
=== davidm_ is now known as Guest33922
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persiaIs this one of those Tuesdays?10:04
=== Ursinha-away is now known as Ursinha
nigelbpersia: the last week was10:06
nigelbpersia: unfortunately, everyone except elky didn't think so10:07
persiaAh, then next week will be.10:07
elkyi think we've missed enough we can probably agree to any tuesday and reset it from there.10:08
persiaApparently our next scheduled meeting is 4th January.  Shall we have one 15th February then, and try to get back with the program from there?10:09
head_victimHeh almost enough for a quorum now?10:10
nigelbWhen does more people get added to the board again?10:11
persiahead_victim, perhaps, but not in a way that is useful: we're clearly fail to attract candidates in a way that is useful.10:11
* persia , in the absence of clear comment, updates the wiki page to claim a date10:31
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keesmdz, pitti, cjwatson: meeting in a few minutes. can't find Keybuk or sabdfl, though.14:57
cjwatsonhere, more or less14:58
mdzkees, clan mailed saying sabdfl wouldn't make it14:58
keesmdz: ah, thanks.14:59
mdzkees, I tidied up the agenda based on pitti's minutes from last time14:59
keesmdz: oh, excellent15:00
cjwatson(I've just moderated clan's mail)15:01
MootBotMeeting started at 09:01. The chair is kees.15:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:01
kees[TOPIC] action review15:01
MootBotNew Topic:  action review15:01
keesmdz - Set the release manager to ubuntu-release15:01
mdzkees, so I'm confused about this15:02
mdzthe release manager for natty is already ubuntu-release15:02
mdzis that what was meant here, or did it mean something else?15:02
keesI think that's what was meant; there were the notes from the rally TB15:03
cjwatsonI think it wasn't when that action was taken15:03
mdzok, so that's done then15:03
keesok, next15:03
keesmdz - Review ubuntu-drivers membership and make sure it includes (only) people who need to manage blueprints15:03
mdzI haven't reviewed ubuntu-drivers15:03
mdzI think someone else should review ubuntu-release15:03
keesok, carried over15:03
keesmdz - Review ubuntu-release membership15:04
keescarried over15:04
keesmdz - Set the owner/maintainer to techboard15:04
cjwatsonthe ubuntu-release membership looks correct to me15:04
keesmdz - announce something to ubuntu-devel-announce15:04
mdznot done15:04
keesbdmurray - file bug about bug supervisor not being able to set bug reporting guidelines for Ubuntu as a whole15:04
keesI think this was done, but I can't find the bug currently15:04
pittiu-release> not sure about Iulian and Stefan (whether they still want to be involved), but otherwise it looks fine to me15:05
kees[action] kees will follow up with bdmurray about his action15:05
MootBotACTION received:  kees will follow up with bdmurray about his action15:05
keespitti - check with James Troup about current quality experience of pool.ntp.org15:05
pittidone, will present the details in the actual topic15:05
keespitti - add TB as vendor contact point for http://groups.google.com/group/ntppool-vendors?pli=115:05
keessaw that was done15:05
keesokay, were there any other actions we needed to review that weren't already listed?15:06
kees[topic] Default ntpd configuration  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10452515:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Default ntpd configuration  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10452515:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 104525 in ntp (Ubuntu) "default ntp.conf should use pool.ntp.org servers" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:07
keeswhere does this stand currently?15:07
pittiI talked to James about it15:07
mdzI brought it up, but I missed the last meeting15:07
pittiwe reviewed that a couple of years ago, and then it was still not very reliable15:07
pittibut these days they have a pretty good probing system and network, and throw servers out of the rotation when they are off by .1 s or more (checked three times an hour)15:08
pittiso from a reliability POV James was okay with it now15:08
pittihis main concern is security15:08
pittii. e. a server could send out bad times to all clients except to the one that is doing the probing15:08
mdzwhat's the worst case scenario?15:09
pittiso that you could infiltrate the network with several servers which send out the wrong time15:09
pittithat's quite a lot of effort, of course15:09
pittithe advantage is that it provides nice geolocation support, i. e. selects a server near you, and has a large round-robin network15:09
pittiit would be interesting to see whether they plan DNSSEC support, but then again ntp.u.c. doesn't have that either15:10
mdzpitti, quite a lot of effort, yes, and what is there to gain?15:10
mdzseems like DoS15:10
cjwatsonI think we should remember that this is replacing a hardcoded list of server names15:10
cjwatsonwhich we never maintain AFAIK15:10
cjwatsonI have a hard time seeing how it wouldn't be an improvement15:11
keesapt has rewind and staleness protections, so the worst-case with targetted time attacks would be a freeze attack convincing apt to never update.15:11
mdzkees, and most users probably inflict a much more successful attack on themselves by not installing updates ;-)15:11
pittiyou could also envision running somethign like ebay on a machine like that, and tricking that into thinking that an auction is still happening when it shoudln't be any more, etc.15:11
keesmdz: right15:11
pittii. e. there are certaily interesting attacks, but it still by and large feels theoretical to me15:12
pitti(and it hasn't happened so far)15:12
mdzpitti, on the plus side, if there are millions of clients using that pool, an attempt to subvert it would likely be noticed quickly15:12
pittiso in summary, from what I've heard from the admins there and after discussion with James, I'm happy about the proposal15:12
cjwatsonanyway, this discussion has been had in the bug, see e.g. comment 615:12
pittii. e. to have X.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org and ntp.u.c. in the default config15:12
cjwatson(replacing> in gnome-system-tools, I mean)15:14
cjwatsonI'm also happy for us to go ahead at this point; especially security-sensitive sites are still free to use their own NTP servers, and they may well already do so15:14
keesright. I'd agree as well.15:15
pitticjwatson: indeed, the list in g-s-t is quite bad; we should IMHO replace that in any case, even if we'd not change (or revert) the ntpd.conf list)15:15
pittiso that there's only very little reason to change it at all15:15
keesshould we specifically vote on this?15:17
mdzI think we just did15:18
cjwatsonwe seem to have straw-poll consensus15:18
keesokay, so the proposal would be to switch the default ntp servers to {0,1,2,3}.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org, yes?15:18
pittikees: plus ntp.u.c. for ntpd.conf15:19
pitti(at least that was the proposal we discussed last time)15:19
keespitti: ntpd.conf would get {0,1,2,3}.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org and ntp.u.c?15:20
pittithat's how I understood it, anyway; perhaps just three from the pool15:20
pittithen if ntp.org would fail, we'd still have the ubuntu one15:21
kees[vote] switch the default ntp servers to {0,1,2,3}.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org plus ntp.ubuntu.com15:21
MootBotPlease vote on:  switch the default ntp servers to {0,1,2,3}.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org plus ntp.ubuntu.com.15:21
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:21
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:21
MootBot+1 received from kees. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:21
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:21
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 315:21
mdzI assume someone has checked that they are prepared to handle this volume of clients...15:22
pittithey seemed happy enough about it15:22
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 415:22
pitti"they" -> ntp.org admins, haven't checked the servers obviously15:22
* cjwatson eyes up https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/715141 and wonders if pool.ntp.org does IPv6 ...15:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 715141 in ntp (Ubuntu) "ntp.ubuntu.com does not have AAAA record" [Undecided,New]15:23
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 415:23
pitti[etov]? :-)15:23
kees$ host -t AAAA 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org15:23
kees2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org has no AAAA record15:23
cjwatsonhttp://lists.ntp.org/pipermail/pool/2010-October/005234.html etc.15:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://lists.ntp.org/pipermail/pool/2010-October/005234.html etc.15:24
keesokay, that passed. who wants to implement it?15:24
pittiI'm happy to take g-s-t15:25
mdzjdstrand touched ntp last ;-)15:25
pittiwant to coordinate a bit with upstream there15:25
jdstrandhey now15:25
pittibut it's by and large sponsoring, the bug even has patches for both already15:26
keespitti: I think it's best for 1 person to do the changes, regardless of package. can you take both?15:26
jdstrandif the bug has everything in it, and the vote passed, I can do it now15:26
pittikees: can do, I just don't know much about testing ntpd15:26
jdstrandas it happens, I am patch piloting as we speak15:26
keespitti: delegating to jdstrand works too :)15:26
mdzpatch pilot!15:26
pittijdstrand: I'll leave ntp to you then, and take g-s-t15:27
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
kees[action] pitti to update g-s-t for new ntp pool15:27
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to update g-s-t for new ntp pool15:27
kees[action] jdstrand to update ntp for new ntp pool15:27
MootBotACTION received:  jdstrand to update ntp for new ntp pool15:27
keesjdstrand: to catch you up slightly, be sure that the to-be-sponsored ntp debdiff includes ntp.ubuntu.com as the final fall-back too.15:27
keesokay, that topic is done...15:28
keesjdstrand: thanks!15:28
kees[topic] the mailing list archive for anything we missed15:28
MootBotNew Topic:  the mailing list archive for anything we missed15:28
jdstrandsure :)15:28
keesI don't see anything from the mailing list. does anyone else see anything?15:29
mdzis this utf8 thing resolved?15:30
mdzbug 66656515:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666565 in Ubuntu Translations ""utf8" charmap in locale name is wrong" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66656515:30
mdzlooks clear apart from that15:31
keesit doesn't seem like the TB needs to be involved in that bug?15:31
mdzcan we unsub then?15:31
kees[topic] Check up on community bugs15:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Check up on community bugs15:32
keesI see this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/37490015:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 374900 in faac (Ubuntu) "Libfaac not LGPL" [High,Triaged]15:33
keesthis is from long ago, IIRC.15:33
cjwatsonI took an action for that at one point, but my head is filled with despair any time I contemplate it15:34
cjwatsonI hate legal stuff15:34
cjwatsonso I don't really know what to do, I could promise to do it but history suggests I may never get to it.  Can I punt?15:34
=== ian_brasil__ is now known as ian_brasil
mdzlet someone else worry about it for 2 weeks?15:35
mdzperhaps someone who isn't here today ;-)15:35
mdzlooks like someone needs to get in touch with upstream15:36
keeswe can punt if that's the way to go; it looks pretty clearly like the encoder package need to be removed.15:36
mdzunless upstream agrees to fix it?15:36
keesbut I will add it to the agenda for next time and we can move forward.15:36
kees[topic] other agenda items15:38
MootBotNew Topic:  other agenda items15:38
keesI'd like to bring up moving the TB meeting by an hour or two. Probably 1700UTC would be best for Keybuk, based on his last TB email about his current schedule.15:38
keesI would like it moved away from 7am too, but I can usually make it.15:39
cjwatson1700 is fine by me15:39
mdzstill on tuesdays?15:39
pitticonflicts with desktop team meeting, so I'd need to sit in two in parallel15:39
mdzI have a tricky-to-move weekly meeting at that time15:40
mdzcould do that time on mon or wed15:40
pittiI could do 1700 on Thu15:40
cjwatsonI can't do Wed afternoon15:41
cjwatsonMon or Thu at that time would be OK15:41
mdzpitti, could you do mon?15:41
cjwatson(it's right after the 10.04.2/SRU/Natty interlock meeting, but I think that should be OK)15:41
pittiwe have the SRU/10.04.2 meetings on Monday around that time15:42
pittiand after that I usually have dinner and then sports15:42
pittiso, while it would be very inconvenient, and I couldn't prepare for it, it'd be technically possible15:43
pittiI'd much prefer Thursday, though15:43
mdzI could do Thu but only if we go to alternate weeks15:43
mdzI have a 2-weekly meeting this week at that time15:43
mdzso we would need to change phase15:44
pittiphase doesn't matter much for me15:44
keesdue to DST, the earliest I can do Thu is 180015:44
pittidon't we usually move it an hour earlier during summer anyway?15:44
keespitti: no, we recently tied it to UTC15:45
mdztake this to the mailing list maybe? we will need input from the other members as well15:45
keesmdz: yeah, good idea.15:45
pitti1800 UTC would be 2000 local in summer15:45
kees[action] kees - bring up TB rescheduling on mailing list15:45
MootBotACTION received:  kees - bring up TB rescheduling on mailing list15:45
pittiset up a doodle?15:45
keesokay, any other topics?15:45
bdmurrayI filed that bug asked about earlier15:46
keesI'll leave Keybuk as chair for next time15:46
bdmurrayits bug 70300215:46
keesbdmurray: ah, excellent. that was my memory too; do you have the bug # handy?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 703002 in Launchpad itself "distributions have no +configure-bugtracker link" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70300215:46
keesexcellent, thanks15:46
mdzkees, I think it's sabdfl's turn to chair15:47
keesmdz: oh, okay. it's been Keybuk's the last two, IIRC.15:47
keesanyway, sure, sabdfl it is.15:47
keesokay, that's a wrap then.15:48
keesthanks everyone!15:48
pittithanks everyone15:48
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:48.15:48
JamesPagettx: feeling better?15:58
ttxJamesPage: slightly. I'm taking forever to recover15:59
* smb \o15:59
Davieyttx, :(15:59
ttxJamesPage, Daviey: how was FOSDEM ?15:59
Davieyttx, good... tiring .. good... you were missed.15:59
ttxDaviey: not enough free beer ?16:00
JamesPagettx: not much free beer :-(16:00
Davieyttx, maybe too much \;-016:00
JamesPageshall we get started?16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is JamesPage.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
JamesPage[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:01
JamesPageSo there where no actions from last weeks meeting....16:02
JamesPage[TOPIC] Natty Development16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty Development16:02
JamesPageHows Alpha 2?16:02
SpamapSshould we be iso testing16:02
Davieynot a good story for eucalyptus atm16:02
JamesPagestill FTBFS?16:03
Davieythink i solved that16:03
Davieybut ftbfs in archive16:03
Davieyand some dhcpd issues16:03
zulsounds like fun16:04
DavieyRegarding ISO testing... has everyone at least try  installing A2?16:04
* robbiew needs to summarize A2 and put up the plan for A3 this week16:04
DavieyJamesPage, yeah.. will be fixed this week..16:05
JamesPageNot yet: the daily ISO testing looks OK at the moment (http://hudson.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/)16:05
smoseri somewhat plan on installing A2 today on netbook.16:05
* Daviey needs to talk to upstream16:05
JamesPageSo back to SpamapS original question - should we be ISO testing or do we need todo that closer to A3?16:06
DavieyGenerally A2 hasn't shown any kitten killers for me16:06
Daviey(except euca)16:07
SpamapSvirt-manager is quite broken right now in natty.. so that makes iso testing a little more of a pain for me. :-P16:07
zulJamesPage: yes we should16:07
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: TestDrive?16:07
* SpamapS could do virtualbox I suppose16:07
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: I'll look into it16:07
DavieyThose with real hardware available... is pretty useful to use compared to pure virtualised16:07
zul*cough* vmware *cough* ;)16:08
Davieyi've seen some nasty kernel bugs on my desktop install... and waiting for some serverish ones to hurt.16:08
JamesPageSounds like thats a specific action for this week16:08
* SpamapS 's only real hardware available is an old apple G516:08
smoseryou do know that A2 shipped, right ?16:09
smoserits kind of late to worry about dead kittens16:09
robbiewno kidding16:09
robbiewtime to bury those and move on16:09
JamesPage[ACTION] ALL:  ISO testing (including as much real hardware as possible) to smooth the way to A3!16:09
MootBotACTION received:  ALL:  ISO testing (including as much real hardware as possible) to smooth the way to A3!16:09
SpamapSin maverick we were getting hounded to do ISO tests.. this time I've heard nothing about iso testing. Just wondering if and when we should do iso tests. :-P16:10
Davieyyeah.. but we need to start hammering it to find the kittens... not save them :)16:10
ttxSpamapS: I wonder who did the hounding16:10
robbiewwhat does hggdh do?16:10
SpamapSttx: some uppity frenchman16:10
ttxSpamapS: the worst kind16:10
Davieyttx, you have been missed16:10
JamesPageAnything else for Natty dev at this point in time?16:11
robbiewseriously...if you are on the server team and you have to be hounded to test your own iso at milestone...that's a bit concerning16:11
Davieyi don't think hggdh has been able to test work loads... just installation.16:11
zulwell installations was the only thing that was tested for the longest time16:11
hggdhon UEC? (sorry)16:11
ttxrobbiew: +1. Even with a professional hounder, Hounding is no fun16:11
Davieyhggdh, generally.16:12
Davieyhounding != co-ordination16:12
hggdhwe are still prepping some automated tests -- based on LTP, and others16:12
hggdhand, on Hudson (or Jenkins) we are running pretty much all of trhe ISO tests16:12
RoAkSoAxhggdh: what about the powernap issue?16:12
Davieyhggdh, maybe not now... but could you and JamesPage give us some deeper insight at some point?16:13
SpamapSrobbiew: well the cloud doesn't use iso's ;)16:13
hggdhDaviey: certainly16:13
hggdhRoAkSoAx: I am starting to think the issue is not with powernap, but with euca itseld16:13
zulSpamapS: yeah but the cloud tests are pretty extensive compared to the installation/work load tests16:13
RoAkSoAxhggdh: ok ;)16:13
hggdhSpamapS: actually we usually start the cloud (read euca, right now) tests with a preseeded ISO install16:14
sorenSpamapS: Yet..16:14
robbiewSpamapS: right, but it uses images...and it's ourproduct16:14
robbiewI'm saying, it should be a high priority the week of the milestone, to test the images we put out...iso or cloud16:14
Davieysoren, you are just trying to create more work for us! :)16:15
sorenDaviey: Quite the contrary.16:15
sorenDaviey: The biggest problem I had with automated iso testing was lack of resources.16:15
sorenComputing resources, that is.16:15
sorenIf I could get a cloud to run the ISO for me, hooking up VNC to a screen scraping thing would be relatively easy.16:16
SpamapSAlright.. so the signal to iso test should be... the alpha freezes?16:16
ttxSpamapS: it's actually the candidate generation16:16
hggdhI do not agree16:16
hggdhwe should run them daily16:16
ttxSpamapS: otherwise you don't have a page to record results on iso.qa.u.c16:17
Davieyhggdh, i think we are talking manual16:17
SpamapSyes, talking about manual testing16:17
Davieyin my mind.. automated complements manual16:17
SpamapSttx: right, I don't get any emails when that happens.16:17
DavieyI imagine most people tried the candidate iso before release, right?16:17
SpamapSdespite being subscribed to all the iso tests I usually do16:17
robbiewSpamapS: but you get the freeze notice right?16:18
SpamapSrobbiew: yes16:18
DavieySpamapS, that is a good point... the current way of tracking the candidates is via  watching -release...and that is a process which is broken16:18
robbiewskaet: around?16:19
* SpamapS gives in and just subscribes to every list on lists.ubuntu.com16:19
robbiewso I can see about getting an email notification sent out when the isos are ready to test16:19
DavieySpamapS, that isn't enough :)16:20
JamesPageSo what do we need in terms of notifications?16:20
DavieySubject: Candidate posted16:20
DavieySubject: Re-rolled... because XYZ.16:21
smoserI really dont think its that hard.16:21
hggdhwhere? which list?16:21
smoserThe week of a release, you need to be testing16:21
smoserwe need to get through all the tests on iso tracker16:21
smoseryou really should not need a reminder for release week16:21
Davieysmoser, last cycle i wasted time testing a stale candidate..16:21
SpamapSwell how do people know they've appeared now?16:21
Davieythis needs better co-ordination.16:21
robbiewit's a great channel16:21
robbiewI highly recommend it during the release16:22
SpamapSsmoser: This is the first I've heard of this. The maverick cycle, a little man would pop up in my IRC window and say "test the isos now" ...16:22
robbiewI'll take a todo on getting a notification sent out16:22
Davieyreading scrollback seems to be a less clean process IMO.16:22
JamesPage[ACTION] robbiew to ensure notifications of release candidates (and re-rolls) sent out16:22
MootBotACTION received:  robbiew to ensure notifications of release candidates (and re-rolls) sent out16:22
JamesPageOK so is the combination of watching #ubuntu-release and some extra notifications going todo the trick?16:23
robbiewit better16:23
SpamapSApologies for being naive above it. I just want to know when I should start focusing on testing the iso vs. other things.16:23
robbiewwe do have schedule16:23
robbiewit's not like the release should creep up on anyone by surprise ;)16:23
robbiewSpamapS understood, and I think you raise a good pointr16:24
* JamesPage agrees with SpamapS16:24
robbiewthe release team should at least fire off a notice when ISOs are good to test16:24
zulyou should have it the back of your mind that we are releasing on this date and see what needs to be done16:24
* kirkland wonders if Ubuntu should have a desktop indicator for that sort of thing ;-)16:25
ttxwhat we did during maverick is have a "release contact" in the team (was me) whose job it was to remind people to switch to ISO testing (and talked about it in weekly meetings). A bit inefficient, but worked16:25
SpamapSzul: +1 for that.. I have just now added iso testing to my calendar in line with the release calendar.16:25
kirklandperhaps TestDrive could provide one16:25
Davieykirkland, byobu indicator!16:25
kirklandif you have TestDrive installed, it puts a message in the indicator16:25
RoAkSoAxyeah we could do that16:25
JamesPageI think we are missing the point of this meeting - surely we should be discussing activity over the next week in the 'Natty development' section?16:25
kirklandA1/A2/A3/B1/RC/GA Candidate Available16:25
SpamapSHah.. and of course.. the week before Alpha 3 is the ensemble sprint. :P16:26
Davieyttx, I had an advantage of seeing what was going on by being on the same TZ as you... i think that helped me.16:26
SpamapSJamesPage: true.. I think zul had something he wanted to bring up regarding Natty development.16:26
zuli thought that was the next topic16:27
zulif we are done with natty release stuff16:27
JamesPagezul: as our rep in the release meeting can you highlight any key activities over the next week just in case its slipped someones mind?16:27
SpamapSIndeed.. though before that was "events" ..which seems to have been wiped away.16:28
zulJamesPage: i think i can do that16:28
JamesPagezul: excellent - I'll make is standing agenda16:28
JamesPageOK so moving on.16:28
robbiewkirkland: +1 on the testdrive idea16:28
JamesPage[TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Server Team Events16:28
DavieyJamesPage and I had a good weekend at foSdem ... report to follow16:29
SpamapSI added this last week..16:29
SpamapSjust to highlight when and where Ubuntu Server interested people will be.16:29
=== noy_ is now known as noy
JamesPageSpamapS: I'll copy in the forward plan from last weeks agenda - we can just update as and when.16:29
ttxI'll be at UKUUG Spring Conference in Leeds in March, talking OpenStack (and Ubuntu Server)16:30
SpamapSwell its ok.. just wanted to mention that Dustin and I will be at SCALE9x Feb 25 .. and Dustin is speaking I think on Feb 2616:30
JamesPageScale9x at the end of the month - ClintByrum (SpamapS) and DustinKirkland (kirkland) attending16:30
kirklandSpamapS: JamesPage: yup!16:31
JamesPagettx: I'll add that to the list16:31
ttxJamesPage: cool!16:31
JamesPageAnything else for events?16:31
SpamapSkirkland: unfortunately I have to leave Fri night but I'll be there all day Friday.16:31
JamesPage[TOPIC] Mysql 5.5 for Natty (zul)16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Mysql 5.5 for Natty (zul)16:32
JamesPageover to you zul16:32
zulhi yeah...16:32
zuli wanted to throw out the idea of pushing mysql 5.5 to natty16:32
SpamapS+1 from me16:32
zulas a replacement for mysql 5.116:32
SpamapSits faster16:32
SpamapSand the GA release16:32
SpamapSand does not introduce any significant incompatible changes w/ 5.116:33
zulamazon is using it for their images16:33
JamesPageHow long has the GA been about?16:33
zulbut there might be some changes with libmysqlclient we might have to worry about16:33
SpamapSsince early December16:33
SpamapSzul: the license changes seem to have been accidental16:33
Davieyit makes sense for natty to have the latest16:34
SpamapSzul: and actually happened in 5.116:34
JamesPageany point releases since then?16:34
zulSpamapS: im talking about rebulding things like php open office etc etc16:34
SpamapSJamesPage: no. I know what you're thinking.. in the past mysql's first GA was bad.. but 5.1 and 5.5's first GA's seem to have fixed that problem with wider testing.16:34
SpamapSzul: oh, AFAICT, libmysqlclient did not change ABI or API16:34
zulSpamapS: sure but we are going to have to test it first ;)16:35
SpamapSAnd IMO its ok to have the client libs coming from 5.116:35
zulso thoughts?16:35
* Daviey suggests "do it"16:35
Davieyif there are serious concerns... PPA it and we can sniff test16:36
zulalso ill mention that debian will probably be going to 5.5 as well (a feeling)16:36
Davieypost to ubuntu-devel suggesting people test from Desktop apps etc.16:36
SpamapShttps://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/fixes has the initial packages16:36
zulDaviey: ack16:36
JamesPageIs this someone we can decide in this meeting or does it need discussion on ubuntu-devel?16:36
zuland they have been reviewed by the debian mysql maintainer16:37
zuli think it needs more discussion in ubuntu-devel because there is alot of packages that need libmysqlclient16:37
SpamapSright now, the mysql-5.5 packages I did don't even build libmysqlclient16:37
JamesPageOK so it feel like the consensus here is to go for it; but it needs broader discussion prior to committing in Natty16:38
JamesPageWe are only a few weeks off feature freeze so this needs to happen quite quickly16:38
=== artir is now known as afk|artir
JamesPagezul: you OK for an action to email ubuntu-devel asap?16:38
SpamapSyeah seems useful to just send to ubuntu-devel to get ack/nack's from interested parties16:38
zulJamesPage: yep16:38
Davieyonce the version is in... we can ignore feature freeze, as it will be bug fixes :)16:39
JamesPage[ACTION] zul - Email ubuntu-devel to gather consensus on whether MySQL 5.5 should be included for Natty.16:39
MootBotACTION received:  zul - Email ubuntu-devel to gather consensus on whether MySQL 5.5 should be included for Natty.16:39
JamesPage[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)16:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)16:39
JamesPagehggdh: all yours16:39
hggdhOK. We are behind on UEC (known, buyt anyway); ISO testing on Hudson seens to be OK now, wioth the two servers I dedicated to it16:40
hggdhand with James' change to run multiple jobs16:40
Davieyhggdh, ahh..  i still need to update my hudson cnode.16:41
hggdhbut I felt sort of alone on this testing...16:41
JamesPagehggdh: is that why each test it taking longer to run now?16:41
hggdhJamesPage: probably, contention on I/O, I would say. Also, I am still to hadd a check for a critical error on d-i16:42
hggdhSunday and Monday we spent 40 min waiting for the timeout to pop on a d-i error on the first 5 min16:42
zulhggdh: we you able to reproduce that samba bug you were telling me about?16:42
hggdhzul: on the Hudson test -- I figured it out, we need to manually logon the first time as an user for the smb userId to be generated16:43
zulhggdh: right16:44
hggdhso _this_ test will have to be changed16:44
hggdhalso, I need a position on how large should be the minimal install16:44
JamesPagehggdh: its grown since the last release....16:44
hggdhyes. To what? ;-)16:44
Davieyhggdh, 4 GB sparse?16:45
Davieyheck 100GB sparse? :)16:45
hggdhDaviey: no, the JeOS install (f4 on d-i, minimal Ubuntu system16:45
JamesPagehggdh: I think the original test was 550MB - I allowed +25MB for the testing overlay and its over that as well at the moment.16:46
hggdhJamesPage: yes. But I remember seeing 500M, not 550M16:46
hggdh(not on the test, in the QA docs)16:47
JamesPageYou might be right; lets take this offline and double check16:47
hggdhand I am done16:47
JamesPage[ACTION] hggdh JamesPage to check sizing for minimal installation for QA purposes16:47
MootBotACTION received:  hggdh JamesPage to check sizing for minimal installation for QA purposes16:47
JamesPage[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)16:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)16:47
JamesPagesommer: here this week?16:48
SpamapSI emailed sommer..16:48
SpamapShe's super busy with the new job16:48
SpamapSand sent apologies if he wasn't able to make it16:48
Davieyyeah.. i don't think things will change,.... had the same experience a few weeks ago.16:48
SpamapSPromises to work on the server guide again soon... and said he would appreciate help with some of the bugs already reported on it.16:48
DavieyWe might need to refine  how we are tracking docs16:49
DavieyI've done no docs for natty yet.16:49
Davieyhas anyone else?16:49
SpamapSUpstart docs has been a running theme for me.16:49
robbiewyeah...I think we need a hard push for updated docs at UDS16:50
SpamapSBut they're not done in any official capacity yet.. I've saved a lot of that work for A3 and beta.16:50
robbiewat least by 12.04LTS16:50
* robbiew needs to get folks excited about it...if that's even possible :/16:50
JamesPageIt's not a key focus for this cycle then?16:50
robbiewyay for docs!16:50
robbiewwell...we should have it every cycle16:50
robbiewbut given the LTS is where we see most of our use16:50
RoAkSoAxI'm gonna write Clustering docs post alpha316:50
hallynhm, i'd assumed they were 'taken care of', so i'll go ahead and take a look16:50
SpamapSsommer's been taking such good care of us we haven't had to do much.16:51
hallyn@sommer++ for babying us16:51
robbiewright...but we should be making sure it's correct16:51
robbiewas we change things...and he may not catch it16:51
* JamesPage realises that he's missed the kernel team out this week.16:51
Davieypoor kernel team16:52
* smb was already thinking he missed it16:52
JamesPageso moving on from docs for this week.16:52
JamesPage[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)16:52
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)16:52
JamesPagesmb: over to you16:52
smbJust wanted to bring up two things I am on16:52
smb * Continue to work through the SUSE Xen patchset and backport changes that16:52
smb   came through upstream stable but missed Xen clones of files (Lucid-ec2).16:52
smb   Done in the hope to get a fix for bug 708920 in the process. For the future16:52
smb   I need to think of how to prevent that skew in the first place.16:52
smb * For bug 709414: check testcase with Natty client to see whether the result16:52
smb   is still the same. Both Lucid and Natty do unstable writes followed16:52
smb   immediately with a commit request which syncs. So it seems to be sync but16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708920 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "Strange 'fork/clone' blocking behavior under high cpu usage on EC2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70892016:52
ubottuBug 709414 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/709414 is private16:52
smb   not very efficiently. Opened an upstream bug to see what those guys think.16:52
smbOtherwise open to questions.16:53
robbiewsmb: so I thought it worked in Natty, but not in Lucid (regarding the NFS bug)16:53
smbrobbiew, Well to me it looked identical16:53
robbiewsmb: right, surbhi said the same thing, but I believe in actual testing, the behaviour is different....but I could be wrong16:54
smbAt least when I looked at the output doing test with a lucid and natty client16:54
robbiewI'll yield to you for sure ;)16:54
smosersmb, mostly out of curiousity, i'd like to have you read bug 71031916:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 710319 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "CPU usage is incorrect on server-status page" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71031916:54
smbI think Surbhi said something about a difference probably in the code but I am more practical there16:55
smoserit seems that an upstream bug that *should* be fixed (per commits reported to fix it) still exists in lucid.16:55
smbsmoser, What release is that for16:55
robbiewfor reference the public bug for 709414 is bug 70939216:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709392 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Lucid) "NFS client does not submit "nfs_file_sync" write requests when the file open call includes O_SYNC." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70939216:55
smbI think we may still need a second half for Maverik16:55
smoseri have not reproduced on natty but i'm not certain the test case is guaranteed reproduce.16:56
smoserthere is an easy test case there though, that fails for me on lucid, does not fail on natty.16:56
smoser(but they're 2 different systems i'm testing on)16:56
SpamapS3 minutes16:57
smbsmoser, Actually Lucid may also yield wrong load output16:57
smbThat would be fixed in Natty16:57
JamesPageSpamapS: noted16:57
JamesPageAnything else for smb?16:58
smbsmoser, I think I have done either test kernels or at least prepared them for lucid but lacking a reporducer/reporter did not continue16:58
JamesPage[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)16:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)16:59
smoserwe can talk offline, smb, but for me, on lucid, the test case pointed to fails.  ie, time can go backwards for utime.16:59
JamesPagekim0: anything from the community team this week?16:59
smoser(and others verify that)16:59
smbsmoser, Yep lets take this offline16:59
* Daviey wonders if kim0 has internet access this week17:00
ttxQuestion for community or team: on https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o UDS is marked as starting Monday afternoon and ending Friday noon. Is that the plan ?17:00
Davieyttx, i suspect it's a TZ mistake17:00
bjfJamesPage, your running late17:00
ttxDaviey: it's more than a TZ mistake. It makes it 4 days total17:01
Davieyjcastro, ?17:01
Davieyttx, 00:00 vs 12:00?17:01
JamesPage[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time17:01
JamesPageTuesday, February 15 2011 16:00 UTC17:01
jcastrotimezone problem, I'll fix it, sorry guys17:01
Davieyttx, if jcastro doesn't respond.. i'll find out and get back to you.17:02
ttxjcastro: cool, thanks17:02
macoDaviey: he just did17:02
JamesPagebjf: all yours....17:02
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:02.17:02
MootBotMeeting started at 11:02. The chair is bjf.17:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:02
SpamapSJamesPage: good meeting! thanks!17:02
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:02
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty17:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty17:02
bjf# Meeting Etiquate17:02
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:02
bjf[TOPIC] ARM Status (bjf)17:02
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Status (bjf)17:02
bjfNothing new, do we have ARM folks anymore ?17:03
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo)17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics (JFo)17:03
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (9 bugs, 12 Blueprints)17:03
JFo==== Alpha 3 Milestoned Bugs (61 across all packages (up 42)) ====17:03
JFo * 2 linux kernel bugs (up 1)17:03
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)17:03
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)17:03
JFo==== Release Targeted Bugs (249 across all packages (up 44)) ====17:03
JFo * 21 linux kernel bugs (up 4)17:03
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)17:03
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)17:03
JFo==== Milestoned Features ====17:03
JFo * 7 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)17:03
JFo==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====17:03
JFo * 55 Linux Bugs (no change)17:03
JFo==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====17:03
JFo * 91 Linux Bugs (no change)17:03
JFo==== Bugs with Patches Attached:102 (up 8) ====17:03
JFo * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]17:03
JFo * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]17:03
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo)17:04
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo)17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling17:04
JFo* found a logic error (what I believe to be one at least) in the process-new arsenal script.17:04
JFoWorking to nail down the behavior in that script so that it can be addressed.17:04
JFo* I am cleaning up my notes about kernel testing and should have updates to the wiki documentation done this week.17:04
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking)17:04
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking)17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements17:04
ckingChanges to fwts (natty development branch):17:04
cking * add oops checker17:04
cking * fix double free in dmar test17:04
cking * improving option handling17:04
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf)17:05
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review17:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf)17:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review17:05
sconklin|| The kernel Stable team has had kernels in -proposed for almost17:05
sconklin|| a week, and a number of the associated fixes have been verified.17:05
sconklin|| Due to the alpha release of Natty and the .2 release of Lucid17:05
sconklin|| and the demand on certification and QA resources, there is17:05
sconklin|| time for us to spin another release and put it in -proposed.17:05
sconklin|| Fixes verified already in the current -proposed kernel will17:05
sconklin|| remain verified, and any new fixes will require verification.17:05
sconklin|| We expect to produce those kernels this week.17:05
sconklin|| The process continues to get refined as we go through new17:05
sconklin|| cycles. We have taken responsibility for updating the17:05
sconklin|| verification tags on bugs and are changing our tools to17:05
sconklin|| deal with that. We also are developing internal tools to17:05
sconklin|| help track package versions and alert us to errors such17:05
sconklin|| as not having an updated meta package when an ABI bump17:05
sconklin|| has occurred.17:05
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Cert. Team  (ara)17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Cert. Team  (ara)17:06
araNothing to report on SRUs. We won't be testing -proposed kernels this week or the following one.17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Ecryptfs (jj)17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Ecryptfs (jj)17:06
jjohansen- second revision with cleanups and bug fixes pushed to ecryptfs mailing list17:07
jjohansen- revising description text with kirklands feedback for fsdevel submit17:07
jjohansen- tyhicks has been busy and unable to review, is planning to review today17:07
jjohansen- may alter shortname generation to use directory ino pending discussion17:07
jjohansen- may convert from trusted to user. xattr namespace pending discussion17:07
=== ogra is now known as Guest60731
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Natty (apw)17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Natty (apw)17:08
apwThe natty-alpha-2 kernel seems to be holding up ok.  Since the freeze lifted we have uploaded v2.6.38-2.29 (v2.6.38-rc3) based kernel.  This has brought another swathe of DRM fixes, though things are still iffy there.  v2.6.38-rc4 has just released and will be uploaded shortly.17:08
apwOverall we are looking good on longer term tasks with most of the key deliverables complete.  We are now tracking mainline and fielding issues as they appear.17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf)17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf)17:08
sconklin|| Package                                    || Kernel PPA          || Proposed             || Upd/Sec              ||  TiP || Verified ||17:08
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:08
sconklin|| dapper   linux-source-2.6.15               || 2.6.15-55.92        ||                      || 2.6.15-55.91         ||      ||          ||17:08
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||            ||      ||          ||17:08
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6       ||                     ||                      || 2.6.15-55.13         ||      ||          ||17:08
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| hardy    linux                             || 2.6.24-28.85        || 2.6.24-28.84         || 2.6.24-28.81         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24   ||                     ||                      ||       ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24       ||                     ||                      || 2.6.24-28.47         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| karmic   linux                             || 2.6.31-22.72        || 2.6.31-22.71         || 2.6.31-22.70         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.31    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.31-22.24         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ec2                         || 2.6.31-307.25       || 2.6.31-307.24        || 2.6.31-307.23        ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-fsl-imx51                   || 2.6.31-112.30       ||                      || 2.6.31-112.28        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-fsl-imx51              ||                     ||                      ||        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.31-214.32        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               ||                     ||                      ||        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| lucid    linux                             || 2.6.32-29.57        || 2.6.32-29.57         || 2.6.32-28.55         ||    6 ||        1 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.32    || 2.6.32-29.28        || 2.6.32-29.28         || 2.6.32-28.27         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ec2                         || 2.6.32-313.25       || 2.6.32-313.25        || 2.6.32-312.24        ||    8 ||        1 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||       ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-lts-backport-maverick       || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1 || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1  || 2.6.35-23.41~lucid1  ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick  ||                     ||                      ||         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-fsl-imx51                   || 2.6.31-608.22       ||                      || 2.6.31-608.20        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    || 2.6.32-214.30       || 2.6.32-214.30        || 2.6.32-211.27        ||    6 ||        1 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               || 2.6.32-214.15       ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| maverick linux                             || 2.6.35-26.46        || 2.6.35-26.46         || 2.6.35-25.44         ||    9 ||        9 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.35    || 2.6.35-26.17        ||                      || 2.6.35-25.16         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-mvl-dove                    ||                     || 2.6.32-414.30        ||                      ||    3 ||        3 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-mvl-dove               ||                     ||         ||                      ||    0 ||        0 ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-ti-omap4                    ||                     ||                      || 2.6.35-903.14        ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ti-omap4               ||                     ||                      || 2.6.35-903.6         ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin||                                            ||                     ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||17:09
sconklin|| Package                                    || Kernel PPA          || Proposed             || Upd/Sec              ||  TiP || Verified ||17:10
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)17:11
JFoIncoming Bugs17:11
JFo 149 Natty Bugs (up 41)17:11
JFo 1141 Maverick Bugs (up 8)17:11
JFo 1005 Lucid Bugs (up 8)17:11
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):17:11
JFo==== regression-update ====17:11
JFo  * 35 maverick bugs (up 3)17:11
JFo  * 75 lucid bugs (no change)17:11
JFo  * 6 karmic bugs (no change)17:11
JFo  * 0 hardy bugs (no change)17:11
JFo==== regression-release ====17:11
JFo  * 220 maverick bugs (down 1)17:11
JFo  * 206 lucid bugs (up 2)17:11
JFo  * 38 karmic bugs (no change)17:11
JFo  * 2 hardy bugs (no change)17:11
JFo==== regression-proposed ====17:11
JFo  * 14 maverick bugs (down 1)17:11
JFo  * 2 lucid bugs (no change)17:11
JFo  * 1 karmic bug (no change)17:11
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)17:12
JFoThe  next bug day will be next Tuesday. It will once again cover bugs in the new state.17:12
JFoI'll put some more information out on what I am interested in solving within these set17:12
JFoof bugs once I have determined why the process-new script is failing.17:12
bjf[TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo)17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Triage Status (JFo)17:12
JFostill quite a lot of direct requests to review specific bugs. There are a few people in the community helping out, so that is picking up a bit.17:12
JFonothing other than that unless someone else has anything.17:12
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)17:13
bjfthanks everyone17:14
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:14.17:14
JFothanks bjf17:14
sforsheethanks bjf17:14
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra__
=== ogra__ is now known as ogra_
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
=== artir is now known as afk|artir
=== afk|artir is now known as artir
=== davidm_ is now known as Guest47973
=== artir is now known as afk|artir
=== afk|artir is now known as artir
vish!away > artir19:15
ubottuartir, please see my private message19:15
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
duanedesign'lo all23:59

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