
LLStarkshey guys, firefox doesn't load v4l1compat.so automatically. doesn't this mean that older webcams can't use chatroulette and such?00:55
LLStarksv4l2convert.so or whatever the thing is01:00
micahgLLStarks: shouldn't that be loaded by whatever plugin is using it?01:02
LLStarksit isn't. same goes for things like skype.01:03
micahgwell, I don't think Firefox should be linking against webcams libs01:03
LLStarkscheese finds the webcame fine without explicitly needing to load the library01:03
LLStarksthe plugins, namely flash, are looking for the hooks01:05
LLStarksfirefox, at least on linux, needs to provide for that01:06
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chrisccoulsonm_conley, we'll get a new launcher API soon in unity, which allows you to use quicklists, and add progress indicators to launcher icons16:11
chrisccoulsonthe API is already available (but not stable) - https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/trunk16:11
m_conleychrisccoulson: ah, excellent - that's the third major project for integration.  So that's awesome.  :)16:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be pretty neat :)16:11
ftachrisccoulson, pm16:29
ftajdstrand, fyi, linux/stable (9.0.597.84 -> 9.0.597.94)17:10
micahgjdstrand: I should have seamonkey tested by EOD17:12
jdstrandmicahg: great, thanks :)17:12
ftachrisccoulson, micahg: does ff4 use libjpeg_turbo?17:14
micahgfta: I don't think it does yet, let me see if I can find the bug17:14
micahgfta: not yet, mozilla 57394817:16
ftajdstrand, just checked, we need it, 5 security fixes17:17
ubot2Mozilla bug 573948 in ImageLib "Replace libjpeg with libjpeg-turbo" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57394817:17
jdstrandfta: this will be just chromium-browser and not additional updates?17:18
ftajdstrand, yes, correct17:18
micahgjdstrand: do you want me to talk to the release team about 10.04.2 and the Firefox delay?17:19
jdstrandmicahg: sure, that would be friendly17:19
dpmhi fta, sorry for not replying earlier on on #launchpad I was discussing translations breakage in another browser on -desktop ;) - and then I got sidetracked.17:23
dpmSo it seems that the fix for that bug won't make it for the LP rollout17:23
dpmbut it might be cherrypicked afterwards17:23
dpmI'd say let's wait until then, and if it doesn't improve, I'd raise it on the launchpad-dev mailing list again17:24
dpmas danilo and the other guys (apart from henninge) are no longer working in translations17:25
dpmso the squad working on them should handle this17:25
ftadpm, i don't see what else i can do in my code. so i'll wait17:25
dpmfta, yeah, let's do that17:26
ftadpm, merging everything on my side means way more resources used. 3500 strings x 57 langs x 4 branches17:26
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
dpmfta, yeah, I understand it's a pain on your side :(17:35
ftadpm, the code is there now so it's ok. but i feel bad for the translators, they complain with a good reason, and i don't know what to tell them17:37
ftadpm, btw, i will blog once more about those translations, i still have some good news17:38
fta(this bug aside)17:38
dpmyeah, I read about what you were saying about landing new languages earlier on :)17:39
ftadpm, did you read my post about ch 9? there was something about translations in it too17:39
ftadpm, jdstrand: btw, i just generated the source tarball for the new chromium update (9.0.597.94), and it's missing the lp *improved* strings17:50
fta2000 out of 200k strings :P17:51
micahgjdstrand: oh well17:55
micahgchrisccoulson: 10.04.2 won't have the next round of Mozilla updates17:55
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that sucks17:57
dpmfta, I had read the blog post, but it seems too quickly, I had missed the translations part. I've now added it to the translators FB page :)18:00
chrisccoulsonRIP abrowser => http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-4.0.head/revision/75118:00
micahgnow I can generate a tarball without authing to bzr :)18:02
chrisccoulsonoh, actually. we might still need to keep the abrowser branding in the tarball18:04
chrisccoulsonas we'll need it eventually for lucid18:04
chrisccoulsonbut for now, we don't need it18:04
micahgchrisccoulson: I thought we were going to kill it in Lucid as well18:04
chrisccoulsonwell, we'll see what happens18:04
ftaseems you guys undid everything asac and me did since 2007 :P18:04
chrisccoulsonfta - sorry ;)18:04
chrisccoulsonfta - people aren't really using abrowser (nobody noticed that it's been broken since december)18:05
micahgfta: tarball generation did a bzr checkout and if you have an ssh key associated with bzr, it prompts for auth unless you configure it a certain way (which I haven't figured out yet)18:05
chrisccoulsonand it's going to get difficult to maintain in the future too18:05
ftaabrowser was not mine anyway, i never really understood why it was needed18:06
ftasomething about OEM iirc18:06
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah. they're not using it now though18:07
ftaok, good then18:07
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i broke tbird upgrades (bug 715310)18:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 715310 in thunderbird "package thunderbird 3.1.8+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71531018:08
chrisccoulsonnot much useful information there though. did anyone else see that issue?>18:09
chrisccoulsonit upgraded fine here18:10
* micahg doesn't see the bzr commits for it18:10
micahgand I'm still not on natty :)18:10
* micahg will ask the Xubuntu folks if they've had any trouble18:11
chrisccoulsonthe only thing i changed there was to do the symlink -> folder migration that dpkg doesn't handle18:12
chrisccoulsonor, folder -> symlink, rather18:12
LLStarkschrisccoulson: it came up yesterday that apps like chrome, skype, firefox, etc don't have the proper hooks for non-uvc, v4l1 webcams unless the library is directly fed into the app.18:37
chrisccoulsonhuh, what does that have to do with firefox?18:37
LLStarksffff, i can't read. stupid chatzilla18:37
chrisccoulsonare you sure that's not flash?18:37
* micahg thought it was Flash's fault as well18:39
micahgchrisccoulson: upgrade worked for charlie-tca18:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - cool, thanks18:45
micahgchrisccoulson: but he went from 3.1.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu5  to current18:45
chrisccoulsoni'll just keep an eye on the bugs then, it might just be one of those random failures we get with update-alternatives18:45
chrisccoulson(or perhaps he used ubuntuzilla!)18:45
chrisccoulsonheh ;)18:45
micahgchrisccoulson: charlie-tca is having trouble with saved tabs in the latest FF4 beta though18:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not asking if he wants them saved?18:47
chrisccoulsonthat's normal ;)18:47
micahgcharlie-tca: firefox 4.0b11 does not save tabs, even checked in preferences to reopen all tabs when starting18:47
LLStarksdamn xchat18:47
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it does save them, but it doesn't restore them automatically18:47
LLStarkskeeps crashing18:47
LLStarkschris, did you get my last?18:47
chrisccoulsonyou need to go to History -> Restore Previous Session18:48
micahgchrisccoulson: weird, my tabs still restore18:48
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, about v4l1? not sure how that's anything to do with firefox...18:48
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you might have a user pref there18:48
LLStarkswhere does the responsibility for proper webcam hooks lie? libv4l?18:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the new behaviour is to save the session, but not restore automatically. this works quite well in the mozilla build, because they have a big "restore previous session" button on the homepage18:49
chrisccoulsonbut the new behaviour really sucks for us, because we have our own homepage18:49
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering whether to revert that pref for us18:50
chrisccoulsonthe item in the history menu is not discoverable, and people are going to think they've lost their sessions18:50
micahgchrisccoulson: either that, or give us the button as well18:50
chrisccoulsoni've had a few people ping me about it already18:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we can't add a button, as our homepage is remote content18:50
micahgoh, they have a local homepage18:51
* micahg was wondering how that worked with remote content, answer is: it doesn't :)18:51
chrisccoulsonwhich is cool18:51
LLStarkschris, thunderbird-globalmenu needs to be pulled.18:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/home.png18:55
chrisccoulsonhuh, even?18:55
LLStarksdoesn't let thunderbird configure18:55
LLStarksThe following NEW packages will be installed:18:56
LLStarks  thunderbird thunderbird-globalmenu18:56
chrisccoulsonstarting with "thunderbird-globalmenu needs to be pulled isn't particularly helpful". please describe the problem first and i'll come up with a solution ;)18:56
chrisccoulsonrather than telling me a solution before even telling me what the problem is ;)18:56
chrisccoulsonthat's nothing to do with thunderbird-globalmenu18:57
* m_conley exhales18:57
m_conleyclose one.  :)18:58
chrisccoulsonthat is just thunderbird failing to configure, but i've got no idea why yet. nobody else in here recreated it18:58
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, it's more likely to do with another transition we did18:58
LLStarkssorry for rushing to conclusions18:58
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, is /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.1.8/extensions a folder or symlink after the upgrade?18:58
chrisccoulsonhmmm, so, it seems like it worked :/19:01
chrisccoulsonand there are no other useful error messages19:01
LLStarksi could try looking through apt logs19:01
chrisccoulsonthere won't be anything there19:02
LLStarksbut my whole machine has been unstable with bug 71495919:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 714959 in nautilus "Nautilus process crashes and restarts in an uninterruptible loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71495919:02
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, oh, this is a fresh install of thunderbird rather than upgrade?19:05
* chrisccoulson hasn't tested that!19:05
LLStarkspurging and fresh install doesn't help19:05
chrisccoulsonhmmm :/19:06
chrisccoulsonyou can recreate it every time?19:06
chrisccoulsonjust trying a fresh install19:08
chrisccoulsonif my laptop ever hurries up19:09
LLStarksi swear my pc is conspiring against me19:13
chrisccoulsonoh, i see it too19:14
ftajdstrand, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/9.0.597.94~r73967/   + bug 71535719:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 715357 in chromium-browser "9.0.597.84 -> 9.0.597.94 upgrade" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71535719:48
jdstrandfta: thanks-- so did you pull back in the translations (or similar), or will this regress?19:48
ftajdstrand, well, there's no real gap, everything is still translated, but the upstream translations replaced the launchpad translations (supposed to improve the upstream ones). That's all because of lp's new design, so i'd say it's no big deal19:51
jdstrandfta: ack19:51
ftajdstrand, it's already built in the stable ppa, all fine19:52
julius__hello, everyone20:11
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/3.1.8+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 should fix it20:12
chrisccoulsonbut it's failed to build because of version skew with cairo packages20:12
julius__the nightlies for ff-4.0 are failing to build; anyone knows what's wrong?20:13
chrisccoulsonjulius__, i'll take a look later, i've got other things to do first though20:14
chrisccoulsoni guess they only failed on last nights build though?20:15
julius__ok, thanks20:15
julius__nope, they failed from several days20:15
micahgchrisccoulson: if I get the Seamonkey testing done early, I'll try to take a look20:28
LLStarkswow. home dash is terrible.20:30
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, it's also experimental20:35
LLStarksi know, but it was like somebody gave my browser drugs. i had to rm the xpi directly to make it go away.20:37
micahgjdstrand: I forgot I blew away most of my VMs, is it ok for Seamonkey to be verified by tomorrow?  I want to get kvm set up on a new machine20:43
jdstrandmicahg: absolutely20:44
jdstrandmicahg: thank you for taking care of it :)20:44
micahgjdstrand: np20:45
jdstrandfta: uploaded to ubuntu-security-proposed. thanks for the packages! :)20:51
ftajdstrand, excellent \o/20:51
micahgjdstrand: is it safe to upgrade my VM machine to natty?21:20
jdstrandmicahg: you mean the host?21:20
micahgjdstrand: yes21:20
micahgI'm installing maverick now21:20
jdstrandmicahg: yes. I have one weird kvm/linux issue that seems related to wireless, but I seem to be the only one having the problem21:20
jdstrandmicahg: that said, running maverick for a while is likely not a bad idea21:21
micahgok, I just didn't want invalid test results21:21
micahgok, maybe I'll play it safe21:21
jdstrandmicahg: that way you can focus on learning the new processes, etc, rather than troubleshooting natty21:21
micahgheh, ok, makes sense21:21
jdstrandmicahg: it is up to you of course. certainly by beta upgrading to natty is a good idea21:22
micahgI'm wondering if I should upgrade my laptop now or wait until I'm settled21:22
micahgjdstrand: I was doing that before :)21:22
jdstrandmicahg: devs are encouraged to run the dev release, but early alphas are not a requirement21:22
jdstrandI tend to mix it up21:22
jdstrandthis cycle I upgraded quite early21:23
jdstrandbut that was because I wanted to provide feedback on unity21:23
micahgjdstrand: I assume that if something breaks I'm allowed to take the time to troubleshoot and/or fix it?21:23
jdstrandmicahg: yes-- you need a working system :)21:23
ftaupgrading to natty is way safer than upgrading from debian 5 to 621:24
jdstrandmicahg: you'll get the feel of it. some bugs are worth chasing and some worth reporting21:24
ftai did it today, total disaster21:24
jdstrandfta: bummer :(21:24
jdstrandeg, I'm not about to chase down a crasher in the unity panel21:25
ftabroken libc, broken kernel, no way to continue/revert21:25
ftaonce repaired, a thousand questions during the upgrade, most services to reconfigure, etc21:26
micahgwow, I've seen lots of good posts related to squeeze upgrades21:26
ftawell, fortunately, that was my last debian server21:26
jdstrandprobably depends in part on what you run21:27
jdstrandwell, obviously, but the point is that some upgrade paths are more tested than others21:27
ftai installed thousands of debian servers and desktops in the past21:27
ftafor more than a decade21:28
ftathis upgrade was the worst21:28
jdstrandI think my worst upgrade experience was upgrading from sarge to gutsy21:28
jdstranddirectly :)21:28
jdstrandthat was less than ideal ;)21:29
jdstrandand surprisingly, an unsupported upgrade path. go figure21:29
ftasince 2007, i've replaced almost all my debian machines with ubuntu21:29
ftaand tailored a bunch of debs to make the upgrades smooth21:30
jdstrandespecially in later ubuntu releases (lucid+), the security features alone are a huge win (kernel and toolchain hardening, apparmor, etc)21:30
ftai can now clone most of my boxes quite easily21:31
ftaincl my fully configured main desktop the way i like it21:31
ftawell, not including unity21:32
ftawhich is still not usable for me anyway21:32
jdstrandit is getting there, but yeah, still quite a few bugs21:33
ftai'm not sure i'm willing to give up on my follow focus mode21:33
ftaand i definitely don't want to go to everything full screen either21:34
jdstrandre focus> interesting. I think hallyn wanted that too. he mentioned possibly adding that ability21:34
jdstrandfull screen I think/hope that is a bug. I don't run everything full screen either21:35
ftai mean, follow focus is not compatible with the global menu unless you go to everything full screen21:36
ftawhich is a nono on 24"+ screens21:36
* jdstrand nods21:37
ftaimho, unity is good for netbooks and laptops; but i'm really not sure for desktops21:38
ftabut well, i've seen so many changes since twm in 92 :P21:39
ftafrom that time, i still use the old xterm :)21:46
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BUGabundoyo friends :D22:02
LLStarkslatest thunderbird i386 configures properly23:12
LLStarksthe one that was just built23:12

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