
=== Kaia is now known as Guest30821
brobostigonafternoonings everyone,13:21
p_mashoevening all.20:29
brobostigonnoswaith dda p_masho20:29
brobostigonnoswaith dda ianto20:30
iantoTi'n iawn brobostigon?20:30
brobostigonianto: not too shabby, but could be better, tired and frustrated, and not sleeping properly, how abou you?20:32
iantobrobostigon: Using workflowy.com to organise the next few days of my computing programming project (deadline Friday)20:33
iantoI've also registered sgwrsio.co.uk lately for a project20:33
p_mashofin hapus now catref.. a connection...20:34
* p_masho BT is a horrendous company to deal with as an IT developer caught between BT inbound "support?" and an MD ripping what is left of his hair out... anyway..20:35
arthurLNoswaith dda ^_^20:35
iantoarthurL: I am disappoint :(20:35
iantoarthurL: YOu weren't at Hacio'r Iaith20:35
brobostigonnoswaith dda arthurL :)20:36
p_mashois there a meeting coming up in Aberystwyth?  or have I missed it ?20:36
arthurLianto: When was this?20:36
arthurLNoswaith dda, brobostigon :)20:36
iantoarthurL: 28/01/1120:36
iantop_masho: There was an event called Hacio'r Iaith at Aberystwyth, a few of us went to attend it http://hedyn.net/wici/Hacio'r_Iaith_-_Ionawr_2011#Pryd.3F20:37
arthurLOh yeah, exams that day :(20:37
iantop_masho: BT is a fun company at times, if you forget to pay the bill and they disconnect you, you can still use port 22 for SSH and a SOCKS proxy20:38
iantoAh, 29/1/11 even, not 2820:38
arthurLSrs? I thought that if you're disconnected, the entire service was cut off :/20:38
iantoHacio'r Cyri doens't count ;)20:38
arthurLYeah, exams that day too :(20:38
* arthurL had a lot of them20:39
arthurLand they unerringly sucked.20:39
iantoarthurL: They don't fully disconnect you they just put up a paywall preventing you from browsing the net20:39
iantoAt least for a week or two20:39
arthurLHa, I'll remember this20:39
p_mashoianto: sucks to neffodd... and If you get an engineer on site and there is a fault, he fixes it, if no fault its 170 for false callout (previous has no compensation clause)..20:39
iantoarthurL: Just sat the Welsh exam for Aber today, went fairly well but the first question was solid, other than that I reckon I got between 70 to 80%20:41
arthurLCwl :)20:41
iantoAny idea what your marks were for your merit?20:42
arthurLianto: They don't tell you :(20:42
iantoThey tell the college though20:42
arthurLThen again I don't want to be told20:42
iantoLike UCAS don't tell you your estimated grades but the Aber lecturers told me my grades20:42
iantoarthurL: They send your results to the head of school in the college when they send you a letter to confirm/deny your merit/scholarship20:43
arthurLI got the letter to confirm but I was never told about results20:43
arthurLOh well, it's too far in the past to care20:44
iantoI might nag the college to find out :)20:44
iantoWhen they get them20:44
iantoPRobably won't bother telling me but it's worth a try20:44
arthurLI just assumed that they would actually send me the results but that never happened20:44
arthurLI suppose I didn't care much when I got the merit award20:44
arthurLAlso, monitor setup as of today: http://lomax.ath.cx/temp/awwwwyeah.jpg20:45
arthurLLeft = 20", right = 24"20:46
iantoOdd way of setting up the left monitor20:46
iantoVery cool though20:46
* p_masho wicked ianto.. that page translated yn daa into cymraeg..20:46
arthurLIt's for reading code and stuffs20:46
arthurLAwesome thing is that I can rotate it freely20:47
arthurLThe only bad thing is that the big one has a stuck pixel right in the middle20:47
arthurLIf it was in the corner I wouldn't care that much20:47
Guest30821ianto: your coming to aber?20:49
iantoGuest30821: It's likely, I only need 220 for straight Welsh or 260 for Welsh & InterPol20:49
Guest30821cool :)20:50
iantoConsidering I need a B in Welsh to be accepted and I'm doing Welsh Bacc which is worth an A at A level, 220 is in the bag already, with Computing at grade B/C-ish, 260 is well easy20:50
Mr__Tno, just me20:53
Mr__Thappy birthday for the other day20:53
Mr__Ta year flies20:54
* brobostigon plays the happy birthday song.20:54
Guest30821Mr__T: ianto was in aber same weekend as you20:55
Mr__Taye, I suck20:55
Guest30821you suck?20:55
Mr__TI slept in pretty late cos of the cold and forgot about hacio'r iaith20:56
Mr__Twell, it wasn't the cold, it was the fact it was sunday too20:56
Guest30821it was a saturday Mr__T20:56
Mr__TI went out saturday night and had an uber late one, also aber is closed on sundays20:56
Mr__Thmm, good point20:57
Mr__Tahh sunday I had an uber lie in til 6pm20:57
iantoMr__T: Thanks for the birthday wishes20:57
Mr__Tsaturday I got up about 1120:57
iantoJeez, 6pm?20:57
Guest30821Mr__T: lazy :P20:57
Mr__Taye, cos of the gigging/after festivities20:57
Mr__Twell, gig attending20:57
Mr__TI saw merlyn there20:58
Guest30821how come you know merlyn lol20:58
Mr__Tmae pawb yn nabod pawb yn aber :D20:58
* Guest30821 reckons Mr__T is secretly Merlyn in disguise 20:58
Mr__TI knew /of/ merlyn20:58
Mr__Tand seen him on facebook20:58
Mr__Tso knew him when I met him20:59
=== Guest30821 is now known as Kaia
Mr__Tthere aren't too many merlyn's...20:59
Kaiahis real name is nathan thats why20:59
iantoThere's one in Tonmawr20:59
Kaiaianto: fail :P20:59
Mr__Tsunday night was effing cold21:00
Mr__TI left on the monday21:00
Kaiahello beanfreak21:00
beanfreakhello Kaia  :)21:00
KaiaMr__T: Aye it was a bit cold sunday, i had loads of blankets so i was fine :)21:00
beanfreakKaia: hows aber?21:01
Kaiaaber is fine, nice and cold as usual21:03
iantoI haven't been cold since working in Scunthorpe with like 6 inches of packed ice all over hte floor21:03
=== beanfreak is now known as Ambrina
brobostigonnoswaith dda Kaia :)21:04
Kaianoswaith dda brobostigon21:04
brobostigonnoswaith dda Ambrina :)21:04
KaiaAmbrina: :D hows you?21:04
Ambrinabrobostigon: Evening :)21:04
AmbrinaKaia: im fine and yourself21:05
Kaiaalright, got to have bloods taken in the morning :(21:05
* brobostigon has an interrogation with the jobcentre inthe morning,21:06
iantoKaia: I'll come over and watch Ultimate Force with you to make up for lost blood21:06
KaiaThey already tried this morning, they used me as a pin cushion >.<21:06
Kaiaianto: I'm watching Supernatural tonight :D Magz rented it from the union woop!21:06
Kaiacroeso Mr__T21:07
* brobostigon has rawr privilages,he is a leo.21:08
* ianto praises golyg :)21:08
* Ambrina praises ianto 21:08
Mr___TKaia, I got a kickass book21:08
KaiaMr___T: oh aye?21:09
KaiaAhh yeah, Nice pictures of the prom iirc21:09
Kaiayou mentioned it when we were talking before21:10
Mr___Tlots of good pics21:10
Kaiahave you finished it?21:10
Mr___Taye it's a pretty short read, like 2 pictures and a paragraph on each page21:11
Mr___TI finished patagonia too21:11
iantoThe film? :S21:12
iantoI thought it wasn't out yet21:12
Mr___Tno, buch21:12
Mr___Tthey both have matthew rhys in common though21:12
KaiaOh i saw him :)21:13
KaiaI could have got a signed copy of Patagonia21:13
Mr___Taye I saw some pics on flickr21:13
KaiaWhat pics?21:13
Mr___Tof matthew rhys in aber signing books21:13
Kaiaoh dear21:13
KaiaI was in the background lol21:14
* Mr___T checks21:14
* Kaia goes to find pictures before Mr___T does21:14
Mr___Tno Kaia21:15
Kaiaummm yep there is a Kaia in that photo21:16
Mr___Toh in green121:16
Mr___TI thought you mean facing the camera grinning or something21:16
KaiaI think they caught me once or twice in there, I accidently walked in21:16
Mr___Tit's a pretty good book, but again, short21:17
Mr___Tit's more about the pictos21:17
* Ambrina has completed fable III21:17
KaiaI recognised myself from the bandana lol21:17
Mr___TI recorded the documentary about it 4-5 years ago on bbc21:17
Mr___Twith my tv card lol21:17
Mr___Tit's awesome cos it has the old patagonian welshmen speaking welsh21:18
Mr___Tin their funny spanish accent21:18
Mr___Tand names like enrique jones21:18
* Kaia would like to visit Patagonia one day21:20
Kaiasounds like an interesting place21:21
Mr___Tme too21:21
Mr___Thttp://wikitravel.org/en/patagonia good site21:22
brobostigonnos da, everyone. sleep well.21:30
Kaiacysg da brob21:30
Mr___Tnos da21:31
Kaiaoh ffs a justin bieber film advert on spotify >.<21:32
Mr___Tthey really are trying to make people go pro now21:32
brobostigonnos da Kaia an Mr___T21:33
Kaiayep they are trying21:37
arthurLAnyone familiar with the process of fixing stuck pixels? >_<22:47
Mr__Ttry massaging it22:49
iantoarthurL: http://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Stuck-Pixel-on-an-LCD-Monitor22:49
Mr__Tworked for a friend22:49
arthurLI'll give all suggestions a try. I'm kind of desperate to get rid of it :P22:50
arthurLI think I'll try running JScreenFix on it overnight and see if that does anything :/22:51
KaiaarthurL: is this the free monitor you are giving away lol23:13
iantoAnyone here understands how to develop a program in C with gettext support?23:40

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