
dmcgloneHey all02:59
dmcgloneI'm still wondering what everybody has decided on the meet in may03:00
canthus13so is everyone. :)03:00
* Cheri703 has no idea03:00
dmcgloneI'm still waiting for people to confirm that the day is good or not03:01
dmcgloneanybody catch the superbowl?03:03
dmcgloneIt was a darn good one03:04
Cheri703I was driving back from NY and unwinding after the drive (also no tv service :) )03:05
dmcgloneIt wasn't on cable03:07
dmcglone It was on ABC03:07
Cheri703we don't have an antenna or anything either03:07
dmcgloneyeah, you need to get one of them converter boxes these days03:07
dmcgloneYeah. :-(03:08
Cheri703hulu + torrents = FREE :)03:09
dmcgloneThe bluejackets also won friday and saturday :-)03:09
dmcgloneTomorrow we play the penguins, I don't know who to root for, because I am also a penguins fan03:10
Cheri703penguins = linux, easy answer :)03:10
dmcgloneI was a penguins fan all my life till the bluejackets came to columbus03:10
dmcgloneYeah, that does make it a little easier03:10
dmcgloneI gotta take me a quick shower03:13
* Cheri703 will probably still be here03:14
gilbertdmcglone: which date were you looking at?03:17
dmcglonegilbert: was looking at the 30th I belive03:28
gilbertdmcglone: but the room was reserved then, right?03:29
gilbertdmcglone: i had suggested looking at may 1 or the weekend after that.  would you mind looking into it?03:30
gilbertdmcglone: ultimitely those who want to go will make the date work03:30
gilbertdmcglone: so we should just choose one where we can get the room and just go for it03:30
dmcgloneOn may 30th around release the room is available only from 9am - 2:30pm03:32
Cheri703april 30, right?03:32
dmcgloneYeah, but on april 29th the room is available all day but it's on a friday03:33
Cheri703friday isn't good for me, dmcglone, look for the next weekend perhaps?03:34
dmcgloneok hang on03:34
dmcgloneit's reserved on the 7th and the 14th of may03:35
dmcgloneall day03:35
dmcgloneall day on the 21st also, but on the 28th it's open from 1pm - 6pm03:36
Cheri703that sounds good to me03:36
dmcglonebut I don't know if the 28th will work for me, that is my wifes birthday :-(03:37
Cheri703ah, nm03:37
dmcgloneI would definitely be divorced then03:37
dmcgloneeither that or crippled03:38
dmcglone1who left the window open ;-)03:40
dmcglone1Ok well the 28th isn't gonna work for me, so let me look some more03:41
dmcglone1well on april 30th the library in dublin is open all day03:42
Cheri703do they have a decent room?03:42
dmcglone1same type of meeting room03:42
dmcglone1Dublin Meeting RoomMaximum Capacity: 5503:43
dmcglone1Standard Fixtures:Projection ScreenRefrigeratorSinkUnited States FlagStandard Equipment:Podium03:43
Cheri703perhaps put it up on the list? "dublin on 4/30, or main somewhere late may" ask for opinions?03:43
dmcglone1the stupid faces are "P's"03:43
Cheri703mine didn't make faces03:43
dmcglone1mine made faces of the toungue sticking out03:44
Cheri703what client are you using?03:44
dmcglone1because it's supposed to read "Standard Fixtures: Projection03:44
dmcglone1the ":p" makes a toungue sticking out03:44
dmcglone1the ":" and a "P"03:45
* Cheri703 gets it03:45
dmcglone1Im using pidgin03:45
dmcglone1Ok in the morning I'll write a quick e-mail to the list and see what everyone thinks about the dublin branch instead. I'd really like to keep the  meeting around release time03:46
dmcglone1bad thing about dublin branch, the main has wireless access dublin don't03:47
dmcglone1yeah  :-(03:47
Cheri703big negative03:48
dmcglone1Maximum Capacity: 3003:48
dmcglone1Standard Fixtures: Microwave Refrigerator Sink Whiteboard Wireless access Standard Equipment: Cables to connect laptops LCD ProjectorTV/DVD03:48
Cheri703that's a dealbreaker for me, no wifi03:49
Cheri703check the main dublin branch page03:49
dmcglone1None of them have wifi, but I know the one on south high st is across the street from McDonalds and Tim Horntons and you can get their WiFi from either place, So I'd imagine we could get it at the library03:52
Cheri703I know the branch near my house had wifi03:53
Cheri703hang on03:53
dmcglone1the Main library auditorium is available, it's got all the amenities and holds 200 people...LOL03:54
Cheri703heh, could be interesting03:55
Cheri703honestly, I'd prefer to have space for more than 30, we could (perhaps optimistically) get more than 3003:55
dmcglone1Microwave Projection Screen Refrigerator Sink United States Flag Whiteboard Wireless access Standard Equipment: Cables to connect laptops Coffee Pot 1 Coffee Pot 2 LCD Projector Overhead Projector Podium Slide ProjectorTV/DVDTV/DVD/VCR Wireless Microphone03:55
dmcglone1we just might03:56
dmcglone1My fear is only a couple show up :-(03:56
Cheri703eh, then we have LOTS of space, it's not like we have to pay extra03:57
Cheri703Does the library provide wireless access? Back to Top03:57
Cheri703Free wireless service is available in all of the library’s facilities. Customers need to bring in their own laptop PCs, PDAs, or other devices equipped with an 802.11 wireless card in order to access the internet for free. A library card number and PIN will be required. This service will be available all open hours and will shut down automatically when the library closes. Please see a library staff member if you have questions o03:57
Cheri703r problems accessing the wireless network, or call us at 614-645-2ASK(2275).03:57
dmcglone1so want to shoot for the dublin branch?03:58
Cheri703I think I'd still put it up for input (personally), but I'm good with it03:59
dmcglone1yeah, I'll do that. So far it's either the main library auditorium or the ublin branch04:00
* Cheri703 still likes the auditorium though04:00
dmcglone1I kinda do too, but wouldn't we look really stupid if you and I were the only ones to show04:00
Cheri703heh, well, I'll figure out how to drag Unit193 along, and hopefully we can get his friend and his friend's dad along (his friend's dad is on the mailing list), so that's a few at least :)04:01
dmcglone15 people, 200 seat room. LOL04:02
dmcglone1lets advertise04:03
dmcglone1Thats what I'll do!04:04
dmcglone1I'll do it04:04
dmcglone1gilbert: you here?04:05
dmcglone1Ok E-mail sent04:14
Unit193I'll ask them once I get the date...04:14
dmcglone1Unit, I think we are set on April 30th, just got to choose where and whether we need more or less04:16
Unit193dmcglone1: The email I got said 29th??04:20
dmcglone1it was a reply from then04:21
dmcglone1Thanks Unit19304:23
Unit193No problem!04:26
dmcglone1well I'm off to bed everyone04:50
Unit193Bye dmcglone1!04:51
Cheri703so how are things Unit193?04:52
Unit193What things?04:52
Cheri703any things04:52
Unit193I've been too lazy to clone onto a bigger HD so I can put it in the better computer... I *really* should get that done...04:53
Unit193And I went to the hospital today!04:54
Unit193How about you?04:54
Cheri703I returned my rental car, returned a computer I'd worked on, and fixed some stuff in their office and made more money today than I made in a day at my old job, so it was an ok day04:55
Unit193Getting your own business off the ground?04:57
Cheri703attempting to, will probably still need to get an actual job though04:59
Cheri703so still going to look into the application for the hospital04:59
Unit193Cheri703: Still looking for things to watch?05:38
Cheri703in general yeah05:38
Unit193Warehouse 13, Haven and Doctor Who are some that I like05:39
Cheri703have watched warehouse 13, haven sounds vaguely familiar, I'll look it up, and I watched some of the OLD dr who and meant to go back for the newer stuff05:40
Cheri703eureka = awesome05:40
Unit193One time you gave a list that I now use for ideas to watch :)05:45
Cheri703heh, happy to help :)05:47
thafreakCustomer's employees make me stabby16:22
Cheri703any reason in particular?16:26
canthus13thafreak: set 'em on fire.17:55

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