
TravelerHight there, MutantTurkey00:40
TravelerOn 'lunch' break from class for a bit.00:42
MutantTurkeynice nice00:42
MutantTurkeyI just returned home from my favorite pizzeria00:42
Travelergood turkey bacon ?00:43
Traveleryummy ?00:43
MutantTurkeyInfact i had already eaten, but accompanied my friend there.00:44
Travelerkinda silly to go to your favorite place while full.00:44
MutantTurkeyI was actually on my way to the seven eleven to visit a friend working there, met another bud there randomly and agreed to join him to give him company while he ate00:46
TravelerHi SamuraiAlba00:50
Traveleron 'lunch' break at moment00:50
SamuraiAlbaOne drive is experiencing failure00:50
SamuraiAlbagradual but certain00:50
SamuraiAlbaother drive is peachy00:50
SamuraiAlbaI'm thinking... wall clock00:50
SamuraiAlbaRoot canal took 10 minutes, today00:51
SamuraiAlbaas in... they realized #8 is NOT root canal material...00:51
SamuraiAlbasince they REMOVED IT LAST WEEK00:51
Travelerha ha00:54
Travelertalking about the 2 160s ?00:54
SamuraiAlbayeah.  One is getting erratic spindle speeds01:00
SamuraiAlbamotor seems to be taking a healthy dump01:01
SamuraiAlbaother is diagnosing perfect01:01
Travelerlunch done, class back01:09
InHisNameall to bed already ?04:51
* waltman *yawns*05:18
ChinnoDogWe are bacon free today.18:51
JonathanDI shall aquire some bacon.18:52
ChinnoDogThat is ok. I am fine with bacon embargo.18:53
* ssweeny has some turkey bacon. will ship for a price...19:00
ChinnoDog$0. Use it as rocket fuel like on Mythbusters.19:07
JonathanDI have bacon19:13
=== calvin is now known as MutantTurkey

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