
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
Myrttimy irc is broken, all my channels have been quiet for 15 minutes06:29
MartijnVdSssh! this is a test :)06:30
AlanBellmorning all06:48
AlanBellhttp://www.google.com/ is looking fancy today06:48
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
UndiFineDAlanBell: when you go down it shows 2 narwhals07:26
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings07:30
danfishMorning Alian OverLord ;)07:32
TheOpenSourcerervery good danfish very good.07:40
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
nigelbdanfish: whoah that was a good one07:52
TheOpenSourcererTime to go and get ready. Laterz all.08:01
danfishthat's a bit of a fail - on better (and older) news http://font.ubuntu.com/web/  <-- is very easy to implement08:01
TheOpenSourcererYes, the Google FAPI works well, but your font needs to be one in their repo.08:02
dwatkinsHi folks :)08:12
cpsmorning gentlepeeps :)08:37
cpsergh, debian 6.0 has been downloading for the best part of 5 hours now08:40
DJonesMorning everybody08:40
cpshey DJones :)08:41
DJonesHi cps daubers08:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: your link 404s08:43
daubersMartijnVdS: Get rid of the extra %20 :)08:44
MartijnVdSdial :)08:44
* daubers has to drive to London again today :(08:46
* DJones feels sorry for daubers 08:46
DJonesI hate driving in any city centre08:47
* cps likes to take the train everywhere08:47
daubersThought I could get away on the train, but have to take 5 storage units with me08:47
cpsand anything else that happens to go on rails08:47
DJonesI find trains never go where I actually want/have to go to in a reasonable & cost effective way08:48
DJonesWhen I changed jobs, I looked at getting the train & found I'd need to get 2 trains, it'd take 2 hours travelling time each way, I'd need to be up 2 hours earlier to get to work on time and it would cost £15+ per day.  Driving takes 45 minutes each way and costs about £5.50 per day08:50
* jpds just cycles around London.08:51
DJonesjpds: What sort of distance do you cycle per day08:51
DJonesGreat exercise, but I don't like cycling when its wet08:52
jpdsDJones: 14 miles according to Google.08:53
nigelbjpds: *jealous*08:53
cpsnigelb: haha08:53
DJonesSounds good, I have a 30 mile drive each way for work08:53
cpsDJones: I dislike cycling when it's wet as well08:54
jpdsTakes me about 40 minutes, either way.08:54
DJonesjpds: Thats quite a good pace to keep up on a regular basis08:55
* popey drives 30 miles each way to work08:57
popeyi think08:57
popeymorning btw08:57
jpdspopey: Moin.08:57
nigelbmorning popey08:57
popeythat journey (pretty much)08:58
nigelbpopey: did you find time to make that ice melting video from all your webcam photos? :)08:59
popeyheh yeah, you asked me that, i made it and it wasnt interesting..08:59
DJonespopey: How long does that take, mine is 45 minutes for the same distance, but I'm guessing the roads could be a bit less congested up here09:00
* nigelb looks09:00
cpsmorning popey09:00
popeyDJones: depends on time of day. anywhere between 40 and 90 mins09:00
popeylo cps09:00
popeychoo choo09:00
DJonespopey: Sounds about right09:01
nigelbpopey: wow, its nice :)09:01
Myrttier right09:24
DJonesdreamer_: You need to tell the channel what the problem is other wise nobody will know what the problem is09:25
dreamer_Well I am quite new to the IRC system so I am trying to find my way around :}09:28
screen-xmorning :)09:40
JamesTaitBonjour, mes amis.09:47
dogmatic69anyone ever got osx in a vm on ubuntu?10:00
selinuxiumMorning all   o/10:09
selinuxiumHey AlanBell, you about?10:09
dwatkinseveryone's playing minecraft or installing OSX in virtual machines, clearly ;)10:33
dwatkinsdogmatic69: I'm curious to try that now10:34
dogmatic69dwatkins: :D10:34
dogmatic69everyone in the office has mac's except me... not that im complaining.10:34
dogmatic69just want to install it so i can back-up my claims that it sucks10:35
dwatkinsI'm surrounded by Mac users also10:35
dwatkinsI think it's superb, best laptop I ever had.10:35
selinuxiumhey czajkowski  o/10:37
dogmatic69most over priced laptop you ever had10:37
selinuxiumdwatkins, lol10:37
dwatkinsDepends how you count the cost.10:38
dogmatic69like for like, cpu/ram/etc10:38
selinuxiumAnyone wanting an almost mint eeePC?10:38
dwatkinsI'd say a well built machine with a solid operating system which gets regular updates and security fixes is worth paying a little more for than a plastic laptop running an os full of holes.10:39
czajkowskiselinuxium: howdy10:39
dwatkinsselinuxium: what model?10:39
czajkowskithere is a cute 3 month old baby at my desk10:39
dwatkinshehe, I used to have a 701 :D10:39
selinuxiumA friend of mine is listing it, so I can vouch for it's condition...10:39
selinuxiumIf I had spare dollars I might of got it myself..10:40
dwatkinsThe battery life on the newer Eee models is outstanding.10:40
dwatkinsI really like the 701 for being small and the first model, though10:40
selinuxiumI have my eye on the mini mixing desk...10:41
MartijnVdSselinuxium: so you can make little mixes?10:42
selinuxiumAny of you guys use the Eclipse IDE?10:42
MartijnVdSselinuxium: I tried to use it yesterday, but it still hasn't finished loading.10:43
selinuxiumMartijnVdS, So I can make my neighbours happy by mixing the guitar outs into some headphones for me and my flat mate... :)10:43
selinuxiumMartijnVdS, lol. I have installed it and it seems quite snappy atm...10:43
selinuxiumI have used it in the past and it was slow....10:43
MartijnVdSwait until you load a big code base into it10:44
selinuxiumMartijnVdS, Probably not going to happen with me tbh..  Just small personal projects..10:44
selinuxiumWant to use the Aptana integration into Android and other Phone app development... Probably will be a whim for a while...10:46
* MartijnVdS has done some android stuff (very very minor) just using the command line tools10:46
selinuxiumMartijnVdS, Do you use any IDE? I have not done any serious code for 4 years now, and then I used Bluefish...10:49
dogmatic69does anyone know offhand the name of the volume adjuster in shell thingy... started with an 'a' iirc10:50
MartijnVdSselinuxium: I use vim with some small vimrc tricks10:50
MartijnVdSselinuxium: and bash :)10:50
dogmatic69selinuxium: thanks, that is the one10:50
selinuxiumdogmatic69, np  :)10:50
screen-xooh my otherself seems to have joined the future10:53
MartijnVdSscreen-x: they call you "the doctor"?10:56
davmor2morning all11:02
nigelbmorning davmor211:03
davmor2morning nigelb11:04
davmor2czajkowski: Welcome Back to the home land :P11:04
czajkowskiodd chap11:05
jpdsczajkowski: s/odd/old/11:05
jpdsI'll have my tea on the veranda.11:07
s-foxGood morning UK11:09
davmor2czajkowski: you got the nerve to call me odd with jpds last comment11:09
jpdsdavmor2: It's very relaxing.11:16
jerkmanhi everyone11:18
davmor2jpds: What tea on the veranda or being odd :P11:18
jpdsdavmor2: Yes.11:19
knighwisemorning everyone11:39
BigRedSGood morning!11:42
* BigRedS notes his dist-upgrade wants to break everything :(11:42
BigRedSwhere 'everything' = 'apache/phpfcgi'11:42
dwatkinsPro tip: keep your blu-tack warm by placing it next to the air vent of your laptop11:49
knighwisehahaha :) installing 10.10 on an old imac over here11:50
knighwisemight be a little bit too much for the little bugger11:50
BigRedSDoes 10.10 come in ppc?11:51
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knighwisethere is a flavor out there11:53
BigRedSah, not an official port?11:56
screen-xI'm never quite sure of the status of the ppc port, it is on  cdimage.ubuntu.com11:56
BigRedSI remember it being like that a while ago, too. ISTR someone saying that canonical still did it, but don't support it11:57
* screen-x hands knighwise a spare 't'11:58
knighwisea spare T ?11:59
MartijnVdSknighwise: knightwise11:59
BigRedSto become knigh*t*wise11:59
=== knighwise is now known as knightwise
gordppc builds, no one checks that it works ;)11:59
BigRedSAhhhh. I like that sort of port :)12:00
siyaany bash wizzards out there?12:09
siyaam struggling w the following12:09
screen-xMartijnVdS put's on his coat and bash wizard hat12:09
siyarsync -va --progress VirtualBox/HardDisks/pfSense-1.2.3*.vmdk "/mnt/backup/SYSTEM/wk10/VDI"12:10
siyathat works but the source path may at some point in the script have spaces in it12:10
MartijnVdSscreen-x: No that's Bloodninja12:10
siyaas such it should be >> rsync -va --progress "VirtualBox/HardDisks/pfSense-1.2.3*.vmdk" "/mnt/backup/SYSTEM/wk10/VDI"12:11
siyaHowever the * doesn't get expanded with the double quotes12:11
siyaso I'm confused... :(12:11
MartijnVdSsiya: that's what quotes are for :)12:12
siyahehe, I thought single quotes means things don't get expanded12:12
MartijnVdSsingle quotes means $VARIABLES don't get expanded12:12
siyaso how do I deal w spaces w/o parsing * as a mere character12:13
siyaMartijnVdS, ah...!12:13
MartijnVdSsiya: by temporarily re-setting $IFS.. but * expansion should be "safe"12:13
MartijnVdS(i.e. "foo*" might expand to properly escaped foo\ bar\ baz12:14
screen-xMartijnVdS: doesn't seem to here, is there a shopt for that?12:15
MartijnVdSscreen-x: in a directory with files with spaces in the name, try this:12:16
MartijnVdSscreen-x: for x in *; do echo "---$x---"; done12:16
MartijnVdSthat should work properly12:16
screen-xMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/564393/12:18
MartijnVdSscreen-x: yes, that's good: it expands to one file name at a time, and properly treats each file as a single thing12:19
screen-xfor some reason I was expecting to see the spaces escaped12:21
screen-xbut I guess that example does do what you would want it to do in a script.12:21
siyaMartijnVdS, resetting $IFS on a terminal doesn't seem to make any difference12:23
MartijnVdSsiya: it does in special cases12:24
siyathough for a script, I'm reasoning that if it doesn't work on my bash terminal it won't in the script12:24
siyaMartijnVdS, you're telling me I'm not special. I'll take that as a compliment :)12:24
siyahmmm, it seems that my script works fine w spaces if I don't use quotes... :)12:36
siyaSo for now all appears good, thnx guys12:36
* siya goes for lunch12:36
knightwisehey guyz , for a system with a PIII 600mhz chip and 512 megs of ram13:01
knightwisewhats the best GUI ? g13:01
knightwiseit still needs to support dropbox and a screensaver that displays pictures13:02
knightwisethats about all it needs to do in fact13:02
knightwiselxde any good ?13:02
BigRedSI've never used it, but people do keep talking about it13:03
popeyi have used crunchbang on that spec pc13:04
popeyworked nicely13:04
X3Nfilm recommendations? need to fill up my lovefilm list again..13:12
davmor2X3N: what kind of films do you like?13:13
knightwiseDA FOOSA13:15
BigRedSAll hail the giant pansies!13:17
screen-xBigRedS: I enjoyed Madagascar :)13:17
BigRedSI've a reputation for watching it rather too much :)13:18
X3Ndavmor2: good ones13:18
screen-xBigRedS: there are multiples sequels now?13:19
BigRedSat least one13:19
BigRedSand a couple of christmas specials13:19
popeyX3N: http://www.listal.com/list/imdb-top-250-movies13:20
knightwiseall hail king ..whathisname13:20
screen-xX3N: cancel lovefilm, create a minecraft youtube playlist.13:20
popeyuse someone elses list :)13:20
brobostigonafternoonings everyone,13:21
knightwisehey brobostigon13:21
brobostigonafternoonings knightwise13:21
knightwisehihi :) been playing frankenstein all afternoon13:27
AlanBellHi all13:27
knightwisegot 2 pc's from the dump and bringing them back to life wih linux (hobby of mine)13:27
screen-xknightwise: I tried that once, got busted for removing stuff from the recycling centre :(13:28
AlanBellI have ssh working on my little phone now13:28
knightwiselol yeah they are pretty strict about that screen-x13:28
knightwisesilly if you think of it13:28
brobostigonAlanBell: :)13:28
screen-xAlanBell: daemon or client?13:29
popeyAlanBell: you have a little phone as oppposed to a gigantic phone?13:30
AlanBellMidpssh and screen and irssi13:31
popeythat sounds like a symbian phone13:31
popeydude, you're going backwards!13:32
AlanBellOld LG KS36013:32
popeyYou went Android -> Symbian when you should have taken the short cut to -> iPhone :)13:32
AlanBellI value my freedom13:40
* BigRedS points at Google's big database13:41
AlanBellalthough, saying that I did manage to lose the darn thing13:41
* popey goes looking for the source code for LG KS36013:42
popeyubuntu-uk.org seems unwell13:43
danfishAlanBell is so into freedom he let his old phone roam free (on a bus) :P13:44
popey[8962777.581520] Out of memory: kill process 10311 (apache2) score 14870 or a child13:44
popey[8962777.581539] Killed process 10311 (apache2)13:44
popeytempted to switch from apache to lighty13:45
MartijnVdSpopey: I switched to Cherokee13:46
* MartijnVdS likes it13:46
X3Nwe shouldn't switch just because the machine is breaking though13:46
X3Nhas it actually died now? I'm not getting any response on ssh13:47
popeyuhm, i have experience of this X3N :)13:47
popeyi am on it13:47
popeyshutting it down..13:48
popeywell, trying to13:48
czajkowskieh why no MooDog13:54
popeyits back13:54
popeyX3N: the reason I said that is because I have had experience of apache2 & wordpress 3.x and php 5.3 causing OOM errors13:57
popeyI had it on my VPS, and no matter how I tuned apache2, I couldn't get it to stop.13:57
popeyswitched to lighty, problem gone#13:57
screen-xI  wrote a hello world iphone app last night (my app) on my computer, tried to transfer it to iphone (my phone), wouldn't let me withouth paying apple £100. That's when not caring about freedom bites you.13:57
popeyOut Of Memory13:59
popeyoh oh em13:59
popeyscreen-x: where did you get £100 from?14:00
screen-xpopey: ios dev program enrolment fee.14:01
popeyits £59 Inc VAT14:01
MartijnVdS$100 then14:01
screen-xo really?14:01
popeyya rly14:01
MartijnVdS$100 =~ £6214:02
davmor2czajkowski: you scared him off14:02
* popey is looking at an invoice for "IOS DEVELOPER PROGRAM" for £48.76+VAT14:02
screen-xpopey: ah yes, I hadn't noticed it was dollars.14:02
popeystill, not free14:02
screen-xno :(14:02
MartijnVdSpopey: it's still a lot14:02
popeyBut then neither is Red Hat Linux.14:02
popeyHave you seen the documentation?14:03
czajkowskidavmor2: ;(14:03
popeyIt's quite... extensive14:03
screen-xpopey: I can understand charging for app store, but Its a shame you can't run your own app on your own phone free :(14:03
popeyyeah, I'm pretty sure you can14:03
screen-xwell with jailbreak14:03
davmor2czajkowski: isn't today the day his shift changes maybe?14:03
czajkowskino idea14:05
czajkowskiI don't stalk him that;s your role14:05
davmor2czajkowski: you don't need to stalk him he does that to you :P14:06
screen-xdavmor2: no fun in stalking these days, latitude has made it too easy.14:06
davmor2screen-x: only if they let you use it14:07
czajkowskilatitude++ at fosdem tryig to find people14:07
AlanBelldata roaming at £3/meg is unammusing though14:08
czajkowskiUsed a spacial sim for roaming14:08
czajkowskiso a lot cheaper14:08
AlanBellgood idea14:09
czajkowskifull of em14:09
screen-xI guess the more ip based services you use, the less your number matters, so its fine to change sims often.14:09
* AlanBell is full of awe at the brilliance of czajkowski 14:09
czajkowskiLOL lets not go over board shall we14:10
czajkowskibut here's an idea14:10
czajkowskiUbuntu-UK demo day or install day/ Bug jam here at Sirius some weekend14:10
davmor2AlanBell: You see the things you start14:10
czajkowskiUbuntu UK bowling night14:10
czajkowskianyone up for either14:11
AlanBellyes, yes14:11
AlanBellkeep em coming14:11
czajkowskidoes anyone fancy working on Ubuntu Bugs Saturday 2nd April ????14:12
davmor2czajkowski: the issue with such days is where, if you have it down south it's too expensive for people up north, and visa versa.  install day is a nice idea though, is that so someone can install ubuntu on gorgomon for you :P14:12
czajkowskidavmor2: so folks in the north have to organise stuff as welll14:13
czajkowskibut I'm tired of conference type events over here14:13
czajkowskiI want to have some fun14:13
gordi kinda got too busy and burnt out to keep organising stuff here, nothing really happens anymore14:15
czajkowskiaye thats fair enough14:16
czajkowskicant fall down to one person either14:16
gordit wasn't just me, but it falling completely on the shoulders of others gets a bit much14:16
popey14:12:49 < davmor2> czajkowski: the issue with such days is where, if you have it down south it's too expensive for people up north, and visa versa.  install day is a nice idea though, is that so someone can install ubuntu on gorgomon for you :P14:18
popey-----------------------------> /dev/null14:19
popeyI thought we got over the "where shall we have the event" about 3 years ago14:19
popeyif people want events near them, organise one near them. EOS14:19
davmor2popey: might of but I was unaware of it :D14:19
czajkowskipopey: indeed14:19
popeynot any more :)14:19
davmor2popey: indeed14:20
czajkowskiIf I organise a bug jam here in Sirius on April 2nd would folks be interesteD?14:20
czajkowskimonth before release ?14:20
czajkowskican be a bug jam or just to work on stuff together?14:21
czajkowskithink there would be any interest?14:21
jpdsBug jam just don't sound tasty.14:21
czajkowskibug squashing14:21
* czajkowski waves at andypiper 14:21
Dave2mm, jam14:21
czajkowskitbh the idea of a bug jam is just about getting folks together and helping folks14:21
danfishyes czajkowski, a good idea14:21
czajkowskiit doesnt clash with rugby14:22
czajkowskithere is a pub a the end of the road14:22
czajkowskiwe can have some lunch and drinks14:22
czajkowskiand just help folks get a little more involved14:22
andypiperwe could all sit around and watch popey shout at various apps not working the way he wants14:22
popeyczajkowski: yup, sounds good14:22
czajkowskiok am gonna fire a mail off the UK list14:22
popeyczajkowski: we could bring milk for andypipers saucer14:22
andypiperfree milk and bugs!14:23
devushHi. i am running the ubuntu 10.10 on the mac 10.06 within the virtualbox. earlier the same VM was running on XP host within VMware. I just imported it. Everything runs fine except that the data transfer with external USB lead to crash most of the time. It is a Virtual Box problem or ubuntu to blame?14:41
czajkowskimail done14:46
popeyhowdy howdy howdy andylockran14:47
popeydevush: which bit crashes?14:48
czajkowskities in with UGJ as well14:48
devushpopey: it just hangs fully. the virtualbox. only the restart of the virualbox helps14:48
popeypersonally I would blame virtualbox, the USB support has never been fantastic14:49
DJonesHeh, the ubuntugeek website looks as though it has problems, just had  a warning that its infected with a trojan, somebody else mentioned it in #u as well14:51
* BigRedS tries to remember where weybridge is14:52
* BigRedS finds the link to the map...14:52
devushi have fedora running without problem.  - i was just testing. may be the import of virtualbox has some issues.  anyway, i am creating a new vm with 11.04 already.14:52
BigRedSI was fiddling with 11.04 in vbox yesterday.14:53
BigRedSunity's a lot less... bad than I was expecting it to be14:53
devushi am also thinking to get 10.10 on the macair directly without the virtualbox. is any body running it. and how to install it without the Superdrive.14:53
popeyi have 10.10 on my mac, not an air though14:54
popeyknightwise has put ubuntu on a macbook air I think?14:54
BigRedSthere've been a couple of people on here claim to get it on mb airs with a normal drive14:54
BigRedSwith no hassle, a Just Works sort of approach IIRC14:54
devushas I have very stable 10.10 on the vmware for my main development. so i will still prefer 10.10 instead of 11.04.14:55
devushbigreds: apart from the install are there any major issues you heard - 10.10 on new macair14:55
andypiperi wonder why killing Chrome on my 10.10 install causes X to crash14:57
czajkowskipopey: what is the UK tag for Ubuntu ?14:57
popeyno idea14:58
czajkowskishall #uk it14:58
czajkowskiwhen is Natty released ?14:59
czajkowskiApril ? date?14:59
popeysee the release schedule on the wiki14:59
BigRedSdevush: nope, but I've not really been listening14:59
czajkowskigoes to google14:59
popey38th april14:59
BigRedSI'm pretty sure it was knightwise who did it14:59
czajkowskiandypiper: ?15:00
czajkowskipopey: thanks15:00
andypiperthey added 10 extra days to april15:00
andypiperjust to ensure Natty was GOOD AND READY15:00
popeyDJones: thing that annoys me most about ubuntugeek15:00
popeythe tradepub link on the right to the manual pdf15:00
davmor2popey: No I like your first one more,  we didn't miss the release we're just waiting on a calendar update15:00
czajkowskiJust wondered re release party about doing a non london event, like Hampshire bowling or something for natty. on the Saturday 30th.15:00
popeyalso, looks like ubuntugeek has been reverted back to july last year15:01
davmor2czajkowski: #ubuntu-uk possibly better and more relevant15:01
czajkowskithough I thought I heard a mumer that the release  wasnt gonna happen in london this year as that weekend is the wedding15:01
czajkowskidavmor2: - dashes don't work in searches for hash tags15:01
davmor2czajkowski: #UbuntuUk15:02
DJonespopey: Is the manual supposed to be copyright/paid for?15:02
davmor2czajkowski: you're correct the wedding screws up London so it'll be neigh on impossible to get to millbank15:03
czajkowskiaye thats what I thought....15:03
popeyDJones: there is copyright on it, thats not my beef15:05
popeyDJones: my problem is that he's putting the manual behind a tradepub signup15:05
popeythats just plain rude15:05
popeyhe didnt make the manual, as far as I know he contributed zero to it, yet he gets the benefit from the tradepub sign ups15:05
DJonesI see what you mean, its not polite as a starting point15:06
DJonesIf you hadn't explained, I wouldn't have know, I haven't heard of tradepub before15:06
popeyfact is you can get the manual via a direct pdf download link on their website15:07
DJonesJust looking now, on tradepub, you have to fill in name + contact details + email so they can email it to you, yet just a straight download from the ubuntu-manual site, the words "blighter" and  "cheeky" spring to mind in a differnt order15:09
Azelphurrandom off topicness, I love this xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuRuwR2JSXI15:14
Laneyarguably it is violating the CC-BY-SA license by not providing attribution15:17
nigelbdavmor2: poke, around?15:19
davmor2nigelb: I am15:20
nigelbdavmor2: You work on django right? :)15:20
davmor2nigelb: No I just break it the team work on it :)15:21
nigelbdavmor2: Wanna take a session at UDW about django app development?15:21
AzelphuroO, django. My websites are all django powered :)15:22
davmor2nigelb: pm'd15:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
nigelbdavmor2: thanks for telling me that you Pm'd.  I have like 100 windows on irssi right now ;)15:24
diploGuys and gals, if you have a PDF that is displaying differently on two different machines from a PDF that is created via postscript15:30
diploWhat would you say would be the cause, does it use the print drivers to sort the postscript out or is internal to say the PDF viewer ?15:30
davmor2diplo: you should be able to view PS directly that would tell you what the original looked like the one that doesn't look like the original may have a rendering issue15:33
diploNot on my machine so can't, had this feeling that the printer drivers did some of the rendering15:34
diploWhich is why it could be different on 2 different machines15:34
brobostigonin the prefferred applications app, i want it to start chromium by default, and it is set thhere to reflect that. however for exaple when click on a link in a tweet in gwibber, it comesup with an error saying, something along thelines of, cant find google-chrome to open this link. even though i have it set to use chromium-browser. any ideas?15:39
brobostigonand in gconf it also points at chromium-browser.15:44
brobostigonFailed to execute child process "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" (No such file or directory)15:46
brobostigonmakes no sense.15:46
DJonesbrobostigon: I seem to remember reading somewhere that there are a couple of places you have to set the default browser and one of them isn't obvious15:47
BigRedSwhich is updated with update-alternatives15:48
BigRedS(or by manually linking things)15:48
BigRedSthat's the lovely thing about standards...15:48
DJonesbrobostigon: Could you not create a symlink from /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome to chromium-browser if all else fails15:50
=== ChrisB is now known as Guest15123
directhexbrobostigon, there are 2 places the default browser is set.15:57
directhexbrobostigon, are *both* chromium?15:58
* brobostigon stabs the jobcentre for interruptiing, :(15:58
directhexthere's the gnome setting, and there's update-alternatives --config x-www-browser15:59
brobostigonso the latter is set in/etc/alternatives as BigRedS said?15:59
brobostigonso i update it, as yousaid with "update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" ?16:02
BigRedSsomething like that16:03
BigRedSI generally just use rm and ln, though16:03
directhexbrobostigon, yes, that'll give a list you can pick from16:04
brobostigondirecthex: thank you. :)16:04
directhexbrobostigon, it determines what the sensible-browser command spawns16:04
brobostigondirecthex: ah,16:05
brobostigondirecthex: so either a gnome restart and or system restart for that to take affect?16:06
directhexbrobostigon, shouldn't need either :/16:07
brobostigondirecthex: ok,let me try againthen.16:08
brobostigonwhen i click on a url in irssi, it comes up with the same error. gwibber seems to hve gone into non-cooperating mode.16:10
directhextry logging out/in then16:11
brobostigonok, brb,16:11
brobostigonsame behaviour.16:15
brobostigondirecthex: iwould say then, something is broken, as this is debian sid.16:18
BigRedSwhat's irssi running it? it's the terminal emulator that's doing it, not irssi itself16:25
BigRedSSee if you can find a non-gnome thing with which to test16:26
brobostigonsomething non-gtk ?16:27
brobostigonbrb, jobcentre paperwork to do.16:27
* brobostigon returns,16:41
screen-xecho $?16:42
X3NNULL clearly16:43
screen-xbrobostigon: was your quest successful?16:43
brobostigonscreen-x: possibly, found ICT support tech, over at one of the oford colleges.16:43
screen-xbrobostigon: directhex works at oxford iirc16:45
directhexnot any more16:46
screen-xdirecthex: what are you up to now?16:46
X3Nbrobostigon: what kind of job are you looking for?16:47
brobostigonX3N: i would like to do some user  and systems support. which i have done before, i would even be open to similer things.16:48
Azelphurlmfao, I have my mums £100 budget android phone running psx4droid16:48
screen-xdirecthex: awesome :)16:49
brobostigonX3N: i should also mention, i like being creative, and making new and different things.16:55
MezCan anyone reccomend good asset management software?16:56
jpdsMez: Asset as in dosh?16:57
MezAsset as in hardware/software/etc16:57
X3NMez: mysqld ;)17:02
MezX3N: cause that's a great, easy to use frontend.17:03
X3Nyeah, haven't you used mysql-query-browser? or phpmyadmin ;)17:03
* BigRedS has become quite partial to the mysql cli17:03
X3Nor that ^17:03
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
X3Nsorry Mez, not very helpful17:18
directhexmap it out in minecraft. use diamond for expensive laptops, lapis lasuli for midrange, dirt for cheap17:19
X3N..although in comparison with that, my suggestion was pretty good17:20
DeathSlingHello again all, it's been a while since I was here18:40
DeathSlingnot that anyone should have missed me18:41
brobostigonevening DeathSling18:42
DeathSlingI've just sucessfully got drbd and a virtual guest running, probably not very well but it's running...18:44
brobostigondrbd ?18:44
mgdmit's a thing that lets you mirror filesystems (sort of)18:44
DeathSlingit can sync hard disk across a network18:45
brobostigonlike rsync then ?18:45
DeathSlingsort of, but not quite18:45
mgdmbrobostigon: sort of - but filesystem-based instead of file-based18:45
DeathSlinggood for fail over18:46
* HazRPG is rather disappointed that sony has put rootkits into 3.56, is it not bad enough that they took out the OtherOS "feature"18:46
HazRPGstill can't believe that's what the new patch does18:47
brobostigonHazRPG: so no ps3 supercomputing linux cluster anymore, :(18:47
HazRPGI'm refusing to update to 3.56 for that reason :/18:47
HazRPGbrobostigon: the OtherOS option has been taken out for a while now :(18:47
HazRPGhowever I doubt those that are using them as clusters have updated their firmware18:48
DeathSling"we made it and it's ours!"18:48
brobostigonHazRPG: yess, and its awful.18:48
HazRPGDeathSling: IKR :/18:48
HazRPGbrobostigon: your telling me :/18:48
HazRPGso tempted to put the 3.55 cfm on18:48
DeathSlingps3 and taking away linux option, read about it a while back, spoilsports is what they are18:49
HazRPGI miss my ps3 linux box :(18:49
HazRPGyeah, but not long after the "removal" geohotz brought it back via cfm... which I think was epic win18:49
brobostigonHazRPG: no, i am not, because iknow you knew already.18:49
DeathSlingps  whats 'IKR'?18:50
HazRPGI Know Right18:50
DeathSlingahhh   :)18:50
HazRPGwell its actually more like "I Know... Right!?" in its usage18:50
HazRPGbut you get the point :P18:50
HazRPGbrobostigon: :)18:50
HazRPGjust sucks :(18:51
brobostigonagreed, :(18:51
HazRPGworse thing was, my sister used my PS3 for the first time ever to play guitar hero and updated to "update" that removed the OtherOS :(18:51
HazRPGwas so pissed when I found out18:51
* brobostigon is very impressed with his g1 with gingerbread, impressive battery saving and life.18:51
brobostigonHazRPG: ouch, :(18:52
HazRPGbrobostigon: didn't think gingerbread was out yet18:52
Azelphurbrobostigon: I just bought my mum a ZTE Blade (£100 new from orange) It's really nice18:52
brobostigonHazRPG: december last year, android 2.3 ie.18:52
HazRPGwhich is why I've told her, if you see the "update" on the console, not to do it... I'm staying at 3.55 until they remove the rootkit they've just put on 3.5618:52
HazRPGbrobostigon: oh I thought gingerbread was 3.0?18:53
brobostigonAzelphur: iwill have a look,can it be bought unlocked and simless, ?18:53
Azelphurbrobostigon: no but there's a keygen for sim unlocking18:53
Azelphurand it works18:53
brobostigonHazRPG: v.3 is the next one after, honeycomb.18:53
Azelphurbrobostigon: I sim unlocked, rooted, flashed recovery and a new rom18:53
HazRPGAzelphur: surely rooting it or unlocking it would render its sim-lock useless right?18:53
AzelphurHazRPG: root != sim lock18:54
HazRPGbrobostigon: ah, see I've seen it been misquoted a few times18:54
brobostigonAzelphur: i will have a look,thank you for the idea. :)18:54
AlanBellczajkowski: re the bug jam on the 2nd April, yes, I am up for that18:54
HazRPGAzelphur: I thought the sim-lock was in the O/S build?18:54
Azelphurbrobostigon: http://azelphur.com/content/orange-san-francisco-zte-blade-review-how-unlock-root-custom-rom18:54
brobostigonAzelphur: let me read.18:55
Azelphurbrobostigon: I'm really impressed with it :D18:55
AzelphurHazRPG: nope18:55
HazRPGAzelphur: my mistake ^^18:55
AzelphurI think sim lock is in radio18:55
brobostigonHazRPG: i have aswell, but i know the right wayround aswell.18:55
HazRPGam I the only one thinking that putting a rootkit on a system like the PS3 is bad? Considering its abilities...18:55
HazRPGbrobostigon: :)18:56
AzelphurHazRPG: nope, it's also not the first time Sony has done rootkits and got bitten by it18:56
HazRPGbrobostigon: should really unlock mine to gingerbread, the last 2 updates have been "promises to gingerbread" but have just been revisions of FroYo18:56
HazRPGAzelphur: yeah I recall the problems with Music CD's back in 200518:57
HazRPGI actually own one of said discs sadly :/18:57
Azelphurthis is why I stay away from consoles18:57
AzelphurI'm so glad I made that decision18:57
HazRPGthankfully I ripped it on ubuntu - so I was fine xD18:57
brobostigonHazRPG: i am identifying alot of improvements now, especially on an older device like the g1, and it working muchbetter, than most of the previous android version ihave tried.18:57
HazRPGAzelphur: reason I got the ps3/wii/360 was so I could stay away from PC gaming, so I can strip windows off my machine altogether :/18:58
brobostigonHazRPG: like the power manaegement, is so muchbetter, and the process and resource manegement,18:58
HazRPGbrobostigon: really?18:58
AzelphurHazRPG: I PC game in wine18:58
AzelphurI'm hardcore :D18:58
HazRPGAzelphur: my attempts have failed for some of my games :(18:59
brobostigonHazRPG: really, yes.18:59
HazRPGbrobostigon: where do you get the builds for it?18:59
HazRPGbrobostigon: or do you have to compile yourself?18:59
HazRPGI've thought of using cyanogen18:59
AzelphurHazRPG: :(19:00
brobostigonHazRPG: partly cyanogenmod, and xda.19:00
HazRPGbrobostigon: is it cyanogen-mod your using?19:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: tis on the LD19:01
brobostigonHazRPG: not at the moment, because the cm7/android 2.3 build, has a kernel that wont let the g1 sleep. so i am using a purer AOSP build from xda.19:01
* HazRPG awaits for news of hackers using the ps3 rootkits as a huge botnet xD19:02
brobostigonHazRPG: and that has solved the problem,19:02
HazRPGah cool19:02
brobostigonHazRPG: :)19:02
HazRPGwonder if the cm7 works fine for the Nexus One19:03
brobostigonHazRPG: there is a cm7 android 2.3 build for nexus one,.19:03
HazRPGbrobostigon: I wouldn't be surprised if the rootkit is exploited by cancer researchers and such likes using all the PS3 connect as a big research computer xD19:03
brobostigonHazRPG: interesting idea.19:04
HazRPGbrobostigon: does it have the same issue as the g1 build?19:04
brobostigonHazRPG: no idea.19:04
HazRPGconnected to the internet*19:04
brobostigonlol, google  latitude thinks i am sitting in the middle of the m40, when i am sitting at home, infront of the tv.19:08
HazRPGWoah! No way! Apparently my Nexus One has a 802.11 n built in19:11
HazRPGI thought it was the standard b/g19:11
X3Nanyone experience of buying SSL certs?19:16
HazRPGX3N: Not got experience buying them, but I have used them. What would you like to know?19:20
X3NWhere I can get a cheap one that's widely valid19:20
mgdmI got one from godaddy, alternatives include gandi.net19:21
HazRPGthere's also: http://www.instantssl.com/19:21
HazRPGdepends on what you need it for19:22
HazRPGare you signing software, or a website?19:22
HazRPGwell gandi.net has them from £11019:23
HazRPGinstantssl.com from £4519:24
HazRPGreally depends what sort of protection you need, and whether you want to be protected for any liabilities or not19:24
HazRPGmost companies are resellers of Comodo, Verisign, etc19:25
HazRPGyou'll find verisign is highly overpriced though - but again depends on the protection you need19:27
HazRPGhttp://www.ssl247.co.uk/ <==19:28
X3Nhmm thanks19:28
HazRPGI use comodo for my e-mail signing19:29
HazRPGand for mumble signing19:29
HazRPGbut a free version, since I don't need a paid one19:29
HazRPGX3N: godaddy.com might be your best/cheapest option - but you'll obviously know your needs better than I will19:32
HazRPGas mgdm mentioned earlier19:32
HazRPGhope that helps any19:34
X3Nyeah that's useful, thanks19:34
HazRPGthe premium SSL one from GoDaddy will give you £155,077 /yr protection for ~£62 a year19:36
HazRPGring one of those sites up if your still struggling to pick which one you need19:40
brobostigonand they will advise you.19:40
HazRPGwww.instantssl.com have a live chat system that you can talk to too if you don't wanna use the phone19:40
brobostigonthats good, i likw.19:40
HazRPGyeah I always like sites that have live chat features :)19:41
brobostigonebuyer used to, idont know if they do anymore.19:41
HazRPGI think they still do19:41
brobostigoni think.19:41
HazRPGI know dabs do too19:41
brobostigonoh, :)19:41
HazRPGseems ebuyer took it off :(19:44
HazRPGseems dabs did too :(19:47
HazRPGbrobostigon: woah! http://www.geeksphone.com/en/19:49
HazRPGslide out keyboard!19:49
HazRPGthere should be more androids with slide out keyboards19:50
HazRPGtouch interface is bad for typing :(19:50
brobostigonHazRPG: agreed, a real keyboard, :)19:50
* brobostigon hugs his g1.19:50
DJonesOnceyou get used to them, I've found touch keyboards a lot faster than a physical keyboard19:51
HazRPGDJones: Really? I would say I'm use to mine... and can type without looking at the screen, however that doesn't stop my fingers pressing between two positions and messing up what I was typing drastically19:57
HazRPG(stupid auto-correct feature)19:57
HazRPGuseful for most things, but sometimes a pain19:57
DJonesHazRPG: I just got used to it19:58
DJonesalthough now, I'm using swype and that blows any other keyboards away19:59
HazRPGthe thing that bugs me is the fact that you can't hold shift with one finger and then show characters... you have to press it, then press a key, then shift out if it hasn't automatically do it19:59
HazRPGI mean to type my usual password (numbers + letters + characters) I find myself pressing 20 keys instead of much less than that20:00
HazRPGDJones: 8pen I find is better than swype - just me though20:00
* brobostigon kinda likes 8pen aswell.20:01
HazRPGhowever it is a technique you have to get use to20:01
HazRPGat first you'll be incredibly slow with it, but it does pass very quickly20:01
brobostigonfor some people.20:01
HazRPGbrobostigon: woot 8pen hugs!20:01
HazRPGI found the majority of people I've thrown at it start off slow for the first message or so, but then get use to it20:02
HazRPGobviously time makes it so that your pretty much just swiping away lightening fast (still not got there xD) but it will happen20:02
brobostigonno-one else here, i know,has actually used it, for me toask.20:03
HazRPGI find it an amazing tool to have on a phone20:03
brobostigonHazRPG: inreal life, imean.20:03
HazRPGit truly is the the keyboard for touch-screen people20:03
HazRPGbrobostigon: ah20:03
HazRPGbut I tend to just see what people think of the concept - since they see me sliding my finger across the screen and go "what are you doing!?"20:04
HazRPGso I boot up the teach program and see how they handle it :P20:05
HazRPGI wish the numbers were lined up at the top however... :(20:05
HazRPGthings that would be awesome in an android phone, for me, would be: 1) Sliding keyboard, 2) Number keys lined on the top of the keyboard, 3) Dual-SIMs (its been proven to work on android phones, why do big companies refuse to put it in their products)20:08
HazRPGthat would be the ultimate android phone in my eyes20:08
HazRPGbut I must be a niche market20:08
HazRPGDJones: seriously give 8pen a try :) http://www.the8pen.com/20:09
HazRPGif anything, just uninstall if you don't like it20:09
DJonesHazRPG: I'll have a look some time20:09
DJonesInteresting http://androidcommunity.com/bbc-iplayer-coming-to-android-and-ios-20110208/20:10
dutchiei think if my phone had enough oomph to run 8pen properly, i'd quite like it20:10
dutchiebut my phone doesn't have enough oomph to run anything properly20:11
brobostigondutchie: my g1 has enough umphh to run 8pen,20:11
dutchieyeah, i think the main issue is lack of memory20:12
dutchieseeing as you can literally do nothing without it OOMing20:12
daubersWoot! Home20:14
BluesKajCan somebody recommend a British Brick & Mortar Computer store chain , I can't seem to find anything but online stores. My daughter needs to buy an ac/dc adpater for her laptop . The battery is dead so she needs to find a retailer that sells them in or around London.20:15
DJonesMight be worth trying Maplins20:16
Azelphuryea, you'll no doubt get a generic one at maplins that'll do anything20:17
Azelphurif not the exact charger20:17
brobostigonHazRPG: and 8pen seems fairly resource and memory efficiant,20:17
BluesKajmaplins , is it expensive ? she's abit short on cash atm , DJones20:17
DJonesIf not, probably most computer shops would be able to order one in20:18
DJonesi find maplins quite reasonable, not as cheap as the online shops though20:18
BluesKajDJones, computer shop names is what I need to know. I'm in Canada nad daughter has only been i London for 6mos so she's not real familiar with the reatil shops yet20:19
DJonesBluesKaj: I can't help with names, I'm North west England and don't know the london shops, hang around a bit though, there's quite a few that are London area in the channel20:20
DJonespopey: AlanBell Can either of you make a suggestion for BluesKaj20:21
BluesKajgjo thanks I appreciate the suggestion about maplin's ..looks promising :)20:22
BluesKajoops DJones , I mean :)\20:22
smittixEvening all20:22
macoBluesKaj: if it works anything like it does on the "home" side of the pond, the generic works-with-supposedly-everything ones will cost nearly £100 while an exact one'd only be £10  (following the 1:1 USD:GBP rule of electronics)20:23
grogoreoI'm trying to connect an iPhone to wnxp virtualbox but doesn't come up. It does show up in ubuntu20:23
macogrogoreo: vbox ose or personal use proprietary one?20:24
grogoreomaco, ose20:24
macogrogoreo: cant do usb with that20:24
grogoreomaco, right. So will work in personal one?20:24
macogrogoreo: bingo20:25
HazRPGbrobostigon: haha look at this: http://www.gsmarena.com/8_megapixel_x908_flaunts_3x_optical_zoom_and_dualsim_support-news-554.php20:25
grogoreois it possible to copy a winxp ose install to personal version?20:26
HazRPGgrogoreo: yeah, just keep the virtual hard drive20:28
brobostigonHazRPG: that page is taking ages to load.20:28
HazRPGbrobostigon: I had that issue too - seems its either popular, or overseas20:28
brobostigonHazRPG: hmm, ok.20:29
* brobostigon stays patient20:29
HazRPGbrobostigon: its essentially an 8MP camera with phone capabilities - dual-sim too!20:29
grogoreothank Haz20:29
brobostigonHazRPG: interesting.20:29
HazRPGgrogoreo: if your in ubuntu, should be in the .virtualbox folder20:29
HazRPGunless you stored the virtual hard drive in a different location20:29
HazRPGif your worried about losing it, move the folder for the whole machine (should be a folder named the same as the machine) in the .virtualbox folder to somewhere else, install the personal edition, then move back20:30
HazRPGthen run the software20:31
HazRPGbut the uninstall shouldn't remove the .virtualbox folder I don't think...20:31
grogoreoI'm going to update to 4. Seems they've gotten rid of the two versions20:32
grogoreota for info20:32
HazRPGgrogoreo: 4 is the one I'm using :)20:33
HazRPGI find usb support seems to be a bit temperamental at times - in any version :/20:35
HazRPGwhy do I keep googling php/mysql stuff when I have a reference book with the syntax over there <===20:37
* HazRPG opens the MySQL pocket reference book20:37
BluesKajmaco, so far I found an acer psu/adapter with cords for her model for 50₤20:38
HazRPGBluesKaj: you probably won't find one for cheaper than ~£4020:38
HazRPGI had that issue with my laptop once, both the battery and the power supply died - ended up just saving for a new laptop instead and using an old machine20:39
HazRPGBluesKaj: what make you looking for? Along with the replacement part number... so that I can see what I can find for you20:39
BluesKajHazRPG, well that's abit more than I paid for the original on ebay , it was around ₤2020:40
BluesKajHazRPG, itan acer extensa 4630z laptop20:40
HazRPGBluesKaj: am I right in thinking you want to buy it straight out of a shop?20:45
HazRPGor can it wait i.e. buy online?20:45
HazRPGBluesKaj: you can get it for ~£25 from here: http://www.dhgate.com/ac-adapter-power-supply-acer-extensa-4630z/r-ff8080812af6d550012af717374e0599.html20:48
HazRPGah wait, doesn't have a UK socket20:48
BluesKajHazRPG, her laptop battery is dead so she can't order online20:49
HazRPGBluesKaj: ah20:50
HazRPGwell I was going to say on ebay, there's a guy selling them for £10 inc P&P20:50
HazRPGBluesKaj: She could order it over the phone with this shop: http://smart-parts.net/catalog/?brand=Acer&name=Extensa&series=4600+Series&model=4630Z20:54
HazRPGreasonably priced too20:54
BluesKajHazRPG, , the PSU and cords are toast , they smoked and burned , so she needs the cords and psu/adapter ...the laptop battery worked for a few hrs after the psu quit so we know the lappy is ok20:54
BluesKajHazRPG,  is that shop in London ?20:55
BluesKajHazRPG, looks very promising pricewise at least :)20:56
HazRPGBluesKaj: it is london-based... however it could just be a warehouse20:59
HazRPGaddress as taken from the website: "Smart Parts, 72 Farm Lane, London, SW6 1QA, UK"21:00
HazRPGagain, like I said you could always ring them and order one by phone21:01
HazRPGor even to just ask for more details, etc21:01
HazRPGmaplins might be a good bet too if you wish, they have this: http://www.maplin.co.uk/ac-dc-multi-voltage-4a-switched-mode-power-supply-4851721:02
selinuxiumsmittix, Welcome James  :)21:02
HazRPGwhich is reasonably priced - however make sure the settings are set to the same one as the existing brick21:02
HazRPGand you should be able to just pick one up at any maplins store21:03
HazRPGah wait scratch that last one - should have read the questions at the bottom, that maplins link I put doesn't support laptops - but I'm sure they'll have one that's cheap enough21:05
HazRPGBluesKaj: You could try: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&xhr=t&q=laptop+power+adaptor&cp=14&safe=off&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl21:07
HazRPGBluesKaj: according to the last comment at the very bottom of that google map listing, it says that they do replace AC adapters and other stuff like that21:08
HazRPGBluesKaj: hope those help you out21:11
HazRPGjust realised that link doesn't take you to the listing I was talking about - stupid AJAX, here's the listing mentioned earlier: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?cid=10275703021960055313&q=laptop+power+adaptor,+london&hl=en&dtab=0&sll=51.510192,-0.184985&sspn=0.247302,0.270211&ie=UTF8&ll=51.669574,-0.493698&spn=0,0&t=h&z=1121:13
HazRPGand here's the website of the company: http://www.oxygenit.com/home_users.aspx21:14
HazRPGseems like they have 2 offices in london21:16
brobostigonnos da, everyone. sleep well.21:30
AlanBelloi people, don't leave me alone with czajkowski http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/687/detail/21:35
daubersPoor czajkowski21:45
BluesKajHazRPG, thanks , my daughter is going to call them to see if smartparts has the adapter in stock and if she buy it directly from their outlet if possible .She lives quite close by, and has the address and all the particulars21:46
* daubers might be on a boat in Norfolk on the day of the Global Jam21:57
daubersOooh er W:Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch22:01
daubersAlso, should I be able to edit the text in the error dialog?22:02
* daubers looks for a bug22:03
directhexno. it's probably an editable so you can highlught and copy/paste. but it should be readonly22:03
* daubers files \o/22:05
daubersBug 71545422:06
lubotu3Launchpad bug 715454 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Can type in update manager dialog that's showing information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71545422:06
daubersalso, blasted nvidia drivers22:08
MartijnVdSdaubers: if you can't type in a window, try using metacity22:12
MartijnVdSI've has compiz keyboard focus bugs22:12
daubersMartijnVdS: Opposite problem :)22:13
daubersMartijnVdS: Can type in a box I probably shouldn't be able too22:13
MartijnVdSCAN type.. hmm22:13
MartijnVdSdaubers: you should be able to.. in case an upgrading package asks if you want to overwrite configs yes/no/diff22:13
daubersMartijnVdS: But it's just a cancel box!22:13
daubersMartijnVdS: Look at the screenshot in the bug report...22:14
MartijnVdSdaubers: ah.. it's not the "dpkg scrolly" window thing22:14
daubersNo :)22:14
* MartijnVdS bad22:14
daubersRighty, about to fall asleep on the sofa (again) so should probably head to bed22:14
daubersNight all22:14
HazRPGbrobostigon: Haha, just figured out my number problem on 8pen - made some gestures :D22:16
HazRPG... wait he's offline :/22:16
BluesKajHazRPG, thanks , my daughter is going to call them to see if smartparts has the adapter in stock and if she can buy it directly from their retail outlet .She lives quite close by22:19
HazRPGBluesKaj: good stuff :)22:20
BluesKajdecent prices too, HazRPG22:21
BluesKajwell, stuff to do ...gotta go22:22
jpdsdaubers: apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True22:33
n1md4Can Intel E5335 run on a 64-bit kernel?22:37
moreatin1md4: yes22:38
jpdsn1md4: http://ark.intel.com/ is your friend.22:39
n1md4thanks guys.  would it be an amd64 or x86_64 ?22:42
moreatin1md4: those are two brands for the same thing22:43
n1md4moreati: okay, I'd always thought one was optimised for AMD the other Intel.23:07
moreatin1md4: nope - AMD created a 64-bit extension to x86 with the Athlon64 and called it AMD64. Intel licensed it and called it x86_64.23:08

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