
techMilesman that was a mess01:46
chibihogoshinoa mess ?01:46
techMileswhat I was dealing with was.01:46
chibihogoshinothat sucks01:47
XpistosMorning all14:07
wrstmorning Xpistos14:13
=== 14WAAQB4P is now known as vychune
wrstmorning vychune14:31
vychunehow you doing this morning14:32
wrstdoing well vychune how about yourself?15:02
vychunepreety good15:02
vychuneits payday15:02
wrstgreat, any snow?15:02
wrstahh my favorite day of the week vychune15:02
vychuneikr lol15:02
Xpistoscyberanger: are you around? I found out the answer to my email issue with thunderbird15:15
Dan9186not using thunderbird?15:34
Svpernova09^^ Email clients are old and busted15:40
Svpernova09Pick your webmail network poison, but webmail > standalone app any day of the week.15:40
Svpernova09Especially if you're using Gmail + Android. Or iCal + iPhone15:41
* wrst has completely sold his soul to google15:42
Dan9186gmail works with iphone now too15:43
Dan9186so that means iphone > android15:43
Dan9186i win15:43
* Dan9186 dances around15:43
Svpernova09Dan9186: fanboi says what?15:43
Dan9186fanboi says iphone for the win!15:44
Svpernova09wrst: I've sold my soul to them as well15:44
Dan9186same, i'm think i'm at a point now where i could step back and google could probably run my life via calendar and e-mail15:45
Dan9186they've certainly collected enough data on me15:45
wrstha ha15:48
wrstDan9186: you can have your iphone :P15:48
Dan9186i wasn't offering it to you :P15:50
wrstha ha Dan9186, i'm actually very happy with my droid15:51
wrstbut i'm just a little anti-apple i suppose even though my wife loves her macbook15:52
* Dan9186 is anti-apple too except for the iphone15:52
Dan9186though my fiancee is about to get her an imac, otherwise i refuse to have em15:53
Dan9186only reason i want her to have one is cause it's the closest to *nix she'll ever get15:53
wrstyeah my wife also Dan9186 beats having to fuss with windows15:54
Svpernova09If I hadn't gotten my evo, I probably would have ended up with an iphone, but I'm glad I didn't.15:56
Svpernova09The integration of google -> android for email, contacts, messaging etc is amazing.15:56
wrstSvpernova09: that's what i love, since i was using all of that anyway just makes it ever so nice15:57
Svpernova09Yeah, I had a blackberry previously, so I wasn't using hte google contacts outside of the gmail stuff. But having all my contacts synced automatically + map integration makes stalk.... finding places a lot easier15:58
wrstha ha yes on finding places and stalking ;)16:03
cyberangerXpistos: what was the issue18:55
vychuneany web devs in the house19:52
cyberangervychune: an area I try to avoid nowadays19:56
vychunewhy is that19:58
cyberangerhard to say exactly why, part of it was I'm a better sysadmin than a webdev19:59
cyberangeranother part was the direction it was going19:59
Xpistosokay I am back19:59
Xpistoscyberanger: it was I needed to create a new identiy for the smtp to show up20:00
vychunehmm ok o/ Xpistos20:00
cyberangerI'm a fan of html, add javascript, flash, all this other stuff, privacy risks20:00
cyberangerstuff nobody seems to think about when coding is the privacy and security risks20:00
cyberangerXpistos: a new identiy?20:01
vychunewhat about CMSes?20:02
cyberangerCMS wasn't as big when I quit as now, but in it's own right I've got no issue20:03
cyberangerthe underlying bits maybe20:03
wrstvychune: i've used drupal some20:03
cyberangerdepends how it uses javascript, flash and what not (if at all)20:04
Xpistoscyberanger: I had to go into the Accounts, under the one that was having the emails forwarded to it and manage identities with the login infor for the new forwarding email and BAM, it workd20:04
cyberangerjoomla and drupal are great, when kept secure20:04
cyberangerXpistos: cool20:05
vychuneoh your thunderbird probelm?20:05
vychunewrst hoiw is drupal20:05
wrstits good gives you some good flexibility especially over word press20:06
wrstjoomla i have not used, nor i have i upgraded to drupal 720:06
cyberangervychune: dupral is great, keep it secure20:06
wrstbut durpal 7 seems pretty good20:06
cyberangerthat's the key, but very nice forum system20:06
cyberangernice news feed setup20:07
wrstyeah drupal is pretty nice i think20:09
cyberangercan be setup with no client side scripting20:09
cyberangerwhich is my biggest issue with privacy risks20:09
vychuneovowebdesign.co.nr is my joomla20:14
wrstnice vychune20:17
vychunedid it for a project20:18
vychunejust found my abandoned wordpress20:19
wrsthmm vychune you haven't done much there have you? :)20:19
vychunenope lol20:20
vychunegtg ty20:39
XpistosI know it's dumb, but how do I comment out a code block in HTML. I can't remember21:57
cyberanger<! />22:00
cyberangerthere's a variation or two on that, but that should work22:00
cyberangerXpistos: ^22:00

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