=== zapzupnz_ is now known as zapzupnz [18:25] morning [18:57] mornin [19:08] morning [19:08] heh: me the weekend before last: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs778.ash1/166870_10150175320254045_818194044_8696073_335845_n.jpg [19:15] morning [19:47] morning [19:50] if anyone is supporting any java stuff, you need to read http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/07/java_denial_of_service_bug/ [19:51] same bug that affected PHP, isn't it? [19:52] something that was only showing up on 32-bit systems with certain compilation flags (though usually the default) [19:53] ajmitch: very similar bug yes [19:54] most java applications don't parse doubles, but solr / lucene does and everyone and their dog uses them for searching ...