(ish) branch04:36
huwshimierm, how do I find out? :)04:37
StevenKr12336 of devel has the merge in it04:37
StevenKhuwshimi: I use bzr log and look for the first comment message that starts with '[r=04:37
huwshimiStevenK: Maybe r1233704:37
StevenKlifeless may have a better way04:37
StevenKhuwshimi: Do you still have the output from ec2 land? And you know PQM is closed, right? :-)04:38
lifelessbzr show-merge-base , bzr missing - probably bzr missing04:38
StevenKbzr missing assumes launchpad/lp-branches/devel is up to date04:39
StevenKAs a caveat04:39
huwshimiStevenK: Oh, I did not.04:39
StevenKhuwshimi: PQM is closed so we can nail done exactly which revision is going to be deployed -- once we're close it will re-open. Hint: PQM state is in the topic.04:40
huwshimiStevenK: Yeah, I just didn't think04:41
StevenKHowever, I'm still concerned which machine id your ec2 land used04:41
StevenKEr, s/machine id/AMI/04:42
huwshimiStevenK: Where do I need to look for that info?04:43
StevenKhuwshimi: If you have the output that ec2 land dumped into your terminal, one of the first lines is "Using machine ..."04:45
huwshimiI have the terminal open, but not enough lines to show back that far04:45
huwshimiStevenK: Unless there's a way to go back further04:46
StevenKhuwshimi: I don't think so, but you might be able to edit the Profile for your terminal and increase the scrollback lines. The output might be lost, though.04:49
huwshimiStevenK: No luck04:50
huwshimiStevenK: Actually I have the info from my console. What do you want? AMI ID?04:52
huwshimiStevenK: From Elasticfox console04:53
wgrantThere should be an "Using machine image version 504", or something like that.04:53
wgrantDoes it show the AMI owner?04:53
huwshimiwgrant: There's an owner ID, but it doesn't say anything to do with AMI... might be the same thing though04:54
StevenKhuwshimi: Can you run the script in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/564220/ in your branch root?04:56
StevenKThat will tell us the machine image version your branch things is the latest04:56
StevenKhuwshimi: The output is one line, so just paste it04:56
huwshimiStevenK: RuntimeError: Your version of paramiko (1.7.6 (Fanny)) is not supported.  Please use
StevenKWow, I did see that when I ran it05:02
StevenKAnd I have 1.7.6 installed. This is strange.05:03
huwshimiYou did see it or you didn't?05:03
StevenKsteven@liquified:~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel% ./which_ami.py05:04
StevenK(507, [Image:ami-4209f92b])05:04
huwshimiStevenK: Well elasticfox gives me: ami-fa956493. Does that help?05:06
StevenKhuwshimi: Yes, that's 504.05:06
StevenKWhich is too old.05:06
huwshimiStevenK: Is that all you wanted to know?05:07
StevenKhuwshimi: It means you need to merge devel into your branch and then ec2 land should work05:07
huwshimiStevenK: OK. When will PQM open again?05:08
StevenKThat's up to wallyworld_.05:08
huwshimiStevenK: Like a couple of days or a week or something?05:09
wallyworld_huwshimi: another version of db-devel is being merged right now. then it needs to be deployed05:09
StevenKhuwshimi: Estimates say our tonight05:09
huwshimiwallyworld_: Oh right05:09
wallyworld_huwshimi: the release is scheduled to occur in a day or so but there's been some qa issues05:10
huwshimiwallyworld_: Yeah I saw some emails.05:10
wallyworld_so hopefully this latest deployment occuring now will be The One and we can open pqm again05:10
huwshimiwallyworld_: Great :)05:10
wallyworld_huwshimi: not so great that we've had these issues :-) but i think everything's been found and fixed so that's good05:11
lifelessStevenK: you can run missing with a url05:12
StevenKhuwshimi: Are you good, or have you not merged devel into an existing branch before?05:13
huwshimiStevenK: All good.05:14
huwshimiStevenK: Thanks for that.05:14
huwshimiI guess I'll find out when PQM opens up again05:14
StevenKhuwshimi: You're welcome05:14
huwshimiSeeing open interface bugs that were filed in 2006 hurts.05:46
huwshimiWe should change the reported date format to "Reported by Foo, 5 years ago" just so that it hurts that little bit more.05:51
wallyworld_huwshimi: i didn't know you were into pain :-)05:53
huwshimiwallyworld_: :)05:54
huwshimiwallyworld_: The pain is knowing that there are users who are unhappy because we haven't fixed things.05:55
wallyworld_huwshimi: yeah. gary fixed bug 548 for this release. not sure if that's the oldest but it would have to go close05:55
_mup_Bug #548: Launchpad sends change notification updates to the person who requested the change <email> <lp-bugs> <qa-ok> <story-better-bug-notification> <story-better-notification-sending> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/548 >05:55
lifelesshuwshimi: most bugs affect users, ui ones are privileged :)05:56
huwshimiwallyworld_: Ouch.05:56
huwshimilifeless: I know, but they're the ones I can fix :)05:56
lifelessI'm glad you are05:57
huwshimilifeless: And UI bugs can make great technology horrible to use05:58
lifelesshuwshimi: indeed05:58
huwshimilifeless: Although it goes both ways05:58
lifelesshuwshimi: indeed !05:58
lifelessbad technology can drive terrible UI05:58
huwshimilifeless: You're glad I'm what?05:58
huwshimilifeless: I'm trying!06:00
huwshimiAnother review if anyone feels the desire: https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/hover-row-43231/+merge/4887706:04
* huwshimi is heading off, night people.06:17
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-away
adeuringgood morning08:40
pooliehello abel08:41
bigjoolsgood morning09:03
jtvmorning bigjools09:03
al-maisanmoin adeuring, bigjools and jtv!09:07
jtvmorning al-maisan!09:08
adeuringhi al-maisan!09:08
jtvand mrevell too of course09:08
mrevellHey there09:08
mrevelljtv, and me what? :)09:08
al-maisanhola mrevell09:08
mrevellHello al-maisan!09:08
jtvmrevell: "moin"09:08
mrevellHow is the land of Alps, skiing and low taxation?09:09
jtvAnd let's not forget molten cheese.09:09
mrevellAh yes.09:09
mrevellAnd alp-horns.09:09
al-maisanit's great fun :)09:09
mrevellExcellent :)09:10
al-maisanonce you start understanding "Schweizer Deutsch" which is the local dialect :)09:10
mrevellI visited Interlaken 20 years ago and I seem to remember they had a word other than "schloss" for castle.09:11
al-maisannot sure about that one .. but the Swiss do have their own vocabulary .. I came across some words I've never heard before .. "Znüni" would be one example09:13
al-maisanwhich is the Swiss term for "snack" :)09:14
wgrantbigjools: Did you have everything on a tmpfs?09:23
bigjoolsmakes no difference09:23
bigjoolsI have huge gobs of memory anyway, everything gets cached easy09:25
=== Ursinha-away is now known as Ursinha
Ursinhagood morning10:09
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/| PQM is in RC for devel | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: gmb (r-c gets priority) | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
lifelessjml: hi10:55
jmllifeless: hello10:57
lifelessjml: I think you may have missed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/71351810:57
_mup_Bug #713518: recipe description is mandatory <recipe> <Launchpad itself:New for jml> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/713518 >10:57
jmllifeless: I have not.10:57
jmllifeless: just haven't got around to it.10:57
lifelessjml: its the only untriaged bug we have; would be nice to have a clean slate.11:01
jmllifeless: ok.11:02
* bigjools considers a Firefox patch to make ctrl-Q pop up an "are you sure" dialog11:02
lifelessbigjools: 'vimperator'11:03
bigjoolslifeless: not sure I want to turn my browser into an editor11:09
lifelessthere should be a foxerator then11:10
bigjoolsI think I tried it a year or so ago11:10
bigjoolsthe simple solution is to warn on ctrl-q like every other browser does :)11:10
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!11:11
LPCIBotProject devel build (424): FIXED in 5 hr 44 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/424/11:11
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jmlbigjools: "every other browser" eh?11:23
* bigjools waves hand11:23
jmlchrome has disabled C-q11:23
bigjools"these aren't the browsers you're looking for"11:24
jmlwhich isn't such a bad idea11:24
bigjoolschrome has ctrl-shift-Q IIRC11:24
jmloh, that's good to know11:24
jmltbh, I'd rather have the browser fast to start with an easy way of getting old tabs back than an Are you sure? box. Not that they're mutually exclusive.11:25
bigjoolsthe problem is losing data in unsubmitted forms11:26
bigjoolsif it restored that, then fine11:26
jmlbigjools: yeah, it ought to warn about that.11:28
jmlor restore, as you say.11:28
jmlI really want these damned driving lessons to be over.11:28
bigjoolsrestore would be better although I imagine it'd do nothing for browser performance11:28
bigjoolspass yer test then :)11:29
jmlwaiting for them to book the test!11:29
jmldoesn't help that they went bankrupt and got bought out.11:29
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
lifelesswell, gnight11:34
jmlbigjools: yeah. BSM went into receivership. Got bought by AA, I think.11:36
bigjoolsnn lifeless11:36
bigjoolsjml: damn, they were quite big too11:36
jmlbigjools: yeah11:37
jmlapparently they got bought a year or so ago by some guys who basically drove the business into the ground. (pardon the pun)11:37
bigjools /o\11:37
jmlall of the instructors are in work, but I imagine call centre & office staff might be facing probs.11:37
jmlAA are going to keep the brand, because, well, they aren't stupid.11:38
bigjoolsI find it fun that AA can also mean something about drinking11:38
jmlyeah. me too.11:38
jmlgrant me the serenity to get through this lesson without resenting my instructor11:39
bigjoolson a more topical note, why do we get "Unknown entry URL:" all over the place when compiling wadl?11:39
jmlI don't know.11:41
jmlI think I used to have an idea, but if I did it has gone.11:41
bigjoolsI vaguely remember something in the past about having to fix stuff in lazr.restful11:41
bigjoolseek, my eggs directory is busy11:42
wgrantIIRC it happens when the interface has no URL template defined.11:46
wgrantI think they might have to be defined in the XSLT..11:46
wgrantWhich lives either in LP or launchpadlib.11:46
wgrantIt moves around occasionally.11:46
bigjoolswe need to do 1 of 2 things:  1) fix it, or 2) remove the warning if it's not a problem11:46
bigjoolsI suspect the latter since we've lived with those warnings for as long as  I can remember11:47
jmlI wonder if "No warning without a ratchet" is a sensible idea.11:48
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jtvgmb: got a non-urgent branch for you… https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-181368-parallelize/+merge/4890311:55
gmbjtv: Okidoke. I'll take a look at it when I come back from grazing.11:56
wgrantjtv: !!12:00
jtvwgrant: ??12:00
wgrantParallel a-f.12:00
jtvYeah that was easy.  Making sure it works is the hard part.12:01
jtvAlso, I first had to come up with some infrastructure of course.  But that's best done separately.12:01
jtvOf course the big question now is: will it help?  :-)12:02
wgrantIt will.12:02
deryckMorning, all.12:04
jtvhi deryck!12:05
jtvwgrant: it will, assuming the processes don't start fighting over I/O.  Which I suppose will depend largely on FS cache.12:05
wgrantWell, yes, but I trust cocoplum to not be too shit.12:06
jtvIf it is, there's one exceedingly simple fix: limit the number of parallel processes.12:07
jtvEasy to do underneath the MF API.12:07
jtvAnd ta-daaa: you have something similar to go's thread management.12:08
jtv(Who made that insightful remark?  "You'd expect a leading search engine company to put a bit more thought into making sure people can search for their new programming language on the internet.")12:09
al-maisansounds familiar but I can't recall who it was12:10
jtval-maisan: those last two things I imagine are sounds often heard in the land of fondu. :-)12:13
al-maisanjtv: agu = apt-get update12:13
al-maisanjtv: sorry to disappoint you ;)12:13
jtvOh.  I thought it made a wonderful onomatopoeia but another GTF entry is good too. ☺12:14
bigjoolshmmm since when did "test -1" stop working :(12:14
jtvbigjools: what did that do?12:14
jtval-maisan: thank you for TLA number 23772.12:15
al-maisanjtv: you're welcome :)12:15
bigjoolsjtv: stops after first error12:15
bigjoolskinda useful for pagetests12:15
jtvah yes12:15
jtvthat does sound useful12:15
jtvand I guess now it's not.12:16
wgrantSo that *did* used to work.12:17
* wgrant blames a zope.testing upgrade a few months ago.12:17
wgrantI'd been beginning to think it had never worked.12:18
bigjoolsjtv does the TLA list include TLA itself?12:19
jtvbigjools: what do _you_ think?12:20
bigjoolsyou need to start an ETLA list12:20
jtvbigjools: even the name includes it… GTF stands for the GPL'ed TLA FAQ12:20
jtvEveryone keeps saying that, but everyone can do it themselves!12:20
al-maisanevery self-respecting TLA list obviously needs to include "TLA" ;)12:20
bigjoolsI am amazed that you'd never heard of LFLs though12:20
jtvbigjools: I think that's because where I come from they're called Blinkenlights.12:21
bigjoolsTwo Letter Acronym / Three-Letter Abbreviation12:21
* jtv was in the Computer History Museum recently and saw the real blinkenlights12:21
bigjoolsholy crap the ppa page tests crawl12:22
jtvPerhaps a 2-letter one should be called a bilexical acronym (BA).12:22
bigjoolsis "jtv" in the GTF? :)12:23
jtv$ tla jtv12:23
jtvJTVJeroen Thomas Vermeulen12:23
jtvJTVJordan TeleVision12:23
* jtv wonders if we need an IRC bot to answer TLA inquiries12:23
bigjoolsjtv: gimme your API details, I'll code it into edbot12:24
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/| PQM is in RC for devel | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: gmb, leonardr (r-c gets priority) | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
jtvurrr there's a shell script that wraps grep. :)12:24
jtvAlthough there's also a "GTF Monitor" written in Java.12:24
al-maisanjtv: so, it is enterprise ready then ;)12:26
jtvouch :)12:26
al-maisansorry .. could not resist :P12:26
bigjoolsjava gives me nightmares just thinking about it12:27
al-maisanCOBOL^Wjava has a safe albeit "limited" future according to tech pundits12:27
al-maisanwhatever that means12:27
wallyworldwhat's wrong with java?12:33
bigjoolswhere do I start ...12:38
wallyworldwell, nothing is perfect but you can't argue with java's adoption and usefulness in the enterprise12:52
jtvA lot of that, in turn, is because it supports large-scale software development by low-skill developers.13:01
wallyworldbigjools: i want to be able to nominate the rev for release. it's now on qastaging.  do you need to do any final checks to ensure the debversion functionaity if all ok?13:01
jtvTherefore, I wonder if Oracle will re-brand Java as Enterprise PHP.13:01
bigjoolswallyworld: I'll take a quick wander around some pages, gimme 5 mins13:01
wallyworldjtv: hey, i was/am a java dev for 13 years. who you calling low skill :-)13:02
jtvwallyworld: having seen you with a Bushmaster including telescopic sight, I'll gladly point out the "supports" as not implying "requires."13:03
jtvGladly, nodding politely, and grinning slightly worryingly13:03
wallyworldjtv: i know where you live :-)13:03
jtvGood.  Glad that's all settled.13:03
wallyworldgary_poster: morning to you. i would love it if you could take a couple of minutes to double check qastaging to ensure the person settings db stuff is all 100% ok so I can select the rev to deploy and hence open pqm.13:05
* bigjools stabs staging13:06
wallyworldgary_poster: rev 12338 has the db patch included and is the rev running on qastaging now13:06
bigjoolsbloody timeouts13:06
wallyworldyeah, those timeouts sure take the "joy" out of qa :-)13:07
bigjoolsI can't test this change since the damn page is timing out13:08
bigjoolsI'll take a slightly less demanding PPA page13:09
wallyworldi find hitting refresh several times eventually makes it work13:09
bigjoolsnot in this case :(13:09
gary_posterwallyworld: hi.  thank you, on it13:11
bigjoolswallyworld: it looks ok13:13
wallyworldbigjools: thanks muchly13:13
bigjoolshere's hoping pqm can open13:13
wallyworldi hear you13:14
bigjoolsright, food time13:15
gary_posterwallyworld: qastaging is happy13:24
wallyworldgary_poster: \o/ thank you13:24
gary_poster:-) thank you13:24
wallyworld\o/ PQM is open again13:37
gary_posteryay thanks wallyworld13:38
wallyworldgary_poster: np. only just over one day till rollout. can't come soon enough  :-)13:40
gary_posterheh, I hear you :-)13:40
leonardrgmb, if you're not reviewing anything atm, can you take https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpadlib/bug-712808/+merge/48830 ? i need it to get the new launchpadlib into natty13:43
gmbleonardr: I'm just in the middle of reviewing jtv's branch. I can take a look at it after that, though.13:44
leonardrgmb, great13:44
gmbjtv: Most of the tests in TestFTPArchiveRunApt need comments, if you please. Otherwise I'm happy with the code, but I'm not convinced that I actually have enough domain knowledge to review this - my brain seems to keep skipping off it.13:57
gmbjtv: I'll give it r=me, but you might want to get a review from someone who knows more about it than I do.13:58
jtvgmb: thanks—the tests were an attempt to make the identifiers speak for themselves, so apparently that failed.  The domain knowledge is actively being contributed by william & julian.14:03
gmbjtv: Well, you could be running up against my brain being tired today.14:04
leonardrgmb, i don't know anything about it but i'm fresh, i can take a look14:05
gmbjtv: ^^14:05
gmbleonardr: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-181368-parallelize/+merge/48903 is the MP in question14:07
jtvleonardr: appreciated!14:13
leonardrdon't thank me yet...14:16
jtvuh-oh ☺14:16
leonardractually, it's not so bad since i reviewed your CommandSpawner branch last week14:17
gmbleonardr: r=me on your branch, btw.14:18
leonardrgmb, great14:18
jtvleonardr: as I recall, the Pilfering Puppy distro release led to questions.  There's also an Ominous Okapi.14:19
jmlmeh. X redraw issues still present.14:20
bigjoolsjml: intel?14:25
leonardrjtv, test_getArchitectureTags_contains_no_duplicates would be easier to read if you created the architecture tag and processor family ahead of time. otherwise it looks like there's something special about pilfering puppy14:30
* jtv looks14:30
jtvleonardr: I'm a bit worried about making the setup too long though—always a problem with Soyuz14:31
leonardrjtv: you could just assign ominous_arch.architecturetag and .processorfamily to generic-sounding variables14:31
leonardrcomments would also help. that's the only test it's been difficult for me to read so far14:32
jtvWhat if I do that, but in a separate "give me two identical archdistroserieses but for different release series of the same distro" method?14:32
jtvMaybe even a "how many archdistroseries would you like for this distro and architecture" argument?14:32
leonardrjtv: sure. i think you'd use that in the next test as well?14:33
jtvAnd with the extra argument, I might be able to use the same method for creating a single archdistroseries as well.14:33
jtvNot that that's too much use though.14:33
jtvIt just seems slightly easier to explain.14:33
leonardri think your first idea was better14:34
jtvCan I play with it for a bit and get back to you?14:34
leonardrjtv: did the last test fail because the architecture started with --?14:36
leonardror because you got it to use some "bogus-config"?14:36
jmlbigjools: yeah14:37
jtvleonardr: frankly I don't know.  I only wanted it to break—and the other tests confirm that normally the exception does not happen.14:37
bigjoolsjml: same here - the intel driver is buggy as hell14:37
jtvleonardr: call it blind hatred as a testing methodology.14:37
jmlbigjools: this is natty14:37
jmlbigjools: worked fine in mav14:37
bigjoolsjml: it's been fucked since maverick14:37
jtvleonardr: I just piled on whatever I could to make it break.14:37
bigjoolsI guess gnome didn't prod it in the same way as kde until natty14:37
bigjoolsI get GPU hangs14:38
jmlbigjools: I just get redraw bugs. I have to PgUp then PgDown every time someone says something on IRC14:38
bigjoolsjml: yeah I get that too :)14:39
leonardrjtv: i'm a little bit worried at what looks like an argument injection attack14:39
jtvleonardr: yes, that's what it is—but only our code could do that.14:39
bigjoolsjml: turn off compositing and see if that helps14:39
jmlbigjools: done so, doesn't.14:39
jtvleonardr: it's basically a test attacking the regular code, and showing that it leads to the appropriate exception.14:39
leonardrjtv: you couldn't relaly create a distro arch series called --fail-for-my-test?14:40
jtvleonardr: that's an interesting point that I'll have to look into.14:41
jcsackettgmb, leonardr: when you get the chance i have an mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/bugtasks-deacitvated-context-632847/+merge/4892514:42
gmbjcsackett: I'll take a look in a minute14:42
jcsackettgmb: thanks!14:42
bigjoolswhat is wrong with this documentation:14:43
bigjoolsparam principal: The principal for the request14:43
jml:param principal:14:43
jmlalso, it doesn't say what a principal is.14:44
bigjools1 cookie to jml14:44
jmlbut maybe other docs around it make it clear.14:44
bigjoolssee lib/lp/testing/views.py14:44
leonardrjtv: r=me once you clarify the tests, especially the last one14:44
bigjoolswell, see most of our docstrings.... :/14:44
bigjoolsit drives me batty14:44
jtvleonardr: still looking into the architecture tag… bigjools, where do architecturetags come from?14:44
jmlbigjools: not the best docs ever.14:45
jtvbigjools: Yes but who puts them there?14:45
bigjoolsjtv: we do, and we need to do better14:45
jtvleonardr, bigjools: how about I add some validation as part of a separate branch that can even bypass this one?14:46
leonardrjtv: i'm not sure what you mean by 'bypass this one'. the other branch will go in first?14:46
jtvleonardr: also, once I have a nice & short test setup, do you feel the tests will still need comments?14:46
jtvleonardr: that's a possibility, yes, since this branch is being held up by other things.14:47
leonardrjtv: the only ones i felt needed comments were the two i called out. i'll take another look once you refactor14:47
jtvleonardr: great!  Doing that now.14:47
bigjoolsjtv: what do you need to validate?  Sorry, I'm missing some context apart from the a-f branch.14:50
jtvbigjools: make sure there can't be any weirdness in the tag, so people can't blow up the apt-ftparchive call.14:50
bigjoolsjtv: ok I see.14:51
nigelbHey, someone from the lp team can talk about daily builds and lp at UDW?14:51
bigjoolsgod DAMN openid + oops page.... >:(14:51
bigjoolsjtv: ok now I know what you're doing, you need to use the Processor table14:52
jmlnigelb: yeah, probably.14:52
bigjoolssee the "name" column14:52
bigjoolsit has all the tags14:53
nigelbjml: can I put you down for it? :)14:53
bigjoolsjtv: and this is an excellent piece of validation14:53
jmlnigelb: I'm not going to volunteer right now, because I need to know times, dates and so forth14:53
nigelbjml: I can show you empty slots and you can pick one14:53
jmlnigelb: could you email lp-dev?14:53
nigelbjml: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable/14:53
nigelbjml: yup, will do14:53
jtvbigjools: so the validation happens at the processor, not at the distroarchseries?14:54
jmlnigelb: thanks.14:54
bigjoolsjtv: if you want to make sure the tag is a valid one, look it up as Processor.name14:55
jtvbigjools: isn't that ensured when the DAS is created?14:55
bigjoolsjtv: quite probably - I'd be surprised if this sort of thing is not checked repeatedly14:55
jtvleonardr, bigjools: also, my impression is that the scope for breaking the apt-ftparchive invocation is limited to making the invocation fail, and it can be done only by someone with the power to create an architecture tag to be used for that build.14:57
leonardrjtv: ok, so it's not a big problem14:58
nigelbjml: Mailed :)14:58
bigjoolsjtv: correct - it's whomever sets up the DAS14:58
jtvleonardr: I don't _think_ so, but best be careful. :)14:58
jmlnigelb: thank you.14:58
jtvbigjools: is that a privileged operation?14:58
bigjoolsdid Ian open PQM after the release revno was decided?14:58
jtvbigjools: then I think the risk of this particular use is acceptable.14:59
bigjoolsjtv: I think belt + braces is good though14:59
bigjoolsprotecting the archive is always a good idea :)14:59
jtvbigjools: OK, then how about we add a constraint and a UI validator to the tag?15:00
bigjoolsjtv: you might be fighting sampledata :/15:00
jtvoh good :/15:01
bigjoolswhich is a world of pain in soyuz15:01
jtvYou're telling a Translations guy…15:01
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Ronnieanoyone knows hoe to limit the credentials for websites that ask user to access their LP account,  with only: allow_access_levels=["WRITE_PRIVATE"]15:02
* bigjools also needs to send a patch to the bazaar team so that "bzr doff" does something15:03
benjibigjools: it should show you all the lines that haven't changed15:11
Ronnieim talkin about: https://help.launchpad.net/API/ThirdPartyIntegration#Website%20integration15:16
leonardrRonnie: what website is this?15:16
Ronniesome testings for loco-directory15:17
leonardrRonnie: can you explain in more detail what you want? are you a user of this website or are you the one setting up the integratino?15:18
leonardrwe don't have a good story for website-to-website integration right now15:18
allenapgmb: Fancy a fairly trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/better-caching-iterator/+merge/4892715:18
gmbI've still got to look at jcsackett's, but after that, sure (if leonardr doesn't get there first)15:19
leonardrallenap, i'll do it15:19
allenapgmb, leonardr: Thank you :)15:20
Ronnieleonardr: im a developer of the loco website. currently there is a link on the team pages (Example: http://localhost:8000/teams/ubuntu-nl (you need to login first)) (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nl/+join) which results in leaving the loco-directory page. therefore i want to do this on the backend15:20
Ronniesome ubuntu teams do not use the loco-directory much, because they should register on LP and manage their profiles on LP (which in english only). As the loco-directory we try to make the interaction with LP partly invisible15:22
leonardrRonnie: ok, when you redirect the user to launchpad.net/+authorize-token, you will add the query argument "allow_permission=WRITE_PRIVATE"15:23
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Ronnieleonardr: that works, thx15:23
jtvbigjools, leonardr: I've updated my test setup.  Those two tests are much cleaner now.15:25
jtvShall I add validation in a separate branch?  I don't think my branch particularly affects what a bad tag might or might not break.15:26
leonardrjtv, sure another branch is fine15:26
gmbjcsackett: One minor comment on your branch, but it's r=me.15:27
jtvleonardr: by the way, just the bogus config turns out to be sufficient to break the script run in the test.  So I removed the bogus option.15:30
leonardrallenap, r=me15:30
bigjoolsabentley: lp/services/job/tests/test_runner.py / test_timeout is failing in db_lp, would you mind having a look please?15:30
leonardrjtv: i think you should test both a failure to invoke the script and the failure of the script?15:30
allenapleonardr: Thanks.15:30
abentleybigjools, looking.15:31
jtvleonardr: I don't see a difference—the question is what happens when the command returns failure.  Either way the command gets run, and breaks while processing its arguments.15:31
leonardrjtv: ah, i didn't realize the command is run either way15:32
leonardrok, just the bogus config is fine15:32
abentleybigjools, thumper was looking at that failure last.  I don't know what conclusions he came to.15:32
bigjoolsabentley: ah ok, didn't realise it was an old one, I only just saw the email pop up15:32
bigjoolsseems like StuckJob is not really stuck15:33
abentleybigjools, you could probably increase the length of time it waits, but I don't understand how it could fail to time out.15:34
abentleybigjools, I've never observed it locally.15:35
abentleybigjools, this is bug #68177015:37
_mup_Bug #681770: Failure in lp.services.job.tests.test_runner.TestTwistedJobRunner.test_timeout <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/681770 >15:37
bigjoolsit was reported in november!15:38
abentleybigjools, or possibly bug #50591315:39
_mup_Bug #505913: TestTwistedJobRunner.test_timeout fails intermittently <lp-foundations> <spurious-test-failure> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/505913 >15:39
jmlderyck: are we able to use YUI 3.3 stuff in Launchpad yet?15:40
deryckjml, not yet.  but I'm about an hour for having my upgrade branch ready for review.15:41
jmlderyck: sweet. :)15:41
deryckjml, so another day or two and you can have your charts ;)15:41
benjihas anyone seen "psycopg2.ProgrammingError: type "debversion" does not exist" while doing a make schema?15:43
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bigjoolsabentley: is that really doing a sleep(30) in the middle of  test :/15:43
jmlbenji: yes.15:44
abentleybigjools, yes, so that it will timeout after a few seconds.15:44
jmlbenji: I haven't had the opportunity to chase it any further than that.15:44
bigjoolsabentley: we should be winding the reactor clock forwards to simulate that.... would be a lot more reliable15:45
abentleybigjools, sounds low-level and risky to me.15:46
benjijml: thanks; well I'll see what I can do15:46
bigjoolsabentley: it's a standard twisted testing approach, it's done like that in a few places15:47
jmlthere's an object that implements the same interface as the IReactorTime (spelling?) and has a special .advance() method to change the time to something in the future.15:47
jmlrelies on passing the reactor in.15:47
bigjoolsjml: Clock() :)15:47
jmlbigjools: thanks. not sure if I got the interface right though.15:48
bigjoolsI don't know what its interface is so I didn't pick you up on that15:48
abentleybigjools, anyhow, I have trouble understaing how a job could have a timeout of 1 second, yet complete successfully after 30 seconds.15:49
bigjoolsabentley: yeah something is weird15:49
bigjoolswhat is the lease_length unit?15:50
jcsackettgmb: thanks for the r. :-)15:51
abentleybigjools, seconds, IIRC.15:52
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benjijtv: apt-get install postgresql-8.4-debversion16:08
jtvbenji: Permission denied16:09
benjisudo make me a sandwich16:09
benjiI guess I should file a bug and/or point this out on the dev list.16:09
jtvbenji: No rule to make target `me'.  Stop.16:09
jtvbenji: care to explain what you're talking about?16:09
benjijtv: that fixes the "psycopg2.ProgrammingError: type "debversion" does not exist"16:10
jtvbenji: I have a vague recollection of hearing about that… something for bigjools maybe?16:10
benjijtv: of course, it would help if you were jml, but that's a side issue :P16:11
bigjoolsbenji: update lp-deps16:11
jtvbenji: I thought there was something along those lines… help whom though, I wonder—him, you, me, or the team?16:11
benjijtv: :)  I need all the help I can get.16:11
jtvbigjools: now don't _you_ start!16:12
jtvbigjools: what was that about?16:12
* bigjools is desperately trying to get context :)16:12
* benji starts over.16:13
benjijml: apt-get install postgresql-8.4-debversion fixes the "psycopg2.ProgrammingError: type "debversion" does not exist" problem16:14
jmlbenji: thanks.16:14
bigjoolsjust update lp-dependencies16:14
bigjoolsjml ^16:14
jmllaunchpad-developer-dependencies is already the newest version.16:15
sinzuigmb: leonardr: can either of you review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/recipe-owner-widget-1/+merge/4893716:19
leonardrsinzui, i got it16:20
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (349): FAILURE in 5 hr 36 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/349/16:20
jmlbenji: which Ubuntu are you using?16:22
benjijml: maverick16:23
jmlbenji: huh.16:27
jmlI can understand lp-dependencies being wrong for me since I'm on natty.16:28
benjijml: my install was screwed up anyway, so I'm not surprised, launchpad-developer-dependencies wasn't even installed16:28
jmlbenji: ahh.16:29
gary_postergmb or leonardr, is it still appropriate to highlight newly-created MPs, or is it now considered pushy? :-)16:37
gary_posterIf not pushy, https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug713392/+merge/48939 :-D16:37
gmbgary_poster: It's fine :)16:37
leonardrgary: it's fine by me16:37
gary_posterok thanks :-)16:37
gmbgary_poster: I'll look shortly.16:37
leonardrsinzui, having a bit of difficulting understanding your branch, so going to try out the code16:41
sinzuileonardr: https://code.launchpad.dev/~mark/firefox/release--0.9.1/+new-recipe16:42
sinzuileonardr: and https://code.launchpad.dev/~mark/firefox/release--0.9.1/+register-merge16:43
jcsackettgary_poster: question for you about bug 623099. got a sec?16:44
_mup_Bug #623099: AttributeError filing a bug using the API <lp-foundations> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/623099 >16:44
* gary_poster looks jcsackett 16:48
jcsacketti have the feeling this might be going away as the edge redirects go away, gary_poster. is that wishful thinking on my part?16:49
gary_posterI *think* it is wishful, jcsackett...I think this redirection is for old project names16:51
gary_posterand I don't think that the edge/not-edge part of it is going to affect much16:51
gmbgary_poster: r=me16:53
gary_posterthanks gmb16:53
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/%7C PQM is in RC for devel | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: leonardr (r-c gets priority) | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
leonardrsinzui: "if '<label' in text" is a little hacky (for instance, it won't catch "< label"). why did you choose that over "Redefine _renderItem() to so that a wrapping label is not added,"16:53
jcsackettgary_poster: ah, i had missed the project name redirect.16:54
sinzuileonardr: we will shoot any engineer who constructs markup like "< label"16:54
* jcsackett is blinded by subdomains.16:55
gary_posterjcsackett: :-)16:55
leonardrsinzui: what if we shot any engineer who constructed their own <label> tag?16:55
sinzuileonardr: but I agree is a hack. We know that a label cannot cannot contact a label so any occurrence of "<label" in the text means we cannot generate a wrapping label16:56
leonardrwhy is it important to allow the subclass to generate its own label? it doesn't seem like anything special to me16:56
sinzuileonardr: Some are doing more than for="" attrs, they are adding scripts to them16:57
leonardri see16:57
sinzuileonardr: other have special rules for generating the id of the for="" attr16:57
leonardrsinzui: i don't see UNSAFE_TERM used in TestSuggestionWidgetCase. are you showing that it doesn't show up at all because it's not returned by _getSuggestions?17:02
leonardrif so, why make it unsafe? i thought you would demonstrate that it was rendered properly17:03
sinzuileonardr: oops. I cargo culted that with the intention to use it in a test to veryify something waky does not happen17:03
leonardrsinzui: ok, add that test17:04
sinzuileonardr: I think I should write a test with UNSAFE_TERM to verify a bad display name does not render markup17:04
leonardri agree17:04
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leonardrsinzui: r=me with that added test and a couple other trivial changes17:08
sinzuithank you leonardr17:09
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jcsackettsinzui: do you know what mechanism is responsible for redirection from old product names? e.g. ubuntufontbetatesting => ubuntu-font-family17:22
sinzuijcsackett: yes, Launchpad's root object uses pillar name lookup and if it is an alias, it gets the real pillar17:23
jcsackettsinzui: thanks.17:24
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jmlworking IRC client.17:36
jmland emacs17:37
Ronnieleonardr: i have some problems with the Launchpad website integration. https://help.launchpad.net/API/ThirdPartyIntegration#Website%20integration . Everytime i do the request, a have to give access. im probably doing something wrong. http://paste.ubuntu.com/564580/17:41
leonardrRonnie: are you storing the credentials in a persistent data store, and reusing them? i don't see that in your code17:48
Ronnieoh, i have to pickle the credentials and save it into the DB?17:49
leonardrRonnie: yes, otherwise launchpad can't identify you with the client who made the previous request17:51
Ronnieleonardr: what happens when the user at some point decides to revoke the authentication?17:52
leonardrRonnie: you'll try to use the credentials on the web service and you'll get a 401, so you'll have to redirect them to authorize new credentials17:52
Ronnieoke, thx17:52
Ronniehow much steps / user actions would it take if the user needs to create an LP account from an login.ubuntu.com openid account?17:55
leonardrRonnie: i don't know.17:59
leonardryou'd have to do a click to https://login.launchpad.net/+new_account -- i don't know what would happen after that17:59
Ronnieleonardr: can i test this on staging without creating real new accounts?18:00
Ronnieor would this still trigger the openid server to create a new openid18:00
leonardrRonnie: good question. maybe salgado knows18:01
salgadoRonnie, leonardr, I think you should be able to create new accounts on staging; it uses login.staging.lp.net instead of login.lp.net18:04
leonardrthere you go18:04
Ronniesalgado: thx ill have a look then18:04
leonardrbigjools, i'm reviewing your branch18:09
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Ronniesalgado: ah, login.staging.launchpad.net runs on django. got an error ;)18:16
Ronniesalgado: any more information you need?18:17
salgadoRonnie, I don't know much about our openid provider; it's maintained by another team18:19
Ronniesalgado: who should i contact?18:19
salgadosinzui, do you know who Ronnie should talk to about that error on login.staging.lp.net?18:19
sinzuisalgado: Not really. I think a losa + stuart metcalfe, but my knowledge is 19 months our of data18:21
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sinzuisalgado: ricardokirkner may have work on it in the last 6 months18:21
salgadosinzui, indeed, I've asked him18:23
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leonardrbigjools, r=me with some additional thought about wording18:35
salgado<ricardokirkner> I think staging may be currently broken (at least login.staging.ubuntu.com is)18:41
salgado<ricardokirkner> because we deployed some code to staging last week which requires a db upgrade18:41
salgado<ricardokirkner> which was reset on monday (as it usually does)18:41
salgado<ricardokirkner> we have a redeploy on schedule for this week18:41
salgadoRonnie, ^18:41
Ronnieok, good to know18:42
Ronniethe registration process did work tough, except for the error18:42
salgadoRonnie, in the future, if you have issues with login.lp.net (including the staging version), you can report it on #canonical-isd18:45
Ronniesalgado: ok, i will next time18:46
Ronniethx for the help18:46
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
salgadosinzui, ^ (fyi)18:47
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
thumperI'm trying to work out when to run for coffee20:18
thumpermy machine is still not right :-(20:18
* thumper leaves his home office in favour of shared office with coffee shop attached20:25
lifelessjml: still around ?20:47
thumpershared office space has blocked IRC20:54
thumperrunning on 3g tether20:54
lifelessshoot em20:54
thumperI've asked him on facebook :)20:54
mwhudsonfreenode runs on a bunch of non-standard ports20:54
thumperI'm connecting to port 4242 at home20:55
mwhudsonif they're doing packet inspection to block the irc protocol, shoot them with great force20:55
thumpermwhudson: I think they have just blocked a shed load of high ports20:56
thumperI can ssh home20:56
mwhudsonah ok20:56
thumperI wonder if mumble works20:56
thumperskype is open20:57
thumperI wonder how well mumble works over 3g20:58
mwhudsonlatency is the killer21:00
mwhudson(also most 3g contracts forbid voip)21:00
cjohnstonso does the new squads mean that blueprints are going to be fixed?21:02
abentleycjohnston, updating blueprints is part of the plan.21:05
wallyworld_thumper: i could hear you fine, maybe you didn;t hear me21:06
cjohnstonany idea as to a time frame abentley ?21:06
abentleycjohnston, I don't have that information handy.21:06
thumperwallyworld_: yeah, didn't hear you21:06
wallyworld_hmmm. stupid mic21:07
lifelesscjohnston: we're probably going to be doing the IssueTracker LEP21:07
cjohnstonis there some further info on that lifeless ?21:08
wallyworld_thumper: my mic is borked21:08
lifelesscjohnston: its not scheduled yet, we're currently driving our cycle time down and doing fewer things faster & better21:08
thumperwallyworld_: so fix it :)21:08
lifelesscjohnston: https://dev.launchpad.net/IssueTracker21:08
thumpermwhudson: mumble works over 3g21:08
thumpermwhudson: not too bad21:08
abentleylifeless, you estimated 6-12 months, right?21:10
lifelessabentley: something like that yes; AIUI this is reasonably high on jmls list21:11
lifelesshigh enough that the product team were doing analysis with mpt the whole epic21:12
leonardrthumper, are we having a standup?21:13
thumperleonardr: yep21:13
thumperleonardr: wally and I are in mumble21:13
thumperStevenK: ping21:13
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/%7C PQM is in RC for devel | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: - (r-c gets priority) | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
leonardrthumper et al: https://code.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/use-web-link21:24
thumperStevenK: nm, just remembered where you are21:25
lifelesswallyworld_: here ?21:27
thumpergot the ports un-firewalled21:28
thumperit's all good21:28
wallyworld_lifeless: i just have to duck out and drop the kid to school, i'll ping you when i'm back21:31
lifelesswallyworld_: ok, was just checking pqm is opened21:31
wallyworld_lifeless: yes, opened last night. i sent an email21:31
lifelessthe mail didn't mention pqm :)21:31
wallyworld_yeah, tell me about it21:31
wallyworld_yes it did?21:32
* wallyworld_ looks21:32
lifelesshmm, perhaps I'm blind21:32
lifelessI saw 'rev selected'21:32
lifelessanyhow, you have to pop out21:32
lifelessso shoo21:32
wallyworld_agggh. i "refacroed" the email as i was writing it and cut out the bit about pqm :-(21:33
wallyworld_and i can't type21:33
Ronnielifeless: ping22:02
Ronniewow thats quick :D22:02
Ronniei trying to implement launchpadlib (user/website access) into loco-directory22:03
Ronniewith the new approach the following steps are needed (worst case secnario): http://paste.ubuntu.com/564709/22:03
Ronnieit still pretty much22:04
Ronniedid you have tought for other ways to implement>22:04
Ronnieor can the pages seen in step 9-12 be translated?22:05
Ronnieor is it possible the change (on request) the LP openid provider from login.launchpad.net to login.ubuntu.com ?22:06
Ronnieow, maybe i can make LD to skip step 12 and check for ourself (altough the popup should still be closed)22:07
lifelessso, is LD grabbing a launchpadlib oauth token on the users behalf?!22:11
Ronnieyes, its a possible way i think it is most userfriendly22:11
Ronniefor users who do not want it, can change their data on LP itself tough22:11
lifelessis the LD deployment area secured ?22:11
Ronniegood question22:12
Ronniemhall119: ^22:12
Ronniecjohnston: ^22:12
lifelessso, as long as the LD deployment is really secure, I think this is reasonable22:12
lifelessits what OAuth is all about, after all - the ability for e.g. twitter to log into gmail22:13
Ronniethe LD is (i tohught) maintained by caninical-isd22:13
lifelessIt may well be, and if so thats great.22:13
Ronnieyes, with OAuth the server must really be trusted22:13
wgrantlifeless: With Launchpad's current... security... I'd say that allowing any other website to have an OAuth token on your behalf is beyond foolish.22:13
lifelesswgrant: in principle I agree, but the LD code can be vetted and is open22:14
lifelessif its deployed by losas the isn't a risk due to who is operating it :)22:14
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
lifelesswgrant: I'd be delighted for us to be much more granular22:18
lifeless'LD wants permission to add you to / remove you from teams starting with ubuntu-loco-*'22:18
wgrantNo, not that. IArchive['publish'] now uses "publish" to describe its function, and its description starts with 'Whether'22:18
thumperpsycopg2.ProgrammingError: type "debversion" does not exist22:19
lifelessbigjools patch ?22:19
thumperon make schema22:19
lifelessthumper: update your lp deps22:19
* thumper sighs22:19
thumperdoing that now22:19
wgrantlifeless: Yes.22:19
lifelesswgrant: why do we need disabled archives?22:19
wgrantlifeless: OEM does.22:20
lifelessnot whom, why22:20
wgrantlifeless: They have approved moving the flags to +admin.22:20
wgrantI don't really know.22:20
wgrantcody-somerville would know.22:20
lifelesscody-somerville: ^22:20
wgrantlifeless: The difficulty is that Zope security is crap.22:20
wgrantSo it's hard to have .publish and .enabled on +edit for copy archives, and +admin everywhere else.22:21
lifelesswgrant: what makes that hard? Is it a lack of separate types, or lack of an adapter declaring when view/edit are available22:22
wgrantlifeless: I can move the widgets easily, but I can't say that both launchpad.Edit and launchpad.Commercial can set them.22:23
lifelessso why do copy archives need .enabled ?22:24
lifelesswgrant: also, you'd just say that .edit is needed, and grant .edit to commercial admins on such objects22:25
cody-somervillelifeless, Hey. Whats your question exactly?22:25
wgrantlifeless: They should not have .Edit on such objects.22:25
lifelesscody-somerville: why do you need an enabled/disable flag for publishing22:25
wgrantlifeless: Because they start disabled so they can be tweaked (dependencies, scores) before they start building.22:25
lifelesscody-somerville: alternatively, if we said 'PPAs are always enabled', what impact would that have on you.22:27
cody-somervillelifeless, We disable PPAs in a number of circumstances such as a project freeze or for commercial reasons.22:28
thumperlifeless: :(22:29
thumperupdated all dependencies22:29
thumperand I still get that error on make schema22:29
wgrantthumper: Is postgresql-8.4-debversion installed?22:29
wgrantAnd postgres restarted?22:29
lifelessthumper: is postgresql-8.4-debversion installed ?22:29
wgrantYour dependencies don't seem to be updated.22:30
thumperwhat is pB in debian statuses?22:31
thumperif so, how do I change it?22:31
thumperpB  launchpad-developer-dependencies22:31
cody-somervillelifeless, We'd be sad if we could no longer disable PPAs but I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world if you really need to remove that feature.22:32
* thumper installs launchpad-developer-dependencies 22:33
lifelesscody-somerville: I'm questioning the value of everything :)22:33
lifelesscody-somerville: particularly things that regularly lead to foot-gun events.22:34
dobeythe worst part about foot-gun events, is when there's no bandage to stop the bleeding afterward :)22:36
cody-somervilleUnderstood. Incidentally, we actually use the ability to disable PPAs to avoid our own foot-gun events. :-)22:38
huwshimisinzui: Not sure what happened there, ack now though22:39
sinzuihuwshimi: I cannot hear you22:40
wgranthuwshimi: We can hear you.22:41
lifelesscody-somerville: ok, well we'd need to figure out how to preserve your safety without encouraging other users to break stuff :)22:41
wgrantlifeless: They want to create a derivative distro and use our queue functionality.22:41
huwshimiwgrant, sinzui: I'll reconnect22:41
cody-somervillelifeless, I thought that was accomplished by moving the option to the 'Administer PPA' page?22:42
dobeylifeless: pretty much every time i click "disable ppa" what i actually want is "eradicate this ppa from the face of the internets"22:42
huwshimisinzui: No luck, if you guys are talking I can't hear it.22:43
cody-somervilledobey, When you click the edit PPA link to get where the disable ppa option is you don't notice the delete this PPA link underneath it? :P22:43
sinzuihuwshimi: :(. DO you want to talk since we hear you?22:43
huwshimisinzui: ok, tell me when :)22:43
dobeycody-somerville: well, ok, so i do click delete ppa i guess22:44
sinzuiI hear22:44
dobeycody-somerville: but it sticks around as "Abandoned $PPANAME"22:44
dobeywhich is kind of eh22:44
cody-somervilledobey, yea... not sure why it doesn't get hidden all together22:45
sinzuithanks huwshimi22:45
wgrantWe don't want to delete the DB records completely at the moment.22:45
huwshimisinzui: Weird. I got sound back just as you said goodbye22:45
wgrantBut I want to rename the PPA out of the usual namespace, and hide it.22:45
huwshimisinzui: Did you want to have a look at the work I've done so far on the unification of colours sometime?22:46
sinzuihuwshimi: I would love to22:49
sinzuiI will be free in about 2.5 h22:49
huwshimisinzui: Ok great22:49
wgranthuwshimi: Is this the deletion of facet colours?22:50
huwshimiwgrant: yeah22:50
wgrantFirst step to merging the domains.22:50
lifelessoh man22:50
wallyworld_lifeless: the latest buildbot failure (on the db-devel branch) - seems rather random to me. TestTwistedJobRunner does appear to have a genuine failure but as to why.... ?22:57
lifelesswgrant: gary may have some ideas about the security issue you're running into23:04
pooliehi huwshimi23:09
huwshimipoolie: Hey there23:09
pooliehi huwshimi23:11
wgrantWe're not still RC, are we?23:52

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