
=== davidm_ is now known as Guest33922
Homefixanyone help with a chroot problem02:47
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* janimo is a bit irked by OMAP3 being called omap while OMAP4 omap411:10
ograjanimo, thats because the plan is to have only one omap flavour at some point11:10
ografor all omaps11:10
amitkone OMAP flavour to rule them all, one kernel to find them, one OMAP flavour to bring them all and in mainline bind them11:14
ograwell, its likely that by the time we have -oamp for 3 and 4 we will have a new -omap5 flavour :)11:15
ograbut yeah, originally that was the plan11:16
hrwogra: unless TI will start from -omap not -omap511:16
ograthere will always be a patchset before it goes upstream11:17
ogramight be smaller for omap5 but you will still have new code that doesnt get immediately upstream11:17
vstehleThis should be less and less, now that we have teams focused on upstreaming11:18
ograbut you will always have new HW that will need basic development before you can push upstream11:18
vstehleIdeally upstream kernel will boot on omap5 when the silicon is there, at least :)11:18
ograthats the nature of things11:19
ograideally that timeframe is very short11:19
Tims_can anybody help me, to run an Logitech WebCam on an GumStix (ARM cortex A8 - OMAP 3503)11:47
ograwhats the problem ?11:47
ograthe ubuntu kernel should have everything you need11:47
Tims_but it don't11:48
Tims_its ubuntu - lucid - 10.4 - lxde11:48
ograoh, 10.0411:48
Tims_I build it with rootstock11:48
ograand your kernel comes from ??11:49
Tims_rootstock does everything,11:51
hrwTims_: lsusb, dmesg please11:51
ograit doesnt install a kernel if you dont define one11:51
Tims_the order was: ‘sudo rootstock -f “Gumstix” -l “gumstix” -p “overo” -n “Gumstix Overo Ubuntu” -s lxde,gdm,openssh-server,x11vnc -t “Europe/Berlin” –serial ttyS2 -d lucid –locale de_DE.UTF-8'11:52
ograthat will only roll a rootfs11:52
ograwont install a kernel or create an initrd11:52
ograyour kernel must come from somewhere else (NAND boot probably)11:52
Tims_i work on a Gumstix,11:54
Tims_overo, maybe it is usefull11:54
Tims_ah sorry, of course i get the kernel, i was a little bit blind :D11:55
hrwmodprobe uvcvideo11:56
Tims_"FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.34/modules.dep: No such file or directory11:57
ograshouldnt be necessary if his kernel is proper11:57
ograwhich it obviously isnt11:57
LetoThe2ndhrw: ogra: we've been through all this in #ubuntu-de already.11:57
LetoThe2ndhis kernel is whacked, but he has no clue how to update or bake a new one.11:57
* LetoThe2nd has repeatedly told him to read documentation.11:58
ograis there probably a modules tarball at the dropbox location you could extract to the rootfs ?11:58
ograif not, you need to roll your own kernel11:59
LetoThe2ndand once again: http://wiki.gumstix.org/index.php?title=Kernel_Reconfiguration12:00
ogra(i'm not sure how well gumstix is supported by mavericks kernel, but might b worth a try)12:00
Tims_i can't look into the dropbox12:01
sveinseWhere can I find a "good" kernel config for omap3 for maverick? I just need the config file to compare my settings against12:02
ograsveinse, in the linux-image-omap3 package12:03
Tims_LetoThe2nd, i can't find this link in #ubuntu-de log, but thanks12:04
LetoThe2ndTims_: you can't find it because i've never mentioned so far. by "go read documentation" i though it would also include "go and search it first". i sincerely apologize for that misunderstanding.12:05
sveinseogra, thanks.  Name being linux-image-omap though12:06
ograoh, yeah12:06
ograthough that might only be the meta, check the deps12:06
Tims_@LetoThe2nd, no problem12:07
* LetoThe2nd hands out a few spare sarcasm detectors.12:07
Tims_orga, thanks12:10
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XorApersia: ping13:13
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ograGrueMaster, ugh, whats all that assigning to ubuntu-armel ?15:52
GrueMasterOpen bugs that need to be assigned to the team, but not necessarily an individual.15:53
ograwhy ?15:53
ograwhere is the change in our bug policy documented ?15:53
ograwe never assigned the team, only individuals15:53
GrueMastermarjo was concerned yesterday about the armel bugs that weren't assigned to anyone.  I'm just trying to assign them to the team so they are on our radar (and proper bug report).  I am also weeding out the bugs that we don't care about, so that I can go back and say "not our problem".16:00
ograthese should better be assigned to individuals16:02
GrueMasterWhy is lool reassigning bug 705689 from NCommander to janimo?16:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 705689 in qt4-x11 "QT applications crash with segfault error on armel when QT is built with gcc 4.5 on natty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70568916:02
janimoGrueMaster, possibly because I touched it last? No idea16:03
janimoanyway we're going to decide how to fix this porperly together16:03
GrueMasterI thought a good first step would be to assign these bugs to our team, then we can take individual ownership from there.16:03
ograbecause janimo had a workaround for using gcc 4.516:03
janimoso not sure that assignment means much in this particular case.16:03
ograinstead of just dumping 4.4 in place16:03
janimoogra, I'd rather wait a bit and see if gcc can be fixed so we don;t need another workaround upload (Especially if the NCommander16:04
janimos's latest one gives us working images)16:04
ograGrueMaster, i'd rather see us doing a dedicated bug triage day with the whole team and see that we can get them all assigned properly16:04
ograGrueMaster, also many are linaro (thumb2 porting) and need to be tagged for the new porting querue16:04
GrueMasterWorks for me, assuming the bugs actually get worked on.16:04
ograand not be assigned to us at all16:05
GrueMasterThe porting bugs I am leaving alone.16:05
janimoogra, I see a few of the porting to Thumb2 are oboslete. I mean thumb2 is enabled in most packages. There are other issues -multicore for ex16:05
janimobut that is mislabeled as a Thumb2 porting issue16:05
ograjanimo, well, we have to decide if we want to work on these or give them to linaro16:05
GrueMasterOne of the issues is that no one has been closing bug reports when they get fixed.16:05
ograthumb2 porting is usually linaro nowadays16:06
loolGrueMaster, janimo: I commented earlier that it seemed to me the bug should be open since it's not fixed, just worked around; I've reopened it since janimo was active on it anyway, and because the assignee was NCommander but janimo was actually the one working on it, I've changed the assignee to janimo16:06
loolHope that makes sense16:06
ograthe tag you see is likel old16:06
janimolool, ok,. actually we were both working on it, just on different aspects, but I agree it is still an open bug16:06
GrueMasterlool: Both have been actively working on it in unison.16:06
janimoas far as gcc is concerned16:06
ogralool, thats why i re-did the description a bit16:06
janimoogra, the FTBFS ones I think we can manage, thre toolchain bugs we must give to linaro16:07
loolFrom the comments on the bug, NCommander seemed to be working on gcc-4.4 vs 4.5 and janimo on fixing the cpp code; I am happy if you folks fix the assignee either way16:07
ograreally no need to reassign randomly ... the prob here is that we miss a "workaround applied tag, needs revisiting"16:08
ogralool, both workarounds are done in QT while the bug is a gcc bug16:08
ograwhich still has the task open16:08
loologra: I am not sure why you frame this as "randomly"; I think I explained how I picked it; I tried to make the best guess16:09
ograsure, but one is uploaded, the other isnt, neither fixes the root cause, bug is being worked on by both16:10
ograjanimo, right, thats what i mean16:11
janimorsalveti, ogra, does the version of x-loader/u-boot used get exposed somehwre in linux while booted and running>16:29
rsalvetijanimo: just at the first partition16:30
rsalvetiyou can install the packages if you want, but it's not installed by default16:31
rsalvetiand the version you can check probably by just booting the board16:31
janimorsalveti, yes, I know about t6hose, but was wondering if they get passed to linux in some param and mnaybe readable in proc16:35
janimojust out of curiosioty, it is not of much use16:36
rsalvetijanimo: not something they pass to linux16:36
XorAwould be real easy to add to u-boot/kernel though16:39
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janimorsalveti, I copied over the MLO and u-boot.bin from the new natty packages, and while the panda boots, there's no output on serial as it used to, this is why I wanted to see if I can read the version strings elsewhere16:50
rsalvetijanimo: no output at all or just after loading the kernel?16:51
janimorsalveti, at all16:51
janimobefore I saw x-loader print stuff16:51
ograbut it boots ?16:51
janimoogra, it booted16:52
ogravery very weird :)16:52
rsalvetiso could be a problem with your serial connection16:52
janimoI rebooted adn and now I still can;t ssh16:52
janimoso maybe it does not boot all the time16:52
janimo115200 is fixed right?16:52
rsalvetinot booting at all would be kind of "ok"16:52
ograshould be16:52
rsalvetibut booting and not getting you anything is weird16:52
janimorsalveti, I agree16:53
* janimo takes out the SD card to inspect in the laptop16:53
ogra115200n8 *should* be a default16:53
ograno guarantee that didnt change though16:53
janimoI did not touch boot.scr, only copied over two new files16:53
rsalvetididn't change16:54
rsalvetiso it seems that you're not even loading the x-loader correctly16:54
rsalvetiyou can easily check by the panda leds16:54
rsalvetionce u-boot is loaded both leds should blink16:54
rsalvetiand then stays on until the kernel gets control of them16:55
janimoI have one of the leds blinking more often16:56
janimobut sometimes they alternates16:56
janimonot on permanently though16:56
* janimo resets16:56
ograone is SD, one is heartbeat16:56
janimoit could be a faulty SD card16:56
janimoI had issues with it's seconds root partition and was only using it for booting16:57
janimoogra, the one further away fro the SD slot blinks periodcally16:57
janimoactually long pause, blink short pause blink, then repeat16:57
janimotime for another SD card16:58
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Homefix1i need help an error that i get installing DarwinSS in qemu or arm7 device? got a min anyone?17:54
ogra_darwin ?17:57
Homefix1Darwin streaming server17:57
ogra_no idea about that17:57
Homefix1it ibstalles fine in normal envirement however in chroot envirement i get these errors......17:58
Homefix1./Install: line 408: /usr/local/bin/qtpasswd: No such file or directory17:58
Homefix1./Install: line 416: /usr/local/bin/qtpasswd: No such file or directory17:58
Homefix1cp: cannot stat `DarwinStreamingServer': No such file or directory17:58
Homefix1copying PlaylistBroadcaster to /usr/local/bin/PlaylistBroadcaster17:58
Homefix1cp: cannot stat `PlaylistBroadcaster': No such file or directory17:58
Homefix1copying MP3Broadcaster to /usr/local/bin/MP3Broadcaster17:58
Homefix1cp: omitting directory `MP3Broadcaster'17:58
Homefix1copying qtpasswd to /usr/local/bin/qtpasswd17:58
Homefix1and such.....17:58
ogra_did you try to find a darwin related IRC channel ?17:59
Homefix1i thought maybe permissions of some sort because of the chroot env.18:00
Homefix1im always in root i think18:00
Homefix1<hrw> .....................help hrw18:11
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