
nigelbskaet: hi, got a minute? :)15:09
skaetnigelb, on the phone, in 30?15:09
nigelbskaet: yup, sure15:09
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micahgskaet: ping17:47
skaethi micahg17:47
micahghi skaet, it seems that Firefox will be delayed until 2011-02-14, can we still get into 10.04.2?17:48
micahgsame with Thunderbird (Xubuntu)17:48
skaetmicahg,  I think it will need to go out as an update/10.04.3 at that point I'm afraid.   We'll be cutting final images for testing on the 11th.17:50
micahgskaet: we'll have the actual builds before then, they just won't be published in the archive, but the Mozilla Security PPA, is it possible to pull the packages from there for the images?17:51
jdstrandI could put them in -proposed if that would help17:51
cjwatsonI can't pull from a PPA for CD images17:51
cjwatsonor rather in principle I suppose I could but it would be a pile of untested code I'd rather not deploy at short notice17:52
micahgwould -proposed work?17:52
ogra_livecd-rootfs has such code though17:52
ogra_but i doubt it was ever widely used17:53
ogra_(StevenK implemented that)17:53
cjwatsonthat's interesting but insufficient17:53
ogra_(PPA based builds i meant)17:53
cjwatsonI would really prefer not to pull from -proposed; it's possible if absolutely no other packages on the images have versions in -proposed17:53
cjwatsonbut I'm afraid that's already not true17:53
cjwatsonso sorry, that isn't going to be workable either17:54
cjwatson(see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html, there's a new kernel)17:54
jdstrandonce again, thanks mozilla...17:54
micahgok, thanks cjwatson, skaet17:54
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persiacjwatson, for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-qa-n-testing-different-architectures you said that "Identify full list of subarchitectures from installer" is DONE.  Looking at ubuntu-devel@ and the history of debian-cd, ubuntu-cdimage, and debian-installer didn't show me where.  Could you provide a pointer?23:07
cjwatsonI thought I sent mail for that23:13
cjwatsonSubject: Installer subarchitecture list23:15
cjwatsonMessage-ID: <20101213151413.GJ21862@riva.ucam.org>23:15
cjwatsonDate: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 15:14:14 +000023:15
cjwatsonTo list includes you.  Do you need it rebounced?23:15
persiaFound it.  The me in the To list is an identity at which I rarely check mail.  Sorry for the confusion.23:39
cjwatsonit was tab-completed from ldap23:39
persiaIndeed.  Not entirely your issue.23:40
persiaRather, not your fault in any way: just surprising to me, and another thing to add to my list of things to fix.23:43

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