
bcurtiswxgood morn'14:14
bcurtiswxmaco, you around?15:33
macobcurtiswx: yes15:33
bcurtiswxmaco, care to assist/help/whatever for a UDW class dealing with bugs, nigelb suggested upstreaming15:33
maconot really15:34
bcurtiswxmaco, kk15:34
macoupstreaming is such a weird topic, because "just put it on upstream's bugtracker too!" is what everybody gets told, and it's not even right15:34
macokernel bug trackers seem to be there just to make users feel good about the fact someone else has the bug too15:35
bcurtiswxcare to elaborate.. you think upstreaming has flaws?15:38
macoi think there's no way you can have random people just going out and sending bugs every which way and have anything good come of up15:39
macoSOME upstreams use bugtrackers. SOME upstreams use mailing lists and have a bugtracker just for appearances that they NEVER EVER read15:40
macoSOME upstreams get really damn pissed off if they get distro bugs reported to them15:40
macoyou can't just be like "oh yeah every bug should be linked to an upstream bugtracker that's not even being read and you haven't personally read the code to make sure it's not one of our patches doing it"15:41
macoif you're going to upstream bugs, as an individual you need to know upstream's processes and know how to open up a package and see whether debian or ubuntu has made any changes to the code15:42
bcurtiswxall very valid points15:44
maco(i also agree with cjwatson that "everybody just triage!" is a stupid system. triaging requires in-depth knowledge of how the pieces fit together. step one: recompile in debug mode. step two: run from terminal and trace execution to failure point. step three: repeat within gdb...)15:45
bcurtiswxwell, on the other hand we'd have no triagers for the system if they all had to have that type of knowledge15:49
macobut the few we'd have would actually be useful15:50
macolearning to compile isn't that hard15:51
bcurtiswxyes, but we'd never be able to keep up with the incoming bug reports15:51
macoas if we do anyway15:51
bcurtiswxthe difference in your case would be drastically different though15:51
macoall that happens now is bugs get lots of churn and no useful action15:52
macoso for a while the reporter feels fuzzy that someone is talking to them15:52
macoand then just gets annoyed that the only thing happening is "does it still exist? *incomplete*"15:52
macoand finally they stop reporting bugs15:52
macobecause its not like theyre going to get fixed, they're just going to keep getting either "me too!" comments or "is it fixed yet?" 'triager info requests'15:53
bcurtiswxso, how does it getting little to no attention make that any better?15:53
macoat least its not lying about whether anyone's going to do anything about the bug15:53
macoand at least bugs aren't constantly disappearing off the radars of the people who can fix them by being marked "incomplete" over and over15:53
eridubeing aware of a problem doesn't imply being aware of a solution15:53
bcurtiswxthe only reason they should be going incomplete is when more information is required, so even if it falls off radars its not really doing any good being on them if they don't have the right info to begin with15:59
macoexcept people mark stuff incomplete if they dont answer "yes the thing still exists. of course it does. LOOK AT THE LACK OF PATCHES!!!!" every 6 months16:00
macobecause triagers who aren't developers don't even know what the hell "enough information" means16:00
macoon software i haven't personally patched i dont know what that means16:00
macobugs that have enough information stay perpetually in incomplete state never moving to triaged because the triagers are too clueless to know when to move it to triaged16:01
macothat's not useful16:01
bcurtiswxI agree, it would be very beneficial to have triagers who knew whether a problem was a config issue, or for example emapthy crashes, but its webkit issues.  How can you win-win though?16:03
macostop pretending triaging is what new people should do16:04
bcurtiswxmake the requirements of bug control greater, give bug-squad less permissions?16:04
bcurtiswxhow do you get people to a level in bug triage tho?  they have to start somewhere16:05
macotesting patches requires far less knowledge than triaging does16:05
bcurtiswxyeah, thats more of a textbook-reference type knowledge, but how does that transition to better triage?16:06
bcurtiswxin order for me to get better at packaging, i annoy the hell out of people and they all PROBABLY hate me, but im learning? i don't think it's the best way to do so by any means16:06
macobecause once you learn how to throw a patch at a package to test it, you'll have learned how the source packages work well enough to at least get the "did ubuntu/debian make any changes to this?" part16:07
macogiven there are several thousand proposed fixes for existing bugs that are being ignored, i think itd be a hell of a lot more useful to have the masses testing those fixes than going in circles on the other bugs16:07
bcurtiswxhave you blogged about this before?16:10
macoi dont know16:12
macoive probably blogged about the patch testing stuff16:12
macoif i didnt im sure nigel did at least 25 times16:12
macoand jono16:12
macobecause thats the point of the Patch Review team16:12
macoand Operation Cleansweep16:12
macoto deal with the 2000+ patches that are bitrotting on launchpad and have been for years16:13
bcurtiswxso in your opinion, bug squad is really a poison to the system ?16:13
macoi dont think ive ever met anyone who was happy with the job bug squad was doing16:14
maco"why do they keep asking me whether its fixed when they havent fixed it themselves?" is the most frequently asked question i get about ubuntu's bug processes16:15
maco(generally followed by something about Debian handling it better)16:15
bcurtiswxwhat is debians system?  its a big pet peeve of mine when upstream says fix it yourself, when the main idea of bug reports is making sure its filed because you don't know how to fix it16:16
bcurtiswxbut on the fixers side, i know that it doesn't help to beg and beg for things to be fixed16:17
bcurtiswxif debian handles it better, i'd love to know how, so i can see what differences there are16:20
bcurtiswxmaco, on a different note:  Tamarah's taking a visualization class (OpenGL, C) and this requires her to be active on Linux.  She currently owns a laptop that overheats with Ubuntu on it, and her having a laptop would be most beneficial.  It wouldn't be doing any of the work, just the ability to web browse and ssh to other machines would be best.. what's her cheapest option?16:26
macoshe can borrow one of my kubuntu laptops16:27
macoi like this one:16:28
maco<cjwatson> or edit the response on the wiki page to have something like "[Edit this to say what you tried to do to reproduce the problem.  Dear reporter: if this sentence is in the message you retrieve, then feel free to ignore this message as the bug triager wasn't paying attention.]"16:28
bcurtiswxi love it when those pop up16:29
bcurtiswxi also love what happened in -bugs just now.. someone replying to ubot16:29
bcurtiswxmaco, is there a cheap option purchase-wise?16:30
bcurtiswxi may take you up on your offer, just weighing options16:30
macothe system76 starling netbook is $38516:31
macoactually i think the dell netbook is 29916:32
bcurtiswxzareasons above those i assume16:32
bcurtiswxim reading that log, interesting how bdmurray never jumped in on that16:41
bcurtiswxwell lunch break, ttyl.  good discussion.16:43
bcurtiswxmaco, do you know if there was anything discussed past that log about changing triage permissions/workflow etc..?18:44
macono i dont18:45
macoits not the first time ive seen cjwatson or ScottK get upset about this stuff18:45
macothere was discussion on a mailing list, probably ubuntu-devel, when bug expiry was re-enabled18:45
bcurtiswxI don't blame them though18:45
macowhich i think was also what triggered that conversation that time18:45

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