
nigelbmorning YoBoY 07:04
YoBoYhi nigelb 07:04
dholbachgood morning07:06
YoBoYmoin dholbach 07:17
dholbachsalut YoBoY07:18
mhall119morning dholbach and YoBoY 12:53
mhall119and nigelb 12:54
dholbachhey mhall11912:54
nigelbdholbach: yhey12:54
nigelbmorning mhall119 12:55
Ronniemorning mhall11912:58
Ronniehey nigelb, any progress on the loco map style?12:58
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YoBoYhi mhall119 14:22
nigelbRonnie: hey, didn't get time14:32
nigelbprobably today or tomorow14:32
cjohnstonDaviey: ping16:05
nigelbcjohnston: meeting.16:06
Davieycjohnston, o/16:06
* Daviey is multitask king16:06
cjohnstonwho what meeting? huh16:06
nigelbright, he multi-tasks16:06
czajkowskiDaviey: really... since when 16:06
* mhall119 needs a better to-do list program16:07
cjohnstongotcha.. Daviey can you try to review my merge for turning off the sponsorship app prior to the 'sponsorship' period.. it seems like people are applying16:08
Davieyczajkowski, meanie!16:08
Davieycjohnston, ahh..  will do16:09
czajkowskiDaviey: says the person who glares! 16:09
Davieyadd it to mhall119's todo list.. :)16:09
nigelbno no16:09
nigelbno one touches mhall119's summit list before he fishes reviewing my merge :-P16:09
* mhall119 needs a much better to do list program16:10
cjohnstonme too mhall119 16:11
* nigelb offs to build it16:11
mhall119I'm making plans to build one, actually16:12
mhall119it's on my to-do list ;)16:12
mhall119and it'll be in Django of course16:12
czajkowskito do list - tomboy notes16:12
cjohnstonjust improve gtg16:12
czajkowskicross out each item as it's done 16:12
czajkowskiand make new list 16:12
czajkowskidate them 16:12
czajkowskiDONE 16:12
mhall119cjohnston: I plan on making mine a backend for GTG16:12
cjohnstonimprove gtg first16:13
mhall119czajkowski: you'd probably like GTG then, it's a lot like Tomboy interface wise, but better suited for tasks16:13
czajkowskiGTG ?16:13
cjohnstongetting thigns GNOME16:13
Davieymhall119, i started one last year... but it was crappy.16:14
czajkowskicjohnston: how do I install it ?16:18
cjohnstonapt-get install gtg16:18
mhall119Daviey: I have a list of features I want16:20
Davieymhall119, happy to help16:32
Davieymhall119, start writing.. i'll help16:33
* nigelb too16:34
mhall119I'll be sure to let you guys know17:12
mhall119Daviey: nigelb: cjohnston: Here's my desired features list so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/564556/17:13
Davieymhall119, nice.... create a LP project.. and turn all the features into bugs or blueprints :)17:28
* mhall119 needs a name17:31
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cjohnstongoogle apps auth mhall119 17:43
cjohnstonor ig uess google auth17:43
mhall119personally I want to do client-side SSL cert auth17:45
mhall119it'll probably start off as local account only17:46
mhall119maybe openid17:46
Ronniecjohnston, mhall119: im trying to implement this into LD so users do not have to leave the LD page when joining a team, changing mugshot etc: https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Authenticated%20access%20for%20website%20integration17:46
Ronniecould this be usefull?17:46
mhall119they'd still need to have an SSO account and LP profile17:47
Ronniemhall119: true17:48
Ronniethe SSO can be trough login.ubuntu.com17:48
mhall119I like the idea, but it wouldn't resolve the complaint about having to have an LP profile17:48
Ronniefor the LP profile i have not yet an solution17:48
Ronniestill thinking about it17:48
cjohnstoni dont believe there is anything yet... unless we could make a form that when you click ok it goes to the create lp account page, inputs the info in the correct spot, then hit submit and it goes back to our page 17:49
cjohnstonjust explain in translated terms what is going to happen17:50
cjohnstonwould something like that be possible?17:50
mhall119we can put a page up before we re-direct for login explaining what's going on17:50
mhall119which would be helpful the first time someone logs in, and annoying every time after that17:50
Ronnieif you have an openid account created on login.ubuntu.com how much steps would it take to create a LP account17:50
cjohnstonno idea17:51
cjohnstonbut it could just create the lp account with the lp.net openid17:51
mhall119cookie wouldn't help, because until they log in, we won't have a way of knowing if they've logged in before17:51
mhall119if they don't have an LP account, the openid doesn't give us a username17:52
cjohnstonright.. but when you do login, create a cookie so that we know for the future17:52
mhall119and when you log out, leave the cookie?17:52
mhall119doesn't seem right17:52
cjohnstonits just a cookie saying this computer has been here17:52
mhall119the proper solution would be for SSO and LP to be properly translated and informative17:52
cjohnstonif cookie that says "hi" exists, dont show login message17:52
cjohnstongood luck mhall119 17:53
mhall119yeah, I know17:53
Ronniehow much steps are needed to create an LP account?17:54
Ronnie1. Fill in the email,password from the openid17:54
Ronnie2. ?17:54
mhall119I'm not sure, at least providing a username in addition to the above17:54
Ronnieill ask the lp-devs17:54
cjohnstonmhall119: it also needs to be able to sync to android devices17:59
mhall119cjohnston: right, that'll use the JSON services18:00
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston: good news18:36
Ronniethe account creation can be trough login.ubuntu.com18:36
Ronniethese supports several languages18:36
Ronniei tested german18:36
Ronniewhen that process was done, i could use the email+pass to login to launchpad.net without adding additional info18:37
Ronniei only needed to sign into lp with the openid created on login.ubuntu.com18:37
mhall119what if they don't have a launchpad.net profile?18:38
Ronniethe launchpad profile is created at first login18:38
mhall119will is prompt them to provide a username?18:38
Ronnieno, thats part of the openid registration process18:38
Ronniehmm thats the full name ic18:39
mhall119oh, I thought you just needed an email address and password to register with SSO18:39
Ronniethe username is the first part of the email18:39
Ronniemhall119: you can test here: https://login.staging.ubuntu.com/18:40
Ronnieusername can be changed with launchapdlib18:40
Ronniethe staging site refreshed the db each 24 hours18:40
Ronnielogin to LP can here: https://staging.launchpad.net/18:41
mhall119Ronnie: unfortunately I don't have time right now to try it all out18:43
cjohnstonRonnie: when i click applications on staging.ubuntu.com it says Exception Value: column oauth_consumer.user_id does not exist18:44
cjohnstonLINE 1: SELECT "oauth_consumer"."id", "oauth_consumer"."user_id", "o...18:44
mhall119if you think you can make it work, implement in then we'll test it18:44
Ronniecjohnston: i just got to know that staging.ubuntu.com is partly broken, because of a db change18:45
Ronniecjohnston: see #launchpad-dev18:45
Ronniemhall119: ill try to make a branch which uses stagning to test the method18:45
mhall119czajkowski: I can't help but notice that the next Ubuntu-ie IRC meeting isn't using the LD Meetings feature :(20:58
czajkowskimhall119: we only just annouved the meeting today 20:59
czajkowskiask the team why they're not using it...20:59
czajkowskinot me who schedules it 20:59
cjohnstonyou can put it on the LD tho20:59
mhall119czajkowski: they probably created it before we released 21:00
mhall119it's using an Event record right now21:00
czajkowskicjohnston: I can but I try and not interfer in how the team is run tbh 21:00
mhall119I believe I said something to ebel already about moving it21:00
czajkowskiseeing as I dont live there nay more 21:00
* mhall119 looks in #ubuntu-ie21:02
mhall119nope, no ebel21:02
czajkowskihe doesnt run a screen 21:03
mhall119poor guy21:03
czajkowskinot really21:03
czajkowskibusy at work 21:03
mhall119I was joking21:03
czajkowskino smiley....21:03
mhall119I emoted on the inside21:03
czajkowskidoesnt irc very well :)21:05
Ronniecjohnston, YoBoY, mhall119: the first steps for the user authentication for changing user details (teams, mugshot etc) : https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/ld-lp-link21:44
Ronnieim counting the steps for a totally new user to take, and its still a lot of steps21:44
Ronnieill put them on paste in a moment21:44
YoBoYRonnie: seems complicated ^^" and not only for the foreign users22:13
RonnieYoBoY: it is maybe getting easier (currently talking in #launchpad-dev)22:14
Ronniebut if a user has already an ubuntu-one account of other ubuntu-sso account it will be way easier22:14
YoBoYgreat :)22:15
Ronnieand login.ubuntu.com is availible in a few different languages22:15
Ronnieadding more languages shouldn't be that hard then22:15
RonnieYoBoY: if i should write down the steps (and the amount of english-only pages) that need to be taken now, to do the same. the list will be even longer ;)22:18
YoBoYI think some parts of the LD could be more "open", like the comments, or the registration for the events, taking only a nickname and an email, 22:23
Ronniethe sso account will be used in more and more applications: https://help.launchpad.net/API/ThirdPartyIntegration#Desktop%20integration%20%28Natty%20Narwhal%20and%20later%29 (so having an SSO account shouldn't be a big deal)22:30
YoBoYif we can create one on the desktop (ubuntu one ?) and use it everywhere after that, yes, it's easier, next step perhaps it's having the control of the profile page also on the desktop :p22:37
RonnieYoBoY: technically its already possible to write an app which manages your LP account22:46

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