
* genii-around sips15:32
BluesKajhi genii-around15:38
genii-aroundhiya BluesKaj15:39
* BluesKaj contemplates going for a walk in -12c temps ...not real cold for this area but still have to pull on the longjohns :P15:41
genii-aroundI like it when the snow is nice and crunchy at those temps15:43
IMOTHEPsur ce canal vous vous exprimez en français ou en anglais ? sur ce canal vous vous exprimer en français ou en anglais ? //on the channel you speak French or English?15:51
BluesKajheh, no patience16:04
dscasselIt's possible they just read /topic.16:05
genii-aroundI idly wonder if they went to #ubuntu-qc ;)16:09
BluesKajnope,not there16:12
genii-aroundje mal dans francais16:20
dscasselgenii-around: I'm sure you know this already, but CRTC is asking for "feedback" on UBB from ISPs again: http://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2011/2011-77.htm18:42
genii-arounddscassel: The boss was saying he wanted another emergency meeting, maybe this is whats on our agenda. Though I hadn't heard about it til now18:43
genii-aroundThanks for the link18:43
dscasselGood luck. :)18:43
johanbr_On the UBB question, it amazes me how many media commentators really don't understand the issues18:53
johanbr_It makes me wonder if they are equally clueless on other things, which I know less about myself18:53
dscasseljohanbr_: scary, isn't it?18:54
johanbr_yep :(18:55
BluesKajthe "capitalist" types who think we're "America jr " here in Canada are agreeing with the pay-for-use approach and let the small ISPs fall by the wayside to Ogilopolies , are the problem ...Kevinb O'leary and Abdrew Coyne are spouting that philosophy all over the CBC18:58
BluesKajcorrection : Kevin O'leary and Andrew Coyne18:59
johanbr_I guess they think a markup of a few thousand percent is fair19:03
johanbr_my girlfriend gets really annoyed whenever that business show with Kevin O'Leary and Amanda Lang happens to come on... she refers to it as "Beauty and the beast"19:07
dscasselThere's some of that sentiment on the local LUG mailing list too, suprisingly.19:08
dscasselI'd have some sympathy for that argument if Bell wasn't so heavily subsidized by the government since its inception.19:09
johanbr_even if it hadn't been, capitalism doesn't work so well when a few companies have a very long head start and competing with them would require enormous investments19:13
johanbr_especially with something that's well on its way to becoming an essential service, if it isn't already19:13
BluesKajjohanbr_ , he's a "put on" as we used say , he's just a rich bozo who's there to create controversy to attract those who love to hate19:32
johanbr_yes, exactly... I hoped the CBC would be above that sort of thing19:33
BluesKajW don't have the population to run US style ISPs , subsidy is necessary in this country due to our small population. I this was the US I'd still be on dialup.19:34
BluesKajif this was19:35
BluesKajI was chatting with musician chat friend in New Mexico . a town of 8000 ppl with no cable tv or even a local ISP dialup service , so he uses satellite internet at 110$ / mos19:38
johanbr_but that must be pretty remote - I also have friends in a New Mexico town of about that size, and they have Comcast19:41
BluesKajjohanbr_, well they're probly all on satellite , it's a retirement type town19:43
hakimsheriffHI all21:10

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